Nhắn tin cứu sống-Nancy Lublin

Texting that saves lives - Nancy Lublin

Texting that saves lives - Nancy Lublin



to<00:00:16.800> most<00:00:16.960> of<00:00:17.160> you<00:00:17.880> this<00:00:18.119> is<00:00:18.800> a<00:00:19.000> device<00:00:19.439> to<00:00:19.680> buy
to most of you this is a device to buy to most of you this is a device to buy sell<00:00:21.480> play<00:00:21.800> games<00:00:22.560> watch<00:00:23.320> videos<00:00:24.320> I<00:00:24.400> think<00:00:24.560> it sell play games watch videos I think it sell play games watch videos I think it might<00:00:24.800> be<00:00:24.920> a<00:00:25.039> Lifeline<00:00:26.039> I<00:00:26.160> think<00:00:26.480> actually<00:00:26.800> it might be a Lifeline I think actually it might be a Lifeline I think actually it might<00:00:27.080> be<00:00:27.240> able<00:00:27.400> to<00:00:27.560> save<00:00:27.840> more<00:00:28.199> lives<00:00:29.039> than might be able to save more lives than might be able to save more lives than penicillin penicillin penicillin texting<00:00:32.000> I<00:00:32.119> know<00:00:32.239> I<00:00:32.360> say<00:00:32.599> texting<00:00:33.000> and<00:00:33.120> a<00:00:33.239> lot texting I know I say texting and a lot texting I know I say texting and a lot of<00:00:33.440> you<00:00:33.520> think<00:00:33.879> texting<00:00:34.879> a<00:00:34.960> lot<00:00:35.079> of<00:00:35.160> you<00:00:35.320> think of you think texting a lot of you think of you think texting a lot of you think about<00:00:35.640> the<00:00:35.719> lwd<00:00:36.120> photos<00:00:36.840> that<00:00:36.960> you<00:00:37.120> see about the lwd photos that you see about the lwd photos that you see hopefully<00:00:38.320> not<00:00:38.520> your<00:00:38.760> kid<00:00:39.040> sending<00:00:39.399> to hopefully not your kid sending to hopefully not your kid sending to somebody<00:00:39.920> else<00:00:40.520> or<00:00:40.760> trying<00:00:40.960> to<00:00:41.200> translate<00:00:41.840> the somebody else or trying to translate the somebody else or trying to translate the abbreviations<00:00:42.719> lol<00:00:43.480> l<00:00:43.680> Mao<00:00:44.559> HMU<00:00:45.440> I<00:00:45.520> can<00:00:45.640> help abbreviations lol l Mao HMU I can help abbreviations lol l Mao HMU I can help you<00:00:45.879> with<00:00:46.039> those<00:00:46.559> later<00:00:47.559> but<00:00:47.719> the<00:00:47.920> parents<00:00:48.360> in you with those later but the parents in you with those later but the parents in the<00:00:48.640> room<00:00:48.920> know<00:00:49.199> that<00:00:49.360> texting<00:00:49.879> is<00:00:50.120> actually the room know that texting is actually the room know that texting is actually the<00:00:50.800> best<00:00:51.160> way<00:00:51.800> to<00:00:52.000> communicate<00:00:52.520> with<00:00:52.680> your the best way to communicate with your the best way to communicate with your kids<00:00:53.399> might<00:00:53.600> be<00:00:53.719> the<00:00:53.800> only<00:00:54.160> way<00:00:54.280> to kids might be the only way to kids might be the only way to communicate<00:00:54.920> with<00:00:55.079> your communicate with your communicate with your kids<00:00:57.480> the<00:00:57.640> average<00:00:57.920> teenager<00:00:58.359> sends<00:00:58.920> 3,000 kids the average teenager sends 3,000 kids the average teenager sends 3,000 339<00:01:01.280> text<00:01:01.600> messages<00:01:02.039> a<00:01:02.320> month<00:01:03.320> unless<00:01:03.600> she's<00:01:03.760> a 339 text messages a month unless she's a 339 text messages a month unless she's a girl<00:01:04.159> and<00:01:04.239> then<00:01:04.360> it's<00:01:04.479> closer<00:01:04.760> to girl and then it's closer to girl and then it's closer to 4,000<00:01:07.680> and<00:01:07.840> the<00:01:07.960> secret<00:01:08.240> is<00:01:08.360> she<00:01:08.520> opens<00:01:08.880> every 4,000 and the secret is she opens every 4,000 and the secret is she opens every single<00:01:09.360> one<00:01:10.159> texting<00:01:10.600> has<00:01:10.759> a<00:01:11.520> 100%<00:01:12.520> open<00:01:12.840> rate single one texting has a 100% open rate single one texting has a 100% open rate now<00:01:13.439> the<00:01:13.560> parents<00:01:13.799> are<00:01:14.000> really<00:01:14.240> alarmed<00:01:15.200> it's now the parents are really alarmed it's now the parents are really alarmed it's a<00:01:15.640> 100%<00:01:16.080> open<00:01:16.280> rate<00:01:16.479> even<00:01:16.640> if<00:01:16.720> she<00:01:16.840> doesn't a 100% open rate even if she doesn't a 100% open rate even if she doesn't respond<00:01:17.439> to<00:01:17.560> you<00:01:17.680> when<00:01:17.799> you<00:01:17.920> ask<00:01:18.080> her<00:01:18.200> when respond to you when you ask her when respond to you when you ask her when she's<00:01:18.520> coming<00:01:18.720> home<00:01:18.880> for<00:01:19.040> dinner<00:01:19.400> I<00:01:19.520> promise she's coming home for dinner I promise she's coming home for dinner I promise she<00:01:20.000> read<00:01:20.240> that she read that she read that text<00:01:22.320> and<00:01:22.479> this<00:01:22.600> isn't<00:01:23.079> some<00:01:23.960> Suburban<00:01:24.960> iPhone text and this isn't some Suburban iPhone text and this isn't some Suburban iPhone using<00:01:26.200> teen<00:01:26.799> phenomena<00:01:27.520> texting<00:01:28.079> actually using teen phenomena texting actually using teen phenomena texting actually over<00:01:28.840> indexes<00:01:29.479> for<00:01:29.680> my<00:01:29.920> minority<00:01:30.400> and<00:01:30.560> urban over indexes for my minority and urban over indexes for my minority and urban youth<00:01:32.119> I<00:01:32.240> know<00:01:32.560> this<00:01:32.759> because<00:01:32.960> at<00:01:33.119> do youth I know this because at do youth I know this because at do something.org<00:01:34.119> which<00:01:34.520> is<00:01:34.640> the<00:01:34.759> largest something.org which is the largest something.org which is the largest Organization<00:01:35.759> for<00:01:35.960> teenagers<00:01:36.560> and<00:01:36.799> social Organization for teenagers and social Organization for teenagers and social change<00:01:37.399> in<00:01:37.600> America<00:01:38.399> about<00:01:38.640> 6<00:01:38.880> months<00:01:39.159> ago<00:01:39.439> we change in America about 6 months ago we change in America about 6 months ago we pivoted<00:01:40.479> and<00:01:40.600> started<00:01:40.920> focusing<00:01:41.280> on<00:01:41.479> text pivoted and started focusing on text pivoted and started focusing on text messaging<00:01:42.520> we're<00:01:42.759> now<00:01:43.079> texting<00:01:43.479> out<00:01:43.640> to<00:01:43.840> about messaging we're now texting out to about messaging we're now texting out to about 200,000<00:01:45.119> kids<00:01:45.439> A<00:01:45.600> week<00:01:46.280> about<00:01:46.479> doing<00:01:46.759> our 200,000 kids A week about doing our 200,000 kids A week about doing our campaigns<00:01:47.600> to<00:01:47.719> make<00:01:47.880> their<00:01:48.000> schools<00:01:48.399> more campaigns to make their schools more campaigns to make their schools more green<00:01:49.759> or<00:01:50.079> to<00:01:50.240> work<00:01:50.439> on<00:01:50.640> homeless<00:01:51.079> issues<00:01:51.479> and green or to work on homeless issues and green or to work on homeless issues and things<00:01:51.960> like<00:01:52.119> that<00:01:52.520> we're<00:01:52.680> finding<00:01:53.000> it<00:01:53.159> 11 things like that we're finding it 11 things like that we're finding it 11 times<00:01:54.200> more<00:01:54.479> powerful<00:01:54.960> than times more powerful than times more powerful than email<00:01:56.880> we've<00:01:57.159> also<00:01:57.479> found<00:01:58.119> a<00:01:58.920> an<00:01:59.119> unintended email we've also found a an unintended email we've also found a an unintended consequence<00:02:01.399> we've<00:02:01.560> been<00:02:01.719> getting<00:02:02.039> text consequence we've been getting text consequence we've been getting text messages<00:02:03.039> back<00:02:03.880> like messages back like messages back like these<00:02:05.759> I<00:02:05.840> don't<00:02:06.000> want<00:02:06.119> to<00:02:06.280> go<00:02:06.439> to<00:02:06.640> school<00:02:07.000> today these I don't want to go to school today these I don't want to go to school today the<00:02:07.960> boys<00:02:08.239> call<00:02:08.440> me the boys call me the boys call me I<00:02:11.560> was<00:02:12.080> cutting<00:02:13.080> my<00:02:13.280> parents<00:02:13.599> found I was cutting my parents found I was cutting my parents found out<00:02:14.040> and<00:02:14.200> so<00:02:14.400> I<00:02:14.560> stopped<00:02:15.239> but<00:02:15.360> I<00:02:15.480> just<00:02:15.599> started out and so I stopped but I just started out and so I stopped but I just started again<00:02:16.280> an<00:02:16.400> hour again an hour again an hour ago<00:02:18.879> or<00:02:19.640> he<00:02:19.760> won't<00:02:20.120> stop<00:02:20.480> raping<00:02:20.920> me<00:02:21.440> he<00:02:21.560> told ago or he won't stop raping me he told ago or he won't stop raping me he told me<00:02:21.920> not<00:02:22.080> to<00:02:22.200> tell<00:02:22.440> anyone<00:02:23.239> it's<00:02:23.480> my<00:02:23.720> dad<00:02:24.319> are me not to tell anyone it's my dad are me not to tell anyone it's my dad are you<00:02:25.040> there<00:02:26.040> that<00:02:26.200> last<00:02:26.400> one's<00:02:26.640> an<00:02:26.840> actual<00:02:27.200> text you there that last one's an actual text you there that last one's an actual text message<00:02:28.120> that<00:02:28.239> we<00:02:28.640> received<00:02:29.400> and<00:02:29.640> yeah<00:02:30.200> we're message that we received and yeah we're message that we received and yeah we're there<00:02:31.400> I<00:02:31.519> will<00:02:31.720> not<00:02:31.879> forget<00:02:32.200> the<00:02:32.360> day<00:02:32.519> we<00:02:32.680> got there I will not forget the day we got there I will not forget the day we got that<00:02:33.080> text<00:02:33.720> message<00:02:34.720> and<00:02:34.879> so<00:02:35.160> it<00:02:35.239> was<00:02:35.480> that<00:02:35.640> day that text message and so it was that day that text message and so it was that day that<00:02:35.920> we<00:02:36.080> decided<00:02:36.640> we<00:02:36.760> needed<00:02:37.040> to<00:02:37.160> build<00:02:37.400> a that we decided we needed to build a that we decided we needed to build a crisis<00:02:38.239> text<00:02:38.920> hotline<00:02:39.920> because<00:02:40.080> this<00:02:40.200> isn't crisis text hotline because this isn't crisis text hotline because this isn't what<00:02:40.560> we<00:02:40.720> do<00:02:41.120> we<00:02:41.239> do<00:02:41.440> social<00:02:41.760> change<00:02:42.560> kids<00:02:42.720> are what we do we do social change kids are what we do we do social change kids are just<00:02:43.000> sending<00:02:43.319> us<00:02:43.519> these<00:02:43.720> text<00:02:43.959> messages just sending us these text messages just sending us these text messages because<00:02:44.760> texting<00:02:45.120> is<00:02:45.280> so<00:02:45.560> familiar<00:02:46.159> and because texting is so familiar and because texting is so familiar and comfortable<00:02:46.879> to<00:02:47.080> them<00:02:47.519> and<00:02:47.640> there's<00:02:47.840> nowhere comfortable to them and there's nowhere comfortable to them and there's nowhere else<00:02:48.319> to<00:02:48.519> turn<00:02:49.280> that<00:02:49.400> they're<00:02:49.519> sending<00:02:49.800> them else to turn that they're sending them else to turn that they're sending them to<00:02:50.200> us<00:02:51.000> so<00:02:51.239> think<00:02:51.400> about<00:02:51.560> it<00:02:51.879> a<00:02:52.040> text<00:02:52.319> hotline to us so think about it a text hotline to us so think about it a text hotline it's<00:02:52.959> pretty<00:02:53.239> powerful<00:02:54.000> it's<00:02:54.360> fast<00:02:54.959> it's it's pretty powerful it's fast it's it's pretty powerful it's fast it's pretty<00:02:55.440> private<00:02:55.800> no<00:02:55.920> one<00:02:56.159> hears<00:02:56.480> you<00:02:56.760> in<00:02:56.879> a pretty private no one hears you in a pretty private no one hears you in a stall<00:02:57.480> you're<00:02:57.720> just<00:02:57.920> texting<00:02:58.560> quietly<00:02:59.560> it's stall you're just texting quietly it's stall you're just texting quietly it's real<00:03:00.440> time<00:03:01.440> we<00:03:01.560> could<00:03:01.760> help<00:03:02.159> millions<00:03:02.680> of real time we could help millions of real time we could help millions of teens<00:03:03.640> with<00:03:03.840> counseling<00:03:04.360> and<00:03:04.599> referrals teens with counseling and referrals teens with counseling and referrals that's<00:03:06.239> great<00:03:07.239> but<00:03:07.360> the<00:03:07.480> thing<00:03:07.599> that<00:03:07.799> really that's great but the thing that really that's great but the thing that really makes<00:03:08.239> this<00:03:08.720> awesome<00:03:09.720> is<00:03:09.879> the<00:03:10.280> data<00:03:11.280> because makes this awesome is the data because makes this awesome is the data because I'm<00:03:11.599> not<00:03:11.799> really<00:03:12.040> comfortable<00:03:12.560> just<00:03:12.799> helping I'm not really comfortable just helping I'm not really comfortable just helping that<00:03:13.519> girl<00:03:13.879> with<00:03:14.120> counseling<00:03:14.599> and<00:03:14.920> referrals that girl with counseling and referrals that girl with counseling and referrals I<00:03:16.000> want<00:03:16.120> to<00:03:16.360> prevent<00:03:16.760> this<00:03:17.159> from I want to prevent this from I want to prevent this from happening<00:03:19.920> so<00:03:20.480> think<00:03:20.640> about<00:03:20.760> a<00:03:20.959> comp<00:03:21.519> there's happening so think about a comp there's happening so think about a comp there's something<00:03:22.000> in<00:03:22.120> New<00:03:22.280> York<00:03:22.519> City<00:03:23.120> uh<00:03:23.239> that<00:03:23.360> the something in New York City uh that the something in New York City uh that the police<00:03:23.799> did<00:03:23.920> it<00:03:24.000> used<00:03:24.159> to<00:03:24.239> be<00:03:24.400> just<00:03:24.599> guest<00:03:24.879> work police did it used to be just guest work police did it used to be just guest work police<00:03:25.840> work<00:03:26.519> and<00:03:26.760> then<00:03:27.080> they<00:03:27.200> started<00:03:27.680> crime police work and then they started crime police work and then they started crime mapping<00:03:29.000> and<00:03:29.200> so<00:03:29.599> they<00:03:29.840> started<00:03:30.080> following mapping and so they started following mapping and so they started following and<00:03:30.760> watching<00:03:31.720> um<00:03:32.000> Petty<00:03:32.400> thefts<00:03:32.879> summonses and watching um Petty thefts summonses and watching um Petty thefts summonses all<00:03:33.799> kinds<00:03:34.000> of<00:03:34.200> things<00:03:34.599> charting<00:03:35.040> the<00:03:35.159> future all kinds of things charting the future all kinds of things charting the future essentially<00:03:36.400> and<00:03:36.560> they<00:03:36.680> found<00:03:37.200> things<00:03:37.599> like essentially and they found things like essentially and they found things like when<00:03:38.439> you<00:03:38.560> see<00:03:38.840> crystal<00:03:39.200> meth<00:03:39.560> on<00:03:39.720> the<00:03:39.840> street when you see crystal meth on the street when you see crystal meth on the street if<00:03:40.760> you<00:03:41.040> add<00:03:41.439> police<00:03:41.840> presence<00:03:42.280> you<00:03:42.400> can<00:03:42.720> curb if you add police presence you can curb if you add police presence you can curb the<00:03:43.799> otherwise<00:03:44.400> inevitable<00:03:45.239> Spate<00:03:45.799> of the otherwise inevitable Spate of the otherwise inevitable Spate of assaults<00:03:46.560> and<00:03:46.720> robberies<00:03:47.239> that<00:03:47.400> would<00:03:47.680> happen assaults and robberies that would happen assaults and robberies that would happen in<00:03:48.519> fact<00:03:48.760> the<00:03:48.959> year<00:03:49.360> after<00:03:49.879> the<00:03:50.040> NYPD<00:03:50.959> put in fact the year after the NYPD put in fact the year after the NYPD put compstat<00:03:52.159> in<00:03:52.439> place<00:03:53.200> the<00:03:53.319> murder<00:03:53.799> rate<00:03:54.040> fell compstat in place the murder rate fell compstat in place the murder rate fell 60%<00:03:56.599> so<00:03:56.920> think<00:03:57.159> about<00:03:57.439> the<00:03:57.599> data<00:03:57.920> from<00:03:58.040> a 60% so think about the data from a 60% so think about the data from a crisis<00:03:58.640> text<00:03:59.040> line<00:04:00.079> there<00:04:00.200> is<00:04:00.439> no<00:04:00.760> census<00:04:01.319> on crisis text line there is no census on crisis text line there is no census on bullying<00:04:02.239> and<00:04:02.400> dating<00:04:02.879> abuse<00:04:03.280> and<00:04:03.439> eating bullying and dating abuse and eating bullying and dating abuse and eating disorders<00:04:04.640> and<00:04:04.920> cutting<00:04:05.799> and<00:04:06.000> rape<00:04:06.799> no<00:04:07.079> census disorders and cutting and rape no census disorders and cutting and rape no census maybe<00:04:07.879> there's<00:04:08.040> some<00:04:08.239> studies<00:04:09.079> some maybe there's some studies some maybe there's some studies some longitudinal<00:04:10.560> studies<00:04:11.000> that<00:04:11.159> cost<00:04:11.519> lots<00:04:11.720> of longitudinal studies that cost lots of longitudinal studies that cost lots of money<00:04:12.040> and<00:04:12.159> took<00:04:12.480> lots<00:04:12.720> of<00:04:13.000> time<00:04:13.760> or<00:04:14.040> maybe money and took lots of time or maybe money and took lots of time or maybe there's<00:04:14.439> some<00:04:14.640> anecdotal<00:04:15.280> evidence<00:04:16.199> imagine there's some anecdotal evidence imagine there's some anecdotal evidence imagine having<00:04:17.199> realtime<00:04:18.199> data<00:04:18.600> on<00:04:18.959> every<00:04:19.239> one<00:04:19.440> of having realtime data on every one of having realtime data on every one of those<00:04:19.959> issues<00:04:20.639> you<00:04:20.759> could<00:04:21.000> inform those issues you could inform those issues you could inform legislation<00:04:22.120> you<00:04:22.199> could<00:04:22.440> inform<00:04:22.880> school legislation you could inform school legislation you could inform school policy<00:04:24.240> you<00:04:24.360> could<00:04:24.520> say<00:04:24.680> to<00:04:24.800> a<00:04:24.919> principal policy you could say to a principal policy you could say to a principal you're<00:04:25.560> having<00:04:25.759> a<00:04:26.000> problem<00:04:26.520> every<00:04:26.800> Thursday you're having a problem every Thursday you're having a problem every Thursday at<00:04:27.680> 3:00<00:04:28.520> what's<00:04:28.759> going<00:04:28.960> on<00:04:29.120> in<00:04:29.280> your<00:04:29.400> school at 3:00 what's going on in your school at 3:00 what's going on in your school you<00:04:30.400> could<00:04:30.560> see<00:04:30.800> the<00:04:30.960> immediate<00:04:31.479> impact<00:04:32.000> of you could see the immediate impact of you could see the immediate impact of legislation<00:04:33.280> or<00:04:33.400> a<00:04:33.560> hateful<00:04:34.039> speech<00:04:34.479> that legislation or a hateful speech that legislation or a hateful speech that somebody<00:04:35.039> gives<00:04:35.240> in<00:04:35.360> a<00:04:35.520> school<00:04:35.840> assembly<00:04:36.280> and somebody gives in a school assembly and somebody gives in a school assembly and see<00:04:36.639> what<00:04:36.800> happens<00:04:37.199> as<00:04:37.280> a<00:04:37.479> result<00:04:38.479> this<00:04:38.639> is see what happens as a result this is see what happens as a result this is really<00:04:39.720> to<00:04:39.960> me<00:04:40.880> the<00:04:41.280> power<00:04:41.680> of<00:04:41.880> texting<00:04:42.320> and really to me the power of texting and really to me the power of texting and the<00:04:42.600> power<00:04:42.840> of<00:04:43.039> data<00:04:43.840> because<00:04:44.080> while<00:04:44.320> people the power of data because while people the power of data because while people are<00:04:44.720> talking<00:04:45.080> about<00:04:45.360> data<00:04:45.800> making<00:04:46.039> it are talking about data making it are talking about data making it possible<00:04:46.840> for<00:04:47.120> Facebook<00:04:47.520> to<00:04:47.680> buy<00:04:48.039> my<00:04:48.240> friend possible for Facebook to buy my friend possible for Facebook to buy my friend from<00:04:48.720> the<00:04:48.880> third<00:04:49.240> grade<00:04:50.000> or<00:04:50.280> Target<00:04:50.880> to<00:04:51.080> know from the third grade or Target to know from the third grade or Target to know when<00:04:51.520> it's<00:04:51.680> time<00:04:51.840> for<00:04:51.960> me<00:04:52.039> to<00:04:52.160> buy<00:04:52.440> more when it's time for me to buy more when it's time for me to buy more diapers<00:04:53.800> or<00:04:53.960> some<00:04:54.240> dude<00:04:54.520> to<00:04:54.639> Build<00:04:54.840> a<00:04:54.960> Better diapers or some dude to Build a Better diapers or some dude to Build a Better Baseball<00:04:56.199> team<00:04:57.199> I'm<00:04:57.520> actually<00:04:57.880> really Baseball team I'm actually really Baseball team I'm actually really excited<00:04:58.520> about<00:04:58.720> the<00:04:58.880> power<00:04:59.080> of<00:04:59.280> data<00:04:59.919> and<00:05:00.080> the excited about the power of data and the excited about the power of data and the power<00:05:00.440> of<00:05:00.639> texting<00:05:01.360> to<00:05:01.520> help<00:05:01.800> that<00:05:02.039> kid<00:05:02.280> go<00:05:02.440> to power of texting to help that kid go to power of texting to help that kid go to school<00:05:03.160> to<00:05:03.320> help<00:05:03.520> that<00:05:03.680> girl<00:05:04.000> stop<00:05:04.280> cutting<00:05:04.560> in school to help that girl stop cutting in school to help that girl stop cutting in the<00:05:04.800> bathroom<00:05:05.479> and<00:05:05.800> absolutely<00:05:06.680> to<00:05:06.840> help<00:05:07.080> that the bathroom and absolutely to help that the bathroom and absolutely to help that girl<00:05:07.400> who's<00:05:07.680> father<00:05:07.919> is<00:05:08.080> raping girl who's father is raping girl who's father is raping her<00:05:10.360> thank<00:05:10.560> you


Nancy Lublin, hotline, texting, teenager, depression, crisis, hotline, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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