Lời chúc Giải Thưởng TED: Bảo vệ đại dương của chúng ta – Sylvia Earle

TED Prize wish: Protect our oceans - Sylvia Earle

TED Prize wish: Protect our oceans - Sylvia Earle


fifty<00:00:17.200> years<00:00:17.410> ago<00:00:17.470> when<00:00:18.070> I<00:00:18.130> began<00:00:18.369> exploring
fifty years ago when I began exploring fifty years ago when I began exploring the<00:00:19.029> ocean<00:00:19.360> no<00:00:19.869> one<00:00:20.369> not<00:00:21.369> Jacque<00:00:22.090> Perrin<00:00:22.510> not the ocean no one not Jacque Perrin not the ocean no one not Jacque Perrin not Jacques<00:00:23.200> Cousteau<00:00:23.650> or<00:00:23.980> Rachel<00:00:24.610> Carson Jacques Cousteau or Rachel Carson Jacques Cousteau or Rachel Carson imagined<00:00:26.230> that<00:00:26.860> we<00:00:27.040> could<00:00:27.070> do<00:00:27.340> anything<00:00:27.550> to imagined that we could do anything to imagined that we could do anything to harm<00:00:28.119> the<00:00:28.329> ocean<00:00:28.599> by<00:00:28.750> what<00:00:28.930> we<00:00:29.050> put<00:00:29.230> into<00:00:29.410> it<00:00:29.529> or harm the ocean by what we put into it or harm the ocean by what we put into it or what<00:00:30.070> we<00:00:30.160> took<00:00:30.340> out<00:00:30.520> of<00:00:30.640> it<00:00:30.759> it<00:00:31.540> seemed<00:00:32.380> at<00:00:32.560> that what we took out of it it seemed at that what we took out of it it seemed at that time<00:00:32.980> to<00:00:33.190> be<00:00:33.310> a<00:00:33.340> sea<00:00:33.730> of<00:00:34.000> Eden<00:00:35.190> but<00:00:36.190> now<00:00:36.399> we<00:00:36.460> know time to be a sea of Eden but now we know time to be a sea of Eden but now we know and<00:00:37.000> we<00:00:37.510> are<00:00:37.540> now<00:00:37.930> facing<00:00:38.290> Paradise<00:00:39.040> Lost<00:00:39.370> I and we are now facing Paradise Lost I and we are now facing Paradise Lost I want<00:00:40.899> to<00:00:40.989> share<00:00:41.170> with<00:00:41.290> you<00:00:41.440> my<00:00:41.620> personal<00:00:41.649> view want to share with you my personal view want to share with you my personal view of<00:00:42.309> changes<00:00:43.090> in<00:00:43.359> the<00:00:43.539> sea<00:00:43.750> that<00:00:43.989> affect<00:00:44.260> all<00:00:44.440> of of changes in the sea that affect all of of changes in the sea that affect all of us us us and<00:00:45.010> to<00:00:45.609> consider<00:00:45.910> why<00:00:46.300> it<00:00:46.359> matters<00:00:47.230> that<00:00:48.070> in and to consider why it matters that in and to consider why it matters that in 50<00:00:48.609> years<00:00:48.850> we've<00:00:49.149> lost<00:00:49.649> actually<00:00:50.649> we've<00:00:50.920> taken 50 years we've lost actually we've taken 50 years we've lost actually we've taken we've<00:00:51.460> eaten<00:00:51.670> more<00:00:52.359> than<00:00:52.420> 90%<00:00:52.899> of<00:00:53.350> the<00:00:53.410> big we've eaten more than 90% of the big we've eaten more than 90% of the big fish<00:00:53.769> in<00:00:54.399> the<00:00:54.940> sea<00:00:55.410> why<00:00:56.410> you<00:00:56.469> should<00:00:56.949> care<00:00:57.219> that fish in the sea why you should care that fish in the sea why you should care that nearly<00:00:58.179> half<00:00:58.600> of<00:00:58.749> the<00:00:58.870> coral<00:00:59.199> reefs<00:00:59.410> had nearly half of the coral reefs had nearly half of the coral reefs had disappeared<00:01:00.640> why<00:01:01.629> a<00:01:01.660> mysterious<00:01:02.350> depletion disappeared why a mysterious depletion disappeared why a mysterious depletion of<00:01:03.039> oxygen<00:01:03.339> in<00:01:03.820> large<00:01:04.210> areas<00:01:04.570> of<00:01:04.960> the<00:01:05.440> Pacific of oxygen in large areas of the Pacific of oxygen in large areas of the Pacific should<00:01:06.220> concern<00:01:06.670> not<00:01:07.240> only<00:01:07.300> the<00:01:07.510> creatures should concern not only the creatures should concern not only the creatures that<00:01:08.140> are<00:01:08.260> dying<00:01:08.590> but<00:01:09.580> it<00:01:09.700> really<00:01:09.850> should that are dying but it really should that are dying but it really should concern<00:01:10.570> you<00:01:11.140> it<00:01:11.440> does<00:01:11.770> concern<00:01:12.220> you<00:01:12.460> as<00:01:12.610> well concern you it does concern you as well concern you it does concern you as well I'm<00:01:13.390> haunted<00:01:13.900> by<00:01:13.930> the<00:01:14.280> thought<00:01:15.280> of<00:01:15.520> what<00:01:15.790> ray I'm haunted by the thought of what ray I'm haunted by the thought of what ray Anderson<00:01:16.810> calls<00:01:17.460> tomorrow's<00:01:18.460> child<00:01:19.200> asking Anderson calls tomorrow's child asking Anderson calls tomorrow's child asking why<00:01:20.680> we<00:01:21.520> didn't<00:01:21.880> do<00:01:22.060> something<00:01:22.509> on<00:01:22.630> our<00:01:22.659> watch why we didn't do something on our watch why we didn't do something on our watch to<00:01:23.500> save<00:01:23.740> sharks<00:01:24.430> and<00:01:24.640> bluefin<00:01:25.060> tuna<00:01:25.360> and to save sharks and bluefin tuna and to save sharks and bluefin tuna and squids<00:01:25.780> and<00:01:25.930> coral<00:01:26.290> reefs<00:01:26.469> and<00:01:26.790> the<00:01:27.790> living squids and coral reefs and the living squids and coral reefs and the living ocean<00:01:28.270> while<00:01:29.020> there<00:01:29.229> still<00:01:29.469> was<00:01:29.649> time<00:01:30.390> well ocean while there still was time well ocean while there still was time well now<00:01:31.600> is<00:01:32.020> that<00:01:32.530> time<00:01:32.799> I<00:01:33.299> hope<00:01:34.299> for<00:01:34.630> your<00:01:34.750> help<00:01:35.020> to now is that time I hope for your help to now is that time I hope for your help to explore<00:01:36.700> and<00:01:36.969> protect<00:01:37.630> the<00:01:38.229> wild<00:01:38.619> ocean<00:01:38.770> in explore and protect the wild ocean in explore and protect the wild ocean in ways<00:01:39.250> that<00:01:39.520> will<00:01:39.610> restore<00:01:40.149> the<00:01:40.390> health<00:01:40.539> and<00:01:40.920> in ways that will restore the health and in ways that will restore the health and in so<00:01:42.520> doing<00:01:43.170> secure<00:01:44.170> hope<00:01:44.500> for<00:01:45.369> humankind so doing secure hope for humankind so doing secure hope for humankind health<00:01:46.899> to<00:01:47.170> the<00:01:47.259> ocean<00:01:47.560> means<00:01:47.829> health<00:01:48.700> for<00:01:49.119> us health to the ocean means health for us health to the ocean means health for us and<00:01:49.659> I<00:01:49.960> hope<00:01:49.990> Jill<00:01:50.530> Tartars<00:01:51.159> wish<00:01:51.430> to<00:01:52.240> engage and I hope Jill Tartars wish to engage and I hope Jill Tartars wish to engage Earthlings<00:01:53.320> includes<00:01:53.890> dolphins<00:01:54.490> and<00:01:54.700> whales Earthlings includes dolphins and whales Earthlings includes dolphins and whales and<00:01:55.859> other<00:01:56.859> sea<00:01:56.979> creatures<00:01:57.159> and<00:01:57.689> this<00:01:58.689> quest and other sea creatures and this quest and other sea creatures and this quest to<00:01:59.740> look<00:01:59.920> for<00:02:00.100> intelligent<00:02:00.670> life<00:02:00.850> elsewhere to look for intelligent life elsewhere to look for intelligent life elsewhere in<00:02:01.509> the<00:02:01.659> universe<00:02:01.869> and<00:02:02.259> I<00:02:02.350> hope<00:02:02.530> Jill<00:02:03.060> that in the universe and I hope Jill that in the universe and I hope Jill that someday<00:02:04.509> that<00:02:04.750> we'll<00:02:05.020> find<00:02:05.350> evidence<00:02:06.009> that someday that we'll find evidence that someday that we'll find evidence that there<00:02:07.570> is<00:02:07.950> intelligent<00:02:08.950> life<00:02:09.310> among<00:02:09.820> humans there is intelligent life among humans there is intelligent life among humans on<00:02:10.420> this<00:02:10.690> planet on this planet on this planet huh<00:02:11.980> did<00:02:12.820> I<00:02:12.880> say<00:02:13.120> that<00:02:13.270> I<00:02:13.450> guess<00:02:13.690> I<00:02:13.840> did<00:02:18.600> for<00:02:19.600> me huh did I say that I guess I did for me huh did I say that I guess I did for me as<00:02:19.870> a<00:02:19.900> scientist<00:02:20.580> it<00:02:21.580> all<00:02:21.700> began<00:02:22.110> in<00:02:23.110> 1953<00:02:24.090> when as a scientist it all began in 1953 when as a scientist it all began in 1953 when I<00:02:25.120> first<00:02:25.450> tried<00:02:25.630> scuba<00:02:26.170> it's<00:02:27.100> when<00:02:27.340> I<00:02:27.370> first I first tried scuba it's when I first I first tried scuba it's when I first got<00:02:27.850> to<00:02:28.000> know<00:02:28.150> fish<00:02:28.360> swimming<00:02:28.660> in<00:02:28.810> something got to know fish swimming in something got to know fish swimming in something other<00:02:29.350> than<00:02:29.470> lemon<00:02:29.860> slices<00:02:30.160> and<00:02:30.460> butter<00:02:30.670> I other than lemon slices and butter I other than lemon slices and butter I actually<00:02:33.900> loved<00:02:34.900> diving<00:02:35.890> at<00:02:36.070> night<00:02:36.370> you<00:02:36.880> see<00:02:36.910> a actually loved diving at night you see a actually loved diving at night you see a lot<00:02:37.360> of<00:02:37.390> fish<00:02:37.660> then<00:02:37.900> you<00:02:38.020> don't<00:02:38.200> see<00:02:38.380> in<00:02:38.500> the lot of fish then you don't see in the lot of fish then you don't see in the daytime daytime daytime diving<00:02:40.390> day<00:02:40.600> and<00:02:40.780> night<00:02:40.960> was<00:02:41.170> really<00:02:42.100> easy<00:02:42.310> for diving day and night was really easy for diving day and night was really easy for me<00:02:42.700> in<00:02:42.970> 1970<00:02:43.960> when<00:02:44.110> I<00:02:44.140> led<00:02:44.350> a<00:02:44.380> team<00:02:44.680> of me in 1970 when I led a team of me in 1970 when I led a team of aquanauts<00:02:45.390> living<00:02:46.390> underwater<00:02:46.690> for<00:02:47.320> weeks<00:02:47.530> at aquanauts living underwater for weeks at aquanauts living underwater for weeks at a<00:02:47.770> time<00:02:48.330> at<00:02:49.330> the<00:02:49.540> same<00:02:49.750> time<00:02:50.050> that<00:02:51.040> astronauts a time at the same time that astronauts a time at the same time that astronauts were<00:02:52.600> putting<00:02:53.200> their<00:02:53.350> footprints<00:02:53.800> on<00:02:53.950> the were putting their footprints on the were putting their footprints on the moon moon moon in<00:02:55.870> 1979<00:02:56.590> I<00:02:56.740> had<00:02:57.010> a<00:02:57.040> chance<00:02:57.310> to<00:02:57.459> put<00:02:57.730> my in 1979 I had a chance to put my in 1979 I had a chance to put my footprints<00:02:58.510> on<00:02:58.660> the<00:02:58.750> ocean<00:02:59.050> floor<00:02:59.200> well<00:03:00.040> using footprints on the ocean floor well using footprints on the ocean floor well using this<00:03:00.730> personal<00:03:01.330> submersible<00:03:01.930> called<00:03:02.080> Jim<00:03:02.470> six this personal submersible called Jim six this personal submersible called Jim six miles<00:03:03.610> offshore<00:03:03.850> and<00:03:04.120> twelve<00:03:04.959> hundred<00:03:05.110> and miles offshore and twelve hundred and miles offshore and twelve hundred and fifty<00:03:05.620> feet<00:03:05.770> down<00:03:06.070> it's<00:03:07.060> one<00:03:07.209> of<00:03:07.300> my<00:03:07.390> favorite fifty feet down it's one of my favorite fifty feet down it's one of my favorite bathing<00:03:08.230> suits<00:03:09.900> but<00:03:10.900> since<00:03:11.140> then<00:03:11.350> I've<00:03:11.709> used bathing suits but since then I've used bathing suits but since then I've used about<00:03:12.250> 30<00:03:12.730> kinds<00:03:13.000> of<00:03:13.240> submarines<00:03:13.690> and<00:03:13.840> I'd about 30 kinds of submarines and I'd about 30 kinds of submarines and I'd even<00:03:14.110> started<00:03:14.590> three<00:03:14.830> companies<00:03:14.860> and<00:03:15.550> the even started three companies and the even started three companies and the nonprofit<00:03:16.600> foundation<00:03:17.110> called<00:03:17.320> deep<00:03:17.560> search nonprofit foundation called deep search nonprofit foundation called deep search to<00:03:18.700> design<00:03:19.120> and<00:03:19.420> build<00:03:19.830> systems<00:03:20.830> to<00:03:20.980> access to design and build systems to access to design and build systems to access the<00:03:21.730> deep<00:03:21.910> sea<00:03:22.180> I<00:03:22.450> led<00:03:23.350> a<00:03:23.380> five-year<00:03:24.070> National the deep sea I led a five-year National the deep sea I led a five-year National Geographic<00:03:24.760> expedition<00:03:25.230> the<00:03:26.230> sustainable Geographic expedition the sustainable Geographic expedition the sustainable seas<00:03:27.130> expeditions<00:03:27.850> using<00:03:28.660> these<00:03:28.780> little<00:03:29.110> subs seas expeditions using these little subs seas expeditions using these little subs they're<00:03:29.890> so<00:03:30.310> simple<00:03:30.730> to<00:03:30.880> drive<00:03:31.150> that<00:03:31.360> even<00:03:31.720> a they're so simple to drive that even a they're so simple to drive that even a scientist<00:03:32.350> can<00:03:32.530> do<00:03:32.709> it<00:03:32.830> and<00:03:33.040> I'm<00:03:33.730> living<00:03:34.150> proof

astronauts<00:03:37.450> and<00:03:37.630> aquanauts<00:03:38.080> alike<00:03:38.410> really
astronauts and aquanauts alike really astronauts and aquanauts alike really appreciate<00:03:40.030> the<00:03:40.209> importance<00:03:40.660> of<00:03:40.870> air<00:03:41.170> food appreciate the importance of air food appreciate the importance of air food water<00:03:42.040> temperature<00:03:42.700> all<00:03:43.300> the<00:03:43.660> things<00:03:43.900> you water temperature all the things you water temperature all the things you need<00:03:44.260> to<00:03:44.290> stay<00:03:44.650> alive<00:03:44.920> in<00:03:45.160> space<00:03:45.459> or<00:03:46.450> under<00:03:46.870> the need to stay alive in space or under the need to stay alive in space or under the sea sea sea I<00:03:47.700> heard<00:03:48.700> astronaut<00:03:49.239> Joe<00:03:49.480> Allen<00:03:49.780> explained I heard astronaut Joe Allen explained I heard astronaut Joe Allen explained how<00:03:50.350> he<00:03:50.410> had<00:03:50.800> to<00:03:50.920> learn<00:03:51.040> everything<00:03:51.250> he<00:03:51.760> could how he had to learn everything he could how he had to learn everything he could about<00:03:52.120> his<00:03:52.600> life-support<00:03:53.080> system<00:03:53.680> and<00:03:53.890> then about his life-support system and then about his life-support system and then do<00:03:54.940> everything<00:03:55.390> he<00:03:55.510> could<00:03:55.750> to<00:03:56.019> take<00:03:56.560> care<00:03:56.890> of do everything he could to take care of do everything he could to take care of his<00:03:57.640> life-support<00:03:58.090> system<00:03:58.690> and<00:03:59.040> then<00:04:00.040> he his life-support system and then he his life-support system and then he pointed<00:04:00.280> to<00:04:00.550> this<00:04:00.730> and<00:04:01.000> he<00:04:01.060> said<00:04:02.280> life-support pointed to this and he said life-support pointed to this and he said life-support system<00:04:04.019> we<00:04:05.019> need<00:04:05.230> to<00:04:05.350> learn<00:04:05.620> everything<00:04:05.950> we system we need to learn everything we system we need to learn everything we can<00:04:06.250> about<00:04:06.550> it<00:04:06.880> and<00:04:07.180> do<00:04:07.390> everything<00:04:07.840> we<00:04:07.989> can<00:04:08.170> to can about it and do everything we can to can about it and do everything we can to take<00:04:08.980> care<00:04:09.280> of<00:04:09.310> it take care of it take care of it the<00:04:10.660> poet<00:04:11.049> Auden<00:04:11.410> said<00:04:12.150> thousands<00:04:13.150> have<00:04:13.390> lived the poet Auden said thousands have lived the poet Auden said thousands have lived without<00:04:13.870> love<00:04:14.489> none<00:04:15.489> without<00:04:16.180> water<00:04:18.030> 97%<00:04:19.030> of without love none without water 97% of without love none without water 97% of Earth's<00:04:19.239> water<00:04:19.359> is<00:04:19.630> ocean<00:04:20.080> no<00:04:20.320> blue<00:04:20.590> no<00:04:21.070> green Earth's water is ocean no blue no green Earth's water is ocean no blue no green if<00:04:21.700> you<00:04:22.390> think<00:04:22.720> the<00:04:22.840> ocean<00:04:23.110> is<00:04:23.260> an<00:04:23.380> important if you think the ocean is an important if you think the ocean is an important imagine<00:04:25.060> earth<00:04:25.240> without<00:04:26.110> it<00:04:26.790> Mars<00:04:27.790> comes<00:04:28.180> to imagine earth without it Mars comes to imagine earth without it Mars comes to mind<00:04:28.600> no<00:04:28.870> ocean<00:04:29.260> no<00:04:29.520> life-support<00:04:30.520> system<00:04:30.910> I mind no ocean no life-support system I mind no ocean no life-support system I gave<00:04:32.920> a<00:04:32.950> talk<00:04:33.280> not<00:04:34.000> so<00:04:34.030> long<00:04:34.360> ago<00:04:34.390> at<00:04:34.750> the<00:04:34.870> World gave a talk not so long ago at the World gave a talk not so long ago at the World Bank<00:04:35.170> and<00:04:35.680> I<00:04:36.520> showed<00:04:36.760> this<00:04:37.120> amazing<00:04:37.810> image<00:04:37.930> of Bank and I showed this amazing image of Bank and I showed this amazing image of Earth<00:04:38.350> and<00:04:38.590> I<00:04:38.650> said<00:04:38.860> there<00:04:39.430> it<00:04:39.580> is<00:04:39.780> the<00:04:40.780> World Earth and I said there it is the World Earth and I said there it is the World Bank<00:04:42.630> that's<00:04:43.630> where<00:04:43.900> all<00:04:44.050> the<00:04:44.200> assets<00:04:44.590> are<00:04:44.830> ha Bank that's where all the assets are ha Bank that's where all the assets are ha ha<00:04:46.800> we've<00:04:47.800> been<00:04:47.950> drawing<00:04:48.190> them<00:04:48.520> down<00:04:48.550> much ha we've been drawing them down much ha we've been drawing them down much faster<00:04:49.510> than<00:04:49.630> the<00:04:49.750> natural<00:04:50.140> systems<00:04:50.500> can faster than the natural systems can faster than the natural systems can replenish<00:04:51.400> them<00:04:51.780> Tim<00:04:52.780> Wirth's<00:04:52.990> says<00:04:53.230> the replenish them Tim Wirth's says the replenish them Tim Wirth's says the economy<00:04:53.920> is<00:04:54.010> a<00:04:54.040> wholly<00:04:54.340> owned<00:04:54.520> subsidiary<00:04:54.970> of economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of economy is a wholly owned subsidiary of the<00:04:55.390> environment<00:04:56.020> with<00:04:56.380> every<00:04:56.680> drop<00:04:56.920> of<00:04:57.130> water the environment with every drop of water the environment with every drop of water you<00:04:57.400> drink<00:04:57.730> every<00:04:57.970> breath<00:04:58.480> you<00:04:58.510> take<00:04:59.610> you're you drink every breath you take you're you drink every breath you take you're connected<00:05:01.120> to<00:05:01.450> the<00:05:01.570> sea<00:05:01.810> no<00:05:02.260> matter<00:05:02.440> where<00:05:02.770> on connected to the sea no matter where on connected to the sea no matter where on earth<00:05:03.130> you<00:05:03.160> live<00:05:03.550> most<00:05:04.450> of<00:05:04.630> the<00:05:04.720> oxygen<00:05:05.200> in<00:05:05.260> the earth you live most of the oxygen in the earth you live most of the oxygen in the atmosphere<00:05:05.410> is<00:05:06.040> generated<00:05:06.610> by<00:05:06.760> the<00:05:06.820> sea<00:05:07.180> over atmosphere is generated by the sea over atmosphere is generated by the sea over time<00:05:08.230> most<00:05:08.500> of<00:05:08.710> the<00:05:08.800> planet's<00:05:09.190> organic<00:05:10.000> carbon time most of the planet's organic carbon time most of the planet's organic carbon has<00:05:10.930> been<00:05:11.170> absorbed<00:05:11.800> and<00:05:11.920> stored<00:05:12.310> there has been absorbed and stored there has been absorbed and stored there mostly<00:05:12.940> by<00:05:13.360> microbes<00:05:14.190> the<00:05:15.190> ocean<00:05:15.490> drives mostly by microbes the ocean drives mostly by microbes the ocean drives climate<00:05:16.420> and<00:05:16.570> weather<00:05:16.720> stabilizes climate and weather stabilizes climate and weather stabilizes temperature<00:05:18.010> shapes<00:05:18.670> Earth's<00:05:19.000> chemistry temperature shapes Earth's chemistry temperature shapes Earth's chemistry water<00:05:20.560> from<00:05:20.770> the<00:05:20.830> sea<00:05:21.160> forms<00:05:21.580> clouds<00:05:21.940> that water from the sea forms clouds that water from the sea forms clouds that return<00:05:22.870> to<00:05:23.260> the<00:05:23.830> land<00:05:24.130> and<00:05:24.430> the<00:05:24.790> sea<00:05:25.000> is<00:05:25.210> rain return to the land and the sea is rain return to the land and the sea is rain sleet<00:05:25.960> and<00:05:26.170> snow<00:05:26.350> and<00:05:26.760> provides<00:05:27.760> home<00:05:28.090> for sleet and snow and provides home for sleet and snow and provides home for about<00:05:28.800> 97%<00:05:29.800> of<00:05:29.920> life<00:05:30.640> in<00:05:30.850> the<00:05:30.940> world<00:05:31.180> maybe<00:05:31.690> in about 97% of life in the world maybe in about 97% of life in the world maybe in the<00:05:32.020> universe<00:05:32.410> no<00:05:33.340> water<00:05:33.610> no<00:05:34.060> life<00:05:34.300> no<00:05:34.710> blue<00:05:35.710> no the universe no water no life no blue no the universe no water no life no blue no green<00:05:37.530> yet<00:05:38.530> we<00:05:38.650> have<00:05:38.860> this<00:05:39.010> idea<00:05:39.220> we<00:05:39.640> humans green yet we have this idea we humans green yet we have this idea we humans that<00:05:40.750> the<00:05:41.140> earth<00:05:41.320> all<00:05:41.950> of<00:05:42.010> it<00:05:42.490> the<00:05:42.790> oceans<00:05:43.120> the that the earth all of it the oceans the that the earth all of it the oceans the skies<00:05:43.540> are<00:05:43.870> so<00:05:44.110> vast<00:05:44.410> so<00:05:44.590> resilient<00:05:45.280> it skies are so vast so resilient it skies are so vast so resilient it doesn't<00:05:45.640> matter<00:05:45.850> what<00:05:46.570> we<00:05:46.690> do<00:05:46.870> to<00:05:47.080> it<00:05:47.730> that<00:05:48.730> may doesn't matter what we do to it that may doesn't matter what we do to it that may have<00:05:49.000> been<00:05:49.120> true<00:05:49.300> 10,000<00:05:50.140> years<00:05:50.350> ago<00:05:50.410> and have been true 10,000 years ago and have been true 10,000 years ago and maybe<00:05:50.920> even<00:05:51.070> a<00:05:51.250> thousand<00:05:51.730> years<00:05:51.910> ago<00:05:52.350> but<00:05:53.350> in maybe even a thousand years ago but in maybe even a thousand years ago but in the<00:05:53.620> last<00:05:53.860> hundred<00:05:54.100> especially<00:05:54.940> the<00:05:55.060> last<00:05:55.240> 50 the last hundred especially the last 50 the last hundred especially the last 50 we've<00:05:56.260> drawn<00:05:56.710> down<00:05:57.070> the<00:05:57.250> assets<00:05:57.640> the<00:05:57.850> air<00:05:58.000> of we've drawn down the assets the air of we've drawn down the assets the air of the<00:05:58.300> water<00:05:58.540> the<00:05:59.110> wildlife<00:05:59.560> that<00:06:00.430> make<00:06:00.610> our the water the wildlife that make our the water the wildlife that make our lives<00:06:01.570> possible<00:06:02.550> new<00:06:03.550> technologies<00:06:04.210> are lives possible new technologies are lives possible new technologies are helping<00:06:04.630> us<00:06:04.960> to<00:06:05.700> understand<00:06:06.700> the<00:06:07.600> nature<00:06:07.840> of helping us to understand the nature of helping us to understand the nature of nature<00:06:09.490> the<00:06:10.450> nature<00:06:10.660> of<00:06:10.870> what's<00:06:11.170> happening nature the nature of what's happening nature the nature of what's happening showing<00:06:12.790> us<00:06:12.970> our<00:06:13.200> impact<00:06:14.200> on<00:06:14.380> the<00:06:14.530> earth<00:06:14.650> I showing us our impact on the earth I showing us our impact on the earth I mean<00:06:16.120> first<00:06:16.630> you<00:06:16.810> have<00:06:17.020> to<00:06:17.170> know<00:06:17.320> that<00:06:17.740> you've mean first you have to know that you've mean first you have to know that you've got<00:06:17.980> a<00:06:18.130> problem<00:06:18.430> and<00:06:19.590> fortunately<00:06:20.590> in<00:06:20.860> our got a problem and fortunately in our got a problem and fortunately in our time<00:06:21.520> we've<00:06:21.790> learned<00:06:22.060> more<00:06:22.420> about<00:06:22.480> the time we've learned more about the time we've learned more about the problems<00:06:23.350> than<00:06:23.530> in<00:06:23.650> all<00:06:23.770> preceding<00:06:24.400> history problems than in all preceding history problems than in all preceding history and<00:06:25.000> with<00:06:25.810> knowing<00:06:26.200> comes<00:06:26.800> caring<00:06:26.980> with and with knowing comes caring with and with knowing comes caring with caring<00:06:28.330> there's<00:06:28.570> hope<00:06:28.900> that<00:06:28.930> we<00:06:29.290> can<00:06:29.440> find<00:06:29.500> an caring there's hope that we can find an caring there's hope that we can find an enduring<00:06:30.490> place<00:06:30.790> for<00:06:31.030> ourselves<00:06:31.540> within<00:06:32.020> the enduring place for ourselves within the enduring place for ourselves within the natural<00:06:32.680> systems<00:06:33.070> that<00:06:33.160> support<00:06:33.640> us<00:06:33.760> but natural systems that support us but natural systems that support us but first first first we<00:06:36.000> have<00:06:36.150> to<00:06:36.330> know<00:06:38.569> three<00:06:39.569> years<00:06:39.780> ago<00:06:39.900> I<00:06:40.229> met we have to know three years ago I met we have to know three years ago I met John<00:06:40.710> Hanke<00:06:41.099> who's<00:06:41.340> the<00:06:41.520> head<00:06:41.699> of<00:06:41.729> Google John Hanke who's the head of Google John Hanke who's the head of Google Earth<00:06:42.270> and<00:06:42.840> I<00:06:42.960> told<00:06:42.990> him<00:06:43.289> how<00:06:43.379> much<00:06:43.560> I<00:06:43.740> love Earth and I told him how much I love Earth and I told him how much I love being<00:06:44.069> able<00:06:44.460> to<00:06:44.610> hold<00:06:45.180> the<00:06:45.419> world<00:06:45.659> in<00:06:45.840> my<00:06:45.990> hands being able to hold the world in my hands being able to hold the world in my hands and<00:06:46.469> go<00:06:46.590> exploring<00:06:47.330> vicariously<00:06:48.680> but<00:06:49.680> I<00:06:49.710> asked and go exploring vicariously but I asked and go exploring vicariously but I asked him<00:06:50.099> when<00:06:50.490> are<00:06:50.550> you<00:06:50.610> going<00:06:50.759> to<00:06:50.849> finish<00:06:51.000> it<00:06:51.270> he him when are you going to finish it he him when are you going to finish it he did<00:06:52.020> a<00:06:52.050> great<00:06:52.229> job<00:06:52.349> with<00:06:52.800> Al<00:06:52.889> and<00:06:53.099> the<00:06:53.759> dirt did a great job with Al and the dirt did a great job with Al and the dirt what<00:06:55.229> about<00:06:55.439> the<00:06:55.590> water<00:06:57.080> since<00:06:58.080> then<00:06:58.349> I<00:06:58.620> had what about the water since then I had what about the water since then I had the<00:06:59.219> great<00:06:59.430> pleasure<00:06:59.580> of<00:06:59.849> working<00:06:59.969> with<00:07:00.509> the the great pleasure of working with the the great pleasure of working with the Googlers<00:07:01.259> with<00:07:02.159> do-er<00:07:02.639> marine<00:07:03.120> with<00:07:03.569> the Googlers with do-er marine with the Googlers with do-er marine with the National<00:07:04.050> Geographic<00:07:04.080> with<00:07:05.069> dozens<00:07:05.610> of<00:07:05.729> the National Geographic with dozens of the National Geographic with dozens of the best<00:07:06.360> institutions<00:07:07.139> and<00:07:07.319> scientists<00:07:07.860> around best institutions and scientists around best institutions and scientists around the<00:07:08.610> world<00:07:08.699> ones<00:07:09.300> that<00:07:09.449> we<00:07:09.539> could<00:07:09.689> enlist<00:07:10.020> to the world ones that we could enlist to the world ones that we could enlist to put<00:07:10.830> the<00:07:10.949> ocean<00:07:11.310> in<00:07:11.569> Google<00:07:12.569> Earth<00:07:12.689> and<00:07:13.050> as<00:07:13.650> of put the ocean in Google Earth and as of put the ocean in Google Earth and as of just<00:07:14.189> this<00:07:14.400> week<00:07:14.669> last<00:07:15.000> Monday<00:07:15.419> Google<00:07:16.229> Earth just this week last Monday Google Earth just this week last Monday Google Earth is<00:07:16.770> now<00:07:17.520> whole<00:07:18.620> consider<00:07:19.620> this<00:07:19.800> starting is now whole consider this starting is now whole consider this starting right<00:07:20.400> here<00:07:20.430> at<00:07:20.639> the<00:07:20.759> convention<00:07:20.939> center<00:07:21.569> we right here at the convention center we right here at the convention center we can<00:07:22.169> find<00:07:22.590> the<00:07:23.099> nearby<00:07:23.310> aquarium<00:07:24.000> we<00:07:24.599> can<00:07:24.750> look can find the nearby aquarium we can look can find the nearby aquarium we can look at<00:07:25.020> where<00:07:25.169> we're<00:07:25.349> sitting<00:07:25.500> and<00:07:25.770> then<00:07:25.889> cruise at where we're sitting and then cruise at where we're sitting and then cruise up<00:07:26.909> the<00:07:26.939> coast<00:07:27.060> to<00:07:27.479> the<00:07:27.599> big<00:07:28.250> aquarium<00:07:29.250> the up the coast to the big aquarium the up the coast to the big aquarium the ocean<00:07:29.879> and<00:07:30.710> California's<00:07:31.710> four<00:07:32.039> national ocean and California's four national ocean and California's four national marine<00:07:32.849> sanctuaries<00:07:33.569> and<00:07:33.599> a<00:07:33.840> new<00:07:34.020> network marine sanctuaries and a new network marine sanctuaries and a new network state<00:07:34.979> marine<00:07:35.430> reserves<00:07:36.060> that<00:07:36.719> are<00:07:36.779> beginning state marine reserves that are beginning state marine reserves that are beginning to<00:07:37.379> protect<00:07:37.800> and<00:07:38.069> restore<00:07:38.909> some<00:07:39.509> of<00:07:39.539> the to protect and restore some of the to protect and restore some of the assets<00:07:40.080> we<00:07:40.979> can<00:07:41.009> flit<00:07:41.699> over<00:07:41.729> to<00:07:42.210> Hawaii<00:07:42.389> and assets we can flit over to Hawaii and assets we can flit over to Hawaii and see<00:07:43.529> the<00:07:43.770> real<00:07:44.039> Hawaiian<00:07:44.400> Islands<00:07:45.150> not<00:07:45.900> just see the real Hawaiian Islands not just see the real Hawaiian Islands not just the<00:07:46.319> little<00:07:46.469> bit<00:07:46.589> that<00:07:46.949> pokes<00:07:47.159> through<00:07:47.400> the the little bit that pokes through the the little bit that pokes through the surface<00:07:48.020> but<00:07:49.020> also<00:07:49.199> what's<00:07:49.889> below<00:07:50.310> to<00:07:51.210> see surface but also what's below to see surface but also what's below to see wait<00:07:52.500> a<00:07:52.529> minute<00:07:52.889> we<00:07:52.979> can<00:07:53.159> go<00:07:53.569> slash<00:07:54.680> zoom<00:07:55.680> right wait a minute we can go slash zoom right wait a minute we can go slash zoom right there<00:07:56.490> ah<00:07:57.050> under<00:07:58.050> the<00:07:58.169> ocean<00:07:58.500> and<00:07:58.620> see<00:07:59.180> what there ah under the ocean and see what there ah under the ocean and see what the<00:08:00.300> whale<00:08:00.539> see<00:08:01.279> we<00:08:02.279> can<00:08:02.460> go<00:08:02.639> explore<00:08:03.319> the the whale see we can go explore the the whale see we can go explore the other<00:08:04.680> side<00:08:05.069> of<00:08:05.310> the<00:08:05.639> Hawaiian<00:08:06.029> Islands<00:08:07.310> we other side of the Hawaiian Islands we other side of the Hawaiian Islands we can<00:08:08.490> go<00:08:08.610> actually<00:08:08.759> and<00:08:09.180> swim<00:08:09.569> around<00:08:09.689> on can go actually and swim around on can go actually and swim around on Google<00:08:10.229> Earth<00:08:11.009> and<00:08:11.360> visit<00:08:12.360> with<00:08:12.900> humpback Google Earth and visit with humpback Google Earth and visit with humpback whales<00:08:14.089> these<00:08:15.089> are<00:08:15.479> gentle<00:08:16.199> giants<00:08:16.860> that<00:08:17.460> I've whales these are gentle giants that I've whales these are gentle giants that I've had<00:08:17.849> the<00:08:18.000> pleasure<00:08:18.240> of<00:08:18.389> meeting<00:08:18.629> face-to-face had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face had the pleasure of meeting face-to-face many<00:08:19.919> times<00:08:20.219> underwater<00:08:20.960> there's<00:08:21.960> nothing many times underwater there's nothing many times underwater there's nothing quite<00:08:22.500> like<00:08:22.620> being<00:08:23.490> personally<00:08:24.120> inspected<00:08:24.689> by quite like being personally inspected by quite like being personally inspected by a<00:08:24.900> whale a whale a whale we<00:08:27.180> can<00:08:27.360> pick<00:08:27.539> up<00:08:27.689> and<00:08:27.900> fly<00:08:28.439> to<00:08:28.500> the<00:08:28.710> deepest we can pick up and fly to the deepest we can pick up and fly to the deepest place<00:08:29.250> seven<00:08:30.180> miles<00:08:30.479> down<00:08:30.659> the<00:08:31.169> Mariana place seven miles down the Mariana place seven miles down the Mariana Trench<00:08:31.650> where<00:08:32.550> only<00:08:32.729> two<00:08:33.120> people<00:08:33.360> have<00:08:33.659> ever Trench where only two people have ever Trench where only two people have ever been<00:08:34.130> imagine<00:08:35.130> that<00:08:35.310> it's<00:08:36.120> only<00:08:36.300> seven<00:08:36.690> miles been imagine that it's only seven miles been imagine that it's only seven miles but<00:08:37.289> only<00:08:37.949> two<00:08:38.130> people<00:08:38.339> have<00:08:38.550> been<00:08:38.579> there but only two people have been there but only two people have been there forty-nine<00:08:39.659> years<00:08:39.959> ago<00:08:40.550> one-way<00:08:41.550> trips<00:08:41.849> are forty-nine years ago one-way trips are forty-nine years ago one-way trips are easy<00:08:42.240> we<00:08:42.990> need<00:08:43.199> new<00:08:43.500> deep<00:08:43.829> diving<00:08:44.069> submarines easy we need new deep diving submarines easy we need new deep diving submarines how<00:08:45.569> about<00:08:45.779> some<00:08:46.020> X<00:08:46.260> prizes<00:08:46.770> for<00:08:46.949> ocean how about some X prizes for ocean how about some X prizes for ocean Explorer Explorer Explorer raishin<00:08:48.280> hmm<00:08:49.150> we<00:08:49.720> need<00:08:49.930> to<00:08:50.320> see<00:08:50.500> deep<00:08:50.800> trenches raishin hmm we need to see deep trenches raishin hmm we need to see deep trenches the<00:08:51.670> undersea<00:08:52.090> mountains<00:08:52.480> and<00:08:52.990> understand the undersea mountains and understand the undersea mountains and understand life<00:08:54.040> in<00:08:54.340> the<00:08:54.490> deep<00:08:54.640> sea<00:08:55.470> we<00:08:56.470> can<00:08:56.650> now<00:08:56.830> go<00:08:57.400> to life in the deep sea we can now go to life in the deep sea we can now go to the<00:08:58.060> Arctic<00:08:58.950> just<00:08:59.950> ten<00:09:00.310> years<00:09:00.340> ago<00:09:00.760> I<00:09:01.210> stood<00:09:01.780> on the Arctic just ten years ago I stood on the Arctic just ten years ago I stood on the<00:09:02.050> ice<00:09:02.230> at<00:09:02.590> the<00:09:02.950> North<00:09:03.160> Pole<00:09:03.220> an<00:09:03.810> ice-free the ice at the North Pole an ice-free the ice at the North Pole an ice-free Arctic<00:09:05.140> Ocean<00:09:06.100> may<00:09:07.090> happen<00:09:07.570> in<00:09:07.750> this<00:09:08.170> century Arctic Ocean may happen in this century Arctic Ocean may happen in this century that's<00:09:10.330> bad<00:09:10.930> news<00:09:10.960> for<00:09:11.230> the<00:09:11.560> polar<00:09:11.620> bears<00:09:12.100> it's that's bad news for the polar bears it's that's bad news for the polar bears it's bad<00:09:13.300> news<00:09:13.540> for<00:09:13.810> us<00:09:13.840> too<00:09:14.460> excess<00:09:15.460> carbon bad news for us too excess carbon bad news for us too excess carbon dioxide<00:09:16.210> is<00:09:16.360> not<00:09:16.390> only<00:09:16.810> driving<00:09:17.140> global dioxide is not only driving global dioxide is not only driving global warming<00:09:18.460> it's<00:09:19.000> also<00:09:19.210> changing<00:09:19.750> ocean warming it's also changing ocean warming it's also changing ocean chemistry<00:09:20.650> making<00:09:20.860> the<00:09:21.100> sea<00:09:21.430> more<00:09:21.790> acidic chemistry making the sea more acidic chemistry making the sea more acidic that's<00:09:23.500> bad<00:09:23.800> news<00:09:23.830> for<00:09:24.040> coral<00:09:24.550> reefs<00:09:24.760> and that's bad news for coral reefs and that's bad news for coral reefs and oxygen<00:09:26.320> producing<00:09:26.800> plankton<00:09:27.430> also<00:09:27.940> bad<00:09:28.270> news oxygen producing plankton also bad news oxygen producing plankton also bad news for<00:09:28.720> us<00:09:28.860> we're<00:09:29.860> putting<00:09:30.480> hundreds<00:09:31.480> of for us we're putting hundreds of for us we're putting hundreds of millions<00:09:32.110> of<00:09:32.350> tons<00:09:32.680> of<00:09:33.040> plastic<00:09:33.340> and<00:09:33.790> other millions of tons of plastic and other millions of tons of plastic and other trash<00:09:34.360> into<00:09:34.630> the<00:09:34.750> sea<00:09:35.080> millions<00:09:36.010> of<00:09:36.220> tons<00:09:36.460> of trash into the sea millions of tons of trash into the sea millions of tons of discarded<00:09:37.270> fishing<00:09:37.630> nets<00:09:38.070> gear<00:09:39.070> that discarded fishing nets gear that discarded fishing nets gear that continues<00:09:39.790> to<00:09:39.970> kill<00:09:40.240> were<00:09:41.110> clogging<00:09:41.650> the continues to kill were clogging the continues to kill were clogging the ocean<00:09:42.570> poisoning<00:09:43.570> the<00:09:43.840> planet<00:09:43.990> circulatory ocean poisoning the planet circulatory ocean poisoning the planet circulatory system<00:09:45.430> and<00:09:45.640> were<00:09:46.270> taking<00:09:46.660> out<00:09:46.810> hundreds<00:09:47.650> of system and were taking out hundreds of system and were taking out hundreds of millions<00:09:47.860> of<00:09:48.340> tons<00:09:48.610> of<00:09:48.820> wildlife<00:09:49.270> all millions of tons of wildlife all millions of tons of wildlife all carbon-based<00:09:51.460> units<00:09:53.880> barbarically<00:09:54.880> were carbon-based units barbarically were carbon-based units barbarically were killing<00:09:56.020> sharks<00:09:56.050> for<00:09:56.770> shark<00:09:57.070> fin<00:09:57.340> soup killing sharks for shark fin soup killing sharks for shark fin soup undermining<00:09:59.110> food<00:09:59.470> chains<00:09:59.830> that<00:10:00.070> shape undermining food chains that shape undermining food chains that shape planetary<00:10:01.090> chemistry<00:10:01.750> and<00:10:01.930> drive<00:10:02.560> the<00:10:02.740> carbon planetary chemistry and drive the carbon planetary chemistry and drive the carbon cycle<00:10:03.310> the<00:10:03.580> nitrogen<00:10:03.730> cycle<00:10:04.090> the<00:10:04.900> oxygen cycle the nitrogen cycle the oxygen cycle the nitrogen cycle the oxygen cycle<00:10:05.740> the<00:10:06.220> water<00:10:06.370> cycle<00:10:06.790> our<00:10:07.390> life<00:10:08.350> support cycle the water cycle our life support cycle the water cycle our life support system<00:10:09.450> incredibly<00:10:10.450> we're<00:10:10.660> still<00:10:10.960> killing system incredibly we're still killing system incredibly we're still killing bluefin<00:10:11.980> tuna<00:10:12.400> truly<00:10:13.210> endangered<00:10:13.780> and<00:10:13.960> much bluefin tuna truly endangered and much bluefin tuna truly endangered and much more<00:10:14.770> valuable<00:10:15.700> alive<00:10:16.240> than<00:10:16.300> dead<00:10:18.060> all<00:10:19.060> of more valuable alive than dead all of more valuable alive than dead all of these<00:10:19.540> parts<00:10:20.440> are<00:10:20.650> part<00:10:21.550> of<00:10:21.700> our<00:10:22.030> life<00:10:22.570> support these parts are part of our life support these parts are part of our life support system<00:10:23.460> we<00:10:24.460> kill<00:10:24.880> using<00:10:25.570> long<00:10:26.020> lines<00:10:26.350> with system we kill using long lines with system we kill using long lines with baited<00:10:27.640> hooks<00:10:27.880> every<00:10:28.150> few<00:10:28.480> feet<00:10:28.720> that<00:10:28.930> may baited hooks every few feet that may baited hooks every few feet that may stretch<00:10:29.350> for<00:10:29.620> fifty<00:10:30.040> miles<00:10:30.280> or<00:10:30.550> more stretch for fifty miles or more stretch for fifty miles or more industrial<00:10:32.350> trawlers<00:10:32.860> and<00:10:33.070> draggers<00:10:33.820> are industrial trawlers and draggers are industrial trawlers and draggers are scraping<00:10:34.450> the<00:10:34.630> seafloor<00:10:35.050> like<00:10:35.440> bulldozers scraping the seafloor like bulldozers scraping the seafloor like bulldozers taking<00:10:37.120> everything<00:10:37.540> in<00:10:37.660> their<00:10:37.780> path<00:10:38.340> using taking everything in their path using taking everything in their path using Google<00:10:39.610> Earth<00:10:39.730> you<00:10:39.910> can<00:10:39.940> witness<00:10:40.390> trawlers<00:10:40.870> in Google Earth you can witness trawlers in Google Earth you can witness trawlers in China<00:10:42.010> the<00:10:42.670> North<00:10:42.940> Sea<00:10:43.270> the<00:10:43.930> Gulf<00:10:44.170> of<00:10:44.290> Mexico China the North Sea the Gulf of Mexico China the North Sea the Gulf of Mexico shaking<00:10:46.360> the<00:10:46.510> foundation<00:10:47.080> of<00:10:47.260> our shaking the foundation of our shaking the foundation of our life-support<00:10:48.040> system<00:10:48.670> leaving<00:10:48.940> plumes<00:10:49.450> of life-support system leaving plumes of life-support system leaving plumes of death<00:10:50.080> in<00:10:50.320> their<00:10:50.470> path<00:10:50.850> the<00:10:51.850> next<00:10:51.880> time<00:10:52.360> you death in their path the next time you death in their path the next time you dine<00:10:52.780> on<00:10:53.020> sushi<00:10:53.320> or<00:10:53.650> sashimi<00:10:53.860> or<00:10:54.280> a<00:10:54.400> swordfish dine on sushi or sashimi or a swordfish dine on sushi or sashimi or a swordfish steak<00:10:55.150> or<00:10:55.330> shrimp<00:10:55.360> cocktail<00:10:56.020> or<00:10:56.200> whatever steak or shrimp cocktail or whatever steak or shrimp cocktail or whatever wildlife<00:10:57.280> you<00:10:57.460> happen<00:10:58.240> to<00:10:58.270> enjoy<00:10:58.570> from<00:10:58.990> the wildlife you happen to enjoy from the wildlife you happen to enjoy from the ocean<00:10:59.350> think<00:11:00.250> of<00:11:00.940> the<00:11:01.120> real<00:11:01.330> cost ocean think of the real cost ocean think of the real cost for<00:11:02.680> every<00:11:02.920> pound<00:11:03.160> that<00:11:03.370> goes<00:11:03.550> to<00:11:03.730> market<00:11:04.120> more for every pound that goes to market more for every pound that goes to market more than<00:11:04.959> ten<00:11:05.380> pounds<00:11:05.860> even<00:11:06.610> a<00:11:07.089> hundred<00:11:07.540> pounds than ten pounds even a hundred pounds than ten pounds even a hundred pounds may<00:11:09.130> be<00:11:09.190> thrown<00:11:09.580> away<00:11:09.730> is<00:11:10.260> bycatch<00:11:11.550> this<00:11:12.550> is may be thrown away is bycatch this is may be thrown away is bycatch this is the<00:11:12.850> consequence<00:11:13.450> of<00:11:13.720> not<00:11:14.380> knowing<00:11:14.620> that the consequence of not knowing that the consequence of not knowing that there<00:11:15.640> are<00:11:15.670> limits<00:11:16.029> to<00:11:16.269> what<00:11:16.750> we<00:11:16.870> can<00:11:16.990> take<00:11:17.260> out there are limits to what we can take out there are limits to what we can take out of<00:11:17.470> the<00:11:17.680> sea<00:11:18.420> this<00:11:19.420> chart<00:11:19.750> shows<00:11:19.899> a<00:11:20.140> decline<00:11:20.410> in of the sea this chart shows a decline in of the sea this chart shows a decline in ocean<00:11:21.579> wildlife<00:11:21.790> from<00:11:22.690> 1900<00:11:23.470> to<00:11:24.220> 2000<00:11:24.880> the ocean wildlife from 1900 to 2000 the ocean wildlife from 1900 to 2000 the highest<00:11:25.779> concentrations<00:11:26.529> are<00:11:26.769> in<00:11:27.190> red<00:11:27.490> in<00:11:27.790> my highest concentrations are in red in my highest concentrations are in red in my lifetime lifetime lifetime imagine<00:11:30.190> 90%<00:11:31.120> of<00:11:31.300> the<00:11:31.870> big<00:11:31.899> fish<00:11:32.110> have<00:11:33.010> been imagine 90% of the big fish have been imagine 90% of the big fish have been killed<00:11:33.459> most<00:11:34.209> of<00:11:34.360> the<00:11:34.450> turtles<00:11:34.810> sharks<00:11:35.079> tunas killed most of the turtles sharks tunas killed most of the turtles sharks tunas and<00:11:35.920> whales<00:11:36.130> are<00:11:37.410> way<00:11:38.410> down<00:11:38.950> in<00:11:39.310> numbers<00:11:39.730> but and whales are way down in numbers but and whales are way down in numbers but there<00:11:40.570> is<00:11:40.720> good<00:11:40.959> news<00:11:41.790> 10%<00:11:42.790> of<00:11:43.149> the<00:11:43.300> big<00:11:43.480> fish there is good news 10% of the big fish there is good news 10% of the big fish still<00:11:43.990> remain<00:11:44.320> there's<00:11:45.220> still<00:11:45.430> some<00:11:45.610> blue still remain there's still some blue still remain there's still some blue whales<00:11:46.029> there's<00:11:46.930> still<00:11:47.260> some<00:11:47.560> krill<00:11:47.829> in whales there's still some krill in whales there's still some krill in Antarctica<00:11:48.640> there<00:11:49.180> are<00:11:49.300> a<00:11:49.329> few<00:11:49.480> oysters<00:11:49.899> in Antarctica there are a few oysters in Antarctica there are a few oysters in Chesapeake<00:11:50.079> Bay<00:11:51.089> half<00:11:52.089> the<00:11:52.300> coral<00:11:52.600> reefs<00:11:52.779> are Chesapeake Bay half the coral reefs are Chesapeake Bay half the coral reefs are still<00:11:53.410> in<00:11:53.560> pretty<00:11:53.740> good<00:11:53.829> shape<00:11:53.980> a<00:11:54.430> jeweled still in pretty good shape a jeweled still in pretty good shape a jeweled belt<00:11:55.180> around<00:11:55.750> the<00:11:56.050> middle<00:11:56.350> of<00:11:56.470> the<00:11:56.560> planet belt around the middle of the planet belt around the middle of the planet there's<00:11:57.970> still<00:11:58.240> time<00:11:58.510> but<00:11:59.440> not<00:11:59.649> a<00:11:59.680> lot<00:11:59.920> to<00:12:00.459> turn there's still time but not a lot to turn there's still time but not a lot to turn things<00:12:00.880> around things around things around but<00:12:02.529> business<00:12:02.740> as<00:12:03.100> usual<00:12:03.490> means<00:12:03.700> that<00:12:03.910> in<00:12:04.000> 50 but business as usual means that in 50 but business as usual means that in 50 years<00:12:04.600> there<00:12:04.870> may<00:12:05.230> be<00:12:05.260> no<00:12:05.740> coral<00:12:06.160> reefs<00:12:06.399> and<00:12:06.640> no years there may be no coral reefs and no years there may be no coral reefs and no commercial<00:12:07.750> fishing<00:12:07.930> because<00:12:08.350> the<00:12:09.100> fish<00:12:09.310> will commercial fishing because the fish will commercial fishing because the fish will simply<00:12:10.300> be<00:12:10.450> gone<00:12:11.339> imagine<00:12:12.339> the<00:12:13.029> ocean<00:12:13.180> without simply be gone imagine the ocean without simply be gone imagine the ocean without fish<00:12:15.029> imagine<00:12:16.029> what<00:12:16.329> that<00:12:16.510> means<00:12:16.779> to<00:12:17.470> our fish imagine what that means to our fish imagine what that means to our life-support<00:12:17.980> system<00:12:19.230> natural<00:12:20.230> systems<00:12:20.589> on life-support system natural systems on life-support system natural systems on the<00:12:20.829> land<00:12:21.070> are<00:12:21.220> in<00:12:21.310> big<00:12:21.459> trouble<00:12:21.490> too<00:12:22.000> but<00:12:22.810> the the land are in big trouble too but the the land are in big trouble too but the problems<00:12:23.320> are<00:12:23.560> more<00:12:23.709> obvious<00:12:24.130> and<00:12:24.570> some problems are more obvious and some problems are more obvious and some actions<00:12:26.110> are<00:12:26.290> being<00:12:26.649> taken<00:12:26.980> to<00:12:27.010> protect<00:12:27.250> trees actions are being taken to protect trees actions are being taken to protect trees watersheds<00:12:29.170> and<00:12:29.709> Wildlife<00:12:30.160> and<00:12:30.910> in<00:12:31.029> 1872<00:12:31.899> with watersheds and Wildlife and in 1872 with watersheds and Wildlife and in 1872 with Yellowstone<00:12:32.860> National<00:12:32.890> Park<00:12:33.339> the<00:12:34.240> United Yellowstone National Park the United Yellowstone National Park the United States<00:12:34.870> began<00:12:35.200> establishing<00:12:35.920> a<00:12:36.010> system<00:12:36.220> of States began establishing a system of States began establishing a system of parks<00:12:36.570> that<00:12:37.570> some<00:12:37.899> say<00:12:38.200> was<00:12:38.800> the<00:12:38.920> best<00:12:39.220> idea parks that some say was the best idea parks that some say was the best idea America<00:12:40.690> ever<00:12:40.930> had<00:12:41.490> about<00:12:42.490> 12%<00:12:43.180> of<00:12:43.630> the<00:12:44.200> land America ever had about 12% of the land America ever had about 12% of the land around<00:12:44.620> the<00:12:44.890> world<00:12:45.070> is<00:12:45.279> now<00:12:45.459> protected around the world is now protected around the world is now protected safeguarding<00:12:47.260> biodiversity<00:12:47.949> providing<00:12:48.910> a safeguarding biodiversity providing a safeguarding biodiversity providing a carbon<00:12:49.449> sink<00:12:49.690> generating<00:12:50.350> oxygen<00:12:50.670> protecting carbon sink generating oxygen protecting carbon sink generating oxygen protecting watersheds<00:12:51.970> and<00:12:52.510> in<00:12:53.170> 1972<00:12:54.040> this<00:12:54.430> nation<00:12:54.790> began watersheds and in 1972 this nation began watersheds and in 1972 this nation began to<00:12:55.209> establish<00:12:55.360> a<00:12:55.720> counterpart<00:12:55.839> in<00:12:56.470> the<00:12:56.620> sea to establish a counterpart in the sea to establish a counterpart in the sea national<00:12:57.760> marine<00:12:57.910> sanctuaries<00:12:58.779> it's<00:12:59.170> another national marine sanctuaries it's another national marine sanctuaries it's another great<00:12:59.860> idea<00:13:01.230> the<00:13:02.230> good<00:13:02.440> news<00:13:02.649> is<00:13:02.970> that<00:13:03.970> they're great idea the good news is that they're great idea the good news is that they're now<00:13:04.329> more<00:13:04.660> than<00:13:04.920> 4,000<00:13:05.920> places<00:13:06.279> in<00:13:06.399> the<00:13:06.519> sea now more than 4,000 places in the sea now more than 4,000 places in the sea around<00:13:07.060> the<00:13:07.180> world<00:13:07.360> have<00:13:07.690> some<00:13:07.930> kind<00:13:08.199> of around the world have some kind of around the world have some kind of protection<00:13:08.589> and<00:13:08.920> you<00:13:09.490> can<00:13:09.640> find<00:13:09.940> them<00:13:10.120> on protection and you can find them on protection and you can find them on Google<00:13:10.540> Earth<00:13:10.690> the<00:13:10.990> bad<00:13:11.949> news<00:13:12.220> is<00:13:12.490> that<00:13:12.730> you Google Earth the bad news is that you Google Earth the bad news is that you have<00:13:13.630> to<00:13:13.750> look<00:13:13.899> hard<00:13:13.959> too have to look hard too have to look hard too find<00:13:14.800> them<00:13:14.980> in<00:13:15.129> the<00:13:15.759> last<00:13:15.970> three<00:13:16.240> years<00:13:16.540> for find them in the last three years for find them in the last three years for example<00:13:17.079> the<00:13:17.439> u.s.<00:13:17.559> protected<00:13:18.339> three<00:13:18.579> hundred example the u.s. protected three hundred example the u.s. protected three hundred and<00:13:18.999> forty<00:13:19.329> thousand<00:13:19.869> square<00:13:19.990> miles<00:13:20.439> of<00:13:20.649> ocean and forty thousand square miles of ocean and forty thousand square miles of ocean his<00:13:21.730> national<00:13:22.269> monuments<00:13:22.809> but<00:13:23.740> it<00:13:23.860> only his national monuments but it only his national monuments but it only increased<00:13:24.490> from<00:13:24.699> 0.6<00:13:25.300> of<00:13:25.540> one<00:13:25.899> percent<00:13:26.430> to<00:13:27.430> 0.8 increased from 0.6 of one percent to 0.8 increased from 0.6 of one percent to 0.8 of<00:13:28.449> one<00:13:28.869> percent<00:13:29.350> of<00:13:29.529> the<00:13:29.619> ocean<00:13:29.740> protected of one percent of the ocean protected of one percent of the ocean protected globally<00:13:31.920> protected<00:13:32.920> areas<00:13:33.249> do<00:13:33.519> rebound globally protected areas do rebound globally protected areas do rebound but<00:13:34.420> it<00:13:34.540> takes<00:13:34.720> a<00:13:34.869> long<00:13:35.079> time<00:13:35.110> to<00:13:35.649> restore but it takes a long time to restore but it takes a long time to restore 50-year<00:13:37.360> old<00:13:37.509> rock<00:13:37.720> fish<00:13:37.959> or<00:13:38.170> monkfish<00:13:38.559> sharks 50-year old rock fish or monkfish sharks 50-year old rock fish or monkfish sharks or<00:13:39.249> sea<00:13:39.550> bass<00:13:39.759> or<00:13:40.029> 200<00:13:40.629> year<00:13:40.809> old<00:13:40.839> orange or sea bass or 200 year old orange or sea bass or 200 year old orange roughy<00:13:41.550> we<00:13:42.550> don't<00:13:42.790> consume<00:13:43.209> 200<00:13:43.869> year<00:13:44.050> old roughy we don't consume 200 year old roughy we don't consume 200 year old cows<00:13:44.499> or<00:13:44.829> chickens<00:13:46.559> protected<00:13:47.559> areas<00:13:47.860> provide cows or chickens protected areas provide cows or chickens protected areas provide hope<00:13:48.629> that<00:13:49.629> the<00:13:49.749> creatures<00:13:50.170> of<00:13:50.829> ed<00:13:51.160> Wilson's hope that the creatures of ed Wilson's hope that the creatures of ed Wilson's dream<00:13:52.509> of<00:13:53.110> an<00:13:53.350> encyclopedia<00:13:54.189> of<00:13:54.249> life<00:13:54.610> or<00:13:55.389> the dream of an encyclopedia of life or the dream of an encyclopedia of life or the census<00:13:56.079> of<00:13:56.230> marine<00:13:56.290> life<00:13:56.529> will<00:13:57.249> live<00:13:57.519> not<00:13:58.329> just census of marine life will live not just census of marine life will live not just as<00:13:58.959> a<00:13:59.019> list<00:13:59.769> a<00:14:00.179> photograph<00:14:01.179> or<00:14:01.569> a<00:14:02.050> paragraph as a list a photograph or a paragraph as a list a photograph or a paragraph with<00:14:04.300> scientists<00:14:04.809> around<00:14:05.019> the<00:14:05.139> world<00:14:05.379> I've with scientists around the world I've with scientists around the world I've been<00:14:05.679> looking<00:14:05.949> at<00:14:06.069> the<00:14:06.160> 99<00:14:06.670> percent<00:14:06.699> of<00:14:07.179> the been looking at the 99 percent of the been looking at the 99 percent of the ocean<00:14:07.509> that<00:14:07.600> is<00:14:07.749> open<00:14:08.050> to<00:14:08.139> fishing<00:14:08.350> and<00:14:08.559> mining ocean that is open to fishing and mining ocean that is open to fishing and mining and<00:14:09.040> drilling<00:14:09.160> and<00:14:09.399> dumping<00:14:09.790> and<00:14:09.970> whatever<00:14:10.149> to and drilling and dumping and whatever to and drilling and dumping and whatever to search<00:14:11.259> out<00:14:11.499> hope<00:14:11.740> spots<00:14:12.040> and<00:14:12.399> try<00:14:13.029> to<00:14:13.089> find search out hope spots and try to find search out hope spots and try to find ways<00:14:13.749> to<00:14:13.779> give<00:14:14.170> them<00:14:14.470> and<00:14:14.740> us<00:14:14.980> a<00:14:15.249> secure<00:14:15.639> future ways to give them and us a secure future ways to give them and us a secure future such<00:14:17.019> as<00:14:17.050> the<00:14:17.259> Arctic<00:14:17.679> we<00:14:17.980> have<00:14:18.160> one<00:14:18.550> chance such as the Arctic we have one chance such as the Arctic we have one chance right<00:14:19.660> now<00:14:19.689> to<00:14:20.079> get<00:14:20.259> it<00:14:20.410> right<00:14:20.589> or<00:14:21.120> the right now to get it right or the right now to get it right or the Antarctic<00:14:22.480> where<00:14:23.410> the<00:14:23.559> continent<00:14:24.220> is Antarctic where the continent is Antarctic where the continent is protected<00:14:25.029> but<00:14:25.689> the<00:14:25.749> surrounding<00:14:26.110> ocean<00:14:26.439> is protected but the surrounding ocean is protected but the surrounding ocean is being<00:14:26.949> stripped<00:14:27.370> of<00:14:27.639> its<00:14:28.209> krill<00:14:29.050> whales<00:14:29.800> and being stripped of its krill whales and being stripped of its krill whales and fish<00:14:32.189> Sargasso<00:14:33.189> sees<00:14:33.490> 3<00:14:33.939> million<00:14:34.329> square fish Sargasso sees 3 million square fish Sargasso sees 3 million square miles<00:14:34.870> of<00:14:35.110> floating<00:14:35.529> forest<00:14:35.980> is<00:14:36.189> being miles of floating forest is being miles of floating forest is being gathered<00:14:36.939> up<00:14:37.059> to<00:14:37.689> feed<00:14:37.929> cows<00:14:39.749> 97%<00:14:40.749> of<00:14:40.809> the<00:14:40.929> land gathered up to feed cows 97% of the land gathered up to feed cows 97% of the land and<00:14:41.319> the<00:14:41.410> Galapagos<00:14:41.889> Islands<00:14:42.249> is<00:14:42.399> protected and the Galapagos Islands is protected and the Galapagos Islands is protected but<00:14:43.360> the<00:14:43.420> adjacent<00:14:44.079> sea<00:14:44.350> is<00:14:44.559> being<00:14:44.860> ravaged<00:14:45.399> by but the adjacent sea is being ravaged by but the adjacent sea is being ravaged by fishing<00:14:46.209> it's<00:14:47.199> true<00:14:47.470> too<00:14:47.740> in<00:14:48.149> Argentina<00:14:49.149> on fishing it's true too in Argentina on fishing it's true too in Argentina on the<00:14:49.600> Patagonian<00:14:50.170> shelf<00:14:50.199> now<00:14:50.800> in<00:14:51.009> serious the Patagonian shelf now in serious the Patagonian shelf now in serious trouble trouble trouble the<00:14:52.720> high<00:14:53.019> seas<00:14:53.529> were<00:14:53.949> whales<00:14:54.309> tunas<00:14:54.970> and the high seas were whales tunas and the high seas were whales tunas and dolphins<00:14:55.629> travel<00:14:56.429> the<00:14:57.429> largest<00:14:57.939> least dolphins travel the largest least dolphins travel the largest least protected<00:14:59.139> ecosystem<00:14:59.740> on<00:14:59.860> earth<00:15:00.089> filled<00:15:01.089> with protected ecosystem on earth filled with protected ecosystem on earth filled with luminous<00:15:02.110> creatures<00:15:02.559> living<00:15:03.429> in<00:15:03.610> dark<00:15:03.910> waters luminous creatures living in dark waters luminous creatures living in dark waters that<00:15:04.600> average<00:15:05.049> 2<00:15:05.470> miles<00:15:05.829> deep<00:15:06.279> they<00:15:07.120> flesh<00:15:07.540> and that average 2 miles deep they flesh and that average 2 miles deep they flesh and sparkle<00:15:08.439> and<00:15:08.559> glow<00:15:08.860> with<00:15:09.639> their<00:15:09.759> own<00:15:09.970> living sparkle and glow with their own living sparkle and glow with their own living light<00:15:11.639> there's<00:15:12.639> still<00:15:12.910> places<00:15:13.209> in<00:15:13.449> the<00:15:13.569> sea<00:15:13.809> as light there's still places in the sea as light there's still places in the sea as pristine<00:15:14.230> as<00:15:14.499> I<00:15:14.769> knew<00:15:14.949> as<00:15:15.100> a<00:15:15.129> child<00:15:15.990> the<00:15:16.990> next pristine as I knew as a child the next pristine as I knew as a child the next 10<00:15:17.499> years<00:15:17.529> may<00:15:18.040> be<00:15:18.100> the<00:15:18.369> most<00:15:18.549> important<00:15:19.119> in 10 years may be the most important in 10 years may be the most important in the<00:15:19.329> next<00:15:19.439> 10,000<00:15:20.439> years<00:15:20.499> the<00:15:20.949> best<00:15:21.549> chance the next 10,000 years the best chance the next 10,000 years the best chance our<00:15:22.119> species<00:15:22.540> will<00:15:22.689> have<00:15:22.899> to<00:15:23.110> protect<00:15:23.290> what our species will have to protect what our species will have to protect what remains<00:15:24.759> of<00:15:25.029> the<00:15:25.149> natural<00:15:25.540> systems<00:15:25.929> that<00:15:26.230> give remains of the natural systems that give remains of the natural systems that give us us us life<00:15:27.850> to<00:15:28.780> cope<00:15:29.020> with<00:15:29.230> climate<00:15:29.620> change<00:15:29.650> we<00:15:30.550> need life to cope with climate change we need life to cope with climate change we need new<00:15:31.180> ways<00:15:31.390> to<00:15:31.420> generate<00:15:31.840> power<00:15:32.490> we<00:15:33.490> need<00:15:33.700> new new ways to generate power we need new new ways to generate power we need new ways<00:15:34.360> better<00:15:34.720> ways<00:15:34.990> to<00:15:35.230> cope<00:15:35.500> with<00:15:35.530> poverty ways better ways to cope with poverty ways better ways to cope with poverty Wars<00:15:36.820> and<00:15:37.210> disease<00:15:37.690> we<00:15:38.500> need<00:15:38.650> many<00:15:39.040> things<00:15:39.130> to Wars and disease we need many things to Wars and disease we need many things to keep<00:15:39.820> and<00:15:40.030> maintain<00:15:40.660> the<00:15:41.020> world<00:15:41.500> is<00:15:41.980> a<00:15:42.010> better keep and maintain the world is a better keep and maintain the world is a better place<00:15:42.630> but<00:15:43.630> nothing<00:15:44.080> else<00:15:44.260> will<00:15:44.500> matter<00:15:44.910> if<00:15:45.910> we place but nothing else will matter if we place but nothing else will matter if we fail<00:15:46.420> to<00:15:46.930> protect<00:15:47.080> the<00:15:47.770> ocean<00:15:48.130> our<00:15:48.670> fate<00:15:49.600> and fail to protect the ocean our fate and fail to protect the ocean our fate and the<00:15:50.350> ocean<00:15:50.710> are<00:15:50.860> one<00:15:51.640> we<00:15:52.540> need<00:15:52.780> to<00:15:52.930> do<00:15:53.080> for<00:15:53.290> the the ocean are one we need to do for the the ocean are one we need to do for the ocean<00:15:53.650> what<00:15:53.830> Al<00:15:53.950> Gore<00:15:54.280> did<00:15:54.790> for<00:15:55.000> the<00:15:55.090> skies ocean what Al Gore did for the skies ocean what Al Gore did for the skies above<00:15:55.690> a<00:15:56.370> global<00:15:57.370> plan<00:15:57.670> of<00:15:57.880> action<00:15:58.240> with<00:15:59.020> a above a global plan of action with a above a global plan of action with a World<00:15:59.290> Conservation<00:15:59.590> Union<00:16:00.040> the<00:16:00.460> IUCN<00:16:01.120> is World Conservation Union the IUCN is World Conservation Union the IUCN is under<00:16:01.930> way<00:16:02.110> to<00:16:02.170> protect<00:16:02.680> biodiversity<00:16:03.070> to under way to protect biodiversity to under way to protect biodiversity to mitigate<00:16:04.060> and<00:16:04.180> recover<00:16:04.510> from<00:16:04.600> the<00:16:04.840> impacts<00:16:05.230> of mitigate and recover from the impacts of mitigate and recover from the impacts of climate<00:16:06.250> change<00:16:06.760> on<00:16:07.230> the<00:16:08.230> high<00:16:08.380> seas<00:16:08.710> and<00:16:08.980> in climate change on the high seas and in climate change on the high seas and in coastal<00:16:09.550> areas<00:16:10.710> wherever<00:16:11.790> we<00:16:12.790> can<00:16:13.000> identify coastal areas wherever we can identify coastal areas wherever we can identify critical<00:16:14.410> places<00:16:15.270> new<00:16:16.270> technologies<00:16:16.990> are critical places new technologies are critical places new technologies are needed<00:16:17.650> to<00:16:17.800> map<00:16:18.040> photograph<00:16:18.730> and<00:16:18.940> explore<00:16:19.420> the needed to map photograph and explore the needed to map photograph and explore the 95<00:16:20.230> percent<00:16:20.680> of<00:16:20.770> the<00:16:20.860> ocean<00:16:20.980> that<00:16:21.310> we<00:16:21.940> have<00:16:22.150> yet 95 percent of the ocean that we have yet 95 percent of the ocean that we have yet to<00:16:22.450> see<00:16:22.780> the<00:16:23.050> goal<00:16:24.040> is<00:16:24.250> to<00:16:24.400> protect to see the goal is to protect to see the goal is to protect biodiversity<00:16:25.330> provide<00:16:26.320> stability<00:16:26.650> and biodiversity provide stability and biodiversity provide stability and resilience<00:16:27.810> we<00:16:28.810> need<00:16:29.080> deep<00:16:29.320> diving<00:16:29.590> söze<00:16:30.040> new resilience we need deep diving söze new resilience we need deep diving söze new technologies<00:16:31.540> to<00:16:31.570> explore<00:16:32.500> the<00:16:32.680> ocean<00:16:33.390> we technologies to explore the ocean we technologies to explore the ocean we need<00:16:34.420> maybe<00:16:34.900> an<00:16:35.170> expedition<00:16:35.800> at<00:16:36.250> ed<00:16:36.610> at<00:16:36.850> sea need maybe an expedition at ed at sea need maybe an expedition at ed at sea that<00:16:37.960> could<00:16:38.140> help<00:16:38.290> figure<00:16:38.680> out<00:16:38.710> next<00:16:39.190> steps that could help figure out next steps that could help figure out next steps and<00:16:41.220> so<00:16:42.220> I<00:16:42.430> suppose<00:16:42.850> you<00:16:43.000> want<00:16:43.150> to<00:16:43.240> know<00:16:43.330> what and so I suppose you want to know what and so I suppose you want to know what my<00:16:43.600> wish<00:16:43.690> is my wish is my wish is I<00:16:45.480> wish<00:16:46.480> you<00:16:47.440> would<00:16:47.800> use<00:16:47.830> all<00:16:48.310> means<00:16:48.760> at<00:16:49.150> your I wish you would use all means at your I wish you would use all means at your disposal<00:16:49.980> films<00:16:50.980> expeditions<00:16:51.790> the<00:16:52.000> web<00:16:52.180> new disposal films expeditions the web new disposal films expeditions the web new submarines<00:16:53.050> a<00:16:53.490> campaign<00:16:54.490> to<00:16:55.210> ignite<00:16:55.570> public submarines a campaign to ignite public submarines a campaign to ignite public support<00:16:56.530> for<00:16:56.620> a<00:16:56.800> global<00:16:57.340> network<00:16:57.670> of<00:16:57.880> marine support for a global network of marine support for a global network of marine protected<00:16:58.360> areas<00:16:59.020> hope<00:16:59.980> spots<00:17:00.450> large<00:17:01.450> enough protected areas hope spots large enough protected areas hope spots large enough to<00:17:01.810> save<00:17:02.260> and<00:17:02.500> restore<00:17:02.650> the<00:17:03.010> ocean<00:17:03.220> the<00:17:04.000> blue to save and restore the ocean the blue to save and restore the ocean the blue heart<00:17:04.870> of<00:17:05.080> the<00:17:05.170> planet<00:17:05.970> how<00:17:06.970> much<00:17:07.410> some<00:17:08.410> say heart of the planet how much some say heart of the planet how much some say ten<00:17:08.920> percent<00:17:09.150> some<00:17:10.150> say<00:17:10.390> thirty<00:17:10.690> percent<00:17:11.080> you ten percent some say thirty percent you ten percent some say thirty percent you decide<00:17:12.100> how<00:17:12.760> much<00:17:12.970> of<00:17:13.150> your<00:17:13.300> heart<00:17:13.570> do<00:17:14.260> you decide how much of your heart do you decide how much of your heart do you want<00:17:14.560> to<00:17:14.650> protect<00:17:16.200> whatever<00:17:17.200> it<00:17:17.380> is<00:17:17.500> a want to protect whatever it is a want to protect whatever it is a fraction<00:17:18.610> of<00:17:18.940> one<00:17:19.270> percent<00:17:19.720> is<00:17:19.959> not<00:17:20.589> enough<00:17:22.170> my fraction of one percent is not enough my fraction of one percent is not enough my wish<00:17:23.380> is<00:17:23.560> a<00:17:23.589> big<00:17:23.890> wish<00:17:24.100> but<00:17:24.370> if<00:17:24.459> we<00:17:24.640> can<00:17:24.820> make<00:17:24.970> it wish is a big wish but if we can make it wish is a big wish but if we can make it happen<00:17:25.480> it<00:17:26.050> can<00:17:26.410> truly<00:17:26.740> change<00:17:27.490> the<00:17:27.610> world happen it can truly change the world happen it can truly change the world and<00:17:28.300> help<00:17:29.050> ensure<00:17:29.200> the<00:17:30.010> survival<00:17:30.270> of<00:17:31.270> what and help ensure the survival of what and help ensure the survival of what actually<00:17:32.470> is<00:17:33.030> as<00:17:34.030> it<00:17:34.510> turns<00:17:34.720> out<00:17:34.900> my<00:17:35.320> favorite actually is as it turns out my favorite actually is as it turns out my favorite species<00:17:36.570> that<00:17:37.570> would<00:17:37.720> be<00:17:37.870> us species that would be us species that would be us for<00:17:39.809> the<00:17:39.900> children<00:17:40.289> of<00:17:40.410> today<00:17:40.730> for<00:17:41.730> tomorrow's for the children of today for tomorrow's for the children of today for tomorrow's child<00:17:42.539> as<00:17:42.929> never<00:17:43.620> again<00:17:44.039> now<00:17:44.910> is<00:17:45.299> the<00:17:46.110> time


TEDEducation TED-Ed TED Ed, Sylvia, Earle, ocean, TED, TED, Prize, Prize, wish, protect, the, ocean, deep ocean exploration

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