Một cuộc kiểm tra quan trọng về công nghệ trong cuộc sống của chúng ta – Kevin Shindel

A critical examination of the technology in our lives - Kevin Shindel

A critical examination of the technology in our lives - Kevin Shindel


today<00:00:05.799> I'd<00:00:05.960> like<00:00:06.080> to<00:00:06.200> talk<00:00:06.359> to<00:00:06.480> you<00:00:06.640> about<00:00:06.960> what
today I'd like to talk to you about what today I'd like to talk to you about what I<00:00:07.399> believe<00:00:07.640> is<00:00:07.759> a<00:00:07.919> critical<00:00:08.280> need<00:00:08.800> uh<00:00:08.920> that's I believe is a critical need uh that's I believe is a critical need uh that's not<00:00:09.240> being<00:00:09.440> addressed<00:00:09.760> in<00:00:09.840> our<00:00:10.040> classrooms not being addressed in our classrooms not being addressed in our classrooms and<00:00:11.000> that's<00:00:11.200> the<00:00:11.320> need<00:00:11.559> to<00:00:11.960> fundamentally<00:00:12.639> and and that's the need to fundamentally and and that's the need to fundamentally and critically<00:00:13.240> explore<00:00:13.639> the<00:00:13.719> role<00:00:13.920> of critically explore the role of critically explore the role of technology<00:00:14.839> and<00:00:14.960> the<00:00:15.040> role<00:00:15.240> that<00:00:15.400> technology technology and the role that technology technology and the role that technology plays<00:00:16.119> in<00:00:16.240> our<00:00:16.480> lives<00:00:16.920> so<00:00:17.080> let's<00:00:17.320> begin<00:00:17.640> with plays in our lives so let's begin with plays in our lives so let's begin with looking<00:00:18.080> at<00:00:18.279> Google<00:00:18.600> Glass<00:00:19.240> just<00:00:19.480> last<00:00:19.680> week looking at Google Glass just last week looking at Google Glass just last week Google<00:00:20.279> announced<00:00:20.760> that<00:00:20.880> Google<00:00:21.160> Glass<00:00:21.400> will Google announced that Google Glass will Google announced that Google Glass will be<00:00:21.720> available<00:00:22.240> to<00:00:22.560> everybody<00:00:23.119> next<00:00:23.359> year<00:00:24.160> and be available to everybody next year and be available to everybody next year and I<00:00:24.359> think<00:00:24.519> this<00:00:24.680> raises<00:00:25.080> fundamental I think this raises fundamental I think this raises fundamental questions<00:00:26.119> about<00:00:26.439> anonymity<00:00:27.000> and<00:00:27.240> privacy questions about anonymity and privacy questions about anonymity and privacy you<00:00:27.960> can<00:00:28.160> imagine<00:00:28.840> if<00:00:29.080> if<00:00:29.199> not<00:00:29.400> today<00:00:29.679> C<00:00:30.199> very you can imagine if if not today C very you can imagine if if not today C very soon<00:00:30.560> in<00:00:30.679> the<00:00:30.800> future<00:00:31.439> where<00:00:31.759> Google<00:00:32.399> uh<00:00:32.559> glass soon in the future where Google uh glass soon in the future where Google uh glass could<00:00:33.160> interface<00:00:33.760> with<00:00:34.079> uh<00:00:34.200> Google's<00:00:34.600> face could interface with uh Google's face could interface with uh Google's face recognition<00:00:35.360> software<00:00:35.719> and<00:00:35.879> image recognition software and image recognition software and image recognition<00:00:36.760> software<00:00:37.640> uh<00:00:37.760> would<00:00:38.000> we<00:00:38.120> be<00:00:38.239> able recognition software uh would we be able recognition software uh would we be able to<00:00:38.559> zoom<00:00:38.840> into<00:00:39.160> conversations<00:00:39.719> from<00:00:39.960> long to zoom into conversations from long to zoom into conversations from long distances<00:00:41.120> uh<00:00:41.239> could<00:00:41.360> we<00:00:41.520> interface<00:00:41.960> that distances uh could we interface that distances uh could we interface that conversation<00:00:43.160> uh<00:00:43.239> that<00:00:43.360> we<00:00:43.480> zoom<00:00:43.760> in<00:00:44.039> with<00:00:44.440> uh conversation uh that we zoom in with uh conversation uh that we zoom in with uh with<00:00:44.719> lip<00:00:44.960> reading<00:00:45.280> software<00:00:46.079> so<00:00:46.520> what with lip reading software so what with lip reading software so what mechanism<00:00:47.320> exists<00:00:47.680> to<00:00:47.879> fundamentally<00:00:48.559> ask<00:00:49.199> uh mechanism exists to fundamentally ask uh mechanism exists to fundamentally ask uh these<00:00:49.559> questions<00:00:50.039> about<00:00:50.559> uh<00:00:50.719> is<00:00:51.039> is<00:00:51.360> Google these questions about uh is is Google these questions about uh is is Google Glass<00:00:52.039> a<00:00:52.280> valuable<00:00:53.239> uh<00:00:53.440> product<00:00:54.120> uh<00:00:54.239> how<00:00:54.359> will Glass a valuable uh product uh how will Glass a valuable uh product uh how will it<00:00:54.600> change<00:00:54.840> our<00:00:55.039> sensory<00:00:55.520> perception<00:00:56.000> and<00:00:56.239> and it change our sensory perception and and it change our sensory perception and and our<00:00:56.559> cognitive<00:00:57.079> function<00:00:57.680> uh<00:00:57.760> you<00:00:57.879> could<00:00:58.000> ask our cognitive function uh you could ask our cognitive function uh you could ask the<00:00:58.359> question<00:00:58.760> will<00:00:58.920> it<00:00:59.079> enhance<00:00:59.519> those the question will it enhance those the question will it enhance those things<00:01:00.199> or<00:01:00.399> could<00:01:00.519> it<00:01:00.680> replace<00:01:01.120> them<00:01:01.600> Al things or could it replace them Al things or could it replace them Al together<00:01:02.559> so<00:01:02.719> we<00:01:02.840> have<00:01:03.079> fundamental together so we have fundamental together so we have fundamental questions<00:01:03.920> that<00:01:04.040> we<00:01:04.199> must<00:01:04.439> ask<00:01:04.920> and<00:01:05.040> for<00:01:05.199> that questions that we must ask and for that questions that we must ask and for that we<00:01:05.479> may<00:01:05.640> look<00:01:05.799> at<00:01:06.000> a<00:01:06.159> guy<00:01:06.360> by<00:01:06.479> the<00:01:06.560> name<00:01:06.720> of<00:01:06.840> Ray we may look at a guy by the name of Ray we may look at a guy by the name of Ray KW<00:01:07.640> famous<00:01:08.119> uh<00:01:08.280> futurist<00:01:09.119> and<00:01:09.360> author<00:01:09.640> and KW famous uh futurist and author and KW famous uh futurist and author and inventor<00:01:10.600> and<00:01:10.799> his<00:01:11.119> uh<00:01:11.200> development<00:01:11.600> of<00:01:11.720> the inventor and his uh development of the inventor and his uh development of the law<00:01:12.000> of<00:01:12.200> accelerating<00:01:12.920> returns<00:01:13.799> and<00:01:13.920> what<00:01:14.040> he law of accelerating returns and what he law of accelerating returns and what he says<00:01:14.479> is<00:01:14.720> that<00:01:14.920> technological<00:01:15.520> growth<00:01:15.799> is says is that technological growth is says is that technological growth is exponential<00:01:17.159> one<00:01:17.400> invention<00:01:17.840> does<00:01:18.000> not<00:01:18.159> lead exponential one invention does not lead exponential one invention does not lead to<00:01:18.520> two<00:01:18.759> inventions<00:01:19.240> which<00:01:19.400> does<00:01:19.560> not<00:01:19.720> lead<00:01:19.920> to to two inventions which does not lead to to two inventions which does not lead to to<00:01:20.520> to<00:01:20.680> four<00:01:20.960> inventions<00:01:21.720> one<00:01:21.960> invention to to four inventions one invention to to four inventions one invention leads<00:01:22.560> to<00:01:22.799> five<00:01:23.079> which<00:01:23.240> leads<00:01:23.479> to<00:01:23.600> 30<00:01:24.040> with leads to five which leads to 30 with leads to five which leads to 30 with which<00:01:24.520> leads<00:01:24.759> to<00:01:25.079> 100<00:01:25.520> and<00:01:25.640> along<00:01:25.920> the<00:01:26.079> lines which leads to 100 and along the lines which leads to 100 and along the lines the<00:01:26.720> next<00:01:27.159> 100<00:01:27.479> Years<00:01:28.040> of<00:01:28.400> of<00:01:28.600> technological the next 100 Years of of technological the next 100 Years of of technological growth<00:01:29.520> and<00:01:29.920> change<00:01:30.520> will<00:01:30.720> be<00:01:31.040> not<00:01:31.560> 100<00:01:31.840> years growth and change will be not 100 years growth and change will be not 100 years of<00:01:32.399> progress<00:01:33.040> but<00:01:33.159> more<00:01:33.360> along<00:01:33.560> the<00:01:33.720> lines<00:01:34.040> of of progress but more along the lines of of progress but more along the lines of 20,000<00:01:35.240> years<00:01:35.560> of<00:01:35.720> human<00:01:36.119> progress<00:01:36.799> now<00:01:36.960> let's 20,000 years of human progress now let's 20,000 years of human progress now let's say<00:01:37.360> Mr<00:01:37.720> uh<00:01:37.880> Kur<00:01:38.600> is<00:01:38.920> is<00:01:39.119> is<00:01:39.439> 100%<00:01:39.880> wrong<00:01:40.079> and say Mr uh Kur is is is 100% wrong and say Mr uh Kur is is is 100% wrong and it's<00:01:40.320> only<00:01:40.560> 10,000<00:01:41.200> years<00:01:41.479> of<00:01:41.720> of<00:01:41.880> scientific it's only 10,000 years of of scientific it's only 10,000 years of of scientific progress<00:01:43.399> uh<00:01:43.560> does<00:01:43.759> that<00:01:43.880> mean<00:01:44.079> that<00:01:44.240> we<00:01:44.399> also progress uh does that mean that we also progress uh does that mean that we also have<00:01:44.880> 10,000<00:01:45.520> years<00:01:46.040> of<00:01:46.280> social<00:01:46.680> change<00:01:47.560> uh have 10,000 years of social change uh have 10,000 years of social change uh economic<00:01:48.240> change<00:01:48.600> political<00:01:49.000> change<00:01:49.520> and economic change political change and economic change political change and where<00:01:49.840> is<00:01:50.040> the<00:01:50.439> mechanism<00:01:51.439> in<00:01:51.600> our<00:01:51.799> schools<00:01:52.640> to where is the mechanism in our schools to where is the mechanism in our schools to fundamentally<00:01:53.719> question<00:01:54.360> these<00:01:54.560> changes<00:01:55.399> and fundamentally question these changes and fundamentally question these changes and and<00:01:55.759> what<00:01:55.920> these<00:01:56.079> changes<00:01:56.479> can<00:01:56.719> can<00:01:56.920> bring and what these changes can can bring and what these changes can can bring let's<00:01:57.759> take<00:01:57.920> a<00:01:58.200> quick<00:01:58.360> look<00:01:58.479> at<00:01:58.640> 3D<00:01:58.960> printing let's take a quick look at 3D printing let's take a quick look at 3D printing what's<00:01:59.520> being<00:01:59.680> called<00:01:59.880> called<00:02:00.119> The<00:02:00.360> Second what's being called called The Second what's being called called The Second Industrial<00:02:01.320> Revolution<00:02:02.320> uh<00:02:02.439> what<00:02:02.560> does<00:02:02.719> it Industrial Revolution uh what does it Industrial Revolution uh what does it mean<00:02:03.119> when<00:02:03.360> I<00:02:03.439> can<00:02:03.680> take<00:02:03.840> my<00:02:03.960> neighbor's<00:02:04.360> shoes mean when I can take my neighbor's shoes mean when I can take my neighbor's shoes that<00:02:04.840> I<00:02:05.000> like<00:02:05.479> and<00:02:05.600> throw<00:02:05.840> them<00:02:05.920> in<00:02:06.039> a<00:02:06.119> 3D that I like and throw them in a 3D that I like and throw them in a 3D printer<00:02:06.840> that<00:02:06.960> I<00:02:07.039> can<00:02:07.159> currently<00:02:07.479> buy<00:02:07.680> for printer that I can currently buy for printer that I can currently buy for less<00:02:08.039> than<00:02:08.440> $2,000<00:02:09.440> and<00:02:09.520> I<00:02:09.599> can<00:02:09.759> replicate less than $2,000 and I can replicate less than $2,000 and I can replicate those<00:02:10.399> shoes<00:02:11.120> what<00:02:11.280> effect<00:02:11.520> does<00:02:11.680> that<00:02:11.920> have those shoes what effect does that have those shoes what effect does that have on<00:02:12.560> copyright<00:02:13.239> and<00:02:13.440> patent<00:02:13.800> law<00:02:14.000> in<00:02:14.080> the on copyright and patent law in the on copyright and patent law in the United<00:02:14.599> States<00:02:15.319> there's<00:02:15.480> a<00:02:15.640> website<00:02:16.040> called United States there's a website called United States there's a website called defcad.org<00:02:17.239> and<00:02:18.120> defcad.org<00:02:19.000> you<00:02:19.280> can defcad.org and defcad.org you can defcad.org and defcad.org you can literally<00:02:19.959> download<00:02:20.560> dozens<00:02:21.519> of<00:02:21.760> plans<00:02:22.080> for literally download dozens of plans for literally download dozens of plans for guns<00:02:22.800> and<00:02:22.959> since<00:02:23.239> December<00:02:23.800> defcad.org<00:02:24.519> has guns and since December defcad.org has guns and since December defcad.org has downloaded<00:02:25.640> has<00:02:25.800> had downloaded has had downloaded has had 250,000<00:02:28.000> uh<00:02:28.120> downloads<00:02:28.599> they<00:02:28.720> currently<00:02:29.080> have 250,000 uh downloads they currently have 250,000 uh downloads they currently have 3<00:02:29.879> th000<00:02:30.800> uh<00:02:30.920> new<00:02:31.239> hits<00:02:31.640> every<00:02:31.879> single<00:02:32.280> hour<00:02:32.920> so 3 th000 uh new hits every single hour so 3 th000 uh new hits every single hour so we<00:02:33.280> have<00:02:33.519> people<00:02:33.760> in<00:02:33.920> our<00:02:34.239> in<00:02:34.440> in<00:02:34.519> the<00:02:34.640> halls<00:02:34.879> of we have people in our in in the halls of we have people in our in in the halls of Congress<00:02:35.720> debating<00:02:36.239> gun<00:02:36.800> control<00:02:37.800> gun Congress debating gun control gun Congress debating gun control gun control<00:02:38.400> could<00:02:38.560> be<00:02:38.680> a<00:02:38.840> mute<00:02:39.280> issue<00:02:40.280> um<00:02:40.680> simply control could be a mute issue um simply control could be a mute issue um simply because<00:02:41.200> of<00:02:41.400> 3D<00:02:41.760> printing<00:02:42.640> we're<00:02:42.840> currently because of 3D printing we're currently because of 3D printing we're currently being<00:02:43.440> told<00:02:43.800> that<00:02:43.959> the<00:02:44.120> first<00:02:44.440> person<00:02:44.680> to<00:02:44.840> live being told that the first person to live being told that the first person to live to<00:02:45.280> 150<00:02:46.159> years<00:02:46.400> old<00:02:47.080> is<00:02:47.319> alive<00:02:47.800> today<00:02:48.800> and<00:02:49.239> the to 150 years old is alive today and the to 150 years old is alive today and the premier<00:02:50.080> scientist<00:02:50.519> who's<00:02:50.720> working<00:02:50.959> in premier scientist who's working in premier scientist who's working in anti-aging<00:02:51.879> and<00:02:52.120> immortality<00:02:53.120> says<00:02:53.599> with anti-aging and immortality says with anti-aging and immortality says with near<00:02:54.319> certainty<00:02:55.319> that<00:02:55.480> the<00:02:55.640> first<00:02:55.920> person<00:02:56.159> to near certainty that the first person to near certainty that the first person to live<00:02:56.519> to<00:02:56.800> 1,000<00:02:57.800> will<00:02:58.000> be<00:02:58.120> born<00:02:58.440> in<00:02:58.560> the<00:02:58.680> next live to 1,000 will be born in the next live to 1,000 will be born in the next two<00:02:59.159> decades<00:02:59.760> now<00:02:59.920> this<00:03:00.040> raises<00:03:00.480> incredible two decades now this raises incredible two decades now this raises incredible questions<00:03:01.480> and<00:03:01.640> and<00:03:01.760> you<00:03:01.840> can<00:03:02.080> obviously<00:03:02.480> see questions and and you can obviously see questions and and you can obviously see uh<00:03:03.799> what<00:03:03.920> this<00:03:04.080> might<00:03:04.239> do<00:03:04.400> to<00:03:04.640> population<00:03:05.440> uh uh what this might do to population uh uh what this might do to population uh growth<00:03:06.120> on<00:03:06.360> on<00:03:06.480> the<00:03:06.640> planet<00:03:07.200> can<00:03:07.319> we<00:03:07.480> sustain growth on on the planet can we sustain growth on on the planet can we sustain longer<00:03:09.280> uh<00:03:09.440> lives<00:03:09.959> and<00:03:10.159> greater<00:03:10.480> numbers<00:03:10.799> of longer uh lives and greater numbers of longer uh lives and greater numbers of people<00:03:11.640> what<00:03:11.760> does<00:03:12.000> retirement<00:03:12.599> mean<00:03:12.879> when people what does retirement mean when people what does retirement mean when you're<00:03:13.200> living<00:03:13.440> to<00:03:13.640> 150<00:03:14.280> or<00:03:14.560> 200<00:03:14.799> years<00:03:14.959> old you're living to 150 or 200 years old you're living to 150 or 200 years old what<00:03:15.480> about<00:03:15.760> family<00:03:16.120> life<00:03:16.920> uh<00:03:17.280> if<00:03:17.360> I<00:03:17.480> live<00:03:17.720> to what about family life uh if I live to what about family life uh if I live to 150<00:03:18.920> does<00:03:19.159> my<00:03:19.440> 120<00:03:20.159> year<00:03:20.319> old<00:03:20.480> son<00:03:20.720> come<00:03:20.879> to<00:03:21.000> me 150 does my 120 year old son come to me 150 does my 120 year old son come to me and<00:03:21.239> ask<00:03:21.400> me<00:03:21.519> for<00:03:21.720> fatherly<00:03:22.239> advice<00:03:23.200> science and ask me for fatherly advice science and ask me for fatherly advice science there's<00:03:23.799> been<00:03:23.920> a<00:03:24.080> major<00:03:24.480> push<00:03:25.000> across<00:03:25.400> all there's been a major push across all there's been a major push across all levels<00:03:25.920> for<00:03:26.120> stem<00:03:26.879> uh<00:03:27.000> science<00:03:27.360> technology levels for stem uh science technology levels for stem uh science technology engineering<00:03:28.280> and<00:03:28.480> math<00:03:29.080> and<00:03:29.280> I'm<00:03:29.400> not engineering and math and I'm not engineering and math and I'm not denigrating<00:03:30.439> that<00:03:30.599> and<00:03:30.720> I'm<00:03:30.840> not<00:03:30.959> saying<00:03:31.200> that denigrating that and I'm not saying that denigrating that and I'm not saying that there's<00:03:31.519> nothing<00:03:31.799> intrinsically<00:03:32.799> uh<00:03:32.959> wrong there's nothing intrinsically uh wrong there's nothing intrinsically uh wrong about<00:03:33.599> a<00:03:33.760> stem<00:03:34.080> push<00:03:34.519> we<00:03:34.720> need<00:03:35.120> scientifically about a stem push we need scientifically about a stem push we need scientifically literate<00:03:36.159> students<00:03:36.760> but<00:03:36.879> the<00:03:37.000> way<00:03:37.159> that<00:03:37.319> has literate students but the way that has literate students but the way that has traditionally<00:03:38.120> happen<00:03:38.400> in<00:03:38.519> the<00:03:38.640> schools<00:03:39.040> is traditionally happen in the schools is traditionally happen in the schools is we've<00:03:39.760> given<00:03:40.000> them<00:03:40.200> more<00:03:40.560> time<00:03:41.120> we've<00:03:41.319> given we've given them more time we've given we've given them more time we've given them<00:03:41.720> more<00:03:42.080> quantity<00:03:42.879> and<00:03:43.040> not<00:03:43.280> necessarily them more quantity and not necessarily them more quantity and not necessarily better<00:03:44.280> quality<00:03:44.959> and<00:03:45.080> that's<00:03:45.239> an<00:03:45.400> issue better quality and that's an issue better quality and that's an issue science<00:03:46.360> should<00:03:46.560> be<00:03:46.720> about<00:03:47.120> doing<00:03:48.080> but<00:03:48.840> we science should be about doing but we science should be about doing but we don't<00:03:49.159> do<00:03:49.360> that<00:03:49.519> in<00:03:49.640> our<00:03:49.840> classroom<00:03:50.319> so<00:03:50.480> what don't do that in our classroom so what don't do that in our classroom so what we<00:03:50.760> say<00:03:51.080> is<00:03:51.640> uh<00:03:51.799> let's<00:03:52.000> give<00:03:52.159> them<00:03:52.360> more<00:03:52.640> time we say is uh let's give them more time we say is uh let's give them more time to<00:03:53.000> learn<00:03:53.319> science<00:03:53.720> and<00:03:53.920> and<00:03:54.079> Technology<00:03:54.640> and to learn science and and Technology and to learn science and and Technology and Engineering<00:03:55.319> and<00:03:55.519> math<00:03:56.040> and<00:03:56.159> when<00:03:56.280> you<00:03:56.439> do Engineering and math and when you do Engineering and math and when you do that<00:03:56.879> without<00:03:57.200> unlimited<00:03:57.799> time<00:03:58.319> you that without unlimited time you that without unlimited time you marginalize<00:03:59.200> the<00:03:59.319> other<00:03:59.760> aspects<00:04:00.120> of<00:04:00.280> of marginalize the other aspects of of marginalize the other aspects of of school<00:04:00.799> that<00:04:00.959> make<00:04:01.319> that<00:04:01.439> make<00:04:01.640> school school that make that make school school that make that make school enriching<00:04:02.680> and<00:04:02.840> that's<00:04:03.000> what<00:04:03.120> this<00:04:03.239> is<00:04:03.439> really enriching and that's what this is really enriching and that's what this is really all<00:04:03.959> about<00:04:04.480> is<00:04:04.799> value<00:04:05.439> and<00:04:05.560> the<00:04:05.680> science<00:04:06.239> uh all about is value and the science uh all about is value and the science uh classrooms<00:04:07.239> uh<00:04:07.319> that<00:04:07.439> we<00:04:07.640> currently<00:04:08.079> have classrooms uh that we currently have classrooms uh that we currently have they're<00:04:09.040> not<00:04:09.319> interested<00:04:09.840> necessarily<00:04:10.400> in they're not interested necessarily in they're not interested necessarily in value<00:04:11.000> they're<00:04:11.200> interested<00:04:11.560> in<00:04:11.799> fact<00:04:12.519> what<00:04:12.680> do value they're interested in fact what do value they're interested in fact what do we<00:04:13.040> know<00:04:13.480> and<00:04:13.680> what<00:04:13.799> do<00:04:13.920> we<00:04:14.079> don't<00:04:14.360> know we know and what do we don't know we know and what do we don't know technology<00:04:15.519> is<00:04:15.720> interested<00:04:16.160> in<00:04:16.400> what<00:04:16.600> can<00:04:16.759> we technology is interested in what can we technology is interested in what can we do<00:04:17.639> and<00:04:17.840> what<00:04:17.959> can<00:04:18.120> we<00:04:18.359> not<00:04:18.680> do<00:04:19.359> and<00:04:19.600> and<00:04:20.000> to<00:04:20.160> get do and what can we not do and and to get do and what can we not do and and to get to<00:04:20.479> a<00:04:20.639> different<00:04:20.840> set<00:04:21.000> of<00:04:21.120> questions<00:04:21.880> the to a different set of questions the to a different set of questions the critical<00:04:22.639> inquiry<00:04:23.080> into<00:04:23.360> technology<00:04:24.320> you critical inquiry into technology you critical inquiry into technology you have<00:04:24.560> to<00:04:24.720> rely<00:04:25.000> on<00:04:25.160> social<00:04:25.479> studies<00:04:26.160> just have to rely on social studies just have to rely on social studies just because<00:04:26.759> you<00:04:27.080> can<00:04:27.520> do<00:04:27.840> something<00:04:28.320> does<00:04:28.520> not because you can do something does not because you can do something does not mean<00:04:28.960> that<00:04:29.080> you<00:04:29.199> should<00:04:29.720> do<00:04:29.919> something<00:04:30.440> and mean that you should do something and mean that you should do something and just<00:04:30.800> because<00:04:31.120> that<00:04:31.400> you<00:04:31.680> can't<00:04:32.000> do<00:04:32.199> something just because that you can't do something just because that you can't do something does<00:04:32.800> not<00:04:32.960> mean<00:04:33.120> that<00:04:33.240> you<00:04:33.360> should<00:04:33.639> try<00:04:34.400> there does not mean that you should try there does not mean that you should try there are<00:04:34.840> critical<00:04:35.400> questions<00:04:35.919> that<00:04:36.080> we<00:04:36.320> must<00:04:36.680> ask are critical questions that we must ask are critical questions that we must ask of<00:04:37.120> Technology<00:04:37.960> critical<00:04:38.360> questions<00:04:38.680> of of Technology critical questions of of Technology critical questions of Ethics<00:04:39.680> morality<00:04:40.680> Society<00:04:41.639> political Ethics morality Society political Ethics morality Society political questions<00:04:42.840> and<00:04:43.039> these<00:04:43.199> are<00:04:43.400> best<00:04:43.600> served<00:04:43.919> in<00:04:44.000> a questions and these are best served in a questions and these are best served in a social<00:04:44.400> studies<00:04:44.800> classroom<00:04:45.600> for<00:04:45.759> the<00:04:45.880> last social studies classroom for the last social studies classroom for the last three<00:04:46.320> years<00:04:46.840> uh<00:04:46.960> my<00:04:47.120> students<00:04:47.560> have<00:04:47.720> engaged three years uh my students have engaged three years uh my students have engaged in<00:04:48.199> a<00:04:48.360> digital<00:04:48.720> downtime<00:04:49.320> project<00:04:49.960> phase<00:04:50.240> one in a digital downtime project phase one in a digital downtime project phase one requires<00:04:50.960> those<00:04:51.199> students<00:04:51.600> to<00:04:52.120> uh<00:04:52.320> record<00:04:53.240> and requires those students to uh record and requires those students to uh record and describe<00:04:54.039> the<00:04:54.199> nature<00:04:54.479> of<00:04:54.759> all<00:04:54.960> of<00:04:55.160> their describe the nature of all of their describe the nature of all of their communication<00:04:56.639> uh<00:04:56.759> and<00:04:56.960> all<00:04:57.120> the<00:04:57.280> time<00:04:57.440> that communication uh and all the time that communication uh and all the time that they<00:04:57.720> spend<00:04:58.039> online<00:04:58.759> all<00:04:58.919> their<00:04:59.120> text<00:04:59.320> mage they spend online all their text mage they spend online all their text mage messaging<00:04:59.960> all<00:05:00.120> their<00:05:00.560> uh<00:05:00.800> talking<00:05:01.360> all<00:05:01.520> their messaging all their uh talking all their messaging all their uh talking all their video<00:05:02.080> gaming<00:05:02.520> and<00:05:02.639> they<00:05:02.759> get<00:05:02.840> a<00:05:03.000> really<00:05:03.240> nice video gaming and they get a really nice video gaming and they get a really nice picture<00:05:03.720> of<00:05:03.919> how<00:05:04.080> much<00:05:04.360> time<00:05:04.880> they<00:05:05.080> actually picture of how much time they actually picture of how much time they actually spend<00:05:05.720> with<00:05:05.880> these<00:05:06.160> Technologies<00:05:07.160> and<00:05:07.280> I spend with these Technologies and I spend with these Technologies and I can't<00:05:07.639> tell<00:05:07.759> you<00:05:07.840> how<00:05:07.960> many<00:05:08.160> times<00:05:08.400> I<00:05:08.560> hear<00:05:09.320> the can't tell you how many times I hear the can't tell you how many times I hear the this<00:05:10.479> come<00:05:10.639> up<00:05:10.919> chandel<00:05:11.440> you<00:05:11.520> know<00:05:11.720> I<00:05:11.880> I<00:05:12.000> I<00:05:12.120> got this come up chandel you know I I I got this come up chandel you know I I I got on<00:05:12.840> Facebook<00:05:13.280> last<00:05:13.479> night<00:05:13.639> and<00:05:13.759> I<00:05:13.840> only<00:05:14.000> wanted on Facebook last night and I only wanted on Facebook last night and I only wanted to<00:05:14.320> get<00:05:14.440> on<00:05:14.600> there<00:05:14.720> for<00:05:14.919> five<00:05:15.160> minutes<00:05:15.880> and<00:05:16.000> I to get on there for five minutes and I to get on there for five minutes and I looked<00:05:16.440> up<00:05:16.919> and<00:05:17.039> it<00:05:17.120> was<00:05:17.280> 45<00:05:17.800> minutes<00:05:18.120> later looked up and it was 45 minutes later looked up and it was 45 minutes later and<00:05:18.960> I<00:05:19.080> say<00:05:19.360> yeah<00:05:19.680> that<00:05:19.840> happens<00:05:20.160> I<00:05:20.280> said<00:05:20.479> no and I say yeah that happens I said no and I say yeah that happens I said no that<00:05:20.759> happened<00:05:21.000> to<00:05:21.080> me<00:05:21.240> yesterday<00:05:21.720> three that happened to me yesterday three that happened to me yesterday three different<00:05:22.360> times<00:05:23.160> so<00:05:23.520> these<00:05:23.720> kids<00:05:24.039> they<00:05:24.240> they different times so these kids they they different times so these kids they they understand<00:05:25.600> uh<00:05:25.800> that<00:05:26.000> that<00:05:26.240> they<00:05:27.039> uh<00:05:27.280> need<00:05:27.520> to understand uh that that they uh need to understand uh that that they uh need to take<00:05:27.880> a<00:05:28.080> look<00:05:28.240> at<00:05:28.400> their<00:05:28.560> use<00:05:28.720> of<00:05:28.919> Technology take a look at their use of Technology take a look at their use of Technology uh<00:05:30.080> the<00:05:30.160> role<00:05:30.360> that<00:05:30.479> technology<00:05:30.960> plays<00:05:31.160> in uh the role that technology plays in uh the role that technology plays in their<00:05:31.440> lives<00:05:31.720> and<00:05:31.840> there's<00:05:32.199> literally<00:05:32.680> too their lives and there's literally too their lives and there's literally too many<00:05:33.120> things<00:05:33.319> to<00:05:33.520> talk<00:05:33.680> about<00:05:33.919> in<00:05:34.160> class<00:05:34.600> so many things to talk about in class so many things to talk about in class so they<00:05:34.960> go<00:05:35.160> home<00:05:35.600> and<00:05:35.720> they<00:05:35.840> talk<00:05:36.039> about<00:05:36.280> these they go home and they talk about these they go home and they talk about these at<00:05:36.600> the<00:05:36.720> dinner<00:05:37.000> table<00:05:37.520> and<00:05:37.639> I<00:05:37.759> often<00:05:37.960> get at the dinner table and I often get at the dinner table and I often get parents<00:05:38.360> who<00:05:38.520> email<00:05:38.840> me<00:05:39.160> and<00:05:39.280> some<00:05:39.440> parents parents who email me and some parents parents who email me and some parents will<00:05:39.800> say<00:05:40.000> you<00:05:40.120> know<00:05:40.240> what<00:05:40.560> this<00:05:40.680> is<00:05:40.800> a<00:05:40.960> great will say you know what this is a great will say you know what this is a great project<00:05:41.680> and<00:05:41.800> our<00:05:42.000> whole<00:05:42.199> house<00:05:42.400> is<00:05:42.560> going<00:05:42.680> to project and our whole house is going to project and our whole house is going to do<00:05:43.000> it<00:05:43.600> uh<00:05:43.759> we're<00:05:43.960> we're<00:05:44.160> all<00:05:44.360> going<00:05:44.680> to<00:05:45.199> uh do it uh we're we're all going to uh do it uh we're we're all going to uh look<00:05:45.520> at<00:05:45.680> the<00:05:45.759> usage<00:05:46.080> of<00:05:46.199> our<00:05:46.400> technology<00:05:47.120> and look at the usage of our technology and look at the usage of our technology and analyze<00:05:47.759> it<00:05:48.160> and<00:05:48.280> then<00:05:48.400> you<00:05:48.479> get<00:05:48.600> to<00:05:48.759> phase<00:05:49.000> two analyze it and then you get to phase two analyze it and then you get to phase two of<00:05:49.280> the<00:05:49.479> project<00:05:50.000> and<00:05:50.160> phase<00:05:50.360> two<00:05:50.520> of<00:05:50.639> the of the project and phase two of the of the project and phase two of the project<00:05:51.120> requires<00:05:51.520> the<00:05:51.639> students<00:05:51.919> to<00:05:52.120> unplug project requires the students to unplug project requires the students to unplug there<00:05:53.160> is<00:05:53.319> no<00:05:53.639> cell<00:05:53.880> phone<00:05:54.080> texting<00:05:54.680> there<00:05:54.800> is there is no cell phone texting there is there is no cell phone texting there is no<00:05:55.120> cell<00:05:55.360> phone<00:05:55.639> talking<00:05:56.199> there's<00:05:56.440> no<00:05:56.680> social no cell phone talking there's no social no cell phone talking there's no social networking<00:05:57.720> there's<00:05:57.919> no<00:05:58.160> video<00:05:58.560> gaming<00:05:59.360> uh networking there's no video gaming uh networking there's no video gaming uh and<00:06:00.000> and<00:06:00.240> they<00:06:00.560> really<00:06:01.039> have<00:06:01.199> to<00:06:01.479> live<00:06:02.319> uh<00:06:02.479> as and and they really have to live uh as and and they really have to live uh as best<00:06:02.960> they<00:06:03.120> can<00:06:03.560> without<00:06:04.160> technology<00:06:05.160> and best they can without technology and best they can without technology and then<00:06:05.440> you<00:06:05.560> go<00:06:05.720> to<00:06:05.880> the<00:06:06.000> final<00:06:06.280> part<00:06:06.440> of<00:06:06.560> the then you go to the final part of the then you go to the final part of the project<00:06:07.280> and<00:06:07.440> this<00:06:07.560> is<00:06:07.720> where<00:06:07.960> students<00:06:08.440> can project and this is where students can project and this is where students can organize<00:06:09.440> themselves<00:06:09.800> self-organization organize themselves self-organization organize themselves self-organization into<00:06:10.919> groups<00:06:11.199> or<00:06:11.440> individually<00:06:12.360> and<00:06:12.520> they into groups or individually and they into groups or individually and they create<00:06:13.280> authentic<00:06:14.280> assessment create authentic assessment create authentic assessment opportunities<00:06:15.960> and<00:06:16.080> they<00:06:16.199> can<00:06:16.520> apply<00:06:16.960> what opportunities and they can apply what opportunities and they can apply what they've<00:06:17.319> learned<00:06:17.840> in<00:06:18.000> all<00:06:18.120> of<00:06:18.240> our they've learned in all of our they've learned in all of our discussions<00:06:19.080> and<00:06:19.280> in<00:06:19.440> all<00:06:19.599> of<00:06:19.759> their<00:06:20.000> notes<00:06:20.520> to discussions and in all of their notes to discussions and in all of their notes to some<00:06:21.280> kind<00:06:21.440> of<00:06:21.720> overall<00:06:22.360> goal<00:06:22.880> one<00:06:23.000> of<00:06:23.160> those some kind of overall goal one of those some kind of overall goal one of those things<00:06:23.639> could<00:06:23.800> be<00:06:24.280> uh<00:06:24.479> joining<00:06:24.840> an things could be uh joining an things could be uh joining an organization<00:06:26.120> they<00:06:26.280> could<00:06:26.639> uh<00:06:26.800> partner<00:06:27.240> with organization they could uh partner with organization they could uh partner with Civic<00:06:28.120> or<00:06:28.680> and<00:06:28.919> and<00:06:29.039> local<00:06:29.520> and<00:06:29.639> political<00:06:30.240> uh Civic or and and local and political uh Civic or and and local and political uh organizations<00:06:30.960> and<00:06:31.160> people<00:06:31.599> to<00:06:31.800> develop organizations and people to develop organizations and people to develop strategies<00:06:32.880> to<00:06:33.360> uh<00:06:33.479> take<00:06:33.599> a<00:06:33.759> look<00:06:33.919> at<00:06:34.039> the<00:06:34.160> use strategies to uh take a look at the use strategies to uh take a look at the use of<00:06:34.639> Technology<00:06:35.639> uh<00:06:35.880> and<00:06:36.080> and<00:06:36.240> and of Technology uh and and and of Technology uh and and and technological<00:06:37.039> policies<00:06:37.960> uh<00:06:38.120> creative technological policies uh creative technological policies uh creative students<00:06:39.080> poets<00:06:39.840> uh<00:06:40.120> I've<00:06:40.240> seen<00:06:40.440> some<00:06:40.639> great students poets uh I've seen some great students poets uh I've seen some great poetry<00:06:41.400> written<00:06:41.759> about<00:06:41.960> the<00:06:42.080> use<00:06:42.240> of poetry written about the use of poetry written about the use of technology<00:06:43.160> and<00:06:43.280> the<00:06:43.440> impact<00:06:43.720> that<00:06:43.840> it<00:06:44.000> has<00:06:44.160> on technology and the impact that it has on technology and the impact that it has on ourselves<00:06:44.880> or<00:06:45.039> on<00:06:45.160> our<00:06:45.440> society<00:06:46.120> this<00:06:46.240> is ourselves or on our society this is ourselves or on our society this is bigger<00:06:46.800> than<00:06:46.960> a<00:06:47.160> test<00:06:47.560> it's<00:06:47.720> more<00:06:48.080> powerful bigger than a test it's more powerful bigger than a test it's more powerful than<00:06:48.680> a<00:06:48.880> test<00:06:49.520> to<00:06:49.759> take<00:06:49.960> a<00:06:50.199> test<00:06:50.800> you<00:06:50.919> would than a test to take a test you would than a test to take a test you would reduce<00:06:51.680> what<00:06:51.840> we've<00:06:52.039> done<00:06:52.240> in<00:06:52.400> this<00:06:52.599> unit<00:06:53.120> and reduce what we've done in this unit and reduce what we've done in this unit and homogenize<00:06:54.000> it<00:06:54.160> as<00:06:54.240> a<00:06:54.400> simple<00:06:54.759> fact-f<00:06:55.080> finding homogenize it as a simple fact-f finding homogenize it as a simple fact-f finding Endeavor<00:06:56.400> that's<00:06:56.599> not<00:06:56.759> what<00:06:56.879> we're<00:06:57.080> looking Endeavor that's not what we're looking Endeavor that's not what we're looking for<00:06:57.560> we're<00:06:57.720> not<00:06:57.879> looking<00:06:58.120> to<00:06:58.280> regurgitate for we're not looking to regurgitate for we're not looking to regurgitate facts<00:06:59.160> we're<00:06:59.479> looking<00:06:59.680> to<00:06:59.840> find<00:07:00.240> Value<00:07:00.680> in facts we're looking to find Value in facts we're looking to find Value in life<00:07:01.720> and<00:07:01.879> the<00:07:02.039> only<00:07:02.319> way<00:07:02.479> to<00:07:02.680> do<00:07:02.919> that<00:07:03.199> is life and the only way to do that is life and the only way to do that is through<00:07:03.560> a<00:07:03.800> passionate<00:07:04.240> commitment<00:07:04.840> and through a passionate commitment and through a passionate commitment and engagement<00:07:05.599> of<00:07:05.759> the<00:07:06.000> questions<00:07:06.800> that<00:07:06.960> make engagement of the questions that make engagement of the questions that make life<00:07:07.599> beautiful<00:07:08.520> and<00:07:08.720> meaningful<00:07:09.639> and life beautiful and meaningful and life beautiful and meaningful and valuable<00:07:10.680> thank


Kevin Shindel, education, professional, development, TED, TEDActive, teacher, teaching, TED, Ed, TED-Ed, TEDEducation

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