Lụa, chất liệu cổ xưa của tương lai – Fiorenzo Omenetto

Silk, the ancient material of the future - Fiorenzo Omenetto

Silk, the ancient material of the future - Fiorenzo Omenetto


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

thank<00:00:16.240> you<00:00:17.039> um<00:00:17.520> I'm<00:00:17.680> thrilled<00:00:18.240> thrilled<00:00:18.600> to<00:00:18.680> be
thank you um I'm thrilled thrilled to be thank you um I'm thrilled thrilled to be here<00:00:19.480> um<00:00:19.720> I'm<00:00:19.880> going<00:00:20.039> to<00:00:20.320> talk<00:00:20.840> about<00:00:21.640> a<00:00:21.800> new here um I'm going to talk about a new here um I'm going to talk about a new old<00:00:22.199> material<00:00:22.600> that<00:00:22.760> still<00:00:23.039> continues<00:00:23.480> to old material that still continues to old material that still continues to amaze<00:00:24.119> us<00:00:24.920> and<00:00:25.400> that<00:00:25.920> might<00:00:26.359> impact<00:00:26.720> the<00:00:26.840> way amaze us and that might impact the way amaze us and that might impact the way we<00:00:27.160> think<00:00:27.359> about<00:00:27.640> Material<00:00:28.160> Science<00:00:29.160> high we think about Material Science high we think about Material Science high technology<00:00:30.400> and<00:00:30.560> maybe<00:00:30.840> along<00:00:31.119> the<00:00:31.279> way<00:00:31.599> also technology and maybe along the way also technology and maybe along the way also do<00:00:32.040> some<00:00:32.279> stuff<00:00:32.520> for<00:00:32.719> medicine<00:00:33.079> and<00:00:33.200> for do some stuff for medicine and for do some stuff for medicine and for Global<00:00:33.680> health<00:00:33.879> and<00:00:34.000> help<00:00:34.239> reforestation<00:00:34.920> so Global health and help reforestation so Global health and help reforestation so that's<00:00:35.280> kind<00:00:35.360> of<00:00:35.480> a<00:00:35.600> bold<00:00:35.840> statement<00:00:36.520> I'll that's kind of a bold statement I'll that's kind of a bold statement I'll tell<00:00:36.760> you<00:00:36.879> a<00:00:37.000> little<00:00:37.160> bit<00:00:37.320> more<00:00:37.600> this<00:00:37.760> material tell you a little bit more this material tell you a little bit more this material actually<00:00:38.480> has<00:00:38.640> some<00:00:38.800> traits<00:00:39.120> that<00:00:39.280> make<00:00:39.399> it actually has some traits that make it actually has some traits that make it seem<00:00:39.879> almost<00:00:40.160> too<00:00:40.360> good<00:00:40.480> to<00:00:40.600> be<00:00:40.800> true<00:00:41.399> it's seem almost too good to be true it's seem almost too good to be true it's sustainable<00:00:42.200> it's<00:00:42.320> a<00:00:42.440> sustainable<00:00:42.879> material sustainable it's a sustainable material sustainable it's a sustainable material that<00:00:43.360> is<00:00:43.520> processed<00:00:43.920> all<00:00:44.000> in<00:00:44.160> water<00:00:44.399> and<00:00:44.520> at that is processed all in water and at that is processed all in water and at room<00:00:44.960> temperature<00:00:45.800> and<00:00:45.960> it's<00:00:46.079> biodegradable room temperature and it's biodegradable room temperature and it's biodegradable with<00:00:46.800> a<00:00:46.920> clock<00:00:47.280> so<00:00:47.440> you<00:00:47.640> can<00:00:48.280> watch<00:00:48.440> it with a clock so you can watch it with a clock so you can watch it dissolve<00:00:49.039> instantaneously<00:00:49.879> in<00:00:50.000> a<00:00:50.120> glass<00:00:50.360> of dissolve instantaneously in a glass of dissolve instantaneously in a glass of water<00:00:50.800> and<00:00:50.960> have<00:00:51.079> it<00:00:51.199> stable<00:00:51.520> for<00:00:51.760> years<00:00:52.320> it's water and have it stable for years it's water and have it stable for years it's edible<00:00:53.559> uh<00:00:53.680> it's<00:00:53.960> implantable<00:00:54.440> in<00:00:54.520> the<00:00:54.680> human edible uh it's implantable in the human edible uh it's implantable in the human body<00:00:55.280> without<00:00:55.680> causing<00:00:56.039> any<00:00:56.320> immune<00:00:56.719> response body without causing any immune response body without causing any immune response it<00:00:57.320> actually<00:00:58.239> gets<00:00:58.440> reintegrated<00:00:59.000> in<00:00:59.120> the it actually gets reintegrated in the it actually gets reintegrated in the body<00:00:59.359> and<00:00:59.440> it's<00:00:59.600> techn<00:01:00.079> logical<00:01:00.399> so<00:01:00.559> it<00:01:00.640> can<00:01:00.800> do body and it's techn logical so it can do body and it's techn logical so it can do things<00:01:01.399> that<00:01:02.000> uh<00:01:02.120> micro<00:01:02.760> Electronics<00:01:03.760> uh<00:01:03.879> and things that uh micro Electronics uh and things that uh micro Electronics uh and maybe<00:01:04.320> photonics<00:01:04.799> do<00:01:05.000> and<00:01:05.080> the<00:01:05.479> material maybe photonics do and the material maybe photonics do and the material looks<00:01:06.760> something<00:01:07.119> like looks something like looks something like this<00:01:09.840> in<00:01:10.000> fact<00:01:10.240> this<00:01:10.479> this<00:01:10.600> material<00:01:10.960> you<00:01:11.080> see this in fact this this material you see this in fact this this material you see is<00:01:11.439> clear<00:01:11.680> and<00:01:11.840> transparent<00:01:12.439> this<00:01:12.560> is<00:01:12.799> the is clear and transparent this is the is clear and transparent this is the components<00:01:13.280> of<00:01:13.439> this<00:01:13.560> material<00:01:13.920> are<00:01:14.119> just components of this material are just components of this material are just water<00:01:14.560> and<00:01:14.799> protein<00:01:15.640> so<00:01:15.840> this<00:01:16.080> material<00:01:16.520> is<00:01:16.799> is water and protein so this material is is water and protein so this material is is silk<00:01:18.799> and<00:01:19.400> so<00:01:19.560> it's<00:01:19.759> kind<00:01:19.880> of<00:01:20.040> different<00:01:20.320> from silk and so it's kind of different from silk and so it's kind of different from what<00:01:20.720> we're<00:01:20.880> used<00:01:21.159> to<00:01:21.520> thinking<00:01:21.880> about<00:01:22.240> silk what we're used to thinking about silk what we're used to thinking about silk and<00:01:22.759> so<00:01:22.920> the<00:01:23.079> question<00:01:23.400> is<00:01:23.600> how<00:01:23.720> do<00:01:23.840> you and so the question is how do you and so the question is how do you reinvent<00:01:24.560> something<00:01:24.960> that<00:01:25.159> has<00:01:25.280> been<00:01:25.479> around reinvent something that has been around reinvent something that has been around for<00:01:25.960> five<00:01:26.680> Millennia<00:01:27.680> uh<00:01:27.840> the<00:01:28.000> process<00:01:28.200> of for five Millennia uh the process of for five Millennia uh the process of discovery<00:01:28.880> generally<00:01:29.320> is<00:01:29.520> inspired<00:01:30.079> by discovery generally is inspired by discovery generally is inspired by nature<00:01:31.079> and<00:01:31.320> so<00:01:31.520> we<00:01:31.680> Marvel<00:01:32.119> at<00:01:32.240> silkworm<00:01:32.799> the nature and so we Marvel at silkworm the nature and so we Marvel at silkworm the silkor<00:01:33.280> that<00:01:33.360> you<00:01:33.479> see<00:01:33.759> here<00:01:34.320> spinning<00:01:34.680> its silkor that you see here spinning its silkor that you see here spinning its fiber<00:01:36.000> uh<00:01:36.159> the<00:01:36.240> silm<00:01:36.640> does<00:01:36.759> a<00:01:36.880> remarkable fiber uh the silm does a remarkable fiber uh the silm does a remarkable thing<00:01:37.560> it<00:01:37.640> uses<00:01:38.079> these<00:01:38.240> two<00:01:38.439> ingredients thing it uses these two ingredients thing it uses these two ingredients protein<00:01:39.280> and<00:01:39.479> water<00:01:39.720> that<00:01:39.840> are<00:01:40.000> in<00:01:40.159> its<00:01:40.399> gland protein and water that are in its gland protein and water that are in its gland to<00:01:41.880> make<00:01:42.040> a<00:01:42.240> material<00:01:42.759> that<00:01:42.880> is<00:01:43.079> exceptionally to make a material that is exceptionally to make a material that is exceptionally tough<00:01:44.000> for<00:01:44.240> protection<00:01:44.840> so<00:01:45.399> comparable<00:01:46.159> to tough for protection so comparable to tough for protection so comparable to technical<00:01:46.719> fibers<00:01:47.200> like<00:01:47.640> like<00:01:47.840> Kevlar<00:01:48.680> and<00:01:48.799> so technical fibers like like Kevlar and so technical fibers like like Kevlar and so in<00:01:49.200> the<00:01:49.320> reverse<00:01:49.640> engineering<00:01:50.240> process<00:01:50.560> that in the reverse engineering process that in the reverse engineering process that we<00:01:50.799> know<00:01:51.320> about<00:01:52.320> uh<00:01:52.600> and<00:01:52.719> that<00:01:52.840> we're<00:01:53.079> familiar we know about uh and that we're familiar we know about uh and that we're familiar with<00:01:54.040> in<00:01:54.399> uh<00:01:54.560> for<00:01:54.960> for<00:01:55.119> the<00:01:55.280> textile<00:01:55.719> industry with in uh for for the textile industry with in uh for for the textile industry the<00:01:56.200> textile<00:01:56.600> industry<00:01:57.000> goes<00:01:57.799> and<00:01:57.960> unwinds the textile industry goes and unwinds the textile industry goes and unwinds the<00:01:58.640> Cocoon<00:01:59.640> and<00:01:59.920> then<00:02:00.039> weaves<00:02:00.360> glamorous the Cocoon and then weaves glamorous the Cocoon and then weaves glamorous things<00:02:01.520> we<00:02:01.640> want<00:02:01.840> to<00:02:02.079> know<00:02:02.360> how<00:02:02.479> you<00:02:02.640> go<00:02:03.000> from things we want to know how you go from things we want to know how you go from water<00:02:03.520> and<00:02:03.759> protein<00:02:04.079> to<00:02:04.280> this<00:02:04.399> liquid<00:02:04.759> Kevlar water and protein to this liquid Kevlar water and protein to this liquid Kevlar and<00:02:05.920> to<00:02:06.079> this<00:02:06.240> natural<00:02:06.640> Kevlar<00:02:07.119> so<00:02:07.560> so<00:02:07.759> the and to this natural Kevlar so so the and to this natural Kevlar so so the inside<00:02:08.759> is<00:02:09.319> is<00:02:09.679> is<00:02:09.840> how<00:02:09.959> do<00:02:10.080> you<00:02:10.280> actually inside is is is how do you actually inside is is is how do you actually reverse<00:02:10.959> engineer<00:02:11.640> this<00:02:12.400> and<00:02:12.560> go<00:02:12.920> from<00:02:13.239> cocoon reverse engineer this and go from cocoon reverse engineer this and go from cocoon to<00:02:13.920> gland<00:02:14.239> and<00:02:14.400> get<00:02:14.599> water<00:02:14.800> and<00:02:15.000> protein<00:02:15.360> that to gland and get water and protein that to gland and get water and protein that is<00:02:15.560> your<00:02:15.680> starting<00:02:16.040> material<00:02:16.400> and<00:02:16.560> this<00:02:16.680> is<00:02:16.800> an is your starting material and this is an is your starting material and this is an Insight<00:02:17.959> that<00:02:18.319> came<00:02:19.000> about<00:02:19.280> two<00:02:19.519> decades<00:02:19.959> ago Insight that came about two decades ago Insight that came about two decades ago from<00:02:21.519> uh<00:02:21.680> from<00:02:21.879> a<00:02:22.000> person<00:02:22.239> that<00:02:22.360> I'm<00:02:22.560> very from uh from a person that I'm very from uh from a person that I'm very there<00:02:23.280> I'm<00:02:23.440> very<00:02:24.120> uh<00:02:24.519> fortunate<00:02:24.959> to<00:02:25.120> work<00:02:25.360> with there I'm very uh fortunate to work with there I'm very uh fortunate to work with David<00:02:26.120> Kaplan<00:02:27.120> um<00:02:27.640> and<00:02:28.040> so<00:02:28.239> we<00:02:28.400> get<00:02:28.560> this David Kaplan um and so we get this David Kaplan um and so we get this starting<00:02:29.080> material<00:02:29.680> and<00:02:29.920> so<00:02:30.040> the<00:02:30.120> starting starting material and so the starting starting material and so the starting material<00:02:30.959> is<00:02:31.120> back<00:02:31.280> to<00:02:31.440> the<00:02:31.560> basic<00:02:31.800> building material is back to the basic building material is back to the basic building block<00:02:32.360> and<00:02:32.440> then<00:02:32.560> we<00:02:32.720> use<00:02:33.040> this<00:02:33.519> to<00:02:33.680> do<00:02:33.879> a block and then we use this to do a block and then we use this to do a variety<00:02:34.440> of<00:02:34.640> things<00:02:35.120> like<00:02:35.640> for<00:02:35.840> example<00:02:36.239> that variety of things like for example that variety of things like for example that films<00:02:36.920> and<00:02:37.040> we<00:02:37.160> take<00:02:37.360> advantage<00:02:37.680> of<00:02:37.879> something films and we take advantage of something films and we take advantage of something that<00:02:38.239> is<00:02:38.400> very<00:02:38.599> simple<00:02:38.920> the<00:02:39.080> recipe<00:02:39.440> to<00:02:39.599> make that is very simple the recipe to make that is very simple the recipe to make those<00:02:39.959> films<00:02:40.400> is<00:02:41.159> uh<00:02:41.280> is<00:02:41.400> to<00:02:41.599> take<00:02:41.800> advantage those films is uh is to take advantage those films is uh is to take advantage of<00:02:42.280> the<00:02:42.440> fact<00:02:42.599> that<00:02:42.760> proteins<00:02:43.200> are<00:02:43.440> extremely of the fact that proteins are extremely of the fact that proteins are extremely smart<00:02:44.159> at<00:02:44.319> what<00:02:44.440> they<00:02:44.519> do<00:02:44.760> they<00:02:44.920> find<00:02:45.159> their smart at what they do they find their smart at what they do they find their way<00:02:45.480> to<00:02:45.640> self<00:02:46.040> assemble<00:02:46.599> so<00:02:46.760> the<00:02:46.879> recipe<00:02:47.239> is way to self assemble so the recipe is way to self assemble so the recipe is simple<00:02:47.680> you<00:02:47.800> take<00:02:48.000> the<00:02:48.120> silk<00:02:48.400> solution<00:02:48.800> you simple you take the silk solution you simple you take the silk solution you pour<00:02:49.200> it<00:02:49.959> and<00:02:50.080> you<00:02:50.239> wait<00:02:50.400> for<00:02:50.560> the<00:02:50.720> protein<00:02:51.040> to pour it and you wait for the protein to pour it and you wait for the protein to self<00:02:51.519> assemble<00:02:52.400> and<00:02:52.519> then<00:02:52.640> you<00:02:52.840> detach<00:02:53.440> the self assemble and then you detach the self assemble and then you detach the protein<00:02:53.920> and<00:02:54.000> you<00:02:54.159> get<00:02:54.319> this<00:02:54.480> film<00:02:55.000> as<00:02:55.120> the protein and you get this film as the protein and you get this film as the proteins<00:02:55.720> find<00:02:56.000> each<00:02:56.120> other<00:02:56.519> as<00:02:56.640> the<00:02:56.800> water proteins find each other as the water proteins find each other as the water evaporates<00:02:57.959> but<00:02:58.400> I<00:02:58.519> mentioned<00:02:58.879> that<00:02:59.000> the<00:02:59.120> film evaporates but I mentioned that the film evaporates but I mentioned that the film is<00:02:59.440> also<00:02:59.840> technological<00:03:00.440> and<00:03:00.519> so<00:03:00.720> what<00:03:00.800> does is also technological and so what does is also technological and so what does that<00:03:01.080> mean<00:03:01.319> it<00:03:01.440> means<00:03:01.800> that<00:03:02.280> that<00:03:02.480> that<00:03:02.640> you that mean it means that that that you that mean it means that that that you can<00:03:03.720> uh<00:03:03.840> you<00:03:03.920> can<00:03:04.120> interface<00:03:04.560> it<00:03:04.720> with<00:03:04.840> some<00:03:04.959> of can uh you can interface it with some of can uh you can interface it with some of the<00:03:05.159> things<00:03:05.319> that<00:03:05.440> are<00:03:05.640> typical<00:03:05.959> of the things that are typical of the things that are typical of Technology<00:03:06.720> like<00:03:07.000> like<00:03:07.159> microelectronics Technology like like microelectronics Technology like like microelectronics and<00:03:08.319> and<00:03:08.440> nanoscale<00:03:09.040> technology<00:03:09.440> and<00:03:09.560> the and and nanoscale technology and the and and nanoscale technology and the image<00:03:09.879> of<00:03:09.959> the<00:03:10.080> DVD<00:03:10.599> here<00:03:11.120> is<00:03:11.319> just<00:03:11.440> to<00:03:11.920> to image of the DVD here is just to to image of the DVD here is just to to illustrate<00:03:12.560> a<00:03:12.760> point<00:03:13.239> that<00:03:13.760> that<00:03:13.920> Silk<00:03:14.840> uh illustrate a point that that Silk uh illustrate a point that that Silk uh silk<00:03:15.239> follows<00:03:15.799> very<00:03:16.239> very<00:03:16.400> subtle silk follows very very subtle silk follows very very subtle topographies<00:03:17.360> of<00:03:17.519> the<00:03:17.640> surface<00:03:18.000> which<00:03:18.120> means topographies of the surface which means topographies of the surface which means that<00:03:18.440> it<00:03:18.560> can<00:03:18.799> replicate<00:03:19.280> features<00:03:19.680> on<00:03:19.799> the that it can replicate features on the that it can replicate features on the nanoscale<00:03:20.599> so<00:03:20.720> it<00:03:20.840> would<00:03:21.040> be<00:03:21.159> able<00:03:21.360> to nanoscale so it would be able to nanoscale so it would be able to replicate<00:03:21.959> the<00:03:22.120> information<00:03:23.120> that<00:03:23.239> is<00:03:23.360> on replicate the information that is on replicate the information that is on that<00:03:23.920> is<00:03:24.040> on<00:03:24.159> the<00:03:24.480> DVD<00:03:25.480> and<00:03:25.799> we<00:03:25.959> can<00:03:26.319> store that is on the DVD and we can store that is on the DVD and we can store information<00:03:27.400> in<00:03:27.560> this<00:03:27.720> film<00:03:28.000> of<00:03:28.159> water<00:03:28.360> and information in this film of water and information in this film of water and protein<00:03:28.920> so<00:03:29.040> we<00:03:29.159> tried<00:03:29.400> something<00:03:29.840> out<00:03:30.319> and<00:03:30.439> we protein so we tried something out and we protein so we tried something out and we wrote<00:03:30.760> a<00:03:30.920> message<00:03:31.200> in<00:03:31.319> a<00:03:31.480> piece<00:03:31.640> of<00:03:31.799> silk<00:03:32.159> which wrote a message in a piece of silk which wrote a message in a piece of silk which is<00:03:32.480> right<00:03:32.599> here<00:03:32.720> and<00:03:32.879> the<00:03:32.959> message<00:03:33.239> is<00:03:33.439> over is right here and the message is over is right here and the message is over there<00:03:33.799> and<00:03:33.920> much<00:03:34.120> like<00:03:34.280> in<00:03:34.400> the<00:03:34.519> DVD<00:03:34.920> you<00:03:35.040> can there and much like in the DVD you can there and much like in the DVD you can read<00:03:35.360> it<00:03:35.480> out<00:03:35.720> optically<00:03:36.640> and<00:03:36.799> this<00:03:36.959> requires read it out optically and this requires read it out optically and this requires a<00:03:37.400> stable<00:03:37.799> hand<00:03:38.040> so<00:03:38.200> this<00:03:38.280> is<00:03:38.439> why<00:03:38.519> I<00:03:38.680> decided a stable hand so this is why I decided a stable hand so this is why I decided to<00:03:39.080> do<00:03:39.200> it<00:03:39.360> on<00:03:39.560> stage<00:03:39.799> in<00:03:39.920> front<00:03:40.120> of<00:03:40.239> a<00:03:40.400> thousand to do it on stage in front of a thousand to do it on stage in front of a thousand people<00:03:42.280> so<00:03:43.200> uh<00:03:43.599> so<00:03:43.920> let<00:03:44.040> me<00:03:44.200> see<00:03:44.439> so<00:03:44.599> as<00:03:44.720> you<00:03:44.840> see people so uh so let me see so as you see people so uh so let me see so as you see the<00:03:46.000> the<00:03:46.120> film<00:03:46.400> going<00:03:46.760> transparently<00:03:47.360> through the the film going transparently through the the film going transparently through there<00:03:47.840> and

then<00:03:52.799> and

and<00:04:01.319> the<00:04:01.439> most<00:04:01.640> remarkable<00:04:02.120> feed<00:04:02.400> is<00:04:02.519> that<00:04:02.680> my
and the most remarkable feed is that my and the most remarkable feed is that my hand<00:04:03.120> actually<00:04:03.319> stayed<00:04:03.640> still<00:04:03.920> long<00:04:04.159> enough hand actually stayed still long enough hand actually stayed still long enough to<00:04:04.519> do<00:04:04.760> that<00:04:05.480> um<00:04:05.920> so<00:04:06.439> uh<00:04:06.560> once<00:04:06.760> you<00:04:07.040> have<00:04:07.360> once to do that um so uh once you have once to do that um so uh once you have once you<00:04:07.799> have<00:04:08.120> these<00:04:08.560> uh<00:04:08.799> these<00:04:09.040> these<00:04:09.239> attributes you have these uh these these attributes you have these uh these these attributes of<00:04:09.879> this<00:04:10.040> material<00:04:10.519> then<00:04:10.959> you<00:04:11.079> can<00:04:11.239> do<00:04:11.560> you<00:04:11.640> can of this material then you can do you can of this material then you can do you can do<00:04:11.879> a<00:04:11.959> lot<00:04:12.079> of<00:04:12.239> things<00:04:12.480> it's<00:04:12.680> actually<00:04:12.959> not do a lot of things it's actually not do a lot of things it's actually not limited<00:04:13.640> to<00:04:13.840> films<00:04:14.720> and<00:04:14.799> so<00:04:14.959> the<00:04:15.079> material<00:04:15.400> can limited to films and so the material can limited to films and so the material can assume<00:04:16.600> uh<00:04:16.720> a<00:04:16.799> lot<00:04:16.919> of<00:04:17.000> formats<00:04:17.359> and<00:04:17.440> then<00:04:17.560> you assume uh a lot of formats and then you assume uh a lot of formats and then you kind<00:04:17.799> of<00:04:17.919> go<00:04:18.040> a<00:04:18.120> little<00:04:18.320> crazy<00:04:18.600> and<00:04:18.680> so<00:04:18.840> you<00:04:18.919> do kind of go a little crazy and so you do kind of go a little crazy and so you do various<00:04:19.479> Optical<00:04:19.880> components<00:04:20.239> or<00:04:20.359> you<00:04:20.479> do various Optical components or you do various Optical components or you do microprism<00:04:21.280> arrays<00:04:21.720> like<00:04:21.880> the<00:04:22.000> ones<00:04:22.199> that<00:04:22.320> you microprism arrays like the ones that you microprism arrays like the ones that you have<00:04:22.680> you<00:04:22.800> know<00:04:22.919> the<00:04:23.080> reflective<00:04:23.479> tape<00:04:23.759> that have you know the reflective tape that have you know the reflective tape that you<00:04:23.960> have<00:04:24.080> on<00:04:24.160> your<00:04:24.280> running<00:04:24.560> shoes<00:04:25.080> or<00:04:25.199> you you have on your running shoes or you you have on your running shoes or you can<00:04:25.360> do<00:04:25.560> beautiful<00:04:26.040> things<00:04:26.479> that<00:04:26.720> if<00:04:27.199> if<00:04:27.320> the can do beautiful things that if if the can do beautiful things that if if the camera<00:04:27.759> can<00:04:27.960> capture<00:04:28.320> you<00:04:28.400> can<00:04:28.560> make<00:04:29.120> uh<00:04:29.240> you camera can capture you can make uh you camera can capture you can make uh you can<00:04:29.440> add<00:04:29.560> a<00:04:29.759> third<00:04:30.000> dimensionality<00:04:30.800> to<00:04:31.520> uh<00:04:31.639> to can add a third dimensionality to uh to can add a third dimensionality to uh to the<00:04:31.919> film<00:04:32.160> and<00:04:32.280> if<00:04:32.400> the<00:04:32.520> angle<00:04:32.800> is<00:04:33.000> right<00:04:33.199> you the film and if the angle is right you the film and if the angle is right you can<00:04:33.520> actually<00:04:33.759> see<00:04:33.960> a<00:04:34.160> hologram<00:04:34.720> appear<00:04:35.120> in can actually see a hologram appear in can actually see a hologram appear in this<00:04:35.400> film<00:04:35.639> of

silk<00:04:39.400> but<00:04:39.479> you<00:04:39.600> can<00:04:39.720> do<00:04:39.840> other<00:04:40.039> things<00:04:40.240> you<00:04:40.320> can
silk but you can do other things you can silk but you can do other things you can imagine<00:04:40.840> that<00:04:41.039> they<00:04:41.199> maybe<00:04:41.360> you<00:04:41.479> can<00:04:41.600> use<00:04:41.720> a imagine that they maybe you can use a imagine that they maybe you can use a pure<00:04:42.080> protein<00:04:42.440> to<00:04:42.600> guide<00:04:42.800> light<00:04:43.039> and<00:04:43.160> so<00:04:43.320> we've pure protein to guide light and so we've pure protein to guide light and so we've made<00:04:43.680> Optical<00:04:44.080> fibers<00:04:44.520> and<00:04:44.720> and<00:04:44.800> but<00:04:44.960> silk<00:04:45.199> is made Optical fibers and and but silk is made Optical fibers and and but silk is versatile<00:04:45.759> and<00:04:45.840> it<00:04:45.960> kind<00:04:46.080> of<00:04:46.240> goes<00:04:46.440> beyond versatile and it kind of goes beyond versatile and it kind of goes beyond Optics<00:04:47.560> and<00:04:47.639> so<00:04:47.800> you<00:04:47.880> can<00:04:48.039> think<00:04:48.199> of<00:04:48.400> different Optics and so you can think of different Optics and so you can think of different formats<00:04:49.240> so<00:04:49.479> for<00:04:49.680> instance<00:04:50.440> if<00:04:50.520> you're<00:04:50.759> you're formats so for instance if you're you're formats so for instance if you're you're afraid<00:04:51.120> of<00:04:51.240> going<00:04:51.360> to<00:04:51.479> the<00:04:51.639> doctor<00:04:51.840> and afraid of going to the doctor and afraid of going to the doctor and getting<00:04:52.160> stuck<00:04:52.400> with<00:04:52.520> a<00:04:52.600> needle<00:04:52.880> we<00:04:53.000> do<00:04:53.160> micro getting stuck with a needle we do micro getting stuck with a needle we do micro needle<00:04:53.759> arrays<00:04:54.320> what<00:04:54.400> you<00:04:54.520> see<00:04:54.840> there<00:04:55.000> on<00:04:55.120> the needle arrays what you see there on the needle arrays what you see there on the screen<00:04:55.560> is<00:04:55.680> a<00:04:55.840> human<00:04:56.160> hair<00:04:56.800> superimposed<00:04:57.479> on screen is a human hair superimposed on screen is a human hair superimposed on the<00:04:57.680> needles<00:04:58.039> made<00:04:58.199> of<00:04:58.360> silk<00:04:58.680> just<00:04:58.800> to<00:04:58.919> give the needles made of silk just to give the needles made of silk just to give you<00:04:59.120> a<00:04:59.199> sense<00:04:59.360> of<00:04:59.759> size<00:05:00.560> you<00:05:00.639> can<00:05:00.800> do<00:05:00.919> bigger you a sense of size you can do bigger you a sense of size you can do bigger things<00:05:01.639> you<00:05:01.759> can<00:05:01.960> do<00:05:02.440> uh<00:05:03.039> gears<00:05:03.400> and<00:05:03.560> nuts<00:05:03.840> and things you can do uh gears and nuts and things you can do uh gears and nuts and bolts<00:05:04.800> um<00:05:04.960> that<00:05:05.080> you<00:05:05.160> could<00:05:05.360> buy<00:05:05.520> at<00:05:05.680> Whole bolts um that you could buy at Whole bolts um that you could buy at Whole Foods<00:05:06.520> um<00:05:06.960> and<00:05:07.440> uh<00:05:08.240> the<00:05:08.360> gears<00:05:08.759> work<00:05:08.960> in<00:05:09.199> water Foods um and uh the gears work in water Foods um and uh the gears work in water as<00:05:09.880> well<00:05:10.280> so<00:05:10.639> to<00:05:10.919> think<00:05:11.120> of<00:05:11.479> of<00:05:11.600> alternative as well so to think of of alternative as well so to think of of alternative mechanical<00:05:12.560> parts<00:05:12.800> and<00:05:12.960> maybe<00:05:13.160> you<00:05:13.240> can<00:05:13.360> use mechanical parts and maybe you can use mechanical parts and maybe you can use that<00:05:13.680> liquid<00:05:14.000> Kevlar<00:05:14.400> if<00:05:14.479> you<00:05:14.560> need<00:05:14.800> something that liquid Kevlar if you need something that liquid Kevlar if you need something strong<00:05:15.680> to<00:05:15.880> replace<00:05:16.320> peripheral<00:05:16.840> veins<00:05:17.479> for strong to replace peripheral veins for strong to replace peripheral veins for example<00:05:18.600> or<00:05:19.199> maybe<00:05:19.440> an<00:05:19.600> entire<00:05:20.000> bone<00:05:20.680> and<00:05:20.800> so example or maybe an entire bone and so example or maybe an entire bone and so you<00:05:21.280> have<00:05:21.479> here<00:05:21.639> a<00:05:21.759> little<00:05:22.080> example<00:05:22.600> of<00:05:22.759> a you have here a little example of a you have here a little example of a small<00:05:23.840> skull<00:05:24.840> what<00:05:25.039> we<00:05:25.240> call<00:05:26.039> minor<00:05:27.039> uh<00:05:27.319> but<00:05:27.759> uh small skull what we call minor uh but uh small skull what we call minor uh but uh you<00:05:30.000> can<00:05:30.120> do<00:05:30.400> things<00:05:30.759> like<00:05:31.080> cups<00:05:31.440> for<00:05:31.639> example you can do things like cups for example you can do things like cups for example and<00:05:32.319> so<00:05:32.639> if<00:05:32.759> you<00:05:32.919> add<00:05:33.080> a<00:05:33.199> little<00:05:33.360> bit<00:05:33.479> of<00:05:33.639> gold and so if you add a little bit of gold and so if you add a little bit of gold if<00:05:34.160> you<00:05:34.280> add<00:05:34.479> a<00:05:34.560> little<00:05:34.720> bit<00:05:34.840> of if you add a little bit of if you add a little bit of semiconductors<00:05:35.560> you<00:05:35.639> could<00:05:35.759> do<00:05:35.960> sensors<00:05:36.680> that semiconductors you could do sensors that semiconductors you could do sensors that stick<00:05:37.400> on<00:05:37.560> the<00:05:37.759> surfaces<00:05:38.160> of<00:05:38.319> foods<00:05:38.919> you<00:05:39.000> can stick on the surfaces of foods you can stick on the surfaces of foods you can do<00:05:39.319> electronic<00:05:40.280> pieces<00:05:40.720> that<00:05:40.880> fold<00:05:41.199> and<00:05:41.440> wrap do electronic pieces that fold and wrap do electronic pieces that fold and wrap or<00:05:42.680> you<00:05:42.800> know<00:05:43.120> if<00:05:43.199> you're<00:05:43.360> fashioned<00:05:43.759> for<00:05:44.120> some or you know if you're fashioned for some or you know if you're fashioned for some silk<00:05:44.520> LED<00:05:45.000> tattoos<00:05:46.000> so<00:05:46.199> there's<00:05:46.520> versatility silk LED tattoos so there's versatility silk LED tattoos so there's versatility in<00:05:47.960> in<00:05:48.440> as<00:05:48.520> you<00:05:48.639> see<00:05:48.840> in<00:05:48.960> the<00:05:49.080> material<00:05:49.479> formats in in as you see in the material formats in in as you see in the material formats that<00:05:50.080> you<00:05:50.319> can<00:05:51.319> uh<00:05:51.440> that<00:05:51.560> you<00:05:51.680> can<00:05:51.880> do<00:05:52.400> with that you can uh that you can do with that you can uh that you can do with with<00:05:53.000> silk<00:05:53.360> but<00:05:53.479> there<00:05:53.680> are<00:05:53.960> still<00:05:54.240> some with silk but there are still some with silk but there are still some unique<00:05:54.720> traits<00:05:55.120> I<00:05:55.199> mean<00:05:55.400> why<00:05:55.520> would<00:05:55.639> you<00:05:55.720> want unique traits I mean why would you want unique traits I mean why would you want to<00:05:55.919> do<00:05:56.080> all<00:05:56.240> these<00:05:56.400> things<00:05:56.639> in<00:05:56.800> in<00:05:56.960> Sil<00:05:57.319> for<00:05:57.520> for to do all these things in in Sil for for to do all these things in in Sil for for for<00:05:57.960> real<00:05:58.680> I<00:05:58.840> mentioned<00:05:59.160> it<00:05:59.280> briefly<00:05:59.720> at<00:05:59.800> the for real I mentioned it briefly at the for real I mentioned it briefly at the beginning<00:06:00.400> the<00:06:00.520> protein<00:06:00.880> is<00:06:01.240> biodegradable beginning the protein is biodegradable beginning the protein is biodegradable and<00:06:02.440> biocompatible<00:06:03.240> and<00:06:03.319> you<00:06:03.440> see<00:06:03.639> here<00:06:03.800> a and biocompatible and you see here a and biocompatible and you see here a picture<00:06:04.280> of<00:06:04.400> a<00:06:04.560> tissue<00:06:04.960> section<00:06:05.919> and<00:06:06.080> so<00:06:06.520> what picture of a tissue section and so what picture of a tissue section and so what does<00:06:06.800> that<00:06:06.960> mean<00:06:07.280> that<00:06:07.400> it's<00:06:07.840> that<00:06:07.919> is does that mean that it's that is does that mean that it's that is biodegradable<00:06:08.840> compatible<00:06:09.199> you<00:06:09.280> can<00:06:09.400> implant biodegradable compatible you can implant biodegradable compatible you can implant it<00:06:09.840> in<00:06:09.960> the<00:06:10.120> body<00:06:10.400> without<00:06:10.639> needing<00:06:10.919> to it in the body without needing to it in the body without needing to retrieve<00:06:11.479> what<00:06:11.599> is<00:06:11.759> implanted<00:06:12.240> which<00:06:12.360> means retrieve what is implanted which means retrieve what is implanted which means that<00:06:12.680> all<00:06:12.800> the<00:06:12.960> devices<00:06:13.360> that<00:06:13.520> you<00:06:13.840> that that all the devices that you that that all the devices that you that you've<00:06:14.080> seen<00:06:14.360> before<00:06:14.599> in<00:06:14.720> all<00:06:14.840> the<00:06:14.960> formats<00:06:15.520> in you've seen before in all the formats in you've seen before in all the formats in principle<00:06:16.720> can<00:06:17.240> can<00:06:17.400> be<00:06:17.599> implanted<00:06:18.240> and<00:06:18.440> and principle can can be implanted and and principle can can be implanted and and disappear<00:06:19.080> and<00:06:19.199> what<00:06:19.319> you<00:06:19.400> see<00:06:19.639> there<00:06:19.759> in<00:06:19.880> that disappear and what you see there in that disappear and what you see there in that tissue<00:06:20.400> section<00:06:21.160> in<00:06:21.319> fact<00:06:21.520> is<00:06:21.680> you<00:06:21.800> see<00:06:22.120> that tissue section in fact is you see that tissue section in fact is you see that reflector<00:06:22.840> tape<00:06:23.120> so<00:06:23.280> much<00:06:23.479> like<00:06:23.680> you're reflector tape so much like you're reflector tape so much like you're seeing<00:06:24.160> at<00:06:24.639> night<00:06:25.639> uh<00:06:25.880> by<00:06:26.039> a<00:06:26.240> car<00:06:26.680> then<00:06:26.880> the seeing at night uh by a car then the seeing at night uh by a car then the idea<00:06:27.280> is<00:06:27.400> that<00:06:27.560> you<00:06:27.639> can<00:06:27.800> see<00:06:28.240> if<00:06:28.319> you idea is that you can see if you idea is that you can see if you illuminate<00:06:29.000> tissue<00:06:29.280> you<00:06:29.360> can<00:06:29.639> see<00:06:29.840> deeper illuminate tissue you can see deeper illuminate tissue you can see deeper parts<00:06:30.440> of<00:06:30.639> tissue<00:06:31.080> because<00:06:31.280> there's<00:06:31.520> that parts of tissue because there's that parts of tissue because there's that reflective<00:06:32.199> tape<00:06:32.520> there<00:06:32.720> that<00:06:32.840> is<00:06:32.960> out<00:06:33.080> of reflective tape there that is out of reflective tape there that is out of silk<00:06:33.479> and<00:06:33.560> you<00:06:33.680> see<00:06:33.919> there<00:06:34.240> it<00:06:34.400> gets silk and you see there it gets silk and you see there it gets reintegrated<00:06:35.199> in<00:06:35.400> tissue<00:06:36.000> and<00:06:36.160> reintegration reintegrated in tissue and reintegration reintegrated in tissue and reintegration in<00:06:36.919> the<00:06:37.080> human<00:06:37.400> body<00:06:37.720> is<00:06:37.880> not<00:06:38.080> the<00:06:38.199> only<00:06:38.599> thing in the human body is not the only thing in the human body is not the only thing uh<00:06:39.880> but<00:06:40.080> reintegration<00:06:40.680> in<00:06:40.840> the<00:06:41.000> environment uh but reintegration in the environment uh but reintegration in the environment is<00:06:42.120> important<00:06:42.520> so<00:06:42.639> you<00:06:42.800> have<00:06:42.919> a<00:06:43.080> clock<00:06:43.720> you is important so you have a clock you is important so you have a clock you have<00:06:44.039> protein<00:06:44.440> and<00:06:44.599> now<00:06:44.759> a<00:06:44.880> silk<00:06:45.199> cup<00:06:46.199> like have protein and now a silk cup like have protein and now a silk cup like this<00:06:47.199> can<00:06:47.360> be<00:06:47.520> thrown<00:06:47.840> away<00:06:48.160> without<00:06:48.919> guilt<00:06:49.919> uh this can be thrown away without guilt uh this can be thrown away without guilt uh and

unlike<00:06:56.560> unlike<00:06:56.960> the<00:06:57.080> polystyrene<00:06:57.879> cups<00:06:58.520> um
unlike unlike the polystyrene cups um unlike unlike the polystyrene cups um that<00:06:59.919> that<00:07:00.520> unfortunately<00:07:01.039> fill<00:07:01.280> our that that unfortunately fill our that that unfortunately fill our landfills<00:07:01.960> every<00:07:02.240> day<00:07:03.199> um<00:07:03.639> it's<00:07:03.840> edible<00:07:04.840> uh<00:07:05.199> so landfills every day um it's edible uh so landfills every day um it's edible uh so you<00:07:05.520> can<00:07:05.680> do<00:07:06.000> smart<00:07:06.360> packaging<00:07:06.759> around<00:07:07.039> food you can do smart packaging around food you can do smart packaging around food that<00:07:07.360> you<00:07:07.440> can<00:07:07.639> cook<00:07:07.840> with<00:07:07.960> the<00:07:08.080> food<00:07:08.400> it that you can cook with the food it that you can cook with the food it doesn't<00:07:08.919> taste<00:07:09.479> good<00:07:10.319> so<00:07:10.840> I'm<00:07:10.960> going<00:07:11.080> to<00:07:11.199> need doesn't taste good so I'm going to need doesn't taste good so I'm going to need some<00:07:11.599> help<00:07:11.840> with<00:07:12.039> that<00:07:12.560> but<00:07:12.759> probably<00:07:13.080> the some help with that but probably the some help with that but probably the most<00:07:13.440> remarkable<00:07:14.080> thing<00:07:14.479> is<00:07:14.599> that<00:07:14.720> it<00:07:14.840> comes most remarkable thing is that it comes most remarkable thing is that it comes full<00:07:15.280> circle<00:07:15.919> silk<00:07:16.440> during<00:07:16.680> it<00:07:16.840> self<00:07:17.080> assembly full circle silk during it self assembly full circle silk during it self assembly process<00:07:17.840> it<00:07:18.039> acts<00:07:18.280> like<00:07:18.400> a<00:07:18.560> cocoon<00:07:18.879> for process it acts like a cocoon for process it acts like a cocoon for biological<00:07:19.680> matter<00:07:20.080> and<00:07:20.160> so<00:07:20.280> if<00:07:20.360> you<00:07:20.479> change biological matter and so if you change biological matter and so if you change the<00:07:20.960> recipe<00:07:21.360> and<00:07:21.440> you<00:07:21.599> add<00:07:21.879> things<00:07:22.840> when<00:07:22.960> you the recipe and you add things when you the recipe and you add things when you pour<00:07:23.360> so<00:07:23.479> you<00:07:23.639> add<00:07:23.800> things<00:07:24.000> to<00:07:24.160> your<00:07:24.599> liquid pour so you add things to your liquid pour so you add things to your liquid silk<00:07:25.240> solution<00:07:26.240> where<00:07:26.440> these<00:07:26.639> things<00:07:26.879> are silk solution where these things are silk solution where these things are enzymes<00:07:27.759> or<00:07:28.039> antibodies<00:07:29.039> or<00:07:29.199> vaccin<00:07:29.680> enes enzymes or antibodies or vaccin enes enzymes or antibodies or vaccin enes then<00:07:31.479> uh<00:07:31.759> the<00:07:31.919> the<00:07:32.039> self<00:07:32.280> assembly<00:07:32.759> process then uh the the self assembly process then uh the the self assembly process preserves<00:07:33.680> the<00:07:33.840> biological<00:07:34.440> function<00:07:34.800> of preserves the biological function of preserves the biological function of these<00:07:35.160> dopin<00:07:36.080> so<00:07:36.280> it<00:07:36.400> makes<00:07:36.599> the<00:07:36.759> materials these dopin so it makes the materials these dopin so it makes the materials environmentally<00:07:38.280> active<00:07:39.039> and<00:07:39.440> and environmentally active and and environmentally active and and interactive<00:07:40.599> so<00:07:40.879> that<00:07:41.000> screw<00:07:41.360> that<00:07:41.479> you interactive so that screw that you interactive so that screw that you thought<00:07:41.800> about<00:07:42.120> beforehand<00:07:42.680> can<00:07:42.879> actually<00:07:43.120> be thought about beforehand can actually be thought about beforehand can actually be used<00:07:44.319> to<00:07:45.319> uh<00:07:45.479> screw<00:07:45.800> a<00:07:45.919> bone<00:07:46.360> together<00:07:46.960> uh used to uh screw a bone together uh used to uh screw a bone together uh fracture<00:07:47.520> bone<00:07:47.840> together<00:07:48.000> and<00:07:48.120> deliver<00:07:48.479> drugs fracture bone together and deliver drugs fracture bone together and deliver drugs at<00:07:48.879> the<00:07:49.000> same<00:07:49.240> time<00:07:49.440> while<00:07:49.599> your<00:07:49.720> bone<00:07:49.919> is at the same time while your bone is at the same time while your bone is healing<00:07:50.520> for<00:07:50.840> example<00:07:51.840> or<00:07:52.759> uh<00:07:53.759> or<00:07:53.919> you<00:07:54.000> could healing for example or uh or you could healing for example or uh or you could put<00:07:54.319> drugs<00:07:54.599> in<00:07:54.720> your<00:07:54.919> wallet<00:07:55.919> and<00:07:56.080> not<00:07:56.240> in<00:07:56.360> your put drugs in your wallet and not in your put drugs in your wallet and not in your fridge<00:07:56.960> so<00:07:57.240> we've<00:07:57.479> made<00:07:57.720> a<00:07:57.919> silk<00:07:58.240> card<00:07:58.720> with fridge so we've made a silk card with fridge so we've made a silk card with Penicillin<00:07:59.599> in<00:07:59.720> it<00:08:00.240> and<00:08:00.360> we<00:08:00.520> stored Penicillin in it and we stored Penicillin in it and we stored penicillin<00:08:01.639> at<00:08:01.800> 60°<00:08:02.400> C<00:08:02.639> so<00:08:02.800> at<00:08:03.199> 140°<00:08:03.919> F<00:08:04.360> for<00:08:04.479> 2 penicillin at 60° C so at 140° F for 2 penicillin at 60° C so at 140° F for 2 months<00:08:05.199> without<00:08:05.479> loss<00:08:05.720> of<00:08:05.960> efficacy<00:08:06.400> of<00:08:06.520> the months without loss of efficacy of the months without loss of efficacy of the penicillin<00:08:07.560> and<00:08:07.680> so<00:08:07.879> that<00:08:08.039> could

be<00:08:14.280> that<00:08:14.400> could<00:08:14.520> be<00:08:14.720> potentially<00:08:15.159> a<00:08:15.280> good
be that could be potentially a good be that could be potentially a good alternative<00:08:15.919> to<00:08:16.159> solar<00:08:16.440> power<00:08:16.639> refrigerated alternative to solar power refrigerated alternative to solar power refrigerated camels<00:08:18.000> and<00:08:18.360> uh<00:08:18.720> and<00:08:18.919> of<00:08:19.080> course<00:08:19.440> there's<00:08:19.680> no camels and uh and of course there's no camels and uh and of course there's no use<00:08:20.080> in<00:08:20.280> storage<00:08:20.680> if<00:08:20.800> you<00:08:20.960> can't<00:08:21.240> use<00:08:22.199> and<00:08:22.360> so use in storage if you can't use and so use in storage if you can't use and so there<00:08:22.919> is<00:08:23.120> this<00:08:23.280> other<00:08:24.199> unique<00:08:24.680> material there is this other unique material there is this other unique material trait<00:08:25.879> that<00:08:26.199> that<00:08:26.400> these<00:08:26.560> materials<00:08:27.039> have<00:08:27.199> and trait that that these materials have and trait that that these materials have and that<00:08:27.440> they're<00:08:27.680> programmably<00:08:28.240> degradable<00:08:28.840> and that they're programmably degradable and that they're programmably degradable and so<00:08:29.759> uh<00:08:29.879> and<00:08:30.000> so<00:08:30.120> what<00:08:30.240> you<00:08:30.319> see<00:08:30.520> there<00:08:30.680> is<00:08:30.759> the so uh and so what you see there is the so uh and so what you see there is the difference<00:08:31.159> in<00:08:31.280> the<00:08:31.440> top<00:08:31.599> is<00:08:31.720> you<00:08:31.840> have<00:08:31.960> a<00:08:32.039> film difference in the top is you have a film difference in the top is you have a film that<00:08:32.440> has<00:08:32.599> been<00:08:32.719> programmed<00:08:33.120> not<00:08:33.240> to<00:08:33.360> degrade that has been programmed not to degrade that has been programmed not to degrade and<00:08:33.880> in<00:08:34.000> the<00:08:34.120> bottom<00:08:34.360> a<00:08:34.479> film<00:08:34.680> that<00:08:34.800> has<00:08:34.959> been and in the bottom a film that has been and in the bottom a film that has been programmed<00:08:35.479> to<00:08:35.599> degrade<00:08:35.919> in<00:08:36.120> water<00:08:36.800> and<00:08:36.919> what programmed to degrade in water and what programmed to degrade in water and what you<00:08:37.120> see<00:08:37.279> is<00:08:37.399> that<00:08:37.599> the<00:08:37.680> film<00:08:37.959> on<00:08:38.159> the<00:08:38.279> bottom you see is that the film on the bottom you see is that the film on the bottom releases<00:08:39.880> uh<00:08:40.039> what<00:08:40.159> is<00:08:40.360> inside<00:08:40.680> it<00:08:40.880> so<00:08:41.000> it releases uh what is inside it so it releases uh what is inside it so it allows<00:08:41.399> for<00:08:41.599> the<00:08:41.760> recovery<00:08:42.640> of<00:08:42.839> what<00:08:42.959> we've allows for the recovery of what we've allows for the recovery of what we've stored<00:08:43.560> before<00:08:44.000> and<00:08:44.120> so<00:08:44.440> this<00:08:44.600> allows<00:08:44.839> for stored before and so this allows for stored before and so this allows for control<00:08:45.519> delivery<00:08:45.959> of<00:08:46.120> drugs<00:08:46.760> and<00:08:46.959> for<00:08:47.680> uh<00:08:47.800> for control delivery of drugs and for uh for control delivery of drugs and for uh for reintegration<00:08:48.600> in<00:08:48.760> the<00:08:48.839> environment<00:08:49.279> and<00:08:49.440> all reintegration in the environment and all reintegration in the environment and all of<00:08:49.680> these<00:08:49.839> formats<00:08:50.279> that<00:08:50.399> you've<00:08:50.560> seen<00:08:51.279> so<00:08:51.920> the of these formats that you've seen so the of these formats that you've seen so the thread<00:08:52.279> of<00:08:52.680> discovery<00:08:53.000> that<00:08:53.120> we<00:08:53.240> have<00:08:53.519> really thread of discovery that we have really thread of discovery that we have really is<00:08:53.839> a<00:08:54.000> thread<00:08:54.760> we're<00:08:55.000> impassioned<00:08:55.600> with<00:08:55.800> this is a thread we're impassioned with this is a thread we're impassioned with this idea<00:08:56.279> that<00:08:56.440> whatever<00:08:56.680> you<00:08:56.760> want<00:08:56.880> to<00:08:57.040> do idea that whatever you want to do idea that whatever you want to do whether<00:08:57.480> you<00:08:57.600> want<00:08:57.800> to<00:08:58.760> replace<00:08:59.040> a<00:08:59.200> vein<00:08:59.480> or<00:08:59.560> a whether you want to replace a vein or a whether you want to replace a vein or a bone<00:08:59.839> or<00:08:59.959> maybe<00:09:00.320> be<00:09:00.480> more<00:09:00.720> sustainable<00:09:01.279> in bone or maybe be more sustainable in bone or maybe be more sustainable in micro<00:09:02.079> Electronics<00:09:03.079> perhaps<00:09:03.640> drink<00:09:03.880> a<00:09:04.120> coffee micro Electronics perhaps drink a coffee micro Electronics perhaps drink a coffee in<00:09:04.880> a<00:09:05.079> cup<00:09:05.240> and<00:09:05.399> throw<00:09:05.600> it<00:09:05.720> away<00:09:06.000> without<00:09:06.320> guilt in a cup and throw it away without guilt in a cup and throw it away without guilt maybe<00:09:07.320> carry<00:09:07.640> your<00:09:07.760> drugs<00:09:08.079> in<00:09:08.200> your<00:09:08.440> pocket maybe carry your drugs in your pocket maybe carry your drugs in your pocket deliver<00:09:09.560> them<00:09:09.760> inside<00:09:10.079> your<00:09:10.279> body<00:09:10.680> or<00:09:11.279> deliver deliver them inside your body or deliver deliver them inside your body or deliver them<00:09:11.800> across<00:09:12.079> the<00:09:12.240> desert<00:09:12.880> the<00:09:13.040> answer<00:09:13.320> may<00:09:13.480> be them across the desert the answer may be them across the desert the answer may be in<00:09:14.120> a<00:09:14.240> thread<00:09:14.519> of<00:09:14.640> silk<00:09:15.399> thank<00:09:15.600> you


Fiorenzo Omenetto, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation

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