Một chiếc máy bay bạn có thể lái – Anna Mracek Dietrich

A plane you can drive - Anna Mracek Dietrich

A plane you can drive - Anna Mracek Dietrich



[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] what<00:00:16.080> is<00:00:16.199> it<00:00:16.400> about<00:00:16.680> flying what is it about flying what is it about flying cars<00:00:19.640> we've<00:00:19.960> wanted<00:00:20.279> to<00:00:20.439> do<00:00:20.800> this<00:00:21.080> for<00:00:21.320> about<00:00:21.519> a cars we've wanted to do this for about a cars we've wanted to do this for about a hundred<00:00:22.039> years<00:00:22.960> and<00:00:23.279> there<00:00:23.480> are<00:00:24.240> historic hundred years and there are historic hundred years and there are historic attempts<00:00:25.439> that<00:00:25.560> have<00:00:25.760> had<00:00:25.920> some<00:00:26.080> level<00:00:26.279> of attempts that have had some level of attempts that have had some level of technical<00:00:27.320> success<00:00:28.400> but<00:00:29.400> we<00:00:29.599> haven't<00:00:30.160> yet technical success but we haven't yet technical success but we haven't yet gotten<00:00:30.759> to<00:00:30.920> the<00:00:31.119> point<00:00:31.519> where<00:00:31.800> on<00:00:31.920> your<00:00:32.119> way gotten to the point where on your way gotten to the point where on your way here<00:00:32.520> this<00:00:32.640> morning<00:00:33.079> you<00:00:33.200> see<00:00:33.520> something<00:00:33.920> that here this morning you see something that here this morning you see something that really<00:00:34.320> truly<00:00:35.079> seamlessly<00:00:35.840> integrates<00:00:36.719> the really truly seamlessly integrates the really truly seamlessly integrates the two-dimensional<00:00:37.520> world<00:00:37.719> that<00:00:37.840> we're two-dimensional world that we're two-dimensional world that we're comfortable<00:00:38.480> in<00:00:39.120> with<00:00:39.320> the comfortable in with the comfortable in with the three-dimensional<00:00:40.160> sky<00:00:40.480> above<00:00:40.719> us<00:00:41.000> that<00:00:41.160> I three-dimensional sky above us that I three-dimensional sky above us that I don't<00:00:41.399> know<00:00:41.559> about<00:00:41.800> you<00:00:42.000> but<00:00:42.239> I<00:00:42.399> really<00:00:42.640> enjoy don't know about you but I really enjoy don't know about you but I really enjoy spending<00:00:43.480> time<00:00:43.800> in<00:00:44.800> we<00:00:44.960> looked<00:00:45.200> at<00:00:45.320> the spending time in we looked at the spending time in we looked at the Historical<00:00:46.000> attempts<00:00:46.360> that<00:00:46.480> had<00:00:46.600> been<00:00:46.760> out Historical attempts that had been out Historical attempts that had been out there<00:00:47.399> and<00:00:47.960> realized<00:00:48.600> that<00:00:48.760> despite<00:00:49.120> the<00:00:49.280> fact there and realized that despite the fact there and realized that despite the fact that<00:00:49.640> we<00:00:49.800> have<00:00:49.920> a<00:00:50.079> lot<00:00:50.199> of<00:00:50.440> modern<00:00:51.239> Innovations that we have a lot of modern Innovations that we have a lot of modern Innovations to<00:00:52.000> draw<00:00:52.239> on<00:00:52.440> today<00:00:52.840> that<00:00:52.960> weren't<00:00:53.359> available to draw on today that weren't available to draw on today that weren't available previously<00:00:55.039> we<00:00:55.199> have<00:00:55.359> modern<00:00:55.719> Composite previously we have modern Composite previously we have modern Composite Materials<00:00:56.879> we<00:00:57.000> have<00:00:57.199> aircraft<00:00:57.719> engines<00:00:58.640> that Materials we have aircraft engines that Materials we have aircraft engines that get<00:00:59.440> good<00:00:59.600> fuel<00:01:00.120> economy<00:01:00.519> and<00:01:00.640> have<00:01:00.760> better get good fuel economy and have better get good fuel economy and have better power<00:01:01.199> to<00:01:01.399> rate<00:01:01.640> ratios<00:01:02.079> than<00:01:02.239> have<00:01:02.399> ever<00:01:02.559> been power to rate ratios than have ever been power to rate ratios than have ever been available<00:01:03.760> we<00:01:03.879> have<00:01:04.040> glass<00:01:04.360> cockpit<00:01:04.720> avionics available we have glass cockpit avionics available we have glass cockpit avionics that<00:01:05.519> bring<00:01:05.720> the<00:01:05.880> information<00:01:06.240> you<00:01:06.400> need<00:01:06.560> to that bring the information you need to that bring the information you need to fly<00:01:07.200> directly<00:01:07.560> to<00:01:07.759> you<00:01:07.960> in<00:01:08.080> the<00:01:08.400> cockpit<00:01:09.400> but fly directly to you in the cockpit but fly directly to you in the cockpit but without<00:01:09.880> fundamentally<00:01:10.560> addressing<00:01:11.000> the without fundamentally addressing the without fundamentally addressing the problem<00:01:11.520> from<00:01:11.680> a<00:01:11.840> different<00:01:12.200> perspective<00:01:12.799> we problem from a different perspective we problem from a different perspective we realized<00:01:13.520> that<00:01:13.600> we<00:01:13.720> were<00:01:13.880> going<00:01:14.000> to<00:01:14.119> be realized that we were going to be realized that we were going to be getting<00:01:14.640> the<00:01:14.759> same<00:01:15.040> result<00:01:16.000> that<00:01:16.119> people<00:01:16.360> had getting the same result that people had getting the same result that people had been<00:01:16.640> getting<00:01:17.040> for<00:01:17.240> the<00:01:17.400> last<00:01:17.640> 100<00:01:17.960> years been getting for the last 100 years been getting for the last 100 years which<00:01:18.880> isn't<00:01:19.159> where<00:01:19.280> we<00:01:19.400> want<00:01:19.479> to<00:01:19.640> be<00:01:19.920> right which isn't where we want to be right which isn't where we want to be right now<00:01:20.840> so<00:01:21.040> instead<00:01:21.280> of<00:01:21.439> trying<00:01:21.640> to<00:01:21.840> make<00:01:22.119> a<00:01:22.520> car now so instead of trying to make a car now so instead of trying to make a car that<00:01:22.960> can<00:01:23.119> fly<00:01:23.960> we<00:01:24.159> decided<00:01:24.520> to<00:01:24.680> try<00:01:24.840> to<00:01:25.000> make<00:01:25.280> a that can fly we decided to try to make a that can fly we decided to try to make a plane<00:01:26.119> that<00:01:26.280> could<00:01:26.640> drive<00:01:27.640> and<00:01:27.799> the<00:01:28.000> result<00:01:28.479> is plane that could drive and the result is plane that could drive and the result is the<00:01:28.920> terrafugia<00:01:29.520> transition the terrafugia transition the terrafugia transition it's<00:01:30.720> a<00:01:30.880> two<00:01:31.159> seat<00:01:31.479> single<00:01:31.759> engine<00:01:32.119> airplane it's a two seat single engine airplane it's a two seat single engine airplane that<00:01:33.159> works<00:01:33.479> just<00:01:33.600> like<00:01:33.759> any<00:01:33.920> other<00:01:34.159> small that works just like any other small that works just like any other small airplane<00:01:34.799> you<00:01:34.960> take<00:01:35.159> off<00:01:35.280> and<00:01:35.439> land<00:01:35.640> at<00:01:35.720> a airplane you take off and land at a airplane you take off and land at a local<00:01:36.159> airport<00:01:36.960> then<00:01:37.119> once<00:01:37.280> you're<00:01:37.399> on<00:01:37.520> the local airport then once you're on the local airport then once you're on the ground<00:01:38.000> you<00:01:38.200> fold<00:01:38.479> up<00:01:38.640> the<00:01:38.759> wings<00:01:39.360> drive<00:01:39.600> it ground you fold up the wings drive it ground you fold up the wings drive it home<00:01:40.320> park<00:01:40.520> it<00:01:40.600> in<00:01:40.720> your home park it in your home park it in your garage<00:01:42.479> and<00:01:42.600> it<00:01:42.799> works<00:01:43.799> after<00:01:44.119> two<00:01:44.399> years<00:01:44.719> of garage and it works after two years of garage and it works after two years of an<00:01:45.040> iterative<00:01:45.479> design<00:01:45.680> and<00:01:45.920> construction an iterative design and construction an iterative design and construction process<00:01:47.360> the<00:01:47.479> proof<00:01:47.680> of<00:01:47.880> concept<00:01:48.280> made<00:01:48.439> its process the proof of concept made its process the proof of concept made its public<00:01:48.920> debut<00:01:49.360> in public debut in public debut in 2008<00:01:51.320> now<00:01:51.640> like<00:01:51.840> with<00:01:52.040> anything<00:01:52.520> that's 2008 now like with anything that's 2008 now like with anything that's really<00:01:53.320> different<00:01:53.640> from<00:01:53.880> the<00:01:54.000> status<00:01:54.360> quo<00:01:55.119> it really different from the status quo it really different from the status quo it didn't<00:01:55.439> always<00:01:55.719> go<00:01:56.119> so<00:01:56.360> well<00:01:56.680> testing<00:01:57.079> that didn't always go so well testing that didn't always go so well testing that aircraft<00:01:58.000> and<00:01:58.360> we<00:01:58.640> discovered<00:01:58.880> that<00:01:59.000> it's<00:01:59.119> a aircraft and we discovered that it's a aircraft and we discovered that it's a very<00:01:59.439> good<00:01:59.640> thing very good thing very good thing that<00:02:01.560> when<00:02:01.719> you<00:02:02.200> go<00:02:02.360> home<00:02:02.560> with<00:02:02.719> something that when you go home with something that when you go home with something that's<00:02:03.159> been<00:02:03.320> broken<00:02:03.759> you've<00:02:04.000> actually that's been broken you've actually that's been broken you've actually learned<00:02:04.799> a<00:02:04.960> lot<00:02:05.159> more<00:02:05.520> than<00:02:05.680> when<00:02:05.840> you<00:02:05.960> managed learned a lot more than when you managed learned a lot more than when you managed to<00:02:06.399> take<00:02:06.680> off<00:02:07.000> all<00:02:07.119> of<00:02:07.240> your<00:02:07.360> test<00:02:07.640> objectives to take off all of your test objectives to take off all of your test objectives the<00:02:08.319> first<00:02:08.560> time<00:02:08.840> through<00:02:09.840> still<00:02:10.160> we<00:02:10.440> very the first time through still we very the first time through still we very much<00:02:10.920> wanted<00:02:11.160> to<00:02:11.280> see<00:02:11.480> the<00:02:11.599> aircraft<00:02:12.080> that much wanted to see the aircraft that much wanted to see the aircraft that we'd<00:02:12.360> all<00:02:12.520> help<00:02:12.800> build<00:02:13.440> in<00:02:13.599> the<00:02:13.760> air<00:02:14.519> uh<00:02:15.239> off we'd all help build in the air uh off we'd all help build in the air uh off the<00:02:15.599> ground<00:02:16.040> like<00:02:16.160> it<00:02:16.239> was<00:02:16.400> supposed<00:02:16.680> to<00:02:16.800> be the ground like it was supposed to be the ground like it was supposed to be and<00:02:17.800> on<00:02:17.959> our<00:02:18.120> third<00:02:18.440> high-speed<00:02:18.879> testing and on our third high-speed testing and on our third high-speed testing deployment<00:02:19.720> on<00:02:19.840> a<00:02:19.959> bitter<00:02:20.239> cold<00:02:20.480> morning<00:02:20.760> in deployment on a bitter cold morning in deployment on a bitter cold morning in Upstate<00:02:21.319> New<00:02:21.519> York<00:02:21.800> we<00:02:21.920> got<00:02:22.040> to<00:02:22.200> do<00:02:22.400> that<00:02:22.560> for Upstate New York we got to do that for Upstate New York we got to do that for the<00:02:22.879> first<00:02:23.200> time<00:02:24.120> uh<00:02:24.200> the<00:02:24.280> picture<00:02:24.560> behind<00:02:24.800> me the first time uh the picture behind me the first time uh the picture behind me was<00:02:25.040> snapped<00:02:25.440> by<00:02:25.560> the<00:02:25.680> co-pilot<00:02:26.160> in<00:02:26.239> our<00:02:26.360> Chase was snapped by the co-pilot in our Chase was snapped by the co-pilot in our Chase aircraft<00:02:27.280> just<00:02:27.680> moments<00:02:28.080> after<00:02:28.280> the<00:02:28.400> wheels aircraft just moments after the wheels aircraft just moments after the wheels got<00:02:28.879> off<00:02:29.040> the<00:02:29.120> ground<00:02:29.319> for<00:02:29.480> the<00:02:29.560> first<00:02:30.040> time got off the ground for the first time got off the ground for the first time and<00:02:30.680> we<00:02:30.800> were<00:02:30.959> all<00:02:31.120> very<00:02:31.280> flattered<00:02:31.760> to<00:02:31.920> see and we were all very flattered to see and we were all very flattered to see that<00:02:32.440> image<00:02:32.760> become<00:02:33.000> a<00:02:33.160> symbol<00:02:33.560> of that image become a symbol of that image become a symbol of accomplishing<00:02:34.480> something<00:02:35.120> that<00:02:35.280> people<00:02:35.519> had accomplishing something that people had accomplishing something that people had thought<00:02:35.840> was<00:02:36.120> impossible<00:02:36.760> really<00:02:37.120> the<00:02:37.200> world thought was impossible really the world thought was impossible really the world over<00:02:39.120> the<00:02:39.239> flight<00:02:39.519> testing<00:02:40.000> that<00:02:40.200> followed over the flight testing that followed over the flight testing that followed that<00:02:41.080> was<00:02:41.239> as<00:02:41.440> basic<00:02:41.760> and<00:02:41.920> low<00:02:42.159> risk<00:02:42.440> as<00:02:42.560> we that was as basic and low risk as we that was as basic and low risk as we could<00:02:42.840> make<00:02:43.080> it<00:02:43.640> but<00:02:43.760> it<00:02:43.879> still<00:02:44.120> accomplished could make it but it still accomplished could make it but it still accomplished what<00:02:44.760> we<00:02:44.879> needed<00:02:45.200> to<00:02:45.680> to<00:02:45.920> take<00:02:46.040> the<00:02:46.159> program<00:02:46.440> to what we needed to to take the program to what we needed to to take the program to the<00:02:46.760> next<00:02:47.000> step<00:02:47.319> and<00:02:47.440> to<00:02:47.560> gain<00:02:47.720> The the next step and to gain The the next step and to gain The credibility<00:02:48.480> that<00:02:48.560> we<00:02:48.720> needed<00:02:49.360> within<00:02:49.720> our credibility that we needed within our credibility that we needed within our eventual<00:02:50.360> Market<00:02:50.720> the<00:02:50.840> general<00:02:51.159> aviation eventual Market the general aviation eventual Market the general aviation community<00:02:52.400> and<00:02:52.560> with<00:02:52.680> The<00:02:52.840> Regulators<00:02:53.560> that community and with The Regulators that community and with The Regulators that govern<00:02:54.440> the<00:02:54.560> use<00:02:54.800> and<00:02:55.000> design<00:02:55.280> of<00:02:55.400> aircraft govern the use and design of aircraft govern the use and design of aircraft particularly<00:02:56.599> in<00:02:56.680> the<00:02:56.920> states<00:02:57.920> the<00:02:58.080> FAA<00:02:58.599> about particularly in the states the FAA about particularly in the states the FAA about a<00:02:58.879> year<00:02:59.080> ago<00:02:59.440> gave<00:02:59.599> us<00:03:00.080> an<00:03:00.239> exemption<00:03:00.760> for<00:03:00.920> the a year ago gave us an exemption for the a year ago gave us an exemption for the transition<00:03:01.680> to<00:03:02.000> allow<00:03:02.280> us<00:03:02.400> to<00:03:02.599> have<00:03:02.760> an transition to allow us to have an transition to allow us to have an additional<00:03:03.360> 110<00:03:04.159> PBS<00:03:04.799> within<00:03:05.040> the<00:03:05.159> light additional 110 PBS within the light additional 110 PBS within the light sport<00:03:05.680> aircraft<00:03:06.159> category<00:03:07.080> now<00:03:07.239> that<00:03:07.360> doesn't sport aircraft category now that doesn't sport aircraft category now that doesn't sound<00:03:07.840> like<00:03:08.000> a<00:03:08.120> lot<00:03:08.360> but<00:03:08.480> it's<00:03:08.680> very<00:03:08.920> important sound like a lot but it's very important sound like a lot but it's very important because<00:03:09.760> being<00:03:09.959> able<00:03:10.159> to<00:03:10.319> deliver<00:03:10.640> the because being able to deliver the because being able to deliver the transition<00:03:11.280> as<00:03:11.360> a<00:03:11.480> light<00:03:11.680> sport<00:03:11.959> aircraft transition as a light sport aircraft transition as a light sport aircraft makes<00:03:12.840> it<00:03:12.959> simpler<00:03:13.319> for<00:03:13.440> us<00:03:13.560> to<00:03:13.720> certify<00:03:14.200> it makes it simpler for us to certify it makes it simpler for us to certify it but<00:03:14.879> it<00:03:15.040> also<00:03:15.280> makes<00:03:15.480> it<00:03:15.640> much<00:03:15.920> easier<00:03:16.239> for<00:03:16.519> you but it also makes it much easier for you but it also makes it much easier for you to<00:03:17.080> learn<00:03:17.319> how<00:03:17.440> to<00:03:17.560> fly<00:03:17.840> it<00:03:18.519> a<00:03:18.640> sport<00:03:19.040> pilot<00:03:19.319> can to learn how to fly it a sport pilot can to learn how to fly it a sport pilot can be<00:03:19.599> certificated<00:03:20.159> in<00:03:20.319> as<00:03:20.480> little<00:03:20.680> as<00:03:20.840> 20<00:03:21.080> hours be certificated in as little as 20 hours be certificated in as little as 20 hours of<00:03:21.480> flight<00:03:21.760> time<00:03:22.519> and<00:03:22.680> that<00:03:22.879> 110<00:03:23.560> pounds of flight time and that 110 pounds of flight time and that 110 pounds that's<00:03:24.640> very<00:03:24.840> important<00:03:25.239> for<00:03:25.440> solving<00:03:25.840> the that's very important for solving the that's very important for solving the other<00:03:26.200> side<00:03:26.360> of<00:03:26.480> the<00:03:27.000> equation<00:03:28.400> driving<00:03:29.400> it other side of the equation driving it other side of the equation driving it turn<00:03:29.760> turns<00:03:30.000> out<00:03:30.200> that<00:03:30.360> driving<00:03:30.959> with<00:03:31.159> its turn turns out that driving with its turn turns out that driving with its Associated<00:03:32.400> design<00:03:32.840> implementation<00:03:33.560> and Associated design implementation and Associated design implementation and Regulatory<00:03:34.239> hurdles<00:03:34.959> is<00:03:35.239> actually<00:03:35.519> a<00:03:35.640> harder Regulatory hurdles is actually a harder Regulatory hurdles is actually a harder problem<00:03:36.280> to<00:03:36.439> solve<00:03:36.799> than<00:03:36.920> flying<00:03:37.879> for<00:03:38.040> those problem to solve than flying for those problem to solve than flying for those of<00:03:38.280> us<00:03:38.400> that<00:03:38.560> spend<00:03:38.799> most<00:03:38.920> of<00:03:39.040> our<00:03:39.200> lives<00:03:39.360> on of us that spend most of our lives on of us that spend most of our lives on the<00:03:39.599> ground<00:03:39.879> this<00:03:40.000> may<00:03:40.120> be<00:03:40.640> counterintuitive the ground this may be counterintuitive the ground this may be counterintuitive but<00:03:42.000> driving<00:03:42.519> has<00:03:43.000> potholes<00:03:43.799> cobblestones but driving has potholes cobblestones but driving has potholes cobblestones pedestrians<00:03:45.400> other<00:03:45.680> drivers<00:03:46.680> and<00:03:46.920> a<00:03:47.159> rather pedestrians other drivers and a rather pedestrians other drivers and a rather long<00:03:47.760> and<00:03:47.959> detailed<00:03:48.439> list<00:03:48.680> of<00:03:48.760> Federal<00:03:49.120> Motor long and detailed list of Federal Motor long and detailed list of Federal Motor Vehicle<00:03:49.720> Safety<00:03:50.000> standards<00:03:50.400> to<00:03:50.560> contend<00:03:50.959> with Vehicle Safety standards to contend with Vehicle Safety standards to contend with fortunately<00:03:52.599> necessity<00:03:53.239> Remains<00:03:53.480> the<00:03:53.599> mother fortunately necessity Remains the mother fortunately necessity Remains the mother of<00:03:54.000> invention<00:03:54.840> and<00:03:55.000> a<00:03:55.079> lot<00:03:55.360> of<00:03:55.519> the<00:03:55.640> design of invention and a lot of the design of invention and a lot of the design work<00:03:56.200> that<00:03:56.280> we're<00:03:56.480> the<00:03:56.599> most<00:03:56.879> proud<00:03:57.120> of<00:03:57.280> with work that we're the most proud of with work that we're the most proud of with the<00:03:57.519> aircraft<00:03:57.959> came<00:03:58.120> out<00:03:58.239> of<00:03:58.400> solving<00:03:58.799> the the aircraft came out of solving the the aircraft came out of solving the unique<00:03:59.280> problems<00:04:00.079> of<00:04:00.280> operating<00:04:00.640> it<00:04:00.760> on<00:04:00.920> the unique problems of operating it on the unique problems of operating it on the ground<00:04:02.079> everything<00:04:02.480> from<00:04:02.720> a<00:04:02.959> continuously ground everything from a continuously ground everything from a continuously variable<00:04:03.959> transmission<00:04:04.920> and<00:04:05.200> liquid-based variable transmission and liquid-based variable transmission and liquid-based cooling<00:04:06.439> system<00:04:06.840> that<00:04:06.959> allows<00:04:07.200> us<00:04:07.319> to<00:04:07.439> use<00:04:07.560> an cooling system that allows us to use an cooling system that allows us to use an aircraft<00:04:08.159> engine<00:04:08.360> and<00:04:08.519> stop<00:04:08.720> and<00:04:08.879> go<00:04:09.079> traffic aircraft engine and stop and go traffic aircraft engine and stop and go traffic to<00:04:10.040> a<00:04:10.159> custom<00:04:10.519> design<00:04:10.879> gearbox<00:04:11.439> that<00:04:11.599> powers to a custom design gearbox that powers to a custom design gearbox that powers either<00:04:12.239> the<00:04:12.360> propeller<00:04:12.840> when<00:04:12.959> you're<00:04:13.079> flying either the propeller when you're flying either the propeller when you're flying or<00:04:13.599> The<00:04:13.680> Wheels<00:04:14.000> on<00:04:14.120> the<00:04:14.280> ground<00:04:15.040> to<00:04:15.239> the or The Wheels on the ground to the or The Wheels on the ground to the automated<00:04:15.760> Wing<00:04:16.000> folding<00:04:16.280> mechanism<00:04:16.759> that automated Wing folding mechanism that automated Wing folding mechanism that we'll<00:04:17.000> see<00:04:17.160> in<00:04:17.239> a<00:04:17.359> moment<00:04:18.160> to<00:04:18.359> crash<00:04:18.680> safety we'll see in a moment to crash safety we'll see in a moment to crash safety features<00:04:19.759> uh<00:04:19.840> we<00:04:19.959> have<00:04:20.079> a<00:04:20.199> carbon<00:04:20.519> fiber features uh we have a carbon fiber features uh we have a carbon fiber safety<00:04:21.199> cage<00:04:21.440> that<00:04:21.600> protects<00:04:21.919> the<00:04:22.079> occupants safety cage that protects the occupants safety cage that protects the occupants for<00:04:22.759> less<00:04:22.919> than<00:04:23.080> 10%<00:04:23.560> of<00:04:23.680> the<00:04:23.800> weight<00:04:24.000> of<00:04:24.080> a for less than 10% of the weight of a for less than 10% of the weight of a traditional<00:04:24.560> steel<00:04:24.840> chassis<00:04:25.240> in<00:04:25.320> a traditional steel chassis in a traditional steel chassis in a car<00:04:27.240> now<00:04:27.440> this<00:04:27.680> also<00:04:28.680> as<00:04:28.840> good<00:04:28.960> as<00:04:29.080> it<00:04:29.240> is car now this also as good as it is car now this also as good as it is wasn't<00:04:29.919> quite<00:04:30.240> enough<00:04:30.759> uh<00:04:30.880> the<00:04:31.000> regulations wasn't quite enough uh the regulations wasn't quite enough uh the regulations for<00:04:31.960> vehicles<00:04:32.320> on<00:04:32.440> the<00:04:32.560> road<00:04:32.759> weren't<00:04:33.039> written for vehicles on the road weren't written for vehicles on the road weren't written with<00:04:33.479> an<00:04:33.600> airplane<00:04:34.039> in<00:04:34.199> mind<00:04:35.039> so<00:04:35.320> we<00:04:35.479> did<00:04:35.639> need with an airplane in mind so we did need with an airplane in mind so we did need a<00:04:35.960> little<00:04:36.160> bit<00:04:36.280> of<00:04:36.440> support<00:04:36.840> from<00:04:36.960> the a little bit of support from the a little bit of support from the national<00:04:37.400> highway<00:04:37.720> traffic<00:04:38.039> safety national highway traffic safety national highway traffic safety administration<00:04:39.600> you<00:04:39.680> may<00:04:39.800> have<00:04:39.919> seen<00:04:40.080> in<00:04:40.199> the administration you may have seen in the administration you may have seen in the news<00:04:40.520> recently<00:04:40.960> they<00:04:41.080> came<00:04:41.240> through<00:04:41.520> with<00:04:41.639> us news recently they came through with us news recently they came through with us at<00:04:41.960> the<00:04:42.080> end<00:04:42.240> of<00:04:42.479> last<00:04:42.680> month<00:04:43.199> with<00:04:43.320> a<00:04:43.440> few at the end of last month with a few at the end of last month with a few special<00:04:44.039> exemptions<00:04:44.960> that<00:04:45.080> will<00:04:45.240> allow<00:04:45.440> the special exemptions that will allow the special exemptions that will allow the transition<00:04:46.039> to<00:04:46.160> be<00:04:46.280> sold<00:04:46.560> in<00:04:46.680> the<00:04:46.800> same transition to be sold in the same transition to be sold in the same category<00:04:47.639> as<00:04:47.800> SUVs<00:04:48.280> and<00:04:48.400> light<00:04:48.680> trucks<00:04:49.680> as<00:04:49.800> a category as SUVs and light trucks as a category as SUVs and light trucks as a multi-purpose<00:04:50.560> passenger<00:04:50.919> vehicle<00:04:51.320> it<00:04:51.400> is multi-purpose passenger vehicle it is multi-purpose passenger vehicle it is now<00:04:51.800> officially<00:04:52.280> quote<00:04:52.800> designed<00:04:53.199> for now officially quote designed for now officially quote designed for occasional<00:04:53.919> off-road occasional off-road occasional off-road use<00:04:56.800> now<00:04:56.960> let's<00:04:57.120> see<00:04:57.280> it<00:04:57.360> in<00:04:57.560> action

[Music] [Music] you<00:05:02.759> can<00:05:02.919> see<00:05:03.240> there<00:05:03.479> the<00:05:03.600> wings<00:05:03.919> folded<00:05:04.280> up you can see there the wings folded up you can see there the wings folded up just<00:05:04.600> along<00:05:04.880> the<00:05:05.039> side<00:05:05.199> of<00:05:05.320> the<00:05:05.479> plane<00:05:06.080> you're just along the side of the plane you're just along the side of the plane you're not<00:05:06.440> powering<00:05:06.800> the<00:05:06.919> propeller<00:05:07.280> you're not powering the propeller you're not powering the propeller you're powering<00:05:07.759> the powering the powering the [Music] [Music] [Music] wheels<00:05:14.639> and<00:05:14.759> it<00:05:14.880> is<00:05:15.080> under<00:05:15.320> 7et<00:05:15.840> tall<00:05:16.120> so<00:05:16.320> it wheels and it is under 7et tall so it wheels and it is under 7et tall so it will<00:05:16.560> fit<00:05:16.759> in<00:05:16.840> a<00:05:17.080> a<00:05:17.199> standard<00:05:17.520> construction will fit in a a standard construction will fit in a a standard construction garage<00:05:19.199> and<00:05:19.319> that's<00:05:19.479> the<00:05:19.600> automated<00:05:20.000> Wing garage and that's the automated Wing garage and that's the automated Wing folding<00:05:20.600> mechanism<00:05:21.199> that's<00:05:21.440> real<00:05:21.800> time<00:05:22.639> uh folding mechanism that's real time uh folding mechanism that's real time uh you<00:05:22.960> just<00:05:23.319> push<00:05:23.520> a<00:05:23.680> few<00:05:23.800> buttons<00:05:24.039> in<00:05:24.160> the you just push a few buttons in the you just push a few buttons in the cockpit<00:05:24.680> and<00:05:24.759> the<00:05:24.840> Wings<00:05:25.120> come<00:05:25.360> out<00:05:26.080> once cockpit and the Wings come out once cockpit and the Wings come out once they're<00:05:26.560> fully<00:05:27.000> deployed<00:05:28.000> uh<00:05:28.120> there's<00:05:28.280> a they're fully deployed uh there's a they're fully deployed uh there's a mechanical<00:05:29.240> lock<00:05:29.759> that<00:05:29.880> goes<00:05:30.080> into<00:05:30.400> place mechanical lock that goes into place mechanical lock that goes into place again<00:05:31.199> from<00:05:31.400> inside<00:05:31.680> the<00:05:31.880> cockpit<00:05:32.759> and again from inside the cockpit and again from inside the cockpit and they're<00:05:33.199> now<00:05:33.440> fully<00:05:33.759> capable<00:05:34.080> of<00:05:34.199> handling they're now fully capable of handling they're now fully capable of handling any<00:05:34.680> of<00:05:34.759> the<00:05:34.840> loads<00:05:35.160> that<00:05:35.240> you<00:05:35.319> would<00:05:35.479> see<00:05:35.639> in any of the loads that you would see in any of the loads that you would see in Flight<00:05:36.400> just<00:05:36.520> like<00:05:36.639> putting<00:05:36.880> down<00:05:37.000> your Flight just like putting down your Flight just like putting down your convertible

top<00:05:41.160> and<00:05:41.280> you're<00:05:41.400> all<00:05:41.560> thinking<00:05:41.800> what<00:05:41.880> your
top and you're all thinking what your top and you're all thinking what your neighbors<00:05:42.440> would<00:05:42.639> think<00:05:42.800> of<00:05:42.960> seeing<00:05:43.360> that

right<00:05:46.800> the<00:05:46.960> truth<00:05:47.319> is<00:05:47.800> until<00:05:48.000> the<00:05:48.120> vehicle
right the truth is until the vehicle right the truth is until the vehicle flies<00:05:49.039> you<00:05:49.160> know<00:05:49.560> 75%<00:05:50.280> of<00:05:50.360> your<00:05:50.520> risk<00:05:50.720> is<00:05:50.880> that flies you know 75% of your risk is that flies you know 75% of your risk is that first first first [Music] [Music] [Music] flight<00:05:57.160> BL<00:05:57.800> yes<00:05:58.720> that<00:05:58.880> was<00:05:59.120> gorgeous flight BL yes that was gorgeous flight BL yes that was gorgeous what<00:06:01.080> the<00:06:01.479> of<00:06:01.919> that<00:06:02.919> beautiful

here<00:06:07.160> see<00:06:07.400> we're<00:06:07.639> all<00:06:07.880> exceedingly<00:06:08.520> excited
here see we're all exceedingly excited here see we're all exceedingly excited about<00:06:09.199> that<00:06:09.360> little<00:06:09.560> bunny<00:06:09.919> hop<00:06:10.479> and<00:06:10.599> our<00:06:10.800> test about that little bunny hop and our test about that little bunny hop and our test pilot<00:06:11.560> gave<00:06:11.759> us<00:06:11.960> the<00:06:12.120> best<00:06:12.360> feedback<00:06:12.840> that<00:06:12.960> you pilot gave us the best feedback that you pilot gave us the best feedback that you can<00:06:13.280> get<00:06:13.520> from<00:06:13.639> a<00:06:13.759> test<00:06:14.039> pilot<00:06:14.360> after<00:06:14.520> a<00:06:14.639> first can get from a test pilot after a first can get from a test pilot after a first flight<00:06:15.520> which<00:06:15.720> was<00:06:15.880> that<00:06:16.000> it<00:06:16.120> was<00:06:16.319> remarkably flight which was that it was remarkably flight which was that it was remarkably unremarkable<00:06:18.680> he<00:06:18.800> would<00:06:19.000> go<00:06:19.160> on<00:06:19.319> to<00:06:19.479> tell<00:06:19.720> us unremarkable he would go on to tell us unremarkable he would go on to tell us that<00:06:20.160> the<00:06:20.280> transition<00:06:21.000> had<00:06:21.199> been<00:06:21.440> the<00:06:21.599> easiest that the transition had been the easiest that the transition had been the easiest airplane<00:06:22.440> to<00:06:22.599> land<00:06:22.880> that<00:06:23.000> he'd<00:06:23.160> flown<00:06:23.400> in<00:06:23.599> his airplane to land that he'd flown in his airplane to land that he'd flown in his entire<00:06:24.080> 30-year<00:06:24.560> career<00:06:24.840> as<00:06:24.919> a<00:06:25.039> test<00:06:25.280> pilot entire 30-year career as a test pilot entire 30-year career as a test pilot [Music] [Music] [Music] so<00:06:34.360> despite<00:06:34.759> making<00:06:35.199> something<00:06:35.759> that<00:06:35.919> is so despite making something that is so despite making something that is seemingly<00:06:36.680> revolutionary<00:06:37.680> we<00:06:37.919> really<00:06:38.199> focus seemingly revolutionary we really focus seemingly revolutionary we really focus on<00:06:38.680> doing<00:06:39.039> as<00:06:39.199> little<00:06:39.440> new<00:06:39.919> as<00:06:40.160> possible<00:06:41.160> we on doing as little new as possible we on doing as little new as possible we leverage<00:06:41.720> a<00:06:41.840> lot<00:06:41.960> of<00:06:42.120> Technology<00:06:42.599> from<00:06:42.759> the leverage a lot of Technology from the leverage a lot of Technology from the state-of-the-art<00:06:43.440> in<00:06:43.560> general<00:06:43.880> aviation<00:06:44.400> and state-of-the-art in general aviation and state-of-the-art in general aviation and from<00:06:44.680> Automotive<00:06:45.160> racing<00:06:45.919> when<00:06:46.039> we<00:06:46.199> do<00:06:46.400> have from Automotive racing when we do have from Automotive racing when we do have to<00:06:46.639> do<00:06:46.880> something<00:06:47.160> truly<00:06:47.479> out<00:06:47.599> of<00:06:47.759> the<00:06:47.880> box<00:06:48.400> we to do something truly out of the box we to do something truly out of the box we use<00:06:48.639> an<00:06:48.800> incremental<00:06:49.360> design<00:06:49.759> build<00:06:50.120> test use an incremental design build test use an incremental design build test redesign<00:06:51.000> cycle<00:06:51.599> that<00:06:51.720> lets<00:06:51.960> us<00:06:52.120> reduce<00:06:52.479> risk redesign cycle that lets us reduce risk redesign cycle that lets us reduce risk and<00:06:52.840> baby<00:06:53.120> steps<00:06:53.960> now<00:06:54.120> since<00:06:54.319> we<00:06:54.440> started and baby steps now since we started and baby steps now since we started teruji<00:06:55.160> about<00:06:55.520> six<00:06:55.720> years<00:06:55.879> ago<00:06:56.080> we've<00:06:56.240> had<00:06:56.360> a teruji about six years ago we've had a teruji about six years ago we've had a lot<00:06:56.560> of<00:06:56.680> those<00:06:56.840> baby<00:06:57.120> steps<00:06:57.479> we've<00:06:57.680> gone<00:06:57.879> from lot of those baby steps we've gone from lot of those baby steps we've gone from being<00:06:58.319> three<00:06:58.560> of<00:06:58.720> us<00:06:59.160> working<00:06:59.639> in<00:06:59.720> the being three of us working in the being three of us working in the basement<00:07:00.160> at<00:07:00.319> MIT<00:07:00.879> while<00:07:01.000> we<00:07:01.080> were<00:07:01.199> still<00:07:01.360> in basement at MIT while we were still in basement at MIT while we were still in graduate<00:07:01.919> school<00:07:02.520> to<00:07:02.759> about<00:07:02.960> two<00:07:03.199> dozen<00:07:03.440> of<00:07:03.560> us graduate school to about two dozen of us graduate school to about two dozen of us working<00:07:04.039> in<00:07:04.240> an<00:07:04.400> initial<00:07:04.800> production working in an initial production working in an initial production facility<00:07:05.639> outside<00:07:05.960> of<00:07:06.360> Boston<00:07:07.360> we've<00:07:07.599> had<00:07:07.720> to facility outside of Boston we've had to facility outside of Boston we've had to overcome<00:07:08.199> challenges<00:07:08.680> like<00:07:08.840> keeping<00:07:09.120> the overcome challenges like keeping the overcome challenges like keeping the weight<00:07:09.440> below<00:07:09.680> the<00:07:09.800> light<00:07:09.960> sport<00:07:10.360> limit<00:07:10.639> that weight below the light sport limit that weight below the light sport limit that I<00:07:10.879> talked<00:07:11.120> about<00:07:11.800> figuring<00:07:12.199> out<00:07:12.360> how<00:07:12.479> to I talked about figuring out how to I talked about figuring out how to politely<00:07:13.120> respond<00:07:13.520> when<00:07:13.639> a<00:07:13.759> regulator<00:07:14.240> tells politely respond when a regulator tells politely respond when a regulator tells you<00:07:15.080> but<00:07:15.280> that<00:07:15.400> won't<00:07:15.680> fit<00:07:15.840> through<00:07:15.960> a<00:07:16.080> toll you but that won't fit through a toll you but that won't fit through a toll booth<00:07:16.639> with<00:07:16.759> the<00:07:16.879> wings

extended<00:07:21.039> to<00:07:21.240> all<00:07:21.400> of<00:07:21.520> the<00:07:21.639> other<00:07:21.919> Associated
extended to all of the other Associated extended to all of the other Associated durability<00:07:23.039> and<00:07:23.160> Engineering<00:07:23.639> issues<00:07:23.919> that durability and Engineering issues that durability and Engineering issues that we<00:07:24.160> talked<00:07:24.360> about<00:07:24.560> on<00:07:24.680> the<00:07:24.919> ground<00:07:25.919> still<00:07:26.240> if we talked about on the ground still if we talked about on the ground still if everything<00:07:26.759> goes<00:07:26.960> to<00:07:27.120> our<00:07:27.319> satisfaction<00:07:28.120> with everything goes to our satisfaction with everything goes to our satisfaction with the<00:07:28.440> testing<00:07:29.039> and<00:07:29.240> uh<00:07:29.720> construction<00:07:30.319> of<00:07:30.599> the the testing and uh construction of the the testing and uh construction of the the<00:07:31.039> two<00:07:31.280> production<00:07:31.639> prototypes<00:07:32.199> that<00:07:32.319> we're the two production prototypes that we're the two production prototypes that we're working<00:07:32.759> on<00:07:33.039> right<00:07:33.199> now<00:07:34.039> uh<00:07:34.199> those<00:07:34.479> first working on right now uh those first working on right now uh those first deliveries<00:07:35.400> to<00:07:35.879> are<00:07:36.319> about<00:07:36.639> 100<00:07:36.840> people<00:07:37.000> that deliveries to are about 100 people that deliveries to are about 100 people that have<00:07:37.240> reserved<00:07:37.560> an<00:07:37.639> airplane<00:07:38.000> at<00:07:38.120> this<00:07:38.280> point have reserved an airplane at this point have reserved an airplane at this point should<00:07:38.840> begin<00:07:39.120> at<00:07:39.240> the<00:07:39.319> end<00:07:39.479> of<00:07:39.639> next<00:07:39.879> year<00:07:40.639> the should begin at the end of next year the should begin at the end of next year the transition<00:07:41.199> will<00:07:41.400> cost<00:07:41.840> in<00:07:42.000> line<00:07:42.240> with<00:07:42.360> other transition will cost in line with other transition will cost in line with other small<00:07:42.879> airplanes<00:07:43.879> and<00:07:44.080> I'm<00:07:44.199> certainly<00:07:44.520> not small airplanes and I'm certainly not small airplanes and I'm certainly not out<00:07:44.840> to<00:07:45.039> replace<00:07:45.360> your<00:07:45.639> Chevy<00:07:46.639> but<00:07:46.960> I<00:07:47.120> do<00:07:47.319> think out to replace your Chevy but I do think out to replace your Chevy but I do think that<00:07:47.680> the<00:07:47.800> transition<00:07:48.240> should<00:07:48.440> be<00:07:48.560> your<00:07:48.680> next that the transition should be your next that the transition should be your next airplane<00:07:49.919> here's<00:07:50.639> why<00:07:51.639> while<00:07:51.879> nearly<00:07:52.280> all<00:07:52.440> of airplane here's why while nearly all of airplane here's why while nearly all of the<00:07:52.720> commercial<00:07:53.039> air<00:07:53.240> travel<00:07:53.560> in<00:07:53.639> the<00:07:53.720> world the commercial air travel in the world the commercial air travel in the world goes<00:07:54.199> through<00:07:54.319> a<00:07:54.479> relatively<00:07:54.960> small<00:07:55.199> number goes through a relatively small number goes through a relatively small number of<00:07:55.639> large<00:07:55.960> Hub<00:07:56.240> airports<00:07:57.159> there<00:07:57.319> is<00:07:57.840> a<00:07:58.039> huge of large Hub airports there is a huge of large Hub airports there is a huge underutilized<00:07:58.960> resource<00:07:59.560> out<00:07:59.759> there<00:07:59.960> there underutilized resource out there there underutilized resource out there there are<00:08:00.319> thousands<00:08:00.720> of<00:08:00.960> local<00:08:01.280> airst<00:08:01.520> strips<00:08:02.240> that are thousands of local airst strips that are thousands of local airst strips that don't<00:08:02.560> see<00:08:02.879> nearly<00:08:03.240> as<00:08:03.360> many<00:08:03.599> aircraft don't see nearly as many aircraft don't see nearly as many aircraft operations<00:08:04.520> a<00:08:04.680> day<00:08:04.879> as<00:08:05.039> they<00:08:05.199> could<00:08:06.000> on operations a day as they could on operations a day as they could on average<00:08:06.560> there's<00:08:06.759> one<00:08:07.159> within<00:08:07.479> 20<00:08:07.680> to<00:08:07.800> 30 average there's one within 20 to 30 average there's one within 20 to 30 miles<00:08:08.360> of<00:08:08.560> wherever<00:08:08.919> you<00:08:09.039> are<00:08:09.240> in<00:08:09.360> the<00:08:09.440> United miles of wherever you are in the United miles of wherever you are in the United States<00:08:11.000> the<00:08:11.120> transition<00:08:11.720> gives<00:08:11.919> you<00:08:12.199> a<00:08:12.400> safer States the transition gives you a safer States the transition gives you a safer more<00:08:13.080> convenient<00:08:13.560> and<00:08:13.720> more<00:08:14.000> fun<00:08:14.720> way<00:08:14.879> of more convenient and more fun way of more convenient and more fun way of using<00:08:15.840> this using this using this resource<00:08:18.039> for<00:08:18.240> those<00:08:18.400> of<00:08:18.520> you<00:08:18.639> who<00:08:18.800> aren't<00:08:19.120> yet resource for those of you who aren't yet resource for those of you who aren't yet Pilots<00:08:20.159> uh<00:08:20.280> there's<00:08:20.479> four<00:08:20.720> main<00:08:20.960> reasons<00:08:21.360> why Pilots uh there's four main reasons why Pilots uh there's four main reasons why those<00:08:21.680> of<00:08:21.800> us<00:08:22.000> who<00:08:22.159> are<00:08:22.520> don't<00:08:22.720> fly<00:08:23.039> as<00:08:23.159> much<00:08:23.319> as those of us who are don't fly as much as those of us who are don't fly as much as we'd<00:08:23.720> like<00:08:23.919> to<00:08:24.879> their<00:08:25.159> weather<00:08:25.879> primarily we'd like to their weather primarily we'd like to their weather primarily cost<00:08:27.520> Longo<00:08:28.039> toor<00:08:28.280> travel<00:08:28.599> time<00:08:28.879> and<00:08:29.000> Mobility cost Longo toor travel time and Mobility cost Longo toor travel time and Mobility your<00:08:29.919> destination<00:08:30.919> now<00:08:31.280> bad<00:08:31.479> weather<00:08:31.759> comes your destination now bad weather comes your destination now bad weather comes in<00:08:32.560> just<00:08:32.760> land<00:08:33.240> fold<00:08:33.519> up<00:08:33.640> the<00:08:33.760> wings<00:08:34.200> drive in just land fold up the wings drive in just land fold up the wings drive home<00:08:35.080> doesn't<00:08:35.320> matter<00:08:35.519> if<00:08:35.599> it<00:08:35.719> rains<00:08:35.959> a<00:08:36.039> little home doesn't matter if it rains a little home doesn't matter if it rains a little you<00:08:36.360> have<00:08:36.440> a<00:08:36.519> windshield you have a windshield you have a windshield wiper<00:08:39.000> instead<00:08:39.240> of<00:08:39.360> paying<00:08:39.599> to<00:08:39.719> keep<00:08:39.880> your wiper instead of paying to keep your wiper instead of paying to keep your airplane<00:08:40.360> in<00:08:40.479> a<00:08:40.599> hanger<00:08:41.399> park<00:08:41.599> it<00:08:41.680> in<00:08:41.800> your airplane in a hanger park it in your airplane in a hanger park it in your garage<00:08:42.560> and<00:08:42.680> the<00:08:42.760> unloaded<00:08:43.200> Automotive<00:08:43.599> fuel garage and the unloaded Automotive fuel garage and the unloaded Automotive fuel that<00:08:44.320> we<00:08:44.519> use<00:08:45.000> is<00:08:45.160> both<00:08:45.480> cheaper<00:08:45.800> and<00:08:45.959> better that we use is both cheaper and better that we use is both cheaper and better for<00:08:46.279> the<00:08:46.440> environment<00:08:46.880> than<00:08:47.040> traditional<00:08:47.440> AV for the environment than traditional AV for the environment than traditional AV gas<00:08:49.399> door<00:08:49.640> to-door<00:08:49.959> travel<00:08:50.279> time<00:08:50.440> is<00:08:50.600> reduced gas door to-door travel time is reduced gas door to-door travel time is reduced because<00:08:51.320> now<00:08:51.560> instead<00:08:51.880> of<00:08:52.120> lugging<00:08:52.600> bags because now instead of lugging bags because now instead of lugging bags finding<00:08:53.279> a<00:08:53.480> parking<00:08:53.880> space<00:08:54.240> taking<00:08:54.519> off<00:08:54.680> your finding a parking space taking off your finding a parking space taking off your shoes<00:08:55.720> or<00:08:55.880> pulling<00:08:56.160> your<00:08:56.279> airplane<00:08:56.640> out<00:08:56.760> of shoes or pulling your airplane out of shoes or pulling your airplane out of the<00:08:56.959> hanger<00:08:57.399> you're<00:08:57.600> now<00:08:57.839> just<00:08:58.000> spending<00:08:58.360> that the hanger you're now just spending that the hanger you're now just spending that time<00:08:58.800> getting<00:08:59.000> to<00:08:59.120> where<00:08:59.240> you<00:08:59.519> want<00:08:59.640> to<00:08:59.839> go<00:09:00.839> and time getting to where you want to go and time getting to where you want to go and Mobility<00:09:01.399> at<00:09:01.480> your<00:09:01.600> destination<00:09:02.079> is<00:09:02.240> clearly Mobility at your destination is clearly Mobility at your destination is clearly solved<00:09:03.320> just<00:09:03.640> fold<00:09:03.920> up<00:09:04.040> the<00:09:04.160> wings<00:09:04.440> and<00:09:04.600> keep solved just fold up the wings and keep solved just fold up the wings and keep going<00:09:05.920> the<00:09:06.040> transition<00:09:06.600> simultaneously going the transition simultaneously going the transition simultaneously expands<00:09:07.839> our<00:09:08.040> Horizons<00:09:08.600> while<00:09:08.760> making<00:09:09.040> the expands our Horizons while making the expands our Horizons while making the world<00:09:09.360> a<00:09:09.519> smaller<00:09:10.000> more<00:09:10.279> accessible<00:09:10.959> place<00:09:11.959> it world a smaller more accessible place it world a smaller more accessible place it also<00:09:12.440> continues<00:09:12.839> to<00:09:13.000> be<00:09:13.120> a<00:09:13.320> Fabulous also continues to be a Fabulous also continues to be a Fabulous Adventure<00:09:15.200> I<00:09:15.399> hope<00:09:15.560> that<00:09:15.640> you'll<00:09:15.839> each<00:09:16.000> take<00:09:16.160> a Adventure I hope that you'll each take a Adventure I hope that you'll each take a moment<00:09:16.519> to<00:09:16.680> think<00:09:16.839> about<00:09:17.120> how<00:09:17.240> you<00:09:17.360> could<00:09:17.560> use moment to think about how you could use moment to think about how you could use something<00:09:18.279> like<00:09:18.519> this<00:09:19.040> to<00:09:19.240> give<00:09:19.399> yourself something like this to give yourself something like this to give yourself more<00:09:20.079> access<00:09:20.360> to<00:09:20.519> your<00:09:20.680> own<00:09:20.920> world<00:09:21.440> and<00:09:21.519> to more access to your own world and to more access to your own world and to make<00:09:21.839> your<00:09:21.959> own<00:09:22.200> travel<00:09:22.839> more<00:09:23.040> convenient<00:09:23.640> and make your own travel more convenient and make your own travel more convenient and more<00:09:24.000> fun<00:09:24.920> thank<00:09:25.079> you<00:09:25.160> for<00:09:25.320> giving<00:09:25.519> me<00:09:25.640> the more fun thank you for giving me the more fun thank you for giving me the opportunity<00:09:26.160> to<00:09:26.240> share<00:09:26.440> it<00:09:26.560> with<00:09:26.720> you


Anna Mracek Dietrich, flying, car, flight, car, automobile, engineering, pilot, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, back, to, the, future

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