Phá vỡ ảo ảnh về màu da-Nina Jablonski

Breaking the illusion of skin color - Nina Jablonski

Breaking the illusion of skin color - Nina Jablonski


interestingly<00:00:17.140> Charles<00:00:18.140> Darwin<00:00:18.560> was<00:00:18.770> born<00:00:19.640> a
interestingly Charles Darwin was born a interestingly Charles Darwin was born a very<00:00:20.770> lightly<00:00:21.770> pigmented<00:00:22.369> man<00:00:22.940> in<00:00:23.300> a very lightly pigmented man in a very lightly pigmented man in a moderately<00:00:24.710> -<00:00:25.130> darkly<00:00:25.610> pigmented<00:00:26.060> world<00:00:27.160> over moderately - darkly pigmented world over moderately - darkly pigmented world over the<00:00:28.280> course<00:00:28.580> of<00:00:28.820> his<00:00:28.970> life the course of his life the course of his life Darwin<00:00:30.500> had<00:00:31.130> great<00:00:31.670> privilege<00:00:32.330> he<00:00:32.840> lived<00:00:33.230> in<00:00:33.440> a Darwin had great privilege he lived in a Darwin had great privilege he lived in a fairly<00:00:33.860> wealthy<00:00:34.520> home<00:00:35.059> he<00:00:36.020> was<00:00:36.200> raised<00:00:36.530> by fairly wealthy home he was raised by fairly wealthy home he was raised by very<00:00:37.340> supportive<00:00:38.030> and<00:00:38.120> interested<00:00:38.570> parents very supportive and interested parents very supportive and interested parents and<00:00:39.400> when<00:00:40.400> he<00:00:40.489> was<00:00:40.610> in<00:00:40.640> his<00:00:40.850> 20s<00:00:41.330> he<00:00:41.720> embarked and when he was in his 20s he embarked and when he was in his 20s he embarked upon<00:00:42.199> a<00:00:42.379> remarkable<00:00:43.040> voyage<00:00:43.519> on<00:00:43.760> the<00:00:43.820> ship<00:00:44.480> the upon a remarkable voyage on the ship the upon a remarkable voyage on the ship the Beagle<00:00:45.170> and<00:00:45.379> during<00:00:46.010> the<00:00:46.159> course<00:00:46.460> of<00:00:46.699> that Beagle and during the course of that Beagle and during the course of that voyage<00:00:47.510> he<00:00:48.260> saw<00:00:48.500> remarkable<00:00:49.280> things voyage he saw remarkable things voyage he saw remarkable things tremendous<00:00:50.540> diversity<00:00:50.809> of<00:00:51.140> plants<00:00:51.710> and tremendous diversity of plants and tremendous diversity of plants and animals<00:00:52.519> and<00:00:53.150> humans<00:00:53.960> and<00:00:54.199> the<00:00:55.040> observations animals and humans and the observations animals and humans and the observations that<00:00:56.300> he<00:00:56.449> made<00:00:56.690> on<00:00:57.019> that<00:00:57.260> epic<00:00:57.710> journey<00:00:58.070> were that he made on that epic journey were that he made on that epic journey were to<00:00:58.879> be<00:00:59.000> eventually<00:00:59.269> distilled<00:01:00.140> into<00:01:00.530> his to be eventually distilled into his to be eventually distilled into his wonderful<00:01:01.070> book<00:01:01.220> On<00:01:01.610> the<00:01:01.670> Origin<00:01:01.820> of<00:01:02.269> Species wonderful book On the Origin of Species wonderful book On the Origin of Species published<00:01:03.549> 150<00:01:04.549> years<00:01:04.790> ago published 150 years ago published 150 years ago now<00:01:06.260> what<00:01:07.159> is<00:01:07.370> so<00:01:07.670> interesting<00:01:08.000> and<00:01:08.659> to<00:01:08.780> some now what is so interesting and to some now what is so interesting and to some extent<00:01:09.650> what's<00:01:10.159> a<00:01:10.460> bit<00:01:10.930> infamous<00:01:11.930> about<00:01:12.799> the extent what's a bit infamous about the extent what's a bit infamous about the Origin<00:01:13.430> of<00:01:13.490> Species<00:01:13.760> if<00:01:14.180> there's<00:01:14.450> only<00:01:14.510> one Origin of Species if there's only one Origin of Species if there's only one line<00:01:16.070> in<00:01:16.909> it<00:01:17.149> about<00:01:17.810> human<00:01:18.200> evolution<00:01:18.610> light line in it about human evolution light line in it about human evolution light will<00:01:20.149> be<00:01:20.299> thrown<00:01:20.719> on<00:01:21.049> the<00:01:21.530> origin<00:01:21.560> of<00:01:22.159> man<00:01:22.219> and will be thrown on the origin of man and will be thrown on the origin of man and his<00:01:22.759> history<00:01:23.979> it<00:01:24.979> wasn't<00:01:25.430> until<00:01:25.729> much<00:01:26.000> longer his history it wasn't until much longer his history it wasn't until much longer much<00:01:27.289> later<00:01:27.619> that<00:01:28.399> Darwin<00:01:29.149> actually<00:01:29.390> spoke much later that Darwin actually spoke much later that Darwin actually spoke and<00:01:30.710> wrote<00:01:31.399> about<00:01:31.930> humans<00:01:32.930> now<00:01:33.560> in<00:01:33.829> his<00:01:33.979> years and wrote about humans now in his years and wrote about humans now in his years of<00:01:35.530> travelling<00:01:36.530> on<00:01:36.710> the<00:01:36.950> Beagle<00:01:37.280> and<00:01:37.490> from of travelling on the Beagle and from of travelling on the Beagle and from listening<00:01:38.750> to<00:01:38.810> the<00:01:39.170> accounts<00:01:39.829> of<00:01:39.979> explorers listening to the accounts of explorers listening to the accounts of explorers and<00:01:40.909> naturalist<00:01:41.570> he<00:01:42.140> knew<00:01:42.409> that<00:01:42.979> skin<00:01:43.549> color and naturalist he knew that skin color and naturalist he knew that skin color was<00:01:45.350> one<00:01:45.619> of<00:01:45.740> the<00:01:45.829> most<00:01:46.039> important<00:01:46.670> ways<00:01:47.299> in was one of the most important ways in was one of the most important ways in which<00:01:47.780> people<00:01:48.079> varied<00:01:48.799> and<00:01:49.159> he<00:01:50.030> was<00:01:50.210> somewhat which people varied and he was somewhat which people varied and he was somewhat interested<00:01:51.409> in<00:01:51.500> the<00:01:51.619> pattern<00:01:52.070> of<00:01:52.219> skin<00:01:52.579> colour interested in the pattern of skin colour interested in the pattern of skin colour he<00:01:53.479> knew<00:01:53.749> that<00:01:54.020> darkly<00:01:54.499> pigmented<00:01:55.009> peoples he knew that darkly pigmented peoples he knew that darkly pigmented peoples were<00:01:55.880> found<00:01:56.299> close<00:01:56.929> to<00:01:57.109> the<00:01:57.229> equator<00:01:57.560> lightly were found close to the equator lightly were found close to the equator lightly pigmented<00:01:58.939> peoples<00:01:59.570> like<00:01:59.899> himself<00:02:00.079> were pigmented peoples like himself were pigmented peoples like himself were found<00:02:01.189> closer<00:02:01.579> to<00:02:01.759> the<00:02:01.909> poles<00:02:02.619> so<00:02:03.619> what<00:02:04.280> did<00:02:04.429> he found closer to the poles so what did he found closer to the poles so what did he make<00:02:04.729> of<00:02:04.969> all<00:02:05.119> this<00:02:05.299> well<00:02:05.689> he<00:02:05.749> didn't<00:02:05.960> write make of all this well he didn't write make of all this well he didn't write anything<00:02:06.380> about<00:02:06.649> it<00:02:07.009> in<00:02:07.159> the<00:02:07.340> Origin<00:02:07.700> of anything about it in the Origin of anything about it in the Origin of Species<00:02:08.110> but<00:02:09.110> much<00:02:09.350> later<00:02:09.740> in<00:02:10.300> 1871<00:02:11.300> he<00:02:11.930> did Species but much later in 1871 he did Species but much later in 1871 he did have<00:02:12.290> something<00:02:12.560> to<00:02:12.710> say<00:02:12.950> about<00:02:12.980> it<00:02:13.340> it<00:02:13.460> was have something to say about it it was have something to say about it it was quite<00:02:13.850> curious<00:02:14.590> he<00:02:15.590> said<00:02:15.770> of<00:02:15.950> all<00:02:16.190> the quite curious he said of all the quite curious he said of all the differences<00:02:16.790> between<00:02:16.940> the<00:02:17.270> races<00:02:17.630> of<00:02:17.660> men<00:02:17.960> the differences between the races of men the differences between the races of men the color<00:02:18.410> of<00:02:18.650> the<00:02:18.770> skin<00:02:19.100> is<00:02:19.280> the<00:02:19.700> most color of the skin is the most color of the skin is the most conspicuous<00:02:20.270> and<00:02:20.900> one<00:02:21.230> of<00:02:21.350> the<00:02:21.470> best<00:02:21.710> marked conspicuous and one of the best marked conspicuous and one of the best marked and<00:02:22.550> he<00:02:23.180> went<00:02:23.390> on<00:02:23.510> to<00:02:23.750> say and he went on to say and he went on to say these<00:02:24.880> differences<00:02:25.840> do<00:02:26.140> not<00:02:26.170> coincide<00:02:27.040> with these differences do not coincide with these differences do not coincide with corresponding<00:02:28.900> differences<00:02:29.440> in<00:02:29.620> climate<00:02:30.250> so corresponding differences in climate so corresponding differences in climate so he<00:02:31.360> had<00:02:31.450> traveled<00:02:32.020> all<00:02:32.200> around<00:02:32.349> he<00:02:32.739> had<00:02:32.830> seen he had traveled all around he had seen he had traveled all around he had seen people<00:02:34.270> of<00:02:34.450> different<00:02:35.140> colors<00:02:35.410> living<00:02:36.069> in people of different colors living in people of different colors living in different<00:02:36.370> places<00:02:36.640> and<00:02:37.150> yet<00:02:37.780> he<00:02:38.319> rejected<00:02:39.160> the different places and yet he rejected the different places and yet he rejected the idea<00:02:39.400> that<00:02:39.970> human<00:02:40.330> skin<00:02:40.720> pigmentation<00:02:41.650> was idea that human skin pigmentation was idea that human skin pigmentation was related<00:02:42.880> to<00:02:43.450> the<00:02:43.870> climate related to the climate related to the climate if<00:02:45.580> only<00:02:46.140> Darwin<00:02:47.140> lived<00:02:47.470> today if only Darwin lived today if only Darwin lived today if<00:02:48.390> only<00:02:49.390> Darwin<00:02:50.349> had<00:02:50.620> NASA<00:02:51.360> now<00:02:52.360> one<00:02:53.170> of<00:02:53.319> the if only Darwin had NASA now one of the if only Darwin had NASA now one of the wonderful<00:02:53.800> things<00:02:53.980> that<00:02:54.370> NASA<00:02:54.730> does<00:02:55.120> is<00:02:55.360> it wonderful things that NASA does is it wonderful things that NASA does is it puts<00:02:55.690> up<00:02:55.870> a<00:02:56.019> variety<00:02:56.350> of<00:02:56.620> satellites<00:02:57.190> that puts up a variety of satellites that puts up a variety of satellites that detect<00:02:57.760> all<00:02:57.940> sorts<00:02:58.269> of<00:02:58.330> interesting<00:02:58.690> things detect all sorts of interesting things detect all sorts of interesting things about<00:02:59.410> our<00:02:59.560> environment<00:02:59.709> and<00:03:00.459> for<00:03:01.180> many about our environment and for many about our environment and for many decades<00:03:02.500> now<00:03:03.130> there<00:03:03.400> have<00:03:03.519> been<00:03:03.610> a<00:03:03.730> series<00:03:04.000> of decades now there have been a series of decades now there have been a series of Tom's<00:03:04.810> satellites<00:03:05.769> that<00:03:06.310> have<00:03:06.459> collected Tom's satellites that have collected Tom's satellites that have collected data<00:03:07.239> about<00:03:07.480> radiation<00:03:08.110> at<00:03:08.470> the<00:03:08.500> Earth's data about radiation at the Earth's data about radiation at the Earth's surface<00:03:08.910> the<00:03:09.910> Tom's<00:03:10.239> seven<00:03:10.959> satellite<00:03:11.620> data surface the Tom's seven satellite data surface the Tom's seven satellite data shown<00:03:12.549> here<00:03:13.120> show<00:03:13.870> the<00:03:14.080> annual<00:03:14.709> average shown here show the annual average shown here show the annual average ultraviolet<00:03:16.269> radiation<00:03:16.870> at<00:03:17.049> the<00:03:17.110> Earth's ultraviolet radiation at the Earth's ultraviolet radiation at the Earth's surface<00:03:17.940> now<00:03:18.940> the<00:03:19.390> really<00:03:19.569> hot<00:03:20.049> pink<00:03:20.560> and<00:03:20.769> red surface now the really hot pink and red surface now the really hot pink and red areas<00:03:21.459> are<00:03:21.910> those<00:03:22.150> parts<00:03:22.630> of<00:03:22.750> the<00:03:22.840> world<00:03:23.019> that areas are those parts of the world that areas are those parts of the world that received<00:03:23.560> the<00:03:23.709> highest<00:03:24.069> amounts<00:03:24.970> of<00:03:25.150> UV received the highest amounts of UV received the highest amounts of UV during<00:03:26.230> the<00:03:26.349> year<00:03:26.620> the<00:03:27.220> incrementally<00:03:28.290> cooler during the year the incrementally cooler during the year the incrementally cooler colors<00:03:29.769> blues<00:03:30.310> greens<00:03:30.790> yellows<00:03:31.120> and<00:03:31.510> finally colors blues greens yellows and finally colors blues greens yellows and finally Gray's<00:03:32.739> indicate<00:03:33.640> areas<00:03:34.060> of<00:03:34.180> much<00:03:34.359> lower Gray's indicate areas of much lower Gray's indicate areas of much lower ultraviolet<00:03:35.799> radiation<00:03:36.400> what's<00:03:36.730> significant ultraviolet radiation what's significant ultraviolet radiation what's significant to<00:03:37.900> the<00:03:38.019> story<00:03:38.350> of<00:03:38.530> human<00:03:38.920> skin<00:03:39.250> pigmentation to the story of human skin pigmentation to the story of human skin pigmentation is<00:03:40.329> just<00:03:41.109> how<00:03:41.620> much<00:03:42.400> of<00:03:42.730> the<00:03:42.970> northern is just how much of the northern is just how much of the northern hemisphere<00:03:43.690> is<00:03:44.380> in<00:03:44.950> these<00:03:45.190> cool<00:03:45.640> grey<00:03:46.390> zones hemisphere is in these cool grey zones hemisphere is in these cool grey zones this<00:03:47.560> has<00:03:47.829> tremendous<00:03:48.400> implications<00:03:48.730> for<00:03:49.420> our this has tremendous implications for our this has tremendous implications for our understanding<00:03:49.900> of<00:03:50.440> the<00:03:50.680> evolution<00:03:51.160> of<00:03:51.220> human understanding of the evolution of human understanding of the evolution of human skin<00:03:51.850> pigmentation<00:03:52.600> and<00:03:53.010> what<00:03:54.010> Darwin<00:03:54.790> could skin pigmentation and what Darwin could skin pigmentation and what Darwin could not<00:03:55.690> appreciate<00:03:56.440> or<00:03:56.470> didn't<00:03:57.130> perhaps<00:03:57.430> want<00:03:57.940> to not appreciate or didn't perhaps want to not appreciate or didn't perhaps want to appreciate<00:03:58.630> at<00:03:58.780> the<00:03:58.810> time<00:03:58.900> is<00:03:59.410> that<00:04:00.130> there<00:04:00.579> was appreciate at the time is that there was appreciate at the time is that there was a<00:04:00.760> fundamental<00:04:01.630> relationship<00:04:01.810> between<00:04:02.500> the a fundamental relationship between the a fundamental relationship between the intensity<00:04:03.250> of<00:04:03.579> ultraviolet<00:04:04.090> radiation<00:04:04.870> and intensity of ultraviolet radiation and intensity of ultraviolet radiation and skin<00:04:06.069> pigmentation<00:04:07.000> and<00:04:07.209> that<00:04:07.780> skin skin pigmentation and that skin skin pigmentation and that skin pigmentation<00:04:09.280> itself<00:04:09.940> was<00:04:10.900> a<00:04:10.930> product<00:04:11.440> of pigmentation itself was a product of pigmentation itself was a product of evolution<00:04:12.010> and<00:04:12.600> so<00:04:13.600> when<00:04:13.780> we<00:04:13.900> look<00:04:14.170> at<00:04:14.350> the<00:04:14.799> map evolution and so when we look at the map evolution and so when we look at the map of<00:04:15.310> skin<00:04:16.000> color<00:04:16.419> and<00:04:16.720> predicted<00:04:17.320> skin<00:04:17.650> color of skin color and predicted skin color of skin color and predicted skin color as<00:04:18.220> we<00:04:18.639> know<00:04:18.850> it<00:04:19.030> today<00:04:19.150> what<00:04:19.900> we<00:04:20.049> see<00:04:20.079> is<00:04:20.470> a as we know it today what we see is a as we know it today what we see is a beautiful<00:04:20.799> gradient<00:04:21.669> from<00:04:22.120> the<00:04:22.240> darkest<00:04:22.720> skin beautiful gradient from the darkest skin beautiful gradient from the darkest skin pigmentations<00:04:23.889> toward<00:04:24.250> the<00:04:24.400> equator<00:04:24.760> and<00:04:25.150> the pigmentations toward the equator and the pigmentations toward the equator and the lightest<00:04:26.020> ones<00:04:26.380> toward<00:04:27.039> the<00:04:27.250> poles<00:04:27.840> now lightest ones toward the poles now lightest ones toward the poles now what's<00:04:29.740> very<00:04:30.039> very<00:04:30.789> important<00:04:31.419> here<00:04:31.750> is<00:04:31.870> that what's very very important here is that what's very very important here is that the<00:04:33.280> earliest<00:04:33.820> humans<00:04:34.590> evolved<00:04:35.590> in<00:04:35.770> high the earliest humans evolved in high the earliest humans evolved in high UV<00:04:37.010> environments<00:04:37.850> in<00:04:37.970> Equatorial<00:04:38.750> Africa<00:04:38.870> the UV environments in Equatorial Africa the UV environments in Equatorial Africa the earliest<00:04:40.310> members<00:04:40.730> of<00:04:40.880> our<00:04:41.000> lineage<00:04:41.450> the earliest members of our lineage the earliest members of our lineage the genus<00:04:42.740> Homo<00:04:43.280> were<00:04:43.760> darkly<00:04:44.270> pigmented<00:04:44.690> and<00:04:45.310> we genus Homo were darkly pigmented and we genus Homo were darkly pigmented and we all<00:04:46.580> share<00:04:47.180> this<00:04:47.889> incredible<00:04:48.889> heritage<00:04:49.310> of all share this incredible heritage of all share this incredible heritage of having<00:04:50.180> originally<00:04:51.169> been<00:04:51.380> darkly<00:04:52.190> pigmented having originally been darkly pigmented having originally been darkly pigmented 2<00:04:53.480> million<00:04:53.930> to<00:04:54.200> one<00:04:54.410> and<00:04:54.530> a<00:04:54.590> half<00:04:54.620> million 2 million to one and a half million 2 million to one and a half million years<00:04:55.220> ago<00:04:55.810> now<00:04:56.810> what<00:04:57.080> happened<00:04:57.560> in<00:04:57.800> our years ago now what happened in our years ago now what happened in our history<00:05:00.280> let's<00:05:01.280> first<00:05:01.669> look<00:05:02.000> at<00:05:02.060> the history let's first look at the history let's first look at the relationship<00:05:03.740> of<00:05:03.919> ultraviolet<00:05:04.460> radiation<00:05:04.669> to relationship of ultraviolet radiation to relationship of ultraviolet radiation to the<00:05:05.720> Earth's<00:05:05.900> surface<00:05:06.080> in<00:05:06.860> those<00:05:07.520> early<00:05:08.090> days the Earth's surface in those early days the Earth's surface in those early days of<00:05:08.510> our<00:05:08.630> evolution<00:05:09.290> living<00:05:09.919> at<00:05:10.040> the<00:05:10.220> equator of our evolution living at the equator of our evolution living at the equator we<00:05:11.150> were<00:05:11.330> bombarded<00:05:11.630> by<00:05:12.410> high<00:05:12.860> levels<00:05:13.310> of we were bombarded by high levels of we were bombarded by high levels of ultraviolet<00:05:14.060> radiation<00:05:14.240> the<00:05:15.139> UVC<00:05:15.500> the<00:05:15.950> most ultraviolet radiation the UVC the most ultraviolet radiation the UVC the most energetic<00:05:16.639> type<00:05:17.090> was<00:05:17.780> occluded<00:05:18.770> by<00:05:19.040> the energetic type was occluded by the energetic type was occluded by the Earth's<00:05:19.400> atmosphere<00:05:20.180> but<00:05:20.389> UVB<00:05:21.320> and<00:05:21.350> UVA Earth's atmosphere but UVB and UVA Earth's atmosphere but UVB and UVA especially<00:05:23.210> came<00:05:23.570> in<00:05:23.780> unempioyed<00:05:24.460> UVB<00:05:25.460> turns especially came in unempioyed UVB turns especially came in unempioyed UVB turns out<00:05:26.000> to<00:05:26.180> be<00:05:26.210> incredibly<00:05:26.750> important<00:05:27.680> it's<00:05:28.310> very out to be incredibly important it's very out to be incredibly important it's very destructive<00:05:29.750> but<00:05:30.320> it<00:05:30.440> also<00:05:31.150> catalyzes<00:05:32.150> the destructive but it also catalyzes the destructive but it also catalyzes the production<00:05:32.870> of<00:05:32.990> vitamin<00:05:33.380> D<00:05:33.560> in<00:05:33.590> the<00:05:33.710> skin production of vitamin D in the skin production of vitamin D in the skin vitamin<00:05:35.240> D<00:05:35.419> being<00:05:35.660> a<00:05:35.810> molecule<00:05:36.770> that<00:05:37.040> we<00:05:37.370> very vitamin D being a molecule that we very vitamin D being a molecule that we very much<00:05:38.090> need<00:05:38.479> for<00:05:38.690> our<00:05:39.260> strong<00:05:40.010> bones<00:05:40.400> the much need for our strong bones the much need for our strong bones the health<00:05:41.419> of<00:05:41.570> our<00:05:41.690> immune<00:05:41.990> system<00:05:42.440> and<00:05:42.530> myriad health of our immune system and myriad health of our immune system and myriad other<00:05:43.250> important<00:05:43.820> functions<00:05:44.030> in<00:05:44.419> our<00:05:44.510> bodies other important functions in our bodies other important functions in our bodies so<00:05:45.770> living<00:05:46.280> at<00:05:46.400> the<00:05:46.520> equator<00:05:46.850> we<00:05:47.360> got<00:05:47.539> lots<00:05:48.080> and so living at the equator we got lots and so living at the equator we got lots and lots<00:05:48.560> of<00:05:48.680> ultraviolet<00:05:49.220> radiation<00:05:50.000> and<00:05:50.590> the lots of ultraviolet radiation and the lots of ultraviolet radiation and the melanin<00:05:52.360> this<00:05:53.360> wonderful<00:05:54.289> complex<00:05:55.070> ancient melanin this wonderful complex ancient melanin this wonderful complex ancient polymer<00:05:57.310> compound<00:05:58.310> in<00:05:58.610> our<00:05:58.820> skin<00:05:59.210> served<00:06:00.050> as<00:06:00.350> a polymer compound in our skin served as a polymer compound in our skin served as a superb<00:06:01.250> natural<00:06:02.090> sunscreen<00:06:02.720> this<00:06:03.669> polymer<00:06:04.669> is superb natural sunscreen this polymer is superb natural sunscreen this polymer is amazing<00:06:05.690> because<00:06:05.840> its<00:06:06.110> present<00:06:06.440> in<00:06:06.710> so<00:06:06.979> many amazing because its present in so many amazing because its present in so many different<00:06:07.310> organisms<00:06:07.910> melanin<00:06:08.870> in<00:06:08.990> various different organisms melanin in various different organisms melanin in various forms<00:06:09.680> has<00:06:09.830> probably<00:06:10.160> been<00:06:10.310> on<00:06:10.460> the<00:06:10.490> earth<00:06:10.610> a forms has probably been on the earth a forms has probably been on the earth a billion<00:06:11.840> years<00:06:12.410> and<00:06:12.830> has<00:06:13.250> been<00:06:13.430> recruited billion years and has been recruited billion years and has been recruited over<00:06:14.570> and<00:06:14.750> over<00:06:15.320> again<00:06:15.500> by<00:06:16.010> evolution<00:06:16.669> as over and over again by evolution as over and over again by evolution as often<00:06:17.870> happens<00:06:18.350> why<00:06:19.010> change<00:06:19.729> it<00:06:20.000> if<00:06:20.389> it<00:06:20.600> works often happens why change it if it works often happens why change it if it works so<00:06:21.979> melanin<00:06:22.550> was<00:06:23.030> recruited<00:06:23.750> in<00:06:23.960> our<00:06:24.440> lineage so melanin was recruited in our lineage so melanin was recruited in our lineage and<00:06:25.280> specifically<00:06:25.940> in<00:06:26.240> our<00:06:26.780> earliest and specifically in our earliest and specifically in our earliest ancestors<00:06:28.460> evolving<00:06:29.300> in<00:06:29.450> Africa<00:06:29.960> to<00:06:30.860> be<00:06:31.070> a ancestors evolving in Africa to be a ancestors evolving in Africa to be a natural<00:06:31.370> sunscreen<00:06:31.970> where<00:06:32.930> it<00:06:33.050> protected<00:06:33.830> the natural sunscreen where it protected the natural sunscreen where it protected the body<00:06:34.220> against<00:06:35.150> the<00:06:35.270> depredations<00:06:35.660> of body against the depredations of body against the depredations of ultraviolet<00:06:37.039> radiation<00:06:37.220> the<00:06:38.150> destruction<00:06:38.930> or ultraviolet radiation the destruction or ultraviolet radiation the destruction or damage<00:06:39.380> to<00:06:39.860> DNA<00:06:40.010> and<00:06:40.580> the<00:06:40.970> breakdown<00:06:41.300> of<00:06:41.570> a damage to DNA and the breakdown of a damage to DNA and the breakdown of a very<00:06:42.080> important<00:06:42.650> molecule<00:06:42.889> called<00:06:43.610> folate very important molecule called folate very important molecule called folate which<00:06:44.930> helps<00:06:45.409> to<00:06:45.590> fuel<00:06:45.950> cell<00:06:46.640> production<00:06:47.599> and which helps to fuel cell production and which helps to fuel cell production and reproduction<00:06:48.860> in<00:06:48.950> the<00:06:49.070> body reproduction in the body reproduction in the body so<00:06:50.310> it's<00:06:50.970> wonderful<00:06:51.690> we<00:06:52.050> evolved<00:06:52.410> this<00:06:52.680> very so it's wonderful we evolved this very so it's wonderful we evolved this very protective protective protective wonderful<00:06:54.540> covering<00:06:55.050> of<00:06:55.200> melanin<00:06:55.680> but<00:06:56.400> then wonderful covering of melanin but then wonderful covering of melanin but then we<00:06:57.570> moved<00:06:57.870> and<00:07:00.530> humans<00:07:01.550> dispersed<00:07:02.550> not<00:07:03.090> once we moved and humans dispersed not once we moved and humans dispersed not once but<00:07:03.630> twice<00:07:04.190> major<00:07:05.190> moves<00:07:05.670> outside<00:07:06.450> of<00:07:06.630> our but twice major moves outside of our but twice major moves outside of our equatorial<00:07:07.560> homeland<00:07:08.160> from<00:07:08.760> Africa<00:07:09.450> into equatorial homeland from Africa into equatorial homeland from Africa into other<00:07:10.350> parts<00:07:10.830> of<00:07:10.920> the<00:07:11.040> old<00:07:11.250> world<00:07:11.580> and<00:07:12.090> most other parts of the old world and most other parts of the old world and most recently<00:07:13.140> into<00:07:13.470> the<00:07:13.590> new<00:07:13.740> world<00:07:13.980> when<00:07:14.520> humans recently into the new world when humans recently into the new world when humans dispersed<00:07:15.600> into<00:07:15.960> these<00:07:16.110> latitudes<00:07:16.560> what<00:07:17.520> did dispersed into these latitudes what did dispersed into these latitudes what did they<00:07:17.790> face<00:07:18.090> well<00:07:18.840> can<00:07:19.410> conditions<00:07:20.040> were they face well can conditions were they face well can conditions were significantly<00:07:21.060> colder<00:07:21.420> but<00:07:22.290> they<00:07:22.410> were<00:07:22.470> also significantly colder but they were also significantly colder but they were also less<00:07:23.460> intense<00:07:23.970> with<00:07:24.570> respect<00:07:25.050> to<00:07:25.170> the less intense with respect to the less intense with respect to the ultraviolet<00:07:26.040> regime<00:07:26.430> so<00:07:27.000> if<00:07:27.300> we're<00:07:27.780> somewhere ultraviolet regime so if we're somewhere ultraviolet regime so if we're somewhere in<00:07:28.500> the<00:07:28.710> northern<00:07:28.980> hemisphere<00:07:29.600> look<00:07:30.600> at in the northern hemisphere look at in the northern hemisphere look at what's<00:07:30.990> happening<00:07:31.500> to<00:07:31.650> the<00:07:31.770> ultraviolet what's happening to the ultraviolet what's happening to the ultraviolet radiation<00:07:33.060> we're<00:07:33.480> still<00:07:33.870> getting<00:07:34.110> a<00:07:34.350> dose<00:07:34.650> of radiation we're still getting a dose of radiation we're still getting a dose of UVA<00:07:35.390> but<00:07:36.390> all<00:07:36.630> of<00:07:37.230> the<00:07:37.410> UVB<00:07:37.830> or<00:07:38.700> nearly<00:07:39.240> all<00:07:39.360> of UVA but all of the UVB or nearly all of UVA but all of the UVB or nearly all of it<00:07:39.870> is<00:07:40.190> dissipated<00:07:41.190> through<00:07:41.400> the<00:07:41.580> thickness it is dissipated through the thickness it is dissipated through the thickness of<00:07:42.120> the<00:07:42.270> atmosphere<00:07:42.410> in<00:07:43.410> the<00:07:43.950> winter<00:07:44.280> when<00:07:45.060> you of the atmosphere in the winter when you of the atmosphere in the winter when you are<00:07:45.570> skiing<00:07:46.380> in<00:07:46.770> the<00:07:46.830> Alps<00:07:47.090> you<00:07:48.090> may are skiing in the Alps you may are skiing in the Alps you may experience<00:07:48.840> ultraviolet<00:07:49.800> radiation<00:07:50.340> but experience ultraviolet radiation but experience ultraviolet radiation but it's<00:07:50.610> all<00:07:50.820> UVA<00:07:51.300> and<00:07:52.250> significantly<00:07:53.250> that<00:07:53.820> UVA it's all UVA and significantly that UVA it's all UVA and significantly that UVA has<00:07:55.140> no<00:07:55.560> ability<00:07:56.280> to<00:07:56.490> make<00:07:56.730> vitamin<00:07:57.390> D<00:07:57.540> in<00:07:57.660> your has no ability to make vitamin D in your has no ability to make vitamin D in your skin<00:07:58.340> so<00:07:59.340> people<00:07:59.820> inhabiting<00:08:00.890> northern skin so people inhabiting northern skin so people inhabiting northern hemisphere<00:08:02.400> ik<00:08:02.970> environments<00:08:03.780> were<00:08:04.410> bereft hemisphere ik environments were bereft hemisphere ik environments were bereft of<00:08:05.510> the<00:08:06.510> potential<00:08:07.230> to<00:08:07.530> make<00:08:07.800> vitamin<00:08:08.550> D<00:08:08.670> in of the potential to make vitamin D in of the potential to make vitamin D in their<00:08:08.970> skin<00:08:09.330> for<00:08:09.690> most<00:08:09.930> of<00:08:10.110> the<00:08:10.200> year their skin for most of the year their skin for most of the year this<00:08:10.920> had<00:08:11.280> tremendous<00:08:12.060> consequences<00:08:12.600> for<00:08:13.440> the this had tremendous consequences for the this had tremendous consequences for the evolution<00:08:14.040> of<00:08:14.100> human<00:08:14.460> skin<00:08:14.730> pigmentation evolution of human skin pigmentation evolution of human skin pigmentation because<00:08:16.200> what<00:08:16.380> happened<00:08:16.860> in<00:08:17.130> order<00:08:17.700> to<00:08:17.850> ensure because what happened in order to ensure because what happened in order to ensure health<00:08:18.840> and<00:08:19.110> well-being<00:08:19.760> these<00:08:20.760> lineages<00:08:21.720> of health and well-being these lineages of health and well-being these lineages of people<00:08:22.500> dispersing<00:08:23.370> into<00:08:23.580> the<00:08:23.760> northern people dispersing into the northern people dispersing into the northern hemisphere<00:08:25.340> lost<00:08:26.340> their<00:08:27.150> pigmentation<00:08:27.530> there hemisphere lost their pigmentation there hemisphere lost their pigmentation there was<00:08:28.680> natural<00:08:29.340> selection<00:08:30.180> for<00:08:30.720> the<00:08:30.840> evolution was natural selection for the evolution was natural selection for the evolution of<00:08:31.680> lightly<00:08:32.580> pigmented<00:08:33.120> skin<00:08:34.460> here<00:08:35.460> we<00:08:35.640> begin of lightly pigmented skin here we begin of lightly pigmented skin here we begin to<00:08:36.120> see<00:08:36.360> the<00:08:36.390> evolution<00:08:36.840> of<00:08:37.229> the<00:08:37.860> beautiful to see the evolution of the beautiful to see the evolution of the beautiful sepia<00:08:39.030> rainbow<00:08:39.660> that<00:08:39.900> now<00:08:40.250> characterizes<00:08:41.250> all sepia rainbow that now characterizes all sepia rainbow that now characterizes all of<00:08:41.729> humanity<00:08:42.360> lightly<00:08:43.169> pigmented<00:08:43.560> skin of humanity lightly pigmented skin of humanity lightly pigmented skin evolved<00:08:44.940> not<00:08:45.090> just<00:08:45.540> once<00:08:45.950> not<00:08:46.950> just<00:08:46.980> twice<00:08:47.370> but evolved not just once not just twice but evolved not just once not just twice but probably<00:08:48.420> three<00:08:48.930> times<00:08:49.230> not<00:08:49.770> just<00:08:50.100> in<00:08:50.280> modern probably three times not just in modern probably three times not just in modern humans<00:08:51.180> but<00:08:51.570> in<00:08:51.690> one<00:08:51.960> of<00:08:51.990> our<00:08:52.200> distant humans but in one of our distant humans but in one of our distant unrelated<00:08:53.820> ancestors<00:08:54.710> the<00:08:55.710> Neanderthals<00:08:56.460> a unrelated ancestors the Neanderthals a unrelated ancestors the Neanderthals a remarkable<00:08:58.230> remarkable<00:08:58.770> testament<00:08:59.580> to<00:08:59.790> the remarkable remarkable testament to the remarkable remarkable testament to the power<00:09:00.090> of<00:09:00.270> evolution<00:09:01.040> humans<00:09:02.040> have<00:09:02.130> been<00:09:02.220> on power of evolution humans have been on power of evolution humans have been on the<00:09:02.490> move<00:09:02.640> for<00:09:02.700> a<00:09:03.030> law the move for a law the move for a law time<00:09:03.570> and<00:09:03.900> just<00:09:04.890> in<00:09:05.070> the<00:09:05.160> last<00:09:05.390> 5,000<00:09:06.390> years<00:09:06.420> at time and just in the last 5,000 years at time and just in the last 5,000 years at increasing<00:09:07.470> rates<00:09:07.500> over<00:09:08.220> increasing increasing rates over increasing increasing rates over increasing distances<00:09:09.330> here<00:09:09.750> are<00:09:09.870> just<00:09:10.080> some<00:09:10.230> of<00:09:10.260> the distances here are just some of the distances here are just some of the biggest<00:09:11.060> movements<00:09:12.060> of<00:09:12.210> people<00:09:12.680> voluntary biggest movements of people voluntary biggest movements of people voluntary movements<00:09:14.340> in<00:09:14.460> the<00:09:14.550> last<00:09:14.810> 5000<00:09:15.810> years<00:09:15.840> look<00:09:16.680> at movements in the last 5000 years look at movements in the last 5000 years look at some<00:09:17.010> of<00:09:17.130> the<00:09:17.190> major<00:09:17.810> latitudinal some of the major latitudinal some of the major latitudinal transgressions<00:09:19.680> people<00:09:20.370> from<00:09:20.580> high<00:09:20.820> UV<00:09:21.240> areas transgressions people from high UV areas transgressions people from high UV areas going<00:09:21.840> to<00:09:22.020> low<00:09:22.200> UV<00:09:22.680> and<00:09:22.950> vice<00:09:23.220> versa<00:09:23.550> and<00:09:24.620> not going to low UV and vice versa and not going to low UV and vice versa and not all<00:09:25.800> these<00:09:26.010> moves<00:09:26.640> were<00:09:27.090> voluntary<00:09:27.920> between all these moves were voluntary between all these moves were voluntary between 1520<00:09:30.060> and<00:09:30.230> 1867<00:09:31.230> twelve<00:09:32.220> million<00:09:32.970> five 1520 and 1867 twelve million five 1520 and 1867 twelve million five hundred<00:09:34.290> people<00:09:34.500> were<00:09:35.340> moved<00:09:35.730> from<00:09:36.120> high<00:09:36.900> UV hundred people were moved from high UV hundred people were moved from high UV to<00:09:37.800> low<00:09:38.010> UV<00:09:38.490> areas<00:09:38.970> in<00:09:39.300> the<00:09:39.990> transatlantic to low UV areas in the transatlantic to low UV areas in the transatlantic slave<00:09:40.860> trade slave trade slave trade now<00:09:42.780> this<00:09:43.110> had<00:09:43.380> all<00:09:43.620> sorts<00:09:44.130> of<00:09:44.220> invidious now this had all sorts of invidious now this had all sorts of invidious social<00:09:45.870> consequences<00:09:46.770> but<00:09:46.950> it<00:09:47.070> also<00:09:47.310> had social consequences but it also had social consequences but it also had deleterious<00:09:48.750> health<00:09:49.580> consequences<00:09:50.580> to deleterious health consequences to deleterious health consequences to people<00:09:51.120> so<00:09:51.900> what<00:09:52.200> we've<00:09:52.830> been<00:09:52.980> on<00:09:53.130> the<00:09:53.310> move people so what we've been on the move people so what we've been on the move we're<00:09:54.630> so<00:09:54.900> clever<00:09:55.230> we<00:09:55.530> can<00:09:55.710> overcome<00:09:56.040> all<00:09:56.670> of we're so clever we can overcome all of we're so clever we can overcome all of these<00:09:57.000> these<00:09:57.480> seeming<00:09:58.260> biological these these seeming biological these these seeming biological impediments<00:09:59.790> will<00:10:00.320> often<00:10:01.320> we're<00:10:01.560> unaware<00:10:02.280> of impediments will often we're unaware of impediments will often we're unaware of the<00:10:02.820> fact<00:10:03.030> that<00:10:03.240> we're<00:10:03.540> living<00:10:03.810> in the fact that we're living in the fact that we're living in environments<00:10:05.220> in<00:10:05.700> which<00:10:05.760> our<00:10:06.330> skin<00:10:06.930> is environments in which our skin is environments in which our skin is inherently<00:10:07.830> poorly<00:10:08.400> adapted<00:10:08.700> some<00:10:09.540> of<00:10:09.690> us inherently poorly adapted some of us inherently poorly adapted some of us with<00:10:09.960> lightly<00:10:10.290> pigmented<00:10:10.680> skin<00:10:11.010> live<00:10:11.670> in<00:10:11.790> high with lightly pigmented skin live in high with lightly pigmented skin live in high UV<00:10:12.510> areas<00:10:12.990> some<00:10:13.500> of<00:10:13.620> us<00:10:13.740> with<00:10:13.950> darkly UV areas some of us with darkly UV areas some of us with darkly pigmented<00:10:14.760> skin<00:10:15.120> live<00:10:15.810> in<00:10:16.080> low<00:10:16.590> UV<00:10:17.130> areas pigmented skin live in low UV areas pigmented skin live in low UV areas these<00:10:18.300> have<00:10:18.630> tremendous<00:10:19.500> consequences<00:10:20.040> for these have tremendous consequences for these have tremendous consequences for our<00:10:20.730> health<00:10:21.470> we<00:10:22.470> have<00:10:22.680> to<00:10:22.890> if<00:10:23.100> we're<00:10:23.580> lightly our health we have to if we're lightly our health we have to if we're lightly pigmented<00:10:24.420> be<00:10:25.290> careful<00:10:25.830> about<00:10:26.220> the<00:10:26.990> problems pigmented be careful about the problems pigmented be careful about the problems of<00:10:28.170> skin<00:10:28.800> cancer<00:10:29.430> and<00:10:29.750> destruction<00:10:30.750> of<00:10:30.930> folate of skin cancer and destruction of folate of skin cancer and destruction of folate in<00:10:31.650> our<00:10:31.800> bodies<00:10:32.220> by<00:10:32.460> lots<00:10:32.880> of<00:10:33.060> Sun in our bodies by lots of Sun in our bodies by lots of Sun epidemiologists<00:10:35.430> and<00:10:35.550> doctors<00:10:36.330> have<00:10:36.570> been epidemiologists and doctors have been epidemiologists and doctors have been very<00:10:36.930> good<00:10:37.230> about<00:10:37.500> telling<00:10:37.830> us<00:10:38.130> about very good about telling us about very good about telling us about protecting<00:10:39.060> our<00:10:39.210> skin<00:10:40.130> what<00:10:41.130> they<00:10:41.370> haven't protecting our skin what they haven't protecting our skin what they haven't been<00:10:42.180> so<00:10:42.510> good<00:10:42.690> about<00:10:43.130> instructing<00:10:44.130> people<00:10:44.400> is been so good about instructing people is been so good about instructing people is the<00:10:45.690> problem<00:10:46.260> of<00:10:46.550> darkly<00:10:47.550> pigmented<00:10:47.970> people the problem of darkly pigmented people the problem of darkly pigmented people living<00:10:49.320> in<00:10:49.620> high<00:10:49.980> latitude<00:10:50.610> areas<00:10:51.120> or<00:10:51.360> working living in high latitude areas or working living in high latitude areas or working inside<00:10:52.650> all<00:10:52.920> the<00:10:53.070> time<00:10:53.240> because<00:10:54.240> the<00:10:54.420> problem inside all the time because the problem inside all the time because the problem there<00:10:55.260> is<00:10:55.290> just<00:10:55.890> as<00:10:56.070> severe<00:10:56.580> but<00:10:57.060> it<00:10:57.150> is<00:10:57.300> more there is just as severe but it is more there is just as severe but it is more sinister<00:10:57.990> because<00:10:58.950> vitamin<00:10:59.280> D<00:10:59.700> deficiency sinister because vitamin D deficiency sinister because vitamin D deficiency from<00:11:01.080> a<00:11:01.170> lack<00:11:01.440> of<00:11:01.580> ultraviolet<00:11:02.580> B<00:11:02.790> radiation from a lack of ultraviolet B radiation from a lack of ultraviolet B radiation is<00:11:03.810> a<00:11:04.770> major<00:11:05.160> problem is a major problem is a major problem vitamin<00:11:06.540> D<00:11:06.660> deficiency<00:11:06.690> creeps<00:11:07.620> up<00:11:07.860> on<00:11:08.010> people vitamin D deficiency creeps up on people vitamin D deficiency creeps up on people and<00:11:08.550> causes<00:11:09.000> all<00:11:09.030> sorts<00:11:09.240> of<00:11:09.720> health<00:11:09.960> problems and causes all sorts of health problems and causes all sorts of health problems to<00:11:10.680> their<00:11:10.830> bones<00:11:11.100> to<00:11:11.490> their<00:11:12.240> gradual<00:11:13.200> decay<00:11:13.890> of to their bones to their gradual decay of to their bones to their gradual decay of their<00:11:14.280> immune<00:11:14.580> systems<00:11:15.210> or<00:11:15.390> loss<00:11:15.690> of<00:11:15.900> immune their immune systems or loss of immune their immune systems or loss of immune function function function and<00:11:17.070> probably<00:11:18.000> some<00:11:18.470> problems<00:11:19.470> with<00:11:19.800> their and probably some problems with their and probably some problems with their their<00:11:20.520> mood<00:11:20.910> and<00:11:21.360> health<00:11:21.900> their<00:11:22.410> mental their mood and health their mental their mood and health their mental health<00:11:23.300> so<00:11:24.300> we<00:11:24.930> have<00:11:25.260> in<00:11:25.590> skin<00:11:26.340> pigmentation health so we have in skin pigmentation health so we have in skin pigmentation one<00:11:27.750> of<00:11:27.870> these<00:11:27.990> wonderful<00:11:28.470> products<00:11:29.130> of one of these wonderful products of one of these wonderful products of evolution<00:11:29.400> that<00:11:30.240> still<00:11:30.600> has<00:11:30.810> consequences evolution that still has consequences evolution that still has consequences for<00:11:31.740> us<00:11:31.920> today<00:11:32.190> and<00:11:32.610> the<00:11:33.150> social<00:11:33.600> consequences for us today and the social consequences for us today and the social consequences as<00:11:34.590> we<00:11:34.830> know<00:11:35.040> are<00:11:35.450> incredibly<00:11:36.450> profound<00:11:37.140> we as we know are incredibly profound we as we know are incredibly profound we live<00:11:38.400> in<00:11:38.700> a<00:11:39.030> world<00:11:39.270> where<00:11:39.660> we<00:11:39.810> where<00:11:40.320> we<00:11:40.440> have live in a world where we where we have live in a world where we where we have lightly<00:11:41.550> and<00:11:41.760> darkly<00:11:42.120> pigmented<00:11:42.660> people lightly and darkly pigmented people lightly and darkly pigmented people living<00:11:43.830> next<00:11:44.370> to<00:11:44.430> one<00:11:44.670> another<00:11:44.940> but<00:11:45.150> often living next to one another but often living next to one another but often brought<00:11:46.260> into<00:11:46.830> proximity<00:11:47.510> initially<00:11:48.510> as<00:11:48.690> a brought into proximity initially as a brought into proximity initially as a result<00:11:49.230> of<00:11:49.410> very<00:11:49.620> invidious<00:11:50.370> social result of very invidious social result of very invidious social interactions<00:11:52.220> so<00:11:53.220> how<00:11:53.880> can<00:11:53.940> we<00:11:54.360> overcome<00:11:54.390> this interactions so how can we overcome this interactions so how can we overcome this how<00:11:55.440> can<00:11:55.500> we<00:11:55.710> begin<00:11:55.920> to<00:11:56.130> understand<00:11:56.670> it how can we begin to understand it how can we begin to understand it evolution<00:11:58.170> helps<00:11:58.920> us<00:12:01.430> 200<00:12:02.430> years<00:12:02.850> after evolution helps us 200 years after evolution helps us 200 years after Darwin's<00:12:04.410> birthday<00:12:05.120> we<00:12:06.120> have<00:12:06.420> the<00:12:06.810> first Darwin's birthday we have the first Darwin's birthday we have the first moderately<00:12:08.010> pigmented<00:12:08.640> President<00:12:09.450> of<00:12:09.570> the moderately pigmented President of the moderately pigmented President of the United<00:12:09.930> States<00:12:10.760> how<00:12:11.760> wonderful<00:12:12.510> is<00:12:12.660> that<00:12:14.300> this United States how wonderful is that this United States how wonderful is that this man<00:12:15.660> is<00:12:15.870> significant<00:12:16.560> for<00:12:16.710> a<00:12:16.770> whole<00:12:17.010> host<00:12:17.280> of man is significant for a whole host of man is significant for a whole host of reasons<00:12:18.080> but<00:12:19.080> we<00:12:19.260> need<00:12:19.470> to<00:12:19.620> think<00:12:19.830> about<00:12:20.100> how reasons but we need to think about how reasons but we need to think about how he<00:12:20.910> compares<00:12:21.420> in<00:12:21.900> terms<00:12:22.140> of<00:12:22.290> his<00:12:22.410> pigmentation he compares in terms of his pigmentation he compares in terms of his pigmentation to<00:12:23.340> other<00:12:23.520> people<00:12:23.940> on<00:12:24.060> earth<00:12:24.090> he<00:12:24.840> as<00:12:25.080> one<00:12:25.320> of to other people on earth he as one of to other people on earth he as one of many<00:12:25.980> urban<00:12:26.460> admixed<00:12:27.030> populations<00:12:27.870> is<00:12:28.110> very many urban admixed populations is very many urban admixed populations is very emblematic<00:12:29.400> of<00:12:30.120> a<00:12:30.330> mixed<00:12:30.780> parentage<00:12:31.370> mixed emblematic of a mixed parentage mixed emblematic of a mixed parentage mixed pigmentation<00:12:33.240> and<00:12:33.420> he<00:12:33.720> resembles<00:12:34.260> very pigmentation and he resembles very pigmentation and he resembles very closely<00:12:34.970> people<00:12:35.970> with<00:12:36.120> moderate<00:12:36.570> levels<00:12:36.990> of closely people with moderate levels of closely people with moderate levels of pigmentation<00:12:37.740> who<00:12:38.130> live<00:12:38.280> in<00:12:38.400> southern<00:12:38.970> Africa pigmentation who live in southern Africa pigmentation who live in southern Africa or<00:12:39.830> Southeast<00:12:40.830> Asia or Southeast Asia or Southeast Asia these<00:12:42.330> people<00:12:42.780> have<00:12:43.620> a<00:12:43.650> tremendous<00:12:44.190> potential these people have a tremendous potential these people have a tremendous potential to<00:12:44.910> tan<00:12:45.300> to<00:12:45.840> develop<00:12:45.960> more<00:12:46.470> pigment<00:12:46.950> in<00:12:47.040> their to tan to develop more pigment in their to tan to develop more pigment in their skin<00:12:47.220> as<00:12:47.700> a<00:12:47.730> result<00:12:48.180> of<00:12:48.330> exposure<00:12:48.780> to<00:12:48.960> Sun<00:12:49.350> they skin as a result of exposure to Sun they skin as a result of exposure to Sun they also<00:12:50.220> run<00:12:50.760> the<00:12:50.880> risk<00:12:50.910> of<00:12:51.240> vitamin<00:12:51.690> D also run the risk of vitamin D also run the risk of vitamin D deficiency<00:12:52.620> if<00:12:53.280> they<00:12:53.640> have<00:12:54.120> desk<00:12:54.690> jobs<00:12:55.010> like deficiency if they have desk jobs like deficiency if they have desk jobs like that<00:12:56.220> guy<00:12:56.840> so<00:12:57.840> let's<00:12:58.440> all<00:12:58.680> wish<00:12:59.010> for<00:12:59.250> his<00:12:59.670> his that guy so let's all wish for his his that guy so let's all wish for his his great<00:13:00.660> health<00:13:01.020> and<00:13:01.260> his<00:13:01.920> awareness<00:13:02.400> of<00:13:02.790> his great health and his awareness of his great health and his awareness of his own<00:13:03.090> skin<00:13:03.510> pigmentation<00:13:05.330> now<00:13:06.890> what<00:13:07.890> is own skin pigmentation now what is own skin pigmentation now what is wonderful<00:13:08.580> about<00:13:09.590> the<00:13:10.590> evolution<00:13:11.340> of<00:13:11.460> human wonderful about the evolution of human wonderful about the evolution of human skin<00:13:12.150> pigmentation<00:13:13.050> and<00:13:13.230> the<00:13:13.290> phenomenon<00:13:13.950> of skin pigmentation and the phenomenon of skin pigmentation and the phenomenon of pigmentation<00:13:14.670> is<00:13:15.090> that<00:13:15.990> it<00:13:16.530> is<00:13:16.830> the pigmentation is that it is the pigmentation is that it is the demonstration<00:13:18.090> the<00:13:18.690> evidence<00:13:19.410> of<00:13:19.850> evolution demonstration the evidence of evolution demonstration the evidence of evolution by<00:13:21.510> natural<00:13:21.540> selection<00:13:22.490> right<00:13:23.490> on<00:13:23.900> your<00:13:24.900> body by natural selection right on your body by natural selection right on your body when<00:13:27.270> people<00:13:27.660> ask<00:13:27.870> you<00:13:28.140> what<00:13:28.500> is<00:13:28.650> the<00:13:28.800> evidence when people ask you what is the evidence when people ask you what is the evidence for<00:13:29.370> evolution for evolution for evolution you<00:13:30.899> don't<00:13:31.079> have<00:13:31.319> to<00:13:31.470> think<00:13:31.649> about<00:13:31.800> some you don't have to think about some you don't have to think about some exotic<00:13:32.759> examples<00:13:33.420> or<00:13:33.600> fossils<00:13:34.170> you<00:13:34.649> just<00:13:34.889> have exotic examples or fossils you just have exotic examples or fossils you just have to<00:13:35.250> look<00:13:35.459> at<00:13:35.579> your<00:13:35.699> skin<00:13:37.250> Darwin<00:13:38.250> I<00:13:38.430> think to look at your skin Darwin I think to look at your skin Darwin I think would<00:13:39.389> have<00:13:39.509> appreciated<00:13:39.870> this<00:13:40.730> even<00:13:41.730> though would have appreciated this even though would have appreciated this even though he<00:13:42.449> eschewed<00:13:43.079> the<00:13:43.170> importance<00:13:44.009> of<00:13:44.339> climate<00:13:45.089> on he eschewed the importance of climate on he eschewed the importance of climate on the<00:13:45.750> evolution<00:13:46.319> of<00:13:46.440> pigmentation<00:13:47.339> during<00:13:47.519> his the evolution of pigmentation during his the evolution of pigmentation during his own<00:13:47.970> life<00:13:48.209> I<00:13:48.480> think<00:13:48.810> were<00:13:49.170> he<00:13:49.490> able<00:13:50.490> to<00:13:50.850> look<00:13:51.449> at own life I think were he able to look at own life I think were he able to look at the<00:13:51.899> evidence<00:13:52.170> we<00:13:52.470> have<00:13:52.709> today<00:13:53.040> he<00:13:53.639> would the evidence we have today he would the evidence we have today he would understand<00:13:54.420> it<00:13:54.600> he<00:13:55.170> would<00:13:55.350> appreciate<00:13:55.680> it<00:13:56.190> and understand it he would appreciate it and understand it he would appreciate it and most<00:13:57.180> of<00:13:57.420> all<00:13:57.569> he<00:13:58.410> would<00:13:58.589> teach<00:13:59.009> it<00:13:59.370> you<00:14:01.339> you most of all he would teach it you you most of all he would teach it you you can<00:14:02.940> teach<00:14:03.240> it<00:14:03.480> you<00:14:03.660> can<00:14:04.139> touch<00:14:04.500> it<00:14:04.529> you<00:14:05.100> can can teach it you can touch it you can can teach it you can touch it you can understand<00:14:06.779> it<00:14:07.190> take<00:14:08.190> it<00:14:08.399> out<00:14:08.610> of<00:14:08.639> this<00:14:09.029> room understand it take it out of this room understand it take it out of this room take<00:14:10.500> your<00:14:10.829> skin<00:14:11.250> color<00:14:11.639> and<00:14:12.290> celebrate<00:14:13.290> it take your skin color and celebrate it take your skin color and celebrate it spread<00:14:15.420> the<00:14:15.630> word spread the word spread the word you<00:14:16.620> have<00:14:16.949> the<00:14:17.220> evolution<00:14:17.910> of<00:14:18.110> the<00:14:19.399> history<00:14:20.399> of you have the evolution of the history of you have the evolution of the history of our<00:14:21.480> species<00:14:21.920> part<00:14:22.920> of<00:14:23.040> it<00:14:23.190> written<00:14:23.610> in<00:14:23.880> your our species part of it written in your our species part of it written in your skin<00:14:24.589> understand<00:14:25.589> it<00:14:25.769> appreciate<00:14:26.519> it skin understand it appreciate it skin understand it appreciate it celebrate<00:14:27.420> it<00:14:27.569> go<00:14:27.959> out<00:14:28.279> isn't<00:14:29.279> it<00:14:29.519> beautiful celebrate it go out isn't it beautiful celebrate it go out isn't it beautiful isn't<00:14:30.690> it<00:14:30.750> wonderful<00:14:31.350> you<00:14:31.769> are<00:14:32.040> the<00:14:32.310> products isn't it wonderful you are the products isn't it wonderful you are the products of<00:14:32.970> evolution<00:14:33.649> thank<00:14:34.649> you


race myth, skin, color, race, skin, Charles, Darwin, Darwin, evolution, UV, exposure, NASA, Nina, Jablonski, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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