Mắt giả để điều trị mù – Sheila Nirenberg

A prosthetic eye to treat blindness - Sheila Nirenberg

A prosthetic eye to treat blindness - Sheila Nirenberg



[Music] [Music] [Applause]

I<00:00:16.359> study<00:00:16.600> how<00:00:16.720> the<00:00:16.840> brain<00:00:17.119> processes
I study how the brain processes I study how the brain processes information<00:00:18.560> that<00:00:18.680> is<00:00:18.880> how<00:00:19.039> it<00:00:19.199> takes information that is how it takes information that is how it takes information<00:00:20.080> in<00:00:20.320> from<00:00:20.519> the<00:00:20.800> outside<00:00:21.199> world information in from the outside world information in from the outside world and<00:00:21.840> converts<00:00:22.160> it<00:00:22.320> into<00:00:22.600> patterns<00:00:22.920> of and converts it into patterns of and converts it into patterns of electrical<00:00:23.560> activity<00:00:24.439> and<00:00:24.560> then<00:00:24.680> how<00:00:24.800> it<00:00:24.920> uses electrical activity and then how it uses electrical activity and then how it uses those<00:00:25.439> patterns<00:00:25.840> to<00:00:26.000> allow<00:00:26.199> you<00:00:26.279> to<00:00:26.439> do<00:00:26.640> things those patterns to allow you to do things those patterns to allow you to do things to<00:00:27.359> see<00:00:27.880> to<00:00:28.080> hear<00:00:28.519> to<00:00:28.679> reach<00:00:28.840> for<00:00:29.000> an<00:00:29.199> object<00:00:30.279> so to see to hear to reach for an object so to see to hear to reach for an object so I'm<00:00:30.599> really<00:00:30.960> um<00:00:31.119> a<00:00:31.279> basic<00:00:31.599> scientist<00:00:32.079> not<00:00:32.200> a I'm really um a basic scientist not a I'm really um a basic scientist not a clinician<00:00:33.200> but<00:00:33.320> in<00:00:33.440> the<00:00:33.559> last<00:00:33.719> year<00:00:33.879> and<00:00:34.000> a clinician but in the last year and a clinician but in the last year and a half<00:00:34.399> i'<00:00:34.559> I've<00:00:34.640> started<00:00:34.920> to<00:00:35.079> switch<00:00:35.399> over<00:00:36.079> to half i' I've started to switch over to half i' I've started to switch over to use<00:00:36.440> what<00:00:36.559> we've<00:00:36.680> been<00:00:36.800> learning<00:00:37.079> about<00:00:37.280> these use what we've been learning about these use what we've been learning about these patterns<00:00:37.760> of<00:00:37.960> activity<00:00:38.680> to<00:00:38.840> develop patterns of activity to develop patterns of activity to develop prosthetic<00:00:39.920> devices<00:00:40.920> and<00:00:41.039> what<00:00:41.160> I<00:00:41.239> wanted<00:00:41.440> to prosthetic devices and what I wanted to prosthetic devices and what I wanted to do<00:00:41.719> today<00:00:42.239> is<00:00:42.640> um<00:00:42.920> is<00:00:43.039> show<00:00:43.200> you<00:00:43.320> an<00:00:43.480> example<00:00:43.840> of do today is um is show you an example of do today is um is show you an example of this<00:00:44.360> it's<00:00:44.559> really<00:00:44.800> our<00:00:44.960> our<00:00:45.079> first<00:00:45.320> foray this it's really our our first foray this it's really our our first foray into<00:00:46.120> this<00:00:46.559> it's<00:00:46.719> the<00:00:46.840> development<00:00:47.239> of<00:00:47.360> a into this it's the development of a into this it's the development of a prosthetic<00:00:47.920> device<00:00:48.199> for<00:00:48.360> treating prosthetic device for treating prosthetic device for treating blindness<00:00:50.840> okay<00:00:50.960> so<00:00:51.120> let<00:00:51.239> me<00:00:51.440> start<00:00:51.640> in<00:00:51.800> on<00:00:51.920> the blindness okay so let me start in on the blindness okay so let me start in on the problem<00:00:53.280> there<00:00:53.359> are<00:00:53.520> 10<00:00:53.719> million<00:00:54.120> people<00:00:54.399> in problem there are 10 million people in problem there are 10 million people in the<00:00:54.600> US<00:00:54.960> and<00:00:55.199> many<00:00:55.399> more<00:00:55.640> worldwide<00:00:56.520> who<00:00:56.680> are the US and many more worldwide who are the US and many more worldwide who are blind<00:00:57.120> or<00:00:57.399> facing<00:00:57.719> blindness<00:00:58.239> due<00:00:58.440> to blind or facing blindness due to blind or facing blindness due to diseases<00:00:58.920> of<00:00:59.039> the<00:00:59.160> retina<00:00:59.960> diseases<00:01:00.280> like diseases of the retina diseases like diseases of the retina diseases like macular<00:01:01.000> degeneration<00:01:02.000> and<00:01:02.120> there's<00:01:02.320> little macular degeneration and there's little macular degeneration and there's little that<00:01:02.640> can<00:01:02.760> be<00:01:02.879> done<00:01:03.039> for<00:01:03.199> them<00:01:03.960> there<00:01:04.080> are<00:01:04.199> some that can be done for them there are some that can be done for them there are some drug<00:01:04.640> treatments<00:01:05.199> but<00:01:05.439> they're<00:01:05.600> only drug treatments but they're only drug treatments but they're only effective<00:01:06.159> on<00:01:06.240> a<00:01:06.400> small<00:01:06.640> fraction<00:01:06.920> of<00:01:07.080> the effective on a small fraction of the effective on a small fraction of the population<00:01:08.560> and<00:01:08.680> so<00:01:08.960> for<00:01:09.159> the<00:01:09.320> vast<00:01:09.560> majority population and so for the vast majority population and so for the vast majority of<00:01:10.080> patients<00:01:10.640> their<00:01:10.799> best<00:01:11.000> hope<00:01:11.159> for of patients their best hope for of patients their best hope for regaining<00:01:11.759> sight<00:01:12.080> is<00:01:12.240> through<00:01:12.520> prosthetic regaining sight is through prosthetic regaining sight is through prosthetic devices<00:01:14.360> the<00:01:14.520> problem<00:01:14.840> is<00:01:15.040> that<00:01:15.640> carent devices the problem is that carent devices the problem is that carent Prosthetics<00:01:16.439> don't<00:01:16.640> work<00:01:16.880> very<00:01:17.080> well<00:01:17.520> they're Prosthetics don't work very well they're Prosthetics don't work very well they're still<00:01:18.080> very<00:01:18.280> limited<00:01:18.640> in<00:01:18.759> the<00:01:18.840> vision<00:01:19.119> that still very limited in the vision that still very limited in the vision that they<00:01:19.360> can<00:01:19.720> provide<00:01:20.720> and<00:01:20.840> so<00:01:21.280> you<00:01:21.360> know<00:01:21.520> for they can provide and so you know for they can provide and so you know for example<00:01:22.000> with<00:01:22.159> these<00:01:22.320> devices<00:01:22.920> patients<00:01:23.240> can example with these devices patients can example with these devices patients can see<00:01:23.600> simple<00:01:24.040> things<00:01:24.439> like<00:01:24.920> bright<00:01:25.240> lights<00:01:25.560> and see simple things like bright lights and see simple things like bright lights and high<00:01:25.960> contrast<00:01:26.360> edges<00:01:27.360> not<00:01:27.560> very<00:01:27.759> much<00:01:27.960> more high contrast edges not very much more high contrast edges not very much more so<00:01:28.880> nothing<00:01:29.360> nothing<00:01:29.600> close<00:01:30.000> to<00:01:30.119> normal so nothing nothing close to normal so nothing nothing close to normal vision<00:01:30.720> has<00:01:30.880> been<00:01:31.320> possible<00:01:32.320> so<00:01:32.439> what<00:01:32.560> I'm vision has been possible so what I'm vision has been possible so what I'm going<00:01:32.720> to<00:01:32.799> tell<00:01:32.920> you<00:01:33.040> about<00:01:33.200> today<00:01:33.479> is<00:01:33.600> a going to tell you about today is a going to tell you about today is a device<00:01:33.960> that<00:01:34.079> we've<00:01:34.240> been<00:01:34.360> working<00:01:34.640> on<00:01:35.040> that device that we've been working on that device that we've been working on that that<00:01:35.640> I<00:01:35.720> think<00:01:35.920> has<00:01:36.040> the<00:01:36.159> potential<00:01:36.600> to<00:01:36.840> to that I think has the potential to to that I think has the potential to to make<00:01:37.159> a<00:01:37.280> difference<00:01:37.680> to<00:01:37.920> to<00:01:38.040> be<00:01:38.200> much<00:01:38.360> more make a difference to to be much more make a difference to to be much more effective<00:01:39.399> and<00:01:39.520> what<00:01:39.600> I<00:01:39.680> wanted<00:01:39.920> to<00:01:40.040> do<00:01:40.320> is effective and what I wanted to do is effective and what I wanted to do is show<00:01:40.880> you<00:01:41.040> how<00:01:41.159> it<00:01:41.560> works<00:01:42.560> okay<00:01:42.680> so<00:01:42.799> let<00:01:42.920> me show you how it works okay so let me show you how it works okay so let me back<00:01:43.200> up<00:01:43.360> a<00:01:43.439> little<00:01:43.640> bit<00:01:43.880> and<00:01:44.000> show<00:01:44.119> you<00:01:44.200> how<00:01:44.320> a back up a little bit and show you how a back up a little bit and show you how a normal<00:01:44.680> retina<00:01:45.000> works<00:01:45.280> first<00:01:45.560> so<00:01:45.719> you<00:01:45.880> can<00:01:46.000> see normal retina works first so you can see normal retina works first so you can see the<00:01:46.280> problem<00:01:46.520> that<00:01:46.600> we<00:01:46.680> were<00:01:46.799> trying<00:01:47.000> to<00:01:47.159> solve the problem that we were trying to solve the problem that we were trying to solve here<00:01:47.880> you<00:01:48.000> have<00:01:48.079> a<00:01:48.200> retina<00:01:48.680> so<00:01:48.799> you<00:01:48.920> have<00:01:49.240> an here you have a retina so you have an here you have a retina so you have an image<00:01:50.240> a<00:01:50.399> retina<00:01:50.719> and<00:01:50.840> a<00:01:50.960> brain<00:01:51.960> so<00:01:52.119> when<00:01:52.200> you image a retina and a brain so when you image a retina and a brain so when you look<00:01:52.520> at<00:01:52.680> something<00:01:53.320> like<00:01:53.479> this<00:01:53.799> image<00:01:54.040> of look at something like this image of look at something like this image of this<00:01:54.280> baby's<00:01:54.719> face<00:01:55.360> it<00:01:55.520> goes<00:01:55.719> into<00:01:55.920> your<00:01:56.119> eye this baby's face it goes into your eye this baby's face it goes into your eye and<00:01:56.520> it<00:01:56.600> lands<00:01:56.920> on<00:01:57.079> your<00:01:57.240> retina<00:01:57.640> on<00:01:57.719> the<00:01:57.840> front and it lands on your retina on the front and it lands on your retina on the front end<00:01:58.200> cells<00:01:58.520> here<00:01:58.759> the<00:01:58.880> photo<00:01:59.159> receptors end cells here the photo receptors end cells here the photo receptors then<00:02:00.840> what<00:02:01.000> happens<00:02:01.320> is<00:02:01.520> the<00:02:01.759> retinal then what happens is the retinal then what happens is the retinal circuitry<00:02:02.600> the<00:02:02.680> middle<00:02:02.960> part<00:02:03.200> goes<00:02:03.360> to<00:02:03.520> work circuitry the middle part goes to work circuitry the middle part goes to work on<00:02:03.880> it<00:02:04.560> and<00:02:04.680> what<00:02:04.799> it<00:02:04.960> does<00:02:05.200> is<00:02:05.360> it<00:02:05.600> it<00:02:05.719> performs on it and what it does is it it performs on it and what it does is it it performs operations<00:02:06.680> on<00:02:06.840> it<00:02:07.000> it<00:02:07.159> extracts<00:02:07.560> information operations on it it extracts information operations on it it extracts information from<00:02:08.239> it<00:02:08.759> and<00:02:08.879> it<00:02:09.000> converts<00:02:09.440> that<00:02:09.640> information from it and it converts that information from it and it converts that information into<00:02:10.840> a<00:02:11.239> code<00:02:12.239> and<00:02:12.360> the<00:02:12.480> code<00:02:12.680> is<00:02:12.760> in<00:02:12.879> the<00:02:12.959> form into a code and the code is in the form into a code and the code is in the form of<00:02:13.319> these<00:02:13.480> patterns<00:02:13.800> of<00:02:13.959> electrical<00:02:14.400> pulses of these patterns of electrical pulses of these patterns of electrical pulses that<00:02:14.920> get<00:02:15.040> sent<00:02:15.280> up<00:02:15.400> to<00:02:15.480> the<00:02:15.720> brain<00:02:16.720> and<00:02:16.800> so<00:02:16.959> the that get sent up to the brain and so the that get sent up to the brain and so the key<00:02:17.280> thing<00:02:17.480> is<00:02:17.599> that<00:02:17.760> the<00:02:17.920> image<00:02:18.280> ultimately key thing is that the image ultimately key thing is that the image ultimately gets<00:02:19.000> converted<00:02:20.000> into<00:02:20.239> a<00:02:20.400> code<00:02:21.040> and<00:02:21.160> when<00:02:21.280> I gets converted into a code and when I gets converted into a code and when I say<00:02:21.599> code<00:02:22.000> I<00:02:22.080> do<00:02:22.239> literally<00:02:22.599> mean<00:02:22.920> code<00:02:23.560> like say code I do literally mean code like say code I do literally mean code like this<00:02:23.959> pattern<00:02:24.200> of<00:02:24.319> pulses<00:02:24.800> here<00:02:25.519> actually this pattern of pulses here actually this pattern of pulses here actually means<00:02:26.480> baby's<00:02:26.920> face<00:02:27.720> and<00:02:27.800> so<00:02:27.959> when<00:02:28.080> the<00:02:28.200> brain means baby's face and so when the brain means baby's face and so when the brain gets<00:02:28.720> this<00:02:28.920> pattern<00:02:29.160> of<00:02:29.319> pulses<00:02:29.959> it<00:02:30.080> knows gets this pattern of pulses it knows gets this pattern of pulses it knows that<00:02:30.519> what<00:02:30.640> was<00:02:30.800> out<00:02:31.040> there<00:02:31.280> was<00:02:31.760> a<00:02:31.879> baby's that what was out there was a baby's that what was out there was a baby's face<00:02:33.040> and<00:02:33.160> if<00:02:33.239> it<00:02:33.360> got<00:02:33.480> a<00:02:33.599> different<00:02:33.840> pattern face and if it got a different pattern face and if it got a different pattern it<00:02:34.239> would<00:02:34.360> know<00:02:34.560> that<00:02:34.720> what<00:02:34.840> was<00:02:35.000> out<00:02:35.160> there it would know that what was out there it would know that what was out there was<00:02:35.519> say<00:02:35.760> a<00:02:35.879> dog<00:02:36.239> or<00:02:36.480> another<00:02:36.760> pattern<00:02:37.080> would was say a dog or another pattern would was say a dog or another pattern would be<00:02:37.680> a<00:02:37.920> house<00:02:38.760> anyway<00:02:39.040> you<00:02:39.159> get<00:02:39.280> the<00:02:39.800> idea<00:02:40.800> and be a house anyway you get the idea and be a house anyway you get the idea and of<00:02:41.040> course<00:02:41.239> in<00:02:41.400> real<00:02:41.640> life<00:02:41.879> it's<00:02:42.040> all<00:02:42.319> Dynamic of course in real life it's all Dynamic of course in real life it's all Dynamic meaning<00:02:43.480> that<00:02:43.599> it's<00:02:43.800> changing<00:02:44.159> all<00:02:44.319> the<00:02:44.519> time meaning that it's changing all the time meaning that it's changing all the time so<00:02:45.519> the<00:02:45.640> patterns<00:02:46.000> of<00:02:46.120> pulses<00:02:46.480> are<00:02:46.599> changing so the patterns of pulses are changing so the patterns of pulses are changing all<00:02:47.120> the<00:02:47.280> time<00:02:47.599> because<00:02:47.920> the<00:02:48.040> world<00:02:48.239> you're all the time because the world you're all the time because the world you're looking<00:02:48.640> at<00:02:48.879> is<00:02:49.120> is<00:02:49.239> changing<00:02:49.640> all<00:02:49.760> the<00:02:49.920> time looking at is is changing all the time looking at is is changing all the time too<00:02:51.239> so<00:02:51.440> you<00:02:51.519> know<00:02:51.680> it's<00:02:51.800> sort<00:02:52.000> of<00:02:52.080> a too so you know it's sort of a too so you know it's sort of a complicated<00:02:52.800> thing<00:02:53.000> you<00:02:53.120> have<00:02:53.319> these complicated thing you have these complicated thing you have these patterns<00:02:53.879> of<00:02:54.040> pulses<00:02:54.400> coming<00:02:54.640> out<00:02:54.760> of<00:02:54.879> your patterns of pulses coming out of your patterns of pulses coming out of your eye<00:02:55.680> every<00:02:55.920> millisecond<00:02:56.599> telling<00:02:56.879> your<00:02:57.040> brain eye every millisecond telling your brain eye every millisecond telling your brain what<00:02:57.640> it<00:02:57.800> is<00:02:58.040> that<00:02:58.120> you're<00:02:58.360> seeing<00:02:59.360> okay<00:02:59.480> so what it is that you're seeing okay so what it is that you're seeing okay so what<00:02:59.920> happens<00:03:00.120> when<00:03:00.239> a<00:03:00.360> person<00:03:00.560> gets<00:03:00.720> a what happens when a person gets a what happens when a person gets a retinal<00:03:01.159> degenerative<00:03:01.680> disease<00:03:02.080> like<00:03:02.200> macula retinal degenerative disease like macula retinal degenerative disease like macula degeneration<00:03:04.080> what<00:03:04.239> happens<00:03:04.599> is<00:03:04.920> that<00:03:05.840> the degeneration what happens is that the degeneration what happens is that the front<00:03:06.159> end<00:03:06.360> cells<00:03:06.799> die<00:03:07.239> the<00:03:07.360> photo<00:03:07.640> receptors front end cells die the photo receptors front end cells die the photo receptors die<00:03:09.280> and<00:03:09.480> over<00:03:09.720> time<00:03:09.959> all<00:03:10.120> the<00:03:10.280> cells<00:03:10.560> and<00:03:10.720> the die and over time all the cells and the die and over time all the cells and the circuits<00:03:11.120> that<00:03:11.239> are<00:03:11.360> connected<00:03:11.680> to<00:03:11.879> them<00:03:12.680> they circuits that are connected to them they circuits that are connected to them they die<00:03:13.239> too<00:03:14.239> until<00:03:14.519> the<00:03:14.640> only<00:03:14.840> things<00:03:15.040> that<00:03:15.159> you die too until the only things that you die too until the only things that you have<00:03:15.440> left<00:03:15.640> are<00:03:15.959> these<00:03:16.120> cells<00:03:16.519> here<00:03:17.159> the have left are these cells here the have left are these cells here the output<00:03:17.640> cells<00:03:18.040> the<00:03:18.120> ones<00:03:18.319> that<00:03:18.440> send<00:03:18.680> the output cells the ones that send the output cells the ones that send the signals<00:03:19.120> to<00:03:19.239> the<00:03:19.360> brain<00:03:19.959> but<00:03:20.120> because<00:03:20.319> of<00:03:20.440> all signals to the brain but because of all signals to the brain but because of all that<00:03:20.680> degeneration<00:03:21.319> they<00:03:21.440> aren't<00:03:21.680> sending that degeneration they aren't sending that degeneration they aren't sending any<00:03:22.159> signals any signals any signals anymore<00:03:24.440> they<00:03:24.560> aren't<00:03:24.840> getting<00:03:25.040> any<00:03:25.239> input<00:03:25.560> so anymore they aren't getting any input so anymore they aren't getting any input so the<00:03:25.879> person's<00:03:26.239> brain<00:03:26.519> no<00:03:26.680> longer<00:03:26.920> gets<00:03:27.080> any the person's brain no longer gets any the person's brain no longer gets any visual<00:03:27.599> information<00:03:28.599> that<00:03:28.760> is<00:03:29.080> he<00:03:29.239> or<00:03:29.360> she<00:03:29.959> is visual information that is he or she is visual information that is he or she is blind<00:03:32.680> so<00:03:33.159> a<00:03:33.280> solution<00:03:33.560> to<00:03:33.720> the<00:03:33.879> problem<00:03:34.200> then blind so a solution to the problem then blind so a solution to the problem then would<00:03:34.439> be<00:03:34.560> to<00:03:34.680> build<00:03:34.879> a<00:03:35.080> device<00:03:35.480> that<00:03:35.599> could would be to build a device that could would be to build a device that could mimic<00:03:36.400> the<00:03:36.519> actions<00:03:36.799> of<00:03:36.920> that<00:03:37.040> front<00:03:37.200> end mimic the actions of that front end mimic the actions of that front end circuitry<00:03:38.319> and<00:03:38.439> send<00:03:38.720> signals<00:03:39.080> to<00:03:39.159> the circuitry and send signals to the circuitry and send signals to the retina's<00:03:39.720> output<00:03:40.080> cells<00:03:40.720> then<00:03:40.879> they<00:03:40.959> can<00:03:41.120> go retina's output cells then they can go retina's output cells then they can go back<00:03:41.360> to<00:03:41.480> doing<00:03:41.680> their<00:03:41.799> normal<00:03:42.120> job<00:03:42.319> of back to doing their normal job of back to doing their normal job of sending<00:03:42.720> signals<00:03:43.080> to<00:03:43.200> the<00:03:43.680> brain<00:03:44.680> so<00:03:44.879> this<00:03:44.959> is sending signals to the brain so this is sending signals to the brain so this is what<00:03:45.159> we've<00:03:45.319> been<00:03:45.439> working<00:03:45.680> on<00:03:46.000> and<00:03:46.280> and<00:03:46.439> this what we've been working on and and this what we've been working on and and this is<00:03:47.080> um<00:03:47.200> what<00:03:47.319> our<00:03:47.480> prosthetic<00:03:47.959> does<00:03:48.599> so<00:03:48.760> it is um what our prosthetic does so it is um what our prosthetic does so it consists<00:03:49.200> of<00:03:49.360> two<00:03:49.560> parts<00:03:50.560> what<00:03:50.680> we<00:03:50.799> call<00:03:50.959> an consists of two parts what we call an consists of two parts what we call an encoder<00:03:52.079> and<00:03:52.200> a<00:03:52.760> transducer<00:03:53.760> and<00:03:53.879> so<00:03:54.000> the encoder and a transducer and so the encoder and a transducer and so the encoder<00:03:54.480> does<00:03:54.680> just<00:03:54.799> what<00:03:54.920> I<00:03:55.000> was<00:03:55.120> saying<00:03:55.599> it encoder does just what I was saying it encoder does just what I was saying it mimics<00:03:56.079> the<00:03:56.200> actions<00:03:56.480> of<00:03:56.599> the<00:03:56.680> front<00:03:56.879> end mimics the actions of the front end mimics the actions of the front end circuitry<00:03:57.760> so<00:03:57.920> it<00:03:58.040> takes<00:03:58.319> images<00:03:58.680> in<00:03:58.879> and<00:03:58.959> it circuitry so it takes images in and it circuitry so it takes images in and it converts<00:03:59.439> them<00:03:59.799> into<00:03:59.920> the<00:04:00.000> retina's<00:04:00.439> code<00:04:00.920> and converts them into the retina's code and converts them into the retina's code and then<00:04:01.159> the<00:04:01.239> transducer<00:04:02.000> then<00:04:02.400> makes<00:04:02.640> the then the transducer then makes the then the transducer then makes the output<00:04:03.079> cells<00:04:03.360> send<00:04:03.560> the<00:04:03.680> code<00:04:03.920> on<00:04:04.560> up<00:04:04.680> to<00:04:04.799> the output cells send the code on up to the output cells send the code on up to the brain<00:04:05.519> and<00:04:05.640> the<00:04:05.840> result<00:04:06.760> is<00:04:07.760> a<00:04:07.879> retinal brain and the result is a retinal brain and the result is a retinal prosthetic<00:04:08.599> that<00:04:08.760> can<00:04:08.920> produce<00:04:09.360> normal prosthetic that can produce normal prosthetic that can produce normal retinal retinal retinal output<00:04:12.280> so<00:04:12.680> a<00:04:12.840> completely<00:04:13.239> blind<00:04:13.560> retina<00:04:14.000> even output so a completely blind retina even output so a completely blind retina even one<00:04:14.400> with<00:04:14.560> no<00:04:14.680> front<00:04:14.920> and<00:04:15.079> circuitry<00:04:15.519> at<00:04:15.599> all one with no front and circuitry at all one with no front and circuitry at all no<00:04:16.079> photo<00:04:16.359> receptors<00:04:17.359> can<00:04:17.600> now<00:04:18.400> send<00:04:18.680> out no photo receptors can now send out no photo receptors can now send out normal<00:04:19.280> signals<00:04:20.280> signals<00:04:20.639> that<00:04:20.799> the<00:04:20.880> brain normal signals signals that the brain normal signals signals that the brain can<00:04:21.800> understand<00:04:22.800> so<00:04:23.199> no<00:04:23.360> other<00:04:23.560> device<00:04:24.240> has can understand so no other device has can understand so no other device has been<00:04:24.520> able<00:04:24.720> to<00:04:24.880> do been able to do been able to do this<00:04:26.680> okay<00:04:26.800> so<00:04:26.919> I<00:04:27.000> just<00:04:27.120> want<00:04:27.199> to<00:04:27.360> take<00:04:27.520> a<00:04:27.680> you this okay so I just want to take a you this okay so I just want to take a you know<00:04:28.120> a<00:04:28.240> sentence<00:04:28.520> or<00:04:28.639> two<00:04:28.880> to<00:04:29.000> say<00:04:29.160> something know a sentence or two to say something know a sentence or two to say something about<00:04:29.520> the<00:04:29.720> encoder<00:04:30.080> and<00:04:30.199> what<00:04:30.320> it's<00:04:30.479> doing about the encoder and what it's doing about the encoder and what it's doing because<00:04:31.680> it's<00:04:31.880> it's<00:04:32.039> really<00:04:32.240> the<00:04:32.400> key<00:04:32.600> part because it's it's really the key part because it's it's really the key part and<00:04:33.000> it's<00:04:33.280> sort<00:04:33.479> of<00:04:33.639> interesting<00:04:34.039> and<00:04:34.280> and and it's sort of interesting and and and it's sort of interesting and and kind<00:04:34.919> of<00:04:35.080> cool<00:04:35.800> not<00:04:35.919> sure<00:04:36.120> cool<00:04:36.360> is<00:04:36.479> really<00:04:36.639> the kind of cool not sure cool is really the kind of cool not sure cool is really the right<00:04:36.919> word<00:04:37.160> but<00:04:37.479> you<00:04:37.639> know<00:04:37.759> what<00:04:37.880> I<00:04:38.000> mean<00:04:38.600> um right word but you know what I mean um right word but you know what I mean um so<00:04:39.919> what<00:04:40.039> it's<00:04:40.240> doing<00:04:40.560> is<00:04:40.759> it's<00:04:40.960> replacing<00:04:41.440> the so what it's doing is it's replacing the so what it's doing is it's replacing the retinal retinal retinal circuitry<00:04:43.400> really<00:04:43.560> the<00:04:43.720> guts<00:04:43.919> of<00:04:44.000> the<00:04:44.120> retinal circuitry really the guts of the retinal circuitry really the guts of the retinal circuitry<00:04:45.000> with<00:04:45.759> a<00:04:45.880> set<00:04:46.000> of<00:04:46.280> equations<00:04:47.280> a<00:04:47.400> set circuitry with a set of equations a set circuitry with a set of equations a set of<00:04:47.639> equations<00:04:48.039> that<00:04:48.160> we<00:04:48.280> can<00:04:48.440> Implement<00:04:48.800> on<00:04:48.919> a of equations that we can Implement on a of equations that we can Implement on a chip<00:04:50.080> so<00:04:50.240> it's<00:04:50.479> just<00:04:50.880> math<00:04:51.880> in<00:04:52.000> other<00:04:52.160> words chip so it's just math in other words chip so it's just math in other words we're<00:04:52.479> not<00:04:52.639> literally<00:04:53.080> replacing<00:04:53.560> the we're not literally replacing the we're not literally replacing the components<00:04:54.479> of<00:04:54.600> the<00:04:54.720> retina<00:04:55.080> it's<00:04:55.199> not<00:04:55.320> like components of the retina it's not like components of the retina it's not like we're<00:04:55.600> making<00:04:56.039> a<00:04:56.160> little<00:04:56.320> mini<00:04:56.600> device<00:04:56.919> for we're making a little mini device for we're making a little mini device for each<00:04:57.199> of<00:04:57.320> the<00:04:57.440> different<00:04:57.720> cell<00:04:57.960> types<00:04:58.639> we've each of the different cell types we've each of the different cell types we've just<00:04:59.080> like<00:04:59.240> abstracted<00:04:59.680> Ed<00:05:00.039> what<00:05:00.240> the<00:05:00.680> what just like abstracted Ed what the what just like abstracted Ed what the what the<00:05:00.880> retina<00:05:01.160> is<00:05:01.320> doing<00:05:02.080> with<00:05:02.240> a<00:05:02.360> set<00:05:02.520> of the retina is doing with a set of the retina is doing with a set of equations<00:05:04.120> and<00:05:04.240> so<00:05:04.479> in<00:05:04.560> a<00:05:04.720> way<00:05:04.840> the<00:05:04.960> equations equations and so in a way the equations equations and so in a way the equations are<00:05:05.600> serving<00:05:05.960> as<00:05:06.080> sort<00:05:06.240> of<00:05:06.440> a<00:05:06.600> code<00:05:06.880> book<00:05:07.680> an are serving as sort of a code book an are serving as sort of a code book an image<00:05:08.080> comes<00:05:08.360> in<00:05:09.039> goes<00:05:09.280> through<00:05:09.479> the<00:05:09.680> set<00:05:09.840> of image comes in goes through the set of image comes in goes through the set of equations<00:05:11.000> and<00:05:11.160> out<00:05:11.440> comes<00:05:11.759> streams<00:05:12.160> of equations and out comes streams of equations and out comes streams of electrical<00:05:12.720> pulses<00:05:13.520> just<00:05:13.680> like<00:05:13.800> a<00:05:13.919> normal electrical pulses just like a normal electrical pulses just like a normal retina<00:05:14.600> would retina would retina would produce<00:05:17.000> okay<00:05:17.120> so<00:05:17.320> now<00:05:17.479> let<00:05:17.600> me<00:05:17.759> put<00:05:17.880> my<00:05:18.000> money produce okay so now let me put my money produce okay so now let me put my money where<00:05:18.440> my<00:05:18.560> mouth<00:05:18.800> is<00:05:18.960> and<00:05:19.080> show<00:05:19.280> you<00:05:19.479> that<00:05:19.720> we where my mouth is and show you that we where my mouth is and show you that we can<00:05:20.000> actually<00:05:20.240> produce<00:05:20.560> normal<00:05:20.880> output<00:05:21.680> and can actually produce normal output and can actually produce normal output and what<00:05:22.000> the<00:05:22.199> what<00:05:22.280> the<00:05:22.400> implications<00:05:22.960> of<00:05:23.120> this what the what the implications of this what the what the implications of this are<00:05:25.120> okay<00:05:25.280> so<00:05:25.400> here<00:05:25.520> are<00:05:25.720> three<00:05:25.960> sets<00:05:26.319> of are okay so here are three sets of are okay so here are three sets of firing<00:05:27.080> patterns<00:05:27.680> the<00:05:27.800> top<00:05:28.000> one's<00:05:28.280> from<00:05:28.680> a firing patterns the top one's from a firing patterns the top one's from a normal<00:05:29.160> animal<00:05:29.720> the<00:05:29.759> middle<00:05:30.000> ones<00:05:30.280> from<00:05:30.720> a normal animal the middle ones from a normal animal the middle ones from a blind<00:05:31.160> animal<00:05:31.479> that's<00:05:31.639> been<00:05:31.800> treated<00:05:32.080> with blind animal that's been treated with blind animal that's been treated with this<00:05:32.400> encoder<00:05:32.759> transducer<00:05:33.520> device<00:05:34.520> and<00:05:34.600> the this encoder transducer device and the this encoder transducer device and the bottom<00:05:34.960> one's<00:05:35.160> from<00:05:35.240> a<00:05:35.360> blind<00:05:35.600> animal<00:05:35.880> treated bottom one's from a blind animal treated bottom one's from a blind animal treated with<00:05:36.319> a<00:05:36.479> standard<00:05:36.960> prosthetic<00:05:37.960> so<00:05:38.120> the<00:05:38.240> bottom with a standard prosthetic so the bottom with a standard prosthetic so the bottom one<00:05:38.600> is<00:05:38.720> the<00:05:38.919> state-of-the-art<00:05:39.520> device one is the state-of-the-art device one is the state-of-the-art device that's<00:05:40.000> out<00:05:40.199> there<00:05:40.880> right<00:05:41.039> now<00:05:41.280> which<00:05:41.400> is that's out there right now which is that's out there right now which is basically<00:05:42.000> made<00:05:42.160> up<00:05:42.280> of<00:05:42.440> light<00:05:42.600> detectors<00:05:43.120> but basically made up of light detectors but basically made up of light detectors but no<00:05:43.400> encoder<00:05:44.160> so<00:05:44.280> what<00:05:44.400> we<00:05:44.520> did<00:05:44.680> was<00:05:44.800> we no encoder so what we did was we no encoder so what we did was we presented<00:05:45.319> movies<00:05:45.880> of<00:05:46.039> you<00:05:46.160> know<00:05:46.319> everyday presented movies of you know everyday presented movies of you know everyday things<00:05:47.240> people<00:05:47.759> babies<00:05:48.600> um<00:05:48.759> park<00:05:49.039> benches<00:05:49.440> you things people babies um park benches you things people babies um park benches you know<00:05:49.680> regular<00:05:50.039> things<00:05:50.360> happening<00:05:51.360> and<00:05:51.479> we know regular things happening and we know regular things happening and we recorded<00:05:52.000> the<00:05:52.160> responses<00:05:52.680> from<00:05:52.840> the<00:05:52.960> retinas recorded the responses from the retinas recorded the responses from the retinas of<00:05:53.600> these<00:05:53.919> three<00:05:54.120> groups<00:05:54.360> of of these three groups of of these three groups of animals<00:05:56.360> and<00:05:56.520> just<00:05:56.639> to<00:05:56.800> orient<00:05:57.199> you<00:05:58.000> each<00:05:58.280> box animals and just to orient you each box animals and just to orient you each box is<00:05:58.680> showing<00:05:59.440> the<00:05:59.680> firing<00:05:59.919> patterns<00:06:00.240> of is showing the firing patterns of is showing the firing patterns of several<00:06:00.720> cells<00:06:01.600> and<00:06:01.759> just<00:06:01.919> as<00:06:02.039> in<00:06:02.160> the several cells and just as in the several cells and just as in the previous<00:06:02.600> slides<00:06:03.039> each<00:06:03.319> row<00:06:03.919> is<00:06:04.120> a<00:06:04.319> different previous slides each row is a different previous slides each row is a different cell<00:06:05.800> and<00:06:05.919> I<00:06:06.120> just<00:06:06.520> made<00:06:06.800> the<00:06:06.960> pulses<00:06:07.319> a<00:06:07.400> little cell and I just made the pulses a little cell and I just made the pulses a little bit<00:06:07.919> smaller<00:06:08.280> and<00:06:08.520> thinner<00:06:08.800> so<00:06:08.960> I<00:06:09.039> could<00:06:09.120> show bit smaller and thinner so I could show bit smaller and thinner so I could show you<00:06:09.400> like<00:06:09.520> a<00:06:09.599> long<00:06:09.800> stretch<00:06:10.080> of you like a long stretch of you like a long stretch of data<00:06:12.400> okay<00:06:12.599> so<00:06:12.880> as<00:06:12.960> you<00:06:13.080> can<00:06:13.240> see<00:06:13.520> the<00:06:13.720> firing data okay so as you can see the firing data okay so as you can see the firing patterns<00:06:14.360> from<00:06:14.479> the<00:06:14.599> blind<00:06:14.880> animal<00:06:15.120> treated patterns from the blind animal treated patterns from the blind animal treated with<00:06:15.520> the<00:06:15.599> encoder with the encoder with the encoder transducer<00:06:17.720> really<00:06:17.960> do<00:06:18.560> very<00:06:18.759> closely<00:06:19.160> match transducer really do very closely match transducer really do very closely match the<00:06:19.560> normal<00:06:19.840> firing<00:06:20.680> patterns<00:06:21.680> and<00:06:21.840> it's<00:06:22.000> not the normal firing patterns and it's not the normal firing patterns and it's not perfect<00:06:22.599> but<00:06:22.800> but<00:06:22.919> it's<00:06:23.120> pretty<00:06:23.360> good<00:06:24.039> and<00:06:24.160> the perfect but but it's pretty good and the perfect but but it's pretty good and the blind<00:06:24.479> animal<00:06:24.759> treated<00:06:25.039> with<00:06:25.120> the<00:06:25.199> standard blind animal treated with the standard blind animal treated with the standard prosthetic<00:06:26.440> the<00:06:26.599> responses<00:06:27.479> really<00:06:27.759> don't prosthetic the responses really don't prosthetic the responses really don't and<00:06:28.880> so<00:06:29.000> with<00:06:29.120> a<00:06:29.199> standard<00:06:29.639> method<00:06:30.440> the<00:06:30.560> cells and so with a standard method the cells and so with a standard method the cells do<00:06:31.160> fire<00:06:31.919> they<00:06:32.080> just<00:06:32.199> don't<00:06:32.440> fire<00:06:33.120> in<00:06:33.240> the do fire they just don't fire in the do fire they just don't fire in the normal<00:06:33.639> firing<00:06:33.960> patterns<00:06:34.440> because<00:06:34.800> they normal firing patterns because they normal firing patterns because they don't<00:06:35.039> have<00:06:35.160> the<00:06:35.319> right<00:06:35.720> code<00:06:36.720> how<00:06:36.919> important don't have the right code how important don't have the right code how important is<00:06:37.479> this<00:06:37.880> like<00:06:38.120> what<00:06:38.319> what's<00:06:38.560> the<00:06:39.319> um<00:06:40.280> what's is this like what what's the um what's is this like what what's the um what's the<00:06:40.639> potential<00:06:41.080> impact<00:06:41.400> on<00:06:41.560> a<00:06:41.680> patient's the potential impact on a patient's the potential impact on a patient's ability<00:06:42.400> to<00:06:42.639> see<00:06:43.639> so<00:06:43.800> I'm<00:06:43.919> just<00:06:44.039> going<00:06:44.120> to<00:06:44.240> show ability to see so I'm just going to show ability to see so I'm just going to show you<00:06:44.599> one<00:06:45.160> one<00:06:45.360> bottom<00:06:45.680> line<00:06:45.919> experiment<00:06:46.919> um you one one bottom line experiment um you one one bottom line experiment um that<00:06:47.240> answers<00:06:47.599> this<00:06:48.360> and<00:06:48.599> of<00:06:48.720> course<00:06:48.840> I've<00:06:48.960> got that answers this and of course I've got that answers this and of course I've got a<00:06:49.160> lot<00:06:49.280> of<00:06:49.400> other<00:06:49.560> data<00:06:49.759> so<00:06:49.919> if<00:06:49.960> you're a lot of other data so if you're a lot of other data so if you're interested<00:06:50.479> I'm<00:06:50.759> happy<00:06:50.960> to<00:06:51.080> show<00:06:51.440> to<00:06:51.560> show interested I'm happy to show to show interested I'm happy to show to show more<00:06:53.120> okay<00:06:53.240> so<00:06:53.360> the<00:06:53.560> experiment<00:06:53.919> is<00:06:54.080> called<00:06:54.280> a more okay so the experiment is called a more okay so the experiment is called a reconstruction<00:06:55.039> experiment<00:06:55.680> so<00:06:55.840> what<00:06:55.919> we<00:06:56.039> did reconstruction experiment so what we did reconstruction experiment so what we did is<00:06:56.360> we<00:06:56.520> took<00:06:57.240> a<00:06:57.400> moment<00:06:57.680> in<00:06:57.919> time<00:06:58.360> from<00:06:58.599> these is we took a moment in time from these is we took a moment in time from these recordings recordings recordings and<00:07:00.280> asked<00:07:00.919> what<00:07:01.039> was<00:07:01.160> the<00:07:01.319> retina<00:07:01.639> seeing<00:07:02.000> at and asked what was the retina seeing at and asked what was the retina seeing at that<00:07:02.319> moment<00:07:03.199> can<00:07:03.319> we<00:07:03.520> reconstruct<00:07:04.160> what<00:07:04.240> the that moment can we reconstruct what the that moment can we reconstruct what the retina<00:07:04.680> was<00:07:04.840> seeing<00:07:05.840> from<00:07:06.000> the<00:07:06.199> responses retina was seeing from the responses retina was seeing from the responses from<00:07:06.879> the<00:07:07.000> firing from the firing from the firing patterns<00:07:09.120> so<00:07:10.120> when<00:07:10.280> we<00:07:10.400> did<00:07:10.560> this<00:07:10.680> for patterns so when we did this for patterns so when we did this for responses<00:07:12.039> from<00:07:12.479> um<00:07:13.080> from<00:07:13.240> the<00:07:13.360> standard responses from um from the standard responses from um from the standard method<00:07:14.000> and<00:07:14.319> from<00:07:14.879> from<00:07:15.039> our<00:07:15.199> encoder<00:07:15.560> and method and from from our encoder and method and from from our encoder and transducer<00:07:17.160> so<00:07:17.319> let<00:07:17.400> me<00:07:17.560> show<00:07:17.720> you<00:07:17.879> and<00:07:18.000> I'm transducer so let me show you and I'm transducer so let me show you and I'm going<00:07:18.160> to<00:07:18.319> start<00:07:18.560> with<00:07:18.680> the<00:07:18.840> standard<00:07:19.240> method going to start with the standard method going to start with the standard method first<00:07:20.599> okay<00:07:20.759> so<00:07:20.879> you<00:07:20.960> can<00:07:21.120> see<00:07:21.360> that<00:07:21.520> it's first okay so you can see that it's first okay so you can see that it's pretty<00:07:22.000> limited<00:07:22.599> and<00:07:23.280> because<00:07:23.560> the<00:07:23.759> firing pretty limited and because the firing pretty limited and because the firing patterns<00:07:24.360> aren't<00:07:24.560> in<00:07:24.680> the<00:07:24.800> right<00:07:25.000> code patterns aren't in the right code patterns aren't in the right code they're<00:07:25.840> very<00:07:26.039> limited<00:07:26.400> in<00:07:26.520> what<00:07:26.639> they<00:07:26.759> can they're very limited in what they can they're very limited in what they can tell<00:07:27.039> you<00:07:27.160> about<00:07:27.360> what's<00:07:27.560> out<00:07:27.800> there<00:07:28.319> so<00:07:28.440> you tell you about what's out there so you tell you about what's out there so you can<00:07:28.680> see<00:07:28.879> that<00:07:29.000> there's<00:07:29.199> something<00:07:29.720> there<00:07:30.319> but can see that there's something there but can see that there's something there but it's<00:07:30.560> not<00:07:30.720> so<00:07:30.879> clear<00:07:31.199> what<00:07:31.360> that<00:07:31.479> something<00:07:31.879> is it's not so clear what that something is it's not so clear what that something is and<00:07:32.919> this<00:07:33.080> just<00:07:33.160> sort<00:07:33.319> of<00:07:33.400> circles<00:07:33.840> back<00:07:33.960> to and this just sort of circles back to and this just sort of circles back to what<00:07:34.160> I<00:07:34.240> was<00:07:34.360> saying<00:07:34.520> in<00:07:34.599> the<00:07:34.720> beginning<00:07:35.080> that what I was saying in the beginning that what I was saying in the beginning that with<00:07:35.280> a<00:07:35.400> standard<00:07:35.759> method<00:07:36.080> patients<00:07:36.440> can<00:07:36.800> see with a standard method patients can see with a standard method patients can see high<00:07:38.039> contrast<00:07:38.440> edges<00:07:38.840> they<00:07:38.919> can<00:07:39.039> see<00:07:39.360> light high contrast edges they can see light high contrast edges they can see light but<00:07:40.160> it<00:07:40.360> it<00:07:40.560> it<00:07:40.680> doesn't<00:07:41.000> easily<00:07:41.319> go<00:07:41.479> further but it it it doesn't easily go further but it it it doesn't easily go further than<00:07:42.400> that<00:07:43.400> okay<00:07:43.560> so<00:07:43.759> what<00:07:43.919> was<00:07:44.039> the<00:07:44.240> image<00:07:45.159> it than that okay so what was the image it than that okay so what was the image it was<00:07:45.759> a<00:07:45.919> baby's was a baby's was a baby's face<00:07:48.120> okay<00:07:48.280> so<00:07:48.440> what<00:07:48.560> about<00:07:48.840> with<00:07:49.080> our face okay so what about with our face okay so what about with our approach<00:07:50.199> adding<00:07:50.479> the<00:07:50.599> code<00:07:51.120> and<00:07:51.240> you<00:07:51.319> can<00:07:51.440> see approach adding the code and you can see approach adding the code and you can see that<00:07:51.720> it's<00:07:51.919> much<00:07:52.080> better<00:07:52.360> not<00:07:52.520> only<00:07:52.720> can<00:07:52.840> you that it's much better not only can you that it's much better not only can you tell<00:07:53.159> that<00:07:53.280> it's<00:07:53.479> a<00:07:53.599> baby's<00:07:53.960> face<00:07:54.199> but<00:07:54.280> you<00:07:54.400> can tell that it's a baby's face but you can tell that it's a baby's face but you can tell<00:07:54.720> that<00:07:54.840> it's<00:07:55.080> this<00:07:55.280> baby's<00:07:55.720> face<00:07:56.120> which<00:07:56.240> is tell that it's this baby's face which is tell that it's this baby's face which is a<00:07:56.479> really<00:07:56.759> challenging a really challenging a really challenging task<00:07:58.960> okay<00:07:59.080> so<00:07:59.199> on<00:07:59.280> the<00:07:59.560> left<00:07:59.720> is<00:07:59.840> the<00:07:59.919> encoder task okay so on the left is the encoder task okay so on the left is the encoder alone<00:08:01.120> and<00:08:01.280> on<00:08:01.400> the<00:08:01.560> right<00:08:01.759> is<00:08:01.919> from<00:08:02.080> an<00:08:02.240> actual alone and on the right is from an actual alone and on the right is from an actual blind<00:08:02.800> retina<00:08:03.360> so<00:08:03.520> the<00:08:03.599> encoder<00:08:03.960> and<00:08:04.080> the blind retina so the encoder and the blind retina so the encoder and the transducer<00:08:05.240> but<00:08:05.360> the<00:08:05.479> key<00:08:05.680> one<00:08:05.879> really<00:08:06.159> is<00:08:06.319> the transducer but the key one really is the transducer but the key one really is the encoder<00:08:06.800> alone<00:08:07.080> because<00:08:07.240> we<00:08:07.319> can<00:08:07.479> team<00:08:07.639> up<00:08:07.759> the encoder alone because we can team up the encoder alone because we can team up the encoder<00:08:08.240> with<00:08:08.360> the<00:08:08.479> different<00:08:08.759> transducer encoder with the different transducer encoder with the different transducer this<00:08:09.720> was<00:08:09.879> just<00:08:10.039> actually<00:08:10.240> the<00:08:10.360> first<00:08:10.560> one this was just actually the first one this was just actually the first one that<00:08:10.840> we<00:08:11.000> tried<00:08:12.000> I<00:08:12.080> want<00:08:12.319> just<00:08:12.400> wanted<00:08:12.639> to<00:08:12.720> say that we tried I want just wanted to say that we tried I want just wanted to say something<00:08:13.120> about<00:08:13.240> the<00:08:13.360> standard<00:08:13.800> method<00:08:14.800> when something about the standard method when something about the standard method when when<00:08:15.080> this<00:08:15.240> first<00:08:15.520> came<00:08:15.680> out<00:08:15.879> it<00:08:16.000> was<00:08:16.159> just<00:08:16.479> a when this first came out it was just a when this first came out it was just a really<00:08:17.159> exciting<00:08:17.639> thing<00:08:17.840> you<00:08:17.919> know<00:08:18.360> the<00:08:18.479> idea really exciting thing you know the idea really exciting thing you know the idea that<00:08:18.879> you<00:08:19.000> could<00:08:19.159> even<00:08:19.319> make<00:08:19.479> a<00:08:19.599> blind<00:08:19.840> Ren<00:08:20.039> or that you could even make a blind Ren or that you could even make a blind Ren or respond<00:08:20.919> at<00:08:21.280> all<00:08:22.280> but<00:08:22.520> there<00:08:22.639> was<00:08:22.840> this<00:08:23.199> this respond at all but there was this this respond at all but there was this this um<00:08:23.919> this<00:08:24.080> limiting<00:08:24.479> factor<00:08:24.800> the<00:08:24.879> issue<00:08:25.120> of<00:08:25.240> the um this limiting factor the issue of the um this limiting factor the issue of the code<00:08:26.199> and<00:08:26.360> how<00:08:26.440> to<00:08:26.599> make<00:08:26.759> the<00:08:26.919> cells<00:08:27.319> respond code and how to make the cells respond code and how to make the cells respond produce<00:08:28.440> normal<00:08:28.800> responses<00:08:29.520> and<00:08:29.639> so<00:08:30.319> this produce normal responses and so this produce normal responses and so this this<00:08:30.759> was<00:08:30.879> our this was our this was our contribution<00:08:33.440> okay<00:08:33.719> so<00:08:34.120> um<00:08:34.880> now<00:08:35.000> I<00:08:35.080> just<00:08:35.200> want contribution okay so um now I just want contribution okay so um now I just want to<00:08:35.839> wrap<00:08:36.120> up<00:08:36.479> and<00:08:37.320> as<00:08:37.479> I<00:08:37.560> was<00:08:37.640> mentioning to wrap up and as I was mentioning to wrap up and as I was mentioning earlier<00:08:38.240> of<00:08:38.360> course<00:08:38.479> I<00:08:38.560> have<00:08:38.680> a<00:08:38.719> lot<00:08:38.839> of<00:08:38.959> other earlier of course I have a lot of other earlier of course I have a lot of other data<00:08:39.360> if<00:08:39.479> you're<00:08:39.640> interested<00:08:40.320> but<00:08:40.479> I<00:08:40.560> just data if you're interested but I just data if you're interested but I just wanted<00:08:40.880> to<00:08:41.039> give<00:08:41.159> this<00:08:41.320> sort<00:08:41.440> of<00:08:41.599> basic<00:08:42.000> idea wanted to give this sort of basic idea wanted to give this sort of basic idea that<00:08:43.159> this<00:08:43.360> idea<00:08:43.800> that<00:08:44.600> um<00:08:45.600> of<00:08:45.920> being<00:08:46.160> able<00:08:46.360> to that this idea that um of being able to that this idea that um of being able to communicate<00:08:47.240> with<00:08:47.360> the<00:08:47.480> brain<00:08:47.920> in<00:08:48.160> in<00:08:48.320> its communicate with the brain in in its communicate with the brain in in its language<00:08:49.480> and<00:08:49.760> the<00:08:49.920> potential<00:08:50.399> power<00:08:50.640> of language and the potential power of language and the potential power of being<00:08:50.920> able<00:08:51.120> to<00:08:51.240> do<00:08:51.480> that<00:08:52.120> so<00:08:52.279> it's<00:08:52.440> different being able to do that so it's different being able to do that so it's different from<00:08:52.800> the<00:08:52.880> motor<00:08:53.120> Prosthetics<00:08:53.560> where<00:08:53.640> you're from the motor Prosthetics where you're from the motor Prosthetics where you're communicating<00:08:54.519> from<00:08:54.720> the<00:08:54.839> brain<00:08:55.160> to<00:08:55.440> a<00:08:55.920> to<00:08:56.080> a communicating from the brain to a to a communicating from the brain to a to a device<00:08:57.120> here<00:08:57.279> we<00:08:57.399> have<00:08:57.519> to<00:08:57.839> communicate<00:08:58.279> from device here we have to communicate from device here we have to communicate from the<00:08:58.600> outside<00:08:59.000> world<00:08:59.760> into<00:09:00.000> the<00:09:00.160> brain<00:09:00.600> and<00:09:00.839> be the outside world into the brain and be the outside world into the brain and be understood<00:09:02.000> and<00:09:02.160> be<00:09:02.279> understood<00:09:02.680> by<00:09:02.800> the understood and be understood by the understood and be understood by the brain<00:09:04.120> okay<00:09:04.240> and<00:09:04.320> then<00:09:04.440> the<00:09:04.560> last<00:09:04.680> thing<00:09:04.800> I brain okay and then the last thing I brain okay and then the last thing I wanted<00:09:05.079> to<00:09:05.240> sort<00:09:05.399> of<00:09:05.560> say<00:09:05.760> really<00:09:06.000> is<00:09:06.200> that<00:09:06.600> is wanted to sort of say really is that is wanted to sort of say really is that is um<00:09:07.800> to<00:09:07.959> emphasize<00:09:08.360> that<00:09:08.519> the<00:09:08.640> idea um to emphasize that the idea um to emphasize that the idea generalizes<00:09:09.760> so<00:09:09.959> the<00:09:10.079> same<00:09:10.360> strategy<00:09:10.720> that<00:09:10.800> we generalizes so the same strategy that we generalizes so the same strategy that we use<00:09:11.120> to<00:09:11.279> find<00:09:11.440> the<00:09:11.519> code<00:09:11.720> for<00:09:11.839> the<00:09:11.959> retina<00:09:12.279> we use to find the code for the retina we use to find the code for the retina we can<00:09:12.560> also<00:09:12.800> use<00:09:13.000> to<00:09:13.200> find<00:09:13.360> the<00:09:13.519> code<00:09:13.959> for<00:09:14.120> other can also use to find the code for other can also use to find the code for other areas<00:09:14.839> for<00:09:15.279> um<00:09:15.480> like<00:09:15.600> for<00:09:15.760> example<00:09:16.000> the areas for um like for example the areas for um like for example the auditory<00:09:16.519> system<00:09:16.760> and<00:09:16.880> the<00:09:16.959> motor<00:09:17.240> system<00:09:17.680> so auditory system and the motor system so auditory system and the motor system so for<00:09:18.000> treating<00:09:19.000> um<00:09:19.399> deafness<00:09:19.880> and<00:09:20.040> for<00:09:20.360> and<00:09:20.440> for for treating um deafness and for and for for treating um deafness and for and for motor<00:09:21.000> disorders<00:09:21.839> so<00:09:22.000> just<00:09:22.160> the<00:09:22.320> same<00:09:22.480> way motor disorders so just the same way motor disorders so just the same way that<00:09:22.680> we<00:09:22.760> were<00:09:22.880> able<00:09:23.079> to<00:09:23.200> jump<00:09:23.519> over<00:09:23.839> the<00:09:24.839> you that we were able to jump over the you that we were able to jump over the you know<00:09:25.079> the<00:09:25.200> damaged<00:09:25.519> circuitry<00:09:25.920> in<00:09:26.000> the<00:09:26.079> retina know the damaged circuitry in the retina know the damaged circuitry in the retina to<00:09:26.480> get<00:09:26.560> to<00:09:26.680> the<00:09:26.760> retina's<00:09:27.120> output<00:09:27.480> cells<00:09:28.240> we to get to the retina's output cells we to get to the retina's output cells we can<00:09:28.600> jump<00:09:28.880> over<00:09:29.120> the<00:09:29.560> uh<00:09:29.680> damaged<00:09:30.079> circuitry can jump over the uh damaged circuitry can jump over the uh damaged circuitry in<00:09:30.880> the<00:09:31.440> in<00:09:31.560> the<00:09:31.680> ca<00:09:32.120> to<00:09:32.240> get<00:09:32.360> the<00:09:32.519> auditory in the in the ca to get the auditory in the in the ca to get the auditory nerve<00:09:33.560> or<00:09:33.720> jump<00:09:34.000> over<00:09:34.200> damaged<00:09:34.560> areas<00:09:34.880> in<00:09:34.959> the nerve or jump over damaged areas in the nerve or jump over damaged areas in the cortex<00:09:35.839> in<00:09:35.920> the<00:09:36.040> motor<00:09:36.320> cortex<00:09:36.720> to<00:09:36.880> bridge<00:09:37.120> the cortex in the motor cortex to bridge the cortex in the motor cortex to bridge the gap<00:09:38.279> produced<00:09:38.720> by<00:09:38.800> a gap produced by a gap produced by a stroke<00:09:40.760> okay<00:09:40.920> so<00:09:41.040> I<00:09:41.120> just<00:09:41.200> want<00:09:41.320> to<00:09:41.399> end<00:09:41.600> with<00:09:41.680> a stroke okay so I just want to end with a stroke okay so I just want to end with a simple<00:09:42.120> message<00:09:42.600> that<00:09:43.600> understanding<00:09:43.800> the simple message that understanding the simple message that understanding the code<00:09:44.200> is<00:09:44.399> really<00:09:44.680> really<00:09:44.920> important<00:09:45.880> and<00:09:46.000> if code is really really important and if code is really really important and if we<00:09:46.160> can<00:09:46.560> understand<00:09:46.720> the<00:09:46.839> code<00:09:47.160> you<00:09:47.279> know<00:09:47.480> the we can understand the code you know the we can understand the code you know the the<00:09:47.760> language<00:09:48.040> of<00:09:48.160> the<00:09:48.279> brain<00:09:49.079> Things<00:09:49.360> become the language of the brain Things become the language of the brain Things become possible<00:09:50.160> that<00:09:50.360> that<00:09:50.480> didn't<00:09:50.680> seem<00:09:50.959> obviously possible that that didn't seem obviously possible that that didn't seem obviously possible<00:09:52.079> before<00:09:53.079> thank<00:09:53.279> you


Sheila Nirenberg, TED, TEDMED, eye, eyesight, optic, blindness, optic, nerve, camera, light, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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