Phẫu thuật siêu âm — chữa bệnh mà không cắt giảm-Yoav Medan

Ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts - Yoav Medan

Ultrasound surgery -- healing without cuts - Yoav Medan



[Music] [Music] [Applause]

for<00:00:16.199> the<00:00:16.680> last<00:00:17.039> 13<00:00:17.480> years<00:00:18.119> 1<00:00:18.439> three<00:00:18.800> 13<00:00:19.240> years
for the last 13 years 1 three 13 years for the last 13 years 1 three 13 years I've<00:00:20.000> been<00:00:20.240> part<00:00:20.400> of<00:00:20.560> an<00:00:20.760> exceptional<00:00:21.240> team<00:00:21.439> at I've been part of an exceptional team at I've been part of an exceptional team at Insite<00:00:21.960> Tech<00:00:22.160> in<00:00:22.359> Israel<00:00:23.359> and<00:00:23.599> partners Insite Tech in Israel and partners Insite Tech in Israel and partners around<00:00:24.439> the<00:00:24.599> world<00:00:25.279> for<00:00:25.599> taking<00:00:26.199> this<00:00:26.400> idea around the world for taking this idea around the world for taking this idea this<00:00:27.080> concept<00:00:28.080> non-invasive<00:00:28.960> surgery<00:00:30.000> from this concept non-invasive surgery from this concept non-invasive surgery from the<00:00:30.279> research<00:00:30.759> lab<00:00:31.519> to<00:00:31.720> routine<00:00:32.160> clinical<00:00:32.640> use the research lab to routine clinical use the research lab to routine clinical use and<00:00:33.399> this<00:00:33.520> is<00:00:33.760> what<00:00:33.920> I'll<00:00:34.160> tell<00:00:34.320> you<00:00:34.520> about<00:00:34.920> 13 and this is what I'll tell you about 13 and this is what I'll tell you about 13 years<00:00:36.239> for<00:00:36.480> some<00:00:36.640> of<00:00:36.800> you<00:00:37.160> they<00:00:37.320> can<00:00:37.559> empathize years for some of you they can empathize years for some of you they can empathize with<00:00:38.760> that<00:00:38.960> number<00:00:39.760> for<00:00:39.960> me<00:00:40.280> today<00:00:40.680> on<00:00:40.879> this with that number for me today on this with that number for me today on this stage<00:00:41.360> it's<00:00:41.520> like<00:00:41.680> a<00:00:41.840> second<00:00:42.160> Bar<00:00:42.399> Mitzvah

experience<00:00:46.399> yeah<00:00:47.399> so<00:00:48.039> so<00:00:49.039> this<00:00:49.440> this<00:00:49.800> dream<00:00:50.680> is
experience yeah so so this this dream is experience yeah so so this this dream is really<00:00:51.120> enabled<00:00:52.039> by<00:00:52.440> the<00:00:52.800> convergence<00:00:53.800> of<00:00:54.000> two really enabled by the convergence of two really enabled by the convergence of two known<00:00:54.719> Technologies<00:00:55.719> one<00:00:55.879> is<00:00:56.039> the<00:00:56.199> force<00:00:56.520> of known Technologies one is the force of known Technologies one is the force of ultrasound<00:00:57.960> and<00:00:58.079> the<00:00:58.239> other<00:00:58.480> one<00:00:58.960> is<00:00:59.160> the ultrasound and the other one is the ultrasound and the other one is the vision<00:01:00.399> enabled<00:01:01.000> by<00:01:01.320> magnetic<00:01:02.120> resonance vision enabled by magnetic resonance vision enabled by magnetic resonance imaging<00:01:04.199> so<00:01:04.439> let's<00:01:05.040> first<00:01:05.360> talk<00:01:05.600> about<00:01:06.000> Focus imaging so let's first talk about Focus imaging so let's first talk about Focus ultrasound<00:01:08.200> and<00:01:08.439> I<00:01:08.680> hold<00:01:08.960> in<00:01:09.159> my<00:01:09.360> hand<00:01:09.960> the ultrasound and I hold in my hand the ultrasound and I hold in my hand the tissue<00:01:10.400> mimicking<00:01:10.920> Phantom<00:01:11.560> it<00:01:11.640> is<00:01:11.799> made<00:01:12.000> out tissue mimicking Phantom it is made out tissue mimicking Phantom it is made out of<00:01:12.360> silicon<00:01:13.320> it<00:01:13.439> is of silicon it is of silicon it is transparent<00:01:15.680> uh<00:01:16.119> made<00:01:16.360> just<00:01:16.560> for<00:01:16.759> you<00:01:17.040> so<00:01:17.200> you transparent uh made just for you so you transparent uh made just for you so you see<00:01:17.680> it's<00:01:17.920> all<00:01:18.960> intact<00:01:19.960> completely see it's all intact completely see it's all intact completely transparent<00:01:21.360> okay<00:01:22.280> I'll<00:01:22.479> take<00:01:22.640> you<00:01:22.840> now<00:01:23.079> to transparent okay I'll take you now to transparent okay I'll take you now to the<00:01:23.400> acoustic<00:01:23.960> lab<00:01:24.360> you<00:01:24.520> see<00:01:24.880> the<00:01:25.040> Phantom the acoustic lab you see the Phantom the acoustic lab you see the Phantom within<00:01:25.920> the<00:01:26.079> aquarium<00:01:26.680> this<00:01:26.799> is<00:01:27.079> a<00:01:27.240> setup<00:01:27.720> I within the aquarium this is a setup I within the aquarium this is a setup I put<00:01:28.159> in<00:01:28.280> the<00:01:28.439> physics<00:01:28.840> lab<00:01:29.280> on<00:01:29.439> the<00:01:29.600> right<00:01:30.000> hand put in the physics lab on the right hand put in the physics lab on the right hand side<00:01:30.640> you<00:01:30.759> see<00:01:30.960> an<00:01:31.119> ultrasonic<00:01:32.159> transducer<00:01:33.159> so side you see an ultrasonic transducer so side you see an ultrasonic transducer so the<00:01:33.600> ultrasonic<00:01:34.479> transducer<00:01:35.399> emits the ultrasonic transducer emits the ultrasonic transducer emits basically<00:01:36.920> an<00:01:37.079> ultrasonic<00:01:37.680> beam<00:01:38.040> that basically an ultrasonic beam that basically an ultrasonic beam that focuses<00:01:39.520> inside<00:01:40.119> the<00:01:40.600> Phantom<00:01:41.600> okay<00:01:41.840> when<00:01:41.960> you focuses inside the Phantom okay when you focuses inside the Phantom okay when you hear<00:01:42.320> the hear the hear the click<00:01:44.840> this<00:01:44.960> is<00:01:45.119> when<00:01:45.399> the<00:01:45.560> Energy<00:01:46.079> starts<00:01:46.399> to click this is when the Energy starts to click this is when the Energy starts to Emit<00:01:47.240> and<00:01:47.360> you<00:01:47.520> see<00:01:48.119> a<00:01:48.320> lesion<00:01:48.799> formed<00:01:49.799> inside Emit and you see a lesion formed inside Emit and you see a lesion formed inside the the the Phantom<00:01:52.240> okay<00:01:53.040> so<00:01:53.880> everything<00:01:54.280> around<00:01:54.640> it<00:01:55.479> is Phantom okay so everything around it is Phantom okay so everything around it is whole<00:01:56.159> and<00:01:56.399> intact<00:01:57.119> it's<00:01:57.320> just<00:01:57.640> lesion<00:01:58.000> formed whole and intact it's just lesion formed whole and intact it's just lesion formed inside<00:01:58.759> so<00:01:59.039> think<00:01:59.280> about<00:01:59.960> this<00:02:00.079> is<00:02:00.240> in<00:02:00.360> your inside so think about this is in your inside so think about this is in your brain<00:02:01.280> we<00:02:01.399> need<00:02:01.560> to<00:02:01.680> reach<00:02:01.880> a<00:02:02.039> Target<00:02:02.399> inside brain we need to reach a Target inside brain we need to reach a Target inside the<00:02:02.880> brain<00:02:03.479> we<00:02:03.600> can<00:02:03.799> do<00:02:03.960> it<00:02:04.159> without<00:02:04.520> harming the brain we can do it without harming the brain we can do it without harming any<00:02:05.840> tissue<00:02:06.840> so<00:02:07.560> this<00:02:07.759> is<00:02:08.080> I<00:02:08.160> think<00:02:08.399> the<00:02:08.560> first any tissue so this is I think the first any tissue so this is I think the first kosher<00:02:09.720> Hippocratic<00:02:10.720> surgical kosher Hippocratic surgical kosher Hippocratic surgical system<00:02:13.000> okay<00:02:13.239> so<00:02:13.680> so<00:02:14.120> let's<00:02:14.280> talk<00:02:14.440> a<00:02:14.560> little system okay so so let's talk a little system okay so so let's talk a little bit<00:02:14.920> about<00:02:15.239> ultrasound<00:02:15.879> the<00:02:16.000> force<00:02:16.239> of bit about ultrasound the force of bit about ultrasound the force of ultrasound<00:02:18.080> you<00:02:18.200> know<00:02:18.400> all<00:02:18.640> about<00:02:19.000> Imaging ultrasound you know all about Imaging ultrasound you know all about Imaging right<00:02:19.840> ultrasound<00:02:20.440> imaging<00:02:20.920> and<00:02:21.040> you<00:02:21.200> know right ultrasound imaging and you know right ultrasound imaging and you know also<00:02:21.760> about<00:02:22.000> loty<00:02:22.879> right<00:02:23.560> breaking<00:02:24.560> uh also about loty right breaking uh also about loty right breaking uh breaking<00:02:25.879> kidney<00:02:26.319> stones<00:02:27.319> but<00:02:27.560> ultrasound breaking kidney stones but ultrasound breaking kidney stones but ultrasound can<00:02:28.440> be<00:02:28.840> shaved<00:02:29.959> to<00:02:30.160> be<00:02:31.080> uh<00:02:31.400> anything<00:02:31.879> in can be shaved to be uh anything in can be shaved to be uh anything in between<00:02:32.560> because<00:02:33.280> it's<00:02:33.599> it's<00:02:33.720> a<00:02:34.200> mechanical between because it's it's a mechanical between because it's it's a mechanical uh<00:02:35.400> Force<00:02:36.000> basically<00:02:36.400> it's<00:02:36.480> a<00:02:36.680> force<00:02:37.120> acting uh Force basically it's a force acting uh Force basically it's a force acting on<00:02:37.959> a<00:02:38.120> tissue<00:02:38.519> that<00:02:38.640> it<00:02:38.920> transverses<00:02:39.920> so<00:02:40.080> you on a tissue that it transverses so you on a tissue that it transverses so you can<00:02:40.360> change<00:02:40.720> the<00:02:40.879> intensity<00:02:41.519> the<00:02:41.720> frequency can change the intensity the frequency can change the intensity the frequency the<00:02:43.120> duration<00:02:44.120> the<00:02:44.319> pulse<00:02:44.720> shape<00:02:45.200> of<00:02:45.319> the the duration the pulse shape of the the duration the pulse shape of the ultrasound<00:02:46.120> to<00:02:46.280> create<00:02:46.640> anything<00:02:47.040> from<00:02:47.239> an ultrasound to create anything from an ultrasound to create anything from an airbrush<00:02:48.519> you<00:02:48.680> know<00:02:48.840> to<00:02:49.000> a<00:02:49.319> hammer<00:02:50.319> okay<00:02:50.760> and<00:02:50.920> I airbrush you know to a hammer okay and I airbrush you know to a hammer okay and I going<00:02:51.360> to<00:02:51.519> show<00:02:51.800> you<00:02:52.239> multiple<00:02:53.120> application going to show you multiple application going to show you multiple application in<00:02:54.120> the<00:02:54.280> medical<00:02:54.680> field<00:02:55.440> that<00:02:55.599> can<00:02:55.800> be<00:02:56.400> enabled in the medical field that can be enabled in the medical field that can be enabled just<00:02:57.640> by<00:02:57.959> focusing<00:02:58.959> physically<00:02:59.440> focusing just by focusing physically focusing just by focusing physically focusing okay<00:03:02.080> so<00:03:02.760> this<00:03:03.000> idea<00:03:03.560> of<00:03:03.799> harnessing<00:03:04.400> focused okay so this idea of harnessing focused okay so this idea of harnessing focused ultrasound<00:03:05.840> to<00:03:06.040> treat<00:03:06.319> lesions<00:03:06.799> in<00:03:06.959> the<00:03:07.120> brain ultrasound to treat lesions in the brain ultrasound to treat lesions in the brain is<00:03:08.080> not<00:03:08.280> new<00:03:08.560> at<00:03:08.680> all<00:03:09.040> it's<00:03:09.239> when<00:03:09.440> I<00:03:09.560> was<00:03:09.799> born is not new at all it's when I was born is not new at all it's when I was born this<00:03:10.480> idea<00:03:10.799> was<00:03:11.000> already<00:03:11.440> conceived<00:03:12.440> by this idea was already conceived by this idea was already conceived by Pioneers<00:03:13.319> such<00:03:13.519> as<00:03:13.680> the<00:03:13.799> fry<00:03:14.280> brother<00:03:15.280> and Pioneers such as the fry brother and Pioneers such as the fry brother and large<00:03:16.000> lexel<00:03:17.000> who<00:03:17.159> is<00:03:17.560> known<00:03:18.159> actually<00:03:18.519> as<00:03:18.680> the large lexel who is known actually as the large lexel who is known actually as the inventor<00:03:19.360> of<00:03:19.480> the<00:03:19.599> gamma<00:03:19.959> knife<00:03:20.519> but<00:03:21.120> you<00:03:21.280> may inventor of the gamma knife but you may inventor of the gamma knife but you may not<00:03:21.760> know<00:03:22.640> that<00:03:22.959> he<00:03:23.200> tried<00:03:23.799> to<00:03:23.920> perform not know that he tried to perform not know that he tried to perform lobotomies<00:03:24.879> in<00:03:25.000> the<00:03:25.159> brain<00:03:25.440> non lobotomies in the brain non lobotomies in the brain non invasively<00:03:27.400> uh<00:03:27.760> with<00:03:27.959> focused<00:03:28.400> ultrasound<00:03:29.200> in invasively uh with focused ultrasound in invasively uh with focused ultrasound in the<00:03:29.439> 50<00:03:29.879> is<00:03:30.120> he<00:03:30.280> failed<00:03:31.239> so<00:03:31.439> he<00:03:31.599> then<00:03:31.799> invented the 50 is he failed so he then invented the 50 is he failed so he then invented the<00:03:32.319> gamma the gamma the gamma knife<00:03:34.360> and<00:03:34.599> it<00:03:34.760> makes<00:03:34.959> you<00:03:35.200> Ponder<00:03:35.760> you<00:03:36.159> know knife and it makes you Ponder you know knife and it makes you Ponder you know why<00:03:37.599> why<00:03:38.280> those<00:03:38.760> Pioneers<00:03:39.720> fail<00:03:40.720> and<00:03:40.879> there why why those Pioneers fail and there why why those Pioneers fail and there was<00:03:41.200> something<00:03:41.959> fundamental<00:03:42.959> that<00:03:43.120> they<00:03:43.200> were was something fundamental that they were was something fundamental that they were missing<00:03:44.480> they<00:03:44.599> were<00:03:44.799> missing<00:03:45.200> the<00:03:45.400> vision<00:03:46.400> it missing they were missing the vision it missing they were missing the vision it wasn't<00:03:47.000> until<00:03:47.799> the<00:03:47.959> invention<00:03:48.439> of<00:03:48.599> the<00:03:48.760> Mr<00:03:49.519> and wasn't until the invention of the Mr and wasn't until the invention of the Mr and really<00:03:50.560> the<00:03:50.760> integration<00:03:51.360> of<00:03:51.560> Mr<00:03:52.519> with<00:03:52.720> Focus really the integration of Mr with Focus really the integration of Mr with Focus ultrasound<00:03:54.239> that<00:03:54.439> we<00:03:54.680> could<00:03:55.159> get<00:03:55.560> the ultrasound that we could get the ultrasound that we could get the feedback<00:03:56.959> both<00:03:57.200> the<00:03:57.640> anatomical<00:03:58.640> and<00:03:58.879> the feedback both the anatomical and the feedback both the anatomical and the physiological physiological physiological in<00:04:00.599> order<00:04:00.920> to<00:04:01.120> have<00:04:01.319> a<00:04:01.480> completely in order to have a completely in order to have a completely non-invasive<00:04:02.879> closed<00:04:03.319> loop<00:04:04.159> surgical non-invasive closed loop surgical non-invasive closed loop surgical procedure<00:04:06.360> okay<00:04:07.159> so<00:04:07.599> this<00:04:07.760> is<00:04:07.959> how<00:04:08.159> it<00:04:08.280> looks procedure okay so this is how it looks procedure okay so this is how it looks you<00:04:09.000> know<00:04:09.280> the<00:04:09.439> operating<00:04:09.840> room<00:04:10.079> of<00:04:10.239> the you know the operating room of the you know the operating room of the future<00:04:11.200> today<00:04:12.079> okay<00:04:12.280> this<00:04:12.400> is<00:04:12.519> an<00:04:12.680> MR<00:04:13.040> Suite future today okay this is an MR Suite future today okay this is an MR Suite with<00:04:13.720> a<00:04:13.840> focused<00:04:14.159> ultrasound<00:04:14.760> system<00:04:15.680> and with a focused ultrasound system and with a focused ultrasound system and I'll<00:04:16.079> give<00:04:16.359> several<00:04:16.720> examples<00:04:17.160> so<00:04:17.320> the<00:04:17.479> first I'll give several examples so the first I'll give several examples so the first one<00:04:17.880> is<00:04:18.000> in<00:04:18.120> the<00:04:18.280> brain<00:04:19.079> one<00:04:19.280> of<00:04:19.639> the one is in the brain one of the one is in the brain one of the neurological<00:04:20.880> conditions<00:04:21.239> that<00:04:21.400> can<00:04:21.560> be neurological conditions that can be neurological conditions that can be treated<00:04:22.040> with<00:04:22.199> Focus<00:04:22.880> ultrasound<00:04:23.880> are treated with Focus ultrasound are treated with Focus ultrasound are movement<00:04:24.800> disorders<00:04:25.639> like<00:04:25.960> Parkinson<00:04:26.800> or movement disorders like Parkinson or movement disorders like Parkinson or essential<00:04:27.600> tremor<00:04:28.600> what<00:04:28.759> is<00:04:29.000> typical<00:04:30.000> to essential tremor what is typical to essential tremor what is typical to those<00:04:31.160> conditions<00:04:32.160> uh<00:04:32.320> for<00:04:32.560> essential<00:04:32.960> tremor those conditions uh for essential tremor those conditions uh for essential tremor for<00:04:33.800> example<00:04:34.800> is<00:04:35.560> uh for example is uh for example is uh inability<00:04:37.680> to<00:04:38.360> uh<00:04:39.280> drink<00:04:40.280> or<00:04:40.479> eat<00:04:40.800> cereal<00:04:41.280> or inability to uh drink or eat cereal or inability to uh drink or eat cereal or soup<00:04:41.919> without<00:04:42.199> spilling<00:04:42.720> everything<00:04:43.120> all soup without spilling everything all soup without spilling everything all over<00:04:43.520> you<00:04:44.400> or<00:04:44.600> write<00:04:44.960> legibly<00:04:45.680> so<00:04:45.919> people<00:04:46.160> can over you or write legibly so people can over you or write legibly so people can understand<00:04:46.919> it<00:04:47.759> and<00:04:47.919> be<00:04:48.280> really<00:04:48.600> independent understand it and be really independent understand it and be really independent in<00:04:49.360> your<00:04:49.600> life<00:04:50.560> uh<00:04:50.720> without<00:04:51.160> the<00:04:51.479> the<00:04:51.639> help<00:04:51.919> of in your life uh without the the help of in your life uh without the the help of others<00:04:53.039> so<00:04:53.199> I'd<00:04:53.360> like<00:04:53.520> you<00:04:53.639> to<00:04:53.800> meet<00:04:54.919> John<00:04:55.919> John others so I'd like you to meet John John others so I'd like you to meet John John is<00:04:56.360> a<00:04:56.560> retired<00:04:57.039> professor<00:04:57.440> of<00:04:57.639> history<00:04:58.039> from is a retired professor of history from is a retired professor of history from Virginia<00:04:59.759> so<00:04:59.919> he<00:05:00.120> suffered<00:05:00.520> from<00:05:00.840> essential Virginia so he suffered from essential Virginia so he suffered from essential tremor<00:05:01.680> for<00:05:01.919> many<00:05:02.520> years<00:05:03.520> and<00:05:04.199> uh<00:05:04.440> medication tremor for many years and uh medication tremor for many years and uh medication didn't<00:05:05.280> help<00:05:05.520> him<00:05:05.720> anymore<00:05:06.560> and<00:05:06.880> and<00:05:07.199> many<00:05:07.400> of didn't help him anymore and and many of didn't help him anymore and and many of those<00:05:07.919> patients<00:05:08.320> refused<00:05:08.720> to<00:05:08.840> undergo those patients refused to undergo those patients refused to undergo surgery<00:05:09.880> to<00:05:10.080> have<00:05:10.320> people<00:05:10.600> cut<00:05:10.880> into<00:05:11.080> their surgery to have people cut into their surgery to have people cut into their brain<00:05:12.120> and<00:05:12.479> about<00:05:12.759> four<00:05:12.960> or<00:05:13.160> five<00:05:13.400> months<00:05:14.000> ago brain and about four or five months ago brain and about four or five months ago he<00:05:16.039> uh<00:05:17.039> underwent<00:05:18.039> an<00:05:18.280> experimental he uh underwent an experimental he uh underwent an experimental procedure<00:05:19.680> it<00:05:19.960> it<00:05:20.080> is<00:05:20.240> approved<00:05:20.800> under<00:05:21.800> an<00:05:21.960> FDA procedure it it is approved under an FDA procedure it it is approved under an FDA Ide<00:05:23.280> at<00:05:23.400> the<00:05:23.479> University<00:05:24.400> of<00:05:24.680> Virginia<00:05:25.199> in Ide at the University of Virginia in Ide at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville<00:05:26.759> using<00:05:27.120> focused<00:05:27.560> ultrasound Charlottesville using focused ultrasound Charlottesville using focused ultrasound to<00:05:28.759> ablate<00:05:29.840> a<00:05:30.080> point<00:05:30.960> in<00:05:31.160> his<00:05:31.759> Talus<00:05:33.160> okay<00:05:34.160> and to ablate a point in his Talus okay and to ablate a point in his Talus okay and this<00:05:34.720> is<00:05:34.880> his this is his this is his handwriting<00:05:37.039> on<00:05:37.319> June<00:05:38.199> 20th<00:05:39.120> if<00:05:39.240> you<00:05:39.360> can<00:05:39.560> read handwriting on June 20th if you can read handwriting on June 20th if you can read it it it 2011<00:05:42.680> okay<00:05:43.680> this<00:05:43.800> is<00:05:44.160> handwriting<00:05:44.720> in<00:05:44.880> the 2011 okay this is handwriting in the 2011 okay this is handwriting in the morning<00:05:45.759> of<00:05:45.880> the<00:05:46.039> treatment<00:05:47.000> before<00:05:47.360> going morning of the treatment before going morning of the treatment before going into<00:05:48.120> DMR<00:05:49.120> so<00:05:49.360> now<00:05:49.560> I'll<00:05:49.800> take<00:05:49.960> you<00:05:50.160> through into DMR so now I'll take you through into DMR so now I'll take you through how<00:05:51.039> a<00:05:51.199> typical<00:05:51.639> procedure<00:05:52.160> like<00:05:52.360> that<00:05:52.560> looks how a typical procedure like that looks how a typical procedure like that looks like<00:05:53.120> how<00:05:53.319> noninvasive<00:05:54.080> surgery<00:05:54.600> looks<00:05:55.319> looks like how noninvasive surgery looks looks like how noninvasive surgery looks looks like<00:05:57.720> so<00:05:57.880> we<00:05:58.039> put<00:05:58.199> the<00:05:58.319> patient<00:05:58.600> on<00:05:58.759> the<00:05:58.919> Mr like so we put the patient on the Mr like so we put the patient on the Mr table<00:05:59.759> we<00:05:59.880> attach<00:06:00.160> a<00:06:00.280> transducer<00:06:00.880> in<00:06:01.000> this table we attach a transducer in this table we attach a transducer in this case<00:06:01.360> to<00:06:01.479> the<00:06:01.600> brain<00:06:01.960> but<00:06:02.120> if<00:06:02.240> it<00:06:02.360> will<00:06:02.520> be<00:06:02.680> a case to the brain but if it will be a case to the brain but if it will be a different<00:06:03.160> organ<00:06:03.560> it<00:06:03.680> will<00:06:03.840> be<00:06:03.960> a<00:06:04.120> different different organ it will be a different different organ it will be a different transducer<00:06:05.479> attached<00:06:05.880> to<00:06:06.080> the<00:06:06.440> uh<00:06:07.199> patient transducer attached to the uh patient transducer attached to the uh patient and<00:06:08.639> the<00:06:08.840> physician<00:06:09.360> will<00:06:09.720> then<00:06:10.039> take<00:06:10.880> a and the physician will then take a and the physician will then take a regular<00:06:11.520> Mr<00:06:12.000> scan<00:06:13.000> okay<00:06:14.000> and<00:06:14.720> the<00:06:14.960> objective regular Mr scan okay and the objective regular Mr scan okay and the objective of<00:06:15.599> that<00:06:16.199> I<00:06:16.280> don't<00:06:16.479> have<00:06:16.599> a<00:06:16.759> pointer<00:06:17.240> here<00:06:17.479> but of that I don't have a pointer here but of that I don't have a pointer here but you<00:06:17.720> see<00:06:18.000> the<00:06:18.599> green<00:06:19.160> sort<00:06:19.400> of<00:06:19.639> rectangle<00:06:20.199> or you see the green sort of rectangle or you see the green sort of rectangle or trapez<00:06:21.639> this<00:06:21.800> is<00:06:22.000> a<00:06:22.160> sort<00:06:22.360> of<00:06:22.479> a<00:06:22.639> general<00:06:23.039> area trapez this is a sort of a general area trapez this is a sort of a general area of<00:06:23.400> the<00:06:23.599> treatment<00:06:24.440> it's<00:06:24.560> a<00:06:24.800> safety<00:06:25.199> boundary of the treatment it's a safety boundary of the treatment it's a safety boundary around<00:06:26.759> the<00:06:26.960> target<00:06:27.440> it's<00:06:27.560> a<00:06:27.759> Target<00:06:28.039> in<00:06:28.160> the around the target it's a Target in the around the target it's a Target in the talus<00:06:29.039> okay<00:06:29.639> so<00:06:29.880> once<00:06:30.280> those<00:06:30.599> pictures<00:06:31.080> are talus okay so once those pictures are talus okay so once those pictures are acquired<00:06:32.000> and<00:06:32.199> the<00:06:32.400> physician<00:06:33.400> has<00:06:33.599> drawn<00:06:34.039> you acquired and the physician has drawn you acquired and the physician has drawn you know<00:06:34.319> all<00:06:34.479> the<00:06:34.720> necessary<00:06:35.599> safety<00:06:36.000> limits<00:06:36.319> and know all the necessary safety limits and know all the necessary safety limits and so<00:06:36.720> on<00:06:37.720> he<00:06:37.919> selects<00:06:38.919> basically<00:06:39.639> a<00:06:39.840> point<00:06:40.039> you so on he selects basically a point you so on he selects basically a point you see<00:06:40.360> the<00:06:40.479> round<00:06:40.840> point<00:06:41.080> in<00:06:41.199> the<00:06:41.319> Middle<00:06:41.599> where see the round point in the Middle where see the round point in the Middle where the<00:06:41.880> caror<00:06:42.440> is<00:06:43.160> and<00:06:43.280> he<00:06:43.440> presses<00:06:43.919> this<00:06:44.080> blue the caror is and he presses this blue the caror is and he presses this blue button<00:06:44.759> called<00:06:45.000> sonicate<00:06:45.720> we<00:06:45.840> call<00:06:46.599> this button called sonicate we call this button called sonicate we call this instance<00:06:48.000> of<00:06:48.520> injecting<00:06:49.000> the<00:06:49.160> energy<00:06:49.520> we<00:06:49.680> call instance of injecting the energy we call instance of injecting the energy we call it<00:06:50.160> sonication<00:06:51.160> the<00:06:51.280> only<00:06:51.599> hand<00:06:51.880> workk<00:06:52.440> The it sonication the only hand workk The it sonication the only hand workk The Physician<00:06:53.039> does<00:06:53.360> here<00:06:53.800> is<00:06:53.960> moving<00:06:54.280> a<00:06:54.479> mouse Physician does here is moving a mouse Physician does here is moving a mouse this<00:06:55.080> is<00:06:55.240> the<00:06:55.360> only<00:06:56.039> device<00:06:56.400> in<00:06:56.560> it<00:06:56.800> in<00:06:56.960> this this is the only device in it in this this is the only device in it in this treatment<00:06:58.599> so<00:06:59.000> he<00:06:59.160> presses<00:06:59.879> sonicate<00:07:00.879> and treatment so he presses sonicate and treatment so he presses sonicate and this<00:07:01.160> is<00:07:01.360> what<00:07:01.560> happens<00:07:01.879> you<00:07:02.000> see<00:07:02.160> the this is what happens you see the this is what happens you see the transducer<00:07:02.840> the<00:07:02.960> light<00:07:03.240> blue<00:07:03.960> there's<00:07:04.280> water transducer the light blue there's water transducer the light blue there's water in<00:07:04.720> between<00:07:05.000> the<00:07:05.160> skull<00:07:05.440> and<00:07:05.560> the in between the skull and the in between the skull and the transducer<00:07:07.240> and<00:07:07.360> it<00:07:07.599> does<00:07:07.960> this<00:07:08.360> burst<00:07:08.680> of transducer and it does this burst of transducer and it does this burst of energy<00:07:09.440> it<00:07:09.599> elevates<00:07:10.039> the<00:07:10.440> temperature<00:07:11.440> we energy it elevates the temperature we energy it elevates the temperature we first<00:07:11.919> need<00:07:12.160> to<00:07:12.479> verify<00:07:13.240> that<00:07:13.400> we<00:07:13.520> are<00:07:13.680> on first need to verify that we are on first need to verify that we are on target<00:07:14.560> right<00:07:15.199> so<00:07:15.440> the<00:07:15.599> first<00:07:16.000> sonication<00:07:17.000> is target right so the first sonication is target right so the first sonication is at<00:07:17.400> low<00:07:17.800> energy<00:07:18.599> it<00:07:18.759> doesn't<00:07:19.319> do<00:07:19.639> any<00:07:20.039> damage at low energy it doesn't do any damage at low energy it doesn't do any damage but<00:07:21.199> it<00:07:21.360> elevates<00:07:21.879> the<00:07:22.560> temperature<00:07:23.560> by<00:07:23.759> a<00:07:23.879> few but it elevates the temperature by a few but it elevates the temperature by a few degrees<00:07:24.800> and<00:07:25.000> one<00:07:25.120> of<00:07:25.280> the<00:07:25.400> unique degrees and one of the unique degrees and one of the unique capabilities<00:07:26.479> that<00:07:26.639> we<00:07:26.840> leverage<00:07:27.759> with<00:07:28.080> DMR capabilities that we leverage with DMR capabilities that we leverage with DMR is<00:07:29.240> the<00:07:29.560> ability<00:07:29.879> to<00:07:30.000> measure<00:07:30.360> temperature is the ability to measure temperature is the ability to measure temperature non<00:07:31.160> invasively<00:07:32.160> okay<00:07:32.360> this<00:07:32.440> is<00:07:32.639> really<00:07:32.800> a non invasively okay this is really a non invasively okay this is really a unique<00:07:33.560> capability<00:07:34.560> uh<00:07:34.680> of<00:07:34.879> DMR<00:07:35.440> it's<00:07:35.639> not<00:07:36.440> it unique capability uh of DMR it's not it unique capability uh of DMR it's not it is<00:07:36.680> not<00:07:36.840> being<00:07:37.039> used<00:07:37.360> in<00:07:37.599> in<00:07:37.960> regular is not being used in in regular is not being used in in regular Diagnostic<00:07:39.000> Imaging<00:07:40.000> but<00:07:40.280> here<00:07:40.759> we<00:07:40.879> can<00:07:41.120> get Diagnostic Imaging but here we can get Diagnostic Imaging but here we can get both<00:07:41.840> the<00:07:42.000> anatomical<00:07:42.599> Imaging<00:07:43.160> and<00:07:43.319> the both the anatomical Imaging and the both the anatomical Imaging and the temperature<00:07:44.000> maps<00:07:44.599> in<00:07:44.759> real<00:07:45.039> time<00:07:45.280> and<00:07:45.479> you temperature maps in real time and you temperature maps in real time and you can<00:07:45.680> see<00:07:45.919> the<00:07:46.080> points<00:07:46.440> there<00:07:46.599> on<00:07:46.720> the<00:07:46.919> graph can see the points there on the graph can see the points there on the graph the<00:07:47.919> temperature<00:07:48.319> was<00:07:48.520> raised<00:07:48.840> to<00:07:49.120> 43° the temperature was raised to 43° the temperature was raised to 43° temporarily<00:07:51.360> this<00:07:51.520> doesn't<00:07:51.800> cause<00:07:52.080> any temporarily this doesn't cause any temporarily this doesn't cause any damage<00:07:53.000> but<00:07:53.159> the<00:07:53.319> point<00:07:53.680> is<00:07:54.000> we<00:07:54.120> are<00:07:54.360> right<00:07:54.560> on damage but the point is we are right on damage but the point is we are right on target<00:07:55.720> so<00:07:56.000> once<00:07:56.800> the<00:07:57.000> physician<00:07:57.680> verifies target so once the physician verifies target so once the physician verifies that<00:07:58.840> the<00:07:58.960> focal<00:07:59.599> spot<00:08:00.000> is<00:08:00.159> on<00:08:00.360> the<00:08:00.520> Target that the focal spot is on the Target that the focal spot is on the Target that<00:08:01.120> he<00:08:01.240> has<00:08:01.440> chosen<00:08:02.440> then<00:08:02.599> we<00:08:02.759> can<00:08:02.919> move<00:08:03.639> to that he has chosen then we can move to that he has chosen then we can move to perform<00:08:04.440> you<00:08:04.520> know<00:08:04.680> a<00:08:04.800> full<00:08:05.479> energy<00:08:06.479> uh perform you know a full energy uh perform you know a full energy uh ablation<00:08:08.080> like<00:08:08.240> you<00:08:08.360> see<00:08:08.680> here<00:08:09.039> and<00:08:09.159> you<00:08:09.240> see ablation like you see here and you see ablation like you see here and you see the<00:08:09.639> temperature<00:08:10.479> rises<00:08:10.960> to<00:08:11.199> like<00:08:11.599> 55<00:08:12.159> to the temperature rises to like 55 to the temperature rises to like 55 to 60°<00:08:14.000> if<00:08:14.120> you<00:08:14.240> do<00:08:14.440> it<00:08:14.560> for<00:08:14.759> more<00:08:14.960> than<00:08:15.080> a<00:08:15.199> second 60° if you do it for more than a second 60° if you do it for more than a second it's<00:08:15.720> enough<00:08:16.039> to<00:08:16.560> basically<00:08:17.479> uh<00:08:18.479> uh<00:08:18.680> destroy it's enough to basically uh uh destroy it's enough to basically uh uh destroy the<00:08:19.759> uh<00:08:19.919> proteins<00:08:20.440> the the uh proteins the the uh proteins the cells<00:08:22.680> this<00:08:22.800> is<00:08:22.960> the<00:08:23.080> outcome<00:08:23.520> from<00:08:23.639> a<00:08:23.800> patient cells this is the outcome from a patient cells this is the outcome from a patient perspective<00:08:25.080> same<00:08:25.479> day<00:08:25.759> after<00:08:26.080> this perspective same day after this perspective same day after this treatment<00:08:27.240> okay<00:08:27.560> this<00:08:27.680> is<00:08:27.800> an<00:08:28.199> immediate<00:08:29.199> Rel treatment okay this is an immediate Rel treatment okay this is an immediate Rel and

immed<00:08:36.719> John<00:08:37.080> is<00:08:37.200> one<00:08:37.519> of<00:08:37.839> of<00:08:38.159> like
immed John is one of of like immed John is one of of like dozen<00:08:40.279> very<00:08:41.159> uh<00:08:41.479> heroic<00:08:42.240> courageous<00:08:42.880> people dozen very uh heroic courageous people dozen very uh heroic courageous people who<00:08:43.800> volunteer<00:08:44.399> for<00:08:44.720> the<00:08:44.880> study<00:08:45.320> and<00:08:45.519> you<00:08:45.760> have who volunteer for the study and you have who volunteer for the study and you have to<00:08:46.880> understand<00:08:47.200> you<00:08:47.320> know<00:08:47.800> what<00:08:47.959> is<00:08:48.640> in to understand you know what is in to understand you know what is in people's<00:08:49.279> mind<00:08:49.720> when<00:08:50.120> when<00:08:50.279> they<00:08:50.440> are<00:08:50.600> willing people's mind when when they are willing people's mind when when they are willing to<00:08:51.600> take<00:08:51.800> the<00:08:52.200> risk<00:08:53.200> and<00:08:53.680> this<00:08:53.760> is<00:08:54.120> quote<00:08:54.440> from to take the risk and this is quote from to take the risk and this is quote from John<00:08:55.160> after<00:08:55.440> he<00:08:55.680> wrote<00:08:56.000> it<00:08:56.200> he<00:08:56.320> said John after he wrote it he said John after he wrote it he said miraculous<00:08:57.640> and<00:08:57.839> his<00:08:58.120> wife<00:08:58.839> said<00:08:59.160> this<00:08:59.279> is<00:08:59.480> is miraculous and his wife said this is is miraculous and his wife said this is is the<00:08:59.720> happiest<00:09:00.240> moment<00:09:00.880> of<00:09:01.120> my<00:09:01.440> life<00:09:02.440> and<00:09:02.560> you the happiest moment of my life and you the happiest moment of my life and you wonder<00:09:03.120> why<00:09:03.399> I<00:09:03.480> mean<00:09:04.399> one<00:09:04.560> of<00:09:04.760> the<00:09:05.079> messages wonder why I mean one of the messages wonder why I mean one of the messages I'd<00:09:05.800> like<00:09:05.959> to<00:09:06.120> carry<00:09:06.440> over<00:09:07.120> is<00:09:07.440> what<00:09:07.640> about I'd like to carry over is what about I'd like to carry over is what about defending<00:09:08.560> quality<00:09:08.959> of<00:09:09.200> life<00:09:09.560> I<00:09:09.600> mean<00:09:09.800> those defending quality of life I mean those defending quality of life I mean those people<00:09:10.279> lose<00:09:10.519> their<00:09:10.720> independence<00:09:11.560> they<00:09:11.959> are people lose their independence they are people lose their independence they are dependent<00:09:12.959> on<00:09:13.279> others<00:09:14.279> and<00:09:14.519> and<00:09:14.640> John<00:09:14.959> today dependent on others and and John today dependent on others and and John today is<00:09:15.720> fully<00:09:16.079> independent<00:09:17.000> he<00:09:17.360> returned<00:09:17.680> to is fully independent he returned to is fully independent he returned to normal<00:09:18.880> life<00:09:19.320> routine<00:09:20.320> and<00:09:20.480> he's<00:09:20.720> also<00:09:21.000> play normal life routine and he's also play normal life routine and he's also play golf<00:09:21.880> like<00:09:22.040> you<00:09:22.200> do<00:09:22.440> in<00:09:22.640> in<00:09:22.800> Virginia<00:09:23.600> right golf like you do in in Virginia right golf like you do in in Virginia right when<00:09:24.160> you when you when you are<00:09:25.880> you<00:09:26.160> know are you know are you know retired<00:09:29.120> okay retired okay retired okay so<00:09:30.399> you<00:09:30.519> can<00:09:30.720> see<00:09:31.200> here<00:09:32.200> the<00:09:32.399> spot<00:09:32.800> it's<00:09:33.000> like<00:09:33.160> 3 so you can see here the spot it's like 3 so you can see here the spot it's like 3 mm<00:09:34.000> in<00:09:34.120> the<00:09:34.240> middle<00:09:34.480> of<00:09:34.560> the<00:09:34.680> brain<00:09:35.000> there's<00:09:35.240> no mm in the middle of the brain there's no mm in the middle of the brain there's no damage<00:09:36.240> outside<00:09:37.079> is<00:09:37.360> suffers<00:09:37.680> from<00:09:37.880> no<00:09:38.399> neural damage outside is suffers from no neural damage outside is suffers from no neural deficit<00:09:40.360> there's<00:09:40.600> no<00:09:40.880> recovery<00:09:41.440> needed<00:09:41.959> no deficit there's no recovery needed no deficit there's no recovery needed no nothing<00:09:42.880> he's<00:09:43.160> back<00:09:43.360> to<00:09:43.480> his<00:09:43.640> normal<00:09:44.040> life nothing he's back to his normal life nothing he's back to his normal life let's<00:09:45.000> move<00:09:45.560> now<00:09:46.560> to<00:09:46.720> a<00:09:46.880> more<00:09:47.120> painful let's move now to a more painful let's move now to a more painful subject<00:09:49.240> pain<00:09:49.839> is<00:09:50.040> something<00:09:50.480> that<00:09:50.800> can<00:09:50.959> make subject pain is something that can make subject pain is something that can make your<00:09:51.399> life<00:09:51.839> miserable<00:09:52.839> and<00:09:53.000> people<00:09:53.200> are your life miserable and people are your life miserable and people are suffering<00:09:53.920> from<00:09:54.120> all<00:09:54.360> kinds<00:09:54.560> of<00:09:54.800> pain<00:09:55.160> like suffering from all kinds of pain like suffering from all kinds of pain like neuropathic<00:09:56.480> pain<00:09:56.720> lower<00:09:57.120> back<00:09:57.839> pain<00:09:58.839> and neuropathic pain lower back pain and neuropathic pain lower back pain and cancer<00:10:00.279> pain<00:10:00.640> from<00:10:01.200> bone<00:10:01.480> metastasis<00:10:02.320> when<00:10:02.519> it cancer pain from bone metastasis when it cancer pain from bone metastasis when it you<00:10:02.880> know<00:10:03.120> the<00:10:03.440> metastasis<00:10:04.440> get<00:10:04.640> to<00:10:04.800> your<00:10:04.959> bin you know the metastasis get to your bin you know the metastasis get to your bin sometimes<00:10:05.839> they<00:10:05.959> are<00:10:06.839> uh<00:10:07.000> very<00:10:07.360> painful<00:10:07.920> all sometimes they are uh very painful all sometimes they are uh very painful all those<00:10:08.399> indication<00:10:09.000> have<00:10:09.240> already<00:10:10.279> been<00:10:11.279> shown those indication have already been shown those indication have already been shown uh<00:10:12.399> to<00:10:12.560> be<00:10:12.760> successfully<00:10:13.320> treated<00:10:13.880> by<00:10:14.640> uh uh to be successfully treated by uh uh to be successfully treated by uh Focus<00:10:15.440> ultrasound<00:10:16.360> relieving<00:10:16.880> the<00:10:17.040> pain Focus ultrasound relieving the pain Focus ultrasound relieving the pain again<00:10:18.360> very<00:10:18.760> fast<00:10:19.760> and<00:10:20.200> I<00:10:20.279> would<00:10:20.440> like<00:10:20.600> to<00:10:20.760> tell again very fast and I would like to tell again very fast and I would like to tell you<00:10:21.839> about<00:10:23.000> um you about um you about um PJ<00:10:25.800> uh<00:10:26.360> he's<00:10:26.600> a<00:10:26.839> 78<00:10:27.640> years<00:10:28.399> um<00:10:28.760> farmer PJ uh he's a 78 years um farmer PJ uh he's a 78 years um farmer who<00:10:30.640> suffered<00:10:31.200> from<00:10:32.040> how<00:10:32.160> should<00:10:32.399> I<00:10:32.560> say<00:10:32.920> it's who suffered from how should I say it's who suffered from how should I say it's called<00:10:33.360> pain<00:10:33.600> in<00:10:33.720> the<00:10:33.880> butt<00:10:34.240> he<00:10:34.399> had<00:10:34.560> a called pain in the butt he had a called pain in the butt he had a metastasis<00:10:36.120> in<00:10:36.279> his<00:10:36.519> right<00:10:36.760> but<00:10:37.760> but<00:10:38.399> and<00:10:38.639> and metastasis in his right but but and and metastasis in his right but but and and he<00:10:38.959> couldn't<00:10:39.240> see<00:10:39.839> even<00:10:40.120> with<00:10:40.720> medication<00:10:41.720> he he couldn't see even with medication he he couldn't see even with medication he had<00:10:42.000> to<00:10:42.160> forgo<00:10:42.639> you<00:10:42.760> know<00:10:42.959> about<00:10:43.240> all<00:10:43.360> the had to forgo you know about all the had to forgo you know about all the farmer<00:10:44.240> uh<00:10:44.360> Farm farmer uh Farm farmer uh Farm activities<00:10:47.480> uh<00:10:48.480> he<00:10:48.639> was<00:10:49.079> uh<00:10:49.240> treated<00:10:49.680> with activities uh he was uh treated with activities uh he was uh treated with radiation<00:10:50.560> therapy<00:10:51.079> state-of-the-art radiation therapy state-of-the-art radiation therapy state-of-the-art radiation<00:10:52.480> therapy<00:10:53.079> but<00:10:53.360> it<00:10:53.480> didn't<00:10:53.760> help radiation therapy but it didn't help radiation therapy but it didn't help many<00:10:54.440> patients<00:10:54.880> like<00:10:55.120> that<00:10:55.480> failed<00:10:55.920> radiation many patients like that failed radiation many patients like that failed radiation therapy<00:10:58.279> and<00:10:58.720> again<00:10:59.040> he<00:10:59.440> volunteered<00:11:00.000> to<00:11:00.160> a therapy and again he volunteered to a therapy and again he volunteered to a pivotal<00:11:01.000> study<00:11:02.000> uh<00:11:02.320> that<00:11:02.440> we<00:11:02.760> run<00:11:03.760> uh pivotal study uh that we run uh pivotal study uh that we run uh worldwide<00:11:04.760> also<00:11:05.040> in<00:11:05.160> the worldwide also in the worldwide also in the US<00:11:06.959> and US and US and um<00:11:09.639> his<00:11:09.880> wife<00:11:10.600> actually<00:11:11.440> uh<00:11:11.560> took<00:11:11.839> him<00:11:12.440> they um his wife actually uh took him they um his wife actually uh took him they drove<00:11:13.120> like<00:11:13.320> 3<00:11:13.600> hours<00:11:13.959> from<00:11:14.240> their<00:11:14.760> Farm<00:11:15.440> to drove like 3 hours from their Farm to drove like 3 hours from their Farm to the<00:11:16.360> hospital<00:11:17.360> he<00:11:17.560> had<00:11:17.760> to<00:11:18.079> sit<00:11:18.399> on<00:11:18.560> a<00:11:18.880> on<00:11:19.000> a the hospital he had to sit on a on a the hospital he had to sit on a on a cushion<00:11:20.279> stand<00:11:20.680> still<00:11:21.200> I<00:11:21.279> mean<00:11:21.480> not<00:11:21.639> to<00:11:21.760> move cushion stand still I mean not to move cushion stand still I mean not to move because<00:11:22.320> it<00:11:22.440> was<00:11:22.639> very because it was very because it was very painful<00:11:24.480> he<00:11:24.639> took<00:11:24.839> the painful he took the painful he took the treatment<00:11:26.920> and<00:11:27.440> uh<00:11:27.639> on<00:11:27.839> the<00:11:28.040> way<00:11:28.639> uh<00:11:29.000> back treatment and uh on the way uh back treatment and uh on the way uh back he<00:11:30.079> drove<00:11:30.399> the<00:11:30.600> car<00:11:30.920> the<00:11:31.079> truck<00:11:31.399> by he drove the car the truck by he drove the car the truck by himself<00:11:33.720> so<00:11:34.040> again<00:11:34.480> this<00:11:34.639> is<00:11:34.959> an<00:11:35.120> immediate himself so again this is an immediate himself so again this is an immediate relief<00:11:36.560> and<00:11:36.760> and<00:11:36.880> you<00:11:37.040> have<00:11:37.160> to<00:11:37.680> understand relief and and you have to understand relief and and you have to understand what's<00:11:38.600> you<00:11:38.720> know<00:11:39.200> those<00:11:39.519> people<00:11:40.279> feel<00:11:40.839> and what's you know those people feel and what's you know those people feel and what<00:11:41.160> their<00:11:41.880> family<00:11:42.880> uh<00:11:43.240> experience<00:11:43.920> when<00:11:44.079> it what their family uh experience when it what their family uh experience when it happens<00:11:45.760> uh<00:11:46.040> he<00:11:47.000> returned<00:11:47.399> again<00:11:47.760> to<00:11:48.320> you<00:11:48.440> know happens uh he returned again to you know happens uh he returned again to you know his<00:11:48.880> daily<00:11:49.160> routine<00:11:49.480> in<00:11:49.639> the<00:11:49.760> farm<00:11:50.079> and<00:11:50.279> rides his daily routine in the farm and rides his daily routine in the farm and rides his<00:11:50.959> tractor<00:11:51.880> he<00:11:52.040> rides<00:11:52.320> his<00:11:52.480> horse<00:11:52.760> to<00:11:52.920> their his tractor he rides his horse to their his tractor he rides his horse to their mountain<00:11:53.680> cabin<00:11:54.680> uh<00:11:55.240> regularly<00:11:56.240> and<00:11:56.880> uh<00:11:57.320> he mountain cabin uh regularly and uh he mountain cabin uh regularly and uh he has<00:11:57.639> been<00:11:57.959> very<00:11:58.279> happy<00:11:59.639> but<00:11:59.880> now<00:12:00.519> you<00:12:00.720> asked<00:12:00.959> me has been very happy but now you asked me has been very happy but now you asked me you<00:12:01.240> know<00:12:01.839> but<00:12:02.120> what<00:12:02.279> about<00:12:02.639> war<00:12:03.000> you<00:12:03.120> know<00:12:03.279> the you know but what about war you know the you know but what about war you know the war<00:12:03.600> on<00:12:03.800> cancer<00:12:04.279> show<00:12:04.519> us<00:12:04.800> some<00:12:05.639> primary war on cancer show us some primary war on cancer show us some primary cancer<00:12:06.720> what<00:12:06.880> can<00:12:07.000> be<00:12:07.240> done<00:12:07.560> there<00:12:08.560> so<00:12:08.760> I<00:12:08.880> have cancer what can be done there so I have cancer what can be done there so I have good<00:12:09.200> news<00:12:09.399> and<00:12:09.600> bad<00:12:09.920> news<00:12:10.920> the<00:12:11.120> good<00:12:11.320> news good news and bad news the good news good news and bad news the good news there's<00:12:12.079> a<00:12:12.240> lot<00:12:12.720> that<00:12:12.880> can<00:12:13.079> be<00:12:13.240> done<00:12:13.800> and<00:12:13.920> it there's a lot that can be done and it there's a lot that can be done and it has<00:12:14.199> been<00:12:14.360> shown<00:12:14.839> actually<00:12:15.279> outside<00:12:15.680> of<00:12:15.880> the has been shown actually outside of the has been shown actually outside of the US US US and<00:12:19.360> doing<00:12:19.760> that<00:12:19.959> in<00:12:20.160> the<00:12:20.440> US<00:12:21.440> is<00:12:21.680> is<00:12:21.880> very and doing that in the US is is very and doing that in the US is is very painful<00:12:22.639> I<00:12:22.720> mean<00:12:23.079> I<00:12:23.320> I<00:12:23.399> don't<00:12:23.600> see<00:12:24.079> without<00:12:24.680> you painful I mean I I don't see without you painful I mean I I don't see without you know<00:12:25.079> this<00:12:25.600> nation<00:12:26.600> taking<00:12:27.040> it<00:12:27.279> as<00:12:27.440> a<00:12:27.760> as<00:12:27.920> a know this nation taking it as a as a know this nation taking it as a as a something<00:12:28.839> collect<00:12:29.279> active<00:12:30.120> will<00:12:30.639> or something collect active will or something collect active will or something<00:12:31.399> that<00:12:31.519> is<00:12:31.639> a<00:12:31.880> national<00:12:32.839> goal<00:12:33.199> to something that is a national goal to something that is a national goal to make<00:12:33.639> that<00:12:33.880> happen<00:12:34.560> it<00:12:34.680> will<00:12:35.240> not<00:12:35.519> happen<00:12:35.880> and make that happen it will not happen and make that happen it will not happen and it's<00:12:36.240> not<00:12:36.440> just<00:12:36.639> because<00:12:36.839> of<00:12:37.040> Regulation<00:12:38.040> it's it's not just because of Regulation it's it's not just because of Regulation it's because<00:12:38.519> of<00:12:38.720> the<00:12:38.880> amount<00:12:39.639> of<00:12:39.839> money<00:12:40.279> needed because of the amount of money needed because of the amount of money needed under<00:12:41.440> the<00:12:41.639> current<00:12:42.519> you<00:12:42.639> know under the current you know under the current you know evidence-based<00:12:43.800> medicine<00:12:44.320> and<00:12:44.480> the<00:12:44.600> size<00:12:44.839> of evidence-based medicine and the size of evidence-based medicine and the size of Trials<00:12:45.480> and<00:12:45.639> so<00:12:45.880> on<00:12:46.880> uh<00:12:47.440> to<00:12:47.839> to<00:12:48.000> make<00:12:48.160> it<00:12:48.399> happen Trials and so on uh to to make it happen Trials and so on uh to to make it happen so<00:12:49.320> the<00:12:49.440> first<00:12:49.639> two<00:12:50.079> applications<00:12:51.079> are<00:12:51.440> breast so the first two applications are breast so the first two applications are breast cancer<00:12:52.120> and<00:12:52.399> prostate<00:12:52.839> cancer<00:12:53.440> they<00:12:53.560> were<00:12:53.800> the cancer and prostate cancer they were the cancer and prostate cancer they were the first<00:12:54.320> to<00:12:54.480> be<00:12:54.639> treated<00:12:55.040> by<00:12:55.160> focused first to be treated by focused first to be treated by focused ultrasound<00:12:57.040> and<00:12:57.800> uh<00:12:58.360> we<00:12:58.519> have<00:12:58.760> better<00:12:59.240> and ultrasound and uh we have better and ultrasound and uh we have better and surgery<00:13:00.040> uh<00:13:00.199> results<00:13:00.600> in<00:13:00.800> breast<00:13:01.440> but<00:13:02.440> I<00:13:02.560> have surgery uh results in breast but I have surgery uh results in breast but I have a<00:13:02.839> message<00:13:03.160> for<00:13:03.760> the<00:13:03.920> men<00:13:04.240> here<00:13:04.440> we<00:13:04.560> heard a message for the men here we heard a message for the men here we heard yesterday<00:13:06.040> qen<00:13:07.040> uh<00:13:07.240> talking<00:13:07.560> about<00:13:08.519> the<00:13:08.959> uh yesterday qen uh talking about the uh yesterday qen uh talking about the uh adverse<00:13:09.560> event<00:13:09.880> trait<00:13:10.240> in<00:13:10.440> prostate<00:13:10.920> cancer adverse event trait in prostate cancer adverse event trait in prostate cancer there<00:13:12.079> is<00:13:12.320> a<00:13:12.480> unique<00:13:12.839> opportunity<00:13:13.399> now<00:13:13.680> with there is a unique opportunity now with there is a unique opportunity now with focused<00:13:14.240> ultrasound<00:13:14.800> Guided<00:13:15.160> by focused ultrasound Guided by focused ultrasound Guided by mrr<00:13:16.839> because<00:13:17.320> we<00:13:17.519> can<00:13:18.320> actually<00:13:18.760> think<00:13:19.199> about mrr because we can actually think about mrr because we can actually think about prostate<00:13:20.720> lumpectomy<00:13:21.480> treating<00:13:22.120> just<00:13:22.600> the prostate lumpectomy treating just the prostate lumpectomy treating just the focal<00:13:23.320> lesion<00:13:23.959> and<00:13:24.120> not<00:13:24.320> removing<00:13:24.760> the<00:13:24.880> whole focal lesion and not removing the whole focal lesion and not removing the whole gland<00:13:26.160> and<00:13:26.399> by<00:13:26.680> that<00:13:27.120> avoiding<00:13:27.600> all<00:13:27.800> the gland and by that avoiding all the gland and by that avoiding all the issues<00:13:28.440> with<00:13:29.120> potency<00:13:29.760> and<00:13:30.000> and

continents<00:13:33.360> well<00:13:34.160> there<00:13:34.279> are<00:13:34.560> other<00:13:35.519> uh<00:13:36.040> you
continents well there are other uh you continents well there are other uh you know<00:13:36.600> cancer<00:13:37.079> tumors<00:13:37.959> in<00:13:38.160> the<00:13:38.440> abdomen<00:13:39.160> quite know cancer tumors in the abdomen quite know cancer tumors in the abdomen quite little<00:13:40.079> very<00:13:40.320> little<00:13:40.800> actually<00:13:41.240> pancreas little very little actually pancreas little very little actually pancreas liver<00:13:43.120> kidney<00:13:44.120> the<00:13:44.279> challenge<00:13:45.320> there<00:13:46.320> with<00:13:46.880> a liver kidney the challenge there with a liver kidney the challenge there with a breathing<00:13:47.600> and<00:13:47.839> awake<00:13:48.480> patient<00:13:49.199> and<00:13:49.320> in<00:13:49.480> all breathing and awake patient and in all breathing and awake patient and in all our<00:13:49.880> treatment<00:13:50.399> the<00:13:50.680> patient<00:13:51.600> is<00:13:51.800> awake<00:13:52.199> and our treatment the patient is awake and our treatment the patient is awake and conscious<00:13:53.160> and<00:13:53.360> he<00:13:53.519> speaks<00:13:53.920> with<00:13:54.120> the conscious and he speaks with the conscious and he speaks with the physician<00:13:56.120> um<00:13:56.839> is<00:13:57.079> you<00:13:57.240> have<00:13:57.440> to<00:13:58.079> learn<00:13:58.519> uh physician um is you have to learn uh physician um is you have to learn uh teach<00:13:59.199> mrr<00:13:59.480> some<00:13:59.720> tricks<00:14:00.120> how<00:14:00.279> to<00:14:01.000> uh<00:14:01.279> do<00:14:01.440> it<00:14:01.560> in teach mrr some tricks how to uh do it in teach mrr some tricks how to uh do it in real<00:14:02.240> time<00:14:03.240> and<00:14:04.040> um<00:14:05.040> this<00:14:05.199> will<00:14:05.440> take<00:14:05.680> time real time and um this will take time real time and um this will take time this<00:14:06.120> will<00:14:06.360> take<00:14:06.600> 2<00:14:06.839> years<00:14:07.199> but<00:14:07.320> I<00:14:07.440> have<00:14:07.600> now<00:14:07.759> a this will take 2 years but I have now a this will take 2 years but I have now a message<00:14:08.279> to<00:14:08.440> the<00:14:08.800> ladies<00:14:09.800> and<00:14:10.000> this<00:14:10.199> is<00:14:11.040> uh<00:14:11.199> in message to the ladies and this is uh in message to the ladies and this is uh in 2004<00:14:12.959> the<00:14:13.199> FDA<00:14:14.199> has<00:14:14.399> approved<00:14:14.800> ided<00:14:15.360> Focus 2004 the FDA has approved ided Focus 2004 the FDA has approved ided Focus ultrasound<00:14:16.279> for<00:14:16.440> the<00:14:16.560> treatment<00:14:17.040> of ultrasound for the treatment of ultrasound for the treatment of symptomatic<00:14:18.320> uterine symptomatic uterine symptomatic uterine fibroids<00:14:20.519> uh<00:14:20.920> women<00:14:21.920> suffers<00:14:22.399> from<00:14:22.839> that<00:14:23.839> uh fibroids uh women suffers from that uh fibroids uh women suffers from that uh disease<00:14:24.920> or<00:14:25.199> those<00:14:25.440> tumors<00:14:26.079> have<00:14:26.639> uh<00:14:26.800> heavy disease or those tumors have uh heavy disease or those tumors have uh heavy bleeding<00:14:27.440> during<00:14:27.880> period<00:14:28.720> abdom<00:14:29.279> Al<00:14:29.440> pressure bleeding during period abdom Al pressure bleeding during period abdom Al pressure back<00:14:30.279> pain<00:14:31.000> frequent<00:14:31.480> urination<00:14:32.480> and back pain frequent urination and back pain frequent urination and sometimes<00:14:33.600> that<00:14:33.839> can<00:14:34.279> they<00:14:34.880> cannot<00:14:35.240> even sometimes that can they cannot even sometimes that can they cannot even conceive<00:14:36.000> and<00:14:36.240> become<00:14:36.600> pregnant<00:14:37.160> because<00:14:37.360> of conceive and become pregnant because of conceive and become pregnant because of the<00:14:37.759> fibroid<00:14:38.759> this<00:14:38.959> is<00:14:39.240> Francis<00:14:40.240> she<00:14:40.399> was the fibroid this is Francis she was the fibroid this is Francis she was diagnosed<00:14:41.199> with<00:14:41.360> a<00:14:41.720> grapefruit<00:14:42.560> size<00:14:42.959> fibroid diagnosed with a grapefruit size fibroid diagnosed with a grapefruit size fibroid this<00:14:43.639> is<00:14:43.759> a<00:14:43.959> big<00:14:44.240> fibroid<00:14:44.920> she<00:14:45.160> was<00:14:45.279> offering this is a big fibroid she was offering this is a big fibroid she was offering hysterctomy<00:14:47.079> but<00:14:47.240> this<00:14:47.320> is<00:14:47.440> an<00:14:47.600> inconceivable hysterctomy but this is an inconceivable hysterctomy but this is an inconceivable proposition<00:14:49.040> for<00:14:49.279> someone<00:14:49.600> who<00:14:49.759> wants<00:14:49.959> to proposition for someone who wants to proposition for someone who wants to keep<00:14:50.279> her<00:14:50.880> pregnancy<00:14:51.440> option<00:14:52.240> so<00:14:52.600> she<00:14:53.160> elected keep her pregnancy option so she elected keep her pregnancy option so she elected to<00:14:54.399> undergo<00:14:54.920> a<00:14:55.040> focused<00:14:55.399> ultrasound to undergo a focused ultrasound to undergo a focused ultrasound procedure<00:14:56.399> in<00:14:56.880> 2008<00:14:57.880> and<00:14:58.000> in<00:14:58.160> 2010<00:14:59.040> she<00:14:59.199> became procedure in 2008 and in 2010 she became procedure in 2008 and in 2010 she became the<00:14:59.680> first<00:14:59.920> time<00:15:00.199> mother<00:15:00.759> to<00:15:01.079> healthy<00:15:01.519> baby<00:15:02.120> so the first time mother to healthy baby so the first time mother to healthy baby so new<00:15:02.600> life<00:15:02.839> was new life was new life was born<00:15:05.759> so<00:15:06.199> in<00:15:06.440> in born so in in born so in in conclusion<00:15:08.959> I<00:15:09.120> I'd<00:15:09.279> like<00:15:09.440> to<00:15:09.560> leave<00:15:09.800> you<00:15:10.040> with conclusion I I'd like to leave you with conclusion I I'd like to leave you with with<00:15:10.600> actually<00:15:10.959> four<00:15:11.440> messages<00:15:12.240> one<00:15:12.519> is<00:15:13.079> think with actually four messages one is think with actually four messages one is think about<00:15:13.680> the<00:15:13.880> amount<00:15:14.560> of<00:15:14.759> suffering<00:15:15.720> that<00:15:15.880> is about the amount of suffering that is about the amount of suffering that is saved<00:15:16.639> from<00:15:17.000> patient<00:15:17.440> undergoing saved from patient undergoing saved from patient undergoing non-invasive<00:15:19.399> surgery<00:15:20.399> and<00:15:20.600> also<00:15:20.959> the non-invasive surgery and also the non-invasive surgery and also the economical<00:15:22.560> and<00:15:22.759> emotional<00:15:23.399> burden<00:15:23.880> removed economical and emotional burden removed economical and emotional burden removed from<00:15:24.600> their<00:15:25.000> families<00:15:25.839> and<00:15:26.240> communities<00:15:27.240> and from their families and communities and from their families and communities and the<00:15:27.959> society<00:15:29.240> at<00:15:29.920> large<00:15:30.920> and<00:15:32.040> um<00:15:33.040> I<00:15:33.160> think<00:15:33.440> also the society at large and um I think also the society at large and um I think also from<00:15:34.160> their<00:15:34.480> Physicians<00:15:35.199> by<00:15:35.360> the<00:15:35.800> way<00:15:36.800> and<00:15:37.480> the from their Physicians by the way and the from their Physicians by the way and the other<00:15:37.959> thing<00:15:38.440> I<00:15:38.519> would<00:15:38.680> like<00:15:38.839> you<00:15:38.959> to<00:15:39.160> think other thing I would like you to think other thing I would like you to think about<00:15:40.360> is<00:15:41.199> the<00:15:41.319> new<00:15:41.600> type<00:15:41.800> of<00:15:41.959> relationship about is the new type of relationship about is the new type of relationship between<00:15:42.920> physician<00:15:43.360> and<00:15:43.600> patients<00:15:44.480> when<00:15:44.639> you between physician and patients when you between physician and patients when you have<00:15:44.959> a<00:15:45.360> patient<00:15:46.360> on<00:15:46.560> the<00:15:46.759> table<00:15:47.480> which<00:15:47.639> is have a patient on the table which is have a patient on the table which is awake<00:15:48.440> and<00:15:48.560> can<00:15:48.759> monitor<00:15:49.639> even<00:15:50.160> you<00:15:50.279> know<00:15:50.440> the awake and can monitor even you know the awake and can monitor even you know the treatment<00:15:51.079> in<00:15:51.199> all<00:15:51.399> our<00:15:51.639> treatment<00:15:52.440> the treatment in all our treatment the treatment in all our treatment the patient<00:15:52.959> holds<00:15:53.240> a<00:15:53.440> stop<00:15:53.680> sonication<00:15:54.360> button patient holds a stop sonication button patient holds a stop sonication button he<00:15:54.800> can<00:15:54.959> stop<00:15:55.240> the<00:15:55.519> surgery<00:15:56.519> you<00:15:56.680> know<00:15:57.000> at<00:15:57.199> any he can stop the surgery you know at any he can stop the surgery you know at any moment<00:15:59.160> and<00:16:00.199> uh<00:16:01.199> with<00:16:01.399> that<00:16:01.600> note<00:16:01.920> I<00:16:02.040> would moment and uh with that note I would moment and uh with that note I would like like like to<00:16:03.920> thank<00:16:04.120> you<00:16:04.279> for to thank you for to thank you for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]


Yoav Medan, MRI, surgey, medicine, doctor, ultrasound, TED, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed

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