Mania tiếng anh của Thế giới – Jay Walker

The world's English mania - Jay Walker

The world's English mania - Jay Walker


let's<00:00:16.290> talk<00:00:16.680> about
let's talk about let's talk about manias<00:00:19.250> let's<00:00:20.250> start<00:00:20.550> with<00:00:20.700> Beatlemania manias let's start with Beatlemania manias let's start with Beatlemania hysterical<00:00:24.450> teenagers<00:00:25.550> crying<00:00:26.960> screaming hysterical teenagers crying screaming hysterical teenagers crying screaming pandemonium<00:00:32.120> Sports<00:00:33.120> mania<00:00:34.070> deafening pandemonium Sports mania deafening pandemonium Sports mania deafening crowds<00:00:35.720> all<00:00:36.770> for<00:00:37.770> one<00:00:37.950> idea<00:00:38.329> get<00:00:39.329> the<00:00:39.540> ball<00:00:39.829> in crowds all for one idea get the ball in crowds all for one idea get the ball in the<00:00:41.220> net the net the net okay<00:00:43.859> religious<00:00:44.640> mania okay religious mania okay religious mania there's<00:00:45.750> rapture<00:00:46.440> there's<00:00:47.160> weeping<00:00:47.870> there's there's rapture there's weeping there's there's rapture there's weeping there's visions<00:00:49.760> manias<00:00:50.760> can<00:00:50.969> be<00:00:51.120> good<00:00:52.039> manias<00:00:53.039> can<00:00:53.309> be visions manias can be good manias can be visions manias can be good manias can be alarming<00:00:54.179> or<00:00:55.250> manias<00:00:56.250> can<00:00:56.820> be<00:00:56.969> deadly<00:01:00.379> the alarming or manias can be deadly the alarming or manias can be deadly the world<00:01:01.589> has<00:01:01.859> a<00:01:01.890> new<00:01:02.039> mania<00:01:02.640> a<00:01:02.910> mania<00:01:03.839> for world has a new mania a mania for world has a new mania a mania for learning<00:01:04.589> English<00:01:05.480> listen<00:01:06.480> as<00:01:06.630> Chinese learning English listen as Chinese learning English listen as Chinese students<00:01:07.770> practice<00:01:08.370> their<00:01:08.610> English<00:01:09.090> by students practice their English by students practice their English by screaming<00:01:10.950> it

I<00:01:15.409> don't<00:01:16.409> want<00:01:16.710> to<00:01:16.920> let<00:01:17.100> my<00:01:17.369> parents<00:01:17.790> down

I<00:01:21.810> don't<00:01:22.810> ever<00:01:23.110> want<00:01:23.530> to<00:01:23.650> make<00:01:23.890> my<00:01:24.100> country<00:01:24.790> guy

mouthing<00:01:29.750> constantly
mouthing constantly mouthing constantly I<00:01:32.399> don't<00:01:33.359> want<00:01:33.689> to<00:01:33.840> let<00:01:33.990> myself<00:01:34.259> down

how<00:01:38.360> many<00:01:38.540> people<00:01:39.020> are<00:01:39.170> trying<00:01:39.380> to<00:01:39.590> learn
how many people are trying to learn how many people are trying to learn English<00:01:40.100> worldwide<00:01:40.840> two<00:01:41.920> billion<00:01:42.920> of<00:01:43.160> them<00:01:46.570> in English worldwide two billion of them in English worldwide two billion of them in Latin<00:01:48.530> America<00:01:49.130> in<00:01:49.370> India<00:01:50.360> in<00:01:51.320> Southeast<00:01:52.070> Asia Latin America in India in Southeast Asia Latin America in India in Southeast Asia and<00:01:52.760> most<00:01:53.510> of<00:01:53.720> all<00:01:53.870> in<00:01:54.170> China<00:01:54.890> if<00:01:55.220> you're<00:01:56.180> a and most of all in China if you're a and most of all in China if you're a Chinese<00:01:56.570> student<00:01:57.050> you<00:01:57.470> start<00:01:57.860> learning Chinese student you start learning Chinese student you start learning English<00:01:58.820> in<00:01:59.030> the<00:01:59.090> third<00:01:59.360> grade<00:02:00.200> by<00:02:01.130> law<00:02:01.840> that's English in the third grade by law that's English in the third grade by law that's why<00:02:03.170> this<00:02:03.230> year<00:02:03.940> China<00:02:04.940> will<00:02:05.210> become<00:02:05.390> the why this year China will become the why this year China will become the world's<00:02:06.410> largest<00:02:07.030> english-speaking<00:02:08.440> country world's largest english-speaking country world's largest english-speaking country why<00:02:11.780> English<00:02:12.290> in<00:02:12.590> a<00:02:13.040> single<00:02:13.430> word<00:02:13.580> opportunity why English in a single word opportunity why English in a single word opportunity opportunity<00:02:15.709> for<00:02:15.860> a<00:02:15.920> better<00:02:16.070> life<00:02:16.250> a<00:02:16.790> job<00:02:17.330> to opportunity for a better life a job to opportunity for a better life a job to be<00:02:18.020> able<00:02:18.140> to<00:02:18.350> pay<00:02:18.650> for<00:02:18.680> school<00:02:18.920> or<00:02:19.430> put<00:02:19.610> better be able to pay for school or put better be able to pay for school or put better food<00:02:20.090> on<00:02:20.270> the<00:02:20.390> table<00:02:21.040> imagine<00:02:22.040> a<00:02:22.130> student food on the table imagine a student food on the table imagine a student taking<00:02:22.820> a<00:02:23.030> giant<00:02:23.360> test<00:02:23.900> for<00:02:24.230> three<00:02:24.560> full<00:02:24.950> days taking a giant test for three full days taking a giant test for three full days her<00:02:25.970> score<00:02:26.360> on<00:02:26.570> this<00:02:26.750> one<00:02:27.200> test<00:02:27.650> literally her score on this one test literally her score on this one test literally determines<00:02:29.420> her<00:02:29.690> future<00:02:30.110> she<00:02:30.650> studies<00:02:31.040> 12 determines her future she studies 12 determines her future she studies 12 hours<00:02:32.090> a<00:02:32.120> day<00:02:32.300> for<00:02:32.780> three<00:02:33.470> years<00:02:34.130> to<00:02:34.490> prepare hours a day for three years to prepare hours a day for three years to prepare 25%<00:02:37.010> of<00:02:37.190> her<00:02:37.370> grade<00:02:37.730> is<00:02:38.060> based<00:02:38.959> on<00:02:39.230> English 25% of her grade is based on English 25% of her grade is based on English it's<00:02:40.670> called<00:02:40.790> the<00:02:41.090> GAO<00:02:41.240> cow<00:02:41.570> an<00:02:41.930> 80<00:02:42.580> million it's called the GAO cow an 80 million it's called the GAO cow an 80 million high<00:02:44.090> school<00:02:44.120> Chinese<00:02:44.900> students<00:02:45.290> have high school Chinese students have high school Chinese students have already<00:02:45.650> taken<00:02:46.010> this<00:02:46.580> grueling<00:02:46.970> test<00:02:47.390> the already taken this grueling test the already taken this grueling test the intensity<00:02:48.590> to<00:02:48.920> learn<00:02:49.160> English<00:02:49.670> is<00:02:49.880> almost intensity to learn English is almost intensity to learn English is almost unimaginable<00:02:52.010> unless<00:02:52.760> you<00:02:53.000> witness<00:02:53.570> it

English<00:03:06.420> I<00:03:07.849> want<00:03:08.849> to<00:03:09.239> change<00:03:09.659> my<00:03:10.109> life

so<00:03:15.359> is<00:03:15.510> English<00:03:15.900> mania<00:03:16.409> good<00:03:16.799> or<00:03:17.159> bad<00:03:17.459> is
so is English mania good or bad is so is English mania good or bad is English<00:03:18.780> a<00:03:18.810> tsunami<00:03:19.519> washing<00:03:20.519> away<00:03:20.639> other English a tsunami washing away other English a tsunami washing away other languages<00:03:22.049> not<00:03:22.859> likely<00:03:23.209> English<00:03:24.209> is<00:03:24.389> the languages not likely English is the languages not likely English is the world's<00:03:24.870> second<00:03:25.349> language<00:03:25.969> your<00:03:26.969> native world's second language your native world's second language your native language<00:03:27.569> is<00:03:27.959> your<00:03:28.170> life<00:03:28.379> but<00:03:29.040> with<00:03:29.159> English language is your life but with English language is your life but with English you<00:03:29.909> can<00:03:30.090> become<00:03:30.450> part<00:03:30.810> of<00:03:30.900> a<00:03:30.989> wider you can become part of a wider you can become part of a wider conversation<00:03:31.859> a<00:03:32.870> global<00:03:33.870> conversation<00:03:34.169> about conversation a global conversation about conversation a global conversation about global<00:03:35.370> problems<00:03:36.359> like<00:03:37.139> climate<00:03:37.379> change<00:03:37.680> or global problems like climate change or global problems like climate change or poverty<00:03:39.030> or<00:03:39.239> hunger<00:03:40.139> or<00:03:40.680> disease<00:03:41.359> the<00:03:42.359> world poverty or hunger or disease the world poverty or hunger or disease the world has<00:03:43.139> other<00:03:43.650> Universal<00:03:44.639> languages has other Universal languages has other Universal languages mathematics<00:03:46.019> is<00:03:46.799> the<00:03:46.829> language<00:03:46.950> of<00:03:47.519> science mathematics is the language of science mathematics is the language of science music<00:03:49.169> is<00:03:49.530> the<00:03:49.889> language<00:03:50.099> of<00:03:50.519> emotions<00:03:51.120> and music is the language of emotions and music is the language of emotions and now<00:03:52.109> English<00:03:52.829> is<00:03:53.069> becoming<00:03:53.579> the<00:03:53.730> language<00:03:54.329> of now English is becoming the language of now English is becoming the language of problem<00:03:55.319> solving<00:03:55.950> not<00:03:56.609> because<00:03:57.090> America<00:03:57.719> is problem solving not because America is problem solving not because America is pushing<00:03:58.290> it<00:03:58.409> but<00:03:59.010> because<00:03:59.159> the<00:03:59.549> world<00:03:59.760> is pushing it but because the world is pushing it but because the world is pulling<00:04:00.840> it<00:04:01.280> so<00:04:02.280> English<00:04:02.730> mania<00:04:03.239> is<00:04:03.450> a<00:04:03.810> turning pulling it so English mania is a turning pulling it so English mania is a turning point point point like<00:04:05.669> the<00:04:05.940> harnessing<00:04:06.569> of<00:04:06.659> electricity<00:04:06.750> in like the harnessing of electricity in like the harnessing of electricity in our<00:04:07.560> cities<00:04:07.919> or<00:04:08.159> the<00:04:08.310> fall<00:04:08.639> of<00:04:08.669> the<00:04:08.909> Berlin our cities or the fall of the Berlin our cities or the fall of the Berlin Wall Wall Wall English<00:04:10.739> represents<00:04:11.519> hope<00:04:12.019> for<00:04:13.019> a<00:04:13.049> better English represents hope for a better English represents hope for a better future<00:04:13.409> a<00:04:13.979> future<00:04:14.150> where<00:04:15.150> the<00:04:15.419> world<00:04:15.540> has<00:04:16.169> a future a future where the world has a future a future where the world has a common<00:04:16.979> language<00:04:17.310> to<00:04:18.000> solve<00:04:18.930> its<00:04:19.320> common common language to solve its common common language to solve its common problems<00:04:20.579> thank<00:04:21.539> you<00:04:21.599> very<00:04:21.750> much

speak, English, Jay, Walker, TED, TED, Talk, TEDEducation, Ed, TED-Ed

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