Phản ứng dân sự đối với bạo lực-Emiliano Salinas

A civil response to violence - Emiliano Salinas

A civil response to violence - Emiliano Salinas


My <00:00:16.116>name <00:00:16.312>is <00:00:16.508>Emiliano <00:00:16.704>Salinas <00:00:16.900>and <00:00:17.096>I <00:00:17.292>am <00:00:17.488>going <00:00:17.684>to
My name is Emiliano Salinas and I am going to My name is Emiliano Salinas and I am going to talk <00:00:18.461>to <00:00:18.852>you <00:00:19.243>about <00:00:19.634>the <00:00:20.025>role <00:00:20.416>that talk to you about the role that talk to you about the role that members <00:00:21.072>of <00:00:21.604>civil <00:00:22.136>society <00:00:22.668>have members of civil society have members of civil society have in <00:00:23.262>the <00:00:23.464>face <00:00:23.666>of <00:00:23.868>the <00:00:24.070>climate <00:00:24.272>of <00:00:24.474>violence <00:00:24.676>that in the face of the climate of violence that in the face of the climate of violence that the <00:00:25.219>country <00:00:25.398>is <00:00:25.577>experiencing <00:00:25.756>at <00:00:25.935>this <00:00:26.114>moment.

I <00:00:28.430>was <00:00:28.610>born <00:00:28.790>in <00:00:28.970>1936.
I was born in 1936. I was born in 1936. I <00:00:31.698>grew <00:00:31.926>up <00:00:32.154>in <00:00:32.382>a <00:00:32.610>traditional I grew up in a traditional I grew up in a traditional Mexican <00:00:33.645>family. <00:00:33.900>As <00:00:34.155>a <00:00:34.410>child, <00:00:34.665>I <00:00:34.920>had <00:00:35.175>a <00:00:35.430>pretty <00:00:35.685>good <00:00:35.940>life. Mexican family. As a child, I had a pretty good life. Mexican family. As a child, I had a pretty good life. Normally <00:00:36.367>I <00:00:36.644>went <00:00:36.921>to <00:00:37.198>school Normally I went to school Normally I went to school I <00:00:38.304>played <00:00:38.479>with <00:00:38.654>my <00:00:38.829>friends <00:00:39.004>and <00:00:39.179>my <00:00:39.354>cousins I played with my friends and my cousins I played with my friends and my cousins and <00:00:41.034>the <00:00:41.239>same <00:00:41.444>thing <00:00:41.649>happens <00:00:41.854>he <00:00:42.059>became and the same thing happens he became and the same thing happens he became president <00:00:42.569>of <00:00:42.809>Mexico <00:00:43.049>and <00:00:43.289>my <00:00:43.529>life <00:00:43.769>changed

what <00:00:47.424>I'm <00:00:47.628>going <00:00:47.832>to <00:00:48.036>say <00:00:48.240>next
what I'm going to say next what I'm going to say next some <00:00:48.978>of <00:00:49.146>the <00:00:49.314>things <00:00:49.482>I'm <00:00:49.650>going <00:00:49.818>to <00:00:49.986>say <00:00:50.154>are <00:00:50.322>going <00:00:50.490>to some of the things I'm going to say are going to some of the things I'm going to say are going to be <00:00:51.294>controversial <00:00:51.678>they're <00:00:52.062>going <00:00:52.446>to <00:00:52.830>be be controversial they're going to be be controversial they're going to be controversial <00:00:53.745>first <00:00:54.570>because controversial first because controversial first because I'm <00:00:54.834>going <00:00:55.068>to <00:00:55.302>say <00:00:55.536>them <00:00:55.770>and <00:00:56.004>secondly <00:00:56.238>because <00:00:56.472>what <00:00:56.706>I'm <00:00:56.940>going <00:00:57.174>to I'm going to say them and secondly because what I'm going to I'm going to say them and secondly because what I'm going to say <00:00:57.578>is <00:00:57.916>true <00:00:58.254>and <00:00:58.592>it's <00:00:58.930>going <00:00:59.268>to <00:00:59.606>make say is true and it's going to make say is true and it's going to make many <00:00:59.823>nervous <00:00:59.976>because <00:01:00.129>they <00:01:00.282>are <00:01:00.435>things <00:01:00.588>that <00:01:00.741>we <00:01:00.894>don't <00:01:01.047>want <00:01:01.200>to many nervous because they are things that we don't want to many nervous because they are things that we don't want to hear <00:01:01.735>but <00:01:02.060>it's <00:01:02.385>essential <00:01:02.710>to <00:01:03.035>listen <00:01:03.360>to <00:01:03.685>it hear but it's essential to listen to it hear but it's essential to listen to it because <00:01:04.790>it's <00:01:05.050>undeniable <00:01:05.310>and <00:01:05.570>it's <00:01:05.830>definitive. <00:01:06.090>It's because it's undeniable and it's definitive. It's because it's undeniable and it's definitive. It's also <00:01:07.440>going <00:01:07.900>to <00:01:08.360>make <00:01:08.820>many also going to make many also going to make many members <00:01:09.810>of <00:01:10.020>the <00:01:10.230>organizations <00:01:10.440>nervous. members of the organizations nervous. members of the organizations nervous. criminal <00:01:10.933>organizations <00:01:11.276>for <00:01:11.619>the <00:01:11.962>same <00:01:12.305>reasons, <00:01:12.648>I <00:01:12.991>am <00:01:13.334>going <00:01:13.677>to criminal organizations for the same reasons, I am going to criminal organizations for the same reasons, I am going to talk <00:01:14.362>about <00:01:14.984>the <00:01:15.606>role <00:01:16.228>that talk about the role that talk about the role that members <00:01:17.213>of <00:01:17.356>civil <00:01:17.499>society <00:01:17.642>play <00:01:17.785>in <00:01:17.928>the <00:01:18.071>face <00:01:18.214>of <00:01:18.357>this members of civil society play in the face of this members of civil society play in the face of this phenomenon <00:01:19.104>and <00:01:19.518>the <00:01:19.932>four <00:01:20.346>levels <00:01:20.760>of phenomenon and the four levels of phenomenon and the four levels of response <00:01:21.096>that <00:01:21.342>citizens <00:01:21.588>have <00:01:21.834>in <00:01:22.080>the response that citizens have in the response that citizens have in the face <00:01:22.950>of <00:01:23.340>violence. face of violence. face of violence. I <00:01:25.668>recognize <00:01:25.856>that <00:01:26.044>for <00:01:26.232>some <00:01:26.420>it <00:01:26.608>will <00:01:26.796>be I recognize that for some it will be I recognize that for some it will be difficult <00:01:27.163>to <00:01:27.346>separate <00:01:27.529>the <00:01:27.712>fact <00:01:27.895>that <00:01:28.078>I <00:01:28.261>am <00:01:28.444>son difficult to separate the fact that I am son difficult to separate the fact that I am son of <00:01:28.844>carlos <00:01:29.088>years <00:01:29.332>of <00:01:29.576>gortari <00:01:29.820>of <00:01:30.064>the <00:01:30.308>fact of carlos years of gortari of the fact of carlos years of gortari of the fact that <00:01:30.601>I <00:01:30.802>am <00:01:31.003>a <00:01:31.204>citizen <00:01:31.405>concerned <00:01:31.606>about <00:01:31.807>the that I am a citizen concerned about the that I am a citizen concerned about the current <00:01:32.190>situation <00:01:32.480>of <00:01:32.770>the <00:01:33.060>country <00:01:33.350>do <00:01:33.640>not current situation of the country do not current situation of the country do not worry <00:01:34.180>it <00:01:34.600>is <00:01:35.020>not <00:01:35.440>required <00:01:35.860>to <00:01:36.280>understand worry it is not required to understand worry it is not required to understand the <00:01:36.832>importance <00:01:37.054>of <00:01:37.276>what <00:01:37.498>comes <00:01:37.720>next the importance of what comes next the importance of what comes next

I <00:01:40.070>think <00:01:40.250>that <00:01:40.430>in <00:01:40.610>Mexico <00:01:40.790>we <00:01:40.970>have <00:01:41.150>a <00:01:41.330>problem
I think that in Mexico we have a problem I think that in Mexico we have a problem we <00:01:42.080>have <00:01:42.410>a <00:01:42.740>big <00:01:43.070>problem <00:01:43.400>this <00:01:43.730>I <00:01:44.060>think we have a big problem this I think we have a big problem this I think There <00:01:44.289>is <00:01:44.428>a <00:01:44.567>consensus, <00:01:44.706>I <00:01:44.845>think <00:01:44.984>that <00:01:45.123>no <00:01:45.262>one <00:01:45.401>is <00:01:45.540>debating <00:01:45.679>it, There is a consensus, I think that no one is debating it, There is a consensus, I think that no one is debating it, we <00:01:46.340>all <00:01:46.640>agree <00:01:46.940>on <00:01:47.240>what <00:01:47.540>we <00:01:47.840>don't we all agree on what we don't we all agree on what we don't agree <00:01:48.344>on <00:01:48.668>is <00:01:48.992>what <00:01:49.316>is <00:01:49.640>the agree on is what is the agree on is what is the problem <00:01:49.962>we <00:01:50.074>have? <00:01:50.186>Is <00:01:50.298>it problem we have? Is it problem we have? Is it the <00:01:52.294>Zetas? <00:01:52.618>Is <00:01:52.942>it <00:01:53.266>drug <00:01:53.590>trafficking? <00:01:53.914>Is <00:01:54.238>it <00:01:54.562>the <00:01:54.886>government? <00:01:55.210>Is <00:01:55.534>it the Zetas? Is it drug trafficking? Is it the government? Is it the Zetas? Is it drug trafficking? Is it the government? Is it corruption? <00:01:56.410>Is <00:01:57.040>it <00:01:57.670>poverty <00:01:58.300>or <00:01:58.930>something corruption? Is it poverty or something corruption? Is it poverty or something else? else? else? I <00:02:01.120>think <00:02:01.300>none <00:02:01.480>of <00:02:01.660>those. <00:02:01.840>This <00:02:02.020>is <00:02:02.200>the I think none of those. This is the I think none of those. This is the problem, <00:02:02.505>I'm <00:02:02.690>not <00:02:02.875>saying <00:02:03.060>that <00:02:03.245>they <00:02:03.430>aren't <00:02:03.615>things <00:02:03.800>that <00:02:03.985>need <00:02:04.170>to <00:02:04.355>be problem, I'm not saying that they aren't things that need to be problem, I'm not saying that they aren't things that need to be addressed, addressed, addressed, but <00:02:05.938>we <00:02:06.166>won't <00:02:06.394>be <00:02:06.622>able <00:02:06.850>to <00:02:07.078>address <00:02:07.306>any <00:02:07.534>of but we won't be able to address any of but we won't be able to address any of those <00:02:07.874>things <00:02:08.118>if <00:02:08.362>we <00:02:08.606>don't <00:02:08.850>first <00:02:09.094>solve <00:02:09.338>the those things if we don't first solve the those things if we don't first solve the real <00:02:09.699>problem <00:02:09.969>we <00:02:10.239>have <00:02:10.509>in <00:02:10.779>Mexico. real problem we have in Mexico. real problem we have in Mexico. The <00:02:11.416>real <00:02:11.722>problem <00:02:12.028>we <00:02:12.334>have <00:02:12.640>in The real problem we have in The real problem we have in Mexico <00:02:13.150>is <00:02:13.510>that <00:02:13.870>the <00:02:14.230>majority <00:02:14.590>of Mexico is that the majority of Mexico is that the majority of Mexicans <00:02:15.075>assume <00:02:15.441>we <00:02:15.807>are <00:02:16.173>victims. <00:02:16.539>of Mexicans assume we are victims. of Mexicans assume we are victims. of our <00:02:17.025>circumstances <00:02:17.420>we <00:02:17.815>are <00:02:18.210>a <00:02:18.605>country <00:02:19.000>of our circumstances we are a country of our circumstances we are a country of victims <00:02:20.110>even <00:02:20.980>historically <00:02:21.850>we victims even historically we victims even historically we have <00:02:22.552>always <00:02:22.774>assumed <00:02:22.996>ourselves <00:02:23.218>to <00:02:23.440>be <00:02:23.662>victims <00:02:23.884>of have always assumed ourselves to be victims of have always assumed ourselves to be victims of someone <00:02:24.297>or <00:02:24.584>something <00:02:24.871>we <00:02:25.158>were <00:02:25.445>victims <00:02:25.732>of <00:02:26.019>the someone or something we were victims of the someone or something we were victims of the Spanish <00:02:26.495>then <00:02:26.850>we <00:02:27.205>were <00:02:27.560>victims <00:02:27.915>of <00:02:28.270>the Spanish then we were victims of the Spanish then we were victims of the French <00:02:28.705>then <00:02:29.020>we <00:02:29.335>were <00:02:29.650>victims <00:02:29.965>of <00:02:30.280>Don French then we were victims of Don French then we were victims of Don Porfirio <00:02:30.940>the <00:02:31.450>victims <00:02:31.960>of <00:02:32.470>the <00:02:32.980>PRI <00:02:33.490>also <00:02:34.000>of Porfirio the victims of the PRI also of Porfirio the victims of the PRI also of Salinas <00:02:35.020>and <00:02:35.890>Peje Salinas and Peje Salinas and Peje and <00:02:37.586>now <00:02:37.792>of <00:02:37.998>the <00:02:38.204>Zetas <00:02:38.410>and <00:02:38.616>the <00:02:38.822>drug <00:02:39.028>traffickers <00:02:39.234>and and now of the Zetas and the drug traffickers and and now of the Zetas and the drug traffickers and the <00:02:39.555>criminals <00:02:39.810>and <00:02:40.065>the <00:02:40.320>surveys the criminals and the surveys the criminals and the surveys but <00:02:41.237>mpm <00:02:41.824>if <00:02:42.411>that <00:02:42.998>is <00:02:43.585>not <00:02:44.172>any <00:02:44.759>of but mpm if that is not any of but mpm if that is not any of those <00:02:45.150>things <00:02:45.450>they <00:02:45.750>are <00:02:46.050>the <00:02:46.350>problem <00:02:46.650>the <00:02:46.950>problem those things they are the problem the problem those things they are the problem the problem is <00:02:47.331>not <00:02:47.602>the <00:02:47.873>things <00:02:48.144>of <00:02:48.415>which <00:02:48.686>we <00:02:48.957>feel <00:02:49.228>like is not the things of which we feel like is not the things of which we feel like victims <00:02:49.533>the <00:02:49.776>problem <00:02:50.019>is <00:02:50.262>that <00:02:50.505>we <00:02:50.748>assume <00:02:50.991>ourselves <00:02:51.234>to <00:02:51.477>be victims the problem is that we assume ourselves to be victims the problem is that we assume ourselves to be victims victims victims we <00:02:54.405>need <00:02:54.830>open <00:02:55.255>our <00:02:55.680>eyes <00:02:56.105>and <00:02:56.530>see <00:02:56.955>that we need open our eyes and see that we need open our eyes and see that we <00:02:57.371>are <00:02:57.633>not <00:02:57.895>victims <00:02:58.157>if <00:02:58.419>we <00:02:58.681>stopped <00:02:58.943>feeling <00:02:59.205>like we are not victims if we stopped feeling like we are not victims if we stopped feeling like victims <00:02:59.977>and <00:03:00.235>stopped <00:03:00.493>seeing <00:03:00.751>them <00:03:01.009>as victims and stopped seeing them as victims and stopped seeing them as victims, <00:03:01.309>how <00:03:01.578>would <00:03:01.847>you <00:03:02.116>change <00:03:02.385>our <00:03:02.654>country? victims, how would you change our country? victims, how would you change our country? I <00:03:04.690>am <00:03:04.900>going <00:03:05.110>to <00:03:05.320>talk <00:03:05.530>to <00:03:05.740>you <00:03:05.950>about <00:03:06.160>how <00:03:06.370>to <00:03:06.580>move <00:03:06.790>from <00:03:07.000>a I am going to talk to you about how to move from a I am going to talk to you about how to move from a society <00:03:07.479>that <00:03:07.749>assumes <00:03:08.019>itself <00:03:08.289>as <00:03:08.559>a <00:03:08.829>victim <00:03:09.099>of society that assumes itself as a victim of society that assumes itself as a victim of circumstances <00:03:09.789>to <00:03:10.419>a circumstances to a circumstances to a responsible, <00:03:11.266>participatory <00:03:11.812>society <00:03:12.358>that <00:03:12.904>takes <00:03:13.450>the responsible, participatory society that takes the responsible, participatory society that takes the future <00:03:13.681>of <00:03:13.852>your <00:03:14.023>country <00:03:14.194>in <00:03:14.365>your <00:03:14.536>own <00:03:14.707>hands future of your country in your own hands future of your country in your own hands I <00:03:16.236>am <00:03:16.412>going <00:03:16.588>to <00:03:16.764>talk <00:03:16.940>about <00:03:17.116>four <00:03:17.292>levels <00:03:17.468>of I am going to talk about four levels of I am going to talk about four levels of citizen <00:03:17.960>response <00:03:18.330>to <00:03:18.700>violence citizen response to violence citizen response to violence the <00:03:20.841>first <00:03:21.002>level <00:03:21.163>and <00:03:21.324>I <00:03:21.485>am <00:03:21.646>going <00:03:21.807>to <00:03:21.968>talk <00:03:22.129>in <00:03:22.290>order the first level and I am going to talk in order the first level and I am going to talk in order from <00:03:23.247>the <00:03:23.505>weakest <00:03:23.763>to <00:03:24.021>the <00:03:24.279>strongest from the weakest to the strongest from the weakest to the strongest the <00:03:25.453>weakest <00:03:26.006>level <00:03:26.559>of the weakest level of the weakest level of citizen <00:03:27.142>response <00:03:27.394>to <00:03:27.646>violence <00:03:27.898>is <00:03:28.150>the citizen response to violence is the citizen response to violence is the Denial <00:03:29.056>and <00:03:29.843>apathy <00:03:30.630>Today, <00:03:31.417>a Denial and apathy Today, a Denial and apathy Today, a large <00:03:32.170>part <00:03:32.470>of <00:03:32.770>Mexican <00:03:33.070>society <00:03:33.370>is large part of Mexican society is large part of Mexican society is in <00:03:34.256>a <00:03:34.422>state <00:03:34.588>of <00:03:34.754>denial <00:03:34.920>in <00:03:35.086>the <00:03:35.252>face <00:03:35.418>of <00:03:35.584>the in a state of denial in the face of the in a state of denial in the face of the situation <00:03:35.842>we <00:03:36.004>live <00:03:36.166>in. <00:03:36.328>We <00:03:36.490>want <00:03:36.652>to <00:03:36.814>continue situation we live in. We want to continue situation we live in. We want to continue doing <00:03:37.659>our <00:03:38.019>daily <00:03:38.379>lives. <00:03:38.739>When doing our daily lives. When doing our daily lives. When we <00:03:39.205>are <00:03:39.370>not <00:03:39.535>in <00:03:39.700>a <00:03:39.865>normal <00:03:40.030>situation, we are not in a normal situation, we are not in a normal situation, we <00:03:41.127>are, <00:03:41.474>to <00:03:41.821>say <00:03:42.168>the <00:03:42.515>least, <00:03:42.862>in <00:03:43.209>an we are, to say the least, in an we are, to say the least, in an extraordinary <00:03:44.042>moment, <00:03:44.515>let's <00:03:44.988>say <00:03:45.461>an <00:03:45.934>exception <00:03:46.407>in extraordinary moment, let's say an exception in extraordinary moment, let's say an exception in the <00:03:47.609>Daily <00:03:47.809>life <00:03:48.009>in <00:03:48.209>our <00:03:48.409>country <00:03:48.609>is the Daily life in our country is the Daily life in our country is like <00:03:49.844>a <00:03:50.268>person <00:03:50.692>who <00:03:51.116>has <00:03:51.540>a <00:03:51.964>serious like a person who has a serious like a person who has a serious illness <00:03:52.500>and <00:03:52.731>wants <00:03:52.962>to <00:03:53.193>pretend <00:03:53.424>that <00:03:53.655>he <00:03:53.886>has illness and wants to pretend that he has illness and wants to pretend that he has the <00:03:54.270>flu <00:03:54.471>and <00:03:54.672>that <00:03:54.873>it <00:03:55.074>will <00:03:55.275>go <00:03:55.476>away <00:03:55.677>on <00:03:55.878>its <00:03:56.079>own. <00:03:56.280>We the flu and that it will go away on its own. We the flu and that it will go away on its own. We Mexicans <00:03:57.514>want <00:03:57.748>to <00:03:57.982>pretend <00:03:58.216>that <00:03:58.450>Mexico Mexicans want to pretend that Mexico Mexicans want to pretend that Mexico has <00:03:59.027>the <00:03:59.304>flu <00:03:59.581>but <00:03:59.858>Mexico <00:04:00.135>doesn't <00:04:00.412>have <00:04:00.689>the <00:04:00.966>flu, has the flu but Mexico doesn't have the flu, has the flu but Mexico doesn't have the flu, it <00:04:02.375>has <00:04:02.690>cancer it has cancer it has cancer if <00:04:04.663>we <00:04:04.876>don't <00:04:05.089>do <00:04:05.302>something <00:04:05.515>about <00:04:05.728>it. if we don't do something about it. if we don't do something about it. cancer <00:04:06.849>is <00:04:06.968>going <00:04:07.087>to <00:04:07.206>end <00:04:07.325>up <00:04:07.444>killing <00:04:07.563>him, cancer is going to end up killing him, cancer is going to end up killing him, we <00:04:09.997>need <00:04:10.404>to <00:04:10.811>move <00:04:11.218>Mexican <00:04:11.625>society we need to move Mexican society we need to move Mexican society from <00:04:12.311>that <00:04:12.542>denial <00:04:12.773>and <00:04:13.004>that <00:04:13.235>apathy <00:04:13.466>to <00:04:13.697>the from that denial and that apathy to the from that denial and that apathy to the next <00:04:14.951>level <00:04:15.333>of <00:04:15.715>citizen <00:04:16.097>response, next level of citizen response, next level of citizen response, which <00:04:16.872>is <00:04:17.614>effectively <00:04:18.356>that <00:04:19.098>recognition which is effectively that recognition which is effectively that recognition and <00:04:19.951>that <00:04:20.263>recognition <00:04:20.575>is <00:04:20.887>going <00:04:21.199>to <00:04:21.511>generate <00:04:21.823>fear and that recognition is going to generate fear and that recognition is going to generate fear in <00:04:22.640>many <00:04:23.180>people, <00:04:23.720>recognizing <00:04:24.260>the in many people, recognizing the in many people, recognizing the seriousness <00:04:24.510>of <00:04:24.670>the <00:04:24.830>situation, seriousness of the situation, seriousness of the situation, however <00:04:27.180>the <00:04:27.710>fear <00:04:28.240>It <00:04:28.770>is <00:04:29.300>better <00:04:29.830>than however the fear It is better than however the fear It is better than apathy <00:04:30.324>because <00:04:30.699>fear <00:04:31.074>at <00:04:31.449>least apathy because fear at least apathy because fear at least moves <00:04:31.727>us <00:04:31.854>to <00:04:31.981>do <00:04:32.108>something. moves us to do something. moves us to do something. There <00:04:33.618>is <00:04:33.966>also <00:04:34.314>a <00:04:34.662>large <00:04:35.010>part <00:04:35.358>of <00:04:35.706>the <00:04:36.054>citizens There is also a large part of the citizens There is also a large part of the citizens in <00:04:36.655>Mexico <00:04:36.920>who <00:04:37.185>experience <00:04:37.450>a <00:04:37.715>lot <00:04:37.980>of <00:04:38.245>fear. in Mexico who experience a lot of fear. in Mexico who experience a lot of fear. Today <00:04:38.657>we <00:04:39.004>are <00:04:39.351>very <00:04:39.698>afraid <00:04:40.045>and <00:04:40.392>we <00:04:40.739>are Today we are very afraid and we are Today we are very afraid and we are acting <00:04:41.292>based <00:04:41.544>on <00:04:41.796>that <00:04:42.048>fear <00:04:42.300>and <00:04:42.552>I <00:04:42.804>must acting based on that fear and I must acting based on that fear and I must say <00:04:43.245>what <00:04:43.500>the <00:04:43.755>problem <00:04:44.010>is. <00:04:44.265>to <00:04:44.520>act say what the problem is. to act say what the problem is. to act based <00:04:44.842>on <00:04:45.104>fear <00:04:45.366>and <00:04:45.628>this <00:04:45.890>is <00:04:46.152>the <00:04:46.414>second <00:04:46.676>level based on fear and this is the second level based on fear and this is the second level of <00:04:47.070>citizen <00:04:47.340>response <00:04:47.610>to <00:04:47.880>violence, of citizen response to violence, of citizen response to violence, fear. fear. fear. The <00:04:49.994>problem <00:04:50.259>with <00:04:50.524>acting <00:04:50.789>based <00:04:51.054>on <00:04:51.319>fear <00:04:51.584>is The problem with acting based on fear is The problem with acting based on fear is that <00:04:52.094>let's <00:04:52.418>imagine <00:04:52.742>the <00:04:53.066>streets <00:04:53.390>in <00:04:53.714>Mexico that let's imagine the streets in Mexico that let's imagine the streets in Mexico are <00:04:54.451>unsafe <00:04:54.763>due <00:04:55.075>to <00:04:55.387>violence <00:04:55.699>and are unsafe due to violence and are unsafe due to violence and then <00:04:56.584>people <00:04:56.838>retreat <00:04:57.092>into <00:04:57.346>their then people retreat into their then people retreat into their homes, <00:04:57.802>that <00:04:58.135>makes <00:04:58.468>to <00:04:58.801>the <00:04:59.134>streets <00:04:59.467>that <00:04:59.800>are <00:05:00.133>more <00:05:00.466>or <00:05:00.799>less homes, that makes to the streets that are more or less homes, that makes to the streets that are more or less unsafe, unsafe, unsafe, more <00:05:02.782>unsafe, <00:05:03.124>now <00:05:03.466>those <00:05:03.808>that <00:05:04.150>are more unsafe, now those that are more unsafe, now those that are lonelier, <00:05:04.480>so <00:05:04.690>more <00:05:04.900>unsafe, <00:05:05.110>then <00:05:05.320>the <00:05:05.530>more <00:05:05.740>we lonelier, so more unsafe, then the more we lonelier, so more unsafe, then the more we withdraw <00:05:06.262>into <00:05:06.604>our <00:05:06.946>homes, <00:05:07.288>which <00:05:07.630>makes withdraw into our homes, which makes withdraw into our homes, which makes the <00:05:08.105>streets <00:05:08.340>lonelier <00:05:08.575>and <00:05:08.810>more <00:05:09.045>unsafe, <00:05:09.280>and <00:05:09.515>the the streets lonelier and more unsafe, and the the streets lonelier and more unsafe, and the more <00:05:10.142>we <00:05:10.524>withdraw <00:05:10.906>into <00:05:11.288>this more we withdraw into this more we withdraw into this vicious <00:05:11.761>circle, <00:05:11.962>it <00:05:12.163>ends <00:05:12.364>with <00:05:12.565>the <00:05:12.766>entire <00:05:12.967>society vicious circle, it ends with the entire society vicious circle, it ends with the entire society withdrawn. <00:05:13.571>in <00:05:13.912>their <00:05:14.253>houses <00:05:14.594>dead <00:05:14.935>of <00:05:15.276>fear withdrawn. in their houses dead of fear withdrawn. in their houses dead of fear more <00:05:15.550>afraid <00:05:15.730>than <00:05:15.910>when <00:05:16.090>we <00:05:16.270>are <00:05:16.450>in <00:05:16.630>the more afraid than when we are in the more afraid than when we are in the streets streets streets we <00:05:18.637>need <00:05:18.985>to <00:05:19.333>face <00:05:19.681>that <00:05:20.029>fear we need to face that fear we need to face that fear we <00:05:20.587>need <00:05:20.964>to <00:05:21.341>move <00:05:21.718>Mexican <00:05:22.095>society we need to move Mexican society we need to move Mexican society to <00:05:22.864>the <00:05:23.148>members <00:05:23.432>of <00:05:23.716>the <00:05:24.000>Americans <00:05:24.284>who to the members of the Americans who to the members of the Americans who are <00:05:24.571>at <00:05:24.763>that <00:05:24.955>level <00:05:25.147>to <00:05:25.339>the <00:05:25.531>next <00:05:25.723>level are at that level to the next level are at that level to the next level which <00:05:26.224>is <00:05:26.389>action which is action which is action we <00:05:27.996>need <00:05:28.362>to <00:05:28.728>face <00:05:29.094>our <00:05:29.460>fears <00:05:29.826>and we need to face our fears and we need to face our fears and take <00:05:30.437>back <00:05:30.804>our <00:05:31.171>streets <00:05:31.538>our take back our streets our take back our streets our cities <00:05:32.605>our <00:05:33.010>neighborhoods cities our neighborhoods cities our neighborhoods now <00:05:35.420>for <00:05:36.050>many <00:05:36.680>people <00:05:37.310>acting now for many people acting now for many people acting requires <00:05:38.387>even <00:05:39.074>feeling <00:05:39.761>courage <00:05:40.448>from requires even feeling courage from requires even feeling courage from fear <00:05:41.660>we <00:05:41.870>move <00:05:42.080>on <00:05:42.290>to <00:05:42.500>courage <00:05:42.710>they <00:05:42.920>say <00:05:43.130>I <00:05:43.340>can't fear we move on to courage they say I can't fear we move on to courage they say I can't stand <00:05:43.958>this <00:05:44.456>situation <00:05:44.954>anymore <00:05:45.452>let's <00:05:45.950>do stand this situation anymore let's do stand this situation anymore let's do something <00:05:46.220>about <00:05:46.340>it

today <00:05:49.027>this <00:05:49.415>is <00:05:49.803>a <00:05:50.191>fact <00:05:50.579>that <00:05:50.967>is <00:05:51.355>very
today this is a fact that is very today this is a fact that is very delicate delicate delicate today <00:05:54.454>in <00:05:54.989>what <00:05:55.524>Since <00:05:56.059>2010, <00:05:56.594>there <00:05:57.129>have today in what Since 2010, there have today in what Since 2010, there have been <00:05:57.894>35 <00:05:58.539>public <00:05:59.184>lynchings <00:05:59.829>in been 35 public lynchings in been 35 public lynchings in the <00:06:00.039>country.

Normally <00:06:03.089>there <00:06:03.449>are <00:06:03.809>1 <00:06:04.169>or <00:06:04.529>2 <00:06:04.889>a <00:06:05.249>year.
Normally there are 1 or 2 a year. Normally there are 1 or 2 a year. Now <00:06:05.715>we <00:06:06.060>are <00:06:06.405>seeing <00:06:06.750>1 <00:06:07.095>per <00:06:07.440>week. <00:06:07.785>This Now we are seeing 1 per week. This Now we are seeing 1 per week. This is <00:06:08.960>a <00:06:09.131>sign <00:06:09.302>of <00:06:09.473>a <00:06:09.644>society <00:06:09.815>that <00:06:09.986>is is a sign of a society that is is a sign of a society that is desperate <00:06:10.514>and <00:06:11.008>that <00:06:11.502>is <00:06:11.996>taking desperate and that is taking desperate and that is taking justice <00:06:13.302>into <00:06:13.614>its <00:06:13.926>own <00:06:14.238>hands, <00:06:14.550>but justice into its own hands, but justice into its own hands, but unfortunately <00:06:15.979>the <00:06:16.539>violent <00:06:17.099>action, unfortunately the violent action, unfortunately the violent action, although <00:06:17.633>any <00:06:18.017>action <00:06:18.401>is <00:06:18.785>better <00:06:19.169>than although any action is better than although any action is better than doing <00:06:19.769>nothing <00:06:20.249>but <00:06:20.729>violent <00:06:21.209>action <00:06:21.689>and doing nothing but violent action and doing nothing but violent action and participating <00:06:22.289>in <00:06:22.829>violence <00:06:23.369>has <00:06:23.909>the participating in violence has the participating in violence has the problem <00:06:24.167>that <00:06:24.365>it <00:06:24.563>masks <00:06:24.761>the <00:06:24.959>violence problem that it masks the violence problem that it masks the violence if <00:06:25.866>I <00:06:26.263>am <00:06:26.660>being <00:06:27.057>violent <00:06:27.454>with <00:06:27.851>you <00:06:28.248>and <00:06:28.645>you if I am being violent with you and you if I am being violent with you and you respond <00:06:29.339>violently <00:06:29.878>you <00:06:30.417>are respond violently you are respond violently you are participating <00:06:30.856>in <00:06:31.083>that <00:06:31.310>violence <00:06:31.537>and <00:06:31.764>you <00:06:31.991>have <00:06:32.218>just participating in that violence and you have just participating in that violence and you have just masked <00:06:32.880>the <00:06:33.240>disgusting <00:06:33.600>of <00:06:33.960>my masked the disgusting of my masked the disgusting of my violence

then <00:06:36.855>it <00:06:37.100>is <00:06:37.345>important <00:06:37.590>that <00:06:37.835>there <00:06:38.080>is
then it is important that there is then it is important that there is action <00:06:38.475>on <00:06:38.691>the <00:06:38.907>part <00:06:39.123>of <00:06:39.339>the <00:06:39.555>citizens <00:06:39.771>but <00:06:39.987>it <00:06:40.203>is action on the part of the citizens but it is action on the part of the citizens but it is important <00:06:40.645>for <00:06:40.990>all <00:06:41.335>the <00:06:41.680>people <00:06:42.025>who <00:06:42.370>are important for all the people who are important for all the people who are at <00:06:42.772>this <00:06:42.964>level <00:06:43.156>of <00:06:43.348>citizen <00:06:43.540>response <00:06:43.732>of <00:06:43.924>the at this level of citizen response of the at this level of citizen response of the courage <00:06:45.051>of <00:06:45.272>violent <00:06:45.493>action <00:06:45.714>to <00:06:45.935>move <00:06:46.156>them <00:06:46.377>to <00:06:46.598>the courage of violent action to move them to the courage of violent action to move them to the next <00:06:47.260>level <00:06:47.650>which <00:06:48.040>is <00:06:48.430>non- next level which is non- next level which is non- violent <00:06:49.077>action <00:06:49.425>which <00:06:49.773>is <00:06:50.121>citizen <00:06:50.469>action violent action which is citizen action violent action which is citizen action coordinated <00:06:51.434>and <00:06:51.808>peaceful <00:06:52.182>which <00:06:52.556>does <00:06:52.930>not coordinated and peaceful which does not coordinated and peaceful which does not mean <00:06:53.911>passive <00:06:54.653>means <00:06:55.395>determined <00:06:56.137>and mean passive means determined and mean passive means determined and effective <00:06:56.989>but <00:06:57.509>not <00:06:58.029>violent effective but not violent effective but not violent and <00:07:00.225>there <00:07:00.450>are <00:07:00.675>examples <00:07:00.900>in <00:07:01.125>Mexico <00:07:01.350>of <00:07:01.575>this <00:07:01.800>also and there are examples in Mexico of this also and there are examples in Mexico of this also two <00:07:03.411>years <00:07:03.882>ago <00:07:04.353>in <00:07:04.824>the <00:07:05.295>city <00:07:05.766>of <00:07:06.237>Galiana two years ago in the city of Galiana two years ago in the city of Galiana Chihuahua Chihuahua Chihuahua they <00:07:07.842>kidnapped <00:07:08.034>a <00:07:08.226>member <00:07:08.418>of <00:07:08.610>the they kidnapped a member of the they kidnapped a member of the community <00:07:09.198>Eric <00:07:09.696>Lebaron <00:07:10.194>and <00:07:10.692>his <00:07:11.190>brothers community Eric Lebaron and his brothers community Eric Lebaron and his brothers Benjamín <00:07:11.875>and <00:07:12.110>Julián <00:07:12.345>got <00:07:12.580>together <00:07:12.815>with <00:07:13.050>the Benjamín and Julián got together with the Benjamín and Julián got together with the rest <00:07:13.422>of <00:07:13.644>the <00:07:13.866>community <00:07:14.088>to <00:07:14.310>see <00:07:14.532>what <00:07:14.754>is rest of the community to see what is rest of the community to see what is the <00:07:14.992>best <00:07:15.134>course <00:07:15.276>of <00:07:15.418>action the best course of action the best course of action to <00:07:17.700>pay <00:07:17.890>the <00:07:18.080>ransom to pay the ransom to pay the ransom and <00:07:20.155>take <00:07:20.421>up <00:07:20.687>arms <00:07:20.953>and <00:07:21.219>go <00:07:21.485>in <00:07:21.751>search <00:07:22.017>of <00:07:22.283>the and take up arms and go in search of the and take up arms and go in search of the kidnappers <00:07:22.670>or <00:07:22.931>ask <00:07:23.192>the <00:07:23.453>state <00:07:23.714>government <00:07:23.975>for <00:07:24.236>help kidnappers or ask the state government for help kidnappers or ask the state government for help and <00:07:24.914>finally <00:07:25.558>benjamín <00:07:26.202>and <00:07:26.846>julián and finally benjamín and julián and finally benjamín and julián decided <00:07:27.560>that <00:07:27.861>the <00:07:28.162>best <00:07:28.463>thing <00:07:28.764>they <00:07:29.065>could <00:07:29.366>do decided that the best thing they could do decided that the best thing they could do was <00:07:30.053>mobilize <00:07:30.556>the <00:07:31.059>community <00:07:31.562>and <00:07:32.065>act was mobilize the community and act was mobilize the community and act together, <00:07:32.730>which <00:07:33.060>is <00:07:33.390>what <00:07:33.720>they <00:07:34.050>did. together, which is what they did. together, which is what they did. They <00:07:35.043>mobilized <00:07:35.417>the <00:07:35.791>entire <00:07:36.165>community <00:07:36.539>of They mobilized the entire community of They mobilized the entire community of Lebaron <00:07:37.109>and <00:07:37.619>the <00:07:38.129>entire <00:07:38.639>community <00:07:39.149>moved. <00:07:39.659>They Lebaron and the entire community moved. They Lebaron and the entire community moved. They moved <00:07:40.444>to <00:07:40.898>Chihuahua <00:07:41.352>and <00:07:41.806>they <00:07:42.260>held <00:07:42.714>a moved to Chihuahua and they held a moved to Chihuahua and they held a sit-in <00:07:43.039>in <00:07:43.238>the <00:07:43.437>central <00:07:43.636>square <00:07:43.835>of <00:07:44.034>Chihuahua sit-in in the central square of Chihuahua sit-in in the central square of Chihuahua and <00:07:44.599>they <00:07:44.798>sent <00:07:44.997>a <00:07:45.196>message <00:07:45.395>to <00:07:45.594>the and they sent a message to the and they sent a message to the kidnappers. <00:07:46.019>If <00:07:46.319>you <00:07:46.619>want <00:07:46.919>the <00:07:47.219>ransom, kidnappers. If you want the ransom, kidnappers. If you want the ransom, come. <00:07:47.995>here <00:07:48.321>for <00:07:48.647>him <00:07:48.973>here <00:07:49.299>we <00:07:49.625>waited <00:07:49.951>for <00:07:50.277>them come. here for him here we waited for them come. here for him here we waited for them and <00:07:52.497>they <00:07:52.804>did <00:07:53.111>not <00:07:53.418>move <00:07:53.725>from <00:07:54.032>there <00:07:54.339>seven <00:07:54.646>days and they did not move from there seven days and they did not move from there seven days later <00:07:55.241>Eric <00:07:55.562>was <00:07:55.883>released <00:07:56.204>and <00:07:56.525>was <00:07:56.846>able <00:07:57.167>to later Eric was released and was able to later Eric was released and was able to return <00:07:57.586>to <00:07:57.882>his <00:07:58.178>home <00:07:58.474>this <00:07:58.770>is <00:07:59.066>an <00:07:59.362>example <00:07:59.658>of return to his home this is an example of return to his home this is an example of what <00:08:00.494>an <00:08:00.758>organized <00:08:01.022>society <00:08:01.286>does, <00:08:01.550>a what an organized society does, a what an organized society does, a society <00:08:02.765>that <00:08:03.080>mobilizes society that mobilizes society that mobilizes of <00:08:05.240>course <00:08:05.600>the <00:08:05.960>criminals of course the criminals of course the criminals respond <00:08:06.595>and <00:08:06.810>in <00:08:07.025>this <00:08:07.240>case <00:08:07.455>They <00:08:07.670>responded respond and in this case They responded respond and in this case They responded and <00:08:09.734>on <00:08:10.358>July <00:08:10.982>7, <00:08:11.606>2009, <00:08:12.230>Benjamín and on July 7, 2009, Benjamín and on July 7, 2009, Benjamín Lebarón <00:08:13.190>was <00:08:13.400>murdered. Lebarón was murdered. Lebarón was murdered. However, <00:08:15.410>Julián <00:08:16.140>Lebarón <00:08:16.870>has However, Julián Lebarón has However, Julián Lebarón has continued <00:08:17.323>to <00:08:17.536>work <00:08:17.749>for <00:08:17.962>more <00:08:18.175>than <00:08:18.388>a <00:08:18.601>year <00:08:18.814>and <00:08:19.027>continues <00:08:19.240>to continued to work for more than a year and continues to continued to work for more than a year and continues to mobilize <00:08:20.079>communities <00:08:20.679>throughout mobilize communities throughout mobilize communities throughout Chihuahua Chihuahua Chihuahua and <00:08:22.565>for <00:08:22.721>a <00:08:22.877>year <00:08:23.033>he <00:08:23.189>has <00:08:23.345>known <00:08:23.501>that <00:08:23.657>his <00:08:23.813>head and for a year he has known that his head and for a year he has known that his head has <00:08:24.369>a <00:08:24.619>price <00:08:24.869>but <00:08:25.119>he <00:08:25.369>does <00:08:25.619>not <00:08:25.869>stop <00:08:26.119>fighting <00:08:26.369>and <00:08:26.619>does <00:08:26.869>not has a price but he does not stop fighting and does not has a price but he does not stop fighting and does not stop. <00:08:27.131>to <00:08:27.353>organize <00:08:27.575>and <00:08:27.797>does <00:08:28.019>not <00:08:28.241>stop <00:08:28.463>mobilizing stop. to organize and does not stop mobilizing stop. to organize and does not stop mobilizing these <00:08:30.140>are <00:08:30.460>heroic <00:08:30.780>acts <00:08:31.100>that <00:08:31.420>exist <00:08:31.740>throughout these are heroic acts that exist throughout these are heroic acts that exist throughout the <00:08:32.286>country <00:08:32.712>with <00:08:33.138>1000 <00:08:33.564>julián <00:08:33.990>es the country with 1000 julián es the country with 1000 julián es working <00:08:34.476>together <00:08:34.812>mexico <00:08:35.148>would <00:08:35.484>be <00:08:35.820>a working together mexico would be a working together mexico would be a very <00:08:36.276>different <00:08:36.552>country <00:08:36.828>and <00:08:37.104>if <00:08:37.380>there <00:08:37.656>are <00:08:37.932>they <00:08:38.208>just <00:08:38.484>have <00:08:38.760>to very different country and if there are they just have to very different country and if there are they just have to raise <00:08:39.194>their <00:08:39.418>hand

I <00:08:43.951>was <00:08:44.123>born <00:08:44.295>in <00:08:44.467>Mexico
I was born in Mexico I was born in Mexico I <00:08:46.207>grew <00:08:46.394>up <00:08:46.581>in <00:08:46.768>Mexico I grew up in Mexico I grew up in Mexico and <00:08:49.180>in <00:08:49.870>the <00:08:50.560>process and in the process and in the process I <00:08:52.374>learned <00:08:52.659>to <00:08:52.944>love <00:08:53.229>Mexico I learned to love Mexico I learned to love Mexico and <00:08:54.886>I <00:08:55.112>think <00:08:55.338>that <00:08:55.564>for <00:08:55.790>all <00:08:56.016>those <00:08:56.242>who <00:08:56.468>have <00:08:56.694>set <00:08:56.920>foot <00:08:57.146>on and I think that for all those who have set foot on and I think that for all those who have set foot on this <00:08:57.510>land, <00:08:57.660>it <00:08:57.810>is <00:08:57.960>no <00:08:58.110>longer <00:08:58.260>said <00:08:58.410>that <00:08:58.560>all this land, it is no longer said that all this land, it is no longer said that all Mexicans <00:08:59.094>will <00:08:59.508>agree <00:08:59.922>with <00:09:00.336>me <00:09:00.750>that Mexicans will agree with me that Mexicans will agree with me that loving <00:09:02.204>Mexico <00:09:02.418>is <00:09:02.632>not <00:09:02.846>difficult. <00:09:03.060>I <00:09:03.274>have

traveled <00:09:06.880>many <00:09:07.640>places <00:09:08.400>and
traveled many places and traveled many places and nowhere <00:09:08.823>have <00:09:09.156>I <00:09:09.489>seen <00:09:09.822>the <00:09:10.155>passion <00:09:10.488>of <00:09:10.821>the <00:09:11.154>people. nowhere have I seen the passion of the people. nowhere have I seen the passion of the people. Mexicans, Mexicans, Mexicans, that <00:09:13.520>dedication <00:09:13.850>with <00:09:14.180>which <00:09:14.510>we <00:09:14.840>support <00:09:15.170>the that dedication with which we support the that dedication with which we support the national <00:09:15.696>soccer <00:09:16.102>team, <00:09:16.508>but national soccer team, but national soccer team, but it <00:09:17.678>is <00:09:17.846>also <00:09:18.014>the <00:09:18.182>dedication <00:09:18.350>with <00:09:18.518>which <00:09:18.686>we <00:09:18.854>support it is also the dedication with which we support it is also the dedication with which we support the <00:09:19.675>victims <00:09:20.040>of <00:09:20.405>disasters <00:09:20.770>such <00:09:21.135>as <00:09:21.500>the the victims of disasters such as the the victims of disasters such as the Mills <00:09:22.730>85 <00:09:23.900>earthquake, Mills 85 earthquake, Mills 85 earthquake, this <00:09:24.065>year's <00:09:24.110>floods, this year's floods, this year's floods, that <00:09:26.054>passion <00:09:26.649>with <00:09:27.244>which <00:09:27.839>we <00:09:28.434>sing <00:09:29.029>the that passion with which we sing the that passion with which we sing the national <00:09:30.154>anthem <00:09:30.559>since <00:09:30.964>we <00:09:31.369>were <00:09:31.774>children <00:09:32.179>when national anthem since we were children when national anthem since we were children when We <00:09:32.940>thought <00:09:33.160>that <00:09:33.380>Masiosare <00:09:33.600>was <00:09:33.820>the <00:09:34.040>strange We thought that Masiosare was the strange We thought that Masiosare was the strange enemy

and <00:09:37.250>we <00:09:37.490>sang <00:09:37.730>with <00:09:37.970>the <00:09:38.210>heart <00:09:38.450>of <00:09:38.690>a <00:09:38.930>child, <00:09:39.170>a
and we sang with the heart of a child, a and we sang with the heart of a child, a soldier <00:09:40.226>in <00:09:40.412>every <00:09:40.598>son <00:09:40.784>gave <00:09:40.970>you,

I <00:09:45.107>think <00:09:45.364>the <00:09:45.621>worst <00:09:45.878>insult, <00:09:46.135>the <00:09:46.392>worst <00:09:46.649>offense
I think the worst insult, the worst offense I think the worst insult, the worst offense you <00:09:47.176>can <00:09:47.343>do <00:09:47.510>to <00:09:47.677>a <00:09:47.844>Mexican <00:09:48.011>is <00:09:48.178>to you can do to a Mexican is to you can do to a Mexican is to insult <00:09:49.271>his <00:09:49.552>mother, <00:09:49.833>it <00:09:50.114>is <00:09:50.395>the <00:09:50.676>most <00:09:50.957>sacred <00:09:51.238>thing insult his mother, it is the most sacred thing insult his mother, it is the most sacred thing we <00:09:51.689>have <00:09:51.989>in <00:09:52.289>life,

Mexico <00:09:55.154>is <00:09:55.458>ours. <00:09:55.762>mother <00:09:56.066>who <00:09:56.370>today <00:09:56.674>cries <00:09:56.978>out
Mexico is ours. mother who today cries out Mexico is ours. mother who today cries out for <00:09:57.674>her <00:09:58.069>children <00:09:58.464>we <00:09:58.859>are <00:09:59.254>living <00:09:59.649>the for her children we are living the for her children we are living the darkest <00:10:00.358>moment <00:10:00.676>in <00:10:00.994>our <00:10:01.312>recent <00:10:01.630>history darkest moment in our recent history darkest moment in our recent history

our <00:10:02.906>mother <00:10:03.382>in <00:10:03.858>Mexico <00:10:04.334>is <00:10:04.810>being
our mother in Mexico is being our mother in Mexico is being raped <00:10:05.355>in <00:10:05.631>front <00:10:05.907>of <00:10:06.183>us <00:10:06.459>what <00:10:06.735>are <00:10:07.011>we <00:10:07.287>going <00:10:07.563>to raped in front of us what are we going to raped in front of us what are we going to do do do masiosare <00:10:10.093>has <00:10:10.476>arrived <00:10:10.859>the <00:10:11.242>strange <00:10:11.625>enemy <00:10:12.008>where masiosare has arrived the strange enemy where masiosare has arrived the strange enemy where is <00:10:13.166>the <00:10:13.322>soldier <00:10:13.478>in <00:10:13.634>each <00:10:13.790>child

mahatma <00:10:17.890>gandhi
mahatma gandhi mahatma gandhi one <00:10:19.550>of <00:10:19.930>the <00:10:20.310>greatest one of the greatest one of the greatest civil <00:10:21.037>fighters <00:10:21.344>of <00:10:21.651>history <00:10:21.958>said <00:10:22.265>it <00:10:22.572>must <00:10:22.879>be <00:10:23.186>the civil fighters of history said it must be the civil fighters of history said it must be the change <00:10:24.042>you <00:10:24.204>want <00:10:24.366>to <00:10:24.528>see <00:10:24.690>in <00:10:24.852>the <00:10:25.014>world change you want to see in the world change you want to see in the world in <00:10:27.132>Mexico <00:10:27.384>today <00:10:27.636>they <00:10:27.888>are <00:10:28.140>looking <00:10:28.392>for <00:10:28.644>Gandhi in Mexico today they are looking for Gandhi in Mexico today they are looking for Gandhi we <00:10:31.001>need <00:10:31.532>Gandhi <00:10:32.063>we <00:10:32.594>need <00:10:33.125>men <00:10:33.656>and we need Gandhi we need men and we need Gandhi we need men and women <00:10:34.350>who <00:10:34.710>love <00:10:35.070>Mexico <00:10:35.430>and <00:10:35.790>are women who love Mexico and are women who love Mexico and are willing <00:10:36.350>to <00:10:36.640>take <00:10:36.930>action willing to take action willing to take action this <00:10:39.124>is <00:10:39.688>a <00:10:40.252>call <00:10:40.816>to <00:10:41.380>all this is a call to all this is a call to all true <00:10:42.205>Mexicans <00:10:42.940>to <00:10:43.675>join <00:10:44.410>This true Mexicans to join This true Mexicans to join This initiative, <00:10:45.130>this <00:10:45.640>is <00:10:46.150>a <00:10:46.660>call <00:10:47.170>for initiative, this is a call for initiative, this is a call for all <00:10:47.540>the <00:10:47.820>things <00:10:48.100>we <00:10:48.380>love <00:10:48.660>about <00:10:48.940>Mexico, all the things we love about Mexico, all the things we love about Mexico, the <00:10:50.745>fairs, <00:10:51.240>the <00:10:51.735>markets, <00:10:52.230>the <00:10:52.725>inns, <00:10:53.220>the the fairs, the markets, the inns, the the fairs, the markets, the inns, the cantinas, <00:10:53.944>the <00:10:54.398>tequila, <00:10:54.852>the <00:10:55.306>mariachi, <00:10:55.760>the cantinas, the tequila, the mariachi, the cantinas, the tequila, the mariachi, the serenades, <00:10:57.248>the <00:10:57.736>posadas, <00:10:58.224>the <00:10:58.712>scream, <00:10:59.200>the <00:10:59.688>day <00:11:00.176>of serenades, the posadas, the scream, the day of serenades, the posadas, the scream, the day of the <00:11:00.707>dead, <00:11:01.144>San <00:11:01.581>Miguel, <00:11:02.018>the <00:11:02.455>joy, <00:11:02.892>the <00:11:03.329>passion the dead, San Miguel, the joy, the passion the dead, San Miguel, the joy, the passion of <00:11:04.101>living, <00:11:04.392>the <00:11:04.683>struggle <00:11:04.974>and <00:11:05.265>everything <00:11:05.556>that <00:11:05.847>It of living, the struggle and everything that It of living, the struggle and everything that It means <00:11:06.510>being <00:11:07.050>Mexican, means being Mexican, means being Mexican, do <00:11:08.818>not <00:11:09.076>disappear <00:11:09.334>from <00:11:09.592>this <00:11:09.850>world,

we <00:11:13.370>are <00:11:13.560>facing <00:11:13.750>a <00:11:13.940>very <00:11:14.130>powerful <00:11:14.320>adversary,
we are facing a very powerful adversary, we are facing a very powerful adversary,

but <00:11:16.240>there <00:11:16.450>are <00:11:16.660>many <00:11:16.870>more <00:11:17.080>of <00:11:17.290>us. <00:11:17.500>They
but there are many more of us. They but there are many more of us. They can <00:11:19.257>end <00:11:19.654>a <00:11:20.051>man's <00:11:20.448>life. can end a man's life. can end a man's life. Any <00:11:21.507>person <00:11:21.944>can <00:11:22.381>end <00:11:22.818>my Any person can end my Any person can end my life <00:11:23.204>with <00:11:23.498>yours <00:11:23.792>or <00:11:24.086>yours, <00:11:24.380>but life with yours or yours, but life with yours or yours, but no <00:11:25.710>one <00:11:26.050>can <00:11:26.390>end <00:11:26.730>the <00:11:27.070>spirit <00:11:27.410>of no one can end the spirit of no one can end the spirit of the <00:11:28.088>true <00:11:28.676>mexicans <00:11:29.264>the <00:11:29.852>battle <00:11:30.440>is the true mexicans the battle is the true mexicans the battle is won <00:11:30.870>but <00:11:31.120>you <00:11:31.370>have <00:11:31.620>to <00:11:31.870>see <00:11:32.120>it

2000 <00:11:35.990>years <00:11:36.620>ago
2000 years ago 2000 years ago the <00:11:38.764>roman <00:11:39.269>poet <00:11:39.774>juvenal <00:11:40.279>said <00:11:40.784>a <00:11:41.289>phrase the roman poet juvenal said a phrase the roman poet juvenal said a phrase that <00:11:41.829>echoes <00:11:42.188>today <00:11:42.547>in <00:11:42.906>the <00:11:43.265>hearts <00:11:43.624>of <00:11:43.983>all that echoes today in the hearts of all that echoes today in the hearts of all true <00:11:44.559>mexicans true mexicans true mexicans he <00:11:46.831>said <00:11:47.182>he <00:11:47.533>considers <00:11:47.884>that <00:11:48.235>the <00:11:48.586>greatest <00:11:48.937>of he said he considers that the greatest of he said he considers that the greatest of sins sins sins is <00:11:51.084>to <00:11:51.508>prefer <00:11:51.932>mere <00:11:52.356>existence <00:11:52.780>to <00:11:53.204>an is to prefer mere existence to an is to prefer mere existence to an existence <00:11:53.749>with <00:11:54.078>honor existence with honor existence with honor and <00:11:56.731>care <00:11:57.412>to <00:11:58.093>preserve <00:11:58.774>life, <00:11:59.455>not and care to preserve life, not and care to preserve life, not lose <00:12:00.693>the <00:12:00.927>very <00:12:01.161>reasons <00:12:01.395>for <00:12:01.629>living

Emiliano Salinas, TED, TEDx, TEDxSanMigueldeAllende., Spanish, Mexico, violence, TED-Ed, TED, ED, TEDEducation

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