Mối đe dọa sức khỏe lớn nhất mà phụ nữ phải đối mặt-Noel Bairey Merz

The single biggest health threat women face - Noel Bairey Merz

The single biggest health threat women face - Noel Bairey Merz


one<00:00:16.309> a<00:00:16.340> tattoo<00:00:16.970> of<00:00:17.210> you<00:00:17.390> women<00:00:17.660> will<00:00:18.140> be
one a tattoo of you women will be one a tattoo of you women will be impacted<00:00:19.040> by<00:00:19.689> cardiovascular<00:00:20.689> disease<00:00:21.080> in impacted by cardiovascular disease in impacted by cardiovascular disease in your<00:00:21.529> lifetime<00:00:22.779> so<00:00:23.779> this<00:00:24.680> is<00:00:24.710> the<00:00:24.980> leading your lifetime so this is the leading your lifetime so this is the leading killer<00:00:25.970> of<00:00:26.150> women<00:00:26.829> it's<00:00:27.829> a<00:00:28.300> closely<00:00:29.300> held killer of women it's a closely held killer of women it's a closely held secret<00:00:29.989> for<00:00:30.230> reasons<00:00:30.259> I<00:00:30.770> don't<00:00:31.040> know<00:00:31.810> in secret for reasons I don't know in secret for reasons I don't know in addition<00:00:33.200> to<00:00:33.620> making<00:00:33.890> this<00:00:34.370> personal<00:00:34.850> so addition to making this personal so addition to making this personal so we're<00:00:35.780> going<00:00:35.870> to<00:00:35.960> talk<00:00:36.170> about<00:00:36.320> your we're going to talk about your we're going to talk about your relationship<00:00:37.160> with<00:00:37.190> your<00:00:37.550> heart<00:00:37.910> and<00:00:38.180> all relationship with your heart and all relationship with your heart and all women's<00:00:38.809> relationships<00:00:39.530> with<00:00:39.739> their<00:00:39.950> heart women's relationships with their heart women's relationships with their heart we're<00:00:40.850> going<00:00:40.880> to<00:00:41.090> wax<00:00:41.450> into<00:00:41.930> the<00:00:42.230> politics we're going to wax into the politics we're going to wax into the politics because<00:00:43.220> the<00:00:43.400> personal<00:00:43.970> as<00:00:44.150> you<00:00:44.330> know<00:00:44.540> is because the personal as you know is because the personal as you know is political<00:00:45.530> and<00:00:45.770> not<00:00:46.670> enough<00:00:47.060> is<00:00:47.270> being<00:00:47.300> done political and not enough is being done political and not enough is being done about<00:00:47.930> this<00:00:48.350> and<00:00:48.710> as<00:00:49.280> we<00:00:49.520> have<00:00:49.730> watched<00:00:50.000> women about this and as we have watched women about this and as we have watched women conquer<00:00:51.320> breast<00:00:51.650> cancer<00:00:52.250> through<00:00:52.730> the<00:00:52.880> breast conquer breast cancer through the breast conquer breast cancer through the breast cancer<00:00:53.210> campaign<00:00:53.720> this<00:00:54.590> is<00:00:54.770> what<00:00:54.980> we<00:00:55.100> need<00:00:55.280> to cancer campaign this is what we need to cancer campaign this is what we need to do<00:00:55.579> now<00:00:55.760> with<00:00:55.970> heart<00:00:56.890> since<00:00:57.970> 1984<00:00:59.140> more<00:01:00.140> women do now with heart since 1984 more women do now with heart since 1984 more women die<00:01:01.070> in<00:01:01.700> the<00:01:01.880> US<00:01:02.210> than<00:01:02.810> men<00:01:03.170> so<00:01:03.759> where<00:01:04.759> we<00:01:05.030> used die in the US than men so where we used die in the US than men so where we used to<00:01:05.479> think<00:01:05.659> of<00:01:05.840> heart<00:01:06.049> disease<00:01:06.350> as<00:01:06.650> being<00:01:07.159> a to think of heart disease as being a to think of heart disease as being a man's<00:01:08.090> problem<00:01:08.720> primarily<00:01:09.130> which<00:01:10.130> that<00:01:10.369> was man's problem primarily which that was man's problem primarily which that was never<00:01:10.729> true<00:01:10.880> but<00:01:11.570> that<00:01:11.600> was<00:01:12.110> kind<00:01:12.409> of<00:01:12.470> how never true but that was kind of how never true but that was kind of how everybody<00:01:13.100> thought<00:01:13.340> in<00:01:13.549> the<00:01:13.640> 1950s<00:01:14.329> and<00:01:14.450> 60s everybody thought in the 1950s and 60s everybody thought in the 1950s and 60s and<00:01:15.080> it<00:01:15.140> was<00:01:15.260> in<00:01:15.380> all<00:01:15.500> the<00:01:15.530> textbooks<00:01:15.800> it's and it was in all the textbooks it's and it was in all the textbooks it's certainly<00:01:16.640> what<00:01:16.850> I<00:01:16.880> learned<00:01:17.270> when<00:01:17.450> I<00:01:17.510> was certainly what I learned when I was certainly what I learned when I was training<00:01:18.110> if<00:01:19.210> we<00:01:20.210> were<00:01:20.420> to<00:01:20.600> remain<00:01:20.960> sexist<00:01:21.590> and training if we were to remain sexist and training if we were to remain sexist and that<00:01:22.310> was<00:01:22.460> not<00:01:22.670> right<00:01:22.940> but<00:01:23.540> if<00:01:23.690> we<00:01:23.720> were<00:01:24.140> going that was not right but if we were going that was not right but if we were going to<00:01:24.470> go<00:01:24.590> forward<00:01:24.979> and<00:01:25.100> be<00:01:25.220> sexist<00:01:25.729> it's to go forward and be sexist it's to go forward and be sexist it's actually<00:01:26.240> a<00:01:26.540> woman's<00:01:26.930> disease<00:01:27.310> so<00:01:28.310> it's<00:01:28.460> a actually a woman's disease so it's a actually a woman's disease so it's a woman's<00:01:28.940> disease<00:01:29.360> now<00:01:29.630> and<00:01:29.960> one<00:01:30.920> of<00:01:31.070> the woman's disease now and one of the woman's disease now and one of the things<00:01:31.400> that<00:01:31.490> you<00:01:31.700> see<00:01:31.940> is<00:01:32.180> that<00:01:32.659> male<00:01:33.080> line things that you see is that male line things that you see is that male line the<00:01:33.860> mortality<00:01:34.100> is<00:01:34.640> going<00:01:34.909> down<00:01:35.090> down<00:01:35.240> down the mortality is going down down down the mortality is going down down down down<00:01:35.659> down<00:01:35.870> and<00:01:36.140> you<00:01:36.409> see<00:01:36.620> the<00:01:36.770> female<00:01:37.190> line down down and you see the female line down down and you see the female line since<00:01:37.700> 1984<00:01:38.510> goink<00:01:38.810> the<00:01:39.020> gap<00:01:39.260> is<00:01:39.560> widening since 1984 goink the gap is widening since 1984 goink the gap is widening more<00:01:41.000> and<00:01:41.299> more<00:01:41.630> women<00:01:42.020> two<00:01:42.409> three<00:01:42.770> four<00:01:43.070> times more and more women two three four times more and more women two three four times more<00:01:43.520> women<00:01:44.000> dying<00:01:44.240> of<00:01:44.420> heart<00:01:44.540> disease<00:01:44.900> than more women dying of heart disease than more women dying of heart disease than men<00:01:45.200> and<00:01:46.180> that's<00:01:47.180> too<00:01:47.479> short<00:01:47.810> of<00:01:47.900> a<00:01:48.020> time men and that's too short of a time men and that's too short of a time period<00:01:48.590> for<00:01:48.799> all<00:01:49.310> the<00:01:49.460> different<00:01:49.820> risk period for all the different risk period for all the different risk factors<00:01:50.119> that<00:01:50.630> we<00:01:50.780> know<00:01:50.960> for<00:01:51.140> to<00:01:51.500> change<00:01:51.920> so factors that we know for to change so factors that we know for to change so what<00:01:52.820> this<00:01:53.030> really<00:01:53.240> suggested<00:01:54.110> to<00:01:54.590> us<00:01:54.619> at<00:01:55.010> the what this really suggested to us at the what this really suggested to us at the national<00:01:55.610> level<00:01:55.640> was<00:01:56.600> that<00:01:56.990> diagnostic<00:01:57.890> and national level was that diagnostic and national level was that diagnostic and therapeutic<00:01:59.229> strategies<00:02:00.229> which<00:02:00.770> had<00:02:01.010> been therapeutic strategies which had been therapeutic strategies which had been developed<00:02:01.670> in<00:02:01.850> men<00:02:02.240> by<00:02:02.570> men<00:02:02.600> for<00:02:03.200> men<00:02:03.260> for<00:02:03.729> the developed in men by men for men for the developed in men by men for men for the last<00:02:04.909> 50<00:02:05.299> years<00:02:05.330> and<00:02:05.780> they<00:02:06.260> work<00:02:06.439> pretty<00:02:06.619> well last 50 years and they work pretty well last 50 years and they work pretty well in<00:02:07.040> men<00:02:07.189> don't<00:02:07.430> they<00:02:08.500> weren't<00:02:09.500> working<00:02:09.979> so in men don't they weren't working so in men don't they weren't working so well<00:02:10.310> for<00:02:10.369> women<00:02:10.970> so<00:02:11.780> that<00:02:11.810> was<00:02:12.319> a<00:02:12.349> big<00:02:12.620> wake-up well for women so that was a big wake-up well for women so that was a big wake-up call<00:02:13.340> in<00:02:13.489> the<00:02:13.580> 1980s<00:02:15.610> heart<00:02:16.610> disease<00:02:17.030> kills call in the 1980s heart disease kills call in the 1980s heart disease kills more<00:02:18.049> women<00:02:18.379> at<00:02:19.040> all<00:02:19.969> ages<00:02:20.510> than<00:02:21.230> breast more women at all ages than breast more women at all ages than breast cancer<00:02:21.889> and<00:02:22.599> the<00:02:23.599> breast<00:02:23.870> cancer<00:02:24.260> can cancer and the breast cancer can cancer and the breast cancer can pain<00:02:24.709> again<00:02:25.040> this<00:02:25.459> is<00:02:25.640> not<00:02:25.670> a<00:02:25.819> competition pain again this is not a competition pain again this is not a competition we're<00:02:26.989> trying<00:02:27.260> to<00:02:27.440> be<00:02:27.650> as<00:02:27.770> good<00:02:27.980> as<00:02:28.130> the<00:02:28.280> breast we're trying to be as good as the breast we're trying to be as good as the breast cancer<00:02:28.580> campaign<00:02:29.470> we<00:02:30.470> need<00:02:30.739> to<00:02:30.980> be<00:02:31.130> as<00:02:31.220> good<00:02:31.400> as cancer campaign we need to be as good as cancer campaign we need to be as good as the<00:02:31.670> breast<00:02:31.910> cancer<00:02:32.000> campaign<00:02:32.540> to<00:02:33.230> address the breast cancer campaign to address the breast cancer campaign to address this<00:02:34.069> crisis<00:02:34.670> now<00:02:35.510> sometimes<00:02:36.050> when<00:02:36.140> people this crisis now sometimes when people this crisis now sometimes when people see<00:02:36.920> this<00:02:37.160> I<00:02:37.430> hear<00:02:37.640> this<00:02:37.819> gasp<00:02:38.209> we<00:02:39.200> can<00:02:39.410> all see this I hear this gasp we can all see this I hear this gasp we can all think<00:02:40.010> of<00:02:40.220> someone<00:02:41.150> often<00:02:41.870> a<00:02:41.959> young<00:02:42.200> woman<00:02:42.650> who think of someone often a young woman who think of someone often a young woman who has<00:02:43.280> been<00:02:43.519> impacted<00:02:44.180> by<00:02:44.180> breast<00:02:44.660> cancer<00:02:44.890> we has been impacted by breast cancer we has been impacted by breast cancer we often<00:02:46.250> can't<00:02:46.519> think<00:02:46.880> of<00:02:47.090> a<00:02:47.360> young<00:02:47.720> woman<00:02:48.200> who often can't think of a young woman who often can't think of a young woman who has<00:02:48.890> heart<00:02:49.220> disease<00:02:49.690> I'm<00:02:50.690> going<00:02:51.200> to<00:02:51.290> tell<00:02:51.500> you has heart disease I'm going to tell you has heart disease I'm going to tell you why<00:02:51.830> heart<00:02:52.489> disease<00:02:52.849> kills<00:02:53.180> people<00:02:53.860> often why heart disease kills people often why heart disease kills people often very<00:02:55.069> quickly<00:02:55.400> so<00:02:56.180> the<00:02:56.360> first<00:02:56.600> time<00:02:56.810> heart very quickly so the first time heart very quickly so the first time heart disease<00:02:57.380> strikes<00:02:57.650> in<00:02:57.920> women<00:02:58.250> and<00:02:58.370> men<00:02:58.610> half<00:02:59.420> of disease strikes in women and men half of disease strikes in women and men half of the<00:02:59.630> time<00:02:59.780> it's<00:02:59.989> sudden<00:03:00.380> cardiac<00:03:00.620> death<00:03:01.000> no the time it's sudden cardiac death no the time it's sudden cardiac death no opportunity<00:03:02.750> to<00:03:02.780> say<00:03:03.049> goodbye<00:03:03.080> no opportunity to say goodbye no opportunity to say goodbye no opportunity<00:03:04.519> to<00:03:04.760> take<00:03:05.060> her<00:03:05.209> to<00:03:05.330> the opportunity to take her to the opportunity to take her to the chemotherapy<00:03:06.170> no<00:03:06.380> opportunity<00:03:07.100> to<00:03:07.220> help<00:03:07.340> her chemotherapy no opportunity to help her chemotherapy no opportunity to help her pick<00:03:07.670> out<00:03:07.819> a<00:03:07.880> wig<00:03:08.140> breast<00:03:09.140> cancer<00:03:09.769> mortality pick out a wig breast cancer mortality pick out a wig breast cancer mortality is<00:03:11.150> down<00:03:11.390> to<00:03:11.540> four<00:03:11.750> percent<00:03:11.959> and<00:03:12.880> that<00:03:13.880> is<00:03:14.420> the is down to four percent and that is the is down to four percent and that is the 40<00:03:15.349> years<00:03:15.860> that<00:03:16.099> women<00:03:16.940> have<00:03:17.180> advocated<00:03:19.239> Betty 40 years that women have advocated Betty 40 years that women have advocated Betty Ford<00:03:20.630> Nancy<00:03:21.410> Reagan<00:03:21.709> stood<00:03:21.980> up<00:03:22.160> and<00:03:22.370> said<00:03:22.910> I'm Ford Nancy Reagan stood up and said I'm Ford Nancy Reagan stood up and said I'm a<00:03:23.269> breast<00:03:23.630> cancer<00:03:23.720> survivor<00:03:24.470> and<00:03:24.650> it<00:03:24.830> was<00:03:24.920> okay a breast cancer survivor and it was okay a breast cancer survivor and it was okay to<00:03:25.310> talk<00:03:25.610> about<00:03:25.849> it<00:03:26.319> and<00:03:27.319> then<00:03:27.590> physicians to talk about it and then physicians to talk about it and then physicians have<00:03:28.670> gone<00:03:29.060> to<00:03:29.420> the<00:03:29.540> bat<00:03:29.690> we've<00:03:29.989> done<00:03:30.230> the have gone to the bat we've done the have gone to the bat we've done the research<00:03:30.680> we<00:03:31.100> have<00:03:31.130> effective<00:03:31.940> therapies<00:03:32.420> now research we have effective therapies now research we have effective therapies now women<00:03:32.989> are<00:03:33.079> living<00:03:33.410> longer<00:03:33.590> than<00:03:33.829> ever<00:03:34.130> that women are living longer than ever that women are living longer than ever that has<00:03:35.329> to<00:03:35.570> happen<00:03:35.720> in<00:03:36.109> heart<00:03:36.410> disease<00:03:36.739> and<00:03:36.950> it's has to happen in heart disease and it's has to happen in heart disease and it's time<00:03:38.000> it's<00:03:38.299> not<00:03:38.540> happening<00:03:39.049> and<00:03:39.200> it's<00:03:39.799> time<00:03:41.829> we time it's not happening and it's time we time it's not happening and it's time we owe<00:03:42.859> an<00:03:43.250> incredible<00:03:44.060> debt<00:03:44.269> of<00:03:44.480> gratitude<00:03:44.510> to owe an incredible debt of gratitude to owe an incredible debt of gratitude to these<00:03:45.560> two<00:03:45.859> women<00:03:46.069> as<00:03:46.959> Barbara<00:03:47.959> depicted<00:03:48.799> in these two women as Barbara depicted in these two women as Barbara depicted in one<00:03:49.790> of<00:03:49.819> her<00:03:50.209> amazing<00:03:51.079> movies<00:03:51.609> Yentl<00:03:52.609> she one of her amazing movies Yentl she one of her amazing movies Yentl she portrayed<00:03:54.170> a<00:03:54.200> young<00:03:54.650> woman<00:03:55.069> who<00:03:55.250> wanted<00:03:55.609> an portrayed a young woman who wanted an portrayed a young woman who wanted an education<00:03:55.910> and<00:03:57.190> she<00:03:58.190> wanted<00:03:58.639> to<00:03:58.819> study<00:03:59.090> the education and she wanted to study the education and she wanted to study the Talmud<00:03:59.540> and<00:03:59.989> so<00:04:00.230> how<00:04:00.560> did<00:04:00.620> she<00:04:00.950> get<00:04:01.130> educated Talmud and so how did she get educated Talmud and so how did she get educated then<00:04:02.000> she<00:04:02.329> had<00:04:02.569> to<00:04:02.799> impersonate<00:04:03.799> a<00:04:03.829> man<00:04:04.130> she then she had to impersonate a man she then she had to impersonate a man she had<00:04:04.760> to<00:04:04.880> look<00:04:05.120> like<00:04:05.359> a<00:04:05.389> man<00:04:05.720> she<00:04:06.170> had<00:04:06.260> to<00:04:06.350> make had to look like a man she had to make had to look like a man she had to make other<00:04:06.650> people<00:04:07.040> believe<00:04:07.370> that<00:04:07.850> she<00:04:08.060> looked other people believe that she looked other people believe that she looked like<00:04:08.420> a<00:04:08.569> man<00:04:08.840> and<00:04:09.049> she<00:04:09.440> could<00:04:09.650> have<00:04:09.859> the<00:04:10.130> same like a man and she could have the same like a man and she could have the same rights<00:04:10.700> that<00:04:11.030> the<00:04:11.540> man<00:04:11.720> had<00:04:13.120> Bernadine<00:04:14.120> Healy rights that the man had Bernadine Healy rights that the man had Bernadine Healy dr.<00:04:15.470> Healy<00:04:15.709> it's<00:04:16.280> a<00:04:16.370> cardiologist<00:04:17.180> and<00:04:17.859> right dr. Healy it's a cardiologist and right dr. Healy it's a cardiologist and right around<00:04:19.250> that<00:04:19.549> time<00:04:19.880> in<00:04:20.120> the<00:04:20.239> 1980s<00:04:21.139> that<00:04:21.410> we around that time in the 1980s that we around that time in the 1980s that we saw<00:04:21.859> women<00:04:22.220> and<00:04:22.550> heart<00:04:22.669> disease<00:04:22.789> deaths<00:04:23.300> going saw women and heart disease deaths going saw women and heart disease deaths going up<00:04:23.810> up<00:04:23.930> up<00:04:24.080> up<00:04:24.229> up<00:04:24.410> she<00:04:25.280> wrote<00:04:25.490> an<00:04:25.639> editorial<00:04:25.789> in up up up up up she wrote an editorial in up up up up up she wrote an editorial in the<00:04:26.539> New<00:04:26.570> England<00:04:26.690> Journal<00:04:26.990> of<00:04:27.320> Medicine<00:04:27.380> and the New England Journal of Medicine and the New England Journal of Medicine and said<00:04:29.120> the<00:04:30.020> young<00:04:30.200> ttle<00:04:30.440> syndrome<00:04:31.210> women<00:04:32.210> are said the young ttle syndrome women are said the young ttle syndrome women are dying<00:04:32.840> of<00:04:33.169> heart<00:04:33.349> disease<00:04:33.830> two<00:04:34.520> three<00:04:34.970> four dying of heart disease two three four dying of heart disease two three four times<00:04:35.479> more<00:04:35.840> than<00:04:35.900> men<00:04:36.650> mortality<00:04:37.640> is<00:04:37.729> not times more than men mortality is not times more than men mortality is not down<00:04:38.540> it's<00:04:38.840> going<00:04:39.230> up<00:04:39.470> and<00:04:39.890> she<00:04:40.760> questions<00:04:41.510> she down it's going up and she questions she down it's going up and she questions she hypothesized<00:04:42.650> is<00:04:43.030> this<00:04:44.030> a<00:04:44.210> Yentl<00:04:44.720> syndrome hypothesized is this a Yentl syndrome hypothesized is this a Yentl syndrome and<00:04:45.550> here's<00:04:46.550> what<00:04:46.760> the<00:04:46.940> story<00:04:47.240> is<00:04:47.300> is<00:04:47.510> is<00:04:48.050> it and here's what the story is is is it and here's what the story is is is it because<00:04:48.740> women<00:04:49.310> don't<00:04:49.520> look<00:04:50.150> like<00:04:50.510> men<00:04:51.050> they because women don't look like men they because women don't look like men they don't<00:04:51.710> look<00:04:51.890> like<00:04:51.950> that<00:04:52.190> male<00:04:52.760> pattern<00:04:53.150> heart don't look like that male pattern heart don't look like that male pattern heart disease<00:04:53.990> that<00:04:54.350> we've<00:04:54.530> spent<00:04:54.830> the<00:04:54.980> last<00:04:55.160> 50 disease that we've spent the last 50 disease that we've spent the last 50 years<00:04:56.170> understanding<00:04:57.170> and<00:04:57.320> getting<00:04:57.740> really years understanding and getting really years understanding and getting really good<00:04:58.190> diagnostics<00:04:58.880> and<00:04:59.060> really<00:04:59.360> good good diagnostics and really good good diagnostics and really good therapeutics<00:05:00.200> and<00:05:00.350> therefore<00:05:01.310> they're<00:05:01.460> not therapeutics and therefore they're not therapeutics and therefore they're not recognized<00:05:02.330> for<00:05:03.110> their<00:05:03.200> heart<00:05:03.410> disease<00:05:03.710> and recognized for their heart disease and recognized for their heart disease and they<00:05:04.040> just<00:05:04.250> passed<00:05:04.850> they<00:05:05.360> don't<00:05:05.540> get<00:05:05.630> treated they just passed they don't get treated they just passed they don't get treated they<00:05:06.260> don't<00:05:06.440> get<00:05:06.530> detected<00:05:07.190> they<00:05:07.550> don't<00:05:07.730> get they don't get detected they don't get they don't get detected they don't get the<00:05:08.000> benefit<00:05:08.450> of<00:05:08.630> all<00:05:08.870> the<00:05:09.020> modern<00:05:09.200> medicines the benefit of all the modern medicines the benefit of all the modern medicines dr.<00:05:11.480> Healy<00:05:11.780> then<00:05:12.200> subsequently<00:05:12.890> became<00:05:13.370> the dr. Healy then subsequently became the dr. Healy then subsequently became the first<00:05:13.880> female<00:05:14.060> director<00:05:14.540> of<00:05:15.260> our<00:05:15.380> National first female director of our National first female director of our National Institutes<00:05:16.430> of<00:05:16.580> Health<00:05:16.760> and<00:05:17.320> this<00:05:18.320> is<00:05:18.470> the Institutes of Health and this is the Institutes of Health and this is the biggest<00:05:18.860> biomedical<00:05:19.670> Enterprise<00:05:20.270> research biggest biomedical Enterprise research biggest biomedical Enterprise research in<00:05:21.080> the<00:05:21.260> world<00:05:21.500> and<00:05:21.770> it<00:05:22.280> funds<00:05:22.490> a<00:05:22.610> lot<00:05:22.760> of<00:05:22.880> my in the world and it funds a lot of my in the world and it funds a lot of my research<00:05:23.180> it<00:05:23.630> funds<00:05:23.870> research<00:05:24.170> all<00:05:24.680> over<00:05:24.950> the research it funds research all over the research it funds research all over the place<00:05:25.390> it<00:05:26.390> was<00:05:26.840> a<00:05:26.870> very<00:05:26.990> big<00:05:27.500> deal<00:05:27.710> for<00:05:27.740> her<00:05:28.070> to place it was a very big deal for her to place it was a very big deal for her to become<00:05:28.370> director<00:05:29.180> and<00:05:29.590> she<00:05:30.590> started<00:05:31.340> in<00:05:31.610> the become director and she started in the become director and she started in the face<00:05:32.150> of<00:05:32.180> a<00:05:32.540> lot<00:05:32.750> of<00:05:32.960> controversy<00:05:33.650> the<00:05:33.770> women's face of a lot of controversy the women's face of a lot of controversy the women's health<00:05:34.130> initiative<00:05:34.400> and<00:05:35.590> every<00:05:36.590> woman<00:05:36.800> in<00:05:37.160> the health initiative and every woman in the health initiative and every woman in the room<00:05:37.550> here<00:05:37.940> has<00:05:38.090> benefited<00:05:38.750> from<00:05:38.870> that room here has benefited from that room here has benefited from that women's<00:05:39.410> health<00:05:39.620> initiative<00:05:39.920> it<00:05:40.430> told<00:05:40.730> us women's health initiative it told us women's health initiative it told us about<00:05:41.030> hormone<00:05:41.510> replacement<00:05:42.080> therapy<00:05:42.260> it's about hormone replacement therapy it's about hormone replacement therapy it's informed<00:05:43.160> it's<00:05:43.280> about<00:05:43.490> osteoporosis<00:05:43.940> and informed it's about osteoporosis and informed it's about osteoporosis and informed<00:05:45.140> us<00:05:45.230> about<00:05:45.350> breast<00:05:45.740> cancer<00:05:45.830> colon informed us about breast cancer colon informed us about breast cancer colon cancer<00:05:46.730> and<00:05:47.150> women<00:05:47.630> so<00:05:48.590> a<00:05:48.910> tremendous<00:05:49.910> fund<00:05:50.630> of cancer and women so a tremendous fund of cancer and women so a tremendous fund of knowledge<00:05:51.460> despite<00:05:52.460> again<00:05:53.450> that<00:05:53.720> so<00:05:53.870> many knowledge despite again that so many knowledge despite again that so many people<00:05:54.110> told<00:05:54.530> her<00:05:54.650> not<00:05:54.770> to<00:05:54.950> do<00:05:55.100> it<00:05:55.190> was<00:05:55.280> too people told her not to do it was too people told her not to do it was too expensive<00:05:55.550> and<00:05:56.270> and<00:05:56.690> the<00:05:56.870> you<00:05:57.170> know<00:05:57.290> the expensive and and the you know the expensive and and the you know the underwriting<00:05:57.860> was<00:05:58.100> women<00:05:58.790> aren't<00:05:58.940> worth<00:05:59.150> it underwriting was women aren't worth it underwriting was women aren't worth it she<00:05:59.780> was<00:05:59.900> like<00:06:00.020> no<00:06:00.380> sorry<00:06:01.010> women<00:06:01.790> are<00:06:01.910> worth<00:06:02.030> it she was like no sorry women are worth it she was like no sorry women are worth it well<00:06:02.840> there<00:06:02.990> was<00:06:03.110> a<00:06:03.140> little<00:06:03.650> piece<00:06:03.950> of<00:06:04.250> that well there was a little piece of that well there was a little piece of that women's<00:06:04.790> health<00:06:05.030> initiative<00:06:05.420> that<00:06:06.020> went<00:06:06.260> to women's health initiative that went to women's health initiative that went to National<00:06:06.890> Heart<00:06:07.130> Lung<00:06:07.160> and<00:06:07.340> Blood<00:06:07.520> Institute National Heart Lung and Blood Institute National Heart Lung and Blood Institute which<00:06:08.570> is<00:06:08.600> the<00:06:08.960> cardiology<00:06:09.680> part<00:06:09.980> of<00:06:10.190> the<00:06:10.340> NIH which is the cardiology part of the NIH which is the cardiology part of the NIH and<00:06:10.970> we<00:06:11.750> got<00:06:11.930> to<00:06:12.110> do<00:06:12.260> the<00:06:12.410> wise<00:06:12.650> study<00:06:13.160> and<00:06:13.430> the and we got to do the wise study and the and we got to do the wise study and the wise<00:06:13.790> stands<00:06:14.120> for<00:06:14.390> women's<00:06:14.750> ischaemia wise stands for women's ischaemia wise stands for women's ischaemia syndrome<00:06:15.830> evaluation<00:06:16.550> and<00:06:16.730> I<00:06:16.880> have<00:06:17.000> chaired syndrome evaluation and I have chaired syndrome evaluation and I have chaired this<00:06:17.390> study<00:06:17.660> for<00:06:17.870> the<00:06:17.960> last<00:06:18.140> 15<00:06:18.530> years<00:06:18.740> it<00:06:19.370> was this study for the last 15 years it was this study for the last 15 years it was a<00:06:19.640> study<00:06:20.030> to<00:06:20.330> specifically<00:06:21.110> ask<00:06:21.550> what's<00:06:22.550> going a study to specifically ask what's going a study to specifically ask what's going on<00:06:23.000> with<00:06:23.210> women<00:06:23.540> why<00:06:24.260> are<00:06:24.590> more<00:06:24.860> and<00:06:25.010> more on with women why are more and more on with women why are more and more women<00:06:25.340> dying<00:06:25.700> of<00:06:25.910> ischaemic<00:06:26.270> heart<00:06:26.420> disease women dying of ischaemic heart disease women dying of ischaemic heart disease so<00:06:28.550> in<00:06:28.850> the<00:06:29.000> wise<00:06:29.180> 15<00:06:30.170> years<00:06:30.350> ago<00:06:30.500> we<00:06:30.800> started so in the wise 15 years ago we started so in the wise 15 years ago we started out<00:06:31.370> and<00:06:31.580> said<00:06:31.760> well<00:06:31.940> wow<00:06:32.060> you<00:06:32.120> know<00:06:32.390> there's<00:06:32.570> a out and said well wow you know there's a out and said well wow you know there's a couple<00:06:32.840> of<00:06:33.050> key<00:06:33.200> observations<00:06:33.920> and<00:06:34.100> we<00:06:34.220> should couple of key observations and we should couple of key observations and we should probably<00:06:34.880> follow<00:06:35.060> up<00:06:35.390> on<00:06:35.570> that<00:06:35.600> and<00:06:36.020> our probably follow up on that and our probably follow up on that and our colleagues<00:06:37.160> in<00:06:37.480> Washington<00:06:38.480> DC<00:06:38.590> had<00:06:39.640> recently colleagues in Washington DC had recently colleagues in Washington DC had recently published<00:06:40.910> that<00:06:41.660> when<00:06:42.320> women<00:06:43.160> have<00:06:43.400> heart published that when women have heart published that when women have heart attacks<00:06:43.820> and<00:06:44.360> die<00:06:44.890> compared<00:06:45.890> to<00:06:45.950> men<00:06:46.340> who<00:06:46.370> have attacks and die compared to men who have attacks and die compared to men who have heart<00:06:47.060> attacks<00:06:47.150> and<00:06:47.660> die<00:06:47.930> and<00:06:48.170> again<00:06:48.440> this<00:06:48.680> is heart attacks and die and again this is heart attacks and die and again this is you<00:06:49.160> know<00:06:49.310> millions<00:06:49.640> of<00:06:49.850> people<00:06:50.210> happening you know millions of people happening you know millions of people happening all<00:06:50.990> every<00:06:51.590> day all every day all every day a<00:06:52.390> women<00:06:53.390> in<00:06:53.630> their<00:06:53.900> fatty<00:06:54.170> plaque<00:06:54.560> and<00:06:54.860> this a women in their fatty plaque and this a women in their fatty plaque and this is<00:06:55.370> their<00:06:55.940> coronary<00:06:56.330> arteries<00:06:56.900> so<00:06:57.110> the<00:06:57.260> main is their coronary arteries so the main is their coronary arteries so the main blood<00:06:57.710> supply<00:06:57.770> going<00:06:58.340> into<00:06:58.550> the<00:06:58.640> heart<00:06:58.790> muscle blood supply going into the heart muscle blood supply going into the heart muscle women<00:06:59.840> erode<00:07:00.700> men<00:07:01.700> explode<00:07:03.790> you're<00:07:04.790> going<00:07:04.970> to women erode men explode you're going to women erode men explode you're going to find<00:07:05.270> some<00:07:05.330> interesting<00:07:05.690> analogies<00:07:06.500> in<00:07:06.530> this find some interesting analogies in this find some interesting analogies in this physiology<00:07:09.910> so<00:07:10.910> I'll<00:07:11.120> describe<00:07:11.480> the<00:07:11.690> male physiology so I'll describe the male physiology so I'll describe the male pattern<00:07:12.110> heart<00:07:12.440> attack<00:07:12.710> first<00:07:13.010> you<00:07:13.280> know pattern heart attack first you know pattern heart attack first you know Hollywood<00:07:13.970> heart<00:07:14.150> attack<00:07:14.420> oh<00:07:14.600> you<00:07:15.530> know Hollywood heart attack oh you know Hollywood heart attack oh you know horrible<00:07:16.070> chest<00:07:16.460> pain<00:07:17.080> EKG<00:07:18.080> goes<00:07:18.290> Paul<00:07:18.680> so<00:07:19.400> the horrible chest pain EKG goes Paul so the horrible chest pain EKG goes Paul so the doctors<00:07:19.910> can<00:07:20.000> see<00:07:20.300> this<00:07:20.480> hugely<00:07:20.900> abnormal<00:07:21.560> EKG doctors can see this hugely abnormal EKG doctors can see this hugely abnormal EKG there's<00:07:22.610> a<00:07:22.730> big<00:07:23.000> clot<00:07:23.480> in<00:07:23.840> the<00:07:24.260> middle<00:07:24.470> of<00:07:24.590> the there's a big clot in the middle of the there's a big clot in the middle of the artery<00:07:25.040> and<00:07:25.370> they<00:07:25.790> go<00:07:25.970> up<00:07:26.120> to<00:07:26.270> the<00:07:26.390> cath<00:07:26.570> lab artery and they go up to the cath lab artery and they go up to the cath lab and<00:07:27.080> boom<00:07:27.230> boom<00:07:27.380> boom<00:07:27.530> you<00:07:28.160> know<00:07:28.280> get<00:07:28.430> rid<00:07:28.580> of and boom boom boom you know get rid of and boom boom boom you know get rid of the<00:07:28.730> clot<00:07:28.970> that's<00:07:29.270> a<00:07:29.480> man<00:07:29.810> heart<00:07:30.110> attack<00:07:30.440> some the clot that's a man heart attack some the clot that's a man heart attack some women<00:07:31.220> have<00:07:31.700> those<00:07:31.880> heart<00:07:32.090> attacks<00:07:32.390> but<00:07:32.690> a women have those heart attacks but a women have those heart attacks but a whole<00:07:32.990> bunch<00:07:33.230> of<00:07:33.410> women<00:07:33.590> have<00:07:33.860> this<00:07:34.070> kind<00:07:34.280> of whole bunch of women have this kind of whole bunch of women have this kind of heart<00:07:34.550> attack<00:07:34.790> where<00:07:35.060> two<00:07:35.210> roads<00:07:35.440> doesn't heart attack where two roads doesn't heart attack where two roads doesn't completely<00:07:36.950> fill<00:07:37.310> with<00:07:37.490> clot<00:07:38.080> symptoms<00:07:39.080> are completely fill with clot symptoms are completely fill with clot symptoms are subtle<00:07:40.000> EKG<00:07:41.000> findings<00:07:41.540> are<00:07:41.870> different<00:07:42.320> female subtle EKG findings are different female subtle EKG findings are different female pattern<00:07:43.360> so<00:07:44.360> what<00:07:44.570> do<00:07:44.630> you<00:07:44.720> think<00:07:44.900> happens<00:07:45.260> to pattern so what do you think happens to pattern so what do you think happens to these<00:07:45.530> look<00:07:45.770> ELLs<00:07:45.980> they're<00:07:46.850> often<00:07:47.240> not these look ELLs they're often not these look ELLs they're often not recognized<00:07:47.960> sent<00:07:48.440> home<00:07:48.650> I'm<00:07:48.980> not<00:07:49.220> sure<00:07:49.400> what recognized sent home I'm not sure what recognized sent home I'm not sure what it<00:07:49.670> was<00:07:49.790> might<00:07:50.240> have<00:07:50.330> been<00:07:50.420> gas<00:07:51.580> so<00:07:52.580> we<00:07:52.610> picked it was might have been gas so we picked it was might have been gas so we picked up<00:07:53.420> on<00:07:53.690> that<00:07:53.720> and<00:07:53.990> we<00:07:54.350> said<00:07:54.590> we<00:07:54.740> know<00:07:55.010> we<00:07:55.400> now up on that and we said we know we now up on that and we said we know we now have<00:07:56.120> the<00:07:56.420> ability<00:07:56.840> to<00:07:56.870> look<00:07:57.350> inside<00:07:57.950> human have the ability to look inside human have the ability to look inside human beings<00:07:58.900> with<00:07:59.900> these<00:08:00.080> special<00:08:00.470> catheters beings with these special catheters beings with these special catheters called<00:08:01.250> ivis<00:08:02.000> intravascular<00:08:02.360> ultrasound<00:08:02.840> and called ivis intravascular ultrasound and called ivis intravascular ultrasound and we<00:08:03.770> said<00:08:04.720> we're<00:08:05.720> going<00:08:05.870> to<00:08:05.990> hypothesize<00:08:06.770> that we said we're going to hypothesize that we said we're going to hypothesize that the<00:08:07.640> fatty<00:08:07.970> plaque<00:08:08.390> in<00:08:08.750> women<00:08:09.710> is<00:08:09.950> actually the fatty plaque in women is actually the fatty plaque in women is actually probably<00:08:10.760> different<00:08:11.540> and<00:08:11.690> deposited probably different and deposited probably different and deposited differently<00:08:12.950> than<00:08:13.220> men<00:08:13.460> and<00:08:14.080> because<00:08:15.080> of<00:08:15.110> the differently than men and because of the differently than men and because of the the<00:08:16.190> common<00:08:16.640> knowledge<00:08:17.090> of<00:08:17.570> how<00:08:18.410> women<00:08:18.830> and the common knowledge of how women and the common knowledge of how women and men<00:08:19.160> get<00:08:19.610> fat<00:08:19.910> when<00:08:20.480> we<00:08:20.780> watch<00:08:21.440> people<00:08:22.430> become men get fat when we watch people become men get fat when we watch people become obese<00:08:23.450> where<00:08:24.410> do<00:08:24.620> men<00:08:24.920> get<00:08:25.160> fat<00:08:26.500> right<00:08:27.500> here obese where do men get fat right here obese where do men get fat right here it's<00:08:28.250> just<00:08:28.730> a<00:08:28.910> focal<00:08:29.480> right<00:08:30.260> there<00:08:30.640> where<00:08:31.640> do it's just a focal right there where do it's just a focal right there where do women<00:08:32.120> get<00:08:32.450> fat<00:08:32.750> all<00:08:33.680> over women get fat all over women get fat all over celluloid<00:08:36.870> here<00:08:37.380> cellulite<00:08:38.040> here<00:08:38.400> so<00:08:39.150> we<00:08:39.330> said celluloid here cellulite here so we said celluloid here cellulite here so we said look<00:08:39.810> women<00:08:40.170> look<00:08:40.350> like<00:08:40.500> they're<00:08:40.710> pretty<00:08:40.920> good look women look like they're pretty good look women look like they're pretty good about<00:08:41.280> putting<00:08:41.640> kind<00:08:42.000> of<00:08:42.120> the<00:08:42.180> garbage<00:08:42.510> away about putting kind of the garbage away about putting kind of the garbage away smoothly<00:08:43.230> putting<00:08:43.740> it<00:08:43.830> away<00:08:44.090> man<00:08:45.090> just<00:08:45.480> have smoothly putting it away man just have smoothly putting it away man just have to<00:08:45.810> dump<00:08:46.080> it<00:08:46.290> in<00:08:46.530> a<00:08:46.770> single<00:08:47.370> area<00:08:47.610> so<00:08:47.970> we<00:08:48.090> said to dump it in a single area so we said to dump it in a single area so we said let's<00:08:48.570> look<00:08:49.170> at<00:08:49.380> these<00:08:49.560> and<00:08:50.220> so<00:08:50.520> the<00:08:50.700> yellow<00:08:51.120> is let's look at these and so the yellow is let's look at these and so the yellow is the<00:08:51.630> fatty<00:08:52.020> plaque<00:08:52.350> and<00:08:52.790> panel<00:08:53.790> a<00:08:53.940> is<00:08:54.210> a<00:08:54.240> man the fatty plaque and panel a is a man the fatty plaque and panel a is a man and<00:08:55.050> you<00:08:55.650> can<00:08:55.830> see<00:08:56.040> it's<00:08:56.160> lumpy<00:08:56.610> bumpy<00:08:57.000> he's and you can see it's lumpy bumpy he's and you can see it's lumpy bumpy he's got<00:08:57.510> a<00:08:57.540> beer<00:08:57.870> belly<00:08:58.050> in<00:08:58.320> his<00:08:58.470> coronary got a beer belly in his coronary got a beer belly in his coronary arteries<00:08:59.400> panel<00:09:00.360> B<00:09:00.540> is<00:09:00.690> the<00:09:00.930> woman<00:09:01.320> very arteries panel B is the woman very arteries panel B is the woman very smooth<00:09:02.010> she's<00:09:02.670> just<00:09:02.700> laid<00:09:03.090> it<00:09:03.240> down<00:09:03.270> nice<00:09:03.900> and smooth she's just laid it down nice and smooth she's just laid it down nice and tidy<00:09:04.320> and<00:09:04.980> if<00:09:05.130> if<00:09:05.970> you<00:09:06.930> did<00:09:07.170> that<00:09:07.200> angiogram tidy and if if you did that angiogram tidy and if if you did that angiogram which<00:09:08.190> is<00:09:08.400> the<00:09:08.580> red<00:09:09.110> you<00:09:10.110> can<00:09:10.320> see<00:09:10.470> the<00:09:10.620> man's which is the red you can see the man's which is the red you can see the man's disease<00:09:11.330> so<00:09:12.330> 50<00:09:12.960> years<00:09:13.290> of<00:09:13.530> honing<00:09:14.190> and disease so 50 years of honing and disease so 50 years of honing and crafting<00:09:15.150> these<00:09:15.300> angiograms<00:09:16.080> we<00:09:16.590> easily crafting these angiograms we easily crafting these angiograms we easily recognized<00:09:17.700> male<00:09:18.090> pattern<00:09:18.300> disease<00:09:18.780> kind<00:09:19.620> of recognized male pattern disease kind of recognized male pattern disease kind of hard<00:09:19.830> to<00:09:19.920> see<00:09:20.100> that<00:09:20.250> female<00:09:20.640> pattern<00:09:20.850> disease hard to see that female pattern disease hard to see that female pattern disease so<00:09:22.050> that<00:09:22.500> was<00:09:22.650> a<00:09:22.680> discovery<00:09:23.580> now<00:09:24.650> what<00:09:25.650> are<00:09:25.800> the so that was a discovery now what are the so that was a discovery now what are the implications<00:09:26.100> of<00:09:26.610> that<00:09:26.670> once<00:09:27.300> again<00:09:27.570> women implications of that once again women implications of that once again women get<00:09:28.140> the<00:09:28.230> angiogram<00:09:28.770> and<00:09:28.950> nobody<00:09:29.550> can<00:09:29.880> tell get the angiogram and nobody can tell get the angiogram and nobody can tell that<00:09:30.330> they<00:09:30.450> have<00:09:30.630> a<00:09:30.660> problem<00:09:30.990> so<00:09:31.680> we<00:09:32.100> are that they have a problem so we are that they have a problem so we are working<00:09:32.460> now<00:09:32.670> on<00:09:33.710> non-invasive<00:09:34.710> again<00:09:35.460> these working now on non-invasive again these working now on non-invasive again these are<00:09:35.970> all<00:09:36.000> invasive<00:09:36.390> studies<00:09:36.990> ideally<00:09:37.500> you are all invasive studies ideally you are all invasive studies ideally you would<00:09:37.770> love<00:09:38.010> to<00:09:38.580> do<00:09:38.700> all<00:09:38.730> this<00:09:38.970> non-invasively would love to do all this non-invasively would love to do all this non-invasively and<00:09:39.960> again<00:09:40.950> 50<00:09:41.370> years<00:09:41.670> of<00:09:41.940> good<00:09:42.150> non-invasive and again 50 years of good non-invasive and again 50 years of good non-invasive stress<00:09:43.140> testing<00:09:43.620> we're<00:09:43.800> pretty<00:09:44.040> good<00:09:44.130> at stress testing we're pretty good at stress testing we're pretty good at recognizing<00:09:45.060> male<00:09:45.210> pattern<00:09:45.450> disease<00:09:45.930> with recognizing male pattern disease with recognizing male pattern disease with stress<00:09:46.440> tests<00:09:46.770> so<00:09:47.640> this<00:09:48.120> is<00:09:48.150> cardiac<00:09:49.050> magnetic stress tests so this is cardiac magnetic stress tests so this is cardiac magnetic resonance<00:09:50.220> imaging<00:09:50.370> we're<00:09:50.880> doing<00:09:51.120> this<00:09:51.240> at resonance imaging we're doing this at resonance imaging we're doing this at the<00:09:51.540> Cedar<00:09:51.750> sinai<00:09:51.990> Heart<00:09:52.410> Institute<00:09:52.560> and<00:09:53.070> the the Cedar sinai Heart Institute and the the Cedar sinai Heart Institute and the woman's<00:09:53.490> heart<00:09:53.700> center<00:09:54.350> we<00:09:55.700> selected<00:09:56.700> this woman's heart center we selected this woman's heart center we selected this for<00:09:57.360> the<00:09:57.690> research<00:09:58.080> this<00:09:58.440> is<00:09:58.590> not<00:09:58.800> in<00:09:58.980> your for the research this is not in your for the research this is not in your community<00:09:59.550> hospital<00:10:00.150> but<00:10:00.360> we<00:10:00.630> would<00:10:00.840> hope<00:10:01.020> to community hospital but we would hope to community hospital but we would hope to translate<00:10:01.950> this<00:10:02.160> and<00:10:02.430> we're<00:10:02.850> about<00:10:02.970> two<00:10:03.240> and<00:10:03.330> a translate this and we're about two and a translate this and we're about two and a half<00:10:03.450> years<00:10:03.810> into<00:10:04.140> a<00:10:04.170> five-year<00:10:04.620> study<00:10:04.830> this half years into a five-year study this half years into a five-year study this was<00:10:06.030> the<00:10:06.210> only<00:10:06.260> modality<00:10:07.260> that<00:10:07.620> can<00:10:07.860> see<00:10:08.130> the was the only modality that can see the was the only modality that can see the inner<00:10:08.490> lining<00:10:08.850> of<00:10:09.210> the<00:10:09.270> heart<00:10:09.390> and<00:10:09.840> if<00:10:09.990> you inner lining of the heart and if you inner lining of the heart and if you look<00:10:10.170> carefully<00:10:10.680> you<00:10:11.250> can<00:10:11.310> see<00:10:11.520> that<00:10:11.910> there's look carefully you can see that there's look carefully you can see that there's a<00:10:12.150> black<00:10:12.450> blush<00:10:12.840> right<00:10:13.200> there<00:10:13.560> and<00:10:13.770> that<00:10:14.730> is a black blush right there and that is a black blush right there and that is micro<00:10:15.450> vascular<00:10:16.100> obstruction<00:10:17.100> the<00:10:17.370> the micro vascular obstruction the the micro vascular obstruction the the syndrome<00:10:18.180> the<00:10:18.360> female<00:10:18.810> pattern<00:10:19.080> now<00:10:19.680> is syndrome the female pattern now is syndrome the female pattern now is called<00:10:20.190> microvascular<00:10:21.120> coronary called microvascular coronary called microvascular coronary dysfunction<00:10:22.410> or<00:10:22.530> obstruction<00:10:23.390> the<00:10:24.390> second dysfunction or obstruction the second dysfunction or obstruction the second reason<00:10:24.960> we<00:10:25.230> really<00:10:25.530> liked<00:10:25.770> MRI<00:10:26.160> is<00:10:26.640> that reason we really liked MRI is that reason we really liked MRI is that there's<00:10:27.390> no<00:10:27.480> radiation<00:10:28.110> so<00:10:28.800> unlike<00:10:29.160> the<00:10:29.190> cat there's no radiation so unlike the cat there's no radiation so unlike the cat scans<00:10:29.850> x-rays<00:10:30.380> thallium<00:10:31.380> for<00:10:32.310> women<00:10:32.880> who scans x-rays thallium for women who scans x-rays thallium for women who breast<00:10:34.380> is<00:10:34.740> in<00:10:35.220> the<00:10:35.370> way<00:10:35.520> of<00:10:35.820> looking<00:10:36.810> at<00:10:36.930> the breast is in the way of looking at the breast is in the way of looking at the heart<00:10:37.320> every<00:10:38.100> time<00:10:38.130> we<00:10:38.490> order<00:10:38.880> something<00:10:39.180> that heart every time we order something that heart every time we order something that has<00:10:39.570> even<00:10:39.990> a<00:10:40.080> small<00:10:40.350> amount<00:10:40.380> of<00:10:40.710> radiation<00:10:40.950> we has even a small amount of radiation we has even a small amount of radiation we say<00:10:41.520> do<00:10:41.670> we<00:10:41.790> really<00:10:42.000> need<00:10:42.240> that<00:10:42.300> test<00:10:42.780> so<00:10:43.440> we're say do we really need that test so we're say do we really need that test so we're very<00:10:43.800> excited<00:10:43.920> about<00:10:44.370> mr<00:10:44.820> you<00:10:45.030> can't<00:10:45.240> go<00:10:45.390> and very excited about mr you can't go and very excited about mr you can't go and order<00:10:45.690> it<00:10:45.870> yet<00:10:46.140> but<00:10:46.680> this<00:10:46.950> is<00:10:47.160> an<00:10:47.310> air order it yet but this is an air order it yet but this is an air area<00:10:47.790> of<00:10:47.820> active<00:10:48.390> inquiry<00:10:48.810> we're<00:10:49.079> actually area of active inquiry we're actually area of active inquiry we're actually studying<00:10:49.980> women<00:10:50.370> is<00:10:50.700> going<00:10:51.300> to<00:10:51.360> advance<00:10:51.720> the studying women is going to advance the studying women is going to advance the field<00:10:52.170> for<00:10:52.500> women<00:10:52.800> and<00:10:53.040> men<00:10:54.769> what<00:10:55.769> are<00:10:55.920> the field for women and men what are the field for women and men what are the downstream<00:10:56.670> consequences<00:10:57.290> then<00:10:58.290> when<00:10:58.890> female downstream consequences then when female downstream consequences then when female pattern<00:10:59.730> heart<00:11:00.180> disease<00:11:00.630> is<00:11:00.930> not<00:11:01.589> recognized pattern heart disease is not recognized pattern heart disease is not recognized this<00:11:03.570> is<00:11:03.870> a<00:11:03.899> figure<00:11:04.470> from<00:11:04.860> an<00:11:05.040> editorial<00:11:05.730> that this is a figure from an editorial that this is a figure from an editorial that I<00:11:05.940> published<00:11:06.450> in<00:11:06.600> the<00:11:06.720> European<00:11:07.200> heart I published in the European heart I published in the European heart journal<00:11:07.740> this<00:11:08.370> last<00:11:08.730> summer<00:11:09.000> and<00:11:09.420> it<00:11:10.170> was<00:11:10.290> just journal this last summer and it was just journal this last summer and it was just a<00:11:10.760> pictogram<00:11:11.760> to<00:11:12.450> sort<00:11:12.720> of<00:11:12.839> show<00:11:13.079> why<00:11:13.950> more a pictogram to sort of show why more a pictogram to sort of show why more women<00:11:14.550> are<00:11:14.940> dying<00:11:15.300> of<00:11:15.420> heart<00:11:15.600> disease<00:11:15.959> despite women are dying of heart disease despite women are dying of heart disease despite these<00:11:16.890> good<00:11:17.160> treatments<00:11:17.670> that<00:11:17.730> we<00:11:17.970> know<00:11:18.329> and these good treatments that we know and these good treatments that we know and we<00:11:18.750> have<00:11:18.959> work<00:11:19.640> and<00:11:20.640> when<00:11:21.570> the<00:11:21.930> woman<00:11:22.410> has<00:11:22.890> male we have work and when the woman has male we have work and when the woman has male pattern<00:11:23.730> disease<00:11:24.300> so<00:11:25.110> she<00:11:25.170> looks<00:11:25.620> like pattern disease so she looks like pattern disease so she looks like Barbara<00:11:26.430> in<00:11:26.579> the<00:11:26.610> movie<00:11:27.180> they<00:11:28.019> get<00:11:28.200> treated Barbara in the movie they get treated Barbara in the movie they get treated and<00:11:29.300> when<00:11:30.300> you<00:11:30.600> have<00:11:30.630> female<00:11:31.440> pattern<00:11:31.680> and<00:11:32.070> you and when you have female pattern and you and when you have female pattern and you look<00:11:32.399> like<00:11:32.610> a<00:11:32.640> woman<00:11:32.940> as<00:11:33.240> Barbara<00:11:33.630> does<00:11:33.810> here look like a woman as Barbara does here look like a woman as Barbara does here with<00:11:34.290> her<00:11:34.440> husband<00:11:35.029> they<00:11:36.029> don't<00:11:36.300> get<00:11:36.540> the with her husband they don't get the with her husband they don't get the treatment<00:11:37.110> these<00:11:37.589> are<00:11:37.769> our<00:11:37.890> life-saving treatment these are our life-saving treatment these are our life-saving treatments<00:11:39.149> and<00:11:39.680> those<00:11:40.680> little<00:11:40.920> red<00:11:41.339> boxes treatments and those little red boxes treatments and those little red boxes are<00:11:42.029> deaths<00:11:42.740> so<00:11:43.740> that<00:11:44.130> is<00:11:44.339> the<00:11:44.490> consequences are deaths so that is the consequences are deaths so that is the consequences and<00:11:45.420> that<00:11:45.720> is<00:11:46.079> female<00:11:46.709> pattern<00:11:46.980> and<00:11:47.430> why<00:11:47.640> we and that is female pattern and why we and that is female pattern and why we think<00:11:47.850> the<00:11:48.180> Yentl<00:11:48.510> syndrome<00:11:48.899> actually<00:11:49.410> is<00:11:49.649> is think the Yentl syndrome actually is is think the Yentl syndrome actually is is explaining<00:11:50.880> a<00:11:50.970> lot<00:11:51.120> of<00:11:51.300> these<00:11:51.420> gaps<00:11:53.089> there's explaining a lot of these gaps there's explaining a lot of these gaps there's been<00:11:54.920> wonderful<00:11:55.920> news<00:11:56.190> also<00:11:57.089> about<00:11:57.600> studying been wonderful news also about studying been wonderful news also about studying women<00:11:58.320> finally<00:11:59.100> in<00:11:59.279> heart<00:11:59.790> disease<00:12:00.089> and<00:12:00.380> one women finally in heart disease and one women finally in heart disease and one of<00:12:01.589> the<00:12:01.829> cutting-edge<00:12:02.490> areas<00:12:03.000> that<00:12:03.209> were<00:12:03.329> just of the cutting-edge areas that were just of the cutting-edge areas that were just incredibly<00:12:04.260> excited<00:12:04.800> about<00:12:04.980> is<00:12:05.160> stem<00:12:05.399> cell incredibly excited about is stem cell incredibly excited about is stem cell therapy<00:12:06.060> if<00:12:06.240> you<00:12:07.230> ask<00:12:07.560> what<00:12:08.100> is<00:12:08.339> the<00:12:08.579> big therapy if you ask what is the big therapy if you ask what is the big difference<00:12:09.449> between<00:12:09.660> women<00:12:10.350> and<00:12:10.560> men difference between women and men difference between women and men physiologically<00:12:11.850> why<00:12:12.149> why<00:12:12.600> are<00:12:12.810> there<00:12:12.990> women physiologically why why are there women physiologically why why are there women and<00:12:13.440> men<00:12:13.910> because<00:12:14.910> women<00:12:15.920> bring<00:12:16.920> new<00:12:17.100> life and men because women bring new life and men because women bring new life into<00:12:17.339> the<00:12:17.640> world<00:12:17.899> that's<00:12:18.899> all<00:12:19.230> stem<00:12:19.620> cells<00:12:19.890> so into the world that's all stem cells so into the world that's all stem cells so we<00:12:20.760> hypothesized<00:12:21.600> that<00:12:21.870> female<00:12:22.529> stem<00:12:22.829> cells we hypothesized that female stem cells we hypothesized that female stem cells might<00:12:23.970> be<00:12:24.209> better<00:12:24.510> at<00:12:25.230> the<00:12:25.850> identifying<00:12:26.850> the might be better at the identifying the might be better at the identifying the injury<00:12:27.449> doing<00:12:28.110> some<00:12:28.350> cellular<00:12:28.949> repair<00:12:29.399> or injury doing some cellular repair or injury doing some cellular repair or even<00:12:30.269> producing<00:12:31.019> new<00:12:31.170> organs<00:12:31.620> which<00:12:32.160> is<00:12:32.339> one even producing new organs which is one even producing new organs which is one of<00:12:33.000> the<00:12:33.120> things<00:12:33.390> that<00:12:33.480> we're<00:12:33.690> trying<00:12:33.720> to<00:12:34.050> do of the things that we're trying to do of the things that we're trying to do with<00:12:34.199> stem<00:12:34.529> cell<00:12:34.740> therapy<00:12:35.449> these<00:12:36.449> are<00:12:37.279> female with stem cell therapy these are female with stem cell therapy these are female and<00:12:38.459> male<00:12:39.269> stem<00:12:39.570> cells<00:12:39.839> and<00:12:40.050> if<00:12:40.890> you<00:12:41.100> had<00:12:41.339> an and male stem cells and if you had an and male stem cells and if you had an injured<00:12:41.850> organ<00:12:42.300> if<00:12:42.510> you<00:12:42.930> had<00:12:43.260> a<00:12:43.290> heart<00:12:43.589> attack injured organ if you had a heart attack injured organ if you had a heart attack and<00:12:44.160> we<00:12:44.430> wanted<00:12:44.790> to<00:12:44.850> repair<00:12:45.449> that<00:12:45.600> injured and we wanted to repair that injured and we wanted to repair that injured area<00:12:46.230> do<00:12:46.890> you<00:12:46.980> want<00:12:47.220> those<00:12:47.490> robust<00:12:48.300> plentiful area do you want those robust plentiful area do you want those robust plentiful stem<00:12:49.500> cells<00:12:49.769> on<00:12:49.980> the<00:12:50.070> top<00:12:50.310> or<00:12:50.899> do<00:12:51.899> you<00:12:51.990> want stem cells on the top or do you want stem cells on the top or do you want these<00:12:53.130> guys<00:12:53.399> that<00:12:54.000> look<00:12:54.269> like<00:12:54.300> they're<00:12:54.779> out<00:12:54.959> to these guys that look like they're out to these guys that look like they're out to lunch lunch lunch and<00:12:58.060> some<00:12:59.060> of<00:12:59.360> our<00:12:59.930> investigative<00:13:00.800> teams<00:13:01.279> have and some of our investigative teams have and some of our investigative teams have demonstrated<00:13:02.449> that<00:13:02.839> female<00:13:03.500> stem<00:13:03.860> cells<00:13:04.220> and demonstrated that female stem cells and demonstrated that female stem cells and this<00:13:04.670> is<00:13:04.850> in<00:13:05.029> animals<00:13:05.870> and<00:13:06.079> increasingly this is in animals and increasingly this is in animals and increasingly we're<00:13:07.189> showing<00:13:07.519> this<00:13:07.759> in<00:13:08.000> humans<00:13:08.509> that<00:13:09.410> female we're showing this in humans that female we're showing this in humans that female stem<00:13:10.189> cells<00:13:10.459> when<00:13:10.850> put<00:13:11.269> even<00:13:11.689> into<00:13:11.990> a<00:13:12.019> male stem cells when put even into a male stem cells when put even into a male body<00:13:12.699> do<00:13:13.699> better<00:13:13.910> than<00:13:14.689> male<00:13:15.019> stem<00:13:15.319> cells body do better than male stem cells body do better than male stem cells going<00:13:16.100> into<00:13:16.399> a<00:13:16.430> male<00:13:16.670> body<00:13:16.870> one<00:13:17.870> of<00:13:18.079> the<00:13:18.259> things going into a male body one of the things going into a male body one of the things that<00:13:18.920> we<00:13:19.040> say<00:13:19.250> about<00:13:19.519> all<00:13:19.819> of<00:13:19.879> this<00:13:20.509> female that we say about all of this female that we say about all of this female physiology<00:13:21.800> because<00:13:22.189> again<00:13:22.519> as<00:13:22.759> much<00:13:22.939> as physiology because again as much as physiology because again as much as we're<00:13:23.269> talking<00:13:23.600> about<00:13:23.689> women<00:13:24.079> and<00:13:24.230> heart we're talking about women and heart we're talking about women and heart disease<00:13:24.439> women<00:13:25.129> do<00:13:25.310> on<00:13:25.519> average<00:13:26.029> have<00:13:26.509> better disease women do on average have better disease women do on average have better longevity<00:13:26.990> than<00:13:27.529> men<00:13:27.740> is<00:13:27.920> that<00:13:28.910> the<00:13:29.209> unfolding longevity than men is that the unfolding longevity than men is that the unfolding the<00:13:30.079> secrets<00:13:30.589> of<00:13:30.709> female<00:13:31.279> physiology<00:13:32.060> and the secrets of female physiology and the secrets of female physiology and understanding<00:13:33.139> that<00:13:33.319> is<00:13:33.529> going<00:13:33.829> to<00:13:33.949> help<00:13:34.189> men understanding that is going to help men understanding that is going to help men and<00:13:34.699> and<00:13:35.240> women<00:13:35.930> so<00:13:36.470> this<00:13:36.920> is<00:13:36.949> not<00:13:37.310> a<00:13:37.339> zero-sum and and women so this is not a zero-sum and and women so this is not a zero-sum game<00:13:38.360> in<00:13:38.540> any<00:13:38.689> way<00:13:39.129> okay<00:13:40.129> so<00:13:40.189> here's<00:13:40.490> where<00:13:40.670> we game in any way okay so here's where we game in any way okay so here's where we started<00:13:41.149> and<00:13:41.500> remember<00:13:42.500> paths<00:13:43.370> crossed<00:13:43.970> in started and remember paths crossed in started and remember paths crossed in 1984<00:13:45.290> and<00:13:45.970> more<00:13:46.970> and<00:13:47.329> more<00:13:47.389> women<00:13:47.839> were<00:13:48.139> dying 1984 and more and more women were dying 1984 and more and more women were dying of<00:13:48.529> cardiovascular<00:13:48.889> disease<00:13:49.370> what<00:13:49.939> has of cardiovascular disease what has of cardiovascular disease what has happened<00:13:50.480> in<00:13:50.569> the<00:13:50.660> last<00:13:50.689> 15<00:13:51.259> years<00:13:51.290> with<00:13:51.680> this happened in the last 15 years with this happened in the last 15 years with this work<00:13:52.480> we<00:13:53.480> are<00:13:53.509> bending<00:13:54.050> the<00:13:54.139> curve<00:13:54.430> we're work we are bending the curve we're work we are bending the curve we're bending<00:13:55.730> the<00:13:56.000> curb<00:13:56.329> so<00:13:57.319> just<00:13:58.189> like<00:13:58.370> the<00:13:58.490> breast bending the curb so just like the breast bending the curb so just like the breast cancer<00:13:58.759> story<00:13:59.300> doing<00:14:00.230> research<00:14:00.639> getting cancer story doing research getting cancer story doing research getting awareness<00:14:02.089> going<00:14:02.480> it<00:14:02.870> works<00:14:03.259> you<00:14:03.709> just<00:14:03.949> have awareness going it works you just have awareness going it works you just have to<00:14:04.279> get<00:14:04.519> it<00:14:04.699> going<00:14:04.910> now<00:14:05.269> are<00:14:06.110> we<00:14:06.500> happy<00:14:06.740> with to get it going now are we happy with to get it going now are we happy with this<00:14:07.309> we<00:14:07.670> still<00:14:07.939> have<00:14:08.089> two<00:14:08.269> to<00:14:08.389> three<00:14:08.689> more this we still have two to three more this we still have two to three more women<00:14:09.649> dying<00:14:10.009> for<00:14:10.220> every<00:14:10.430> man<00:14:10.610> and<00:14:10.910> I<00:14:11.540> would women dying for every man and I would women dying for every man and I would propose<00:14:12.220> with<00:14:13.220> the<00:14:14.089> better<00:14:14.300> longevity<00:14:14.600> that propose with the better longevity that propose with the better longevity that women<00:14:15.439> have<00:14:15.649> overall<00:14:16.180> that<00:14:17.180> women<00:14:17.600> probably women have overall that women probably women have overall that women probably should<00:14:18.230> theoretically<00:14:18.500> do<00:14:19.160> better<00:14:19.370> if<00:14:19.610> we should theoretically do better if we should theoretically do better if we could<00:14:19.879> just<00:14:19.910> get<00:14:20.149> treated<00:14:20.600> so<00:14:21.350> this<00:14:21.949> is<00:14:22.160> where could just get treated so this is where could just get treated so this is where we<00:14:22.610> are<00:14:22.879> but<00:14:23.660> we<00:14:23.899> have<00:14:24.170> a<00:14:24.350> long<00:14:24.709> row<00:14:25.040> to<00:14:25.069> hoe we are but we have a long row to hoe we are but we have a long row to hoe we've<00:14:25.970> worked<00:14:26.269> on<00:14:26.449> this<00:14:26.600> for<00:14:26.809> 15<00:14:27.410> years<00:14:27.680> and we've worked on this for 15 years and we've worked on this for 15 years and I've<00:14:28.220> told<00:14:28.459> you<00:14:28.699> we've<00:14:28.910> been<00:14:28.939> working<00:14:29.300> on<00:14:29.600> male I've told you we've been working on male I've told you we've been working on male pattern<00:14:30.110> heart<00:14:31.009> disease<00:14:31.370> for<00:14:31.730> 50<00:14:32.209> years<00:14:32.500> so pattern heart disease for 50 years so pattern heart disease for 50 years so we're<00:14:33.829> 35<00:14:34.339> years<00:14:34.730> behind<00:14:35.089> and<00:14:35.389> we'd<00:14:35.750> like<00:14:35.930> to we're 35 years behind and we'd like to we're 35 years behind and we'd like to think<00:14:36.230> it's<00:14:36.410> not<00:14:36.559> going<00:14:36.709> to<00:14:36.800> take<00:14:36.949> 35<00:14:37.459> years think it's not going to take 35 years think it's not going to take 35 years and<00:14:37.879> in<00:14:38.389> fact<00:14:38.629> it<00:14:38.990> probably<00:14:39.259> won't<00:14:39.920> but<00:14:40.309> we and in fact it probably won't but we and in fact it probably won't but we cannot<00:14:41.120> stop<00:14:41.480> now<00:14:41.720> too<00:14:42.110> many<00:14:42.379> lives<00:14:42.680> are<00:14:43.040> at cannot stop now too many lives are at cannot stop now too many lives are at stake<00:14:43.959> so<00:14:44.959> what<00:14:45.920> do<00:14:46.100> we<00:14:46.220> need<00:14:46.370> to<00:14:46.430> do<00:14:46.779> you<00:14:47.779> now stake so what do we need to do you now stake so what do we need to do you now hopefully<00:14:48.740> have<00:14:48.889> a<00:14:48.920> more<00:14:49.189> personal hopefully have a more personal hopefully have a more personal relationship<00:14:50.389> with<00:14:50.569> your<00:14:50.720> heart<00:14:51.730> women<00:14:52.730> have relationship with your heart women have relationship with your heart women have heard<00:14:53.990> the<00:14:54.170> call<00:14:54.439> for<00:14:54.800> breast<00:14:55.040> cancer<00:14:55.160> and heard the call for breast cancer and heard the call for breast cancer and they<00:14:56.089> have<00:14:56.269> come<00:14:56.569> out<00:14:56.809> for<00:14:57.559> awareness they have come out for awareness they have come out for awareness campaigns<00:14:59.089> that<00:14:59.809> women<00:15:00.319> are<00:15:00.470> very<00:15:00.769> good<00:15:00.980> about campaigns that women are very good about campaigns that women are very good about getting<00:15:01.399> mammograms<00:15:01.879> now<00:15:02.509> and<00:15:02.779> women<00:15:03.589> do getting mammograms now and women do getting mammograms now and women do fundraising<00:15:04.759> women<00:15:05.540> participate<00:15:06.500> they<00:15:06.740> have fundraising women participate they have fundraising women participate they have put<00:15:07.279> their<00:15:07.490> money<00:15:07.639> where<00:15:07.819> their<00:15:07.970> mouth<00:15:08.300> is<00:15:08.569> and put their money where their mouth is and put their money where their mouth is and they<00:15:08.990> have they have they have advocacy<00:15:09.950> and<00:15:10.340> they<00:15:10.790> have<00:15:10.970> joined<00:15:11.240> campaigns advocacy and they have joined campaigns advocacy and they have joined campaigns this<00:15:12.560> is<00:15:12.800> what<00:15:13.010> we<00:15:13.160> need<00:15:13.190> to<00:15:13.490> do<00:15:13.640> with<00:15:13.790> heart this is what we need to do with heart this is what we need to do with heart disease<00:15:14.180> now<00:15:14.540> and<00:15:14.570> it's<00:15:15.290> political<00:15:16.300> women's disease now and it's political women's disease now and it's political women's health<00:15:17.720> from<00:15:18.320> a<00:15:18.440> federal<00:15:18.710> funding<00:15:19.520> standpoint health from a federal funding standpoint health from a federal funding standpoint sometimes<00:15:21.050> it's<00:15:21.260> popular<00:15:21.710> sometimes<00:15:22.610> it's sometimes it's popular sometimes it's sometimes it's popular sometimes it's not<00:15:22.910> so<00:15:22.970> popular<00:15:23.300> so<00:15:24.260> we<00:15:24.470> have<00:15:24.650> these<00:15:24.770> feast not so popular so we have these feast not so popular so we have these feast and<00:15:25.340> famine<00:15:25.370> cycles<00:15:26.180> so<00:15:26.930> I<00:15:27.260> implore<00:15:28.220> you<00:15:28.250> to and famine cycles so I implore you to and famine cycles so I implore you to join<00:15:29.120> the<00:15:29.990> red<00:15:30.230> dress<00:15:30.470> campaign<00:15:31.070> in<00:15:31.280> this join the red dress campaign in this join the red dress campaign in this fundraising<00:15:32.350> breast<00:15:33.350> cancer<00:15:34.040> as<00:15:34.280> we<00:15:35.180> said fundraising breast cancer as we said fundraising breast cancer as we said kills<00:15:36.170> women<00:15:36.560> but<00:15:37.160> heart<00:15:37.790> disease<00:15:38.210> kills<00:15:38.540> a kills women but heart disease kills a kills women but heart disease kills a whole<00:15:39.080> bunch<00:15:39.350> more<00:15:39.620> so<00:15:39.890> if<00:15:40.040> we<00:15:40.190> can<00:15:40.370> be<00:15:40.520> as<00:15:40.640> good whole bunch more so if we can be as good whole bunch more so if we can be as good as<00:15:40.910> breast<00:15:41.300> cancer<00:15:41.810> and<00:15:42.050> give<00:15:42.410> women<00:15:42.650> this<00:15:42.950> new as breast cancer and give women this new as breast cancer and give women this new charge<00:15:43.570> we<00:15:44.570> have<00:15:44.720> a<00:15:44.750> lot<00:15:45.020> of<00:15:45.050> lives<00:15:45.350> to<00:15:45.620> save<00:15:45.890> so charge we have a lot of lives to save so charge we have a lot of lives to save so thank<00:15:47.000> you<00:15:47.090> for<00:15:47.300> your<00:15:47.360> attention


heart, attack, women, heart, disease, cardiovascular, health, medicine, doctor, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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