Khuôn mẫu đằng sau sự tự lừa dối – Michael Shermer

The pattern behind self-deception - Michael Shermer

The pattern behind self-deception - Michael Shermer


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

so<00:00:16.359> since<00:00:16.600> I<00:00:16.720> was<00:00:16.920> here<00:00:17.240> last<00:00:17.800> in<00:00:17.880> '<00:00:17.960> 06<00:00:18.960> uh<00:00:19.080> we
so since I was here last in ' 06 uh we so since I was here last in ' 06 uh we discovered<00:00:19.800> that<00:00:20.160> uh<00:00:20.439> global<00:00:20.840> climate<00:00:21.160> change discovered that uh global climate change discovered that uh global climate change is<00:00:21.680> turning<00:00:21.960> out<00:00:22.119> to<00:00:22.199> be<00:00:22.320> a<00:00:22.439> pretty<00:00:22.680> serious is turning out to be a pretty serious is turning out to be a pretty serious issue<00:00:23.279> so<00:00:23.439> we<00:00:23.599> covered issue so we covered issue so we covered that<00:00:25.400> uh<00:00:25.519> fairly<00:00:25.840> extensively<00:00:26.320> in<00:00:26.480> skeptic that uh fairly extensively in skeptic that uh fairly extensively in skeptic magazine<00:00:27.279> we<00:00:27.640> investigate<00:00:28.640> all<00:00:28.800> kinds<00:00:29.039> of magazine we investigate all kinds of magazine we investigate all kinds of scientific<00:00:30.199> and<00:00:30.480> quasi<00:00:30.880> scientific scientific and quasi scientific scientific and quasi scientific controversies<00:00:32.239> but<00:00:32.320> it<00:00:32.399> turns<00:00:32.640> out<00:00:32.759> we<00:00:32.880> don't controversies but it turns out we don't controversies but it turns out we don't really<00:00:33.200> have<00:00:33.320> to<00:00:33.399> worry<00:00:33.640> about<00:00:33.840> any<00:00:33.960> of<00:00:34.079> this really have to worry about any of this really have to worry about any of this because<00:00:34.399> the<00:00:34.480> world's<00:00:34.760> going<00:00:34.840> to<00:00:34.960> end<00:00:35.200> in because the world's going to end in because the world's going to end in 2012<00:00:37.079> another<00:00:37.440> update<00:00:37.960> uh<00:00:38.079> you<00:00:38.160> will<00:00:38.360> recall 2012 another update uh you will recall 2012 another update uh you will recall uh<00:00:39.160> so<00:00:39.320> I<00:00:39.440> introduced<00:00:39.960> you<00:00:40.200> guys<00:00:40.399> to<00:00:40.760> the uh so I introduced you guys to the uh so I introduced you guys to the quadro<00:00:41.680> tracker<00:00:42.680> it's<00:00:42.920> a<00:00:43.280> um<00:00:43.600> like<00:00:43.719> a<00:00:43.840> water quadro tracker it's a um like a water quadro tracker it's a um like a water dowsing<00:00:44.559> device<00:00:44.879> it's<00:00:45.039> just<00:00:45.120> a<00:00:45.239> hollow<00:00:45.559> piece dowsing device it's just a hollow piece dowsing device it's just a hollow piece of<00:00:45.960> plastic<00:00:46.280> with<00:00:46.399> an<00:00:46.520> antenna<00:00:46.960> that<00:00:47.039> swivels of plastic with an antenna that swivels of plastic with an antenna that swivels around<00:00:47.719> and<00:00:47.840> you<00:00:48.000> walk<00:00:48.199> around<00:00:48.960> and<00:00:49.039> it<00:00:49.199> points around and you walk around and it points around and you walk around and it points to<00:00:49.719> things<00:00:50.039> like<00:00:50.160> if<00:00:50.239> you're<00:00:50.399> looking<00:00:50.640> for to things like if you're looking for to things like if you're looking for marijuana<00:00:51.480> and<00:00:51.640> students<00:00:52.079> lockers<00:00:52.480> it'll<00:00:52.960> you marijuana and students lockers it'll you marijuana and students lockers it'll you know<00:00:53.239> like<00:00:53.399> point<00:00:53.680> right<00:00:53.840> to<00:00:54.160> some<00:00:54.559> somebody know like point right to some somebody know like point right to some somebody oh<00:00:55.120> sorry<00:00:55.960> um<00:00:56.840> this<00:00:57.039> particular<00:00:57.480> one<00:00:57.719> that<00:00:57.840> was oh sorry um this particular one that was oh sorry um this particular one that was given<00:00:58.239> to<00:00:58.399> me<00:00:58.760> finds<00:00:59.160> golf<00:00:59.440> balls given to me finds golf balls given to me finds golf balls especially<00:01:01.160> if<00:01:01.280> you're<00:01:01.480> at<00:01:01.600> a<00:01:01.760> golf<00:01:02.039> course especially if you're at a golf course especially if you're at a golf course and<00:01:02.440> you<00:01:02.680> check<00:01:02.960> under<00:01:03.280> enough<00:01:04.320> bushes<00:01:05.320> well and you check under enough bushes well and you check under enough bushes well under<00:01:05.720> the<00:01:05.880> category<00:01:06.360> of<00:01:06.520> what's<00:01:06.680> the<00:01:06.799> harm<00:01:07.080> of under the category of what's the harm of under the category of what's the harm of silly<00:01:07.520> stuff<00:01:07.799> like<00:01:08.119> this<00:01:09.040> this<00:01:09.240> device<00:01:09.600> the<00:01:09.720> ad silly stuff like this this device the ad silly stuff like this this device the ad 651<00:01:12.040> was<00:01:12.240> sold<00:01:12.600> to<00:01:12.759> the<00:01:12.920> Iraqi<00:01:13.439> government<00:01:14.119> for 651 was sold to the Iraqi government for 651 was sold to the Iraqi government for $440,000<00:01:15.479> a<00:01:15.680> piece<00:01:15.960> it's<00:01:16.200> just<00:01:16.400> like<00:01:16.600> this<00:01:16.759> one $440,000 a piece it's just like this one $440,000 a piece it's just like this one completely<00:01:17.479> worthless<00:01:18.479> in<00:01:18.600> which<00:01:18.720> it completely worthless in which it completely worthless in which it allegedly<00:01:19.400> worked<00:01:19.799> by<00:01:20.280> electrostatic allegedly worked by electrostatic allegedly worked by electrostatic magnetic<00:01:22.079> ion magnetic ion magnetic ion attraction<00:01:24.439> which<00:01:24.720> translates<00:01:25.400> to attraction which translates to attraction which translates to pseudoscientific<00:01:27.200> baloney<00:01:27.680> would<00:01:27.799> be<00:01:27.920> the pseudoscientific baloney would be the pseudoscientific baloney would be the nice<00:01:28.320> word<00:01:29.240> which<00:01:29.360> you<00:01:29.479> string<00:01:30.040> together<00:01:30.680> a nice word which you string together a nice word which you string together a bunch<00:01:30.920> of<00:01:31.040> words<00:01:31.280> that<00:01:31.439> sound<00:01:31.720> good<00:01:31.920> but<00:01:32.000> it bunch of words that sound good but it bunch of words that sound good but it does<00:01:32.439> absolutely<00:01:32.840> nothing<00:01:33.119> in<00:01:33.280> this<00:01:33.479> case<00:01:34.479> uh does absolutely nothing in this case uh does absolutely nothing in this case uh allowing<00:01:35.799> uh<00:01:35.960> at<00:01:36.360> at<00:01:36.640> trespass<00:01:37.200> points allowing uh at at trespass points allowing uh at at trespass points allowing<00:01:37.920> people<00:01:38.119> to<00:01:38.280> go<00:01:38.439> through<00:01:38.720> because allowing people to go through because allowing people to go through because your<00:01:39.119> little<00:01:39.320> tracker<00:01:39.759> device<00:01:40.600> said<00:01:40.880> they your little tracker device said they your little tracker device said they were<00:01:41.320> okay<00:01:42.079> actually<00:01:42.479> cost<00:01:43.240> lives<00:01:44.159> so<00:01:44.360> there were okay actually cost lives so there were okay actually cost lives so there is<00:01:44.640> a<00:01:44.840> danger<00:01:45.280> to<00:01:45.600> pseudoscience<00:01:46.360> and is a danger to pseudoscience and is a danger to pseudoscience and believing<00:01:46.960> in<00:01:47.640> uh<00:01:47.759> this<00:01:47.920> sort<00:01:48.079> of<00:01:48.560> thing<00:01:49.560> so believing in uh this sort of thing so believing in uh this sort of thing so what<00:01:49.840> I<00:01:49.920> want<00:01:50.040> to<00:01:50.159> talk<00:01:50.360> about<00:01:50.600> today<00:01:51.399> is what I want to talk about today is what I want to talk about today is belief<00:01:52.719> I<00:01:52.799> want<00:01:52.960> to<00:01:53.159> believe<00:01:53.799> and<00:01:54.439> uh<00:01:55.159> and<00:01:55.280> you belief I want to believe and uh and you belief I want to believe and uh and you do<00:01:55.600> too<00:01:55.759> and<00:01:55.880> in<00:01:56.039> fact<00:01:56.240> I<00:01:56.320> think<00:01:56.520> my<00:01:56.719> thesis do too and in fact I think my thesis do too and in fact I think my thesis here<00:01:57.320> is<00:01:57.600> that<00:01:57.840> belief<00:01:58.200> is<00:01:58.360> the<00:01:58.520> natural<00:01:58.960> state here is that belief is the natural state here is that belief is the natural state of<00:01:59.360> things<00:01:59.600> it<00:01:59.719> is<00:02:00.000> the<00:02:00.159> default<00:02:00.680> option<00:02:01.119> we of things it is the default option we of things it is the default option we just<00:02:01.600> believe<00:02:02.000> we<00:02:02.159> believe<00:02:02.520> all<00:02:02.719> sorts<00:02:02.960> of just believe we believe all sorts of just believe we believe all sorts of things<00:02:04.159> belief<00:02:04.520> is<00:02:04.719> natural<00:02:05.479> disbelief things belief is natural disbelief things belief is natural disbelief skepticism<00:02:07.399> science<00:02:07.759> is<00:02:07.960> not<00:02:08.239> natural<00:02:08.759> it's skepticism science is not natural it's skepticism science is not natural it's it's<00:02:09.440> more<00:02:10.000> difficult<00:02:10.200> it's<00:02:10.399> uncomfortable it's more difficult it's uncomfortable it's more difficult it's uncomfortable to<00:02:11.280> not<00:02:11.560> believe<00:02:12.000> things<00:02:12.840> so<00:02:13.160> like<00:02:13.360> Fox to not believe things so like Fox to not believe things so like Fox Moulder<00:02:14.120> on<00:02:14.560> xfiles<00:02:15.319> who<00:02:15.519> wants<00:02:15.760> to<00:02:15.959> believe Moulder on xfiles who wants to believe Moulder on xfiles who wants to believe in<00:02:16.879> UFOs<00:02:17.879> well<00:02:18.080> we<00:02:18.200> all<00:02:18.360> do<00:02:18.599> and<00:02:18.720> the<00:02:18.840> reason in UFOs well we all do and the reason in UFOs well we all do and the reason for<00:02:19.319> that<00:02:19.519> is<00:02:19.760> because<00:02:20.720> we<00:02:20.879> are<00:02:21.560> uh<00:02:21.720> we<00:02:21.800> have<00:02:21.920> a for that is because we are uh we have a for that is because we are uh we have a belief<00:02:22.560> engine<00:02:22.959> in<00:02:23.080> our<00:02:23.280> brains<00:02:23.720> essentially belief engine in our brains essentially belief engine in our brains essentially we<00:02:24.840> are<00:02:25.080> pattern-seeking<00:02:25.519> primates<00:02:26.480> we we are pattern-seeking primates we we are pattern-seeking primates we connect<00:02:27.280> the<00:02:27.400> dots<00:02:27.800> a<00:02:27.959> is<00:02:28.120> connected<00:02:28.440> to<00:02:28.560> b<00:02:29.000> b connect the dots a is connected to b b connect the dots a is connected to b b is<00:02:29.319> connected<00:02:29.599> to<00:02:29.680> C<00:02:30.040> and<00:02:30.239> sometimes<00:02:30.480> a<00:02:30.680> really is connected to C and sometimes a really is connected to C and sometimes a really is<00:02:31.000> connected<00:02:31.360> to<00:02:31.560> B<00:02:32.400> and<00:02:32.560> that's<00:02:32.800> called is connected to B and that's called is connected to B and that's called Association<00:02:33.720> learning<00:02:34.560> we<00:02:34.760> find<00:02:35.120> patterns<00:02:35.599> we Association learning we find patterns we Association learning we find patterns we make<00:02:36.000> those<00:02:36.200> connections<00:02:36.800> whether<00:02:37.000> it's<00:02:37.640> pav make those connections whether it's pav make those connections whether it's pav Law's<00:02:38.360> dog<00:02:38.800> here<00:02:39.640> uh<00:02:39.920> associating<00:02:40.720> the<00:02:40.879> sound Law's dog here uh associating the sound Law's dog here uh associating the sound of<00:02:41.280> the<00:02:41.400> bell<00:02:41.920> with<00:02:42.080> the<00:02:42.200> food<00:02:42.519> and<00:02:42.640> then<00:02:42.800> he of the bell with the food and then he of the bell with the food and then he salivates<00:02:43.680> to<00:02:43.800> the<00:02:43.920> sound<00:02:44.080> of<00:02:44.200> the<00:02:44.319> Bell<00:02:44.800> or salivates to the sound of the Bell or salivates to the sound of the Bell or whether<00:02:45.120> it's<00:02:45.239> a<00:02:45.360> scaran<00:02:46.000> rat<00:02:46.680> in<00:02:46.800> which<00:02:46.959> he's whether it's a scaran rat in which he's whether it's a scaran rat in which he's having<00:02:47.440> an<00:02:47.599> association<00:02:48.239> between<00:02:48.599> his having an association between his having an association between his behavior<00:02:49.519> and<00:02:49.640> a<00:02:49.800> reward<00:02:50.200> for<00:02:50.400> it<00:02:50.560> and behavior and a reward for it and behavior and a reward for it and therefore<00:02:50.959> he<00:02:51.120> repeats<00:02:51.519> the<00:02:51.680> behavior<00:02:52.680> in therefore he repeats the behavior in therefore he repeats the behavior in fact<00:02:53.040> what<00:02:53.159> Skinner<00:02:53.680> discovered<00:02:54.280> uh<00:02:54.480> is<00:02:54.640> that fact what Skinner discovered uh is that fact what Skinner discovered uh is that if<00:02:55.000> you<00:02:55.640> put<00:02:55.800> a<00:02:55.959> pigeon<00:02:56.280> in<00:02:56.400> a<00:02:56.560> box<00:02:56.879> like<00:02:57.000> this if you put a pigeon in a box like this if you put a pigeon in a box like this and<00:02:57.239> he<00:02:57.360> has<00:02:57.480> to<00:02:57.680> press<00:02:57.920> one<00:02:58.040> of<00:02:58.159> these<00:02:58.360> two and he has to press one of these two and he has to press one of these two keys<00:02:58.800> and<00:02:58.920> he<00:02:59.040> tries<00:02:59.239> to<00:02:59.319> figure<00:02:59.519> out<00:02:59.640> what<00:02:59.920> the keys and he tries to figure out what the keys and he tries to figure out what the pattern<00:03:00.319> is<00:03:00.440> and<00:03:00.560> you<00:03:00.680> give<00:03:00.760> them<00:03:00.879> a<00:03:01.000> little pattern is and you give them a little pattern is and you give them a little reward<00:03:01.879> in<00:03:02.000> the<00:03:02.120> hopper<00:03:02.480> box<00:03:02.879> there<00:03:03.480> if<00:03:03.599> you reward in the hopper box there if you reward in the hopper box there if you just<00:03:04.080> randomly<00:03:04.680> assign<00:03:05.239> rewards<00:03:06.239> such<00:03:06.480> that just randomly assign rewards such that just randomly assign rewards such that there<00:03:06.840> is<00:03:07.080> no<00:03:07.319> pattern<00:03:08.239> they<00:03:08.360> will<00:03:08.560> figure<00:03:08.840> out there is no pattern they will figure out there is no pattern they will figure out any<00:03:09.360> kind<00:03:09.480> of<00:03:09.720> pattern<00:03:10.319> and<00:03:10.519> whatever<00:03:10.799> they any kind of pattern and whatever they any kind of pattern and whatever they were<00:03:11.120> doing<00:03:11.640> just<00:03:11.879> before<00:03:12.159> they<00:03:12.280> got<00:03:12.440> the were doing just before they got the were doing just before they got the reward<00:03:13.040> they<00:03:13.200> repeat<00:03:13.599> that<00:03:13.799> particular reward they repeat that particular reward they repeat that particular pattern<00:03:15.159> sometimes<00:03:15.319> it<00:03:15.440> was<00:03:15.599> even<00:03:15.879> spinning pattern sometimes it was even spinning pattern sometimes it was even spinning around<00:03:16.640> twice<00:03:17.000> counterclockwise<00:03:17.879> once around twice counterclockwise once around twice counterclockwise once clockwise<00:03:18.879> and<00:03:19.040> Peck<00:03:19.280> the<00:03:19.400> key<00:03:19.760> twice<00:03:20.760> uh<00:03:21.120> and clockwise and Peck the key twice uh and clockwise and Peck the key twice uh and that's<00:03:21.480> called<00:03:21.720> Superstition<00:03:22.680> and<00:03:22.920> that<00:03:23.519> I'm that's called Superstition and that I'm that's called Superstition and that I'm afraid<00:03:24.080> we<00:03:24.200> will<00:03:24.440> always<00:03:24.760> have<00:03:25.000> with<00:03:25.159> us<00:03:26.120> I afraid we will always have with us I afraid we will always have with us I call<00:03:26.560> this<00:03:26.760> process<00:03:27.120> patternicity<00:03:27.799> that<00:03:27.920> is call this process patternicity that is call this process patternicity that is the<00:03:28.200> tendency<00:03:28.560> to<00:03:28.760> find<00:03:29.000> meaningful<00:03:29.439> patterns the tendency to find meaningful patterns the tendency to find meaningful patterns in<00:03:30.840> both<00:03:31.080> meaningful<00:03:31.799> and<00:03:31.959> meaningless<00:03:32.840> noise in both meaningful and meaningless noise in both meaningful and meaningless noise when<00:03:33.920> we<00:03:34.080> do<00:03:34.319> this<00:03:34.599> process<00:03:35.040> we<00:03:35.200> make<00:03:35.439> two when we do this process we make two when we do this process we make two types<00:03:35.879> of<00:03:36.000> Errors<00:03:36.319> a<00:03:36.480> type<00:03:36.680> one<00:03:36.879> error<00:03:37.159> or types of Errors a type one error or types of Errors a type one error or false<00:03:37.959> positive<00:03:38.959> uh<00:03:39.040> is<00:03:39.200> believing<00:03:39.560> a<00:03:39.720> pattern false positive uh is believing a pattern false positive uh is believing a pattern is<00:03:40.200> real<00:03:40.840> when<00:03:41.000> it's<00:03:41.239> not<00:03:42.239> our<00:03:42.439> second<00:03:42.720> type<00:03:42.879> of is real when it's not our second type of is real when it's not our second type of error<00:03:43.480> is<00:03:43.720> a<00:03:43.920> false<00:03:44.319> negative<00:03:44.680> a<00:03:44.840> type<00:03:45.040> two error is a false negative a type two error is a false negative a type two error<00:03:46.000> is<00:03:46.159> not<00:03:46.360> beli<00:03:46.599> in<00:03:46.720> a<00:03:46.920> pattern<00:03:47.400> is<00:03:47.599> real error is not beli in a pattern is real error is not beli in a pattern is real when<00:03:48.280> it<00:03:48.519> is<00:03:49.360> so<00:03:49.560> let's<00:03:49.879> uh<00:03:49.959> do<00:03:50.120> a<00:03:50.319> thought when it is so let's uh do a thought when it is so let's uh do a thought experiment<00:03:51.080> you<00:03:51.200> are<00:03:51.480> a<00:03:52.079> hominid<00:03:52.840> 3<00:03:53.079> million experiment you are a hominid 3 million experiment you are a hominid 3 million years<00:03:53.519> ago<00:03:53.840> walking<00:03:54.079> on<00:03:54.200> the<00:03:54.319> plains<00:03:54.599> of years ago walking on the plains of years ago walking on the plains of Africa<00:03:55.920> your<00:03:56.079> name<00:03:56.239> is<00:03:56.439> Lucy<00:03:57.120> okay<00:03:58.000> and<00:03:58.439> uh<00:03:58.879> and Africa your name is Lucy okay and uh and Africa your name is Lucy okay and uh and you<00:03:59.079> hear<00:03:59.200> a<00:03:59.280> Russell<00:03:59.840> the<00:04:00.200> grass<00:04:01.200> is<00:04:01.319> it<00:04:01.439> a you hear a Russell the grass is it a you hear a Russell the grass is it a dangerous<00:04:02.040> predator<00:04:02.439> or<00:04:02.599> is<00:04:02.720> it<00:04:03.239> just<00:04:03.480> the dangerous predator or is it just the dangerous predator or is it just the wind<00:04:04.680> your<00:04:04.959> next<00:04:05.239> decision<00:04:05.720> could<00:04:05.879> be<00:04:06.000> the wind your next decision could be the wind your next decision could be the most<00:04:06.360> important<00:04:06.720> one<00:04:06.879> of<00:04:07.000> your<00:04:07.319> life<00:04:08.319> well<00:04:08.519> if most important one of your life well if most important one of your life well if you<00:04:08.959> think<00:04:09.120> that<00:04:09.239> the<00:04:09.360> russle<00:04:09.640> in<00:04:09.760> the<00:04:09.920> grass you think that the russle in the grass you think that the russle in the grass is<00:04:10.519> is<00:04:10.599> a<00:04:10.720> dangerous<00:04:11.159> predator<00:04:11.560> and<00:04:11.640> it<00:04:11.720> turns is is a dangerous predator and it turns is is a dangerous predator and it turns out<00:04:12.079> it's<00:04:12.280> just<00:04:12.400> the<00:04:12.480> wind<00:04:12.720> you've<00:04:12.879> made<00:04:13.040> an out it's just the wind you've made an out it's just the wind you've made an error<00:04:13.480> in<00:04:13.720> cognition<00:04:14.319> you<00:04:14.480> made<00:04:14.599> a<00:04:14.720> type<00:04:14.920> one error in cognition you made a type one error in cognition you made a type one error<00:04:15.319> false<00:04:15.680> positive<00:04:16.479> but<00:04:16.639> no<00:04:16.799> harm<00:04:17.120> you error false positive but no harm you error false positive but no harm you just<00:04:17.479> move<00:04:17.720> away<00:04:17.919> you're<00:04:18.079> more<00:04:18.320> cautious just move away you're more cautious just move away you're more cautious you're<00:04:19.040> more<00:04:19.359> Vigilant<00:04:20.359> on<00:04:20.479> the<00:04:20.600> other<00:04:20.759> hand you're more Vigilant on the other hand you're more Vigilant on the other hand if<00:04:21.040> you<00:04:21.160> believe<00:04:21.400> that<00:04:21.519> the<00:04:21.600> rustle<00:04:21.919> in<00:04:22.079> the if you believe that the rustle in the if you believe that the rustle in the grass<00:04:22.639> is<00:04:22.840> just<00:04:23.000> the<00:04:23.120> wind<00:04:23.400> and<00:04:23.520> it<00:04:23.600> turns<00:04:24.000> out grass is just the wind and it turns out grass is just the wind and it turns out it's<00:04:24.800> a<00:04:24.919> dangerous<00:04:25.400> predator<00:04:26.360> your<00:04:26.720> lunch it's a dangerous predator your lunch it's a dangerous predator your lunch you've<00:04:27.960> just<00:04:28.120> won<00:04:28.479> a<00:04:28.639> Darwin<00:04:29.039> Award<00:04:29.479> you you've just won a Darwin Award you you've just won a Darwin Award you you've<00:04:29.800> been<00:04:29.919> taken<00:04:30.160> out<00:04:30.280> of<00:04:30.400> the<00:04:30.520> gene<00:04:30.960> pool you've been taken out of the gene pool you've been taken out of the gene pool now<00:04:32.120> the<00:04:32.320> problem<00:04:32.639> here<00:04:32.840> is<00:04:33.080> that<00:04:33.320> pattern now the problem here is that pattern now the problem here is that pattern aties<00:04:34.000> will<00:04:34.160> occur<00:04:34.479> whenever<00:04:34.840> the<00:04:35.160> cost<00:04:35.919> of aties will occur whenever the cost of aties will occur whenever the cost of making<00:04:36.320> a<00:04:36.479> type<00:04:36.680> 1<00:04:36.880> error<00:04:37.120> is<00:04:37.320> less<00:04:37.479> than<00:04:37.680> the making a type 1 error is less than the making a type 1 error is less than the cost<00:04:38.120> of<00:04:38.240> making<00:04:38.440> a<00:04:38.639> type<00:04:38.800> two<00:04:39.000> error<00:04:39.240> this<00:04:39.320> is cost of making a type two error this is cost of making a type two error this is the<00:04:39.479> only<00:04:39.720> equation<00:04:40.039> in<00:04:40.160> the<00:04:40.280> talk<00:04:40.639> by<00:04:40.720> the<00:04:40.840> way the only equation in the talk by the way the only equation in the talk by the way we<00:04:41.680> have<00:04:41.800> a<00:04:41.919> pattern<00:04:42.280> detection<00:04:42.919> problem<00:04:43.320> that we have a pattern detection problem that we have a pattern detection problem that is<00:04:43.639> assessing<00:04:44.080> the<00:04:44.199> difference<00:04:44.560> between<00:04:44.800> a is assessing the difference between a is assessing the difference between a type<00:04:45.280> one<00:04:45.759> and<00:04:45.880> a<00:04:46.039> type<00:04:46.240> two<00:04:46.479> error<00:04:46.840> is<00:04:47.039> highly type one and a type two error is highly type one and a type two error is highly problematic<00:04:48.400> especially<00:04:48.800> in<00:04:49.160> split-second problematic especially in split-second problematic especially in split-second life<00:04:50.360> and<00:04:50.639> death<00:04:51.080> situations<00:04:52.000> so<00:04:52.199> the<00:04:52.360> default life and death situations so the default life and death situations so the default position<00:04:53.199> is<00:04:53.400> just<00:04:53.680> believe<00:04:54.280> all<00:04:54.600> patterns position is just believe all patterns position is just believe all patterns are<00:04:55.120> real<00:04:55.759> all<00:04:55.960> rustles<00:04:56.400> in<00:04:56.520> the<00:04:56.680> grass<00:04:57.160> are are real all rustles in the grass are are real all rustles in the grass are dangerous<00:04:57.880> predators<00:04:58.440> and<00:04:58.600> not<00:04:58.840> just<00:04:59.000> the dangerous predators and not just the dangerous predators and not just the wind wind wind and<00:05:00.479> so<00:05:00.720> I<00:05:00.840> think<00:05:01.039> that<00:05:01.160> we<00:05:01.400> evolved<00:05:02.039> there<00:05:02.160> was and so I think that we evolved there was and so I think that we evolved there was a<00:05:02.479> natural<00:05:02.840> selection<00:05:03.240> for<00:05:03.440> the<00:05:03.600> propensity a natural selection for the propensity a natural selection for the propensity for<00:05:04.280> our<00:05:04.479> belief<00:05:04.759> engines<00:05:05.199> our for our belief engines our for our belief engines our pattern-seeking<00:05:06.240> brain<00:05:07.080> processes<00:05:07.680> to pattern-seeking brain processes to pattern-seeking brain processes to always<00:05:08.199> find<00:05:08.440> meaningful<00:05:08.960> patterns<00:05:09.800> and always find meaningful patterns and always find meaningful patterns and Infuse<00:05:10.440> them<00:05:10.720> with<00:05:11.160> these<00:05:11.320> sort<00:05:11.479> of<00:05:11.720> predatory Infuse them with these sort of predatory Infuse them with these sort of predatory or<00:05:12.440> intentional<00:05:12.960> agencies<00:05:13.360> that'll<00:05:13.639> come or intentional agencies that'll come or intentional agencies that'll come back<00:05:14.000> to<00:05:14.639> so<00:05:14.840> for<00:05:15.000> example<00:05:15.320> what<00:05:15.400> do<00:05:15.479> you<00:05:15.680> see back to so for example what do you see back to so for example what do you see here<00:05:17.560> it's<00:05:17.680> a<00:05:17.840> horse<00:05:18.160> head<00:05:18.440> that's<00:05:18.639> right<00:05:18.759> it here it's a horse head that's right it here it's a horse head that's right it looks<00:05:19.120> like<00:05:19.240> a<00:05:19.400> horse<00:05:20.080> must<00:05:20.280> be<00:05:20.440> a<00:05:20.560> horse looks like a horse must be a horse looks like a horse must be a horse that's<00:05:21.400> a<00:05:21.639> pattern<00:05:22.560> and<00:05:22.840> is<00:05:22.919> it<00:05:23.120> really<00:05:23.319> a that's a pattern and is it really a that's a pattern and is it really a horse<00:05:24.240> or<00:05:24.759> is<00:05:24.880> it<00:05:25.039> more<00:05:25.280> like<00:05:25.800> a<00:05:26.240> frog<00:05:27.240> see<00:05:27.479> our horse or is it more like a frog see our horse or is it more like a frog see our pattern<00:05:28.000> detection<00:05:28.759> device<00:05:29.199> which<00:05:29.360> is pattern detection device which is pattern detection device which is appears<00:05:30.000> to<00:05:30.120> be<00:05:30.280> located<00:05:31.199> in<00:05:31.440> the<00:05:31.800> anterior appears to be located in the anterior appears to be located in the anterior singulate<00:05:32.759> cortex<00:05:33.160> it's<00:05:33.319> our<00:05:33.479> little<00:05:33.960> sort<00:05:34.160> of singulate cortex it's our little sort of singulate cortex it's our little sort of detection<00:05:34.840> device<00:05:35.280> there<00:05:35.720> can<00:05:35.840> be<00:05:36.039> easily detection device there can be easily detection device there can be easily fooled<00:05:36.800> and<00:05:36.919> this<00:05:37.039> is<00:05:37.160> the<00:05:37.360> problem<00:05:37.720> for fooled and this is the problem for fooled and this is the problem for example<00:05:38.199> what<00:05:38.280> do<00:05:38.400> you<00:05:38.520> see<00:05:39.120> here<00:05:40.120> yes<00:05:40.319> of example what do you see here yes of example what do you see here yes of course<00:05:40.680> it's<00:05:40.800> a<00:05:41.280> cow<00:05:42.280> once<00:05:42.520> I<00:05:43.039> prime<00:05:43.400> the<00:05:43.520> brain course it's a cow once I prime the brain course it's a cow once I prime the brain it's<00:05:43.919> called<00:05:44.199> cognitive<00:05:44.639> priming<00:05:45.080> once<00:05:45.199> I it's called cognitive priming once I it's called cognitive priming once I prime<00:05:45.600> the<00:05:45.759> brain<00:05:45.960> to<00:05:46.080> see<00:05:46.319> it<00:05:47.319> it<00:05:47.520> pops<00:05:47.840> back prime the brain to see it it pops back prime the brain to see it it pops back out<00:05:48.240> again<00:05:48.440> even<00:05:48.720> without<00:05:48.960> the<00:05:49.120> pattern<00:05:49.720> that out again even without the pattern that out again even without the pattern that I've<00:05:50.080> imposed<00:05:50.479> on<00:05:50.560> it<00:05:50.680> and<00:05:50.759> what<00:05:50.840> do<00:05:50.919> you<00:05:51.039> see I've imposed on it and what do you see I've imposed on it and what do you see here<00:05:53.280> some<00:05:53.440> people<00:05:53.720> see<00:05:53.880> a<00:05:54.000> dalti<00:05:54.560> dog<00:05:55.039> yes here some people see a dalti dog yes here some people see a dalti dog yes there<00:05:55.360> it<00:05:55.479> is<00:05:55.639> and<00:05:55.759> there's<00:05:56.000> the<00:05:56.160> prime<00:05:56.440> so there it is and there's the prime so there it is and there's the prime so when<00:05:56.680> I<00:05:56.800> go<00:05:57.039> back<00:05:58.000> without<00:05:58.240> the<00:05:58.400> prime<00:05:58.880> your when I go back without the prime your when I go back without the prime your brain<00:05:59.319> already<00:05:59.720> has<00:05:59.880> the<00:06:00.000> model<00:06:00.440> so<00:06:00.560> you<00:06:00.680> can brain already has the model so you can brain already has the model so you can see<00:06:01.039> it see it see it again<00:06:02.919> what<00:06:03.039> do<00:06:03.120> you<00:06:03.199> see again what do you see again what do you see here<00:06:06.120> planet<00:06:06.479> Saturn<00:06:06.919> yes<00:06:07.120> that's<00:06:07.319> good<00:06:07.479> how here planet Saturn yes that's good how here planet Saturn yes that's good how about about about here<00:06:10.479> just<00:06:10.599> shout<00:06:10.919> out<00:06:11.240> anything<00:06:11.520> you

see<00:06:15.160> that's<00:06:15.280> a<00:06:15.400> good<00:06:15.599> audience<00:06:16.039> Chris<00:06:16.400> because
see that's a good audience Chris because see that's a good audience Chris because there's<00:06:16.880> nothing<00:06:17.160> in<00:06:17.319> this<00:06:17.520> well<00:06:17.680> allegedly there's nothing in this well allegedly there's nothing in this well allegedly there's<00:06:18.840> nothing<00:06:19.840> this<00:06:19.960> is<00:06:20.080> an<00:06:20.319> experiment there's nothing this is an experiment there's nothing this is an experiment done<00:06:21.039> by<00:06:21.199> Jennifer<00:06:21.599> witson<00:06:22.120> at<00:06:22.520> um<00:06:23.199> at<00:06:23.440> UT done by Jennifer witson at um at UT done by Jennifer witson at um at UT Austin<00:06:24.440> on<00:06:24.919> corporate<00:06:25.319> environments<00:06:25.880> and Austin on corporate environments and Austin on corporate environments and whether<00:06:26.639> uncertain<00:06:27.639> uh<00:06:27.720> feelings<00:06:28.120> of whether uncertain uh feelings of whether uncertain uh feelings of uncertainty<00:06:28.759> and<00:06:28.880> out<00:06:29.000> of<00:06:29.120> control<00:06:29.759> people uncertainty and out of control people uncertainty and out of control people see<00:06:30.199> elusory<00:06:30.800> patterns<00:06:31.759> that<00:06:31.880> is<00:06:32.080> almost see elusory patterns that is almost see elusory patterns that is almost everybody<00:06:32.720> sees<00:06:33.039> the<00:06:33.160> planet<00:06:33.520> Saturn<00:06:34.280> people everybody sees the planet Saturn people everybody sees the planet Saturn people that<00:06:34.599> are<00:06:34.759> put<00:06:34.919> in<00:06:35.039> a<00:06:35.360> condition<00:06:35.680> of<00:06:36.240> feeling that are put in a condition of feeling that are put in a condition of feeling out<00:06:36.720> of<00:06:36.880> control<00:06:37.199> are<00:06:37.319> more<00:06:37.560> likely<00:06:37.840> to<00:06:38.000> see out of control are more likely to see out of control are more likely to see something<00:06:39.120> in<00:06:39.440> this<00:06:39.800> which<00:06:39.960> is<00:06:40.319> allegedly something in this which is allegedly something in this which is allegedly patternless<00:06:42.160> uh<00:06:42.280> in<00:06:42.400> other<00:06:42.560> words<00:06:43.039> the patternless uh in other words the patternless uh in other words the propensity<00:06:43.840> to<00:06:44.039> feel<00:06:44.759> these<00:06:44.960> or<00:06:45.120> find<00:06:45.360> these propensity to feel these or find these propensity to feel these or find these patterns<00:06:45.960> goes<00:06:46.240> up<00:06:46.720> when<00:06:46.880> there's<00:06:47.120> a<00:06:47.280> lack<00:06:47.479> of patterns goes up when there's a lack of patterns goes up when there's a lack of control<00:06:48.120> for<00:06:48.240> example<00:06:48.599> baseball<00:06:49.080> players<00:06:49.680> are control for example baseball players are control for example baseball players are notoriously<00:06:50.560> superstitious<00:06:51.560> when<00:06:51.800> they're notoriously superstitious when they're notoriously superstitious when they're batting<00:06:53.360> but<00:06:53.639> not<00:06:53.880> so<00:06:54.120> much<00:06:54.400> when<00:06:54.599> they're batting but not so much when they're batting but not so much when they're Fielding<00:06:55.960> because<00:06:56.199> fielders<00:06:56.680> are<00:06:56.919> successful Fielding because fielders are successful Fielding because fielders are successful 90<00:06:57.720> to<00:06:57.840> 95%<00:06:58.599> of<00:06:58.720> the<00:06:58.879> time<00:06:59.280> the<00:06:59.639> best<00:06:59.840> batters 90 to 95% of the time the best batters 90 to 95% of the time the best batters fail<00:07:00.680> seven<00:07:01.000> out<00:07:01.120> of<00:07:01.280> 10<00:07:01.599> times<00:07:02.160> so<00:07:02.319> their fail seven out of 10 times so their fail seven out of 10 times so their superstitions<00:07:03.759> their<00:07:04.000> pattern<00:07:04.319> aties<00:07:04.800> are superstitions their pattern aties are superstitions their pattern aties are all<00:07:05.240> associated<00:07:05.800> with<00:07:06.199> feelings<00:07:06.560> of<00:07:06.759> lack<00:07:06.919> of all associated with feelings of lack of all associated with feelings of lack of control<00:07:08.280> uh<00:07:08.599> and<00:07:08.759> so<00:07:09.240> forth<00:07:10.240> what<00:07:10.319> do<00:07:10.400> you<00:07:10.520> see control uh and so forth what do you see control uh and so forth what do you see in<00:07:10.879> this<00:07:11.039> particular<00:07:11.440> one<00:07:11.759> here<00:07:12.280> in<00:07:12.479> this in this particular one here in this in this particular one here in this field<00:07:13.879> anybody<00:07:14.199> see<00:07:14.440> a<00:07:15.400> object<00:07:15.759> there<00:07:15.919> there field anybody see a object there there field anybody see a object there there actually<00:07:16.280> is<00:07:16.440> something<00:07:16.879> here<00:07:17.879> but<00:07:18.039> it's actually is something here but it's actually is something here but it's degraded<00:07:19.720> while<00:07:19.840> you're<00:07:20.000> thinking<00:07:20.319> about degraded while you're thinking about degraded while you're thinking about that<00:07:21.360> uh<00:07:21.520> this<00:07:21.639> was<00:07:21.759> an<00:07:21.960> experiment<00:07:22.440> done<00:07:22.720> by that uh this was an experiment done by that uh this was an experiment done by Susan<00:07:23.280> Blackmore<00:07:23.759> a<00:07:23.879> psychologist<00:07:24.479> in Susan Blackmore a psychologist in Susan Blackmore a psychologist in England<00:07:25.360> who<00:07:25.800> showed<00:07:26.160> subjects<00:07:26.560> this England who showed subjects this England who showed subjects this degraded<00:07:27.280> image<00:07:28.080> and<00:07:28.199> then<00:07:28.360> ran<00:07:28.560> a degraded image and then ran a degraded image and then ran a correlation<00:07:29.199> between<00:07:29.720> their<00:07:29.919> scores<00:07:30.400> on<00:07:30.560> an correlation between their scores on an correlation between their scores on an ESP<00:07:31.360> test<00:07:31.720> how<00:07:31.800> much<00:07:31.919> do<00:07:32.120> they<00:07:32.199> believe<00:07:32.400> in<00:07:32.520> the ESP test how much do they believe in the ESP test how much do they believe in the Paranormal<00:07:34.000> supernatural<00:07:35.000> angels<00:07:35.560> and<00:07:35.800> and Paranormal supernatural angels and and Paranormal supernatural angels and and so<00:07:36.160> forth<00:07:36.840> and<00:07:37.039> those<00:07:37.199> who<00:07:37.479> scored<00:07:37.840> high<00:07:38.080> on so forth and those who scored high on so forth and those who scored high on the<00:07:38.560> ESP<00:07:39.080> scale<00:07:39.800> tended<00:07:40.199> to<00:07:40.319> see<00:07:41.039> not<00:07:41.199> only<00:07:41.360> see the ESP scale tended to see not only see the ESP scale tended to see not only see more<00:07:41.879> patterns<00:07:42.199> in<00:07:42.319> the<00:07:42.440> degraded<00:07:42.919> images<00:07:43.879> but more patterns in the degraded images but more patterns in the degraded images but incorrect<00:07:44.879> patterns<00:07:45.319> here<00:07:45.520> is<00:07:45.800> what<00:07:46.599> uh<00:07:46.840> you incorrect patterns here is what uh you incorrect patterns here is what uh you show<00:07:47.280> subjects<00:07:47.720> the<00:07:47.879> fish<00:07:48.280> it's<00:07:48.639> degraded<00:07:49.639> 20% show subjects the fish it's degraded 20% show subjects the fish it's degraded 20% 50%<00:07:50.960> and<00:07:51.080> then<00:07:51.240> the<00:07:51.319> one<00:07:51.520> I<00:07:51.599> showed<00:07:51.919> you 50% and then the one I showed you 50% and then the one I showed you 70%<00:07:54.319> a<00:07:54.440> similar<00:07:54.800> experiment<00:07:55.240> was<00:07:55.400> done<00:07:55.599> by 70% a similar experiment was done by 70% a similar experiment was done by another<00:07:55.960> British<00:07:56.280> psychologist<00:07:56.879> named<00:07:57.080> Peter another British psychologist named Peter another British psychologist named Peter Brer<00:07:58.440> who<00:07:58.599> found<00:07:58.840> significantly<00:07:59.280> more Brer who found significantly more Brer who found significantly more patterns<00:08:00.319> meaningful<00:08:00.720> patterns<00:08:01.360> areed patterns meaningful patterns areed patterns meaningful patterns areed perceived<00:08:02.680> on<00:08:02.800> the<00:08:02.960> right<00:08:03.240> hemisphere<00:08:03.840> via perceived on the right hemisphere via perceived on the right hemisphere via the<00:08:04.199> left<00:08:04.479> visual<00:08:04.759> field<00:08:05.080> and<00:08:05.240> the<00:08:05.360> left the left visual field and the left the left visual field and the left hemisphere<00:08:06.639> so<00:08:06.960> if<00:08:07.039> you<00:08:07.199> present<00:08:07.639> subjects hemisphere so if you present subjects hemisphere so if you present subjects the<00:08:08.159> image<00:08:08.400> is<00:08:08.560> such<00:08:08.759> that<00:08:08.879> it's<00:08:09.000> going<00:08:09.120> to<00:08:09.199> end the image is such that it's going to end the image is such that it's going to end up<00:08:09.479> on<00:08:09.599> the<00:08:09.720> right<00:08:09.960> hemisphere<00:08:10.440> instead<00:08:10.680> of up on the right hemisphere instead of up on the right hemisphere instead of the<00:08:11.000> left<00:08:11.840> then<00:08:12.159> they're<00:08:12.360> more<00:08:12.560> likely<00:08:12.800> to<00:08:12.919> see the left then they're more likely to see the left then they're more likely to see patterns<00:08:13.919> than<00:08:14.039> if<00:08:14.120> you<00:08:14.319> put<00:08:14.440> it<00:08:14.560> on<00:08:14.720> the<00:08:14.960> the patterns than if you put it on the the patterns than if you put it on the the left<00:08:15.360> hemisphere<00:08:15.840> our<00:08:16.039> right<00:08:16.280> hemisphere left hemisphere our right hemisphere left hemisphere our right hemisphere appears<00:08:17.039> to<00:08:17.199> be<00:08:17.440> where<00:08:17.800> a<00:08:17.919> lot<00:08:18.039> of<00:08:18.199> this appears to be where a lot of this appears to be where a lot of this patternicity<00:08:19.360> occurs<00:08:19.800> so<00:08:19.919> what<00:08:20.039> we're<00:08:20.159> trying patternicity occurs so what we're trying patternicity occurs so what we're trying to<00:08:20.440> do<00:08:20.560> is<00:08:20.720> bore<00:08:21.000> into<00:08:21.159> the<00:08:21.280> brain<00:08:21.520> to<00:08:21.639> see to do is bore into the brain to see to do is bore into the brain to see where<00:08:21.960> all<00:08:22.159> this where all this where all this happens<00:08:23.840> Breer<00:08:24.280> and<00:08:24.400> his<00:08:24.560> colleague happens Breer and his colleague happens Breer and his colleague Christine<00:08:25.319> Moore<00:08:26.280> gave<00:08:26.639> subjects<00:08:27.240> elopa Christine Moore gave subjects elopa Christine Moore gave subjects elopa elopa<00:08:28.280> is<00:08:28.360> a<00:08:28.440> drug<00:08:28.639> as<00:08:28.720> you<00:08:28.840> know<00:08:29.039> given<00:08:29.520> for elopa is a drug as you know given for elopa is a drug as you know given for treating<00:08:30.560> Parkinson's<00:08:31.159> disease<00:08:31.599> which<00:08:31.720> is treating Parkinson's disease which is treating Parkinson's disease which is related<00:08:32.240> to<00:08:32.479> a<00:08:32.800> a<00:08:33.000> decrease<00:08:33.560> in<00:08:33.959> dopamine<00:08:34.599> L related to a a decrease in dopamine L related to a a decrease in dopamine L Doopa<00:08:35.279> increases<00:08:35.880> dopamine<00:08:36.719> an<00:08:36.880> increase<00:08:37.200> in Doopa increases dopamine an increase in Doopa increases dopamine an increase in dopamine<00:08:37.919> caused<00:08:38.240> subjects<00:08:38.599> to<00:08:38.719> see<00:08:39.000> more dopamine caused subjects to see more dopamine caused subjects to see more patterns<00:08:40.399> than<00:08:40.640> those<00:08:40.880> that<00:08:41.000> did<00:08:41.200> not<00:08:41.399> receive patterns than those that did not receive patterns than those that did not receive the<00:08:41.919> dopamine<00:08:42.399> so<00:08:42.599> dopamine<00:08:43.120> appears<00:08:43.440> to<00:08:43.599> be the dopamine so dopamine appears to be the dopamine so dopamine appears to be the<00:08:44.040> drug<00:08:45.040> associated<00:08:45.600> with<00:08:45.760> patternicity<00:08:46.360> in the drug associated with patternicity in the drug associated with patternicity in fact<00:08:46.640> neuroleptic<00:08:47.320> drugs<00:08:48.320> that<00:08:48.399> are<00:08:48.600> used<00:08:48.920> to fact neuroleptic drugs that are used to fact neuroleptic drugs that are used to eliminate<00:08:49.640> psychotic<00:08:50.279> behavior<00:08:51.120> things<00:08:51.399> like eliminate psychotic behavior things like eliminate psychotic behavior things like paranoia<00:08:52.200> delusions<00:08:52.720> and<00:08:53.279> hallucinations paranoia delusions and hallucinations paranoia delusions and hallucinations these<00:08:54.440> are<00:08:54.760> pattern<00:08:55.080> aties<00:08:55.920> they're these are pattern aties they're these are pattern aties they're incorrect<00:08:56.680> patterns<00:08:57.040> they're<00:08:57.240> false incorrect patterns they're false incorrect patterns they're false positives<00:08:58.079> or<00:08:58.279> type<00:08:58.480> one<00:08:58.640> errors<00:08:59.600> and<00:08:59.720> if<00:08:59.839> you positives or type one errors and if you positives or type one errors and if you give<00:09:00.360> them<00:09:00.800> drugs<00:09:01.399> that<00:09:02.160> are<00:09:02.880> dopamine give them drugs that are dopamine give them drugs that are dopamine antagonists<00:09:04.560> they<00:09:04.760> go<00:09:04.920> away<00:09:05.200> that<00:09:05.320> is<00:09:05.440> you antagonists they go away that is you antagonists they go away that is you decrease<00:09:06.040> the<00:09:06.160> amount<00:09:06.320> of<00:09:06.600> dopamine<00:09:07.600> and decrease the amount of dopamine and decrease the amount of dopamine and their<00:09:08.000> tendency<00:09:08.440> to<00:09:08.880> to<00:09:09.040> see<00:09:09.880> uh<00:09:10.040> patterns their tendency to to see uh patterns their tendency to to see uh patterns like<00:09:10.680> that<00:09:10.959> uh<00:09:11.079> decreases<00:09:11.760> on<00:09:11.880> the<00:09:12.000> other<00:09:12.200> hand like that uh decreases on the other hand like that uh decreases on the other hand amphetamines<00:09:13.279> like<00:09:13.399> and<00:09:13.680> cocaine<00:09:14.680> are amphetamines like and cocaine are amphetamines like and cocaine are dopamine<00:09:15.560> agonists<00:09:16.079> they<00:09:16.240> increase<00:09:16.680> the dopamine agonists they increase the dopamine agonists they increase the amount<00:09:16.959> of<00:09:17.120> dopamine<00:09:17.959> so<00:09:18.079> you're<00:09:18.279> more<00:09:18.560> likely amount of dopamine so you're more likely amount of dopamine so you're more likely to<00:09:19.000> be<00:09:19.880> uh<00:09:20.000> feel<00:09:20.279> in<00:09:20.399> a<00:09:20.519> euphoric<00:09:21.040> State to be uh feel in a euphoric State to be uh feel in a euphoric State creativity<00:09:22.040> find<00:09:22.279> more<00:09:22.519> patterns<00:09:22.959> in<00:09:23.120> fact<00:09:23.760> I creativity find more patterns in fact I creativity find more patterns in fact I saw<00:09:24.120> Robin<00:09:24.360> Williams<00:09:24.760> recently<00:09:25.200> talk<00:09:25.399> about saw Robin Williams recently talk about saw Robin Williams recently talk about how<00:09:25.959> he<00:09:26.519> uh<00:09:26.640> he<00:09:26.800> was<00:09:26.920> thought<00:09:27.040> he<00:09:27.120> was<00:09:27.279> much how he uh he was thought he was much how he uh he was thought he was much funnier<00:09:27.760> when<00:09:27.880> he<00:09:27.959> was<00:09:28.120> doing<00:09:28.440> cocaine<00:09:28.800> when funnier when he was doing cocaine when funnier when he was doing cocaine when he<00:09:29.040> had<00:09:29.160> that<00:09:29.440> issue<00:09:29.760> than<00:09:30.240> than<00:09:30.480> now<00:09:30.720> so he had that issue than than now so he had that issue than than now so perhaps<00:09:31.760> more<00:09:32.040> dopamine<00:09:32.519> is<00:09:32.640> related<00:09:32.959> to<00:09:33.160> more perhaps more dopamine is related to more perhaps more dopamine is related to more creativity<00:09:34.800> dopamine<00:09:35.320> I<00:09:35.399> think<00:09:35.560> changes<00:09:36.480> our creativity dopamine I think changes our creativity dopamine I think changes our signal<00:09:37.120> to<00:09:37.360> noise<00:09:37.760> ratio<00:09:38.360> that<00:09:38.560> is<00:09:39.560> how signal to noise ratio that is how signal to noise ratio that is how accurate<00:09:40.440> we<00:09:40.560> are<00:09:40.800> in<00:09:41.000> finding<00:09:41.560> patterns<00:09:42.560> if accurate we are in finding patterns if accurate we are in finding patterns if it's<00:09:42.880> too<00:09:43.079> low<00:09:43.320> you're<00:09:43.480> more<00:09:43.640> likely<00:09:43.880> to<00:09:44.000> make it's too low you're more likely to make it's too low you're more likely to make too<00:09:44.360> many<00:09:44.600> type<00:09:44.839> two<00:09:45.000> errors<00:09:45.360> you<00:09:45.480> miss<00:09:45.720> the too many type two errors you miss the too many type two errors you miss the real<00:09:46.079> patterns<00:09:46.440> you<00:09:46.519> don't<00:09:46.600> want<00:09:46.720> to<00:09:46.800> be<00:09:46.959> too real patterns you don't want to be too real patterns you don't want to be too skeptical<00:09:47.800> if<00:09:47.880> you're<00:09:48.000> too<00:09:48.200> skeptical<00:09:48.600> you skeptical if you're too skeptical you skeptical if you're too skeptical you miss<00:09:49.320> the<00:09:49.480> really<00:09:49.680> interesting<00:09:50.160> good<00:09:50.360> ideas miss the really interesting good ideas miss the really interesting good ideas just<00:09:51.680> right<00:09:51.880> you're<00:09:52.200> creative<00:09:52.680> and<00:09:52.800> yet<00:09:52.959> you just right you're creative and yet you just right you're creative and yet you don't<00:09:53.160> fall<00:09:53.440> for<00:09:53.600> too<00:09:53.760> much<00:09:53.959> baloney<00:09:54.880> too<00:09:55.200> high don't fall for too much baloney too high don't fall for too much baloney too high and<00:09:55.519> maybe<00:09:55.760> you<00:09:55.880> see<00:09:56.160> patterns<00:09:56.640> everywhere and maybe you see patterns everywhere and maybe you see patterns everywhere every<00:09:57.720> time<00:09:57.920> somebody<00:09:58.320> looks<00:09:58.560> at<00:09:58.680> you<00:09:58.920> you every time somebody looks at you you every time somebody looks at you you think<00:09:59.399> people<00:09:59.560> are<00:09:59.680> staring<00:10:00.000> at<00:10:00.120> you<00:10:00.320> you think people are staring at you you think people are staring at you you think<00:10:00.600> people<00:10:00.800> are<00:10:00.959> talking<00:10:01.320> about<00:10:01.560> you<00:10:02.240> and think people are talking about you and think people are talking about you and if<00:10:02.519> you<00:10:02.680> go<00:10:02.839> too<00:10:03.040> far<00:10:03.240> on<00:10:03.440> that<00:10:03.600> that's<00:10:03.800> just if you go too far on that that's just if you go too far on that that's just simply<00:10:04.240> labeled<00:10:04.959> as<00:10:05.320> Madness<00:10:06.320> it's<00:10:06.440> a simply labeled as Madness it's a simply labeled as Madness it's a distinction<00:10:07.040> perhaps<00:10:07.440> we<00:10:07.560> might<00:10:07.760> make distinction perhaps we might make distinction perhaps we might make between<00:10:08.680> two<00:10:08.880> Neil<00:10:09.160> borates<00:10:09.760> Richard<00:10:10.079> feinman between two Neil borates Richard feinman between two Neil borates Richard feinman and<00:10:11.279> John<00:10:11.560> Nash<00:10:12.120> one<00:10:12.519> sees<00:10:13.519> maybe<00:10:13.839> just<00:10:14.000> the and John Nash one sees maybe just the and John Nash one sees maybe just the right<00:10:14.320> number<00:10:14.519> of<00:10:14.680> patterns<00:10:15.079> to<00:10:15.360> win<00:10:15.519> a<00:10:15.640> Nobel right number of patterns to win a Nobel right number of patterns to win a Nobel Prize<00:10:16.240> the<00:10:16.320> other<00:10:16.480> one<00:10:16.720> also<00:10:17.120> but<00:10:17.519> maybe<00:10:17.839> too Prize the other one also but maybe too Prize the other one also but maybe too many<00:10:18.320> patterns<00:10:19.000> and<00:10:19.120> we<00:10:19.279> then<00:10:19.440> call<00:10:19.680> that many patterns and we then call that many patterns and we then call that schizophrenia<00:10:21.040> so<00:10:21.200> the<00:10:21.320> signal<00:10:21.640> to<00:10:21.800> noise schizophrenia so the signal to noise schizophrenia so the signal to noise ratio<00:10:22.839> uh<00:10:23.000> then<00:10:23.120> presents<00:10:23.519> us<00:10:23.640> with<00:10:23.760> a<00:10:23.880> pattern ratio uh then presents us with a pattern ratio uh then presents us with a pattern detection<00:10:24.720> problem<00:10:25.040> and<00:10:25.160> of<00:10:25.279> course<00:10:25.519> you<00:10:25.680> all detection problem and of course you all detection problem and of course you all know<00:10:26.120> exactly<00:10:27.000> what<00:10:27.240> this<00:10:27.440> is<00:10:27.760> right<00:10:28.440> and<00:10:28.640> what know exactly what this is right and what know exactly what this is right and what pattern<00:10:29.120> do<00:10:29.399> you<00:10:29.519> see<00:10:29.800> here<00:10:30.640> again<00:10:30.800> I'm pattern do you see here again I'm pattern do you see here again I'm putting<00:10:31.200> your<00:10:31.519> anterior<00:10:31.959> singulate<00:10:32.440> cortex putting your anterior singulate cortex putting your anterior singulate cortex to<00:10:33.000> the<00:10:33.200> test<00:10:33.480> here<00:10:33.680> causing<00:10:34.040> you<00:10:34.480> conflicting to the test here causing you conflicting to the test here causing you conflicting pattern<00:10:35.440> detections<00:10:35.959> you<00:10:36.120> know<00:10:36.880> of<00:10:37.000> course pattern detections you know of course pattern detections you know of course this<00:10:37.360> is<00:10:37.480> via<00:10:37.720> Uno<00:10:38.079> shoes<00:10:38.720> these<00:10:38.839> are this is via Uno shoes these are this is via Uno shoes these are sandals<00:10:41.839> pretty<00:10:42.120> sexy<00:10:42.399> feet<00:10:42.680> I<00:10:42.800> must sandals pretty sexy feet I must sandals pretty sexy feet I must say<00:10:44.920> maybe<00:10:45.160> a<00:10:45.279> little<00:10:45.560> photoshopped<00:10:46.560> and<00:10:46.720> of say maybe a little photoshopped and of say maybe a little photoshopped and of course<00:10:47.079> the<00:10:47.279> ambiguous<00:10:47.800> figures<00:10:48.279> that<00:10:48.399> seem course the ambiguous figures that seem course the ambiguous figures that seem to<00:10:48.760> flip-flop<00:10:49.360> back<00:10:49.480> and<00:10:49.680> forth<00:10:50.360> turns<00:10:50.600> out to flip-flop back and forth turns out to flip-flop back and forth turns out what<00:10:50.920> you're<00:10:51.120> thinking<00:10:51.480> about<00:10:51.720> a<00:10:51.839> lot what you're thinking about a lot what you're thinking about a lot influences<00:10:52.920> what<00:10:53.079> you influences what you influences what you um<00:10:55.560> tend<00:10:55.800> to<00:10:55.959> see<00:10:56.200> and<00:10:56.680> and<00:10:56.760> you<00:10:56.880> see<00:10:57.079> the<00:10:57.240> lamp um tend to see and and you see the lamp um tend to see and and you see the lamp here<00:10:57.680> I<00:10:57.839> know<00:10:58.079> because<00:10:58.800> have<00:10:58.959> lights<00:10:59.360> on here I know because have lights on here I know because have lights on here<00:11:01.800> of<00:11:01.920> course<00:11:02.160> thanks<00:11:02.399> to<00:11:02.600> the here of course thanks to the here of course thanks to the environmentalist<00:11:03.399> movement<00:11:03.639> we're<00:11:03.800> all environmentalist movement we're all environmentalist movement we're all sensitive<00:11:04.680> to<00:11:05.160> the<00:11:05.320> plight<00:11:05.639> of<00:11:05.800> marine sensitive to the plight of marine sensitive to the plight of marine mammals<00:11:06.519> so<00:11:06.680> what<00:11:06.800> you<00:11:06.920> see<00:11:07.120> in<00:11:07.440> this<00:11:07.959> in<00:11:08.160> this mammals so what you see in this in this mammals so what you see in this in this particular<00:11:08.959> ambiguous<00:11:09.440> figure<00:11:09.680> is<00:11:09.839> of<00:11:09.959> course particular ambiguous figure is of course particular ambiguous figure is of course the<00:11:10.320> Dolphins<00:11:10.920> right<00:11:11.519> you<00:11:11.639> see<00:11:11.800> a<00:11:11.959> dolphin the Dolphins right you see a dolphin the Dolphins right you see a dolphin here<00:11:13.600> and<00:11:13.839> and<00:11:14.000> and<00:11:14.079> there's<00:11:14.279> a<00:11:14.480> dolphin<00:11:15.480> and here and and and there's a dolphin and here and and and there's a dolphin and there's<00:11:15.800> a there's a there's a dolphin<00:11:17.600> this<00:11:17.720> is<00:11:17.839> a<00:11:18.040> do<00:11:18.440> that's<00:11:18.560> a<00:11:18.760> dolphin dolphin this is a do that's a dolphin dolphin this is a do that's a dolphin tail<00:11:19.720> there tail there tail there [Applause]

guys<00:11:25.760> um<00:11:26.040> if<00:11:26.360> if<00:11:26.480> we<00:11:26.600> can<00:11:27.120> give<00:11:27.240> you
guys um if if we can give you guys um if if we can give you conflicting<00:11:28.000> data<00:11:28.360> again<00:11:28.560> your<00:11:28.760> ACC<00:11:29.399> is<00:11:29.519> going conflicting data again your ACC is going conflicting data again your ACC is going to<00:11:29.680> be<00:11:29.760> going<00:11:29.959> into<00:11:30.240> hyperdrive<00:11:30.880> if<00:11:30.959> you<00:11:31.079> look to be going into hyperdrive if you look to be going into hyperdrive if you look down<00:11:31.560> here<00:11:31.760> it's<00:11:31.959> fine<00:11:32.200> if<00:11:32.279> you<00:11:32.399> look<00:11:32.560> up<00:11:32.760> here down here it's fine if you look up here down here it's fine if you look up here then<00:11:33.120> you<00:11:33.240> get<00:11:33.440> conflicting<00:11:33.959> data<00:11:34.720> and<00:11:34.800> then then you get conflicting data and then then you get conflicting data and then we<00:11:35.079> have<00:11:35.200> to<00:11:35.320> flip<00:11:35.600> the<00:11:35.760> image<00:11:36.120> for<00:11:36.240> you<00:11:36.360> to<00:11:36.519> see we have to flip the image for you to see we have to flip the image for you to see that<00:11:36.800> it's<00:11:36.920> a

setup<00:11:40.760> The<00:11:40.920> Impossible<00:11:41.360> crate<00:11:41.680> illusion<00:11:42.079> it's
setup The Impossible crate illusion it's setup The Impossible crate illusion it's easy<00:11:42.440> to<00:11:42.560> fool<00:11:42.839> the<00:11:42.920> brain<00:11:43.240> in<00:11:43.360> 2D<00:11:44.240> so<00:11:44.399> you<00:11:44.480> say easy to fool the brain in 2D so you say easy to fool the brain in 2D so you say oh<00:11:44.760> come<00:11:44.880> on<00:11:44.959> shmmer<00:11:45.360> anybody<00:11:45.639> can<00:11:45.760> do<00:11:45.920> that<00:11:46.000> in oh come on shmmer anybody can do that in oh come on shmmer anybody can do that in a<00:11:46.200> psych<00:11:46.440> 101<00:11:47.000> text<00:11:47.320> with<00:11:47.440> a<00:11:48.040> illusion<00:11:48.480> like a psych 101 text with a illusion like a psych 101 text with a illusion like that<00:11:48.880> well<00:11:49.160> well<00:11:49.320> here's<00:11:49.519> the<00:11:49.680> late<00:11:49.920> great that well well here's the late great that well well here's the late great Jerry<00:11:50.519> Andrew's<00:11:51.480> impossible<00:11:52.000> crate<00:11:52.279> illusion Jerry Andrew's impossible crate illusion Jerry Andrew's impossible crate illusion in<00:11:52.839> 3D<00:11:53.600> in<00:11:53.720> which<00:11:53.920> Jerry<00:11:54.200> is<00:11:54.399> standing<00:11:54.959> inside in 3D in which Jerry is standing inside in 3D in which Jerry is standing inside the<00:11:56.120> impossible<00:11:56.639> crate<00:11:57.519> and<00:11:57.880> uh<00:11:58.000> he<00:11:58.160> was<00:11:58.560> kind the impossible crate and uh he was kind the impossible crate and uh he was kind enough<00:11:58.959> to<00:11:59.240> post<00:11:59.560> this<00:11:59.720> and<00:12:00.079> give<00:12:00.240> us<00:12:00.399> the enough to post this and give us the enough to post this and give us the reveal<00:12:01.440> of<00:12:01.560> course<00:12:01.839> camera<00:12:02.160> angle<00:12:02.440> is reveal of course camera angle is reveal of course camera angle is everything<00:12:03.000> the<00:12:03.160> photographer<00:12:03.600> is<00:12:03.800> over everything the photographer is over everything the photographer is over there<00:12:04.560> and<00:12:04.720> this<00:12:04.839> board<00:12:05.240> pairs<00:12:05.480> to<00:12:05.760> overlap there and this board pairs to overlap there and this board pairs to overlap with<00:12:06.279> this<00:12:06.360> one<00:12:06.480> and<00:12:06.639> this<00:12:06.720> one<00:12:06.839> with<00:12:07.040> that<00:12:07.160> one with this one and this one with that one with this one and this one with that one and<00:12:07.399> so<00:12:07.519> on<00:12:07.680> but<00:12:07.800> even<00:12:08.000> when<00:12:08.120> I<00:12:08.240> take<00:12:08.399> it<00:12:08.560> away and so on but even when I take it away and so on but even when I take it away the<00:12:09.279> illusion<00:12:09.639> is<00:12:09.800> so<00:12:10.040> powerful<00:12:10.560> because<00:12:10.760> of the illusion is so powerful because of the illusion is so powerful because of how<00:12:11.079> our<00:12:11.200> brains<00:12:11.440> are<00:12:11.639> wired<00:12:11.920> to<00:12:12.079> find<00:12:12.360> those how our brains are wired to find those how our brains are wired to find those certain<00:12:13.160> kinds<00:12:13.360> of certain kinds of certain kinds of patterns<00:12:15.120> this<00:12:15.279> is<00:12:15.360> a<00:12:15.480> fairly<00:12:15.800> new<00:12:16.000> one<00:12:16.600> that patterns this is a fairly new one that patterns this is a fairly new one that throws<00:12:17.000> us<00:12:17.199> off<00:12:17.519> because<00:12:17.760> of<00:12:17.920> the<00:12:18.040> conflicting throws us off because of the conflicting throws us off because of the conflicting patterns<00:12:18.959> of<00:12:19.160> comparing<00:12:20.000> this<00:12:20.160> angle<00:12:20.560> with patterns of comparing this angle with patterns of comparing this angle with that<00:12:20.920> angle<00:12:21.240> in<00:12:21.399> fact<00:12:21.519> it's<00:12:21.680> the<00:12:21.839> exact<00:12:22.160> same that angle in fact it's the exact same that angle in fact it's the exact same picture<00:12:23.240> side<00:12:23.480> by<00:12:24.040> side<00:12:25.040> so<00:12:25.320> what<00:12:25.399> you're picture side by side so what you're picture side by side so what you're doing<00:12:25.800> is<00:12:26.000> comparing<00:12:26.399> that<00:12:26.600> angle<00:12:26.920> instead<00:12:27.160> of doing is comparing that angle instead of doing is comparing that angle instead of with<00:12:27.480> this<00:12:27.600> one<00:12:27.839> but<00:12:27.959> with<00:12:28.160> that<00:12:28.279> one<00:12:28.760> and<00:12:28.880> so with this one but with that one and so with this one but with that one and so your<00:12:29.320> brain<00:12:29.600> is<00:12:29.720> fooled<00:12:30.240> yet<00:12:30.440> again<00:12:30.639> your your brain is fooled yet again your your brain is fooled yet again your pattern<00:12:31.160> detection<00:12:31.560> devices<00:12:31.920> are<00:12:32.079> fooled pattern detection devices are fooled pattern detection devices are fooled faces<00:12:33.240> are<00:12:33.839> easy<00:12:34.120> to<00:12:34.240> see<00:12:34.760> because<00:12:34.959> we<00:12:35.079> have<00:12:35.199> an faces are easy to see because we have an faces are easy to see because we have an additional<00:12:35.880> evolved<00:12:36.560> facial<00:12:37.199> recognition additional evolved facial recognition additional evolved facial recognition software<00:12:39.199> in<00:12:39.440> our<00:12:40.079> temporal<00:12:40.600> loes<00:12:41.600> here<00:12:41.720> are software in our temporal loes here are software in our temporal loes here are some<00:12:42.000> faces<00:12:42.320> on<00:12:42.480> the<00:12:42.600> side<00:12:42.760> of<00:12:42.880> a some faces on the side of a some faces on the side of a rock<00:12:44.680> I'm<00:12:44.839> actually<00:12:45.079> not<00:12:45.240> even<00:12:45.399> sure<00:12:45.560> if<00:12:45.680> this rock I'm actually not even sure if this rock I'm actually not even sure if this is<00:12:46.079> this<00:12:46.199> might<00:12:46.360> be<00:12:46.519> Photoshop<00:12:47.079> but<00:12:47.240> anyway is this might be Photoshop but anyway is this might be Photoshop but anyway the<00:12:47.639> point<00:12:47.839> is<00:12:48.000> still<00:12:48.639> made<00:12:49.639> which<00:12:49.760> one<00:12:49.880> of the point is still made which one of the point is still made which one of these<00:12:50.240> looks<00:12:50.639> odd<00:12:50.839> to<00:12:50.959> you<00:12:51.120> in<00:12:51.240> a<00:12:51.399> quick these looks odd to you in a quick these looks odd to you in a quick reaction<00:12:52.120> which<00:12:52.240> one<00:12:52.399> looks<00:12:53.120> odd<00:12:54.120> the<00:12:54.240> one<00:12:54.360> on reaction which one looks odd the one on reaction which one looks odd the one on the<00:12:54.639> left<00:12:54.959> okay<00:12:55.079> I'll<00:12:55.399> rotate<00:12:55.839> it<00:12:56.000> so<00:12:56.240> it'll<00:12:56.440> be the left okay I'll rotate it so it'll be the left okay I'll rotate it so it'll be the<00:12:56.680> one<00:12:56.839> on<00:12:56.959> the<00:12:57.120> right<00:12:57.480> and<00:12:57.720> you<00:12:57.839> are<00:12:58.120> correct the one on the right and you are correct the one on the right and you are correct fairly<00:13:00.360> famous<00:13:00.760> illusion<00:13:01.160> that<00:13:01.279> was<00:13:01.440> first fairly famous illusion that was first fairly famous illusion that was first done<00:13:01.839> with<00:13:02.000> Margaret<00:13:02.360> Thatcher<00:13:02.800> now<00:13:03.160> they done with Margaret Thatcher now they done with Margaret Thatcher now they they<00:13:03.399> trade<00:13:03.639> up<00:13:03.760> to<00:13:03.959> politicians<00:13:04.560> every<00:13:04.760> time they trade up to politicians every time they trade up to politicians every time well<00:13:05.519> why<00:13:05.639> is<00:13:05.800> this<00:13:06.000> happening<00:13:06.360> well<00:13:06.440> we<00:13:06.560> know well why is this happening well we know well why is this happening well we know exactly<00:13:07.160> where<00:13:07.279> it<00:13:07.440> happens<00:13:08.160> in<00:13:08.279> the<00:13:08.440> temporal exactly where it happens in the temporal exactly where it happens in the temporal low<00:13:09.199> right<00:13:09.480> across<00:13:09.959> sort<00:13:10.120> of<00:13:10.279> above<00:13:10.480> your<00:13:10.600> ear low right across sort of above your ear low right across sort of above your ear there<00:13:11.519> in<00:13:11.680> a<00:13:11.839> little<00:13:12.079> structure<00:13:12.480> called<00:13:12.639> the there in a little structure called the there in a little structure called the fusiform<00:13:13.320> gyrus<00:13:14.279> and<00:13:14.399> there's<00:13:14.600> two<00:13:14.839> types<00:13:15.079> of fusiform gyrus and there's two types of fusiform gyrus and there's two types of cells<00:13:15.760> that<00:13:15.920> do<00:13:16.120> this<00:13:16.279> that<00:13:16.440> record<00:13:16.839> facial cells that do this that record facial cells that do this that record facial features<00:13:17.600> either<00:13:18.160> globally<00:13:18.839> or<00:13:19.440> specifically features either globally or specifically features either globally or specifically these<00:13:20.480> large<00:13:20.880> rapid<00:13:21.240> firing<00:13:21.560> cells<00:13:22.040> first these large rapid firing cells first these large rapid firing cells first look<00:13:22.440> at<00:13:22.600> the<00:13:22.720> general<00:13:23.079> face<00:13:23.440> so<00:13:23.680> you look at the general face so you look at the general face so you recognize<00:13:24.440> Obama<00:13:24.839> immediately<00:13:25.839> and<00:13:25.959> then<00:13:26.079> you recognize Obama immediately and then you recognize Obama immediately and then you notice<00:13:26.560> something<00:13:26.920> quite<00:13:27.120> a<00:13:27.199> little<00:13:27.360> bit<00:13:27.519> odd notice something quite a little bit odd notice something quite a little bit odd about<00:13:27.959> the<00:13:28.120> eyes<00:13:28.320> and<00:13:28.440> the<00:13:28.600> mouth<00:13:29.560> especially about the eyes and the mouth especially about the eyes and the mouth especially when<00:13:30.000> they're<00:13:30.160> upside<00:13:30.560> down<00:13:30.760> you're<00:13:30.959> engaging when they're upside down you're engaging when they're upside down you're engaging that<00:13:31.680> General<00:13:32.040> facial<00:13:32.360> recognition<00:13:32.959> software that General facial recognition software that General facial recognition software there<00:13:34.680> now<00:13:34.839> I<00:13:34.959> said<00:13:35.240> back<00:13:35.360> in<00:13:35.480> our<00:13:35.680> little<00:13:36.360> um there now I said back in our little um there now I said back in our little um thought<00:13:36.920> experiment<00:13:37.399> you're<00:13:37.560> a<00:13:37.720> homed thought experiment you're a homed thought experiment you're a homed walking<00:13:38.440> on<00:13:38.560> the<00:13:38.680> plains<00:13:38.959> of<00:13:39.199> Africa<00:13:40.000> is<00:13:40.120> it walking on the plains of Africa is it walking on the plains of Africa is it just<00:13:40.800> the<00:13:40.959> wind<00:13:41.160> or<00:13:41.279> a<00:13:41.399> dangerous<00:13:41.800> predator just the wind or a dangerous predator just the wind or a dangerous predator what's<00:13:42.399> the<00:13:42.519> difference<00:13:42.920> between<00:13:43.360> those<00:13:44.199> well what's the difference between those well what's the difference between those well a<00:13:44.440> wind<00:13:44.680> is<00:13:44.800> an<00:13:44.959> animate<00:13:45.360> a<00:13:45.480> dangerous a wind is an animate a dangerous a wind is an animate a dangerous predator<00:13:46.600> is<00:13:46.720> an<00:13:46.880> intentional<00:13:47.560> agent<00:13:48.160> and<00:13:48.279> I predator is an intentional agent and I predator is an intentional agent and I call<00:13:48.720> this<00:13:48.959> process<00:13:49.360> agenticity<00:13:50.160> that<00:13:50.279> is<00:13:50.399> the call this process agenticity that is the call this process agenticity that is the tendency<00:13:50.959> to<00:13:51.120> infuse<00:13:51.720> patterns<00:13:52.720> with<00:13:52.839> meaning tendency to infuse patterns with meaning tendency to infuse patterns with meaning intention<00:13:53.880> and<00:13:54.040> agency<00:13:54.720> often<00:13:55.519> invisible intention and agency often invisible intention and agency often invisible beings<00:13:56.480> from<00:13:56.639> the<00:13:56.839> top<00:13:57.560> down<00:13:58.560> this<00:13:58.680> is<00:13:59.160> idea beings from the top down this is idea beings from the top down this is idea that<00:13:59.680> we<00:13:59.800> got<00:13:59.920> from<00:14:00.040> a<00:14:00.160> fellow<00:14:00.399> tedster<00:14:00.880> here that we got from a fellow tedster here that we got from a fellow tedster here Dan<00:14:01.519> denn<00:14:01.959> talked<00:14:02.160> about<00:14:02.440> taking<00:14:02.680> the Dan denn talked about taking the Dan denn talked about taking the intentional<00:14:03.360> stance<00:14:03.720> so<00:14:03.839> it's<00:14:03.920> a<00:14:04.079> type<00:14:04.240> of intentional stance so it's a type of intentional stance so it's a type of that<00:14:04.800> expanded<00:14:05.240> to<00:14:05.440> explain<00:14:05.880> I<00:14:05.959> think<00:14:06.120> a<00:14:06.240> lot that expanded to explain I think a lot that expanded to explain I think a lot of<00:14:06.560> different<00:14:06.800> things<00:14:07.120> Souls<00:14:07.639> Spirits<00:14:08.120> ghosts of different things Souls Spirits ghosts of different things Souls Spirits ghosts Gods<00:14:08.959> demons<00:14:09.440> Angels<00:14:09.839> aliens<00:14:10.320> intelligent Gods demons Angels aliens intelligent Gods demons Angels aliens intelligent designers<00:14:11.560> government<00:14:12.079> conspiracists<00:14:12.880> in designers government conspiracists in designers government conspiracists in all<00:14:13.240> manner<00:14:13.880> of<00:14:14.120> invisible<00:14:14.759> agents<00:14:15.759> with all manner of invisible agents with all manner of invisible agents with power<00:14:16.160> and<00:14:16.360> intention<00:14:16.720> are<00:14:16.880> believed<00:14:17.199> to power and intention are believed to power and intention are believed to haunt<00:14:17.560> our<00:14:17.759> world<00:14:18.480> and<00:14:18.639> control<00:14:19.040> Our<00:14:19.279> Lives<00:14:19.600> I haunt our world and control Our Lives I haunt our world and control Our Lives I think<00:14:19.800> it's<00:14:19.959> the<00:14:20.120> basis<00:14:20.399> of<00:14:20.839> animism<00:14:21.839> and think it's the basis of animism and think it's the basis of animism and polytheism<00:14:23.440> and<00:14:23.920> monotheism<00:14:24.920> it's<00:14:25.079> the polytheism and monotheism it's the polytheism and monotheism it's the belief<00:14:25.519> that<00:14:25.680> aliens<00:14:26.079> are<00:14:26.320> somehow<00:14:26.920> more belief that aliens are somehow more belief that aliens are somehow more advanced<00:14:27.560> than<00:14:27.680> us<00:14:27.880> more<00:14:28.079> moral<00:14:28.399> than<00:14:28.519> us<00:14:28.639> in advanced than us more moral than us in advanced than us more moral than us in the<00:14:29.079> AES<00:14:29.480> always<00:14:30.000> are<00:14:30.199> that<00:14:30.320> they're<00:14:30.519> coming the AES always are that they're coming the AES always are that they're coming here<00:14:30.959> to<00:14:31.120> save<00:14:31.360> us<00:14:31.560> and<00:14:31.720> rescue<00:14:32.120> us<00:14:32.959> from<00:14:33.160> on here to save us and rescue us from on here to save us and rescue us from on high<00:14:33.920> the<00:14:34.040> intelligent<00:14:34.519> designer<00:14:34.920> is<00:14:35.079> always high the intelligent designer is always high the intelligent designer is always portrayed<00:14:35.839> as<00:14:36.040> this<00:14:36.480> super<00:14:36.800> intelligent portrayed as this super intelligent portrayed as this super intelligent moral<00:14:37.959> being<00:14:38.240> that<00:14:38.360> comes<00:14:38.600> down<00:14:38.759> to<00:14:38.959> design moral being that comes down to design moral being that comes down to design life<00:14:40.199> even<00:14:40.399> the<00:14:40.560> idea<00:14:40.839> that<00:14:41.040> government<00:14:41.440> can life even the idea that government can life even the idea that government can rescue<00:14:42.079> us<00:14:42.920> that's<00:14:43.120> no<00:14:43.279> longer<00:14:43.560> the<00:14:43.680> wave<00:14:43.880> of rescue us that's no longer the wave of rescue us that's no longer the wave of the<00:14:44.079> future<00:14:44.360> but<00:14:44.480> that<00:14:44.639> is<00:14:44.800> I<00:14:44.920> think<00:14:45.120> a<00:14:45.240> type<00:14:45.399> of the future but that is I think a type of the future but that is I think a type of agenticity<00:14:46.279> the<00:14:46.680> projecting<00:14:47.320> somebody<00:14:47.839> up agenticity the projecting somebody up agenticity the projecting somebody up there<00:14:48.480> big<00:14:48.639> and<00:14:48.839> powerful<00:14:49.240> will<00:14:49.399> come<00:14:49.639> rescue there big and powerful will come rescue there big and powerful will come rescue us<00:14:50.720> and<00:14:50.880> this<00:14:50.959> is<00:14:51.160> also<00:14:51.399> I<00:14:51.480> think<00:14:51.639> the<00:14:51.759> basis<00:14:52.000> of us and this is also I think the basis of us and this is also I think the basis of conspiracy<00:14:52.800> theories<00:14:53.199> there's<00:14:53.440> somebody conspiracy theories there's somebody conspiracy theories there's somebody hiding<00:14:54.199> behind<00:14:54.519> there<00:14:54.720> pulling<00:14:55.040> the<00:14:55.199> strings hiding behind there pulling the strings hiding behind there pulling the strings uh<00:14:56.320> whether<00:14:56.519> it's<00:14:56.880> uh<00:14:57.000> the<00:14:57.120> Illuminati<00:14:57.920> or<00:14:58.040> the uh whether it's uh the Illuminati or the uh whether it's uh the Illuminati or the bilderbergers<00:14:59.399> but<00:14:59.519> this<00:14:59.600> is<00:14:59.720> a<00:14:59.839> pattern bilderbergers but this is a pattern bilderbergers but this is a pattern detection<00:15:00.600> problem<00:15:00.839> isn't<00:15:01.040> it<00:15:01.199> some<00:15:01.399> patterns detection problem isn't it some patterns detection problem isn't it some patterns are<00:15:01.880> real<00:15:02.120> and<00:15:02.240> some<00:15:02.399> are<00:15:02.600> not<00:15:02.959> was<00:15:03.120> JFK are real and some are not was JFK are real and some are not was JFK assassinated<00:15:04.360> by<00:15:04.920> a<00:15:05.079> conspiracy<00:15:05.680> or<00:15:05.880> by<00:15:05.959> a assassinated by a conspiracy or by a assassinated by a conspiracy or by a lone<00:15:06.399> assassin<00:15:06.839> well<00:15:07.040> if<00:15:07.120> you<00:15:07.279> go<00:15:07.519> there<00:15:08.160> uh lone assassin well if you go there uh lone assassin well if you go there uh there's<00:15:08.680> people<00:15:08.959> there<00:15:09.079> on<00:15:09.279> any<00:15:09.440> given<00:15:09.720> day there's people there on any given day there's people there on any given day like<00:15:10.120> when<00:15:10.279> I<00:15:10.399> went<00:15:10.639> there<00:15:10.839> here<00:15:11.120> showing<00:15:11.440> me like when I went there here showing me like when I went there here showing me where<00:15:11.839> the<00:15:12.000> different<00:15:12.279> shooters<00:15:12.720> were<00:15:13.120> my where the different shooters were my where the different shooters were my favorite<00:15:13.480> one<00:15:13.680> was<00:15:13.959> he<00:15:14.040> was<00:15:14.160> in<00:15:14.279> the<00:15:14.440> manhole favorite one was he was in the manhole favorite one was he was in the manhole and<00:15:15.519> he<00:15:15.720> popped<00:15:15.959> out<00:15:16.079> at<00:15:16.199> the<00:15:16.360> last<00:15:16.560> second and he popped out at the last second and he popped out at the last second took<00:15:17.120> that<00:15:17.279> shot<00:15:18.160> but<00:15:18.279> of<00:15:18.440> course<00:15:18.720> Lincoln<00:15:19.079> was took that shot but of course Lincoln was took that shot but of course Lincoln was assassinated<00:15:19.880> by<00:15:19.959> a<00:15:20.120> conspiracy<00:15:20.680> so<00:15:20.839> we<00:15:20.959> can't assassinated by a conspiracy so we can't assassinated by a conspiracy so we can't just<00:15:21.279> uniformly<00:15:21.920> dismiss<00:15:22.600> all<00:15:22.880> patterns<00:15:23.399> like just uniformly dismiss all patterns like just uniformly dismiss all patterns like that<00:15:24.040> because<00:15:24.320> let's<00:15:24.519> face<00:15:24.680> it<00:15:24.880> some<00:15:25.120> patterns that because let's face it some patterns that because let's face it some patterns are<00:15:25.639> real<00:15:25.959> some<00:15:26.160> conspiracies<00:15:26.839> really<00:15:27.040> are are real some conspiracies really are are real some conspiracies really are true true true explains<00:15:30.680> a<00:15:30.839> lot<00:15:31.319> maybe<00:15:32.319> uh<00:15:32.399> and<00:15:32.560> 911<00:15:33.120> as<00:15:33.279> a explains a lot maybe uh and 911 as a explains a lot maybe uh and 911 as a conspiracy<00:15:34.079> theory<00:15:34.440> it<00:15:34.560> is<00:15:34.680> a<00:15:34.880> conspiracy<00:15:35.519> we conspiracy theory it is a conspiracy we conspiracy theory it is a conspiracy we did<00:15:35.759> a<00:15:35.880> whole<00:15:36.040> issue<00:15:36.319> on<00:15:36.440> it<00:15:37.240> 19<00:15:37.639> members<00:15:37.920> of<00:15:38.040> Al did a whole issue on it 19 members of Al did a whole issue on it 19 members of Al qada<00:15:38.519> plotting<00:15:38.800> to<00:15:39.120> fly<00:15:39.440> planes<00:15:39.720> into qada plotting to fly planes into qada plotting to fly planes into buildings<00:15:40.319> constitutes<00:15:40.800> a<00:15:40.959> conspiracy<00:15:41.519> but buildings constitutes a conspiracy but buildings constitutes a conspiracy but that's<00:15:41.800> not<00:15:41.920> what<00:15:42.040> the<00:15:42.160> 911<00:15:42.639> truthers<00:15:43.160> think that's not what the 911 truthers think that's not what the 911 truthers think they<00:15:43.759> think<00:15:43.920> it<00:15:44.000> was<00:15:44.120> an<00:15:44.319> inside<00:15:44.800> job<00:15:45.319> by<00:15:45.440> the they think it was an inside job by the they think it was an inside job by the Bush<00:15:45.959> Administration<00:15:46.959> well<00:15:47.079> that's<00:15:47.199> a<00:15:47.319> whole Bush Administration well that's a whole Bush Administration well that's a whole another<00:15:47.720> lecture<00:15:48.160> but<00:15:48.639> you<00:15:48.759> know<00:15:48.880> how<00:15:49.000> we<00:15:49.160> know another lecture but you know how we know another lecture but you know how we know that<00:15:49.519> 911<00:15:50.079> was<00:15:50.199> not<00:15:50.399> orchestrated<00:15:51.160> by<00:15:51.279> the that 911 was not orchestrated by the that 911 was not orchestrated by the Bush<00:15:51.720> Administration<00:15:52.720> because<00:15:53.560> it<00:15:53.759> worked

so<00:16:00.839> we<00:16:00.959> are<00:16:01.160> natural<00:16:01.519> born<00:16:01.800> Duelists<00:16:02.360> our
so we are natural born Duelists our so we are natural born Duelists our agenticity<00:16:03.279> process<00:16:03.600> comes<00:16:03.839> from<00:16:04.000> the<00:16:04.120> fact agenticity process comes from the fact agenticity process comes from the fact that<00:16:04.440> we<00:16:04.519> can<00:16:04.759> enjoy<00:16:05.160> movies<00:16:05.639> like<00:16:05.920> these that we can enjoy movies like these that we can enjoy movies like these because<00:16:07.000> we<00:16:07.120> can<00:16:07.360> imagine<00:16:07.720> an<00:16:07.959> Essence<00:16:08.560> uh because we can imagine an Essence uh because we can imagine an Essence uh continuing<00:16:09.240> on<00:16:10.000> we<00:16:10.120> know<00:16:10.279> that<00:16:10.399> if<00:16:10.519> you continuing on we know that if you continuing on we know that if you stimulate<00:16:11.279> the<00:16:11.399> temporal<00:16:11.759> lobe<00:16:12.079> you<00:16:12.160> can stimulate the temporal lobe you can stimulate the temporal lobe you can produce<00:16:12.600> a<00:16:12.720> feeling<00:16:13.000> of<00:16:13.160> out<00:16:13.360> of-<00:16:13.519> body produce a feeling of out of- body produce a feeling of out of- body experiences<00:16:14.399> near-death<00:16:15.040> experiences<00:16:16.040> which experiences near-death experiences which experiences near-death experiences which you<00:16:16.279> can<00:16:16.440> do<00:16:16.680> by<00:16:17.079> just<00:16:17.279> touching<00:16:17.680> an<00:16:17.880> electrode you can do by just touching an electrode you can do by just touching an electrode to<00:16:18.480> the<00:16:18.600> temporal<00:16:18.959> lobe<00:16:19.319> there<00:16:19.920> or<00:16:20.040> you<00:16:20.120> can<00:16:20.279> do to the temporal lobe there or you can do to the temporal lobe there or you can do it<00:16:20.519> through<00:16:20.680> loss<00:16:20.880> of<00:16:21.120> consciousness<00:16:21.759> by it through loss of consciousness by it through loss of consciousness by accelerating<00:16:22.560> an<00:16:22.720> a<00:16:22.839> centrifuge<00:16:23.759> you<00:16:23.880> get<00:16:23.959> a accelerating an a centrifuge you get a accelerating an a centrifuge you get a hypoxia<00:16:24.680> or<00:16:24.959> a<00:16:25.079> lower<00:16:25.519> oxygen<00:16:26.279> and<00:16:26.399> the<00:16:26.519> Brain hypoxia or a lower oxygen and the Brain hypoxia or a lower oxygen and the Brain then<00:16:27.079> senses<00:16:27.680> that<00:16:28.040> uh<00:16:28.199> there's<00:16:28.399> a<00:16:28.560> out<00:16:28.720> of then senses that uh there's a out of then senses that uh there's a out of Body<00:16:29.240> Experience<00:16:30.199> uh<00:16:30.319> you<00:16:30.399> can<00:16:30.639> use<00:16:31.120> which<00:16:31.240> I Body Experience uh you can use which I Body Experience uh you can use which I did<00:16:31.560> went<00:16:31.680> up<00:16:31.839> and<00:16:31.959> did<00:16:32.240> Michael<00:16:32.519> persinger's did went up and did Michael persinger's did went up and did Michael persinger's God<00:16:33.319> helmet<00:16:33.639> that<00:16:33.759> bombards<00:16:34.160> your<00:16:34.319> temporal God helmet that bombards your temporal God helmet that bombards your temporal lobes<00:16:35.079> with<00:16:35.519> electromagnetic<00:16:36.279> waves<00:16:36.519> and<00:16:36.639> you lobes with electromagnetic waves and you lobes with electromagnetic waves and you get<00:16:36.880> a<00:16:36.959> sense<00:16:37.120> of<00:16:37.279> out<00:16:37.440> of-<00:16:37.560> Body<00:16:38.000> Experience get a sense of out of- Body Experience get a sense of out of- Body Experience so<00:16:39.120> I'm<00:16:39.240> going<00:16:39.319> to<00:16:39.759> uh<00:16:40.040> I'm<00:16:40.160> going<00:16:40.240> to<00:16:40.399> end<00:16:40.720> here so I'm going to uh I'm going to end here so I'm going to uh I'm going to end here with<00:16:41.160> a<00:16:41.279> short<00:16:41.519> video<00:16:41.839> clip<00:16:42.040> that<00:16:42.160> sort<00:16:42.279> of with a short video clip that sort of with a short video clip that sort of brings<00:16:42.680> all<00:16:42.880> this<00:16:43.160> together<00:16:43.360> it's<00:16:43.560> just<00:16:43.680> a brings all this together it's just a brings all this together it's just a minute<00:16:44.000> and<00:16:44.120> a<00:16:44.240> half<00:16:44.800> that<00:16:45.000> ties<00:16:45.480> together<00:16:45.720> all minute and a half that ties together all minute and a half that ties together all this<00:16:46.040> into<00:16:46.279> the<00:16:46.440> power<00:16:46.680> of<00:16:46.959> expectation<00:16:47.600> and this into the power of expectation and this into the power of expectation and the<00:16:47.920> power<00:16:48.120> of<00:16:48.279> belief<00:16:48.639> go<00:16:48.759> ahead<00:16:48.880> and<00:16:49.000> roll<00:16:49.560> it the power of belief go ahead and roll it the power of belief go ahead and roll it this<00:16:50.680> is<00:16:50.880> the<00:16:51.079> venue<00:16:51.519> they<00:16:51.720> chose<00:16:52.120> for<00:16:52.319> their this is the venue they chose for their this is the venue they chose for their fake<00:16:52.959> auditions<00:16:53.480> for<00:16:53.680> an<00:16:53.839> advert<00:16:54.199> for<00:16:54.440> lip fake auditions for an advert for lip fake auditions for an advert for lip balm<00:16:55.800> we're<00:16:56.000> hoping<00:16:56.319> that<00:16:56.440> we<00:16:56.560> can<00:16:56.720> use<00:16:57.000> part balm we're hoping that we can use part balm we're hoping that we can use part of<00:16:57.360> this<00:16:57.560> in<00:16:57.720> a<00:16:57.920> national<00:16:58.240> commercial<00:16:59.120> right of this in a national commercial right of this in a national commercial right and<00:16:59.920> this<00:17:00.040> is<00:17:00.199> a<00:17:00.480> test<00:17:00.880> on<00:17:01.079> some<00:17:01.360> lip<00:17:01.600> balms and this is a test on some lip balms and this is a test on some lip balms that<00:17:02.160> we<00:17:02.360> have<00:17:02.639> over<00:17:02.880> here<00:17:03.720> and<00:17:03.839> these<00:17:03.920> are<00:17:04.079> our that we have over here and these are our that we have over here and these are our models<00:17:04.600> who<00:17:04.720> are<00:17:04.839> going<00:17:04.919> to<00:17:05.079> help<00:17:05.400> us<00:17:05.760> Roger models who are going to help us Roger models who are going to help us Roger and<00:17:06.360> Matt<00:17:06.959> okay<00:17:07.319> and<00:17:07.480> we<00:17:07.720> have<00:17:08.280> our<00:17:08.439> own<00:17:08.720> lip and Matt okay and we have our own lip and Matt okay and we have our own lip balm<00:17:09.319> and<00:17:09.520> we<00:17:09.760> have<00:17:10.319> a<00:17:10.480> leading<00:17:10.919> brand<00:17:11.679> okay balm and we have a leading brand okay balm and we have a leading brand okay would<00:17:12.199> you<00:17:12.439> have<00:17:12.679> any<00:17:13.280> problem<00:17:14.280> kissing<00:17:14.720> our would you have any problem kissing our would you have any problem kissing our models<00:17:15.360> to models to models to test<00:17:17.640> you<00:17:18.319> no<00:17:18.600> you<00:17:18.799> think<00:17:19.000> that<00:17:19.120> was<00:17:19.360> fine<00:17:19.679> that test you no you think that was fine that test you no you think that was fine that would<00:17:19.919> be<00:17:20.120> fine<00:17:20.720> okay<00:17:21.679> so<00:17:22.000> that<00:17:22.280> this<00:17:22.559> is<00:17:22.959> uh<00:17:23.120> a would be fine okay so that this is uh a would be fine okay so that this is uh a blind<00:17:24.039> test<00:17:24.720> I'm<00:17:24.839> going<00:17:24.959> to<00:17:25.079> ask<00:17:25.240> you<00:17:25.400> to<00:17:25.839> to<00:17:26.000> go blind test I'm going to ask you to to go blind test I'm going to ask you to to go ahead<00:17:26.280> and<00:17:26.400> put<00:17:26.520> a<00:17:26.799> a<00:17:26.919> blindfold<00:17:27.520> on ahead and put a a blindfold on ahead and put a a blindfold on okay<00:17:30.280> now<00:17:30.480> can<00:17:30.600> you<00:17:30.720> see<00:17:31.039> anything<00:17:31.640> no<00:17:32.160> hold<00:17:32.360> up okay now can you see anything no hold up okay now can you see anything no hold up so<00:17:32.679> you<00:17:32.840> can't<00:17:33.000> even<00:17:33.200> see<00:17:33.559> down<00:17:34.559> okay<00:17:34.799> it's so you can't even see down okay it's so you can't even see down okay it's completely<00:17:35.440> blind<00:17:35.880> now<00:17:36.280> right<00:17:37.280> okay<00:17:38.080> now<00:17:38.320> what completely blind now right okay now what completely blind now right okay now what I'm<00:17:38.600> going<00:17:38.679> to<00:17:38.840> be<00:17:39.039> looking<00:17:39.360> for<00:17:39.600> in<00:17:39.840> this<00:17:40.360> test I'm going to be looking for in this test I'm going to be looking for in this test is<00:17:41.919> um<00:17:42.919> makes<00:17:43.240> the<00:17:43.440> lips<00:17:44.440> okay<00:17:45.000> the is um makes the lips okay the is um makes the lips okay the texture<00:17:46.799> right<00:17:47.000> and<00:17:47.160> maybe<00:17:47.440> if<00:17:47.559> you<00:17:47.679> can texture right and maybe if you can texture right and maybe if you can discern<00:17:48.520> any<00:17:48.840> flavor<00:17:49.400> or<00:17:49.600> not<00:17:50.520> have<00:17:50.640> you<00:17:50.720> ever discern any flavor or not have you ever discern any flavor or not have you ever done<00:17:51.039> a<00:17:51.160> kissing<00:17:51.480> test<00:17:52.000> before<00:17:53.000> you<00:17:53.480> excited done a kissing test before you excited done a kissing test before you excited take<00:17:54.720> one<00:17:54.919> step<00:17:55.280> in<00:17:56.240> okay<00:17:56.400> now<00:17:56.520> I'm<00:17:56.600> going<00:17:56.679> to take one step in okay now I'm going to take one step in okay now I'm going to ask<00:17:56.960> you<00:17:57.080> to<00:17:57.400> Puck<00:17:57.600> her<00:17:57.799> up<00:17:58.400> Puck<00:17:58.559> her<00:17:58.679> up<00:17:58.960> big ask you to Puck her up Puck her up big ask you to Puck her up Puck her up big and<00:17:59.400> lean<00:17:59.679> in<00:17:59.960> just<00:18:00.080> a<00:18:00.240> little<00:18:00.440> bit<00:18:01.280> okay and lean in just a little bit okay and lean in just a little bit okay okay<00:18:04.080> all<00:18:04.320> right


okay<00:18:32.600> and<00:18:32.799> Jennifer<00:18:33.200> how<00:18:33.280> did<00:18:33.480> that
okay and Jennifer how did that okay and Jennifer how did that feel


good<00:18:43.640> oh<00:18:43.840> my

God<00:18:50.799> thank<00:18:50.960> you<00:18:51.159> very<00:18:51.360> much<00:18:51.760> thank<00:18:51.919> you<00:18:52.720> thanks
God thank you very much thank you thanks God thank you very much thank you thanks thanks

Michael Shermer, psychology, TED, Talk, believe, alien, abduction, alien, self-deception, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation, TED

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