Lý thuyết dây-Brian Greene

String theory - Brian Greene

String theory - Brian Greene


in<00:00:16.770> the<00:00:16.950> year<00:00:17.090> 1919<00:00:18.090> a<00:00:19.369> virtually<00:00:20.369> unknown
in the year 1919 a virtually unknown in the year 1919 a virtually unknown German<00:00:22.470> mathematician<00:00:22.710> named<00:00:23.700> Theodor German mathematician named Theodor German mathematician named Theodor Kaluza<00:00:25.849> suggested<00:00:26.849> a<00:00:27.150> very<00:00:27.840> bold<00:00:28.200> and<00:00:28.680> in<00:00:29.220> some Kaluza suggested a very bold and in some Kaluza suggested a very bold and in some ways<00:00:29.939> very<00:00:30.029> bizarre<00:00:30.599> idea<00:00:31.230> he<00:00:31.560> proposed<00:00:32.070> that ways very bizarre idea he proposed that ways very bizarre idea he proposed that our<00:00:32.790> universe<00:00:33.510> might<00:00:34.290> actually<00:00:34.530> have<00:00:34.980> more our universe might actually have more our universe might actually have more than<00:00:36.060> the<00:00:36.270> three<00:00:36.570> dimensions<00:00:37.200> that<00:00:38.040> we<00:00:38.190> are than the three dimensions that we are than the three dimensions that we are all<00:00:38.579> aware<00:00:38.910> of<00:00:39.270> that<00:00:39.360> is<00:00:39.510> in<00:00:39.630> addition<00:00:39.750> to all aware of that is in addition to all aware of that is in addition to left-right<00:00:41.460> back-forth<00:00:41.489> and<00:00:42.450> up-down<00:00:42.890> gluts left-right back-forth and up-down gluts left-right back-forth and up-down gluts to<00:00:44.070> propose<00:00:44.550> that<00:00:44.579> there<00:00:44.969> might<00:00:45.120> be to propose that there might be to propose that there might be additional<00:00:46.070> dimensions<00:00:47.070> of<00:00:47.190> space<00:00:47.460> that<00:00:47.820> for additional dimensions of space that for additional dimensions of space that for some<00:00:48.300> reason<00:00:48.329> we<00:00:49.250> don't<00:00:50.250> yet<00:00:50.579> see<00:00:50.940> now<00:00:51.690> when some reason we don't yet see now when some reason we don't yet see now when someone<00:00:52.739> makes<00:00:52.920> a<00:00:53.190> bold<00:00:53.519> and<00:00:53.879> bizarre<00:00:54.359> idea someone makes a bold and bizarre idea someone makes a bold and bizarre idea sometimes<00:00:54.960> that<00:00:55.320> all<00:00:55.559> it<00:00:55.710> is<00:00:55.859> both<00:00:56.280> bizarre sometimes that all it is both bizarre sometimes that all it is both bizarre but<00:00:56.820> has<00:00:56.940> nothing<00:00:57.300> to<00:00:57.329> do<00:00:57.600> with<00:00:57.870> the<00:00:58.469> world but has nothing to do with the world but has nothing to do with the world around<00:00:59.129> us<00:00:59.670> this<00:01:00.390> particular<00:01:00.899> idea<00:01:01.350> however around us this particular idea however around us this particular idea however although<00:01:02.339> we<00:01:02.850> don't<00:01:03.059> yet<00:01:03.179> know<00:01:03.239> whether<00:01:03.570> it's although we don't yet know whether it's although we don't yet know whether it's right<00:01:03.899> or<00:01:03.960> wrong<00:01:04.260> and<00:01:04.650> at<00:01:05.129> the<00:01:05.309> end<00:01:05.430> I'll right or wrong and at the end I'll right or wrong and at the end I'll discuss<00:01:05.910> experiments<00:01:06.660> which<00:01:06.840> in<00:01:07.080> the<00:01:07.140> next discuss experiments which in the next discuss experiments which in the next few<00:01:07.500> years<00:01:07.530> may<00:01:07.800> tell<00:01:08.100> us<00:01:08.130> whether<00:01:08.460> it's<00:01:08.640> right few years may tell us whether it's right few years may tell us whether it's right or<00:01:08.790> wrong<00:01:08.940> this<00:01:09.720> idea<00:01:10.230> has<00:01:10.409> had<00:01:10.680> a<00:01:10.710> major or wrong this idea has had a major or wrong this idea has had a major impact<00:01:11.640> on<00:01:11.940> physics<00:01:12.510> in<00:01:12.870> the<00:01:12.960> last<00:01:13.170> century impact on physics in the last century impact on physics in the last century and<00:01:13.890> continues<00:01:14.730> to<00:01:14.850> inform<00:01:15.090> a<00:01:15.240> lot<00:01:15.390> of and continues to inform a lot of and continues to inform a lot of cutting-edge<00:01:15.870> research<00:01:16.230> so<00:01:16.410> I'd<00:01:16.530> like<00:01:16.680> to cutting-edge research so I'd like to cutting-edge research so I'd like to tell<00:01:17.160> you<00:01:17.190> something<00:01:17.670> about<00:01:17.790> the<00:01:18.510> story<00:01:18.810> of tell you something about the story of tell you something about the story of these<00:01:19.140> extra<00:01:19.980> dimensions<00:01:20.910> so<00:01:21.780> where<00:01:21.900> do<00:01:21.990> we<00:01:22.020> go these extra dimensions so where do we go these extra dimensions so where do we go to<00:01:22.470> begin<00:01:22.740> need<00:01:23.010> a<00:01:23.040> bit<00:01:23.250> of<00:01:23.280> backstory<00:01:23.850> go<00:01:24.750> to to begin need a bit of backstory go to to begin need a bit of backstory go to 1907<00:01:25.920> this<00:01:26.580> is<00:01:26.730> a<00:01:26.760> year<00:01:27.240> when<00:01:27.270> Einstein<00:01:28.230> is 1907 this is a year when Einstein is 1907 this is a year when Einstein is masking<00:01:29.430> the<00:01:29.550> glow<00:01:29.790> of<00:01:29.820> having<00:01:30.480> discovered masking the glow of having discovered masking the glow of having discovered the<00:01:30.930> special<00:01:31.380> theory<00:01:31.560> of<00:01:31.680> relativity<00:01:31.770> and the special theory of relativity and the special theory of relativity and decides<00:01:33.210> to<00:01:33.390> take<00:01:33.480> on<00:01:33.900> a<00:01:34.230> new<00:01:34.770> project<00:01:35.100> to<00:01:36.060> try decides to take on a new project to try decides to take on a new project to try to<00:01:36.650> understand<00:01:37.650> fully<00:01:38.010> the<00:01:38.400> grand<00:01:39.360> pervasive to understand fully the grand pervasive to understand fully the grand pervasive force<00:01:40.860> of<00:01:41.160> gravity<00:01:42.060> and<00:01:42.270> in<00:01:43.260> that<00:01:43.590> moment force of gravity and in that moment force of gravity and in that moment there<00:01:44.700> were<00:01:44.790> many<00:01:45.000> people<00:01:45.330> around<00:01:45.660> who there were many people around who there were many people around who thought<00:01:46.440> that<00:01:46.470> that<00:01:47.150> project<00:01:48.150> had<00:01:48.300> already thought that that project had already thought that that project had already been<00:01:49.140> resolved<00:01:49.770> Newton<00:01:50.100> had<00:01:50.250> given<00:01:50.550> the<00:01:50.640> world been resolved Newton had given the world been resolved Newton had given the world the<00:01:51.390> theory<00:01:51.870> of<00:01:51.900> gravity<00:01:52.440> late<00:01:52.650> 1600s<00:01:53.220> that the theory of gravity late 1600s that the theory of gravity late 1600s that works<00:01:53.790> well<00:01:54.060> describes<00:01:55.020> the<00:01:55.380> motion<00:01:55.590> of works well describes the motion of works well describes the motion of planets<00:01:56.040> the<00:01:56.670> motion<00:01:57.120> of<00:01:57.210> the<00:01:57.300> moon<00:01:57.540> and<00:01:57.930> so planets the motion of the moon and so planets the motion of the moon and so forth<00:01:58.530> the<00:01:59.460> motion<00:01:59.850> of<00:02:00.000> apocryphal<00:02:00.960> apples forth the motion of apocryphal apples forth the motion of apocryphal apples falling<00:02:01.980> from<00:02:02.100> trees<00:02:02.310> hitting<00:02:02.790> people<00:02:03.060> in<00:02:03.090> the falling from trees hitting people in the falling from trees hitting people in the head<00:02:03.240> all<00:02:03.570> of<00:02:03.750> that<00:02:03.930> could<00:02:04.380> be<00:02:04.410> described head all of that could be described head all of that could be described using<00:02:05.100> Newton's<00:02:05.550> work<00:02:05.760> but<00:02:06.510> Einstein using Newton's work but Einstein using Newton's work but Einstein realized<00:02:07.800> that<00:02:08.039> Newton<00:02:08.340> had<00:02:08.429> left<00:02:08.640> something realized that Newton had left something realized that Newton had left something out<00:02:09.179> of<00:02:09.420> the<00:02:09.690> story<00:02:09.989> because<00:02:10.440> even<00:02:10.709> Newton<00:02:11.129> had out of the story because even Newton had out of the story because even Newton had written<00:02:12.120> that<00:02:12.900> although<00:02:13.080> he<00:02:13.440> understood<00:02:14.160> how written that although he understood how written that although he understood how to<00:02:15.349> calculate<00:02:16.349> the<00:02:16.500> effect<00:02:16.769> of<00:02:16.920> gravity<00:02:17.340> he to calculate the effect of gravity he to calculate the effect of gravity he had<00:02:17.610> been<00:02:17.730> unable<00:02:17.940> to<00:02:18.150> figure<00:02:18.780> out<00:02:18.990> how<00:02:19.380> it had been unable to figure out how it had been unable to figure out how it really<00:02:19.770> works<00:02:20.070> how<00:02:20.820> is<00:02:21.030> it<00:02:21.180> that<00:02:21.210> the<00:02:21.570> Sun<00:02:21.840> 93 really works how is it that the Sun 93 really works how is it that the Sun 93 million<00:02:22.830> miles<00:02:23.130> away<00:02:23.310> somehow<00:02:23.760> defect million miles away somehow defect million miles away somehow defect the<00:02:24.930> motion<00:02:25.470> of<00:02:25.620> the<00:02:26.190> earth<00:02:26.220> how<00:02:26.670> does<00:02:26.849> the<00:02:27.000> Sun the motion of the earth how does the Sun the motion of the earth how does the Sun reach<00:02:27.569> out<00:02:27.810> across<00:02:27.989> empty<00:02:28.620> inert<00:02:29.400> space<00:02:29.790> and reach out across empty inert space and reach out across empty inert space and exert<00:02:30.690> influence<00:02:30.959> and<00:02:31.890> that<00:02:32.250> as<00:02:32.400> a<00:02:32.430> task<00:02:32.790> to<00:02:33.239> a exert influence and that as a task to a exert influence and that as a task to a Jain<00:02:33.599> Stein<00:02:33.870> set<00:02:34.140> himself<00:02:34.290> to<00:02:34.590> figure<00:02:35.160> out<00:02:35.340> how Jain Stein set himself to figure out how Jain Stein set himself to figure out how gravity<00:02:36.209> works<00:02:36.480> and<00:02:37.019> let<00:02:37.170> me<00:02:37.290> show<00:02:37.530> you<00:02:37.590> what gravity works and let me show you what gravity works and let me show you what it<00:02:38.370> is<00:02:38.400> that<00:02:38.819> he<00:02:38.970> found<00:02:39.269> so<00:02:40.019> Einstein<00:02:40.200> found it is that he found so Einstein found it is that he found so Einstein found that<00:02:41.370> the<00:02:41.550> medium<00:02:42.000> that<00:02:42.360> transmits<00:02:43.019> gravity that the medium that transmits gravity that the medium that transmits gravity is<00:02:44.040> space<00:02:44.700> itself<00:02:45.209> the<00:02:45.480> idea<00:02:45.780> goes<00:02:46.080> like<00:02:46.290> this is space itself the idea goes like this is space itself the idea goes like this imagine<00:02:47.489> space<00:02:47.819> is<00:02:48.030> a<00:02:48.060> substrate<00:02:48.599> of<00:02:48.660> all imagine space is a substrate of all imagine space is a substrate of all there<00:02:49.170> is<00:02:49.290> Einstein<00:02:49.769> said<00:02:50.010> space<00:02:50.310> is<00:02:50.459> nice<00:02:50.670> and there is Einstein said space is nice and there is Einstein said space is nice and flat<00:02:51.150> if<00:02:51.480> there's<00:02:51.900> no<00:02:52.049> matter<00:02:52.410> present<00:02:53.099> but<00:02:53.640> if flat if there's no matter present but if flat if there's no matter present but if there<00:02:53.970> is<00:02:54.180> matter<00:02:54.750> in<00:02:55.019> the<00:02:55.170> environment<00:02:55.799> such there is matter in the environment such there is matter in the environment such as<00:02:56.099> the<00:02:56.640> Sun<00:02:56.910> it<00:02:57.060> causes<00:02:57.540> the<00:02:57.660> fabric<00:02:58.170> of<00:02:58.319> space as the Sun it causes the fabric of space as the Sun it causes the fabric of space to<00:02:58.920> warp<00:02:59.190> to<00:02:59.849> curve<00:03:00.180> and<00:03:00.450> that<00:03:00.900> communicates to warp to curve and that communicates to warp to curve and that communicates the<00:03:02.220> force<00:03:02.519> of<00:03:02.730> gravity<00:03:03.239> even<00:03:03.599> the<00:03:04.049> earth the force of gravity even the earth the force of gravity even the earth warps<00:03:05.250> space<00:03:05.640> around<00:03:06.030> it<00:03:06.239> now<00:03:06.390> look<00:03:06.599> at<00:03:06.690> the warps space around it now look at the warps space around it now look at the moon<00:03:07.049> the<00:03:07.680> moon<00:03:07.709> is<00:03:07.980> kept<00:03:08.430> in<00:03:08.579> orbit<00:03:08.819> according moon the moon is kept in orbit according moon the moon is kept in orbit according to<00:03:09.630> these<00:03:09.720> ideas<00:03:10.140> because<00:03:10.410> it<00:03:10.500> rolls<00:03:10.799> along<00:03:11.099> a to these ideas because it rolls along a to these ideas because it rolls along a valley<00:03:11.610> in<00:03:11.940> the<00:03:12.000> curved<00:03:12.630> environment<00:03:13.380> that valley in the curved environment that valley in the curved environment that the<00:03:14.400> Sun<00:03:15.329> and<00:03:15.630> the<00:03:15.900> moon<00:03:16.110> and<00:03:16.410> the<00:03:16.470> earth<00:03:16.560> can the Sun and the moon and the earth can the Sun and the moon and the earth can all<00:03:17.160> create<00:03:17.430> by<00:03:17.760> virtue<00:03:18.090> of<00:03:18.239> their<00:03:18.540> presence all create by virtue of their presence all create by virtue of their presence we<00:03:19.380> go<00:03:19.530> to<00:03:19.590> a<00:03:19.769> full<00:03:20.310> frame<00:03:20.730> view<00:03:21.120> of<00:03:21.299> this<00:03:21.480> the we go to a full frame view of this the we go to a full frame view of this the earth<00:03:22.470> itself<00:03:22.920> is<00:03:23.190> kept<00:03:23.519> in<00:03:23.670> orbit<00:03:23.849> because<00:03:24.000> it earth itself is kept in orbit because it earth itself is kept in orbit because it rolls<00:03:24.540> along<00:03:24.720> a<00:03:24.900> valley<00:03:25.260> in<00:03:25.590> the<00:03:26.099> environment rolls along a valley in the environment rolls along a valley in the environment that's<00:03:26.880> curved<00:03:27.420> because<00:03:28.110> of<00:03:28.260> the<00:03:28.380> sun's that's curved because of the sun's that's curved because of the sun's presence<00:03:29.280> that<00:03:29.819> is<00:03:30.090> this<00:03:30.299> new<00:03:30.569> idea<00:03:31.200> about<00:03:31.859> how presence that is this new idea about how presence that is this new idea about how gravity<00:03:33.209> actually<00:03:33.450> works<00:03:34.260> now<00:03:36.170> this<00:03:37.170> idea<00:03:37.620> was gravity actually works now this idea was gravity actually works now this idea was tested<00:03:38.190> in<00:03:38.280> 1919<00:03:39.150> through<00:03:39.480> astronomical tested in 1919 through astronomical tested in 1919 through astronomical observations<00:03:40.980> it<00:03:41.100> really<00:03:41.370> works<00:03:41.670> it observations it really works it observations it really works it describes<00:03:42.299> the<00:03:42.480> data<00:03:42.660> and<00:03:43.019> this<00:03:43.440> gained describes the data and this gained describes the data and this gained Einstein<00:03:44.819> prominence<00:03:45.450> around<00:03:46.260> the<00:03:46.560> world<00:03:46.769> and Einstein prominence around the world and Einstein prominence around the world and that<00:03:47.700> is<00:03:47.940> what<00:03:48.180> got<00:03:48.950> Colusa<00:03:49.950> thinking<00:03:50.519> he<00:03:50.970> like that is what got Colusa thinking he like that is what got Colusa thinking he like Einstein<00:03:52.380> was<00:03:52.769> in<00:03:52.920> search<00:03:53.130> of<00:03:53.250> what<00:03:53.639> we<00:03:53.760> call<00:03:53.970> a Einstein was in search of what we call a Einstein was in search of what we call a unified<00:03:54.750> theory<00:03:55.109> that's<00:03:55.769> one<00:03:56.459> theory<00:03:56.940> that unified theory that's one theory that unified theory that's one theory that might<00:03:57.510> be<00:03:57.660> able<00:03:57.750> to<00:03:57.900> describe<00:03:58.260> all<00:03:58.470> of might be able to describe all of might be able to describe all of nature's<00:03:59.430> forces<00:03:59.639> from<00:04:00.180> one<00:04:00.810> set<00:04:01.019> of<00:04:01.139> ideas nature's forces from one set of ideas nature's forces from one set of ideas one<00:04:02.100> set<00:04:02.340> of<00:04:02.459> principles<00:04:02.790> one<00:04:03.209> master one set of principles one master one set of principles one master equation<00:04:04.170> if<00:04:04.889> you<00:04:05.040> will<00:04:05.250> so<00:04:05.910> Coolidge's<00:04:06.359> said equation if you will so Coolidge's said equation if you will so Coolidge's said to<00:04:06.690> himself to himself to himself Einstein<00:04:08.010> has<00:04:08.220> been<00:04:08.370> able<00:04:08.549> to<00:04:08.730> describe Einstein has been able to describe Einstein has been able to describe gravity<00:04:09.389> in<00:04:09.930> terms<00:04:10.349> of<00:04:10.530> warps<00:04:10.889> and<00:04:11.099> curves<00:04:11.190> in gravity in terms of warps and curves in gravity in terms of warps and curves in space<00:04:11.760> in<00:04:12.329> fact<00:04:12.569> space<00:04:12.870> and<00:04:13.139> time<00:04:13.349> to<00:04:13.380> be<00:04:13.620> more space in fact space and time to be more space in fact space and time to be more precise<00:04:14.220> maybe<00:04:14.970> I<00:04:15.090> can<00:04:15.599> play<00:04:16.169> the<00:04:17.010> same<00:04:17.310> game precise maybe I can play the same game precise maybe I can play the same game with<00:04:18.329> the<00:04:18.479> other<00:04:18.660> known<00:04:19.109> force<00:04:19.590> which<00:04:19.979> was<00:04:20.340> at with the other known force which was at with the other known force which was at that<00:04:20.609> time<00:04:21.139> known<00:04:22.139> as<00:04:22.169> the<00:04:22.530> electromagnetic that time known as the electromagnetic that time known as the electromagnetic force<00:04:23.639> we<00:04:23.760> know<00:04:23.880> of<00:04:23.970> others<00:04:24.270> today<00:04:24.450> but<00:04:24.720> at force we know of others today but at force we know of others today but at that<00:04:24.870> time<00:04:24.930> that<00:04:25.349> was<00:04:25.440> the<00:04:25.470> only<00:04:25.560> other<00:04:25.740> one that time that was the only other one that time that was the only other one people<00:04:26.250> were<00:04:26.400> thinking<00:04:26.580> about<00:04:26.849> you<00:04:27.360> know<00:04:27.450> the people were thinking about you know the people were thinking about you know the force<00:04:27.810> responsible<00:04:28.229> for<00:04:28.380> electricity<00:04:29.130> and force responsible for electricity and force responsible for electricity and magnetic<00:04:29.669> attraction<00:04:30.030> and<00:04:30.479> so<00:04:30.630> forth<00:04:30.900> so magnetic attraction and so forth so magnetic attraction and so forth so Colusa<00:04:31.830> says<00:04:32.010> maybe<00:04:32.280> I<00:04:32.400> can<00:04:32.669> play<00:04:32.789> the<00:04:32.940> same Colusa says maybe I can play the same Colusa says maybe I can play the same game<00:04:33.180> and<00:04:33.599> describe<00:04:34.220> electromagnetic<00:04:35.220> force game and describe electromagnetic force game and describe electromagnetic force in<00:04:35.880> terms<00:04:36.360> of<00:04:36.510> warps<00:04:36.810> and<00:04:36.930> curves in terms of warps and curves in terms of warps and curves that<00:04:38.340> raised<00:04:38.580> a<00:04:38.729> question<00:04:38.970> warps<00:04:39.960> and<00:04:40.050> curves that raised a question warps and curves that raised a question warps and curves in<00:04:40.500> what<00:04:41.389> Einstein<00:04:42.389> had<00:04:42.960> already<00:04:43.110> used<00:04:43.530> up in what Einstein had already used up in what Einstein had already used up space<00:04:44.460> and<00:04:44.789> time<00:04:45.650> warps<00:04:46.650> and<00:04:46.770> curves<00:04:46.860> to space and time warps and curves to space and time warps and curves to describe<00:04:47.879> gravity<00:04:48.090> didn't<00:04:48.810> seem<00:04:48.930> to<00:04:49.050> be describe gravity didn't seem to be describe gravity didn't seem to be anything<00:04:49.349> else<00:04:49.560> to<00:04:49.830> warp<00:04:50.039> a<00:04:50.190> curve<00:04:50.960> so<00:04:51.960> Colusa anything else to warp a curve so Colusa anything else to warp a curve so Colusa said<00:04:52.620> well<00:04:53.120> maybe<00:04:54.120> there<00:04:54.509> are<00:04:54.629> more said well maybe there are more said well maybe there are more dimensions<00:04:55.259> of<00:04:55.620> space dimensions of space dimensions of space he<00:04:56.280> said<00:04:56.520> if<00:04:56.729> I<00:04:56.970> want<00:04:57.180> to<00:04:57.240> describe<00:04:57.509> one<00:04:57.870> more he said if I want to describe one more he said if I want to describe one more force<00:04:58.500> maybe<00:04:58.889> I<00:04:58.979> need<00:04:59.190> one<00:04:59.490> more<00:04:59.789> dimension<00:05:00.270> so force maybe I need one more dimension so force maybe I need one more dimension so he<00:05:00.930> imagined<00:05:01.409> that<00:05:01.440> the<00:05:01.590> world<00:05:01.770> had<00:05:01.889> four he imagined that the world had four he imagined that the world had four dimensions<00:05:02.699> of<00:05:02.819> space<00:05:03.030> not<00:05:03.389> three<00:05:03.810> and dimensions of space not three and dimensions of space not three and imagine<00:05:05.340> that<00:05:05.460> electromagnetism<00:05:06.419> was<00:05:06.629> warps imagine that electromagnetism was warps imagine that electromagnetism was warps and<00:05:07.050> curves<00:05:07.139> in<00:05:07.500> that<00:05:07.740> fourth<00:05:08.099> dimension<00:05:08.849> now and curves in that fourth dimension now and curves in that fourth dimension now here's<00:05:09.659> the<00:05:09.780> thing<00:05:09.960> when<00:05:10.139> he<00:05:10.229> wrote<00:05:10.440> down<00:05:10.620> the here's the thing when he wrote down the here's the thing when he wrote down the equations<00:05:11.370> describing<00:05:11.789> warps<00:05:12.270> and<00:05:12.419> curves<00:05:12.509> in equations describing warps and curves in equations describing warps and curves in the<00:05:12.900> universe<00:05:13.199> with<00:05:13.319> four<00:05:13.710> space<00:05:14.130> dimensions the universe with four space dimensions the universe with four space dimensions not<00:05:14.819> three<00:05:15.210> he<00:05:15.750> found<00:05:16.020> the<00:05:16.139> old<00:05:16.220> equations not three he found the old equations not three he found the old equations that<00:05:17.370> einstein<00:05:17.819> had<00:05:18.030> already<00:05:18.210> derived<00:05:18.659> in that einstein had already derived in that einstein had already derived in three<00:05:19.289> dimensions<00:05:19.800> those<00:05:20.099> were<00:05:20.250> for<00:05:20.400> gravity three dimensions those were for gravity three dimensions those were for gravity but<00:05:21.300> he<00:05:21.419> found<00:05:21.720> one<00:05:22.199> more<00:05:22.470> equation<00:05:22.770> because but he found one more equation because but he found one more equation because of<00:05:23.460> the<00:05:23.699> one<00:05:23.880> more<00:05:24.120> dimension<00:05:24.300> and<00:05:24.840> when<00:05:25.409> he of the one more dimension and when he of the one more dimension and when he looked<00:05:25.680> at<00:05:25.830> that<00:05:25.860> equation<00:05:26.370> it<00:05:26.699> was<00:05:26.819> none looked at that equation it was none looked at that equation it was none other<00:05:27.180> than<00:05:27.539> the<00:05:27.720> equation<00:05:28.229> that<00:05:28.319> scientists other than the equation that scientists other than the equation that scientists had<00:05:28.979> long<00:05:29.009> known<00:05:29.550> to<00:05:29.880> describe<00:05:30.300> the had long known to describe the had long known to describe the electromagnetic<00:05:31.469> force<00:05:32.030> amazing<00:05:33.030> it<00:05:33.240> just electromagnetic force amazing it just electromagnetic force amazing it just popped<00:05:33.750> out<00:05:33.960> he<00:05:34.650> was<00:05:34.800> so<00:05:34.979> excited<00:05:35.130> by<00:05:35.879> this popped out he was so excited by this popped out he was so excited by this realization<00:05:37.139> that<00:05:37.740> he<00:05:37.949> ran<00:05:38.219> around<00:05:38.400> his<00:05:38.729> house realization that he ran around his house realization that he ran around his house screaming<00:05:39.330> victory<00:05:39.840> that<00:05:39.990> he<00:05:40.110> had<00:05:40.229> found<00:05:40.500> the screaming victory that he had found the screaming victory that he had found the unified<00:05:41.729> theory<00:05:42.860> now<00:05:43.860> clearly<00:05:44.630> Colusa<00:05:45.630> was<00:05:45.750> a unified theory now clearly Colusa was a unified theory now clearly Colusa was a man<00:05:46.080> who<00:05:46.409> took<00:05:47.180> theory<00:05:48.180> very<00:05:48.630> seriously<00:05:49.409> he<00:05:50.190> in man who took theory very seriously he in man who took theory very seriously he in fact<00:05:50.550> there's<00:05:51.270> a<00:05:51.360> story<00:05:51.690> that<00:05:52.080> when<00:05:52.229> he<00:05:52.409> wanted fact there's a story that when he wanted fact there's a story that when he wanted to<00:05:52.800> learn<00:05:52.949> how<00:05:53.130> to<00:05:53.159> swim<00:05:53.690> he<00:05:54.690> read<00:05:54.900> a<00:05:54.930> book<00:05:55.259> a to learn how to swim he read a book a to learn how to swim he read a book a treatise<00:05:55.830> on<00:05:56.069> swimming<00:05:57.620> then<00:05:58.620> toven<00:05:59.069> to<00:05:59.159> the treatise on swimming then toven to the treatise on swimming then toven to the ocean<00:05:59.610> this<00:06:00.599> is<00:06:00.779> a<00:06:00.810> man<00:06:01.020> who<00:06:01.139> would<00:06:01.229> risk<00:06:01.500> his ocean this is a man who would risk his ocean this is a man who would risk his life<00:06:02.130> on<00:06:02.430> theory<00:06:03.060> now<00:06:04.050> but<00:06:04.259> for<00:06:04.440> those<00:06:04.529> of<00:06:04.590> us life on theory now but for those of us life on theory now but for those of us who<00:06:05.039> are<00:06:05.130> a<00:06:05.159> little<00:06:05.310> bit<00:06:05.490> more<00:06:05.520> practically who are a little bit more practically who are a little bit more practically minded<00:06:06.539> to<00:06:07.349> questions<00:06:07.919> immediately<00:06:08.250> arise minded to questions immediately arise minded to questions immediately arise from<00:06:09.150> his<00:06:09.569> observation<00:06:10.169> number<00:06:10.349> one<00:06:10.529> if<00:06:10.800> there from his observation number one if there from his observation number one if there are<00:06:11.789> more<00:06:12.300> dimensions<00:06:12.599> of<00:06:12.930> space<00:06:13.110> where<00:06:13.319> are are more dimensions of space where are are more dimensions of space where are they<00:06:13.620> we<00:06:14.610> don't<00:06:14.699> seem<00:06:14.909> to<00:06:14.940> see<00:06:15.180> them<00:06:15.360> and they we don't seem to see them and they we don't seem to see them and number<00:06:16.349> two<00:06:16.590> does<00:06:17.400> this<00:06:17.669> theory<00:06:18.120> really<00:06:18.360> work number two does this theory really work number two does this theory really work in<00:06:18.870> detail<00:06:19.469> when<00:06:19.830> you<00:06:19.919> try<00:06:20.130> to<00:06:20.190> apply<00:06:20.580> it<00:06:20.729> to in detail when you try to apply it to in detail when you try to apply it to the<00:06:21.270> world<00:06:21.449> around<00:06:22.349> us<00:06:22.620> now<00:06:23.400> the<00:06:23.849> first the world around us now the first the world around us now the first question<00:06:24.539> was<00:06:25.500> answered<00:06:25.740> in<00:06:26.150> 1926<00:06:27.150> by<00:06:27.810> a question was answered in 1926 by a question was answered in 1926 by a fellow<00:06:28.139> named<00:06:28.349> Oskar<00:06:28.680> Klein fellow named Oskar Klein fellow named Oskar Klein he<00:06:29.610> suggested<00:06:30.300> that<00:06:30.509> dimensions<00:06:31.380> might<00:06:31.590> come he suggested that dimensions might come he suggested that dimensions might come in<00:06:32.039> two<00:06:32.250> varieties<00:06:32.509> there<00:06:33.509> might<00:06:33.719> be<00:06:33.750> big<00:06:34.680> easy in two varieties there might be big easy in two varieties there might be big easy to<00:06:35.279> see<00:06:35.430> dimensions<00:06:36.029> but<00:06:36.330> there<00:06:36.479> might<00:06:36.569> also to see dimensions but there might also to see dimensions but there might also be<00:06:36.930> tiny<00:06:37.380> curled<00:06:37.889> up<00:06:38.069> dimensions<00:06:38.219> curled<00:06:38.759> up be tiny curled up dimensions curled up be tiny curled up dimensions curled up so<00:06:39.210> small<00:06:39.719> even<00:06:40.050> though<00:06:40.440> they're<00:06:40.620> all<00:06:40.740> around so small even though they're all around so small even though they're all around us<00:06:41.250> that<00:06:41.969> we<00:06:42.029> don't<00:06:42.419> see<00:06:42.900> them<00:06:43.110> let<00:06:43.349> me<00:06:43.380> show us that we don't see them let me show us that we don't see them let me show you<00:06:43.680> that<00:06:43.979> one<00:06:44.250> visually<00:06:45.560> so<00:06:46.560> imagine<00:06:47.250> you're you that one visually so imagine you're you that one visually so imagine you're looking<00:06:47.460> at<00:06:47.699> something<00:06:47.940> like<00:06:48.120> a<00:06:48.360> cable looking at something like a cable looking at something like a cable supporting<00:06:49.649> a<00:06:49.740> traffic<00:06:50.190> lights<00:06:50.460> in<00:06:50.849> Manhattan supporting a traffic lights in Manhattan supporting a traffic lights in Manhattan in<00:06:51.389> Central<00:06:51.750> Park<00:06:51.990> that's<00:06:52.169> it's<00:06:52.379> kind<00:06:52.560> of in Central Park that's it's kind of in Central Park that's it's kind of irrelevant<00:06:53.099> but<00:06:53.430> the<00:06:53.669> cable<00:06:54.419> looks irrelevant but the cable looks irrelevant but the cable looks one-dimensional<00:06:55.440> from<00:06:55.919> a<00:06:56.009> distant<00:06:56.400> viewpoint one-dimensional from a distant viewpoint one-dimensional from a distant viewpoint but<00:06:57.509> you<00:06:57.599> and<00:06:57.750> I<00:06:57.810> all<00:06:57.990> know<00:06:58.139> that<00:06:58.289> it<00:06:58.409> does<00:06:58.560> have but you and I all know that it does have but you and I all know that it does have some<00:06:58.949> thickness<00:06:59.310> it's<00:06:59.460> very<00:06:59.759> hard<00:07:00.030> to<00:07:00.060> see<00:07:00.360> it some thickness it's very hard to see it some thickness it's very hard to see it though<00:07:00.690> from<00:07:00.900> far<00:07:01.139> away<00:07:01.289> but<00:07:01.979> if<00:07:02.039> we<00:07:02.129> zoom<00:07:02.159> in though from far away but if we zoom in though from far away but if we zoom in and<00:07:03.000> take<00:07:03.389> their<00:07:03.569> perspective<00:07:04.080> to<00:07:04.169> say<00:07:04.349> a and take their perspective to say a and take their perspective to say a little<00:07:04.650> ant<00:07:05.069> walking<00:07:05.340> around<00:07:05.849> little<00:07:06.539> ants little ant walking around little ants little ant walking around little ants are<00:07:06.930> so<00:07:07.080> small<00:07:07.379> that<00:07:07.590> they<00:07:07.770> can<00:07:07.919> access<00:07:08.159> all are so small that they can access all are so small that they can access all the<00:07:08.610> dimensions<00:07:09.419> the<00:07:09.780> long<00:07:10.020> dimension<00:07:10.229> but the dimensions the long dimension but the dimensions the long dimension but also<00:07:10.770> this<00:07:10.919> clockwise<00:07:11.419> counterclockwise also this clockwise counterclockwise also this clockwise counterclockwise direction<00:07:13.110> and<00:07:13.620> I<00:07:13.919> hope<00:07:14.490> you<00:07:14.639> appreciate<00:07:14.729> this direction and I hope you appreciate this direction and I hope you appreciate this it<00:07:15.330> took<00:07:15.449> so<00:07:15.780> long<00:07:15.810> to<00:07:16.229> get<00:07:16.319> these<00:07:16.500> ants<00:07:16.830> to<00:07:17.159> do it took so long to get these ants to do it took so long to get these ants to do this<00:07:17.810> but<00:07:18.810> this<00:07:18.960> illustrates<00:07:19.169> the<00:07:19.710> fact<00:07:19.889> that this but this illustrates the fact that this but this illustrates the fact that dimensions<00:07:20.610> can<00:07:20.879> be<00:07:20.909> of<00:07:21.180> two<00:07:21.360> sorts<00:07:21.780> big<00:07:22.199> and dimensions can be of two sorts big and dimensions can be of two sorts big and small<00:07:22.860> and<00:07:23.220> the<00:07:23.430> idea<00:07:23.699> is<00:07:23.759> that<00:07:23.879> maybe<00:07:23.940> the<00:07:24.330> big small and the idea is that maybe the big small and the idea is that maybe the big dimensions<00:07:25.020> around<00:07:25.530> us<00:07:25.770> are<00:07:25.979> the<00:07:26.069> ones<00:07:26.280> that dimensions around us are the ones that dimensions around us are the ones that we<00:07:26.639> can<00:07:26.879> easily<00:07:27.150> see<00:07:27.690> but<00:07:28.409> there<00:07:28.530> might<00:07:28.680> be we can easily see but there might be we can easily see but there might be additional<00:07:29.090> dimensions<00:07:30.090> curled<00:07:30.449> up<00:07:30.719> sort<00:07:31.080> of additional dimensions curled up sort of additional dimensions curled up sort of like<00:07:31.199> the<00:07:31.440> circular<00:07:31.919> part<00:07:32.129> of<00:07:32.310> that<00:07:32.430> cable<00:07:32.729> so like the circular part of that cable so like the circular part of that cable so small<00:07:33.840> that<00:07:34.740> they<00:07:35.009> have<00:07:35.280> so<00:07:35.550> far<00:07:35.789> remained small that they have so far remained small that they have so far remained invisible<00:07:36.840> let<00:07:37.409> me<00:07:37.530> show<00:07:37.710> you<00:07:37.770> what<00:07:37.949> that invisible let me show you what that invisible let me show you what that would<00:07:38.310> look<00:07:38.340> like<00:07:38.520> so<00:07:39.330> if<00:07:39.539> we<00:07:39.690> take<00:07:39.960> a<00:07:40.020> look<00:07:40.289> say would look like so if we take a look say would look like so if we take a look say at<00:07:40.650> space<00:07:41.610> itself<00:07:42.090> I<00:07:42.740> can<00:07:43.740> only<00:07:43.979> show<00:07:44.250> of at space itself I can only show of at space itself I can only show of course<00:07:44.580> two<00:07:44.789> dimensions<00:07:45.270> on<00:07:45.419> a<00:07:45.449> screen<00:07:45.870> some course two dimensions on a screen some course two dimensions on a screen some of<00:07:46.319> you<00:07:46.379> guys<00:07:46.469> will<00:07:46.650> fix<00:07:46.889> that<00:07:47.069> one<00:07:47.219> day<00:07:47.400> but of you guys will fix that one day but of you guys will fix that one day but anything<00:07:48.150> that's<00:07:48.270> not<00:07:48.569> flat<00:07:48.900> in<00:07:49.020> the<00:07:49.080> screen anything that's not flat in the screen anything that's not flat in the screen is<00:07:49.440> a<00:07:49.469> new<00:07:49.650> dimension<00:07:50.069> goes<00:07:50.190> smaller<00:07:50.610> smaller is a new dimension goes smaller smaller is a new dimension goes smaller smaller smaller<00:07:51.810> and<00:07:52.590> way<00:07:53.039> down<00:07:53.340> in<00:07:53.490> the<00:07:53.580> microscopic smaller and way down in the microscopic smaller and way down in the microscopic depths<00:07:54.810> of<00:07:54.900> space<00:07:55.050> itself<00:07:55.590> this<00:07:56.250> is<00:07:56.310> the<00:07:56.490> idea depths of space itself this is the idea depths of space itself this is the idea you<00:07:57.389> could<00:07:57.539> have<00:07:57.659> additional<00:07:58.229> curled<00:07:58.650> up you could have additional curled up you could have additional curled up dimensions<00:07:58.979> here<00:07:59.580> is<00:07:59.669> a<00:07:59.699> little<00:07:59.940> shape<00:08:00.210> of<00:08:00.360> a dimensions here is a little shape of a dimensions here is a little shape of a circle<00:08:00.630> so<00:08:00.840> small<00:08:01.259> that<00:08:01.349> we<00:08:01.469> don't<00:08:01.650> see<00:08:01.830> them circle so small that we don't see them circle so small that we don't see them but<00:08:02.580> if<00:08:02.699> you<00:08:02.729> were<00:08:03.060> a<00:08:03.330> little but if you were a little but if you were a little ultra-microscopic<00:08:04.500> ant<00:08:05.159> walking<00:08:05.370> around<00:08:05.729> you ultra-microscopic ant walking around you ultra-microscopic ant walking around you can<00:08:05.969> walk<00:08:06.150> in<00:08:06.270> the<00:08:06.360> big<00:08:06.569> dimensions<00:08:07.110> that<00:08:07.199> we can walk in the big dimensions that we can walk in the big dimensions that we all<00:08:07.469> know<00:08:07.650> about<00:08:07.919> that's<00:08:08.099> like<00:08:08.370> the<00:08:08.520> grid<00:08:08.819> part all know about that's like the grid part all know about that's like the grid part but<00:08:09.659> you<00:08:09.750> could<00:08:09.900> also<00:08:10.139> access<00:08:10.740> the<00:08:10.889> tiny but you could also access the tiny but you could also access the tiny curled<00:08:11.729> up<00:08:11.909> dimension<00:08:12.479> that's<00:08:13.050> so<00:08:13.289> small<00:08:13.620> that curled up dimension that's so small that curled up dimension that's so small that we<00:08:14.069> can't<00:08:14.340> see<00:08:14.490> with<00:08:14.580> the<00:08:14.669> naked<00:08:14.699> eye<00:08:15.090> or<00:08:15.360> even we can't see with the naked eye or even we can't see with the naked eye or even with<00:08:15.810> any<00:08:16.050> of<00:08:16.229> our<00:08:16.289> most<00:08:16.529> refined<00:08:16.919> equipment with any of our most refined equipment with any of our most refined equipment but<00:08:18.000> deeply<00:08:18.419> tucked<00:08:18.810> into<00:08:19.139> the<00:08:19.560> fabric<00:08:20.039> of but deeply tucked into the fabric of but deeply tucked into the fabric of space<00:08:20.580> itself<00:08:20.969> the<00:08:21.509> idea<00:08:21.539> is<00:08:21.930> there<00:08:22.080> could<00:08:22.379> be space itself the idea is there could be space itself the idea is there could be more<00:08:23.219> dimensions<00:08:23.849> as<00:08:24.029> we<00:08:24.360> see<00:08:24.539> there<00:08:24.870> now more dimensions as we see there now more dimensions as we see there now that's<00:08:27.990> an<00:08:28.379> explanation<00:08:29.279> about<00:08:29.819> how<00:08:30.300> the that's an explanation about how the that's an explanation about how the universe<00:08:31.229> could<00:08:31.500> have<00:08:31.680> more<00:08:31.860> dimensions<00:08:32.159> than universe could have more dimensions than universe could have more dimensions than the<00:08:32.669> ones<00:08:32.880> that<00:08:33.089> we<00:08:33.209> see<00:08:33.419> but<00:08:33.659> what<00:08:33.810> about<00:08:33.990> the the ones that we see but what about the the ones that we see but what about the second<00:08:34.529> question<00:08:34.680> that<00:08:34.919> I<00:08:35.070> asked<00:08:35.459> does<00:08:36.209> the second question that I asked does the second question that I asked does the theory<00:08:36.659> actually<00:08:36.810> work<00:08:37.380> when<00:08:37.709> you<00:08:37.800> try<00:08:37.829> to theory actually work when you try to theory actually work when you try to apply<00:08:38.370> it<00:08:38.490> to<00:08:38.640> the<00:08:38.880> real<00:08:39.120> world<00:08:39.839> well<00:08:40.649> it<00:08:40.740> turns apply it to the real world well it turns apply it to the real world well it turns out<00:08:41.190> that<00:08:41.339> Einstein<00:08:41.880> includes<00:08:42.510> and<00:08:42.750> many out that Einstein includes and many out that Einstein includes and many others<00:08:43.320> worked<00:08:44.190> on<00:08:44.459> trying<00:08:45.029> to<00:08:45.360> refine<00:08:45.930> this others worked on trying to refine this others worked on trying to refine this framework<00:08:47.670> and<00:08:47.910> apply<00:08:48.209> it<00:08:48.269> to<00:08:48.690> the<00:08:49.380> physics<00:08:49.860> of framework and apply it to the physics of framework and apply it to the physics of the<00:08:50.100> universe<00:08:50.430> as<00:08:50.670> was<00:08:50.970> understood<00:08:51.540> at<00:08:51.690> the the universe as was understood at the the universe as was understood at the time<00:08:51.810> and<00:08:52.459> in<00:08:53.459> detail<00:08:53.850> it<00:08:53.970> didn't<00:08:54.240> work<00:08:54.420> in time and in detail it didn't work in time and in detail it didn't work in detail<00:08:55.440> for<00:08:55.589> instance<00:08:55.890> they<00:08:55.980> couldn't<00:08:56.310> get detail for instance they couldn't get detail for instance they couldn't get the<00:08:56.699> mass<00:08:57.269> of<00:08:57.510> the<00:08:57.600> electron<00:08:57.660> to<00:08:58.350> work<00:08:58.500> out the mass of the electron to work out the mass of the electron to work out correctly<00:08:59.190> in<00:08:59.399> this<00:08:59.640> theory<00:09:00.060> so<00:09:00.570> many<00:09:00.779> people correctly in this theory so many people correctly in this theory so many people worked<00:09:01.320> on<00:09:01.500> it<00:09:01.709> but<00:09:01.860> by<00:09:02.040> the<00:09:02.329> 40s<00:09:03.329> certainly<00:09:03.810> by worked on it but by the 40s certainly by worked on it but by the 40s certainly by the<00:09:03.990> 50s the 50s the 50s this<00:09:05.070> strange<00:09:05.880> but<00:09:06.600> very<00:09:06.709> compelling<00:09:07.709> idea<00:09:08.130> of this strange but very compelling idea of this strange but very compelling idea of how<00:09:09.120> to<00:09:09.180> unify<00:09:09.660> the<00:09:09.720> laws<00:09:10.050> of<00:09:10.230> physics<00:09:10.380> had how to unify the laws of physics had how to unify the laws of physics had gone<00:09:11.370> away<00:09:12.470> until<00:09:13.470> something<00:09:13.980> wonderful gone away until something wonderful gone away until something wonderful happened<00:09:14.910> in<00:09:15.060> our<00:09:15.300> age<00:09:15.630> in<00:09:15.959> our<00:09:16.529> era<00:09:16.920> a<00:09:17.190> new happened in our age in our era a new happened in our age in our era a new approach<00:09:18.089> to<00:09:18.360> unify<00:09:18.779> the<00:09:18.839> laws<00:09:19.140> of<00:09:19.350> physics<00:09:19.470> is approach to unify the laws of physics is approach to unify the laws of physics is being<00:09:20.130> pursued<00:09:20.519> by<00:09:20.580> physicists<00:09:21.480> such<00:09:21.630> as being pursued by physicists such as being pursued by physicists such as myself<00:09:22.170> many<00:09:22.380> others<00:09:22.620> around<00:09:22.740> the<00:09:23.010> world<00:09:23.220> it's myself many others around the world it's myself many others around the world it's called<00:09:24.060> super<00:09:24.839> string<00:09:25.079> theory<00:09:25.350> as<00:09:25.620> you<00:09:26.010> were called super string theory as you were called super string theory as you were indicating<00:09:26.519> and<00:09:27.089> the<00:09:27.990> wonderful<00:09:28.769> thing<00:09:29.040> is indicating and the wonderful thing is indicating and the wonderful thing is that<00:09:29.250> super<00:09:29.850> string<00:09:30.089> theory<00:09:30.390> has<00:09:30.839> nothing<00:09:31.380> to that super string theory has nothing to that super string theory has nothing to do<00:09:31.680> at<00:09:31.890> first<00:09:31.920> sight<00:09:32.519> with<00:09:33.149> this<00:09:33.329> idea<00:09:33.779> of do at first sight with this idea of do at first sight with this idea of extra<00:09:34.410> dimensions<00:09:34.980> but<00:09:35.850> when<00:09:36.000> we<00:09:36.089> study<00:09:36.360> super extra dimensions but when we study super extra dimensions but when we study super string<00:09:36.930> theory<00:09:37.110> we<00:09:37.230> find<00:09:37.500> that<00:09:37.620> it<00:09:37.740> resurrects string theory we find that it resurrects string theory we find that it resurrects the<00:09:38.640> idea<00:09:39.269> in<00:09:39.390> a<00:09:39.480> sparkling<00:09:40.260> new<00:09:40.709> form<00:09:41.070> so<00:09:41.519> let the idea in a sparkling new form so let the idea in a sparkling new form so let me<00:09:41.700> just<00:09:41.880> tell<00:09:42.089> you<00:09:42.180> how<00:09:42.329> that<00:09:42.510> goes<00:09:42.540> super me just tell you how that goes super me just tell you how that goes super string<00:09:43.380> theory<00:09:43.620> what<00:09:43.860> is<00:09:43.980> it string theory what is it string theory what is it well<00:09:44.730> it's<00:09:44.850> a<00:09:44.880> theory<00:09:45.149> that<00:09:45.209> tries<00:09:45.540> to<00:09:45.570> answer well it's a theory that tries to answer well it's a theory that tries to answer the<00:09:46.200> question<00:09:46.620> what<00:09:47.130> are<00:09:47.160> the<00:09:47.399> basic the question what are the basic the question what are the basic fundamental<00:09:48.950> indivisible<00:09:49.970> uncuttable fundamental indivisible uncuttable fundamental indivisible uncuttable constituents<00:09:51.990> making<00:09:52.950> up<00:09:53.070> everything<00:09:54.060> in<00:09:54.180> the constituents making up everything in the constituents making up everything in the world<00:09:54.420> around<00:09:55.140> us<00:09:55.410> the<00:09:55.680> idea<00:09:56.610> is<00:09:56.880> like<00:09:57.149> this<00:09:57.209> so world around us the idea is like this so world around us the idea is like this so imagine<00:09:58.560> we<00:09:59.279> look<00:09:59.490> at<00:09:59.670> a<00:09:59.700> familiar<00:10:00.209> object imagine we look at a familiar object imagine we look at a familiar object just<00:10:01.350> a<00:10:01.470> candle<00:10:02.040> and<00:10:02.100> a<00:10:02.190> holder<00:10:02.579> and<00:10:02.790> imagine just a candle and a holder and imagine just a candle and a holder and imagine that<00:10:03.540> we<00:10:03.690> want<00:10:03.870> to<00:10:04.079> figure<00:10:04.529> out<00:10:04.709> what<00:10:04.980> it<00:10:05.160> is that we want to figure out what it is that we want to figure out what it is made<00:10:05.550> of<00:10:05.760> so<00:10:05.970> we<00:10:06.089> go<00:10:06.209> on<00:10:06.329> a<00:10:06.360> journey<00:10:06.480> deep made of so we go on a journey deep made of so we go on a journey deep inside<00:10:07.829> the<00:10:08.070> object<00:10:08.490> and<00:10:08.610> examine<00:10:09.149> the inside the object and examine the inside the object and examine the constituents<00:10:10.589> so<00:10:10.980> deep<00:10:11.160> inside<00:10:11.550> we<00:10:11.700> all<00:10:11.850> know constituents so deep inside we all know constituents so deep inside we all know you<00:10:12.149> go<00:10:12.360> sufficiently<00:10:12.570> far<00:10:12.870> down<00:10:13.290> you<00:10:13.470> have you go sufficiently far down you have you go sufficiently far down you have atoms<00:10:14.040> we<00:10:14.520> also<00:10:14.730> all<00:10:15.000> know<00:10:15.029> that<00:10:15.360> atoms<00:10:15.660> are atoms we also all know that atoms are atoms we also all know that atoms are not<00:10:15.870> the<00:10:16.020> end<00:10:16.170> of<00:10:16.290> the<00:10:16.380> story not the end of the story not the end of the story they<00:10:17.220> have<00:10:17.370> little<00:10:17.579> electrons<00:10:18.570> that<00:10:18.810> swarm they have little electrons that swarm they have little electrons that swarm around<00:10:19.589> a<00:10:19.709> central<00:10:20.070> nucleus<00:10:20.310> with<00:10:20.820> neutrons around a central nucleus with neutrons around a central nucleus with neutrons and<00:10:21.420> protons<00:10:21.680> even<00:10:22.680> the<00:10:22.740> neutrons<00:10:23.130> and and protons even the neutrons and and protons even the neutrons and protons<00:10:23.339> have<00:10:23.850> smaller<00:10:24.209> particles<00:10:24.779> inside<00:10:25.110> of protons have smaller particles inside of protons have smaller particles inside of them<00:10:25.440> known<00:10:26.070> as<00:10:26.310> quarks<00:10:26.910> that<00:10:27.209> is<00:10:27.750> where them known as quarks that is where them known as quarks that is where conventional<00:10:28.500> ideas<00:10:28.920> stop<00:10:29.690> here<00:10:30.690> is<00:10:30.779> the<00:10:30.899> new conventional ideas stop here is the new conventional ideas stop here is the new idea<00:10:31.410> of<00:10:31.470> string<00:10:31.770> theory<00:10:31.980> deep<00:10:32.760> inside<00:10:33.209> any<00:10:33.570> of idea of string theory deep inside any of idea of string theory deep inside any of these<00:10:33.990> particles<00:10:34.529> there<00:10:35.010> is<00:10:35.220> something<00:10:36.120> else these particles there is something else these particles there is something else there's<00:10:36.959> something<00:10:37.290> else<00:10:37.440> is<00:10:37.589> this<00:10:37.709> dancing there's something else is this dancing there's something else is this dancing filament<00:10:38.970> of<00:10:39.120> energy<00:10:39.480> it<00:10:39.630> looks<00:10:39.870> like<00:10:40.110> a filament of energy it looks like a filament of energy it looks like a vibrating<00:10:40.829> string<00:10:40.950> that's<00:10:41.850> where<00:10:42.180> the<00:10:42.300> idea vibrating string that's where the idea vibrating string that's where the idea of<00:10:42.660> string<00:10:42.990> theory<00:10:43.260> comes<00:10:43.589> from<00:10:43.890> and<00:10:44.100> just of string theory comes from and just of string theory comes from and just like<00:10:44.790> the<00:10:45.089> vibrating<00:10:45.540> strings<00:10:45.839> that<00:10:45.959> you<00:10:46.079> just like the vibrating strings that you just like the vibrating strings that you just saw<00:10:46.470> on<00:10:46.560> a<00:10:46.649> cello<00:10:46.920> can<00:10:47.160> vibrate<00:10:47.640> in<00:10:47.730> different saw on a cello can vibrate in different saw on a cello can vibrate in different patterns<00:10:48.449> these<00:10:49.050> can<00:10:49.260> also<00:10:49.440> vibrate<00:10:50.010> in patterns these can also vibrate in patterns these can also vibrate in different<00:10:50.130> patterns<00:10:50.550> they<00:10:51.120> don't<00:10:51.390> produce different patterns they don't produce different patterns they don't produce different<00:10:52.230> musical<00:10:52.529> notes<00:10:52.589> rather<00:10:53.070> they different musical notes rather they different musical notes rather they produce<00:10:53.610> the<00:10:54.240> different<00:10:54.630> particles<00:10:54.959> making produce the different particles making produce the different particles making up<00:10:55.589> the<00:10:55.770> world<00:10:55.949> around<00:10:56.250> us<00:10:56.520> so<00:10:57.000> these<00:10:57.180> ideas up the world around us so these ideas up the world around us so these ideas are<00:10:57.750> correct<00:10:57.870> this<00:10:58.350> is<00:10:58.529> what<00:10:58.740> the are correct this is what the are correct this is what the ultra-microscopic<00:10:59.640> landscape<00:11:00.540> of<00:11:00.720> the ultra-microscopic landscape of the ultra-microscopic landscape of the universe<00:11:02.130> looks<00:11:02.430> like<00:11:02.670> it's<00:11:02.940> built<00:11:03.420> up<00:11:03.630> of<00:11:03.870> a universe looks like it's built up of a universe looks like it's built up of a huge<00:11:04.410> number<00:11:04.470> of<00:11:04.949> these<00:11:05.370> little<00:11:05.820> tiny huge number of these little tiny huge number of these little tiny filaments<00:11:06.990> of<00:11:07.589> vibrating<00:11:08.250> energy<00:11:08.730> vibrating filaments of vibrating energy vibrating filaments of vibrating energy vibrating in<00:11:09.839> different<00:11:10.230> frequencies<00:11:10.410> the<00:11:11.279> different in different frequencies the different in different frequencies the different frequencies<00:11:12.180> produce<00:11:12.660> the<00:11:12.870> different frequencies produce the different frequencies produce the different particles<00:11:13.709> the<00:11:14.339> different<00:11:14.610> particles<00:11:15.120> are particles the different particles are particles the different particles are responsible<00:11:16.829> for<00:11:17.520> all<00:11:17.730> the<00:11:18.029> richness responsible for all the richness responsible for all the richness in<00:11:18.720> the<00:11:18.930> world<00:11:19.140> around<00:11:19.560> us<00:11:19.800> and<00:11:20.010> there<00:11:20.280> you<00:11:20.460> see in the world around us and there you see in the world around us and there you see unification<00:11:21.540> because<00:11:22.170> matter<00:11:22.530> particles unification because matter particles unification because matter particles electrons<00:11:23.850> and<00:11:24.060> quarks<00:11:24.560> radiation<00:11:25.560> particles electrons and quarks radiation particles electrons and quarks radiation particles photons photons photons gravitons<00:11:27.900> are<00:11:27.990> all<00:11:28.530> built<00:11:28.890> up<00:11:29.130> from<00:11:29.700> one gravitons are all built up from one gravitons are all built up from one entity<00:11:30.330> so<00:11:31.260> matter<00:11:31.560> and<00:11:31.860> the<00:11:31.920> forces<00:11:32.370> of entity so matter and the forces of entity so matter and the forces of nature<00:11:32.520> all<00:11:32.970> are<00:11:33.830> put<00:11:34.830> together<00:11:35.040> under<00:11:35.640> the nature all are put together under the nature all are put together under the rubric<00:11:35.970> of<00:11:36.300> vibrating<00:11:36.900> strings<00:11:37.230> and<00:11:37.530> that's rubric of vibrating strings and that's rubric of vibrating strings and that's what<00:11:38.250> we<00:11:38.370> mean<00:11:38.580> by<00:11:38.820> a<00:11:39.330> unified<00:11:39.930> theory<00:11:40.350> and what we mean by a unified theory and what we mean by a unified theory and here<00:11:41.610> is<00:11:41.730> the<00:11:42.090> catch<00:11:43.010> when<00:11:44.010> you<00:11:44.160> study<00:11:44.460> the here is the catch when you study the here is the catch when you study the mathematics<00:11:45.360> of<00:11:45.480> string<00:11:45.540> there<00:11:45.990> you<00:11:46.140> find mathematics of string there you find mathematics of string there you find that<00:11:46.560> it<00:11:46.680> doesn't<00:11:46.950> work<00:11:47.310> in<00:11:47.700> a<00:11:47.790> universe<00:11:48.180> that that it doesn't work in a universe that that it doesn't work in a universe that just<00:11:48.630> has<00:11:48.780> three<00:11:49.110> dimensions<00:11:49.590> of<00:11:49.710> space just has three dimensions of space just has three dimensions of space it<00:11:50.850> doesn't<00:11:51.210> work<00:11:51.360> in<00:11:51.660> a<00:11:51.810> universe<00:11:52.200> with<00:11:52.380> four it doesn't work in a universe with four it doesn't work in a universe with four dimensions<00:11:53.310> of<00:11:53.430> space<00:11:53.610> nor<00:11:53.850> 5<00:11:54.060> nor<00:11:54.270> 6 dimensions of space nor 5 nor 6 dimensions of space nor 5 nor 6 finally<00:11:55.980> you<00:11:56.430> can<00:11:56.580> study<00:11:57.120> the<00:11:57.300> equations<00:11:57.750> and finally you can study the equations and finally you can study the equations and show<00:11:58.050> that<00:11:58.200> it<00:11:58.350> works<00:11:58.500> only<00:11:58.740> in<00:11:59.160> a<00:11:59.220> universe show that it works only in a universe show that it works only in a universe that<00:11:59.880> has<00:12:00.420> ten<00:12:00.870> dimensions<00:12:01.380> of<00:12:01.740> space<00:12:02.010> and<00:12:02.250> one that has ten dimensions of space and one that has ten dimensions of space and one dimension<00:12:04.260> of<00:12:04.350> time<00:12:05.270> leads<00:12:06.270> us<00:12:06.420> right<00:12:06.510> back<00:12:07.020> to dimension of time leads us right back to dimension of time leads us right back to this<00:12:07.800> idea<00:12:08.190> of<00:12:08.280> Kaluza<00:12:08.970> and<00:12:09.000> Klein<00:12:09.120> that<00:12:09.960> our this idea of Kaluza and Klein that our this idea of Kaluza and Klein that our world<00:12:10.410> when<00:12:11.010> appropriately<00:12:11.760> described<00:12:12.210> has world when appropriately described has world when appropriately described has more<00:12:13.170> dimensions<00:12:13.740> than<00:12:14.340> the<00:12:14.910> ones<00:12:15.180> that<00:12:15.540> we more dimensions than the ones that we more dimensions than the ones that we see<00:12:15.960> now<00:12:16.950> you<00:12:17.040> might<00:12:17.340> think<00:12:17.760> about<00:12:17.850> that<00:12:18.030> and see now you might think about that and see now you might think about that and say<00:12:18.510> well<00:12:18.750> ok<00:12:19.320> you<00:12:19.380> know<00:12:19.680> if<00:12:19.770> you<00:12:19.860> have<00:12:19.980> extra say well ok you know if you have extra say well ok you know if you have extra dimensions<00:12:20.940> and<00:12:21.090> they're<00:12:21.180> really<00:12:21.330> tightly dimensions and they're really tightly dimensions and they're really tightly curled<00:12:22.080> up<00:12:22.350> yeah<00:12:22.920> perhaps<00:12:23.190> perhaps<00:12:23.970> we<00:12:24.210> won't curled up yeah perhaps perhaps we won't curled up yeah perhaps perhaps we won't see<00:12:24.720> them<00:12:24.960> if<00:12:25.170> they're<00:12:25.320> small<00:12:25.560> enough<00:12:25.590> but<00:12:26.070> you see them if they're small enough but you see them if they're small enough but you know<00:12:26.670> if<00:12:26.790> there's<00:12:26.940> a<00:12:27.000> little<00:12:27.240> tiny know if there's a little tiny know if there's a little tiny civilization<00:12:28.200> of<00:12:28.290> green<00:12:28.440> people<00:12:28.650> walking civilization of green people walking civilization of green people walking around<00:12:29.280> down<00:12:29.460> there<00:12:29.610> you<00:12:29.700> make<00:12:29.850> them<00:12:30.030> small around down there you make them small around down there you make them small enough<00:12:30.510> and<00:12:30.660> we<00:12:30.750> won't<00:12:30.930> see<00:12:31.080> them<00:12:31.260> either<00:12:32.060> that enough and we won't see them either that enough and we won't see them either that is<00:12:33.240> true<00:12:33.540> one<00:12:34.170> of<00:12:34.260> the<00:12:34.350> other<00:12:34.650> predictions<00:12:35.430> of is true one of the other predictions of is true one of the other predictions of string<00:12:36.210> theory<00:12:36.770> no<00:12:37.770> that's<00:12:38.070> not<00:12:38.250> one<00:12:38.460> of<00:12:38.550> the string theory no that's not one of the string theory no that's not one of the other<00:12:38.760> predictions<00:12:39.300> of<00:12:39.390> string<00:12:39.660> theory<00:12:40.400> but other predictions of string theory but other predictions of string theory but it<00:12:41.760> raises<00:12:42.030> the<00:12:42.270> question<00:12:42.300> are<00:12:42.840> we<00:12:42.930> just it raises the question are we just it raises the question are we just trying<00:12:43.200> to<00:12:43.350> hide<00:12:43.560> away<00:12:43.740> these<00:12:44.070> extra trying to hide away these extra trying to hide away these extra dimensions<00:12:44.520> or<00:12:45.410> do<00:12:46.410> they<00:12:46.530> tell<00:12:46.770> us<00:12:46.920> something dimensions or do they tell us something dimensions or do they tell us something about<00:12:47.280> the<00:12:47.580> world<00:12:47.790> and<00:12:48.060> the<00:12:48.660> remaining<00:12:48.960> time about the world and the remaining time about the world and the remaining time I'd<00:12:49.440> like<00:12:49.590> to<00:12:49.710> tell<00:12:49.890> you<00:12:49.920> two<00:12:50.280> features<00:12:50.670> of I'd like to tell you two features of I'd like to tell you two features of them<00:12:51.410> first<00:12:52.410> is<00:12:52.680> many<00:12:53.430> of<00:12:53.520> us<00:12:53.700> believe<00:12:54.090> that them first is many of us believe that them first is many of us believe that these<00:12:55.020> extra<00:12:55.380> dimensions<00:12:55.860> hold<00:12:56.190> the<00:12:56.400> answer these extra dimensions hold the answer these extra dimensions hold the answer to<00:12:57.290> what<00:12:58.290> perhaps<00:12:58.500> is<00:12:58.950> the<00:12:59.520> deepest<00:13:00.030> question to what perhaps is the deepest question to what perhaps is the deepest question in<00:13:00.950> theoretical<00:13:01.950> physics<00:13:02.280> theoretical in theoretical physics theoretical in theoretical physics theoretical science<00:13:03.570> and<00:13:03.720> that<00:13:03.780> question<00:13:03.990> is<00:13:04.200> this<00:13:04.380> when science and that question is this when science and that question is this when we<00:13:05.430> look<00:13:05.670> around<00:13:05.820> the<00:13:06.090> world<00:13:06.180> as<00:13:06.800> scientists we look around the world as scientists we look around the world as scientists have<00:13:07.860> done<00:13:08.070> for<00:13:08.280> the<00:13:08.340> last<00:13:08.490> hundred<00:13:08.670> years have done for the last hundred years have done for the last hundred years there<00:13:09.210> appear<00:13:09.540> to<00:13:09.630> be<00:13:09.750> about<00:13:09.870> 20<00:13:10.560> numbers<00:13:10.950> that there appear to be about 20 numbers that there appear to be about 20 numbers that really<00:13:11.730> describe<00:13:12.690> our<00:13:12.960> universe<00:13:13.500> these<00:13:13.680> are really describe our universe these are really describe our universe these are numbers<00:13:14.130> like<00:13:14.160> the<00:13:14.460> mass<00:13:14.760> of<00:13:14.970> the<00:13:15.060> particles numbers like the mass of the particles numbers like the mass of the particles like<00:13:15.690> electrons<00:13:15.750> and<00:13:16.380> quarks<00:13:16.650> the<00:13:17.250> strength like electrons and quarks the strength like electrons and quarks the strength of<00:13:17.970> gravity<00:13:18.510> the<00:13:18.630> strength<00:13:19.050> of<00:13:19.320> the of gravity the strength of the of gravity the strength of the electromagnetic<00:13:19.800> force<00:13:20.400> a<00:13:20.490> list<00:13:20.670> of<00:13:20.790> about<00:13:20.910> 20 electromagnetic force a list of about 20 electromagnetic force a list of about 20 numbers<00:13:21.750> that<00:13:22.260> have<00:13:22.470> been<00:13:22.500> measured<00:13:23.130> with numbers that have been measured with numbers that have been measured with incredible<00:13:24.390> precision<00:13:24.600> but<00:13:25.440> nobody<00:13:25.890> has<00:13:26.070> an incredible precision but nobody has an incredible precision but nobody has an explanation<00:13:26.610> for<00:13:26.970> why<00:13:27.240> the<00:13:27.300> numbers<00:13:27.720> have<00:13:27.900> the explanation for why the numbers have the explanation for why the numbers have the particular<00:13:28.580> values<00:13:29.580> that<00:13:30.180> they<00:13:30.420> do<00:13:30.830> now particular values that they do now particular values that they do now the<00:13:33.899> string<00:13:34.170> theory<00:13:34.380> often<00:13:34.649> answer<00:13:34.890> not<00:13:35.070> yet the string theory often answer not yet the string theory often answer not yet but<00:13:35.580> we<00:13:35.670> believe<00:13:36.029> the<00:13:36.209> answer<00:13:36.600> for<00:13:36.750> why<00:13:36.990> those but we believe the answer for why those but we believe the answer for why those numbers<00:13:37.380> have<00:13:37.709> devised<00:13:37.980> they<00:13:38.250> do<00:13:38.310> may<00:13:38.730> rely<00:13:39.149> on numbers have devised they do may rely on numbers have devised they do may rely on the<00:13:39.990> form<00:13:40.350> of<00:13:40.500> the<00:13:40.560> extra<00:13:40.920> dimensions<00:13:40.950> and<00:13:41.580> the the form of the extra dimensions and the the form of the extra dimensions and the wonderful<00:13:42.060> thing<00:13:42.269> is<00:13:42.300> if<00:13:43.019> those<00:13:43.440> numbers<00:13:43.680> had wonderful thing is if those numbers had wonderful thing is if those numbers had any<00:13:44.279> other<00:13:44.519> values<00:13:45.000> than<00:13:45.180> the<00:13:45.360> known<00:13:45.779> ones<00:13:46.110> the any other values than the known ones the any other values than the known ones the universe<00:13:47.160> as<00:13:47.339> we<00:13:47.640> know<00:13:47.670> it<00:13:47.970> wouldn't<00:13:48.330> exist universe as we know it wouldn't exist universe as we know it wouldn't exist this<00:13:50.070> is<00:13:50.220> a<00:13:50.250> deep<00:13:50.579> question<00:13:50.610> why<00:13:51.360> those this is a deep question why those this is a deep question why those numbers<00:13:51.779> so<00:13:52.079> finely<00:13:52.649> tuned<00:13:52.950> to<00:13:53.519> allow<00:13:53.700> stars numbers so finely tuned to allow stars numbers so finely tuned to allow stars to<00:13:54.390> shine<00:13:54.600> and<00:13:54.839> planets<00:13:55.230> to<00:13:55.350> form<00:13:55.620> when<00:13:55.829> we to shine and planets to form when we to shine and planets to form when we recognize<00:13:56.550> that<00:13:56.850> if<00:13:57.180> you<00:13:57.300> fiddle<00:13:57.660> with<00:13:57.750> those recognize that if you fiddle with those recognize that if you fiddle with those numbers<00:13:58.230> if<00:13:58.380> I<00:13:58.529> had<00:13:59.100> 20<00:13:59.310> dials<00:13:59.970> up<00:14:00.120> here<00:14:00.329> and numbers if I had 20 dials up here and numbers if I had 20 dials up here and I'll<00:14:00.480> let<00:14:00.510> you<00:14:00.690> come<00:14:00.870> up<00:14:00.990> and<00:14:01.140> fiddle<00:14:01.440> with I'll let you come up and fiddle with I'll let you come up and fiddle with those<00:14:01.680> numbers<00:14:01.829> almost<00:14:02.610> any<00:14:02.790> fiddling<00:14:03.269> makes those numbers almost any fiddling makes those numbers almost any fiddling makes the<00:14:05.430> universe<00:14:05.760> disappear<00:14:06.300> so<00:14:06.899> can<00:14:07.200> we<00:14:07.380> explain the universe disappear so can we explain the universe disappear so can we explain those<00:14:08.370> twenty<00:14:09.060> numbers<00:14:09.390> and<00:14:09.630> string<00:14:10.170> theory those twenty numbers and string theory those twenty numbers and string theory suggests<00:14:10.890> that<00:14:10.980> those<00:14:11.220> twenty<00:14:11.519> numbers<00:14:11.790> have suggests that those twenty numbers have suggests that those twenty numbers have to<00:14:12.390> do<00:14:12.570> with<00:14:12.870> the<00:14:12.990> extra<00:14:13.260> dimensions<00:14:13.829> let<00:14:14.459> me to do with the extra dimensions let me to do with the extra dimensions let me show<00:14:14.700> you<00:14:14.760> how<00:14:15.170> so<00:14:16.170> when<00:14:16.320> we<00:14:16.470> talk<00:14:17.010> about<00:14:17.190> the show you how so when we talk about the show you how so when we talk about the extra<00:14:17.760> dimensions<00:14:18.269> in<00:14:18.540> string<00:14:18.750> theory<00:14:19.170> it's extra dimensions in string theory it's extra dimensions in string theory it's not<00:14:19.920> one<00:14:20.459> extra<00:14:20.910> dimension<00:14:21.390> as<00:14:21.540> in<00:14:21.930> the<00:14:22.019> older not one extra dimension as in the older not one extra dimension as in the older ideas<00:14:22.769> of<00:14:23.070> Kaluza<00:14:23.760> and<00:14:23.940> Klein<00:14:24.260> this<00:14:25.260> is<00:14:25.320> what ideas of Kaluza and Klein this is what ideas of Kaluza and Klein this is what string<00:14:25.950> theory<00:14:26.190> says<00:14:26.220> about<00:14:26.670> the<00:14:26.820> extra string theory says about the extra string theory says about the extra dimensions<00:14:27.630> they<00:14:28.200> have<00:14:28.350> a<00:14:28.380> very<00:14:28.769> rich dimensions they have a very rich dimensions they have a very rich intertwined<00:14:31.100> geometry<00:14:32.100> this<00:14:32.250> is<00:14:32.310> an<00:14:32.640> example intertwined geometry this is an example intertwined geometry this is an example of<00:14:33.209> something<00:14:33.420> known<00:14:33.660> as<00:14:33.690> a<00:14:33.810> claw<00:14:34.230> be<00:14:34.290> a<00:14:34.440> shape of something known as a claw be a shape of something known as a claw be a shape name<00:14:35.610> isn't<00:14:35.910> all<00:14:36.120> that<00:14:36.149> important<00:14:37.079> but<00:14:37.680> as<00:14:37.829> you name isn't all that important but as you name isn't all that important but as you can<00:14:38.160> see<00:14:38.430> the<00:14:39.029> extra<00:14:39.410> dimensions<00:14:40.410> fold<00:14:40.829> in<00:14:41.070> on can see the extra dimensions fold in on can see the extra dimensions fold in on themselves<00:14:41.730> and<00:14:42.360> intertwine<00:14:43.020> in<00:14:43.380> a<00:14:43.470> very themselves and intertwine in a very themselves and intertwine in a very interesting<00:14:44.130> shape<00:14:44.610> interesting<00:14:45.149> structure interesting shape interesting structure interesting shape interesting structure and<00:14:45.839> the<00:14:46.500> idea<00:14:46.770> is<00:14:46.890> that<00:14:46.920> if<00:14:47.220> this<00:14:47.459> is<00:14:47.520> what<00:14:47.810> the and the idea is that if this is what the and the idea is that if this is what the extra<00:14:49.589> dimensions<00:14:50.130> look<00:14:50.370> like<00:14:50.670> then<00:14:51.180> the extra dimensions look like then the extra dimensions look like then the microscopic<00:14:51.839> landscape<00:14:52.560> of<00:14:52.709> our<00:14:52.890> universe microscopic landscape of our universe microscopic landscape of our universe all<00:14:53.610> around<00:14:54.089> us<00:14:54.360> would<00:14:54.990> look<00:14:55.170> like<00:14:55.410> this<00:14:55.709> on all around us would look like this on all around us would look like this on the<00:14:56.070> tiniest<00:14:56.520> of<00:14:56.700> scales<00:14:56.970> when<00:14:57.209> you<00:14:57.300> swing the tiniest of scales when you swing the tiniest of scales when you swing your<00:14:57.779> hand<00:14:58.079> you'd<00:14:58.290> be<00:14:58.380> moving<00:14:58.589> around<00:14:58.890> these your hand you'd be moving around these your hand you'd be moving around these extra<00:14:59.520> dimensions<00:14:59.640> over<00:15:00.209> and<00:15:00.329> over<00:15:00.540> again<00:15:00.630> but extra dimensions over and over again but extra dimensions over and over again but they're<00:15:01.470> so<00:15:01.649> small<00:15:01.980> that<00:15:02.130> we<00:15:02.279> wouldn't<00:15:02.640> know they're so small that we wouldn't know they're so small that we wouldn't know it<00:15:03.000> so<00:15:03.480> what<00:15:03.660> is<00:15:03.750> the<00:15:03.899> physical<00:15:04.290> implication it so what is the physical implication it so what is the physical implication though<00:15:05.100> relevant<00:15:05.550> to<00:15:05.640> those<00:15:05.730> twenty<00:15:06.060> numbers though relevant to those twenty numbers though relevant to those twenty numbers consider<00:15:06.930> this<00:15:07.170> if<00:15:07.740> you<00:15:07.829> look<00:15:08.040> at<00:15:08.160> the consider this if you look at the consider this if you look at the instrument<00:15:09.209> of<00:15:09.270> French<00:15:09.480> horn<00:15:09.750> notice<00:15:10.079> that instrument of French horn notice that instrument of French horn notice that the<00:15:10.320> vibrations<00:15:11.100> of<00:15:11.220> the<00:15:11.279> airstreams<00:15:11.760> are the vibrations of the airstreams are the vibrations of the airstreams are affected<00:15:12.390> by<00:15:12.480> the<00:15:12.540> shape<00:15:13.020> of<00:15:13.200> the<00:15:13.500> instrument affected by the shape of the instrument affected by the shape of the instrument now<00:15:14.610> in<00:15:14.760> string<00:15:15.060> theory<00:15:15.300> all<00:15:15.510> the<00:15:15.839> numbers<00:15:16.260> are now in string theory all the numbers are now in string theory all the numbers are reflections<00:15:17.730> of<00:15:17.820> the<00:15:17.910> way<00:15:18.029> strings<00:15:18.540> can reflections of the way strings can reflections of the way strings can vibrate<00:15:18.870> so<00:15:19.800> just<00:15:20.070> as<00:15:20.160> those<00:15:20.279> air<00:15:20.579> streams<00:15:21.029> are vibrate so just as those air streams are vibrate so just as those air streams are affected<00:15:21.779> by<00:15:21.870> the<00:15:21.930> twists<00:15:22.470> and<00:15:22.620> turns<00:15:22.860> in<00:15:23.339> the affected by the twists and turns in the affected by the twists and turns in the instrument<00:15:23.899> strings<00:15:24.899> themselves<00:15:25.140> will<00:15:25.560> be instrument strings themselves will be instrument strings themselves will be affected<00:15:26.130> by<00:15:26.160> the<00:15:26.279> vibrational<00:15:27.180> patterns<00:15:27.600> and affected by the vibrational patterns and affected by the vibrational patterns and the<00:15:27.810> geometry<00:15:28.589> within<00:15:29.070> which<00:15:29.430> they<00:15:29.670> are the geometry within which they are the geometry within which they are moving<00:15:30.149> so<00:15:30.390> let<00:15:30.540> me<00:15:30.630> bring<00:15:30.839> some<00:15:30.870> strings<00:15:31.350> into moving so let me bring some strings into moving so let me bring some strings into the<00:15:31.740> story<00:15:32.010> and<00:15:32.310> if<00:15:32.730> you<00:15:32.820> watch<00:15:32.850> these<00:15:33.329> little the story and if you watch these little the story and if you watch these little fellas<00:15:33.959> vibrating<00:15:34.649> around<00:15:34.740> they'll<00:15:35.459> be<00:15:35.550> here fellas vibrating around they'll be here fellas vibrating around they'll be here in<00:15:35.760> a<00:15:35.880> second<00:15:36.209> right<00:15:36.329> there<00:15:36.540> notice<00:15:37.019> that<00:15:37.230> the in a second right there notice that the in a second right there notice that the way<00:15:37.620> they<00:15:37.920> vibrate<00:15:38.579> is<00:15:38.730> affected<00:15:39.390> by<00:15:39.540> the way they vibrate is affected by the way they vibrate is affected by the geometry<00:15:40.410> of<00:15:40.440> the<00:15:40.529> extra<00:15:40.829> dimensions<00:15:41.370> so<00:15:41.850> if geometry of the extra dimensions so if geometry of the extra dimensions so if we<00:15:42.360> knew<00:15:42.570> exactly<00:15:42.720> what<00:15:43.260> the<00:15:43.500> extra we knew exactly what the extra we knew exactly what the extra dimensions<00:15:44.220> look<00:15:44.279> like<00:15:44.640> we<00:15:44.940> don't<00:15:45.180> yet<00:15:45.390> but<00:15:45.570> if dimensions look like we don't yet but if dimensions look like we don't yet but if we we we we<00:15:46.470> should<00:15:46.710> be<00:15:46.830> able<00:15:46.950> to<00:15:47.100> calculate<00:15:47.460> the we should be able to calculate the we should be able to calculate the allowed<00:15:48.300> notes<00:15:48.660> the<00:15:49.290> allowed<00:15:49.590> vibrational allowed notes the allowed vibrational allowed notes the allowed vibrational patterns<00:15:50.820> and<00:15:51.090> if<00:15:51.390> we<00:15:51.510> could<00:15:51.690> calculate<00:15:51.990> the patterns and if we could calculate the patterns and if we could calculate the allowed<00:15:52.560> vibrational<00:15:53.250> patterns<00:15:53.640> we<00:15:54.270> should allowed vibrational patterns we should allowed vibrational patterns we should be<00:15:54.540> able<00:15:54.630> to<00:15:54.780> calculate<00:15:55.470> those<00:15:56.430> 20<00:15:56.880> numbers be able to calculate those 20 numbers be able to calculate those 20 numbers and<00:15:57.450> if<00:15:57.870> the<00:15:58.020> answer<00:15:58.500> that<00:15:58.680> we<00:15:58.860> get<00:15:59.220> from<00:15:59.580> our and if the answer that we get from our and if the answer that we get from our calculations<00:16:00.800> agrees<00:16:01.800> with<00:16:02.160> the<00:16:02.310> values<00:16:02.760> of calculations agrees with the values of calculations agrees with the values of those<00:16:03.030> numbers<00:16:03.570> that<00:16:03.840> have<00:16:04.080> been<00:16:04.110> determined those numbers that have been determined those numbers that have been determined through<00:16:05.240> detailed<00:16:06.240> and<00:16:06.480> precise through detailed and precise through detailed and precise experimentation<00:16:08.010> this<00:16:08.820> in<00:16:09.060> many<00:16:09.270> ways<00:16:09.570> would experimentation this in many ways would experimentation this in many ways would be<00:16:10.320> the<00:16:10.470> first<00:16:10.830> fundamental<00:16:11.550> explanation<00:16:12.410> for be the first fundamental explanation for be the first fundamental explanation for why<00:16:13.620> the<00:16:13.680> structure<00:16:14.610> of<00:16:14.790> the<00:16:14.910> universe<00:16:15.330> is<00:16:15.540> the why the structure of the universe is the why the structure of the universe is the way<00:16:16.650> it<00:16:16.680> is<00:16:17.090> now<00:16:18.090> the<00:16:18.480> second<00:16:18.870> issue<00:16:18.990> that<00:16:19.140> I way it is now the second issue that I way it is now the second issue that I want<00:16:19.530> to<00:16:19.620> finish<00:16:19.710> up<00:16:19.950> with<00:16:20.010> is<00:16:20.660> how<00:16:21.660> might<00:16:21.960> we want to finish up with is how might we want to finish up with is how might we test<00:16:23.310> for<00:16:23.820> these<00:16:23.910> extra<00:16:24.330> dimensions<00:16:24.840> more test for these extra dimensions more test for these extra dimensions more directly<00:16:26.220> is<00:16:26.400> this<00:16:27.000> just<00:16:27.450> an<00:16:27.660> interesting directly is this just an interesting directly is this just an interesting mathematical<00:16:29.100> structure<00:16:29.640> that<00:16:29.790> might<00:16:30.090> be mathematical structure that might be mathematical structure that might be able<00:16:30.540> to<00:16:30.800> explain<00:16:31.800> some<00:16:32.540> previously able to explain some previously able to explain some previously unexplained<00:16:34.410> features<00:16:34.830> of<00:16:34.980> the<00:16:35.070> world<00:16:35.280> or<00:16:35.760> can unexplained features of the world or can unexplained features of the world or can we<00:16:36.630> actually<00:16:36.960> test<00:16:37.260> for<00:16:37.380> these<00:16:37.560> extra we actually test for these extra we actually test for these extra dimensions<00:16:37.920> and<00:16:38.430> we<00:16:38.550> think<00:16:38.880> this<00:16:39.420> is<00:16:39.480> I<00:16:39.840> think dimensions and we think this is I think dimensions and we think this is I think very<00:16:40.350> exciting<00:16:40.500> that<00:16:41.370> in<00:16:41.460> the<00:16:41.520> next<00:16:41.820> five very exciting that in the next five very exciting that in the next five years<00:16:42.150> or<00:16:42.630> so<00:16:42.840> we<00:16:43.410> may<00:16:43.680> be<00:16:43.710> able<00:16:44.130> to<00:16:44.280> test<00:16:44.790> for years or so we may be able to test for years or so we may be able to test for the<00:16:45.600> existence<00:16:46.020> of<00:16:46.170> these<00:16:46.320> extra<00:16:46.620> dimensions the existence of these extra dimensions the existence of these extra dimensions here's<00:16:47.580> how<00:16:47.730> it<00:16:47.880> goes<00:16:48.350> in<00:16:49.850> CERN<00:16:50.850> Geneva here's how it goes in CERN Geneva here's how it goes in CERN Geneva Switzerland<00:16:51.630> a<00:16:52.170> machine<00:16:52.650> is<00:16:52.980> being<00:16:53.340> built Switzerland a machine is being built Switzerland a machine is being built called<00:16:53.790> a<00:16:53.910> Large<00:16:54.120> Hadron<00:16:54.390> Collider<00:16:55.010> it's<00:16:56.010> a called a Large Hadron Collider it's a called a Large Hadron Collider it's a machine<00:16:56.280> that<00:16:56.460> will<00:16:56.700> send<00:16:56.820> particles<00:16:57.450> around machine that will send particles around machine that will send particles around a<00:16:58.470> tunnel<00:16:58.830> opposite<00:16:59.340> directions<00:16:59.670> near<00:17:00.060> the a tunnel opposite directions near the a tunnel opposite directions near the speed<00:17:00.450> of<00:17:00.480> light<00:17:00.780> every<00:17:01.620> so<00:17:01.770> often<00:17:01.980> those speed of light every so often those speed of light every so often those particles<00:17:02.790> will<00:17:03.000> be<00:17:03.240> aimed<00:17:03.510> at<00:17:03.840> each<00:17:03.960> other<00:17:04.200> so particles will be aimed at each other so particles will be aimed at each other so there's<00:17:04.589> a<00:17:04.650> head-on<00:17:04.890> collision<00:17:06.050> the<00:17:07.050> hope<00:17:07.320> is there's a head-on collision the hope is there's a head-on collision the hope is that<00:17:07.860> if<00:17:08.490> the<00:17:08.730> collision<00:17:09.330> has<00:17:09.480> enough<00:17:09.810> energy that if the collision has enough energy that if the collision has enough energy it<00:17:10.500> may<00:17:11.010> act<00:17:11.670> some<00:17:12.540> of<00:17:12.660> the<00:17:12.750> debris<00:17:13.080> from<00:17:13.500> the it may act some of the debris from the it may act some of the debris from the collision<00:17:13.890> from<00:17:14.250> our<00:17:14.459> dimensions<00:17:15.890> forcing<00:17:16.890> it collision from our dimensions forcing it collision from our dimensions forcing it to<00:17:17.220> enter<00:17:17.520> into<00:17:17.940> the<00:17:18.150> other<00:17:18.300> dimensions<00:17:18.930> how to enter into the other dimensions how to enter into the other dimensions how would<00:17:19.680> we<00:17:19.860> know<00:17:19.890> it<00:17:20.160> well<00:17:20.730> we'll<00:17:20.850> measure<00:17:21.180> the would we know it well we'll measure the would we know it well we'll measure the amount<00:17:21.900> of<00:17:22.020> energy<00:17:22.110> after<00:17:22.500> the<00:17:22.950> collision amount of energy after the collision amount of energy after the collision compare<00:17:23.910> it<00:17:24.060> to<00:17:24.209> the<00:17:24.300> amount<00:17:24.420> of<00:17:24.570> energy compare it to the amount of energy compare it to the amount of energy before<00:17:25.320> and<00:17:25.589> if<00:17:26.100> there's<00:17:26.280> less<00:17:26.580> energy<00:17:27.320> after before and if there's less energy after before and if there's less energy after the<00:17:28.350> collision<00:17:28.500> than<00:17:28.920> before<00:17:29.340> this<00:17:29.820> will<00:17:29.970> be the collision than before this will be the collision than before this will be evidence<00:17:30.480> that<00:17:30.570> the<00:17:30.720> energy<00:17:31.020> has<00:17:31.200> drifted evidence that the energy has drifted evidence that the energy has drifted away<00:17:31.740> and<00:17:31.890> if<00:17:32.130> it<00:17:32.250> drifts<00:17:32.490> away<00:17:32.580> in<00:17:32.730> the<00:17:32.820> right away and if it drifts away in the right away and if it drifts away in the right pattern<00:17:33.240> that<00:17:33.510> we<00:17:33.630> can<00:17:33.750> calculate<00:17:34.110> this<00:17:34.890> will pattern that we can calculate this will pattern that we can calculate this will be<00:17:35.130> evidence<00:17:35.550> that<00:17:35.790> the<00:17:36.240> extra<00:17:36.570> dimensions be evidence that the extra dimensions be evidence that the extra dimensions are<00:17:37.200> there<00:17:37.470> let<00:17:37.800> me<00:17:37.920> show<00:17:38.100> you<00:17:38.160> that<00:17:38.250> idea are there let me show you that idea are there let me show you that idea visually<00:17:38.910> so<00:17:39.870> imagine<00:17:40.320> we<00:17:40.470> have<00:17:40.740> a<00:17:41.070> certain visually so imagine we have a certain visually so imagine we have a certain kind<00:17:41.880> of<00:17:42.090> particles<00:17:42.570> called<00:17:42.810> a<00:17:42.900> graviton kind of particles called a graviton kind of particles called a graviton that's<00:17:43.890> the<00:17:44.040> kind<00:17:44.310> of<00:17:44.430> debris<00:17:45.150> we<00:17:45.420> expect<00:17:45.810> to that's the kind of debris we expect to that's the kind of debris we expect to be<00:17:46.020> ejected<00:17:46.170> out<00:17:46.800> if<00:17:47.040> the<00:17:47.190> extra<00:17:47.460> dimensions be ejected out if the extra dimensions be ejected out if the extra dimensions are<00:17:48.030> real<00:17:48.210> but<00:17:48.660> here's<00:17:48.900> how<00:17:49.080> the<00:17:49.140> experiment are real but here's how the experiment are real but here's how the experiment will<00:17:49.890> go will go will go you<00:17:50.790> take<00:17:51.120> these<00:17:51.270> particles<00:17:51.810> you<00:17:51.930> slam<00:17:52.290> them you take these particles you slam them you take these particles you slam them together<00:17:52.680> you<00:17:53.070> slam<00:17:53.460> them<00:17:53.640> together<00:17:53.760> and<00:17:54.150> if together you slam them together and if together you slam them together and if we<00:17:54.600> are<00:17:54.960> right<00:17:55.230> some<00:17:55.830> of<00:17:56.010> the<00:17:56.130> energy<00:17:56.670> of<00:17:56.820> that we are right some of the energy of that we are right some of the energy of that collision<00:17:57.270> will<00:17:57.600> go<00:17:57.780> into<00:17:57.960> debris<00:17:58.350> that<00:17:58.500> flies collision will go into debris that flies collision will go into debris that flies off off off into<00:18:00.090> these<00:18:00.330> extra<00:18:00.720> dimensions<00:18:01.260> so<00:18:01.740> this<00:18:01.890> is into these extra dimensions so this is into these extra dimensions so this is the<00:18:02.160> kind<00:18:02.340> of<00:18:02.520> experiment<00:18:03.120> that<00:18:03.150> we<00:18:03.360> will<00:18:03.480> be the kind of experiment that we will be the kind of experiment that we will be looking<00:18:03.900> at<00:18:03.990> in<00:18:04.110> the<00:18:04.200> next<00:18:04.410> five<00:18:04.700> seven<00:18:05.700> to<00:18:05.850> ten looking at in the next five seven to ten looking at in the next five seven to ten years<00:18:06.060> or<00:18:06.450> so<00:18:06.630> and<00:18:06.980> if<00:18:07.980> this<00:18:08.820> experiment<00:18:09.330> bears years or so and if this experiment bears years or so and if this experiment bears fruit<00:18:10.110> if<00:18:10.290> we<00:18:10.500> see<00:18:10.800> that<00:18:10.980> kind<00:18:11.250> of<00:18:11.430> particle fruit if we see that kind of particle fruit if we see that kind of particle ejected<00:18:12.600> by<00:18:13.080> noticing<00:18:13.770> that<00:18:13.860> there's<00:18:14.070> less ejected by noticing that there's less ejected by noticing that there's less energy<00:18:14.790> in<00:18:15.000> our<00:18:15.270> dimensions<00:18:15.990> then<00:18:16.680> when<00:18:16.920> we energy in our dimensions then when we energy in our dimensions then when we began<00:18:17.370> this<00:18:18.270> will<00:18:18.600> show<00:18:19.110> that<00:18:19.290> the<00:18:19.440> extra began this will show that the extra began this will show that the extra dimensions<00:18:20.160> are<00:18:20.280> real<00:18:20.490> and<00:18:20.730> to<00:18:21.540> me<00:18:21.660> this<00:18:21.810> is<00:18:21.870> a dimensions are real and to me this is a dimensions are real and to me this is a really<00:18:22.710> remarkable<00:18:23.130> story<00:18:23.850> and<00:18:23.970> a<00:18:24.030> remarkable really remarkable story and a remarkable really remarkable story and a remarkable opportunity<00:18:25.170> going<00:18:25.350> back<00:18:25.560> to<00:18:25.710> Newton<00:18:26.040> with opportunity going back to Newton with opportunity going back to Newton with absolute<00:18:26.940> space<00:18:27.240> didn't<00:18:27.810> provide<00:18:28.290> anything absolute space didn't provide anything absolute space didn't provide anything but<00:18:28.890> an<00:18:28.950> arena<00:18:29.280> a<00:18:29.520> stage<00:18:29.880> in<00:18:30.150> which<00:18:30.240> the<00:18:30.480> events but an arena a stage in which the events but an arena a stage in which the events of<00:18:30.840> the<00:18:30.900> universe<00:18:31.230> take<00:18:31.440> place of the universe take place of the universe take place Einstein<00:18:32.790> comes<00:18:33.090> along<00:18:33.360> and<00:18:33.510> says<00:18:33.660> well<00:18:33.840> space Einstein comes along and says well space Einstein comes along and says well space and<00:18:34.440> time<00:18:34.620> can<00:18:34.890> warp<00:18:35.130> and<00:18:35.310> curve<00:18:35.580> that's<00:18:36.180> what and time can warp and curve that's what and time can warp and curve that's what gravity<00:18:36.660> is<00:18:36.960> and<00:18:37.320> now<00:18:37.830> string<00:18:38.640> theory<00:18:38.880> comes gravity is and now string theory comes gravity is and now string theory comes along<00:18:39.510> and<00:18:39.750> says<00:18:40.290> yes<00:18:40.710> gravity<00:18:41.280> quantum along and says yes gravity quantum along and says yes gravity quantum mechanics<00:18:42.600> electromagnetism<00:18:43.290> all<00:18:43.620> together mechanics electromagnetism all together mechanics electromagnetism all together in<00:18:44.130> one<00:18:44.280> package<00:18:44.520> but<00:18:45.240> only<00:18:45.480> if<00:18:45.750> the<00:18:45.870> universe in one package but only if the universe in one package but only if the universe has<00:18:46.350> more<00:18:46.590> dimensions<00:18:47.220> than<00:18:47.430> the<00:18:48.090> ones<00:18:48.330> that has more dimensions than the ones that has more dimensions than the ones that we<00:18:48.960> see<00:18:49.200> and<00:18:49.790> this<00:18:50.790> is<00:18:50.850> an<00:18:51.090> experiment<00:18:51.690> that we see and this is an experiment that we see and this is an experiment that may<00:18:52.500> test<00:18:52.980> for<00:18:53.160> them<00:18:53.310> in<00:18:53.490> our<00:18:54.000> lifetime may test for them in our lifetime may test for them in our lifetime amazing<00:18:55.890> possibility<00:18:56.520> thank<00:18:57.120> you<00:18:57.240> very<00:18:57.390> much

Brian Greene, string, theory, superstring, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, physics, dimensions, Einstein, string theory

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