Một mặt trăng Sao Thổ có thể chứa đựng sự sống? – Tran Quang Dong

Could a Saturn moon harbor life? - Carolyn Porco

Could a Saturn moon harbor life? - Carolyn Porco


two<00:00:15.920> years<00:00:16.130> ago<00:00:16.460> here<00:00:16.820> at<00:00:16.940> Ted<00:00:17.180> I<00:00:17.210> reported
two years ago here at Ted I reported two years ago here at Ted I reported that<00:00:18.620> we<00:00:18.890> had<00:00:19.100> discovered<00:00:19.520> at<00:00:19.880> Saturn<00:00:20.390> with that we had discovered at Saturn with that we had discovered at Saturn with the<00:00:20.630> Cassini<00:00:20.990> spacecraft<00:00:21.460> an<00:00:22.460> anomalously the Cassini spacecraft an anomalously the Cassini spacecraft an anomalously warm<00:00:23.540> and<00:00:24.080> geologically<00:00:24.680> active<00:00:24.860> region<00:00:25.490> at warm and geologically active region at warm and geologically active region at the<00:00:25.820> southern<00:00:26.240> tip<00:00:26.450> of<00:00:26.660> the<00:00:26.810> small<00:00:27.460> Saturnian the southern tip of the small Saturnian the southern tip of the small Saturnian moon<00:00:28.640> Enceladus<00:00:29.360> seen<00:00:30.230> here<00:00:30.800> this<00:00:31.039> region moon Enceladus seen here this region moon Enceladus seen here this region seen<00:00:31.670> here<00:00:31.940> for<00:00:32.150> the<00:00:32.210> first<00:00:32.450> time<00:00:32.780> in<00:00:33.050> a seen here for the first time in a seen here for the first time in a Cassini<00:00:33.530> image<00:00:33.830> taken<00:00:34.190> in<00:00:34.280> 2005<00:00:35.080> this<00:00:36.080> is<00:00:36.260> the Cassini image taken in 2005 this is the Cassini image taken in 2005 this is the south<00:00:36.590> polar<00:00:36.890> region<00:00:37.010> with<00:00:37.489> the<00:00:37.610> famous<00:00:37.879> tiger south polar region with the famous tiger south polar region with the famous tiger stripe<00:00:39.020> fractures<00:00:39.530> crossing<00:00:39.920> the<00:00:40.010> South<00:00:40.220> Pole stripe fractures crossing the South Pole stripe fractures crossing the South Pole and<00:00:40.760> seen<00:00:41.449> just<00:00:41.780> recently<00:00:42.199> in<00:00:42.440> late<00:00:43.480> 2008<00:00:44.480> here and seen just recently in late 2008 here and seen just recently in late 2008 here is<00:00:45.290> that<00:00:45.409> region<00:00:45.800> again<00:00:46.100> now<00:00:46.309> half<00:00:46.550> in is that region again now half in is that region again now half in darkness<00:00:47.180> because<00:00:47.690> the<00:00:47.900> southern<00:00:48.230> hemisphere darkness because the southern hemisphere darkness because the southern hemisphere is<00:00:49.659> experiencing<00:00:50.659> the<00:00:50.930> onset<00:00:51.440> of<00:00:51.589> August<00:00:51.949> and is experiencing the onset of August and is experiencing the onset of August and eventually<00:00:52.610> winter<00:00:52.909> and<00:00:53.500> I<00:00:54.500> also<00:00:54.800> reported eventually winter and I also reported eventually winter and I also reported that<00:00:55.400> we'd<00:00:55.550> made<00:00:55.760> this<00:00:55.970> mind-blowing that we'd made this mind-blowing that we'd made this mind-blowing discovery<00:00:57.650> this<00:00:57.800> once-in-a-lifetime discovery this once-in-a-lifetime discovery this once-in-a-lifetime discovery<00:00:59.000> of<00:00:59.570> towering<00:01:00.500> Jets<00:01:01.059> erupting<00:01:02.059> from discovery of towering Jets erupting from discovery of towering Jets erupting from those<00:01:02.449> fractures<00:01:02.870> at<00:01:03.019> the<00:01:03.049> South<00:01:03.379> Pole those fractures at the South Pole those fractures at the South Pole consisting<00:01:04.970> of<00:01:05.059> tiny<00:01:05.479> water<00:01:05.900> ice<00:01:06.140> crystals consisting of tiny water ice crystals consisting of tiny water ice crystals accompanied<00:01:07.460> by<00:01:07.490> water<00:01:08.479> vapor<00:01:08.810> and<00:01:09.170> simple accompanied by water vapor and simple accompanied by water vapor and simple organic<00:01:10.310> compounds<00:01:10.909> like<00:01:11.060> carbon<00:01:11.450> dioxide organic compounds like carbon dioxide organic compounds like carbon dioxide and<00:01:12.260> methane<00:01:12.409> and<00:01:12.799> at<00:01:13.790> that<00:01:14.090> time<00:01:14.360> two<00:01:14.600> years and methane and at that time two years and methane and at that time two years ago<00:01:15.110> I<00:01:15.380> mentioned<00:01:15.979> that<00:01:16.310> we<00:01:16.460> were<00:01:16.579> speculating ago I mentioned that we were speculating ago I mentioned that we were speculating that<00:01:17.420> these<00:01:17.750> Jets<00:01:18.049> might<00:01:18.409> in<00:01:18.530> fact<00:01:18.560> be<00:01:18.950> geysers that these Jets might in fact be geysers that these Jets might in fact be geysers and<00:01:19.850> erupting<00:01:20.659> from<00:01:20.869> pockets<00:01:20.960> or<00:01:21.590> chambers<00:01:21.979> of and erupting from pockets or chambers of and erupting from pockets or chambers of liquid<00:01:22.399> water<00:01:22.549> underneath<00:01:22.939> the<00:01:23.119> surface<00:01:23.570> but liquid water underneath the surface but liquid water underneath the surface but we<00:01:24.289> weren't<00:01:24.469> really<00:01:24.829> sure we weren't really sure we weren't really sure however<00:01:26.299> the<00:01:26.600> implications<00:01:27.289> of<00:01:27.409> those however the implications of those however the implications of those results<00:01:28.219> of<00:01:28.430> a<00:01:28.640> possible<00:01:29.270> environment<00:01:29.930> within results of a possible environment within results of a possible environment within this<00:01:30.770> moon<00:01:31.100> that<00:01:31.700> could<00:01:31.909> support<00:01:32.299> prebiotic this moon that could support prebiotic this moon that could support prebiotic chemistry<00:01:33.409> and<00:01:33.829> perhaps<00:01:34.039> life<00:01:34.939> itself chemistry and perhaps life itself chemistry and perhaps life itself we're<00:01:36.170> so<00:01:36.530> exciting<00:01:37.159> that<00:01:37.340> in<00:01:37.729> the we're so exciting that in the we're so exciting that in the intervening<00:01:38.299> two<00:01:38.630> years<00:01:38.899> we<00:01:39.079> have<00:01:39.200> focused intervening two years we have focused intervening two years we have focused more<00:01:39.890> on<00:01:39.950> Enceladus<00:01:40.460> we've<00:01:40.909> flown<00:01:41.270> the more on Enceladus we've flown the more on Enceladus we've flown the Cassini<00:01:41.840> spacecraft<00:01:42.399> by<00:01:43.399> this<00:01:43.640> moon<00:01:43.939> now Cassini spacecraft by this moon now Cassini spacecraft by this moon now several<00:01:44.479> times<00:01:45.009> flying<00:01:46.009> closer<00:01:46.490> and<00:01:46.939> deeper several times flying closer and deeper several times flying closer and deeper into<00:01:47.869> these<00:01:48.020> Jets<00:01:48.469> into<00:01:48.710> the<00:01:48.920> denser<00:01:49.340> regions into these Jets into the denser regions into these Jets into the denser regions of<00:01:49.880> these<00:01:49.969> Jets<00:01:50.270> so<00:01:50.450> that<00:01:50.600> now<00:01:50.810> we<00:01:50.869> have<00:01:51.200> come of these Jets so that now we have come of these Jets so that now we have come away<00:01:51.590> with<00:01:51.950> some<00:01:52.219> very<00:01:52.820> precise away with some very precise away with some very precise compositional<00:01:54.170> measurements<00:01:54.649> and<00:01:54.799> we<00:01:55.310> have compositional measurements and we have compositional measurements and we have found<00:01:55.880> that<00:01:56.420> the<00:01:56.600> organic<00:01:57.049> compounds<00:01:57.619> coming found that the organic compounds coming found that the organic compounds coming from<00:01:58.219> this<00:01:58.850> moon<00:01:59.210> are<00:01:59.450> in<00:01:59.479> fact<00:01:59.810> more<00:02:00.079> complex from this moon are in fact more complex from this moon are in fact more complex and<00:02:00.920> we<00:02:00.950> previously<00:02:01.579> reported<00:02:01.939> while<00:02:02.719> they're and we previously reported while they're and we previously reported while they're not<00:02:03.140> amino<00:02:03.469> acids<00:02:04.009> we're<00:02:04.249> now<00:02:04.460> finding<00:02:05.299> things not amino acids we're now finding things not amino acids we're now finding things like<00:02:06.189> propane<00:02:07.189> and<00:02:07.520> benzene<00:02:07.999> hydrogen like propane and benzene hydrogen like propane and benzene hydrogen cyanide<00:02:09.560> and<00:02:09.830> formaldehyde<00:02:10.460> and<00:02:10.759> the<00:02:11.569> tiny cyanide and formaldehyde and the tiny cyanide and formaldehyde and the tiny water<00:02:12.620> crystals<00:02:13.220> here<00:02:13.640> now<00:02:14.030> look<00:02:14.480> for<00:02:14.690> all<00:02:14.840> the water crystals here now look for all the water crystals here now look for all the world<00:02:15.230> like<00:02:15.410> they<00:02:15.650> are<00:02:15.770> frozen<00:02:16.069> droplets<00:02:16.520> of world like they are frozen droplets of world like they are frozen droplets of salty<00:02:17.390> water<00:02:17.420> which<00:02:18.380> is<00:02:18.530> a<00:02:18.560> discovery<00:02:19.130> that salty water which is a discovery that salty water which is a discovery that suggests<00:02:20.600> that<00:02:20.720> not<00:02:20.960> only<00:02:21.110> do<00:02:21.350> the<00:02:21.470> Jets<00:02:21.740> come suggests that not only do the Jets come suggests that not only do the Jets come from from from it's<00:02:23.360> of<00:02:23.510> liquid<00:02:23.840> water<00:02:24.049> but<00:02:24.290> that<00:02:24.349> that it's of liquid water but that that it's of liquid water but that that liquid<00:02:24.890> water<00:02:25.220> is<00:02:25.579> in<00:02:25.760> contact<00:02:26.239> with<00:02:26.420> rock<00:02:26.780> and liquid water is in contact with rock and liquid water is in contact with rock and that<00:02:27.920> is<00:02:28.159> a<00:02:28.189> circumstance<00:02:29.060> that<00:02:29.299> could<00:02:29.599> supply that is a circumstance that could supply that is a circumstance that could supply the<00:02:30.049> chemical<00:02:30.829> energy<00:02:31.040> and<00:02:31.489> the<00:02:31.549> chemical the chemical energy and the chemical the chemical energy and the chemical compounds<00:02:32.569> needed<00:02:32.930> to<00:02:33.049> sustain<00:02:33.230> life<00:02:33.670> so<00:02:34.670> we compounds needed to sustain life so we compounds needed to sustain life so we are<00:02:35.450> very<00:02:35.689> encouraged<00:02:36.230> by<00:02:36.319> these<00:02:36.470> results<00:02:36.860> and are very encouraged by these results and are very encouraged by these results and we're<00:02:38.060> much<00:02:38.360> more<00:02:38.569> confident<00:02:39.170> now<00:02:39.290> than<00:02:39.530> we we're much more confident now than we we're much more confident now than we were<00:02:39.829> two<00:02:40.040> years<00:02:40.250> ago<00:02:40.579> that<00:02:41.299> we<00:02:41.540> might<00:02:41.840> indeed were two years ago that we might indeed were two years ago that we might indeed have<00:02:42.680> on<00:02:42.859> this<00:02:43.010> moon<00:02:43.340> under<00:02:43.730> the<00:02:44.420> South<00:02:44.629> Pole have on this moon under the South Pole have on this moon under the South Pole an<00:02:45.379> environment<00:02:46.129> or<00:02:46.340> a<00:02:46.370> zone<00:02:46.700> that<00:02:47.000> is an environment or a zone that is an environment or a zone that is hospitable<00:02:48.349> to<00:02:48.500> living<00:02:48.769> organisms<00:02:49.209> whether hospitable to living organisms whether hospitable to living organisms whether or<00:02:50.390> not<00:02:50.510> there<00:02:50.720> are<00:02:50.750> living<00:02:51.079> organisms<00:02:51.260> there or not there are living organisms there or not there are living organisms there of<00:02:51.980> course<00:02:52.220> is<00:02:52.519> an<00:02:52.670> entirely<00:02:53.060> different of course is an entirely different of course is an entirely different matter<00:02:53.689> and<00:02:54.049> that<00:02:54.560> will<00:02:54.709> have<00:02:54.890> to<00:02:55.040> await<00:02:55.519> the matter and that will have to await the matter and that will have to await the arrival<00:02:56.209> back<00:02:56.690> at<00:02:57.700> Enceladus<00:02:58.700> of<00:02:59.120> a arrival back at Enceladus of a arrival back at Enceladus of a spacecraft<00:02:59.560> hopefully<00:03:00.560> sometime<00:03:00.799> in<00:03:01.159> the spacecraft hopefully sometime in the spacecraft hopefully sometime in the near<00:03:01.370> future<00:03:01.930> specifically<00:03:02.930> equipped<00:03:03.230> to near future specifically equipped to near future specifically equipped to address<00:03:04.459> that<00:03:04.730> particular<00:03:04.879> question<00:03:05.510> but<00:03:05.959> in address that particular question but in address that particular question but in the<00:03:06.530> meantime<00:03:06.739> I<00:03:07.190> invite<00:03:07.579> you<00:03:07.790> to<00:03:08.000> imagine<00:03:08.540> the the meantime I invite you to imagine the the meantime I invite you to imagine the day<00:03:08.870> when<00:03:08.900> we<00:03:09.769> might<00:03:10.040> journey<00:03:10.459> to<00:03:10.939> the day when we might journey to the day when we might journey to the Saturnian<00:03:12.200> system<00:03:12.409> and<00:03:13.010> visit<00:03:13.459> the<00:03:13.849> Enceladus Saturnian system and visit the Enceladus Saturnian system and visit the Enceladus interplanetary<00:03:15.409> geyser<00:03:15.739> park<00:03:16.129> just<00:03:16.819> because interplanetary geyser park just because interplanetary geyser park just because we<00:03:17.540> can<00:03:17.810> thank<00:03:18.530> you

Carolyn Porco, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, Ed’, TEDEducation, Cassini, space, universe, astronomy, Saturn, Saturn, moon, Enceladus, Enceladus, moon, geyser, life, outer, space

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