Ngân sách nhà nước đang phá vỡ các trường HỌC Ở MỸ như thế nào-Bill Gates

How state budgets are breaking US schools - Bill Gates

How state budgets are breaking US schools - Bill Gates



well<00:00:16.139> this<00:00:16.260> is<00:00:16.379> about<00:00:16.619> state<00:00:16.950> budgets<00:00:17.210> this<00:00:18.210> is
well this is about state budgets this is well this is about state budgets this is probably<00:00:18.660> the<00:00:18.779> most<00:00:18.900> boring<00:00:19.259> topic<00:00:19.710> of<00:00:20.369> the probably the most boring topic of the probably the most boring topic of the whole<00:00:20.790> morning<00:00:21.890> but<00:00:22.890> I<00:00:22.920> want<00:00:23.520> to<00:00:23.610> tell<00:00:23.759> you<00:00:23.849> I whole morning but I want to tell you I whole morning but I want to tell you I think<00:00:24.000> it's<00:00:24.210> an<00:00:24.390> important<00:00:24.869> topic<00:00:25.560> that<00:00:25.770> we think it's an important topic that we think it's an important topic that we need<00:00:26.580> to<00:00:26.730> care<00:00:26.939> about<00:00:28.730> state<00:00:29.730> budgets<00:00:29.760> are<00:00:30.439> big need to care about state budgets are big need to care about state budgets are big big<00:00:32.309> money<00:00:32.610> I'll<00:00:33.390> show<00:00:34.050> you<00:00:34.110> the<00:00:34.260> numbers<00:00:34.620> and big money I'll show you the numbers and big money I'll show you the numbers and they<00:00:36.150> get<00:00:36.300> very<00:00:36.510> little<00:00:36.870> scrutiny<00:00:38.150> the they get very little scrutiny the they get very little scrutiny the understanding<00:00:40.170> is<00:00:40.320> very<00:00:40.350> low<00:00:40.800> many<00:00:41.519> of<00:00:41.670> the understanding is very low many of the understanding is very low many of the people<00:00:41.970> involved<00:00:42.650> have<00:00:43.650> special<00:00:44.159> interests people involved have special interests people involved have special interests or<00:00:44.760> short-term<00:00:45.239> interests<00:00:45.750> that<00:00:45.930> get<00:00:46.650> them or short-term interests that get them or short-term interests that get them not<00:00:47.010> thinking<00:00:47.250> about<00:00:47.760> what<00:00:48.269> the<00:00:48.390> implications not thinking about what the implications not thinking about what the implications of<00:00:49.350> the<00:00:49.710> trends<00:00:50.070> are<00:00:50.250> and<00:00:51.110> these<00:00:52.110> budgets<00:00:52.769> are of the trends are and these budgets are of the trends are and these budgets are the<00:00:53.909> key<00:00:54.150> for<00:00:54.930> our<00:00:54.960> future<00:00:55.440> they're<00:00:55.619> the<00:00:55.769> key the key for our future they're the key the key for our future they're the key for<00:00:56.220> our<00:00:56.250> kids<00:00:56.690> most<00:00:57.799> education<00:00:58.799> funding for our kids most education funding for our kids most education funding whether<00:01:00.360> it's<00:01:00.570> K<00:01:00.750> through<00:01:01.049> 12<00:01:01.409> or<00:01:01.830> the<00:01:01.949> great whether it's K through 12 or the great whether it's K through 12 or the great universities<00:01:02.820> or<00:01:03.119> community<00:01:03.239> colleges<00:01:03.570> most universities or community colleges most universities or community colleges most of<00:01:04.680> money<00:01:04.830> for<00:01:05.040> those<00:01:05.220> things<00:01:05.519> is<00:01:05.990> coming<00:01:06.990> out of money for those things is coming out of money for those things is coming out of<00:01:07.590> these<00:01:07.979> state<00:01:08.310> budgets<00:01:08.930> but<00:01:09.930> we<00:01:10.049> have<00:01:10.260> a of these state budgets but we have a of these state budgets but we have a problem<00:01:11.000> here's<00:01:12.000> the<00:01:12.180> overall<00:01:12.720> picture<00:01:13.100> US problem here's the overall picture US problem here's the overall picture US economy<00:01:14.670> it's<00:01:15.420> big<00:01:15.810> fourteen<00:01:16.740> point<00:01:16.980> seven economy it's big fourteen point seven economy it's big fourteen point seven trillion<00:01:17.690> now<00:01:18.690> out<00:01:18.870> of<00:01:18.900> that<00:01:19.140> pie<00:01:19.430> the trillion now out of that pie the trillion now out of that pie the government<00:01:20.910> spends<00:01:21.450> thirty<00:01:22.380> six<00:01:22.740> percent<00:01:22.970> so government spends thirty six percent so government spends thirty six percent so this<00:01:24.120> is<00:01:24.270> combining<00:01:24.840> the<00:01:24.990> federal<00:01:25.380> level this is combining the federal level this is combining the federal level which<00:01:26.100> is<00:01:26.310> the<00:01:26.460> largest<00:01:26.820> the<00:01:27.630> state<00:01:27.900> level<00:01:28.320> in which is the largest the state level in which is the largest the state level in the<00:01:28.530> local<00:01:28.920> level<00:01:29.220> and<00:01:29.370> it's<00:01:29.790> really<00:01:30.030> in<00:01:30.180> this the local level and it's really in this the local level and it's really in this combined<00:01:30.780> way<00:01:30.960> that<00:01:31.140> you<00:01:31.230> get<00:01:31.380> an<00:01:31.650> overall combined way that you get an overall combined way that you get an overall sense<00:01:32.790> of<00:01:33.000> what's<00:01:33.180> going<00:01:33.270> on<00:01:33.540> because<00:01:33.750> there's sense of what's going on because there's sense of what's going on because there's a<00:01:34.080> lot<00:01:34.230> of<00:01:34.440> complex<00:01:34.890> things<00:01:35.070> like<00:01:35.400> Medicaid a lot of complex things like Medicaid a lot of complex things like Medicaid and<00:01:36.290> research<00:01:37.290> money<00:01:37.530> that<00:01:38.370> flow<00:01:38.580> across and research money that flow across and research money that flow across those<00:01:39.150> boundaries<00:01:39.659> but<00:01:40.320> we're<00:01:40.470> spending<00:01:41.510> 36% those boundaries but we're spending 36% those boundaries but we're spending 36% well<00:01:43.740> what<00:01:43.860> are<00:01:43.950> we<00:01:44.010> taking<00:01:44.250> in<00:01:44.630> simple well what are we taking in simple well what are we taking in simple business<00:01:45.990> question<00:01:46.409> the<00:01:47.159> answer<00:01:47.580> is<00:01:48.050> 26%<00:01:49.460> now business question the answer is 26% now business question the answer is 26% now this<00:01:50.700> leaves<00:01:52.250> 10%<00:01:54.350> deficit<00:01:55.350> sort<00:01:56.310> of<00:01:56.370> a this leaves 10% deficit sort of a this leaves 10% deficit sort of a mind-blowing<00:01:57.180> number<00:01:57.750> and<00:01:58.280> some<00:01:59.280> of<00:01:59.400> that<00:01:59.550> in mind-blowing number and some of that in mind-blowing number and some of that in fact<00:02:00.150> is<00:02:00.450> due<00:02:00.720> to<00:02:01.020> the<00:02:01.140> fact<00:02:01.350> we've<00:02:01.560> had<00:02:01.590> a fact is due to the fact we've had a fact is due to the fact we've had a economic<00:02:02.400> recession<00:02:03.210> receipts<00:02:03.990> go<00:02:04.110> down<00:02:04.470> some economic recession receipts go down some economic recession receipts go down some spending<00:02:06.330> programs<00:02:06.750> go<00:02:06.960> up<00:02:07.140> but<00:02:07.650> most<00:02:07.979> of<00:02:08.250> it spending programs go up but most of it spending programs go up but most of it is<00:02:08.640> not<00:02:09.239> because<00:02:09.750> of<00:02:09.780> that<00:02:10.190> most<00:02:11.190> of<00:02:11.370> it<00:02:11.489> is is not because of that most of it is is not because of that most of it is because<00:02:11.849> of<00:02:12.330> ways<00:02:12.720> that<00:02:13.049> the<00:02:13.620> liabilities<00:02:14.310> are because of ways that the liabilities are because of ways that the liabilities are building<00:02:14.849> up<00:02:15.000> and<00:02:15.299> the<00:02:15.330> trends<00:02:15.959> and<00:02:16.140> that building up and the trends and that building up and the trends and that creates<00:02:17.489> a<00:02:17.700> huge<00:02:18.390> challenge<00:02:18.810> in<00:02:19.319> fact<00:02:19.920> this<00:02:20.250> is creates a huge challenge in fact this is creates a huge challenge in fact this is the<00:02:20.670> forecast<00:02:21.569> picture<00:02:22.260> there's<00:02:22.890> various the forecast picture there's various the forecast picture there's various things<00:02:23.459> in<00:02:23.610> here<00:02:23.760> I<00:02:23.819> could things in here I could things in here I could say<00:02:24.269> you<00:02:24.959> know<00:02:25.079> we<00:02:25.230> might<00:02:25.470> raise<00:02:25.739> more<00:02:25.980> revenue say you know we might raise more revenue say you know we might raise more revenue or<00:02:26.750> medical<00:02:27.750> innovation<00:02:28.260> will<00:02:28.379> make<00:02:28.530> the or medical innovation will make the or medical innovation will make the spending<00:02:29.159> even<00:02:29.400> higher spending even higher spending even higher it<00:02:30.150> is<00:02:30.390> a<00:02:30.829> increasingly<00:02:31.829> difficult<00:02:32.549> picture it is a increasingly difficult picture it is a increasingly difficult picture even<00:02:34.230> assuming<00:02:34.829> the<00:02:35.010> economy<00:02:35.519> does<00:02:35.760> quite even assuming the economy does quite even assuming the economy does quite well<00:02:36.150> probably<00:02:36.840> better<00:02:37.049> than<00:02:37.319> it<00:02:38.040> will<00:02:38.370> do well probably better than it will do well probably better than it will do this<00:02:39.659> is<00:02:39.900> is<00:02:40.200> what<00:02:40.680> you<00:02:40.829> see<00:02:41.159> at<00:02:41.489> this<00:02:41.939> overall this is is what you see at this overall this is is what you see at this overall level<00:02:42.780> now<00:02:43.620> why<00:02:44.120> how<00:02:45.120> did<00:02:45.239> we<00:02:45.329> get<00:02:45.480> here<00:02:45.689> I<00:02:45.750> mean level now why how did we get here I mean level now why how did we get here I mean how<00:02:46.560> could<00:02:46.680> you<00:02:46.739> have<00:02:46.859> a<00:02:46.920> problem<00:02:47.250> like<00:02:47.370> this how could you have a problem like this how could you have a problem like this after<00:02:48.810> all<00:02:48.930> there<00:02:49.140> at<00:02:49.290> least<00:02:49.590> on<00:02:49.829> paper after all there at least on paper after all there at least on paper there's<00:02:51.329> this<00:02:51.540> notion<00:02:51.810> that<00:02:52.079> these<00:02:52.439> state there's this notion that these state there's this notion that these state budgets<00:02:53.250> are<00:02:53.370> balanced<00:02:53.970> only<00:02:54.659> one<00:02:54.840> state<00:02:55.280> says budgets are balanced only one state says budgets are balanced only one state says they<00:02:56.489> don't<00:02:56.609> have<00:02:56.730> to<00:02:57.000> balance<00:02:57.389> the<00:02:57.569> budget they don't have to balance the budget they don't have to balance the budget but<00:02:58.739> what<00:02:58.950> this<00:02:59.129> means<00:02:59.549> actually<00:03:00.299> is<00:03:00.450> that but what this means actually is that but what this means actually is that there's<00:03:00.989> a<00:03:01.049> pretense<00:03:01.980> there's<00:03:02.670> no<00:03:02.819> real<00:03:03.180> true there's a pretense there's no real true there's a pretense there's no real true balancing<00:03:04.709> going<00:03:04.859> on<00:03:05.159> and<00:03:05.489> in<00:03:05.819> a<00:03:05.909> sense<00:03:06.150> the balancing going on and in a sense the balancing going on and in a sense the games<00:03:06.750> they<00:03:07.170> play<00:03:07.549> to<00:03:08.549> hide<00:03:08.790> that<00:03:09.060> actually games they play to hide that actually games they play to hide that actually obscure<00:03:10.379> the<00:03:10.530> topic<00:03:11.040> so<00:03:11.220> much<00:03:11.430> that<00:03:12.180> people obscure the topic so much that people obscure the topic so much that people don't<00:03:12.959> see<00:03:13.049> things<00:03:13.470> that<00:03:13.620> are<00:03:13.799> actually don't see things that are actually don't see things that are actually pretty<00:03:14.849> straightforward pretty straightforward pretty straightforward challenges<00:03:16.950> when<00:03:17.760> Jerry<00:03:18.000> Brown<00:03:18.329> was<00:03:18.510> elected challenges when Jerry Brown was elected challenges when Jerry Brown was elected this<00:03:19.859> was<00:03:20.069> the<00:03:20.250> challenge<00:03:20.730> that<00:03:21.030> was<00:03:21.150> put<00:03:21.420> to this was the challenge that was put to this was the challenge that was put to him<00:03:21.720> that<00:03:21.959> is<00:03:22.170> through<00:03:22.799> various<00:03:23.220> gimmicks<00:03:23.760> and him that is through various gimmicks and him that is through various gimmicks and things<00:03:24.420> a<00:03:24.750> so-called<00:03:25.620> balanced<00:03:26.400> budget<00:03:27.000> had things a so-called balanced budget had things a so-called balanced budget had led<00:03:27.750> him<00:03:28.019> to<00:03:28.590> have<00:03:28.949> 25<00:03:29.699> billion<00:03:30.090> missing<00:03:30.720> out led him to have 25 billion missing out led him to have 25 billion missing out of<00:03:31.739> the<00:03:31.859> 76<00:03:32.519> billion<00:03:32.790> in<00:03:33.090> proposed<00:03:33.599> spending of the 76 billion in proposed spending of the 76 billion in proposed spending now<00:03:34.919> he's<00:03:35.190> put<00:03:35.430> together<00:03:35.549> some<00:03:35.940> thoughts now he's put together some thoughts now he's put together some thoughts about<00:03:36.629> half<00:03:37.230> of<00:03:37.440> that<00:03:37.910> he'll<00:03:38.910> cut<00:03:39.209> another about half of that he'll cut another about half of that he'll cut another half<00:03:40.879> perhaps<00:03:41.879> in<00:03:42.359> a<00:03:42.480> very<00:03:42.750> complex<00:03:43.290> set<00:03:43.409> of half perhaps in a very complex set of half perhaps in a very complex set of steps<00:03:43.829> taxes<00:03:44.370> will<00:03:44.489> be<00:03:44.519> approved<00:03:45.470> but<00:03:46.470> even<00:03:46.919> so steps taxes will be approved but even so steps taxes will be approved but even so as<00:03:47.579> you<00:03:47.909> go<00:03:48.060> out<00:03:48.209> into<00:03:48.540> those<00:03:48.780> future<00:03:49.260> years as you go out into those future years as you go out into those future years various<00:03:50.699> pension<00:03:51.359> costs<00:03:51.810> health<00:03:51.959> costs<00:03:52.470> go<00:03:52.590> up various pension costs health costs go up various pension costs health costs go up enough<00:03:53.129> and<00:03:53.459> the<00:03:54.269> revenue<00:03:54.690> does<00:03:55.079> not<00:03:55.290> go<00:03:55.470> up enough and the revenue does not go up enough and the revenue does not go up enough<00:03:55.919> so<00:03:56.129> you<00:03:56.190> get<00:03:56.459> a<00:03:56.760> big<00:03:57.540> squeeze<00:03:58.220> what enough so you get a big squeeze what enough so you get a big squeeze what were<00:03:59.310> those<00:03:59.489> things<00:03:59.819> that<00:04:00.060> allowed<00:04:00.449> us<00:04:00.479> to were those things that allowed us to were those things that allowed us to hide<00:04:01.139> this<00:04:01.409> well<00:04:01.650> some<00:04:01.859> really<00:04:02.190> nice<00:04:02.909> little hide this well some really nice little hide this well some really nice little tricks<00:04:03.629> and<00:04:04.019> these<00:04:04.470> were<00:04:04.650> somewhat<00:04:05.190> noticed tricks and these were somewhat noticed tricks and these were somewhat noticed the<00:04:06.449> paper<00:04:06.690> said<00:04:07.049> it's<00:04:07.229> not<00:04:07.409> really<00:04:07.680> balanced the paper said it's not really balanced the paper said it's not really balanced it's<00:04:08.489> got<00:04:08.760> holes<00:04:09.260> it<00:04:10.260> perpetuates<00:04:10.760> deficit it's got holes it perpetuates deficit it's got holes it perpetuates deficit spending<00:04:12.269> it's<00:04:13.019> riddled<00:04:13.409> with<00:04:13.440> gimmicks<00:04:13.979> and spending it's riddled with gimmicks and spending it's riddled with gimmicks and really<00:04:16.560> when<00:04:16.680> you<00:04:16.709> get<00:04:16.859> down<00:04:17.039> to<00:04:17.099> it<00:04:17.599> the<00:04:18.599> guys really when you get down to it the guys really when you get down to it the guys Enron<00:04:19.530> never<00:04:20.430> would<00:04:21.060> have<00:04:21.150> done<00:04:21.630> this<00:04:21.690> I<00:04:22.049> mean Enron never would have done this I mean Enron never would have done this I mean this<00:04:22.289> is<00:04:22.500> so<00:04:22.860> blatant<00:04:23.669> so<00:04:24.210> extreme<00:04:24.960> you<00:04:25.740> know this is so blatant so extreme you know this is so blatant so extreme you know is<00:04:26.330> anyone<00:04:27.330> paying<00:04:27.720> attention<00:04:28.310> to<00:04:29.310> some<00:04:29.520> of is anyone paying attention to some of is anyone paying attention to some of the<00:04:29.699> things<00:04:29.880> these<00:04:30.120> guys<00:04:30.389> do<00:04:30.750> they<00:04:31.620> borrow the things these guys do they borrow the things these guys do they borrow money<00:04:32.130> they're<00:04:32.849> not<00:04:32.880> supposed<00:04:33.360> to<00:04:33.479> but<00:04:33.690> they money they're not supposed to but they money they're not supposed to but they figure<00:04:34.349> out<00:04:34.469> a<00:04:34.500> way<00:04:34.740> they<00:04:35.430> make<00:04:35.610> you<00:04:35.789> pay<00:04:36.029> more figure out a way they make you pay more figure out a way they make you pay more withholding<00:04:36.900> just withholding just withholding just helped<00:04:37.669> their<00:04:37.849> cash<00:04:38.089> flow<00:04:38.389> out<00:04:38.569> they<00:04:39.249> sell<00:04:40.249> off helped their cash flow out they sell off helped their cash flow out they sell off the<00:04:40.699> assets<00:04:41.199> they<00:04:42.199> defer<00:04:42.619> the<00:04:42.799> payments<00:04:43.719> they the assets they defer the payments they the assets they defer the payments they sell<00:04:45.349> off<00:04:45.559> the<00:04:45.889> revenues<00:04:46.309> from<00:04:46.579> tobacco<00:04:47.149> in sell off the revenues from tobacco in sell off the revenues from tobacco in California<00:04:48.169> is<00:04:48.259> not<00:04:48.379> unique<00:04:48.709> impact<00:04:49.069> there's California is not unique impact there's California is not unique impact there's about<00:04:49.519> five<00:04:49.699> states<00:04:50.089> that<00:04:50.239> are<00:04:50.389> worse<00:04:50.539> the about five states that are worse the about five states that are worse the only<00:04:50.929> really<00:04:51.139> four<00:04:51.409> states<00:04:51.739> that<00:04:52.519> don't<00:04:52.789> face only really four states that don't face only really four states that don't face this<00:04:53.659> big<00:04:53.929> challenge<00:04:54.139> so<00:04:54.469> it's<00:04:54.589> systemic this big challenge so it's systemic this big challenge so it's systemic across<00:04:55.669> the<00:04:55.939> entire<00:04:56.239> country<00:04:56.539> it<00:04:57.349> really across the entire country it really across the entire country it really comes<00:04:57.979> from<00:04:58.189> the<00:04:58.309> fact<00:04:58.549> that<00:04:58.699> certain comes from the fact that certain comes from the fact that certain long-term<00:04:59.719> obligations<00:05:00.819> healthcare<00:05:01.819> where long-term obligations healthcare where long-term obligations healthcare where innovation<00:05:02.659> makes<00:05:02.929> it<00:05:03.199> more<00:05:03.379> expensive<00:05:03.879> early innovation makes it more expensive early innovation makes it more expensive early retirement<00:05:05.419> and<00:05:05.449> pension<00:05:05.539> where<00:05:06.109> the<00:05:06.199> age retirement and pension where the age retirement and pension where the age structure<00:05:06.829> gets<00:05:07.219> worse<00:05:07.429> for<00:05:07.609> you<00:05:07.669> and<00:05:07.849> just structure gets worse for you and just structure gets worse for you and just generosity<00:05:08.869> that<00:05:09.469> these<00:05:09.679> Mis<00:05:10.519> accounting generosity that these Mis accounting generosity that these Mis accounting things<00:05:11.239> allowed<00:05:11.569> to<00:05:11.899> develop<00:05:12.469> over<00:05:12.709> time<00:05:13.029> that things allowed to develop over time that things allowed to develop over time that you've<00:05:14.179> got<00:05:14.449> a<00:05:14.749> problem<00:05:15.459> this<00:05:16.459> is<00:05:16.699> the<00:05:16.849> retiree you've got a problem this is the retiree you've got a problem this is the retiree health<00:05:17.809> care<00:05:17.899> benefits<00:05:18.079> 3<00:05:18.799> million<00:05:19.189> set<00:05:19.429> aside health care benefits 3 million set aside health care benefits 3 million set aside sixty<00:05:20.599> two<00:05:20.779> billion<00:05:20.959> dollar<00:05:21.289> liability<00:05:21.499> much sixty two billion dollar liability much sixty two billion dollar liability much worse<00:05:22.399> than<00:05:22.610> the<00:05:22.729> car<00:05:22.939> companies<00:05:23.449> and worse than the car companies and worse than the car companies and everybody<00:05:23.899> looked<00:05:24.319> at<00:05:24.469> that<00:05:24.619> knew<00:05:24.979> that<00:05:25.219> that everybody looked at that knew that that everybody looked at that knew that that was<00:05:25.999> headed<00:05:26.299> towards<00:05:26.599> a<00:05:26.689> huge<00:05:26.929> problem<00:05:27.469> the was headed towards a huge problem the was headed towards a huge problem the forecast<00:05:29.209> for<00:05:29.449> the<00:05:29.569> medical<00:05:30.019> piece<00:05:30.199> alone<00:05:30.559> is forecast for the medical piece alone is forecast for the medical piece alone is to<00:05:31.369> go<00:05:31.459> from<00:05:31.610> twenty-six<00:05:32.299> percent<00:05:32.479> of<00:05:32.779> the to go from twenty-six percent of the to go from twenty-six percent of the budget<00:05:32.929> to<00:05:33.229> forty<00:05:33.499> two<00:05:33.709> percent<00:05:33.919> well<00:05:34.819> what's budget to forty two percent well what's budget to forty two percent well what's going<00:05:35.149> to<00:05:35.209> give<00:05:35.479> well<00:05:36.109> in<00:05:36.199> order<00:05:36.499> to going to give well in order to going to give well in order to accommodate<00:05:37.099> that<00:05:37.609> you<00:05:38.539> would<00:05:38.689> have<00:05:38.839> to<00:05:38.989> cut accommodate that you would have to cut accommodate that you would have to cut education<00:05:39.409> spending<00:05:39.979> in<00:05:40.699> half<00:05:41.619> it<00:05:42.619> really<00:05:43.069> is education spending in half it really is education spending in half it really is this<00:05:43.549> young<00:05:44.299> versus<00:05:44.869> the<00:05:45.049> old<00:05:45.229> to<00:05:45.769> some<00:05:46.009> degree this young versus the old to some degree this young versus the old to some degree if<00:05:46.579> you<00:05:47.119> don't<00:05:47.569> change<00:05:48.259> that<00:05:48.409> revenue<00:05:48.949> picture if you don't change that revenue picture if you don't change that revenue picture if<00:05:49.399> you<00:05:49.459> don't<00:05:49.669> solve<00:05:49.999> what<00:05:50.209> you're<00:05:50.329> doing<00:05:50.509> in if you don't solve what you're doing in if you don't solve what you're doing in health<00:05:50.839> care<00:05:51.110> you're<00:05:51.829> going<00:05:52.069> to<00:05:52.189> be<00:05:52.309> D health care you're going to be D health care you're going to be D investing<00:05:53.149> in<00:05:53.299> the<00:05:53.419> young<00:05:53.569> the<00:05:54.349> great investing in the young the great investing in the young the great University<00:05:55.339> of<00:05:55.429> California<00:05:55.999> University University of California University University of California University System<00:05:56.959> the<00:05:57.139> great<00:05:58.449> things<00:05:59.449> that<00:05:59.599> have<00:05:59.809> gone System the great things that have gone System the great things that have gone on<00:06:00.019> won't<00:06:00.860> happen<00:06:01.179> so<00:06:02.179> far<00:06:02.419> it's<00:06:02.599> meant on won't happen so far it's meant on won't happen so far it's meant layoffs<00:06:03.589> increased<00:06:04.339> class<00:06:04.549> sizes<00:06:04.610> within<00:06:05.539> the layoffs increased class sizes within the layoffs increased class sizes within the education<00:06:06.379> community<00:06:06.649> there's<00:06:07.189> this education community there's this education community there's this discussion<00:06:07.909> of<00:06:08.029> should<00:06:08.569> it<00:06:08.689> just<00:06:08.719> be<00:06:09.049> the discussion of should it just be the discussion of should it just be the young<00:06:09.559> teachers<00:06:10.039> who<00:06:10.129> get<00:06:10.279> laid<00:06:10.489> off<00:06:10.699> or<00:06:10.999> the young teachers who get laid off or the young teachers who get laid off or the less<00:06:11.360> good<00:06:11.689> teachers<00:06:12.169> who<00:06:12.289> get<00:06:12.439> laid<00:06:12.679> off<00:06:12.860> and less good teachers who get laid off and less good teachers who get laid off and there's<00:06:13.309> a<00:06:13.369> discussion<00:06:13.909> if<00:06:13.999> you're<00:06:14.089> going<00:06:14.539> to there's a discussion if you're going to there's a discussion if you're going to increase<00:06:14.869> class<00:06:15.199> sizes<00:06:15.499> where<00:06:16.189> do<00:06:16.339> you<00:06:16.429> do increase class sizes where do you do increase class sizes where do you do that<00:06:16.849> how<00:06:17.029> much<00:06:17.149> effect<00:06:17.509> does<00:06:17.689> that<00:06:17.719> have<00:06:17.899> and that how much effect does that have and that how much effect does that have and unfortunately<00:06:18.649> as<00:06:19.099> you<00:06:19.159> get<00:06:19.339> into<00:06:19.579> that unfortunately as you get into that unfortunately as you get into that people<00:06:20.059> get<00:06:20.179> confused<00:06:20.659> and<00:06:20.809> think<00:06:21.019> well<00:06:21.409> maybe people get confused and think well maybe people get confused and think well maybe you<00:06:21.919> think<00:06:22.129> that's<00:06:22.369> okay<00:06:22.699> in<00:06:22.909> fact<00:06:23.089> no you think that's okay in fact no you think that's okay in fact no education<00:06:24.589> spending<00:06:25.069> should<00:06:25.099> not<00:06:25.489> be<00:06:25.759> cut education spending should not be cut education spending should not be cut there's<00:06:26.809> ways<00:06:27.199> if<00:06:27.559> it's<00:06:27.739> temporary<00:06:28.249> to there's ways if it's temporary to there's ways if it's temporary to minimize<00:06:29.389> the<00:06:29.659> impact<00:06:30.189> but<00:06:31.189> it's<00:06:31.339> a<00:06:31.429> problem minimize the impact but it's a problem minimize the impact but it's a problem it's<00:06:32.209> also<00:06:32.599> really<00:06:33.139> a<00:06:33.169> problem<00:06:33.469> for<00:06:33.619> where<00:06:33.919> we it's also really a problem for where we it's also really a problem for where we need<00:06:34.219> to<00:06:34.249> go<00:06:35.049> technology<00:06:36.049> has<00:06:36.259> a<00:06:36.289> role<00:06:36.619> to<00:06:36.769> play need to go technology has a role to play need to go technology has a role to play well<00:06:37.219> we<00:06:37.309> need<00:06:37.489> money<00:06:37.789> to<00:06:38.389> experiment<00:06:39.079> with well we need money to experiment with well we need money to experiment with that<00:06:39.349> to<00:06:39.619> get<00:06:39.769> those<00:06:39.979> those<00:06:40.369> tools<00:06:40.639> in<00:06:40.849> there that to get those those tools in there that to get those those tools in there there's<00:06:41.839> the<00:06:41.989> idea<00:06:42.289> of<00:06:42.349> paying<00:06:42.649> teachers<00:06:42.860> for there's the idea of paying teachers for there's the idea of paying teachers for effectiveness<00:06:43.759> measuring<00:06:44.509> them<00:06:44.689> giving<00:06:44.959> them effectiveness measuring them giving them effectiveness measuring them giving them feedback<00:06:45.259> taking<00:06:45.979> videos<00:06:46.309> in<00:06:46.459> the<00:06:46.550> classroom feedback taking videos in the classroom feedback taking videos in the classroom that's<00:06:47.959> something<00:06:48.379> I<00:06:48.499> think<00:06:48.709> is<00:06:48.860> very<00:06:49.159> very that's something I think is very very that's something I think is very very important<00:06:49.969> Willie<00:06:50.179> you<00:06:50.479> have important Willie you have important Willie you have allocate<00:06:51.490> dollars<00:06:52.389> for<00:06:52.630> that<00:06:52.750> system<00:06:53.199> and<00:06:53.530> for allocate dollars for that system and for allocate dollars for that system and for the<00:06:53.800> that<00:06:54.250> incentive<00:06:54.849> pay<00:06:55.030> in<00:06:55.990> a<00:06:56.139> situation the that incentive pay in a situation the that incentive pay in a situation where<00:06:56.919> we<00:06:57.009> have<00:06:57.130> growth<00:06:57.400> you<00:06:57.910> put<00:06:58.120> the<00:06:58.240> new where we have growth you put the new where we have growth you put the new money<00:06:58.539> into<00:06:58.870> this<00:06:58.990> or<00:06:59.199> even<00:06:59.470> if<00:06:59.560> you're<00:06:59.710> flat money into this or even if you're flat money into this or even if you're flat you<00:07:00.220> might<00:07:00.400> shift<00:07:00.729> money<00:07:00.940> into<00:07:01.330> it<00:07:01.449> but<00:07:01.870> with you might shift money into it but with you might shift money into it but with the<00:07:02.110> type<00:07:02.349> of<00:07:02.380> cuts<00:07:02.830> we're<00:07:03.039> talking<00:07:03.490> about<00:07:03.729> it the type of cuts we're talking about it the type of cuts we're talking about it will<00:07:04.599> be<00:07:04.630> far<00:07:05.110> far<00:07:05.410> harder<00:07:05.949> to<00:07:06.460> get<00:07:06.669> these will be far far harder to get these will be far far harder to get these incentives<00:07:07.539> for<00:07:07.720> excellence<00:07:08.080> order<00:07:08.410> to<00:07:08.710> move incentives for excellence order to move incentives for excellence order to move over<00:07:09.220> to<00:07:09.789> use<00:07:10.360> technology<00:07:11.229> in<00:07:11.259> the<00:07:11.500> new<00:07:11.650> way<00:07:11.830> so over to use technology in the new way so over to use technology in the new way so what's<00:07:13.539> going<00:07:13.750> on<00:07:13.840> where<00:07:14.080> where's<00:07:14.470> the<00:07:14.740> brain what's going on where where's the brain what's going on where where's the brain trust<00:07:16.199> that's<00:07:17.199> in<00:07:17.560> error<00:07:17.830> here<00:07:18.250> well<00:07:19.060> there trust that's in error here well there trust that's in error here well there really<00:07:20.050> is<00:07:20.319> no<00:07:20.500> brain<00:07:20.770> trust<00:07:21.990> it<00:07:22.990> it's<00:07:23.650> sort<00:07:24.460> of really is no brain trust it it's sort of really is no brain trust it it's sort of the<00:07:24.759> voter's<00:07:25.090> it's<00:07:25.330> sort<00:07:25.539> of<00:07:25.630> us<00:07:25.840> showing<00:07:26.530> up the voter's it's sort of us showing up the voter's it's sort of us showing up you<00:07:27.130> know<00:07:27.610> just<00:07:27.909> look<00:07:28.060> at<00:07:28.180> this<00:07:28.300> spinning you know just look at this spinning you know just look at this spinning California<00:07:29.199> we'll<00:07:29.289> spend<00:07:29.530> over<00:07:29.830> a<00:07:30.069> hundred California we'll spend over a hundred California we'll spend over a hundred billion<00:07:31.560> Microsoft<00:07:32.759> thirty-eight<00:07:33.759> Google billion Microsoft thirty-eight Google billion Microsoft thirty-eight Google about<00:07:34.810> 19<00:07:35.380> the<00:07:36.280> amount<00:07:36.550> of<00:07:36.639> IQ<00:07:37.240> and<00:07:37.569> good about 19 the amount of IQ and good about 19 the amount of IQ and good numeric<00:07:38.259> analysis<00:07:38.889> both<00:07:39.099> inside<00:07:39.759> Google<00:07:40.509> and numeric analysis both inside Google and numeric analysis both inside Google and Microsoft<00:07:40.750> and<00:07:41.409> outside<00:07:41.919> with<00:07:42.130> analysts<00:07:42.849> and Microsoft and outside with analysts and Microsoft and outside with analysts and people<00:07:43.210> that<00:07:43.300> there<00:07:43.419> is<00:07:43.509> opinions<00:07:43.900> should people that there is opinions should people that there is opinions should they<00:07:44.500> have<00:07:44.620> spent<00:07:44.860> on<00:07:45.039> that<00:07:45.250> now<00:07:45.490> they<00:07:45.669> wasted they have spent on that now they wasted they have spent on that now they wasted their<00:07:46.060> money<00:07:46.150> on<00:07:46.419> this<00:07:46.599> what<00:07:46.780> about<00:07:46.990> this their money on this what about this their money on this what about this thing<00:07:47.470> it<00:07:48.009> really<00:07:48.400> is<00:07:48.520> quite<00:07:48.970> phenomenal<00:07:49.500> you thing it really is quite phenomenal you thing it really is quite phenomenal you know<00:07:50.620> everybody<00:07:51.280> has<00:07:51.490> an<00:07:51.699> opinion<00:07:51.819> that know everybody has an opinion that know everybody has an opinion that there's<00:07:52.870> great<00:07:53.440> great<00:07:54.370> feedback<00:07:54.759> and<00:07:55.270> the there's great great feedback and the there's great great feedback and the numbers<00:07:56.380> are<00:07:56.710> used<00:07:57.219> to<00:07:57.969> make<00:07:58.150> decision<00:07:58.690> if<00:07:58.870> you numbers are used to make decision if you numbers are used to make decision if you go<00:07:59.349> over<00:07:59.530> to<00:07:59.560> the<00:07:59.740> education<00:08:00.310> spending<00:08:00.550> the go over to the education spending the go over to the education spending the healthcare<00:08:01.240> spending<00:08:01.509> particularly<00:08:02.380> to healthcare spending particularly to healthcare spending particularly to these<00:08:02.949> long-term<00:08:03.159> trends<00:08:03.880> you<00:08:04.449> don't<00:08:04.630> have these long-term trends you don't have these long-term trends you don't have that<00:08:05.919> type<00:08:06.250> of<00:08:06.280> involvement<00:08:07.000> on<00:08:07.090> a<00:08:07.120> number that type of involvement on a number that type of involvement on a number that's<00:08:07.719> more<00:08:07.990> important<00:08:08.620> in<00:08:08.889> terms<00:08:08.949> of<00:08:09.370> equity that's more important in terms of equity that's more important in terms of equity in<00:08:10.120> terms<00:08:10.180> of<00:08:11.050> learning<00:08:11.469> so<00:08:12.250> what<00:08:12.370> do<00:08:12.430> we<00:08:12.520> need in terms of learning so what do we need in terms of learning so what do we need to<00:08:12.849> do<00:08:13.259> we<00:08:14.259> need<00:08:14.409> better<00:08:14.620> tools<00:08:14.949> we<00:08:15.610> can<00:08:15.669> get to do we need better tools we can get to do we need better tools we can get some<00:08:16.060> things<00:08:16.240> out<00:08:16.509> on<00:08:16.539> the<00:08:16.780> internet<00:08:17.139> I'm some things out on the internet I'm some things out on the internet I'm going<00:08:17.979> to<00:08:18.039> use<00:08:18.130> my<00:08:18.340> website<00:08:18.880> to<00:08:19.210> put<00:08:19.389> up<00:08:19.509> some going to use my website to put up some going to use my website to put up some things<00:08:20.409> that<00:08:20.650> will<00:08:20.740> give<00:08:20.889> the<00:08:21.069> basic<00:08:21.280> picture things that will give the basic picture things that will give the basic picture we<00:08:21.940> need<00:08:22.090> lots<00:08:22.300> more<00:08:22.650> there's<00:08:23.650> a<00:08:23.740> few<00:08:23.949> good we need lots more there's a few good we need lots more there's a few good books<00:08:24.310> one<00:08:24.940> about<00:08:25.270> school<00:08:25.599> spending<00:08:26.139> and books one about school spending and books one about school spending and where<00:08:26.680> the<00:08:27.039> money<00:08:27.190> comes<00:08:27.460> from<00:08:27.639> how<00:08:28.060> that's where the money comes from how that's where the money comes from how that's changed<00:08:29.289> over<00:08:29.440> time<00:08:29.830> and<00:08:30.069> the<00:08:30.130> challenge<00:08:30.580> we changed over time and the challenge we changed over time and the challenge we need<00:08:31.509> better<00:08:31.960> accounting<00:08:32.560> we<00:08:32.919> need<00:08:33.099> to<00:08:33.310> take need better accounting we need to take need better accounting we need to take the<00:08:34.029> fact<00:08:34.270> that<00:08:34.390> the<00:08:34.570> current<00:08:34.870> employees<00:08:35.289> the the fact that the current employees the the fact that the current employees the future<00:08:36.039> liabilities<00:08:36.610> they<00:08:36.760> create<00:08:37.060> that future liabilities they create that future liabilities they create that should<00:08:37.390> come<00:08:37.570> out<00:08:37.599> of<00:08:37.870> the<00:08:37.959> current<00:08:38.140> budget<00:08:38.409> we should come out of the current budget we should come out of the current budget we need<00:08:39.520> to<00:08:39.640> understand<00:08:40.060> why<00:08:40.450> they've<00:08:41.320> done<00:08:41.589> the need to understand why they've done the need to understand why they've done the pension<00:08:42.190> accounting<00:08:42.610> the<00:08:42.729> way<00:08:42.820> they<00:08:43.000> have<00:08:43.209> it pension accounting the way they have it pension accounting the way they have it should<00:08:43.599> be<00:08:43.750> more<00:08:44.050> like<00:08:44.350> private<00:08:45.190> accounting should be more like private accounting should be more like private accounting that's<00:08:46.029> the<00:08:46.570> gold<00:08:46.810> standard<00:08:46.930> and<00:08:47.649> finally<00:08:48.550> we that's the gold standard and finally we that's the gold standard and finally we need<00:08:48.820> to<00:08:48.880> really<00:08:49.270> reward<00:08:49.630> politicians need to really reward politicians need to really reward politicians whenever<00:08:50.829> they<00:08:50.980> say<00:08:51.250> there's<00:08:51.850> these<00:08:52.029> long whenever they say there's these long whenever they say there's these long term<00:08:52.420> problems<00:08:52.839> we<00:08:52.930> can't<00:08:53.170> say<00:08:53.290> oh<00:08:53.320> you're<00:08:53.860> the term problems we can't say oh you're the term problems we can't say oh you're the messenger<00:08:54.190> with<00:08:54.550> bad<00:08:54.700> news<00:08:54.910> we<00:08:55.480> just<00:08:55.510> shot<00:08:55.899> you messenger with bad news we just shot you messenger with bad news we just shot you in<00:08:57.010> fact<00:08:57.820> there<00:08:58.000> are<00:08:58.029> some<00:08:58.480> like<00:08:59.050> these in fact there are some like these in fact there are some like these Erskine<00:09:00.040> Bowles<00:09:00.070> Alan<00:09:00.730> Simpson<00:09:00.970> and<00:09:01.360> others Erskine Bowles Alan Simpson and others Erskine Bowles Alan Simpson and others who've<00:09:02.050> gone<00:09:02.199> through<00:09:02.260> and<00:09:02.589> given<00:09:02.949> proposal who've gone through and given proposal who've gone through and given proposal for<00:09:04.360> this<00:09:04.480> overall<00:09:05.020> federal<00:09:05.710> health<00:09:06.460> spending for this overall federal health spending for this overall federal health spending state-level<00:09:07.540> problem<00:09:08.080> but<00:09:08.470> in<00:09:08.560> fact<00:09:08.740> their state-level problem but in fact their state-level problem but in fact their work<00:09:09.340> sort<00:09:10.120> of<00:09:10.210> pushed<00:09:10.450> off<00:09:10.630> in<00:09:10.870> fact<00:09:11.080> the<00:09:11.200> week work sort of pushed off in fact the week work sort of pushed off in fact the week afterwards<00:09:12.480> some<00:09:13.480> tax<00:09:13.720> cuts<00:09:14.050> were<00:09:14.230> done<00:09:14.440> that afterwards some tax cuts were done that afterwards some tax cuts were done that that<00:09:15.040> made<00:09:15.520> the<00:09:15.730> situation<00:09:15.910> even<00:09:16.540> worse<00:09:17.130> than that made the situation even worse than that made the situation even worse than their<00:09:18.280> assumptions<00:09:18.940> so<00:09:19.720> we<00:09:19.840> need<00:09:19.990> these their assumptions so we need these their assumptions so we need these pieces<00:09:21.030> and<00:09:22.030> I<00:09:22.180> think<00:09:22.240> this<00:09:22.540> is<00:09:22.720> a<00:09:22.750> solvable pieces and I think this is a solvable pieces and I think this is a solvable problem<00:09:23.730> you<00:09:24.730> know<00:09:24.850> it's<00:09:24.940> a<00:09:25.120> great<00:09:25.900> country problem you know it's a great country problem you know it's a great country with<00:09:26.530> lots<00:09:26.800> of<00:09:27.040> people<00:09:27.850> but<00:09:28.090> we<00:09:28.180> have<00:09:28.480> to<00:09:28.690> draw with lots of people but we have to draw with lots of people but we have to draw those<00:09:30.100> people<00:09:30.610> in<00:09:30.880> because<00:09:31.630> this<00:09:32.110> is<00:09:32.350> about those people in because this is about those people in because this is about education<00:09:33.030> and<00:09:34.030> just<00:09:34.330> looked<00:09:34.570> at<00:09:34.690> what<00:09:34.870> the education and just looked at what the education and just looked at what the tuitions<00:09:35.530> happened<00:09:36.010> with<00:09:36.580> the<00:09:36.700> University<00:09:37.090> of tuitions happened with the University of tuitions happened with the University of California<00:09:37.210> and<00:09:37.720> project<00:09:38.140> that<00:09:38.290> out<00:09:38.500> for California and project that out for California and project that out for another<00:09:39.280> three<00:09:39.730> four<00:09:40.000> or<00:09:40.060> five<00:09:40.240> years<00:09:40.570> it's another three four or five years it's another three four or five years it's unaffordable<00:09:41.670> and<00:09:42.870> that's<00:09:43.870> what<00:09:44.260> that's<00:09:44.770> the unaffordable and that's what that's the unaffordable and that's what that's the kind<00:09:45.340> of<00:09:45.460> thing<00:09:45.670> the<00:09:46.030> investment<00:09:46.690> in<00:09:46.780> the kind of thing the investment in the kind of thing the investment in the young<00:09:47.050> that<00:09:47.800> makes<00:09:48.100> us<00:09:48.310> great<00:09:48.610> allows<00:09:49.030> us<00:09:49.240> to young that makes us great allows us to young that makes us great allows us to contribute<00:09:49.780> it<00:09:50.080> allows<00:09:50.260> us<00:09:50.290> to<00:09:50.530> do<00:09:50.860> the<00:09:51.520> art contribute it allows us to do the art contribute it allows us to do the art the<00:09:52.380> biotechnology<00:09:53.380> the<00:09:53.890> software<00:09:54.430> and<00:09:54.610> all the biotechnology the software and all the biotechnology the software and all those<00:09:55.000> those<00:09:55.570> magic<00:09:56.050> things<00:09:56.320> and<00:09:56.680> so<00:09:57.670> the those those magic things and so the those those magic things and so the bottom<00:09:58.930> line<00:09:58.960> is<00:09:59.500> we<00:10:00.430> need<00:10:00.460> to<00:10:00.730> care<00:10:00.940> about bottom line is we need to care about bottom line is we need to care about state<00:10:01.420> budgets<00:10:01.680> because<00:10:02.680> they're<00:10:02.830> critical state budgets because they're critical state budgets because they're critical for<00:10:03.790> our<00:10:03.820> kids<00:10:04.150> in<00:10:04.330> our<00:10:04.420> future<00:10:04.920> thank<00:10:05.920> you for our kids in our future thank you for our kids in our future thank you [Applause]

[Music] [Music] when<00:10:18.710> I<00:10:18.740> think<00:10:18.890> about<00:10:19.070> succeeding<00:10:19.730> in when I think about succeeding in when I think about succeeding in business<00:10:20.180> I<00:10:20.360> think<00:10:20.570> there's<00:10:20.720> a<00:10:20.930> couple<00:10:21.140> of business I think there's a couple of business I think there's a couple of considerations<00:10:22.340> first<00:10:23.210> and<00:10:23.390> foremost<00:10:23.660> is considerations first and foremost is considerations first and foremost is teamwork teamwork teamwork today's<00:10:24.890> problems<00:10:25.370> are<00:10:25.520> just<00:10:25.700> too today's problems are just too today's problems are just too complicated<00:10:26.390> to<00:10:26.960> be<00:10:27.080> solved<00:10:27.500> as<00:10:27.680> an complicated to be solved as an complicated to be solved as an individual<00:10:28.520> and<00:10:28.730> the<00:10:28.880> opportunity<00:10:29.390> to<00:10:29.480> work individual and the opportunity to work individual and the opportunity to work with<00:10:29.690> others<00:10:30.280> collaboratively<00:10:31.280> where<00:10:31.580> you with others collaboratively where you with others collaboratively where you can<00:10:31.820> build<00:10:31.970> on<00:10:32.120> each<00:10:32.150> other's<00:10:32.510> ideas<00:10:32.660> I<00:10:33.020> think can build on each other's ideas I think can build on each other's ideas I think is<00:10:33.320> particularly<00:10:33.650> important<00:10:34.250> I<00:10:34.430> think<00:10:34.640> a is particularly important I think a is particularly important I think a second<00:10:35.150> area<00:10:35.330> that's<00:10:35.780> quite<00:10:36.050> important<00:10:36.560> is second area that's quite important is second area that's quite important is the<00:10:37.190> understanding<00:10:37.940> of<00:10:38.120> different the understanding of different the understanding of different disciplines<00:10:39.620> it<00:10:39.830> is<00:10:39.980> critical<00:10:40.430> that<00:10:40.460> one<00:10:40.910> be disciplines it is critical that one be disciplines it is critical that one be an<00:10:41.180> expert<00:10:41.570> in<00:10:41.810> your<00:10:42.530> major<00:10:42.770> but<00:10:43.490> it<00:10:43.640> is an expert in your major but it is an expert in your major but it is absolutely<00:10:44.420> essential<00:10:44.690> that<00:10:45.230> you<00:10:45.350> have<00:10:45.380> the absolutely essential that you have the absolutely essential that you have the ability<00:10:46.010> to<00:10:46.510> understand<00:10:47.510> where<00:10:48.050> other ability to understand where other ability to understand where other disciplines<00:10:48.980> the<00:10:49.310> input<00:10:49.580> from<00:10:49.910> other disciplines the input from other disciplines the input from other disciplines<00:10:50.270> and<00:10:50.780> be<00:10:50.900> able<00:10:50.990> to<00:10:51.230> incorporate disciplines and be able to incorporate disciplines and be able to incorporate that<00:10:52.040> to<00:10:52.850> make<00:10:52.970> effective<00:10:53.450> decisions<00:10:53.510> and that to make effective decisions and that to make effective decisions and then<00:10:54.770> last<00:10:55.010> but<00:10:55.100> not<00:10:55.250> least<00:10:55.670> we<00:10:56.330> are<00:10:56.540> in<00:10:56.780> a then last but not least we are in a then last but not least we are in a global<00:10:57.020> business<00:10:57.410> community<00:10:58.100> and<00:10:58.280> so<00:10:58.580> the global business community and so the global business community and so the opportunity<00:10:59.360> to<00:10:59.740> understand<00:11:01.390> cultures opportunity to understand cultures opportunity to understand cultures different<00:11:02.810> cultures<00:11:03.230> around<00:11:03.380> the<00:11:03.620> world<00:11:03.710> to different cultures around the world to different cultures around the world to be<00:11:04.220> able<00:11:04.370> to<00:11:04.460> incorporate<00:11:05.120> some<00:11:05.690> of<00:11:05.720> the be able to incorporate some of the be able to incorporate some of the learning<00:11:06.410> from<00:11:06.560> those<00:11:06.710> cultures<00:11:07.250> and<00:11:07.460> to learning from those cultures and to learning from those cultures and to incorporate<00:11:08.030> that<00:11:08.390> into<00:11:08.600> your<00:11:08.690> business incorporate that into your business incorporate that into your business decisions<00:11:09.620> is<00:11:09.800> essential<00:11:10.280> to<00:11:10.430> success<00:11:10.820> I<00:11:11.120> have decisions is essential to success I have decisions is essential to success I have three<00:11:11.870> degrees<00:11:11.990> from<00:11:12.170> Cornell<00:11:12.650> so<00:11:12.800> I'd<00:11:12.950> say three degrees from Cornell so I'd say three degrees from Cornell so I'd say just<00:11:13.460> about<00:11:13.580> everything<00:11:14.000> that<00:11:14.210> has<00:11:14.570> prepared just about everything that has prepared just about everything that has prepared me<00:11:15.140> came<00:11:15.350> from<00:11:15.380> Cornell<00:11:15.920> and<00:11:16.160> I<00:11:16.310> am<00:11:16.460> indebted me came from Cornell and I am indebted me came from Cornell and I am indebted to<00:11:17.060> the<00:11:17.480> University<00:11:18.050> for<00:11:18.200> that<00:11:18.260> experience to the University for that experience to the University for that experience but<00:11:19.370> as<00:11:19.490> I<00:11:19.580> think<00:11:19.790> particularly<00:11:20.180> about<00:11:20.570> my but as I think particularly about my but as I think particularly about my business<00:11:21.050> school<00:11:21.410> career<00:11:21.980> I<00:11:22.220> think<00:11:22.910> the business school career I think the business school career I think the exposure<00:11:23.630> to<00:11:24.050> a<00:11:24.080> variety<00:11:24.530> of<00:11:24.800> disciplines<00:11:25.190> the exposure to a variety of disciplines the exposure to a variety of disciplines the wealth<00:11:26.120> of<00:11:26.270> resources<00:11:26.900> across<00:11:27.050> the wealth of resources across the wealth of resources across the university university university we're<00:11:28.400> exceptionally<00:11:28.970> helpful

Bill Gates, education, budget, state, budget, accounting, health, care, pension, education, finance, United, States, education, civics, money, economics, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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