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Những tấm gương lịch sử

Historical role models - Amy Bissetta

We all know that there are certain virtues that are good for us. Intelligence, wisdom, bravery, justice, respect, responsibility, honesty, unselfishness, compassion, patience, and perseverance always have been and always will be positive virtues. Think of some people who have those traits. Maybe it's Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln or George Washington. I bet you know a lot of facts about these historical figures, but maybe you've never taken the time to think about their character. Let's talk about Sybil Ludington. She's a little-known revolutionary figure, but boy, was she something! She rode 40 miles through the damp, cold night of April 26, 1777 to alert the colonial militia of a British attack. Her action was similar to that of Paul Revere, only she rode twice as far and was only 16 years old. That takes some real guts! Beriah Green? Anyone ever heard of Beriah Green? He was president of the first integrated school in the United States. He also spent the majority of his life fighting for the immediate abolition of slavery. He used his voice, pen, and good deed to fight slavery. Beriah Green was fiercely devoted to abolition before it was popular because he believed it was the right thing to do. And then there's Abraham Lincoln. You know he was president during the Civil War. He wrote the Emancipation Proclaimation and is credited with freeing the slaves. He went to war with the South to save the Union. He helped the country get through one of its most difficult times. He kept the United States united. But, above all that, Abraham Lincoln showed great leadership. Could any of these people have done the deeds they're famous for without bravery, compassion, dedication, or wisdom? No! History can teach us much more than just the facts. It's full of examples of how to live better. And for you, even if you're not freeing the slaves or riding 40 miles on horseback, bravery and wisdom will help you get an A on that test, ask out that cute boy, and get that great job.

Amy Bissetta, Mark, Phillips, Marked, animation, TED-Ed, TED, ED, TEDEducation, George, Washington, Abraham, Lincoln, Martin, Luther, King, Jr, Sybil, Ludington, Beriah, Green, history, social, studies, historical, character, character, traits, virtue

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