Mặt trời có thể tốt cho trái tim của bạn? – Richard Nguyen

Could the sun be good for your heart? - Richard Weller

Could the sun be good for your heart? - Richard Weller


so<00:00:16.309> before<00:00:17.060> I<00:00:17.090> became<00:00:17.390> a<00:00:17.450> dermatologist<00:00:17.720> I
so before I became a dermatologist I so before I became a dermatologist I started<00:00:19.759> in<00:00:19.880> general<00:00:20.180> medicine<00:00:20.450> as<00:00:20.810> as<00:00:21.140> most started in general medicine as as most started in general medicine as as most dermatologists<00:00:22.130> do<00:00:22.279> in<00:00:22.400> Britain<00:00:22.700> at<00:00:23.480> the<00:00:23.599> end dermatologists do in Britain at the end dermatologists do in Britain at the end of<00:00:23.779> that<00:00:23.840> time<00:00:24.050> I<00:00:24.079> went<00:00:24.230> off<00:00:24.410> to<00:00:24.560> Australia of that time I went off to Australia of that time I went off to Australia about<00:00:25.699> 20<00:00:26.090> years<00:00:26.240> ago<00:00:26.890> what<00:00:27.890> you<00:00:28.010> learn<00:00:28.220> when about 20 years ago what you learn when about 20 years ago what you learn when you<00:00:28.460> go<00:00:28.580> to<00:00:28.640> Australia<00:00:29.090> is<00:00:29.210> the<00:00:29.240> Australians you go to Australia is the Australians you go to Australia is the Australians are<00:00:30.050> very<00:00:30.529> competitive<00:00:31.279> and<00:00:31.550> and<00:00:32.029> they<00:00:32.119> are are very competitive and and they are are very competitive and and they are not<00:00:32.480> magnanimous<00:00:32.900> in<00:00:33.290> victory<00:00:33.350> and<00:00:33.890> and<00:00:34.460> that not magnanimous in victory and and that not magnanimous in victory and and that happened<00:00:35.300> a<00:00:35.390> lot<00:00:35.629> I<00:00:35.960> knew<00:00:36.500> Pommies<00:00:36.949> you<00:00:37.070> can't happened a lot I knew Pommies you can't happened a lot I knew Pommies you can't play<00:00:37.519> cricket<00:00:37.790> rugby<00:00:38.030> I<00:00:38.570> I<00:00:39.260> could<00:00:39.589> accept<00:00:39.890> that play cricket rugby I I could accept that play cricket rugby I I could accept that but<00:00:41.140> moving<00:00:42.140> into<00:00:42.260> work<00:00:42.530> and<00:00:42.860> we<00:00:43.220> have<00:00:43.400> each but moving into work and we have each but moving into work and we have each week<00:00:44.000> what's<00:00:44.269> called<00:00:44.449> a<00:00:44.540> journal<00:00:44.960> Club<00:00:45.140> when week what's called a journal Club when week what's called a journal Club when you'd<00:00:45.440> sit<00:00:45.710> down<00:00:46.030> with<00:00:47.030> the<00:00:47.150> other<00:00:47.269> doctors you'd sit down with the other doctors you'd sit down with the other doctors and<00:00:47.839> you'd<00:00:47.960> study<00:00:48.229> a<00:00:48.320> scientific<00:00:48.650> paper<00:00:49.129> in and you'd study a scientific paper in and you'd study a scientific paper in relation<00:00:50.360> to<00:00:50.390> medicine<00:00:50.869> and<00:00:51.830> after<00:00:52.159> week<00:00:52.309> one relation to medicine and after week one relation to medicine and after week one it<00:00:52.640> was<00:00:52.760> about<00:00:52.879> cardiovascular<00:00:53.510> mortality<00:00:54.199> a it was about cardiovascular mortality a it was about cardiovascular mortality a dry<00:00:55.460> subject<00:00:55.790> how<00:00:56.720> many<00:00:56.930> people<00:00:57.229> die<00:00:57.409> of<00:00:57.470> heart dry subject how many people die of heart dry subject how many people die of heart disease<00:00:57.830> what<00:00:58.430> the<00:00:58.549> rates<00:00:58.760> are<00:00:59.030> and<00:00:59.989> they<00:01:00.110> were disease what the rates are and they were disease what the rates are and they were competitive<00:01:00.530> about<00:01:00.979> this<00:01:01.250> you<00:01:01.909> Pommies competitive about this you Pommies competitive about this you Pommies you're<00:01:02.900> rates<00:01:03.110> of<00:01:03.320> heart<00:01:03.500> disease<00:01:03.589> are you're rates of heart disease are you're rates of heart disease are shocking<00:01:04.489> and<00:01:04.970> of<00:01:05.299> course<00:01:05.479> they<00:01:05.840> were<00:01:05.900> right shocking and of course they were right shocking and of course they were right Australians<00:01:07.310> have<00:01:07.729> about<00:01:07.880> 1/3<00:01:08.360> less<00:01:08.840> heart Australians have about 1/3 less heart Australians have about 1/3 less heart disease<00:01:09.710> than<00:01:09.950> we<00:01:10.100> do<00:01:10.310> less<00:01:10.640> deaths<00:01:10.939> from disease than we do less deaths from disease than we do less deaths from heart<00:01:11.330> attacks<00:01:11.810> heart<00:01:12.649> failure<00:01:13.159> less<00:01:13.759> strokes heart attacks heart failure less strokes heart attacks heart failure less strokes they're<00:01:15.020> generally<00:01:15.409> healthier<00:01:15.799> Bunch<00:01:16.009> and<00:01:16.250> of they're generally healthier Bunch and of they're generally healthier Bunch and of course<00:01:16.579> they<00:01:16.789> said<00:01:17.299> this<00:01:17.479> was<00:01:17.719> because<00:01:17.960> of course they said this was because of course they said this was because of their<00:01:18.200> fine<00:01:18.469> moral<00:01:18.859> standing<00:01:19.340> their<00:01:19.549> exercise their fine moral standing their exercise their fine moral standing their exercise because<00:01:20.479> they're<00:01:20.600> Australians<00:01:21.170> and<00:01:21.469> we're<00:01:21.619> we because they're Australians and we're we because they're Australians and we're we easy<00:01:22.640> Pommies<00:01:23.119> and<00:01:23.299> so<00:01:23.450> on<00:01:23.740> but<00:01:24.740> you<00:01:24.799> know<00:01:24.920> it's easy Pommies and so on but you know it's easy Pommies and so on but you know it's not<00:01:25.520> just<00:01:25.869> Australia<00:01:26.869> that<00:01:27.200> has<00:01:27.469> better not just Australia that has better not just Australia that has better health<00:01:28.429> than<00:01:28.850> Britain<00:01:29.240> within<00:01:29.929> Britain<00:01:30.350> there health than Britain within Britain there health than Britain within Britain there is<00:01:31.460> a<00:01:31.490> gradient<00:01:31.939> of<00:01:32.479> health<00:01:32.539> and<00:01:32.840> this<00:01:32.899> is is a gradient of health and this is is a gradient of health and this is what's<00:01:33.170> called<00:01:33.259> standardized<00:01:34.100> mortality what's called standardized mortality what's called standardized mortality basically<00:01:35.270> your<00:01:35.420> chances<00:01:35.899> of<00:01:35.929> dying<00:01:36.229> this<00:01:37.039> is basically your chances of dying this is basically your chances of dying this is looking<00:01:37.579> at<00:01:37.729> data<00:01:37.969> from<00:01:38.450> the<00:01:38.719> paper<00:01:38.899> about<00:01:39.109> 20 looking at data from the paper about 20 looking at data from the paper about 20 years<00:01:39.740> ago<00:01:40.039> but<00:01:40.219> it's<00:01:40.369> true<00:01:40.579> today<00:01:41.200> comparing years ago but it's true today comparing years ago but it's true today comparing your<00:01:42.319> rates<00:01:42.530> of<00:01:42.770> dying<00:01:43.009> at<00:01:43.490> 50<00:01:43.999> degrees<00:01:44.329> north your rates of dying at 50 degrees north your rates of dying at 50 degrees north that's<00:01:44.840> the<00:01:45.049> South<00:01:45.289> that's<00:01:45.649> London<00:01:46.009> and that's the South that's London and that's the South that's London and places<00:01:46.700> um<00:01:47.210> by<00:01:47.899> latitude<00:01:48.560> and<00:01:48.909> 55<00:01:49.909> degrees<00:01:50.210> the places um by latitude and 55 degrees the places um by latitude and 55 degrees the bad<00:01:50.719> news<00:01:51.170> is<00:01:51.469> that's<00:01:51.770> here<00:01:52.130> Glasgow<00:01:52.639> I'm<00:01:52.880> from bad news is that's here Glasgow I'm from bad news is that's here Glasgow I'm from Edinburgh<00:01:53.509> worst<00:01:53.869> news<00:01:54.200> that's<00:01:54.499> even Edinburgh worst news that's even Edinburgh worst news that's even Edinburgh<00:01:55.399> okay<00:01:56.179> so<00:01:56.240> there<00:01:56.719> is Edinburgh okay so there is Edinburgh okay so there is so<00:01:59.700> what<00:02:00.240> accounts<00:02:00.899> for<00:02:00.930> this<00:02:01.290> horrible<00:02:01.860> space so what accounts for this horrible space so what accounts for this horrible space here<00:02:02.729> between<00:02:02.970> us<00:02:03.329> up<00:02:03.600> here<00:02:03.899> in<00:02:04.110> southern here between us up here in southern here between us up here in southern Scotland<00:02:04.770> and<00:02:05.280> the<00:02:05.579> south<00:02:05.790> now<00:02:06.270> we<00:02:06.330> know<00:02:06.659> about Scotland and the south now we know about Scotland and the south now we know about smoking<00:02:07.290> deep-fried<00:02:08.250> Mars<00:02:08.489> bars<00:02:08.819> trips<00:02:09.239> the smoking deep-fried Mars bars trips the smoking deep-fried Mars bars trips the Glasgow<00:02:09.869> diet<00:02:10.110> all<00:02:10.410> of<00:02:10.560> these<00:02:10.709> things<00:02:11.009> but Glasgow diet all of these things but Glasgow diet all of these things but this<00:02:11.910> graph<00:02:12.300> is<00:02:12.599> after<00:02:13.349> taking<00:02:13.650> into<00:02:13.920> account this graph is after taking into account this graph is after taking into account all<00:02:14.670> of<00:02:14.730> these<00:02:15.300> known<00:02:15.569> risk<00:02:15.840> factors<00:02:16.290> this<00:02:16.830> is all of these known risk factors this is all of these known risk factors this is after<00:02:17.400> accounting<00:02:18.060> for<00:02:18.120> smoking<00:02:18.959> social after accounting for smoking social after accounting for smoking social class<00:02:19.680> diet<00:02:20.130> all<00:02:20.640> those<00:02:21.030> other<00:02:21.209> known class diet all those other known class diet all those other known respects<00:02:21.840> we<00:02:22.260> are<00:02:22.410> left<00:02:22.709> with<00:02:23.040> this<00:02:23.220> missing respects we are left with this missing respects we are left with this missing space<00:02:24.150> of<00:02:24.420> increased<00:02:25.260> deaths<00:02:25.560> the<00:02:26.280> further space of increased deaths the further space of increased deaths the further north<00:02:26.880> you<00:02:26.970> gaze<00:02:27.709> now<00:02:28.709> sunlight<00:02:29.250> of<00:02:29.430> course north you gaze now sunlight of course north you gaze now sunlight of course comes<00:02:29.970> into<00:02:30.239> this<00:02:30.360> and<00:02:30.660> vitamin<00:02:31.530> D<00:02:31.680> has<00:02:31.920> had<00:02:32.040> a comes into this and vitamin D has had a comes into this and vitamin D has had a great<00:02:32.310> deal<00:02:32.549> of<00:02:32.580> press<00:02:32.940> and<00:02:33.239> a<00:02:33.630> lot<00:02:33.750> of<00:02:33.780> people great deal of press and a lot of people great deal of press and a lot of people get<00:02:34.140> concerned<00:02:34.319> about<00:02:34.769> it<00:02:34.950> and<00:02:35.069> we<00:02:35.130> need get concerned about it and we need get concerned about it and we need vitamin<00:02:36.060> D<00:02:36.150> it's<00:02:36.330> now<00:02:36.540> a<00:02:36.569> requirement<00:02:37.410> that vitamin D it's now a requirement that vitamin D it's now a requirement that children<00:02:37.830> have<00:02:37.950> a<00:02:37.980> certain<00:02:38.370> amount<00:02:38.870> my children have a certain amount my children have a certain amount my grandmother<00:02:40.380> grew<00:02:40.560> up<00:02:40.650> in<00:02:40.799> Glasgow<00:02:41.220> back<00:02:41.489> in grandmother grew up in Glasgow back in grandmother grew up in Glasgow back in the<00:02:41.700> 1920s<00:02:42.030> and<00:02:42.600> 30s<00:02:42.690> when<00:02:43.319> rickets<00:02:43.830> was<00:02:43.920> a the 1920s and 30s when rickets was a the 1920s and 30s when rickets was a real<00:02:44.340> problem<00:02:44.640> and<00:02:45.000> cod<00:02:45.630> liver<00:02:45.660> oil<00:02:45.989> was real problem and cod liver oil was real problem and cod liver oil was brought<00:02:46.500> in<00:02:46.709> and<00:02:46.950> that<00:02:46.980> really<00:02:47.850> prevented<00:02:48.810> the brought in and that really prevented the brought in and that really prevented the rickets<00:02:49.230> that<00:02:49.440> used<00:02:49.680> to<00:02:49.830> be<00:02:49.950> common<00:02:50.130> in<00:02:50.340> this rickets that used to be common in this rickets that used to be common in this city<00:02:50.700> and<00:02:50.970> I<00:02:51.390> as<00:02:51.569> a<00:02:51.600> child<00:02:51.720> was<00:02:52.680> fed<00:02:52.950> cod<00:02:53.370> liver city and I as a child was fed cod liver city and I as a child was fed cod liver oil<00:02:53.640> by<00:02:54.030> my<00:02:54.239> grandmother<00:02:54.750> I<00:02:54.840> distinctly oil by my grandmother I distinctly oil by my grandmother I distinctly nobody<00:02:56.010> forgets<00:02:56.310> cod<00:02:56.610> liver<00:02:56.790> oil<00:02:57.319> but<00:02:58.319> an nobody forgets cod liver oil but an nobody forgets cod liver oil but an association<00:02:59.340> the<00:02:59.730> higher<00:03:00.000> people's<00:03:00.630> blood association the higher people's blood association the higher people's blood levels<00:03:01.680> of<00:03:01.799> vitamin<00:03:02.190> D<00:03:02.220> are<00:03:02.519> the<00:03:02.760> less<00:03:03.329> heart levels of vitamin D are the less heart levels of vitamin D are the less heart disease<00:03:04.049> they<00:03:04.260> have<00:03:04.470> the<00:03:04.980> less<00:03:05.130> cancer<00:03:05.489> there disease they have the less cancer there disease they have the less cancer there seems<00:03:06.359> to<00:03:06.450> be<00:03:06.540> a<00:03:06.570> lot<00:03:06.750> of<00:03:06.930> data<00:03:07.140> suggesting seems to be a lot of data suggesting seems to be a lot of data suggesting that<00:03:07.890> vitamin<00:03:08.190> D<00:03:08.310> is<00:03:08.700> very<00:03:09.150> good<00:03:09.510> for<00:03:09.630> you<00:03:09.780> and that vitamin D is very good for you and that vitamin D is very good for you and it<00:03:10.109> is<00:03:10.290> to<00:03:10.500> prevent<00:03:10.709> rickets<00:03:10.980> and<00:03:11.340> so<00:03:11.459> on<00:03:11.630> but it is to prevent rickets and so on but it is to prevent rickets and so on but if<00:03:12.780> you<00:03:12.930> give<00:03:13.200> people<00:03:13.470> vitamin<00:03:14.010> D<00:03:14.160> supplements if you give people vitamin D supplements if you give people vitamin D supplements you<00:03:15.420> don't<00:03:15.810> change<00:03:16.290> that<00:03:16.709> high<00:03:16.980> rate<00:03:17.190> of<00:03:17.250> heart you don't change that high rate of heart you don't change that high rate of heart disease<00:03:18.000> and<00:03:18.269> the<00:03:18.810> evidence<00:03:19.170> for<00:03:19.260> it disease and the evidence for it disease and the evidence for it preventing<00:03:19.739> cancers<00:03:20.220> is<00:03:20.370> not<00:03:20.760> yet<00:03:21.060> great<00:03:21.470> so preventing cancers is not yet great so preventing cancers is not yet great so what<00:03:22.590> I'm<00:03:22.680> going<00:03:22.769> to<00:03:22.829> suggest<00:03:23.010> is<00:03:23.340> that what I'm going to suggest is that what I'm going to suggest is that vitamin<00:03:23.820> D<00:03:23.970> is<00:03:24.390> not<00:03:24.780> the<00:03:25.019> only<00:03:25.290> story<00:03:26.070> in<00:03:26.280> town vitamin D is not the only story in town vitamin D is not the only story in town it's<00:03:27.150> not<00:03:27.359> the<00:03:27.540> only<00:03:27.660> reason<00:03:28.400> preventing it's not the only reason preventing it's not the only reason preventing heart<00:03:29.609> disease<00:03:29.670> high<00:03:30.450> vitamin<00:03:30.690> D<00:03:31.019> levels<00:03:31.319> I heart disease high vitamin D levels I heart disease high vitamin D levels I think<00:03:31.560> are<00:03:32.310> a<00:03:32.579> marker<00:03:33.239> for<00:03:33.390> sunlight<00:03:33.780> exposure think are a marker for sunlight exposure think are a marker for sunlight exposure and<00:03:34.620> sunlight<00:03:35.489> exposure<00:03:35.670> in<00:03:36.329> methods<00:03:37.109> I'm and sunlight exposure in methods I'm and sunlight exposure in methods I'm gonna<00:03:37.380> show<00:03:37.680> is<00:03:37.980> good<00:03:38.579> for<00:03:38.760> heart<00:03:38.880> disease gonna show is good for heart disease gonna show is good for heart disease anyway<00:03:40.980> I<00:03:41.160> came<00:03:41.280> back<00:03:41.579> from<00:03:41.760> Australia<00:03:41.970> and anyway I came back from Australia and anyway I came back from Australia and despite<00:03:43.260> the<00:03:43.440> obvious<00:03:43.620> risks<00:03:44.220> to<00:03:44.370> my<00:03:44.489> health<00:03:44.730> I despite the obvious risks to my health I despite the obvious risks to my health I moved<00:03:45.180> to<00:03:45.299> Aberdeen moved to Aberdeen moved to Aberdeen now<00:03:48.330> in<00:03:48.810> Aberdeen<00:03:49.380> I<00:03:49.620> started<00:03:50.130> my<00:03:50.250> dermatology now in Aberdeen I started my dermatology now in Aberdeen I started my dermatology training<00:03:51.180> but<00:03:51.660> I<00:03:51.690> also<00:03:51.900> became<00:03:52.170> interested<00:03:52.650> in training but I also became interested in training but I also became interested in research<00:03:53.100> and<00:03:53.370> in<00:03:53.460> particular<00:03:53.790> I<00:03:54.060> became research and in particular I became research and in particular I became interested<00:03:54.540> in<00:03:54.840> this<00:03:54.990> substance<00:03:55.380> nitric interested in this substance nitric interested in this substance nitric oxide<00:03:56.340> now<00:03:56.730> these<00:03:56.880> three<00:03:57.150> guys<00:03:57.330> up<00:03:57.600> here<00:03:57.630> first oxide now these three guys up here first oxide now these three guys up here first got<00:03:58.350> big<00:03:58.560> marrow<00:03:58.800> Murad<00:03:59.280> won<00:03:59.820> the<00:03:59.940> Nobel<00:04:00.240> Prize got big marrow Murad won the Nobel Prize got big marrow Murad won the Nobel Prize for<00:04:00.510> medicine<00:04:00.750> back<00:04:01.260> in<00:04:01.410> 1998<00:04:02.100> and<00:04:02.580> they<00:04:03.240> were for medicine back in 1998 and they were for medicine back in 1998 and they were the<00:04:03.510> first<00:04:03.750> people<00:04:04.230> to<00:04:04.260> describe<00:04:04.770> this<00:04:05.370> new the first people to describe this new the first people to describe this new chemical<00:04:06.300> transmitter<00:04:06.750> nitric<00:04:07.320> oxide<00:04:07.740> what chemical transmitter nitric oxide what chemical transmitter nitric oxide what nitric<00:04:08.910> oxide<00:04:09.300> does<00:04:09.510> is<00:04:09.750> it<00:04:09.870> dilates<00:04:10.260> blood nitric oxide does is it dilates blood nitric oxide does is it dilates blood vessels<00:04:10.710> so<00:04:11.490> it<00:04:11.550> lowers<00:04:11.910> your<00:04:11.940> blood<00:04:12.120> pressure vessels so it lowers your blood pressure vessels so it lowers your blood pressure it<00:04:13.230> also<00:04:13.470> dilates<00:04:14.070> the<00:04:14.340> coronary<00:04:14.790> arteries it also dilates the coronary arteries it also dilates the coronary arteries stops<00:04:15.959> angina<00:04:16.530> and<00:04:17.010> what<00:04:17.579> was<00:04:17.700> remarkable stops angina and what was remarkable stops angina and what was remarkable about<00:04:18.329> it<00:04:18.690> was<00:04:19.290> in<00:04:19.410> the<00:04:19.530> past<00:04:19.829> when<00:04:20.100> we<00:04:20.340> think about it was in the past when we think about it was in the past when we think of<00:04:20.730> chemical<00:04:21.540> messengers<00:04:21.660> or<00:04:22.109> in<00:04:22.200> the<00:04:22.350> body<00:04:22.500> we of chemical messengers or in the body we of chemical messengers or in the body we thought<00:04:23.310> of<00:04:23.460> complicated<00:04:24.240> things<00:04:24.270> like thought of complicated things like thought of complicated things like estrogen<00:04:25.050> and<00:04:25.350> insulin<00:04:25.890> or<00:04:26.070> nerve estrogen and insulin or nerve estrogen and insulin or nerve transmission<00:04:27.300> very<00:04:27.690> complex<00:04:28.260> processes<00:04:28.919> with transmission very complex processes with transmission very complex processes with very<00:04:29.580> complex<00:04:30.060> chemicals<00:04:30.660> that<00:04:30.930> fit<00:04:31.410> into very complex chemicals that fit into very complex chemicals that fit into very<00:04:31.830> complex<00:04:32.280> receptors<00:04:32.820> and<00:04:33.030> here's<00:04:33.630> this very complex receptors and here's this very complex receptors and here's this incredibly<00:04:34.380> simple<00:04:34.860> molecule<00:04:35.280> a<00:04:35.430> nitrogen incredibly simple molecule a nitrogen incredibly simple molecule a nitrogen and<00:04:36.510> an<00:04:36.960> oxygen<00:04:37.290> that<00:04:37.890> have<00:04:38.010> stuck<00:04:38.220> together and an oxygen that have stuck together and an oxygen that have stuck together and<00:04:38.880> yet<00:04:39.540> these<00:04:39.780> are<00:04:40.110> hugely<00:04:40.740> important<00:04:41.340> for and yet these are hugely important for and yet these are hugely important for painting<00:04:42.150> our<00:04:42.300> low<00:04:42.630> blood<00:04:42.840> pressure<00:04:43.169> for painting our low blood pressure for painting our low blood pressure for neurotransmission<00:04:44.550> for<00:04:44.850> many<00:04:45.060> many<00:04:45.419> things neurotransmission for many many things neurotransmission for many many things but<00:04:46.740> particularly<00:04:47.190> cardiovascular<00:04:48.120> health but particularly cardiovascular health but particularly cardiovascular health and<00:04:48.750> I<00:04:49.590> started<00:04:49.980> doing<00:04:50.100> research<00:04:50.400> and<00:04:50.610> we and I started doing research and we and I started doing research and we found<00:04:51.030> very<00:04:51.720> excitingly<00:04:52.380> that<00:04:53.010> the<00:04:53.160> skin found very excitingly that the skin found very excitingly that the skin produces<00:04:54.210> nitric<00:04:54.570> oxide<00:04:54.990> so<00:04:55.470> it's<00:04:55.620> not<00:04:55.770> just produces nitric oxide so it's not just produces nitric oxide so it's not just in<00:04:56.250> the<00:04:56.340> cardiovascular<00:04:56.669> system<00:04:57.120> that<00:04:57.510> arises in the cardiovascular system that arises in the cardiovascular system that arises it<00:04:58.169> arises<00:04:58.710> in<00:04:58.919> the<00:04:59.100> skin<00:04:59.370> while<00:05:00.300> having<00:05:00.540> found it arises in the skin while having found it arises in the skin while having found that<00:05:00.990> and<00:05:01.200> published<00:05:01.560> that<00:05:01.680> I<00:05:02.030> thought<00:05:03.030> well that and published that I thought well that and published that I thought well what's<00:05:03.330> it<00:05:03.479> doing<00:05:03.750> how<00:05:03.930> do<00:05:03.990> you<00:05:04.110> have<00:05:04.229> a<00:05:04.260> low what's it doing how do you have a low what's it doing how do you have a low blood<00:05:04.440> pressure<00:05:04.800> in<00:05:04.979> your<00:05:05.100> skin<00:05:05.340> you<00:05:05.520> know blood pressure in your skin you know blood pressure in your skin you know it's<00:05:05.820> not<00:05:05.970> the<00:05:06.060> heart<00:05:06.240> what<00:05:06.510> do<00:05:06.570> you<00:05:06.660> do it's not the heart what do you do it's not the heart what do you do so<00:05:07.590> I<00:05:07.919> went<00:05:08.610> off<00:05:08.729> to<00:05:08.760> the<00:05:08.970> States<00:05:09.210> as<00:05:09.570> many so I went off to the States as many so I went off to the States as many people<00:05:10.320> do<00:05:10.470> if<00:05:10.560> they're<00:05:10.680> going<00:05:10.830> to<00:05:10.890> do people do if they're going to do people do if they're going to do research<00:05:11.310> and<00:05:11.640> I<00:05:11.790> spent<00:05:12.060> a<00:05:12.150> few<00:05:12.330> years<00:05:12.390> in research and I spent a few years in research and I spent a few years in Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh um<00:05:13.650> this<00:05:14.430> is<00:05:14.580> Pittsburgh<00:05:15.030> and<00:05:15.419> I<00:05:15.630> was um this is Pittsburgh and I was um this is Pittsburgh and I was interested<00:05:16.110> in<00:05:16.140> these<00:05:16.260> really<00:05:16.560> kind<00:05:16.919> of interested in these really kind of interested in these really kind of complex<00:05:17.400> systems<00:05:17.880> we<00:05:18.030> fought<00:05:18.300> them<00:05:18.540> maybe complex systems we fought them maybe complex systems we fought them maybe nitric<00:05:19.140> oxide<00:05:20.360> affected<00:05:21.360> cell<00:05:21.600> death<00:05:21.870> and<00:05:22.080> how nitric oxide affected cell death and how nitric oxide affected cell death and how cells<00:05:22.560> survive<00:05:22.710> and<00:05:23.130> their<00:05:23.220> resistance<00:05:23.460> to cells survive and their resistance to cells survive and their resistance to other<00:05:23.940> things<00:05:24.270> and<00:05:24.630> I<00:05:24.900> first<00:05:25.110> of<00:05:25.229> all<00:05:25.260> started other things and I first of all started other things and I first of all started working<00:05:25.710> in<00:05:26.280> cell<00:05:26.610> culture<00:05:27.120> growing<00:05:27.360> cells working in cell culture growing cells working in cell culture growing cells and<00:05:28.260> then<00:05:28.350> as<00:05:28.440> using<00:05:28.710> knockout<00:05:29.070> mouse<00:05:29.340> models and then as using knockout mouse models and then as using knockout mouse models mice<00:05:30.090> that<00:05:30.270> couldn't<00:05:30.510> make<00:05:30.660> me<00:05:30.780> the<00:05:31.020> gene<00:05:31.229> we mice that couldn't make me the gene we mice that couldn't make me the gene we worked<00:05:32.520> out<00:05:32.820> a<00:05:33.060> mechanism<00:05:33.600> which<00:05:33.840> I<00:05:33.990> know<00:05:34.169> was worked out a mechanism which I know was worked out a mechanism which I know was helping<00:05:35.160> cells<00:05:35.430> survive<00:05:35.729> and<00:05:36.680> I<00:05:37.680> then<00:05:37.830> moved helping cells survive and I then moved helping cells survive and I then moved back<00:05:38.130> to<00:05:38.370> Edinburgh<00:05:38.520> and<00:05:39.330> in<00:05:39.930> Edinburgh<00:05:40.229> the back to Edinburgh and in Edinburgh the back to Edinburgh and in Edinburgh the experimental<00:05:40.950> animal<00:05:41.190> we<00:05:41.460> use<00:05:41.640> is<00:05:41.850> the experimental animal we use is the experimental animal we use is the medical<00:05:42.000> student<00:05:42.600> it's<00:05:43.110> a<00:05:43.260> species<00:05:43.470> close<00:05:44.040> to medical student it's a species close to medical student it's a species close to human<00:05:44.580> with<00:05:44.910> several<00:05:45.419> advantages<00:05:45.720> over<00:05:46.050> mice human with several advantages over mice human with several advantages over mice they're<00:05:46.950> free<00:05:47.250> you<00:05:48.000> don't<00:05:48.210> shave<00:05:48.479> them<00:05:48.690> they they're free you don't shave them they they're free you don't shave them they feed<00:05:49.470> themselves<00:05:49.680> and<00:05:50.070> nobody<00:05:50.550> pickets<00:05:51.270> your feed themselves and nobody pickets your feed themselves and nobody pickets your office<00:05:51.840> saying<00:05:52.169> save<00:05:52.830> the<00:05:53.160> lab<00:05:53.310> medical office saying save the lab medical office saying save the lab medical student<00:05:54.180> so<00:05:54.690> they're<00:05:54.870> really<00:05:55.080> an<00:05:55.380> ideal<00:05:55.770> an student so they're really an ideal an student so they're really an ideal an ideal<00:05:56.880> model ideal model ideal model but<00:05:58.550> what<00:05:58.819> we<00:05:59.030> found<00:05:59.360> was<00:05:59.840> that<00:06:00.289> we<00:06:00.710> couldn't but what we found was that we couldn't but what we found was that we couldn't reproduce<00:06:01.280> in<00:06:01.879> man<00:06:02.150> the<00:06:02.479> data<00:06:02.689> we<00:06:02.960> had<00:06:03.110> shown reproduce in man the data we had shown reproduce in man the data we had shown in<00:06:03.349> mice<00:06:03.740> it<00:06:04.669> seemed<00:06:05.180> we<00:06:05.719> couldn't<00:06:06.139> turn<00:06:06.409> off in mice it seemed we couldn't turn off in mice it seemed we couldn't turn off the<00:06:06.860> production<00:06:07.039> of<00:06:07.639> nitric<00:06:08.029> oxide<00:06:08.930> in<00:06:09.199> the the production of nitric oxide in the the production of nitric oxide in the skin<00:06:09.650> of<00:06:09.860> humans<00:06:10.400> we<00:06:11.060> put<00:06:11.270> on<00:06:11.360> creams<00:06:11.779> that skin of humans we put on creams that skin of humans we put on creams that block<00:06:12.349> the<00:06:12.529> enzyme<00:06:12.919> that<00:06:12.949> made<00:06:13.279> it<00:06:13.490> and<00:06:13.789> we block the enzyme that made it and we block the enzyme that made it and we injected<00:06:14.960> things<00:06:15.199> we<00:06:15.379> couldn't<00:06:15.770> turn<00:06:16.039> off<00:06:16.219> the injected things we couldn't turn off the injected things we couldn't turn off the the<00:06:16.699> nitric<00:06:17.029> oxide<00:06:17.419> and<00:06:17.689> the<00:06:18.259> reason<00:06:18.740> for<00:06:18.770> this the nitric oxide and the reason for this the nitric oxide and the reason for this it<00:06:19.249> turned<00:06:19.520> out<00:06:19.669> after<00:06:20.180> two<00:06:20.330> or<00:06:20.419> three<00:06:20.449> years it turned out after two or three years it turned out after two or three years work<00:06:21.050> was<00:06:21.830> in<00:06:22.099> the<00:06:22.310> skin work was in the skin work was in the skin we<00:06:23.360> have<00:06:23.659> huge<00:06:24.289> stores<00:06:24.889> not<00:06:25.849> of<00:06:25.969> nitric<00:06:26.389> oxide we have huge stores not of nitric oxide we have huge stores not of nitric oxide because<00:06:26.930> nitric<00:06:27.349> oxide<00:06:27.650> is<00:06:27.770> a<00:06:27.800> gas<00:06:27.889> and<00:06:28.400> it's because nitric oxide is a gas and it's because nitric oxide is a gas and it's released<00:06:28.849> and<00:06:29.240> in<00:06:29.930> a<00:06:30.020> few<00:06:30.169> seconds<00:06:30.500> it's<00:06:30.650> away released and in a few seconds it's away released and in a few seconds it's away but<00:06:31.819> it<00:06:31.939> can<00:06:32.150> be<00:06:32.240> turned<00:06:32.569> into<00:06:32.810> these<00:06:33.080> forms<00:06:33.710> of but it can be turned into these forms of but it can be turned into these forms of nitric<00:06:34.219> oxide<00:06:34.310> nitrate<00:06:35.120> no3<00:06:35.719> nitrite<00:06:36.319> no.2 nitric oxide nitrate no3 nitrite no.2 nitric oxide nitrate no3 nitrite no.2 might<00:06:37.370> raise<00:06:37.639> with<00:06:37.819> us<00:06:37.969> and<00:06:38.270> these<00:06:38.569> are<00:06:38.750> more might raise with us and these are more might raise with us and these are more stable<00:06:39.289> and<00:06:39.740> your<00:06:40.340> skin<00:06:40.669> has<00:06:40.699> got<00:06:41.090> really stable and your skin has got really stable and your skin has got really large<00:06:41.960> stores<00:06:42.409> of<00:06:42.770> Na<00:06:43.099> and<00:06:43.789> we<00:06:44.330> then<00:06:44.479> thought large stores of Na and we then thought large stores of Na and we then thought to<00:06:44.719> ourselves<00:06:44.900> all<00:06:45.259> those<00:06:45.379> big<00:06:45.590> stores to ourselves all those big stores to ourselves all those big stores I<00:06:46.240> wonder<00:06:47.240> if<00:06:47.270> sunlight<00:06:47.900> might<00:06:48.259> activate I wonder if sunlight might activate I wonder if sunlight might activate those<00:06:49.219> stores<00:06:49.610> and<00:06:49.969> release<00:06:50.629> them<00:06:50.930> from<00:06:51.080> the those stores and release them from the those stores and release them from the skin<00:06:51.529> where<00:06:51.889> the<00:06:51.979> stores<00:06:52.250> are<00:06:52.370> about<00:06:52.550> ten skin where the stores are about ten skin where the stores are about ten times<00:06:53.060> as<00:06:53.389> big<00:06:53.599> as<00:06:53.779> what's<00:06:53.960> in<00:06:54.110> the times as big as what's in the times as big as what's in the circulation<00:06:54.650> could<00:06:55.370> the<00:06:55.460> Sun<00:06:55.669> activate<00:06:56.210> those circulation could the Sun activate those circulation could the Sun activate those stores<00:06:56.719> into<00:06:57.169> the<00:06:57.259> circulation<00:06:57.919> and<00:06:58.159> they're stores into the circulation and they're stores into the circulation and they're in<00:06:59.029> the<00:06:59.089> circulation<00:06:59.539> can<00:06:59.930> do<00:07:00.110> it's<00:07:00.259> good in the circulation can do it's good in the circulation can do it's good things<00:07:00.800> for<00:07:01.249> your<00:07:01.550> cardiovascular<00:07:01.969> system things for your cardiovascular system things for your cardiovascular system well<00:07:04.099> I'm<00:07:04.370> an<00:07:04.520> experimental<00:07:05.120> dermatologist well I'm an experimental dermatologist well I'm an experimental dermatologist so<00:07:05.839> what<00:07:05.990> we<00:07:06.080> did<00:07:06.259> was<00:07:06.800> we<00:07:06.830> thought<00:07:07.069> we<00:07:07.159> have<00:07:07.310> to so what we did was we thought we have to so what we did was we thought we have to expose<00:07:07.789> our<00:07:08.000> experimental<00:07:08.449> animals<00:07:08.900> to expose our experimental animals to expose our experimental animals to sunlight<00:07:10.189> and<00:07:10.400> so<00:07:11.180> what<00:07:11.360> we<00:07:11.479> did<00:07:11.659> was<00:07:12.050> we<00:07:12.110> took sunlight and so what we did was we took sunlight and so what we did was we took a<00:07:12.620> bunch<00:07:13.069> of<00:07:13.449> volunteers<00:07:14.449> and<00:07:14.750> we<00:07:15.289> expose<00:07:15.649> them a bunch of volunteers and we expose them a bunch of volunteers and we expose them to<00:07:16.149> ultraviolet<00:07:17.149> light<00:07:17.330> so<00:07:17.599> these<00:07:17.689> are<00:07:17.839> kind to ultraviolet light so these are kind to ultraviolet light so these are kind of<00:07:18.050> Sun<00:07:18.289> lamps of Sun lamps of Sun lamps now<00:07:19.129> what<00:07:19.399> we<00:07:19.550> were<00:07:19.699> careful<00:07:20.449> to<00:07:20.479> do<00:07:20.750> was now what we were careful to do was now what we were careful to do was vitamin<00:07:22.310> D<00:07:22.520> is<00:07:22.789> made<00:07:23.029> by<00:07:23.180> ultraviolet<00:07:23.810> B<00:07:24.080> rays vitamin D is made by ultraviolet B rays vitamin D is made by ultraviolet B rays and<00:07:25.129> we<00:07:25.370> wanted<00:07:25.729> to<00:07:25.849> separate<00:07:26.389> our<00:07:26.689> story<00:07:27.169> from and we wanted to separate our story from and we wanted to separate our story from the<00:07:27.529> vitamin<00:07:27.770> D<00:07:28.009> story<00:07:28.339> so<00:07:29.000> we<00:07:29.089> used the vitamin D story so we used the vitamin D story so we used ultraviolet<00:07:29.750> a<00:07:30.020> which<00:07:30.919> doesn't<00:07:31.279> make<00:07:31.370> vitamin ultraviolet a which doesn't make vitamin ultraviolet a which doesn't make vitamin D<00:07:32.379> when<00:07:33.379> we<00:07:33.620> put<00:07:33.949> people<00:07:34.310> under<00:07:34.490> a<00:07:34.639> lamp<00:07:34.789> for D when we put people under a lamp for D when we put people under a lamp for the<00:07:35.240> equivalent<00:07:35.569> of<00:07:35.899> about<00:07:36.020> 30<00:07:36.500> minutes<00:07:37.069> of the equivalent of about 30 minutes of the equivalent of about 30 minutes of sunshine<00:07:37.789> in<00:07:38.000> summer<00:07:38.270> in<00:07:39.229> Edinburgh<00:07:39.800> what<00:07:40.339> we sunshine in summer in Edinburgh what we sunshine in summer in Edinburgh what we produced<00:07:40.759> was<00:07:40.909> removed<00:07:41.389> a<00:07:41.569> rise<00:07:41.899> in produced was removed a rise in produced was removed a rise in circulating<00:07:43.219> nitric<00:07:43.729> oxide<00:07:44.120> so<00:07:44.629> we<00:07:44.689> put circulating nitric oxide so we put circulating nitric oxide so we put patients<00:07:45.560> with<00:07:45.740> these<00:07:45.860> subjects<00:07:46.339> under<00:07:46.460> the patients with these subjects under the patients with these subjects under the UV<00:07:46.969> and<00:07:47.360> then<00:07:48.080> enno<00:07:48.529> levels<00:07:48.889> do<00:07:49.159> go<00:07:49.370> up<00:07:49.550> and UV and then enno levels do go up and UV and then enno levels do go up and their<00:07:50.569> blood<00:07:50.599> pressure<00:07:51.110> goes<00:07:51.379> down<00:07:51.409> not<00:07:52.370> by their blood pressure goes down not by their blood pressure goes down not by much<00:07:52.909> as<00:07:53.270> an<00:07:53.389> individual<00:07:53.870> level<00:07:54.020> but<00:07:54.349> enough much as an individual level but enough much as an individual level but enough at<00:07:55.310> a<00:07:55.399> population<00:07:55.909> level<00:07:56.270> to<00:07:57.199> shift<00:07:57.710> the<00:07:58.039> rates at a population level to shift the rates at a population level to shift the rates of<00:07:58.430> heart<00:07:58.639> disease<00:07:58.789> in<00:07:59.240> a<00:07:59.360> whole<00:07:59.569> population of heart disease in a whole population of heart disease in a whole population and<00:08:00.560> when<00:08:01.339> we<00:08:01.490> Shawn<00:08:01.789> UV<00:08:02.360> at<00:08:02.479> them<00:08:02.719> or<00:08:03.110> when<00:08:03.439> we and when we Shawn UV at them or when we and when we Shawn UV at them or when we warmed<00:08:04.189> them<00:08:04.430> up<00:08:04.580> to<00:08:04.789> the<00:08:04.909> same<00:08:05.180> level<00:08:05.629> as<00:08:05.719> the warmed them up to the same level as the warmed them up to the same level as the Lambs<00:08:06.110> but<00:08:06.500> didn't<00:08:06.769> actually<00:08:06.949> that<00:08:07.250> the<00:08:07.339> rays Lambs but didn't actually that the rays Lambs but didn't actually that the rays hit<00:08:07.819> the<00:08:07.969> skin<00:08:08.269> this<00:08:08.750> didn't<00:08:09.139> happen<00:08:09.500> so<00:08:09.680> this hit the skin this didn't happen so this hit the skin this didn't happen so this seems<00:08:10.159> to<00:08:10.370> be<00:08:10.399> a<00:08:10.519> feature<00:08:10.789> of<00:08:11.419> ultraviolet seems to be a feature of ultraviolet seems to be a feature of ultraviolet rays<00:08:12.409> hitting<00:08:12.709> the<00:08:12.919> skin<00:08:13.240> now<00:08:14.240> we're<00:08:14.419> still rays hitting the skin now we're still rays hitting the skin now we're still collecting<00:08:14.779> data<00:08:15.199> a<00:08:15.469> few<00:08:15.800> good<00:08:16.009> things<00:08:16.039> here collecting data a few good things here collecting data a few good things here where<00:08:17.060> this<00:08:17.149> appeared<00:08:17.509> to<00:08:17.569> be<00:08:17.690> more<00:08:17.959> marked<00:08:18.560> in where this appeared to be more marked in where this appeared to be more marked in older<00:08:19.069> people<00:08:19.539> I'm<00:08:20.539> not<00:08:20.719> sure<00:08:20.839> exactly<00:08:21.019> how older people I'm not sure exactly how older people I'm not sure exactly how much<00:08:21.440> one<00:08:21.740> of<00:08:21.860> the<00:08:21.919> subjects<00:08:22.279> here<00:08:22.459> was<00:08:22.580> my much one of the subjects here was my much one of the subjects here was my mother-in-law<00:08:23.000> and<00:08:23.449> clearly<00:08:24.229> I<00:08:24.409> do<00:08:24.469> not<00:08:24.800> know mother-in-law and clearly I do not know mother-in-law and clearly I do not know her<00:08:25.219> age<00:08:25.399> but<00:08:26.300> certainly<00:08:26.779> in<00:08:27.259> people<00:08:28.009> older her age but certainly in people older her age but certainly in people older than<00:08:28.669> my<00:08:28.969> wife<00:08:29.319> this<00:08:30.319> appears<00:08:30.830> to<00:08:30.979> be<00:08:31.099> a<00:08:31.129> more than my wife this appears to be a more than my wife this appears to be a more marked<00:08:31.699> effect<00:08:32.089> and<00:08:32.419> the<00:08:32.990> other<00:08:33.140> thing<00:08:33.409> I marked effect and the other thing I marked effect and the other thing I should<00:08:33.529> mention<00:08:33.709> was<00:08:34.399> there<00:08:34.579> was<00:08:34.669> no<00:08:34.969> change should mention was there was no change should mention was there was no change in<00:08:35.569> bitumen<00:08:35.930> D<00:08:36.019> this<00:08:36.169> is<00:08:36.229> separate<00:08:37.069> from in bitumen D this is separate from in bitumen D this is separate from vitamin<00:08:37.640> D<00:08:37.969> so<00:08:38.329> vitamin<00:08:38.569> D<00:08:38.750> is<00:08:38.810> good<00:08:38.990> for<00:08:39.140> you vitamin D so vitamin D is good for you vitamin D so vitamin D is good for you it<00:08:39.289> stops<00:08:39.529> rickets<00:08:39.860> it<00:08:40.010> provides<00:08:40.310> calcium it stops rickets it provides calcium it stops rickets it provides calcium atados<00:08:41.419> important<00:08:41.810> stuff<00:08:41.990> but<00:08:42.380> this<00:08:42.500> is<00:08:42.649> a atados important stuff but this is a atados important stuff but this is a separate<00:08:43.339> mechanism<00:08:43.519> from<00:08:44.000> vitamin<00:08:44.240> D<00:08:44.740> now separate mechanism from vitamin D now separate mechanism from vitamin D now one<00:08:45.980> of<00:08:46.010> the<00:08:46.220> problems<00:08:46.670> are<00:08:46.790> looking<00:08:47.000> at<00:08:47.089> blood one of the problems are looking at blood one of the problems are looking at blood pressure<00:08:47.540> is<00:08:47.779> your<00:08:47.959> body<00:08:48.230> does<00:08:48.500> everything<00:08:48.829> it pressure is your body does everything it pressure is your body does everything it can<00:08:49.040> to<00:08:49.250> keep<00:08:49.490> your<00:08:49.670> blood<00:08:49.880> pressure<00:08:50.089> at<00:08:50.209> the can to keep your blood pressure at the can to keep your blood pressure at the same<00:08:50.420> place<00:08:50.660> if<00:08:50.839> your<00:08:50.930> leg<00:08:51.140> is<00:08:51.170> chopped<00:08:51.500> off same place if your leg is chopped off same place if your leg is chopped off and<00:08:51.800> you<00:08:51.890> lose<00:08:52.069> blood<00:08:52.370> your<00:08:53.000> body<00:08:53.300> will<00:08:53.600> clamp and you lose blood your body will clamp and you lose blood your body will clamp down<00:08:54.410> increase<00:08:54.860> the<00:08:55.010> heart<00:08:55.190> rate<00:08:55.250> do down increase the heart rate do down increase the heart rate do everything<00:08:55.910> it<00:08:56.000> can<00:08:56.180> to<00:08:56.240> keep<00:08:56.510> your<00:08:56.630> blood everything it can to keep your blood everything it can to keep your blood pressure<00:08:56.899> up<00:08:57.319> that<00:08:57.829> is<00:08:57.980> an<00:08:58.130> absolutely pressure up that is an absolutely pressure up that is an absolutely fundamental<00:08:59.029> physiological<00:08:59.720> principle<00:09:00.440> so fundamental physiological principle so fundamental physiological principle so what<00:09:01.430> we've<00:09:01.550> next<00:09:02.029> done<00:09:02.240> is<00:09:02.660> we've<00:09:03.410> moved<00:09:03.649> on what we've next done is we've moved on what we've next done is we've moved on to<00:09:03.829> looking<00:09:04.130> at<00:09:04.250> blood<00:09:04.819> vessel<00:09:05.149> dilatation<00:09:05.930> so to looking at blood vessel dilatation so to looking at blood vessel dilatation so we've<00:09:06.319> measured<00:09:06.620> this<00:09:06.949> is<00:09:07.130> again<00:09:07.370> notice<00:09:07.760> no we've measured this is again notice no we've measured this is again notice no tail<00:09:08.269> and<00:09:09.019> and<00:09:09.380> hairless<00:09:09.890> this<00:09:10.190> is<00:09:10.399> a<00:09:10.430> medical tail and and hairless this is a medical tail and and hairless this is a medical student<00:09:10.940> okay<00:09:11.709> in<00:09:12.709> the<00:09:12.980> arm<00:09:13.190> you<00:09:13.459> can<00:09:13.640> measure student okay in the arm you can measure student okay in the arm you can measure how<00:09:14.149> Doug<00:09:14.600> flow<00:09:14.839> in<00:09:14.990> the<00:09:15.079> arm<00:09:15.230> by<00:09:15.500> how<00:09:15.709> much<00:09:15.890> it how Doug flow in the arm by how much it how Doug flow in the arm by how much it swells<00:09:16.730> up<00:09:16.940> as<00:09:17.060> some<00:09:17.420> blood<00:09:17.750> flows<00:09:17.959> into<00:09:18.170> it swells up as some blood flows into it swells up as some blood flows into it and<00:09:18.709> what<00:09:19.579> we've<00:09:19.730> shown<00:09:19.940> is<00:09:20.300> adding<00:09:20.959> a<00:09:21.050> sham and what we've shown is adding a sham and what we've shown is adding a sham irradiation<00:09:21.890> this<00:09:22.250> is<00:09:22.370> the<00:09:22.490> thick<00:09:22.699> line<00:09:22.939> here irradiation this is the thick line here irradiation this is the thick line here this<00:09:23.870> is<00:09:23.930> shining<00:09:24.500> UV<00:09:24.649> on<00:09:24.890> the<00:09:25.010> arms<00:09:25.279> that this is shining UV on the arms that this is shining UV on the arms that warms<00:09:25.790> up<00:09:26.029> but<00:09:26.510> keeping<00:09:26.810> it<00:09:26.930> cupboards<00:09:27.260> the warms up but keeping it cupboards the warms up but keeping it cupboards the Rays<00:09:27.620> don't<00:09:27.949> hit<00:09:28.100> the<00:09:28.220> skin<00:09:28.459> there<00:09:29.209> is<00:09:29.300> no Rays don't hit the skin there is no Rays don't hit the skin there is no change<00:09:29.899> in<00:09:30.110> blood<00:09:30.529> flow<00:09:30.649> in<00:09:30.890> in<00:09:31.100> dilatation<00:09:31.730> of change in blood flow in in dilatation of change in blood flow in in dilatation of the<00:09:31.850> blood<00:09:32.029> vessels<00:09:32.449> but<00:09:32.959> the<00:09:33.110> act<00:09:33.319> of the blood vessels but the act of the blood vessels but the act of irradiation<00:09:34.220> during<00:09:35.209> the<00:09:35.329> UV<00:09:35.750> and<00:09:35.959> for<00:09:36.769> an irradiation during the UV and for an irradiation during the UV and for an hour<00:09:37.100> after<00:09:37.640> it<00:09:37.819> there<00:09:38.360> is<00:09:38.480> dilation<00:09:39.079> of<00:09:39.170> the hour after it there is dilation of the hour after it there is dilation of the blood<00:09:39.290> vessels<00:09:39.890> this<00:09:40.130> is<00:09:40.279> the<00:09:40.399> mechanism<00:09:40.819> by blood vessels this is the mechanism by blood vessels this is the mechanism by which<00:09:41.269> you<00:09:41.510> lower<00:09:41.930> blood<00:09:42.170> pressure<00:09:42.230> by<00:09:43.130> which which you lower blood pressure by which which you lower blood pressure by which you<00:09:43.399> dilate<00:09:43.730> the<00:09:43.850> coronary<00:09:44.240> arteries<00:09:44.600> also<00:09:44.930> to you dilate the coronary arteries also to you dilate the coronary arteries also to let<00:09:45.199> the<00:09:45.290> blood<00:09:45.500> be<00:09:45.649> supplied<00:09:45.949> with<00:09:45.980> heart<00:09:46.370> so let the blood be supplied with heart so let the blood be supplied with heart so here<00:09:47.510> further<00:09:48.350> data<00:09:48.740> that<00:09:49.490> ultraviolet<00:09:50.180> that here further data that ultraviolet that here further data that ultraviolet that sunlight<00:09:50.660> has<00:09:51.439> benefits<00:09:52.010> on<00:09:52.250> the<00:09:52.640> blood<00:09:52.819> flow sunlight has benefits on the blood flow sunlight has benefits on the blood flow and<00:09:53.180> the<00:09:53.449> cardiovascular<00:09:53.750> system<00:09:55.089> so<00:09:56.089> we and the cardiovascular system so we and the cardiovascular system so we thought<00:09:56.600> were<00:09:56.750> just<00:09:56.779> kind<00:09:57.110> of<00:09:57.170> model<00:09:57.529> at thought were just kind of model at thought were just kind of model at different<00:09:58.850> amounts<00:09:59.269> of<00:09:59.360> UV<00:10:00.130> hit<00:10:01.130> the<00:10:01.339> earth<00:10:01.490> at different amounts of UV hit the earth at different amounts of UV hit the earth at different<00:10:02.360> parts<00:10:02.660> of<00:10:02.750> the<00:10:02.839> earth<00:10:02.959> at different parts of the earth at different parts of the earth at different<00:10:03.649> times<00:10:03.890> of<00:10:04.040> year<00:10:04.149> so<00:10:05.149> you<00:10:05.420> can different times of year so you can different times of year so you can actually<00:10:05.720> work<00:10:06.110> out<00:10:06.439> those<00:10:06.680> stores<00:10:07.189> of<00:10:07.579> nitric actually work out those stores of nitric actually work out those stores of nitric oxide<00:10:08.120> the<00:10:08.600> nitrates<00:10:09.050> nitrites<00:10:09.199> might<00:10:09.709> rosa oxide the nitrates nitrites might rosa oxide the nitrates nitrites might rosa files<00:10:10.220> on<00:10:10.370> the<00:10:10.490> skin<00:10:10.730> release<00:10:11.689> a<00:10:11.930> cleave<00:10:12.439> to files on the skin release a cleave to files on the skin release a cleave to release<00:10:13.040> n-no<00:10:13.430> different<00:10:14.209> wavelengths<00:10:14.899> of release n-no different wavelengths of release n-no different wavelengths of light<00:10:15.050> have<00:10:15.890> different<00:10:15.920> activities<00:10:16.399> of<00:10:16.910> doing light have different activities of doing light have different activities of doing that<00:10:17.270> so<00:10:17.660> you<00:10:17.720> can<00:10:17.839> look<00:10:17.959> at<00:10:18.020> the<00:10:18.079> wavelengths that so you can look at the wavelengths that so you can look at the wavelengths that<00:10:18.709> like<00:10:18.949> to<00:10:19.130> do<00:10:19.309> that<00:10:19.490> and<00:10:19.790> you<00:10:20.360> can<00:10:20.540> look that like to do that and you can look that like to do that and you can look if<00:10:21.279> you<00:10:21.430> live<00:10:21.579> on<00:10:21.610> the<00:10:21.699> equator<00:10:22.000> the<00:10:22.329> Sun<00:10:22.569> comes if you live on the equator the Sun comes if you live on the equator the Sun comes straight<00:10:23.139> overhead<00:10:23.470> it<00:10:23.709> comes<00:10:23.889> to<00:10:24.009> a<00:10:24.069> very straight overhead it comes to a very straight overhead it comes to a very thin<00:10:24.430> bit<00:10:24.579> of<00:10:24.699> atmosphere<00:10:24.850> and<00:10:25.360> winter<00:10:25.930> or thin bit of atmosphere and winter or thin bit of atmosphere and winter or summer<00:10:26.259> it's<00:10:26.500> the<00:10:26.560> same<00:10:26.829> amount<00:10:27.129> of<00:10:27.250> light<00:10:27.490> if summer it's the same amount of light if summer it's the same amount of light if you<00:10:28.329> live<00:10:28.509> up<00:10:28.540> here<00:10:28.660> in<00:10:29.310> summer<00:10:30.480> sun's<00:10:31.480> coming you live up here in summer sun's coming you live up here in summer sun's coming fairly<00:10:32.110> directly<00:10:32.769> down<00:10:33.040> but<00:10:33.699> in<00:10:33.819> winter<00:10:34.029> it's fairly directly down but in winter it's fairly directly down but in winter it's coming<00:10:34.750> through<00:10:34.899> a<00:10:34.930> huge<00:10:35.410> amount<00:10:35.560> of coming through a huge amount of coming through a huge amount of atmosphere<00:10:36.399> and<00:10:36.610> much<00:10:37.300> of<00:10:37.329> the<00:10:37.660> ultraviolet atmosphere and much of the ultraviolet atmosphere and much of the ultraviolet is<00:10:38.649> weeded<00:10:39.160> out<00:10:39.310> and<00:10:39.670> that<00:10:40.209> range<00:10:40.449> of is weeded out and that range of is weeded out and that range of wavelengths<00:10:41.319> he<00:10:41.439> earth<00:10:41.829> are<00:10:42.430> different<00:10:42.879> in wavelengths he earth are different in wavelengths he earth are different in summer<00:10:43.269> to<00:10:43.420> winter<00:10:43.540> so<00:10:44.410> what<00:10:44.589> you<00:10:44.649> can<00:10:44.769> is<00:10:44.829> you summer to winter so what you can is you summer to winter so what you can is you can<00:10:45.040> multiply<00:10:45.550> those<00:10:45.790> data<00:10:46.120> by<00:10:46.839> the<00:10:46.870> n<00:10:47.139> oh can multiply those data by the n oh can multiply those data by the n oh that's<00:10:47.529> released<00:10:47.920> and<00:10:48.250> you<00:10:48.670> can<00:10:48.879> calculate that's released and you can calculate that's released and you can calculate how<00:10:49.959> much<00:10:50.230> nitric<00:10:50.769> oxide<00:10:51.189> would<00:10:51.879> be<00:10:52.029> released how much nitric oxide would be released how much nitric oxide would be released from<00:10:52.509> the<00:10:52.629> skin<00:10:52.779> into<00:10:53.290> the<00:10:53.379> circulation<00:10:54.540> now from the skin into the circulation now from the skin into the circulation now if<00:10:55.660> you're<00:10:55.779> on<00:10:55.810> the<00:10:55.959> equator<00:10:56.050> here<00:10:56.560> that's if you're on the equator here that's if you're on the equator here that's these<00:10:57.610> two<00:10:57.670> lines<00:10:58.120> here<00:10:58.360> the<00:10:58.480> red<00:10:58.660> line<00:10:58.870> and these two lines here the red line and these two lines here the red line and the<00:10:59.500> Purple<00:10:59.680> Line<00:10:59.889> and<00:11:00.490> the<00:11:00.759> amount<00:11:01.269> of<00:11:01.420> nitric the Purple Line and the amount of nitric the Purple Line and the amount of nitric oxide<00:11:01.870> that's<00:11:02.350> released<00:11:02.620> is<00:11:02.829> the<00:11:02.980> area<00:11:03.550> under oxide that's released is the area under oxide that's released is the area under the<00:11:04.029> curve<00:11:04.240> is<00:11:04.540> the<00:11:04.600> area<00:11:05.110> in<00:11:05.170> this<00:11:05.439> space<00:11:05.740> here the curve is the area in this space here the curve is the area in this space here so<00:11:06.699> if<00:11:06.790> you're<00:11:06.910> on<00:11:07.000> the<00:11:07.089> equator<00:11:07.529> December<00:11:08.529> or so if you're on the equator December or so if you're on the equator December or June<00:11:08.949> you've<00:11:09.550> got<00:11:09.670> masses<00:11:10.209> of<00:11:10.360> n<00:11:10.449> Oh<00:11:10.569> being June you've got masses of n Oh being June you've got masses of n Oh being released<00:11:11.110> from<00:11:11.199> the<00:11:11.319> skin<00:11:11.730> so<00:11:12.730> Ventura<00:11:13.180> is<00:11:13.660> in released from the skin so Ventura is in released from the skin so Ventura is in Southern<00:11:14.050> California<00:11:14.170> in<00:11:14.769> summer<00:11:15.250> you<00:11:15.790> might Southern California in summer you might Southern California in summer you might as<00:11:16.089> well<00:11:16.209> be<00:11:16.389> at<00:11:16.449> the<00:11:16.509> equator<00:11:16.750> it's<00:11:17.050> great as well be at the equator it's great as well be at the equator it's great lots<00:11:17.800> of<00:11:18.009> air<00:11:18.160> no<00:11:18.279> it's<00:11:18.490> released<00:11:18.790> for lots of air no it's released for lots of air no it's released for interior<00:11:19.629> mid<00:11:19.930> winter<00:11:20.139> well<00:11:20.829> there's<00:11:21.040> still interior mid winter well there's still interior mid winter well there's still you<00:11:21.550> know<00:11:21.670> a<00:11:21.819> decent<00:11:22.060> amount<00:11:22.860> Edinburgh<00:11:23.860> in you know a decent amount Edinburgh in you know a decent amount Edinburgh in summer<00:11:25.240> the<00:11:25.809> area<00:11:26.110> beneath<00:11:26.230> the<00:11:26.470> curve<00:11:26.649> is summer the area beneath the curve is summer the area beneath the curve is really<00:11:26.860> good<00:11:27.069> but<00:11:27.189> Edinburgh<00:11:27.730> in<00:11:27.819> winter<00:11:28.240> you really good but Edinburgh in winter you really good but Edinburgh in winter you know<00:11:29.019> the<00:11:29.139> amount<00:11:29.589> of<00:11:29.769> air<00:11:29.980> no<00:11:30.129> that<00:11:30.430> can<00:11:30.579> be know the amount of air no that can be know the amount of air no that can be released<00:11:31.000> is<00:11:32.220> next<00:11:33.220> to<00:11:33.309> nothing<00:11:33.459> tiny<00:11:34.000> amounts released is next to nothing tiny amounts released is next to nothing tiny amounts so<00:11:36.069> what<00:11:36.220> do<00:11:36.279> we<00:11:36.309> think<00:11:36.399> we're<00:11:37.240> still<00:11:37.480> working so what do we think we're still working so what do we think we're still working at<00:11:38.019> this<00:11:38.139> story<00:11:38.410> we're<00:11:38.680> still<00:11:38.860> developing<00:11:39.040> it at this story we're still developing it at this story we're still developing it with<00:11:39.550> SIL<00:11:39.730> expanding<00:11:40.269> it<00:11:40.389> we<00:11:40.480> think<00:11:40.600> it's<00:11:40.779> very with SIL expanding it we think it's very with SIL expanding it we think it's very important<00:11:41.649> and<00:11:41.889> we<00:11:41.949> think<00:11:42.639> it<00:11:42.730> probably important and we think it probably important and we think it probably accounts<00:11:43.269> for<00:11:43.329> a<00:11:43.389> lot<00:11:43.600> of<00:11:43.629> the<00:11:43.809> north-south accounts for a lot of the north-south accounts for a lot of the north-south health<00:11:44.500> divide<00:11:44.800> within<00:11:45.009> Britain<00:11:45.370> it's<00:11:45.639> of health divide within Britain it's of health divide within Britain it's of relevance<00:11:46.420> to<00:11:46.569> us<00:11:46.720> we<00:11:47.709> think<00:11:47.949> that<00:11:48.279> the<00:11:48.459> skin relevance to us we think that the skin relevance to us we think that the skin well<00:11:49.029> we<00:11:49.120> know<00:11:49.360> that<00:11:49.629> the<00:11:49.720> skin<00:11:49.990> has<00:11:50.259> got<00:11:50.470> very well we know that the skin has got very well we know that the skin has got very large<00:11:51.189> stores<00:11:51.639> of<00:11:51.939> nitric<00:11:52.480> oxide<00:11:52.809> as<00:11:53.019> is large stores of nitric oxide as is large stores of nitric oxide as is various<00:11:53.410> other<00:11:53.559> forms<00:11:53.709> we<00:11:54.250> suspect<00:11:54.699> a<00:11:54.790> lot<00:11:54.879> of various other forms we suspect a lot of various other forms we suspect a lot of these<00:11:55.059> come<00:11:55.300> from<00:11:55.329> diet<00:11:55.689> green<00:11:56.110> leafy these come from diet green leafy these come from diet green leafy vegetables<00:11:56.949> beet<00:11:57.189> roots<00:11:57.519> lettuce<00:11:58.240> has<00:11:58.480> a<00:11:58.509> lot vegetables beet roots lettuce has a lot vegetables beet roots lettuce has a lot of<00:11:58.779> these<00:11:58.959> nitric<00:11:59.410> oxides<00:11:59.800> that<00:12:00.309> we<00:12:00.370> think<00:12:00.579> go of these nitric oxides that we think go of these nitric oxides that we think go to<00:12:00.730> the<00:12:00.910> skin<00:12:01.149> we<00:12:01.899> think<00:12:02.110> they're<00:12:02.230> then<00:12:02.350> stored to the skin we think they're then stored to the skin we think they're then stored in<00:12:03.160> the<00:12:03.370> skin<00:12:03.639> and<00:12:04.059> we<00:12:04.509> think<00:12:04.689> the<00:12:04.809> sunlight in the skin and we think the sunlight in the skin and we think the sunlight releases<00:12:05.800> this<00:12:05.980> where<00:12:06.639> it<00:12:06.759> has<00:12:06.879> generally releases this where it has generally releases this where it has generally beneficial<00:12:07.509> effects<00:12:08.350> and<00:12:08.740> this<00:12:09.279> is<00:12:09.399> ongoing beneficial effects and this is ongoing beneficial effects and this is ongoing work<00:12:10.059> but<00:12:10.329> I<00:12:10.449> mean<00:12:10.569> dermatologists<00:12:11.319> I'm<00:12:11.680> and work but I mean dermatologists I'm and work but I mean dermatologists I'm and I'm<00:12:11.949> a<00:12:12.009> dermatologist<00:12:12.180> my<00:12:13.180> day<00:12:13.240> job<00:12:13.569> is<00:12:13.720> saying I'm a dermatologist my day job is saying I'm a dermatologist my day job is saying to<00:12:13.990> people<00:12:14.259> you've<00:12:14.769> got<00:12:14.920> skin<00:12:15.129> cancer<00:12:15.160> it's to people you've got skin cancer it's to people you've got skin cancer it's caused<00:12:15.819> by<00:12:15.850> sunlight<00:12:16.240> don't<00:12:16.540> go<00:12:16.660> in<00:12:16.779> the<00:12:16.870> Sun<00:12:17.050> I caused by sunlight don't go in the Sun I caused by sunlight don't go in the Sun I actually<00:12:17.829> think<00:12:18.309> a<00:12:18.610> far<00:12:19.000> more<00:12:19.029> important actually think a far more important actually think a far more important message<00:12:19.990> is<00:12:20.139> that<00:12:20.199> there<00:12:20.709> are<00:12:20.829> benefits<00:12:21.339> as message is that there are benefits as message is that there are benefits as well<00:12:22.059> as<00:12:22.120> risks<00:12:22.269> to<00:12:22.839> sunlight<00:12:23.259> yes<00:12:23.920> sunlight well as risks to sunlight yes sunlight well as risks to sunlight yes sunlight is<00:12:24.670> the<00:12:24.879> is<00:12:25.120> the<00:12:25.720> major<00:12:26.339> alterable is the is the major alterable is the is the major alterable risk<00:12:27.879> factor<00:12:28.240> for<00:12:28.269> skin<00:12:28.569> cancer<00:12:29.019> but<00:12:29.620> deaths risk factor for skin cancer but deaths risk factor for skin cancer but deaths from<00:12:30.009> heart<00:12:30.220> disease<00:12:30.610> are<00:12:30.910> a<00:12:30.939> hundred<00:12:31.240> times from heart disease are a hundred times from heart disease are a hundred times higher<00:12:31.959> than<00:12:32.620> deaths<00:12:32.860> from<00:12:32.949> skin<00:12:33.250> cancer<00:12:33.279> and higher than deaths from skin cancer and higher than deaths from skin cancer and I<00:12:34.449> think<00:12:34.480> that<00:12:34.809> we<00:12:34.929> need I think that we need I think that we need to<00:12:35.300> be<00:12:35.809> more<00:12:36.050> aware<00:12:36.379> of<00:12:36.410> and<00:12:36.889> we<00:12:36.980> need<00:12:37.129> to<00:12:37.220> find to be more aware of and we need to find to be more aware of and we need to find the<00:12:37.579> risk-benefit<00:12:38.209> ratio<00:12:38.269> how<00:12:39.139> much<00:12:39.379> sunlight the risk-benefit ratio how much sunlight the risk-benefit ratio how much sunlight is<00:12:39.800> safe<00:12:40.360> how<00:12:41.360> can<00:12:41.629> we<00:12:41.779> kind<00:12:41.990> of<00:12:42.079> finesse<00:12:42.410> this is safe how can we kind of finesse this is safe how can we kind of finesse this best<00:12:43.100> for<00:12:43.699> our<00:12:43.790> general<00:12:44.089> health<00:12:44.269> so<00:12:45.019> thank<00:12:45.740> you best for our general health so thank you best for our general health so thank you very<00:12:45.829> much<00:12:46.069> indeed

Richard Weller, UV, Vitamin, D, sun, sun, Vitamin, sunlight, blood, pressure, UV, light, health, cardiovascular, health, TED, TEDx, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed

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