Muỗi, sốt rét và giáo dục-Bill Gates

Mosquitos, malaria and education - Bill Gates

Mosquitos, malaria and education - Bill Gates


I<00:00:18.520> wrote<00:00:18.720> a<00:00:18.960> letter<00:00:19.960> last<00:00:20.240> week<00:00:20.880> talking<00:00:21.240> about
I wrote a letter last week talking about I wrote a letter last week talking about the<00:00:21.560> work<00:00:21.760> of<00:00:21.920> the<00:00:22.039> foundation<00:00:22.760> sharing<00:00:23.160> some the work of the foundation sharing some the work of the foundation sharing some of<00:00:23.400> the<00:00:24.000> problems<00:00:25.000> uh<00:00:25.119> and<00:00:25.240> Warren<00:00:25.560> Buffett of the problems uh and Warren Buffett of the problems uh and Warren Buffett had<00:00:26.039> recommended<00:00:26.560> I<00:00:26.720> do<00:00:26.960> that<00:00:27.320> being<00:00:27.640> honest had recommended I do that being honest had recommended I do that being honest about<00:00:28.679> what<00:00:28.840> was<00:00:29.039> going<00:00:29.320> well<00:00:29.599> what<00:00:29.759> was about what was going well what was about what was going well what was wasn't<00:00:30.880> and<00:00:31.039> making<00:00:31.320> it<00:00:31.519> kind<00:00:31.640> of<00:00:31.759> an<00:00:31.920> annual wasn't and making it kind of an annual wasn't and making it kind of an annual thing<00:00:33.320> a<00:00:33.480> goal<00:00:33.719> I<00:00:33.879> had<00:00:34.079> there<00:00:34.280> was<00:00:34.399> to<00:00:34.640> draw thing a goal I had there was to draw thing a goal I had there was to draw more<00:00:35.399> people<00:00:35.719> in<00:00:36.480> to<00:00:36.640> work<00:00:36.800> on<00:00:37.040> those<00:00:37.360> problems more people in to work on those problems more people in to work on those problems because<00:00:38.520> I<00:00:38.640> think<00:00:39.200> there<00:00:39.320> are<00:00:39.520> some<00:00:39.840> very because I think there are some very because I think there are some very important<00:00:40.680> problems<00:00:41.680> that<00:00:41.879> don't<00:00:42.160> get<00:00:42.320> worked important problems that don't get worked important problems that don't get worked on<00:00:42.879> naturally<00:00:43.600> that<00:00:43.760> is<00:00:44.440> the<00:00:44.680> market<00:00:45.239> does<00:00:45.520> not on naturally that is the market does not on naturally that is the market does not drive<00:00:47.320> the<00:00:47.840> scientists<00:00:48.680> the<00:00:48.879> communicators drive the scientists the communicators drive the scientists the communicators the<00:00:50.000> thinkers<00:00:50.559> the<00:00:50.800> governments<00:00:51.800> to<00:00:52.000> do<00:00:52.199> the the thinkers the governments to do the the thinkers the governments to do the right<00:00:52.640> things<00:00:53.440> and<00:00:53.600> only<00:00:54.000> by<00:00:54.239> paying right things and only by paying right things and only by paying attention<00:00:54.920> to<00:00:55.120> these<00:00:55.359> things<00:00:56.000> and<00:00:56.199> having attention to these things and having attention to these things and having brilliant<00:00:57.039> people<00:00:57.320> who<00:00:57.840> care<00:00:58.840> and<00:00:59.000> draw<00:00:59.280> other brilliant people who care and draw other brilliant people who care and draw other people<00:00:59.719> in<00:01:00.160> can<00:01:00.280> we<00:01:00.480> make<00:01:01.000> as<00:01:01.160> much<00:01:01.519> progress people in can we make as much progress people in can we make as much progress as<00:01:02.079> we<00:01:02.199> need<00:01:02.600> to<00:01:03.600> so<00:01:03.800> this<00:01:03.920> morning<00:01:04.239> I'm<00:01:04.360> going as we need to so this morning I'm going as we need to so this morning I'm going to<00:01:04.559> share<00:01:04.879> two<00:01:05.040> of<00:01:05.199> these<00:01:05.519> problems<00:01:06.360> and<00:01:06.600> talk to share two of these problems and talk to share two of these problems and talk about<00:01:07.479> where<00:01:07.759> they<00:01:08.360> stand<00:01:09.360> but<00:01:09.560> before<00:01:09.759> I<00:01:09.920> dive about where they stand but before I dive about where they stand but before I dive into<00:01:10.400> those<00:01:10.720> I<00:01:10.920> I<00:01:11.000> want<00:01:11.119> to<00:01:11.320> admit<00:01:11.720> that<00:01:11.920> I<00:01:12.040> am into those I I want to admit that I am into those I I want to admit that I am an<00:01:12.400> optimist<00:01:13.360> uh<00:01:13.560> any<00:01:14.040> tough<00:01:14.439> problem<00:01:14.920> I<00:01:15.040> think an optimist uh any tough problem I think an optimist uh any tough problem I think it<00:01:15.799> it<00:01:16.000> can<00:01:16.200> be<00:01:16.520> solved<00:01:17.520> and<00:01:17.720> part<00:01:17.840> of<00:01:17.960> the it it can be solved and part of the it it can be solved and part of the reason<00:01:18.400> I<00:01:18.600> I<00:01:18.720> feel<00:01:19.040> that<00:01:19.200> way<00:01:19.400> is<00:01:19.600> looking<00:01:19.920> at reason I I feel that way is looking at reason I I feel that way is looking at the<00:01:20.360> past<00:01:21.280> over<00:01:21.479> the<00:01:21.680> last<00:01:22.360> century<00:01:23.240> average the past over the last century average the past over the last century average lifespan<00:01:24.119> is<00:01:24.320> more<00:01:24.560> than lifespan is more than lifespan is more than doubled<00:01:26.400> another<00:01:26.960> statistic<00:01:27.960> perhaps<00:01:28.400> my doubled another statistic perhaps my doubled another statistic perhaps my favorite<00:01:29.000> is<00:01:29.159> to<00:01:29.320> look<00:01:29.479> at<00:01:29.960> childhood<00:01:30.840> deaths favorite is to look at childhood deaths favorite is to look at childhood deaths as<00:01:32.079> recently<00:01:32.600> as as recently as as recently as 1960<00:01:35.040> 110<00:01:36.040> million<00:01:36.439> children<00:01:36.759> were<00:01:36.960> born<00:01:37.720> and 1960 110 million children were born and 1960 110 million children were born and 20<00:01:38.280> million<00:01:38.600> of<00:01:38.799> those<00:01:39.159> died<00:01:39.680> before<00:01:39.960> the<00:01:40.079> age 20 million of those died before the age 20 million of those died before the age of<00:01:40.520> five<00:01:41.479> 5<00:01:41.759> years<00:01:42.040> ago<00:01:43.079> 135<00:01:44.079> million<00:01:44.439> children of five 5 years ago 135 million children of five 5 years ago 135 million children were<00:01:44.880> born<00:01:45.200> so<00:01:45.479> more<00:01:46.360> and<00:01:46.600> less<00:01:46.880> than<00:01:47.200> 10 were born so more and less than 10 were born so more and less than 10 million<00:01:47.960> of<00:01:48.159> them<00:01:48.600> died<00:01:48.880> before<00:01:49.159> the<00:01:49.280> age<00:01:49.439> of million of them died before the age of million of them died before the age of five<00:01:50.600> so<00:01:50.840> that's<00:01:51.119> a<00:01:51.520> a<00:01:51.680> factor<00:01:51.960> of<00:01:52.119> two five so that's a a factor of two five so that's a a factor of two reduction<00:01:53.600> in<00:01:53.840> the<00:01:54.000> childhood<00:01:54.560> death<00:01:54.799> rate reduction in the childhood death rate reduction in the childhood death rate it's<00:01:55.479> a<00:01:55.759> phenomenal<00:01:56.439> thing<00:01:57.000> I<00:01:57.079> mean<00:01:57.479> each<00:01:57.719> one it's a phenomenal thing I mean each one it's a phenomenal thing I mean each one of<00:01:58.079> those<00:01:58.320> lives<00:01:58.920> matters<00:01:59.439> a<00:01:59.600> lot of those lives matters a lot of those lives matters a lot and<00:02:01.280> the<00:02:01.439> key<00:02:01.600> reason<00:02:01.880> we<00:02:01.960> were<00:02:02.119> able<00:02:02.320> to<00:02:02.479> do<00:02:02.640> it and the key reason we were able to do it and the key reason we were able to do it uh<00:02:03.479> was<00:02:04.280> uh<00:02:04.399> not<00:02:04.560> only<00:02:04.799> Rising<00:02:05.240> incomes<00:02:05.759> but uh was uh not only Rising incomes but uh was uh not only Rising incomes but also<00:02:06.399> a<00:02:06.560> few<00:02:07.000> key<00:02:07.479> breakthroughs<00:02:08.520> vaccines also a few key breakthroughs vaccines also a few key breakthroughs vaccines that<00:02:09.679> were<00:02:09.840> used<00:02:10.160> more<00:02:10.520> widely<00:02:11.239> for<00:02:11.440> example that were used more widely for example that were used more widely for example measles<00:02:12.800> was<00:02:13.000> 4<00:02:13.400> million<00:02:13.800> of<00:02:13.959> the<00:02:14.160> deaths<00:02:15.080> uh measles was 4 million of the deaths uh measles was 4 million of the deaths uh back<00:02:15.519> as<00:02:15.920> recently<00:02:16.319> as<00:02:16.519> 1990<00:02:17.319> and<00:02:17.480> now<00:02:17.680> is back as recently as 1990 and now is back as recently as 1990 and now is under<00:02:18.800> 400,000<00:02:19.800> so<00:02:20.000> we<00:02:20.200> really<00:02:20.640> can<00:02:21.200> make under 400,000 so we really can make under 400,000 so we really can make changes<00:02:21.959> the<00:02:22.120> next<00:02:22.400> breakthrough<00:02:23.400> is<00:02:23.560> to<00:02:23.760> cut changes the next breakthrough is to cut changes the next breakthrough is to cut that<00:02:24.200> 10<00:02:24.480> million<00:02:24.800> in<00:02:25.080> half<00:02:25.760> again<00:02:26.760> and<00:02:26.879> I that 10 million in half again and I that 10 million in half again and I think<00:02:27.200> that's<00:02:27.400> doable<00:02:27.920> in<00:02:28.720> well<00:02:28.959> under<00:02:29.319> 20 think that's doable in well under 20 think that's doable in well under 20 years years years um<00:02:31.480> why<00:02:32.440> well<00:02:32.599> there's<00:02:32.879> only<00:02:33.160> a<00:02:33.280> few<00:02:33.560> diseases um why well there's only a few diseases um why well there's only a few diseases that<00:02:34.599> account<00:02:35.080> for<00:02:36.000> the<00:02:36.280> vast<00:02:36.599> majority<00:02:37.000> of that account for the vast majority of that account for the vast majority of those<00:02:37.440> deaths<00:02:38.440> uh<00:02:38.920> diarrhea those deaths uh diarrhea those deaths uh diarrhea pneumonia<00:02:41.680> and pneumonia and pneumonia and malaria<00:02:43.599> and<00:02:43.720> so<00:02:43.920> that<00:02:44.040> brings<00:02:44.280> us<00:02:44.440> to<00:02:44.680> the<00:02:44.959> the malaria and so that brings us to the the malaria and so that brings us to the the first<00:02:45.519> problem<00:02:46.400> uh<00:02:46.519> that<00:02:46.680> I'll<00:02:47.080> I'll<00:02:47.239> raise first problem uh that I'll I'll raise first problem uh that I'll I'll raise this<00:02:47.720> morning<00:02:48.120> which<00:02:48.280> is<00:02:48.920> how<00:02:49.040> do<00:02:49.159> we<00:02:49.319> stop<00:02:49.640> a this morning which is how do we stop a this morning which is how do we stop a disease<00:02:50.640> a<00:02:50.800> deadly<00:02:51.239> disease<00:02:52.000> that's<00:02:52.239> spread disease a deadly disease that's spread disease a deadly disease that's spread by by by mosquitoes<00:02:55.560> what's<00:02:55.760> the<00:02:55.959> history<00:02:56.319> of<00:02:56.480> this mosquitoes what's the history of this mosquitoes what's the history of this disease<00:02:57.360> it's<00:02:57.560> been<00:02:57.720> a<00:02:57.959> severe<00:02:58.519> disease<00:02:59.000> for disease it's been a severe disease for disease it's been a severe disease for thousands<00:02:59.560> of<00:02:59.680> years<00:03:00.000> years<00:03:01.000> in<00:03:01.159> fact<00:03:01.319> if<00:03:01.440> we thousands of years years in fact if we thousands of years years in fact if we look<00:03:01.760> at<00:03:01.920> the<00:03:02.080> genetic<00:03:02.519> code<00:03:02.840> it's<00:03:03.040> the<00:03:03.239> only look at the genetic code it's the only look at the genetic code it's the only disease<00:03:04.000> we<00:03:04.120> can<00:03:04.239> see<00:03:04.480> that<00:03:04.680> people<00:03:05.080> who<00:03:05.560> lived disease we can see that people who lived disease we can see that people who lived in<00:03:06.080> Africa<00:03:06.519> actually<00:03:06.840> evolved<00:03:07.400> several in Africa actually evolved several in Africa actually evolved several things<00:03:08.680> to<00:03:09.080> avoid<00:03:10.080> malarial things to avoid malarial things to avoid malarial deaths<00:03:12.760> that's<00:03:13.239> actually<00:03:13.640> peaked<00:03:14.319> at<00:03:14.519> a<00:03:14.680> bit deaths that's actually peaked at a bit deaths that's actually peaked at a bit over<00:03:15.599> 5<00:03:15.959> million<00:03:16.360> in<00:03:16.480> the<00:03:17.000> 1930s<00:03:18.000> so<00:03:18.519> it<00:03:18.640> was over 5 million in the 1930s so it was over 5 million in the 1930s so it was absolutely<00:03:19.599> gigantic<00:03:20.599> and<00:03:20.959> the<00:03:21.159> disease<00:03:21.599> was absolutely gigantic and the disease was absolutely gigantic and the disease was all<00:03:22.120> over<00:03:22.360> the<00:03:22.519> world<00:03:23.280> terrible<00:03:23.680> disease<00:03:24.040> it all over the world terrible disease it all over the world terrible disease it was<00:03:24.280> in<00:03:24.400> the<00:03:24.519> United<00:03:24.920> States<00:03:25.200> it<00:03:25.319> was<00:03:25.440> in was in the United States it was in was in the United States it was in Europe<00:03:26.680> uh<00:03:26.840> people<00:03:27.080> didn't<00:03:27.319> know<00:03:27.440> what<00:03:27.680> caused Europe uh people didn't know what caused Europe uh people didn't know what caused it<00:03:28.239> until<00:03:29.159> uh<00:03:29.280> the<00:03:29.480> early<00:03:29.959> 1900s<00:03:30.840> when<00:03:31.000> an<00:03:31.480> a it until uh the early 1900s when an a it until uh the early 1900s when an a British<00:03:32.280> military<00:03:32.799> man<00:03:33.439> figured<00:03:33.840> out<00:03:34.080> that<00:03:34.239> it British military man figured out that it British military man figured out that it it<00:03:34.599> was it was it was mosquitoes<00:03:36.519> so<00:03:36.680> it<00:03:36.799> was mosquitoes so it was mosquitoes so it was everywhere<00:03:38.680> uh<00:03:39.280> and<00:03:40.280> two<00:03:40.599> tools<00:03:41.159> helped<00:03:41.560> bring everywhere uh and two tools helped bring everywhere uh and two tools helped bring the<00:03:42.080> death<00:03:42.319> rate<00:03:42.599> down<00:03:42.920> one<00:03:43.200> was<00:03:44.080> uh<00:03:44.200> killing the death rate down one was uh killing the death rate down one was uh killing the<00:03:44.599> mosquitoes<00:03:45.080> with<00:03:45.239> DDT<00:03:45.920> and<00:03:46.040> the<00:03:46.120> other the mosquitoes with DDT and the other the mosquitoes with DDT and the other was<00:03:46.439> treating<00:03:46.799> the<00:03:47.239> patients<00:03:48.239> with<00:03:48.560> quinine was treating the patients with quinine was treating the patients with quinine or<00:03:49.239> quinine<00:03:50.280> derivatives<00:03:51.280> uh<00:03:51.439> and<00:03:51.560> so<00:03:51.760> that's or quinine derivatives uh and so that's or quinine derivatives uh and so that's why<00:03:52.400> the<00:03:52.519> death<00:03:52.760> rate<00:03:53.040> did<00:03:53.319> come<00:03:53.560> down<00:03:54.360> now why the death rate did come down now why the death rate did come down now ironically<00:03:55.280> what<00:03:55.480> happened<00:03:55.879> was<00:03:56.079> it<00:03:56.200> was ironically what happened was it was ironically what happened was it was eliminated<00:03:57.640> from<00:03:57.959> all<00:03:58.159> the<00:03:58.360> temperate<00:03:58.799> zones eliminated from all the temperate zones eliminated from all the temperate zones which<00:03:59.360> is<00:03:59.480> where<00:03:59.840> all<00:03:59.920> the<00:04:00.040> rich<00:04:00.239> countries which is where all the rich countries which is where all the rich countries are<00:04:00.760> so<00:04:00.920> we<00:04:01.000> can<00:04:01.120> see<00:04:01.439> 1900<00:04:02.120> it's<00:04:02.480> everywhere are so we can see 1900 it's everywhere are so we can see 1900 it's everywhere 1945<00:04:04.599> it's<00:04:04.799> still<00:04:05.120> most<00:04:05.519> places<00:04:06.519> 1970<00:04:07.519> the<00:04:07.640> US 1945 it's still most places 1970 the US 1945 it's still most places 1970 the US and<00:04:08.480> most<00:04:08.680> of<00:04:08.879> Europe<00:04:09.480> have<00:04:09.640> gotten<00:04:09.879> rid<00:04:10.000> of<00:04:10.079> it and most of Europe have gotten rid of it and most of Europe have gotten rid of it 1990<00:04:11.519> you've<00:04:11.720> gotten<00:04:12.480> most<00:04:12.799> of<00:04:12.879> the<00:04:13.000> Northern 1990 you've gotten most of the Northern 1990 you've gotten most of the Northern areas<00:04:13.720> and<00:04:13.879> then<00:04:14.439> more<00:04:14.720> recently<00:04:15.439> you<00:04:15.560> can<00:04:15.760> see areas and then more recently you can see areas and then more recently you can see it's<00:04:16.199> just<00:04:16.359> around<00:04:16.680> the<00:04:17.320> equator<00:04:18.320> and<00:04:18.440> so<00:04:18.759> this it's just around the equator and so this it's just around the equator and so this leads<00:04:19.759> to<00:04:19.959> the<00:04:20.160> Paradox<00:04:20.799> that<00:04:21.079> because<00:04:21.600> the leads to the Paradox that because the leads to the Paradox that because the disease<00:04:22.960> is<00:04:23.160> only<00:04:23.400> in<00:04:23.560> the<00:04:23.759> poor<00:04:24.360> countries<00:04:25.360> it disease is only in the poor countries it disease is only in the poor countries it doesn't<00:04:26.440> get<00:04:26.759> much doesn't get much doesn't get much investment<00:04:28.600> uh<00:04:28.759> for<00:04:28.960> example<00:04:29.400> there's<00:04:29.800> more investment uh for example there's more investment uh for example there's more money<00:04:31.080> put<00:04:31.320> into<00:04:31.960> baldness<00:04:33.000> drugs<00:04:34.000> than<00:04:34.160> are money put into baldness drugs than are money put into baldness drugs than are put<00:04:34.560> into<00:04:35.320> malaria<00:04:36.320> now<00:04:36.560> baldness<00:04:37.080> is<00:04:37.320> it's put into malaria now baldness is it's put into malaria now baldness is it's terrible<00:04:37.960> thing terrible thing terrible thing uh<00:04:40.600> uh<00:04:41.479> and<00:04:41.800> rich<00:04:42.199> men<00:04:43.199> are uh uh and rich men are uh uh and rich men are afflicted<00:04:45.039> uh<00:04:45.280> and<00:04:45.360> so<00:04:45.680> that's<00:04:46.000> why<00:04:46.280> that<00:04:47.160> uh afflicted uh and so that's why that uh afflicted uh and so that's why that uh priority<00:04:49.320> has<00:04:49.520> been<00:04:50.120> set<00:04:51.120> but<00:04:51.320> malaria<00:04:52.000> the priority has been set but malaria the priority has been set but malaria the even<00:04:52.479> the<00:04:52.639> million<00:04:53.000> deaths<00:04:53.320> a<00:04:53.440> year<00:04:53.720> caused<00:04:54.000> by even the million deaths a year caused by even the million deaths a year caused by malaria<00:04:54.880> greatly<00:04:55.240> understate<00:04:55.840> its<00:04:56.120> impact<00:04:56.919> uh malaria greatly understate its impact uh malaria greatly understate its impact uh over<00:04:57.479> 200<00:04:57.680> million<00:04:58.000> people<00:04:58.240> at<00:04:58.400> any<00:04:58.720> one<00:04:58.960> time over 200 million people at any one time over 200 million people at any one time were<00:04:59.280> suffering<00:04:59.919> from<00:05:00.080> it<00:05:00.919> uh<00:05:01.120> means<00:05:01.440> that<00:05:01.600> you were suffering from it uh means that you were suffering from it uh means that you can't<00:05:02.479> get<00:05:02.680> the<00:05:02.919> economies<00:05:03.479> in<00:05:03.680> these<00:05:03.880> areas can't get the economies in these areas can't get the economies in these areas going<00:05:04.759> because<00:05:05.600> uh<00:05:05.720> there's<00:05:06.039> just<00:05:06.360> it<00:05:06.560> holds going because uh there's just it holds going because uh there's just it holds things<00:05:07.440> back<00:05:08.039> so<00:05:08.400> much<00:05:09.400> now<00:05:09.560> malar<00:05:10.000> is<00:05:10.600> of things back so much now malar is of things back so much now malar is of course<00:05:11.000> transmitted<00:05:11.639> by<00:05:11.880> mosquitoes<00:05:12.880> I course transmitted by mosquitoes I course transmitted by mosquitoes I brought<00:05:13.280> some<00:05:13.639> here<00:05:14.639> so<00:05:14.800> you<00:05:14.919> could<00:05:15.360> uh brought some here so you could uh brought some here so you could uh experience<00:05:16.680> this<00:05:16.880> we'll<00:05:17.080> let<00:05:17.600> let<00:05:17.800> those<00:05:18.039> roam experience this we'll let let those roam experience this we'll let let those roam around<00:05:18.759> the around the around the uh<00:05:20.840> Auditorium<00:05:21.520> a<00:05:21.639> little uh Auditorium a little uh Auditorium a little bit<00:05:23.560> there<00:05:24.400> there's<00:05:24.600> no<00:05:24.759> reason<00:05:25.400> only<00:05:25.680> poor bit there there's no reason only poor bit there there's no reason only poor people<00:05:26.199> should<00:05:26.479> have<00:05:26.880> have<00:05:27.039> the<00:05:27.240> experience people should have have the experience people should have have the experience uh

th<00:05:35.199> those<00:05:35.360> mosquitoes<00:05:35.880> are<00:05:36.039> not<00:05:36.560> not<00:05:36.800> infected
th those mosquitoes are not not infected th those mosquitoes are not not infected but but but uh<00:05:39.680> so<00:05:39.840> we've<00:05:40.039> come<00:05:40.240> up<00:05:40.360> with<00:05:40.520> a<00:05:40.600> few<00:05:40.800> new uh so we've come up with a few new uh so we've come up with a few new things<00:05:41.960> uh<00:05:42.199> we've<00:05:42.400> got<00:05:42.639> bed<00:05:42.960> nets<00:05:43.800> and<00:05:43.960> bed things uh we've got bed nets and bed things uh we've got bed nets and bed nets<00:05:44.440> are<00:05:44.680> a<00:05:45.080> a<00:05:45.280> great<00:05:45.479> tool<00:05:45.880> what<00:05:46.000> it<00:05:46.080> means<00:05:46.319> is nets are a a great tool what it means is nets are a a great tool what it means is the<00:05:46.639> mother<00:05:46.840> and<00:05:47.080> child<00:05:47.479> stay<00:05:47.720> under<00:05:47.960> the the mother and child stay under the the mother and child stay under the bedet<00:05:48.520> at<00:05:48.880> night<00:05:49.880> and<00:05:50.520> so<00:05:50.759> the<00:05:50.880> mosquitoes bedet at night and so the mosquitoes bedet at night and so the mosquitoes that<00:05:51.639> bite<00:05:51.960> late<00:05:52.199> at<00:05:52.400> night<00:05:53.360> can't<00:05:53.759> get<00:05:54.000> at that bite late at night can't get at that bite late at night can't get at them<00:05:55.280> and<00:05:55.440> when<00:05:55.600> you<00:05:55.759> use<00:05:56.600> indoor<00:05:57.240> sprain<00:05:58.240> uh them and when you use indoor sprain uh them and when you use indoor sprain uh with<00:05:58.520> DDT<00:05:59.319> and<00:05:59.520> the<00:05:59.720> those<00:05:59.880> Nets<00:06:00.160> you<00:06:00.240> can<00:06:00.440> cut with DDT and the those Nets you can cut with DDT and the those Nets you can cut debts<00:06:01.639> by<00:06:01.840> over debts by over debts by over 50%<00:06:04.120> and<00:06:04.280> that's<00:06:04.560> happened<00:06:04.880> now<00:06:05.039> in<00:06:05.120> a<00:06:05.240> number 50% and that's happened now in a number 50% and that's happened now in a number of<00:06:06.160> countries<00:06:07.160> it's<00:06:07.319> great<00:06:07.599> to<00:06:07.759> see<00:06:08.599> but<00:06:08.840> we of countries it's great to see but we of countries it's great to see but we have<00:06:09.120> to<00:06:09.240> be<00:06:09.440> careful<00:06:09.960> because<00:06:11.080> malaria<00:06:12.080> the have to be careful because malaria the have to be careful because malaria the parasite<00:06:13.080> evolves<00:06:14.000> and<00:06:14.520> the<00:06:14.639> mosquito parasite evolves and the mosquito parasite evolves and the mosquito evolves<00:06:15.960> so<00:06:16.280> every<00:06:16.560> tool<00:06:16.880> that<00:06:17.039> we've<00:06:17.240> ever evolves so every tool that we've ever evolves so every tool that we've ever had<00:06:17.759> in<00:06:17.919> the<00:06:18.199> past<00:06:19.080> has<00:06:19.280> eventually<00:06:19.800> become had in the past has eventually become had in the past has eventually become ineffective<00:06:21.400> and<00:06:21.479> so<00:06:21.639> you<00:06:21.759> end<00:06:22.000> up<00:06:22.280> with<00:06:22.840> two ineffective and so you end up with two ineffective and so you end up with two choices<00:06:23.759> if<00:06:23.880> you<00:06:24.039> go<00:06:24.280> into<00:06:24.560> a<00:06:24.759> country<00:06:25.520> with choices if you go into a country with choices if you go into a country with the<00:06:25.880> right<00:06:26.080> tools<00:06:26.440> and<00:06:26.599> the<00:06:26.759> right<00:06:27.000> way<00:06:27.560> and the right tools and the right way and the right tools and the right way and you<00:06:27.800> do<00:06:27.960> it<00:06:28.240> vigorously<00:06:29.199> you<00:06:29.400> can<00:06:29.759> actually you do it vigorously you can actually you do it vigorously you can actually get<00:06:30.319> a<00:06:30.520> local<00:06:31.000> eradication<00:06:32.000> and<00:06:32.120> that's<00:06:32.319> where get a local eradication and that's where get a local eradication and that's where we<00:06:32.599> saw<00:06:32.840> the<00:06:32.960> malaria<00:06:33.520> map<00:06:34.280> shrinking<00:06:35.280> or<00:06:35.560> if we saw the malaria map shrinking or if we saw the malaria map shrinking or if you<00:06:35.840> go<00:06:36.039> in<00:06:36.720> kind<00:06:36.840> of<00:06:37.280> half-heartedly<00:06:38.280> for<00:06:38.479> a you go in kind of half-heartedly for a you go in kind of half-heartedly for a period<00:06:38.960> of<00:06:39.120> time<00:06:39.360> you'll<00:06:39.599> reduce<00:06:40.039> the<00:06:40.240> disease period of time you'll reduce the disease period of time you'll reduce the disease burden<00:06:42.360> but<00:06:43.280> eventually<00:06:44.280> those<00:06:44.479> tools<00:06:44.800> will burden but eventually those tools will burden but eventually those tools will become<00:06:45.240> ineffective<00:06:45.840> and<00:06:46.000> the<00:06:46.120> death<00:06:46.400> rate become ineffective and the death rate become ineffective and the death rate will<00:06:46.840> soar<00:06:47.360> back<00:06:47.599> up<00:06:48.000> again<00:06:49.000> and<00:06:49.319> the<00:06:49.440> world will soar back up again and the world will soar back up again and the world has<00:06:49.880> gone<00:06:50.120> through<00:06:50.400> this<00:06:51.000> uh<00:06:51.080> where<00:06:51.240> it<00:06:51.440> paid has gone through this uh where it paid has gone through this uh where it paid attention<00:06:52.160> and<00:06:52.319> then<00:06:52.479> didn't<00:06:52.800> pay<00:06:53.039> attention attention and then didn't pay attention attention and then didn't pay attention now<00:06:54.199> we're<00:06:54.400> on<00:06:54.520> the now we're on the now we're on the upswing<00:06:56.199> bed<00:06:56.479> net<00:06:56.639> funding<00:06:57.039> is<00:06:57.280> up<00:06:58.039> uh<00:06:58.160> there's upswing bed net funding is up uh there's upswing bed net funding is up uh there's new<00:06:58.560> drug<00:06:59.000> Discovery<00:06:59.240> going<00:06:59.400> on<00:06:59.680> on<00:07:00.360> our new drug Discovery going on on our new drug Discovery going on on our foundation<00:07:01.000> has<00:07:01.160> backed<00:07:01.440> a<00:07:01.639> vaccine<00:07:02.080> that's foundation has backed a vaccine that's foundation has backed a vaccine that's going<00:07:02.479> into<00:07:02.759> phase<00:07:03.039> three<00:07:03.319> trial<00:07:03.680> that<00:07:03.879> starts going into phase three trial that starts going into phase three trial that starts in<00:07:04.240> a<00:07:04.400> couple<00:07:04.720> months<00:07:05.720> and<00:07:05.960> that<00:07:06.080> should<00:07:06.319> save in a couple months and that should save in a couple months and that should save over<00:07:07.080> 2third<00:07:07.639> of<00:07:07.919> lives<00:07:08.240> if<00:07:08.360> it's<00:07:08.639> effective over 2third of lives if it's effective over 2third of lives if it's effective and<00:07:09.599> so<00:07:09.720> we're<00:07:09.919> going<00:07:10.160> to<00:07:10.479> have<00:07:10.800> these<00:07:11.000> new and so we're going to have these new and so we're going to have these new tools<00:07:12.680> but<00:07:12.879> that<00:07:13.080> alone<00:07:13.479> doesn't<00:07:13.840> give<00:07:14.000> us<00:07:14.199> the tools but that alone doesn't give us the tools but that alone doesn't give us the road<00:07:14.720> map<00:07:15.720> uh<00:07:15.879> cu<00:07:16.039> the<00:07:16.160> road<00:07:16.440> map<00:07:16.960> to<00:07:17.280> get<00:07:17.680> rid road map uh cu the road map to get rid road map uh cu the road map to get rid of<00:07:18.120> this<00:07:18.319> disease<00:07:18.759> involves<00:07:19.199> many<00:07:19.479> things<00:07:19.800> it of this disease involves many things it of this disease involves many things it involves<00:07:20.879> communicators<00:07:21.599> to<00:07:21.800> keep<00:07:22.599> uh<00:07:22.720> the involves communicators to keep uh the involves communicators to keep uh the funding<00:07:23.280> High<00:07:23.560> to<00:07:23.680> keep<00:07:23.840> the<00:07:24.000> visibility<00:07:24.680> High funding High to keep the visibility High funding High to keep the visibility High to<00:07:25.160> tell<00:07:25.440> the<00:07:25.639> success<00:07:26.000> stories<00:07:26.680> it<00:07:26.840> involves to tell the success stories it involves to tell the success stories it involves social<00:07:27.639> scientists<00:07:28.080> so<00:07:28.199> we<00:07:28.360> know<00:07:28.919> how<00:07:29.000> to<00:07:29.120> get social scientists so we know how to get social scientists so we know how to get not<00:07:29.720> just<00:07:29.919> 70%<00:07:30.599> of<00:07:30.800> people<00:07:31.080> use<00:07:31.280> the<00:07:31.400> bed<00:07:31.680> nets not just 70% of people use the bed nets not just 70% of people use the bed nets but but but 90%<00:07:34.120> uh<00:07:34.240> we<00:07:34.319> need<00:07:34.639> mathematicians<00:07:35.440> to<00:07:35.599> come<00:07:35.720> in 90% uh we need mathematicians to come in 90% uh we need mathematicians to come in and<00:07:36.039> simulate<00:07:36.599> this<00:07:36.800> do<00:07:37.360> Monte<00:07:37.759> Carlo<00:07:38.120> things and simulate this do Monte Carlo things and simulate this do Monte Carlo things to<00:07:38.800> understand<00:07:39.120> how<00:07:39.360> these<00:07:39.560> tools<00:07:40.160> combine to understand how these tools combine to understand how these tools combine and<00:07:41.319> work<00:07:41.840> together<00:07:42.680> uh<00:07:42.759> of<00:07:42.879> course<00:07:43.080> we<00:07:43.199> need and work together uh of course we need and work together uh of course we need drug<00:07:43.919> companies<00:07:44.720> uh<00:07:44.800> to<00:07:44.960> give<00:07:45.080> us<00:07:45.240> their drug companies uh to give us their drug companies uh to give us their expertise<00:07:47.000> uh<00:07:47.080> we<00:07:47.199> need<00:07:47.400> Rich<00:07:47.639> World expertise uh we need Rich World expertise uh we need Rich World governments<00:07:48.400> to<00:07:48.520> be<00:07:48.720> very<00:07:49.000> generous<00:07:49.440> in<00:07:49.879> in governments to be very generous in in governments to be very generous in in providing<00:07:50.560> aid<00:07:50.800> for<00:07:51.039> these<00:07:51.240> things<00:07:51.919> and<00:07:52.000> so<00:07:52.319> as providing aid for these things and so as providing aid for these things and so as these<00:07:52.879> elements<00:07:53.479> come<00:07:53.919> together<00:07:54.919> uh<00:07:55.080> I'm these elements come together uh I'm these elements come together uh I'm quite<00:07:56.000> optimistic<00:07:57.000> that<00:07:57.199> we<00:07:57.360> will<00:07:57.639> be<00:07:57.840> able<00:07:58.120> to quite optimistic that we will be able to quite optimistic that we will be able to eradicate<00:07:58.919> malaria eradicate malaria eradicate malaria well<00:08:01.599> now<00:08:01.759> let<00:08:01.919> me<00:08:02.039> turn<00:08:03.039> uh<00:08:03.159> to<00:08:03.319> a<00:08:03.479> second well now let me turn uh to a second well now let me turn uh to a second question<00:08:04.280> a<00:08:04.440> fairly<00:08:04.879> different<00:08:05.319> question<00:08:06.240> but question a fairly different question but question a fairly different question but I'd<00:08:06.639> say<00:08:06.960> equally I'd say equally I'd say equally important<00:08:09.000> and<00:08:09.159> this<00:08:09.360> is<00:08:09.840> how<00:08:09.960> do<00:08:10.080> you<00:08:10.199> make<00:08:10.360> a important and this is how do you make a important and this is how do you make a teacher<00:08:11.199> great<00:08:12.199> now<00:08:12.440> seems<00:08:12.720> like<00:08:12.960> the<00:08:13.159> kind<00:08:13.280> of teacher great now seems like the kind of teacher great now seems like the kind of question<00:08:14.000> that<00:08:14.599> people<00:08:14.879> would<00:08:15.039> spend<00:08:15.280> a<00:08:15.400> lot question that people would spend a lot question that people would spend a lot of<00:08:15.800> time<00:08:16.039> on<00:08:16.319> and<00:08:16.479> that<00:08:16.599> we'd<00:08:17.159> understand<00:08:17.440> very of time on and that we'd understand very of time on and that we'd understand very well<00:08:18.479> and<00:08:18.639> the<00:08:18.800> answer<00:08:19.159> is<00:08:19.800> really<00:08:20.800> that<00:08:21.000> we well and the answer is really that we well and the answer is really that we don't<00:08:23.520> let's<00:08:23.720> start<00:08:24.000> with<00:08:24.199> why<00:08:24.400> this<00:08:24.479> is don't let's start with why this is don't let's start with why this is important<00:08:26.479> well<00:08:26.800> all<00:08:26.960> of<00:08:27.120> us<00:08:27.400> here<00:08:28.319> I'll<00:08:28.599> bet important well all of us here I'll bet important well all of us here I'll bet have<00:08:29.599> some<00:08:29.759> great<00:08:29.960> teachers<00:08:30.879> uh<00:08:31.000> we<00:08:31.159> all<00:08:31.479> had<00:08:32.159> a have some great teachers uh we all had a have some great teachers uh we all had a wonderful<00:08:32.880> education<00:08:33.880> that's<00:08:34.159> part<00:08:34.320> of<00:08:34.440> the wonderful education that's part of the wonderful education that's part of the reason<00:08:34.880> we're<00:08:35.120> here<00:08:35.360> today<00:08:35.719> part<00:08:35.839> of<00:08:35.919> the reason we're here today part of the reason we're here today part of the reason<00:08:36.240> we're<00:08:36.880> successful<00:08:37.880> uh<00:08:38.080> I<00:08:38.159> can<00:08:38.360> say reason we're successful uh I can say reason we're successful uh I can say that<00:08:39.039> even<00:08:39.279> though<00:08:39.599> I'm<00:08:39.719> a<00:08:39.880> College<00:08:40.519> Dropout that even though I'm a College Dropout that even though I'm a College Dropout uh<00:08:41.760> I<00:08:41.959> had<00:08:42.519> great uh I had great uh I had great teachers<00:08:44.519> and<00:08:44.680> in<00:08:44.880> fact<00:08:45.080> in<00:08:45.200> the<00:08:45.320> United teachers and in fact in the United teachers and in fact in the United States<00:08:46.800> the<00:08:46.959> teaching<00:08:47.440> system<00:08:47.800> has<00:08:47.959> worked States the teaching system has worked States the teaching system has worked fairly<00:08:48.600> well<00:08:48.839> there<00:08:49.000> are<00:08:49.760> fairly<00:08:50.200> effective fairly well there are fairly effective fairly well there are fairly effective teachers<00:08:51.760> in<00:08:52.000> a<00:08:52.279> narrow<00:08:53.279> set<00:08:53.519> of<00:08:53.720> places<00:08:54.160> so teachers in a narrow set of places so teachers in a narrow set of places so the<00:08:54.519> top<00:08:54.800> 20%<00:08:55.399> of<00:08:55.600> students<00:08:56.399> have<00:08:56.560> gotten<00:08:56.839> a the top 20% of students have gotten a the top 20% of students have gotten a good<00:08:57.200> education<00:08:57.959> and<00:08:58.160> those<00:08:58.480> top<00:08:58.720> 20% good education and those top 20% good education and those top 20% have<00:09:00.600> been<00:09:00.800> the<00:09:01.000> best<00:09:01.240> in<00:09:01.360> the<00:09:01.519> world<00:09:02.079> if<00:09:02.160> you have been the best in the world if you have been the best in the world if you measure<00:09:02.680> them<00:09:02.880> against<00:09:03.160> the<00:09:03.279> other<00:09:03.519> top<00:09:03.839> 20% measure them against the other top 20% measure them against the other top 20% and<00:09:05.000> they've<00:09:05.200> gone<00:09:05.399> on<00:09:06.120> to<00:09:06.360> create<00:09:06.640> the and they've gone on to create the and they've gone on to create the Revolutions<00:09:07.519> in<00:09:07.920> software<00:09:08.600> and<00:09:08.880> and Revolutions in software and and Revolutions in software and and biotechnology<00:09:10.040> and<00:09:10.240> keep<00:09:10.600> the<00:09:10.720> us<00:09:11.240> at<00:09:11.399> the biotechnology and keep the us at the biotechnology and keep the us at the Forefront<00:09:13.079> now<00:09:13.800> the<00:09:14.440> strength<00:09:14.959> for<00:09:15.120> those<00:09:15.399> top Forefront now the strength for those top Forefront now the strength for those top 20%<00:09:17.000> is<00:09:17.279> starting<00:09:17.680> to<00:09:17.880> fade<00:09:18.240> on<00:09:18.399> a<00:09:18.519> relative 20% is starting to fade on a relative 20% is starting to fade on a relative basis<00:09:20.000> but<00:09:20.160> even<00:09:20.519> more<00:09:21.120> concerning<00:09:22.120> is<00:09:22.440> the basis but even more concerning is the basis but even more concerning is the education<00:09:23.640> that<00:09:23.839> the<00:09:24.000> balance<00:09:24.360> of<00:09:24.560> people<00:09:24.760> are education that the balance of people are education that the balance of people are getting<00:09:26.000> uh<00:09:26.120> not<00:09:26.320> only<00:09:26.600> has<00:09:26.839> that<00:09:27.040> been<00:09:27.320> weak getting uh not only has that been weak getting uh not only has that been weak it's<00:09:28.079> getting<00:09:28.399> weaker<00:09:29.360> and<00:09:29.440> if<00:09:29.519> you<00:09:29.640> look<00:09:29.800> at it's getting weaker and if you look at it's getting weaker and if you look at the the the economy<00:09:31.760> it<00:09:32.000> really<00:09:32.240> is<00:09:32.399> only<00:09:32.760> providing economy it really is only providing economy it really is only providing opportunities<00:09:34.360> now<00:09:35.079> to<00:09:35.440> people<00:09:35.880> with<00:09:36.240> a opportunities now to people with a opportunities now to people with a better<00:09:37.079> education<00:09:38.079> and<00:09:38.200> so<00:09:38.360> we<00:09:38.480> have<00:09:38.600> to better education and so we have to better education and so we have to change<00:09:39.160> this<00:09:39.399> we<00:09:39.519> have<00:09:39.640> to<00:09:39.800> change<00:09:40.079> it<00:09:40.640> so<00:09:40.839> that change this we have to change it so that change this we have to change it so that people<00:09:41.279> have<00:09:41.480> equal<00:09:42.000> opportunity<00:09:43.000> we<00:09:43.160> have<00:09:43.279> to people have equal opportunity we have to people have equal opportunity we have to change<00:09:43.680> it<00:09:43.839> so<00:09:44.000> that<00:09:44.160> the<00:09:44.320> country<00:09:44.600> is<00:09:44.959> strong change it so that the country is strong change it so that the country is strong and<00:09:45.560> and<00:09:45.920> and<00:09:46.079> stays<00:09:46.399> in<00:09:46.519> the<00:09:46.680> Forefront<00:09:47.240> of and and and stays in the Forefront of and and and stays in the Forefront of things<00:09:47.680> that<00:09:47.839> are<00:09:48.320> are<00:09:48.560> driven<00:09:49.040> by<00:09:49.320> Advanced things that are are driven by Advanced things that are are driven by Advanced education<00:09:50.640> like<00:09:51.399> Science<00:09:51.720> and education like Science and education like Science and Mathematics<00:09:54.079> when<00:09:54.200> I<00:09:54.360> first<00:09:54.560> learned<00:09:54.880> the Mathematics when I first learned the Mathematics when I first learned the statistics<00:09:55.640> I<00:09:55.720> was<00:09:55.959> pretty<00:09:56.240> stunned<00:09:56.760> at<00:09:57.000> how statistics I was pretty stunned at how statistics I was pretty stunned at how bad<00:09:57.600> things<00:09:57.839> are<00:09:58.560> over<00:09:58.839> 30<00:09:59.399> %<00:09:59.839> of<00:10:00.160> kids<00:10:00.959> never bad things are over 30 % of kids never bad things are over 30 % of kids never finish<00:10:01.760> high<00:10:02.079> school<00:10:03.079> and<00:10:03.240> that<00:10:03.440> had<00:10:03.600> been finish high school and that had been finish high school and that had been covered<00:10:04.120> up<00:10:04.240> for<00:10:04.360> a<00:10:04.480> long<00:10:04.680> time<00:10:04.880> because<00:10:05.120> they covered up for a long time because they covered up for a long time because they always<00:10:05.519> took<00:10:05.959> the<00:10:06.120> dropout<00:10:06.600> rate<00:10:06.880> as<00:10:07.040> the always took the dropout rate as the always took the dropout rate as the number<00:10:07.440> who<00:10:07.600> started<00:10:07.920> in<00:10:08.120> senior<00:10:08.480> year<00:10:09.399> and number who started in senior year and number who started in senior year and and<00:10:10.240> then<00:10:10.640> compared<00:10:11.000> it<00:10:11.079> to<00:10:11.200> the<00:10:11.279> number<00:10:11.600> that and then compared it to the number that and then compared it to the number that finished<00:10:12.079> senior<00:10:12.360> year<00:10:12.560> because<00:10:12.760> they finished senior year because they finished senior year because they weren't<00:10:13.120> tracking<00:10:14.000> where<00:10:14.200> the<00:10:14.320> kids<00:10:14.519> were weren't tracking where the kids were weren't tracking where the kids were before<00:10:15.040> that<00:10:15.200> but<00:10:15.399> most<00:10:15.600> of<00:10:15.720> the<00:10:15.880> dropouts<00:10:16.399> had before that but most of the dropouts had before that but most of the dropouts had taken<00:10:17.320> place<00:10:17.640> before<00:10:17.959> that<00:10:18.240> so<00:10:18.360> they<00:10:18.480> had<00:10:18.600> to taken place before that so they had to taken place before that so they had to raise<00:10:19.600> the<00:10:19.800> stated<00:10:20.200> dropout<00:10:20.560> rate<00:10:20.800> as<00:10:20.920> soon<00:10:21.079> as raise the stated dropout rate as soon as raise the stated dropout rate as soon as that<00:10:21.399> tracking<00:10:21.800> was<00:10:21.959> done<00:10:22.200> to<00:10:22.480> over<00:10:23.160> 30%<00:10:24.160> for that tracking was done to over 30% for that tracking was done to over 30% for minority<00:10:25.000> kids<00:10:25.880> it's<00:10:26.079> over minority kids it's over minority kids it's over 50%<00:10:28.720> and<00:10:29.000> even<00:10:29.279> even<00:10:29.440> if<00:10:29.519> you<00:10:30.240> graduate<00:10:31.240> from 50% and even even if you graduate from 50% and even even if you graduate from high high high school<00:10:34.160> if<00:10:34.279> you're<00:10:34.519> lwi<00:10:34.959> income<00:10:35.800> you<00:10:35.959> have school if you're lwi income you have school if you're lwi income you have less<00:10:36.440> than<00:10:36.560> a<00:10:36.839> 25%<00:10:37.839> chance<00:10:38.240> of<00:10:38.480> ever less than a 25% chance of ever less than a 25% chance of ever completing<00:10:39.320> a<00:10:39.519> college<00:10:40.040> degree<00:10:41.040> if<00:10:41.160> you're completing a college degree if you're completing a college degree if you're lwi<00:10:41.639> income<00:10:42.040> in<00:10:42.160> the<00:10:42.320> United<00:10:42.760> States<00:10:43.399> you<00:10:43.600> have lwi income in the United States you have lwi income in the United States you have a<00:10:44.000> higher<00:10:44.440> chance<00:10:45.440> of<00:10:45.639> going<00:10:45.920> to<00:10:46.160> jail<00:10:47.079> than a higher chance of going to jail than a higher chance of going to jail than you<00:10:47.360> do<00:10:47.560> of<00:10:47.720> getting<00:10:48.000> a<00:10:48.160> four-year you do of getting a four-year you do of getting a four-year degree<00:10:50.720> and<00:10:50.920> that<00:10:51.200> you<00:10:51.320> know<00:10:51.480> doesn't<00:10:51.839> seem degree and that you know doesn't seem degree and that you know doesn't seem entirely<00:10:53.240> fair<00:10:54.240> so<00:10:55.120> how<00:10:55.240> do<00:10:55.360> you<00:10:55.519> make entirely fair so how do you make entirely fair so how do you make education<00:10:56.560> better<00:10:57.560> our<00:10:57.839> foundation<00:10:58.360> for<00:10:58.519> the education better our foundation for the education better our foundation for the last<00:10:58.839> 9<00:10:59.000> years<00:10:59.399> has<00:10:59.560> invested<00:10:59.959> in<00:11:00.160> this last 9 years has invested in this last 9 years has invested in this there's<00:11:00.680> many<00:11:01.000> people<00:11:01.240> working<00:11:01.560> on<00:11:01.720> it<00:11:02.440> uh there's many people working on it uh there's many people working on it uh we've<00:11:02.720> worked<00:11:02.959> on<00:11:03.200> small<00:11:03.560> schools<00:11:04.560> uh<00:11:04.680> we we've worked on small schools uh we we've worked on small schools uh we funded<00:11:05.360> scholarships<00:11:06.240> we've<00:11:06.440> done<00:11:06.639> things<00:11:06.800> in funded scholarships we've done things in funded scholarships we've done things in libraries<00:11:08.519> uh<00:11:08.680> a<00:11:08.800> lot<00:11:08.920> of<00:11:09.079> these<00:11:09.279> things<00:11:09.600> had<00:11:09.720> a libraries uh a lot of these things had a libraries uh a lot of these things had a good<00:11:10.120> effect<00:11:11.120> but<00:11:11.279> the<00:11:11.399> more<00:11:11.639> we<00:11:11.800> looked<00:11:12.040> at<00:11:12.200> it good effect but the more we looked at it good effect but the more we looked at it the<00:11:12.560> more<00:11:12.760> we<00:11:13.040> realized<00:11:14.040> that<00:11:14.519> having<00:11:14.839> great the more we realized that having great the more we realized that having great teachers<00:11:16.000> was<00:11:16.200> the<00:11:16.399> very<00:11:16.639> key<00:11:17.240> thing<00:11:18.240> and<00:11:18.320> so teachers was the very key thing and so teachers was the very key thing and so we<00:11:18.600> hooked<00:11:18.839> up<00:11:18.959> with<00:11:19.120> some<00:11:19.320> people<00:11:19.720> studying we hooked up with some people studying we hooked up with some people studying how<00:11:20.920> much<00:11:21.200> variation<00:11:21.720> is<00:11:21.920> there<00:11:22.079> between how much variation is there between how much variation is there between teachers<00:11:23.399> between<00:11:23.720> say<00:11:24.000> the<00:11:24.240> top<00:11:24.560> cortile<00:11:25.560> the teachers between say the top cortile the teachers between say the top cortile the very<00:11:25.959> best<00:11:26.279> and<00:11:26.440> the<00:11:26.600> bottom<00:11:27.279> cortile<00:11:28.279> how very best and the bottom cortile how very best and the bottom cortile how much<00:11:28.639> variation<00:11:29.000> is<00:11:29.320> there<00:11:29.519> within<00:11:29.760> a<00:11:29.880> school much variation is there within a school much variation is there within a school or<00:11:30.360> between<00:11:30.720> schools<00:11:31.560> and<00:11:31.680> the<00:11:31.839> answer<00:11:32.120> is or between schools and the answer is or between schools and the answer is that<00:11:32.519> these<00:11:33.040> variations<00:11:34.040> are<00:11:34.560> absolutely that these variations are absolutely that these variations are absolutely unbelievable<00:11:37.000> uh<00:11:37.200> a<00:11:37.440> top<00:11:37.839> quartile<00:11:39.000> teacher unbelievable uh a top quartile teacher unbelievable uh a top quartile teacher will<00:11:40.279> increase<00:11:40.800> the<00:11:41.000> performance<00:11:41.480> of<00:11:41.639> their will increase the performance of their will increase the performance of their class<00:11:43.079> based<00:11:43.360> on<00:11:43.519> test<00:11:43.800> scores<00:11:44.240> by<00:11:44.440> over<00:11:44.720> 10% class based on test scores by over 10% class based on test scores by over 10% in<00:11:45.680> a<00:11:45.880> single<00:11:46.320> year<00:11:47.320> what<00:11:47.440> does<00:11:47.600> that<00:11:47.760> mean in a single year what does that mean in a single year what does that mean well<00:11:48.279> that<00:11:48.399> means<00:11:48.720> if<00:11:48.920> the<00:11:49.079> entire<00:11:49.560> us<00:11:50.240> for<00:11:50.480> two well that means if the entire us for two well that means if the entire us for two years<00:11:51.240> had<00:11:51.560> top<00:11:52.079> cortile<00:11:53.360> teachers<00:11:54.360> the years had top cortile teachers the years had top cortile teachers the entire<00:11:55.120> difference<00:11:55.839> between<00:11:56.240> us<00:11:56.440> and<00:11:56.720> Asia entire difference between us and Asia entire difference between us and Asia would<00:11:57.680> go<00:11:57.920> away<00:11:58.920> and<00:11:59.040> with<00:11:59.279> within<00:11:59.600> four<00:12:00.040> years would go away and with within four years would go away and with within four years we<00:12:00.959> would<00:12:01.160> be<00:12:01.560> blowing<00:12:02.560> everyone<00:12:02.920> in<00:12:03.040> the we would be blowing everyone in the we would be blowing everyone in the world<00:12:03.639> away<00:12:04.639> so<00:12:04.959> it's<00:12:05.160> simple<00:12:05.519> all<00:12:05.639> you<00:12:05.760> need world away so it's simple all you need world away so it's simple all you need is<00:12:06.200> those<00:12:06.480> top<00:12:06.839> cortile is those top cortile is those top cortile teachers<00:12:09.079> and<00:12:09.200> so<00:12:09.320> you'd<00:12:09.560> say<00:12:09.839> well<00:12:10.440> wow teachers and so you'd say well wow teachers and so you'd say well wow that's<00:12:11.120> good<00:12:11.360> we<00:12:11.480> should<00:12:11.760> reward<00:12:12.399> those that's good we should reward those that's good we should reward those people<00:12:13.160> we<00:12:13.240> should<00:12:13.480> retain<00:12:14.120> those<00:12:14.399> people<00:12:15.040> we people we should retain those people we people we should retain those people we should<00:12:15.440> find<00:12:15.639> out<00:12:15.839> what<00:12:16.000> they're<00:12:16.240> doing<00:12:17.040> and should find out what they're doing and should find out what they're doing and transfer<00:12:17.800> that<00:12:17.920> skill<00:12:18.240> to<00:12:18.440> other<00:12:18.680> people<00:12:19.639> but transfer that skill to other people but transfer that skill to other people but I<00:12:19.920> can<00:12:20.079> tell<00:12:20.279> you<00:12:20.920> that<00:12:21.760> absolutely<00:12:22.760> is<00:12:22.920> not I can tell you that absolutely is not I can tell you that absolutely is not happening happening happening today<00:12:25.360> what<00:12:25.440> are<00:12:25.600> the<00:12:25.800> characteristics<00:12:26.440> of today what are the characteristics of today what are the characteristics of this<00:12:26.760> top<00:12:27.000> core<00:12:27.240> trial<00:12:27.760> what<00:12:27.839> do<00:12:28.000> they<00:12:28.320> they this top core trial what do they they this top core trial what do they they look<00:12:28.800> like<00:12:29.480> you<00:12:29.639> might<00:12:29.920> think<00:12:30.639> well<00:12:30.839> these look like you might think well these look like you might think well these must<00:12:31.240> be<00:12:31.519> very<00:12:31.839> senior<00:12:32.440> teachers<00:12:33.440> and<00:12:33.560> the must be very senior teachers and the must be very senior teachers and the answer<00:12:33.920> is<00:12:34.160> no<00:12:35.000> once<00:12:35.320> somebody<00:12:35.639> is<00:12:35.800> taught<00:12:36.079> for answer is no once somebody is taught for answer is no once somebody is taught for 3<00:12:36.959> years<00:12:38.040> their<00:12:39.040> teaching<00:12:39.560> quality<00:12:40.079> does<00:12:40.360> not 3 years their teaching quality does not 3 years their teaching quality does not change<00:12:41.320> thereafter<00:12:42.279> the<00:12:42.480> variation<00:12:43.160> is<00:12:43.639> very change thereafter the variation is very change thereafter the variation is very very very very small<00:12:46.360> you<00:12:46.519> might<00:12:46.760> think<00:12:46.959> well<00:12:47.160> these<00:12:47.279> are small you might think well these are small you might think well these are people<00:12:48.399> with<00:12:48.639> master's<00:12:49.160> degrees<00:12:50.160> they've people with master's degrees they've people with master's degrees they've gone<00:12:50.639> back<00:12:50.880> and<00:12:51.040> they've<00:12:51.199> gotten<00:12:51.399> their gone back and they've gotten their gone back and they've gotten their masters<00:12:51.920> of<00:12:52.519> education<00:12:53.519> this<00:12:53.680> chart<00:12:53.959> takes masters of education this chart takes masters of education this chart takes four<00:12:54.560> different<00:12:54.959> factors<00:12:55.360> and<00:12:55.519> says<00:12:55.880> how<00:12:56.040> much four different factors and says how much four different factors and says how much do<00:12:56.399> they<00:12:56.639> explain<00:12:57.560> teaching<00:12:58.079> quality<00:12:59.399> bottom do they explain teaching quality bottom do they explain teaching quality bottom thing<00:13:00.279> which<00:13:00.440> says<00:13:00.720> there's<00:13:00.959> no<00:13:01.199> effect<00:13:01.440> at thing which says there's no effect at thing which says there's no effect at all<00:13:01.720> is<00:13:01.839> a<00:13:02.040> master's all is a master's all is a master's degree<00:13:04.160> uh<00:13:04.760> now<00:13:05.760> the<00:13:05.880> way<00:13:06.079> the<00:13:06.240> PA<00:13:06.639> system degree uh now the way the PA system degree uh now the way the PA system works<00:13:08.079> is<00:13:08.279> there's<00:13:08.600> two<00:13:08.839> things<00:13:09.079> that<00:13:09.199> are works is there's two things that are works is there's two things that are rewarded<00:13:09.920> one<00:13:10.079> is<00:13:10.560> seniority<00:13:11.560> uh<00:13:11.720> because rewarded one is seniority uh because rewarded one is seniority uh because your<00:13:12.000> pay<00:13:12.199> goes<00:13:12.399> up<00:13:12.600> and<00:13:12.680> you<00:13:12.839> vest<00:13:13.120> into<00:13:13.279> your your pay goes up and you vest into your your pay goes up and you vest into your pension<00:13:13.760> and<00:13:13.920> the<00:13:14.079> second<00:13:14.560> is<00:13:15.440> giving<00:13:15.760> extra pension and the second is giving extra pension and the second is giving extra money<00:13:16.279> to<00:13:16.399> people<00:13:16.600> to<00:13:16.760> get<00:13:16.880> their<00:13:17.040> master's money to people to get their master's money to people to get their master's degree<00:13:18.399> but<00:13:18.560> it<00:13:18.680> in<00:13:18.880> no<00:13:19.079> way<00:13:19.240> is<00:13:19.560> associated degree but it in no way is associated degree but it in no way is associated with<00:13:20.720> being<00:13:20.920> a<00:13:21.120> better<00:13:21.440> teacher<00:13:22.440> Teach<00:13:22.720> for with being a better teacher Teach for with being a better teacher Teach for America<00:13:23.600> slight<00:13:24.399> effect<00:13:25.399> uh<00:13:25.480> for<00:13:25.680> Math America slight effect uh for Math America slight effect uh for Math teachers<00:13:26.360> majoring<00:13:26.800> in<00:13:27.000> math<00:13:27.279> is<00:13:27.560> a<00:13:27.959> a teachers majoring in math is a a teachers majoring in math is a a measurable<00:13:28.880> effect measurable effect measurable effect but but but overwhelmingly<00:13:32.199> it's<00:13:32.399> your<00:13:32.760> past overwhelmingly it's your past overwhelmingly it's your past performance<00:13:33.959> there<00:13:34.079> are<00:13:34.320> some<00:13:34.680> people<00:13:35.040> who performance there are some people who performance there are some people who are<00:13:35.480> very<00:13:35.800> good<00:13:35.959> at<00:13:36.360> this<00:13:37.360> and<00:13:37.519> we've<00:13:37.720> done are very good at this and we've done are very good at this and we've done almost<00:13:38.760> nothing<00:13:39.760> to<00:13:40.000> study<00:13:40.680> what<00:13:40.920> that<00:13:41.160> is<00:13:41.639> and almost nothing to study what that is and almost nothing to study what that is and to<00:13:41.920> draw<00:13:42.199> it<00:13:42.360> in<00:13:43.040> uh<00:13:43.240> to<00:13:43.720> to<00:13:43.959> replicate<00:13:44.480> it<00:13:44.639> to to draw it in uh to to replicate it to to draw it in uh to to replicate it to raise<00:13:45.120> the<00:13:45.240> average<00:13:45.600> capability<00:13:46.440> or<00:13:46.639> to raise the average capability or to raise the average capability or to encourage<00:13:47.320> the<00:13:47.480> people<00:13:47.880> with<00:13:48.079> it<00:13:48.760> to<00:13:48.959> stay<00:13:49.199> in encourage the people with it to stay in encourage the people with it to stay in the<00:13:49.519> system<00:13:50.320> you<00:13:50.440> might<00:13:50.600> say<00:13:50.800> well<00:13:50.959> do<00:13:51.120> the the system you might say well do the the system you might say well do the good<00:13:51.399> teachers<00:13:51.759> stay<00:13:52.000> in<00:13:52.120> the<00:13:52.240> Bad<00:13:52.440> Teachers good teachers stay in the Bad Teachers good teachers stay in the Bad Teachers leave<00:13:53.600> the<00:13:53.759> answer<00:13:54.079> is<00:13:54.440> on<00:13:54.800> average<00:13:55.639> the leave the answer is on average the leave the answer is on average the slightly<00:13:56.360> better<00:13:56.680> teachers<00:13:57.160> leave<00:13:57.720> the slightly better teachers leave the slightly better teachers leave the system<00:13:58.440> and<00:13:58.560> it's<00:13:58.680> a<00:13:58.839> system<00:13:59.320> with<00:13:59.959> very<00:14:00.240> high system and it's a system with very high system and it's a system with very high turnover<00:14:02.120> now<00:14:02.680> there<00:14:02.800> are<00:14:02.959> a<00:14:03.079> few<00:14:03.399> places<00:14:03.880> very turnover now there are a few places very turnover now there are a few places very few<00:14:04.959> where<00:14:05.560> great<00:14:06.040> teachers<00:14:06.560> are<00:14:06.839> being<00:14:07.720> made few where great teachers are being made few where great teachers are being made uh<00:14:08.920> good<00:14:09.160> example<00:14:09.519> of<00:14:09.680> one<00:14:09.920> is<00:14:10.360> a<00:14:10.839> set<00:14:11.040> of uh good example of one is a set of uh good example of one is a set of charter<00:14:11.480> schools<00:14:11.880> called<00:14:12.199> Kip<00:14:13.040> Kip<00:14:13.279> means charter schools called Kip Kip means charter schools called Kip Kip means knowledge<00:14:14.040> is<00:14:14.360> power<00:14:15.199> it's<00:14:15.320> an<00:14:15.959> unbelievable knowledge is power it's an unbelievable knowledge is power it's an unbelievable thing<00:14:17.440> they<00:14:17.600> have<00:14:17.800> 66<00:14:18.759> schools<00:14:19.320> mostly<00:14:19.639> middle thing they have 66 schools mostly middle thing they have 66 schools mostly middle schools<00:14:20.399> seven<00:14:20.759> high<00:14:21.199> schools<00:14:22.199> and<00:14:22.920> uh<00:14:23.120> what schools seven high schools and uh what schools seven high schools and uh what goes<00:14:23.560> on<00:14:24.120> is<00:14:24.360> great<00:14:24.680> teaching<00:14:25.320> they<00:14:25.480> take<00:14:25.720> the goes on is great teaching they take the goes on is great teaching they take the poorest<00:14:26.399> kids<00:14:27.279> and<00:14:27.440> over<00:14:27.680> 96%<00:14:28.600> of<00:14:28.720> their<00:14:29.199> high poorest kids and over 96% of their high poorest kids and over 96% of their high school<00:14:29.839> graduates<00:14:30.440> go<00:14:31.000> to<00:14:31.160> fouryear<00:14:31.800> colleges school graduates go to fouryear colleges school graduates go to fouryear colleges and<00:14:32.959> the<00:14:33.120> whole<00:14:33.560> spirit<00:14:33.959> and<00:14:34.240> attitude<00:14:34.680> in and the whole spirit and attitude in and the whole spirit and attitude in those<00:14:35.079> schools<00:14:35.759> is<00:14:36.480> very<00:14:36.880> different<00:14:37.839> than<00:14:38.000> in those schools is very different than in those schools is very different than in the<00:14:38.279> Normal<00:14:38.639> public<00:14:38.959> school<00:14:39.759> they're<00:14:40.040> team the Normal public school they're team the Normal public school they're team teaching<00:14:41.199> they're<00:14:41.560> constantly<00:14:42.000> improving teaching they're constantly improving teaching they're constantly improving their<00:14:42.519> teachers<00:14:42.920> they're<00:14:43.120> taking<00:14:43.519> data<00:14:43.880> the their teachers they're taking data the their teachers they're taking data the test<00:14:44.320> scores<00:14:45.079> and<00:14:45.240> saying<00:14:45.440> to<00:14:45.560> a<00:14:45.680> teacher<00:14:46.040> hey test scores and saying to a teacher hey test scores and saying to a teacher hey you<00:14:46.560> caused<00:14:46.959> this<00:14:47.120> amount<00:14:47.320> of<00:14:47.519> increase<00:14:48.440> and you caused this amount of increase and you caused this amount of increase and so<00:14:48.720> they're<00:14:49.000> deeply<00:14:49.560> engaged<00:14:50.560> in<00:14:50.720> making so they're deeply engaged in making so they're deeply engaged in making teaching<00:14:51.880> better<00:14:52.880> when<00:14:53.079> you<00:14:53.240> actually<00:14:53.519> go<00:14:53.800> and teaching better when you actually go and teaching better when you actually go and and<00:14:54.440> sit<00:14:54.639> in<00:14:54.720> one<00:14:54.839> of<00:14:54.959> these<00:14:55.160> classrooms<00:14:55.680> at and sit in one of these classrooms at and sit in one of these classrooms at first<00:14:56.120> it's<00:14:56.480> very<00:14:56.800> bizarre<00:14:57.680> I<00:14:57.800> sat<00:14:58.120> down<00:14:58.399> and<00:14:58.800> I first it's very bizarre I sat down and I first it's very bizarre I sat down and I thought<00:14:59.639> what<00:14:59.800> is<00:14:59.959> going<00:15:00.120> on<00:15:00.279> the<00:15:00.399> teacher<00:15:00.680> was thought what is going on the teacher was thought what is going on the teacher was running<00:15:01.399> around<00:15:02.040> and<00:15:02.360> the<00:15:02.560> en<00:15:03.040> energy<00:15:03.360> levels running around and the en energy levels running around and the en energy levels High<00:15:03.839> I<00:15:03.920> thought<00:15:04.120> well<00:15:04.240> I'm<00:15:04.360> in<00:15:04.519> the<00:15:04.720> prep<00:15:05.279> the High I thought well I'm in the prep the High I thought well I'm in the prep the the<00:15:05.680> sports<00:15:06.040> Rally<00:15:06.440> or<00:15:06.600> something<00:15:07.000> what's the sports Rally or something what's the sports Rally or something what's going<00:15:07.440> on<00:15:08.160> and<00:15:08.279> the<00:15:08.399> teacher<00:15:08.720> was<00:15:08.959> constantly going on and the teacher was constantly going on and the teacher was constantly scanning<00:15:09.920> to<00:15:10.079> see<00:15:10.839> which<00:15:11.079> kids<00:15:11.320> weren't scanning to see which kids weren't scanning to see which kids weren't paying<00:15:11.959> attention<00:15:12.440> which<00:15:12.720> kids<00:15:12.920> were<00:15:13.120> bored paying attention which kids were bored paying attention which kids were bored and<00:15:13.639> calling<00:15:14.000> on<00:15:14.320> kids<00:15:14.720> rapidly<00:15:15.279> putting and calling on kids rapidly putting and calling on kids rapidly putting things<00:15:15.800> up<00:15:15.959> on<00:15:16.079> the<00:15:16.240> board<00:15:17.000> it<00:15:17.079> was<00:15:17.240> a<00:15:17.480> very things up on the board it was a very things up on the board it was a very Dynamic<00:15:18.440> environment<00:15:19.399> because<00:15:19.759> particularly Dynamic environment because particularly Dynamic environment because particularly in<00:15:20.279> those<00:15:20.440> Middle<00:15:20.720> School<00:15:20.959> years<00:15:21.199> fifth in those Middle School years fifth in those Middle School years fifth through<00:15:21.600> 8th<00:15:21.880> grade<00:15:22.759> keeping<00:15:23.360> people<00:15:23.720> engaged through 8th grade keeping people engaged through 8th grade keeping people engaged and<00:15:24.519> setting<00:15:25.279> the<00:15:25.440> tone<00:15:25.839> that<00:15:26.120> everybody<00:15:26.480> in and setting the tone that everybody in and setting the tone that everybody in the<00:15:26.720> classroom<00:15:27.120> needs<00:15:27.360> to<00:15:27.600> pay<00:15:27.880> attention the classroom needs to pay attention the classroom needs to pay attention nobody<00:15:29.040> gets<00:15:29.199> to<00:15:29.279> make<00:15:29.480> fun<00:15:29.680> of<00:15:29.800> it<00:15:30.000> or<00:15:30.199> have nobody gets to make fun of it or have nobody gets to make fun of it or have the<00:15:30.560> position<00:15:30.880> of<00:15:31.399> you<00:15:31.519> know<00:15:31.680> the<00:15:31.839> kid<00:15:32.160> who<00:15:33.160> who the position of you know the kid who who the position of you know the kid who who doesn't<00:15:33.600> want<00:15:33.759> to<00:15:33.920> be<00:15:34.199> there<00:15:34.880> everybody<00:15:35.399> needs doesn't want to be there everybody needs doesn't want to be there everybody needs to<00:15:35.880> be<00:15:36.079> involved<00:15:36.839> and<00:15:37.000> so<00:15:37.240> Kip<00:15:37.519> is<00:15:37.639> doing to be involved and so Kip is doing to be involved and so Kip is doing it<00:15:39.600> how<00:15:39.720> does<00:15:40.000> that<00:15:40.279> compare<00:15:41.079> to<00:15:41.279> a<00:15:41.440> normal it how does that compare to a normal it how does that compare to a normal school<00:15:43.120> well<00:15:43.279> in<00:15:43.399> a<00:15:43.560> normal<00:15:43.959> school<00:15:44.560> teachers school well in a normal school teachers school well in a normal school teachers aren't<00:15:45.440> told<00:15:46.040> how<00:15:46.240> good<00:15:46.440> they<00:15:46.560> are<00:15:47.240> the<00:15:47.480> data aren't told how good they are the data aren't told how good they are the data isn't isn't isn't gathered<00:15:49.759> in<00:15:49.920> the<00:15:50.120> teacher's<00:15:50.680> contract<00:15:51.240> it gathered in the teacher's contract it gathered in the teacher's contract it will<00:15:51.600> limit<00:15:52.000> the<00:15:52.120> number<00:15:52.360> of<00:15:52.560> times<00:15:52.959> the will limit the number of times the will limit the number of times the principal<00:15:53.600> can<00:15:53.759> come<00:15:53.959> into<00:15:54.160> the<00:15:54.399> classroom principal can come into the classroom principal can come into the classroom sometimes<00:15:55.880> to<00:15:56.160> once<00:15:56.560> per<00:15:56.839> year<00:15:57.839> and<00:15:58.000> they<00:15:58.160> they sometimes to once per year and they they sometimes to once per year and they they need<00:15:58.519> advanced<00:15:59.199> notice<00:15:59.800> to<00:16:00.000> do<00:16:00.279> that<00:16:00.920> so need advanced notice to do that so need advanced notice to do that so imagine<00:16:01.519> running<00:16:01.800> a<00:16:02.000> factory<00:16:02.360> where<00:16:02.440> you've imagine running a factory where you've imagine running a factory where you've got<00:16:02.800> these<00:16:03.000> workers<00:16:03.480> some<00:16:03.600> of<00:16:03.720> them<00:16:03.920> just got these workers some of them just got these workers some of them just making<00:16:05.440> crap<00:16:06.440> and<00:16:06.839> the<00:16:07.040> management<00:16:07.480> is<00:16:07.600> told making crap and the management is told making crap and the management is told hey<00:16:08.079> you<00:16:08.160> can<00:16:08.279> only<00:16:08.480> come<00:16:08.680> down<00:16:08.880> here<00:16:09.079> once<00:16:09.279> a hey you can only come down here once a hey you can only come down here once a year<00:16:09.600> but<00:16:09.680> you<00:16:09.800> need<00:16:09.920> to<00:16:10.040> let<00:16:10.199> us<00:16:10.319> know<00:16:10.600> because year but you need to let us know because year but you need to let us know because we<00:16:11.160> might<00:16:11.399> actually<00:16:11.639> do<00:16:12.000> fool<00:16:12.279> you<00:16:12.440> and<00:16:12.600> try we might actually do fool you and try we might actually do fool you and try and<00:16:12.880> do<00:16:13.040> a<00:16:13.160> good<00:16:13.360> job<00:16:13.639> in<00:16:13.839> that<00:16:14.040> one<00:16:14.959> brief and do a good job in that one brief and do a good job in that one brief moment<00:16:17.040> even<00:16:17.279> a<00:16:17.440> teacher<00:16:17.759> who<00:16:17.920> wants<00:16:18.199> to moment even a teacher who wants to moment even a teacher who wants to improve<00:16:18.800> doesn't<00:16:19.120> have<00:16:19.319> the<00:16:19.519> tools<00:16:20.199> to<00:16:20.399> do<00:16:20.600> it improve doesn't have the tools to do it improve doesn't have the tools to do it they<00:16:21.519> don't<00:16:21.800> have<00:16:21.959> the<00:16:22.120> test<00:16:22.440> scores<00:16:23.399> and they don't have the test scores and they don't have the test scores and there's<00:16:23.720> a<00:16:23.880> whole<00:16:24.160> thing<00:16:24.399> of<00:16:24.839> of<00:16:25.319> trying<00:16:25.560> to there's a whole thing of of trying to there's a whole thing of of trying to block<00:16:26.160> the<00:16:26.319> data<00:16:26.639> for<00:16:26.800> example<00:16:27.160> New<00:16:27.360> York block the data for example New York block the data for example New York passed<00:16:28.000> a<00:16:28.160> law<00:16:29.000> that<00:16:29.160> said<00:16:29.399> that<00:16:29.560> the<00:16:29.720> teacher passed a law that said that the teacher passed a law that said that the teacher Improvement<00:16:31.240> data<00:16:32.240> could<00:16:32.480> not<00:16:32.759> be<00:16:32.959> made Improvement data could not be made Improvement data could not be made available<00:16:33.880> and<00:16:34.079> used<00:16:34.440> in<00:16:34.560> the<00:16:34.720> tenear available and used in the tenear available and used in the tenear decision<00:16:36.160> for<00:16:36.440> the decision for the decision for the teachers<00:16:38.440> and<00:16:38.519> so<00:16:38.759> that's<00:16:39.040> sort<00:16:39.240> of<00:16:39.360> working teachers and so that's sort of working teachers and so that's sort of working in<00:16:39.880> the<00:16:40.199> the<00:16:40.399> opposite in the the opposite in the the opposite direction<00:16:42.519> but<00:16:43.199> I'm<00:16:43.399> optimistic<00:16:43.959> about<00:16:44.240> this direction but I'm optimistic about this direction but I'm optimistic about this I<00:16:44.560> think<00:16:44.800> there's<00:16:45.000> some<00:16:45.199> clear<00:16:45.680> things<00:16:46.680> uh<00:16:46.880> we I think there's some clear things uh we I think there's some clear things uh we can<00:16:47.279> do<00:16:48.279> first<00:16:48.480> of<00:16:48.639> all<00:16:49.279> there's<00:16:49.519> a<00:16:49.639> lot<00:16:49.800> more can do first of all there's a lot more can do first of all there's a lot more testing<00:16:50.519> going<00:16:50.720> on<00:16:51.360> and<00:16:51.560> that's<00:16:51.920> given<00:16:52.199> us<00:16:52.920> the testing going on and that's given us the testing going on and that's given us the picture<00:16:53.399> of<00:16:53.560> where<00:16:53.759> we<00:16:53.880> are<00:16:54.839> and<00:16:55.040> that<00:16:55.360> allows picture of where we are and that allows picture of where we are and that allows us<00:16:56.079> to<00:16:56.680> understand<00:16:57.360> who's<00:16:57.639> doing<00:16:57.880> it<00:16:58.079> well<00:16:58.360> and us to understand who's doing it well and us to understand who's doing it well and calling<00:16:59.040> out<00:16:59.199> and<00:16:59.399> find<00:16:59.600> out<00:16:59.880> what<00:17:00.120> those calling out and find out what those calling out and find out what those techniques<00:17:00.880> are<00:17:01.759> of<00:17:01.880> course<00:17:02.120> digital<00:17:02.519> video techniques are of course digital video techniques are of course digital video is<00:17:02.959> cheap<00:17:03.360> now<00:17:03.959> putting<00:17:04.280> a<00:17:04.400> few<00:17:04.640> cameras<00:17:04.959> in is cheap now putting a few cameras in is cheap now putting a few cameras in the<00:17:05.600> classroom<00:17:06.600> and<00:17:06.760> saying<00:17:07.079> that<00:17:07.240> things<00:17:07.439> are the classroom and saying that things are the classroom and saying that things are are<00:17:08.280> being<00:17:08.600> recorded<00:17:09.039> on<00:17:09.199> an<00:17:09.360> ongoing<00:17:10.240> basis are being recorded on an ongoing basis are being recorded on an ongoing basis is<00:17:11.720> very<00:17:12.120> practical<00:17:12.839> in<00:17:13.039> all<00:17:13.319> public<00:17:13.600> schools is very practical in all public schools is very practical in all public schools and<00:17:14.319> so<00:17:15.079> every<00:17:15.319> few<00:17:15.520> weeks<00:17:15.839> teachers<00:17:16.240> could and so every few weeks teachers could and so every few weeks teachers could sit<00:17:16.640> down<00:17:16.799> and<00:17:16.919> say<00:17:17.199> okay<00:17:17.439> here's<00:17:17.600> a<00:17:17.760> little sit down and say okay here's a little sit down and say okay here's a little clip<00:17:18.360> of<00:17:18.559> something<00:17:18.839> I<00:17:19.000> thought<00:17:19.160> I<00:17:19.319> did<00:17:19.839> well clip of something I thought I did well clip of something I thought I did well here's<00:17:21.000> a<00:17:21.120> little<00:17:21.319> clip<00:17:21.559> of<00:17:21.679> something<00:17:21.959> I here's a little clip of something I here's a little clip of something I think<00:17:22.240> I<00:17:22.360> did<00:17:22.559> poorly<00:17:23.480> advise<00:17:23.880> me<00:17:24.079> when<00:17:24.280> this think I did poorly advise me when this think I did poorly advise me when this kid<00:17:24.640> acted<00:17:25.000> up<00:17:25.319> how<00:17:25.439> should<00:17:25.640> I<00:17:25.760> have<00:17:25.919> dealt kid acted up how should I have dealt kid acted up how should I have dealt with<00:17:26.360> that<00:17:26.760> and<00:17:26.880> they<00:17:27.000> can<00:17:27.160> all<00:17:27.319> sit<00:17:27.520> and<00:17:27.679> work with that and they can all sit and work with that and they can all sit and work together<00:17:29.000> on<00:17:29.280> those<00:17:29.600> problems<00:17:30.559> you<00:17:30.679> can<00:17:30.880> take together on those problems you can take together on those problems you can take the<00:17:31.320> very<00:17:31.679> best<00:17:32.000> teachers<00:17:32.480> and<00:17:32.720> kind<00:17:32.880> of the very best teachers and kind of the very best teachers and kind of annotate<00:17:33.720> it<00:17:34.240> have<00:17:34.360> it<00:17:34.520> so<00:17:34.919> everyone<00:17:35.280> sees<00:17:36.000> Who annotate it have it so everyone sees Who annotate it have it so everyone sees Who is<00:17:36.400> the<00:17:36.600> very<00:17:36.960> best<00:17:37.200> teaching<00:17:37.640> the<00:17:37.840> stuff<00:17:38.400> you is the very best teaching the stuff you is the very best teaching the stuff you can<00:17:38.720> take<00:17:38.960> those<00:17:39.200> Great<00:17:39.480> Courses<00:17:39.880> and<00:17:40.039> make can take those Great Courses and make can take those Great Courses and make them<00:17:40.440> available<00:17:40.880> so<00:17:41.000> that<00:17:41.120> a<00:17:41.320> kid<00:17:41.559> could<00:17:41.760> go them available so that a kid could go them available so that a kid could go out<00:17:42.640> and<00:17:43.080> watch<00:17:43.440> the<00:17:43.600> physics<00:17:44.440> uh<00:17:44.600> course out and watch the physics uh course out and watch the physics uh course learn<00:17:45.720> from<00:17:45.960> that<00:17:46.280> if<00:17:46.360> you<00:17:46.480> have<00:17:46.600> a<00:17:46.720> kid<00:17:46.880> who's learn from that if you have a kid who's learn from that if you have a kid who's behind<00:17:47.799> you<00:17:47.880> would<00:17:48.039> know<00:17:48.240> you<00:17:48.360> could<00:17:48.559> assign behind you would know you could assign behind you would know you could assign them<00:17:49.160> that<00:17:49.400> video<00:17:49.760> to<00:17:49.960> watch<00:17:50.160> and<00:17:50.360> review<00:17:50.720> the them that video to watch and review the them that video to watch and review the concept<00:17:51.799> and<00:17:51.919> in<00:17:52.080> fact<00:17:52.240> these<00:17:52.400> three<00:17:52.679> courses concept and in fact these three courses concept and in fact these three courses could<00:17:53.720> not<00:17:53.880> only<00:17:54.120> be<00:17:54.320> available<00:17:54.760> just<00:17:54.919> on<00:17:55.080> the could not only be available just on the could not only be available just on the internet<00:17:56.000> but<00:17:56.080> you<00:17:56.200> could<00:17:56.360> make<00:17:56.480> it<00:17:56.600> so<00:17:56.799> that internet but you could make it so that internet but you could make it so that DVDs<00:17:57.760> were<00:17:58.080> always<00:17:59.120> uh<00:17:59.400> available<00:17:59.960> and<00:18:00.120> so DVDs were always uh available and so DVDs were always uh available and so anybody<00:18:01.159> who<00:18:01.280> has<00:18:01.559> access<00:18:01.840> to<00:18:02.000> a<00:18:02.159> DVD<00:18:02.720> player anybody who has access to a DVD player anybody who has access to a DVD player can<00:18:03.960> have<00:18:04.679> the<00:18:04.919> very<00:18:05.320> best can have the very best can have the very best teachers<00:18:07.720> and<00:18:07.799> so<00:18:08.120> by<00:18:08.840> thinking<00:18:09.200> of<00:18:09.440> this<00:18:09.640> as<00:18:09.880> a teachers and so by thinking of this as a teachers and so by thinking of this as a a<00:18:10.440> Personnel<00:18:11.120> system<00:18:11.880> we<00:18:12.080> can<00:18:12.240> do<00:18:12.360> it<00:18:12.559> much a Personnel system we can do it much a Personnel system we can do it much better<00:18:13.720> uh<00:18:13.840> there's<00:18:14.000> a<00:18:14.159> book<00:18:14.480> actually<00:18:14.919> about better uh there's a book actually about better uh there's a book actually about Kip<00:18:15.919> the<00:18:16.120> the<00:18:16.280> place<00:18:16.559> that<00:18:16.720> this<00:18:16.880> is<00:18:17.120> going<00:18:17.320> on Kip the the place that this is going on Kip the the place that this is going on that<00:18:18.159> J<00:18:18.440> Matthews<00:18:18.880> a<00:18:19.000> news<00:18:19.200> week<00:18:19.400> reporter that J Matthews a news week reporter that J Matthews a news week reporter wrote<00:18:20.000> called<00:18:20.679> work<00:18:21.000> hard<00:18:21.320> be<00:18:21.600> nice<00:18:22.600> and<00:18:23.280> I wrote called work hard be nice and I wrote called work hard be nice and I thought<00:18:23.640> it<00:18:23.760> was<00:18:23.960> so<00:18:24.360> fantastic<00:18:25.120> gave<00:18:25.280> you<00:18:25.400> a thought it was so fantastic gave you a thought it was so fantastic gave you a sense<00:18:26.480> of<00:18:26.679> what<00:18:26.799> a<00:18:26.960> good<00:18:27.120> teacher<00:18:27.480> does<00:18:27.720> I'm sense of what a good teacher does I'm sense of what a good teacher does I'm going<00:18:27.919> to<00:18:28.120> send<00:18:28.400> everyone<00:18:28.880> here<00:18:29.039> a<00:18:29.200> free<00:18:29.520> copy going to send everyone here a free copy going to send everyone here a free copy of<00:18:29.960> this<00:18:30.400> book

um<00:18:37.080> now<00:18:37.200> we<00:18:37.400> put<00:18:37.520> a<00:18:37.640> lot<00:18:37.760> of<00:18:37.840> money<00:18:38.080> into
um now we put a lot of money into um now we put a lot of money into education<00:18:40.200> and<00:18:41.200> I<00:18:41.360> really<00:18:41.679> think<00:18:42.039> that education and I really think that education and I really think that education<00:18:43.000> is<00:18:43.400> the<00:18:43.679> most<00:18:44.000> important<00:18:44.480> thing<00:18:44.760> to education is the most important thing to education is the most important thing to get<00:18:45.320> right<00:18:46.320> uh<00:18:46.440> for<00:18:46.679> the<00:18:46.880> country<00:18:47.159> to<00:18:47.400> have<00:18:47.840> as get right uh for the country to have as get right uh for the country to have as strong<00:18:48.320> a<00:18:48.480> future<00:18:48.840> as<00:18:48.960> it<00:18:49.120> should<00:18:49.440> have<00:18:49.960> in strong a future as it should have in strong a future as it should have in fact<00:18:50.280> we<00:18:50.400> have<00:18:50.559> in<00:18:50.679> the<00:18:50.799> stimulus<00:18:51.200> bill<00:18:51.440> it's fact we have in the stimulus bill it's fact we have in the stimulus bill it's interesting<00:18:51.960> the<00:18:52.159> house<00:18:52.440> version<00:18:53.320> actually interesting the house version actually interesting the house version actually had<00:18:53.840> money<00:18:54.080> in<00:18:54.200> it<00:18:54.320> for<00:18:54.520> these<00:18:54.760> Data<00:18:55.240> Systems had money in it for these Data Systems had money in it for these Data Systems and<00:18:56.760> uh<00:18:56.960> was<00:18:57.120> taken<00:18:57.360> out<00:18:57.520> in<00:18:57.640> the<00:18:57.760> Senate<00:18:58.080> cuz and uh was taken out in the Senate cuz and uh was taken out in the Senate cuz they're<00:18:58.480> they're<00:18:58.840> people<00:18:59.039> are<00:18:59.200> threatened<00:18:59.600> by they're they're people are threatened by they're they're people are threatened by these<00:19:00.000> things<00:19:00.280> but<00:19:00.520> I<00:19:00.960> I'm<00:19:01.159> optimistic<00:19:01.919> I these things but I I'm optimistic I these things but I I'm optimistic I think<00:19:02.760> uh<00:19:02.880> people<00:19:03.080> are<00:19:03.280> beginning<00:19:03.600> to think uh people are beginning to think uh people are beginning to recognize<00:19:04.960> uh<00:19:05.159> how<00:19:05.360> important<00:19:05.799> this<00:19:06.000> is<00:19:06.679> and recognize uh how important this is and recognize uh how important this is and it<00:19:07.000> really<00:19:07.320> can<00:19:07.640> make<00:19:07.840> a<00:19:08.280> difference<00:19:09.280> uh<00:19:09.360> for it really can make a difference uh for it really can make a difference uh for millions<00:19:09.960> of<00:19:10.200> lives<00:19:10.559> if<00:19:10.679> we<00:19:10.840> get<00:19:10.960> it millions of lives if we get it millions of lives if we get it right<00:19:12.960> well<00:19:13.080> I<00:19:13.200> only<00:19:13.400> had<00:19:13.640> time<00:19:14.360> uh<00:19:14.440> to<00:19:14.600> frame right well I only had time uh to frame right well I only had time uh to frame those<00:19:15.159> two<00:19:15.440> problems<00:19:16.039> there's<00:19:16.240> a<00:19:16.400> lot<00:19:16.600> more those two problems there's a lot more those two problems there's a lot more problems<00:19:17.400> like<00:19:17.679> that<00:19:18.520> uh<00:19:18.679> AIDS<00:19:19.679> pneumonia<00:19:20.679> I problems like that uh AIDS pneumonia I problems like that uh AIDS pneumonia I can<00:19:20.919> just<00:19:21.039> see<00:19:21.240> you're<00:19:21.679> getting<00:19:22.080> excited<00:19:23.000> uh can just see you're getting excited uh can just see you're getting excited uh just<00:19:23.320> at<00:19:23.559> the<00:19:24.080> the<00:19:24.240> very<00:19:24.480> name<00:19:24.720> of<00:19:24.919> these just at the the very name of these just at the the very name of these things<00:19:25.440> and<00:19:25.960> the<00:19:26.159> skill<00:19:26.520> sets things and the skill sets things and the skill sets required<00:19:28.480> to<00:19:28.720> to<00:19:28.840> tackle<00:19:29.159> these<00:19:29.320> things<00:19:29.520> are required to to tackle these things are required to to tackle these things are very<00:19:30.080> broad<00:19:30.840> you<00:19:30.960> know<00:19:31.159> the<00:19:31.360> system<00:19:31.760> doesn't very broad you know the system doesn't very broad you know the system doesn't naturally<00:19:32.720> make<00:19:32.919> it<00:19:33.200> happen<00:19:34.039> governments naturally make it happen governments naturally make it happen governments don't<00:19:35.440> naturally<00:19:36.440> uh<00:19:36.679> pick<00:19:36.880> these<00:19:37.039> things<00:19:37.200> in don't naturally uh pick these things in don't naturally uh pick these things in the<00:19:37.480> right<00:19:37.679> way<00:19:38.440> uh<00:19:38.559> the<00:19:38.720> private<00:19:39.039> sector the right way uh the private sector the right way uh the private sector doesn't<00:19:39.720> naturally<00:19:40.240> put<00:19:40.480> its<00:19:40.840> its<00:19:41.039> resources doesn't naturally put its its resources doesn't naturally put its its resources into<00:19:41.880> these<00:19:42.080> things<00:19:42.760> so<00:19:42.919> it's<00:19:43.039> going<00:19:43.159> to<00:19:43.320> take into these things so it's going to take into these things so it's going to take brilliant<00:19:44.080> people<00:19:44.360> like<00:19:44.520> you<00:19:45.280> to<00:19:45.520> study<00:19:45.960> these brilliant people like you to study these brilliant people like you to study these things<00:19:46.840> get<00:19:47.080> other<00:19:47.320> people<00:19:47.679> involved<00:19:48.679> uh<00:19:48.760> and things get other people involved uh and things get other people involved uh and you're<00:19:49.080> helping<00:19:49.360> to<00:19:49.559> come<00:19:49.720> up<00:19:49.880> with<00:19:50.080> Solutions you're helping to come up with Solutions you're helping to come up with Solutions and<00:19:51.440> with<00:19:51.640> that<00:19:51.960> I<00:19:52.039> think<00:19:52.200> there's<00:19:52.360> some<00:19:52.559> great and with that I think there's some great and with that I think there's some great things<00:19:53.120> will<00:19:53.320> come<00:19:53.480> out<00:19:53.600> of<00:19:53.720> it<00:19:54.600> thank<00:19:54.840> you

thank thank you<00:20:03.960> thank<00:20:04.120> you

Bill Gates, Bill, Gates, TED, TED, TED, Talk, TEDEducation, TED-ED, Ed, malaria, mosquitos, education

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