Những ngôi nhà sáng tạo từ những thứ khai hoang-Dan Phillips

Creative houses from reclaimed stuff - Dan Phillips

Creative houses from reclaimed stuff - Dan Phillips


thank<00:00:23.570> you<00:00:23.660> very<00:00:23.810> much<00:00:24.080> I<00:00:24.320> have<00:00:24.830> a<00:00:24.860> few
thank you very much I have a few thank you very much I have a few pictures<00:00:25.360> and<00:00:26.360> I'll<00:00:26.480> talk<00:00:26.750> a<00:00:26.779> little<00:00:27.050> bit pictures and I'll talk a little bit pictures and I'll talk a little bit about<00:00:27.290> how<00:00:28.100> I'm<00:00:28.279> able<00:00:28.490> to<00:00:28.640> do<00:00:28.940> what<00:00:29.300> I<00:00:29.480> do<00:00:29.710> all about how I'm able to do what I do all about how I'm able to do what I do all these<00:00:30.890> houses<00:00:31.390> are<00:00:32.390> built<00:00:32.689> from<00:00:33.050> between<00:00:33.680> 70 these houses are built from between 70 these houses are built from between 70 and<00:00:34.370> 80<00:00:34.489> percent<00:00:34.700> recycled<00:00:35.390> materials<00:00:35.750> stuff and 80 percent recycled materials stuff and 80 percent recycled materials stuff that<00:00:36.140> was<00:00:36.230> headed<00:00:36.500> mulcher<00:00:36.980> the<00:00:37.130> landfill<00:00:37.550> the that was headed mulcher the landfill the that was headed mulcher the landfill the burn<00:00:37.910> pile<00:00:38.210> it<00:00:38.629> was<00:00:39.050> all<00:00:39.230> just<00:00:39.500> gone<00:00:40.129> this<00:00:40.340> is burn pile it was all just gone this is burn pile it was all just gone this is the<00:00:40.460> first<00:00:40.670> house<00:00:40.850> I<00:00:41.030> built<00:00:41.800> this<00:00:42.800> double the first house I built this double the first house I built this double front<00:00:43.370> door<00:00:43.580> here<00:00:43.940> with<00:00:44.120> the<00:00:44.330> three<00:00:45.290> light front door here with the three light front door here with the three light transom<00:00:45.949> that<00:00:46.100> was<00:00:46.250> headed<00:00:46.519> to<00:00:46.580> the<00:00:46.640> landfill transom that was headed to the landfill transom that was headed to the landfill have<00:00:48.410> a<00:00:48.440> little<00:00:48.739> turret<00:00:49.070> there<00:00:49.309> and<00:00:49.519> then have a little turret there and then have a little turret there and then these<00:00:50.930> buttons<00:00:51.710> on<00:00:52.070> the<00:00:52.220> corbels<00:00:52.610> here<00:00:53.440> right these buttons on the corbels here right these buttons on the corbels here right there<00:00:55.070> those<00:00:55.520> are<00:00:55.670> hickory<00:00:55.940> nuts<00:00:56.210> and<00:00:56.450> these there those are hickory nuts and these there those are hickory nuts and these these<00:00:58.160> buttons<00:00:58.520> there<00:00:58.700> those<00:00:58.910> are<00:00:59.030> chicken these buttons there those are chicken these buttons there those are chicken eggs<00:00:59.570> and<00:01:00.399> of<00:01:01.399> course<00:01:01.460> first<00:01:01.790> you<00:01:01.940> have eggs and of course first you have eggs and of course first you have breakfast<00:01:02.480> and<00:01:02.690> then<00:01:02.750> you<00:01:03.410> you<00:01:04.369> fill<00:01:04.610> the breakfast and then you you fill the breakfast and then you you fill the shelf<00:01:04.940> alla<00:01:05.180> bondo<00:01:05.540> and<00:01:05.690> paint<00:01:05.960> it<00:01:06.080> nail<00:01:06.290> it<00:01:06.320> up shelf alla bondo and paint it nail it up shelf alla bondo and paint it nail it up and<00:01:06.860> you<00:01:07.399> have<00:01:07.430> an<00:01:07.640> architectural<00:01:08.090> button<00:01:08.390> in and you have an architectural button in and you have an architectural button in just<00:01:08.690> a<00:01:08.780> fraction<00:01:09.110> at<00:01:09.229> the<00:01:09.289> time<00:01:10.420> then<00:01:11.420> this<00:01:11.690> is just a fraction at the time then this is just a fraction at the time then this is I<00:01:11.930> look<00:01:12.110> at<00:01:12.229> the<00:01:12.440> inside<00:01:12.950> you<00:01:13.580> can<00:01:13.700> see<00:01:13.850> the I look at the inside you can see the I look at the inside you can see the three<00:01:14.330> light<00:01:14.479> transom<00:01:14.899> there<00:01:15.080> with<00:01:15.289> the three light transom there with the three light transom there with the eyebrow<00:01:15.920> windows<00:01:16.340> certainly<00:01:17.060> an eyebrow windows certainly an eyebrow windows certainly an architectural<00:01:17.600> antique<00:01:18.280> headed<00:01:19.280> to<00:01:19.340> the<00:01:19.430> land architectural antique headed to the land architectural antique headed to the land leaving<00:01:19.970> the<00:01:20.030> lock<00:01:20.210> set<00:01:20.479> is<00:01:20.570> probably<00:01:20.810> worth leaving the lock set is probably worth leaving the lock set is probably worth two<00:01:21.110> hundred<00:01:21.140> dollars<00:01:22.330> everything<00:01:23.330> in<00:01:23.539> the two hundred dollars everything in the two hundred dollars everything in the kitchen<00:01:23.780> was<00:01:24.140> salvaged<00:01:24.560> there's<00:01:24.830> a<00:01:24.890> 1952 kitchen was salvaged there's a 1952 kitchen was salvaged there's a 1952 O'Keefe<00:01:26.030> Merritt<00:01:26.390> stove<00:01:26.659> if<00:01:27.049> you<00:01:27.140> like<00:01:27.290> to O'Keefe Merritt stove if you like to O'Keefe Merritt stove if you like to cook<00:01:27.619> cool<00:01:28.189> stove<00:01:29.080> this<00:01:30.080> is<00:01:30.200> going<00:01:30.470> up<00:01:30.650> into cook cool stove this is going up into cook cool stove this is going up into the<00:01:31.100> turret<00:01:31.430> I<00:01:31.760> got<00:01:32.420> that<00:01:32.600> staircase<00:01:33.140> for<00:01:33.920> $20 the turret I got that staircase for $20 the turret I got that staircase for $20 including<00:01:35.600> delivery<00:01:35.780> to<00:01:36.260> my<00:01:36.380> lot

then<00:01:40.539> looking<00:01:41.539> up<00:01:41.659> in<00:01:41.780> the<00:01:41.840> turret<00:01:41.990> you<00:01:42.170> see
then looking up in the turret you see then looking up in the turret you see there<00:01:42.439> are<00:01:42.560> bulges<00:01:43.130> and<00:01:43.340> pokes<00:01:43.610> and<00:01:43.880> sags<00:01:44.149> and there are bulges and pokes and sags and there are bulges and pokes and sags and so<00:01:45.140> forth<00:01:45.409> well<00:01:45.979> if<00:01:46.189> that<00:01:46.310> ruins<00:01:46.670> your<00:01:46.759> life so forth well if that ruins your life so forth well if that ruins your life well<00:01:47.810> then<00:01:47.990> you<00:01:48.140> shouldn't<00:01:48.409> live<00:01:48.619> there<00:01:50.679> this well then you shouldn't live there this well then you shouldn't live there this is<00:01:51.920> a<00:01:52.399> laundry<00:01:53.329> chute<00:01:53.539> and<00:01:53.990> this<00:01:54.469> right<00:01:54.740> here is a laundry chute and this right here is a laundry chute and this right here is<00:01:55.280> a<00:01:55.310> shoe<00:01:55.579> last<00:01:55.789> and<00:01:56.149> those<00:01:56.899> are<00:01:57.020> those<00:01:57.140> cast is a shoe last and those are those cast is a shoe last and those are those cast iron<00:01:57.710> things<00:01:58.039> you<00:01:58.159> see<00:01:58.280> at<00:01:58.340> antique<00:01:58.700> shops<00:01:58.970> so iron things you see at antique shops so iron things you see at antique shops so I<00:01:59.539> had<00:01:59.689> one<00:01:59.840> of<00:01:59.929> those<00:01:59.960> so<00:02:00.229> I<00:02:00.259> made<00:02:00.860> some I had one of those so I made some I had one of those so I made some low-tech<00:02:01.250> gadgetry<00:02:02.030> there<00:02:02.299> where<00:02:02.810> you<00:02:02.899> just low-tech gadgetry there where you just low-tech gadgetry there where you just stomp<00:02:03.350> on<00:02:03.530> the<00:02:03.619> shoe<00:02:03.770> last<00:02:04.009> and<00:02:04.399> then<00:02:04.670> the<00:02:04.759> door stomp on the shoe last and then the door stomp on the shoe last and then the door flies<00:02:05.179> open<00:02:05.420> you<00:02:05.659> throw<00:02:05.840> your<00:02:05.990> laundry<00:02:06.319> down flies open you throw your laundry down flies open you throw your laundry down and<00:02:06.710> then<00:02:07.700> if<00:02:08.060> you're<00:02:08.239> smart<00:02:08.539> enough<00:02:08.630> it<00:02:08.899> goes and then if you're smart enough it goes and then if you're smart enough it goes into<00:02:09.259> a<00:02:09.289> basket<00:02:09.830> on<00:02:09.979> top<00:02:10.280> of<00:02:10.550> the<00:02:10.670> washer<00:02:11.060> if into a basket on top of the washer if into a basket on top of the washer if not<00:02:11.480> it<00:02:11.690> goes<00:02:11.959> goes<00:02:12.739> into<00:02:12.980> the<00:02:13.099> toilet<00:02:15.190> there's not it goes goes into the toilet there's not it goes goes into the toilet there's a<00:02:16.250> bathtub<00:02:16.430> I<00:02:16.790> made<00:02:17.030> I<00:02:17.269> made<00:02:17.690> out<00:02:18.049> a<00:02:18.080> scrap<00:02:18.470> 2x4 a bathtub I made I made out a scrap 2x4 a bathtub I made I made out a scrap 2x4 here<00:02:19.549> start<00:02:19.880> with<00:02:20.000> a<00:02:20.060> rim<00:02:20.239> there<00:02:20.510> and<00:02:20.720> then here start with a rim there and then here start with a rim there and then glued<00:02:22.250> and<00:02:22.400> nailed<00:02:22.430> it<00:02:22.700> up<00:02:22.819> into<00:02:23.030> a<00:02:23.120> flat glued and nailed it up into a flat glued and nailed it up into a flat corbelled<00:02:24.290> up<00:02:24.440> and<00:02:24.650> flipped<00:02:24.890> it<00:02:25.010> over<00:02:25.130> then<00:02:25.400> to corbelled up and flipped it over then to corbelled up and flipped it over then to did<00:02:25.910> the<00:02:26.030> two<00:02:26.150> profiles<00:02:26.390> on<00:02:26.930> this<00:02:27.170> side<00:02:27.349> it's<00:02:27.590> a did the two profiles on this side it's a did the two profiles on this side it's a two-person<00:02:27.980> tub<00:02:28.840> after<00:02:29.840> all<00:02:30.099> it's<00:02:31.099> not<00:02:31.220> just<00:02:31.280> a two-person tub after all it's not just a two-person tub after all it's not just a question<00:02:31.819> of<00:02:31.880> Hygiene<00:02:32.329> but<00:02:32.569> there's<00:02:32.720> a question of Hygiene but there's a question of Hygiene but there's a possibility<00:02:33.019> of<00:02:33.470> recreation<00:02:34.250> as<00:02:34.610> well<00:02:36.760> then possibility of recreation as well then possibility of recreation as well then this this this this<00:02:39.940> faucet<00:02:40.420> here<00:02:40.630> is<00:02:40.810> just<00:02:41.500> a<00:02:41.590> piece<00:02:41.739> of this faucet here is just a piece of this faucet here is just a piece of Osage<00:02:42.970> orange<00:02:43.150> it<00:02:43.599> looks<00:02:44.170> a<00:02:44.230> little<00:02:44.349> phallic Osage orange it looks a little phallic Osage orange it looks a little phallic but<00:02:45.400> after<00:02:45.670> all<00:02:45.819> it's<00:02:46.030> a<00:02:46.090> bathroom<00:02:49.140> then<00:02:50.140> this but after all it's a bathroom then this but after all it's a bathroom then this is<00:02:50.380> a<00:02:50.440> house<00:02:50.590> based<00:02:50.830> on<00:02:51.069> a<00:02:51.130> Budweiser<00:02:51.400> can<00:02:52.000> it is a house based on a Budweiser can it is a house based on a Budweiser can it doesn't<00:02:52.300> look<00:02:52.390> like<00:02:52.420> a<00:02:52.540> can<00:02:52.780> of<00:02:52.810> beer<00:02:53.050> but<00:02:53.290> the doesn't look like a can of beer but the doesn't look like a can of beer but the design<00:02:53.920> takeoffs<00:02:54.370> are<00:02:54.550> absolutely design takeoffs are absolutely design takeoffs are absolutely unmistakable<00:02:55.420> the<00:02:56.290> barley<00:02:56.620> hops<00:02:56.769> design unmistakable the barley hops design unmistakable the barley hops design worked<00:02:57.459> up<00:02:57.640> into<00:02:57.790> the<00:02:57.910> eaves<00:02:58.090> then<00:02:58.660> the<00:02:58.810> dental worked up into the eaves then the dental worked up into the eaves then the dental work<00:02:59.110> comes<00:02:59.470> directly<00:02:59.830> off<00:03:00.040> the<00:03:00.069> canvas<00:03:00.610> red work comes directly off the canvas red work comes directly off the canvas red white<00:03:00.970> blue<00:03:01.150> and<00:03:01.180> silver<00:03:01.560> then<00:03:02.560> these<00:03:02.800> corbels white blue and silver then these corbels white blue and silver then these corbels going<00:03:03.819> down<00:03:04.000> underneath<00:03:04.300> the<00:03:04.390> eaves<00:03:04.630> are<00:03:04.870> that going down underneath the eaves are that going down underneath the eaves are that little<00:03:05.140> design<00:03:05.349> that<00:03:05.800> comes<00:03:05.980> off<00:03:06.160> the<00:03:06.190> can<00:03:06.489> I little design that comes off the can I little design that comes off the can I just<00:03:06.790> put<00:03:06.910> a<00:03:06.940> can<00:03:07.180> on<00:03:07.209> a<00:03:07.390> copier<00:03:08.050> and<00:03:08.170> kept just put a can on a copier and kept just put a can on a copier and kept enlarging<00:03:09.250> it<00:03:09.340> until<00:03:09.519> I<00:03:09.580> got<00:03:09.730> the<00:03:09.880> size<00:03:10.060> I<00:03:10.269> want enlarging it until I got the size I want enlarging it until I got the size I want then then then on<00:03:12.160> the<00:03:12.640> can<00:03:12.880> it<00:03:13.060> says<00:03:13.299> this<00:03:13.959> is<00:03:14.080> the<00:03:14.200> famous on the can it says this is the famous on the can it says this is the famous Budweiser<00:03:14.860> beer<00:03:15.160> we<00:03:15.340> know<00:03:15.489> of<00:03:15.580> no<00:03:15.730> other<00:03:15.760> beer Budweiser beer we know of no other beer Budweiser beer we know of no other beer of<00:03:16.180> all<00:03:16.269> blah<00:03:16.420> blah<00:03:16.569> blah<00:03:16.690> blah<00:03:16.750> blah<00:03:16.959> so<00:03:17.470> we of all blah blah blah blah blah so we of all blah blah blah blah blah so we changed<00:03:18.010> that<00:03:18.220> and<00:03:18.340> put<00:03:18.519> this<00:03:18.640> is<00:03:18.760> the<00:03:18.850> famous changed that and put this is the famous changed that and put this is the famous Budweiser<00:03:19.510> house<00:03:19.930> we<00:03:20.560> don't<00:03:20.769> know<00:03:20.950> of<00:03:21.069> any Budweiser house we don't know of any Budweiser house we don't know of any other<00:03:21.430> house<00:03:21.640> and<00:03:21.970> so<00:03:22.090> forth<00:03:22.299> and<00:03:22.360> so<00:03:22.450> on<00:03:22.660> then other house and so forth and so on then other house and so forth and so on then there's<00:03:23.500> a<00:03:23.560> dead<00:03:23.739> bolt there's a dead bolt there's a dead bolt it's<00:03:24.220> a<00:03:24.310> fence<00:03:24.580> from<00:03:24.819> a<00:03:24.910> 1930<00:03:25.480> shaper<00:03:25.840> which<00:03:26.110> is it's a fence from a 1930 shaper which is it's a fence from a 1930 shaper which is a<00:03:26.260> very<00:03:26.440> angry<00:03:26.830> woodworking<00:03:27.489> machine<00:03:27.849> and a very angry woodworking machine and a very angry woodworking machine and they<00:03:29.230> gave<00:03:29.410> me<00:03:29.440> the<00:03:29.590> fence<00:03:29.830> but<00:03:30.160> they<00:03:30.280> didn't they gave me the fence but they didn't they gave me the fence but they didn't give<00:03:30.610> me<00:03:30.700> the<00:03:30.760> shaper<00:03:31.150> so<00:03:31.299> we<00:03:31.660> made<00:03:31.810> a<00:03:31.840> dead give me the shaper so we made a dead give me the shaper so we made a dead bolt<00:03:32.290> out<00:03:32.560> of<00:03:32.590> it bolt out of it bolt out of it that'll<00:03:33.430> keep<00:03:33.549> bull<00:03:33.819> elephants<00:03:34.360> out<00:03:34.540> I that'll keep bull elephants out I that'll keep bull elephants out I promise<00:03:35.230> and<00:03:35.739> sure<00:03:36.459> enough<00:03:36.519> we've<00:03:36.849> had<00:03:37.060> no<00:03:37.239> no promise and sure enough we've had no no promise and sure enough we've had no no problems<00:03:38.110> with<00:03:38.230> bull<00:03:38.440> elephants<00:03:39.750> the<00:03:40.750> shower problems with bull elephants the shower problems with bull elephants the shower is<00:03:41.380> intended<00:03:41.860> to<00:03:41.890> simulate<00:03:42.190> a<00:03:42.430> glass<00:03:42.700> of<00:03:42.880> beer is intended to simulate a glass of beer is intended to simulate a glass of beer we<00:03:43.600> got<00:03:43.750> bubbles<00:03:44.109> going<00:03:44.260> up<00:03:44.470> there<00:03:44.680> and<00:03:44.829> then we got bubbles going up there and then we got bubbles going up there and then suds<00:03:45.220> at<00:03:45.430> the<00:03:45.519> top<00:03:45.730> with<00:03:46.030> lumpy<00:03:46.299> tiles<00:03:46.540> where suds at the top with lumpy tiles where suds at the top with lumpy tiles where do<00:03:46.900> you<00:03:46.959> get<00:03:47.049> lumpy<00:03:47.380> tiles<00:03:47.799> well<00:03:48.250> of<00:03:48.370> course do you get lumpy tiles well of course do you get lumpy tiles well of course you<00:03:48.730> don't<00:03:48.940> but<00:03:49.540> I<00:03:49.570> get<00:03:49.750> a<00:03:49.780> lot<00:03:49.989> of<00:03:50.019> toilets<00:03:50.620> and you don't but I get a lot of toilets and you don't but I get a lot of toilets and so<00:03:50.920> you<00:03:50.980> just<00:03:51.190> dispatch<00:03:51.700> your<00:03:51.880> toilet<00:03:52.180> with<00:03:52.269> a so you just dispatch your toilet with a so you just dispatch your toilet with a hammer<00:03:52.570> and<00:03:52.690> then<00:03:52.930> you<00:03:53.019> have<00:03:53.230> lumpy<00:03:54.070> tiles<00:03:54.489> and hammer and then you have lumpy tiles and hammer and then you have lumpy tiles and then<00:03:55.829> the<00:03:56.829> faucet<00:03:57.220> there<00:03:57.400> is<00:03:57.640> a<00:03:58.090> beer<00:03:58.510> tap<00:04:01.140> then then the faucet there is a beer tap then then the faucet there is a beer tap then this<00:04:03.370> panel<00:04:04.269> of<00:04:04.329> glass<00:04:04.480> is<00:04:04.870> the<00:04:04.989> same<00:04:05.200> panel<00:04:05.470> of this panel of glass is the same panel of this panel of glass is the same panel of glass<00:04:05.829> that<00:04:06.069> occurs<00:04:06.370> in<00:04:06.489> every<00:04:06.640> middle-class glass that occurs in every middle-class glass that occurs in every middle-class front<00:04:07.630> door<00:04:07.870> in<00:04:08.109> America<00:04:08.620> we're<00:04:09.100> getting front door in America we're getting front door in America we're getting tired<00:04:09.519> of<00:04:09.790> it<00:04:09.910> it's<00:04:10.060> kind<00:04:10.329> of<00:04:10.359> cliched<00:04:10.780> now<00:04:11.049> so tired of it it's kind of cliched now so tired of it it's kind of cliched now so if<00:04:11.709> you<00:04:11.799> put<00:04:11.950> it<00:04:12.010> in<00:04:12.069> the<00:04:12.130> front<00:04:12.340> door<00:04:12.569> your if you put it in the front door your if you put it in the front door your design<00:04:14.350> fails<00:04:14.799> so<00:04:15.160> don't<00:04:15.489> put<00:04:15.730> it<00:04:15.790> in<00:04:15.850> the design fails so don't put it in the design fails so don't put it in the front<00:04:16.120> door<00:04:16.329> put<00:04:16.600> it<00:04:16.720> somewhere<00:04:16.930> else<00:04:17.200> at front door put it somewhere else at front door put it somewhere else at pretty<00:04:17.620> panel<00:04:17.889> glass<00:04:18.010> but<00:04:18.760> then<00:04:19.000> if<00:04:19.239> you<00:04:19.359> put pretty panel glass but then if you put pretty panel glass but then if you put up<00:04:19.570> the<00:04:19.630> front<00:04:19.810> door<00:04:19.959> Oh<00:04:20.079> beeps<00:04:20.350> out<00:04:20.530> you're up the front door Oh beeps out you're up the front door Oh beeps out you're trying<00:04:21.310> to<00:04:21.370> be<00:04:21.459> like<00:04:21.489> those<00:04:21.850> guys<00:04:22.150> and<00:04:22.510> you trying to be like those guys and you trying to be like those guys and you didn't<00:04:22.870> make<00:04:23.080> it<00:04:23.289> so<00:04:23.620> don't<00:04:23.770> put<00:04:24.039> it<00:04:24.070> there didn't make it so don't put it there didn't make it so don't put it there then<00:04:26.650> another<00:04:27.400> bathroom<00:04:27.789> upstairs<00:04:28.000> this then another bathroom upstairs this then another bathroom upstairs this light<00:04:28.750> up<00:04:28.960> here<00:04:29.169> is<00:04:29.289> the<00:04:29.440> same<00:04:29.680> light<00:04:30.370> that light up here is the same light that light up here is the same light that occurs<00:04:30.880> in<00:04:31.000> every<00:04:31.090> middle-class<00:04:31.479> foyer<00:04:32.139> in occurs in every middle-class foyer in occurs in every middle-class foyer in America<00:04:32.740> don't<00:04:33.669> put<00:04:34.060> it<00:04:34.180> in<00:04:34.210> the<00:04:34.300> foyer<00:04:34.570> put<00:04:35.500> it America don't put it in the foyer put it America don't put it in the foyer put it in<00:04:35.680> the<00:04:35.770> shower<00:04:36.010> or<00:04:36.460> in<00:04:37.090> the<00:04:37.180> closet<00:04:37.720> but<00:04:38.260> not in the shower or in the closet but not in the shower or in the closet but not in<00:04:38.560> the<00:04:38.650> foyer<00:04:40.470> then<00:04:41.470> somebody<00:04:41.830> gave<00:04:41.979> me<00:04:42.039> of in the foyer then somebody gave me of in the foyer then somebody gave me of the<00:04:42.340> day<00:04:42.520> so<00:04:42.820> it<00:04:42.940> got<00:04:43.060> a<00:04:43.120> bidet<00:04:45.840> this<00:04:46.840> little the day so it got a bidet this little the day so it got a bidet this little house<00:04:47.229> here<00:04:47.430> those<00:04:48.430> branches<00:04:48.789> there<00:04:49.210> are<00:04:49.419> made house here those branches there are made house here those branches there are made out<00:04:49.810> of<00:04:49.840> bought<00:04:50.560> art<00:04:50.800> or<00:04:50.979> Osage<00:04:51.400> orange<00:04:51.550> and out of bought art or Osage orange and out of bought art or Osage orange and these<00:04:52.270> pictures<00:04:52.930> will<00:04:53.110> keep<00:04:53.260> scrolling<00:04:53.560> as<00:04:53.919> I these pictures will keep scrolling as I these pictures will keep scrolling as I talk<00:04:54.340> a<00:04:54.370> little<00:04:54.640> bit<00:04:54.880> in<00:04:55.510> order<00:04:55.720> to<00:04:55.960> do<00:04:56.250> what<00:04:57.250> I talk a little bit in order to do what I talk a little bit in order to do what I do<00:04:57.430> you<00:04:57.849> have<00:04:58.060> to<00:04:58.180> understand<00:04:58.690> what<00:04:59.200> causes do you have to understand what causes do you have to understand what causes waste<00:05:00.039> in<00:05:00.310> the<00:05:00.400> building<00:05:00.760> industry<00:05:00.909> our waste in the building industry our waste in the building industry our housing<00:05:02.289> has<00:05:02.440> become<00:05:02.560> a<00:05:02.740> commodity<00:05:03.130> and<00:05:03.900> I'll housing has become a commodity and I'll housing has become a commodity and I'll talk<00:05:05.470> a<00:05:05.500> little<00:05:05.770> bit<00:05:05.919> about<00:05:05.950> that<00:05:06.340> but<00:05:06.520> the talk a little bit about that but the talk a little bit about that but the first<00:05:06.820> cause<00:05:07.030> of<00:05:07.060> waste<00:05:07.419> is<00:05:07.570> probably<00:05:07.870> even first cause of waste is probably even first cause of waste is probably even buried<00:05:08.409> in<00:05:08.500> our<00:05:08.590> DNA<00:05:08.830> human<00:05:09.820> beings<00:05:10.270> have<00:05:10.450> a buried in our DNA human beings have a buried in our DNA human beings have a need<00:05:10.690> for<00:05:10.720> maintaining<00:05:11.380> consistency<00:05:11.860> of<00:05:12.010> the need for maintaining consistency of the need for maintaining consistency of the apperceptive<00:05:12.669> mass<00:05:13.260> what<00:05:14.260> does<00:05:14.349> that<00:05:14.380> mean apperceptive mass what does that mean apperceptive mass what does that mean what<00:05:15.220> it<00:05:15.310> means<00:05:15.550> is<00:05:15.849> for<00:05:16.300> every<00:05:16.360> perception<00:05:17.020> we what it means is for every perception we what it means is for every perception we have<00:05:17.380> it<00:05:17.650> needs<00:05:17.830> to<00:05:18.039> tally<00:05:18.280> with<00:05:18.610> the<00:05:18.700> one<00:05:18.880> like have it needs to tally with the one like have it needs to tally with the one like it<00:05:19.270> before it before it before or<00:05:19.990> we<00:05:20.500> don't<00:05:20.710> have<00:05:20.860> continuity<00:05:21.340> and<00:05:21.669> we've or we don't have continuity and we've or we don't have continuity and we've become<00:05:21.970> a<00:05:22.120> little<00:05:22.240> bit<00:05:22.450> disorient become a little bit disorient become a little bit disorient so<00:05:23.770> I<00:05:23.800> can<00:05:24.070> show<00:05:24.280> you<00:05:24.340> an<00:05:24.669> object<00:05:24.789> you've<00:05:25.150> never so I can show you an object you've never so I can show you an object you've never seen<00:05:25.599> before<00:05:25.810> oh<00:05:26.400> that's<00:05:27.400> a<00:05:27.490> cell<00:05:27.700> phone<00:05:27.880> but seen before oh that's a cell phone but seen before oh that's a cell phone but you've<00:05:28.960> never<00:05:29.080> seen<00:05:29.349> this<00:05:29.800> one<00:05:30.070> before<00:05:30.539> what you've never seen this one before what you've never seen this one before what you're<00:05:31.659> doing<00:05:31.930> is<00:05:32.110> sizing<00:05:33.010> up<00:05:33.130> the<00:05:33.340> pattern<00:05:33.729> of you're doing is sizing up the pattern of you're doing is sizing up the pattern of structural<00:05:34.330> features<00:05:34.720> here<00:05:35.080> and<00:05:35.260> then<00:05:36.250> you<00:05:36.370> go structural features here and then you go structural features here and then you go through<00:05:36.550> your<00:05:36.820> data<00:05:36.940> banks<00:05:37.360> the<00:05:37.479> river<00:05:37.870> till through your data banks the river till through your data banks the river till fog<00:05:38.620> that's<00:05:38.800> a<00:05:38.919> cell<00:05:39.130> phone<00:05:40.050> if<00:05:41.050> I<00:05:41.110> took<00:05:41.169> a<00:05:41.380> bite fog that's a cell phone if I took a bite fog that's a cell phone if I took a bite out<00:05:41.620> of<00:05:41.800> it<00:05:41.979> you<00:05:42.580> go<00:05:42.820> wait<00:05:43.180> a<00:05:43.539> sec out of it you go wait a sec out of it you go wait a sec that's<00:05:45.860> not<00:05:46.070> a<00:05:46.100> cellphone<00:05:46.760> that's<00:05:47.030> that's<00:05:47.330> one that's not a cellphone that's that's one that's not a cellphone that's that's one of<00:05:47.600> those<00:05:47.720> new<00:05:47.930> chocolate<00:05:48.830> cell<00:05:49.340> phones<00:05:50.830> and of those new chocolate cell phones and of those new chocolate cell phones and you'd<00:05:51.980> have<00:05:52.070> to<00:05:52.160> start<00:05:52.430> a<00:05:52.520> new<00:05:52.670> category<00:05:53.210> right you'd have to start a new category right you'd have to start a new category right between<00:05:53.780> cell<00:05:54.260> phones<00:05:54.500> and<00:05:54.680> chocolate<00:05:55.660> that's between cell phones and chocolate that's between cell phones and chocolate that's that's<00:05:57.590> how<00:05:57.710> we<00:05:57.770> process<00:05:58.370> information<00:05:58.580> so<00:05:59.240> you that's how we process information so you that's how we process information so you translate<00:05:59.870> that<00:05:59.990> to<00:06:00.050> the<00:06:00.170> building<00:06:00.530> industry translate that to the building industry translate that to the building industry if<00:06:01.220> we<00:06:01.370> have<00:06:01.460> a<00:06:01.490> wall<00:06:01.700> of<00:06:01.850> window<00:06:02.090> panes<00:06:02.360> and if we have a wall of window panes and if we have a wall of window panes and one<00:06:02.720> pane<00:06:02.930> is<00:06:03.050> cracked<00:06:03.320> we<00:06:03.500> go<00:06:03.590> oh<00:06:03.620> dear<00:06:04.090> that's one pane is cracked we go oh dear that's one pane is cracked we go oh dear that's cracked<00:06:05.360> let's<00:06:05.630> repair<00:06:05.960> let's<00:06:06.140> take<00:06:06.290> it<00:06:06.380> out cracked let's repair let's take it out cracked let's repair let's take it out throw<00:06:06.680> it<00:06:06.710> away<00:06:06.800> so<00:06:06.890> nobody<00:06:07.370> can<00:06:07.490> use<00:06:07.730> it<00:06:07.880> and throw it away so nobody can use it and throw it away so nobody can use it and put<00:06:08.390> a<00:06:08.450> new<00:06:08.540> one<00:06:08.660> in<00:06:08.900> because<00:06:09.140> that's<00:06:09.350> what<00:06:09.530> you put a new one in because that's what you put a new one in because that's what you do<00:06:10.010> with<00:06:10.310> a<00:06:10.340> crack<00:06:10.610> pane<00:06:10.910> never<00:06:11.660> mind<00:06:11.960> that<00:06:12.170> it do with a crack pane never mind that it do with a crack pane never mind that it doesn't<00:06:12.530> affect<00:06:12.590> our<00:06:12.920> lives<00:06:13.100> at<00:06:13.400> all<00:06:13.610> it<00:06:14.480> only doesn't affect our lives at all it only doesn't affect our lives at all it only rattles<00:06:15.710> that<00:06:16.040> expected<00:06:16.700> pattern<00:06:17.180> and<00:06:17.390> unity rattles that expected pattern and unity rattles that expected pattern and unity of<00:06:17.990> structural<00:06:18.530> features<00:06:18.950> however<00:06:19.850> if<00:06:20.300> we of structural features however if we of structural features however if we took<00:06:21.380> a<00:06:21.500> small<00:06:21.740> hammer<00:06:22.010> and<00:06:22.310> we<00:06:22.430> added<00:06:22.610> cracks took a small hammer and we added cracks took a small hammer and we added cracks to<00:06:23.330> all<00:06:23.480> the<00:06:23.660> other<00:06:23.810> windows<00:06:25.900> then<00:06:26.900> we<00:06:27.080> have<00:06:27.200> a to all the other windows then we have a to all the other windows then we have a pattern<00:06:27.470> because<00:06:28.010> Gestalt<00:06:28.550> psychology pattern because Gestalt psychology pattern because Gestalt psychology emphasizes<00:06:29.330> a<00:06:29.780> recognition<00:06:30.140> pattern<00:06:30.530> over emphasizes a recognition pattern over emphasizes a recognition pattern over parts<00:06:31.640> that<00:06:31.850> comprise<00:06:32.330> a<00:06:32.360> pattern<00:06:32.930> that's parts that comprise a pattern that's parts that comprise a pattern that's nice<00:06:34.160> so<00:06:35.500> that<00:06:36.500> serves<00:06:37.040> me<00:06:37.340> everyday nice so that serves me everyday nice so that serves me everyday repetition<00:06:38.750> creates<00:06:39.050> pattern<00:06:39.650> if<00:06:39.740> I<00:06:39.830> have<00:06:39.920> 100 repetition creates pattern if I have 100 repetition creates pattern if I have 100 these<00:06:40.340> 100<00:06:40.730> those<00:06:40.880> it<00:06:41.240> doesn't<00:06:41.480> make<00:06:41.660> any these 100 those it doesn't make any these 100 those it doesn't make any difference<00:06:41.930> what<00:06:42.260> these<00:06:42.440> and<00:06:42.620> those<00:06:42.770> are<00:06:43.010> if<00:06:43.220> I difference what these and those are if I difference what these and those are if I can<00:06:43.490> repeat<00:06:43.820> anything<00:06:44.180> I<00:06:44.600> have<00:06:45.140> the can repeat anything I have the can repeat anything I have the possibility<00:06:45.410> of<00:06:45.830> a<00:06:45.950> pattern<00:06:46.310> from<00:06:46.790> hickory possibility of a pattern from hickory possibility of a pattern from hickory nuts<00:06:47.510> and<00:06:47.720> chicken<00:06:47.990> eggs<00:06:48.170> shards<00:06:48.650> of<00:06:48.710> glass nuts and chicken eggs shards of glass nuts and chicken eggs shards of glass branch<00:06:49.460> it<00:06:49.640> doesn't<00:06:49.850> make<00:06:49.940> any<00:06:50.030> difference branch it doesn't make any difference branch it doesn't make any difference that<00:06:51.560> causes<00:06:52.070> a<00:06:52.130> lot<00:06:52.310> of<00:06:52.460> waste<00:06:52.640> in<00:06:52.790> the that causes a lot of waste in the that causes a lot of waste in the building<00:06:53.180> industry<00:06:53.300> second<00:06:53.990> is<00:06:54.800> Friedrich building industry second is Friedrich building industry second is Friedrich Nietzsche<00:06:55.640> along<00:06:55.880> about<00:06:56.000> 1885<00:06:56.630> wrote<00:06:57.020> a<00:06:57.050> book Nietzsche along about 1885 wrote a book Nietzsche along about 1885 wrote a book titled<00:06:57.620> the<00:06:57.650> birth<00:06:57.830> of<00:06:57.980> tragedy<00:06:58.130> and<00:06:58.750> in<00:06:59.750> there titled the birth of tragedy and in there titled the birth of tragedy and in there he<00:07:00.400> said<00:07:01.400> that<00:07:01.550> cultures<00:07:01.880> tend<00:07:02.060> to<00:07:02.180> swing he said that cultures tend to swing he said that cultures tend to swing between<00:07:02.600> one<00:07:02.990> of<00:07:03.110> two<00:07:03.230> perspectives<00:07:03.500> on<00:07:03.950> the between one of two perspectives on the between one of two perspectives on the one<00:07:04.220> hand<00:07:04.520> we<00:07:04.790> have<00:07:04.820> an<00:07:05.300> Apollonian one hand we have an Apollonian one hand we have an Apollonian perspective<00:07:06.770> which<00:07:07.430> is<00:07:07.550> very<00:07:07.760> crisp<00:07:08.150> and perspective which is very crisp and perspective which is very crisp and premeditated<00:07:08.990> and<00:07:09.290> intellectualized<00:07:10.130> and premeditated and intellectualized and premeditated and intellectualized and perfect<00:07:12.440> on<00:07:13.090> the<00:07:14.090> other<00:07:14.210> end<00:07:14.480> of<00:07:14.570> the<00:07:14.660> spectrum perfect on the other end of the spectrum perfect on the other end of the spectrum we<00:07:15.230> have<00:07:15.260> a<00:07:15.470> Dionysian<00:07:15.980> perspective<00:07:16.820> which<00:07:17.000> is we have a Dionysian perspective which is we have a Dionysian perspective which is more<00:07:17.270> given<00:07:17.600> to<00:07:17.660> the<00:07:17.750> passions<00:07:18.260> and<00:07:18.380> intuition more given to the passions and intuition more given to the passions and intuition tolerant<00:07:19.910> of<00:07:19.970> organic<00:07:20.390> texture<00:07:20.840> and<00:07:21.020> human tolerant of organic texture and human tolerant of organic texture and human gesture<00:07:21.530> so<00:07:22.430> the<00:07:22.640> way<00:07:22.760> the<00:07:23.090> Apollonian gesture so the way the Apollonian gesture so the way the Apollonian personality<00:07:24.500> takes<00:07:24.680> a<00:07:24.860> picture<00:07:25.300> or<00:07:26.300> hangs<00:07:26.510> a personality takes a picture or hangs a personality takes a picture or hangs a picture<00:07:26.930> is<00:07:27.200> they'll<00:07:27.770> get<00:07:27.920> out<00:07:27.950> a<00:07:28.070> transit<00:07:28.700> and picture is they'll get out a transit and picture is they'll get out a transit and a<00:07:29.810> laser<00:07:30.110> level<00:07:30.470> and<00:07:30.800> a<00:07:31.430> micrometer<00:07:32.230> okay a laser level and a micrometer okay a laser level and a micrometer okay honey<00:07:33.440> a<00:07:33.560> thousandth<00:07:34.070> of<00:07:34.160> an<00:07:34.280> inch<00:07:34.370> to<00:07:34.490> the honey a thousandth of an inch to the honey a thousandth of an inch to the left<00:07:34.910> that's<00:07:35.120> where<00:07:35.240> we<00:07:35.330> want<00:07:35.510> the<00:07:35.600> picture left that's where we want the picture left that's where we want the picture right<00:07:35.990> perfect<00:07:36.730> predicated<00:07:37.730> on<00:07:37.820> plumb<00:07:38.120> level right perfect predicated on plumb level right perfect predicated on plumb level Square<00:07:38.780> and<00:07:38.900> centered<00:07:39.280> the<00:07:40.280> Dionysian Square and centered the Dionysian Square and centered the Dionysian personality<00:07:41.690> takes<00:07:41.900> the<00:07:42.110> picture<00:07:42.410> and<00:07:42.530> goes

that's<00:07:49.430> the<00:07:49.760> difference<00:07:50.090> I<00:07:50.770> feature<00:07:51.770> blemish
that's the difference I feature blemish that's the difference I feature blemish I<00:07:52.670> feature<00:07:53.600> organic<00:07:54.380> process<00:07:54.950> dead<00:07:55.250> center I feature organic process dead center I feature organic process dead center John<00:07:55.850> Dewey<00:07:57.340> Apollonian<00:07:58.340> mindset<00:07:59.270> creates John Dewey Apollonian mindset creates John Dewey Apollonian mindset creates mountains<00:08:00.740> of<00:08:00.980> waste<00:08:01.190> if<00:08:01.400> something<00:08:01.700> isn't mountains of waste if something isn't mountains of waste if something isn't perfect<00:08:02.420> if<00:08:02.960> it<00:08:03.170> doesn't<00:08:03.440> line<00:08:03.650> up<00:08:03.680> with<00:08:03.920> that perfect if it doesn't line up with that perfect if it doesn't line up with that premeditated<00:08:04.970> model<00:08:05.390> dumpster<00:08:06.170> whoop premeditated model dumpster whoop premeditated model dumpster whoop scratch<00:08:06.890> dumpster<00:08:07.460> oop<00:08:07.670> this<00:08:07.970> loop<00:08:08.300> that scratch dumpster oop this loop that scratch dumpster oop this loop that landfill<00:08:09.050> landfill<00:08:09.440> landfill<00:08:09.920> the<00:08:10.640> third landfill landfill landfill the third landfill landfill landfill the third thing<00:08:11.060> is<00:08:11.980> arguably<00:08:13.180> the<00:08:14.180> industrial thing is arguably the industrial thing is arguably the industrial revolution<00:08:15.080> started<00:08:15.530> in<00:08:15.650> the<00:08:15.830> Renaissance revolution started in the Renaissance revolution started in the Renaissance with<00:08:16.490> the<00:08:16.580> rise<00:08:16.730> of<00:08:16.910> humanism<00:08:17.240> then<00:08:17.570> got<00:08:17.780> a with the rise of humanism then got a with the rise of humanism then got a little<00:08:18.050> jump-start<00:08:18.320> along<00:08:19.220> about<00:08:19.370> the<00:08:19.550> French little jump-start along about the French little jump-start along about the French Revolution<00:08:19.850> by<00:08:20.570> the<00:08:20.630> middle<00:08:20.930> of<00:08:21.020> the<00:08:21.080> 19th Revolution by the middle of the 19th Revolution by the middle of the 19th century<00:08:21.560> it's<00:08:21.950> in<00:08:22.040> full<00:08:22.190> flower<00:08:22.430> and<00:08:22.760> we<00:08:23.570> have century it's in full flower and we have century it's in full flower and we have Duma<00:08:24.650> Flo<00:08:24.830> G's<00:08:25.130> and<00:08:25.340> gizmos<00:08:25.640> and<00:08:26.090> contraptions Duma Flo G's and gizmos and contraptions Duma Flo G's and gizmos and contraptions that<00:08:26.930> will<00:08:27.080> do<00:08:27.350> anything<00:08:28.450> that<00:08:29.450> we<00:08:29.660> up<00:08:30.380> to<00:08:30.710> that that will do anything that we up to that that will do anything that we up to that point<00:08:31.160> had<00:08:31.280> to<00:08:31.400> do<00:08:31.520> by<00:08:31.670> hand<00:08:32.060> so<00:08:32.539> now<00:08:33.140> we<00:08:33.200> have point had to do by hand so now we have point had to do by hand so now we have standardized<00:08:34.039> materials<00:08:34.640> well<00:08:35.180> trees<00:08:35.719> don't standardized materials well trees don't standardized materials well trees don't grow<00:08:36.110> 2<00:08:36.800> inches<00:08:37.039> by<00:08:37.219> 4<00:08:37.460> inches<00:08:37.490> 8<00:08:37.880> 10<00:08:38.120> and<00:08:38.150> 12 grow 2 inches by 4 inches 8 10 and 12 grow 2 inches by 4 inches 8 10 and 12 feet<00:08:38.630> tall<00:08:39.580> we<00:08:40.580> create<00:08:40.969> mountains<00:08:41.330> of<00:08:41.750> waste feet tall we create mountains of waste feet tall we create mountains of waste and<00:08:42.110> they're<00:08:42.229> doing<00:08:42.409> a<00:08:42.560> pretty<00:08:42.860> good<00:08:42.950> job and they're doing a pretty good job and they're doing a pretty good job there<00:08:44.360> in<00:08:44.510> the<00:08:44.600> forest<00:08:45.130> working<00:08:46.130> all<00:08:46.460> the there in the forest working all the there in the forest working all the byproduct<00:08:47.240> of<00:08:47.330> their<00:08:47.480> industry<00:08:48.020> with<00:08:48.230> OSB<00:08:48.770> and byproduct of their industry with OSB and byproduct of their industry with OSB and particle<00:08:49.400> board<00:08:49.640> and<00:08:49.760> so<00:08:49.880> forth<00:08:50.030> and<00:08:50.120> so<00:08:50.180> on particle board and so forth and so on particle board and so forth and so on but<00:08:51.050> it<00:08:51.200> does<00:08:51.380> no<00:08:51.589> good<00:08:51.620> to<00:08:52.280> be<00:08:53.180> responsible<00:08:53.900> at but it does no good to be responsible at but it does no good to be responsible at the<00:08:54.050> point<00:08:54.230> of<00:08:54.320> harvest<00:08:54.830> in<00:08:54.980> the<00:08:55.010> forest<00:08:55.490> if the point of harvest in the forest if the point of harvest in the forest if consumers<00:08:56.450> are<00:08:56.660> wasting<00:08:57.230> the<00:08:57.320> harvest<00:08:57.710> at<00:08:57.830> the consumers are wasting the harvest at the consumers are wasting the harvest at the point<00:08:58.160> of<00:08:58.250> consumption<00:08:58.670> and<00:08:59.030> that's<00:08:59.540> what's point of consumption and that's what's point of consumption and that's what's happening<00:09:00.230> and<00:09:01.010> so<00:09:01.580> something<00:09:01.850> isn't happening and so something isn't happening and so something isn't standard<00:09:02.570> oops<00:09:02.780> dumpster<00:09:03.320> oop<00:09:03.500> this<00:09:03.770> ooh<00:09:03.920> or standard oops dumpster oop this ooh or standard oops dumpster oop this ooh or no<00:09:04.940> if<00:09:05.900> you<00:09:06.080> buy<00:09:06.230> a<00:09:06.260> 2x4<00:09:06.890> and<00:09:06.920> it's<00:09:07.190> not no if you buy a 2x4 and it's not no if you buy a 2x4 and it's not straight<00:09:07.670> you<00:09:07.820> can<00:09:08.000> take<00:09:08.210> it<00:09:08.390> back<00:09:08.690> I'm<00:09:09.290> so straight you can take it back I'm so straight you can take it back I'm so sorry<00:09:09.770> sir sorry sir sorry sir we'll<00:09:10.460> get<00:09:10.550> you<00:09:10.700> straight<00:09:10.970> water<00:09:11.210> well<00:09:12.110> I we'll get you straight water well I we'll get you straight water well I feature<00:09:12.770> all<00:09:13.220> those<00:09:13.850> warped<00:09:14.330> things<00:09:14.680> because feature all those warped things because feature all those warped things because repetition<00:09:16.339> crease<00:09:16.550> pattern<00:09:16.970> is<00:09:17.089> from<00:09:17.300> the repetition crease pattern is from the repetition crease pattern is from the dining<00:09:17.720> perspective<00:09:18.440> the<00:09:19.280> fourth<00:09:19.520> thing<00:09:19.730> is dining perspective the fourth thing is dining perspective the fourth thing is Labor<00:09:20.900> is<00:09:21.400> disproportionately<00:09:22.400> more Labor is disproportionately more Labor is disproportionately more expensive<00:09:23.060> than<00:09:23.210> materials<00:09:23.839> well<00:09:24.440> that's expensive than materials well that's expensive than materials well that's just<00:09:24.770> a<00:09:24.920> myth<00:09:25.190> there's<00:09:25.970> a<00:09:26.060> story<00:09:26.330> Jim<00:09:26.990> told<00:09:27.200> us just a myth there's a story Jim told us just a myth there's a story Jim told us one<00:09:27.470> of<00:09:27.530> the<00:09:27.620> guys<00:09:27.740> I<00:09:28.010> trained<00:09:28.550> I<00:09:28.670> said<00:09:28.850> Jim one of the guys I trained I said Jim one of the guys I trained I said Jim it's<00:09:29.660> time<00:09:29.930> now<00:09:30.200> I<00:09:30.470> got<00:09:30.770> a<00:09:30.800> job<00:09:31.040> for<00:09:31.250> you<00:09:31.370> as<00:09:31.520> a it's time now I got a job for you as a it's time now I got a job for you as a foreman<00:09:31.970> on<00:09:32.030> a<00:09:32.089> framing<00:09:32.360> crew<00:09:32.630> it's<00:09:32.780> time<00:09:32.810> for foreman on a framing crew it's time for foreman on a framing crew it's time for you<00:09:33.170> to<00:09:33.260> go<00:09:33.350> down<00:09:33.860> I<00:09:33.890> just<00:09:34.250> don't<00:09:34.400> think<00:09:34.580> I'm you to go down I just don't think I'm you to go down I just don't think I'm ready<00:09:35.020> Jim<00:09:36.020> it's<00:09:36.650> time<00:09:36.890> you<00:09:37.100> down<00:09:37.580> Oh ready Jim it's time you down Oh ready Jim it's time you down Oh so<00:09:38.930> he<00:09:39.080> hired<00:09:39.260> on<00:09:39.500> and<00:09:40.280> he<00:09:40.370> was<00:09:40.490> out<00:09:40.640> there<00:09:40.880> with so he hired on and he was out there with so he hired on and he was out there with his<00:09:41.150> tape<00:09:41.330> measure<00:09:41.770> going<00:09:42.770> through<00:09:42.950> the<00:09:43.040> trash his tape measure going through the trash his tape measure going through the trash heap<00:09:43.490> looking<00:09:43.790> for<00:09:43.940> header<00:09:44.089> material<00:09:44.510> which heap looking for header material which heap looking for header material which is<00:09:44.780> the<00:09:44.810> board<00:09:45.050> that<00:09:45.200> goes<00:09:45.290> over<00:09:45.530> a<00:09:45.589> door<00:09:45.770> think is the board that goes over a door think is the board that goes over a door think he<00:09:46.850> didn't<00:09:47.089> press<00:09:47.270> his<00:09:47.420> boss<00:09:47.630> that's<00:09:48.110> how<00:09:48.200> I he didn't press his boss that's how I he didn't press his boss that's how I taught<00:09:48.500> him<00:09:48.680> to<00:09:48.710> do<00:09:48.860> it<00:09:48.980> and<00:09:49.160> the taught him to do it and the taught him to do it and the superintendent<00:09:50.720> said<00:09:50.810> what<00:09:50.930> are<00:09:50.990> you<00:09:51.020> doing superintendent said what are you doing superintendent said what are you doing all<00:09:51.680> just<00:09:52.250> looking<00:09:52.430> for<00:09:52.610> some<00:09:52.700> header all just looking for some header all just looking for some header material<00:09:53.360> waiting<00:09:53.990> for<00:09:54.140> that<00:09:54.260> that<00:09:54.650> Kudo<00:09:55.040> said material waiting for that that Kudo said material waiting for that that Kudo said no<00:09:55.610> no<00:09:55.730> I'm<00:09:55.820> not<00:09:55.940> paying<00:09:56.150> you<00:09:56.330> to<00:09:56.360> go<00:09:56.540> through no no I'm not paying you to go through no no I'm not paying you to go through the<00:09:56.810> trash<00:09:57.080> get<00:09:57.350> back<00:09:57.470> to<00:09:57.620> work the trash get back to work the trash get back to work and<00:09:59.279> he<00:09:59.399> had<00:09:59.490> the<00:09:59.610> wherewithal<00:09:59.850> to<00:10:00.360> say<00:10:00.569> he and he had the wherewithal to say he and he had the wherewithal to say he said<00:10:00.990> you<00:10:01.079> know<00:10:01.230> if<00:10:01.920> you<00:10:02.160> were<00:10:02.310> paying<00:10:02.610> me<00:10:02.879> $300 said you know if you were paying me $300 said you know if you were paying me $300 an<00:10:04.050> hour<00:10:04.230> I<00:10:04.439> can<00:10:04.620> see<00:10:04.980> how<00:10:05.129> you<00:10:05.189> might<00:10:05.459> say<00:10:05.819> that an hour I can see how you might say that an hour I can see how you might say that but<00:10:06.749> right<00:10:06.959> now<00:10:07.199> I'm<00:10:07.499> saving<00:10:07.860> you<00:10:08.100> $5.00<00:10:08.910> a but right now I'm saving you $5.00 a but right now I'm saving you $5.00 a minute minute minute do<00:10:09.990> the<00:10:10.170> math<00:10:12.649> good<00:10:13.649> call<00:10:13.860> tell<00:10:14.100> us<00:10:14.129> from<00:10:14.519> now do the math good call tell us from now do the math good call tell us from now on<00:10:14.850> you<00:10:15.089> guys<00:10:15.240> hit<00:10:15.480> this<00:10:15.629> pile<00:10:15.870> first<00:10:16.139> and<00:10:16.499> the on you guys hit this pile first and the on you guys hit this pile first and the irony<00:10:17.279> is<00:10:17.399> wasn't<00:10:17.699> very<00:10:17.850> good<00:10:17.999> at<00:10:18.120> math<00:10:18.379> but

once<00:10:22.949> in<00:10:23.100> a<00:10:23.189> while<00:10:23.399> you<00:10:23.759> get<00:10:23.879> access<00:10:24.329> to<00:10:24.360> the
once in a while you get access to the once in a while you get access to the control<00:10:24.899> room<00:10:25.199> and<00:10:25.350> then<00:10:25.470> you<00:10:25.499> can<00:10:25.589> kind<00:10:25.860> of control room and then you can kind of control room and then you can kind of mess<00:10:26.100> with<00:10:26.129> the<00:10:26.430> dials<00:10:26.819> and<00:10:26.999> that's<00:10:27.149> what mess with the dials and that's what mess with the dials and that's what happened<00:10:27.629> there<00:10:28.879> the<00:10:29.879> fifth<00:10:30.089> thing<00:10:30.300> is<00:10:30.360> that happened there the fifth thing is that happened there the fifth thing is that maybe<00:10:30.959> after<00:10:31.139> twenty<00:10:31.529> five<00:10:31.649> hundred<00:10:31.680> years maybe after twenty five hundred years maybe after twenty five hundred years Plato<00:10:32.430> is<00:10:32.610> still<00:10:32.759> having<00:10:33.029> his<00:10:33.059> way<00:10:33.300> with<00:10:33.329> us<00:10:33.600> in Plato is still having his way with us in Plato is still having his way with us in his<00:10:33.870> notion<00:10:34.139> of<00:10:34.199> perfect<00:10:34.559> forms<00:10:34.920> he<00:10:35.100> said<00:10:35.339> that his notion of perfect forms he said that his notion of perfect forms he said that we<00:10:35.939> have<00:10:36.149> on<00:10:36.269> our<00:10:36.360> noggin<00:10:36.839> the<00:10:37.290> perfect<00:10:37.709> idea we have on our noggin the perfect idea we have on our noggin the perfect idea of<00:10:38.040> what<00:10:38.189> we<00:10:38.309> want<00:10:38.579> and<00:10:39.050> we<00:10:40.050> force of what we want and we force of what we want and we force environmental<00:10:40.980> resources<00:10:41.399> to<00:10:41.639> accommodate environmental resources to accommodate environmental resources to accommodate that<00:10:42.329> so<00:10:42.930> we<00:10:43.110> have<00:10:43.259> all<00:10:43.529> have<00:10:43.740> in<00:10:43.829> our<00:10:43.949> head<00:10:44.100> the that so we have all have in our head the that so we have all have in our head the perfect<00:10:44.579> house<00:10:44.730> the<00:10:45.329> American<00:10:45.689> dream perfect house the American dream perfect house the American dream which<00:10:46.259> is<00:10:46.379> a<00:10:46.410> house<00:10:46.670> the<00:10:47.670> dream<00:10:47.910> house<00:10:48.329> the which is a house the dream house the which is a house the dream house the problem<00:10:49.470> is<00:10:49.529> we<00:10:49.620> can't<00:10:49.800> afford<00:10:49.889> it<00:10:50.189> so<00:10:50.220> we<00:10:50.490> have problem is we can't afford it so we have problem is we can't afford it so we have the<00:10:51.300> American<00:10:51.720> Dream<00:10:51.930> look-alike<00:10:52.559> which<00:10:53.009> is<00:10:53.129> a the American Dream look-alike which is a the American Dream look-alike which is a mobile<00:10:53.370> home<00:10:53.639> now<00:10:54.329> there's<00:10:54.629> a<00:10:54.749> blight<00:10:55.379> on<00:10:55.589> the mobile home now there's a blight on the mobile home now there's a blight on the planet<00:10:56.990> it's<00:10:57.990> a<00:10:58.079> chattel<00:10:58.439> mortgage<00:10:59.089> just<00:11:00.089> like planet it's a chattel mortgage just like planet it's a chattel mortgage just like furniture<00:11:00.600> just<00:11:00.870> like<00:11:01.019> a<00:11:01.050> car<00:11:01.319> you<00:11:01.350> write<00:11:01.709> the furniture just like a car you write the furniture just like a car you write the check<00:11:01.860> and<00:11:02.220> instantly<00:11:02.759> it<00:11:03.269> depreciates<00:11:03.629> 30% check and instantly it depreciates 30% check and instantly it depreciates 30% after<00:11:04.769> a<00:11:04.889> year<00:11:05.189> you<00:11:05.370> can't<00:11:05.670> get<00:11:05.850> insurance<00:11:06.029> on after a year you can't get insurance on after a year you can't get insurance on everything<00:11:06.750> you<00:11:06.870> have<00:11:07.019> in<00:11:07.170> it<00:11:07.259> only<00:11:07.379> on<00:11:07.589> 70% everything you have in it only on 70% everything you have in it only on 70% wired<00:11:09.480> with<00:11:09.750> 14<00:11:10.110> gauge<00:11:10.319> wire<00:11:10.350> typically wired with 14 gauge wire typically wired with 14 gauge wire typically nothing<00:11:11.399> wrong<00:11:11.550> with<00:11:11.730> that<00:11:11.850> unless<00:11:12.089> you<00:11:12.300> ask nothing wrong with that unless you ask nothing wrong with that unless you ask it<00:11:12.720> to<00:11:12.750> do<00:11:12.959> what<00:11:13.199> 12-gauge<00:11:13.800> wire<00:11:14.009> is<00:11:14.279> supposed it to do what 12-gauge wire is supposed it to do what 12-gauge wire is supposed to<00:11:14.639> do<00:11:14.790> unless<00:11:15.029> what<00:11:15.240> happens<00:11:15.660> it<00:11:16.230> out<00:11:16.410> gases to do unless what happens it out gases to do unless what happens it out gases formaldehyde<00:11:17.550> so<00:11:17.939> much<00:11:18.240> so<00:11:18.540> that<00:11:18.839> there<00:11:19.500> is<00:11:19.680> a formaldehyde so much so that there is a formaldehyde so much so that there is a federal<00:11:19.949> law<00:11:20.309> in<00:11:20.639> place<00:11:21.139> to<00:11:22.139> warn<00:11:22.470> new<00:11:22.949> mobile federal law in place to warn new mobile federal law in place to warn new mobile home<00:11:23.490> buyers<00:11:23.759> that<00:11:24.089> formaldehyde<00:11:24.629> atmosphere home buyers that formaldehyde atmosphere home buyers that formaldehyde atmosphere danger<00:11:25.680> are<00:11:26.579> we<00:11:26.759> being<00:11:27.059> just<00:11:27.300> numbing<00:11:27.629> ly danger are we being just numbing ly danger are we being just numbing ly stupid<00:11:28.379> the<00:11:28.740> walls<00:11:28.980> are<00:11:29.220> this<00:11:29.309> thick<00:11:29.639> the stupid the walls are this thick the stupid the walls are this thick the whole<00:11:30.720> thing<00:11:30.959> has<00:11:31.170> the<00:11:31.290> structural<00:11:31.829> value<00:11:32.220> of whole thing has the structural value of whole thing has the structural value of corn corn corn so<00:11:35.610> I<00:11:35.970> thought<00:11:36.420> Palm<00:11:36.750> Harbor<00:11:36.990> village<00:11:37.470> was so I thought Palm Harbor village was so I thought Palm Harbor village was over<00:11:37.830> there<00:11:37.980> no<00:11:38.130> now<00:11:38.490> we<00:11:38.550> had<00:11:38.730> a<00:11:38.760> wind<00:11:38.970> last over there no now we had a wind last over there no now we had a wind last night<00:11:39.420> it's<00:11:40.170> gone<00:11:40.560> now<00:11:44.060> then<00:11:45.060> when<00:11:45.240> they night it's gone now then when they night it's gone now then when they degrade<00:11:45.780> what<00:11:46.020> do<00:11:46.080> you<00:11:46.170> do<00:11:46.290> with<00:11:46.440> them<00:11:46.850> now<00:11:47.850> all degrade what do you do with them now all degrade what do you do with them now all that<00:11:49.130> that<00:11:50.130> Apollonian<00:11:50.940> platonic<00:11:51.570> model<00:11:52.260> is that that Apollonian platonic model is that that Apollonian platonic model is what<00:11:53.460> the<00:11:53.610> building<00:11:53.820> industry<00:11:54.060> is<00:11:54.450> predicated what the building industry is predicated what the building industry is predicated on<00:11:55.200> and<00:11:55.500> there<00:11:55.590> are<00:11:55.650> a<00:11:55.680> number<00:11:55.710> of<00:11:55.950> things<00:11:56.100> that on and there are a number of things that on and there are a number of things that exacerbate<00:11:57.030> that<00:11:57.320> one<00:11:58.320> is<00:11:58.650> that<00:11:58.920> all<00:11:59.820> the exacerbate that one is that all the exacerbate that one is that all the professionals<00:12:00.570> all<00:12:00.660> the<00:12:00.810> tradesmen<00:12:01.050> vendors professionals all the tradesmen vendors professionals all the tradesmen vendors inspectors<00:12:02.970> engineers<00:12:03.570> architects<00:12:04.320> all inspectors engineers architects all inspectors engineers architects all think<00:12:05.310> like<00:12:05.580> this<00:12:05.850> and<00:12:06.210> then<00:12:07.200> it<00:12:07.350> works<00:12:07.530> its think like this and then it works its think like this and then it works its way<00:12:07.830> back<00:12:08.040> to<00:12:08.100> the<00:12:08.370> consumer<00:12:08.670> who<00:12:08.880> demands<00:12:09.450> the way back to the consumer who demands the way back to the consumer who demands the same<00:12:09.840> model<00:12:10.320> it's<00:12:10.440> a<00:12:10.530> self-fulfilling same model it's a self-fulfilling same model it's a self-fulfilling prophecy<00:12:11.250> we<00:12:12.000> can't<00:12:12.240> get<00:12:12.420> out<00:12:12.570> of<00:12:12.720> it<00:12:12.840> then prophecy we can't get out of it then prophecy we can't get out of it then here<00:12:14.010> come<00:12:14.220> the<00:12:14.340> market<00:12:14.670> ears<00:12:14.880> and<00:12:15.030> the here come the market ears and the here come the market ears and the advertisers<00:12:16.670> who<00:12:18.440> we<00:12:19.440> buy<00:12:19.650> stuff<00:12:20.040> we<00:12:20.220> didn't advertisers who we buy stuff we didn't advertisers who we buy stuff we didn't know<00:12:20.580> we<00:12:20.760> needed<00:12:20.990> all<00:12:21.990> we<00:12:22.320> have<00:12:22.470> to<00:12:22.620> do<00:12:22.740> is<00:12:22.950> look know we needed all we have to do is look know we needed all we have to do is look at<00:12:23.190> what<00:12:23.340> one<00:12:23.550> company<00:12:23.850> did<00:12:24.210> with<00:12:24.390> carbonated at what one company did with carbonated at what one company did with carbonated prune<00:12:25.380> juice<00:12:25.710> how<00:12:26.580> disgusting<00:12:28.910> but<00:12:29.910> you<00:12:30.030> know prune juice how disgusting but you know prune juice how disgusting but you know what<00:12:30.330> they<00:12:30.420> did<00:12:30.600> they<00:12:30.780> hooked<00:12:30.930> a<00:12:31.020> metaphor what they did they hooked a metaphor what they did they hooked a metaphor into<00:12:31.680> it<00:12:31.800> said<00:12:31.980> drink<00:12:32.490> Dr<00:12:33.060> Pepper<00:12:33.090> and<00:12:33.780> pretty into it said drink Dr Pepper and pretty into it said drink Dr Pepper and pretty soon<00:12:34.230> we're<00:12:35.130> swelling<00:12:35.580> that<00:12:35.610> stuff<00:12:35.970> by<00:12:36.150> the soon we're swelling that stuff by the soon we're swelling that stuff by the lake<00:12:36.510> full<00:12:36.810> by<00:12:37.260> the<00:12:37.320> billions<00:12:37.920> of<00:12:38.070> gallons<00:12:38.610> it lake full by the billions of gallons it lake full by the billions of gallons it doesn't<00:12:38.940> even<00:12:39.000> have<00:12:39.150> real<00:12:39.300> prunes<00:12:39.720> that<00:12:39.930> even doesn't even have real prunes that even doesn't even have real prunes that even keep<00:12:40.350> you<00:12:40.470> regular<00:12:43.100> by<00:12:44.100> eye<00:12:44.130> oh<00:12:44.280> my<00:12:44.730> that<00:12:45.060> makes keep you regular by eye oh my that makes keep you regular by eye oh my that makes it<00:12:45.570> worse<00:12:45.750> and<00:12:45.990> we<00:12:46.170> get<00:12:46.410> sucked<00:12:46.740> into<00:12:47.010> that it worse and we get sucked into that it worse and we get sucked into that faster<00:12:47.910> than<00:12:48.030> anything<00:12:48.290> then<00:12:49.290> a<00:12:49.320> man<00:12:49.560> named faster than anything then a man named faster than anything then a man named Jean<00:12:49.920> Paul<00:12:50.220> Sartre<00:12:50.580> wrote<00:12:50.730> a<00:12:50.790> book<00:12:51.290> titled Jean Paul Sartre wrote a book titled Jean Paul Sartre wrote a book titled Being<00:12:52.530> and<00:12:52.650> Nothingness<00:12:52.710> it's<00:12:53.280> pretty<00:12:53.520> quick Being and Nothingness it's pretty quick Being and Nothingness it's pretty quick read<00:12:53.880> you<00:12:54.270> can<00:12:54.390> snap<00:12:54.600> through<00:12:54.840> it<00:12:54.930> maybe<00:12:56.330> maybe read you can snap through it maybe maybe read you can snap through it maybe maybe two<00:12:57.600> years<00:12:57.930> if<00:12:58.230> you<00:12:58.350> read<00:12:59.040> eight<00:12:59.250> hours<00:12:59.610> a<00:12:59.640> day two years if you read eight hours a day two years if you read eight hours a day in<00:13:00.170> there<00:13:01.170> he<00:13:01.260> talked<00:13:01.470> about<00:13:01.560> the<00:13:01.800> divided in there he talked about the divided in there he talked about the divided self<00:13:02.460> you<00:13:03.390> said<00:13:03.630> human<00:13:03.960> beings<00:13:04.200> act self you said human beings act self you said human beings act differently<00:13:04.770> when<00:13:04.860> they<00:13:05.100> know<00:13:05.130> they're<00:13:05.430> alone differently when they know they're alone differently when they know they're alone then<00:13:06.420> when<00:13:06.630> they<00:13:06.720> know<00:13:06.900> somebody<00:13:07.200> else<00:13:07.260> is then when they know somebody else is then when they know somebody else is around<00:13:07.710> so<00:13:07.950> if<00:13:08.010> I'm<00:13:08.100> eating<00:13:08.280> spaghetti<00:13:08.640> and<00:13:09.030> I around so if I'm eating spaghetti and I around so if I'm eating spaghetti and I know<00:13:09.420> I'm<00:13:09.720> alone<00:13:10.020> I<00:13:10.290> can<00:13:10.860> eat<00:13:10.980> like<00:13:11.190> a<00:13:11.220> backhoe know I'm alone I can eat like a backhoe know I'm alone I can eat like a backhoe like<00:13:12.150> I<00:13:12.330> like<00:13:12.690> my<00:13:12.720> mom<00:13:13.110> my<00:13:13.440> sleeve<00:13:14.000> napkin<00:13:15.000> on like I like my mom my sleeve napkin on like I like my mom my sleeve napkin on the<00:13:15.120> table<00:13:15.360> chew<00:13:15.690> with<00:13:15.870> my<00:13:15.900> mouth<00:13:16.080> open<00:13:16.730> make the table chew with my mouth open make the table chew with my mouth open make little<00:13:18.060> noises<00:13:18.320> scratch<00:13:19.320> wherever<00:13:20.070> I<00:13:20.160> want little noises scratch wherever I want little noises scratch wherever I want but<00:13:22.840> as<00:13:22.930> soon<00:13:23.110> as<00:13:23.200> you<00:13:23.290> walk<00:13:23.500> in<00:13:23.740> I<00:13:23.950> go<00:13:24.450> I'm but as soon as you walk in I go I'm but as soon as you walk in I go I'm spaghetti<00:13:25.870> shows<00:13:26.140> they're<00:13:26.470> not<00:13:26.740> going<00:13:27.010> to spaghetti shows they're not going to spaghetti shows they're not going to happen<00:13:27.490> Half<00:13:27.850> Price<00:13:27.880> chew<00:13:28.420> with<00:13:28.540> my<00:13:28.570> mouth happen Half Price chew with my mouth happen Half Price chew with my mouth closed<00:13:29.170> no<00:13:29.380> scratching<00:13:30.000> now<00:13:31.380> what<00:13:32.380> I'm<00:13:32.530> doing closed no scratching now what I'm doing closed no scratching now what I'm doing is<00:13:33.100> fulfilling<00:13:33.660> your<00:13:34.660> expectations<00:13:35.620> of<00:13:35.800> how<00:13:35.950> I is fulfilling your expectations of how I is fulfilling your expectations of how I should<00:13:36.190> live<00:13:36.520> my<00:13:36.580> life<00:13:37.000> I<00:13:38.790> feel<00:13:39.790> that should live my life I feel that should live my life I feel that expectation<00:13:40.990> and<00:13:41.140> so<00:13:41.260> I<00:13:41.290> accommodate<00:13:42.040> it<00:13:42.190> and expectation and so I accommodate it and expectation and so I accommodate it and I'm<00:13:42.550> living<00:13:42.910> my<00:13:43.030> life<00:13:43.060> according<00:13:43.420> to<00:13:43.810> what<00:13:43.900> you I'm living my life according to what you I'm living my life according to what you expect<00:13:44.500> me<00:13:44.560> to<00:13:44.680> do<00:13:44.950> that<00:13:45.820> happens<00:13:46.150> in<00:13:46.270> the expect me to do that happens in the expect me to do that happens in the building<00:13:46.690> industry<00:13:46.810> as<00:13:47.200> well<00:13:47.470> that's<00:13:48.100> why<00:13:48.250> all building industry as well that's why all building industry as well that's why all of<00:13:48.670> our<00:13:48.910> subdivisions<00:13:49.570> look<00:13:49.930> the<00:13:50.170> same of our subdivisions look the same of our subdivisions look the same sometimes<00:13:51.340> we<00:13:51.580> even<00:13:51.640> have<00:13:51.970> these<00:13:52.180> formalized sometimes we even have these formalized sometimes we even have these formalized cultural<00:13:54.250> expectations<00:13:55.060> I'll<00:13:55.210> bet<00:13:55.360> all<00:13:55.390> your cultural expectations I'll bet all your cultural expectations I'll bet all your shoes<00:13:55.900> match<00:13:56.320> sure<00:13:57.160> enough<00:13:57.370> we<00:13:57.550> all<00:13:57.760> buy<00:13:58.120> into shoes match sure enough we all buy into shoes match sure enough we all buy into that<00:13:58.660> and<00:14:00.390> with<00:14:01.390> gated<00:14:01.810> communities<00:14:02.400> we<00:14:03.400> have that and with gated communities we have that and with gated communities we have a<00:14:03.670> formalized<00:14:04.350> expectation<00:14:05.350> with<00:14:05.800> a a formalized expectation with a a formalized expectation with a homeowner's<00:14:06.310> association<00:14:06.970> sometimes<00:14:07.390> those homeowner's association sometimes those homeowner's association sometimes those guys<00:14:07.750> are<00:14:07.930> Nazis<00:14:08.190> my<00:14:09.190> OMA<00:14:10.530> that<00:14:11.530> exacerbates guys are Nazis my OMA that exacerbates guys are Nazis my OMA that exacerbates and<00:14:12.640> continues<00:14:13.240> this<00:14:13.540> model<00:14:14.190> the<00:14:15.190> last<00:14:15.340> thing and continues this model the last thing and continues this model the last thing is<00:14:15.820> gregariousness<00:14:17.040> human<00:14:18.040> beings<00:14:18.370> are is gregariousness human beings are is gregariousness human beings are social<00:14:19.000> species<00:14:19.420> we<00:14:19.810> like<00:14:20.050> to<00:14:20.170> hang<00:14:20.380> together social species we like to hang together social species we like to hang together in<00:14:20.980> groups<00:14:21.250> just<00:14:21.720> like<00:14:22.720> ville<00:14:23.020> de<00:14:23.140> beats<00:14:23.290> just in groups just like ville de beats just in groups just like ville de beats just like<00:14:23.740> lines<00:14:23.980> build<00:14:24.490> abuse<00:14:24.730> don't<00:14:24.970> hang<00:14:25.150> with like lines build abuse don't hang with like lines build abuse don't hang with lines<00:14:25.600> because<00:14:25.990> lines<00:14:26.200> eat<00:14:26.410> ville<00:14:26.620> de<00:14:26.770> beast lines because lines eat ville de beast lines because lines eat ville de beast human<00:14:28.330> beings<00:14:28.600> are<00:14:28.720> like<00:14:28.840> that<00:14:29.110> we<00:14:29.770> do<00:14:30.100> what human beings are like that we do what human beings are like that we do what that<00:14:30.430> group<00:14:30.850> does<00:14:31.180> that<00:14:31.750> we're<00:14:31.870> trying<00:14:32.080> to that group does that we're trying to that group does that we're trying to identify<00:14:32.290> with<00:14:32.920> and<00:14:33.390> so<00:14:34.390> you<00:14:34.450> see<00:14:34.750> this<00:14:34.870> in identify with and so you see this in identify with and so you see this in junior<00:14:35.260> high<00:14:35.410> a<00:14:35.440> lot<00:14:35.820> those<00:14:36.820> kids<00:14:37.180> they'll junior high a lot those kids they'll junior high a lot those kids they'll work<00:14:38.590> all<00:14:38.830> summer<00:14:39.340> long<00:14:39.460> kill<00:14:40.030> themselves<00:14:40.690> so work all summer long kill themselves so work all summer long kill themselves so that<00:14:41.290> they<00:14:41.710> can<00:14:41.790> afford<00:14:42.790> one<00:14:43.360> pair<00:14:43.750> of that they can afford one pair of that they can afford one pair of designer<00:14:44.200> jeans<00:14:44.500> so<00:14:45.460> along<00:14:45.820> about<00:14:46.380> September designer jeans so along about September designer jeans so along about September they<00:14:47.620> can<00:14:47.770> stride<00:14:48.190> in<00:14:48.520> and<00:14:48.700> go<00:14:48.880> I'm<00:14:49.320> important they can stride in and go I'm important they can stride in and go I'm important today<00:14:51.130> so<00:14:51.190> don't<00:14:52.120> touch<00:14:52.360> my<00:14:52.570> designer<00:14:52.900> jeans<00:14:53.260> I today so don't touch my designer jeans I today so don't touch my designer jeans I see<00:14:54.310> you<00:14:54.820> don't<00:14:55.000> have<00:14:55.240> designer<00:14:55.660> jeans<00:14:56.020> you see you don't have designer jeans you see you don't have designer jeans you don't<00:14:57.550> you're<00:14:57.700> not<00:14:57.730> one<00:14:57.940> of<00:14:58.030> the<00:14:58.090> beautiful don't you're not one of the beautiful don't you're not one of the beautiful but<00:14:58.600> see<00:14:58.720> I'm<00:14:58.870> one<00:14:59.140> of<00:14:59.230> the<00:14:59.290> beautiful<00:14:59.530> people but see I'm one of the beautiful people but see I'm one of the beautiful people see<00:15:00.610> my<00:15:00.790> jeans<00:15:01.090> right<00:15:01.390> there<00:15:02.020> is<00:15:02.170> reason see my jeans right there is reason see my jeans right there is reason enough<00:15:02.590> to<00:15:02.920> have<00:15:03.040> uniforms<00:15:03.610> and<00:15:03.900> so<00:15:04.900> that enough to have uniforms and so that enough to have uniforms and so that happens<00:15:05.710> in<00:15:05.830> the<00:15:05.920> building<00:15:06.310> industry<00:15:06.460> as<00:15:06.910> well happens in the building industry as well happens in the building industry as well we<00:15:08.350> have<00:15:08.740> confused<00:15:09.660> Maslow's<00:15:10.660> hierarchy<00:15:10.690> of we have confused Maslow's hierarchy of we have confused Maslow's hierarchy of needs<00:15:11.710> just<00:15:12.610> a<00:15:12.730> little<00:15:12.760> bit<00:15:13.180> on<00:15:13.420> the<00:15:14.200> bottom needs just a little bit on the bottom needs just a little bit on the bottom tier<00:15:14.800> we<00:15:15.400> have<00:15:15.540> basic<00:15:16.540> needs<00:15:16.810> shelter tier we have basic needs shelter tier we have basic needs shelter clothing<00:15:18.070> food<00:15:18.490> water<00:15:19.230> mating<00:15:20.230> so<00:15:20.440> forth clothing food water mating so forth clothing food water mating so forth second<00:15:21.130> security second security second security third<00:15:22.270> relationships<00:15:23.050> fourth<00:15:23.440> status third relationships fourth status third relationships fourth status self-esteem<00:15:24.670> that<00:15:25.390> is<00:15:25.570> vanity<00:15:25.960> and<00:15:26.170> we're self-esteem that is vanity and we're self-esteem that is vanity and we're taking<00:15:26.650> vanity<00:15:27.070> and<00:15:27.190> shoving<00:15:27.580> it<00:15:27.670> down<00:15:27.880> here taking vanity and shoving it down here taking vanity and shoving it down here and<00:15:29.040> so<00:15:30.040> we<00:15:30.250> end<00:15:30.430> up<00:15:31.380> with<00:15:32.380> vain<00:15:33.010> decisions and so we end up with vain decisions and so we end up with vain decisions and<00:15:34.600> we<00:15:35.590> can't<00:15:35.890> even<00:15:36.100> afford<00:15:36.310> our<00:15:36.730> mortgage<00:15:36.760> we and we can't even afford our mortgage we and we can't even afford our mortgage we can't<00:15:37.540> afford<00:15:37.630> to<00:15:37.930> eat<00:15:37.990> anything<00:15:38.320> except can't afford to eat anything except can't afford to eat anything except beans<00:15:39.160> that<00:15:40.030> is<00:15:40.330> our<00:15:40.630> housing<00:15:41.590> has<00:15:42.190> become<00:15:42.550> a beans that is our housing has become a beans that is our housing has become a commodity<00:15:43.030> and<00:15:43.740> it<00:15:44.740> takes<00:15:45.160> a<00:15:45.400> little<00:15:45.880> bit<00:15:46.060> of commodity and it takes a little bit of commodity and it takes a little bit of nerve<00:15:46.620> to<00:15:47.620> dive<00:15:47.950> into<00:15:48.490> those<00:15:48.850> primal nerve to dive into those primal nerve to dive into those primal terrifying<00:15:50.560> parts<00:15:51.040> of<00:15:51.190> ourselves<00:15:51.340> and<00:15:52.260> make terrifying parts of ourselves and make terrifying parts of ourselves and make our<00:15:53.440> own<00:15:53.590> decisions<00:15:54.310> and<00:15:54.720> not<00:15:55.720> make<00:15:56.050> our our own decisions and not make our our own decisions and not make our housing<00:15:56.740> or<00:15:56.860> commodity<00:15:57.400> but<00:15:57.610> make<00:15:57.820> it housing or commodity but make it housing or commodity but make it something<00:15:58.210> that<00:15:58.570> bubbles<00:15:59.020> up<00:15:59.200> from<00:15:59.440> seminal something that bubbles up from seminal something that bubbles up from seminal sources<00:16:00.880> that<00:16:01.060> takes<00:16:01.330> a<00:16:01.450> little<00:16:01.570> bit<00:16:01.750> of<00:16:01.810> nerve sources that takes a little bit of nerve sources that takes a little bit of nerve and<00:16:02.610> darn<00:16:03.610> it<00:16:03.760> once<00:16:04.030> in<00:16:04.180> a<00:16:04.240> while<00:16:04.420> you<00:16:04.660> fail<00:16:05.520> but and darn it once in a while you fail but and darn it once in a while you fail but that's<00:16:07.480> okay<00:16:07.900> if<00:16:08.170> failure<00:16:08.890> destroys<00:16:09.610> you<00:16:10.000> then that's okay if failure destroys you then that's okay if failure destroys you then you<00:16:10.570> can't<00:16:10.840> do<00:16:11.080> this<00:16:11.290> I<00:16:11.470> fail<00:16:11.800> all<00:16:12.670> the<00:16:12.730> time you can't do this I fail all the time you can't do this I fail all the time every<00:16:13.540> day<00:16:13.570> and<00:16:13.900> I've<00:16:14.410> had<00:16:14.440> some<00:16:15.010> whopping every day and I've had some whopping every day and I've had some whopping failures<00:16:16.390> I<00:16:16.570> promise<00:16:17.020> we're<00:16:17.260> big<00:16:18.070> public failures I promise we're big public failures I promise we're big public humiliating<00:16:19.660> embarrassing<00:16:19.860> failures humiliating embarrassing failures humiliating embarrassing failures everybody<00:16:21.310> points<00:16:21.730> in<00:16:21.850> laughs<00:16:22.060> and<00:16:22.330> he<00:16:22.390> said everybody points in laughs and he said everybody points in laughs and he said he<00:16:22.690> tried<00:16:22.870> it<00:16:23.140> a<00:16:23.230> fifth<00:16:23.560> time<00:16:23.830> and<00:16:23.890> it<00:16:24.130> still he tried it a fifth time and it still he tried it a fifth time and it still didn't<00:16:24.880> work<00:16:24.910> about<00:16:25.300> a<00:16:25.780> early<00:16:26.620> on didn't work about a early on didn't work about a early on contractors<00:16:28.240> come<00:16:28.480> by<00:16:28.630> and<00:16:28.690> say<00:16:28.870> Dan<00:16:29.050> you're<00:16:29.290> a contractors come by and say Dan you're a contractors come by and say Dan you're a cute<00:16:29.590> little<00:16:29.620> bunny<00:16:29.950> but<00:16:30.250> you<00:16:30.850> know<00:16:30.970> this<00:16:31.690> just cute little bunny but you know this just cute little bunny but you know this just isn't<00:16:32.080> gonna<00:16:32.260> work<00:16:32.500> once<00:16:33.100> you<00:16:33.220> do<00:16:33.340> this<00:16:33.520> once isn't gonna work once you do this once isn't gonna work once you do this once you<00:16:34.060> do<00:16:34.180> that<00:16:34.210> and<00:16:34.890> your<00:16:35.890> instinct<00:16:36.340> is you do that and your instinct is you do that and your instinct is disabled<00:16:36.970> once<00:16:37.930> you<00:16:38.050> suck<00:16:38.260> an<00:16:38.410> egg<00:16:40.020> but<00:16:41.020> you disabled once you suck an egg but you disabled once you suck an egg but you don't<00:16:41.290> say<00:16:41.560> that<00:16:41.850> because<00:16:42.850> they're<00:16:43.060> the<00:16:43.180> guys don't say that because they're the guys don't say that because they're the guys you're<00:16:43.600> targeting<00:16:43.930> and<00:16:44.910> so<00:16:45.990> what<00:16:46.990> we've<00:16:47.200> done you're targeting and so what we've done you're targeting and so what we've done and<00:16:48.030> this<00:16:49.030> isn't<00:16:49.240> just<00:16:49.540> in<00:16:49.630> housing<00:16:50.200> its and this isn't just in housing its and this isn't just in housing its clothing<00:16:50.800> and<00:16:51.250> food<00:16:51.610> and<00:16:52.060> our<00:16:52.560> transportation clothing and food and our transportation clothing and food and our transportation needs<00:16:53.800> or<00:16:54.040> energy<00:16:54.520> we<00:16:54.970> sprawl<00:16:55.480> just<00:16:55.870> a<00:16:55.960> little needs or energy we sprawl just a little needs or energy we sprawl just a little bit<00:16:56.350> and<00:16:57.540> when<00:16:58.540> I<00:16:58.570> get<00:16:58.930> a<00:16:59.080> little<00:16:59.350> bit<00:16:59.500> of<00:16:59.620> press bit and when I get a little bit of press bit and when I get a little bit of press I<00:17:00.550> hear<00:17:01.360> from<00:17:01.480> people<00:17:01.660> all<00:17:01.930> over<00:17:01.960> the<00:17:02.200> world I hear from people all over the world I hear from people all over the world and<00:17:02.730> we<00:17:03.730> may<00:17:03.970> have<00:17:04.120> invented<00:17:04.449> access<00:17:05.190> but<00:17:06.190> the and we may have invented access but the and we may have invented access but the problem<00:17:06.760> of<00:17:06.940> waste<00:17:07.209> is<00:17:07.589> worldwide<00:17:09.930> we<00:17:10.930> are<00:17:11.380> we problem of waste is worldwide we are we problem of waste is worldwide we are we were<00:17:12.550> in<00:17:12.610> trouble<00:17:12.910> and<00:17:13.270> I<00:17:13.780> don't<00:17:13.990> wear<00:17:14.230> ammo were in trouble and I don't wear ammo were in trouble and I don't wear ammo belts<00:17:14.949> criss-crossing<00:17:15.459> my<00:17:15.820> chest<00:17:16.180> and<00:17:16.449> a<00:17:16.780> red belts criss-crossing my chest and a red belts criss-crossing my chest and a red bandana<00:17:17.850> but<00:17:18.850> we're<00:17:19.060> clearly<00:17:19.449> in<00:17:19.690> trouble<00:17:19.990> and bandana but we're clearly in trouble and bandana but we're clearly in trouble and what<00:17:21.880> we<00:17:22.030> need<00:17:22.209> to<00:17:22.329> do<00:17:22.480> is<00:17:23.220> reconnect<00:17:24.220> with what we need to do is reconnect with what we need to do is reconnect with those<00:17:25.440> really<00:17:26.440> primal<00:17:26.890> parts<00:17:27.370> of<00:17:27.490> ourselves those really primal parts of ourselves those really primal parts of ourselves and<00:17:28.300> make<00:17:29.260> some<00:17:29.470> decisions<00:17:29.980> and<00:17:30.220> say<00:17:30.340> you<00:17:30.400> know and make some decisions and say you know and make some decisions and say you know I<00:17:30.640> think<00:17:30.850> I<00:17:31.180> would<00:17:31.330> like<00:17:31.480> to<00:17:31.780> put<00:17:33.060> CDs<00:17:34.060> across I think I would like to put CDs across I think I would like to put CDs across the<00:17:34.780> wall<00:17:34.960> there<00:17:35.320> what<00:17:35.500> do<00:17:35.590> you<00:17:35.650> think<00:17:35.860> honey the wall there what do you think honey the wall there what do you think honey if<00:17:37.420> it<00:17:37.540> doesn't<00:17:37.780> work<00:17:37.870> take<00:17:38.200> it<00:17:38.320> down if it doesn't work take it down if it doesn't work take it down what<00:17:40.360> we<00:17:40.480> need<00:17:40.660> to<00:17:40.690> do<00:17:40.870> is<00:17:41.110> reconnect<00:17:41.500> with<00:17:41.740> who what we need to do is reconnect with who what we need to do is reconnect with who we<00:17:42.130> really<00:17:42.160> are we really are we really are and<00:17:43.750> that's<00:17:44.320> thrilling<00:17:44.740> indeed<00:17:46.049> thank<00:17:47.049> you and that's thrilling indeed thank you and that's thrilling indeed thank you very<00:17:47.320> much

TED TEDx TEDxHouston Houston Texas Dan Phillips, Design, tech, creativity, recycle, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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