Nhận dạng hình ảnh kích hoạt thực tế tăng cường-Matt Mills

Image recognition that triggers augmented reality - Matt Mills

Image recognition that triggers augmented reality - Matt Mills


so<00:00:16.650> wouldn't<00:00:16.860> it<00:00:17.010> be<00:00:17.070> amazing<00:00:18.000> if<00:00:18.540> our<00:00:19.050> phones
so wouldn't it be amazing if our phones so wouldn't it be amazing if our phones could<00:00:19.560> see<00:00:19.710> the<00:00:19.830> world<00:00:19.980> in<00:00:20.190> the<00:00:20.250> same<00:00:20.430> way<00:00:20.520> that could see the world in the same way that could see the world in the same way that we<00:00:20.760> do<00:00:20.940> as<00:00:21.180> we're<00:00:22.080> walking<00:00:22.230> around<00:00:22.740> being<00:00:23.070> able we do as we're walking around being able we do as we're walking around being able to<00:00:23.430> to<00:00:24.060> point<00:00:24.300> the<00:00:24.390> phone<00:00:24.570> at<00:00:24.720> anything<00:00:24.990> and to to point the phone at anything and to to point the phone at anything and then<00:00:25.920> haven't<00:00:26.160> actually<00:00:26.279> recognized<00:00:26.880> images then haven't actually recognized images then haven't actually recognized images and<00:00:27.450> objects<00:00:27.840> like<00:00:27.990> the<00:00:28.110> human<00:00:28.410> brain<00:00:28.529> and and objects like the human brain and and objects like the human brain and then<00:00:29.669> be<00:00:29.790> able<00:00:29.910> to<00:00:30.090> pull<00:00:30.300> in<00:00:30.390> information<00:00:30.509> from then be able to pull in information from then be able to pull in information from an<00:00:31.320> almost<00:00:31.500> infinite<00:00:31.980> library<00:00:32.759> of<00:00:32.940> knowledge an almost infinite library of knowledge an almost infinite library of knowledge and<00:00:33.810> experiences<00:00:34.410> and<00:00:34.560> ideas<00:00:35.060> well and experiences and ideas well and experiences and ideas well traditionally<00:00:36.480> that<00:00:36.600> was<00:00:36.750> seen<00:00:36.900> as<00:00:37.020> science traditionally that was seen as science traditionally that was seen as science fiction<00:00:37.650> but<00:00:37.920> now<00:00:38.070> we've<00:00:38.250> moved<00:00:38.430> to<00:00:38.579> a<00:00:38.670> world fiction but now we've moved to a world fiction but now we've moved to a world where<00:00:39.090> actually<00:00:39.630> this<00:00:39.930> has<00:00:40.079> become<00:00:40.230> possible where actually this has become possible where actually this has become possible so<00:00:41.579> the<00:00:41.700> best<00:00:41.850> way<00:00:42.060> of<00:00:42.239> explaining<00:00:42.540> it<00:00:42.780> is<00:00:43.050> to so the best way of explaining it is to so the best way of explaining it is to just<00:00:43.379> show<00:00:43.530> it<00:00:43.559> what<00:00:44.100> you<00:00:44.190> can<00:00:44.340> see<00:00:44.489> over<00:00:44.640> here just show it what you can see over here just show it what you can see over here is<00:00:44.879> tomorrow<00:00:45.059> who's<00:00:45.449> holding<00:00:45.719> my<00:00:45.840> phone is tomorrow who's holding my phone is tomorrow who's holding my phone that's<00:00:46.260> now<00:00:46.379> plugged<00:00:46.620> in<00:00:46.770> so<00:00:47.250> let<00:00:48.059> me<00:00:48.149> start that's now plugged in so let me start that's now plugged in so let me start with<00:00:48.420> this<00:00:48.660> what<00:00:49.469> we<00:00:49.559> have<00:00:49.590> here<00:00:49.920> is<00:00:50.010> a with this what we have here is a with this what we have here is a painting<00:00:50.460> of<00:00:50.579> the<00:00:50.789> great<00:00:51.140> poet<00:00:52.140> Robbie<00:00:52.410> Burns painting of the great poet Robbie Burns painting of the great poet Robbie Burns and<00:00:53.100> it's<00:00:53.609> just<00:00:53.789> a<00:00:53.850> normal<00:00:54.120> image<00:00:54.239> but<00:00:54.960> if<00:00:55.079> we and it's just a normal image but if we and it's just a normal image but if we now<00:00:55.350> switch<00:00:55.410> inputs<00:00:56.129> over<00:00:56.309> to<00:00:56.519> the<00:00:56.609> phone now switch inputs over to the phone now switch inputs over to the phone running<00:00:57.750> our<00:00:57.960> technology<00:00:58.590> you<00:00:59.219> can<00:00:59.429> see running our technology you can see running our technology you can see effectively<00:01:00.210> what<00:01:00.329> tamiya<00:01:00.629> seeing<00:01:00.899> on<00:01:00.989> the effectively what tamiya seeing on the effectively what tamiya seeing on the screen<00:01:01.199> and<00:01:01.739> when<00:01:01.890> she<00:01:02.070> points<00:01:02.429> at<00:01:02.519> this<00:01:02.640> image screen and when she points at this image screen and when she points at this image something<00:01:03.329> magical<00:01:03.809> happens


no<00:01:19.790> matter<00:01:20.330> blinks<00:01:20.780> and<00:01:21.020> now<00:01:21.650> what's<00:01:21.830> great
no matter blinks and now what's great no matter blinks and now what's great about<00:01:22.070> this<00:01:22.460> is<00:01:22.700> there's<00:01:23.180> no<00:01:23.420> trickery<00:01:24.110> here about this is there's no trickery here about this is there's no trickery here there's<00:01:24.890> no<00:01:25.330> there's<00:01:26.330> nothing<00:01:26.660> done<00:01:26.840> to<00:01:27.020> this there's no there's nothing done to this there's no there's nothing done to this image<00:01:27.470> and<00:01:28.190> what's<00:01:28.370> great<00:01:28.580> about<00:01:28.610> this<00:01:28.940> is<00:01:29.120> the image and what's great about this is the image and what's great about this is the technologies<00:01:30.350> that<00:01:30.500> she<00:01:30.620> allowing<00:01:30.980> the<00:01:31.070> phone technologies that she allowing the phone technologies that she allowing the phone to<00:01:31.610> start<00:01:31.970> to<00:01:32.180> see<00:01:32.420> and<00:01:32.540> understand<00:01:32.990> much<00:01:33.290> like to start to see and understand much like to start to see and understand much like other<00:01:33.710> human<00:01:34.100> brain<00:01:34.280> does<00:01:34.520> not<00:01:35.450> only<00:01:35.630> that<00:01:35.900> but other human brain does not only that but other human brain does not only that but as<00:01:36.140> I<00:01:36.230> move<00:01:36.410> the<00:01:36.590> object<00:01:36.860> around<00:01:36.980> the<00:01:37.760> book as I move the object around the book as I move the object around the book it's<00:01:38.510> going<00:01:38.690> to<00:01:38.810> track<00:01:39.020> it<00:01:39.200> and<00:01:39.820> overlay<00:01:40.820> that it's going to track it and overlay that it's going to track it and overlay that content<00:01:41.420> seamlessly<00:01:43.090> again<00:01:44.090> the<00:01:44.210> thing content seamlessly again the thing content seamlessly again the thing that's<00:01:44.540> incredible<00:01:44.960> about<00:01:45.110> this<00:01:45.380> is<00:01:45.590> this<00:01:45.800> is that's incredible about this is this is that's incredible about this is this is how<00:01:46.070> advanced<00:01:46.400> these<00:01:46.640> devices<00:01:47.000> have<00:01:47.090> become how advanced these devices have become how advanced these devices have become all<00:01:47.870> the<00:01:48.140> processing<00:01:48.770> to<00:01:48.890> do<00:01:49.070> that<00:01:49.310> was all the processing to do that was all the processing to do that was actually<00:01:49.880> done<00:01:50.030> on<00:01:50.060> the<00:01:50.180> device<00:01:50.420> itself<00:01:51.730> now actually done on the device itself now actually done on the device itself now this<00:01:52.910> is<00:01:53.060> applications<00:01:53.630> everywhere<00:01:54.010> whether this is applications everywhere whether this is applications everywhere whether in<00:01:55.280> things<00:01:55.550> like<00:01:55.880> art<00:01:56.450> museums<00:01:57.080> like<00:01:57.260> you<00:01:57.380> just in things like art museums like you just in things like art museums like you just saw<00:01:57.800> or<00:01:58.100> in<00:01:58.610> the<00:01:58.700> world<00:01:58.910> of<00:01:59.090> say<00:01:59.360> advertising saw or in the world of say advertising saw or in the world of say advertising or<00:02:00.260> print<00:02:00.500> journalism<00:02:00.860> so<00:02:01.790> a<00:02:01.820> newspaper or print journalism so a newspaper or print journalism so a newspaper becomes<00:02:03.110> out<00:02:03.350> of<00:02:03.470> date<00:02:03.620> as<00:02:03.740> soon<00:02:03.890> as<00:02:03.979> it's becomes out of date as soon as it's becomes out of date as soon as it's printed<00:02:04.460> here<00:02:04.940> is<00:02:05.090> this<00:02:05.210> morning's<00:02:05.540> newspaper printed here is this morning's newspaper printed here is this morning's newspaper and<00:02:06.260> we<00:02:07.040> have<00:02:07.220> some<00:02:07.400> Wimbledon<00:02:07.790> news<00:02:07.940> which<00:02:08.149> is and we have some Wimbledon news which is and we have some Wimbledon news which is great<00:02:08.800> now<00:02:09.800> what<00:02:10.010> we<00:02:10.100> can<00:02:10.250> do<00:02:10.399> is<00:02:10.640> point<00:02:11.000> at<00:02:11.180> the great now what we can do is point at the great now what we can do is point at the front<00:02:11.420> of<00:02:11.480> the<00:02:11.540> newspaper<00:02:11.720> and<00:02:12.320> immediately front of the newspaper and immediately front of the newspaper and immediately get<00:02:13.190> the<00:02:13.220> bulletin<00:02:13.640> ring get the bulletin ring get the bulletin ring you<00:02:16.670> adapt<00:02:17.030> and<00:02:17.360> you<00:02:17.480> you<00:02:17.840> have<00:02:18.050> to<00:02:18.200> be you adapt and you you have to be you adapt and you you have to be flexible<00:02:18.470> you<00:02:19.130> have<00:02:19.160> to<00:02:19.340> be<00:02:19.460> willing<00:02:19.610> to flexible you have to be willing to flexible you have to be willing to change<00:02:20.120> direction<00:02:20.510> at<00:02:20.990> a<00:02:21.050> split-second<00:02:22.040> and change direction at a split-second and change direction at a split-second and she<00:02:23.150> does<00:02:23.360> all<00:02:23.510> that<00:02:23.750> she's<00:02:23.990> won<00:02:24.170> this<00:02:24.290> title she does all that she's won this title she does all that she's won this title and<00:02:25.880> that<00:02:26.180> linking<00:02:26.780> of<00:02:26.990> the<00:02:27.350> the<00:02:27.680> digital and that linking of the the digital and that linking of the the digital content<00:02:28.430> is<00:02:28.490> something<00:02:28.580> that's<00:02:28.880> physical<00:02:29.270> is content is something that's physical is content is something that's physical is what<00:02:29.540> we<00:02:29.690> call<00:02:29.900> an<00:02:29.990> aura<00:02:30.170> and<00:02:30.440> I'll<00:02:30.590> be<00:02:30.710> using what we call an aura and I'll be using what we call an aura and I'll be using that<00:02:31.070> term<00:02:31.250> Anila<00:02:31.520> as<00:02:31.700> we<00:02:31.850> go<00:02:31.970> through<00:02:32.210> the that term Anila as we go through the that term Anila as we go through the talk<00:02:32.530> so<00:02:33.530> what's<00:02:34.130> great<00:02:34.340> about<00:02:34.460> this<00:02:34.730> is<00:02:35.090> it talk so what's great about this is it talk so what's great about this is it isn't<00:02:35.450> just<00:02:35.690> a<00:02:36.110> faster<00:02:36.620> more<00:02:36.770> convenient<00:02:37.160> way isn't just a faster more convenient way isn't just a faster more convenient way to<00:02:37.430> get<00:02:37.640> information<00:02:38.150> in<00:02:38.210> the<00:02:38.300> real<00:02:38.450> world<00:02:38.690> but to get information in the real world but to get information in the real world but there<00:02:39.560> are<00:02:39.650> times<00:02:39.950> when<00:02:40.310> actually<00:02:40.760> using<00:02:41.150> this there are times when actually using this there are times when actually using this medium<00:02:41.660> allows<00:02:42.020> you<00:02:42.320> to<00:02:42.500> be<00:02:42.590> able<00:02:42.710> to<00:02:42.950> display medium allows you to be able to display medium allows you to be able to display information<00:02:43.400> in<00:02:43.970> a<00:02:44.060> way<00:02:44.180> that<00:02:44.360> was<00:02:44.480> never information in a way that was never information in a way that was never before<00:02:44.840> possible<00:02:45.490> so<00:02:46.490> what<00:02:46.790> I<00:02:46.820> have<00:02:47.030> here<00:02:47.210> is<00:02:47.390> a before possible so what I have here is a before possible so what I have here is a wireless<00:02:48.110> fruta<00:02:48.740> and<00:02:48.980> my<00:02:49.310> American wireless fruta and my American wireless fruta and my American colleagues<00:02:50.000> have<00:02:50.210> told<00:02:50.420> me<00:02:50.510> I've<00:02:50.600> got<00:02:50.750> to<00:02:50.810> call colleagues have told me I've got to call colleagues have told me I've got to call it<00:02:51.050> a<00:02:51.110> router<00:02:51.490> so<00:02:52.490> that<00:02:52.520> everyone<00:02:52.910> here it a router so that everyone here it a router so that everyone here understands<00:02:53.420> but<00:02:54.410> nonetheless<00:02:54.620> here<00:02:55.010> is<00:02:55.100> the understands but nonetheless here is the understands but nonetheless here is the device<00:02:57.040> so<00:02:58.040> now<00:02:58.190> what<00:02:58.340> I<00:02:58.370> can<00:02:58.460> do<00:02:58.730> is<00:02:59.090> rather device so now what I can do is rather device so now what I can do is rather than<00:02:59.720> getting<00:03:00.110> the<00:03:00.290> instructions<00:03:00.770> for<00:03:00.860> the than getting the instructions for the than getting the instructions for the device<00:03:01.130> online<00:03:01.340> I<00:03:01.790> can<00:03:02.600> simply<00:03:02.870> pointed<00:03:03.230> it device online I can simply pointed it device online I can simply pointed it the<00:03:03.860> device<00:03:04.130> is<00:03:04.310> recognized<00:03:04.790> and<00:03:05.570> then<00:03:07.570> begin the device is recognized and then begin the device is recognized and then begin by<00:03:08.720> plugging<00:03:08.900> in<00:03:09.170> the<00:03:09.290> grate<00:03:09.530> it<00:03:09.740> yourself by plugging in the grate it yourself by plugging in the grate it yourself cable<00:03:10.540> then<00:03:11.540> connect<00:03:11.960> the<00:03:12.050> power<00:03:13.240> finally<00:03:14.240> the cable then connect the power finally the cable then connect the power finally the yellow<00:03:14.510> Ethernet<00:03:14.810> cable<00:03:16.540> congratulations yellow Ethernet cable congratulations yellow Ethernet cable congratulations you<00:03:18.170> have<00:03:18.200> now<00:03:18.440> completed<00:03:18.590> setup<00:03:19.310> awesome you have now completed setup awesome you have now completed setup awesome thank<00:03:20.750> you

the<00:03:25.430> incredible<00:03:26.120> work<00:03:26.330> that<00:03:26.360> made<00:03:26.690> that
the incredible work that made that the incredible work that made that possible<00:03:27.020> was<00:03:27.470> done<00:03:27.530> here<00:03:28.400> in<00:03:28.490> the<00:03:28.550> UK<00:03:28.670> by<00:03:29.510> by possible was done here in the UK by by possible was done here in the UK by by scientists<00:03:30.380> at<00:03:30.470> Cambridge<00:03:30.860> and<00:03:31.130> they<00:03:31.940> work<00:03:32.150> in scientists at Cambridge and they work in scientists at Cambridge and they work in our<00:03:32.360> offices<00:03:32.720> and<00:03:32.870> I've<00:03:32.959> got<00:03:33.080> a<00:03:33.110> lovely our offices and I've got a lovely our offices and I've got a lovely picture<00:03:33.560> of<00:03:33.709> them<00:03:33.830> here<00:03:34.040> they<00:03:34.550> couldn't<00:03:34.730> all picture of them here they couldn't all picture of them here they couldn't all be<00:03:34.880> on<00:03:35.060> stage<00:03:35.360> but<00:03:35.750> we're<00:03:36.020> going<00:03:36.140> to<00:03:36.200> bring be on stage but we're going to bring be on stage but we're going to bring that<00:03:36.440> over<00:03:36.500> to<00:03:36.770> the<00:03:36.860> stage<00:03:37.069> so<00:03:37.310> here<00:03:37.430> they<00:03:37.520> are

they're<00:03:43.970> not<00:03:44.120> very<00:03:44.239> animated<00:03:44.600> so<00:03:45.020> this<00:03:45.650> was
they're not very animated so this was they're not very animated so this was the<00:03:45.920> fourth<00:03:46.130> take<00:03:46.400> I'm<00:03:46.610> told<00:03:49.150> ok<00:03:50.769> so<00:03:51.769> as<00:03:52.010> we're the fourth take I'm told ok so as we're the fourth take I'm told ok so as we're talking<00:03:52.459> about<00:03:52.550> Cambridge<00:03:53.060> let's<00:03:53.420> now<00:03:53.600> move talking about Cambridge let's now move talking about Cambridge let's now move on<00:03:54.019> to<00:03:54.050> technical<00:03:54.739> advancements<00:03:55.280> because on to technical advancements because on to technical advancements because since<00:03:56.360> we<00:03:56.480> started<00:03:56.660> putting<00:03:56.870> this<00:03:57.050> technology since we started putting this technology since we started putting this technology on<00:03:57.680> mobile<00:03:58.069> phones<00:03:58.400> are<00:03:58.850> less<00:03:59.120> than<00:03:59.390> less<00:04:00.110> than on mobile phones are less than less than on mobile phones are less than less than 12<00:04:00.620> months<00:04:00.800> ago<00:04:01.160> the<00:04:01.880> speed<00:04:02.269> and<00:04:02.450> the 12 months ago the speed and the 12 months ago the speed and the processor<00:04:02.989> in<00:04:03.080> these<00:04:03.200> devices<00:04:03.709> has<00:04:03.950> grown<00:04:04.190> at processor in these devices has grown at processor in these devices has grown at a<00:04:04.430> really<00:04:04.850> phenomenal<00:04:05.209> rate<00:04:05.630> and<00:04:05.989> that<00:04:06.500> means a really phenomenal rate and that means a really phenomenal rate and that means that<00:04:06.860> I<00:04:06.920> can<00:04:07.190> now<00:04:07.340> take<00:04:07.400> cinema<00:04:08.060> quality<00:04:08.510> 3d that I can now take cinema quality 3d that I can now take cinema quality 3d models<00:04:09.230> and<00:04:09.530> place<00:04:10.040> them<00:04:10.220> in<00:04:10.310> the<00:04:10.400> world models and place them in the world models and place them in the world around<00:04:10.700> me<00:04:10.970> so<00:04:11.660> I<00:04:11.870> have<00:04:12.319> one<00:04:12.440> over<00:04:12.650> here around me so I have one over here around me so I have one over here tomorrow<00:04:13.910> would<00:04:14.060> you<00:04:14.120> like<00:04:14.330> to<00:04:14.480> jump<00:04:14.750> in

as<00:04:27.600> sleepin

so<00:04:38.290> then<00:04:38.500> after<00:04:39.070> the<00:04:39.100> fun<00:04:39.400> comes<00:04:39.700> the<00:04:39.850> more
so then after the fun comes the more so then after the fun comes the more emotional<00:04:40.360> side<00:04:40.540> of<00:04:40.570> what<00:04:40.810> we<00:04:40.900> do<00:04:41.050> because emotional side of what we do because emotional side of what we do because effectively<00:04:41.950> this<00:04:42.070> technology<00:04:42.730> allows<00:04:43.420> you effectively this technology allows you effectively this technology allows you to<00:04:43.660> see<00:04:43.870> the<00:04:43.990> world<00:04:44.140> through<00:04:44.260> someone's<00:04:44.620> eyes to see the world through someone's eyes to see the world through someone's eyes and<00:04:45.220> for<00:04:45.760> that<00:04:45.850> person<00:04:46.090> to<00:04:46.300> be<00:04:46.480> able<00:04:46.570> to<00:04:46.870> take<00:04:47.050> a and for that person to be able to take a and for that person to be able to take a moment<00:04:47.350> in<00:04:47.650> time<00:04:47.890> and<00:04:48.250> effectively<00:04:49.090> store<00:04:49.810> it moment in time and effectively store it moment in time and effectively store it and<00:04:50.140> tag<00:04:50.440> it<00:04:50.470> to<00:04:50.680> something<00:04:50.980> physical<00:04:51.430> that and tag it to something physical that and tag it to something physical that exists<00:04:51.880> in<00:04:51.940> the<00:04:52.000> real<00:04:52.180> world<00:04:52.530> what's<00:04:53.530> great exists in the real world what's great exists in the real world what's great about<00:04:53.770> this<00:04:54.160> is<00:04:54.430> the<00:04:54.700> tools<00:04:54.940> to<00:04:55.030> do<00:04:55.150> this<00:04:55.270> are about this is the tools to do this are about this is the tools to do this are free<00:04:55.600> they're<00:04:55.990> open<00:04:56.380> and<00:04:56.500> they're<00:04:56.620> available free they're open and they're available free they're open and they're available to<00:04:57.100> everyone<00:04:57.370> within<00:04:58.180> our<00:04:58.390> application<00:04:58.990> and to everyone within our application and to everyone within our application and educators<00:05:00.400> have<00:05:00.520> really<00:05:00.760> got<00:05:00.880> on<00:05:01.000> board<00:05:01.180> with educators have really got on board with educators have really got on board with with<00:05:01.930> the<00:05:02.020> classrooms<00:05:02.470> so<00:05:03.190> we<00:05:03.310> have<00:05:03.490> teachers with the classrooms so we have teachers with the classrooms so we have teachers who've<00:05:04.030> tagged<00:05:04.300> up<00:05:04.450> textbooks<00:05:04.930> teachers who've tagged up textbooks teachers who've tagged up textbooks teachers who've<00:05:05.500> tagged<00:05:05.740> up<00:05:05.920> school<00:05:06.520> classrooms<00:05:06.970> and<00:05:07.120> a who've tagged up school classrooms and a who've tagged up school classrooms and a great<00:05:07.360> example<00:05:07.600> of<00:05:07.900> this<00:05:08.050> is<00:05:08.320> a<00:05:08.410> school<00:05:08.740> in<00:05:08.770> the great example of this is a school in the great example of this is a school in the UK<00:05:09.100> I<00:05:09.790> have<00:05:10.150> a<00:05:10.180> picture<00:05:10.510> here<00:05:10.630> from<00:05:10.780> a<00:05:10.810> video UK I have a picture here from a video UK I have a picture here from a video and<00:05:11.290> we're<00:05:11.410> now<00:05:11.500> going<00:05:11.650> to<00:05:11.710> play<00:05:11.830> it

now<00:05:26.980> move<00:05:27.250> the<00:05:27.400> other<00:05:27.610> side<00:05:28.060> see<00:05:28.540> what<00:05:28.660> happens
now move the other side see what happens now move the other side see what happens move<00:05:29.590> away<00:05:29.740> from<00:05:30.130> it<00:05:30.250> and<00:05:30.400> come<00:05:30.550> back<00:05:30.610> to<00:05:30.790> it

have<00:05:37.240> you<00:05:37.270> got<00:05:37.540> it<00:05:37.720> again<00:05:47.880> so<00:05:48.880> it's<00:05:49.060> not<00:05:49.240> magic
have you got it again so it's not magic have you got it again so it's not magic it's<00:05:50.170> available<00:05:50.380> for<00:05:50.710> everyone<00:05:50.980> to<00:05:51.100> do<00:05:51.220> and it's available for everyone to do and it's available for everyone to do and actually<00:05:51.850> I'm<00:05:51.910> going<00:05:52.030> to<00:05:52.090> show<00:05:52.180> you<00:05:52.330> how<00:05:52.540> easy actually I'm going to show you how easy actually I'm going to show you how easy it<00:05:52.960> is<00:05:52.990> to<00:05:53.230> do<00:05:53.320> by<00:05:53.530> doing<00:05:53.770> one<00:05:53.890> right<00:05:53.920> now<00:05:54.250> so<00:05:54.460> I it is to do by doing one right now so I it is to do by doing one right now so I sort<00:05:55.510> of<00:05:55.600> I'm<00:05:56.050> told<00:05:56.260> it's<00:05:56.410> called<00:05:56.560> a<00:05:56.590> stadium sort of I'm told it's called a stadium sort of I'm told it's called a stadium wave<00:05:57.190> so<00:05:57.520> we're<00:05:57.640> gonna<00:05:57.730> start<00:05:58.030> from<00:05:58.120> this<00:05:58.270> side wave so we're gonna start from this side wave so we're gonna start from this side of<00:05:58.510> the<00:05:58.630> room<00:05:58.780> on<00:05:58.900> the<00:05:58.960> count<00:05:59.140> of<00:05:59.290> three<00:05:59.440> and<00:05:59.560> go of the room on the count of three and go of the room on the count of three and go over<00:05:59.770> to<00:05:59.890> here<00:06:00.070> tomorrow<00:06:00.700> are<00:06:00.910> you<00:06:00.940> recording over to here tomorrow are you recording over to here tomorrow are you recording okay<00:06:02.230> so<00:06:02.620> you<00:06:02.680> all<00:06:02.770> ready<00:06:02.970> one<00:06:03.970> two<00:06:04.540> three<00:06:05.050> go

fellows<00:06:10.090> are<00:06:10.300> really<00:06:10.450> good<00:06:10.570> now<00:06:12.780> okay<00:06:13.780> now
fellows are really good now okay now fellows are really good now okay now we're<00:06:14.290> going<00:06:14.380> to<00:06:14.470> switch<00:06:14.710> back<00:06:14.740> into<00:06:15.100> the we're going to switch back into the we're going to switch back into the Aurasma<00:06:15.580> plication<00:06:16.000> and<00:06:16.480> what<00:06:16.780> tomorrow's Aurasma plication and what tomorrow's Aurasma plication and what tomorrow's gonna<00:06:17.320> do<00:06:17.530> is<00:06:17.710> is<00:06:17.950> tag<00:06:18.400> that<00:06:19.210> video<00:06:19.510> that<00:06:19.540> we gonna do is is tag that video that we gonna do is is tag that video that we just<00:06:19.810> took<00:06:20.110> onto<00:06:21.040> my<00:06:21.460> my<00:06:21.880> badge<00:06:22.090> so<00:06:22.450> that<00:06:22.570> I<00:06:22.600> can just took onto my my badge so that I can just took onto my my badge so that I can remember<00:06:22.960> it<00:06:23.170> forever<00:06:25.500> now<00:06:26.500> we<00:06:27.370> have<00:06:27.520> lots<00:06:27.760> of remember it forever now we have lots of remember it forever now we have lots of people<00:06:27.970> who<00:06:28.210> are<00:06:28.270> doing<00:06:28.420> this<00:06:28.600> already<00:06:28.750> and people who are doing this already and people who are doing this already and we've<00:06:29.740> talked<00:06:29.950> a<00:06:30.010> little<00:06:30.070> about<00:06:30.190> the we've talked a little about the we've talked a little about the educational<00:06:30.940> side<00:06:31.000> on<00:06:31.420> the<00:06:31.690> emotional<00:06:32.110> side educational side on the emotional side educational side on the emotional side we<00:06:32.530> have<00:06:32.710> people<00:06:33.040> who've<00:06:33.250> done<00:06:33.760> things<00:06:34.000> like we have people who've done things like we have people who've done things like sent<00:06:35.650> postcards<00:06:35.770> and<00:06:36.250> Christmas<00:06:36.550> cards<00:06:36.820> back sent postcards and Christmas cards back sent postcards and Christmas cards back to<00:06:37.030> their<00:06:37.270> family<00:06:37.720> with<00:06:38.620> with<00:06:38.920> little to their family with with little to their family with with little messages<00:06:39.460> on<00:06:39.610> we<00:06:40.000> have<00:06:40.150> people<00:06:40.510> who<00:06:40.720> have<00:06:40.860> for messages on we have people who have for messages on we have people who have for example<00:06:41.920> taken<00:06:42.610> the<00:06:42.700> inside<00:06:43.030> of<00:06:43.210> the<00:06:43.270> engine example taken the inside of the engine example taken the inside of the engine bay<00:06:43.630> of<00:06:43.750> an<00:06:43.840> old<00:06:43.990> car<00:06:44.200> and<00:06:44.470> tagged<00:06:45.070> up bay of an old car and tagged up bay of an old car and tagged up different<00:06:45.490> components<00:06:46.000> within<00:06:46.210> an<00:06:46.390> engine<00:06:46.690> so different components within an engine so different components within an engine so that<00:06:47.200> if<00:06:47.470> you're<00:06:47.740> stuck<00:06:48.070> and<00:06:48.160> you<00:06:48.250> want<00:06:48.370> to that if you're stuck and you want to that if you're stuck and you want to find<00:06:48.580> out<00:06:48.730> more<00:06:48.850> you<00:06:48.910> can<00:06:49.090> point<00:06:49.420> and<00:06:49.630> discover find out more you can point and discover find out more you can point and discover the<00:06:50.080> information<00:06:51.150> we're<00:06:52.150> all<00:06:52.360> very<00:06:52.840> very the information we're all very very the information we're all very very familiar<00:06:53.440> with<00:06:53.470> the<00:06:53.650> Internet<00:06:54.040> in<00:06:54.310> the<00:06:54.910> last familiar with the Internet in the last familiar with the Internet in the last 20<00:06:55.870> years<00:06:55.900> it's<00:06:56.560> really<00:06:57.120> changed<00:06:58.120> the<00:06:58.240> way 20 years it's really changed the way 20 years it's really changed the way that<00:06:58.480> we<00:06:58.600> live<00:06:58.720> and<00:06:58.780> work<00:06:59.050> and<00:06:59.380> the<00:06:59.650> way<00:06:59.740> that that we live and work and the way that that we live and work and the way that we<00:07:00.010> see<00:07:00.190> the<00:07:00.310> world<00:07:00.340> and<00:07:00.910> what's<00:07:01.540> great<00:07:01.750> is<00:07:02.050> we we see the world and what's great is we we see the world and what's great is we sort<00:07:02.770> of<00:07:02.830> think<00:07:02.980> this<00:07:03.160> is<00:07:03.280> the<00:07:03.400> next<00:07:03.580> paradigm sort of think this is the next paradigm sort of think this is the next paradigm shift<00:07:04.450> because<00:07:04.890> now<00:07:05.890> we<00:07:06.700> can<00:07:06.730> literally<00:07:07.420> take shift because now we can literally take shift because now we can literally take the<00:07:07.900> content<00:07:08.320> that<00:07:08.470> we<00:07:08.650> share<00:07:09.130> we<00:07:09.430> discover the content that we share we discover the content that we share we discover and<00:07:10.240> that<00:07:10.330> we<00:07:10.420> enjoy<00:07:10.570> and<00:07:11.110> make<00:07:11.620> it<00:07:11.740> a<00:07:11.800> part<00:07:12.010> of and that we enjoy and make it a part of and that we enjoy and make it a part of the<00:07:12.190> world<00:07:12.340> around<00:07:12.610> us<00:07:13.200> it's<00:07:14.200> completely<00:07:14.680> free the world around us it's completely free the world around us it's completely free to<00:07:14.920> download<00:07:15.010> this<00:07:15.250> application<00:07:15.850> if<00:07:16.000> you<00:07:16.030> have to download this application if you have to download this application if you have a<00:07:16.270> good<00:07:16.510> Wi-Fi<00:07:16.870> connection<00:07:17.320> or<00:07:17.410> 3G<00:07:17.830> this a good Wi-Fi connection or 3G this a good Wi-Fi connection or 3G this process<00:07:18.940> is<00:07:19.060> very<00:07:19.150> very<00:07:19.240> quick<00:07:19.570> I'll<00:07:19.810> play<00:07:20.080> up process is very very quick I'll play up process is very very quick I'll play up we<00:07:20.440> can<00:07:20.560> save<00:07:20.710> it<00:07:20.830> now<00:07:20.980> it's<00:07:21.970> just<00:07:22.090> going<00:07:22.180> to<00:07:22.270> do we can save it now it's just going to do we can save it now it's just going to do a<00:07:22.360> tiny<00:07:22.630> bit<00:07:22.840> of<00:07:22.930> processing<00:07:23.350> to<00:07:23.830> convert<00:07:24.220> that a tiny bit of processing to convert that a tiny bit of processing to convert that image<00:07:24.970> that<00:07:25.000> we<00:07:25.240> just<00:07:25.420> took<00:07:25.600> into<00:07:26.080> a<00:07:26.110> sort<00:07:26.380> of image that we just took into a sort of image that we just took into a sort of digital<00:07:26.590> fingerprint<00:07:27.280> and<00:07:27.520> the<00:07:27.940> great<00:07:28.150> thing digital fingerprint and the great thing digital fingerprint and the great thing is<00:07:28.360> if<00:07:28.690> you're<00:07:28.810> a<00:07:28.840> professional<00:07:29.170> user<00:07:29.560> so<00:07:29.830> in is if you're a professional user so in is if you're a professional user so in newspaper<00:07:30.370> the<00:07:31.000> tools<00:07:31.240> are<00:07:31.390> pretty<00:07:31.510> much newspaper the tools are pretty much newspaper the tools are pretty much identical<00:07:31.900> to<00:07:32.560> what<00:07:32.710> we've<00:07:32.830> just<00:07:33.040> used<00:07:33.100> to identical to what we've just used to identical to what we've just used to create<00:07:33.670> this create this create this administration<00:07:34.460> the<00:07:34.640> only<00:07:35.480> difference<00:07:35.870> is administration the only difference is administration the only difference is that<00:07:36.050> you've<00:07:36.290> got<00:07:36.470> the<00:07:36.560> ability<00:07:36.680> to<00:07:36.890> add<00:07:37.100> in that you've got the ability to add in that you've got the ability to add in links<00:07:37.430> and<00:07:37.730> slightly<00:07:37.880> more<00:07:38.090> content<00:07:38.480> you're links and slightly more content you're links and slightly more content you're now<00:07:39.170> ready<00:07:39.670> okay<00:07:40.670> so<00:07:41.120> I'm<00:07:41.300> Toby<00:07:41.540> ready<00:07:41.720> which now ready okay so I'm Toby ready which now ready okay so I'm Toby ready which means<00:07:42.740> we<00:07:42.890> can<00:07:43.010> now<00:07:43.100> point<00:07:43.280> at<00:07:43.400> the<00:07:43.520> image<00:07:43.730> and means we can now point at the image and means we can now point at the image and there<00:07:44.720> you<00:07:44.780> all<00:07:44.930> are

well<00:07:51.960> done<00:07:52.110> creeping<00:07:52.770> around<00:07:52.860> my<00:07:53.100> thankee

Matt Mills, Tamara, Roukaerts, Aurasma, augmented, reality, techbology, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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