Một đề xuất năng lượng sạch — cuộc đua lên hàng đầu! – Jennifer Lynholm

A clean energy proposal -- race to the top! - Jennifer Granholm

A clean energy proposal -- race to the top! - Jennifer Granholm


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

well<00:00:17.359> I<00:00:17.520> was<00:00:17.840> introduced<00:00:18.640> as<00:00:19.080> the<00:00:19.480> former
well I was introduced as the former well I was introduced as the former Governor<00:00:20.119> of<00:00:20.279> Michigan<00:00:20.960> but<00:00:21.279> actually<00:00:22.199> I'm<00:00:22.359> a Governor of Michigan but actually I'm a Governor of Michigan but actually I'm a scientist<00:00:24.439> all<00:00:24.560> right<00:00:24.760> a<00:00:24.920> political scientist all right a political scientist all right a political scientist<00:00:25.920> it<00:00:26.039> doesn't<00:00:26.279> really<00:00:26.560> count<00:00:26.960> but<00:00:27.599> my scientist it doesn't really count but my scientist it doesn't really count but my laboratory<00:00:29.039> was<00:00:29.240> the<00:00:29.400> laboratory<00:00:30.039> of laboratory was the laboratory of laboratory was the laboratory of democracy<00:00:31.000> that<00:00:31.160> is<00:00:31.439> Michigan<00:00:31.960> and<00:00:32.160> like<00:00:32.599> any democracy that is Michigan and like any democracy that is Michigan and like any good<00:00:33.280> scientist<00:00:34.120> I<00:00:34.320> was<00:00:35.120> experimenting<00:00:36.000> with good scientist I was experimenting with good scientist I was experimenting with policy<00:00:37.000> about<00:00:37.440> what<00:00:37.600> would<00:00:37.960> achieve<00:00:38.640> the policy about what would achieve the policy about what would achieve the greatest<00:00:39.239> good<00:00:39.480> for<00:00:39.840> the<00:00:40.039> greatest<00:00:40.559> number greatest good for the greatest number greatest good for the greatest number but<00:00:41.760> there<00:00:41.920> were<00:00:42.920> three<00:00:43.920> problems<00:00:44.559> three but there were three problems three but there were three problems three enigmas<00:00:45.760> that<00:00:46.079> I<00:00:46.840> could<00:00:47.120> not<00:00:47.440> solve<00:00:48.320> and<00:00:48.800> I enigmas that I could not solve and I enigmas that I could not solve and I want<00:00:49.079> to<00:00:49.680> share<00:00:50.120> with<00:00:50.320> you<00:00:51.160> those<00:00:51.520> problems want to share with you those problems want to share with you those problems but<00:00:52.440> most<00:00:53.000> importantly<00:00:54.000> I<00:00:54.280> think<00:00:54.600> I<00:00:54.760> figured but most importantly I think I figured but most importantly I think I figured out<00:00:55.520> a<00:00:55.800> proposal<00:00:56.280> for<00:00:56.480> a<00:00:56.640> solution<00:00:57.559> the<00:00:57.719> first out a proposal for a solution the first out a proposal for a solution the first problem<00:00:59.359> that<00:00:59.480> not<00:00:59.640> just<00:00:59.920> Michigan<00:01:00.199> but<00:01:00.359> every problem that not just Michigan but every problem that not just Michigan but every state<00:01:00.719> faces<00:01:01.120> is<00:01:01.320> how<00:01:01.559> do<00:01:01.840> you<00:01:02.600> create<00:01:03.320> good state faces is how do you create good state faces is how do you create good jobs<00:01:04.080> in<00:01:04.280> America<00:01:05.159> in<00:01:05.280> a<00:01:05.439> global<00:01:06.000> economy<00:01:06.479> so jobs in America in a global economy so jobs in America in a global economy so let<00:01:06.760> me<00:01:06.880> share<00:01:07.159> with<00:01:07.280> you<00:01:07.400> some<00:01:07.600> empirical let me share with you some empirical let me share with you some empirical data<00:01:08.520> from<00:01:08.759> my<00:01:09.240> lab<00:01:10.240> I<00:01:10.360> was<00:01:10.520> elected<00:01:10.880> in<00:01:11.200> 2002 data from my lab I was elected in 2002 data from my lab I was elected in 2002 and<00:01:11.680> at<00:01:11.759> the<00:01:11.840> end<00:01:11.960> of<00:01:12.080> my<00:01:12.280> first<00:01:12.560> year<00:01:13.000> in and at the end of my first year in and at the end of my first year in office<00:01:13.520> in<00:01:13.920> 2003<00:01:14.479> I<00:01:14.560> got<00:01:14.720> a<00:01:14.880> call<00:01:15.240> from<00:01:15.720> one<00:01:15.920> of office in 2003 I got a call from one of office in 2003 I got a call from one of my<00:01:16.159> staff<00:01:16.360> members<00:01:16.640> who<00:01:16.759> said<00:01:17.000> gov<00:01:17.240> we<00:01:17.400> have<00:01:17.520> a my staff members who said gov we have a my staff members who said gov we have a big<00:01:18.400> problem<00:01:19.320> we<00:01:19.520> have<00:01:19.720> a<00:01:19.880> little<00:01:20.200> tiny big problem we have a little tiny big problem we have a little tiny Community<00:01:21.360> called<00:01:21.680> Greenville<00:01:22.400> Michigan Community called Greenville Michigan Community called Greenville Michigan population<00:01:24.240> 8,000<00:01:25.240> and<00:01:25.400> they<00:01:25.479> are<00:01:25.720> about<00:01:26.000> to population 8,000 and they are about to population 8,000 and they are about to lose<00:01:26.799> their<00:01:27.040> major<00:01:27.479> employer<00:01:28.200> which<00:01:28.360> is<00:01:28.840> a lose their major employer which is a lose their major employer which is a refrigerator<00:01:29.920> Factory<00:01:30.240> that's<00:01:30.520> operated<00:01:31.119> by refrigerator Factory that's operated by refrigerator Factory that's operated by Electrolux<00:01:33.079> and<00:01:33.240> I<00:01:33.360> said<00:01:33.560> well<00:01:33.720> how<00:01:33.799> many Electrolux and I said well how many Electrolux and I said well how many people<00:01:34.280> at<00:01:34.439> work<00:01:34.840> at<00:01:35.000> Electrolux<00:01:35.920> and<00:01:36.119> he<00:01:36.320> said people at work at Electrolux and he said people at work at Electrolux and he said 3,000<00:01:38.439> of<00:01:38.600> the<00:01:38.720> 8,000<00:01:39.399> people<00:01:39.720> in<00:01:39.880> Greenville 3,000 of the 8,000 people in Greenville 3,000 of the 8,000 people in Greenville so<00:01:40.720> it<00:01:40.880> is<00:01:41.119> a<00:01:41.320> one<00:01:41.960> company<00:01:42.680> town<00:01:43.680> and so it is a one company town and so it is a one company town and Electrolux<00:01:45.159> was<00:01:45.719> going<00:01:46.040> to<00:01:46.280> go<00:01:46.960> to<00:01:47.240> Mexico<00:01:48.240> so Electrolux was going to go to Mexico so Electrolux was going to go to Mexico so I<00:01:48.560> said<00:01:49.079> forget<00:01:49.600> that<00:01:49.880> we're<00:01:50.360> I'm<00:01:50.479> a<00:01:50.640> new I said forget that we're I'm a new I said forget that we're I'm a new governor<00:01:51.240> we<00:01:51.320> can<00:01:51.560> fix<00:01:51.960> this<00:01:52.159> we're<00:01:52.320> going<00:01:52.439> to governor we can fix this we're going to governor we can fix this we're going to go<00:01:52.719> to<00:01:52.920> Greenville<00:01:53.560> with<00:01:53.719> my<00:01:54.000> whole<00:01:54.280> cabinet go to Greenville with my whole cabinet go to Greenville with my whole cabinet and<00:01:54.880> we<00:01:55.000> will<00:01:55.200> just<00:01:55.399> make<00:01:55.680> Electrolux<00:01:56.360> an and we will just make Electrolux an and we will just make Electrolux an offer<00:01:56.880> they<00:01:57.079> can't<00:01:57.719> refuse<00:01:58.719> so<00:01:59.119> I<00:01:59.240> brought<00:01:59.439> my offer they can't refuse so I brought my offer they can't refuse so I brought my whole<00:01:59.920> pet<00:02:00.119> cabinet<00:02:00.840> and<00:02:01.000> we<00:02:01.119> met<00:02:01.439> with<00:02:01.680> all<00:02:01.920> of whole pet cabinet and we met with all of whole pet cabinet and we met with all of the<00:02:02.360> poas<00:02:03.079> of<00:02:03.479> little<00:02:03.799> Greenville<00:02:04.520> the<00:02:04.640> mayor the poas of little Greenville the mayor the poas of little Greenville the mayor the<00:02:05.200> city<00:02:05.479> manager<00:02:06.119> the<00:02:06.280> head<00:02:06.439> of<00:02:06.600> the the city manager the head of the the city manager the head of the community<00:02:07.280> college<00:02:08.039> and<00:02:08.160> we<00:02:08.360> basically<00:02:08.800> sort community college and we basically sort community college and we basically sort of<00:02:09.399> emptied<00:02:09.800> our<00:02:10.399> pockets<00:02:11.360> and<00:02:11.560> put<00:02:12.040> all<00:02:12.280> of of emptied our pockets and put all of of emptied our pockets and put all of our<00:02:13.080> chips<00:02:13.520> on<00:02:13.720> the<00:02:13.959> table<00:02:14.800> incentives<00:02:15.480> you our chips on the table incentives you our chips on the table incentives you name<00:02:15.959> it<00:02:16.120> to<00:02:16.599> convince<00:02:17.040> Electrolux<00:02:17.760> to<00:02:17.959> stay name it to convince Electrolux to stay name it to convince Electrolux to stay and<00:02:18.800> as<00:02:18.920> we<00:02:19.040> made<00:02:19.239> our<00:02:19.480> pile<00:02:19.760> of<00:02:19.920> chips<00:02:20.360> we<00:02:20.519> slid and as we made our pile of chips we slid and as we made our pile of chips we slid them<00:02:21.599> across<00:02:22.200> the<00:02:22.480> table<00:02:22.959> to<00:02:23.160> the<00:02:23.280> management them across the table to the management them across the table to the management of<00:02:24.519> Electrolux<00:02:25.360> and<00:02:25.680> in<00:02:25.840> the<00:02:26.040> pile<00:02:26.319> were of Electrolux and in the pile were of Electrolux and in the pile were things<00:02:26.840> like<00:02:27.360> zero<00:02:27.800> taxes<00:02:28.560> for<00:02:28.840> 20<00:02:29.239> years<00:02:30.160> that things like zero taxes for 20 years that things like zero taxes for 20 years that we'd<00:02:30.519> help<00:02:30.720> to<00:02:30.920> build<00:02:31.560> a<00:02:31.720> new<00:02:32.040> Factory<00:02:32.680> for<00:02:33.160> the we'd help to build a new Factory for the we'd help to build a new Factory for the company<00:02:33.599> we'd<00:02:33.800> help<00:02:33.920> to<00:02:34.080> finance<00:02:34.480> it<00:02:34.680> the<00:02:34.760> UAW company we'd help to finance it the UAW company we'd help to finance it the UAW who<00:02:35.599> represented<00:02:36.080> the<00:02:36.160> workers<00:02:36.599> said<00:02:37.200> they who represented the workers said they who represented the workers said they would<00:02:37.519> offer would offer would offer unprecedented<00:02:39.680> concessions<00:02:40.440> sacrifices<00:02:41.280> to unprecedented concessions sacrifices to unprecedented concessions sacrifices to just<00:02:42.239> keep<00:02:42.519> those<00:02:42.760> jobs<00:02:43.120> in<00:02:43.599> Greenville<00:02:44.599> so just keep those jobs in Greenville so just keep those jobs in Greenville so the<00:02:45.040> management<00:02:45.480> of<00:02:45.599> electrx<00:02:46.200> took<00:02:46.440> our<00:02:46.920> pile the management of electrx took our pile the management of electrx took our pile our<00:02:47.480> list<00:02:47.840> of<00:02:48.040> incentives<00:02:48.680> and<00:02:48.840> they<00:02:48.959> went our list of incentives and they went our list of incentives and they went outside<00:02:49.560> the<00:02:49.680> room<00:02:49.959> for<00:02:50.840> 17 outside the room for 17 outside the room for 17 minutes<00:02:53.080> and<00:02:53.239> they<00:02:53.360> came<00:02:53.599> back<00:02:53.840> in<00:02:54.000> and<00:02:54.159> they minutes and they came back in and they minutes and they came back in and they said<00:02:54.840> wow<00:02:55.840> this<00:02:55.959> is<00:02:56.200> the<00:02:56.480> most<00:02:57.200> generous<00:02:57.879> any said wow this is the most generous any said wow this is the most generous any Community<00:02:58.800> has<00:02:59.000> ever<00:02:59.239> been<00:02:59.800> to<00:03:00.000> try<00:03:00.159> to<00:03:00.360> keep Community has ever been to try to keep Community has ever been to try to keep jobs jobs jobs here<00:03:03.280> but<00:03:04.280> there's<00:03:04.560> nothing<00:03:04.840> you<00:03:05.000> can<00:03:05.200> do<00:03:05.920> to here but there's nothing you can do to here but there's nothing you can do to compensate<00:03:06.680> for<00:03:06.840> the<00:03:07.000> fact<00:03:07.200> that<00:03:07.319> we<00:03:07.440> can<00:03:07.720> pay compensate for the fact that we can pay compensate for the fact that we can pay a157<00:03:09.400> an<00:03:09.560> hour<00:03:09.959> in<00:03:10.120> Warez<00:03:10.760> Mexico<00:03:11.760> so<00:03:11.920> we're a157 an hour in Warez Mexico so we're a157 an hour in Warez Mexico so we're leaving<00:03:13.360> and<00:03:13.519> they<00:03:13.760> did<00:03:14.760> and<00:03:14.879> when<00:03:15.040> they<00:03:15.200> did leaving and they did and when they did leaving and they did and when they did it<00:03:15.519> was<00:03:15.760> like<00:03:16.319> a<00:03:16.480> nuclear<00:03:17.000> bomb<00:03:17.799> went<00:03:18.080> off<00:03:18.640> in it was like a nuclear bomb went off in it was like a nuclear bomb went off in little<00:03:19.200> Greenville<00:03:19.680> in<00:03:19.840> fact<00:03:19.959> they<00:03:20.080> did little Greenville in fact they did little Greenville in fact they did implode<00:03:20.720> the<00:03:20.920> factory<00:03:21.920> that's<00:03:22.080> a<00:03:22.280> guy<00:03:22.519> that<00:03:22.760> is implode the factory that's a guy that is implode the factory that's a guy that is walking<00:03:23.720> on<00:03:23.959> his<00:03:24.200> last<00:03:24.519> day<00:03:24.840> of<00:03:25.080> work<00:03:26.080> and<00:03:26.239> on walking on his last day of work and on walking on his last day of work and on the<00:03:26.720> month<00:03:27.120> that<00:03:27.239> the<00:03:27.400> last<00:03:27.680> refrigerator the month that the last refrigerator the month that the last refrigerator rolled<00:03:28.640> off<00:03:28.840> the<00:03:29.000> assembly<00:03:29.360> line<00:03:30.000> the rolled off the assembly line the rolled off the assembly line the employees<00:03:30.799> of<00:03:30.959> Electrolux<00:03:31.599> in<00:03:31.720> Greenville employees of Electrolux in Greenville employees of Electrolux in Greenville Michigan<00:03:32.680> had<00:03:32.840> a<00:03:33.120> gathering<00:03:34.040> that<00:03:34.159> for Michigan had a gathering that for Michigan had a gathering that for themselves<00:03:35.040> that<00:03:35.200> they<00:03:35.360> called<00:03:36.239> The<00:03:36.439> Last themselves that they called The Last themselves that they called The Last Supper<00:03:38.159> it<00:03:38.280> was<00:03:38.400> in<00:03:38.519> a<00:03:38.680> big<00:03:39.000> Pavilion<00:03:39.640> in Supper it was in a big Pavilion in Supper it was in a big Pavilion in Greenville<00:03:40.319> an<00:03:40.439> indoor<00:03:40.840> Pavilion<00:03:41.480> and<00:03:42.280> I<00:03:42.439> went Greenville an indoor Pavilion and I went Greenville an indoor Pavilion and I went to<00:03:42.920> it<00:03:43.239> because<00:03:43.680> I<00:03:43.799> was<00:03:44.040> so<00:03:44.319> frustrated<00:03:44.920> as to it because I was so frustrated as to it because I was so frustrated as Governor<00:03:45.599> that<00:03:45.879> I<00:03:46.120> couldn't<00:03:47.040> stop<00:03:47.720> the Governor that I couldn't stop the Governor that I couldn't stop the outflow<00:03:48.560> of<00:03:48.760> these<00:03:49.040> jobs<00:03:49.959> and<00:03:50.080> I<00:03:50.200> wanted<00:03:50.480> to outflow of these jobs and I wanted to outflow of these jobs and I wanted to grieve<00:03:51.400> with<00:03:51.640> them<00:03:52.000> and<00:03:52.159> as<00:03:52.280> I<00:03:52.439> went<00:03:52.599> to<00:03:52.840> the grieve with them and as I went to the grieve with them and as I went to the end<00:03:53.560> of<00:03:53.680> the<00:03:53.799> room<00:03:54.000> there's<00:03:54.280> thousands<00:03:54.680> of end of the room there's thousands of end of the room there's thousands of people<00:03:55.120> there<00:03:55.280> it<00:03:55.360> was<00:03:55.519> just<00:03:55.640> a<00:03:55.920> big<00:03:56.200> thing people there it was just a big thing people there it was just a big thing people<00:03:56.640> were<00:03:57.200> eating<00:03:57.840> box<00:03:58.159> lunches<00:03:58.959> with people were eating box lunches with people were eating box lunches with round<00:03:59.480> time<00:03:59.720> and<00:03:59.920> Roundtop<00:04:00.480> tables<00:04:00.959> and<00:04:01.400> there round time and Roundtop tables and there round time and Roundtop tables and there was<00:04:01.640> a<00:04:01.840> sad<00:04:02.200> band<00:04:02.640> playing<00:04:03.000> music<00:04:03.400> or<00:04:03.519> there was a sad band playing music or there was a sad band playing music or there was<00:04:03.720> a<00:04:03.840> band<00:04:04.079> playing<00:04:04.400> sad<00:04:04.760> music<00:04:05.159> probably was a band playing sad music probably was a band playing sad music probably both<00:04:07.360> um<00:04:08.360> and<00:04:08.879> this<00:04:09.120> guy<00:04:09.360> comes<00:04:09.640> up<00:04:09.799> to<00:04:09.959> me<00:04:10.280> and both um and this guy comes up to me and both um and this guy comes up to me and he's<00:04:10.799> he's<00:04:10.959> got<00:04:11.200> tattoos<00:04:11.680> and<00:04:11.840> his<00:04:12.040> ponytail he's he's got tattoos and his ponytail he's he's got tattoos and his ponytail and<00:04:12.879> his<00:04:13.159> baseball<00:04:13.640> cap<00:04:13.879> on<00:04:14.159> and<00:04:14.560> he<00:04:14.720> had<00:04:14.879> his and his baseball cap on and he had his and his baseball cap on and he had his two<00:04:15.200> daughters<00:04:15.640> with<00:04:15.879> him<00:04:16.600> and<00:04:16.759> he<00:04:16.880> said<00:04:17.280> go two daughters with him and he said go two daughters with him and he said go these<00:04:17.840> are<00:04:18.079> my<00:04:18.519> uh<00:04:18.639> two<00:04:19.160> daughters<00:04:20.160> he<00:04:20.280> said these are my uh two daughters he said these are my uh two daughters he said I'm<00:04:21.320> 48<00:04:22.040> years<00:04:22.280> old<00:04:23.160> and<00:04:23.320> I<00:04:23.440> have<00:04:23.639> worked<00:04:23.919> at I'm 48 years old and I have worked at I'm 48 years old and I have worked at this<00:04:24.520> Factory<00:04:25.520> for<00:04:25.800> 30 this Factory for 30 this Factory for 30 years<00:04:28.080> my<00:04:28.360> I<00:04:28.440> went<00:04:28.600> from<00:04:28.759> high<00:04:28.880> school<00:04:29.080> to years my I went from high school to years my I went from high school to factory factory factory my<00:04:30.800> father<00:04:31.039> worked<00:04:31.320> at<00:04:31.479> this<00:04:31.680> Factory<00:04:32.080> he<00:04:32.240> said my father worked at this Factory he said my father worked at this Factory he said my<00:04:33.440> grandfather<00:04:34.039> worked<00:04:34.320> at<00:04:34.479> this my grandfather worked at this my grandfather worked at this Factory<00:04:36.199> all<00:04:36.520> I<00:04:37.199> know<00:04:38.199> all<00:04:38.440> I<00:04:38.560> know<00:04:38.919> is<00:04:39.039> how<00:04:39.160> to Factory all I know all I know is how to Factory all I know all I know is how to make<00:04:39.919> refrigerators<00:04:40.919> and<00:04:41.000> he<00:04:41.120> looked<00:04:41.360> at<00:04:41.479> his make refrigerators and he looked at his make refrigerators and he looked at his daughters<00:04:42.440> and<00:04:42.600> he<00:04:42.759> puts<00:04:43.000> his<00:04:43.160> hand<00:04:43.360> on<00:04:43.520> his daughters and he puts his hand on his daughters and he puts his hand on his chest<00:04:44.680> and<00:04:44.759> he<00:04:44.880> says<00:04:45.160> so<00:04:45.639> go<00:04:46.120> tell<00:04:46.600> me<00:04:47.800> who<00:04:48.800> is chest and he says so go tell me who is chest and he says so go tell me who is ever<00:04:49.919> going<00:04:50.120> to<00:04:50.320> hire ever going to hire ever going to hire me<00:04:52.680> who<00:04:52.840> is<00:04:53.160> ever<00:04:53.800> going<00:04:53.919> to<00:04:54.120> hire<00:04:54.960> me<00:04:55.960> and<00:04:56.120> that me who is ever going to hire me and that me who is ever going to hire me and that was<00:04:56.520> asked<00:04:57.520> not<00:04:57.720> just<00:04:57.919> by<00:04:58.120> that<00:04:58.479> guy<00:04:59.280> but<00:04:59.600> by was asked not just by that guy but by was asked not just by that guy but by everybody<00:05:00.720> in<00:05:00.880> the<00:05:01.440> Pavilion<00:05:02.440> and<00:05:02.639> frankly<00:05:03.360> by everybody in the Pavilion and frankly by everybody in the Pavilion and frankly by every<00:05:04.440> worker<00:05:05.000> at<00:05:05.199> one<00:05:05.400> of<00:05:05.600> the every worker at one of the every worker at one of the 50,000<00:05:07.520> factories<00:05:08.160> that<00:05:08.320> closed<00:05:08.800> in<00:05:08.919> the 50,000 factories that closed in the 50,000 factories that closed in the first<00:05:09.400> decade<00:05:10.360> of<00:05:10.560> this<00:05:11.240> Century<00:05:12.240> Enigma first decade of this Century Enigma first decade of this Century Enigma number<00:05:12.919> one<00:05:13.560> how<00:05:13.720> do<00:05:13.840> you<00:05:14.039> create<00:05:14.400> jobs<00:05:15.039> in number one how do you create jobs in number one how do you create jobs in America<00:05:16.160> in<00:05:16.320> a<00:05:16.479> global<00:05:16.960> economy<00:05:17.960> number<00:05:18.240> two America in a global economy number two America in a global economy number two very<00:05:19.120> quickly<00:05:20.039> how<00:05:20.160> do<00:05:20.280> you<00:05:20.400> solve<00:05:20.800> global very quickly how do you solve global very quickly how do you solve global climate<00:05:21.520> change<00:05:22.479> when<00:05:23.199> we<00:05:23.360> don't<00:05:23.680> even<00:05:24.000> have<00:05:24.120> a climate change when we don't even have a climate change when we don't even have a national<00:05:24.720> energy<00:05:25.280> policy<00:05:25.880> in<00:05:26.080> this<00:05:26.560> country national energy policy in this country national energy policy in this country and<00:05:27.919> when<00:05:28.680> gridlock<00:05:29.560> in<00:05:29.800> Congress<00:05:30.240> seems<00:05:30.600> to and when gridlock in Congress seems to and when gridlock in Congress seems to be<00:05:31.080> the<00:05:31.400> norm<00:05:32.400> in<00:05:32.680> fact<00:05:33.160> there<00:05:33.280> was<00:05:33.440> a<00:05:33.560> poll be the norm in fact there was a poll be the norm in fact there was a poll that<00:05:33.919> was<00:05:34.039> done<00:05:34.319> recently<00:05:35.280> and<00:05:35.680> uh<00:05:36.080> the that was done recently and uh the that was done recently and uh the pollster<00:05:37.039> compared<00:05:37.720> congress's<00:05:38.440> approval pollster compared congress's approval pollster compared congress's approval ratings<00:05:39.560> to<00:05:40.160> a<00:05:40.280> number<00:05:40.520> of<00:05:40.680> other<00:05:40.880> unpleasant ratings to a number of other unpleasant ratings to a number of other unpleasant things<00:05:42.680> and<00:05:43.000> it<00:05:43.120> was<00:05:43.280> found<00:05:43.720> in<00:05:43.919> fact<00:05:44.160> that things and it was found in fact that things and it was found in fact that congress's<00:05:44.840> approval<00:05:45.199> rating<00:05:45.560> is<00:05:45.759> worse<00:05:46.160> than congress's approval rating is worse than congress's approval rating is worse than cockroaches<00:05:48.160> lice<00:05:49.080> Nickelback<00:05:50.080> the<00:05:50.280> band cockroaches lice Nickelback the band cockroaches lice Nickelback the band root<00:05:51.520> canals<00:05:52.039> and<00:05:52.240> Donald root canals and Donald root canals and Donald Trump<00:05:55.280> but<00:05:55.600> but<00:05:55.759> but<00:05:56.000> wait<00:05:56.639> the<00:05:56.800> good<00:05:57.000> news<00:05:57.400> is Trump but but but wait the good news is Trump but but but wait the good news is it's<00:05:58.319> at<00:05:58.479> least<00:05:58.880> better<00:05:59.720> than<00:05:59.960> meth<00:06:00.319> labs<00:06:00.639> and it's at least better than meth labs and it's at least better than meth labs and [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] ganaria<00:06:04.880> we<00:06:05.039> got<00:06:05.199> a<00:06:05.560> problem ganaria we got a problem ganaria we got a problem folks<00:06:08.319> so<00:06:08.479> it<00:06:08.599> got<00:06:08.759> me<00:06:08.919> thinking<00:06:09.360> what<00:06:09.639> is<00:06:09.800> it folks so it got me thinking what is it folks so it got me thinking what is it what<00:06:10.319> in<00:06:10.599> the<00:06:10.840> laboratory<00:06:11.720> that<00:06:11.960> I<00:06:12.400> that<00:06:12.639> I<00:06:12.919> see what in the laboratory that I that I see what in the laboratory that I that I see out<00:06:13.440> there<00:06:13.599> the<00:06:13.759> Laboratories<00:06:14.199> of<00:06:14.360> democracy out there the Laboratories of democracy out there the Laboratories of democracy what<00:06:15.120> has<00:06:15.440> happened<00:06:15.840> what<00:06:16.199> policy what has happened what policy what has happened what policy prescriptions<00:06:17.880> have<00:06:18.120> happened<00:06:18.479> that prescriptions have happened that prescriptions have happened that actually<00:06:19.039> caused<00:06:19.440> changes<00:06:19.840> to<00:06:20.039> occur<00:06:20.280> and actually caused changes to occur and actually caused changes to occur and that<00:06:20.560> have<00:06:20.759> been<00:06:21.280> accepted<00:06:21.680> in<00:06:21.800> a<00:06:22.000> bipartisan that have been accepted in a bipartisan that have been accepted in a bipartisan way<00:06:23.720> so<00:06:23.880> if<00:06:24.000> I<00:06:24.160> asked<00:06:24.400> you<00:06:24.599> for<00:06:24.800> example<00:06:25.360> what way so if I asked you for example what way so if I asked you for example what was<00:06:26.160> the<00:06:26.360> Obama<00:06:26.800> Administration<00:06:27.479> policy<00:06:27.880> that was the Obama Administration policy that was the Obama Administration policy that caused<00:06:28.599> massive<00:06:29.039> change<00:06:29.680> across<00:06:30.000> the<00:06:30.120> country caused massive change across the country caused massive change across the country what<00:06:30.919> would<00:06:31.039> you<00:06:31.280> say<00:06:31.960> you<00:06:32.120> might<00:06:32.360> say what would you say you might say what would you say you might say Obamacare<00:06:34.160> except<00:06:34.360> for<00:06:34.520> those<00:06:34.639> were<00:06:34.800> not Obamacare except for those were not Obamacare except for those were not voluntary<00:06:35.639> changes<00:06:36.080> as<00:06:36.199> we<00:06:36.319> know<00:06:36.440> only<00:06:36.680> half voluntary changes as we know only half voluntary changes as we know only half the<00:06:37.000> states<00:06:37.319> have<00:06:37.680> opted<00:06:38.039> in<00:06:38.199> you<00:06:38.319> might<00:06:38.440> say the states have opted in you might say the states have opted in you might say The<00:06:38.800> Recovery<00:06:39.280> Act<00:06:39.560> but<00:06:39.759> those<00:06:39.960> didn't The Recovery Act but those didn't The Recovery Act but those didn't require<00:06:41.080> policy<00:06:41.440> changes<00:06:42.199> the<00:06:42.440> thing<00:06:42.680> that require policy changes the thing that require policy changes the thing that caused<00:06:43.440> massive<00:06:43.919> policy<00:06:44.280> changes<00:06:44.680> to<00:06:45.120> occur caused massive policy changes to occur caused massive policy changes to occur was<00:06:46.319> raised<00:06:46.680> to<00:06:46.840> the<00:06:47.039> top<00:06:47.360> for<00:06:47.680> Education<00:06:48.680> why was raised to the top for Education why was raised to the top for Education why the<00:06:49.240> government<00:06:49.560> put<00:06:49.720> a<00:06:49.800> $4.5<00:06:50.599> billion<00:06:51.360> pot the government put a $4.5 billion pot the government put a $4.5 billion pot and<00:06:52.199> said<00:06:52.440> to<00:06:52.599> the<00:06:52.800> governors<00:06:53.360> across<00:06:53.720> the and said to the governors across the and said to the governors across the country<00:06:54.199> compete<00:06:54.599> for<00:06:54.840> it<00:06:55.840> 48<00:06:56.840> Governors country compete for it 48 Governors country compete for it 48 Governors competed<00:06:58.479> convincing<00:06:59.000> 4<00:06:59.400> 48<00:07:00.000> state competed convincing 4 48 state competed convincing 4 48 state legislatures<00:07:01.039> to<00:07:01.280> essentially<00:07:02.080> raise legislatures to essentially raise legislatures to essentially raise standards<00:07:03.199> for<00:07:03.520> high<00:07:03.720> schoolers<00:07:04.080> so<00:07:04.240> that standards for high schoolers so that standards for high schoolers so that they<00:07:04.440> all<00:07:04.599> take<00:07:04.759> a<00:07:04.919> college<00:07:05.280> prep<00:07:05.680> curriculum they all take a college prep curriculum they all take a college prep curriculum 48<00:07:07.080> states<00:07:07.879> opted<00:07:08.280> in<00:07:08.759> creating<00:07:09.120> a<00:07:09.319> national 48 states opted in creating a national 48 states opted in creating a national energy<00:07:10.360> policy<00:07:10.960> from<00:07:11.160> the<00:07:11.319> bottom<00:07:11.680> up<00:07:11.960> so<00:07:12.160> I energy policy from the bottom up so I energy policy from the bottom up so I thought<00:07:12.560> well<00:07:12.759> why<00:07:12.919> can't<00:07:13.080> we<00:07:13.240> do<00:07:13.440> something thought well why can't we do something thought well why can't we do something like<00:07:14.000> that<00:07:14.440> and<00:07:14.639> create<00:07:14.919> a<00:07:15.039> clean<00:07:15.520> energy<00:07:16.160> jobs like that and create a clean energy jobs like that and create a clean energy jobs rised<00:07:17.479> to<00:07:17.639> the<00:07:17.840> top<00:07:18.720> because<00:07:19.000> after<00:07:19.199> all<00:07:19.360> if rised to the top because after all if rised to the top because after all if you<00:07:19.560> look<00:07:19.680> at<00:07:19.800> the<00:07:20.120> context<00:07:21.120> $1.6<00:07:22.000> trillion you look at the context $1.6 trillion you look at the context $1.6 trillion has<00:07:23.039> been<00:07:23.360> invested<00:07:23.800> in<00:07:23.960> the<00:07:24.160> past<00:07:24.400> eight has been invested in the past eight has been invested in the past eight years<00:07:24.840> from<00:07:25.000> the<00:07:25.199> private<00:07:25.520> sector<00:07:25.879> globally years from the private sector globally years from the private sector globally and<00:07:27.000> where<00:07:27.280> and<00:07:27.400> every<00:07:27.639> dollar<00:07:27.960> represents<00:07:28.360> a and where and every dollar represents a and where and every dollar represents a job<00:07:28.960> and<00:07:29.120> where<00:07:29.560> those<00:07:29.759> jobs<00:07:30.120> going<00:07:30.599> but job and where those jobs going but job and where those jobs going but they're<00:07:30.879> going<00:07:31.039> to<00:07:31.240> places<00:07:31.560> that<00:07:31.720> have<00:07:31.960> policy they're going to places that have policy they're going to places that have policy like<00:07:32.599> China<00:07:33.039> in<00:07:33.199> fact<00:07:33.479> I<00:07:33.560> was<00:07:33.720> in<00:07:33.879> China<00:07:34.160> to<00:07:34.280> see like China in fact I was in China to see like China in fact I was in China to see what<00:07:34.560> they<00:07:34.639> were<00:07:34.840> doing<00:07:35.120> and<00:07:35.240> they<00:07:35.319> were what they were doing and they were what they were doing and they were putting<00:07:35.720> on<00:07:35.879> a<00:07:36.000> dog<00:07:36.160> and<00:07:36.319> pony<00:07:36.560> show<00:07:36.720> for<00:07:36.879> the putting on a dog and pony show for the putting on a dog and pony show for the group<00:07:37.199> that<00:07:37.360> I<00:07:37.440> was<00:07:37.599> with<00:07:37.759> and<00:07:37.879> I<00:07:37.960> was<00:07:38.080> standing group that I was with and I was standing group that I was with and I was standing in<00:07:38.479> the<00:07:38.680> back<00:07:39.120> of<00:07:39.240> the<00:07:39.360> room<00:07:39.599> during<00:07:39.879> one<00:07:39.960> of in the back of the room during one of in the back of the room during one of the<00:07:40.240> demonstrations<00:07:40.960> and<00:07:41.319> standing<00:07:41.720> next<00:07:41.919> to the demonstrations and standing next to the demonstrations and standing next to one<00:07:42.319> of<00:07:42.400> the<00:07:42.520> Chinese<00:07:42.919> officials<00:07:43.800> where<00:07:43.960> we one of the Chinese officials where we one of the Chinese officials where we were<00:07:44.240> watching<00:07:44.520> he<00:07:44.639> says<00:07:44.879> so<00:07:45.240> go<00:07:45.840> uh<00:07:46.400> when<00:07:46.560> do were watching he says so go uh when do were watching he says so go uh when do you<00:07:46.759> think<00:07:46.960> the<00:07:47.080> us<00:07:47.360> is<00:07:47.479> going<00:07:47.599> to<00:07:47.720> get you think the us is going to get you think the us is going to get National<00:07:48.319> energy<00:07:48.879> policy<00:07:49.879> and<00:07:50.000> I<00:07:50.080> said<00:07:50.360> oh<00:07:50.520> my National energy policy and I said oh my National energy policy and I said oh my God<00:07:51.199> Congress<00:07:51.759> gridlock<00:07:52.479> who<00:07:52.639> knows<00:07:53.360> and<00:07:53.520> this God Congress gridlock who knows and this God Congress gridlock who knows and this is<00:07:53.759> what<00:07:53.840> he<00:07:54.000> did<00:07:54.199> he is what he did he is what he did he goes<00:07:56.280> he<00:07:56.440> says<00:07:57.039> take<00:07:57.560> your<00:07:58.319> time goes he says take your time goes he says take your time because<00:08:00.159> they<00:08:00.319> see<00:08:00.720> our<00:08:01.479> passivity<00:08:02.479> as<00:08:02.680> their because they see our passivity as their because they see our passivity as their opportunity<00:08:04.599> so<00:08:05.240> what<00:08:05.479> if<00:08:05.800> we<00:08:06.039> decided<00:08:06.520> to opportunity so what if we decided to opportunity so what if we decided to create<00:08:07.680> a<00:08:07.919> challenge<00:08:08.360> to<00:08:08.520> the<00:08:08.639> governors<00:08:09.039> of create a challenge to the governors of create a challenge to the governors of the<00:08:09.479> country<00:08:10.479> and<00:08:10.639> the<00:08:10.800> price<00:08:11.080> to<00:08:11.319> entry<00:08:11.759> into the country and the price to entry into the country and the price to entry into this<00:08:12.240> competition<00:08:12.720> use<00:08:13.080> the<00:08:13.199> same<00:08:13.440> amount this competition use the same amount this competition use the same amount that<00:08:14.280> the<00:08:14.479> bipartisan<00:08:15.120> group<00:08:15.560> approved<00:08:15.960> in that the bipartisan group approved in that the bipartisan group approved in Congress<00:08:16.520> for<00:08:16.639> the<00:08:16.720> rat<00:08:16.919> of<00:08:17.000> the<00:08:17.080> top<00:08:17.280> for Congress for the rat of the top for Congress for the rat of the top for Education<00:08:18.199> 4.5<00:08:18.960> billion<00:08:19.479> which<00:08:19.639> sounds<00:08:19.919> like Education 4.5 billion which sounds like Education 4.5 billion which sounds like a<00:08:20.199> lot<00:08:20.599> but<00:08:20.800> actually<00:08:21.000> it's<00:08:21.199> less<00:08:21.400> than<00:08:21.560> on a lot but actually it's less than on a lot but actually it's less than on Tenth<00:08:22.080> of<00:08:22.280> 1%<00:08:23.080> of<00:08:23.280> federal<00:08:23.639> spend<00:08:24.000> it's<00:08:24.120> a Tenth of 1% of federal spend it's a Tenth of 1% of federal spend it's a rounding<00:08:24.840> error<00:08:25.159> on<00:08:25.319> the<00:08:25.440> federal<00:08:25.840> side<00:08:26.319> but rounding error on the federal side but rounding error on the federal side but price<00:08:27.080> to<00:08:27.280> entry<00:08:27.720> into<00:08:28.000> that<00:08:28.280> competition price to entry into that competition price to entry into that competition would<00:08:29.599> be<00:08:30.240> I<00:08:30.319> mean<00:08:30.520> you<00:08:30.599> could<00:08:30.759> just<00:08:30.919> say<00:08:31.199> use would be I mean you could just say use would be I mean you could just say use the<00:08:31.800> president's<00:08:32.800> um<00:08:33.000> goal<00:08:33.560> he<00:08:33.719> wants the president's um goal he wants the president's um goal he wants Congress<00:08:34.479> to<00:08:34.760> adopt<00:08:35.320> a<00:08:35.440> clean<00:08:35.719> energy Congress to adopt a clean energy Congress to adopt a clean energy standard<00:08:36.519> of<00:08:37.000> 80%<00:08:38.000> by<00:08:38.200> 2030<00:08:38.760> in<00:08:38.880> other<00:08:39.039> words standard of 80% by 2030 in other words standard of 80% by 2030 in other words that<00:08:39.479> you'd<00:08:39.719> have<00:08:39.839> to<00:08:39.959> get<00:08:40.120> 80%<00:08:40.719> of<00:08:40.839> your that you'd have to get 80% of your that you'd have to get 80% of your energy<00:08:41.320> from<00:08:41.599> clean<00:08:42.000> sources<00:08:42.919> by<00:08:43.080> the<00:08:43.200> year energy from clean sources by the year energy from clean sources by the year 2030<00:08:44.240> why<00:08:44.399> not<00:08:44.600> ask<00:08:44.839> all<00:08:45.040> of<00:08:45.240> the<00:08:45.440> states<00:08:46.040> to<00:08:46.240> do 2030 why not ask all of the states to do 2030 why not ask all of the states to do that<00:08:46.640> instead<00:08:47.120> and<00:08:47.320> imagine<00:08:47.839> what<00:08:48.360> might that instead and imagine what might that instead and imagine what might happen<00:08:49.040> because<00:08:49.399> every<00:08:49.720> region<00:08:50.160> has happen because every region has happen because every region has something<00:08:50.680> to<00:08:50.880> offer<00:08:51.200> you<00:08:51.360> might<00:08:51.560> take<00:08:52.080> States something to offer you might take States something to offer you might take States like<00:08:52.720> Iowa<00:08:53.279> and<00:08:53.519> Ohio<00:08:54.040> two<00:08:54.240> very<00:08:54.399> important like Iowa and Ohio two very important like Iowa and Ohio two very important political<00:08:55.040> states<00:08:55.360> by<00:08:55.480> the<00:08:55.560> way<00:08:56.000> those<00:08:56.200> two political states by the way those two political states by the way those two Governors<00:08:57.160> and<00:08:57.320> they<00:08:57.440> would<00:08:57.600> say<00:08:57.839> we're<00:08:58.000> going Governors and they would say we're going Governors and they would say we're going to<00:08:58.279> lead<00:08:58.680> the<00:08:58.880> the<00:08:58.959> nation<00:08:59.640> in<00:08:59.920> producing<00:09:00.680> the to lead the the nation in producing the to lead the the nation in producing the wind<00:09:01.120> turbines<00:09:01.839> and<00:09:02.079> the<00:09:02.240> wind<00:09:02.600> energy<00:09:03.079> you wind turbines and the wind energy you wind turbines and the wind energy you might<00:09:03.440> say<00:09:03.920> the<00:09:04.120> solar<00:09:04.640> States<00:09:05.160> the<00:09:05.320> Sun<00:09:05.640> Belt might say the solar States the Sun Belt might say the solar States the Sun Belt we're<00:09:06.560> going<00:09:06.760> to<00:09:06.920> be<00:09:07.079> the<00:09:07.279> states<00:09:07.640> that we're going to be the states that we're going to be the states that produce<00:09:08.519> solar<00:09:08.959> energy<00:09:09.320> for<00:09:09.519> the<00:09:09.680> country<00:09:10.040> and produce solar energy for the country and produce solar energy for the country and maybe<00:09:10.600> Jerry<00:09:10.880> Brown<00:09:11.200> says<00:09:11.480> well<00:09:11.680> I'm<00:09:11.760> going<00:09:11.839> to maybe Jerry Brown says well I'm going to maybe Jerry Brown says well I'm going to create<00:09:12.200> an<00:09:12.360> industry<00:09:12.920> cluster<00:09:13.720> in<00:09:14.000> California create an industry cluster in California create an industry cluster in California to<00:09:14.720> be<00:09:14.800> able<00:09:14.959> to<00:09:15.160> produce<00:09:15.480> the<00:09:15.600> solar<00:09:15.959> panels to be able to produce the solar panels to be able to produce the solar panels so<00:09:16.399> that<00:09:16.519> we're<00:09:16.640> not<00:09:16.800> buying<00:09:17.120> them<00:09:17.560> from<00:09:17.760> China so that we're not buying them from China so that we're not buying them from China but<00:09:18.160> we're<00:09:18.320> buying<00:09:18.600> them<00:09:19.040> from<00:09:19.320> the<00:09:19.480> US<00:09:19.959> in but we're buying them from the US in but we're buying them from the US in fact<00:09:20.760> every<00:09:21.320> region<00:09:21.920> of<00:09:22.079> the<00:09:22.279> country<00:09:22.640> could fact every region of the country could fact every region of the country could do<00:09:23.040> this<00:09:23.240> you<00:09:23.360> see<00:09:23.600> you've<00:09:23.839> got<00:09:24.480> solar<00:09:24.920> and do this you see you've got solar and do this you see you've got solar and wind<00:09:25.600> opportunity<00:09:26.279> all<00:09:26.519> across<00:09:26.880> the<00:09:27.040> nation wind opportunity all across the nation wind opportunity all across the nation in<00:09:27.600> fact<00:09:28.000> if<00:09:28.120> you<00:09:28.240> look<00:09:28.480> just<00:09:28.680> at<00:09:28.880> the<00:09:29.320> upper in fact if you look just at the upper in fact if you look just at the upper northern<00:09:30.640> states<00:09:31.279> in<00:09:31.440> the<00:09:31.600> west<00:09:32.000> they<00:09:32.120> could northern states in the west they could northern states in the west they could do<00:09:32.800> geothermal<00:09:33.800> or<00:09:34.040> you<00:09:34.160> could<00:09:34.320> look<00:09:34.480> at<00:09:34.959> Texas do geothermal or you could look at Texas do geothermal or you could look at Texas and<00:09:35.560> say<00:09:35.800> we<00:09:35.959> could<00:09:36.120> lead<00:09:36.399> the<00:09:36.519> nation<00:09:36.839> in<00:09:37.320> the and say we could lead the nation in the and say we could lead the nation in the solutions<00:09:38.000> to<00:09:38.200> Smart<00:09:38.600> Grid<00:09:39.399> in<00:09:39.560> the<00:09:39.880> middle solutions to Smart Grid in the middle solutions to Smart Grid in the middle eastern<00:09:41.360> states<00:09:41.839> which<00:09:42.040> have<00:09:42.279> access<00:09:42.560> to eastern states which have access to eastern states which have access to forests<00:09:43.440> and<00:09:43.640> to<00:09:43.880> agricultural<00:09:44.560> waste<00:09:44.920> they forests and to agricultural waste they forests and to agricultural waste they might<00:09:45.320> say<00:09:45.760> we're<00:09:45.959> going<00:09:46.040> to<00:09:46.200> lead<00:09:46.480> the<00:09:46.640> nation might say we're going to lead the nation might say we're going to lead the nation in<00:09:47.240> biofuels<00:09:48.120> in<00:09:48.240> the<00:09:48.680> upper<00:09:49.160> Northeast<00:09:49.800> we're in biofuels in the upper Northeast we're in biofuels in the upper Northeast we're going<00:09:50.040> to<00:09:50.160> lead<00:09:50.440> the<00:09:50.560> nation<00:09:51.000> in<00:09:51.480> in<00:09:51.760> Energy going to lead the nation in in Energy going to lead the nation in in Energy Efficiency<00:09:52.920> Solutions<00:09:53.600> along<00:09:53.959> the<00:09:54.120> Eastern Efficiency Solutions along the Eastern Efficiency Solutions along the Eastern Seaboard<00:09:55.240> we're<00:09:55.399> going<00:09:55.480> to<00:09:55.640> lead<00:09:56.160> the<00:09:56.320> nation Seaboard we're going to lead the nation Seaboard we're going to lead the nation in<00:09:56.959> offshore<00:09:57.640> wind<00:09:58.320> you<00:09:58.440> might<00:09:58.640> look<00:09:58.760> at in offshore wind you might look at in offshore wind you might look at Michigan<00:09:59.519> and<00:09:59.640> say<00:09:59.839> we're<00:09:59.959> going<00:10:00.040> to<00:10:00.160> lead<00:10:00.399> the Michigan and say we're going to lead the Michigan and say we're going to lead the nation<00:10:00.959> in<00:10:01.240> producing<00:10:01.720> the<00:10:01.880> guts<00:10:02.120> for<00:10:02.320> the nation in producing the guts for the nation in producing the guts for the electric<00:10:02.920> vehicle<00:10:03.399> like<00:10:03.519> the<00:10:03.640> lithium<00:10:04.120> ion electric vehicle like the lithium ion electric vehicle like the lithium ion battery<00:10:05.320> every<00:10:05.880> region<00:10:06.880> has<00:10:07.120> something<00:10:07.440> to battery every region has something to battery every region has something to offer<00:10:08.560> and<00:10:08.680> if<00:10:08.800> you<00:10:08.959> created<00:10:09.399> a<00:10:10.079> competition offer and if you created a competition offer and if you created a competition it<00:10:11.360> respects<00:10:11.959> the<00:10:12.200> states<00:10:13.120> and<00:10:13.240> it<00:10:13.440> respects it respects the states and it respects it respects the states and it respects federalism<00:10:15.000> it's<00:10:15.240> opt<00:10:15.560> in<00:10:15.720> you<00:10:15.839> might<00:10:16.000> even federalism it's opt in you might even federalism it's opt in you might even get<00:10:16.480> Texas<00:10:17.200> and<00:10:17.399> South<00:10:17.760> Carolina<00:10:18.279> who<00:10:18.440> didn't get Texas and South Carolina who didn't get Texas and South Carolina who didn't opt<00:10:18.920> into<00:10:19.240> the<00:10:19.640> education<00:10:20.160> race<00:10:20.440> to<00:10:20.600> the<00:10:20.720> top opt into the education race to the top opt into the education race to the top you<00:10:21.240> might<00:10:21.440> even<00:10:21.600> get<00:10:21.760> them<00:10:21.920> to<00:10:22.079> opt<00:10:22.320> in<00:10:22.839> why you might even get them to opt in why you might even get them to opt in why because<00:10:23.760> Republican<00:10:24.440> and<00:10:24.720> Democratic because Republican and Democratic because Republican and Democratic Governors<00:10:25.959> love<00:10:26.240> to<00:10:26.399> cut<00:10:26.800> ribbons<00:10:27.800> we<00:10:28.040> want<00:10:28.360> to Governors love to cut ribbons we want to Governors love to cut ribbons we want to bring<00:10:29.200> JS<00:10:30.200> I'm<00:10:30.440> just<00:10:30.880> saying<00:10:31.880> and<00:10:32.040> it<00:10:32.279> Fosters bring JS I'm just saying and it Fosters bring JS I'm just saying and it Fosters Innovation<00:10:33.600> at<00:10:33.760> the<00:10:33.920> state<00:10:34.200> level<00:10:34.480> in<00:10:34.680> these Innovation at the state level in these Innovation at the state level in these Laboratories<00:10:36.079> of<00:10:36.320> democracy<00:10:36.920> Now<00:10:37.160> any<00:10:37.360> of<00:10:37.519> you Laboratories of democracy Now any of you Laboratories of democracy Now any of you who<00:10:38.000> are<00:10:39.000> watching<00:10:39.519> anything<00:10:40.120> about<00:10:40.560> politics who are watching anything about politics who are watching anything about politics lately<00:10:41.360> might<00:10:41.519> say<00:10:41.839> okay<00:10:42.079> great<00:10:42.360> idea<00:10:42.760> but lately might say okay great idea but lately might say okay great idea but really<00:10:44.040> Congress<00:10:44.519> putting<00:10:44.800> 4<00:10:45.079> and<00:10:45.200> a<00:10:45.320> half really Congress putting 4 and a half really Congress putting 4 and a half billion<00:10:45.800> dollars<00:10:46.079> on<00:10:46.200> the<00:10:46.320> table<00:10:46.600> they<00:10:46.720> can't billion dollars on the table they can't billion dollars on the table they can't agree<00:10:47.160> to<00:10:47.839> anything<00:10:48.839> so<00:10:49.200> you<00:10:49.480> could<00:10:50.320> wait<00:10:51.120> and agree to anything so you could wait and agree to anything so you could wait and go<00:10:51.480> through<00:10:51.839> Congress<00:10:52.720> although<00:10:53.160> you<00:10:53.279> should go through Congress although you should go through Congress although you should be<00:10:53.600> very be very be very impatient impatient impatient or<00:10:57.079> or<00:10:57.800> you<00:10:58.040> Renegades or or you Renegades or or you Renegades we<00:10:59.880> could<00:11:00.079> go<00:11:00.240> around we could go around we could go around Congress<00:11:02.800> go<00:11:03.040> around<00:11:03.560> Congress<00:11:04.160> what<00:11:04.800> if<00:11:05.800> what Congress go around Congress what if what Congress go around Congress what if what if<00:11:06.880> we<00:11:07.120> created<00:11:07.519> a<00:11:07.839> private<00:11:08.360> sector<00:11:09.279> challenge if we created a private sector challenge if we created a private sector challenge to<00:11:10.200> the<00:11:10.320> governors<00:11:10.880> what<00:11:11.120> if<00:11:11.839> several<00:11:12.440> of<00:11:12.760> the to the governors what if several of the to the governors what if several of the high<00:11:14.079> net<00:11:14.480> worth<00:11:15.240> companies<00:11:15.639> and<00:11:15.839> individuals high net worth companies and individuals high net worth companies and individuals who<00:11:16.560> are<00:11:16.720> here<00:11:16.880> at who are here at who are here at Ted<00:11:19.240> decided<00:11:20.240> that<00:11:20.480> they<00:11:20.639> would<00:11:21.040> create<00:11:21.720> band Ted decided that they would create band Ted decided that they would create band together<00:11:22.399> just<00:11:22.560> a<00:11:22.680> couple<00:11:23.000> of<00:11:23.200> them<00:11:23.839> and together just a couple of them and together just a couple of them and create<00:11:24.560> a<00:11:24.839> national<00:11:25.519> competition<00:11:26.360> to<00:11:26.560> the create a national competition to the create a national competition to the governors<00:11:27.320> to<00:11:27.560> have<00:11:27.760> a<00:11:27.880> race<00:11:28.200> to<00:11:28.399> the<00:11:28.600> top governors to have a race to the top governors to have a race to the top and<00:11:29.680> see<00:11:29.959> how<00:11:30.120> the<00:11:30.279> governors<00:11:31.560> respond<00:11:32.560> what and see how the governors respond what and see how the governors respond what if<00:11:34.519> what<00:11:34.720> if<00:11:34.959> it<00:11:35.079> all<00:11:35.240> started<00:11:35.639> here<00:11:35.800> at if what if it all started here at if what if it all started here at Ted<00:11:37.600> what<00:11:37.880> if<00:11:38.880> you<00:11:39.040> were<00:11:39.600> here<00:11:40.600> when<00:11:41.399> we Ted what if you were here when we Ted what if you were here when we figured<00:11:42.160> out<00:11:43.160> how<00:11:43.399> to<00:11:43.959> crack<00:11:44.320> the<00:11:44.519> code<00:11:45.240> to figured out how to crack the code to figured out how to crack the code to create<00:11:45.800> good<00:11:46.120> paying<00:11:46.480> jobs<00:11:46.839> in

America<00:11:50.760> and<00:11:50.959> get<00:11:51.200> National<00:11:51.720> energy
America and get National energy America and get National energy policy<00:11:54.560> and<00:11:54.720> we<00:11:54.959> created<00:11:55.519> a<00:11:55.760> national<00:11:56.240> energy policy and we created a national energy policy and we created a national energy strategy<00:11:57.880> from<00:11:58.399> the<00:11:58.560> bottom strategy from the bottom strategy from the bottom up up up because<00:12:02.160> dear<00:12:02.880> tedsters<00:12:03.880> if<00:12:04.000> you<00:12:04.160> are because dear tedsters if you are because dear tedsters if you are impatient<00:12:05.279> like<00:12:05.519> I<00:12:06.160> am<00:12:07.160> you<00:12:07.320> know<00:12:07.639> that<00:12:07.839> our impatient like I am you know that our impatient like I am you know that our economic<00:12:09.360> competitors<00:12:10.120> our<00:12:10.360> other economic competitors our other economic competitors our other nations<00:12:12.240> are<00:12:12.680> in<00:12:12.880> the<00:12:13.079> game<00:12:13.480> and<00:12:13.639> are<00:12:13.800> eating nations are in the game and are eating nations are in the game and are eating us<00:12:14.320> for us for us for lunch<00:12:16.320> and<00:12:16.519> we lunch and we lunch and we can<00:12:18.480> get<00:12:18.680> in<00:12:18.880> the<00:12:19.040> game<00:12:19.279> or<00:12:19.519> not<00:12:20.199> we<00:12:20.360> can<00:12:20.560> be<00:12:20.880> at can get in the game or not we can be at can get in the game or not we can be at the<00:12:21.760> table<00:12:22.760> or<00:12:23.000> we<00:12:23.120> can<00:12:23.240> be<00:12:23.360> on<00:12:23.560> the the table or we can be on the the table or we can be on the table<00:12:25.680> and<00:12:25.800> I<00:12:25.880> don't<00:12:26.040> know<00:12:26.199> about<00:12:26.440> you<00:12:27.360> but<00:12:27.639> I table and I don't know about you but I table and I don't know about you but I prefer<00:12:28.760> to<00:12:28.920> to<00:12:29.199> dine<00:12:30.199> thank<00:12:30.360> you<00:12:30.519> all<00:12:30.720> so prefer to to dine thank you all so prefer to to dine thank you all so [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Jennifer Granholm, Congress, United, States, Government, alternative, energy, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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