Một robot mini -chạy bằng điện thoại của bạn- Keller Rinaudo

A mini robot -powered by your phone- Keller Rinaudo

A mini robot -powered by your phone- Keller Rinaudo




so<00:00:16.640> just<00:00:16.800> by<00:00:16.960> a<00:00:17.039> show<00:00:17.199> of<00:00:17.279> hands<00:00:17.520> how<00:00:17.680> many<00:00:17.760> of
so just by a show of hands how many of so just by a show of hands how many of you<00:00:18.000> all<00:00:18.080> have<00:00:18.240> a<00:00:18.320> robot<00:00:18.640> at<00:00:18.720> home

not<00:00:21.520> very<00:00:21.680> many<00:00:21.920> of<00:00:22.080> you
not very many of you not very many of you okay<00:00:23.199> and<00:00:23.439> and<00:00:23.680> and<00:00:23.920> actually<00:00:24.160> of<00:00:24.320> those<00:00:24.560> hands okay and and and actually of those hands okay and and and actually of those hands if<00:00:25.119> you<00:00:25.199> don't<00:00:25.439> include<00:00:25.680> room<00:00:25.840> by<00:00:26.000> how<00:00:26.080> many<00:00:26.240> of if you don't include room by how many of if you don't include room by how many of you<00:00:26.400> have<00:00:26.560> a<00:00:26.640> robot<00:00:26.880> at<00:00:26.960> home you have a robot at home you have a robot at home okay<00:00:28.080> so<00:00:28.560> a<00:00:28.640> couple okay so a couple okay so a couple that's<00:00:29.840> okay<00:00:30.240> that's<00:00:30.480> the<00:00:30.640> problem<00:00:31.119> that that's okay that's the problem that that's okay that's the problem that we're<00:00:31.439> trying<00:00:31.679> to<00:00:31.840> solve<00:00:32.160> at<00:00:32.239> remotev<00:00:32.640> that<00:00:32.800> i we're trying to solve at remotev that i we're trying to solve at remotev that i and<00:00:33.280> and<00:00:33.360> the<00:00:33.440> other<00:00:33.520> 20<00:00:33.760> nerds<00:00:34.000> at<00:00:34.079> remotev and and the other 20 nerds at remotev and and the other 20 nerds at remotev are<00:00:34.559> obsessed<00:00:34.880> with<00:00:35.120> solving are obsessed with solving are obsessed with solving so<00:00:36.480> we<00:00:36.719> really<00:00:36.960> want<00:00:37.120> to<00:00:37.200> build<00:00:37.440> a<00:00:37.520> robot<00:00:38.000> that so we really want to build a robot that so we really want to build a robot that anyone<00:00:38.879> can<00:00:39.040> use<00:00:39.520> whether<00:00:39.840> you're<00:00:40.079> eight<00:00:40.800> or anyone can use whether you're eight or anyone can use whether you're eight or eighty eighty eighty and<00:00:42.239> as<00:00:42.399> it<00:00:42.480> turns<00:00:42.800> out<00:00:43.280> that's<00:00:43.600> a<00:00:43.680> really<00:00:43.920> hard and as it turns out that's a really hard and as it turns out that's a really hard problem<00:00:44.640> because<00:00:45.200> you<00:00:45.280> have<00:00:45.440> to<00:00:45.520> build<00:00:45.760> a problem because you have to build a problem because you have to build a small<00:00:46.320> portable<00:00:46.800> robot<00:00:47.520> that's<00:00:47.760> not<00:00:47.920> only small portable robot that's not only small portable robot that's not only really<00:00:48.960> affordable really affordable really affordable but<00:00:50.399> it<00:00:50.559> has<00:00:50.719> to<00:00:50.800> be<00:00:50.960> something<00:00:51.280> that<00:00:51.360> people but it has to be something that people but it has to be something that people actually<00:00:51.920> want<00:00:52.160> to<00:00:52.320> take<00:00:52.640> home actually want to take home actually want to take home and<00:00:53.760> have<00:00:53.920> around<00:00:54.239> their<00:00:54.399> kids and have around their kids and have around their kids this<00:00:55.840> robot<00:00:56.320> can't<00:00:56.559> be<00:00:56.800> creepy<00:00:57.280> or<00:00:57.520> uncanny this robot can't be creepy or uncanny this robot can't be creepy or uncanny he<00:00:58.800> should<00:00:58.960> be<00:00:59.359> friendly<00:00:59.920> and<00:01:00.079> cute<00:01:00.960> so he should be friendly and cute so he should be friendly and cute so meet<00:01:02.239> romo meet romo meet romo romo<00:01:04.559> is<00:01:04.640> a<00:01:04.720> robot<00:01:05.119> that<00:01:05.199> uses<00:01:05.519> a<00:01:05.600> device<00:01:05.920> you romo is a robot that uses a device you romo is a robot that uses a device you already<00:01:06.400> know<00:01:06.720> and<00:01:06.960> love<00:01:07.600> your<00:01:07.840> iphone<00:01:08.720> as<00:01:08.960> his already know and love your iphone as his already know and love your iphone as his brain brain brain and<00:01:10.640> by<00:01:10.880> leveraging<00:01:11.439> the<00:01:11.600> power and by leveraging the power and by leveraging the power of<00:01:12.560> the<00:01:12.640> iphone's<00:01:13.200> processor of the iphone's processor of the iphone's processor we<00:01:14.960> can<00:01:15.119> create<00:01:15.520> a<00:01:15.600> robot we can create a robot we can create a robot that<00:01:16.960> is<00:01:17.360> wi-fi<00:01:17.920> enabled that is wi-fi enabled that is wi-fi enabled and<00:01:19.360> computer<00:01:19.759> vision<00:01:20.080> capable<00:01:20.960> for<00:01:21.119> 150 and computer vision capable for 150 and computer vision capable for 150 bucks<00:01:22.479> which<00:01:22.720> is<00:01:22.799> about<00:01:23.119> one<00:01:23.439> percent<00:01:24.240> of<00:01:24.400> what bucks which is about one percent of what bucks which is about one percent of what these<00:01:25.040> kinds<00:01:25.200> of<00:01:25.280> robots<00:01:25.680> have<00:01:25.840> cost<00:01:26.400> in<00:01:26.479> the these kinds of robots have cost in the these kinds of robots have cost in the past past past um<00:01:28.240> when<00:01:28.479> roma<00:01:28.799> wakes<00:01:29.200> up<00:01:29.520> he's<00:01:29.840> in<00:01:29.920> creature um when roma wakes up he's in creature um when roma wakes up he's in creature mode mode mode so<00:01:31.759> he's<00:01:32.079> actually<00:01:32.400> using<00:01:32.720> the<00:01:32.880> video<00:01:33.280> camera so he's actually using the video camera so he's actually using the video camera on<00:01:33.840> the<00:01:33.920> device<00:01:34.880> to<00:01:35.200> follow<00:01:35.520> my<00:01:35.759> face<00:01:36.159> if<00:01:36.320> i on the device to follow my face if i on the device to follow my face if i duck<00:01:36.799> down<00:01:37.040> he'll<00:01:37.280> follow<00:01:37.520> me<00:01:37.680> he's<00:01:37.920> wary<00:01:38.400> so duck down he'll follow me he's wary so duck down he'll follow me he's wary so he'll<00:01:38.720> keep<00:01:38.960> his<00:01:39.200> eyes<00:01:39.439> on<00:01:39.600> me he'll keep his eyes on me he'll keep his eyes on me if<00:01:40.560> i<00:01:40.640> come<00:01:40.880> over<00:01:41.119> here<00:01:41.840> he'll<00:01:42.079> turn<00:01:42.400> to<00:01:42.560> follow if i come over here he'll turn to follow if i come over here he'll turn to follow me<00:01:43.520> if<00:01:43.759> i<00:01:43.840> come<00:01:44.000> over<00:01:44.240> here

he's<00:01:48.000> smart<00:01:48.479> he's<00:01:49.119> if<00:01:49.360> i<00:01:49.439> get<00:01:49.600> too<00:01:49.759> close<00:01:50.000> to
he's smart he's if i get too close to he's smart he's if i get too close to him him him oh<00:01:51.759> he<00:01:51.840> gets<00:01:52.079> scared<00:01:52.960> just<00:01:53.119> like<00:01:53.360> any<00:01:53.520> other oh he gets scared just like any other oh he gets scared just like any other creature creature creature so<00:01:54.560> in<00:01:54.640> a<00:01:54.720> lot<00:01:54.799> of<00:01:54.880> ways<00:01:55.119> rome<00:01:55.360> is<00:01:55.439> like<00:01:55.680> a<00:01:55.759> pet so in a lot of ways rome is like a pet so in a lot of ways rome is like a pet that<00:01:56.320> has<00:01:56.479> a<00:01:56.560> mind<00:01:56.799> of<00:01:56.960> his<00:01:57.119> own that has a mind of his own that has a mind of his own thanks<00:01:58.240> little<00:01:58.479> guy

bless<00:02:02.479> you
bless you bless you and<00:02:03.840> if<00:02:04.079> i<00:02:04.320> want and if i want and if i want if<00:02:05.520> i<00:02:05.600> want<00:02:05.759> to<00:02:05.920> explore<00:02:06.240> the<00:02:06.320> world<00:02:06.560> oh<00:02:06.799> we're if i want to explore the world oh we're if i want to explore the world oh we're almost<00:02:07.200> tired<00:02:07.759> if<00:02:07.920> i<00:02:08.000> want<00:02:08.160> to<00:02:08.319> explore<00:02:08.800> the almost tired if i want to explore the almost tired if i want to explore the world<00:02:09.119> with<00:02:09.360> rome<00:02:09.679> i<00:02:09.759> can<00:02:09.920> actually<00:02:10.319> connect world with rome i can actually connect world with rome i can actually connect him<00:02:10.879> from<00:02:11.120> any<00:02:11.360> other<00:02:11.520> ios<00:02:12.000> device<00:02:12.400> so<00:02:12.800> here's him from any other ios device so here's him from any other ios device so here's the<00:02:13.120> ipad the ipad the ipad and<00:02:14.640> roma<00:02:14.879> will<00:02:15.120> actually<00:02:15.360> stream<00:02:15.760> video<00:02:16.160> to and roma will actually stream video to and roma will actually stream video to this<00:02:16.480> device<00:02:16.879> so<00:02:17.040> i<00:02:17.200> can<00:02:17.360> see<00:02:17.520> everything<00:02:17.840> that this device so i can see everything that this device so i can see everything that romo<00:02:18.319> sees<00:02:18.640> and<00:02:18.800> i<00:02:18.879> get<00:02:19.120> a<00:02:19.200> robot's<00:02:19.599> eye<00:02:19.760> view romo sees and i get a robot's eye view romo sees and i get a robot's eye view of<00:02:20.080> the<00:02:20.160> world<00:02:20.560> now<00:02:20.800> this<00:02:20.959> is<00:02:21.040> a<00:02:21.120> free<00:02:21.280> app<00:02:21.520> on of the world now this is a free app on of the world now this is a free app on the<00:02:21.680> app<00:02:21.760> store<00:02:22.000> so<00:02:22.080> if<00:02:22.160> any<00:02:22.319> of<00:02:22.400> you<00:02:22.480> guys<00:02:22.720> had the app store so if any of you guys had the app store so if any of you guys had this<00:02:23.120> app<00:02:23.360> on<00:02:23.440> your<00:02:23.599> phones<00:02:24.160> we<00:02:24.319> could this app on your phones we could this app on your phones we could literally<00:02:24.959> right<00:02:25.200> now<00:02:25.520> share<00:02:25.680> control<00:02:26.000> of<00:02:26.080> the literally right now share control of the literally right now share control of the robot<00:02:26.560> and<00:02:26.640> play<00:02:26.800> games<00:02:27.040> together<00:02:27.680> so<00:02:28.080> i'll robot and play games together so i'll robot and play games together so i'll show<00:02:28.400> you<00:02:28.560> really<00:02:28.800> quickly<00:02:29.120> roma<00:02:29.440> actually show you really quickly roma actually show you really quickly roma actually he's<00:02:30.319> streaming<00:02:30.640> videos<00:02:31.040> so<00:02:31.200> you<00:02:31.280> can<00:02:31.440> see<00:02:31.680> me he's streaming videos so you can see me he's streaming videos so you can see me and<00:02:32.000> the<00:02:32.319> entire<00:02:32.640> ted<00:02:32.959> audience<00:02:33.280> if<00:02:33.360> i<00:02:33.440> get<00:02:33.599> in and the entire ted audience if i get in and the entire ted audience if i get in front<00:02:33.920> of<00:02:34.000> romo<00:02:34.319> here front of romo here front of romo here and<00:02:35.440> if<00:02:35.599> i<00:02:35.680> want<00:02:35.760> to<00:02:35.920> control<00:02:36.319> him<00:02:36.480> i<00:02:36.560> can<00:02:36.720> just and if i want to control him i can just and if i want to control him i can just drive drive drive so<00:02:38.640> i<00:02:38.720> can<00:02:38.879> drive<00:02:39.200> him<00:02:39.280> around

and<00:02:43.120> i<00:02:43.200> can<00:02:43.360> take<00:02:43.519> pictures<00:02:43.840> of<00:02:44.000> you<00:02:44.160> i've
and i can take pictures of you i've and i can take pictures of you i've always<00:02:44.400> wanted<00:02:44.720> a<00:02:44.800> picture<00:02:45.040> of<00:02:45.120> a<00:02:45.200> 1500<00:02:45.760> person always wanted a picture of a 1500 person always wanted a picture of a 1500 person ted<00:02:46.319> audience<00:02:46.720> so<00:02:46.879> i'll<00:02:46.959> snap<00:02:47.280> a<00:02:47.360> picture<00:02:48.000> and ted audience so i'll snap a picture and ted audience so i'll snap a picture and in<00:02:48.319> the<00:02:48.400> same<00:02:48.640> way<00:02:48.800> that<00:02:48.879> you<00:02:49.040> scroll<00:02:49.280> through in the same way that you scroll through in the same way that you scroll through content<00:02:49.840> on<00:02:50.000> an<00:02:50.160> ipad<00:02:50.720> i<00:02:50.879> can<00:02:51.040> actually<00:02:51.680> adjust content on an ipad i can actually adjust content on an ipad i can actually adjust the<00:02:52.160> angle<00:02:52.480> of<00:02:52.560> the<00:02:52.720> camera<00:02:53.599> on<00:02:53.680> the<00:02:53.760> device<00:02:54.239> so the angle of the camera on the device so the angle of the camera on the device so there<00:02:54.800> are<00:02:55.040> all<00:02:55.200> of<00:02:55.280> you<00:02:55.519> through<00:02:55.760> romo's<00:02:56.239> eyes there are all of you through romo's eyes there are all of you through romo's eyes um um um so<00:02:58.959> and<00:02:59.120> and<00:02:59.280> finally<00:02:59.680> because<00:03:00.080> romo<00:03:00.400> is<00:03:00.480> an so and and finally because romo is an so and and finally because romo is an extension<00:03:01.519> of<00:03:01.760> me<00:03:02.319> i<00:03:02.400> can<00:03:02.560> express<00:03:02.879> myself extension of me i can express myself extension of me i can express myself through<00:03:03.360> his<00:03:03.599> emotions<00:03:04.000> so<00:03:04.159> i<00:03:04.239> can<00:03:04.319> go<00:03:04.480> in<00:03:04.640> and through his emotions so i can go in and through his emotions so i can go in and i<00:03:04.800> can<00:03:04.959> say<00:03:05.120> let's<00:03:05.280> make<00:03:05.440> romo<00:03:05.840> excited

but<00:03:09.599> the<00:03:09.680> most<00:03:09.920> important<00:03:10.239> thing<00:03:10.319> about<00:03:10.560> romo
but the most important thing about romo but the most important thing about romo is<00:03:11.040> that<00:03:11.200> we<00:03:11.280> wanted<00:03:11.519> to<00:03:11.599> create<00:03:11.840> something is that we wanted to create something is that we wanted to create something that<00:03:12.239> was<00:03:12.640> literally that was literally that was literally completely<00:03:15.040> intuitive<00:03:15.840> you<00:03:16.000> do<00:03:16.239> not<00:03:16.480> have<00:03:16.640> to completely intuitive you do not have to completely intuitive you do not have to teach<00:03:17.120> someone<00:03:17.440> how<00:03:17.599> to<00:03:17.760> drive<00:03:18.080> romo<00:03:18.640> in<00:03:18.879> fact teach someone how to drive romo in fact teach someone how to drive romo in fact who<00:03:19.680> would<00:03:19.840> like<00:03:20.000> to<00:03:20.159> drive<00:03:20.319> a<00:03:20.400> robot who would like to drive a robot who would like to drive a robot okay okay okay awesome awesome awesome here<00:03:24.560> you<00:03:24.720> go here you go here you go thank<00:03:26.319> you<00:03:26.800> scott thank you scott thank you scott and<00:03:28.800> even<00:03:29.120> cooler<00:03:29.519> you<00:03:29.760> actually<00:03:30.159> don't<00:03:30.480> have and even cooler you actually don't have and even cooler you actually don't have to<00:03:30.879> be<00:03:31.120> in<00:03:31.280> the<00:03:31.440> same<00:03:31.599> geographic<00:03:32.159> location<00:03:32.640> as to be in the same geographic location as to be in the same geographic location as the<00:03:32.879> robot<00:03:33.599> to<00:03:33.920> uh the robot to uh the robot to uh to<00:03:34.959> control<00:03:35.360> him<00:03:35.599> so<00:03:36.000> you<00:03:36.159> can<00:03:36.319> imagine<00:03:36.720> so<00:03:36.879> he to control him so you can imagine so he to control him so you can imagine so he actually<00:03:37.280> streams<00:03:37.680> two-way<00:03:38.159> audio<00:03:38.480> and<00:03:38.560> video actually streams two-way audio and video actually streams two-way audio and video between<00:03:39.360> any<00:03:39.519> two<00:03:39.680> smart<00:03:39.920> devices<00:03:40.400> so<00:03:40.560> you<00:03:40.640> can between any two smart devices so you can between any two smart devices so you can log<00:03:41.040> in<00:03:41.200> through<00:03:41.360> the<00:03:41.519> browser<00:03:42.159> and<00:03:42.319> it's<00:03:42.480> kind log in through the browser and it's kind log in through the browser and it's kind of<00:03:42.640> like<00:03:42.799> skype<00:03:43.200> on<00:03:43.280> wheels<00:03:43.599> so<00:03:43.680> we<00:03:43.760> were of like skype on wheels so we were of like skype on wheels so we were talking<00:03:44.319> before<00:03:44.720> about<00:03:44.879> telepresence<00:03:45.599> and talking before about telepresence and talking before about telepresence and this<00:03:45.920> is<00:03:46.000> a<00:03:46.080> really<00:03:46.239> cool<00:03:46.480> example<00:03:47.120> you<00:03:47.280> can this is a really cool example you can this is a really cool example you can imagine<00:03:47.920> an<00:03:48.239> eight-year-old<00:03:48.720> girl<00:03:48.959> for imagine an eight-year-old girl for imagine an eight-year-old girl for example example example who<00:03:50.400> has<00:03:50.640> an<00:03:50.879> iphone<00:03:51.360> and<00:03:51.440> her<00:03:51.519> mom<00:03:51.760> buys<00:03:52.000> her<00:03:52.080> a who has an iphone and her mom buys her a who has an iphone and her mom buys her a robot<00:03:52.799> that<00:03:52.959> girl<00:03:53.200> can<00:03:53.519> take<00:03:53.680> her<00:03:53.920> iphone<00:03:54.640> put robot that girl can take her iphone put robot that girl can take her iphone put it<00:03:54.959> on<00:03:55.040> the<00:03:55.120> robot<00:03:55.760> send<00:03:56.000> an<00:03:56.080> email<00:03:56.319> to<00:03:56.480> grandma it on the robot send an email to grandma it on the robot send an email to grandma who<00:03:56.879> lives<00:03:57.040> on<00:03:57.120> the<00:03:57.200> other<00:03:57.360> side<00:03:57.519> of<00:03:57.599> the who lives on the other side of the who lives on the other side of the country<00:03:58.480> grandma<00:03:58.799> can<00:03:59.040> log<00:03:59.280> into<00:03:59.519> that<00:03:59.599> robot country grandma can log into that robot country grandma can log into that robot and<00:04:00.159> play<00:04:00.319> hide<00:04:00.480> and<00:04:00.560> go<00:04:00.799> seek<00:04:01.040> with<00:04:01.120> her and play hide and go seek with her and play hide and go seek with her granddaughter<00:04:01.760> for<00:04:01.920> 15<00:04:02.239> minutes<00:04:02.799> every granddaughter for 15 minutes every granddaughter for 15 minutes every single<00:04:03.360> night<00:04:03.920> when<00:04:04.159> otherwise<00:04:04.480> she<00:04:04.640> might single night when otherwise she might single night when otherwise she might only<00:04:04.959> be<00:04:05.120> able<00:04:05.200> to<00:04:05.360> get<00:04:05.439> to<00:04:05.519> see<00:04:05.680> your only be able to get to see your only be able to get to see your granddaughter<00:04:06.159> once<00:04:06.400> or<00:04:06.480> twice<00:04:06.799> a<00:04:06.879> year granddaughter once or twice a year granddaughter once or twice a year thanks<00:04:07.680> scott

so so those<00:04:15.920> are<00:04:16.000> a<00:04:16.079> couple<00:04:16.320> of<00:04:16.400> the<00:04:16.479> really<00:04:16.639> cool those are a couple of the really cool those are a couple of the really cool things<00:04:17.040> that<00:04:17.120> romo<00:04:17.440> can<00:04:17.519> do<00:04:17.680> today<00:04:17.919> but<00:04:18.079> i<00:04:18.160> just things that romo can do today but i just things that romo can do today but i just want<00:04:18.479> to<00:04:18.560> finish<00:04:18.880> by<00:04:19.120> talking<00:04:19.440> about want to finish by talking about want to finish by talking about something<00:04:20.000> that<00:04:20.079> we're<00:04:20.320> working<00:04:20.639> on<00:04:20.959> in<00:04:21.120> the something that we're working on in the something that we're working on in the future future future this<00:04:22.639> is<00:04:22.800> actually<00:04:23.040> something<00:04:23.280> that<00:04:23.360> one<00:04:23.520> of this is actually something that one of this is actually something that one of our<00:04:23.680> engineers<00:04:24.160> dom<00:04:24.479> built<00:04:24.720> in<00:04:24.880> a<00:04:24.960> weekend our engineers dom built in a weekend our engineers dom built in a weekend it's<00:04:25.680> built<00:04:25.919> on<00:04:26.080> top<00:04:26.320> of<00:04:26.479> a<00:04:26.560> google<00:04:26.800> open it's built on top of a google open it's built on top of a google open framework<00:04:27.759> called<00:04:28.000> blockly<00:04:28.800> this<00:04:29.120> allows<00:04:29.440> you framework called blockly this allows you framework called blockly this allows you to<00:04:29.840> drag<00:04:30.160> and<00:04:30.320> drop<00:04:30.639> these<00:04:30.880> blocks<00:04:31.280> of to drag and drop these blocks of to drag and drop these blocks of semantic<00:04:32.160> code<00:04:32.960> and<00:04:33.120> create<00:04:33.520> any<00:04:33.759> behavior semantic code and create any behavior semantic code and create any behavior for<00:04:34.320> this<00:04:34.400> robot<00:04:34.720> you<00:04:34.800> want<00:04:35.040> you<00:04:35.199> do<00:04:35.360> not<00:04:35.520> have for this robot you want you do not have for this robot you want you do not have to<00:04:35.759> know<00:04:35.919> how<00:04:36.000> to<00:04:36.080> code<00:04:36.320> to<00:04:36.479> create<00:04:36.639> a<00:04:36.720> behavior to know how to code to create a behavior to know how to code to create a behavior for<00:04:37.280> romo<00:04:37.919> and<00:04:38.080> you<00:04:38.240> can<00:04:38.320> actually<00:04:38.639> simulate for romo and you can actually simulate for romo and you can actually simulate that<00:04:39.280> behavior<00:04:40.000> in<00:04:40.160> the<00:04:40.240> browser<00:04:40.639> which<00:04:40.800> is that behavior in the browser which is that behavior in the browser which is what<00:04:41.040> you<00:04:41.120> see<00:04:41.280> romo<00:04:41.680> doing<00:04:41.919> on<00:04:42.000> the<00:04:42.160> left<00:04:42.880> and what you see romo doing on the left and what you see romo doing on the left and then<00:04:43.120> if<00:04:43.199> you<00:04:43.280> have<00:04:43.440> something<00:04:43.680> you<00:04:43.840> like<00:04:44.080> you then if you have something you like you then if you have something you like you can<00:04:44.240> download<00:04:44.639> it<00:04:44.720> onto<00:04:44.880> your<00:04:45.040> robot<00:04:45.440> and can download it onto your robot and can download it onto your robot and execute<00:04:46.000> it<00:04:46.080> in<00:04:46.240> real<00:04:46.479> life<00:04:46.880> run<00:04:47.120> the<00:04:47.199> program execute it in real life run the program execute it in real life run the program in<00:04:47.680> real<00:04:47.840> life<00:04:48.400> and<00:04:48.479> then<00:04:48.639> if<00:04:48.720> you<00:04:48.800> have in real life and then if you have in real life and then if you have something<00:04:49.440> you're<00:04:49.600> proud<00:04:49.919> of<00:04:50.400> you<00:04:50.560> can<00:04:50.720> share something you're proud of you can share something you're proud of you can share it<00:04:51.040> with<00:04:51.360> every<00:04:51.600> other<00:04:51.840> person<00:04:52.160> who<00:04:52.400> owns<00:04:52.639> a it with every other person who owns a it with every other person who owns a robot<00:04:53.280> in<00:04:53.360> the<00:04:53.440> world<00:04:53.840> so<00:04:54.160> all<00:04:54.320> of<00:04:54.400> these<00:04:54.560> wi-fi robot in the world so all of these wi-fi robot in the world so all of these wi-fi enabled<00:04:55.120> robots<00:04:55.600> actually<00:04:55.919> learn<00:04:56.160> from<00:04:56.320> each enabled robots actually learn from each enabled robots actually learn from each other<00:04:57.199> the<00:04:57.440> reason<00:04:57.759> we're<00:04:58.080> so<00:04:58.320> focused<00:04:59.040> on other the reason we're so focused on other the reason we're so focused on building<00:04:59.520> robots<00:04:59.919> that<00:05:00.080> everyone<00:05:00.560> can<00:05:00.720> train building robots that everyone can train building robots that everyone can train is<00:05:01.520> that<00:05:01.600> we<00:05:01.759> think<00:05:02.080> the<00:05:02.240> most<00:05:02.560> compelling<00:05:03.040> use is that we think the most compelling use is that we think the most compelling use cases<00:05:03.759> in<00:05:03.919> personal<00:05:04.320> robotics<00:05:05.120> are<00:05:05.360> personal cases in personal robotics are personal cases in personal robotics are personal they<00:05:06.400> change<00:05:06.800> from<00:05:07.039> person<00:05:07.520> to<00:05:07.759> person<00:05:08.479> so<00:05:08.720> we they change from person to person so we they change from person to person so we think<00:05:09.039> that<00:05:09.199> if<00:05:09.280> you're<00:05:09.440> going<00:05:09.520> to<00:05:09.600> have<00:05:09.759> a think that if you're going to have a think that if you're going to have a robot<00:05:10.240> in<00:05:10.320> your<00:05:10.560> home<00:05:11.280> that<00:05:11.440> robot<00:05:11.759> ought<00:05:11.919> to robot in your home that robot ought to robot in your home that robot ought to be<00:05:12.160> a<00:05:12.240> manifestation<00:05:13.199> of<00:05:13.360> your<00:05:13.520> own be a manifestation of your own be a manifestation of your own imagination imagination imagination so<00:05:15.440> i<00:05:15.600> wish<00:05:15.759> that<00:05:15.919> i<00:05:16.000> could<00:05:16.160> tell<00:05:16.240> you<00:05:16.320> what<00:05:16.479> the so i wish that i could tell you what the so i wish that i could tell you what the future<00:05:17.360> of<00:05:17.440> personal<00:05:17.759> robotics<00:05:18.240> looks<00:05:18.560> like future of personal robotics looks like future of personal robotics looks like to<00:05:19.120> be<00:05:19.280> honest<00:05:19.759> i<00:05:19.840> have<00:05:20.080> no<00:05:20.400> idea to be honest i have no idea to be honest i have no idea but<00:05:21.840> what<00:05:22.080> we<00:05:22.240> do<00:05:22.479> know<00:05:23.199> is<00:05:23.360> that<00:05:23.600> it<00:05:23.759> isn't<00:05:24.320> 10 but what we do know is that it isn't 10 but what we do know is that it isn't 10 years<00:05:25.120> or<00:05:25.280> 10<00:05:25.520> billion<00:05:25.919> dollars<00:05:26.800> or<00:05:27.440> a<00:05:27.759> large years or 10 billion dollars or a large years or 10 billion dollars or a large humanoid<00:05:28.560> robot<00:05:29.039> away<00:05:29.840> the<00:05:30.080> future<00:05:30.479> of humanoid robot away the future of humanoid robot away the future of personal<00:05:30.960> robotics<00:05:31.600> is<00:05:31.680> happening<00:05:32.160> today<00:05:32.960> and personal robotics is happening today and personal robotics is happening today and it's<00:05:33.280> going<00:05:33.440> to<00:05:33.520> depend<00:05:34.000> on<00:05:34.320> small<00:05:34.720> agile it's going to depend on small agile it's going to depend on small agile robots<00:05:35.520> like<00:05:35.759> romo<00:05:36.560> and<00:05:36.720> the<00:05:36.800> creativity<00:05:37.759> of robots like romo and the creativity of robots like romo and the creativity of people<00:05:38.240> like<00:05:38.400> yourselves<00:05:39.360> so<00:05:39.759> we<00:05:39.919> can't<00:05:40.160> wait people like yourselves so we can't wait people like yourselves so we can't wait to<00:05:40.479> get<00:05:40.639> you<00:05:40.800> all<00:05:40.960> robots<00:05:41.840> and<00:05:42.080> we<00:05:42.160> can't<00:05:42.320> wait to get you all robots and we can't wait to get you all robots and we can't wait to<00:05:42.639> see<00:05:42.800> what<00:05:42.880> you<00:05:43.039> build<00:05:43.520> thank<00:05:43.759> you



Keller Rinaudo, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, robot, smartphone, Romo

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