Một cánh tay giả “cảm thấy” – Todd Kuiken



[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] so<00:00:16.440> today<00:00:17.080> I<00:00:17.199> would<00:00:17.439> like<00:00:17.600> to<00:00:17.840> talk<00:00:18.160> with<00:00:18.359> you so today I would like to talk with you so today I would like to talk with you about<00:00:19.840> bionics<00:00:20.760> which<00:00:20.880> is<00:00:21.039> the<00:00:21.279> popular<00:00:21.880> term about bionics which is the popular term about bionics which is the popular term for<00:00:22.560> the<00:00:22.800> science<00:00:23.720> of<00:00:24.000> replacing<00:00:24.800> part<00:00:24.960> of<00:00:25.080> a for the science of replacing part of a for the science of replacing part of a living<00:00:25.560> organism<00:00:26.240> with<00:00:26.359> a<00:00:26.519> mechatronic living organism with a mechatronic living organism with a mechatronic device<00:00:27.640> or<00:00:27.840> a<00:00:28.000> robot<00:00:29.000> it<00:00:29.119> is<00:00:29.400> essentially device or a robot it is essentially device or a robot it is essentially the<00:00:31.519> the<00:00:31.759> stuff<00:00:32.119> of<00:00:32.399> life<00:00:32.880> meets<00:00:33.280> machine<00:00:34.239> and the the stuff of life meets machine and the the stuff of life meets machine and specifically<00:00:35.160> I'd<00:00:35.280> like<00:00:35.440> to<00:00:35.600> talk<00:00:35.800> with<00:00:35.960> you specifically I'd like to talk with you specifically I'd like to talk with you about<00:00:36.320> how<00:00:36.600> bionics<00:00:37.600> is<00:00:38.280> evolving<00:00:39.280> for<00:00:39.680> people about how bionics is evolving for people about how bionics is evolving for people with<00:00:40.120> arm with arm with arm amputations<00:00:42.600> this<00:00:42.719> is<00:00:42.840> our amputations this is our amputations this is our motivation<00:00:44.680> arm<00:00:45.039> amputation<00:00:45.600> causes<00:00:46.000> a<00:00:46.199> huge motivation arm amputation causes a huge motivation arm amputation causes a huge disability<00:00:47.520> I<00:00:47.559> mean<00:00:47.719> the<00:00:47.879> functional disability I mean the functional disability I mean the functional impairment<00:00:48.840> is<00:00:49.039> clear<00:00:49.520> our<00:00:49.719> our<00:00:49.960> hands<00:00:50.239> are impairment is clear our our hands are impairment is clear our our hands are amazing<00:00:51.039> instruments<00:00:51.960> and<00:00:52.079> when<00:00:52.199> we<00:00:52.399> lose<00:00:53.039> one amazing instruments and when we lose one amazing instruments and when we lose one far<00:00:53.680> less<00:00:54.079> both<00:00:54.760> it's<00:00:54.960> a<00:00:55.120> lot<00:00:55.359> harder<00:00:55.640> to<00:00:55.840> do far less both it's a lot harder to do far less both it's a lot harder to do the<00:00:56.199> things<00:00:56.680> we<00:00:56.920> physically<00:00:57.320> need<00:00:57.480> to<00:00:57.680> do the things we physically need to do the things we physically need to do there's<00:00:58.960> also<00:00:59.239> a<00:00:59.440> huge<00:01:00.000> emotional<00:01:00.399> impact<00:01:00.800> and there's also a huge emotional impact and there's also a huge emotional impact and actually<00:01:01.280> I<00:01:01.359> spent<00:01:01.680> as<00:01:01.800> much<00:01:01.920> of<00:01:02.079> my<00:01:02.239> time<00:01:02.399> in actually I spent as much of my time in actually I spent as much of my time in clinic<00:01:02.960> dealing<00:01:03.239> with<00:01:03.359> the<00:01:03.480> emotional clinic dealing with the emotional clinic dealing with the emotional adjustment<00:01:05.040> of<00:01:05.280> patients<00:01:05.960> as<00:01:06.200> with<00:01:06.360> the adjustment of patients as with the adjustment of patients as with the physical<00:01:07.040> disability<00:01:08.040> and<00:01:08.200> finally<00:01:08.520> there's physical disability and finally there's physical disability and finally there's a<00:01:08.920> profound<00:01:09.720> social<00:01:10.159> impact<00:01:11.000> we<00:01:11.280> talk<00:01:11.720> with a profound social impact we talk with a profound social impact we talk with our<00:01:12.159> hands<00:01:12.600> we<00:01:12.799> greet<00:01:13.200> with<00:01:13.320> our<00:01:13.680> hands<00:01:14.680> and<00:01:15.080> we our hands we greet with our hands and we our hands we greet with our hands and we interact<00:01:15.759> with<00:01:15.880> the<00:01:16.080> physical<00:01:16.400> world<00:01:16.680> with interact with the physical world with interact with the physical world with our<00:01:17.000> hands<00:01:17.600> and<00:01:17.720> when<00:01:17.840> they're<00:01:18.320> missing<00:01:19.320> it's our hands and when they're missing it's our hands and when they're missing it's a a a barrier<00:01:21.479> arm<00:01:21.840> amputation<00:01:22.479> is<00:01:22.640> usually<00:01:23.000> caused barrier arm amputation is usually caused barrier arm amputation is usually caused by<00:01:23.560> trauma<00:01:24.560> with<00:01:24.759> things<00:01:25.000> like<00:01:25.240> industrial by trauma with things like industrial by trauma with things like industrial accidents<00:01:26.920> motor<00:01:27.280> vehicle<00:01:27.680> collisions<00:01:28.360> or accidents motor vehicle collisions or accidents motor vehicle collisions or very<00:01:28.920> poignantly<00:01:29.479> War very poignantly War very poignantly War there<00:01:30.720> are<00:01:30.880> also<00:01:31.119> some<00:01:31.400> children<00:01:31.759> who<00:01:31.880> are there are also some children who are there are also some children who are born<00:01:32.680> without<00:01:33.040> arms<00:01:33.560> called<00:01:33.960> conal<00:01:34.520> limb born without arms called conal limb born without arms called conal limb deficiency<00:01:36.960> unfortunately<00:01:37.680> we<00:01:37.960> don't<00:01:38.159> do deficiency unfortunately we don't do deficiency unfortunately we don't do great<00:01:39.280> with<00:01:39.479> Upper<00:01:39.759> Limb<00:01:40.079> Prosthetics<00:01:41.079> there great with Upper Limb Prosthetics there great with Upper Limb Prosthetics there are<00:01:41.399> two<00:01:41.720> general<00:01:42.280> types<00:01:43.000> they're<00:01:43.240> called are two general types they're called are two general types they're called body<00:01:43.960> powerered<00:01:44.159> prostheses<00:01:45.159> which<00:01:45.280> were body powerered prostheses which were body powerered prostheses which were invented<00:01:46.000> just<00:01:46.159> after<00:01:46.399> the<00:01:46.560> Civil<00:01:46.840> War invented just after the Civil War invented just after the Civil War refined<00:01:47.880> in<00:01:48.040> World<00:01:48.280> War<00:01:48.479> I<00:01:48.719> and<00:01:48.920> World<00:01:49.159> War<00:01:49.360> II refined in World War I and World War II refined in World War I and World War II here<00:01:50.520> you<00:01:50.640> see<00:01:50.880> a<00:01:51.079> patent<00:01:51.439> for<00:01:51.640> an<00:01:51.799> arm<00:01:52.439> in here you see a patent for an arm in here you see a patent for an arm in 1912<00:01:54.360> it's<00:01:54.719> not<00:01:55.159> a<00:01:55.280> lot<00:01:55.600> different<00:01:56.039> than<00:01:56.200> the 1912 it's not a lot different than the 1912 it's not a lot different than the one<00:01:56.479> you<00:01:56.600> see<00:01:56.799> on<00:01:56.960> my one you see on my one you see on my patient<00:01:58.840> they<00:01:58.960> work<00:01:59.240> by<00:01:59.399> harnessing<00:02:00.039> shoulder patient they work by harnessing shoulder patient they work by harnessing shoulder power<00:02:00.640> so<00:02:00.840> when<00:02:00.960> you<00:02:01.119> squish<00:02:01.640> your<00:02:01.799> shoulders power so when you squish your shoulders power so when you squish your shoulders they<00:02:02.680> pull<00:02:02.880> on<00:02:03.000> a<00:02:03.159> bicycle<00:02:03.600> cable<00:02:04.119> and<00:02:04.280> that they pull on a bicycle cable and that they pull on a bicycle cable and that bicycle<00:02:04.920> cable<00:02:05.240> can<00:02:05.399> open<00:02:05.600> or<00:02:05.799> close<00:02:06.159> a<00:02:06.360> hand bicycle cable can open or close a hand bicycle cable can open or close a hand or<00:02:06.840> hook<00:02:07.280> or<00:02:07.439> bend<00:02:07.680> an<00:02:08.080> elbow<00:02:09.080> and<00:02:09.399> we<00:02:09.560> still or hook or bend an elbow and we still or hook or bend an elbow and we still use<00:02:10.039> them<00:02:10.360> commonly<00:02:10.920> because<00:02:11.120> they're<00:02:11.440> very use them commonly because they're very use them commonly because they're very robust<00:02:12.200> and<00:02:12.360> relatively<00:02:12.840> simple robust and relatively simple robust and relatively simple devices<00:02:14.760> the<00:02:14.920> state-ofthe-art<00:02:15.360> is<00:02:16.200> what<00:02:16.319> we devices the state-ofthe-art is what we devices the state-ofthe-art is what we call<00:02:16.760> myoelectric call myoelectric call myoelectric prostheses<00:02:19.239> these<00:02:19.360> are<00:02:19.519> motorized<00:02:20.239> devices prostheses these are motorized devices prostheses these are motorized devices that<00:02:21.400> are<00:02:21.760> controlled<00:02:22.760> by<00:02:23.360> little<00:02:23.640> electrical that are controlled by little electrical that are controlled by little electrical signals<00:02:24.480> from<00:02:24.599> your<00:02:24.720> muscle<00:02:25.120> every<00:02:25.319> time<00:02:25.480> you signals from your muscle every time you signals from your muscle every time you contract<00:02:26.120> a<00:02:26.239> muscle<00:02:26.680> it<00:02:26.840> emits<00:02:27.160> a<00:02:27.280> little contract a muscle it emits a little contract a muscle it emits a little electricity<00:02:28.440> that<00:02:28.560> you<00:02:28.680> can<00:02:28.920> record<00:02:29.360> with<00:02:29.519> an electricity that you can record with an electricity that you can record with an or<00:02:30.319> electrodes<00:02:31.000> and<00:02:31.160> use<00:02:31.480> that<00:02:31.640> to<00:02:31.920> operate or electrodes and use that to operate or electrodes and use that to operate the<00:02:32.599> motorized<00:02:33.519> prosthesis<00:02:34.519> they<00:02:34.680> work the motorized prosthesis they work the motorized prosthesis they work pretty<00:02:35.239> well<00:02:35.480> for<00:02:35.680> people<00:02:35.879> who<00:02:36.000> have<00:02:36.200> just pretty well for people who have just pretty well for people who have just lost<00:02:36.680> their<00:02:36.959> hand<00:02:37.560> because<00:02:38.080> your<00:02:38.280> hand lost their hand because your hand lost their hand because your hand muscles<00:02:38.879> are<00:02:39.040> still<00:02:39.319> there<00:02:39.959> you<00:02:40.159> squeeze<00:02:40.519> your muscles are still there you squeeze your muscles are still there you squeeze your hand<00:02:40.920> these<00:02:41.120> muscles<00:02:41.480> contract<00:02:42.000> you<00:02:42.200> open<00:02:42.440> it hand these muscles contract you open it hand these muscles contract you open it these<00:02:42.879> muscles<00:02:43.280> contract<00:02:43.959> so<00:02:44.120> it's<00:02:44.280> intuitive these muscles contract so it's intuitive these muscles contract so it's intuitive and<00:02:44.959> it<00:02:45.040> works<00:02:45.360> pretty<00:02:45.560> well<00:02:46.440> but<00:02:46.599> how<00:02:46.760> about and it works pretty well but how about and it works pretty well but how about with<00:02:47.319> higher<00:02:47.640> levels<00:02:47.920> of<00:02:48.120> amputation<00:02:48.879> now with higher levels of amputation now with higher levels of amputation now you've<00:02:49.360> lost<00:02:49.640> your<00:02:49.760> arm<00:02:50.040> above<00:02:50.319> the<00:02:50.480> elbow you've lost your arm above the elbow you've lost your arm above the elbow you're<00:02:51.640> missing<00:02:52.319> not<00:02:52.519> only<00:02:52.840> these<00:02:53.080> muscles you're missing not only these muscles you're missing not only these muscles but<00:02:53.800> your<00:02:54.000> hand<00:02:54.159> and<00:02:54.319> your<00:02:54.440> elbow<00:02:54.840> too<00:02:55.440> what<00:02:55.560> do but your hand and your elbow too what do but your hand and your elbow too what do you<00:02:56.040> do<00:02:57.040> well<00:02:57.280> our<00:02:57.519> patients<00:02:58.000> have<00:02:58.159> to<00:02:58.360> use you do well our patients have to use you do well our patients have to use very very very Cody<00:03:01.239> systems<00:03:01.800> of<00:03:01.920> using<00:03:02.280> just<00:03:02.480> their<00:03:03.159> arm Cody systems of using just their arm Cody systems of using just their arm muscles<00:03:03.840> to<00:03:04.120> operate<00:03:05.040> robotic<00:03:05.560> limbs<00:03:06.560> we<00:03:06.840> have muscles to operate robotic limbs we have muscles to operate robotic limbs we have robotic<00:03:07.599> limbs<00:03:08.360> there<00:03:08.480> are<00:03:08.760> several robotic limbs there are several robotic limbs there are several available<00:03:09.560> on<00:03:09.680> the<00:03:09.840> market<00:03:10.640> here<00:03:10.760> you<00:03:10.879> see<00:03:11.080> a available on the market here you see a available on the market here you see a few<00:03:11.720> they<00:03:12.000> contain<00:03:12.599> just<00:03:12.879> a<00:03:13.080> hand<00:03:13.440> that'll few they contain just a hand that'll few they contain just a hand that'll open<00:03:13.959> and<00:03:14.120> close<00:03:14.680> a<00:03:14.799> wrist<00:03:15.120> Rotator<00:03:15.840> and<00:03:15.959> an open and close a wrist Rotator and an open and close a wrist Rotator and an elbow<00:03:16.799> there's<00:03:17.040> no<00:03:17.239> other<00:03:17.480> functions<00:03:18.400> if<00:03:18.560> they elbow there's no other functions if they elbow there's no other functions if they did<00:03:19.000> how<00:03:19.120> would<00:03:19.239> we<00:03:19.400> tell<00:03:19.560> them<00:03:19.720> what<00:03:19.840> to<00:03:20.080> do did how would we tell them what to do did how would we tell them what to do we've<00:03:21.280> built<00:03:21.519> our<00:03:21.680> own<00:03:21.920> arm<00:03:22.200> at<00:03:22.360> the<00:03:22.519> Rehab we've built our own arm at the Rehab we've built our own arm at the Rehab Institute<00:03:23.239> of<00:03:23.400> Chicago<00:03:23.879> where<00:03:24.000> we've<00:03:24.200> added Institute of Chicago where we've added Institute of Chicago where we've added some<00:03:24.640> wrist<00:03:24.920> flexion<00:03:25.360> and<00:03:25.560> shoulder<00:03:25.959> joints some wrist flexion and shoulder joints some wrist flexion and shoulder joints to<00:03:26.440> get<00:03:26.599> up<00:03:26.720> to<00:03:26.959> six<00:03:27.239> Motors<00:03:27.680> or<00:03:27.840> six<00:03:28.120> degrees to get up to six Motors or six degrees to get up to six Motors or six degrees of<00:03:28.760> freedom<00:03:29.760> and<00:03:29.840> we've<00:03:30.040> had<00:03:30.159> the<00:03:30.319> opportunity of freedom and we've had the opportunity of freedom and we've had the opportunity to<00:03:31.280> work<00:03:31.519> with<00:03:31.680> some<00:03:31.879> very<00:03:32.120> Advanced<00:03:32.680> arms to work with some very Advanced arms to work with some very Advanced arms that<00:03:33.159> were<00:03:33.280> funded<00:03:33.640> by<00:03:33.799> the<00:03:33.920> US<00:03:34.239> military that were funded by the US military that were funded by the US military using<00:03:35.439> these<00:03:35.680> prototypes<00:03:36.200> that<00:03:36.360> had<00:03:36.519> up<00:03:36.640> to<00:03:36.799> 10 using these prototypes that had up to 10 using these prototypes that had up to 10 different<00:03:37.599> degrees<00:03:38.000> of<00:03:38.120> freedom<00:03:39.080> including different degrees of freedom including different degrees of freedom including movable<00:03:40.200> hands<00:03:41.200> but<00:03:41.360> at<00:03:41.480> the<00:03:41.560> end<00:03:41.720> of<00:03:41.840> the<00:03:42.080> day movable hands but at the end of the day movable hands but at the end of the day how<00:03:42.840> do<00:03:43.040> we<00:03:43.239> tell<00:03:43.560> these<00:03:43.840> robotic<00:03:44.360> arms<00:03:44.840> what how do we tell these robotic arms what how do we tell these robotic arms what to<00:03:45.120> do<00:03:45.360> how<00:03:45.480> do<00:03:45.599> we<00:03:45.799> control<00:03:46.280> them<00:03:47.280> well<00:03:47.439> we to do how do we control them well we to do how do we control them well we need<00:03:47.680> a<00:03:47.840> neural<00:03:48.239> interface<00:03:48.760> a<00:03:48.920> way<00:03:49.080> to<00:03:49.360> connect need a neural interface a way to connect need a neural interface a way to connect to<00:03:50.439> our<00:03:50.640> nervous<00:03:51.040> system<00:03:51.319> or<00:03:51.480> our<00:03:51.720> thought to our nervous system or our thought to our nervous system or our thought processes<00:03:52.920> so<00:03:53.120> that<00:03:53.280> it's<00:03:53.799> intuitive<00:03:54.280> it's processes so that it's intuitive it's processes so that it's intuitive it's natural<00:03:55.560> like<00:03:55.959> for<00:03:56.239> you<00:03:56.400> and natural like for you and natural like for you and I<00:03:58.959> well<00:03:59.200> the<00:03:59.319> body<00:03:59.799> works<00:04:00.079> by<00:04:00.439> starting<00:04:00.840> a I well the body works by starting a I well the body works by starting a commo<00:04:01.439> command<00:04:01.760> in<00:04:01.879> your<00:04:02.040> brain<00:04:02.319> going<00:04:02.560> down commo command in your brain going down commo command in your brain going down your<00:04:02.959> spinal<00:04:03.280> cord<00:04:03.599> out<00:04:03.799> the<00:04:03.920> nerves<00:04:04.280> into your spinal cord out the nerves into your spinal cord out the nerves into your<00:04:04.680> periphery<00:04:05.640> okay<00:04:05.959> and<00:04:06.079> your<00:04:06.280> sensation your periphery okay and your sensation your periphery okay and your sensation exact<00:04:07.439> opposite<00:04:07.840> you<00:04:08.000> touch<00:04:08.280> yourself exact opposite you touch yourself exact opposite you touch yourself there's<00:04:09.120> a<00:04:09.280> stimulus<00:04:09.760> that<00:04:09.920> comes<00:04:10.079> up<00:04:10.319> those there's a stimulus that comes up those there's a stimulus that comes up those very<00:04:10.760> same<00:04:10.959> nerves<00:04:11.400> back<00:04:11.599> up<00:04:11.720> to<00:04:11.879> your very same nerves back up to your very same nerves back up to your brain<00:04:14.079> when<00:04:14.200> you<00:04:14.360> lose<00:04:14.680> your<00:04:14.920> arm<00:04:15.599> that brain when you lose your arm that brain when you lose your arm that nervous<00:04:16.199> system<00:04:16.479> still<00:04:16.720> works<00:04:17.160> those<00:04:17.440> nerves nervous system still works those nerves nervous system still works those nerves can<00:04:18.239> put<00:04:18.440> out<00:04:18.759> command<00:04:19.239> signals<00:04:19.919> and<00:04:20.040> if<00:04:20.160> I<00:04:20.400> tap can put out command signals and if I tap can put out command signals and if I tap the<00:04:21.600> nerve<00:04:21.880> ending<00:04:22.160> on<00:04:22.320> a<00:04:22.479> World<00:04:22.720> War<00:04:22.919> II<00:04:23.199> vet the nerve ending on a World War II vet the nerve ending on a World War II vet he'll<00:04:23.759> still<00:04:24.160> feel<00:04:24.720> his<00:04:24.880> missing<00:04:25.400> hand<00:04:26.400> so<00:04:26.800> you he'll still feel his missing hand so you he'll still feel his missing hand so you might<00:04:27.280> say<00:04:27.919> let's<00:04:28.280> let's<00:04:28.440> go<00:04:28.600> to<00:04:28.720> the<00:04:28.840> brain might say let's let's go to the brain might say let's let's go to the brain and<00:04:29.320> put<00:04:29.840> put<00:04:30.680> something<00:04:31.000> in<00:04:31.120> the<00:04:31.280> brain<00:04:31.520> to and put put something in the brain to and put put something in the brain to record<00:04:32.280> signals<00:04:32.960> or<00:04:33.320> into<00:04:33.639> the<00:04:33.800> end<00:04:34.000> of<00:04:34.120> the record signals or into the end of the record signals or into the end of the peripheral<00:04:34.639> nerve<00:04:34.880> and<00:04:35.000> record<00:04:35.240> them<00:04:35.479> there peripheral nerve and record them there peripheral nerve and record them there and<00:04:36.280> these<00:04:36.400> are<00:04:36.759> very<00:04:37.039> exciting<00:04:37.440> research and these are very exciting research and these are very exciting research areas<00:04:38.840> but<00:04:39.000> it's<00:04:39.440> really<00:04:39.880> really<00:04:40.320> hard<00:04:41.280> you areas but it's really really hard you areas but it's really really hard you have<00:04:41.639> to<00:04:41.840> put<00:04:42.039> in<00:04:42.440> hundreds<00:04:42.960> of<00:04:43.360> microscopic have to put in hundreds of microscopic have to put in hundreds of microscopic wires<00:04:44.600> to<00:04:44.840> record<00:04:45.320> from<00:04:45.720> little<00:04:46.120> tiny wires to record from little tiny wires to record from little tiny individual<00:04:47.160> neurons<00:04:48.080> or<00:04:48.320> nerve<00:04:48.639> fibers<00:04:49.080> that individual neurons or nerve fibers that individual neurons or nerve fibers that put<00:04:49.440> out<00:04:49.759> tiny<00:04:50.080> signals<00:04:50.520> that<00:04:50.639> are<00:04:50.919> that<00:04:51.000> are put out tiny signals that are that are put out tiny signals that are that are microvolts<00:04:52.440> and<00:04:52.520> it<00:04:52.680> was<00:04:52.960> just<00:04:53.560> it's<00:04:53.800> just<00:04:54.000> too microvolts and it was just it's just too microvolts and it was just it's just too hard<00:04:54.560> to<00:04:54.720> use<00:04:55.120> now<00:04:55.400> and<00:04:55.520> for<00:04:55.720> my<00:04:55.919> patients hard to use now and for my patients hard to use now and for my patients today<00:04:56.639> so<00:04:56.840> we<00:04:57.000> developed<00:04:57.759> a<00:04:57.919> different today so we developed a different today so we developed a different approach approach approach we're<00:05:00.240> using<00:05:00.720> a<00:05:01.000> biological<00:05:02.160> amplifier<00:05:03.160> to we're using a biological amplifier to we're using a biological amplifier to amplify<00:05:04.120> these<00:05:04.280> nerve<00:05:04.560> signals<00:05:05.360> muscles amplify these nerve signals muscles amplify these nerve signals muscles muscles<00:05:06.800> will<00:05:07.039> amplify<00:05:07.560> the<00:05:07.720> nerve<00:05:07.960> signals muscles will amplify the nerve signals muscles will amplify the nerve signals about<00:05:08.639> a<00:05:08.840> thousandfold<00:05:09.720> so<00:05:09.919> that<00:05:10.080> we<00:05:10.199> can about a thousandfold so that we can about a thousandfold so that we can record<00:05:11.000> them<00:05:11.600> from<00:05:11.800> on<00:05:12.080> top<00:05:12.240> of<00:05:12.360> the<00:05:12.520> skin<00:05:13.039> like record them from on top of the skin like record them from on top of the skin like you<00:05:13.360> saw<00:05:13.720> earlier<00:05:14.720> so<00:05:14.960> our<00:05:15.199> approach<00:05:15.560> is you saw earlier so our approach is you saw earlier so our approach is something<00:05:16.080> we<00:05:16.280> call<00:05:16.639> targeted<00:05:17.520> reinnervation something we call targeted reinnervation something we call targeted reinnervation imagine<00:05:19.000> with<00:05:19.160> somebody<00:05:19.479> who's<00:05:19.759> lost<00:05:20.039> their imagine with somebody who's lost their imagine with somebody who's lost their whole<00:05:20.479> arm<00:05:20.960> we<00:05:21.120> still<00:05:21.479> have<00:05:21.800> four<00:05:22.199> major whole arm we still have four major whole arm we still have four major nerves<00:05:23.720> that<00:05:23.919> go<00:05:24.080> down<00:05:24.240> to<00:05:24.360> your<00:05:24.520> arm<00:05:25.479> and<00:05:25.720> we nerves that go down to your arm and we nerves that go down to your arm and we take<00:05:26.520> the<00:05:26.639> nerve<00:05:26.960> away<00:05:27.160> from<00:05:27.319> your<00:05:27.479> chest take the nerve away from your chest take the nerve away from your chest muscle<00:05:28.160> and<00:05:28.319> let<00:05:28.520> these<00:05:28.720> nerves<00:05:29.080> grow<00:05:29.280> into<00:05:29.560> it muscle and let these nerves grow into it muscle and let these nerves grow into it it<00:05:30.520> now<00:05:31.000> you<00:05:31.160> think<00:05:31.440> close<00:05:31.880> hand<00:05:32.160> and<00:05:32.280> a<00:05:32.400> little it now you think close hand and a little it now you think close hand and a little section<00:05:32.919> of<00:05:33.080> your<00:05:33.240> chest<00:05:33.560> contracts<00:05:34.160> you section of your chest contracts you section of your chest contracts you think<00:05:34.520> bend<00:05:34.880> elbow<00:05:35.400> a<00:05:35.560> different<00:05:36.039> section think bend elbow a different section think bend elbow a different section contracts<00:05:37.400> and<00:05:37.560> we<00:05:37.759> can<00:05:37.919> use<00:05:38.199> electrodes<00:05:39.039> or contracts and we can use electrodes or contracts and we can use electrodes or antennas<00:05:40.280> to<00:05:40.479> pick<00:05:40.759> that<00:05:40.919> up<00:05:41.319> and<00:05:41.479> tell<00:05:41.800> the antennas to pick that up and tell the antennas to pick that up and tell the arm<00:05:42.160> to<00:05:42.360> move<00:05:43.360> that's<00:05:43.600> the arm to move that's the arm to move that's the idea<00:05:45.440> so<00:05:45.680> this<00:05:45.840> is<00:05:46.000> the<00:05:46.160> first<00:05:46.600> man<00:05:47.120> that<00:05:47.240> we idea so this is the first man that we idea so this is the first man that we tried<00:05:47.639> it<00:05:47.759> on<00:05:47.960> his<00:05:48.120> name<00:05:48.280> is<00:05:48.440> Jesse<00:05:48.759> Sullivan tried it on his name is Jesse Sullivan tried it on his name is Jesse Sullivan he's<00:05:49.479> just<00:05:49.600> a<00:05:49.759> saint<00:05:50.080> of<00:05:50.199> a<00:05:50.319> man<00:05:51.160> 54-year-old he's just a saint of a man 54-year-old he's just a saint of a man 54-year-old lineman<00:05:52.600> who<00:05:52.800> touched<00:05:53.120> the<00:05:53.240> wrong<00:05:53.479> wire<00:05:54.160> and lineman who touched the wrong wire and lineman who touched the wrong wire and had<00:05:54.600> both<00:05:54.800> of<00:05:54.919> his<00:05:55.080> arms<00:05:55.360> burnt<00:05:55.680> so<00:05:55.919> badly<00:05:56.400> they had both of his arms burnt so badly they had both of his arms burnt so badly they had<00:05:56.680> to<00:05:56.800> be<00:05:57.120> amputated<00:05:57.600> at<00:05:57.720> the<00:05:57.840> shoulder had to be amputated at the shoulder had to be amputated at the shoulder Jesse<00:05:59.199> came<00:05:59.360> to<00:05:59.680> us<00:05:59.800> at<00:05:59.919> the<00:06:00.000> r<00:06:00.440> to<00:06:00.560> be<00:06:00.759> fit<00:06:01.039> with Jesse came to us at the r to be fit with Jesse came to us at the r to be fit with the<00:06:01.319> state-of-the-art<00:06:02.120> devices<00:06:02.560> and<00:06:02.720> here the state-of-the-art devices and here the state-of-the-art devices and here you<00:06:03.000> see<00:06:03.240> them<00:06:03.440> I'm<00:06:03.600> still<00:06:03.840> using<00:06:04.800> that<00:06:05.039> old you see them I'm still using that old you see them I'm still using that old technology<00:06:06.479> with<00:06:06.680> a<00:06:06.960> bicycle<00:06:07.440> cable<00:06:07.759> on<00:06:07.919> his technology with a bicycle cable on his technology with a bicycle cable on his right<00:06:08.440> side<00:06:08.680> and<00:06:08.800> he<00:06:09.000> picks<00:06:09.400> which<00:06:09.599> joint<00:06:09.919> he right side and he picks which joint he right side and he picks which joint he wants<00:06:10.280> to<00:06:10.400> move<00:06:10.720> with<00:06:10.880> those<00:06:11.039> chin<00:06:11.479> switches wants to move with those chin switches wants to move with those chin switches on<00:06:12.599> the<00:06:12.800> left<00:06:13.039> side<00:06:13.240> he's<00:06:13.440> got<00:06:13.560> a<00:06:13.960> modern on the left side he's got a modern on the left side he's got a modern motorized<00:06:14.919> prosthesis<00:06:15.639> with<00:06:15.800> those<00:06:16.039> three motorized prosthesis with those three motorized prosthesis with those three joints<00:06:17.319> and<00:06:17.479> he<00:06:18.039> operates<00:06:18.599> little<00:06:19.120> pads<00:06:19.440> in joints and he operates little pads in joints and he operates little pads in his<00:06:19.720> shoulder<00:06:20.080> that<00:06:20.199> he<00:06:20.319> touches<00:06:20.680> to<00:06:20.840> make<00:06:21.000> the his shoulder that he touches to make the his shoulder that he touches to make the arm<00:06:21.360> go<00:06:21.560> and<00:06:21.680> Jesse's<00:06:22.080> a<00:06:22.240> good<00:06:22.400> crane<00:06:22.800> operator arm go and Jesse's a good crane operator arm go and Jesse's a good crane operator and<00:06:23.360> he<00:06:23.479> did<00:06:24.080> okay<00:06:24.440> by<00:06:24.599> our<00:06:25.000> standards<00:06:26.000> he<00:06:26.160> also and he did okay by our standards he also and he did okay by our standards he also required<00:06:26.800> a<00:06:26.919> revision<00:06:27.360> surgery<00:06:28.120> on<00:06:28.360> his<00:06:28.560> chest required a revision surgery on his chest required a revision surgery on his chest and<00:06:29.000> that<00:06:29.240> gave<00:06:29.360> us<00:06:29.639> the<00:06:29.800> opportunity<00:06:30.720> to<00:06:30.880> do and that gave us the opportunity to do and that gave us the opportunity to do targeted<00:06:31.919> reinnervation<00:06:32.919> so<00:06:33.160> my<00:06:33.400> colleague targeted reinnervation so my colleague targeted reinnervation so my colleague Dr<00:06:34.160> Greg<00:06:34.440> deanan<00:06:35.360> did<00:06:35.560> the<00:06:35.680> surgery<00:06:36.319> first<00:06:36.560> we Dr Greg deanan did the surgery first we Dr Greg deanan did the surgery first we cut<00:06:37.039> away<00:06:37.240> the<00:06:37.400> nerve<00:06:37.720> to<00:06:37.880> his<00:06:38.000> own<00:06:38.240> muscle cut away the nerve to his own muscle cut away the nerve to his own muscle then<00:06:39.319> we<00:06:39.479> took<00:06:39.680> the<00:06:39.840> arm<00:06:40.160> nerves<00:06:40.520> and<00:06:40.680> just then we took the arm nerves and just then we took the arm nerves and just kind<00:06:40.919> of<00:06:41.080> had<00:06:41.199> them<00:06:41.479> shift<00:06:41.919> down<00:06:42.360> onto<00:06:42.680> his kind of had them shift down onto his kind of had them shift down onto his chest<00:06:43.720> and<00:06:43.840> closed<00:06:44.199> him<00:06:44.400> up<00:06:44.880> and<00:06:45.039> after<00:06:45.319> about chest and closed him up and after about chest and closed him up and after about 3<00:06:45.919> months<00:06:46.160> the<00:06:46.280> nerves<00:06:46.520> grew<00:06:46.759> in<00:06:46.840> a<00:06:46.960> little<00:06:47.160> bit 3 months the nerves grew in a little bit 3 months the nerves grew in a little bit and<00:06:47.479> we<00:06:47.599> could<00:06:47.720> get<00:06:47.840> a<00:06:47.960> twitch<00:06:48.720> and<00:06:48.919> after<00:06:49.199> 6 and we could get a twitch and after 6 and we could get a twitch and after 6 months<00:06:49.800> the<00:06:49.919> nerves<00:06:50.199> grew<00:06:50.440> in<00:06:50.599> well<00:06:51.080> and<00:06:51.199> you months the nerves grew in well and you months the nerves grew in well and you could<00:06:51.599> see<00:06:52.240> strong<00:06:52.880> contractions<00:06:53.880> and<00:06:54.039> this could see strong contractions and this could see strong contractions and this is<00:06:54.319> what<00:06:54.440> it<00:06:54.599> looks<00:06:54.880> like<00:06:55.599> this<00:06:55.720> is<00:06:55.879> what is what it looks like this is what is what it looks like this is what happens<00:06:56.440> when<00:06:56.680> Jesse<00:06:57.120> thinks<00:06:57.919> open<00:06:58.479> and<00:06:58.680> close happens when Jesse thinks open and close happens when Jesse thinks open and close his<00:06:59.240> hands his hands his hands or<00:07:00.520> bend<00:07:01.360> or<00:07:01.560> straighten<00:07:01.960> your<00:07:02.160> elbow<00:07:03.160> you<00:07:03.280> can or bend or straighten your elbow you can or bend or straighten your elbow you can see<00:07:03.759> the<00:07:03.919> movements<00:07:04.319> on<00:07:04.479> his<00:07:04.720> chest<00:07:05.000> and<00:07:05.199> those see the movements on his chest and those see the movements on his chest and those little<00:07:05.639> hash<00:07:05.960> marks<00:07:06.360> are<00:07:06.560> where<00:07:06.720> we<00:07:06.879> put<00:07:07.039> our little hash marks are where we put our little hash marks are where we put our antennas<00:07:07.680> or<00:07:07.919> electrodes<00:07:08.759> and<00:07:08.919> I<00:07:09.080> challenge antennas or electrodes and I challenge antennas or electrodes and I challenge anybody<00:07:09.879> in<00:07:10.000> the<00:07:10.120> room<00:07:10.319> to<00:07:10.479> make<00:07:10.599> their<00:07:10.759> chest anybody in the room to make their chest anybody in the room to make their chest go<00:07:11.280> like<00:07:11.840> this<00:07:12.840> his<00:07:13.120> brain<00:07:13.759> is<00:07:13.960> thinking<00:07:14.319> about go like this his brain is thinking about go like this his brain is thinking about his<00:07:14.759> arm<00:07:15.280> he's<00:07:15.560> not<00:07:15.840> learned<00:07:16.319> how<00:07:16.440> to<00:07:16.599> do<00:07:16.800> this his arm he's not learned how to do this his arm he's not learned how to do this with<00:07:17.080> the<00:07:17.240> chest<00:07:17.560> there<00:07:17.800> is<00:07:18.120> not<00:07:18.400> a<00:07:18.520> learning with the chest there is not a learning with the chest there is not a learning process<00:07:19.800> that's<00:07:20.080> why<00:07:20.360> it's<00:07:20.680> intuitive<00:07:21.680> so process that's why it's intuitive so process that's why it's intuitive so here's<00:07:22.240> Jesse<00:07:22.639> in<00:07:22.800> our<00:07:23.039> first<00:07:23.280> little<00:07:23.599> test here's Jesse in our first little test here's Jesse in our first little test with<00:07:24.039> him<00:07:24.360> on<00:07:24.520> the<00:07:24.759> left<00:07:25.039> hand<00:07:25.360> side<00:07:25.599> you<00:07:25.720> see with him on the left hand side you see with him on the left hand side you see his<00:07:26.199> original<00:07:27.000> prosthesis<00:07:28.000> and<00:07:28.160> he's<00:07:28.400> using his original prosthesis and he's using his original prosthesis and he's using those<00:07:28.879> switches<00:07:29.199> to<00:07:29.319> move<00:07:29.520> move<00:07:29.759> little those switches to move move little those switches to move move little blocks<00:07:30.360> from<00:07:30.560> one<00:07:30.759> box<00:07:31.039> to<00:07:31.199> the<00:07:31.360> other<00:07:32.280> had blocks from one box to the other had blocks from one box to the other had that<00:07:32.599> arm<00:07:32.800> for<00:07:32.919> about<00:07:33.120> 20<00:07:33.360> months<00:07:33.560> so<00:07:33.680> he's that arm for about 20 months so he's that arm for about 20 months so he's pretty<00:07:34.120> good<00:07:34.240> with<00:07:34.400> it<00:07:35.120> on<00:07:35.280> the<00:07:35.479> right<00:07:35.840> side<00:07:36.280> 2 pretty good with it on the right side 2 pretty good with it on the right side 2 months<00:07:36.800> after<00:07:37.039> we<00:07:37.160> fit<00:07:37.479> him<00:07:37.759> with<00:07:37.919> his months after we fit him with his months after we fit him with his targeted<00:07:38.560> reation<00:07:39.280> prosthesis<00:07:40.160> which<00:07:40.440> by<00:07:40.560> the targeted reation prosthesis which by the targeted reation prosthesis which by the way<00:07:41.000> is<00:07:41.160> the<00:07:41.360> same<00:07:41.680> physical<00:07:42.039> arm<00:07:42.759> just way is the same physical arm just way is the same physical arm just programmed<00:07:43.479> a<00:07:43.560> little<00:07:43.800> different<00:07:44.520> you<00:07:44.680> can programmed a little different you can programmed a little different you can see<00:07:45.120> that<00:07:45.240> he's<00:07:45.720> much<00:07:46.080> faster<00:07:47.080> and<00:07:47.560> much see that he's much faster and much see that he's much faster and much smoother<00:07:48.479> as<00:07:48.599> he<00:07:48.720> moves<00:07:49.000> these<00:07:49.159> little<00:07:49.400> blocks smoother as he moves these little blocks smoother as he moves these little blocks and<00:07:49.840> we're<00:07:49.960> only<00:07:50.120> able<00:07:50.319> to<00:07:50.440> use<00:07:50.680> three<00:07:50.879> of<00:07:50.960> the and we're only able to use three of the and we're only able to use three of the signals<00:07:51.520> at<00:07:51.680> this<00:07:52.159> time<00:07:53.159> then<00:07:53.639> we<00:07:53.879> had<00:07:54.120> one<00:07:54.240> of signals at this time then we had one of signals at this time then we had one of those<00:07:54.639> little<00:07:55.080> surprises<00:07:56.000> in<00:07:56.400> science<00:07:57.240> okay those little surprises in science okay those little surprises in science okay so<00:07:58.080> we're<00:07:58.319> all<00:07:58.520> motivated<00:07:59.000> to<00:07:59.080> get<00:07:59.520> motor so we're all motivated to get motor so we're all motivated to get motor commands<00:08:00.240> to<00:08:00.440> drive<00:08:00.840> robotic<00:08:01.319> arms<00:08:02.240> and<00:08:02.440> after commands to drive robotic arms and after commands to drive robotic arms and after a<00:08:02.759> few<00:08:03.000> months<00:08:03.759> you<00:08:03.960> touched<00:08:04.280> Jesse<00:08:04.639> on<00:08:04.800> his a few months you touched Jesse on his a few months you touched Jesse on his chest<00:08:05.919> and<00:08:06.120> he<00:08:06.319> felt<00:08:06.919> his<00:08:07.080> missing<00:08:07.560> hand<00:08:08.560> his chest and he felt his missing hand his chest and he felt his missing hand his hand<00:08:09.199> sensation<00:08:09.759> grew<00:08:10.039> into<00:08:10.280> his<00:08:10.400> chest<00:08:10.680> skin hand sensation grew into his chest skin hand sensation grew into his chest skin probably<00:08:11.680> because<00:08:11.919> we<00:08:12.080> had<00:08:12.240> also<00:08:12.520> taken<00:08:12.759> away probably because we had also taken away probably because we had also taken away a<00:08:13.080> lot<00:08:13.240> of<00:08:13.440> fat<00:08:14.039> so<00:08:14.240> the<00:08:14.360> skin<00:08:14.639> was<00:08:14.840> right<00:08:15.000> down a lot of fat so the skin was right down a lot of fat so the skin was right down on<00:08:15.280> the<00:08:15.479> muscle<00:08:15.759> and<00:08:15.919> denervated<00:08:16.520> if<00:08:16.599> you on the muscle and denervated if you on the muscle and denervated if you would<00:08:16.919> his<00:08:17.080> skin<00:08:17.800> so<00:08:17.960> you<00:08:18.120> touch<00:08:18.400> Jesse<00:08:18.840> here would his skin so you touch Jesse here would his skin so you touch Jesse here he<00:08:19.199> feels<00:08:19.520> his<00:08:19.720> thumb<00:08:20.000> you<00:08:20.159> touch<00:08:20.360> it<00:08:20.520> here<00:08:20.680> he he feels his thumb you touch it here he he feels his thumb you touch it here he feels<00:08:21.080> his<00:08:21.280> pinky<00:08:22.159> he<00:08:22.280> feels<00:08:22.879> light<00:08:23.240> touch feels his pinky he feels light touch feels his pinky he feels light touch down<00:08:23.759> to<00:08:24.039> one<00:08:24.440> gr<00:08:24.840> of<00:08:25.000> force<00:08:25.800> he<00:08:25.919> feels<00:08:26.400> hot down to one gr of force he feels hot down to one gr of force he feels hot cold<00:08:27.639> sharp<00:08:28.120> dull<00:08:28.720> All<00:08:29.120> In<00:08:29.599> his<00:08:30.039> missing<00:08:30.520> hand cold sharp dull All In his missing hand cold sharp dull All In his missing hand or<00:08:31.720> both<00:08:31.960> his<00:08:32.159> hand<00:08:32.479> and<00:08:32.680> his<00:08:32.919> chest<00:08:33.279> but<00:08:33.399> he or both his hand and his chest but he or both his hand and his chest but he can<00:08:33.680> attend<00:08:34.000> to<00:08:34.240> either<00:08:35.240> so<00:08:35.440> this<00:08:35.560> is<00:08:35.839> really can attend to either so this is really can attend to either so this is really exciting<00:08:36.640> for<00:08:36.839> us<00:08:37.039> cuz<00:08:37.279> now<00:08:37.640> we<00:08:37.839> have<00:08:38.000> a<00:08:38.200> portal exciting for us cuz now we have a portal exciting for us cuz now we have a portal a<00:08:39.200> portal<00:08:39.560> or<00:08:39.680> a<00:08:39.839> way<00:08:40.039> to<00:08:40.240> potentially<00:08:40.839> give a portal or a way to potentially give a portal or a way to potentially give back<00:08:42.080> sensation<00:08:43.080> so<00:08:43.279> that<00:08:43.440> he<00:08:43.640> might<00:08:43.880> feel back sensation so that he might feel back sensation so that he might feel what<00:08:44.440> he<00:08:44.600> touches<00:08:45.279> with<00:08:45.519> his<00:08:45.720> prosthetic<00:08:46.200> hand what he touches with his prosthetic hand what he touches with his prosthetic hand imagine<00:08:46.959> sensors<00:08:47.399> in<00:08:47.519> the<00:08:47.680> hand<00:08:48.399> coming<00:08:48.720> up imagine sensors in the hand coming up imagine sensors in the hand coming up and<00:08:49.279> pressing<00:08:49.880> on<00:08:50.240> this<00:08:50.920> new<00:08:51.240> hand<00:08:51.560> skin<00:08:52.120> so and pressing on this new hand skin so and pressing on this new hand skin so it's<00:08:52.480> very<00:08:53.080> exciting<00:08:54.080> we've<00:08:54.320> also<00:08:54.560> gone<00:08:54.800> on it's very exciting we've also gone on it's very exciting we've also gone on with<00:08:55.440> what<00:08:55.640> was<00:08:55.839> initially<00:08:56.399> our<00:08:57.040> primary with what was initially our primary with what was initially our primary population<00:08:58.040> of<00:08:58.200> people<00:08:58.440> with<00:08:58.600> above<00:08:58.880> the population of people with above the population of people with above the elbow<00:08:59.279> and<00:08:59.480> amputations<00:09:00.399> and<00:09:00.640> here<00:09:01.000> we elbow and amputations and here we elbow and amputations and here we denervate<00:09:02.360> or<00:09:02.519> cut<00:09:02.720> the<00:09:02.800> nerve<00:09:03.079> away<00:09:03.360> just denervate or cut the nerve away just denervate or cut the nerve away just from<00:09:03.720> Little<00:09:03.959> segments<00:09:04.320> of<00:09:04.480> muscle<00:09:05.240> and<00:09:05.360> leave from Little segments of muscle and leave from Little segments of muscle and leave others<00:09:05.920> alone<00:09:06.279> that<00:09:06.440> give<00:09:06.600> us<00:09:06.720> our<00:09:06.959> up<00:09:07.240> down others alone that give us our up down others alone that give us our up down signals<00:09:07.959> and<00:09:08.279> two<00:09:08.519> others<00:09:08.800> that'll<00:09:09.040> give<00:09:09.160> us<00:09:09.279> a signals and two others that'll give us a signals and two others that'll give us a hand<00:09:10.040> open<00:09:10.399> closed<00:09:10.760> signal<00:09:11.480> this<00:09:11.600> was<00:09:11.760> one<00:09:11.880> of hand open closed signal this was one of hand open closed signal this was one of our<00:09:12.160> first<00:09:12.440> patients<00:09:12.880> Chris<00:09:13.600> you<00:09:13.720> see<00:09:13.959> him our first patients Chris you see him our first patients Chris you see him with<00:09:14.279> his<00:09:14.440> original<00:09:15.040> device<00:09:15.600> on<00:09:15.800> the<00:09:16.120> left with his original device on the left with his original device on the left there<00:09:16.640> after<00:09:16.920> eight<00:09:17.160> months<00:09:17.399> of<00:09:17.519> use<00:09:17.800> and<00:09:17.880> on there after eight months of use and on there after eight months of use and on the<00:09:18.240> right<00:09:18.440> in<00:09:18.600> just<00:09:18.800> two<00:09:19.000> months<00:09:19.320> he's<00:09:19.600> about the right in just two months he's about the right in just two months he's about I<00:09:20.279> don't<00:09:20.399> know<00:09:20.560> four<00:09:20.760> or<00:09:20.920> five<00:09:21.240> times<00:09:21.560> as<00:09:21.880> fast I don't know four or five times as fast I don't know four or five times as fast with<00:09:22.839> this<00:09:23.040> simple<00:09:23.440> little<00:09:23.720> performance with this simple little performance with this simple little performance metric<00:09:26.480> all<00:09:26.760> right<00:09:27.760> so<00:09:28.360> one<00:09:28.480> of<00:09:28.600> the<00:09:28.839> best metric all right so one of the best metric all right so one of the best parts<00:09:29.720> of<00:09:29.880> my<00:09:30.079> job<00:09:30.320> is<00:09:30.519> working<00:09:30.839> with<00:09:31.160> really parts of my job is working with really parts of my job is working with really great<00:09:31.800> patients<00:09:32.600> who<00:09:32.760> are<00:09:33.079> also<00:09:33.640> our<00:09:33.880> research great patients who are also our research great patients who are also our research collaborators<00:09:35.120> and<00:09:35.200> we're<00:09:35.399> fortunate<00:09:35.880> today collaborators and we're fortunate today collaborators and we're fortunate today to<00:09:36.440> have<00:09:36.600> Amanda<00:09:37.360> kits<00:09:37.680> come<00:09:37.839> and<00:09:38.000> join<00:09:38.240> us to have Amanda kits come and join us to have Amanda kits come and join us please<00:09:38.720> welcome<00:09:39.079> Amanda please welcome Amanda please welcome Amanda [Applause]

kits<00:09:46.600> thanks<00:09:47.200> Amanda<00:09:48.200> so<00:09:48.440> Amanda<00:09:48.800> would<00:09:48.920> you
kits thanks Amanda so Amanda would you kits thanks Amanda so Amanda would you please<00:09:49.240> tell<00:09:49.399> us<00:09:49.600> how<00:09:49.720> you<00:09:49.880> lost<00:09:50.120> your<00:09:50.279> armor please tell us how you lost your armor please tell us how you lost your armor sure<00:09:51.360> in<00:09:51.920> 2006<00:09:52.839> I<00:09:52.959> had<00:09:53.040> a<00:09:53.160> car<00:09:53.519> accident<00:09:54.480> and<00:09:54.760> I sure in 2006 I had a car accident and I sure in 2006 I had a car accident and I was<00:09:55.200> driving<00:09:55.600> home<00:09:55.800> from<00:09:56.040> work<00:09:56.519> and<00:09:56.680> a<00:09:56.920> truck was driving home from work and a truck was driving home from work and a truck was<00:09:57.399> coming<00:09:57.680> the<00:09:57.839> opposite<00:09:58.240> direction<00:09:59.440> came was coming the opposite direction came was coming the opposite direction came over<00:09:59.880> into<00:10:00.120> my<00:10:00.240> lane<00:10:00.560> ran<00:10:00.839> over<00:10:01.079> the<00:10:01.240> top<00:10:01.440> of<00:10:01.560> my over into my lane ran over the top of my over into my lane ran over the top of my car<00:10:01.959> and<00:10:02.120> his<00:10:02.360> axle<00:10:02.760> torn<00:10:03.079> my<00:10:03.240> arm<00:10:03.880> off<00:10:04.880> okay<00:10:05.120> so car and his axle torn my arm off okay so car and his axle torn my arm off okay so after<00:10:06.160> your<00:10:06.399> amputation<00:10:06.959> you<00:10:07.079> healed<00:10:07.519> up<00:10:07.760> and after your amputation you healed up and after your amputation you healed up and you<00:10:08.079> got<00:10:08.320> one<00:10:08.480> of<00:10:08.640> these<00:10:08.880> conventional<00:10:09.399> arms you got one of these conventional arms you got one of these conventional arms can<00:10:09.880> you<00:10:10.000> tell<00:10:10.160> me<00:10:11.040> tell<00:10:11.200> us<00:10:11.399> how<00:10:11.519> it<00:10:11.680> worked can you tell me tell us how it worked can you tell me tell us how it worked well<00:10:12.720> it<00:10:12.800> was<00:10:12.920> a<00:10:13.000> little<00:10:13.480> difficult<00:10:13.680> because well it was a little difficult because well it was a little difficult because all<00:10:14.040> I<00:10:14.160> had<00:10:14.279> to<00:10:14.360> work<00:10:14.600> with<00:10:14.760> was<00:10:14.880> a<00:10:15.040> bicep<00:10:15.440> and<00:10:15.560> a all I had to work with was a bicep and a all I had to work with was a bicep and a tricep<00:10:16.560> so<00:10:17.560> for<00:10:17.839> the<00:10:18.000> simple<00:10:18.320> little<00:10:18.640> things tricep so for the simple little things tricep so for the simple little things like<00:10:19.279> picking<00:10:19.640> something<00:10:20.000> up<00:10:20.240> I<00:10:20.320> would<00:10:20.560> have like picking something up I would have like picking something up I would have to<00:10:21.440> bend<00:10:21.720> my<00:10:21.880> elbow<00:10:22.880> and<00:10:23.000> then<00:10:23.120> I<00:10:23.160> would<00:10:23.360> have to bend my elbow and then I would have to bend my elbow and then I would have to<00:10:23.600> co<00:10:23.920> contract<00:10:24.920> to<00:10:25.079> get<00:10:25.200> it<00:10:25.320> to<00:10:25.480> change<00:10:25.839> modes to co contract to get it to change modes to co contract to get it to change modes when<00:10:27.000> I<00:10:27.200> did<00:10:27.560> that<00:10:28.240> I<00:10:28.399> had<00:10:28.600> to<00:10:29.000> use<00:10:29.320> used<00:10:29.920> my when I did that I had to use used my when I did that I had to use used my bicep<00:10:31.480> to<00:10:31.640> get<00:10:31.760> the<00:10:31.880> hand<00:10:32.040> to bicep to get the hand to bicep to get the hand to close<00:10:34.040> use<00:10:34.399> my<00:10:34.680> tricep<00:10:35.200> to<00:10:35.360> get<00:10:35.480> it<00:10:35.560> to<00:10:35.760> open close use my tricep to get it to open close use my tricep to get it to open Coke<00:10:37.040> and<00:10:37.279> trct<00:10:37.639> again<00:10:38.000> to<00:10:38.160> get<00:10:38.279> the<00:10:38.360> elbow<00:10:38.680> to Coke and trct again to get the elbow to Coke and trct again to get the elbow to work<00:10:39.480> again<00:10:40.480> so<00:10:40.880> it<00:10:41.000> was<00:10:41.200> a<00:10:41.320> little<00:10:41.519> slow<00:10:42.079> a work again so it was a little slow a work again so it was a little slow a little<00:10:42.480> slow<00:10:43.079> and<00:10:43.200> it<00:10:43.320> was<00:10:43.560> very<00:10:43.920> it<00:10:44.040> was<00:10:44.279> it little slow and it was very it was it little slow and it was very it was it was<00:10:44.480> just<00:10:44.639> hard<00:10:44.800> to<00:10:44.959> work<00:10:45.279> you<00:10:45.360> had<00:10:45.480> to was just hard to work you had to was just hard to work you had to concentrate<00:10:46.079> a<00:10:46.200> whole<00:10:46.399> lot<00:10:47.160> okay<00:10:47.760> so<00:10:48.440> I<00:10:48.519> think concentrate a whole lot okay so I think concentrate a whole lot okay so I think it<00:10:48.680> was<00:10:48.800> about<00:10:48.959> 9<00:10:49.200> months<00:10:49.480> later<00:10:49.839> that<00:10:49.959> you<00:10:50.120> had it was about 9 months later that you had it was about 9 months later that you had the<00:10:50.440> targeted<00:10:50.800> reinnervation<00:10:51.360> surgery<00:10:52.279> took the targeted reinnervation surgery took the targeted reinnervation surgery took another<00:10:52.920> 6<00:10:53.279> months<00:10:53.639> to<00:10:54.120> have<00:10:54.279> all<00:10:54.440> the another 6 months to have all the another 6 months to have all the reinnervation<00:10:55.200> and<00:10:55.320> then<00:10:55.480> we<00:10:55.600> fit<00:10:55.839> her<00:10:56.560> with<00:10:56.920> a reinnervation and then we fit her with a reinnervation and then we fit her with a prosthesis<00:10:58.760> and<00:10:58.959> how<00:10:59.079> did<00:10:59.440> that<00:10:59.519> work<00:10:59.720> for<00:10:59.880> you prosthesis and how did that work for you prosthesis and how did that work for you it<00:11:00.639> worked<00:11:01.399> good<00:11:02.360> um<00:11:02.720> I<00:11:02.800> was<00:11:03.000> able it worked good um I was able it worked good um I was able to<00:11:05.040> um<00:11:05.639> use<00:11:06.279> my<00:11:06.560> elbow<00:11:07.160> and<00:11:07.440> my<00:11:07.600> hands to um use my elbow and my hands to um use my elbow and my hands simultaneously<00:11:09.560> I<00:11:09.639> could<00:11:09.839> work<00:11:10.160> them<00:11:10.440> just<00:11:10.680> by simultaneously I could work them just by simultaneously I could work them just by my<00:11:11.160> thoughts<00:11:12.160> so<00:11:12.440> I<00:11:12.560> didn't<00:11:12.760> have<00:11:12.880> to<00:11:12.959> do<00:11:13.079> any my thoughts so I didn't have to do any my thoughts so I didn't have to do any of<00:11:13.320> the<00:11:13.440> co-<00:11:13.680> Contracting<00:11:14.120> and<00:11:14.240> all<00:11:14.880> that of the co- Contracting and all that of the co- Contracting and all that little<00:11:16.279> little<00:11:16.519> faster<00:11:16.880> a<00:11:16.959> little<00:11:17.079> simp<00:11:17.360> a little little faster a little simp a little little faster a little simp a little<00:11:17.680> faster<00:11:18.120> much<00:11:18.320> more<00:11:18.560> easy<00:11:19.079> much<00:11:19.279> more little faster much more easy much more little faster much more easy much more natural<00:11:21.200> okay<00:11:21.920> this<00:11:22.120> was<00:11:22.360> my<00:11:22.600> goal<00:11:23.480> okay<00:11:23.639> for natural okay this was my goal okay for natural okay this was my goal okay for 20<00:11:24.120> years<00:11:24.360> my<00:11:24.519> goal<00:11:24.760> was<00:11:24.920> to<00:11:25.240> let<00:11:25.519> somebody 20 years my goal was to let somebody 20 years my goal was to let somebody able<00:11:26.480> to<00:11:26.839> use<00:11:27.160> their<00:11:27.399> elbow<00:11:27.800> and<00:11:28.040> hand<00:11:28.279> in<00:11:28.360> an able to use their elbow and hand in an able to use their elbow and hand in an intuitive<00:11:29.040> way<00:11:29.519> and<00:11:29.639> at<00:11:29.800> the<00:11:29.920> same<00:11:30.240> time<00:11:30.959> and intuitive way and at the same time and intuitive way and at the same time and we<00:11:31.240> now<00:11:31.440> have<00:11:31.839> over<00:11:32.040> 50<00:11:32.399> patients<00:11:32.760> around<00:11:33.040> the we now have over 50 patients around the we now have over 50 patients around the world<00:11:33.480> who've<00:11:33.760> had<00:11:33.959> this<00:11:34.079> surgery<00:11:34.920> including world who've had this surgery including world who've had this surgery including over<00:11:35.839> a<00:11:35.959> dozen<00:11:36.240> of<00:11:36.360> our<00:11:36.519> Wounded<00:11:36.880> Warriors<00:11:37.360> in over a dozen of our Wounded Warriors in over a dozen of our Wounded Warriors in the<00:11:37.600> US<00:11:38.079> armed<00:11:38.480> services<00:11:39.480> the<00:11:39.680> success<00:11:40.079> rate the US armed services the success rate the US armed services the success rate of<00:11:40.399> the<00:11:40.519> nerve<00:11:40.760> transfers<00:11:41.320> is<00:11:41.480> very<00:11:41.680> high<00:11:41.880> it's of the nerve transfers is very high it's of the nerve transfers is very high it's like<00:11:42.360> 96%<00:11:43.360> because<00:11:43.560> we're<00:11:43.720> putting<00:11:43.959> a<00:11:44.120> big<00:11:44.320> fat like 96% because we're putting a big fat like 96% because we're putting a big fat nerve<00:11:45.320> onto<00:11:45.680> a<00:11:45.800> little<00:11:46.000> piece<00:11:46.200> of<00:11:46.360> muscle<00:11:47.279> and nerve onto a little piece of muscle and nerve onto a little piece of muscle and it<00:11:47.639> provides<00:11:48.440> intuitive<00:11:49.440> control<00:11:50.440> our it provides intuitive control our it provides intuitive control our functional<00:11:51.480> testing<00:11:51.920> those<00:11:52.120> little<00:11:52.360> tests functional testing those little tests functional testing those little tests all<00:11:52.959> show<00:11:53.560> that<00:11:53.680> they're<00:11:53.880> a<00:11:54.000> lot<00:11:54.200> quicker<00:11:54.519> and all show that they're a lot quicker and all show that they're a lot quicker and a<00:11:54.800> lot<00:11:55.000> easier<00:11:55.480> and<00:11:55.639> and<00:11:55.720> the<00:11:55.839> most<00:11:56.079> important a lot easier and and the most important a lot easier and and the most important thing<00:11:56.680> is<00:11:56.920> our<00:11:57.120> patients<00:11:57.440> have<00:11:57.639> appreciated thing is our patients have appreciated thing is our patients have appreciated it<00:11:58.959> so<00:11:59.480> that<00:11:59.600> was<00:11:59.880> all<00:12:00.120> very<00:12:00.519> exciting<00:12:01.360> but<00:12:02.360> we it so that was all very exciting but we it so that was all very exciting but we want<00:12:02.600> to<00:12:02.760> do<00:12:02.959> better<00:12:03.800> okay<00:12:03.920> there's<00:12:04.079> a<00:12:04.240> lot<00:12:04.360> of want to do better okay there's a lot of want to do better okay there's a lot of information<00:12:05.040> in<00:12:05.240> those<00:12:05.440> nerve information in those nerve information in those nerve signals<00:12:08.279> and<00:12:08.519> we<00:12:08.639> want<00:12:08.839> to<00:12:09.000> get<00:12:09.160> more<00:12:09.639> you<00:12:09.760> can signals and we want to get more you can signals and we want to get more you can move<00:12:11.040> each<00:12:11.279> finger<00:12:11.639> you<00:12:11.720> can<00:12:11.880> move<00:12:12.120> your<00:12:12.279> thumb move each finger you can move your thumb move each finger you can move your thumb your<00:12:12.680> wrist<00:12:13.240> can<00:12:13.440> we<00:12:13.639> get<00:12:13.800> more<00:12:14.000> out<00:12:14.120> of<00:12:14.279> it<00:12:14.440> so your wrist can we get more out of it so your wrist can we get more out of it so we<00:12:14.720> did<00:12:14.839> some<00:12:15.160> experiments<00:12:16.160> where<00:12:16.320> we we did some experiments where we we did some experiments where we saturated<00:12:17.160> our<00:12:17.320> poor<00:12:17.560> patients<00:12:17.959> with saturated our poor patients with saturated our poor patients with zillions<00:12:18.680> of<00:12:18.880> electrodes<00:12:19.880> and<00:12:20.040> then<00:12:20.240> had<00:12:20.360> them zillions of electrodes and then had them zillions of electrodes and then had them try<00:12:20.720> to<00:12:20.839> do<00:12:21.040> two<00:12:21.279> dozen<00:12:21.639> different<00:12:22.399> tasks<00:12:23.399> okay try to do two dozen different tasks okay try to do two dozen different tasks okay from<00:12:23.760> wiggling<00:12:24.160> a<00:12:24.279> finger<00:12:24.639> to<00:12:24.800> moving<00:12:25.120> a<00:12:25.279> whole from wiggling a finger to moving a whole from wiggling a finger to moving a whole arm<00:12:25.880> to<00:12:26.040> reaching<00:12:26.399> for<00:12:26.639> something<00:12:27.199> and<00:12:27.360> Rec arm to reaching for something and Rec arm to reaching for something and Rec recorded<00:12:28.079> this<00:12:28.320> data<00:12:29.000> and<00:12:29.199> and<00:12:29.279> then<00:12:29.399> we<00:12:29.519> use recorded this data and and then we use recorded this data and and then we use some<00:12:30.120> algorithms<00:12:30.839> that<00:12:30.920> are<00:12:31.040> a<00:12:31.160> lot<00:12:31.399> like some algorithms that are a lot like some algorithms that are a lot like speech<00:12:32.279> recognition<00:12:32.920> algs<00:12:33.519> algorithms speech recognition algs algorithms speech recognition algs algorithms called<00:12:34.480> pattern called pattern called pattern recognition recognition recognition see<00:12:38.800> and<00:12:39.360> here<00:12:39.519> you<00:12:39.639> can<00:12:39.800> see<00:12:40.279> on<00:12:40.440> Jesse's see and here you can see on Jesse's see and here you can see on Jesse's chest<00:12:41.240> when<00:12:41.360> he<00:12:41.480> just<00:12:41.639> tried<00:12:41.920> to<00:12:42.040> do<00:12:42.279> three chest when he just tried to do three chest when he just tried to do three different<00:12:42.920> things<00:12:43.839> you<00:12:43.920> can<00:12:44.079> see<00:12:44.320> three different things you can see three different things you can see three different<00:12:44.880> patterns<00:12:45.839> okay<00:12:46.040> but<00:12:46.199> I<00:12:46.399> can't<00:12:47.000> I different patterns okay but I can't I different patterns okay but I can't I can't<00:12:47.519> put<00:12:47.720> an<00:12:47.880> electrode<00:12:48.279> and<00:12:48.440> say<00:12:49.040> go<00:12:49.320> there can't put an electrode and say go there can't put an electrode and say go there so<00:12:49.839> we<00:12:50.000> collaborated<00:12:50.519> with<00:12:50.600> our<00:12:50.800> colleagues so we collaborated with our colleagues so we collaborated with our colleagues in<00:12:51.639> University<00:12:52.120> New<00:12:52.279> Brunswick<00:12:52.760> came<00:12:52.920> up<00:12:53.160> with in University New Brunswick came up with in University New Brunswick came up with this<00:12:53.760> algorithm<00:12:54.320> control<00:12:54.800> which<00:12:55.120> a<00:12:55.279> manic<00:12:55.600> can this algorithm control which a manic can this algorithm control which a manic can now<00:12:56.160> demonstrate<00:12:57.160> so<00:12:57.440> I<00:12:57.560> have<00:12:57.680> the<00:12:57.839> elbow now demonstrate so I have the elbow now demonstrate so I have the elbow that<00:13:00.120> goes<00:13:00.320> up<00:13:00.440> and<00:13:00.639> down<00:13:01.639> I<00:13:01.760> have<00:13:01.920> the<00:13:02.120> wrist that goes up and down I have the wrist that goes up and down I have the wrist rotation<00:13:03.920> that<00:13:04.279> goes<00:13:05.279> and<00:13:05.440> it<00:13:05.600> can<00:13:05.800> go<00:13:05.959> all<00:13:06.120> the rotation that goes and it can go all the rotation that goes and it can go all the way<00:13:06.519> around<00:13:07.519> and<00:13:07.680> I<00:13:07.839> have<00:13:08.000> the<00:13:08.120> wrist<00:13:08.440> flexion way around and I have the wrist flexion way around and I have the wrist flexion and<00:13:09.880> extension<00:13:10.880> and<00:13:11.079> also<00:13:11.320> have<00:13:11.480> the<00:13:11.639> hand and extension and also have the hand and extension and also have the hand close<00:13:12.839> and<00:13:13.560> open<00:13:14.560> thank<00:13:14.720> you<00:13:14.880> man<00:13:15.199> now<00:13:15.360> this<00:13:15.480> is close and open thank you man now this is close and open thank you man now this is this<00:13:15.920> is<00:13:16.000> a<00:13:16.199> research<00:13:16.600> arm<00:13:16.920> but<00:13:17.000> it's<00:13:17.199> made<00:13:17.440> out this is a research arm but it's made out this is a research arm but it's made out of<00:13:18.440> um<00:13:18.880> commercial<00:13:19.560> components<00:13:20.079> from<00:13:20.279> here of um commercial components from here of um commercial components from here down<00:13:20.760> and<00:13:20.920> a<00:13:21.040> few<00:13:21.279> that<00:13:21.440> I've<00:13:21.760> borrowed<00:13:22.320> from down and a few that I've borrowed from down and a few that I've borrowed from around<00:13:22.760> the<00:13:22.920> world<00:13:23.920> um<00:13:24.160> it's<00:13:24.440> about<00:13:25.279> 7<00:13:25.720> lb around the world um it's about 7 lb around the world um it's about 7 lb which<00:13:26.720> is<00:13:26.959> probably<00:13:27.320> what<00:13:27.440> about<00:13:27.720> what<00:13:27.839> my<00:13:28.040> arm which is probably what about what my arm which is probably what about what my arm would<00:13:28.680> weigh<00:13:29.160> if<00:13:29.279> I<00:13:29.399> lost<00:13:29.680> it<00:13:29.920> right<00:13:30.160> here would weigh if I lost it right here would weigh if I lost it right here obviously<00:13:31.120> that's<00:13:31.360> heavy<00:13:31.600> for<00:13:32.079> Amanda<00:13:33.079> um<00:13:33.839> and obviously that's heavy for Amanda um and obviously that's heavy for Amanda um and in<00:13:34.399> fact<00:13:34.639> it<00:13:34.839> feels<00:13:35.279> even<00:13:35.560> heavier<00:13:36.040> because in fact it feels even heavier because in fact it feels even heavier because it's<00:13:36.639> not<00:13:36.839> glued<00:13:37.240> on<00:13:37.440> the<00:13:37.600> same<00:13:37.920> she's it's not glued on the same she's it's not glued on the same she's carrying<00:13:38.600> all<00:13:38.760> that<00:13:38.920> weight<00:13:39.120> through carrying all that weight through carrying all that weight through harnesses<00:13:40.360> so<00:13:40.560> the<00:13:40.680> exciting<00:13:41.079> part<00:13:41.279> isn't<00:13:41.519> so harnesses so the exciting part isn't so harnesses so the exciting part isn't so much<00:13:42.040> the<00:13:42.480> the<00:13:42.639> mechatronics<00:13:43.440> but<00:13:43.600> the much the the mechatronics but the much the the mechatronics but the control<00:13:44.480> and<00:13:44.560> so<00:13:44.720> we've<00:13:45.320> developed<00:13:45.760> a<00:13:46.199> a<00:13:46.360> small control and so we've developed a a small control and so we've developed a a small micro<00:13:47.160> computer<00:13:47.720> that<00:13:48.079> is<00:13:48.240> blinking micro computer that is blinking micro computer that is blinking somewhere<00:13:49.160> behind<00:13:49.440> her<00:13:49.680> back<00:13:50.560> and<00:13:50.880> is somewhere behind her back and is somewhere behind her back and is operating<00:13:51.800> this<00:13:52.160> all<00:13:52.440> by<00:13:52.680> the<00:13:52.800> way<00:13:53.320> she<00:13:53.600> trains operating this all by the way she trains operating this all by the way she trains it<00:13:54.279> to<00:13:54.560> use<00:13:55.360> her<00:13:55.839> individual<00:13:56.279> muscle<00:13:56.560> signal it to use her individual muscle signal it to use her individual muscle signal so<00:13:57.040> Manda<00:13:57.360> when<00:13:57.480> you<00:13:57.680> first<00:13:58.160> started<00:13:58.519> using so Manda when you first started using so Manda when you first started using how<00:13:59.440> long<00:13:59.600> did<00:13:59.759> it<00:13:59.959> take<00:14:00.160> to<00:14:01.000> use<00:14:01.199> it<00:14:01.759> uh<00:14:01.880> it how long did it take to use it uh it how long did it take to use it uh it took<00:14:02.279> just<00:14:02.519> about<00:14:03.079> probably<00:14:03.680> 3<00:14:03.920> to<00:14:04.040> 4<00:14:04.320> hours<00:14:04.680> to took just about probably 3 to 4 hours to took just about probably 3 to 4 hours to get<00:14:04.959> it<00:14:05.040> to<00:14:05.199> train<00:14:05.880> I<00:14:05.959> had<00:14:06.079> to<00:14:06.199> hook<00:14:06.360> it<00:14:06.440> up<00:14:06.560> to<00:14:06.720> a get it to train I had to hook it up to a get it to train I had to hook it up to a computer<00:14:07.680> so<00:14:07.920> I<00:14:08.000> couldn't<00:14:08.320> just<00:14:08.440> train<00:14:08.680> it computer so I couldn't just train it computer so I couldn't just train it anywhere<00:14:09.240> so<00:14:09.480> like<00:14:09.600> if<00:14:09.680> it<00:14:09.839> stopped anywhere so like if it stopped anywhere so like if it stopped working<00:14:11.759> I<00:14:11.959> just<00:14:12.040> had<00:14:12.160> to<00:14:12.279> take<00:14:12.399> it<00:14:12.519> off<00:14:13.240> so<00:14:13.519> now working I just had to take it off so now working I just had to take it off so now it's<00:14:14.120> able<00:14:14.399> to<00:14:14.639> train<00:14:15.079> with<00:14:15.279> just<00:14:15.440> this<00:14:15.639> little it's able to train with just this little it's able to train with just this little piece<00:14:16.199> on<00:14:16.320> the<00:14:16.519> back<00:14:17.320> I<00:14:17.440> can<00:14:17.560> wear<00:14:17.759> it<00:14:17.920> around piece on the back I can wear it around piece on the back I can wear it around if<00:14:18.720> it<00:14:18.880> stops<00:14:19.199> working<00:14:19.560> for<00:14:19.759> some<00:14:20.000> reason<00:14:20.800> I if it stops working for some reason I if it stops working for some reason I can<00:14:21.000> retrain<00:14:21.480> it<00:14:21.920> takes<00:14:22.240> about<00:14:23.160> a<00:14:23.320> minute<00:14:24.279> so can retrain it takes about a minute so can retrain it takes about a minute so we're<00:14:24.600> really<00:14:24.839> excited<00:14:25.399> because<00:14:25.680> now<00:14:25.839> we're we're really excited because now we're we're really excited because now we're getting<00:14:26.279> to<00:14:27.120> a<00:14:27.360> clinically<00:14:28.040> practical<00:14:28.560> device getting to a clinically practical device getting to a clinically practical device and<00:14:29.399> that's<00:14:29.839> that's<00:14:30.040> where<00:14:30.320> our<00:14:30.560> goal<00:14:30.880> is<00:14:31.079> to and that's that's where our goal is to and that's that's where our goal is to have<00:14:31.920> something<00:14:32.480> clinically<00:14:33.079> pragmatic<00:14:33.639> to have something clinically pragmatic to have something clinically pragmatic to wear<00:14:34.800> we've<00:14:35.040> also<00:14:35.360> had<00:14:35.800> Amanda<00:14:36.639> able<00:14:36.920> to<00:14:37.199> use wear we've also had Amanda able to use wear we've also had Amanda able to use some<00:14:38.120> of<00:14:38.279> our<00:14:38.480> more<00:14:38.680> advanced<00:14:39.120> arms<00:14:39.399> that<00:14:39.560> I some of our more advanced arms that I some of our more advanced arms that I showed<00:14:39.920> you showed you showed you earlier<00:14:41.880> here's<00:14:42.160> Amanda<00:14:42.600> using<00:14:43.000> an<00:14:43.160> arm<00:14:43.440> made earlier here's Amanda using an arm made earlier here's Amanda using an arm made by<00:14:44.079> Deca<00:14:44.480> research<00:14:44.880> Corporation<00:14:45.480> and<00:14:45.600> I by Deca research Corporation and I by Deca research Corporation and I believe<00:14:45.920> deeden<00:14:46.240> came<00:14:46.440> and<00:14:46.639> presented<00:14:47.000> it<00:14:47.160> at believe deeden came and presented it at believe deeden came and presented it at Tech<00:14:47.800> a<00:14:47.920> few<00:14:48.160> years<00:14:48.560> ago<00:14:49.560> so<00:14:49.800> Amanda<00:14:50.279> you<00:14:50.399> can Tech a few years ago so Amanda you can Tech a few years ago so Amanda you can see<00:14:51.079> has<00:14:51.480> really<00:14:52.000> good<00:14:52.240> control<00:14:52.759> it's<00:14:53.120> all<00:14:53.399> the see has really good control it's all the see has really good control it's all the pattern<00:14:54.120> recognition<00:14:55.120> and<00:14:55.279> it<00:14:55.440> now<00:14:55.720> has<00:14:55.839> a pattern recognition and it now has a pattern recognition and it now has a hand<00:14:56.399> that<00:14:56.519> can<00:14:56.639> do<00:14:56.839> different<00:14:57.240> grasp<00:14:57.880> what<00:14:58.000> we hand that can do different grasp what we hand that can do different grasp what we do<00:14:58.360> is<00:14:58.519> have<00:14:58.680> the<00:14:58.800> paat<00:14:59.320> go<00:14:59.480> all<00:14:59.600> the<00:14:59.720> way<00:15:00.079> open do is have the paat go all the way open do is have the paat go all the way open and<00:15:00.839> think<00:15:01.560> what<00:15:01.720> handras<00:15:02.279> pattern<00:15:02.639> do<00:15:02.759> I<00:15:02.959> want and think what handras pattern do I want and think what handras pattern do I want it<00:15:03.759> goes<00:15:03.959> into<00:15:04.240> that<00:15:04.399> mode<00:15:04.680> and<00:15:04.800> then<00:15:04.880> you<00:15:04.959> can it goes into that mode and then you can it goes into that mode and then you can do<00:15:05.320> up<00:15:05.440> to<00:15:05.720> five<00:15:05.920> or<00:15:06.079> six<00:15:06.360> different<00:15:06.720> hand do up to five or six different hand do up to five or six different hand grass<00:15:07.360> with<00:15:07.519> this<00:15:07.680> hand<00:15:08.240> Amanda<00:15:08.639> how<00:15:08.759> many grass with this hand Amanda how many grass with this hand Amanda how many were<00:15:09.120> you<00:15:09.320> able<00:15:09.519> to<00:15:09.680> do<00:15:10.040> with<00:15:10.199> the<00:15:10.360> DECA<00:15:10.639> arm<00:15:11.120> I were you able to do with the DECA arm I were you able to do with the DECA arm I was<00:15:11.320> able<00:15:11.519> to<00:15:11.600> get<00:15:11.800> four<00:15:12.759> I<00:15:12.920> had<00:15:13.079> the<00:15:13.240> key<00:15:13.480> grip was able to get four I had the key grip was able to get four I had the key grip I<00:15:14.440> had<00:15:14.560> a<00:15:14.759> chck<00:15:15.120> grip<00:15:16.079> I<00:15:16.199> had<00:15:16.320> a<00:15:16.519> power<00:15:16.920> grasp I had a chck grip I had a power grasp I had a chck grip I had a power grasp and<00:15:17.959> I<00:15:18.079> had<00:15:18.160> a<00:15:18.279> fine<00:15:18.600> pinch<00:15:19.519> but<00:15:19.720> my<00:15:19.880> favorite and I had a fine pinch but my favorite and I had a fine pinch but my favorite one<00:15:20.600> was<00:15:21.279> just<00:15:21.480> when<00:15:21.639> the<00:15:21.759> hand<00:15:21.959> was<00:15:22.120> open one was just when the hand was open one was just when the hand was open because<00:15:22.800> I<00:15:23.000> work<00:15:23.160> with<00:15:23.560> kids<00:15:24.560> and<00:15:24.839> so<00:15:25.639> all<00:15:25.800> the because I work with kids and so all the because I work with kids and so all the time<00:15:26.120> you're<00:15:26.320> clapping<00:15:26.720> and<00:15:26.839> singing<00:15:27.399> so<00:15:27.600> I time you're clapping and singing so I time you're clapping and singing so I was<00:15:27.880> able<00:15:28.079> to<00:15:28.199> do<00:15:28.399> that<00:15:28.560> again<00:15:29.000> which<00:15:29.120> was was able to do that again which was was able to do that again which was really<00:15:29.560> good<00:15:30.440> that<00:15:30.600> hand's<00:15:30.880> not<00:15:31.000> so<00:15:31.199> good<00:15:31.319> for really good that hand's not so good for really good that hand's not so good for clapping<00:15:32.160> can't<00:15:32.399> clap<00:15:32.680> with<00:15:32.839> this<00:15:32.959> one<00:15:33.440> all clapping can't clap with this one all clapping can't clap with this one all right<00:15:34.360> so<00:15:34.600> that's<00:15:34.839> exciting<00:15:35.319> on<00:15:35.600> on<00:15:35.759> where<00:15:35.920> we right so that's exciting on on where we right so that's exciting on on where we may<00:15:36.399> go<00:15:36.639> with<00:15:36.759> the<00:15:36.959> better<00:15:37.240> mechatronics<00:15:38.160> if may go with the better mechatronics if may go with the better mechatronics if we<00:15:38.560> make<00:15:38.800> them<00:15:39.120> good<00:15:39.360> enough<00:15:39.720> to<00:15:39.920> put<00:15:40.399> out<00:15:40.639> on we make them good enough to put out on we make them good enough to put out on the<00:15:41.000> market<00:15:41.399> and<00:15:41.560> use<00:15:41.759> in<00:15:41.880> a<00:15:41.959> field<00:15:42.399> trial<00:15:43.399> I the market and use in a field trial I the market and use in a field trial I want<00:15:43.600> you<00:15:43.680> to<00:15:43.839> watch<00:15:44.079> closely want you to watch closely want you to watch closely o<00:15:47.399> That's<00:15:47.639> Claudia<00:15:48.560> and<00:15:48.680> that<00:15:48.800> was<00:15:48.959> the<00:15:49.199> first o That's Claudia and that was the first o That's Claudia and that was the first time<00:15:49.880> she<00:15:50.120> got<00:15:50.319> to<00:15:50.880> feel<00:15:51.880> sensation<00:15:52.399> through<00:15:52.639> a time she got to feel sensation through a time she got to feel sensation through a prosthetic<00:15:54.040> she<00:15:54.880> had<00:15:55.040> a<00:15:55.279> little<00:15:55.600> sensor<00:15:56.040> at prosthetic she had a little sensor at prosthetic she had a little sensor at the<00:15:56.240> end<00:15:56.399> of<00:15:56.560> her<00:15:56.759> prosthesis<00:15:57.519> that<00:15:57.720> then<00:15:58.120> she the end of her prosthesis that then she the end of her prosthesis that then she rubbed<00:15:58.680> over<00:15:59.120> different<00:15:59.319> surfaces<00:16:00.000> and<00:16:00.079> she rubbed over different surfaces and she rubbed over different surfaces and she could<00:16:00.399> feel<00:16:00.800> different<00:16:01.199> textures<00:16:02.160> of could feel different textures of could feel different textures of sandpaper<00:16:03.120> different<00:16:03.399> grits<00:16:03.759> ribbon<00:16:04.120> cable sandpaper different grits ribbon cable sandpaper different grits ribbon cable as<00:16:04.959> it<00:16:05.120> pushed<00:16:05.440> on<00:16:05.560> her<00:16:05.759> reinnervated<00:16:06.399> hand as it pushed on her reinnervated hand as it pushed on her reinnervated hand skan<00:16:07.759> um<00:16:08.160> she<00:16:08.319> said<00:16:08.600> that<00:16:08.759> when<00:16:08.880> she<00:16:09.040> just<00:16:09.160> ran skan um she said that when she just ran skan um she said that when she just ran it<00:16:09.639> across<00:16:09.959> the<00:16:10.120> table<00:16:10.399> it<00:16:10.519> felt<00:16:10.720> like<00:16:10.839> her it across the table it felt like her it across the table it felt like her finger<00:16:11.279> was<00:16:11.480> rocking<00:16:12.480> so<00:16:12.680> that's<00:16:12.839> an<00:16:13.079> exciting finger was rocking so that's an exciting finger was rocking so that's an exciting laboratory<00:16:14.519> experiment<00:16:15.160> on<00:16:15.360> how<00:16:15.480> to<00:16:15.720> give laboratory experiment on how to give laboratory experiment on how to give back<00:16:16.399> potentially<00:16:16.920> some<00:16:17.160> skin<00:16:17.560> sensation<00:16:18.560> but back potentially some skin sensation but back potentially some skin sensation but here's<00:16:18.959> another<00:16:19.319> video<00:16:19.600> that<00:16:19.759> shows<00:16:20.040> some<00:16:20.120> of here's another video that shows some of here's another video that shows some of our<00:16:20.399> challenges<00:16:20.880> this<00:16:21.000> is<00:16:21.199> Jesse<00:16:21.920> and<00:16:22.040> he's our challenges this is Jesse and he's our challenges this is Jesse and he's squeezing<00:16:22.639> a<00:16:22.800> foam<00:16:23.199> toy<00:16:23.839> and<00:16:23.959> the<00:16:24.120> harder<00:16:24.440> he squeezing a foam toy and the harder he squeezing a foam toy and the harder he squeezes<00:16:25.079> you<00:16:25.199> see<00:16:25.360> a<00:16:25.480> little<00:16:25.680> black<00:16:25.959> thing<00:16:26.120> in squeezes you see a little black thing in squeezes you see a little black thing in the<00:16:26.319> middle<00:16:26.600> that's<00:16:26.800> pushing<00:16:27.120> on<00:16:27.360> his<00:16:27.560> skin the middle that's pushing on his skin the middle that's pushing on his skin proportional<00:16:28.519> to<00:16:28.639> how<00:16:28.720> hard<00:16:28.880> Hardy<00:16:29.120> squeezes proportional to how hard Hardy squeezes proportional to how hard Hardy squeezes but<00:16:30.199> look<00:16:30.319> at<00:16:30.480> all<00:16:30.639> the<00:16:30.759> electrodes<00:16:31.399> around<00:16:31.639> it but look at all the electrodes around it but look at all the electrodes around it I<00:16:32.160> got<00:16:32.279> a<00:16:32.399> real<00:16:32.639> estate<00:16:33.120> problem<00:16:33.839> I'm<00:16:34.000> supposed I got a real estate problem I'm supposed I got a real estate problem I'm supposed to<00:16:34.399> put<00:16:34.519> a<00:16:34.639> bunch<00:16:34.839> of<00:16:35.000> these<00:16:35.160> things<00:16:35.440> on<00:16:35.720> there to put a bunch of these things on there to put a bunch of these things on there that<00:16:36.600> are<00:16:36.800> little<00:16:37.000> Motors<00:16:37.399> making<00:16:37.759> all<00:16:37.959> kinds that are little Motors making all kinds that are little Motors making all kinds of<00:16:38.319> noise<00:16:38.880> right<00:16:39.079> next<00:16:39.279> to<00:16:39.440> my<00:16:39.639> electrodes<00:16:40.600> so of noise right next to my electrodes so of noise right next to my electrodes so we're<00:16:40.959> really<00:16:41.279> challenged<00:16:41.800> on<00:16:42.000> what<00:16:42.120> we're we're really challenged on what we're we're really challenged on what we're doing<00:16:43.000> there<00:16:44.000> the<00:16:44.120> future<00:16:44.839> is<00:16:45.040> bright<00:16:45.360> we're doing there the future is bright we're doing there the future is bright we're excited<00:16:46.040> where<00:16:46.279> we<00:16:46.480> are<00:16:47.160> and<00:16:47.440> and<00:16:47.560> a<00:16:47.639> lot<00:16:47.800> of excited where we are and and a lot of excited where we are and and a lot of things<00:16:48.079> we<00:16:48.240> want<00:16:48.360> to<00:16:48.519> do<00:16:49.160> so<00:16:49.480> for<00:16:49.720> example<00:16:50.720> one things we want to do so for example one things we want to do so for example one is<00:16:51.360> to<00:16:51.560> get<00:16:51.839> rid<00:16:52.040> of<00:16:52.160> my<00:16:52.319> real<00:16:52.560> estate<00:16:53.040> problem is to get rid of my real estate problem is to get rid of my real estate problem and<00:16:53.759> get<00:16:54.639> better<00:16:55.000> signals<00:16:55.480> we<00:16:55.600> want<00:16:55.720> to and get better signals we want to and get better signals we want to develop<00:16:56.319> these<00:16:56.600> little<00:16:57.040> tiny<00:16:58.040> um<00:16:58.360> capsules develop these little tiny um capsules develop these little tiny um capsules about<00:16:59.079> the<00:16:59.240> size<00:16:59.399> of<00:16:59.519> a<00:16:59.639> piece<00:16:59.800> of<00:16:59.920> risoto<00:17:00.759> that about the size of a piece of risoto that about the size of a piece of risoto that we<00:17:01.040> can<00:17:01.199> put<00:17:01.399> into<00:17:01.639> the<00:17:01.759> muscles<00:17:02.560> and we can put into the muscles and we can put into the muscles and telemeter<00:17:03.360> out<00:17:03.759> the<00:17:03.920> mg<00:17:04.360> signals<00:17:05.160> so<00:17:05.400> that telemeter out the mg signals so that telemeter out the mg signals so that it's<00:17:06.000> not<00:17:06.160> worrying<00:17:06.559> about<00:17:06.959> electrode it's not worrying about electrode it's not worrying about electrode contact<00:17:08.400> and<00:17:08.760> we<00:17:08.880> can<00:17:09.160> have<00:17:09.360> the<00:17:09.480> real<00:17:09.720> estate contact and we can have the real estate contact and we can have the real estate open<00:17:10.280> to<00:17:10.480> try<00:17:11.000> more<00:17:11.439> sensation<00:17:12.079> feedback<00:17:13.079> We open to try more sensation feedback We open to try more sensation feedback We Want<00:17:13.319> to<00:17:13.439> Build<00:17:13.679> a<00:17:13.839> Better<00:17:14.120> arm<00:17:14.799> okay<00:17:15.120> this<00:17:15.400> arm Want to Build a Better arm okay this arm Want to Build a Better arm okay this arm the<00:17:16.480> they're<00:17:16.640> always<00:17:16.839> made<00:17:17.039> for<00:17:17.199> the<00:17:17.319> 50th the they're always made for the 50th the they're always made for the 50th percentile<00:17:18.360> male<00:17:18.839> which<00:17:18.959> means<00:17:19.240> they're<00:17:19.919> too percentile male which means they're too percentile male which means they're too big<00:17:20.400> for<00:17:20.760> 5/8<00:17:21.240> of<00:17:21.360> the<00:17:21.640> world<00:17:22.640> so<00:17:23.120> rather<00:17:23.360> than big for 5/8 of the world so rather than big for 5/8 of the world so rather than a<00:17:23.799> super<00:17:24.240> strong<00:17:24.400> or<00:17:24.600> super<00:17:24.919> fast<00:17:25.240> arm<00:17:26.000> we're a super strong or super fast arm we're a super strong or super fast arm we're making<00:17:26.720> an<00:17:27.000> arm<00:17:27.640> that<00:17:27.880> is<00:17:28.600> we're<00:17:28.919> starting making an arm that is we're starting making an arm that is we're starting with<00:17:29.360> the<00:17:29.520> 20th<00:17:30.400> 25th<00:17:31.200> percentile<00:17:32.080> female with the 20th 25th percentile female with the 20th 25th percentile female okay<00:17:33.440> that<00:17:33.559> will<00:17:33.799> have<00:17:33.960> a<00:17:34.120> hand<00:17:34.360> that<00:17:34.480> wraps okay that will have a hand that wraps okay that will have a hand that wraps around<00:17:35.720> opens<00:17:36.080> all<00:17:36.320> the<00:17:36.440> way<00:17:37.000> two<00:17:37.200> degrees<00:17:37.520> of around opens all the way two degrees of around opens all the way two degrees of freedom<00:17:37.960> in<00:17:38.080> a<00:17:38.200> wrist<00:17:38.400> and<00:17:38.520> an<00:17:38.679> elbow<00:17:39.360> so<00:17:39.559> it'll freedom in a wrist and an elbow so it'll freedom in a wrist and an elbow so it'll be<00:17:39.919> the<00:17:40.080> smallest<00:17:40.799> and<00:17:41.080> lightest<00:17:42.080> and<00:17:42.320> the be the smallest and lightest and the be the smallest and lightest and the smartest<00:17:43.120> arm<00:17:43.440> ever<00:17:43.640> made<00:17:44.360> once<00:17:44.640> if<00:17:44.880> we<00:17:44.960> can<00:17:45.080> do smartest arm ever made once if we can do smartest arm ever made once if we can do it<00:17:45.400> that<00:17:45.600> small<00:17:46.080> it's<00:17:46.240> a<00:17:46.360> lot<00:17:46.520> easier<00:17:46.880> making it that small it's a lot easier making it that small it's a lot easier making them<00:17:47.360> bigger<00:17:48.360> so<00:17:48.600> those<00:17:48.760> are<00:17:48.960> just<00:17:49.280> some<00:17:49.440> of them bigger so those are just some of them bigger so those are just some of our<00:17:49.840> goals<00:17:50.840> and<00:17:51.480> um<00:17:52.280> we<00:17:52.559> really<00:17:52.960> appreciate our goals and um we really appreciate our goals and um we really appreciate all<00:17:53.600> being<00:17:53.799> here<00:17:53.960> today<00:17:54.520> I'd<00:17:54.679> like<00:17:54.799> to<00:17:54.919> tell all being here today I'd like to tell all being here today I'd like to tell you<00:17:55.159> a<00:17:55.280> little<00:17:55.400> bit<00:17:55.600> about<00:17:56.159> the<00:17:56.360> dark<00:17:56.760> side you a little bit about the dark side you a little bit about the dark side with<00:17:57.280> yesterday's<00:17:57.799> theme<00:17:58.400> so<00:17:58.799> Amanda<00:17:59.240> came with yesterday's theme so Amanda came with yesterday's theme so Amanda came jet<00:18:00.320> lags<00:18:00.799> he's<00:18:01.039> using<00:18:01.400> the<00:18:01.760> arm<00:18:02.760> and jet lags he's using the arm and jet lags he's using the arm and everything<00:18:03.360> goes<00:18:03.679> wrong<00:18:04.679> ah<00:18:04.919> the<00:18:05.159> uh<00:18:05.400> there everything goes wrong ah the uh there everything goes wrong ah the uh there was<00:18:05.679> a<00:18:06.400> computer<00:18:06.840> spook<00:18:07.280> a<00:18:07.440> broken<00:18:07.919> wire<00:18:08.640> a was a computer spook a broken wire a was a computer spook a broken wire a converter<00:18:09.280> that<00:18:09.440> sparked<00:18:09.919> we<00:18:10.120> took<00:18:10.320> out<00:18:10.520> a converter that sparked we took out a converter that sparked we took out a whole<00:18:10.960> circuit<00:18:11.440> in<00:18:11.600> the<00:18:11.760> hotel<00:18:12.240> and<00:18:12.360> I'm<00:18:12.559> just whole circuit in the hotel and I'm just whole circuit in the hotel and I'm just about<00:18:12.919> put<00:18:13.080> on<00:18:13.240> the<00:18:13.520> fire<00:18:14.039> alarm<00:18:15.039> and<00:18:15.159> none<00:18:15.320> of about put on the fire alarm and none of about put on the fire alarm and none of those<00:18:15.679> problems<00:18:16.000> could<00:18:16.120> I<00:18:16.240> have<00:18:16.360> dealt<00:18:16.720> with those problems could I have dealt with those problems could I have dealt with but<00:18:17.960> I<00:18:18.080> have<00:18:18.200> a<00:18:18.480> really<00:18:18.799> bright<00:18:19.120> research<00:18:19.559> team but I have a really bright research team but I have a really bright research team and<00:18:20.120> thankfully<00:18:21.080> Dr<00:18:21.360> Annie<00:18:21.720> Simon<00:18:22.080> was<00:18:22.280> with and thankfully Dr Annie Simon was with and thankfully Dr Annie Simon was with us<00:18:22.640> and<00:18:22.840> worked<00:18:23.240> really<00:18:23.480> hard<00:18:23.799> yesterday<00:18:24.200> to us and worked really hard yesterday to us and worked really hard yesterday to fix<00:18:24.600> it<00:18:25.280> that's<00:18:25.559> science<00:18:26.480> unfortunately<00:18:27.480> it fix it that's science unfortunately it fix it that's science unfortunately it worked<00:18:27.919> today<00:18:28.799> so<00:18:28.960> thank<00:18:29.080> you<00:18:29.240> very worked today so thank you very worked today so thank you very [Music]

much<00:18:36.280> myug


Todd Kuiken, physiatry, engineer, prosthetics, human, nervous, system, Amanda, Kitts, doctor, medicine, robotic, limb, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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