Một nền văn hóa toàn cầu để chống lại chủ nghĩa cực đoan-Maajid Nawaz

A global culture to fight extremism - Maajid Nawaz

A global culture to fight extremism - Maajid Nawaz


have<00:00:16.070> you<00:00:16.190> ever<00:00:16.310> wondered<00:00:16.730> why<00:00:17.080> extremism
have you ever wondered why extremism have you ever wondered why extremism seems<00:00:18.590> to<00:00:18.740> have<00:00:18.830> been<00:00:18.980> on<00:00:19.130> the<00:00:19.220> rise<00:00:19.400> in seems to have been on the rise in seems to have been on the rise in muslim-majority<00:00:20.000> countries<00:00:20.810> over<00:00:21.380> the muslim-majority countries over the muslim-majority countries over the course<00:00:21.680> of<00:00:21.830> the<00:00:21.890> last<00:00:22.040> decade<00:00:22.960> have<00:00:23.960> you<00:00:24.050> ever course of the last decade have you ever course of the last decade have you ever wondered<00:00:24.560> how<00:00:24.800> such<00:00:25.340> a<00:00:25.369> situation<00:00:26.000> can<00:00:26.150> be wondered how such a situation can be wondered how such a situation can be turned<00:00:26.570> around<00:00:27.040> have<00:00:28.040> you<00:00:28.160> ever<00:00:28.280> looked<00:00:28.460> at turned around have you ever looked at turned around have you ever looked at the<00:00:28.700> Arab<00:00:29.030> uprisings<00:00:29.570> and<00:00:29.690> thought<00:00:29.960> how<00:00:30.800> could the Arab uprisings and thought how could the Arab uprisings and thought how could we<00:00:31.160> have<00:00:31.250> predicted<00:00:31.760> that<00:00:31.789> or<00:00:32.120> how<00:00:32.210> could<00:00:32.360> we we have predicted that or how could we we have predicted that or how could we have<00:00:32.629> better<00:00:32.809> prepared<00:00:33.200> for<00:00:33.260> that<00:00:33.850> well<00:00:34.850> my have better prepared for that well my have better prepared for that well my personal<00:00:35.210> story<00:00:35.750> my<00:00:36.739> personal<00:00:37.190> journey<00:00:37.400> what personal story my personal journey what personal story my personal journey what brings<00:00:37.879> me<00:00:37.970> to<00:00:38.059> the<00:00:38.270> Ted<00:00:38.449> stage<00:00:38.570> here<00:00:38.930> today<00:00:39.080> is brings me to the Ted stage here today is brings me to the Ted stage here today is a<00:00:40.610> demonstration<00:00:40.820> of<00:00:41.360> exactly<00:00:41.690> what's<00:00:41.930> been a demonstration of exactly what's been a demonstration of exactly what's been happening<00:00:42.440> in<00:00:42.559> muslim-majority<00:00:42.860> societies happening in muslim-majority societies happening in muslim-majority societies over<00:00:43.730> the<00:00:43.970> course<00:00:44.180> of<00:00:44.300> the<00:00:44.390> last<00:00:44.510> two<00:00:45.140> decades over the course of the last two decades over the course of the last two decades at<00:00:45.650> least<00:00:45.860> and<00:00:46.070> beyond<00:00:46.309> I<00:00:46.659> want<00:00:47.659> to<00:00:47.720> share<00:00:47.930> some at least and beyond I want to share some at least and beyond I want to share some of<00:00:48.260> that<00:00:48.290> story<00:00:48.650> with<00:00:48.860> you<00:00:48.979> but<00:00:49.129> also<00:00:49.250> some<00:00:50.150> of of that story with you but also some of of that story with you but also some of my<00:00:50.390> ideas<00:00:50.600> around<00:00:51.080> change<00:00:51.440> and<00:00:51.739> the<00:00:52.729> role<00:00:52.879> of my ideas around change and the role of my ideas around change and the role of social<00:00:53.210> movements<00:00:53.750> in<00:00:53.780> creating<00:00:54.229> change<00:00:54.260> in social movements in creating change in social movements in creating change in muslim-majority<00:00:55.309> societies<00:00:56.470> so<00:00:57.470> let<00:00:57.589> me muslim-majority societies so let me muslim-majority societies so let me begin<00:00:57.830> by<00:00:58.220> first<00:00:59.120> of<00:00:59.269> all<00:00:59.360> giving<00:00:59.960> a<00:01:00.050> very<00:01:00.710> very begin by first of all giving a very very begin by first of all giving a very very brief<00:01:01.220> history<00:01:01.280> of<00:01:01.580> time<00:01:01.670> if<00:01:02.120> I<00:01:02.510> may<00:01:02.659> indulge brief history of time if I may indulge brief history of time if I may indulge in<00:01:03.790> medieval<00:01:04.790> societies<00:01:05.330> they<00:01:05.630> were<00:01:05.750> defined in medieval societies they were defined in medieval societies they were defined allegiances<00:01:06.950> and<00:01:07.010> identity<00:01:07.610> was<00:01:08.150> defined allegiances and identity was defined allegiances and identity was defined primarily<00:01:08.799> by<00:01:09.799> religion<00:01:10.250> and<00:01:10.400> then<00:01:11.330> we<00:01:11.450> moved primarily by religion and then we moved primarily by religion and then we moved on<00:01:11.810> into<00:01:11.990> an<00:01:12.170> era<00:01:12.350> in<00:01:12.530> the<00:01:12.620> nineteenth<00:01:12.979> century on into an era in the nineteenth century on into an era in the nineteenth century with<00:01:13.850> the<00:01:13.880> rise<00:01:14.090> of<00:01:14.299> a<00:01:14.420> European<00:01:14.899> nation<00:01:15.049> state with the rise of a European nation state with the rise of a European nation state when<00:01:16.310> identities<00:01:16.880> and<00:01:17.030> allegiances<00:01:17.509> were when identities and allegiances were when identities and allegiances were defined<00:01:18.049> by<00:01:18.770> ethnicity<00:01:19.630> so<00:01:20.630> identity<00:01:21.049> was defined by ethnicity so identity was defined by ethnicity so identity was primarily<00:01:21.710> defined<00:01:22.100> by<00:01:22.610> ethnicity<00:01:22.759> and<00:01:23.240> the primarily defined by ethnicity and the primarily defined by ethnicity and the nation-state<00:01:23.659> reflected<00:01:24.409> that<00:01:24.560> in<00:01:24.860> the<00:01:25.430> age nation-state reflected that in the age nation-state reflected that in the age of<00:01:25.729> globalization<00:01:26.149> we<00:01:26.780> moved<00:01:27.020> on<00:01:27.229> I<00:01:27.640> call<00:01:28.640> it of globalization we moved on I call it of globalization we moved on I call it the<00:01:28.850> era<00:01:29.000> of<00:01:29.180> citizenship<00:01:29.840> where<00:01:30.680> people the era of citizenship where people the era of citizenship where people could<00:01:31.189> be<00:01:31.310> from<00:01:31.520> multiracial<00:01:32.149> multi-ethnic could be from multiracial multi-ethnic could be from multiracial multi-ethnic backgrounds<00:01:33.350> but<00:01:34.039> all<00:01:34.100> be<00:01:34.399> equal<00:01:34.850> as<00:01:35.030> citizens backgrounds but all be equal as citizens backgrounds but all be equal as citizens in<00:01:36.109> a<00:01:36.439> state<00:01:36.710> you<00:01:37.490> could<00:01:37.640> be<00:01:37.729> American<00:01:38.149> Italian in a state you could be American Italian in a state you could be American Italian you<00:01:38.960> can<00:01:39.079> be<00:01:39.200> American<00:01:39.590> Irish<00:01:39.740> you<00:01:40.399> could<00:01:40.549> be you can be American Irish you could be you can be American Irish you could be British<00:01:40.939> Pakistani<00:01:42.009> but<00:01:43.009> I<00:01:43.039> believe<00:01:43.429> now<00:01:43.460> that British Pakistani but I believe now that British Pakistani but I believe now that we're<00:01:44.479> moving<00:01:44.600> into<00:01:44.899> a<00:01:45.020> new<00:01:45.259> age<00:01:45.289> and<00:01:45.789> that<00:01:46.789> age we're moving into a new age and that age we're moving into a new age and that age the<00:01:47.270> New<00:01:47.390> York<00:01:47.600> Times<00:01:47.840> dubbed<00:01:48.170> recently<00:01:48.920> as the New York Times dubbed recently as the New York Times dubbed recently as the<00:01:49.219> age<00:01:49.369> of<00:01:49.670> behavior<00:01:50.509> how<00:01:51.500> I<00:01:51.530> define<00:01:51.979> the<00:01:52.159> age the age of behavior how I define the age the age of behavior how I define the age of<00:01:52.460> behavior<00:01:52.880> is<00:01:53.060> a<00:01:53.439> period<00:01:54.439> of<00:01:54.590> transnational of behavior is a period of transnational of behavior is a period of transnational allegiances<00:01:56.390> where<00:01:56.630> identities<00:01:57.229> define<00:01:57.649> more allegiances where identities define more allegiances where identities define more so<00:01:58.189> by<00:01:58.670> ideas<00:01:59.179> and<00:01:59.479> narratives<00:01:59.960> and<00:02:00.499> these so by ideas and narratives and these so by ideas and narratives and these ideas<00:02:01.909> and<00:02:02.060> narratives<00:02:02.420> that<00:02:02.539> bond<00:02:02.780> people ideas and narratives that bond people ideas and narratives that bond people across<00:02:03.350> borders<00:02:03.469> are<00:02:04.100> increasingly across borders are increasingly across borders are increasingly beginning<00:02:05.270> to<00:02:05.509> affect<00:02:05.600> the<00:02:05.960> way<00:02:06.079> in<00:02:06.350> which beginning to affect the way in which beginning to affect the way in which people<00:02:06.979> behave<00:02:07.869> now<00:02:08.869> this<00:02:09.050> is<00:02:09.170> not<00:02:09.319> all people behave now this is not all people behave now this is not all necessary<00:02:09.920> good<00:02:10.160> news<00:02:11.050> because<00:02:12.050> it's<00:02:12.319> also<00:02:12.500> my necessary good news because it's also my necessary good news because it's also my belief<00:02:13.069> that<00:02:13.370> hatred<00:02:14.170> has<00:02:15.170> gone<00:02:15.440> global<00:02:15.650> just belief that hatred has gone global just belief that hatred has gone global just as<00:02:16.280> much<00:02:16.490> as<00:02:16.840> love<00:02:18.880> but<00:02:19.880> actually<00:02:20.180> it's<00:02:20.270> my as much as love but actually it's my as much as love but actually it's my belief<00:02:20.600> that<00:02:20.750> the<00:02:21.320> people<00:02:21.650> who've<00:02:21.800> been<00:02:21.950> truly belief that the people who've been truly belief that the people who've been truly capitalizing<00:02:23.000> on<00:02:23.060> this<00:02:23.210> age<00:02:23.360> of<00:02:23.540> behavior capitalizing on this age of behavior capitalizing on this age of behavior up<00:02:24.500> until<00:02:24.800> now<00:02:24.980> up<00:02:25.430> until<00:02:25.550> recent<00:02:26.090> times<00:02:26.320> up up until now up until recent times up up until now up until recent times up until<00:02:27.680> the<00:02:27.770> last<00:02:27.950> six<00:02:28.280> months<00:02:28.370> the<00:02:29.060> people<00:02:29.390> who until the last six months the people who until the last six months the people who have<00:02:29.570> been<00:02:29.720> capitalizing<00:02:30.380> most<00:02:30.620> on<00:02:30.890> the<00:02:31.190> age have been capitalizing most on the age have been capitalizing most on the age of<00:02:31.490> behavior<00:02:31.910> and<00:02:32.210> the<00:02:32.780> transnational of behavior and the transnational of behavior and the transnational allegiances<00:02:33.890> using<00:02:34.270> digital<00:02:35.270> activism<00:02:35.930> and allegiances using digital activism and allegiances using digital activism and other<00:02:36.590> sorts<00:02:36.950> of<00:02:37.040> of<00:02:37.220> borderless other sorts of of borderless other sorts of of borderless technologies<00:02:38.450> those<00:02:39.080> who<00:02:39.230> have<00:02:39.320> been technologies those who have been technologies those who have been benefiting<00:02:39.890> from<00:02:39.980> this<00:02:40.160> have<00:02:40.310> been benefiting from this have been benefiting from this have been extremists<00:02:42.370> and<00:02:44.350> that's<00:02:45.350> something<00:02:45.710> which extremists and that's something which extremists and that's something which I'd<00:02:45.950> like<00:02:46.100> to<00:02:46.220> elaborate<00:02:46.610> on<00:02:46.750> if<00:02:47.750> we<00:02:47.900> look<00:02:48.050> at I'd like to elaborate on if we look at I'd like to elaborate on if we look at Islamists<00:02:48.770> if<00:02:49.460> we<00:02:50.300> look<00:02:50.450> at<00:02:50.570> the<00:02:50.720> phenomenon Islamists if we look at the phenomenon Islamists if we look at the phenomenon of<00:02:52.120> far-right<00:02:53.120> fascists<00:02:53.900> one<00:02:54.740> thing<00:02:54.980> they've of far-right fascists one thing they've of far-right fascists one thing they've been<00:02:55.280> very<00:02:55.460> good<00:02:55.730> at<00:02:55.910> one<00:02:56.750> thing<00:02:56.930> that<00:02:57.110> they've been very good at one thing that they've been very good at one thing that they've been<00:02:57.350> actually<00:02:57.680> exceeding<00:02:58.220> in<00:02:58.340> is been actually exceeding in is been actually exceeding in is communicating<00:02:59.990> across<00:03:00.290> borders<00:03:00.680> using communicating across borders using communicating across borders using technologies<00:03:01.880> to<00:03:02.330> organize<00:03:02.720> themselves<00:03:02.990> to technologies to organize themselves to technologies to organize themselves to propagate<00:03:04.100> their<00:03:04.280> message<00:03:04.670> and<00:03:05.230> to<00:03:06.230> create propagate their message and to create propagate their message and to create truly<00:03:06.830> global<00:03:07.370> phenomena<00:03:08.090> now<00:03:08.600> I<00:03:08.630> should<00:03:08.930> know truly global phenomena now I should know truly global phenomena now I should know because<00:03:10.520> for<00:03:10.820> 13<00:03:11.180> years<00:03:11.480> of<00:03:11.630> my<00:03:12.320> life<00:03:12.350> I<00:03:12.710> was because for 13 years of my life I was because for 13 years of my life I was involved<00:03:13.340> in<00:03:13.490> an<00:03:13.820> extreme<00:03:14.180> Islamist involved in an extreme Islamist involved in an extreme Islamist organization<00:03:16.510> and<00:03:17.510> I<00:03:17.600> was<00:03:17.780> actually<00:03:17.990> a<00:03:18.170> potent organization and I was actually a potent organization and I was actually a potent force<00:03:18.680> in<00:03:19.040> spreading<00:03:19.400> ideas<00:03:19.820> across<00:03:20.450> borders force in spreading ideas across borders force in spreading ideas across borders and<00:03:21.020> I<00:03:21.320> witnessed<00:03:21.830> the<00:03:21.980> rise<00:03:22.190> of<00:03:22.520> Islamist and I witnessed the rise of Islamist and I witnessed the rise of Islamist extremism<00:03:23.840> as<00:03:24.110> distinct<00:03:24.740> from<00:03:24.770> Islam<00:03:25.160> the extremism as distinct from Islam the extremism as distinct from Islam the faith<00:03:25.550> and<00:03:25.840> the<00:03:26.840> way<00:03:26.960> in<00:03:27.080> which<00:03:27.230> it<00:03:27.380> influenced faith and the way in which it influenced faith and the way in which it influenced my<00:03:28.610> co-religionists<00:03:29.450> across<00:03:29.990> the<00:03:30.140> world<00:03:30.320> and my co-religionists across the world and my co-religionists across the world and my<00:03:31.100> story<00:03:31.459> my<00:03:31.640> personal<00:03:32.120> story<00:03:32.390> is<00:03:32.600> truly my story my personal story is truly my story my personal story is truly evidence<00:03:33.950> for<00:03:34.130> the<00:03:34.190> age<00:03:34.310> of<00:03:34.459> behavior<00:03:34.880> that evidence for the age of behavior that evidence for the age of behavior that I'm<00:03:35.300> attempting<00:03:35.570> to<00:03:35.930> elaborate<00:03:36.590> upon<00:03:36.740> here<00:03:37.130> I I'm attempting to elaborate upon here I I'm attempting to elaborate upon here I was<00:03:37.820> by<00:03:38.120> the<00:03:38.180> way<00:03:38.390> I'm<00:03:38.660> an<00:03:39.110> Essex<00:03:39.380> lad<00:03:39.560> born<00:03:39.830> and was by the way I'm an Essex lad born and was by the way I'm an Essex lad born and raised<00:03:40.040> in<00:03:40.070> Essex<00:03:40.520> in<00:03:40.670> the<00:03:40.730> UK<00:03:41.060> anyone<00:03:41.690> who's raised in Essex in the UK anyone who's raised in Essex in the UK anyone who's from<00:03:42.020> England<00:03:42.320> knows<00:03:42.440> the<00:03:42.620> reputation<00:03:43.520> that from England knows the reputation that from England knows the reputation that we<00:03:44.000> have<00:03:44.150> from<00:03:44.300> Essex<00:03:44.920> but<00:03:46.270> having<00:03:47.270> been<00:03:47.300> born we have from Essex but having been born we have from Essex but having been born in<00:03:47.750> Essex<00:03:48.110> at<00:03:48.260> the<00:03:48.380> age<00:03:48.500> of<00:03:48.620> 16<00:03:49.100> I<00:03:49.810> joined<00:03:50.810> an in Essex at the age of 16 I joined an in Essex at the age of 16 I joined an organisation<00:03:51.590> at<00:03:51.740> the<00:03:52.040> age<00:03:52.130> of<00:03:52.280> 17<00:03:53.000> I<00:03:53.030> was organisation at the age of 17 I was organisation at the age of 17 I was recruiting<00:03:53.660> people<00:03:53.810> from<00:03:54.020> Cambridge recruiting people from Cambridge recruiting people from Cambridge University<00:03:54.440> to<00:03:55.340> this<00:03:55.489> organization<00:03:55.850> at<00:03:56.390> the University to this organization at the University to this organization at the age<00:03:56.780> of<00:03:56.930> 19<00:03:57.380> I<00:03:57.560> was<00:03:57.890> on<00:03:57.980> the<00:03:58.040> National age of 19 I was on the National age of 19 I was on the National leadership<00:03:58.820> of<00:03:58.910> this<00:03:59.060> organisation<00:03:59.690> in<00:03:59.780> the leadership of this organisation in the leadership of this organisation in the UK<00:04:00.550> at<00:04:01.550> the<00:04:01.670> age<00:04:01.850> of<00:04:01.970> 21<00:04:02.570> I<00:04:02.780> was<00:04:02.900> co-founding UK at the age of 21 I was co-founding UK at the age of 21 I was co-founding this<00:04:03.800> organisation<00:04:04.400> in<00:04:04.489> Pakistan<00:04:05.000> at<00:04:05.420> the<00:04:05.570> age this organisation in Pakistan at the age this organisation in Pakistan at the age of<00:04:05.750> 22<00:04:06.290> I<00:04:06.500> was<00:04:06.650> co-founding<00:04:07.340> this of 22 I was co-founding this of 22 I was co-founding this organisation<00:04:08.060> in<00:04:08.150> Denmark<00:04:08.570> by<00:04:09.410> the<00:04:09.470> age<00:04:09.709> of<00:04:09.860> 24 organisation in Denmark by the age of 24 organisation in Denmark by the age of 24 I<00:04:10.730> found<00:04:11.330> myself<00:04:11.480> convicted<00:04:12.170> in<00:04:12.290> prison<00:04:12.620> in I found myself convicted in prison in I found myself convicted in prison in Egypt<00:04:13.750> being<00:04:14.750> blacklisted<00:04:15.140> from<00:04:15.560> three Egypt being blacklisted from three Egypt being blacklisted from three countries<00:04:15.950> in<00:04:16.310> the<00:04:16.400> world<00:04:16.520> for<00:04:17.270> attempting<00:04:17.690> to countries in the world for attempting to countries in the world for attempting to overthrow<00:04:18.049> their<00:04:18.380> governments<00:04:19.209> being overthrow their governments being overthrow their governments being subjected<00:04:20.840> to<00:04:21.200> torture<00:04:21.470> in<00:04:21.799> Egyptian<00:04:22.490> jails subjected to torture in Egyptian jails subjected to torture in Egyptian jails and<00:04:22.970> sentenced<00:04:23.750> to<00:04:23.840> five<00:04:24.050> years<00:04:24.080> as<00:04:24.530> a and sentenced to five years as a and sentenced to five years as a prisoner<00:04:25.430> of<00:04:25.490> conscience<00:04:26.440> now<00:04:27.440> that<00:04:27.620> journey prisoner of conscience now that journey prisoner of conscience now that journey and<00:04:28.310> what<00:04:28.640> took<00:04:28.790> me<00:04:28.970> from<00:04:29.090> Essex<00:04:29.510> all<00:04:29.840> the<00:04:30.200> way and what took me from Essex all the way and what took me from Essex all the way across<00:04:30.650> the<00:04:30.830> world<00:04:31.040> by<00:04:31.880> the<00:04:31.940> way<00:04:32.150> we<00:04:32.330> were across the world by the way we were across the world by the way we were laughing<00:04:32.840> at<00:04:32.960> democratic<00:04:33.470> activists<00:04:34.180> we<00:04:35.180> felt laughing at democratic activists we felt laughing at democratic activists we felt they<00:04:35.539> were<00:04:35.600> there<00:04:36.140> from<00:04:36.260> the<00:04:36.410> age<00:04:36.530> of they were there from the age of they were there from the age of yesteryear<00:04:37.250> we yesteryear we yesteryear we that<00:04:38.030> they<00:04:38.120> were<00:04:38.180> out<00:04:38.420> of<00:04:38.450> date<00:04:38.660> I<00:04:39.140> learned<00:04:39.650> how that they were out of date I learned how that they were out of date I learned how to<00:04:39.830> use<00:04:40.160> emails<00:04:40.750> from<00:04:41.750> the<00:04:41.930> extremist to use emails from the extremist to use emails from the extremist organization<00:04:42.980> that<00:04:43.160> I<00:04:43.190> used<00:04:43.580> I<00:04:44.200> learned<00:04:45.200> how organization that I used I learned how organization that I used I learned how to<00:04:45.350> effectively<00:04:46.040> communicate<00:04:46.250> across to effectively communicate across to effectively communicate across borders<00:04:47.630> without<00:04:47.870> being<00:04:48.110> detected borders without being detected borders without being detected eventually<00:04:49.160> I<00:04:49.220> was<00:04:49.370> detected<00:04:49.850> of<00:04:49.940> course<00:04:50.120> in eventually I was detected of course in eventually I was detected of course in Egypt<00:04:51.460> but<00:04:52.460> the<00:04:52.670> way<00:04:52.790> in<00:04:52.940> which<00:04:53.060> I<00:04:53.240> learnt<00:04:53.540> to Egypt but the way in which I learnt to Egypt but the way in which I learnt to use<00:04:53.810> technology<00:04:54.650> to<00:04:54.830> my<00:04:54.980> advantage<00:04:55.720> was use technology to my advantage was use technology to my advantage was because<00:04:57.080> I<00:04:57.110> was<00:04:57.380> within<00:04:57.560> an<00:04:57.890> extremist because I was within an extremist because I was within an extremist organization<00:04:58.490> that<00:04:59.120> was<00:04:59.240> forced<00:04:59.720> to<00:04:59.870> think organization that was forced to think organization that was forced to think beyond<00:05:00.500> the<00:05:00.680> confines<00:05:01.340> of<00:05:01.580> the<00:05:01.700> nation-state beyond the confines of the nation-state beyond the confines of the nation-state the<00:05:02.870> age<00:05:03.020> of<00:05:03.200> behavior<00:05:03.650> where<00:05:04.010> ideas<00:05:04.190> and the age of behavior where ideas and the age of behavior where ideas and narratives<00:05:04.730> were<00:05:05.120> increasingly<00:05:05.630> defining narratives were increasingly defining narratives were increasingly defining behavior<00:05:06.290> and<00:05:07.390> identity<00:05:08.390> and<00:05:08.570> allegiances<00:05:09.490> so behavior and identity and allegiances so behavior and identity and allegiances so as<00:05:10.610> I<00:05:10.700> said<00:05:10.880> we<00:05:11.060> looked<00:05:11.270> to<00:05:11.750> the<00:05:12.080> status<00:05:13.010> quo as I said we looked to the status quo as I said we looked to the status quo and<00:05:13.520> ridiculed<00:05:14.060> it<00:05:14.240> and<00:05:14.450> it's<00:05:14.720> not<00:05:14.870> just and ridiculed it and it's not just and ridiculed it and it's not just Islamist<00:05:15.560> extremists<00:05:16.070> that<00:05:16.100> did<00:05:16.370> this<00:05:16.520> but Islamist extremists that did this but Islamist extremists that did this but even<00:05:17.240> if<00:05:17.360> you<00:05:17.540> look<00:05:17.810> across<00:05:18.140> the<00:05:18.590> mood<00:05:19.070> music even if you look across the mood music even if you look across the mood music in<00:05:19.640> Europe<00:05:20.000> of<00:05:20.120> late<00:05:20.410> far-right<00:05:21.410> fascism<00:05:21.950> is in Europe of late far-right fascism is in Europe of late far-right fascism is also<00:05:22.340> on<00:05:22.460> the<00:05:22.580> rise<00:05:22.730> a<00:05:23.030> form<00:05:23.480> of<00:05:23.570> anti<00:05:23.840> Islam also on the rise a form of anti Islam also on the rise a form of anti Islam rhetoric<00:05:25.610> is<00:05:25.730> also<00:05:26.000> on<00:05:26.150> the<00:05:26.270> rise<00:05:26.420> and<00:05:26.690> it's rhetoric is also on the rise and it's rhetoric is also on the rise and it's transnational<00:05:27.620> and<00:05:27.970> the<00:05:28.970> consequence<00:05:29.510> is transnational and the consequence is transnational and the consequence is that<00:05:29.840> this<00:05:29.930> is<00:05:30.110> having<00:05:31.240> is<00:05:32.240> that<00:05:32.450> is<00:05:32.540> affecting that this is having is that is affecting that this is having is that is affecting the<00:05:33.290> political<00:05:33.800> climate<00:05:34.010> across<00:05:34.700> Europe the political climate across Europe the political climate across Europe what's<00:05:36.680> actually<00:05:36.890> happening<00:05:37.460> is<00:05:37.670> that<00:05:38.180> what what's actually happening is that what what's actually happening is that what were<00:05:38.570> previously<00:05:39.110> localized<00:05:40.040> parochialism were previously localized parochialism were previously localized parochialism x'<00:05:41.350> individual<00:05:42.350> or<00:05:42.590> groupings<00:05:43.430> of<00:05:43.690> extremists x' individual or groupings of extremists x' individual or groupings of extremists who<00:05:44.810> are<00:05:44.840> isolated<00:05:45.530> from<00:05:45.650> one<00:05:45.710> another<00:05:45.920> have who are isolated from one another have who are isolated from one another have become<00:05:47.000> interconnected<00:05:47.510> in<00:05:48.230> a<00:05:48.980> globalized become interconnected in a globalized become interconnected in a globalized way<00:05:49.760> and<00:05:50.030> have<00:05:50.360> thus<00:05:50.570> become<00:05:50.810> or<00:05:51.230> are<00:05:51.380> becoming way and have thus become or are becoming way and have thus become or are becoming mainstream<00:05:52.390> because<00:05:53.390> the<00:05:53.720> internet<00:05:54.170> and mainstream because the internet and mainstream because the internet and connection<00:05:55.010> technologies<00:05:55.550> are<00:05:55.760> connecting connection technologies are connecting connection technologies are connecting them<00:05:56.360> across<00:05:56.540> the<00:05:56.780> world<00:05:56.960> if<00:05:58.090> you<00:05:59.090> look<00:05:59.240> at<00:05:59.390> the them across the world if you look at the them across the world if you look at the rise<00:05:59.690> of<00:05:59.900> far-right<00:06:00.260> fascism<00:06:00.770> across<00:06:01.010> Europe rise of far-right fascism across Europe rise of far-right fascism across Europe of<00:06:01.460> late<00:06:01.670> you<00:06:02.180> will<00:06:02.240> see<00:06:02.480> some<00:06:02.720> things<00:06:02.750> that of late you will see some things that of late you will see some things that are<00:06:03.140> happening<00:06:03.230> that<00:06:03.650> are<00:06:03.830> influencing are happening that are influencing are happening that are influencing domestic<00:06:04.910> politics<00:06:05.480> yet<00:06:06.020> the<00:06:06.170> phenomenon<00:06:06.740> is domestic politics yet the phenomenon is domestic politics yet the phenomenon is transnational<00:06:07.940> in<00:06:08.720> certain<00:06:09.230> countries transnational in certain countries transnational in certain countries mosque<00:06:09.830> minarets<00:06:10.220> are<00:06:10.310> being<00:06:10.490> banned<00:06:10.760> in mosque minarets are being banned in mosque minarets are being banned in others<00:06:11.480> head<00:06:11.630> scarves<00:06:11.930> are<00:06:12.140> being<00:06:12.290> banned<00:06:12.530> in others head scarves are being banned in others head scarves are being banned in others<00:06:13.340> kosher<00:06:13.700> and<00:06:13.820> halal<00:06:13.910> meat<00:06:14.270> are<00:06:14.420> being others kosher and halal meat are being others kosher and halal meat are being banned<00:06:14.930> as<00:06:15.110> we<00:06:15.560> speak<00:06:15.860> and<00:06:16.930> on<00:06:17.930> the<00:06:18.050> flip<00:06:18.320> side banned as we speak and on the flip side banned as we speak and on the flip side we<00:06:19.430> have<00:06:19.580> transnational<00:06:20.300> Islamist we have transnational Islamist we have transnational Islamist extremists<00:06:21.410> doing<00:06:21.860> the<00:06:21.980> same<00:06:22.190> thing<00:06:22.460> across extremists doing the same thing across extremists doing the same thing across their<00:06:23.420> own<00:06:23.540> societies<00:06:24.140> and<00:06:24.320> so<00:06:24.770> they<00:06:24.890> are their own societies and so they are their own societies and so they are pockets<00:06:25.430> of<00:06:25.550> parochialism<00:06:26.030> that<00:06:26.510> are<00:06:26.630> being pockets of parochialism that are being pockets of parochialism that are being connected<00:06:27.050> in<00:06:27.440> a<00:06:27.860> way<00:06:27.980> that<00:06:28.190> makes<00:06:28.370> them<00:06:28.580> feel connected in a way that makes them feel connected in a way that makes them feel like<00:06:28.940> they<00:06:29.540> are<00:06:29.570> mainstream<00:06:30.230> now<00:06:30.560> that<00:06:30.710> never like they are mainstream now that never like they are mainstream now that never would<00:06:31.130> have<00:06:31.160> been<00:06:31.310> possible<00:06:31.760> before<00:06:31.910> they would have been possible before they would have been possible before they would<00:06:32.570> have<00:06:32.750> felt<00:06:33.020> isolated<00:06:33.880> until<00:06:34.880> these would have felt isolated until these would have felt isolated until these sorts<00:06:35.360> of<00:06:35.420> technologies<00:06:35.570> came<00:06:36.110> around<00:06:36.380> and sorts of technologies came around and sorts of technologies came around and connected<00:06:37.250> them<00:06:37.340> in<00:06:37.460> a<00:06:37.520> way<00:06:37.640> that<00:06:38.000> made<00:06:38.180> them connected them in a way that made them connected them in a way that made them feel<00:06:38.480> part<00:06:38.720> of<00:06:38.870> a<00:06:38.990> larger<00:06:39.350> phenomenon<00:06:39.910> where feel part of a larger phenomenon where feel part of a larger phenomenon where does<00:06:41.000> that<00:06:41.030> leave<00:06:41.350> democracy<00:06:42.350> aspirants<00:06:43.300> well does that leave democracy aspirants well does that leave democracy aspirants well I<00:06:44.330> believe<00:06:44.630> they're<00:06:44.780> getting<00:06:44.990> left<00:06:45.140> far I believe they're getting left far I believe they're getting left far behind<00:06:45.470> and<00:06:46.040> I'll<00:06:46.400> give<00:06:46.580> you<00:06:46.730> an<00:06:46.990> example<00:06:47.990> here behind and I'll give you an example here behind and I'll give you an example here at<00:06:48.380> this<00:06:48.530> stage<00:06:48.850> if<00:06:49.850> any<00:06:50.060> of<00:06:50.180> you<00:06:50.270> remembers at this stage if any of you remembers at this stage if any of you remembers the<00:06:50.780> Christmas<00:06:51.140> Day<00:06:51.260> bomber the Christmas Day bomber the Christmas Day bomber plot<00:06:52.040> there's<00:06:53.040> a<00:06:53.100> man<00:06:53.340> called<00:06:53.610> Anwar<00:06:53.850> Awlaki plot there's a man called Anwar Awlaki plot there's a man called Anwar Awlaki is<00:06:55.530> an<00:06:55.680> American<00:06:56.070> citizen<00:06:56.310> ethnically<00:06:57.120> a is an American citizen ethnically a is an American citizen ethnically a Yemeni<00:06:57.720> in<00:06:58.320> hiding<00:06:58.740> currently<00:06:59.070> in<00:06:59.250> Yemen<00:06:59.580> who Yemeni in hiding currently in Yemen who Yemeni in hiding currently in Yemen who inspired<00:07:00.120> a<00:07:00.300> Nigerian<00:07:00.960> son<00:07:01.500> of<00:07:01.620> the<00:07:01.770> head<00:07:01.920> of inspired a Nigerian son of the head of inspired a Nigerian son of the head of the<00:07:02.220> Nigeria's<00:07:02.730> National<00:07:03.090> Bank<00:07:03.330> this the Nigeria's National Bank this the Nigeria's National Bank this Nigerian<00:07:04.530> students<00:07:04.890> studied<00:07:05.250> in<00:07:05.340> London Nigerian students studied in London Nigerian students studied in London trained<00:07:06.270> in<00:07:06.450> Yemen<00:07:06.630> born<00:07:07.350> in<00:07:07.470> a<00:07:07.530> flight<00:07:07.740> in trained in Yemen born in a flight in trained in Yemen born in a flight in Amsterdam<00:07:08.340> to<00:07:08.730> attack<00:07:09.000> America<00:07:09.480> in<00:07:09.990> the Amsterdam to attack America in the Amsterdam to attack America in the meanwhile<00:07:10.530> the<00:07:11.010> old<00:07:11.280> mentality<00:07:11.910> with<00:07:12.030> a meanwhile the old mentality with a meanwhile the old mentality with a capital<00:07:12.330> o<00:07:12.590> was<00:07:13.590> represented<00:07:14.160> by<00:07:14.280> his<00:07:14.430> father capital o was represented by his father capital o was represented by his father the<00:07:14.940> head<00:07:15.090> of<00:07:15.210> the<00:07:15.270> Nigerian<00:07:15.540> bank<00:07:15.930> warning the head of the Nigerian bank warning the head of the Nigerian bank warning the<00:07:16.950> CIA<00:07:17.280> that<00:07:18.180> his<00:07:18.390> own<00:07:18.540> son<00:07:18.870> was<00:07:19.050> about<00:07:19.260> to the CIA that his own son was about to the CIA that his own son was about to attack<00:07:19.710> and<00:07:19.950> this<00:07:20.280> warning<00:07:20.610> fell<00:07:20.820> on<00:07:20.940> deaf attack and this warning fell on deaf attack and this warning fell on deaf ears<00:07:21.290> the<00:07:22.290> old<00:07:22.500> mentality<00:07:22.920> with<00:07:23.610> a<00:07:23.640> capital<00:07:24.090> o ears the old mentality with a capital o ears the old mentality with a capital o as<00:07:24.450> represented<00:07:25.260> by<00:07:25.290> the<00:07:25.440> nation-state<00:07:26.390> not as represented by the nation-state not as represented by the nation-state not yet<00:07:27.600> fully<00:07:27.840> into<00:07:28.110> the<00:07:28.140> age<00:07:28.320> of<00:07:28.470> behavior<00:07:28.860> not yet fully into the age of behavior not yet fully into the age of behavior not recognizing<00:07:29.670> the<00:07:29.790> power<00:07:29.970> of<00:07:30.270> transnational recognizing the power of transnational recognizing the power of transnational social<00:07:31.500> movements<00:07:31.890> got<00:07:32.220> left<00:07:32.460> behind<00:07:32.610> and<00:07:33.090> the social movements got left behind and the social movements got left behind and the kiss<00:07:33.540> Christmas<00:07:33.960> Day<00:07:34.110> bomber<00:07:34.290> almost kiss Christmas Day bomber almost kiss Christmas Day bomber almost succeeded<00:07:34.950> in<00:07:35.250> attacking<00:07:35.880> the<00:07:36.180> United<00:07:36.300> States succeeded in attacking the United States succeeded in attacking the United States of<00:07:36.840> America<00:07:39.710> again<00:07:40.710> with<00:07:40.890> the<00:07:41.250> example<00:07:41.670> of<00:07:41.760> the of America again with the example of the of America again with the example of the far<00:07:42.060> right<00:07:42.270> that<00:07:42.600> we<00:07:42.690> find<00:07:43.580> ironically far right that we find ironically far right that we find ironically xenophobic<00:07:47.510> xenophobic<00:07:48.510> nationalists<00:07:49.140> are xenophobic xenophobic nationalists are xenophobic xenophobic nationalists are utilizing<00:07:50.700> the<00:07:50.790> benefits<00:07:51.150> of<00:07:51.270> globalization utilizing the benefits of globalization utilizing the benefits of globalization so<00:07:53.820> why<00:07:53.970> are<00:07:54.090> they<00:07:54.180> succeeding<00:07:54.570> and<00:07:54.900> why<00:07:55.380> our so why are they succeeding and why our so why are they succeeding and why our democracy<00:07:56.370> aspirants<00:07:56.820> falling<00:07:57.090> behind<00:07:57.210> well democracy aspirants falling behind well democracy aspirants falling behind well we<00:07:58.230> need<00:07:58.350> to<00:07:58.470> understand<00:07:58.860> the<00:07:58.980> power<00:07:59.130> of<00:07:59.280> a we need to understand the power of a we need to understand the power of a social<00:07:59.730> movement<00:07:59.820> to<00:08:00.090> understand<00:08:00.540> this<00:08:00.720> and<00:08:00.990> a social movement to understand this and a social movement to understand this and a social<00:08:01.740> movement<00:08:02.040> is<00:08:02.100> comprised<00:08:02.550> in<00:08:02.880> my<00:08:03.210> view social movement is comprised in my view social movement is comprised in my view it's<00:08:04.020> comprised<00:08:04.350> of<00:08:04.530> four<00:08:04.770> main it's comprised of four main it's comprised of four main characteristics<00:08:05.820> it's<00:08:06.450> comprised<00:08:06.900> of<00:08:07.050> ideas characteristics it's comprised of ideas characteristics it's comprised of ideas and<00:08:07.830> narratives<00:08:08.640> and<00:08:08.820> symbols<00:08:09.330> and<00:08:09.570> leaders and narratives and symbols and leaders and narratives and symbols and leaders I'll<00:08:10.050> talk<00:08:10.470> you<00:08:10.500> through<00:08:10.650> one<00:08:10.950> example<00:08:11.280> and I'll talk you through one example and I'll talk you through one example and that's<00:08:12.390> the<00:08:12.510> example<00:08:12.720> that<00:08:12.900> everyone<00:08:13.290> here that's the example that everyone here that's the example that everyone here will<00:08:13.590> become<00:08:13.710> aware<00:08:14.160> of<00:08:14.220> and<00:08:14.580> that's<00:08:15.090> the will become aware of and that's the will become aware of and that's the example<00:08:15.450> of<00:08:15.690> al-qaeda<00:08:16.910> if<00:08:17.910> I<00:08:18.090> ask<00:08:18.270> you<00:08:18.420> to example of al-qaeda if I ask you to example of al-qaeda if I ask you to think<00:08:18.750> of<00:08:18.900> the<00:08:18.990> ideas<00:08:19.440> of<00:08:19.590> al-qaeda<00:08:19.950> that's think of the ideas of al-qaeda that's think of the ideas of al-qaeda that's something<00:08:20.580> that<00:08:20.700> comes<00:08:20.880> to<00:08:21.000> your<00:08:21.060> mind something that comes to your mind something that comes to your mind immediately<00:08:21.360> if<00:08:22.140> I<00:08:22.320> ask<00:08:22.500> you<00:08:22.620> to<00:08:22.680> think<00:08:22.920> of immediately if I ask you to think of immediately if I ask you to think of their<00:08:23.190> narratives<00:08:23.610> the<00:08:24.000> West<00:08:24.210> being<00:08:24.420> a<00:08:24.510> war their narratives the West being a war their narratives the West being a war with<00:08:24.840> Islam<00:08:25.170> the<00:08:25.410> need<00:08:25.560> to<00:08:25.650> defend<00:08:25.920> Islam with Islam the need to defend Islam with Islam the need to defend Islam against<00:08:26.640> the<00:08:26.730> West<00:08:26.910> these<00:08:27.390> narratives<00:08:27.990> they against the West these narratives they against the West these narratives they come<00:08:28.740> to<00:08:28.830> your<00:08:28.920> mind<00:08:29.100> immediately come to your mind immediately come to your mind immediately incidentally<00:08:30.120> the<00:08:30.450> difference<00:08:30.810> between incidentally the difference between incidentally the difference between ideas<00:08:31.470> and<00:08:31.500> narratives<00:08:31.770> the<00:08:32.460> idea<00:08:32.760> is<00:08:32.910> the ideas and narratives the idea is the ideas and narratives the idea is the cause<00:08:33.270> that<00:08:33.740> one<00:08:34.740> believes<00:08:35.070> in<00:08:35.250> and<00:08:35.400> the cause that one believes in and the cause that one believes in and the narrative<00:08:36.120> is<00:08:36.330> the<00:08:36.900> way<00:08:37.050> to<00:08:37.469> sell<00:08:37.710> that<00:08:37.919> course narrative is the way to sell that course narrative is the way to sell that course the<00:08:38.669> propaganda<00:08:39.270> if<00:08:39.390> you<00:08:39.479> like<00:08:39.630> of<00:08:39.810> the<00:08:39.960> course the propaganda if you like of the course the propaganda if you like of the course so<00:08:41.880> the<00:08:42.000> ideas<00:08:42.360> and<00:08:42.479> the<00:08:42.539> narratives<00:08:42.930> of so the ideas and the narratives of so the ideas and the narratives of al-qaeda<00:08:43.410> come<00:08:43.680> to<00:08:43.800> your<00:08:43.890> mind<00:08:44.070> immediately al-qaeda come to your mind immediately al-qaeda come to your mind immediately if<00:08:44.730> I<00:08:44.910> ask<00:08:45.090> you<00:08:45.210> to<00:08:45.270> think<00:08:45.480> of<00:08:45.600> their<00:08:45.750> symbols if I ask you to think of their symbols if I ask you to think of their symbols and<00:08:46.290> their<00:08:46.410> leaders<00:08:46.710> they<00:08:47.130> come<00:08:47.370> to<00:08:47.460> your<00:08:47.580> mind and their leaders they come to your mind and their leaders they come to your mind immediately<00:08:47.970> one<00:08:48.360> of<00:08:48.450> the<00:08:48.540> leaders<00:08:48.780> was<00:08:48.930> just immediately one of the leaders was just immediately one of the leaders was just killed<00:08:49.260> in<00:08:49.380> Pakistan<00:08:49.470> recently<00:08:50.220> so<00:08:51.120> these killed in Pakistan recently so these killed in Pakistan recently so these symbols<00:08:51.780> and<00:08:51.930> these<00:08:52.020> leaders<00:08:52.380> come<00:08:52.830> to<00:08:52.950> your symbols and these leaders come to your symbols and these leaders come to your mind<00:08:53.220> immediately<00:08:53.580> and<00:08:54.410> that's<00:08:55.410> the<00:08:55.560> power<00:08:55.740> of mind immediately and that's the power of mind immediately and that's the power of social<00:08:56.370> movements<00:08:56.700> they're<00:08:56.820> transnational social movements they're transnational social movements they're transnational and<00:08:57.660> they<00:08:57.990> bond<00:08:58.290> around<00:08:58.530> these<00:08:58.860> ideas<00:08:59.220> and and they bond around these ideas and and they bond around these ideas and narratives<00:08:59.490> and<00:08:59.910> these<00:09:00.000> symbols<00:09:00.210> and<00:09:00.450> these narratives and these symbols and these narratives and these symbols and these leaders<00:09:01.460> however leaders however leaders however if<00:09:04.690> I<00:09:04.840> ask<00:09:04.990> your<00:09:05.170> minds<00:09:05.320> to<00:09:05.500> focus<00:09:05.830> currently if I ask your minds to focus currently if I ask your minds to focus currently on<00:09:06.250> Pakistan<00:09:06.760> and<00:09:07.300> if<00:09:07.810> I<00:09:07.930> ask<00:09:08.110> you<00:09:08.290> to<00:09:08.320> think<00:09:08.440> of on Pakistan and if I ask you to think of on Pakistan and if I ask you to think of the<00:09:10.690> symbols<00:09:11.110> and<00:09:11.350> the<00:09:11.410> leaders<00:09:11.740> for the symbols and the leaders for the symbols and the leaders for democracy<00:09:11.950> in<00:09:12.640> Pakistan<00:09:13.480> today<00:09:13.810> you<00:09:14.440> will<00:09:14.530> be democracy in Pakistan today you will be democracy in Pakistan today you will be hard-pressed<00:09:14.950> to<00:09:15.400> think<00:09:15.790> beyond<00:09:16.800> perhaps<00:09:17.800> the hard-pressed to think beyond perhaps the hard-pressed to think beyond perhaps the assassination<00:09:19.300> of<00:09:19.360> Benazir<00:09:19.540> Bhutto<00:09:20.050> which assassination of Benazir Bhutto which assassination of Benazir Bhutto which means<00:09:20.740> by<00:09:20.890> definition<00:09:21.220> that<00:09:21.970> particular means by definition that particular means by definition that particular leader<00:09:22.630> no<00:09:22.810> longer<00:09:23.080> exists<00:09:24.960> one<00:09:25.960> of<00:09:26.050> the leader no longer exists one of the leader no longer exists one of the problems<00:09:26.470> we're<00:09:26.620> facing<00:09:26.860> is<00:09:27.220> in<00:09:27.790> my<00:09:28.090> view<00:09:28.150> that problems we're facing is in my view that problems we're facing is in my view that there<00:09:29.020> are<00:09:29.170> no<00:09:29.640> globalized<00:09:30.960> youth-led there are no globalized youth-led there are no globalized youth-led grassroots<00:09:33.220> social<00:09:33.730> movements<00:09:34.120> advocating grassroots social movements advocating grassroots social movements advocating for<00:09:34.990> democratic<00:09:35.050> culture<00:09:35.920> across<00:09:36.370> Muslim for democratic culture across Muslim for democratic culture across Muslim majority<00:09:36.940> societies<00:09:37.270> there<00:09:38.230> is<00:09:38.320> no majority societies there is no majority societies there is no equivalent<00:09:39.040> of<00:09:39.160> the<00:09:39.280> al-qaeda<00:09:39.610> without<00:09:40.240> the equivalent of the al-qaeda without the equivalent of the al-qaeda without the terrorism<00:09:40.900> for<00:09:41.350> democracy<00:09:41.950> across<00:09:42.340> Muslim terrorism for democracy across Muslim terrorism for democracy across Muslim majority<00:09:42.910> societies<00:09:43.240> there<00:09:44.140> are<00:09:44.260> no<00:09:44.440> ideas majority societies there are no ideas majority societies there are no ideas and<00:09:45.160> narratives<00:09:45.310> and<00:09:45.760> leaders<00:09:46.120> and<00:09:46.300> symbols and narratives and leaders and symbols and narratives and leaders and symbols advocating<00:09:47.740> the<00:09:47.830> democratic<00:09:48.370> culture<00:09:48.520> on<00:09:48.850> the advocating the democratic culture on the advocating the democratic culture on the ground<00:09:50.310> so<00:09:51.310> that<00:09:51.340> begs<00:09:51.610> the<00:09:51.760> next<00:09:51.850> question ground so that begs the next question ground so that begs the next question why<00:09:54.070> is<00:09:54.130> it<00:09:54.460> that<00:09:55.420> extremist<00:09:55.990> organizations why is it that extremist organizations why is it that extremist organizations whether<00:09:56.860> of<00:09:57.040> the<00:09:57.160> far-right<00:09:57.580> or<00:09:57.790> of<00:09:57.880> the whether of the far-right or of the whether of the far-right or of the Islamist<00:09:58.420> extremism<00:09:58.900> Islamism<00:09:59.860> meaning Islamist extremism Islamism meaning Islamist extremism Islamism meaning those<00:10:00.310> who<00:10:00.490> wish<00:10:00.610> to<00:10:00.760> impose<00:10:01.060> one<00:10:01.630> version<00:10:01.960> of those who wish to impose one version of those who wish to impose one version of Islam<00:10:02.350> over<00:10:02.620> the<00:10:02.710> rest<00:10:02.890> of<00:10:03.040> society<00:10:03.190> why<00:10:04.030> is<00:10:04.090> it Islam over the rest of society why is it Islam over the rest of society why is it that<00:10:04.420> they<00:10:04.540> are<00:10:04.570> succeeding<00:10:05.290> in<00:10:05.500> organizing that they are succeeding in organizing that they are succeeding in organizing in<00:10:06.220> a<00:10:06.310> globalized<00:10:06.760> way<00:10:07.030> whereas<00:10:07.660> those<00:10:07.810> who in a globalized way whereas those who in a globalized way whereas those who aspire<00:10:08.320> to<00:10:08.500> democratic<00:10:09.010> culture<00:10:09.190> are<00:10:09.520> falling aspire to democratic culture are falling aspire to democratic culture are falling behind<00:10:10.390> and<00:10:11.430> I<00:10:12.430> believe<00:10:12.730> that's<00:10:12.940> for<00:10:13.030> four behind and I believe that's for four behind and I believe that's for four reasons<00:10:13.420> I<00:10:13.840> believe<00:10:14.800> number<00:10:14.980> one<00:10:15.130> its reasons I believe number one its reasons I believe number one its complacency<00:10:16.750> because<00:10:17.230> those<00:10:18.160> who<00:10:18.340> aspire<00:10:18.640> to complacency because those who aspire to complacency because those who aspire to democratic<00:10:19.300> culture<00:10:19.690> are<00:10:20.380> in<00:10:21.250> power<00:10:21.460> or<00:10:22.240> have democratic culture are in power or have democratic culture are in power or have societies<00:10:23.050> that<00:10:23.200> are<00:10:23.260> leading<00:10:23.500> globalized societies that are leading globalized societies that are leading globalized powerful<00:10:25.060> societies<00:10:25.570> powerful<00:10:26.440> countries powerful societies powerful countries powerful societies powerful countries and<00:10:27.190> that<00:10:27.460> level<00:10:27.670> of<00:10:27.850> complacency<00:10:28.210> means<00:10:28.840> they and that level of complacency means they and that level of complacency means they don't<00:10:29.440> feel<00:10:29.590> the<00:10:29.710> need<00:10:29.890> to<00:10:29.920> advocate<00:10:30.490> for<00:10:30.520> that don't feel the need to advocate for that don't feel the need to advocate for that culture<00:10:31.350> the<00:10:32.350> second<00:10:32.800> I<00:10:32.980> believe<00:10:33.400> is culture the second I believe is culture the second I believe is political<00:10:35.950> correctness<00:10:38.250> that<00:10:39.250> we<00:10:39.430> have<00:10:39.640> a political correctness that we have a political correctness that we have a hesitation<00:10:41.530> in<00:10:41.890> espousing<00:10:42.670> the<00:10:42.760> universality hesitation in espousing the universality hesitation in espousing the universality of<00:10:43.510> democratic<00:10:44.380> culture<00:10:44.560> because<00:10:45.040> we of democratic culture because we of democratic culture because we associate<00:10:45.790> that<00:10:45.820> we<00:10:46.780> associate<00:10:47.320> believing<00:10:47.890> in associate that we associate believing in associate that we associate believing in the<00:10:48.040> universality<00:10:48.730> of<00:10:48.970> our<00:10:49.150> values<00:10:49.570> with the universality of our values with the universality of our values with extremists<00:10:50.830> yet<00:10:51.520> actually<00:10:51.700> whenever<00:10:52.090> we<00:10:52.390> talk extremists yet actually whenever we talk extremists yet actually whenever we talk about<00:10:52.690> human<00:10:52.930> rights<00:10:53.110> we<00:10:53.470> do<00:10:53.650> say<00:10:53.920> that<00:10:54.340> human about human rights we do say that human about human rights we do say that human rights<00:10:54.730> are<00:10:54.970> reverse<00:10:55.450> Universal<00:10:56.790> but rights are reverse Universal but rights are reverse Universal but actually<00:10:58.120> going<00:10:58.270> out<00:10:58.420> to<00:10:58.480> propagate<00:10:59.080> that actually going out to propagate that actually going out to propagate that view<00:10:59.530> is<00:10:59.740> associated<00:11:00.730> with<00:11:00.910> either view is associated with either view is associated with either neoconservative<00:11:02.500> ISM<00:11:02.770> or<00:11:02.890> with<00:11:03.220> Islamist neoconservative ISM or with Islamist neoconservative ISM or with Islamist extremism<00:11:04.090> to<00:11:04.600> go<00:11:04.750> around<00:11:04.990> saying<00:11:05.440> that<00:11:05.680> I extremism to go around saying that I extremism to go around saying that I believe<00:11:05.800> democratic<00:11:06.790> culture<00:11:07.030> is<00:11:07.530> the<00:11:08.530> best believe democratic culture is the best believe democratic culture is the best that<00:11:09.340> we've<00:11:09.490> arrived<00:11:09.820> at<00:11:10.000> as<00:11:10.150> a<00:11:10.180> form<00:11:10.750> of that we've arrived at as a form of that we've arrived at as a form of political<00:11:10.960> organizing<00:11:11.620> is<00:11:12.390> associated<00:11:13.390> with political organizing is associated with political organizing is associated with extremism<00:11:13.960> and<00:11:14.260> the<00:11:14.320> third<00:11:15.690> Democratic extremism and the third Democratic extremism and the third Democratic choice<00:11:17.500> in<00:11:17.830> muslim-majority<00:11:18.430> societies<00:11:18.790> has choice in muslim-majority societies has choice in muslim-majority societies has been<00:11:19.510> relegated<00:11:19.810> to<00:11:20.260> a<00:11:20.290> political<00:11:20.920> choice been relegated to a political choice been relegated to a political choice meaning<00:11:22.710> political<00:11:23.710> parties<00:11:24.100> in<00:11:24.430> many<00:11:25.300> of meaning political parties in many of meaning political parties in many of these<00:11:25.600> societies<00:11:27.900> ask<00:11:28.900> people<00:11:29.710> to<00:11:29.740> vote<00:11:30.010> for these societies ask people to vote for these societies ask people to vote for them<00:11:30.610> as<00:11:30.760> the<00:11:31.090> Democratic<00:11:31.660> Party<00:11:32.050> but<00:11:32.440> then them as the Democratic Party but then them as the Democratic Party but then the<00:11:32.680> other<00:11:32.830> parties<00:11:33.280> ask<00:11:33.550> them<00:11:34.000> to<00:11:34.150> vote<00:11:34.180> for the other parties ask them to vote for the other parties ask them to vote for them<00:11:35.140> as<00:11:35.290> the<00:11:36.160> military<00:11:36.520> party<00:11:36.850> wanting<00:11:37.330> to them as the military party wanting to them as the military party wanting to rule<00:11:37.570> by<00:11:37.720> military<00:11:38.080> dictatorship<00:11:38.650> and<00:11:38.950> then rule by military dictatorship and then rule by military dictatorship and then you<00:11:39.160> have<00:11:39.280> a<00:11:39.310> third<00:11:39.610> party<00:11:39.640> saying<00:11:40.120> vote<00:11:40.330> for you have a third party saying vote for you have a third party saying vote for us<00:11:40.690> we<00:11:41.080> will<00:11:41.200> establish<00:11:41.440> a<00:11:41.620> theocracy<00:11:41.980> so us we will establish a theocracy so us we will establish a theocracy so democracy<00:11:42.850> has<00:11:43.240> become<00:11:43.390> merely<00:11:44.200> one democracy has become merely one democracy has become merely one political<00:11:44.860> choice<00:11:45.370> among<00:11:46.030> many<00:11:46.300> other<00:11:46.570> forms political choice among many other forms political choice among many other forms of<00:11:47.290> political<00:11:47.710> choices<00:11:48.220> available<00:11:49.060> in<00:11:49.240> those of political choices available in those of political choices available in those societies<00:11:49.780> and<00:11:50.380> what<00:11:51.340> happens<00:11:51.700> as<00:11:51.820> a<00:11:51.880> result societies and what happens as a result societies and what happens as a result of<00:11:52.270> this<00:11:52.360> is<00:11:52.540> when<00:11:52.690> those<00:11:52.840> parties<00:11:53.260> are of this is when those parties are of this is when those parties are elected<00:11:53.890> and<00:11:54.100> inevitably<00:11:55.060> they<00:11:55.270> fail<00:11:55.600> or elected and inevitably they fail or elected and inevitably they fail or inevitably<00:11:56.770> they<00:11:56.920> make<00:11:57.070> political<00:11:57.430> mistakes inevitably they make political mistakes inevitably they make political mistakes democracy<00:11:59.350> takes<00:11:59.590> the<00:11:59.830> blame<00:12:00.010> for<00:12:00.280> their democracy takes the blame for their democracy takes the blame for their political<00:12:00.970> mistakes<00:12:01.420> and<00:12:02.250> then<00:12:03.250> people<00:12:03.460> say political mistakes and then people say political mistakes and then people say we've<00:12:03.940> tried<00:12:04.150> democracy<00:12:04.600> doesn't<00:12:04.840> really we've tried democracy doesn't really we've tried democracy doesn't really work<00:12:05.230> let's<00:12:05.650> bring<00:12:05.800> the<00:12:06.220> military<00:12:06.550> back<00:12:06.700> again work let's bring the military back again work let's bring the military back again and<00:12:07.150> the<00:12:08.050> fourth<00:12:08.290> reason<00:12:08.500> I<00:12:08.680> believe<00:12:08.950> is<00:12:09.160> what and the fourth reason I believe is what and the fourth reason I believe is what I've<00:12:09.430> labeled<00:12:10.000> here<00:12:10.150> on<00:12:10.270> the<00:12:10.360> slide<00:12:10.600> is<00:12:10.780> the I've labeled here on the slide is the I've labeled here on the slide is the ideology<00:12:11.140> of<00:12:11.380> resistance<00:12:11.950> what<00:12:12.640> I<00:12:12.670> mean<00:12:12.910> by ideology of resistance what I mean by ideology of resistance what I mean by that<00:12:13.240> is<00:12:13.420> if<00:12:13.510> the<00:12:13.630> world<00:12:13.750> superpower<00:12:14.260> today that is if the world superpower today that is if the world superpower today was<00:12:14.680> a<00:12:14.710> communist<00:12:15.420> it<00:12:16.420> would<00:12:16.570> be<00:12:16.660> much<00:12:16.810> easier was a communist it would be much easier was a communist it would be much easier for<00:12:17.350> democracy<00:12:17.740> activists<00:12:18.310> to<00:12:18.820> use<00:12:19.200> democracy for democracy activists to use democracy for democracy activists to use democracy activism<00:12:20.590> as<00:12:20.830> a<00:12:20.860> form<00:12:21.100> of<00:12:21.160> resistance<00:12:21.340> against activism as a form of resistance against activism as a form of resistance against colonialism<00:12:22.360> than<00:12:22.930> it<00:12:23.020> is<00:12:23.140> today<00:12:23.410> with<00:12:23.830> a colonialism than it is today with a colonialism than it is today with a world<00:12:24.070> superpower<00:12:24.250> being<00:12:25.090> America<00:12:25.570> occupying world superpower being America occupying world superpower being America occupying certain<00:12:26.530> lands<00:12:26.860> and<00:12:27.120> also<00:12:28.120> espousing certain lands and also espousing certain lands and also espousing democratic<00:12:29.020> ideals democratic ideals democratic ideals so<00:12:30.100> roughly<00:12:30.640> these<00:12:30.910> four<00:12:31.150> reasons<00:12:31.570> make<00:12:32.140> it<00:12:32.290> a so roughly these four reasons make it a so roughly these four reasons make it a lot<00:12:32.500> more<00:12:32.620> difficult<00:12:33.070> for<00:12:33.100> democratic lot more difficult for democratic lot more difficult for democratic culture<00:12:33.790> to<00:12:34.060> spread<00:12:34.390> as<00:12:34.600> a<00:12:35.340> civilizational culture to spread as a civilizational culture to spread as a civilizational choice<00:12:36.670> not<00:12:37.120> merely<00:12:37.330> as<00:12:37.540> a<00:12:37.780> political<00:12:38.260> choice choice not merely as a political choice choice not merely as a political choice when<00:12:40.330> talking<00:12:40.600> about<00:12:40.900> those<00:12:41.080> reasons<00:12:41.260> let's when talking about those reasons let's when talking about those reasons let's break<00:12:41.860> down<00:12:42.100> certain<00:12:42.370> preconceptions<00:12:42.970> is<00:12:43.390> it break down certain preconceptions is it break down certain preconceptions is it just<00:12:44.440> about<00:12:44.560> grievances<00:12:45.220> is<00:12:45.400> it<00:12:45.580> just<00:12:45.820> about<00:12:46.090> a just about grievances is it just about a just about grievances is it just about a lack<00:12:47.290> of<00:12:47.320> education<00:12:48.040> while<00:12:48.790> statistically lack of education while statistically lack of education while statistically the<00:12:50.320> majority<00:12:50.770> of<00:12:50.860> those<00:12:50.980> who<00:12:51.130> join<00:12:51.310> extremist the majority of those who join extremist the majority of those who join extremist organizations<00:12:52.420> are<00:12:52.540> highly<00:12:52.810> educated organizations are highly educated organizations are highly educated statistically<00:12:54.760> they<00:12:55.240> are<00:12:55.420> educated<00:12:55.990> on statistically they are educated on statistically they are educated on average<00:12:56.350> above<00:12:56.590> the<00:12:56.920> education<00:12:57.370> levels<00:12:57.670> of average above the education levels of average above the education levels of Western<00:12:58.480> society<00:12:59.850> anecdotally<00:13:00.850> we<00:13:00.940> can Western society anecdotally we can Western society anecdotally we can demonstrate<00:13:01.240> that<00:13:01.660> if<00:13:01.810> poverty<00:13:02.200> was<00:13:02.380> the<00:13:02.560> only demonstrate that if poverty was the only demonstrate that if poverty was the only factor<00:13:03.130> or<00:13:03.280> bin<00:13:03.430> Laden<00:13:03.730> is<00:13:03.820> from<00:13:03.970> one<00:13:04.090> of<00:13:04.180> the factor or bin Laden is from one of the factor or bin Laden is from one of the richest<00:13:04.510> families<00:13:04.540> in<00:13:04.810> Saudi<00:13:05.110> Arabia<00:13:06.330> his richest families in Saudi Arabia his richest families in Saudi Arabia his deputy<00:13:07.750> Manas<00:13:08.050> wari<00:13:08.260> was<00:13:08.470> a<00:13:08.500> pediatrician<00:13:09.000> not deputy Manas wari was a pediatrician not deputy Manas wari was a pediatrician not an<00:13:10.120> ill<00:13:10.210> educated<00:13:10.750> man<00:13:11.700> international<00:13:12.700> aid an ill educated man international aid an ill educated man international aid and<00:13:12.820> development<00:13:13.300> has<00:13:13.390> been<00:13:13.510> going<00:13:13.750> on<00:13:13.900> for and development has been going on for and development has been going on for years<00:13:14.140> but<00:13:14.920> extremism<00:13:15.340> in<00:13:15.640> those<00:13:15.760> societies years but extremism in those societies years but extremism in those societies and<00:13:16.420> many<00:13:16.540> of<00:13:16.690> those<00:13:16.840> societies<00:13:17.110> being<00:13:17.560> on<00:13:17.800> the and many of those societies being on the and many of those societies being on the rise rise rise and<00:13:18.550> what<00:13:19.390> I<00:13:19.420> believe<00:13:19.780> is<00:13:19.930> missing<00:13:20.290> is<00:13:21.180> genuine and what I believe is missing is genuine and what I believe is missing is genuine grassroots<00:13:22.810> activism<00:13:23.290> on<00:13:23.590> the<00:13:23.890> ground<00:13:24.160> in grassroots activism on the ground in grassroots activism on the ground in addition<00:13:25.360> to<00:13:25.750> international<00:13:26.320> aid<00:13:26.470> in addition to international aid in addition to international aid in addition<00:13:26.920> to<00:13:27.190> education<00:13:27.550> in<00:13:28.390> a<00:13:28.540> dish addition to education in a dish addition to education in a dish to<00:13:28.960> health<00:13:29.170> not<00:13:29.710> exclusive<00:13:30.310> to<00:13:30.520> these<00:13:30.670> things to health not exclusive to these things to health not exclusive to these things but<00:13:31.360> in<00:13:31.510> addition<00:13:31.630> to<00:13:32.020> them<00:13:32.170> is<00:13:32.320> propagating<00:13:33.280> a but in addition to them is propagating a but in addition to them is propagating a genuine<00:13:34.270> demand<00:13:34.750> for<00:13:34.990> democracy<00:13:35.440> on<00:13:35.620> the genuine demand for democracy on the genuine demand for democracy on the ground<00:13:35.950> and<00:13:36.160> this<00:13:36.460> is<00:13:36.580> where<00:13:36.730> I<00:13:36.760> believe ground and this is where I believe ground and this is where I believe neoconservative<00:13:37.960> ISM<00:13:38.170> had<00:13:38.470> it<00:13:38.620> upside<00:13:38.980> down neoconservative ISM had it upside down neoconservative ISM had it upside down near<00:13:39.940> conservativism<00:13:40.600> had<00:13:40.900> the<00:13:40.990> philosophy near conservativism had the philosophy near conservativism had the philosophy that<00:13:41.890> you<00:13:42.010> go<00:13:42.160> in<00:13:42.340> with<00:13:42.760> a<00:13:42.790> supply<00:13:43.210> led that you go in with a supply led that you go in with a supply led approach<00:13:43.780> to<00:13:44.470> impose<00:13:44.800> democratic<00:13:45.730> values approach to impose democratic values approach to impose democratic values from<00:13:46.180> the<00:13:46.330> top-down from the top-down from the top-down whereas<00:13:48.160> Islamist<00:13:48.580> and<00:13:48.730> far-right whereas Islamist and far-right whereas Islamist and far-right organizations<00:13:49.780> for<00:13:49.990> decades<00:13:50.380> have<00:13:50.560> been organizations for decades have been organizations for decades have been building<00:13:51.160> demand<00:13:51.550> for<00:13:51.790> their<00:13:51.910> ideology<00:13:52.450> on building demand for their ideology on building demand for their ideology on the<00:13:52.750> grassroots<00:13:53.260> they've<00:13:54.070> been<00:13:54.250> building the grassroots they've been building the grassroots they've been building civilizational<00:13:55.780> demand<00:13:56.260> for<00:13:56.770> their<00:13:56.950> values civilizational demand for their values civilizational demand for their values on<00:13:57.550> the<00:13:57.730> grassroots<00:13:58.210> and<00:13:58.390> we've<00:13:58.510> been<00:13:58.660> seeing on the grassroots and we've been seeing on the grassroots and we've been seeing those<00:13:59.170> societies<00:13:59.710> slowly<00:14:00.010> transition<00:14:00.700> to those societies slowly transition to those societies slowly transition to societies<00:14:01.810> that<00:14:01.900> are<00:14:02.050> increasingly<00:14:02.590> asking societies that are increasingly asking societies that are increasingly asking for<00:14:03.760> a<00:14:03.940> form<00:14:04.450> of<00:14:04.690> Islamism<00:14:05.530> mass<00:14:06.340> movements<00:14:06.820> in for a form of Islamism mass movements in for a form of Islamism mass movements in Pakistan<00:14:07.420> have<00:14:07.600> been<00:14:07.630> represented<00:14:08.320> after<00:14:08.560> the Pakistan have been represented after the Pakistan have been represented after the Arab<00:14:08.890> uprisings<00:14:09.430> mainly<00:14:10.060> by<00:14:10.210> organizations Arab uprisings mainly by organizations Arab uprisings mainly by organizations claiming<00:14:11.140> for<00:14:11.530> some<00:14:12.010> form<00:14:12.280> of<00:14:12.340> theocracy claiming for some form of theocracy claiming for some form of theocracy rather<00:14:13.450> than<00:14:13.690> for<00:14:13.870> a<00:14:13.930> democratic<00:14:14.830> uprising rather than for a democratic uprising rather than for a democratic uprising because<00:14:15.820> since<00:14:16.030> pre<00:14:16.240> partition<00:14:16.840> they've<00:14:17.170> been because since pre partition they've been because since pre partition they've been building<00:14:17.680> demand<00:14:17.980> for<00:14:18.580> their<00:14:18.730> ideology<00:14:19.240> on building demand for their ideology on building demand for their ideology on the<00:14:19.480> ground<00:14:19.720> and<00:14:20.140> what's<00:14:20.800> needed<00:14:21.070> is<00:14:21.400> a the ground and what's needed is a the ground and what's needed is a genuine<00:14:22.410> transnational<00:14:23.410> youth-led<00:14:24.100> movement genuine transnational youth-led movement genuine transnational youth-led movement that<00:14:24.850> works<00:14:25.150> to<00:14:25.450> actively<00:14:26.280> advocate<00:14:27.280> for<00:14:27.640> the that works to actively advocate for the that works to actively advocate for the democratic<00:14:28.360> culture<00:14:28.750> which<00:14:29.140> is<00:14:29.260> necessarily democratic culture which is necessarily democratic culture which is necessarily more<00:14:30.070> than<00:14:30.280> just<00:14:30.520> elections<00:14:31.800> but<00:14:32.800> without more than just elections but without more than just elections but without freedom<00:14:33.430> of<00:14:33.520> speech<00:14:33.760> you<00:14:33.790> can't<00:14:34.090> have<00:14:34.270> free freedom of speech you can't have free freedom of speech you can't have free and<00:14:34.600> fair<00:14:34.720> elections<00:14:35.200> without<00:14:35.500> human<00:14:35.950> rights and fair elections without human rights and fair elections without human rights you<00:14:36.220> don't<00:14:36.280> have<00:14:36.520> the<00:14:36.610> protection<00:14:37.110> granted<00:14:38.110> to you don't have the protection granted to you don't have the protection granted to you<00:14:38.320> to<00:14:38.440> campaign<00:14:38.860> without<00:14:39.430> freedom<00:14:39.910> of you to campaign without freedom of you to campaign without freedom of belief<00:14:40.240> you<00:14:40.270> don't<00:14:40.630> have<00:14:40.720> the<00:14:40.810> right<00:14:40.960> to<00:14:41.080> join belief you don't have the right to join belief you don't have the right to join organizations<00:14:41.560> so<00:14:42.490> what's<00:14:42.640> needed<00:14:42.940> is<00:14:43.270> those organizations so what's needed is those organizations so what's needed is those organizations<00:14:44.170> on<00:14:44.320> the<00:14:44.440> ground<00:14:44.820> advocating organizations on the ground advocating organizations on the ground advocating for<00:14:46.030> the<00:14:46.180> democratic<00:14:46.720> culture<00:14:46.960> itself<00:14:48.720> to for the democratic culture itself to for the democratic culture itself to create<00:14:50.020> the<00:14:50.140> demand<00:14:50.170> on<00:14:50.650> the<00:14:50.740> ground<00:14:50.950> for<00:14:51.430> this create the demand on the ground for this create the demand on the ground for this culture<00:14:53.040> what<00:14:54.040> that<00:14:54.220> will<00:14:54.400> do<00:14:55.200> is<00:14:56.200> avoid<00:14:56.530> the culture what that will do is avoid the culture what that will do is avoid the problem<00:14:57.010> I<00:14:57.100> was<00:14:57.220> talking<00:14:57.490> about<00:14:57.520> earlier problem I was talking about earlier problem I was talking about earlier where<00:14:58.480> currently<00:14:58.840> we<00:14:58.960> have<00:14:59.140> political where currently we have political where currently we have political parties<00:14:59.740> presenting<00:15:00.520> democracy<00:15:01.090> as<00:15:01.270> a<00:15:01.870> merely parties presenting democracy as a merely parties presenting democracy as a merely a<00:15:02.440> political<00:15:02.860> choice<00:15:03.340> in<00:15:03.580> those<00:15:03.700> societies a political choice in those societies a political choice in those societies alongside<00:15:05.380> other<00:15:05.770> choices<00:15:06.070> such<00:15:06.430> as<00:15:06.550> military alongside other choices such as military alongside other choices such as military rule<00:15:07.090> and<00:15:07.240> theocracy<00:15:08.050> whereas<00:15:08.920> if<00:15:09.040> we<00:15:09.100> start rule and theocracy whereas if we start rule and theocracy whereas if we start building<00:15:09.640> this<00:15:09.940> demand<00:15:10.270> on<00:15:10.420> the<00:15:10.510> ground<00:15:10.720> on<00:15:11.020> a building this demand on the ground on a building this demand on the ground on a civilizational<00:15:12.130> level<00:15:12.430> rather<00:15:12.700> than<00:15:12.820> merely civilizational level rather than merely civilizational level rather than merely on<00:15:13.300> a<00:15:13.330> political<00:15:13.840> level<00:15:13.990> a<00:15:14.200> level<00:15:14.530> above on a political level a level above on a political level a level above politics<00:15:16.080> movements<00:15:17.080> that<00:15:17.380> are<00:15:17.440> not politics movements that are not politics movements that are not political<00:15:17.710> parties<00:15:18.520> but<00:15:18.550> are<00:15:18.760> rather political parties but are rather political parties but are rather creating<00:15:19.480> this<00:15:19.600> civilizational<00:15:20.380> demand<00:15:20.740> for creating this civilizational demand for creating this civilizational demand for this<00:15:21.340> democratic<00:15:21.880> democratic<00:15:22.630> culture<00:15:22.810> what this democratic democratic culture what this democratic democratic culture what will<00:15:23.650> have<00:15:23.830> in<00:15:23.950> the<00:15:24.100> end<00:15:24.130> is<00:15:24.520> this<00:15:25.120> ideal<00:15:25.510> that will have in the end is this ideal that will have in the end is this ideal that you<00:15:25.750> see<00:15:25.930> on<00:15:26.020> the<00:15:26.110> slide<00:15:26.230> here<00:15:26.460> the<00:15:27.460> ideal<00:15:27.760> that you see on the slide here the ideal that you see on the slide here the ideal that people<00:15:28.330> should<00:15:28.570> vote<00:15:28.780> in<00:15:29.080> an<00:15:29.440> existing people should vote in an existing people should vote in an existing democracy<00:15:30.550> not<00:15:30.730> for<00:15:31.180> a<00:15:31.510> democracy<00:15:32.400> but<00:15:33.400> to<00:15:33.580> get democracy not for a democracy but to get democracy not for a democracy but to get to<00:15:34.060> that<00:15:34.150> stage<00:15:34.540> where<00:15:34.950> democracy<00:15:35.950> builds<00:15:36.940> the to that stage where democracy builds the to that stage where democracy builds the fabric<00:15:37.420> of<00:15:37.540> society<00:15:37.720> and<00:15:38.230> the<00:15:38.440> political fabric of society and the political fabric of society and the political choices<00:15:39.220> within<00:15:39.880> that choices within that choices within that fabrica<00:15:40.660> left-wing<00:15:41.080> or<00:15:41.290> right-wing<00:15:41.320> but<00:15:42.130> are fabrica left-wing or right-wing but are fabrica left-wing or right-wing but are certainly<00:15:42.520> not<00:15:42.700> theocratic<00:15:43.209> and<00:15:43.540> military certainly not theocratic and military certainly not theocratic and military dictatorship<00:15:44.529> are<00:15:45.399> you<00:15:45.610> voting<00:15:45.850> in<00:15:46.360> a dictatorship are you voting in a dictatorship are you voting in a democracy<00:15:46.870> in<00:15:47.350> an<00:15:47.560> existing<00:15:47.890> democracy<00:15:48.610> and democracy in an existing democracy and democracy in an existing democracy and that<00:15:49.480> democracy<00:15:49.959> is<00:15:49.990> not<00:15:50.050> nearly<00:15:50.410> one<00:15:50.529> of<00:15:50.649> the that democracy is not nearly one of the that democracy is not nearly one of the choices<00:15:51.130> at<00:15:51.250> the<00:15:51.339> ballot<00:15:51.580> box<00:15:51.790> to<00:15:52.029> get<00:15:52.570> to<00:15:52.779> that choices at the ballot box to get to that choices at the ballot box to get to that stage<00:15:53.279> we<00:15:54.279> genuinely<00:15:54.550> need<00:15:54.940> to<00:15:55.060> start stage we genuinely need to start stage we genuinely need to start building<00:15:56.110> demand<00:15:56.680> in<00:15:56.950> those<00:15:57.520> societies<00:15:58.089> on building demand in those societies on building demand in those societies on the<00:15:58.630> ground<00:16:00.510> now<00:16:01.510> to<00:16:01.570> conclude<00:16:01.870> how<00:16:02.620> does<00:16:02.800> that the ground now to conclude how does that the ground now to conclude how does that happen<00:16:03.270> well<00:16:04.890> Egypt<00:16:05.890> is<00:16:05.980> a<00:16:06.010> good<00:16:06.220> starting happen well Egypt is a good starting happen well Egypt is a good starting point<00:16:06.730> the<00:16:06.910> outter<00:16:07.029> uprisings<00:16:07.630> have point the outter uprisings have point the outter uprisings have demonstrated<00:16:08.410> that<00:16:08.529> this<00:16:08.680> is<00:16:08.860> already demonstrated that this is already demonstrated that this is already beginning<00:16:09.520> but<00:16:10.029> what<00:16:10.180> happened<00:16:10.510> in<00:16:10.600> the<00:16:10.690> Arab beginning but what happened in the Arab beginning but what happened in the Arab uprisings<00:16:11.470> in<00:16:11.620> what<00:16:12.250> happened<00:16:12.520> in<00:16:12.580> Egypt<00:16:12.820> was uprisings in what happened in Egypt was uprisings in what happened in Egypt was particularly<00:16:13.270> cathartic<00:16:13.870> for<00:16:13.899> me<00:16:14.700> what particularly cathartic for me what particularly cathartic for me what happened<00:16:16.029> there<00:16:16.240> was<00:16:16.779> a<00:16:16.990> political<00:16:17.709> coalition happened there was a political coalition happened there was a political coalition gathered<00:16:18.850> together<00:16:19.180> for<00:16:19.600> a<00:16:19.690> political<00:16:19.930> goal gathered together for a political goal gathered together for a political goal and<00:16:20.589> that<00:16:20.770> was<00:16:20.830> to<00:16:21.010> remove<00:16:21.370> the<00:16:21.550> leader<00:16:22.380> we and that was to remove the leader we and that was to remove the leader we need<00:16:23.529> to<00:16:23.620> move<00:16:23.770> one<00:16:23.920> step<00:16:24.160> beyond<00:16:24.430> that<00:16:24.490> now<00:16:24.760> we need to move one step beyond that now we need to move one step beyond that now we need<00:16:25.330> to<00:16:25.420> see<00:16:25.600> how<00:16:25.750> we<00:16:25.810> can<00:16:26.050> help<00:16:26.200> those need to see how we can help those need to see how we can help those societies<00:16:26.950> move<00:16:27.190> from<00:16:27.459> political societies move from political societies move from political coalition's<00:16:28.690> loosely<00:16:29.170> based<00:16:29.350> political coalition's loosely based political coalition's loosely based political coalition's<00:16:30.640> to<00:16:31.089> civilizational coalition's to civilizational coalition's to civilizational coalition's<00:16:32.709> that<00:16:32.860> are<00:16:33.220> working<00:16:33.430> for<00:16:33.730> the coalition's that are working for the coalition's that are working for the ideals<00:16:34.209> and<00:16:34.360> narratives<00:16:34.750> of<00:16:34.870> the<00:16:34.930> democratic ideals and narratives of the democratic ideals and narratives of the democratic culture<00:16:35.589> on<00:16:35.860> the<00:16:36.220> ground<00:16:36.430> because<00:16:37.180> it's<00:16:37.360> not culture on the ground because it's not culture on the ground because it's not enough<00:16:37.779> to<00:16:37.899> remove<00:16:38.110> a<00:16:38.260> leader<00:16:38.470> or<00:16:38.649> a<00:16:38.680> ruler<00:16:38.890> or enough to remove a leader or a ruler or enough to remove a leader or a ruler or a<00:16:39.130> dictator<00:16:39.490> that<00:16:40.110> doesn't<00:16:41.110> guarantee<00:16:41.260> the a dictator that doesn't guarantee the a dictator that doesn't guarantee the what<00:16:41.770> comes<00:16:41.980> next<00:16:42.250> will<00:16:42.820> be<00:16:42.850> society<00:16:43.690> built<00:16:43.899> on what comes next will be society built on what comes next will be society built on democratic<00:16:44.470> values<00:16:45.779> but<00:16:46.779> generally<00:16:47.200> the democratic values but generally the democratic values but generally the trends<00:16:47.709> that<00:16:47.770> starts<00:16:48.190> in<00:16:48.279> Egypt<00:16:48.579> have trends that starts in Egypt have trends that starts in Egypt have historically<00:16:49.360> spread<00:16:49.690> across<00:16:49.899> the<00:16:50.110> meno historically spread across the meno historically spread across the meno region<00:16:50.649> the<00:16:50.770> Middle<00:16:50.920> East<00:16:51.100> in<00:16:51.190> North<00:16:51.279> Africa region the Middle East in North Africa region the Middle East in North Africa region region region so<00:16:52.390> when<00:16:52.510> Arab<00:16:52.750> socialism<00:16:53.140> starting<00:16:53.980> in<00:16:54.100> Egypt so when Arab socialism starting in Egypt so when Arab socialism starting in Egypt it<00:16:54.579> spread<00:16:54.820> across<00:16:54.910> the<00:16:55.089> region<00:16:55.510> in<00:16:55.690> the<00:16:56.140> 80s it spread across the region in the 80s it spread across the region in the 80s and<00:16:56.529> 90s<00:16:56.649> when<00:16:57.010> Islamism<00:16:57.520> started<00:16:57.910> in<00:16:58.000> the and 90s when Islamism started in the and 90s when Islamism started in the region<00:16:58.360> it<00:16:58.480> spread<00:16:59.020> across<00:16:59.140> the<00:16:59.529> ameno<00:17:00.190> region region it spread across the ameno region region it spread across the ameno region as<00:17:00.670> a<00:17:01.029> whole<00:17:01.329> and<00:17:01.600> the<00:17:01.990> aspiration<00:17:02.529> that<00:17:02.649> we as a whole and the aspiration that we as a whole and the aspiration that we have<00:17:02.890> at<00:17:03.010> the<00:17:03.070> moment<00:17:03.220> as<00:17:03.520> young<00:17:04.000> Arabs<00:17:04.329> are have at the moment as young Arabs are have at the moment as young Arabs are proving<00:17:04.839> today<00:17:05.050> and<00:17:05.230> instantly<00:17:05.620> rebranding proving today and instantly rebranding proving today and instantly rebranding themselves<00:17:06.610> as<00:17:07.120> being<00:17:07.689> prepared<00:17:08.079> to<00:17:08.230> die<00:17:08.380> for themselves as being prepared to die for themselves as being prepared to die for more<00:17:09.069> than<00:17:09.189> just<00:17:09.220> terrorism<00:17:09.850> is<00:17:10.800> that<00:17:11.800> there more than just terrorism is that there more than just terrorism is that there is<00:17:12.579> a<00:17:12.790> chance<00:17:13.059> the<00:17:13.660> democratic<00:17:14.199> culture<00:17:14.380> can is a chance the democratic culture can is a chance the democratic culture can start<00:17:15.010> in<00:17:15.130> the<00:17:15.220> region<00:17:15.490> and<00:17:15.610> spread<00:17:16.000> across<00:17:16.179> to start in the region and spread across to start in the region and spread across to the<00:17:16.720> rest<00:17:16.870> of<00:17:16.959> the<00:17:17.020> countries<00:17:17.350> that<00:17:17.380> are the rest of the countries that are the rest of the countries that are surrounding<00:17:17.980> that<00:17:18.010> but<00:17:18.459> that<00:17:18.579> will<00:17:18.699> require surrounding that but that will require surrounding that but that will require helping<00:17:19.809> these<00:17:19.929> societies<00:17:20.410> transition<00:17:20.949> from helping these societies transition from helping these societies transition from having<00:17:21.670> merely<00:17:22.020> political<00:17:23.020> coalition's<00:17:23.530> to having merely political coalition's to having merely political coalition's to building<00:17:24.730> genuinely<00:17:25.179> grassroots<00:17:25.780> based building genuinely grassroots based building genuinely grassroots based social<00:17:26.380> movements<00:17:26.740> that<00:17:27.100> advocate<00:17:27.880> for<00:17:28.000> the social movements that advocate for the social movements that advocate for the democratic<00:17:28.569> culture<00:17:28.750> and<00:17:29.080> we've<00:17:29.380> made<00:17:29.530> a democratic culture and we've made a democratic culture and we've made a start<00:17:29.740> for<00:17:30.130> that<00:17:30.220> in<00:17:30.460> Pakistan<00:17:30.880> with<00:17:31.480> a start for that in Pakistan with a start for that in Pakistan with a movement<00:17:31.870> called<00:17:32.020> hoody<00:17:32.200> where<00:17:33.190> we<00:17:33.309> are movement called hoody where we are movement called hoody where we are working<00:17:33.880> on<00:17:34.150> the<00:17:34.240> ground<00:17:34.270> to<00:17:34.660> to<00:17:35.080> to<00:17:35.260> encourage working on the ground to to to encourage working on the ground to to to encourage the<00:17:35.770> youth<00:17:35.950> to<00:17:36.490> create<00:17:37.240> genuine<00:17:37.600> Byam<00:17:38.050> for<00:17:38.470> the the youth to create genuine Byam for the the youth to create genuine Byam for the democratic<00:17:39.040> culture<00:17:39.370> and<00:17:39.610> it's<00:17:39.880> with<00:17:40.240> that democratic culture and it's with that democratic culture and it's with that thought<00:17:40.990> that<00:17:41.170> I'll<00:17:41.260> end<00:17:41.470> and<00:17:41.679> my<00:17:42.040> time<00:17:42.220> is<00:17:42.370> up thought that I'll end and my time is up thought that I'll end and my time is up and<00:17:42.640> thank<00:17:42.790> you<00:17:42.940> for<00:17:43.120> your<00:17:43.210> time


TEDEducation TED-Ed TED Ed, Ted, Maajid, Nawaz, extremism, extremists, social, activism, democracy, national, xenophobia

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