Một thử nghiệm Cho Parkinson với một cuộc gọi điện thoại-Max Little

A test for Parkinson's with a phone call - Max Little

A test for Parkinson's with a phone call - Max Little


so<00:00:16.520> well<00:00:16.790> I<00:00:16.820> do<00:00:17.000> applied<00:00:17.630> mass<00:00:17.960> and<00:00:18.350> this<00:00:18.500> is<00:00:18.619> a
so well I do applied mass and this is a so well I do applied mass and this is a peculiar<00:00:19.279> problem<00:00:19.400> for<00:00:20.060> anyone<00:00:20.300> who<00:00:20.450> does peculiar problem for anyone who does peculiar problem for anyone who does applied<00:00:20.930> math<00:00:21.140> is<00:00:21.320> that<00:00:21.349> we<00:00:21.650> are<00:00:22.070> like applied math is that we are like applied math is that we are like management<00:00:23.180> consultants<00:00:23.720> no<00:00:23.990> one<00:00:24.110> knows<00:00:24.259> what management consultants no one knows what management consultants no one knows what the<00:00:24.529> hell<00:00:24.680> we<00:00:24.830> do<00:00:24.980> so<00:00:25.849> I'm<00:00:25.970> going<00:00:26.150> to<00:00:26.240> give<00:00:26.390> you the hell we do so I'm going to give you the hell we do so I'm going to give you some<00:00:26.750> attempt<00:00:27.680> today<00:00:28.070> to<00:00:28.130> try<00:00:28.400> and<00:00:28.430> explain<00:00:28.789> to some attempt today to try and explain to some attempt today to try and explain to you<00:00:29.119> what<00:00:29.150> I<00:00:29.330> do you what I do you what I do so<00:00:30.760> dancing<00:00:31.760> is<00:00:31.850> one<00:00:31.970> of<00:00:32.059> the<00:00:32.119> most<00:00:32.239> human<00:00:32.599> of so dancing is one of the most human of so dancing is one of the most human of activities<00:00:33.170> we<00:00:33.470> delight<00:00:34.430> at<00:00:34.670> ballet activities we delight at ballet activities we delight at ballet virtuosos<00:00:35.900> and<00:00:36.199> tap<00:00:36.769> dancers<00:00:37.309> you'll<00:00:37.550> see virtuosos and tap dancers you'll see virtuosos and tap dancers you'll see later<00:00:37.940> on<00:00:38.180> it<00:00:38.330> now<00:00:38.449> ballet<00:00:38.690> requires<00:00:39.110> an later on it now ballet requires an later on it now ballet requires an extraordinary<00:00:39.620> level<00:00:40.070> of<00:00:40.129> expertise<00:00:40.640> and<00:00:41.150> a extraordinary level of expertise and a extraordinary level of expertise and a high<00:00:41.989> level<00:00:42.260> of<00:00:42.440> skill<00:00:43.250> and<00:00:43.840> probably<00:00:44.840> a<00:00:44.870> level high level of skill and probably a level high level of skill and probably a level of<00:00:45.260> initial<00:00:45.620> suitability<00:00:46.250> that<00:00:46.399> may<00:00:46.489> well of initial suitability that may well of initial suitability that may well have<00:00:46.790> a<00:00:46.820> genetic<00:00:47.210> component<00:00:47.390> to<00:00:47.750> it<00:00:47.930> now<00:00:48.579> sadly have a genetic component to it now sadly have a genetic component to it now sadly neurological<00:00:50.480> disorders<00:00:50.809> such<00:00:50.960> as neurological disorders such as neurological disorders such as Parkinson's<00:00:51.140> disease<00:00:51.800> gradually<00:00:52.309> destroy Parkinson's disease gradually destroy Parkinson's disease gradually destroy this<00:00:52.940> extraordinary<00:00:53.300> ability<00:00:53.600> as<00:00:54.079> of<00:00:54.290> his this extraordinary ability as of his this extraordinary ability as of his doing<00:00:54.590> to<00:00:54.710> my<00:00:54.800> friend<00:00:54.950> yam<00:00:55.250> stripling<00:00:55.760> who<00:00:56.000> was doing to my friend yam stripling who was doing to my friend yam stripling who was a<00:00:56.629> virtuoso<00:00:57.440> ballet<00:00:57.890> dancer<00:00:58.250> in<00:00:58.340> his<00:00:58.460> time<00:00:58.670> so a virtuoso ballet dancer in his time so a virtuoso ballet dancer in his time so great<00:01:00.140> progress<00:01:00.469> and<00:01:00.680> treatment<00:01:01.100> has<00:01:01.190> been great progress and treatment has been great progress and treatment has been made<00:01:01.520> over<00:01:01.550> the<00:01:01.789> years<00:01:01.879> however<00:01:02.449> there<00:01:03.440> are made over the years however there are made over the years however there are 6.3<00:01:04.220> million<00:01:04.399> people<00:01:04.789> worldwide<00:01:05.059> who<00:01:05.690> have 6.3 million people worldwide who have 6.3 million people worldwide who have the<00:01:06.020> disease<00:01:06.320> and<00:01:06.940> they<00:01:07.940> have<00:01:08.149> to<00:01:08.240> live<00:01:08.420> with the disease and they have to live with the disease and they have to live with incurable<00:01:09.380> weakness<00:01:09.830> tremor<00:01:10.369> rigidity<00:01:10.820> any incurable weakness tremor rigidity any incurable weakness tremor rigidity any other<00:01:11.509> symptoms<00:01:11.930> that<00:01:11.990> go<00:01:12.170> along<00:01:12.350> with<00:01:12.380> the other symptoms that go along with the other symptoms that go along with the disease<00:01:12.800> so<00:01:12.979> what<00:01:13.160> we<00:01:13.310> need<00:01:13.550> our<00:01:14.110> objective disease so what we need our objective disease so what we need our objective tools<00:01:15.670> to<00:01:16.670> detect<00:01:17.030> the<00:01:17.180> disease<00:01:17.479> before<00:01:17.689> it's tools to detect the disease before it's tools to detect the disease before it's too<00:01:18.110> late<00:01:18.140> we<00:01:18.560> need<00:01:18.590> to<00:01:18.740> be<00:01:18.979> able<00:01:19.070> to<00:01:19.189> measure too late we need to be able to measure too late we need to be able to measure progression<00:01:20.180> objectively<00:01:20.720> and<00:01:21.310> ultimately progression objectively and ultimately progression objectively and ultimately with<00:01:23.210> only<00:01:23.450> way<00:01:23.689> we're<00:01:23.840> going<00:01:23.930> to<00:01:24.020> know<00:01:24.200> when with only way we're going to know when with only way we're going to know when we<00:01:24.470> actually<00:01:24.619> have<00:01:24.830> a<00:01:24.860> cure<00:01:25.130> is<00:01:25.400> when<00:01:26.090> we<00:01:26.270> have we actually have a cure is when we have we actually have a cure is when we have an<00:01:26.540> objective<00:01:26.960> measure<00:01:27.229> that<00:01:28.009> can<00:01:28.159> answer an objective measure that can answer an objective measure that can answer that<00:01:28.520> for<00:01:28.670> sure<00:01:29.500> but<00:01:30.500> frustratingly<00:01:31.130> with that for sure but frustratingly with that for sure but frustratingly with Parkinson's<00:01:32.240> disease<00:01:32.270> and<00:01:32.630> other<00:01:32.720> movement Parkinson's disease and other movement Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders<00:01:33.350> there<00:01:33.500> are<00:01:33.560> no<00:01:33.650> biomarkers disorders there are no biomarkers disorders there are no biomarkers there's<00:01:35.150> no<00:01:35.240> simple<00:01:35.540> blood<00:01:35.689> tests<00:01:35.990> that<00:01:36.049> you there's no simple blood tests that you there's no simple blood tests that you can<00:01:36.200> do<00:01:37.000> and<00:01:38.000> the<00:01:38.150> best<00:01:38.330> that<00:01:38.420> we<00:01:38.509> have<00:01:38.570> is<00:01:38.780> like can do and the best that we have is like can do and the best that we have is like this<00:01:39.020> 20-minute<00:01:39.829> neurologist<00:01:40.490> test<00:01:40.729> you<00:01:41.360> have this 20-minute neurologist test you have this 20-minute neurologist test you have to<00:01:41.780> go<00:01:41.900> to<00:01:41.960> the<00:01:42.170> clinic<00:01:42.320> to<00:01:42.530> do<00:01:42.650> it<00:01:42.770> it's<00:01:42.920> very to go to the clinic to do it it's very to go to the clinic to do it it's very very<00:01:43.310> costly<00:01:43.640> and<00:01:43.909> that<00:01:43.970> means<00:01:44.750> they're very costly and that means they're very costly and that means they're outside<00:01:45.619> the<00:01:45.680> clinical<00:01:46.009> trials<00:01:46.400> it's<00:01:47.119> just outside the clinical trials it's just outside the clinical trials it's just never<00:01:47.570> done<00:01:47.750> it's<00:01:48.259> never<00:01:48.439> done<00:01:48.650> but<00:01:49.610> what<00:01:49.729> if never done it's never done but what if never done it's never done but what if patients<00:01:50.360> could<00:01:50.479> do<00:01:50.600> this<00:01:50.720> test<00:01:50.930> at<00:01:51.079> home<00:01:51.369> now patients could do this test at home now patients could do this test at home now that<00:01:52.579> would<00:01:52.700> actually<00:01:52.939> save<00:01:53.090> on<00:01:53.210> a<00:01:53.240> difficult that would actually save on a difficult that would actually save on a difficult trip<00:01:53.750> to<00:01:53.869> clinic<00:01:54.170> and<00:01:54.350> what<00:01:54.619> if<00:01:55.479> patients trip to clinic and what if patients trip to clinic and what if patients could<00:01:56.630> do<00:01:56.750> that<00:01:56.990> test<00:01:57.380> themselves<00:01:57.680> right<00:01:58.280> no could do that test themselves right no could do that test themselves right no expensive<00:01:59.210> staff<00:01:59.390> time<00:01:59.630> required<00:01:59.990> it<00:02:00.530> takes expensive staff time required it takes expensive staff time required it takes about<00:02:00.770> three<00:02:00.979> hundred<00:02:01.070> dollars<00:02:01.460> right<00:02:01.610> away about three hundred dollars right away about three hundred dollars right away in<00:02:01.970> the<00:02:02.119> neurologist<00:02:02.600> clinic<00:02:02.869> to<00:02:02.930> do<00:02:03.020> it<00:02:03.159> so in the neurologist clinic to do it so in the neurologist clinic to do it so what<00:02:04.220> I<00:02:04.280> want<00:02:04.490> to<00:02:04.549> propose<00:02:04.790> to<00:02:04.850> you<00:02:05.090> as<00:02:05.210> an what I want to propose to you as an what I want to propose to you as an unconventional<00:02:06.290> way<00:02:06.320> in<00:02:06.680> which<00:02:06.829> we<00:02:07.009> can<00:02:07.130> try unconventional way in which we can try unconventional way in which we can try to<00:02:07.369> achieve<00:02:07.549> this<00:02:07.969> because<00:02:08.570> you<00:02:08.660> see<00:02:08.810> in<00:02:08.929> one to achieve this because you see in one to achieve this because you see in one sense<00:02:09.350> at<00:02:09.530> least<00:02:09.709> we<00:02:09.920> are<00:02:10.040> all<00:02:10.220> virtuoso<00:02:11.120> it's sense at least we are all virtuoso it's sense at least we are all virtuoso it's like<00:02:11.570> my<00:02:11.720> friend<00:02:11.989> yam<00:02:12.140> stripling<00:02:12.590> so<00:02:13.549> here<00:02:13.700> we like my friend yam stripling so here we like my friend yam stripling so here we have<00:02:13.880> a<00:02:13.910> video<00:02:14.180> are<00:02:14.630> the<00:02:14.930> vibrating<00:02:15.560> vocal have a video are the vibrating vocal have a video are the vibrating vocal folds<00:02:16.900> now<00:02:17.900> this<00:02:18.380> is<00:02:18.530> healthy<00:02:18.829> and<00:02:18.950> this<00:02:19.069> is folds now this is healthy and this is folds now this is healthy and this is somebody<00:02:19.400> making<00:02:19.430> speech<00:02:19.849> sounds<00:02:20.180> and<00:02:20.209> we<00:02:20.330> can somebody making speech sounds and we can somebody making speech sounds and we can think<00:02:20.629> of<00:02:20.780> ourselves<00:02:20.930> as<00:02:21.470> vocal<00:02:22.129> ballet think of ourselves as vocal ballet think of ourselves as vocal ballet dancers dancers dancers because<00:02:23.900> we<00:02:24.019> have<00:02:24.170> to<00:02:24.290> coordinate<00:02:24.769> all<00:02:24.800> of because we have to coordinate all of because we have to coordinate all of these<00:02:25.129> vocal<00:02:25.459> organs<00:02:25.790> when<00:02:26.030> we<00:02:26.120> make<00:02:26.269> sounds these vocal organs when we make sounds these vocal organs when we make sounds and<00:02:27.560> we<00:02:27.650> all<00:02:27.800> actually<00:02:28.220> have<00:02:28.340> the<00:02:28.459> genes<00:02:28.670> for and we all actually have the genes for and we all actually have the genes for it<00:02:28.970> Fox<00:02:29.239> b2<00:02:29.569> for<00:02:29.780> example<00:02:30.140> and<00:02:30.680> like<00:02:30.860> ballet it Fox b2 for example and like ballet it Fox b2 for example and like ballet it<00:02:31.370> takes<00:02:31.610> an<00:02:31.730> extraordinary<00:02:32.120> level<00:02:32.599> of it takes an extraordinary level of it takes an extraordinary level of training<00:02:33.050> I<00:02:33.080> mean<00:02:33.410> just<00:02:33.590> think<00:02:33.739> how<00:02:33.830> long<00:02:33.950> it training I mean just think how long it training I mean just think how long it takes<00:02:34.250> a<00:02:34.340> child<00:02:34.580> to<00:02:34.730> learn<00:02:34.849> to<00:02:35.000> speak<00:02:35.209> and<00:02:35.450> from takes a child to learn to speak and from takes a child to learn to speak and from the<00:02:36.379> sound<00:02:36.680> we<00:02:37.340> can<00:02:37.489> actually<00:02:37.760> track<00:02:38.060> the the sound we can actually track the the sound we can actually track the vocal<00:02:38.629> fold<00:02:38.840> position<00:02:39.290> as<00:02:39.440> it<00:02:39.799> vibrates<00:02:39.920> and vocal fold position as it vibrates and vocal fold position as it vibrates and just<00:02:41.209> as<00:02:41.330> the<00:02:41.450> limbs<00:02:41.720> are<00:02:41.930> affected<00:02:42.319> in just as the limbs are affected in just as the limbs are affected in Parkinson's<00:02:42.980> so<00:02:43.430> too<00:02:43.489> are<00:02:44.090> the<00:02:44.150> vocal<00:02:44.780> organs Parkinson's so too are the vocal organs Parkinson's so too are the vocal organs so<00:02:45.860> in<00:02:45.950> the<00:02:46.010> bottom<00:02:46.220> trace<00:02:46.459> you<00:02:46.580> can<00:02:46.670> see so in the bottom trace you can see so in the bottom trace you can see example<00:02:47.510> of<00:02:47.599> a<00:02:47.690> regular<00:02:48.019> vocal<00:02:48.319> fold<00:02:48.500> tremor example of a regular vocal fold tremor example of a regular vocal fold tremor we<00:02:49.580> see<00:02:49.730> all<00:02:49.849> the<00:02:49.970> same<00:02:50.150> symptoms<00:02:50.599> we<00:02:50.750> see we see all the same symptoms we see we see all the same symptoms we see vocal<00:02:51.319> tremor<00:02:51.530> weakness<00:02:52.250> and<00:02:52.489> rigidity<00:02:52.910> the vocal tremor weakness and rigidity the vocal tremor weakness and rigidity the speech<00:02:53.840> actually<00:02:53.989> becomes<00:02:54.349> quieter<00:02:54.830> and<00:02:55.010> more speech actually becomes quieter and more speech actually becomes quieter and more breathy<00:02:55.549> after<00:02:55.849> a<00:02:55.880> while<00:02:56.030> and<00:02:56.120> that's<00:02:56.239> one<00:02:56.390> of breathy after a while and that's one of breathy after a while and that's one of the<00:02:56.540> example<00:02:56.930> symptoms<00:02:57.349> of<00:02:57.470> it the example symptoms of it the example symptoms of it so<00:02:58.250> these<00:02:58.819> vocal<00:02:59.239> effects<00:02:59.540> can<00:02:59.690> actually<00:02:59.900> be so these vocal effects can actually be so these vocal effects can actually be quite<00:03:00.200> subtle<00:03:00.470> in<00:03:00.799> some<00:03:01.340> cases<00:03:01.579> but<00:03:02.299> with<00:03:02.480> any quite subtle in some cases but with any quite subtle in some cases but with any digital<00:03:03.230> microphone<00:03:03.769> and<00:03:04.069> using<00:03:04.610> precision digital microphone and using precision digital microphone and using precision voice<00:03:05.390> analysis<00:03:05.930> software<00:03:06.140> in<00:03:06.530> combination voice analysis software in combination voice analysis software in combination with<00:03:07.160> the<00:03:07.220> latest<00:03:07.579> in<00:03:07.730> machine<00:03:08.000> learning with the latest in machine learning with the latest in machine learning which<00:03:08.810> is<00:03:08.840> very<00:03:09.200> advanced<00:03:09.530> by<00:03:09.650> now<00:03:09.799> we<00:03:10.370> can<00:03:10.549> now which is very advanced by now we can now which is very advanced by now we can now quantify<00:03:11.569> exactly<00:03:11.750> where<00:03:12.349> somebody<00:03:12.680> lies<00:03:12.860> on quantify exactly where somebody lies on quantify exactly where somebody lies on a<00:03:13.610> continuum<00:03:14.180> between<00:03:14.420> health<00:03:15.049> and<00:03:15.200> disease a continuum between health and disease a continuum between health and disease using<00:03:17.090> voice<00:03:17.420> signals<00:03:17.840> alone<00:03:18.110> so<00:03:18.799> these<00:03:18.980> voice using voice signals alone so these voice using voice signals alone so these voice based<00:03:19.610> tests<00:03:20.180> how<00:03:20.390> do<00:03:20.450> they<00:03:20.540> stack<00:03:20.720> up<00:03:20.870> against based tests how do they stack up against based tests how do they stack up against expert<00:03:21.530> clinical<00:03:21.920> tests<00:03:22.069> well<00:03:22.220> they're<00:03:22.340> both expert clinical tests well they're both expert clinical tests well they're both non-invasive<00:03:23.260> the<00:03:24.260> neurologists<00:03:24.890> test<00:03:25.099> is non-invasive the neurologists test is non-invasive the neurologists test is non-invasive<00:03:25.340> they're<00:03:25.790> both<00:03:25.940> use<00:03:26.150> existing non-invasive they're both use existing non-invasive they're both use existing infrastructure<00:03:27.109> don't<00:03:27.920> have<00:03:28.069> to<00:03:28.160> design<00:03:28.489> a infrastructure don't have to design a infrastructure don't have to design a whole<00:03:28.639> new<00:03:28.910> set<00:03:29.180> of<00:03:29.209> hospitals<00:03:29.810> to<00:03:29.930> do<00:03:30.049> it<00:03:30.170> and whole new set of hospitals to do it and whole new set of hospitals to do it and they're<00:03:31.040> both<00:03:31.130> accurate<00:03:31.579> okay they're both accurate okay they're both accurate okay but<00:03:32.389> in<00:03:32.510> addition<00:03:32.709> voice<00:03:33.709> based<00:03:34.040> tests<00:03:34.340> are but in addition voice based tests are but in addition voice based tests are non<00:03:34.940> expert<00:03:35.420> that<00:03:35.959> means<00:03:36.170> they<00:03:36.290> can<00:03:36.410> be non expert that means they can be non expert that means they can be self-administered<00:03:37.250> they're<00:03:38.000> high<00:03:38.239> speed self-administered they're high speed self-administered they're high speed take<00:03:38.840> about<00:03:38.989> 30<00:03:39.260> seconds<00:03:39.650> at<00:03:39.739> the<00:03:39.799> most take about 30 seconds at the most take about 30 seconds at the most they're<00:03:40.700> ultra<00:03:41.090> low-cost<00:03:41.389> and<00:03:41.599> we<00:03:41.660> all<00:03:41.720> know they're ultra low-cost and we all know they're ultra low-cost and we all know that<00:03:41.930> happens<00:03:42.200> when<00:03:42.829> something<00:03:43.010> becomes that happens when something becomes that happens when something becomes ultra<00:03:43.730> low-cost<00:03:44.200> it<00:03:45.200> becomes<00:03:45.500> massively ultra low-cost it becomes massively ultra low-cost it becomes massively scalable<00:03:46.370> and<00:03:46.930> so<00:03:47.930> here<00:03:48.590> are<00:03:48.680> some<00:03:48.829> amazing scalable and so here are some amazing scalable and so here are some amazing goals<00:03:49.639> that<00:03:49.819> I<00:03:49.880> think<00:03:50.180> we<00:03:50.329> can<00:03:50.480> deal<00:03:50.630> with<00:03:50.660> now goals that I think we can deal with now goals that I think we can deal with now we<00:03:51.440> can<00:03:51.590> reduce<00:03:51.709> logistical<00:03:52.400> difficulties we can reduce logistical difficulties we can reduce logistical difficulties for<00:03:53.150> patients<00:03:53.599> no<00:03:53.810> need<00:03:53.989> to<00:03:54.079> go<00:03:54.410> to<00:03:54.440> the<00:03:54.620> clinic for patients no need to go to the clinic for patients no need to go to the clinic for<00:03:54.980> a<00:03:55.040> routine<00:03:55.370> checkup<00:03:55.639> we<00:03:55.940> can<00:03:56.060> do for a routine checkup we can do for a routine checkup we can do high-frequency<00:03:56.599> monitoring<00:03:57.319> to<00:03:57.440> get high-frequency monitoring to get high-frequency monitoring to get objective<00:03:58.010> data<00:03:58.190> we<00:03:58.970> can<00:03:59.150> perform<00:03:59.299> low-cost objective data we can perform low-cost objective data we can perform low-cost mass<00:04:00.950> recruitment<00:04:01.519> for<00:04:01.669> clinical<00:04:02.030> trials<00:04:02.359> and mass recruitment for clinical trials and mass recruitment for clinical trials and we<00:04:02.540> can<00:04:02.690> make<00:04:02.840> population<00:04:03.560> scale<00:04:03.799> screening we can make population scale screening we can make population scale screening feasible<00:04:04.970> for<00:04:05.120> the<00:04:05.209> first<00:04:05.450> time<00:04:05.690> we<00:04:05.959> will<00:04:06.109> have feasible for the first time we will have feasible for the first time we will have the<00:04:06.470> opportunity<00:04:06.500> to<00:04:07.040> start<00:04:07.400> to<00:04:07.579> search<00:04:07.790> for the opportunity to start to search for the opportunity to start to search for the<00:04:08.389> early<00:04:08.720> biomarkers<00:04:09.380> of<00:04:09.410> disease<00:04:09.560> before the early biomarkers of disease before the early biomarkers of disease before it's<00:04:10.790> too<00:04:10.970> late it's too late it's too late so<00:04:12.349> taking<00:04:13.190> the<00:04:13.280> first<00:04:13.519> steps<00:04:13.760> towards<00:04:14.060> this so taking the first steps towards this so taking the first steps towards this today<00:04:14.450> we're<00:04:14.660> launching<00:04:14.959> the<00:04:15.049> Parkinson's today we're launching the Parkinson's today we're launching the Parkinson's voice<00:04:15.739> initiative<00:04:16.280> with<00:04:16.760> a<00:04:16.789> key<00:04:16.910> lab<00:04:17.150> and voice initiative with a key lab and voice initiative with a key lab and patients<00:04:17.630> like<00:04:17.780> me<00:04:18.079> we're<00:04:18.650> aiming<00:04:18.769> to<00:04:19.039> record patients like me we're aiming to record patients like me we're aiming to record a<00:04:19.370> very<00:04:19.489> large<00:04:19.700> number<00:04:19.849> of<00:04:20.000> voices<00:04:20.209> worldwide a very large number of voices worldwide a very large number of voices worldwide to<00:04:21.229> collect<00:04:21.560> enough<00:04:21.799> data<00:04:21.829> to<00:04:22.190> start<00:04:22.550> to to collect enough data to start to to collect enough data to start to tackle<00:04:22.849> these<00:04:23.030> four<00:04:23.240> goals<00:04:23.479> we<00:04:23.930> have<00:04:24.050> local tackle these four goals we have local tackle these four goals we have local numbers<00:04:24.620> accessible<00:04:25.099> to<00:04:25.190> three-quarters<00:04:25.700> of numbers accessible to three-quarters of numbers accessible to three-quarters of a<00:04:25.789> billion<00:04:25.940> people<00:04:26.210> on<00:04:26.450> the<00:04:26.539> planet a billion people on the planet a billion people on the planet anyone<00:04:27.500> healthy<00:04:27.860> oil<00:04:28.160> Parkinson's<00:04:28.669> can<00:04:28.820> call anyone healthy oil Parkinson's can call anyone healthy oil Parkinson's can call in<00:04:29.210> and<00:04:29.840> cheaply<00:04:30.200> and<00:04:30.470> leave<00:04:30.979> recordings<00:04:31.400> a in and cheaply and leave recordings a in and cheaply and leave recordings a few<00:04:31.700> cents<00:04:31.969> each<00:04:32.090> and<00:04:32.360> I'm<00:04:32.719> really<00:04:32.960> happy<00:04:33.200> to few cents each and I'm really happy to few cents each and I'm really happy to announce<00:04:33.620> that<00:04:33.860> we've<00:04:34.159> already<00:04:34.400> hit<00:04:34.880> six announce that we've already hit six announce that we've already hit six tenth<00:04:35.669> of<00:04:35.819> our<00:04:35.940> target<00:04:36.479> just<00:04:37.080> in<00:04:37.289> eight<00:04:37.440> hours tenth of our target just in eight hours tenth of our target just in eight hours thank<00:04:38.370> you

connects<00:04:49.190> by<00:04:50.190> taking<00:04:50.580> all<00:04:50.700> these<00:04:50.820> samples<00:04:51.360> I
connects by taking all these samples I connects by taking all these samples I have<00:04:51.810> let's<00:04:52.530> say<00:04:52.680> 10,000<00:04:53.400> people<00:04:53.610> yeah have let's say 10,000 people yeah have let's say 10,000 people yeah will<00:04:54.930> you<00:04:55.050> you'll<00:04:55.410> be<00:04:55.530> able<00:04:55.590> to<00:04:55.740> tell<00:04:55.890> who's will you you'll be able to tell who's will you you'll be able to tell who's healthy<00:04:56.520> and<00:04:56.760> who's<00:04:56.940> not<00:04:57.120> what<00:04:57.480> way<00:04:57.870> are<00:04:57.900> you healthy and who's not what way are you healthy and who's not what way are you gonna<00:04:58.110> get<00:04:58.290> out<00:04:58.350> of<00:04:58.680> those<00:04:58.800> things<00:04:59.100> so<00:04:59.220> what gonna get out of those things so what gonna get out of those things so what will<00:05:00.060> happen<00:05:00.120> is<00:05:00.510> that<00:05:00.750> during<00:05:01.080> a<00:05:01.170> call<00:05:01.440> you will happen is that during a call you will happen is that during a call you have<00:05:01.830> to<00:05:01.860> indicate<00:05:02.220> whether<00:05:02.520> or<00:05:02.670> not<00:05:02.760> you<00:05:02.880> have have to indicate whether or not you have have to indicate whether or not you have the<00:05:03.210> disease<00:05:03.450> on<00:05:03.630> that<00:05:03.780> right<00:05:04.260> you<00:05:04.410> see<00:05:04.560> some the disease on that right you see some the disease on that right you see some people<00:05:04.920> may<00:05:05.250> not<00:05:05.460> do<00:05:05.670> it<00:05:05.760> they<00:05:05.850> may<00:05:05.970> not<00:05:06.000> get people may not do it they may not get people may not do it they may not get through<00:05:06.420> it<00:05:06.480> but<00:05:06.570> we'll<00:05:06.720> get<00:05:06.900> a<00:05:07.110> very<00:05:07.650> large through it but we'll get a very large through it but we'll get a very large sample<00:05:08.100> of<00:05:08.370> data<00:05:08.550> that<00:05:08.790> is<00:05:08.910> collected<00:05:09.120> from sample of data that is collected from sample of data that is collected from all<00:05:09.750> different<00:05:10.370> circumstances<00:05:11.370> and<00:05:11.670> it's all different circumstances and it's all different circumstances and it's getting<00:05:12.540> it<00:05:12.660> in<00:05:12.720> different<00:05:12.870> circumstances getting it in different circumstances getting it in different circumstances that<00:05:13.830> matter<00:05:14.160> because<00:05:14.490> then<00:05:14.670> we<00:05:14.850> are<00:05:15.000> looking that matter because then we are looking that matter because then we are looking at<00:05:15.450> ironing<00:05:16.080> out<00:05:16.320> the<00:05:17.010> confounding<00:05:17.490> factors at ironing out the confounding factors at ironing out the confounding factors and<00:05:18.210> looking<00:05:18.480> for<00:05:18.600> the<00:05:18.660> actual<00:05:18.810> markers<00:05:19.380> of and looking for the actual markers of and looking for the actual markers of disease<00:05:19.560> so<00:05:20.190> you're<00:05:20.460> 86<00:05:21.210> percent<00:05:21.570> accurate disease so you're 86 percent accurate disease so you're 86 percent accurate right<00:05:22.140> now right now right now it's<00:05:22.740> much<00:05:23.040> better<00:05:23.250> than<00:05:23.370> that<00:05:23.490> actually<00:05:23.910> my it's much better than that actually my it's much better than that actually my student<00:05:24.390> fantasy<00:05:24.780> so<00:05:24.900> I<00:05:24.930> have<00:05:25.080> to<00:05:25.170> plug<00:05:25.350> him student fantasy so I have to plug him student fantasy so I have to plug him because<00:05:25.740> he's<00:05:25.860> done<00:05:26.010> some<00:05:26.190> fantastic<00:05:26.910> work because he's done some fantastic work because he's done some fantastic work and<00:05:27.300> now<00:05:27.420> he<00:05:27.900> has<00:05:28.590> proved<00:05:28.860> that<00:05:28.980> it<00:05:29.070> works<00:05:29.280> of<00:05:29.430> a and now he has proved that it works of a and now he has proved that it works of a mobile<00:05:29.670> telephone<00:05:30.180> network<00:05:30.210> as<00:05:30.660> well<00:05:30.810> which mobile telephone network as well which mobile telephone network as well which enables<00:05:31.800> this<00:05:31.920> project<00:05:32.340> and<00:05:32.970> we're<00:05:33.120> getting enables this project and we're getting enables this project and we're getting 99%<00:05:33.990> accuracy<00:05:34.260> 99<00:05:34.800> well<00:05:35.010> that's<00:05:35.160> an 99% accuracy 99 well that's an 99% accuracy 99 well that's an improvement<00:05:35.520> so<00:05:35.790> so<00:05:36.540> what<00:05:36.810> that<00:05:36.930> means<00:05:37.170> is improvement so so what that means is improvement so so what that means is people<00:05:37.680> be<00:05:37.890> able<00:05:37.980> to<00:05:39.170> people<00:05:40.170> be<00:05:40.320> able<00:05:40.410> to<00:05:40.500> call people be able to people be able to call people be able to people be able to call in<00:05:40.890> from<00:05:41.010> their<00:05:41.160> mobile<00:05:41.370> phones<00:05:41.700> and<00:05:41.880> do<00:05:41.970> this in from their mobile phones and do this in from their mobile phones and do this test<00:05:42.390> yeah<00:05:42.750> and<00:05:42.930> people<00:05:43.440> with<00:05:43.590> Parkinson's test yeah and people with Parkinson's test yeah and people with Parkinson's could<00:05:44.610> call<00:05:45.030> in<00:05:45.240> record<00:05:46.050> their<00:05:46.380> voice<00:05:46.590> and could call in record their voice and could call in record their voice and then<00:05:47.010> their<00:05:47.100> doctor<00:05:47.460> can<00:05:47.640> check<00:05:47.820> up<00:05:47.970> on<00:05:48.150> their then their doctor can check up on their then their doctor can check up on their progress<00:05:48.480> see<00:05:48.750> where<00:05:48.900> they're<00:05:49.050> doing<00:05:49.290> in<00:05:49.380> this progress see where they're doing in this progress see where they're doing in this course<00:05:49.830> the<00:05:49.950> disease<00:05:50.330> absolutely<00:05:51.330> thanks<00:05:51.930> so course the disease absolutely thanks so course the disease absolutely thanks so much much much max<00:05:52.710> little<00:05:53.070> everybody<00:05:53.460> thanks


Max Little, Parkinson’s, Parkinson’s, Disease, TED, Fellow, TED-Ed, Ed, TEDEducation, Max, Little

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