Một cái ôm ấm áp cứu sống-Jane Chen

A warm embrace that saves lives - Jane Chen

A warm embrace that saves lives - Jane Chen


please<00:00:16.560> close<00:00:16.890> your<00:00:16.950> eyes<00:00:17.100> and<00:00:17.900> open<00:00:18.900> your
please close your eyes and open your please close your eyes and open your hands<00:00:20.300> now<00:00:21.300> imagine<00:00:22.140> what<00:00:22.290> you<00:00:22.410> could<00:00:22.590> place hands now imagine what you could place hands now imagine what you could place in<00:00:22.980> your<00:00:23.130> hands<00:00:23.520> an<00:00:23.700> apple<00:00:24.660> maybe<00:00:25.529> your<00:00:25.740> wallet in your hands an apple maybe your wallet in your hands an apple maybe your wallet now<00:00:27.630> open<00:00:27.930> your<00:00:28.050> eyes now open your eyes now open your eyes what<00:00:29.640> about<00:00:29.730> a<00:00:29.880> life<00:00:30.500> what<00:00:31.500> you<00:00:31.619> see<00:00:31.800> here<00:00:32.040> is<00:00:32.099> a what about a life what you see here is a what about a life what you see here is a premature<00:00:32.640> baby<00:00:32.820> he<00:00:33.300> looks<00:00:33.540> like<00:00:33.690> he's premature baby he looks like he's premature baby he looks like he's resting<00:00:34.290> peacefully<00:00:34.500> but<00:00:35.130> in<00:00:35.220> fact<00:00:35.430> he's resting peacefully but in fact he's resting peacefully but in fact he's struggling<00:00:36.060> to<00:00:36.180> stay<00:00:36.360> alive<00:00:36.630> because<00:00:36.930> he struggling to stay alive because he struggling to stay alive because he can't<00:00:37.440> regulate<00:00:37.920> his<00:00:38.040> own<00:00:38.220> body<00:00:38.489> temperature can't regulate his own body temperature can't regulate his own body temperature this<00:00:39.750> baby<00:00:39.989> is<00:00:40.200> so<00:00:40.230> tiny<00:00:40.680> he<00:00:40.920> doesn't<00:00:41.220> have this baby is so tiny he doesn't have this baby is so tiny he doesn't have enough<00:00:41.640> fat<00:00:41.880> on<00:00:42.030> his<00:00:42.210> body<00:00:42.450> to<00:00:42.840> stay<00:00:43.050> warm enough fat on his body to stay warm enough fat on his body to stay warm sadly<00:00:44.730> 20<00:00:45.420> million<00:00:45.960> babies<00:00:46.289> like<00:00:46.469> this<00:00:46.620> are sadly 20 million babies like this are sadly 20 million babies like this are born<00:00:47.129> every<00:00:47.550> year<00:00:47.579> around<00:00:48.030> the<00:00:48.359> world<00:00:48.559> 4 born every year around the world 4 born every year around the world 4 million<00:00:49.949> of<00:00:50.070> these<00:00:50.219> babies<00:00:50.579> die<00:00:50.730> annually<00:00:51.269> but million of these babies die annually but million of these babies die annually but the<00:00:52.019> bigger<00:00:52.230> problem<00:00:52.739> is<00:00:52.890> that<00:00:53.100> the<00:00:53.190> ones<00:00:53.399> who the bigger problem is that the ones who the bigger problem is that the ones who do<00:00:53.850> survive<00:00:54.239> grow<00:00:54.660> up<00:00:54.719> with<00:00:54.870> severe<00:00:55.350> long-term do survive grow up with severe long-term do survive grow up with severe long-term health<00:00:56.280> problems<00:00:56.789> the<00:00:57.570> reason<00:00:57.899> is<00:00:58.140> because<00:00:58.260> in health problems the reason is because in health problems the reason is because in the<00:00:58.769> first<00:00:59.010> month<00:00:59.280> of<00:00:59.399> a<00:00:59.460> baby's<00:00:59.789> life<00:01:00.030> it's the first month of a baby's life it's the first month of a baby's life it's only<00:01:00.480> job<00:01:00.960> is<00:01:01.230> to<00:01:01.530> grow<00:01:01.679> if<00:01:02.399> it's<00:01:02.609> battling only job is to grow if it's battling only job is to grow if it's battling hypothermia<00:01:03.300> its<00:01:03.780> organs<00:01:04.170> can't<00:01:04.470> develop hypothermia its organs can't develop hypothermia its organs can't develop normally<00:01:05.190> resulting<00:01:06.180> in<00:01:06.300> a<00:01:06.360> range<00:01:06.600> of<00:01:06.750> health normally resulting in a range of health normally resulting in a range of health problems<00:01:07.380> from<00:01:07.560> diabetes<00:01:07.800> to<00:01:08.580> heart<00:01:08.940> disease problems from diabetes to heart disease problems from diabetes to heart disease to<00:01:09.930> low<00:01:10.080> IQ<00:01:11.000> imagine<00:01:12.000> many<00:01:12.900> of<00:01:13.020> these<00:01:13.170> problems to low IQ imagine many of these problems to low IQ imagine many of these problems could<00:01:13.680> be<00:01:13.740> prevented<00:01:14.159> if<00:01:14.520> these<00:01:14.700> babies<00:01:14.910> were could be prevented if these babies were could be prevented if these babies were just<00:01:15.630> kept<00:01:16.050> warm<00:01:16.470> that<00:01:17.400> is<00:01:17.640> the<00:01:17.880> primary just kept warm that is the primary just kept warm that is the primary function<00:01:18.510> of<00:01:18.570> an<00:01:18.690> incubator<00:01:19.050> but<00:01:19.800> traditional function of an incubator but traditional function of an incubator but traditional incubators<00:01:20.700> require<00:01:21.120> electricity<00:01:21.570> and<00:01:21.990> cost incubators require electricity and cost incubators require electricity and cost up<00:01:22.470> to<00:01:22.820> $20,000<00:01:23.820> so<00:01:24.270> you're<00:01:24.450> not<00:01:24.540> going<00:01:24.720> to up to $20,000 so you're not going to up to $20,000 so you're not going to find<00:01:24.960> them<00:01:25.140> in<00:01:25.290> rural<00:01:25.470> areas<00:01:25.920> of<00:01:26.130> developing find them in rural areas of developing find them in rural areas of developing countries<00:01:27.030> as<00:01:27.210> a<00:01:27.810> result<00:01:28.220> parents<00:01:29.220> resort<00:01:29.580> to countries as a result parents resort to countries as a result parents resort to local<00:01:30.120> solutions<00:01:30.570> like<00:01:30.780> tying<00:01:31.080> hot<00:01:31.290> water local solutions like tying hot water local solutions like tying hot water bottles<00:01:31.980> around<00:01:32.310> their<00:01:32.490> babies<00:01:32.820> bodies<00:01:33.210> or bottles around their babies bodies or bottles around their babies bodies or placing<00:01:34.200> them<00:01:34.320> under<00:01:34.350> light<00:01:34.770> bulbs<00:01:35.130> like<00:01:35.400> the placing them under light bulbs like the placing them under light bulbs like the ones<00:01:35.700> you<00:01:35.880> see<00:01:36.060> here<00:01:36.090> methods<00:01:37.080> that<00:01:37.200> are<00:01:37.290> both ones you see here methods that are both ones you see here methods that are both ineffective<00:01:38.220> and<00:01:38.400> unsafe<00:01:39.270> I've<00:01:39.540> seen<00:01:40.410> this ineffective and unsafe I've seen this ineffective and unsafe I've seen this firsthand<00:01:40.950> over<00:01:41.520> and<00:01:41.640> over<00:01:41.880> again<00:01:42.030> I'm<00:01:42.600> one<00:01:42.810> of firsthand over and over again I'm one of firsthand over and over again I'm one of my<00:01:43.020> first<00:01:43.290> trips<00:01:43.470> to<00:01:43.650> India<00:01:43.950> I<00:01:44.070> met<00:01:44.340> this<00:01:44.460> young my first trips to India I met this young my first trips to India I met this young woman<00:01:45.000> Savita<00:01:45.570> were<00:01:46.140> just<00:01:46.410> given<00:01:46.680> birth<00:01:46.890> to<00:01:47.280> a woman Savita were just given birth to a woman Savita were just given birth to a tiny<00:01:47.610> premature<00:01:48.240> baby<00:01:48.510> Rani tiny premature baby Rani tiny premature baby Rani she<00:01:50.280> took<00:01:50.400> her<00:01:50.550> baby<00:01:50.760> to<00:01:51.000> the<00:01:51.090> nearest<00:01:51.390> village she took her baby to the nearest village she took her baby to the nearest village clinic<00:01:52.200> and<00:01:52.410> the<00:01:52.680> doctor<00:01:53.040> advised<00:01:53.370> her<00:01:53.580> to clinic and the doctor advised her to clinic and the doctor advised her to take<00:01:53.940> Rani<00:01:54.390> to<00:01:54.690> a<00:01:54.900> City<00:01:55.260> Hospital<00:01:55.860> so<00:01:56.430> she take Rani to a City Hospital so she take Rani to a City Hospital so she could<00:01:56.700> be<00:01:56.790> placed<00:01:57.030> in<00:01:57.180> an<00:01:57.270> incubator<00:01:57.540> but<00:01:58.380> that could be placed in an incubator but that could be placed in an incubator but that Hospital<00:01:59.070> was<00:01:59.430> over<00:01:59.730> four<00:02:00.090> hours<00:02:00.600> away<00:02:00.840> and Hospital was over four hours away and Hospital was over four hours away and Savita<00:02:01.950> didn't<00:02:02.340> have<00:02:02.490> the<00:02:02.670> means<00:02:02.880> to<00:02:03.060> get Savita didn't have the means to get Savita didn't have the means to get there<00:02:03.450> so<00:02:04.320> her<00:02:04.440> baby<00:02:04.620> died<00:02:05.720> inspired<00:02:06.720> by<00:02:06.960> the there so her baby died inspired by the there so her baby died inspired by the story<00:02:07.410> and<00:02:07.740> dozens<00:02:08.220> of<00:02:08.310> other<00:02:08.459> similar story and dozens of other similar story and dozens of other similar stories<00:02:09.239> like<00:02:09.420> this<00:02:09.599> my<00:02:09.869> team<00:02:10.110> and<00:02:10.229> I<00:02:10.289> realized stories like this my team and I realized stories like this my team and I realized what<00:02:10.920> was<00:02:11.039> needed<00:02:11.250> was<00:02:11.430> a<00:02:11.640> local<00:02:12.000> solution what was needed was a local solution what was needed was a local solution something<00:02:13.290> that<00:02:13.500> could<00:02:13.650> work<00:02:13.800> without something that could work without something that could work without electricity<00:02:14.220> that<00:02:15.209> was<00:02:15.360> simple<00:02:15.720> enough<00:02:15.959> for<00:02:15.989> a electricity that was simple enough for a electricity that was simple enough for a mother<00:02:16.440> or<00:02:16.680> a<00:02:16.709> midwife<00:02:16.980> to<00:02:17.160> use<00:02:17.519> given<00:02:17.910> that mother or a midwife to use given that mother or a midwife to use given that the<00:02:18.150> majority<00:02:18.239> of<00:02:18.750> births<00:02:18.900> still<00:02:19.350> take<00:02:19.590> place the majority of births still take place the majority of births still take place in<00:02:19.980> the<00:02:20.070> home<00:02:20.250> we<00:02:20.970> needed<00:02:21.210> something<00:02:21.510> that<00:02:21.540> was in the home we needed something that was in the home we needed something that was portable<00:02:22.200> something<00:02:22.740> that<00:02:22.860> could<00:02:23.010> be portable something that could be portable something that could be sterilized<00:02:23.700> and<00:02:23.940> reused sterilized and reused sterilized and reused across<00:02:24.600> multiple<00:02:24.930> babies<00:02:25.380> and<00:02:25.590> something across multiple babies and something across multiple babies and something ultra<00:02:26.819> low-cost<00:02:27.390> compared<00:02:28.140> to<00:02:28.260> the<00:02:28.400> $20,000 ultra low-cost compared to the $20,000 ultra low-cost compared to the $20,000 that<00:02:29.850> an<00:02:30.000> incubator<00:02:30.360> in<00:02:30.660> the<00:02:30.810> u.s.<00:02:31.110> costs<00:02:31.850> so that an incubator in the u.s. costs so that an incubator in the u.s. costs so this<00:02:33.180> is<00:02:33.330> what<00:02:33.450> we<00:02:33.569> came<00:02:33.690> up<00:02:33.870> with<00:02:34.040> what<00:02:35.040> you this is what we came up with what you this is what we came up with what you see<00:02:35.280> here<00:02:35.430> looks<00:02:35.640> nothing<00:02:35.819> like<00:02:36.000> an<00:02:36.240> incubator see here looks nothing like an incubator see here looks nothing like an incubator looks<00:02:36.930> like<00:02:37.050> a<00:02:37.080> small<00:02:37.380> sleeping<00:02:37.800> bag<00:02:37.980> for<00:02:38.220> a looks like a small sleeping bag for a looks like a small sleeping bag for a baby<00:02:38.430> you<00:02:39.330> can<00:02:39.480> open<00:02:39.780> it<00:02:39.900> up<00:02:40.050> completely<00:02:40.700> it's baby you can open it up completely it's baby you can open it up completely it's waterproof<00:02:42.030> there's<00:02:42.600> no<00:02:42.750> seams<00:02:43.050> inside<00:02:43.440> so waterproof there's no seams inside so waterproof there's no seams inside so you<00:02:43.680> can<00:02:43.709> sterilize<00:02:44.130> it<00:02:44.550> very<00:02:44.730> easily<00:02:45.020> but<00:02:46.020> the you can sterilize it very easily but the you can sterilize it very easily but the magic<00:02:46.620> is<00:02:46.800> in<00:02:47.550> this<00:02:47.730> pouch<00:02:48.000> of<00:02:48.570> wax<00:02:48.900> this<00:02:49.770> is<00:02:49.890> a magic is in this pouch of wax this is a magic is in this pouch of wax this is a phase<00:02:50.250> change<00:02:50.640> material<00:02:51.180> it's<00:02:51.360> a<00:02:51.420> wax<00:02:51.660> like phase change material it's a wax like phase change material it's a wax like substance<00:02:52.260> with<00:02:52.800> the<00:02:52.920> melting<00:02:53.280> point<00:02:53.520> of substance with the melting point of substance with the melting point of human<00:02:54.150> body<00:02:54.480> temperature<00:02:54.720> 37<00:02:55.470> degrees human body temperature 37 degrees human body temperature 37 degrees Celsius<00:02:56.459> you<00:02:57.180> can<00:02:57.330> melt<00:02:57.510> this<00:02:57.690> simply<00:02:58.110> using Celsius you can melt this simply using Celsius you can melt this simply using hot<00:02:58.560> water<00:02:58.590> and<00:02:59.040> then<00:02:59.700> when<00:02:59.940> it<00:03:00.090> melts<00:03:00.120> it's hot water and then when it melts it's hot water and then when it melts it's able<00:03:00.810> to<00:03:00.959> maintain<00:03:01.230> one<00:03:01.890> constant able to maintain one constant able to maintain one constant temperature<00:03:03.239> for<00:03:03.420> four<00:03:04.019> to<00:03:04.260> six<00:03:04.500> hours<00:03:04.860> at<00:03:05.070> a temperature for four to six hours at a temperature for four to six hours at a time<00:03:05.430> after<00:03:05.670> which<00:03:06.030> you<00:03:06.180> simply<00:03:06.570> reheat<00:03:06.989> the time after which you simply reheat the time after which you simply reheat the pouch<00:03:07.430> so<00:03:08.430> you<00:03:08.459> then<00:03:08.700> place<00:03:09.660> it<00:03:09.840> into<00:03:10.110> this pouch so you then place it into this pouch so you then place it into this little<00:03:10.380> pocket<00:03:10.769> back<00:03:11.190> here<00:03:14.330> and<00:03:15.330> it<00:03:15.930> creates<00:03:16.260> a little pocket back here and it creates a little pocket back here and it creates a warm<00:03:16.680> micro<00:03:17.519> environment<00:03:18.120> for<00:03:18.810> the<00:03:18.900> baby warm micro environment for the baby warm micro environment for the baby look<00:03:21.090> simple<00:03:21.630> but<00:03:21.810> we've<00:03:22.050> reiterated<00:03:22.380> this look simple but we've reiterated this look simple but we've reiterated this dozens<00:03:23.459> of<00:03:23.580> times<00:03:23.850> by<00:03:24.150> going<00:03:24.420> into<00:03:24.570> the<00:03:24.690> field dozens of times by going into the field dozens of times by going into the field to<00:03:25.080> talk<00:03:25.200> to<00:03:25.380> doctors<00:03:25.800> moms<00:03:26.280> and<00:03:26.610> clinicians to talk to doctors moms and clinicians to talk to doctors moms and clinicians to<00:03:27.330> ensure<00:03:27.900> that<00:03:28.050> this<00:03:28.170> really<00:03:28.440> meets<00:03:28.799> the to ensure that this really meets the to ensure that this really meets the needs<00:03:29.220> of<00:03:29.400> the<00:03:29.549> local<00:03:29.670> communities<00:03:30.329> we<00:03:31.079> plan needs of the local communities we plan needs of the local communities we plan to<00:03:31.380> launch<00:03:31.500> this<00:03:31.709> product<00:03:31.980> in<00:03:32.310> India<00:03:32.610> in<00:03:32.820> 2010 to launch this product in India in 2010 to launch this product in India in 2010 and<00:03:35.010> the<00:03:35.190> target<00:03:35.549> price<00:03:35.760> point<00:03:36.030> will<00:03:36.299> be<00:03:36.420> 25 and the target price point will be 25 and the target price point will be 25 dollars<00:03:37.530> less<00:03:38.100> than<00:03:38.130> 0.1%<00:03:39.030> of<00:03:39.630> the<00:03:39.690> cost<00:03:39.989> of<00:03:40.350> a dollars less than 0.1% of the cost of a dollars less than 0.1% of the cost of a traditional<00:03:40.620> incubator<00:03:41.480> over<00:03:42.480> the<00:03:42.570> next<00:03:42.750> five traditional incubator over the next five traditional incubator over the next five years<00:03:43.019> we<00:03:43.440> hope<00:03:43.560> to<00:03:43.739> save<00:03:43.920> the<00:03:44.070> lives<00:03:44.280> of years we hope to save the lives of years we hope to save the lives of almost<00:03:44.850> a<00:03:45.000> million<00:03:45.239> babies<00:03:45.810> but<00:03:46.500> the almost a million babies but the almost a million babies but the longer-term<00:03:46.950> social<00:03:47.430> impact<00:03:47.820> is<00:03:48.030> a<00:03:48.090> reduction longer-term social impact is a reduction longer-term social impact is a reduction in<00:03:48.750> population<00:03:48.959> growth<00:03:49.380> the<00:03:50.340> seems in population growth the seems in population growth the seems counterintuitive<00:03:50.910> but<00:03:51.720> turns<00:03:51.959> out<00:03:52.140> that<00:03:52.620> as counterintuitive but turns out that as counterintuitive but turns out that as infant<00:03:53.130> mortality<00:03:53.820> is<00:03:54.030> reduced<00:03:54.510> population infant mortality is reduced population infant mortality is reduced population sizes<00:03:55.650> also<00:03:55.950> decrease<00:03:56.640> because<00:03:57.150> parents sizes also decrease because parents sizes also decrease because parents don't<00:03:57.870> need<00:03:58.049> to<00:03:58.170> anticipate<00:03:58.829> that<00:03:59.040> their don't need to anticipate that their don't need to anticipate that their babies<00:03:59.549> are<00:03:59.579> going<00:03:59.820> to<00:03:59.940> die<00:04:00.320> we<00:04:01.320> hope<00:04:01.500> that<00:04:01.650> the babies are going to die we hope that the babies are going to die we hope that the embrace<00:04:02.100> infant<00:04:02.130> warmer<00:04:02.549> and<00:04:03.090> other<00:04:03.750> simple embrace infant warmer and other simple embrace infant warmer and other simple innovations<00:04:05.100> like<00:04:05.280> this<00:04:05.630> represent<00:04:06.630> a<00:04:06.690> new innovations like this represent a new innovations like this represent a new trend<00:04:07.200> for<00:04:07.590> the<00:04:07.650> future<00:04:07.980> of<00:04:08.130> Technology trend for the future of Technology trend for the future of Technology simple<00:04:09.870> localized<00:04:10.680> affordable<00:04:11.489> solutions simple localized affordable solutions simple localized affordable solutions that<00:04:12.329> have<00:04:12.510> the<00:04:12.690> potential<00:04:13.049> to<00:04:13.620> make<00:04:13.650> huge that have the potential to make huge that have the potential to make huge social<00:04:14.340> impact<00:04:14.910> in<00:04:15.180> designing<00:04:15.989> this<00:04:16.289> we social impact in designing this we social impact in designing this we followed<00:04:16.799> a<00:04:16.890> few<00:04:16.919> basic<00:04:17.459> principles<00:04:17.579> we followed a few basic principles we followed a few basic principles we really<00:04:18.720> try<00:04:18.900> to<00:04:18.930> understand<00:04:19.470> the<00:04:19.620> end<00:04:19.769> user<00:04:20.100> in really try to understand the end user in really try to understand the end user in this<00:04:20.549> case<00:04:20.609> cut<00:04:21.419> people<00:04:21.780> like<00:04:21.930> Savita<00:04:22.700> we<00:04:23.700> try this case cut people like Savita we try this case cut people like Savita we try to<00:04:23.910> understand<00:04:24.300> the<00:04:24.390> root<00:04:24.630> of<00:04:24.780> the<00:04:24.870> problem to understand the root of the problem to understand the root of the problem rather<00:04:25.830> than<00:04:25.919> being<00:04:26.250> biased<00:04:26.490> by<00:04:26.880> what<00:04:26.910> already rather than being biased by what already rather than being biased by what already exists<00:04:27.990> and<00:04:28.200> then<00:04:28.950> we<00:04:29.100> thought<00:04:29.250> of<00:04:29.370> the<00:04:29.460> most exists and then we thought of the most exists and then we thought of the most simple<00:04:30.120> solution<00:04:30.660> we<00:04:30.930> could<00:04:31.169> to<00:04:31.620> address<00:04:32.310> this simple solution we could to address this simple solution we could to address this problem<00:04:32.849> and<00:04:33.380> doing<00:04:34.380> this<00:04:34.470> I<00:04:34.620> believe<00:04:34.770> we<00:04:34.979> can problem and doing this I believe we can problem and doing this I believe we can truly<00:04:35.370> bring<00:04:35.580> technology<00:04:36.210> to<00:04:36.390> the<00:04:36.479> masses truly bring technology to the masses truly bring technology to the masses and<00:04:37.130> we<00:04:37.550> can<00:04:37.700> save<00:04:37.910> millions<00:04:38.180> of<00:04:38.570> lives and we can save millions of lives and we can save millions of lives through<00:04:39.350> the<00:04:39.440> simple<00:04:39.650> warmth<00:04:40.100> of<00:04:40.490> an<00:04:40.640> embrace

Jane Chen, TED, Fellow, TED-Ed, TED, Ed’, TEDEducation, healthcare, premature, babies, developing, world, infants, babies, baby

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