Người lớn có thể học được gì từ trẻ em – Adora Svitak

What adults can learn from kids - Adora Svitak

What adults can learn from kids - Adora Svitak


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] now<00:00:16.139> I<00:00:16.200> wanted<00:00:16.529> to<00:00:16.590> start<00:00:16.800> with<00:00:16.890> the<00:00:17.009> question now I wanted to start with the question now I wanted to start with the question when<00:00:17.730> was<00:00:17.939> the<00:00:18.119> last<00:00:18.300> time<00:00:18.599> you<00:00:19.140> were<00:00:19.349> called when was the last time you were called when was the last time you were called childish<00:00:20.520> for<00:00:21.330> kids<00:00:21.599> like<00:00:21.810> me<00:00:22.050> being<00:00:22.439> called childish for kids like me being called childish for kids like me being called childish<00:00:23.460> can<00:00:23.939> be<00:00:24.119> a<00:00:24.150> frequent<00:00:24.779> occurrence childish can be a frequent occurrence childish can be a frequent occurrence every<00:00:26.130> time<00:00:26.430> we<00:00:26.580> make<00:00:26.760> irrational<00:00:27.180> demands every time we make irrational demands every time we make irrational demands exhibit<00:00:28.859> irresponsible<00:00:29.609> behavior<00:00:29.760> or exhibit irresponsible behavior or exhibit irresponsible behavior or display<00:00:31.050> any<00:00:31.320> other<00:00:31.619> signs<00:00:32.070> of<00:00:32.309> being<00:00:32.460> normal display any other signs of being normal display any other signs of being normal American<00:00:33.570> citizens<00:00:34.110> we<00:00:34.650> are<00:00:34.830> called<00:00:35.210> childish American citizens we are called childish American citizens we are called childish which<00:00:37.290> really<00:00:37.530> bothers<00:00:37.980> me<00:00:38.010> after<00:00:38.489> all<00:00:38.640> take<00:00:38.850> a which really bothers me after all take a which really bothers me after all take a look<00:00:39.089> at<00:00:39.180> these<00:00:39.360> events<00:00:40.670> imperialism<00:00:41.670> and look at these events imperialism and look at these events imperialism and colonization<00:00:42.949> world<00:00:43.949> wars<00:00:44.489> george<00:00:45.390> w<00:00:45.659> bush colonization world wars george w bush colonization world wars george w bush ask<00:00:46.440> yourself<00:00:46.830> who's<00:00:47.030> responsible<00:00:48.030> adults ask yourself who's responsible adults ask yourself who's responsible adults now<00:00:50.250> what<00:00:50.790> have<00:00:50.940> kids<00:00:51.239> done<00:00:51.629> bull<00:00:52.320> and<00:00:52.650> Frank now what have kids done bull and Frank now what have kids done bull and Frank touched<00:00:53.940> millions<00:00:54.299> with<00:00:54.809> her<00:00:54.900> powerful touched millions with her powerful touched millions with her powerful account<00:00:55.769> of<00:00:55.920> the<00:00:56.010> Holocaust<00:00:56.580> ruby<00:00:57.540> bridges account of the Holocaust ruby bridges account of the Holocaust ruby bridges helped<00:00:58.320> to<00:00:58.409> end<00:00:58.589> segregation<00:00:58.890> in<00:00:59.580> the<00:00:59.670> United helped to end segregation in the United helped to end segregation in the United States<00:01:00.299> and<00:01:00.629> most<00:01:01.559> recently<00:01:02.159> Charlie<00:01:02.729> Simpson States and most recently Charlie Simpson States and most recently Charlie Simpson helped<00:01:03.809> to<00:01:03.960> raise<00:01:04.140> one<00:01:04.409> hundred<00:01:04.920> and<00:01:05.070> twenty helped to raise one hundred and twenty helped to raise one hundred and twenty thousand<00:01:06.000> pounds<00:01:06.150> for<00:01:06.510> Haiti<00:01:06.780> on<00:01:07.020> his<00:01:07.530> little thousand pounds for Haiti on his little thousand pounds for Haiti on his little bike<00:01:08.340> so<00:01:09.060> as<00:01:09.210> you<00:01:09.330> can<00:01:09.420> see<00:01:09.479> evidence<00:01:09.810> by<00:01:10.229> such bike so as you can see evidence by such bike so as you can see evidence by such examples<00:01:11.070> age<00:01:11.280> has<00:01:11.790> absolutely<00:01:12.420> nothing<00:01:13.079> to examples age has absolutely nothing to examples age has absolutely nothing to do<00:01:13.409> with<00:01:13.439> it<00:01:13.740> the<00:01:14.189> traits<00:01:14.520> the<00:01:14.759> word<00:01:14.909> childish do with it the traits the word childish do with it the traits the word childish addresses<00:01:16.170> are<00:01:16.320> seen<00:01:16.590> so<00:01:16.829> often<00:01:17.399> in<00:01:17.549> adults addresses are seen so often in adults addresses are seen so often in adults that<00:01:18.359> we<00:01:18.479> should<00:01:18.659> abolish<00:01:18.960> this<00:01:19.350> age that we should abolish this age that we should abolish this age discriminatory<00:01:20.520> word<00:01:20.759> when<00:01:20.969> it<00:01:21.060> comes<00:01:21.270> to discriminatory word when it comes to discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing<00:01:21.869> behavior<00:01:22.619> associated<00:01:23.490> with criticizing behavior associated with criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility<00:01:24.509> and<00:01:24.780> irrational<00:01:25.530> thinking

thank<00:01:32.190> you<00:01:32.630> then<00:01:33.630> again<00:01:34.020> who's<00:01:34.680> to<00:01:34.950> say<00:01:35.220> that
thank you then again who's to say that thank you then again who's to say that certain<00:01:36.060> types<00:01:36.330> of<00:01:36.540> irrational<00:01:37.260> thinking certain types of irrational thinking certain types of irrational thinking aren't<00:01:38.250> exactly<00:01:38.760> what<00:01:38.910> the<00:01:39.300> world<00:01:39.540> needs aren't exactly what the world needs aren't exactly what the world needs maybe<00:01:40.650> you've<00:01:41.040> had<00:01:41.280> grand<00:01:41.640> plans<00:01:41.760> before<00:01:42.540> but maybe you've had grand plans before but maybe you've had grand plans before but stopped<00:01:43.110> yourself<00:01:43.650> thinking<00:01:44.130> the<00:01:44.790> that's stopped yourself thinking the that's stopped yourself thinking the that's impossible<00:01:45.570> or<00:01:46.080> that<00:01:46.229> costs<00:01:46.710> too<00:01:46.860> much<00:01:46.890> or impossible or that costs too much or impossible or that costs too much or that<00:01:47.370> won't<00:01:47.580> benefit<00:01:48.030> me<00:01:48.210> for<00:01:49.110> better<00:01:49.320> or that won't benefit me for better or that won't benefit me for better or worse<00:01:49.560> sweet<00:01:50.130> kids<00:01:50.400> aren't<00:01:50.610> hampered<00:01:51.090> as<00:01:51.210> much worse sweet kids aren't hampered as much worse sweet kids aren't hampered as much when<00:01:51.600> it<00:01:51.690> comes<00:01:51.900> to<00:01:52.140> thing<00:01:52.350> about<00:01:52.380> reasons<00:01:52.890> why when it comes to thing about reasons why when it comes to thing about reasons why not<00:01:53.070> to<00:01:53.400> do<00:01:53.850> things<00:01:54.200> kids<00:01:55.200> can<00:01:55.470> be<00:01:55.590> full<00:01:55.800> of not to do things kids can be full of not to do things kids can be full of inspiring<00:01:56.570> aspirations<00:01:57.570> and<00:01:57.720> hopeful inspiring aspirations and hopeful inspiring aspirations and hopeful thinking<00:01:58.440> like<00:01:59.040> my<00:01:59.280> wish<00:01:59.580> that<00:01:59.820> no<00:01:59.940> one<00:02:00.060> went thinking like my wish that no one went thinking like my wish that no one went hungry<00:02:00.450> or<00:02:00.900> that<00:02:01.110> everything<00:02:01.619> were<00:02:01.740> free<00:02:02.130> kind hungry or that everything were free kind hungry or that everything were free kind of<00:02:02.580> utopia<00:02:03.270> how<00:02:04.229> many<00:02:04.500> of<00:02:04.680> you<00:02:04.920> still<00:02:05.190> dream of utopia how many of you still dream of utopia how many of you still dream like<00:02:05.729> that<00:02:06.000> and<00:02:06.210> believe<00:02:06.509> in<00:02:06.690> the like that and believe in the like that and believe in the possibilities<00:02:08.390> sometimes<00:02:09.390> a<00:02:09.690> knowledge<00:02:10.110> of possibilities sometimes a knowledge of possibilities sometimes a knowledge of history<00:02:10.739> and<00:02:10.979> the<00:02:11.040> past<00:02:11.220> failures<00:02:12.000> of<00:02:12.209> utopian history and the past failures of utopian history and the past failures of utopian ideals<00:02:13.110> can<00:02:13.230> be<00:02:13.530> a<00:02:13.560> burden<00:02:13.920> because<00:02:14.580> you<00:02:14.730> know ideals can be a burden because you know ideals can be a burden because you know that<00:02:15.060> if<00:02:15.150> everything<00:02:15.630> were<00:02:15.750> free<00:02:16.020> then<00:02:16.440> the that if everything were free then the that if everything were free then the food<00:02:16.890> stocks<00:02:17.250> would<00:02:17.459> become<00:02:17.850> depleted<00:02:18.180> and food stocks would become depleted and food stocks would become depleted and scarce<00:02:19.230> and<00:02:19.440> leaped<00:02:19.620> chaos<00:02:20.130> on<00:02:20.489> the<00:02:20.520> other scarce and leaped chaos on the other scarce and leaped chaos on the other hand<00:02:21.720> we<00:02:22.290> kids<00:02:22.620> still<00:02:22.980> dream<00:02:23.250> about hand we kids still dream about hand we kids still dream about perfection<00:02:24.239> and<00:02:24.450> that's<00:02:25.050> a<00:02:25.200> good<00:02:25.380> thing perfection and that's a good thing perfection and that's a good thing because<00:02:25.920> in<00:02:26.190> order<00:02:26.310> to<00:02:26.459> make<00:02:26.700> anything<00:02:27.000> a because in order to make anything a because in order to make anything a reality<00:02:27.840> you<00:02:28.020> have<00:02:28.290> to<00:02:28.620> dream<00:02:28.920> about<00:02:29.130> it<00:02:29.459> first reality you have to dream about it first reality you have to dream about it first in<00:02:30.600> many<00:02:31.590> ways<00:02:31.709> our<00:02:31.890> audacity<00:02:32.790> to<00:02:32.970> imagine in many ways our audacity to imagine in many ways our audacity to imagine helps<00:02:33.870> push<00:02:34.230> the<00:02:34.500> boundaries<00:02:34.920> of<00:02:35.090> possibility helps push the boundaries of possibility helps push the boundaries of possibility for<00:02:36.840> instance<00:02:37.230> the<00:02:37.440> Museum<00:02:37.860> of<00:02:37.980> Glass<00:02:38.160> in for instance the Museum of Glass in for instance the Museum of Glass in Tacoma<00:02:38.880> Washington<00:02:39.000> my<00:02:39.750> home<00:02:39.989> state<00:02:40.350> yoo-hoo Tacoma Washington my home state yoo-hoo Tacoma Washington my home state yoo-hoo Washington<00:02:43.340> has<00:02:44.340> a<00:02:44.370> program<00:02:44.940> called<00:02:44.970> kids Washington has a program called kids Washington has a program called kids design<00:02:45.930> glass<00:02:46.260> and<00:02:46.650> kids<00:02:46.860> draw<00:02:47.100> their<00:02:47.310> own design glass and kids draw their own design glass and kids draw their own ideas<00:02:47.880> for<00:02:48.090> glass<00:02:48.330> art<00:02:48.630> now<00:02:48.989> the<00:02:49.049> resident ideas for glass art now the resident ideas for glass art now the resident artist<00:02:49.830> said<00:02:50.010> that<00:02:50.130> they<00:02:50.220> got<00:02:50.250> some<00:02:50.610> of<00:02:50.640> their artist said that they got some of their artist said that they got some of their best<00:02:51.090> ideas<00:02:51.330> from<00:02:51.720> the<00:02:51.870> program<00:02:52.320> because<00:02:52.799> kids best ideas from the program because kids best ideas from the program because kids don't<00:02:53.370> think<00:02:53.580> about<00:02:53.730> the<00:02:53.850> limitations<00:02:54.420> of<00:02:54.540> how don't think about the limitations of how don't think about the limitations of how hard<00:02:54.959> it<00:02:55.110> can<00:02:55.230> be<00:02:55.290> to<00:02:55.410> blow<00:02:55.709> glass<00:02:55.739> and<00:02:56.190> the hard it can be to blow glass and the hard it can be to blow glass and the certain<00:02:56.519> shapes<00:02:56.790> they<00:02:57.000> just<00:02:57.239> think<00:02:57.360> of<00:02:57.510> good certain shapes they just think of good certain shapes they just think of good ideas<00:02:58.290> now<00:02:59.190> when<00:02:59.340> you<00:02:59.459> think<00:02:59.519> of<00:02:59.790> glass<00:03:00.030> you ideas now when you think of glass you ideas now when you think of glass you might<00:03:00.360> think<00:03:00.810> of<00:03:00.959> colorful<00:03:01.860> shmuly<00:03:02.459> designs might think of colorful shmuly designs might think of colorful shmuly designs or<00:03:03.330> maybe<00:03:04.019> Italian<00:03:04.620> vases<00:03:05.190> but<00:03:05.700> kids or maybe Italian vases but kids or maybe Italian vases but kids challenge<00:03:06.570> glass<00:03:07.019> ours<00:03:07.320> to<00:03:07.560> go<00:03:07.680> beyond<00:03:08.010> that challenge glass ours to go beyond that challenge glass ours to go beyond that into<00:03:08.640> the<00:03:08.880> realm<00:03:08.970> of<00:03:09.450> broken-hearted<00:03:10.410> snakes into the realm of broken-hearted snakes into the realm of broken-hearted snakes and<00:03:11.130> bacon<00:03:11.610> boys<00:03:11.850> who<00:03:12.570> you<00:03:12.750> can<00:03:12.930> see<00:03:13.110> as<00:03:13.260> meat and bacon boys who you can see as meat and bacon boys who you can see as meat vision<00:03:15.230> now<00:03:16.230> our<00:03:16.739> inherent<00:03:17.549> wisdom<00:03:17.820> doesn't vision now our inherent wisdom doesn't vision now our inherent wisdom doesn't have<00:03:18.810> to<00:03:19.049> be<00:03:19.200> insiders<00:03:19.920> knowledge<00:03:20.209> kids have to be insiders knowledge kids have to be insiders knowledge kids already<00:03:21.570> do<00:03:21.900> a<00:03:21.930> lot<00:03:22.230> of<00:03:22.260> learning<00:03:22.560> from<00:03:22.890> adults already do a lot of learning from adults already do a lot of learning from adults and<00:03:23.660> we<00:03:24.660> have<00:03:24.930> a<00:03:24.959> lot<00:03:25.230> to<00:03:25.440> share<00:03:25.709> I<00:03:25.980> think<00:03:26.010> that and we have a lot to share I think that and we have a lot to share I think that adults<00:03:26.730> should<00:03:27.090> start<00:03:27.570> learning<00:03:28.019> from<00:03:28.049> kids adults should start learning from kids adults should start learning from kids now<00:03:29.610> I<00:03:29.640> do<00:03:29.790> most<00:03:30.060> of<00:03:30.239> my<00:03:30.299> speaking<00:03:30.780> in<00:03:30.840> front<00:03:30.989> of now I do most of my speaking in front of now I do most of my speaking in front of an<00:03:31.230> education<00:03:31.890> crowd<00:03:32.160> teachers<00:03:32.880> and<00:03:33.060> students an education crowd teachers and students an education crowd teachers and students and<00:03:33.690> I<00:03:33.750> like<00:03:33.959> this<00:03:34.079> analogy<00:03:34.260> it<00:03:34.890> shouldn't and I like this analogy it shouldn't and I like this analogy it shouldn't just<00:03:35.220> be<00:03:35.370> a<00:03:35.459> teacher<00:03:35.820> at<00:03:36.150> the<00:03:36.269> head<00:03:36.450> of<00:03:36.570> the just be a teacher at the head of the just be a teacher at the head of the classroom<00:03:37.079> telling<00:03:37.410> students<00:03:37.709> to<00:03:37.739> do<00:03:37.860> this<00:03:38.040> do classroom telling students to do this do classroom telling students to do this do that<00:03:38.280> the<00:03:39.030> students<00:03:39.630> should<00:03:40.049> teach<00:03:40.290> their that the students should teach their that the students should teach their teachers<00:03:41.480> learning<00:03:42.480> between<00:03:42.600> grownups<00:03:43.350> and teachers learning between grownups and teachers learning between grownups and kids kids kids should<00:03:44.099> be<00:03:44.220> reciprocal<00:03:44.900> the<00:03:45.900> reality should be reciprocal the reality should be reciprocal the reality unfortunately<00:03:46.800> is<00:03:47.550> a<00:03:47.580> little<00:03:47.880> different<00:03:48.360> and unfortunately is a little different and unfortunately is a little different and it<00:03:48.630> has<00:03:48.780> a<00:03:48.810> lot<00:03:49.140> to<00:03:49.170> do<00:03:49.500> with<00:03:49.530> trust<00:03:49.920> or<00:03:50.430> a<00:03:50.489> lack it has a lot to do with trust or a lack it has a lot to do with trust or a lack of<00:03:50.880> it<00:03:51.209> now<00:03:51.660> if<00:03:51.720> you<00:03:51.810> don't<00:03:51.989> trust<00:03:52.230> someone<00:03:52.500> you of it now if you don't trust someone you of it now if you don't trust someone you place<00:03:52.920> restrictions<00:03:53.220> on<00:03:53.910> them<00:03:54.150> right<00:03:54.300> if<00:03:54.540> I place restrictions on them right if I place restrictions on them right if I doubt<00:03:55.319> my<00:03:55.560> older<00:03:55.860> sister's<00:03:56.220> ability<00:03:56.700> to<00:03:56.790> pay doubt my older sister's ability to pay doubt my older sister's ability to pay back<00:03:57.150> the<00:03:57.360> 10%<00:03:57.690> interest<00:03:58.230> she<00:03:58.500> established<00:03:59.489> on back the 10% interest she established on back the 10% interest she established on her<00:03:59.790> last<00:03:59.970> loan<00:04:00.330> I'm<00:04:00.660> going<00:04:00.900> to<00:04:00.989> withhold<00:04:01.170> her her last loan I'm going to withhold her her last loan I'm going to withhold her ability<00:04:01.980> to<00:04:02.310> get<00:04:02.459> more<00:04:02.489> money<00:04:02.910> from<00:04:03.120> me<00:04:03.330> until ability to get more money from me until ability to get more money from me until she<00:04:03.630> pays<00:04:03.989> it<00:04:04.170> back<00:04:05.000> true<00:04:06.000> story<00:04:06.420> by<00:04:06.750> the<00:04:06.810> way she pays it back true story by the way she pays it back true story by the way now<00:04:07.860> adults<00:04:08.540> seem<00:04:09.540> to<00:04:09.780> have<00:04:09.989> adults<00:04:10.650> seem<00:04:10.800> to now adults seem to have adults seem to now adults seem to have adults seem to have<00:04:11.010> a<00:04:11.040> prevalently<00:04:11.700> restrictive<00:04:12.420> attitude have a prevalently restrictive attitude have a prevalently restrictive attitude towards<00:04:13.380> kids<00:04:13.739> from<00:04:13.980> every<00:04:14.370> don't<00:04:14.910> do<00:04:15.150> that towards kids from every don't do that towards kids from every don't do that don't<00:04:15.900> do<00:04:16.109> this<00:04:16.229> in<00:04:16.380> the<00:04:16.500> school<00:04:16.799> handbook<00:04:17.160> to don't do this in the school handbook to don't do this in the school handbook to restrictions<00:04:18.030> on<00:04:18.150> school<00:04:18.419> internet<00:04:18.810> use<00:04:19.019> as restrictions on school internet use as restrictions on school internet use as history<00:04:20.729> points<00:04:21.150> out<00:04:21.359> regimes<00:04:21.959> become history points out regimes become history points out regimes become pressive<00:04:23.070> when<00:04:23.280> they're<00:04:23.460> fearful<00:04:23.820> about pressive when they're fearful about pressive when they're fearful about keeping<00:04:24.630> control<00:04:25.020> and<00:04:25.350> although<00:04:25.650> adults<00:04:26.250> may keeping control and although adults may keeping control and although adults may not<00:04:26.430> be<00:04:26.760> quite<00:04:27.060> at<00:04:27.300> the<00:04:27.389> level<00:04:27.419> of not be quite at the level of not be quite at the level of totalitarian<00:04:28.680> regimes<00:04:29.160> kids<00:04:29.729> have<00:04:29.940> no<00:04:30.210> or totalitarian regimes kids have no or totalitarian regimes kids have no or very<00:04:30.750> little<00:04:30.990> saying<00:04:31.410> making<00:04:31.800> the<00:04:31.919> rules<00:04:32.160> when very little saying making the rules when very little saying making the rules when really<00:04:32.850> the<00:04:33.000> attitude<00:04:33.090> should<00:04:33.630> be<00:04:33.690> reciprocal really the attitude should be reciprocal really the attitude should be reciprocal meaning<00:04:34.770> that<00:04:35.160> the<00:04:35.400> adult<00:04:35.700> population<00:04:35.880> should meaning that the adult population should meaning that the adult population should learn<00:04:36.870> and<00:04:37.169> take<00:04:37.470> into<00:04:37.620> account<00:04:37.889> the<00:04:38.100> wishes learn and take into account the wishes learn and take into account the wishes of<00:04:38.400> the<00:04:38.669> younger<00:04:38.970> population<00:04:39.740> now<00:04:40.740> it's<00:04:40.919> kind of the younger population now it's kind of the younger population now it's kind of<00:04:41.190> worse<00:04:41.370> and<00:04:41.639> restriction<00:04:42.270> is<00:04:42.479> the<00:04:42.750> adults of worse and restriction is the adults of worse and restriction is the adults often<00:04:43.639> underestimate<00:04:44.639> kids<00:04:44.940> abilities<00:04:45.510> we often underestimate kids abilities we often underestimate kids abilities we love<00:04:46.380> challenges<00:04:47.130> but<00:04:47.490> when<00:04:47.610> expectations love challenges but when expectations love challenges but when expectations are<00:04:48.630> low<00:04:48.660> trust<00:04:49.320> me<00:04:49.500> we<00:04:49.650> will<00:04:49.680> sing<00:04:50.039> to<00:04:50.190> them<00:04:50.630> my are low trust me we will sing to them my are low trust me we will sing to them my own<00:04:51.810> parents<00:04:52.410> had<00:04:52.620> anything<00:04:53.250> but<00:04:53.430> low own parents had anything but low own parents had anything but low expectations<00:04:54.720> for<00:04:54.870> me<00:04:55.229> and<00:04:55.410> my<00:04:55.560> sister<00:04:56.180> okay expectations for me and my sister okay expectations for me and my sister okay so<00:04:57.240> they<00:04:57.660> didn't<00:04:57.930> tell<00:04:58.140> us<00:04:58.169> to<00:04:58.440> become<00:04:58.740> doctors so they didn't tell us to become doctors so they didn't tell us to become doctors or<00:04:59.400> lawyers<00:04:59.880> or<00:05:00.330> anything<00:05:00.600> like<00:05:00.900> that or lawyers or anything like that or lawyers or anything like that but<00:05:02.100> my<00:05:02.310> dad<00:05:02.520> did<00:05:02.880> read<00:05:03.150> to<00:05:03.390> us<00:05:03.539> about but my dad did read to us about but my dad did read to us about Aristotle<00:05:05.340> and<00:05:05.810> pioneer<00:05:06.810> germ<00:05:07.169> fighters<00:05:07.620> when Aristotle and pioneer germ fighters when Aristotle and pioneer germ fighters when lots<00:05:08.340> of<00:05:08.520> other<00:05:08.760> kids<00:05:09.150> were<00:05:09.330> hearing<00:05:09.690> the lots of other kids were hearing the lots of other kids were hearing the wheels<00:05:10.020> on<00:05:10.320> the<00:05:10.440> bus<00:05:10.620> go<00:05:10.890> round<00:05:10.919> and<00:05:11.400> round wheels on the bus go round and round wheels on the bus go round and round well<00:05:11.940> we<00:05:12.090> heard<00:05:12.240> that<00:05:12.300> one<00:05:12.600> too<00:05:12.780> but<00:05:13.050> pioneer well we heard that one too but pioneer well we heard that one too but pioneer germ<00:05:13.800> Fighters<00:05:14.160> totally<00:05:14.640> rules<00:05:14.940> I<00:05:16.010> love<00:05:17.010> to germ Fighters totally rules I love to germ Fighters totally rules I love to write<00:05:17.460> from<00:05:17.729> the<00:05:17.910> age<00:05:18.030> of<00:05:18.270> four<00:05:18.600> and<00:05:18.900> when<00:05:19.169> I write from the age of four and when I write from the age of four and when I was<00:05:19.440> six<00:05:19.710> my<00:05:19.979> mom<00:05:20.190> bought<00:05:20.430> me<00:05:20.490> my<00:05:20.789> own<00:05:21.030> laptop was six my mom bought me my own laptop was six my mom bought me my own laptop equipped<00:05:22.140> with<00:05:22.410> Microsoft<00:05:23.220> Word<00:05:23.400> thank<00:05:23.760> you equipped with Microsoft Word thank you equipped with Microsoft Word thank you Bill<00:05:24.090> Gates<00:05:24.390> and<00:05:24.720> thank<00:05:24.930> you<00:05:25.080> mom<00:05:25.320> I<00:05:25.650> wrote Bill Gates and thank you mom I wrote Bill Gates and thank you mom I wrote over<00:05:26.160> 300<00:05:27.030> short<00:05:27.240> stories<00:05:27.720> on<00:05:27.870> that<00:05:27.900> little over 300 short stories on that little over 300 short stories on that little laptop<00:05:28.590> and<00:05:29.100> I<00:05:29.580> wanted<00:05:30.210> to<00:05:30.270> get<00:05:30.750> published laptop and I wanted to get published laptop and I wanted to get published instead<00:05:32.729> of<00:05:32.850> just<00:05:33.060> scoffing<00:05:33.510> at<00:05:33.840> this<00:05:34.020> heresy instead of just scoffing at this heresy instead of just scoffing at this heresy that<00:05:34.800> kid<00:05:35.100> when<00:05:35.370> to<00:05:35.520> get<00:05:35.610> published<00:05:36.060> or<00:05:36.210> saying that kid when to get published or saying that kid when to get published or saying wait<00:05:37.020> until<00:05:37.350> you're<00:05:37.500> older<00:05:37.530> my<00:05:38.400> parents<00:05:38.970> were wait until you're older my parents were wait until you're older my parents were really<00:05:39.270> supportive<00:05:40.130> many<00:05:41.130> publishers<00:05:41.820> were really supportive many publishers were really supportive many publishers were not<00:05:42.240> quite<00:05:42.630> so<00:05:42.870> encouraging<00:05:43.620> one<00:05:44.610> large not quite so encouraging one large not quite so encouraging one large children's<00:05:45.539> publisher<00:05:46.080> ironically<00:05:46.800> saying children's publisher ironically saying children's publisher ironically saying they<00:05:47.460> didn't<00:05:47.910> work<00:05:48.210> with<00:05:48.450> children<00:05:49.050> might they didn't work with children might they didn't work with children might want<00:05:50.130> to<00:05:50.389> children's<00:05:51.389> publisher<00:05:51.840> not<00:05:51.990> work want to children's publisher not work want to children's publisher not work with<00:05:52.470> children<00:05:52.680> I<00:05:53.070> don't<00:05:53.159> know<00:05:53.430> you<00:05:53.729> kind<00:05:53.909> of with children I don't know you kind of with children I don't know you kind of alienating<00:05:54.539> large alienating large alienating large there<00:05:56.750> now<00:05:57.750> one<00:05:58.590> publisher<00:05:59.280> action there now one publisher action there now one publisher action publishing<00:06:00.300> was<00:06:00.870> willing<00:06:01.260> to<00:06:01.290> take<00:06:01.620> that<00:06:01.680> leap publishing was willing to take that leap publishing was willing to take that leap and<00:06:02.460> trust<00:06:03.090> me<00:06:03.330> and<00:06:03.540> to<00:06:03.900> listen<00:06:04.050> to<00:06:04.260> what<00:06:04.380> I<00:06:04.410> had and trust me and to listen to what I had and trust me and to listen to what I had to<00:06:04.830> say<00:06:05.070> they<00:06:05.280> published<00:06:05.700> my<00:06:05.760> first<00:06:05.880> book to say they published my first book to say they published my first book flying<00:06:07.140> fingers<00:06:07.650> you<00:06:07.920> see<00:06:08.130> it<00:06:08.220> here<00:06:08.520> and<00:06:08.640> from flying fingers you see it here and from flying fingers you see it here and from there<00:06:09.450> on<00:06:09.660> it's<00:06:10.170> gone<00:06:10.410> speaking<00:06:11.100> at<00:06:11.220> hundreds there on it's gone speaking at hundreds there on it's gone speaking at hundreds of<00:06:11.760> schools<00:06:12.090> keynote<00:06:12.600> and<00:06:12.780> the<00:06:12.870> thousands<00:06:13.320> of of schools keynote and the thousands of of schools keynote and the thousands of educators<00:06:14.040> and<00:06:14.070> finally<00:06:14.970> today<00:06:15.270> speaking<00:06:16.080> to educators and finally today speaking to educators and finally today speaking to you<00:06:16.530> I<00:06:16.800> appreciate<00:06:17.310> your<00:06:17.850> attention<00:06:18.180> today you I appreciate your attention today you I appreciate your attention today because<00:06:19.170> to<00:06:19.320> show<00:06:19.560> that<00:06:19.710> you<00:06:19.800> truly<00:06:20.130> care<00:06:20.310> you because to show that you truly care you because to show that you truly care you listen<00:06:22.070> but<00:06:23.070> there's<00:06:23.310> a<00:06:23.400> problem<00:06:23.850> with<00:06:24.240> this listen but there's a problem with this listen but there's a problem with this rosy<00:06:24.960> picture<00:06:25.200> of<00:06:25.560> kids<00:06:25.890> being<00:06:26.250> so<00:06:26.550> much rosy picture of kids being so much rosy picture of kids being so much better<00:06:27.030> than<00:06:27.330> adults<00:06:27.600> kids<00:06:28.530> grow<00:06:28.830> up<00:06:28.860> and better than adults kids grow up and better than adults kids grow up and become<00:06:29.700> adults<00:06:30.180> just<00:06:30.690> like<00:06:31.080> you<00:06:32.660> or<00:06:33.660> just<00:06:34.170> like become adults just like you or just like become adults just like you or just like you<00:06:34.680> really<00:06:35.190> the<00:06:36.060> goal<00:06:36.300> is<00:06:36.570> not<00:06:36.750> to<00:06:36.810> turn<00:06:37.230> kids you really the goal is not to turn kids you really the goal is not to turn kids into<00:06:37.860> your<00:06:38.250> kind<00:06:38.550> of<00:06:38.700> adult<00:06:39.000> but<00:06:39.390> rather into your kind of adult but rather into your kind of adult but rather better<00:06:40.140> adults<00:06:40.710> than<00:06:40.890> you<00:06:41.040> have<00:06:41.250> been<00:06:41.550> which better adults than you have been which better adults than you have been which may<00:06:41.970> be<00:06:42.030> a<00:06:42.150> little<00:06:42.240> challenge<00:06:42.990> and<00:06:43.140> consider may be a little challenge and consider may be a little challenge and consider your<00:06:43.650> guys<00:06:43.800> credentials<00:06:44.960> but<00:06:45.960> the<00:06:46.230> way your guys credentials but the way your guys credentials but the way progress<00:06:46.920> happens<00:06:47.460> is<00:06:47.670> because<00:06:48.030> new progress happens is because new progress happens is because new generations<00:06:49.170> and<00:06:49.470> new<00:06:49.830> eras<00:06:50.370> grow<00:06:50.820> and generations and new eras grow and generations and new eras grow and develop<00:06:51.360> and<00:06:51.690> become<00:06:51.780> better<00:06:52.260> than<00:06:52.560> the develop and become better than the develop and become better than the previous<00:06:53.100> ones<00:06:53.430> it's<00:06:53.730> the<00:06:53.970> reason<00:06:54.210> we're<00:06:54.660> not previous ones it's the reason we're not previous ones it's the reason we're not in<00:06:54.990> the<00:06:55.140> Dark<00:06:55.380> Ages<00:06:55.560> anymore<00:06:56.370> no<00:06:57.030> matter<00:06:57.300> your in the Dark Ages anymore no matter your in the Dark Ages anymore no matter your position<00:06:57.780> or<00:06:58.260> place<00:06:58.530> in<00:06:58.800> life<00:06:59.010> it<00:06:59.250> is position or place in life it is position or place in life it is imperative<00:07:00.150> to<00:07:00.570> create<00:07:00.870> opportunities<00:07:01.650> for imperative to create opportunities for imperative to create opportunities for children<00:07:02.340> so<00:07:02.730> that<00:07:02.760> we<00:07:03.150> can<00:07:03.360> grow<00:07:03.660> up<00:07:03.870> to<00:07:04.140> blow children so that we can grow up to blow children so that we can grow up to blow you<00:07:04.440> away

adults<00:07:08.690> and<00:07:08.870> fellow<00:07:09.080> tedsters<00:07:09.860> you<00:07:10.400> need<00:07:10.639> to
adults and fellow tedsters you need to adults and fellow tedsters you need to listen<00:07:11.210> and<00:07:11.300> learn<00:07:11.449> from<00:07:11.690> kids<00:07:11.960> and<00:07:12.320> trust<00:07:12.889> us listen and learn from kids and trust us listen and learn from kids and trust us and<00:07:13.370> expect<00:07:13.850> more<00:07:14.180> from<00:07:14.389> us and expect more from us and expect more from us you<00:07:16.400> must<00:07:16.669> lend<00:07:17.060> an<00:07:17.360> ear<00:07:17.570> today<00:07:17.889> because<00:07:18.889> we you must lend an ear today because we you must lend an ear today because we are<00:07:19.460> the<00:07:19.789> leaders<00:07:20.120> of<00:07:20.150> tomorrow<00:07:20.419> which<00:07:21.259> means are the leaders of tomorrow which means are the leaders of tomorrow which means we're<00:07:21.590> gonna<00:07:21.680> be<00:07:21.830> taking<00:07:22.100> care<00:07:22.280> of<00:07:22.340> you<00:07:22.460> and we're gonna be taking care of you and we're gonna be taking care of you and your<00:07:22.940> old<00:07:23.150> and<00:07:23.300> son<00:07:23.479> Isle<00:07:23.660> no<00:07:24.289> just<00:07:24.500> kidding your old and son Isle no just kidding your old and son Isle no just kidding actually<00:07:25.009> um<00:07:25.280> no<00:07:26.060> really<00:07:26.330> we<00:07:27.110> are<00:07:27.380> going<00:07:27.860> to<00:07:28.009> be actually um no really we are going to be actually um no really we are going to be the<00:07:28.310> next<00:07:28.490> generation<00:07:29.060> the<00:07:29.180> one<00:07:29.360> who<00:07:29.930> will the next generation the one who will the next generation the one who will bring<00:07:30.289> this<00:07:30.680> world<00:07:30.949> forward<00:07:31.370> and<00:07:31.699> in<00:07:32.060> case<00:07:32.270> you bring this world forward and in case you bring this world forward and in case you don't<00:07:32.539> think<00:07:32.870> that<00:07:33.050> this<00:07:33.169> really<00:07:33.380> has<00:07:33.710> meaning don't think that this really has meaning don't think that this really has meaning for<00:07:34.130> you<00:07:34.400> remember<00:07:34.880> that<00:07:35.180> cloning<00:07:35.509> is for you remember that cloning is for you remember that cloning is possible<00:07:36.410> and<00:07:36.560> that<00:07:36.680> involves<00:07:37.130> going<00:07:37.310> to possible and that involves going to possible and that involves going to childhood<00:07:38.180> again<00:07:38.270> in<00:07:38.630> which<00:07:38.990> case<00:07:39.320> you'll childhood again in which case you'll childhood again in which case you'll want<00:07:39.860> to<00:07:39.919> be<00:07:40.130> heard<00:07:40.370> just<00:07:40.400> like<00:07:40.970> my<00:07:41.210> generation want to be heard just like my generation want to be heard just like my generation now<00:07:42.710> the<00:07:42.979> world<00:07:43.310> needs<00:07:44.030> opportunities<00:07:45.010> for now the world needs opportunities for now the world needs opportunities for new<00:07:46.430> leaders<00:07:46.850> and<00:07:47.150> new<00:07:47.449> ideas<00:07:47.660> kids<00:07:48.500> need new leaders and new ideas kids need new leaders and new ideas kids need opportunities<00:07:49.100> to<00:07:49.940> lead<00:07:50.150> and<00:07:50.419> succeed<00:07:50.690> are opportunities to lead and succeed are opportunities to lead and succeed are you<00:07:52.070> ready<00:07:52.340> to<00:07:52.610> make<00:07:52.760> the<00:07:52.940> match<00:07:53.139> because<00:07:54.139> the you ready to make the match because the you ready to make the match because the world's<00:07:54.710> problems<00:07:55.400> shouldn't<00:07:56.300> be<00:07:56.510> the<00:07:56.870> human world's problems shouldn't be the human world's problems shouldn't be the human family's<00:07:57.710> heirloom<00:07:58.160> thank<00:07:58.669> you


dreams, expectations, idealist, utopia, utopian, Adora, Svitak, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed

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