Một người tố giác mà bạn chưa từng nghe – Geert Chatrou

A whistleblower you haven't heard - Geert Chatrou

A whistleblower you haven't heard - Geert Chatrou


thank <00:02:23.160>you

Thank <00:02:27.220>You <00:02:27.680>Very <00:02:28.140>Much <00:02:28.600>that <00:02:29.060>was <00:02:29.520>whistling


part <00:02:47.237>of <00:02:47.774>Communication <00:02:48.311>In <00:02:48.848>My <00:02:49.385>Family <00:02:49.922>so <00:02:50.459>I
part of Communication In My Family so I part of Communication In My Family so I wrestled <00:02:50.990>along <00:02:51.280>at <00:02:51.570>him <00:02:51.860>and <00:02:52.150>uhm <00:02:52.440>will wrestled along at him and uhm will wrestled along at him and uhm will actually <00:02:53.605>Till <00:02:54.050>I <00:02:54.495>was <00:02:54.940>34 <00:02:55.385>I <00:02:55.830>always <00:02:56.275>annoyed actually Till I was 34 I always annoyed actually Till I was 34 I always annoyed an <00:02:57.194>irritated <00:02:57.509>people <00:02:57.824>with <00:02:58.139>wizling an irritated people with wizling an irritated people with wizling because <00:02:59.939>to <00:03:00.298>be <00:03:00.657>Honest <00:03:01.016>ehm <00:03:01.375>My <00:03:01.734>Changing <00:03:02.093>is because to be Honest ehm My Changing is because to be Honest ehm My Changing is a <00:03:02.736>Kind <00:03:03.192>of <00:03:03.648>dvn <00:03:04.104>B <00:03:04.560>Avia <00:03:05.016>ehm <00:03:05.472>eh <00:03:05.928>I <00:03:06.384>wish <00:03:06.840>along a Kind of dvn B Avia ehm eh I wish along a Kind of dvn B Avia ehm eh I wish along Wizard <00:03:08.090>in <00:03:08.380>the <00:03:08.670>classroom <00:03:08.960>I <00:03:09.250>exchange <00:03:09.540>onbike Wizard in the classroom I exchange onbike Wizard in the classroom I exchange onbike I <00:03:10.379>wish <00:03:10.799>and <00:03:11.219>everywhere <00:03:11.639>and <00:03:12.059>I <00:03:12.479>also <00:03:12.899>exchange I wish and everywhere and I also exchange I wish and everywhere and I also exchange at <00:03:13.542>a <00:03:13.884>Christmas <00:03:14.226>Eve <00:03:14.568>party <00:03:14.910>with <00:03:15.252>my <00:03:15.594>family at a Christmas Eve party with my family at a Christmas Eve party with my family in <00:03:16.019>Law in Law in Law They <00:03:17.385>had <00:03:17.891>some <00:03:18.397>am <00:03:18.903>I <00:03:19.409>opinion <00:03:19.915>Turbo They had some am I opinion Turbo They had some am I opinion Turbo christmas <00:03:20.700>music <00:03:21.000>and <00:03:21.300>When <00:03:21.600>I <00:03:21.900>hear <00:03:22.200>music christmas music and When I hear music christmas music and When I hear music that <00:03:22.505>I <00:03:22.691>don' <00:03:22.877>t <00:03:23.063>like <00:03:23.249>I <00:03:23.435>tried <00:03:23.621>to <00:03:23.807>make <00:03:23.993>it that I don' t like I tried to make it that I don' t like I tried to make it better better better zo <00:03:27.007>When <00:03:27.434>Rudolf <00:03:27.861>The <00:03:28.288>Red <00:03:28.715>No <00:03:29.142>you <00:03:29.569>know <00:03:29.996>it

christmas <00:03:39.940>party <00:03:40.680>dinner

Ask <00:03:44.546>Me <00:03:44.972>A <00:03:45.398>Few <00:03:45.824>Times <00:03:46.250>please <00:03:46.676>stopwatching
Ask Me A Few Times please stopwatching Ask Me A Few Times please stopwatching and <00:03:47.624>Just <00:03:48.089>And <00:03:48.554>at <00:03:49.019>One <00:03:49.484>Point <00:03:49.949>and <00:03:50.414>I <00:03:50.879>Had and Just And at One Point and I Had and Just And at One Point and I Had someone <00:03:51.150>I <00:03:51.360>have <00:03:51.570>to <00:03:51.780>add <00:03:51.990>me <00:03:52.200>that <00:03:52.410>At <00:03:52.620>One someone I have to add me that At One someone I have to add me that At One Point <00:03:53.152>I <00:03:53.384>said <00:03:53.616>If <00:03:53.848>There <00:03:54.080>Was <00:03:54.312>A <00:03:54.544>Contest <00:03:54.776>I Point I said If There Was A Contest I Point I said If There Was A Contest I will <00:03:55.297>join <00:03:55.694>and <00:03:56.091>two <00:03:56.488>Weeks <00:03:56.885>Later <00:03:57.282>I <00:03:57.679>received will join and two Weeks Later I received will join and two Weeks Later I received the <00:03:58.949>text <00:03:59.218>message <00:03:59.487>you're <00:03:59.756>going <00:04:00.025>to <00:04:00.294>America the text message you're going to America the text message you're going to America SO SO SO Okay <00:04:04.266>I'm <00:04:04.573>going <00:04:04.880>to <00:04:05.187>America <00:04:05.494>I <00:04:05.801>Will <00:04:06.108>Love <00:04:06.415>To Okay I'm going to America I Will Love To Okay I'm going to America I Will Love To but <00:04:06.846>Why <00:04:07.093>so <00:04:07.340>I <00:04:07.587>immiggly <00:04:07.834>called <00:04:08.081>the <00:04:08.328>Rock <00:04:08.575>of but Why so I immiggly called the Rock of but Why so I immiggly called the Rock of course <00:04:09.230>She <00:04:09.700>Google <00:04:10.170>and <00:04:10.640>she <00:04:11.110>Found <00:04:11.580>This course She Google and she Found This course She Google and she Found This World <00:04:12.419>change <00:04:12.959>Championship <00:04:13.499>in <00:04:14.039>America World change Championship in America World change Championship in America of <00:04:15.429>course <00:04:15.919>erm of course erm of course erm see <00:04:17.814>you <00:04:18.149>didn't <00:04:18.484>Expect <00:04:18.819>me <00:04:19.154>to <00:04:19.489>go <00:04:19.824>There <00:04:20.159>and see you didn't Expect me to go There and see you didn't Expect me to go There and uhm <00:04:21.014>well <00:04:21.389>I <00:04:21.764>Would <00:04:22.139>have <00:04:22.514>Lost <00:04:22.889>my <00:04:23.264>face <00:04:23.639>I uhm well I Would have Lost my face I uhm well I Would have Lost my face I don't <00:04:23.999>know <00:04:24.239>if <00:04:24.479>that <00:04:24.719>correct <00:04:24.959>English <00:04:25.199>but don't know if that correct English but don't know if that correct English but the <00:04:25.764>Dutch <00:04:26.028>people <00:04:26.292>Year <00:04:26.556>will <00:04:26.820>understand the Dutch people Year will understand the Dutch people Year will understand what <00:04:27.545>I <00:04:27.850>mean <00:04:28.155>erm <00:04:28.460>er what I mean erm er what I mean erm er I <00:04:31.035>love <00:04:31.450>my <00:04:31.865>face <00:04:32.280>and

She's <00:04:35.631>so <00:04:35.982>You <00:04:36.333>Will <00:04:36.684>Never <00:04:37.035>go <00:04:37.386>There <00:04:37.737>but
She's so You Will Never go There but She's so You Will Never go There but actually <00:04:38.924>I <00:04:39.209>did <00:04:39.494>so <00:04:39.779>I <00:04:40.064>went <00:04:40.349>to <00:04:40.634>Lewis <00:04:40.919>Burke actually I did so I went to Lewis Burke actually I did so I went to Lewis Burke North <00:04:41.550>Carolina <00:04:41.820>would <00:04:42.090>be <00:04:42.360>the <00:04:42.630>first <00:04:42.900>or <00:04:43.170>er <00:04:43.440>but North Carolina would be the first or er but North Carolina would be the first or er but the <00:04:44.193>United <00:04:44.526>States <00:04:44.859>and <00:04:45.192>er <00:04:45.525>I <00:04:45.858>am <00:04:46.191>the <00:04:46.524>world <00:04:46.857>of the United States and er I am the world of the United States and er I am the world of whistling <00:04:47.520>er <00:04:47.940>and <00:04:48.360>I <00:04:48.780>also <00:04:49.200>enter <00:04:49.620>the <00:04:50.040>world whistling er and I also enter the world whistling er and I also enter the world championship <00:04:50.679>and <00:04:51.138>I <00:04:51.597>wonder <00:04:52.056>in <00:04:52.515>2004 <00:04:52.974>so

that <00:04:57.428>was <00:04:57.916>erm <00:04:58.404>that <00:04:58.892>was <00:04:59.380>great <00:04:59.868>of <00:05:00.356>course
that was erm that was great of course that was erm that was great of course erm <00:05:01.125>and <00:05:01.590>then <00:05:02.055>that <00:05:02.520>fan <00:05:02.985>My <00:05:03.450>title <00:05:03.915>Like <00:05:04.380>You erm and then that fan My title Like You erm and then that fan My title Like You Doc <00:05:05.228>Us <00:05:05.716>do <00:05:06.204>and <00:05:06.692>sportsman <00:05:07.180>as <00:05:07.668>what <00:05:08.156>Let's Doc Us do and sportsman as what Let's Doc Us do and sportsman as what Let's Go <00:05:08.610>Back <00:05:08.880>in <00:05:09.150>2005 <00:05:09.420>and <00:05:09.690>I <00:05:09.960>wanna Go Back in 2005 and I wanna Go Back in 2005 and I wanna I <00:05:12.166>Couldn't <00:05:12.552>party's <00:05:12.938>paid <00:05:13.324>for <00:05:13.710>View <00:05:14.096>Years I Couldn't party's paid for View Years I Couldn't party's paid for View Years and <00:05:14.573>a <00:05:14.866>2008 <00:05:15.159>enter <00:05:15.452>the <00:05:15.745>gun <00:05:16.038>in <00:05:16.331>Japan <00:05:16.624>Tokyo <00:05:16.917>and and a 2008 enter the gun in Japan Tokyo and and a 2008 enter the gun in Japan Tokyo and I <00:05:17.879>wanna <00:05:18.358>gun <00:05:18.837>so <00:05:19.316>eh <00:05:19.795>what <00:05:20.274>what <00:05:20.753>happens I wanna gun so eh what what happens I wanna gun so eh what what happens Now <00:05:21.394>is <00:05:21.608>I'm <00:05:21.822>Standing <00:05:22.036>Here <00:05:22.250>in <00:05:22.464>Rotterdam <00:05:22.678>in Now is I'm Standing Here in Rotterdam in Now is I'm Standing Here in Rotterdam in the <00:05:23.374>Beautiful <00:05:23.588>City <00:05:23.802>on <00:05:24.016>a <00:05:24.230>big <00:05:24.444>stage <00:05:24.658>and the Beautiful City on a big stage and the Beautiful City on a big stage and I'm <00:05:25.884>talking <00:05:26.208>about <00:05:26.532>whistling <00:05:26.856>and <00:05:27.180>actually I'm talking about whistling and actually I'm talking about whistling and actually I <00:05:27.992>öl <00:05:28.264>my <00:05:28.536>money <00:05:28.808>whistling <00:05:29.080>at <00:05:29.352>the <00:05:29.624>moment <00:05:29.896>so I öl my money whistling at the moment so I öl my money whistling at the moment so I <00:05:31.200>quit <00:05:31.500>my <00:05:31.800>day <00:05:32.100>Job <00:05:32.400>as <00:05:32.700>a <00:05:33.000>nurse

and <00:05:38.550>uh <00:05:38.820>I <00:05:39.090>tried <00:05:39.360>To <00:05:39.630>Live <00:05:39.900>My <00:05:40.170>Dream <00:05:40.440>What
and uh I tried To Live My Dream What and uh I tried To Live My Dream What actually <00:05:41.039>was <00:05:41.398>nevermind <00:05:41.757>Dream <00:05:42.116>but <00:05:42.475>it actually was nevermind Dream but it actually was nevermind Dream but it Sounds <00:05:42.870>so <00:05:43.080>good Sounds so good Sounds so good okay <00:05:44.725>I'm <00:05:45.090>Not <00:05:45.455>The <00:05:45.820>Only <00:05:46.185>One <00:05:46.550>change <00:05:46.915>here okay I'm Not The Only One change here okay I'm Not The Only One change here you <00:05:47.597>say <00:05:48.034>What <00:05:48.471>do <00:05:48.908>you <00:05:49.345>mean <00:05:49.782>well <00:05:50.219>actually you say What do you mean well actually you say What do you mean well actually You <00:05:50.899>are <00:05:51.159>going <00:05:51.419>to <00:05:51.679>a <00:05:51.939>Long <00:05:52.199>ehm

And <00:05:55.919>then <00:05:56.218>always <00:05:56.517>the <00:05:56.816>same <00:05:57.115>Thing <00:05:57.414>happens
And then always the same Thing happens And then always the same Thing happens uh <00:05:58.099>People <00:05:58.418>are <00:05:58.737>watching <00:05:59.056>each <00:05:59.375>other <00:05:59.694>and uh People are watching each other and uh People are watching each other and say <00:06:00.186>it <00:06:00.492>all <00:06:00.798>my <00:06:01.104>god <00:06:01.410>Why <00:06:01.716>but <00:06:02.022>I'm <00:06:02.328>not <00:06:02.634>Can <00:06:02.940>I say it all my god Why but I'm not Can I say it all my god Why but I'm not Can I go <00:06:03.275>wait <00:06:03.490>No <00:06:03.705>you <00:06:03.920>can't <00:06:04.135>ehm go wait No you can't ehm go wait No you can't ehm actually <00:06:07.360>Ferry <00:06:07.700>Simple <00:06:08.040>the <00:06:08.380>song <00:06:08.720>The <00:06:09.060>track actually Ferry Simple the song The track actually Ferry Simple the song The track that <00:06:09.650>I <00:06:09.940>will <00:06:10.230>Whistle <00:06:10.520>is <00:06:10.810>called <00:06:11.100>flatella that I will Whistle is called flatella that I will Whistle is called flatella Belle <00:06:11.952>It's <00:06:12.384>about <00:06:12.816>18 <00:06:13.248>minutes <00:06:13.680>Long Belle It's about 18 minutes Long Belle It's about 18 minutes Long No <00:06:15.505>No <00:06:15.990>it's <00:06:16.475>Four <00:06:16.960>Minutes <00:06:17.445>Long <00:06:17.930>ehm <00:06:18.415>and <00:06:18.900>I No No it's Four Minutes Long ehm and I No No it's Four Minutes Long ehm and I want <00:06:19.294>to <00:06:19.508>first <00:06:19.722>we <00:06:19.936>hears <00:06:20.150>with <00:06:20.364>you <00:06:20.578>your want to first we hears with you your want to first we hears with you your whistling

I <00:06:29.080>forgot <00:06:29.540>One <00:06:30.000>Thing
I forgot One Thing I forgot One Thing you <00:06:31.457>will <00:06:32.054>the <00:06:32.651>same <00:06:33.248>Toon <00:06:33.845>as <00:06:34.442>me <00:06:35.039>so <00:06:35.636>eh <00:06:36.233>yes you will the same Toon as me so eh yes you will the same Toon as me so eh yes white <00:06:38.535>forarity <00:06:39.130>of <00:06:39.725>rioty <00:06:40.320>of <00:06:40.915>Thrones

This <00:06:56.799>is <00:06:57.138>very <00:06:57.477>promising
This is very promising This is very promising This <00:06:59.064>is <00:06:59.489>very <00:06:59.914>promsing <00:07:00.339>I <00:07:00.764>Ark <00:07:01.189>as <00:07:01.614>the This is very promsing I Ark as the This is very promsing I Ark as the technicians <00:07:02.082>to <00:07:02.364>start <00:07:02.646>the <00:07:02.928>music <00:07:03.210>and <00:07:03.492>if <00:07:03.774>it technicians to start the music and if it technicians to start the music and if it uh <00:07:04.162>Started <00:07:04.424>I <00:07:04.686>just <00:07:04.948>eh <00:07:05.210>Point <00:07:05.472>you <00:07:05.734>where <00:07:05.996>are uh Started I just eh Point you where are uh Started I just eh Point you where are you <00:07:06.308>Whistle <00:07:06.496>along <00:07:06.684>and <00:07:06.872>We <00:07:07.060>will <00:07:07.248>see <00:07:07.436>what you Whistle along and We will see what you Whistle along and We will see what happens

Oh <00:07:14.351>ho <00:07:14.842>I'm <00:07:15.333>so <00:07:15.824>sorry <00:07:16.315>technicians

I'm <00:07:22.479>so <00:07:22.819>used <00:07:23.159>that
I'm so used that I'm so used that I <00:07:24.839>Started <00:07:25.318>Myself I Started Myself I Started Myself ok

geertja <00:11:45.852>True <00:11:46.404>World <00:11:46.956>Cup <00:11:47.508>John <00:11:48.060>whistling
geertja True World Cup John whistling geertja True World Cup John whistling thank <00:11:50.100>you

Geert Chatrou, TED, TEDx, TEDxRotterdam, whistle, whistleblower, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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