Sống sót sau một cuộc tấn công hạt nhân-Irwin Redlener

Surviving a nuclear attack - Irwin Redlener

Surviving a nuclear attack - Irwin Redlener


so<00:00:16.310> a<00:00:16.550> big<00:00:16.790> question<00:00:16.970> that<00:00:17.180> we're<00:00:17.420> facing<00:00:17.600> now
so a big question that we're facing now so a big question that we're facing now and<00:00:18.500> have<00:00:18.860> been<00:00:18.890> for<00:00:19.340> quite<00:00:19.580> a<00:00:19.760> number<00:00:19.880> of and have been for quite a number of and have been for quite a number of years<00:00:20.240> now<00:00:20.450> are<00:00:21.050> we<00:00:21.440> at<00:00:21.590> risk<00:00:21.890> of<00:00:22.100> a<00:00:22.700> nuclear years now are we at risk of a nuclear years now are we at risk of a nuclear attack<00:00:24.160> now<00:00:25.160> there's<00:00:25.340> a<00:00:25.369> bigger<00:00:25.580> question attack now there's a bigger question attack now there's a bigger question that's<00:00:26.480> probably<00:00:27.110> actually<00:00:27.830> more<00:00:28.040> important that's probably actually more important that's probably actually more important than<00:00:28.790> that<00:00:28.940> is<00:00:29.150> the<00:00:29.500> notion<00:00:30.500> of<00:00:30.890> permanently than that is the notion of permanently than that is the notion of permanently eliminating<00:00:32.660> the<00:00:33.230> possibility<00:00:34.100> of<00:00:34.220> a<00:00:34.879> nuclear eliminating the possibility of a nuclear eliminating the possibility of a nuclear attack<00:00:35.470> eliminating<00:00:36.470> the<00:00:36.620> threat<00:00:36.920> altogether attack eliminating the threat altogether attack eliminating the threat altogether and<00:00:38.180> I<00:00:38.330> would<00:00:38.690> like<00:00:38.809> to<00:00:38.840> make<00:00:39.080> a<00:00:39.110> case<00:00:39.470> to<00:00:39.710> you and I would like to make a case to you and I would like to make a case to you that<00:00:39.980> over<00:00:40.699> the<00:00:40.730> years<00:00:41.120> since<00:00:41.420> we<00:00:41.720> first that over the years since we first that over the years since we first develop<00:00:42.470> atomic<00:00:43.129> weaponry<00:00:43.480> until<00:00:44.480> this<00:00:44.600> very develop atomic weaponry until this very develop atomic weaponry until this very moment<00:00:44.960> we've<00:00:45.830> actually<00:00:46.100> lived<00:00:46.670> in<00:00:46.940> a moment we've actually lived in a moment we've actually lived in a dangerous<00:00:47.600> nuclear<00:00:48.199> world<00:00:48.500> that's dangerous nuclear world that's dangerous nuclear world that's characterized<00:00:49.460> by<00:00:49.909> two<00:00:49.970> phases<00:00:50.570> which<00:00:51.320> I'm characterized by two phases which I'm characterized by two phases which I'm going<00:00:51.589> to<00:00:51.710> go<00:00:52.159> through<00:00:52.430> with<00:00:52.699> you<00:00:52.879> right<00:00:53.360> now going to go through with you right now going to go through with you right now first<00:00:54.530> of<00:00:54.710> all<00:00:54.800> we<00:00:55.159> started<00:00:55.550> off<00:00:55.760> the<00:00:56.120> nuclear first of all we started off the nuclear first of all we started off the nuclear age<00:00:56.510> in<00:00:56.900> 1945<00:00:57.739> the<00:00:58.250> United<00:00:58.550> States<00:00:58.790> had age in 1945 the United States had age in 1945 the United States had developed<00:00:59.300> a<00:00:59.360> couple<00:00:59.540> of<00:00:59.720> atomic<00:01:00.170> weapons developed a couple of atomic weapons developed a couple of atomic weapons through<00:01:01.159> the<00:01:01.250> Manhattan<00:01:01.670> Project<00:01:01.699> and<00:01:02.239> the through the Manhattan Project and the through the Manhattan Project and the idea<00:01:02.629> was<00:01:02.780> very<00:01:02.870> straightforward<00:01:03.440> we<00:01:04.339> would idea was very straightforward we would idea was very straightforward we would use<00:01:04.729> the<00:01:04.909> power<00:01:04.940> of<00:01:05.330> the<00:01:05.540> atom<00:01:05.690> to<00:01:06.380> end<00:01:06.560> the use the power of the atom to end the use the power of the atom to end the atrocities<00:01:07.610> in<00:01:07.760> the<00:01:07.790> horror<00:01:08.120> of<00:01:08.360> this atrocities in the horror of this atrocities in the horror of this unending<00:01:09.350> world<00:01:10.040> war<00:01:10.310> two<00:01:10.520> that<00:01:10.700> we've<00:01:10.820> been unending world war two that we've been unending world war two that we've been involved<00:01:11.420> in<00:01:11.510> in<00:01:11.659> Europe<00:01:11.960> and<00:01:12.140> in<00:01:12.799> the<00:01:12.830> Pacific involved in in Europe and in the Pacific involved in in Europe and in the Pacific and<00:01:14.680> 1945<00:01:15.680> we<00:01:16.369> were<00:01:16.789> the<00:01:16.909> only<00:01:17.119> nuclear<00:01:17.719> power and 1945 we were the only nuclear power and 1945 we were the only nuclear power we<00:01:18.530> had<00:01:18.649> a<00:01:18.680> few<00:01:18.979> nuclear<00:01:19.610> weapons<00:01:20.000> two<00:01:20.210> of we had a few nuclear weapons two of we had a few nuclear weapons two of which<00:01:20.450> we<00:01:20.630> dropped<00:01:20.869> on<00:01:21.049> Japan<00:01:21.439> and<00:01:21.649> Hiroshima which we dropped on Japan and Hiroshima which we dropped on Japan and Hiroshima few<00:01:22.640> days<00:01:22.759> later<00:01:23.000> in<00:01:23.119> Nagasaki<00:01:23.630> in<00:01:23.840> August<00:01:24.170> in few days later in Nagasaki in August in few days later in Nagasaki in August in 1945<00:01:25.070> killing<00:01:25.759> about<00:01:26.020> 250,000<00:01:27.020> people 1945 killing about 250,000 people 1945 killing about 250,000 people between<00:01:27.829> those<00:01:28.070> two<00:01:28.340> and<00:01:28.579> for<00:01:29.390> a<00:01:29.420> few<00:01:29.810> years<00:01:30.619> we between those two and for a few years we between those two and for a few years we were<00:01:31.340> the<00:01:31.460> only<00:01:31.670> nuclear<00:01:32.240> power<00:01:32.750> on<00:01:33.020> earth<00:01:33.130> but were the only nuclear power on earth but were the only nuclear power on earth but by<00:01:34.280> 1949<00:01:35.210> the<00:01:36.109> Soviet<00:01:36.590> Union<00:01:37.009> had<00:01:37.369> decided<00:01:37.759> it by 1949 the Soviet Union had decided it by 1949 the Soviet Union had decided it was<00:01:38.090> unacceptable<00:01:38.509> to<00:01:38.840> have<00:01:39.020> us<00:01:39.289> as<00:01:39.500> the<00:01:39.619> only was unacceptable to have us as the only was unacceptable to have us as the only nuclear<00:01:40.189> power<00:01:40.460> and<00:01:40.729> they<00:01:41.179> began<00:01:41.570> to<00:01:41.750> match nuclear power and they began to match nuclear power and they began to match what<00:01:42.619> the<00:01:42.770> United<00:01:43.100> States<00:01:43.310> had<00:01:43.490> developed<00:01:43.939> and what the United States had developed and what the United States had developed and from<00:01:44.960> 1949<00:01:45.770> to<00:01:46.780> 1985<00:01:48.070> was<00:01:49.070> an<00:01:49.250> extraordinary from 1949 to 1985 was an extraordinary from 1949 to 1985 was an extraordinary time<00:01:50.450> of<00:01:50.810> a<00:01:51.320> buildup<00:01:51.829> of<00:01:52.039> a<00:01:52.159> nuclear<00:01:52.520> arsenal time of a buildup of a nuclear arsenal time of a buildup of a nuclear arsenal that<00:01:53.210> no<00:01:53.840> one<00:01:54.049> could<00:01:54.289> possibly<00:01:54.560> have<00:01:55.070> imagined that no one could possibly have imagined that no one could possibly have imagined back<00:01:56.090> in<00:01:56.299> the<00:01:56.359> 1940s back in the 1940s back in the 1940s so<00:01:57.829> by<00:01:58.009> 1985<00:01:58.820> each<00:01:59.149> of<00:01:59.299> those<00:01:59.390> red<00:01:59.659> bombs<00:01:59.929> up so by 1985 each of those red bombs up so by 1985 each of those red bombs up here<00:02:00.530> is<00:02:00.649> equivalent<00:02:01.549> of<00:02:01.850> a<00:02:01.909> thousand here is equivalent of a thousand here is equivalent of a thousand warheads<00:02:02.749> the<00:02:03.469> world<00:02:03.740> had<00:02:05.770> 65,000<00:02:06.770> nuclear warheads the world had 65,000 nuclear warheads the world had 65,000 nuclear warheads<00:02:08.090> and<00:02:08.500> seven<00:02:09.500> members<00:02:09.920> of<00:02:10.160> something warheads and seven members of something warheads and seven members of something that<00:02:10.670> came<00:02:10.850> to<00:02:11.000> be<00:02:11.120> known<00:02:11.150> as<00:02:11.450> the<00:02:11.900> nuclear that came to be known as the nuclear that came to be known as the nuclear Club<00:02:12.920> and<00:02:13.300> it<00:02:14.300> was<00:02:14.420> an<00:02:14.540> extraordinary<00:02:14.930> time Club and it was an extraordinary time Club and it was an extraordinary time and<00:02:15.800> I'm<00:02:15.860> going<00:02:16.040> to<00:02:16.100> go<00:02:16.250> through<00:02:16.490> some<00:02:16.730> of<00:02:16.760> the and I'm going to go through some of the and I'm going to go through some of the mentality<00:02:17.569> that<00:02:17.690> we<00:02:17.840> that<00:02:18.260> Americans<00:02:18.710> and<00:02:18.890> the mentality that we that Americans and the mentality that we that Americans and the rest<00:02:19.100> of<00:02:19.190> the<00:02:19.250> world<00:02:19.370> were<00:02:19.490> experiencing<00:02:20.150> but rest of the world were experiencing but rest of the world were experiencing but I<00:02:20.630> want<00:02:20.840> to<00:02:20.930> just<00:02:21.050> point<00:02:21.230> out<00:02:21.380> to<00:02:21.530> you<00:02:21.590> that<00:02:21.620> 95% I want to just point out to you that 95% I want to just point out to you that 95% of of of nuclear<00:02:23.890> weapons<00:02:24.310> at<00:02:24.430> any<00:02:24.640> particular<00:02:25.000> time nuclear weapons at any particular time nuclear weapons at any particular time since<00:02:25.870> 1985<00:02:26.560> going<00:02:27.190> forward<00:02:27.550> of<00:02:27.760> course<00:02:27.820> were since 1985 going forward of course were since 1985 going forward of course were a<00:02:28.750> part<00:02:29.080> of<00:02:29.110> the<00:02:29.200> Arsenal's<00:02:29.710> of<00:02:29.950> the<00:02:30.190> United a part of the Arsenal's of the United a part of the Arsenal's of the United States<00:02:31.390> and<00:02:31.570> the<00:02:31.630> Soviet<00:02:31.810> Union<00:02:32.460> after<00:02:33.540> 1985 States and the Soviet Union after 1985 States and the Soviet Union after 1985 and<00:02:34.900> before<00:02:35.350> the<00:02:35.470> breakup<00:02:35.680> of<00:02:35.860> the<00:02:35.920> Soviet and before the breakup of the Soviet and before the breakup of the Soviet Union<00:02:36.640> we<00:02:36.760> began<00:02:37.120> to<00:02:37.450> disarm<00:02:38.440> from<00:02:38.770> a<00:02:38.830> nuclear Union we began to disarm from a nuclear Union we began to disarm from a nuclear point<00:02:39.400> of<00:02:39.490> view<00:02:39.610> we<00:02:39.790> began<00:02:40.060> to<00:02:40.240> counter point of view we began to counter point of view we began to counter proliferate<00:02:41.560> and<00:02:41.740> we<00:02:42.370> dropped<00:02:42.760> the<00:02:42.940> number<00:02:43.060> of proliferate and we dropped the number of proliferate and we dropped the number of nuclear<00:02:43.660> warheads<00:02:43.900> in<00:02:44.260> the<00:02:44.440> world<00:02:44.650> to<00:02:45.130> about<00:02:45.400> a nuclear warheads in the world to about a nuclear warheads in the world to about a total<00:02:45.910> of<00:02:45.970> 21,000<00:02:46.959> it's<00:02:47.200> a<00:02:47.260> very<00:02:47.560> difficult total of 21,000 it's a very difficult total of 21,000 it's a very difficult number<00:02:48.130> to<00:02:48.280> deal<00:02:48.430> with<00:02:48.610> because<00:02:48.910> what<00:02:49.540> we've number to deal with because what we've number to deal with because what we've done<00:02:49.900> is<00:02:50.080> we<00:02:50.200> Quantico<00:02:50.860> decommissioned<00:02:51.760> some done is we Quantico decommissioned some done is we Quantico decommissioned some of<00:02:52.180> the<00:02:52.240> warheads<00:02:52.630> they're<00:02:53.170> still<00:02:53.410> probably of the warheads they're still probably of the warheads they're still probably usable<00:02:54.280> they<00:02:54.400> could<00:02:54.580> be<00:02:54.700> recommissioned<00:02:55.630> but usable they could be recommissioned but usable they could be recommissioned but the<00:02:56.110> way<00:02:56.230> they<00:02:56.380> count<00:02:56.680> things<00:02:56.890> which<00:02:57.100> is<00:02:57.220> very the way they count things which is very the way they count things which is very complicated<00:02:57.940> we<00:02:58.570> think<00:02:58.959> that<00:02:59.110> we<00:02:59.230> think<00:02:59.380> we complicated we think that we think we complicated we think that we think we have<00:02:59.620> about<00:02:59.860> a<00:02:59.920> third<00:03:00.280> of<00:03:00.520> the<00:03:00.760> nuclear have about a third of the nuclear have about a third of the nuclear weapons<00:03:01.360> we<00:03:01.450> had<00:03:01.600> before<00:03:01.989> but<00:03:02.470> we<00:03:02.620> also<00:03:02.830> in weapons we had before but we also in weapons we had before but we also in that<00:03:03.430> period<00:03:03.730> of<00:03:03.880> time<00:03:03.940> added<00:03:04.780> two<00:03:04.959> more that period of time added two more that period of time added two more members<00:03:05.530> to<00:03:05.739> the<00:03:05.860> nuclear<00:03:06.220> club<00:03:06.580> Pakistan<00:03:07.360> and members to the nuclear club Pakistan and members to the nuclear club Pakistan and North<00:03:08.110> Korea<00:03:08.500> so<00:03:09.459> we<00:03:09.610> stand<00:03:09.880> today<00:03:10.180> when<00:03:10.930> they North Korea so we stand today when they North Korea so we stand today when they still<00:03:11.380> fully<00:03:11.800> armed<00:03:12.130> nuclear<00:03:12.190> arsenal<00:03:12.940> among still fully armed nuclear arsenal among still fully armed nuclear arsenal among many<00:03:14.020> countries<00:03:14.440> around<00:03:14.709> the<00:03:14.800> world<00:03:15.010> but<00:03:15.520> a many countries around the world but a many countries around the world but a very<00:03:15.970> different<00:03:16.060> set<00:03:16.540> of<00:03:16.570> circumstances<00:03:17.470> so very different set of circumstances so very different set of circumstances so I'm<00:03:18.070> going<00:03:18.220> to<00:03:18.280> talk<00:03:18.489> about<00:03:18.640> a<00:03:19.020> nuclear<00:03:20.020> threat I'm going to talk about a nuclear threat I'm going to talk about a nuclear threat story<00:03:20.739> in<00:03:20.980> two<00:03:21.310> chapters<00:03:22.180> chapter<00:03:23.020> one<00:03:23.260> is story in two chapters chapter one is story in two chapters chapter one is 1949<00:03:24.400> to<00:03:24.640> 1991<00:03:25.270> when<00:03:25.660> the<00:03:25.690> Soviet<00:03:26.050> Union<00:03:26.080> broke 1949 to 1991 when the Soviet Union broke 1949 to 1991 when the Soviet Union broke up<00:03:26.709> and<00:03:26.920> what<00:03:27.310> we<00:03:27.400> were<00:03:27.489> dealing<00:03:27.640> with<00:03:27.820> at<00:03:28.150> that up and what we were dealing with at that up and what we were dealing with at that point<00:03:28.570> through<00:03:28.989> those<00:03:29.170> years<00:03:29.530> was<00:03:30.070> a point through those years was a point through those years was a superpowers<00:03:31.230> nuclear<00:03:32.230> arms<00:03:32.739> race<00:03:33.130> it<00:03:33.400> was superpowers nuclear arms race it was superpowers nuclear arms race it was characterized<00:03:34.510> by<00:03:34.690> a<00:03:35.019> nation<00:03:35.560> versus<00:03:36.100> nation characterized by a nation versus nation characterized by a nation versus nation very<00:03:37.540> fragile<00:03:38.290> standoff<00:03:39.130> and<00:03:39.510> basically<00:03:40.510> we very fragile standoff and basically we very fragile standoff and basically we lived<00:03:41.590> for<00:03:42.250> all<00:03:42.459> those<00:03:42.700> years<00:03:43.030> and<00:03:43.269> some<00:03:43.540> might lived for all those years and some might lived for all those years and some might argue<00:03:43.870> that<00:03:44.200> we<00:03:44.290> still<00:03:44.530> do<00:03:44.769> in<00:03:45.010> a<00:03:45.640> situation<00:03:46.239> of argue that we still do in a situation of argue that we still do in a situation of being<00:03:47.739> on<00:03:47.890> the<00:03:48.010> brink<00:03:48.310> literally<00:03:48.970> of<00:03:49.150> an being on the brink literally of an being on the brink literally of an apocalyptic<00:03:50.549> planetary<00:03:51.549> calamity apocalyptic planetary calamity apocalyptic planetary calamity it's<00:03:53.019> incredible<00:03:53.680> that<00:03:53.739> we<00:03:54.010> actually<00:03:54.400> lived it's incredible that we actually lived it's incredible that we actually lived through<00:03:54.850> all<00:03:55.329> that<00:03:55.630> we<00:03:56.260> were<00:03:56.410> totally through all that we were totally through all that we were totally dependent<00:03:56.950> during<00:03:57.519> those<00:03:57.610> years<00:03:58.000> on<00:03:58.120> this dependent during those years on this dependent during those years on this amazing<00:03:59.620> acronym<00:04:00.280> which<00:04:00.430> is<00:04:00.700> mad<00:04:01.060> stands<00:04:01.510> for amazing acronym which is mad stands for amazing acronym which is mad stands for mutually<00:04:02.170> assured<00:04:02.380> destruction<00:04:03.030> so<00:04:04.030> it<00:04:04.150> meant mutually assured destruction so it meant mutually assured destruction so it meant if<00:04:04.510> you<00:04:05.470> if<00:04:05.769> you<00:04:05.950> attacked<00:04:06.340> us<00:04:06.700> we<00:04:07.360> would if you if you attacked us we would if you if you attacked us we would attack<00:04:07.630> you<00:04:08.079> virtually<00:04:08.860> simultaneously<00:04:09.820> and attack you virtually simultaneously and attack you virtually simultaneously and the<00:04:10.329> end<00:04:10.480> result<00:04:10.870> would<00:04:10.989> be<00:04:11.170> a<00:04:11.350> destruction<00:04:11.980> of the end result would be a destruction of the end result would be a destruction of your<00:04:12.280> country<00:04:12.700> and<00:04:12.820> mine<00:04:13.780> so<00:04:14.500> the<00:04:14.709> threat<00:04:15.070> of your country and mine so the threat of your country and mine so the threat of my<00:04:15.459> own<00:04:15.670> destruction<00:04:16.299> kept<00:04:17.169> me<00:04:17.320> from my own destruction kept me from my own destruction kept me from launching<00:04:18.220> a<00:04:18.450> nuclear<00:04:19.450> attack<00:04:19.720> on<00:04:20.200> you<00:04:20.560> that's launching a nuclear attack on you that's launching a nuclear attack on you that's the<00:04:21.280> way<00:04:21.400> we<00:04:21.549> live<00:04:21.729> and<00:04:21.970> the<00:04:22.450> danger<00:04:22.840> that<00:04:22.990> of the way we live and the danger that of the way we live and the danger that of course<00:04:23.290> is<00:04:23.440> that<00:04:23.620> a<00:04:23.800> misreading<00:04:24.700> of<00:04:25.030> a<00:04:25.120> radar course is that a misreading of a radar course is that a misreading of a radar screen<00:04:26.440> could<00:04:27.370> actually<00:04:27.580> cause<00:04:28.120> a<00:04:28.150> counter screen could actually cause a counter screen could actually cause a counter launch<00:04:29.140> even<00:04:29.620> though<00:04:29.919> the<00:04:30.040> first<00:04:30.430> country<00:04:30.760> had launch even though the first country had launch even though the first country had not<00:04:31.030> actually<00:04:31.240> launched<00:04:31.810> anything<00:04:32.169> during not actually launched anything during not actually launched anything during this<00:04:32.860> chapter<00:04:33.280> one<00:04:33.460> there<00:04:33.880> was<00:04:34.030> a<00:04:34.060> high<00:04:34.360> level this chapter one there was a high level this chapter one there was a high level of<00:04:34.870> public<00:04:35.080> awareness<00:04:35.560> of of public awareness of of public awareness of out<00:04:36.370> the<00:04:36.580> potential<00:04:36.970> of<00:04:37.210> nuclear<00:04:37.390> catastrophe out the potential of nuclear catastrophe out the potential of nuclear catastrophe and<00:04:38.950> an<00:04:39.610> indelible<00:04:40.360> image<00:04:40.870> was<00:04:41.050> implanted<00:04:41.500> in and an indelible image was implanted in and an indelible image was implanted in our<00:04:41.950> collective<00:04:42.490> minds<00:04:42.850> that<00:04:43.510> in<00:04:43.720> fact our collective minds that in fact our collective minds that in fact nuclear<00:04:45.010> holocaust<00:04:45.160> would<00:04:45.820> be<00:04:45.970> absolutely nuclear holocaust would be absolutely nuclear holocaust would be absolutely globally<00:04:47.500> destructive<00:04:48.250> and<00:04:48.490> could<00:04:48.970> in<00:04:49.150> some globally destructive and could in some globally destructive and could in some ways<00:04:49.480> mean<00:04:49.720> the<00:04:49.840> end<00:04:49.990> of<00:04:50.080> civilization<00:04:50.740> as<00:04:50.770> we ways mean the end of civilization as we ways mean the end of civilization as we know<00:04:51.100> it<00:04:51.250> so<00:04:51.670> this<00:04:51.880> was<00:04:52.150> chapter<00:04:52.780> 1<00:04:53.280> now<00:04:54.280> the know it so this was chapter 1 now the know it so this was chapter 1 now the odd<00:04:54.550> thing<00:04:54.970> is<00:04:55.000> that<00:04:55.270> even<00:04:55.570> though<00:04:55.960> we<00:04:56.830> knew odd thing is that even though we knew odd thing is that even though we knew that<00:04:57.730> there<00:04:57.940> would<00:04:58.030> be<00:04:58.090> that<00:04:58.600> kind<00:04:58.750> of that there would be that kind of that there would be that kind of civilization<00:04:59.560> obliteration<00:05:00.220> we<00:05:01.060> engaged<00:05:01.660> in civilization obliteration we engaged in civilization obliteration we engaged in America<00:05:02.650> in<00:05:02.830> a<00:05:03.280> series<00:05:03.670> in<00:05:03.820> fact<00:05:04.060> in<00:05:04.180> the America in a series in fact in the America in a series in fact in the Soviet<00:05:04.600> Union<00:05:04.630> in<00:05:05.050> a<00:05:05.320> series<00:05:05.710> of<00:05:05.740> response Soviet Union in a series of response Soviet Union in a series of response planning<00:05:07.060> it<00:05:07.390> was<00:05:07.750> it<00:05:07.930> was<00:05:08.020> absolutely planning it was it was absolutely planning it was it was absolutely incredible incredible incredible so<00:05:09.190> premise<00:05:09.640> one<00:05:09.880> is<00:05:10.030> we'd<00:05:10.210> be<00:05:10.360> destroying<00:05:10.720> the so premise one is we'd be destroying the so premise one is we'd be destroying the world<00:05:11.050> and<00:05:11.260> then<00:05:11.740> premise<00:05:12.130> 2<00:05:12.250> is<00:05:12.400> why<00:05:12.640> don't<00:05:12.700> we world and then premise 2 is why don't we world and then premise 2 is why don't we get<00:05:13.000> prepared<00:05:13.420> for<00:05:13.540> it<00:05:13.840> so<00:05:14.160> what<00:05:15.160> we<00:05:15.870> what<00:05:16.870> we get prepared for it so what we what we get prepared for it so what we what we offered<00:05:17.320> ourselves<00:05:17.920> was<00:05:18.340> a<00:05:18.370> collection<00:05:18.850> of offered ourselves was a collection of offered ourselves was a collection of things<00:05:19.150> I'm<00:05:19.330> just<00:05:19.360> going<00:05:19.600> to<00:05:19.630> go<00:05:19.750> skim<00:05:20.020> through things I'm just going to go skim through things I'm just going to go skim through a<00:05:20.230> few<00:05:20.410> things<00:05:20.620> just<00:05:20.710> to<00:05:20.920> the<00:05:21.550> jogger<00:05:21.790> members a few things just to the jogger members a few things just to the jogger members if<00:05:22.330> you<00:05:22.420> were<00:05:22.480> born<00:05:22.630> after<00:05:22.840> 1950<00:05:23.680> this<00:05:23.920> is<00:05:24.070> just if you were born after 1950 this is just if you were born after 1950 this is just considered<00:05:24.640> this<00:05:24.730> entertainment<00:05:25.480> otherwise considered this entertainment otherwise considered this entertainment otherwise its<00:05:26.050> memory<00:05:26.800> lane<00:05:27.010> this<00:05:27.640> was<00:05:39.840> these<00:05:40.840> children its memory lane this was these children its memory lane this was these children are<00:05:41.650> practicing<00:05:41.860> to<00:05:42.370> Duck<00:05:42.760> and<00:05:43.090> Cover<00:05:43.120> just<00:05:44.020> as are practicing to Duck and Cover just as are practicing to Duck and Cover just as you<00:05:44.290> do<00:05:44.500> in<00:05:44.650> your<00:05:44.680> school<00:05:45.190> this<00:05:45.580> was<00:05:45.850> basically you do in your school this was basically you do in your school this was basically an<00:05:46.660> attempt<00:05:47.620> to<00:05:47.800> teach<00:05:48.250> our<00:05:48.520> school<00:05:48.850> children an attempt to teach our school children an attempt to teach our school children that<00:05:50.050> if<00:05:50.200> we<00:05:50.350> did<00:05:50.560> get<00:05:50.680> engaged<00:05:50.830> in<00:05:51.280> a<00:05:51.370> nuclear that if we did get engaged in a nuclear that if we did get engaged in a nuclear confrontation<00:05:52.090> and<00:05:52.780> atomic<00:05:53.500> war<00:05:53.740> then<00:05:54.370> we confrontation and atomic war then we confrontation and atomic war then we wanted<00:05:55.840> our<00:05:55.930> school<00:05:56.200> children<00:05:56.530> to<00:05:56.590> kind<00:05:56.920> of wanted our school children to kind of wanted our school children to kind of basically<00:05:57.730> Duck<00:05:58.030> and<00:05:58.210> Cover<00:05:58.240> that<00:05:58.690> was<00:05:58.810> the basically Duck and Cover that was the basically Duck and Cover that was the principle<00:05:59.380> you<00:05:59.500> you<00:06:00.070> there<00:06:00.430> would<00:06:00.520> be<00:06:00.700> a principle you you there would be a principle you you there would be a nuclear<00:06:01.240> conflagration<00:06:01.660> about<00:06:02.470> to<00:06:02.650> hit<00:06:02.920> us nuclear conflagration about to hit us nuclear conflagration about to hit us and<00:06:03.220> if<00:06:03.580> you<00:06:03.670> get<00:06:03.790> under<00:06:03.970> your<00:06:04.090> desk<00:06:04.120> things and if you get under your desk things and if you get under your desk things would<00:06:04.990> be<00:06:05.140> okay would be okay would be okay I<00:06:08.500> didn't<00:06:09.500> do<00:06:09.560> all<00:06:09.590> that<00:06:09.740> well<00:06:10.100> in<00:06:10.130> psychiatry I didn't do all that well in psychiatry I didn't do all that well in psychiatry and<00:06:11.210> medical<00:06:11.510> school<00:06:11.720> but<00:06:11.870> I<00:06:12.110> was<00:06:12.470> interested and medical school but I was interested and medical school but I was interested in<00:06:12.980> I<00:06:13.100> think<00:06:13.580> this<00:06:13.700> was<00:06:13.880> seriously<00:06:14.450> delusional in I think this was seriously delusional in I think this was seriously delusional secondly<00:06:17.810> we<00:06:18.170> told<00:06:18.500> people<00:06:18.980> to<00:06:19.330> go<00:06:20.330> down<00:06:20.450> in secondly we told people to go down in secondly we told people to go down in their<00:06:20.720> basements<00:06:21.230> and<00:06:21.320> build<00:06:21.710> a<00:06:22.040> fallout their basements and build a fallout their basements and build a fallout shelter<00:06:22.690> maybe<00:06:23.690> it'd<00:06:23.840> be<00:06:23.870> a<00:06:23.960> study<00:06:24.380> when<00:06:24.740> we shelter maybe it'd be a study when we shelter maybe it'd be a study when we weren't<00:06:25.010> having<00:06:25.190> an<00:06:25.370> atomic<00:06:25.730> war<00:06:26.000> or<00:06:26.240> you weren't having an atomic war or you weren't having an atomic war or you could<00:06:26.480> use<00:06:26.720> it<00:06:26.840> at<00:06:26.930> the<00:06:26.990> TV<00:06:27.320> room<00:06:27.530> or<00:06:27.740> as<00:06:28.400> many could use it at the TV room or as many could use it at the TV room or as many teenagers<00:06:29.060> found<00:06:29.360> at<00:06:29.510> a<00:06:29.660> very<00:06:30.020> very<00:06:30.260> safe teenagers found at a very very safe teenagers found at a very very safe place<00:06:30.800> for<00:06:30.950> a<00:06:31.010> little<00:06:31.190> privacy<00:06:31.550> with<00:06:31.820> your place for a little privacy with your place for a little privacy with your girlfriend<00:06:32.390> and<00:06:32.510> and<00:06:32.990> actually<00:06:33.590> so<00:06:33.980> there<00:06:34.130> are girlfriend and and actually so there are girlfriend and and actually so there are multiple<00:06:34.310> uses<00:06:34.670> of<00:06:34.820> the<00:06:35.030> bomb<00:06:35.540> shelters<00:06:35.960> or multiple uses of the bomb shelters or multiple uses of the bomb shelters or you<00:06:36.230> could<00:06:36.410> buy<00:06:36.650> a<00:06:36.700> prefabricated<00:06:37.700> bomb you could buy a prefabricated bomb you could buy a prefabricated bomb shelter<00:06:38.570> you<00:06:38.690> can<00:06:38.810> simply<00:06:39.140> bury<00:06:39.710> in<00:06:39.920> the shelter you can simply bury in the shelter you can simply bury in the ground<00:06:40.040> now ground now ground now the<00:06:41.030> bomb<00:06:41.210> shelters<00:06:41.630> at<00:06:41.720> that<00:06:41.810> point<00:06:42.050> let's the bomb shelters at that point let's the bomb shelters at that point let's say<00:06:42.230> you<00:06:42.320> bought<00:06:42.470> a<00:06:42.500> prefab<00:06:42.920> one<00:06:43.160> every<00:06:43.340> a<00:06:43.460> few say you bought a prefab one every a few say you bought a prefab one every a few hundred<00:06:43.940> dollars<00:06:44.180> maybe<00:06:44.300> up<00:06:44.540> to<00:06:44.660> five<00:06:44.870> hundred hundred dollars maybe up to five hundred hundred dollars maybe up to five hundred you<00:06:45.260> got<00:06:45.380> a<00:06:45.410> fancy<00:06:45.710> one<00:06:45.980> yet<00:06:46.940> what<00:06:47.600> percentage you got a fancy one yet what percentage you got a fancy one yet what percentage of<00:06:48.230> Americans<00:06:48.320> do<00:06:48.800> you<00:06:48.860> think<00:06:49.040> ever<00:06:49.250> had<00:06:49.640> a of Americans do you think ever had a of Americans do you think ever had a bomb<00:06:49.910> shelter<00:06:50.240> in<00:06:50.420> their<00:06:50.540> house<00:06:50.690> what bomb shelter in their house what bomb shelter in their house what percentage<00:06:51.380> lived<00:06:51.680> in<00:06:51.770> a<00:06:51.830> house<00:06:51.950> with<00:06:52.100> a<00:06:52.160> bomb percentage lived in a house with a bomb percentage lived in a house with a bomb shelter<00:06:53.260> less<00:06:54.260> than<00:06:54.440> 2%<00:06:54.740> about<00:06:55.670> 1.4<00:06:56.390> percent shelter less than 2% about 1.4 percent shelter less than 2% about 1.4 percent of<00:06:57.860> the<00:06:57.980> population<00:06:58.460> as<00:06:58.520> far<00:06:58.670> as<00:06:58.730> anyone<00:06:59.000> knows of the population as far as anyone knows of the population as far as anyone knows did<00:06:59.510> anything<00:06:59.780> either<00:07:00.650> making<00:07:00.980> a<00:07:01.130> space<00:07:01.340> in did anything either making a space in did anything either making a space in their<00:07:01.610> basement<00:07:02.030> or<00:07:02.150> actually<00:07:02.480> building<00:07:03.440> a their basement or actually building a their basement or actually building a bomb<00:07:03.770> shelter<00:07:04.150> many<00:07:05.150> buildings<00:07:05.630> public bomb shelter many buildings public bomb shelter many buildings public buildings<00:07:06.440> around<00:07:06.650> the<00:07:06.740> country<00:07:07.130> this<00:07:07.280> is<00:07:07.340> New buildings around the country this is New buildings around the country this is New York<00:07:08.030> City<00:07:08.330> had<00:07:08.510> these<00:07:08.630> little<00:07:08.900> civil<00:07:09.200> defense York City had these little civil defense York City had these little civil defense signs<00:07:09.740> and<00:07:10.010> the<00:07:10.940> idea<00:07:11.240> was<00:07:11.420> that<00:07:11.450> you<00:07:11.630> would signs and the idea was that you would signs and the idea was that you would run<00:07:12.320> into<00:07:12.470> one<00:07:12.650> of<00:07:12.680> these<00:07:12.800> shelters<00:07:13.040> and<00:07:13.370> be run into one of these shelters and be run into one of these shelters and be safe<00:07:13.760> from<00:07:14.450> the<00:07:14.810> nuclear<00:07:15.500> weaponry<00:07:16.100> and<00:07:16.340> one safe from the nuclear weaponry and one safe from the nuclear weaponry and one of<00:07:17.090> the<00:07:17.180> greatest<00:07:17.920> governmental<00:07:18.920> delusions of the greatest governmental delusions of the greatest governmental delusions of<00:07:19.700> all<00:07:19.850> time<00:07:20.180> was<00:07:20.810> something<00:07:21.200> that<00:07:21.230> happened of all time was something that happened of all time was something that happened in<00:07:21.860> the<00:07:21.980> early<00:07:22.130> days<00:07:22.490> of<00:07:22.760> the<00:07:23.300> Federal in the early days of the Federal in the early days of the Federal Emergency<00:07:23.840> Management<00:07:24.050> Agency<00:07:24.800> FEMA<00:07:24.980> as<00:07:25.550> we Emergency Management Agency FEMA as we Emergency Management Agency FEMA as we now<00:07:26.120> know<00:07:26.360> and<00:07:26.540> are<00:07:26.960> well<00:07:27.230> aware<00:07:27.410> of<00:07:27.530> their now know and are well aware of their now know and are well aware of their behaviors<00:07:28.490> from<00:07:28.790> Katrina<00:07:29.240> here<00:07:29.930> is<00:07:30.050> their behaviors from Katrina here is their behaviors from Katrina here is their first<00:07:30.530> big<00:07:31.250> public<00:07:32.830> announcement<00:07:33.830> they<00:07:34.610> would first big public announcement they would first big public announcement they would propose<00:07:35.510> and<00:07:35.900> they<00:07:35.990> actually<00:07:36.260> there<00:07:36.770> were propose and they actually there were propose and they actually there were about<00:07:36.950> six<00:07:37.280> volumes<00:07:37.670> written<00:07:37.970> on<00:07:38.210> this<00:07:38.420> a about six volumes written on this a about six volumes written on this a crisis<00:07:39.530> relocation<00:07:40.250> plan<00:07:40.580> that<00:07:41.180> was crisis relocation plan that was crisis relocation plan that was dependent<00:07:41.840> upon<00:07:41.930> the<00:07:42.230> United<00:07:42.560> States<00:07:42.710> having dependent upon the United States having dependent upon the United States having three<00:07:43.640> to<00:07:43.790> four<00:07:44.030> days<00:07:44.180> warning<00:07:44.950> that<00:07:45.950> the three to four days warning that the three to four days warning that the Soviets<00:07:46.550> were<00:07:46.610> going<00:07:46.820> to<00:07:46.910> attack<00:07:47.210> us<00:07:47.240> so<00:07:47.420> the Soviets were going to attack us so the Soviets were going to attack us so the goal<00:07:48.500> was<00:07:48.770> to<00:07:49.220> evacuate<00:07:49.580> the<00:07:50.030> target<00:07:50.450> cities goal was to evacuate the target cities goal was to evacuate the target cities we<00:07:50.960> would<00:07:51.110> move<00:07:51.290> people<00:07:51.620> out<00:07:51.710> of<00:07:51.860> the<00:07:51.920> target we would move people out of the target we would move people out of the target cities<00:07:52.520> into<00:07:52.730> the<00:07:53.180> countryside<00:07:53.540> and<00:07:54.020> I'm cities into the countryside and I'm cities into the countryside and I'm telling<00:07:55.100> you<00:07:55.130> I<00:07:55.220> actually<00:07:55.520> testified<00:07:56.180> at<00:07:56.300> the telling you I actually testified at the telling you I actually testified at the Senate<00:07:56.690> about<00:07:57.410> the<00:07:57.620> absolute<00:07:58.460> ludicrous<00:07:59.300> idea Senate about the absolute ludicrous idea Senate about the absolute ludicrous idea that<00:08:00.350> we<00:08:00.470> would<00:08:00.620> actually<00:08:00.710> evacuate<00:08:01.400> and that we would actually evacuate and that we would actually evacuate and actually<00:08:02.180> have<00:08:02.360> three<00:08:02.720> or<00:08:02.810> four<00:08:02.870> days<00:08:03.140> warning actually have three or four days warning actually have three or four days warning which<00:08:03.560> is<00:08:03.680> completely<00:08:04.130> off<00:08:04.370> the<00:08:04.400> wall<00:08:04.660> turns which is completely off the wall turns which is completely off the wall turns out<00:08:05.930> that<00:08:06.740> they<00:08:07.130> had<00:08:07.280> another<00:08:07.550> idea<00:08:07.720> behind<00:08:08.720> it out that they had another idea behind it out that they had another idea behind it even<00:08:09.350> though<00:08:09.440> this<00:08:09.530> is<00:08:09.650> they've<00:08:09.800> telling<00:08:10.100> the even though this is they've telling the even though this is they've telling the public<00:08:10.310> is<00:08:10.550> to<00:08:10.670> save<00:08:10.910> us<00:08:11.150> the<00:08:11.750> idea<00:08:12.110> was<00:08:12.350> that public is to save us the idea was that public is to save us the idea was that we<00:08:12.980> would<00:08:13.010> force<00:08:13.430> the<00:08:13.640> Soviets<00:08:14.210> to<00:08:14.930> retarget we would force the Soviets to retarget we would force the Soviets to retarget their<00:08:15.860> nuclear<00:08:16.190> weapons<00:08:16.280> very<00:08:16.910> expensive<00:08:17.540> and their nuclear weapons very expensive and their nuclear weapons very expensive and potentially<00:08:18.320> double<00:08:18.680> their<00:08:18.800> arsenal<00:08:19.220> Dena potentially double their arsenal Dena potentially double their arsenal Dena only<00:08:19.919> take<00:08:20.160> out<00:08:20.310> the<00:08:20.580> original<00:08:20.669> site<00:08:21.030> but<00:08:21.599> take only take out the original site but take only take out the original site but take out<00:08:21.930> sites<00:08:22.560> where<00:08:22.770> people<00:08:23.069> were<00:08:23.160> going<00:08:23.370> this out sites where people were going this out sites where people were going this was<00:08:24.270> this<00:08:24.630> is<00:08:24.810> what<00:08:25.020> currently<00:08:25.800> as<00:08:25.889> it<00:08:26.039> turns was this is what currently as it turns was this is what currently as it turns out<00:08:26.400> was<00:08:26.550> behind<00:08:26.849> all<00:08:27.030> this<00:08:27.120> was<00:08:27.180> just<00:08:27.509> really out was behind all this was just really out was behind all this was just really really<00:08:29.009> frightening<00:08:29.280> the<00:08:30.120> main<00:08:30.300> point<00:08:30.660> here really frightening the main point here really frightening the main point here is<00:08:30.960> we<00:08:31.259> were<00:08:31.410> dealing<00:08:31.800> with<00:08:31.830> a<00:08:32.690> complete is we were dealing with a complete is we were dealing with a complete disconnect<00:08:34.349> from<00:08:34.469> reality<00:08:34.560> the<00:08:35.430> civil disconnect from reality the civil disconnect from reality the civil defense<00:08:35.849> programs<00:08:36.599> were<00:08:37.020> disconnected<00:08:37.800> from defense programs were disconnected from defense programs were disconnected from the<00:08:38.070> reality<00:08:38.459> of<00:08:38.789> what<00:08:38.969> we'd<00:08:39.120> see<00:08:39.300> in<00:08:39.330> an the reality of what we'd see in an the reality of what we'd see in an all-out<00:08:39.659> nuclear<00:08:39.779> war<00:08:40.169> so<00:08:40.740> organizations all-out nuclear war so organizations all-out nuclear war so organizations like<00:08:41.490> physicians<00:08:42.000> for<00:08:42.180> social<00:08:42.479> social like physicians for social social like physicians for social social responsibility<00:08:43.860> around<00:08:44.190> 1979<00:08:45.180> started responsibility around 1979 started responsibility around 1979 started saying<00:08:46.320> this<00:08:46.470> a<00:08:46.529> lot<00:08:46.980> publicly<00:08:47.670> they<00:08:47.880> would<00:08:48.029> do saying this a lot publicly they would do saying this a lot publicly they would do a<00:08:48.149> bombing<00:08:48.510> run<00:08:48.779> they'd<00:08:48.990> go<00:08:49.110> to<00:08:49.170> your<00:08:49.350> city<00:08:49.589> and a bombing run they'd go to your city and a bombing run they'd go to your city and they'd<00:08:50.250> say<00:08:50.520> here's<00:08:51.000> a<00:08:51.089> map<00:08:51.390> of<00:08:51.600> your<00:08:51.720> city they'd say here's a map of your city they'd say here's a map of your city here's<00:08:52.320> what's<00:08:52.500> going<00:08:52.620> to<00:08:52.680> happen<00:08:53.010> if<00:08:53.100> we<00:08:53.160> get here's what's going to happen if we get here's what's going to happen if we get a<00:08:53.580> nuclear<00:08:54.180> hit<00:08:54.570> so<00:08:55.200> no<00:08:55.589> possibility<00:08:56.310> of a nuclear hit so no possibility of a nuclear hit so no possibility of medical<00:08:56.700> response<00:08:57.120> to<00:08:57.420> or<00:08:57.660> meaningful medical response to or meaningful medical response to or meaningful preparedness<00:08:59.010> for<00:08:59.339> all-out<00:08:59.640> nuclear<00:09:00.360> war<00:09:00.890> so preparedness for all-out nuclear war so preparedness for all-out nuclear war so we<00:09:02.250> had<00:09:02.430> to<00:09:02.550> prevent<00:09:03.000> nuclear<00:09:03.180> war<00:09:03.390> if<00:09:03.720> we we had to prevent nuclear war if we we had to prevent nuclear war if we expected<00:09:04.440> to<00:09:04.890> survive<00:09:05.279> this<00:09:05.940> disconnect<00:09:06.630> was expected to survive this disconnect was expected to survive this disconnect was never<00:09:07.140> actually<00:09:07.770> resolved<00:09:08.399> and<00:09:08.580> what never actually resolved and what never actually resolved and what happened<00:09:09.870> was<00:09:09.990> when<00:09:10.860> we<00:09:10.980> get<00:09:11.100> into<00:09:11.250> chapter<00:09:11.399> 2 happened was when we get into chapter 2 happened was when we get into chapter 2 of<00:09:12.330> the<00:09:12.839> nuclear<00:09:13.230> threat<00:09:14.190> era<00:09:14.520> which<00:09:14.940> started of the nuclear threat era which started of the nuclear threat era which started back<00:09:15.420> in<00:09:15.450> 1945<00:09:16.350> chapter<00:09:17.190> 2<00:09:17.339> starts<00:09:17.700> in<00:09:17.820> 1991 back in 1945 chapter 2 starts in 1991 back in 1945 chapter 2 starts in 1991 when<00:09:19.080> the<00:09:19.110> Soviet<00:09:19.230> Union<00:09:19.890> broke<00:09:20.160> up<00:09:20.279> we when the Soviet Union broke up we when the Soviet Union broke up we effectively<00:09:21.330> lost<00:09:21.779> that<00:09:22.529> adversary<00:09:23.279> as<00:09:23.430> a effectively lost that adversary as a effectively lost that adversary as a potential<00:09:24.029> attacker<00:09:24.750> of<00:09:24.959> the<00:09:25.050> United<00:09:25.320> States potential attacker of the United States potential attacker of the United States for<00:09:25.680> the<00:09:25.740> most<00:09:25.920> part<00:09:26.190> it's<00:09:26.459> not<00:09:26.550> completely for the most part it's not completely for the most part it's not completely gone<00:09:27.149> I'm<00:09:27.390> going<00:09:27.540> to<00:09:27.600> come<00:09:27.720> back<00:09:27.870> to<00:09:28.020> that<00:09:28.170> but gone I'm going to come back to that but gone I'm going to come back to that but from<00:09:28.890> 1991<00:09:29.640> through<00:09:30.600> the<00:09:31.200> present<00:09:31.589> time from 1991 through the present time from 1991 through the present time emphasized<00:09:32.730> by<00:09:33.029> the<00:09:33.060> attacks<00:09:33.540> of<00:09:33.720> 2001<00:09:34.320> the emphasized by the attacks of 2001 the emphasized by the attacks of 2001 the idea<00:09:35.730> of<00:09:36.060> a<00:09:36.240> all-out<00:09:36.540> nuclear<00:09:36.899> war<00:09:37.260> has idea of a all-out nuclear war has idea of a all-out nuclear war has diminished<00:09:38.190> and<00:09:38.490> the<00:09:38.550> idea<00:09:39.390> of<00:09:39.660> a<00:09:39.750> single diminished and the idea of a single diminished and the idea of a single event<00:09:40.290> active<00:09:41.160> nuclear<00:09:41.550> terrorism<00:09:42.029> is<00:09:42.329> what event active nuclear terrorism is what event active nuclear terrorism is what we<00:09:42.839> have<00:09:43.050> instead<00:09:44.329> although<00:09:45.329> the<00:09:45.570> scenario we have instead although the scenario we have instead although the scenario has<00:09:46.740> changed<00:09:47.399> very<00:09:47.760> considerably<00:09:48.510> the<00:09:49.290> fact has changed very considerably the fact has changed very considerably the fact is<00:09:49.800> that<00:09:50.010> we<00:09:50.250> haven't<00:09:50.610> changed<00:09:50.790> our<00:09:51.000> mental is that we haven't changed our mental is that we haven't changed our mental image<00:09:51.870> of<00:09:52.050> what<00:09:52.140> a<00:09:52.350> nuclear<00:09:52.709> war<00:09:52.950> means<00:09:53.160> I'm image of what a nuclear war means I'm image of what a nuclear war means I'm going<00:09:53.370> to<00:09:53.430> tell<00:09:53.579> you<00:09:53.640> what<00:09:53.730> the<00:09:53.820> implications going to tell you what the implications going to tell you what the implications that<00:09:54.329> are<00:09:54.600> just<00:09:55.079> a<00:09:55.200> second<00:09:55.649> so<00:09:56.250> what<00:09:56.700> is<00:09:56.790> a that are just a second so what is a that are just a second so what is a nuclear<00:09:57.209> terror<00:09:57.510> threat<00:09:57.839> and<00:09:58.050> there's<00:09:58.260> four nuclear terror threat and there's four nuclear terror threat and there's four key<00:09:58.709> ingredients<00:09:59.339> to<00:09:59.779> describing<00:10:00.779> it<00:10:00.899> first key ingredients to describing it first key ingredients to describing it first thing<00:10:01.740> is<00:10:01.860> that<00:10:02.100> the<00:10:02.820> global<00:10:03.300> nuclear<00:10:03.540> weapons thing is that the global nuclear weapons thing is that the global nuclear weapons in<00:10:04.260> the<00:10:04.290> stockpiles<00:10:04.800> that<00:10:04.950> I<00:10:05.040> showed<00:10:05.310> you<00:10:05.339> in in the stockpiles that I showed you in in the stockpiles that I showed you in those<00:10:05.550> original<00:10:06.060> maps<00:10:06.300> happens<00:10:07.170> to<00:10:07.290> be<00:10:07.410> not those original maps happens to be not those original maps happens to be not uniformly<00:10:08.339> secured<00:10:08.850> and<00:10:09.060> it's<00:10:09.180> particularly uniformly secured and it's particularly uniformly secured and it's particularly not<00:10:09.930> secure<00:10:10.350> in<00:10:10.529> the<00:10:11.399> former<00:10:11.730> Soviet<00:10:12.089> Union not secure in the former Soviet Union not secure in the former Soviet Union now<00:10:12.540> in<00:10:12.690> Russia<00:10:12.990> there<00:10:13.770> are<00:10:13.890> many<00:10:14.160> many<00:10:14.399> sites now in Russia there are many many sites now in Russia there are many many sites where<00:10:15.000> warheads<00:10:15.600> are<00:10:15.839> stored<00:10:16.290> and<00:10:16.529> in<00:10:17.100> fact where warheads are stored and in fact where warheads are stored and in fact lots<00:10:17.790> of<00:10:18.029> sites<00:10:18.300> were<00:10:18.510> fissionable<00:10:19.140> materials lots of sites were fissionable materials lots of sites were fissionable materials like<00:10:20.190> highly<00:10:20.459> enriched<00:10:20.790> uranium<00:10:21.209> and like highly enriched uranium and like highly enriched uranium and plutonium<00:10:21.480> are<00:10:22.050> absolutely<00:10:23.010> not<00:10:23.430> safe<00:10:23.910> they plutonium are absolutely not safe they plutonium are absolutely not safe they are<00:10:24.750> available<00:10:25.320> to<00:10:25.500> be<00:10:25.620> bought<00:10:25.920> stolen are available to be bought stolen are available to be bought stolen whatever<00:10:27.540> they<00:10:28.079> are<00:10:28.110> acquirable<00:10:28.829> let<00:10:29.279> me<00:10:29.370> put whatever they are acquirable let me put whatever they are acquirable let me put it<00:10:29.610> that<00:10:29.640> way<00:10:29.810> from<00:10:30.810> 1993<00:10:31.650> to<00:10:31.680> 2006<00:10:32.640> the it that way from 1993 to 2006 the it that way from 1993 to 2006 the National<00:10:33.810> Atomic<00:10:34.320> Energy<00:10:34.430> Agency<00:10:35.430> documented National Atomic Energy Agency documented National Atomic Energy Agency documented 175<00:10:37.170> cases<00:10:37.620> of<00:10:37.770> nuclear<00:10:38.100> theft<00:10:38.340> 18<00:10:39.270> of<00:10:39.420> which 175 cases of nuclear theft 18 of which 175 cases of nuclear theft 18 of which involved<00:10:40.050> highly<00:10:40.410> enriched<00:10:40.650> uranium<00:10:41.190> or involved highly enriched uranium or involved highly enriched uranium or plutonium<00:10:41.760> the<00:10:42.360> key<00:10:42.570> ingredients<00:10:43.200> to<00:10:43.260> make<00:10:43.500> a plutonium the key ingredients to make a plutonium the key ingredients to make a nuclear<00:10:44.310> weapon<00:10:45.170> the<00:10:46.170> global<00:10:46.530> stockpile<00:10:47.130> of nuclear weapon the global stockpile of nuclear weapon the global stockpile of highly<00:10:47.910> enriched<00:10:48.450> uranium<00:10:48.930> is<00:10:49.020> about<00:10:49.680> 1,300 highly enriched uranium is about 1,300 highly enriched uranium is about 1,300 at<00:10:50.880> the<00:10:51.030> low<00:10:51.210> end<00:10:51.420> to<00:10:51.540> about<00:10:51.810> 2100<00:10:52.590> metric<00:10:53.310> tons at the low end to about 2100 metric tons at the low end to about 2100 metric tons more<00:10:54.690> than<00:10:54.870> 100<00:10:55.560> megatons<00:10:56.040> of<00:10:56.250> this<00:10:56.430> is<00:10:56.670> stored more than 100 megatons of this is stored more than 100 megatons of this is stored in<00:10:57.620> particularly<00:10:58.820> insecure<00:10:59.820> Russian in particularly insecure Russian in particularly insecure Russian facilities<00:11:01.350> how<00:11:02.280> much<00:11:02.490> of<00:11:02.670> that<00:11:02.700> do<00:11:02.970> you<00:11:03.060> think facilities how much of that do you think facilities how much of that do you think it<00:11:03.450> would<00:11:03.570> take<00:11:03.810> to<00:11:04.230> actually<00:11:04.260> build<00:11:04.920> a<00:11:05.190> pen it would take to actually build a pen it would take to actually build a pen kiloton<00:11:05.940> bomb<00:11:05.970> well<00:11:06.840> you<00:11:07.230> need<00:11:07.440> about<00:11:07.560> 75 kiloton bomb well you need about 75 kiloton bomb well you need about 75 pounds<00:11:08.880> of<00:11:09.060> it<00:11:09.690> so<00:11:10.560> what<00:11:11.130> I'd<00:11:11.250> like<00:11:11.340> to<00:11:11.400> show pounds of it so what I'd like to show pounds of it so what I'd like to show you<00:11:11.790> is<00:11:14.210> what<00:11:15.210> it<00:11:15.300> would<00:11:15.420> take<00:11:15.660> to<00:11:15.690> hold<00:11:16.140> 75 you is what it would take to hold 75 you is what it would take to hold 75 pounds<00:11:17.070> of<00:11:18.260> highly<00:11:19.260> enriched<00:11:19.530> uranium<00:11:20.330> this pounds of highly enriched uranium this pounds of highly enriched uranium this is<00:11:21.510> not<00:11:21.660> a<00:11:21.690> product<00:11:22.020> placement<00:11:22.200> it's<00:11:22.710> just is not a product placement it's just is not a product placement it's just fact<00:11:23.400> if<00:11:23.700> I<00:11:23.820> was<00:11:23.880> going<00:11:24.120> to<00:11:24.180> call<00:11:24.270> I'd<00:11:24.420> be fact if I was going to call I'd be fact if I was going to call I'd be pretty<00:11:24.870> distressed<00:11:25.260> about<00:11:25.380> this<00:11:25.590> but<00:11:27.710> but<00:11:29.960> but pretty distressed about this but but but pretty distressed about this but but but basically<00:11:31.430> this<00:11:32.430> is<00:11:32.640> it<00:11:32.690> this<00:11:33.690> is<00:11:33.900> what<00:11:34.050> you basically this is it this is what you basically this is it this is what you would<00:11:34.290> need<00:11:34.500> to<00:11:34.740> steal<00:11:35.100> or<00:11:35.430> buy<00:11:35.760> out<00:11:36.240> of<00:11:37.020> that would need to steal or buy out of that would need to steal or buy out of that 100<00:11:37.320> metric<00:11:37.770> tonne<00:11:37.980> stockpile<00:11:38.700> that's 100 metric tonne stockpile that's 100 metric tonne stockpile that's relatively<00:11:39.600> insecure<00:11:40.200> to<00:11:40.740> create<00:11:41.190> the<00:11:41.820> type relatively insecure to create the type relatively insecure to create the type of<00:11:42.090> bomb<00:11:42.390> that<00:11:42.600> was<00:11:42.690> used<00:11:42.990> in<00:11:43.200> Hiroshima<00:11:43.850> now of bomb that was used in Hiroshima now of bomb that was used in Hiroshima now you<00:11:44.910> might<00:11:45.150> want<00:11:45.360> to<00:11:45.420> look<00:11:45.630> at<00:11:45.780> plutonium<00:11:46.620> as you might want to look at plutonium as you might want to look at plutonium as another<00:11:47.010> fishable<00:11:47.700> material<00:11:48.210> that<00:11:48.330> you<00:11:48.420> might another fishable material that you might another fishable material that you might use<00:11:48.690> in<00:11:48.840> a<00:11:48.900> bomb<00:11:48.930> that<00:11:49.680> you'd<00:11:49.920> need<00:11:50.190> 10<00:11:50.760> to<00:11:50.910> 13 use in a bomb that you'd need 10 to 13 use in a bomb that you'd need 10 to 13 pounds<00:11:51.960> of<00:11:52.110> plutonium pounds of plutonium pounds of plutonium now<00:11:53.400> plutonium<00:11:54.060> 10<00:11:54.270> to<00:11:54.360> 13<00:11:54.720> pounds<00:11:55.910> this<00:11:56.960> this now plutonium 10 to 13 pounds this this now plutonium 10 to 13 pounds this this is<00:11:58.170> enough<00:11:58.800> plutonium<00:11:59.040> to<00:11:59.880> create<00:12:00.300> a<00:12:00.560> Nagasaki is enough plutonium to create a Nagasaki is enough plutonium to create a Nagasaki size<00:12:02.040> atomic<00:12:03.030> weapon<00:12:03.660> now<00:12:04.620> this<00:12:05.520> situation size atomic weapon now this situation size atomic weapon now this situation already<00:12:06.540> I<00:12:06.690> you<00:12:07.050> know<00:12:07.170> I<00:12:07.530> don't<00:12:08.190> really<00:12:08.280> like already I you know I don't really like already I you know I don't really like thinking<00:12:09.000> about<00:12:09.210> this<00:12:09.360> although<00:12:09.660> somehow<00:12:10.050> got thinking about this although somehow got thinking about this although somehow got myself<00:12:10.680> a<00:12:10.860> job<00:12:10.890> where<00:12:11.220> I<00:12:11.280> have<00:12:11.520> to<00:12:11.670> think<00:12:11.700> about myself a job where I have to think about myself a job where I have to think about it<00:12:12.210> so<00:12:12.390> the<00:12:13.260> point<00:12:13.560> is<00:12:13.740> that<00:12:14.100> we're<00:12:14.940> very<00:12:14.970> very it so the point is that we're very very it so the point is that we're very very insecure<00:12:16.290> in<00:12:16.860> terms<00:12:17.250> of<00:12:17.580> developing<00:12:18.480> this insecure in terms of developing this insecure in terms of developing this material<00:12:19.170> the<00:12:19.800> second<00:12:20.190> thing<00:12:20.280> is<00:12:20.400> what<00:12:20.580> about material the second thing is what about material the second thing is what about the<00:12:20.880> know-how<00:12:21.330> and<00:12:21.570> there's<00:12:21.870> a<00:12:21.900> lot<00:12:22.020> of the know-how and there's a lot of the know-how and there's a lot of controversy<00:12:22.440> about<00:12:22.800> whether<00:12:22.980> terror controversy about whether terror controversy about whether terror organizations<00:12:24.420> have<00:12:24.720> the<00:12:24.900> know-how<00:12:25.250> to organizations have the know-how to organizations have the know-how to actually<00:12:26.930> make<00:12:27.930> a<00:12:28.170> nuclear<00:12:28.530> weapon actually make a nuclear weapon actually make a nuclear weapon well<00:12:29.370> there's<00:12:30.000> a<00:12:30.090> lot<00:12:30.300> of<00:12:30.420> know-how<00:12:30.750> out<00:12:30.960> there well there's a lot of know-how out there well there's a lot of know-how out there there's<00:12:31.620> an<00:12:31.740> unbelievable<00:12:32.010> amount<00:12:32.790> of there's an unbelievable amount of there's an unbelievable amount of know-how<00:12:33.180> out<00:12:33.390> there<00:12:33.600> there's<00:12:34.050> detailed know-how out there there's detailed know-how out there there's detailed information<00:12:35.370> how<00:12:35.580> to<00:12:35.610> assemble<00:12:36.120> a<00:12:36.510> nuclear information how to assemble a nuclear information how to assemble a nuclear weapon<00:12:37.530> from<00:12:37.860> parts<00:12:38.430> there's<00:12:39.060> books<00:12:39.420> about weapon from parts there's books about weapon from parts there's books about how<00:12:40.260> to<00:12:40.290> build<00:12:40.530> a<00:12:40.830> nuclear<00:12:41.100> bomb<00:12:41.280> there<00:12:42.210> are how to build a nuclear bomb there are how to build a nuclear bomb there are plans<00:12:43.020> for<00:12:43.470> how<00:12:43.830> to<00:12:43.860> create<00:12:44.100> a<00:12:44.340> terror<00:12:44.700> farm plans for how to create a terror farm plans for how to create a terror farm where<00:12:45.630> you<00:12:45.780> could<00:12:45.930> actually<00:12:46.050> man<00:12:46.680> you where you could actually man you where you could actually man you a cure<00:12:47.260> and<00:12:47.350> develop<00:12:47.770> all<00:12:47.980> the<00:12:48.100> components a cure and develop all the components a cure and develop all the components and<00:12:48.850> assemble<00:12:49.570> it<00:12:49.690> all<00:12:50.380> of<00:12:50.740> this<00:12:50.830> information and assemble it all of this information and assemble it all of this information is<00:12:51.610> relatively<00:12:52.570> available<00:12:53.290> if<00:12:53.470> you<00:12:53.649> have<00:12:53.770> an is relatively available if you have an is relatively available if you have an undergraduate<00:12:54.399> degree<00:12:54.820> in<00:12:55.000> physics<00:12:55.029> I<00:12:55.720> would undergraduate degree in physics I would undergraduate degree in physics I would suggest<00:12:56.399> although<00:12:57.399> I<00:12:57.430> don't<00:12:57.520> so<00:12:57.880> maybe<00:12:58.089> it's suggest although I don't so maybe it's suggest although I don't so maybe it's not<00:12:58.390> even<00:12:58.450> true<00:12:58.720> but<00:12:59.380> something<00:12:59.830> close<00:13:00.190> to not even true but something close to not even true but something close to that<00:13:00.430> would<00:13:01.029> allow<00:13:01.390> you<00:13:01.450> with<00:13:02.020> the that would allow you with the that would allow you with the information<00:13:02.680> that's<00:13:02.770> currently<00:13:03.160> available information that's currently available information that's currently available to<00:13:03.820> actually<00:13:04.000> build<00:13:04.690> a<00:13:04.959> nuclear<00:13:05.440> weapon to actually build a nuclear weapon to actually build a nuclear weapon the<00:13:07.720> third<00:13:08.020> element<00:13:08.440> of<00:13:09.070> the<00:13:09.310> nuclear<00:13:09.940> terror the third element of the nuclear terror the third element of the nuclear terror threat<00:13:10.630> is<00:13:10.810> that<00:13:11.589> who<00:13:12.520> would<00:13:12.730> actually<00:13:13.120> do threat is that who would actually do threat is that who would actually do such<00:13:13.540> a<00:13:13.570> thing such a thing such a thing well<00:13:14.290> what<00:13:14.800> we're<00:13:14.950> seeing<00:13:15.220> now<00:13:15.310> is<00:13:15.700> a<00:13:15.790> level<00:13:16.660> of well what we're seeing now is a level of well what we're seeing now is a level of terrorism<00:13:17.380> that<00:13:17.560> involves<00:13:18.160> individuals<00:13:18.790> who terrorism that involves individuals who terrorism that involves individuals who are<00:13:19.360> highly<00:13:19.720> organized<00:13:20.170> they<00:13:20.470> are<00:13:20.620> very are highly organized they are very are highly organized they are very dedicated<00:13:21.160> and<00:13:21.610> committed<00:13:21.850> they<00:13:22.600> are dedicated and committed they are dedicated and committed they are stateless<00:13:23.399> somebody<00:13:24.399> once<00:13:24.580> said<00:13:24.700> al<00:13:25.300> Qaeda stateless somebody once said al Qaeda stateless somebody once said al Qaeda does<00:13:26.140> not<00:13:26.320> have<00:13:26.529> a<00:13:26.560> return<00:13:27.010> address<00:13:27.180> so<00:13:28.180> if does not have a return address so if does not have a return address so if they<00:13:28.390> attacked<00:13:28.750> us<00:13:28.930> with<00:13:29.020> a<00:13:29.080> nuclear<00:13:29.380> weapon they attacked us with a nuclear weapon they attacked us with a nuclear weapon what's<00:13:30.220> the<00:13:30.370> response<00:13:30.820> and<00:13:31.120> to<00:13:31.510> whom<00:13:31.690> is<00:13:31.870> the what's the response and to whom is the what's the response and to whom is the response<00:13:32.350> and<00:13:32.560> their<00:13:33.399> retaliation<00:13:33.790> proof response and their retaliation proof response and their retaliation proof since<00:13:35.680> there<00:13:35.890> is<00:13:35.950> no<00:13:36.190> real<00:13:37.029> retribution since there is no real retribution since there is no real retribution possible<00:13:38.380> that<00:13:38.500> would<00:13:38.589> make<00:13:38.770> any<00:13:38.920> difference possible that would make any difference possible that would make any difference since<00:13:39.580> there<00:13:39.730> are<00:13:39.820> people<00:13:39.850> willing<00:13:40.510> to since there are people willing to since there are people willing to actually<00:13:41.170> give<00:13:41.529> up<00:13:41.680> their<00:13:41.890> lives<00:13:42.310> in<00:13:42.760> order<00:13:43.360> to actually give up their lives in order to actually give up their lives in order to do<00:13:43.959> a<00:13:43.990> lot<00:13:44.320> of<00:13:44.350> damage<00:13:44.649> to<00:13:45.040> us<00:13:45.100> it<00:13:45.420> becomes do a lot of damage to us it becomes do a lot of damage to us it becomes apparent<00:13:46.630> that<00:13:47.200> the<00:13:47.980> whole<00:13:48.339> notion<00:13:48.670> of<00:13:48.970> this apparent that the whole notion of this apparent that the whole notion of this mutually<00:13:49.660> assured<00:13:49.750> destruction<00:13:49.959> would<00:13:50.800> not mutually assured destruction would not mutually assured destruction would not work<00:13:51.160> here<00:13:51.700> is<00:13:51.790> Sulaiman<00:13:52.180> Abu<00:13:52.300> Ghaith<00:13:52.630> and work here is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith and work here is Sulaiman Abu Ghaith and soon<00:13:53.709> lead<00:13:53.920> was<00:13:54.130> a<00:13:54.160> key<00:13:54.550> lieutenant<00:13:55.029> of<00:13:55.149> Osama soon lead was a key lieutenant of Osama soon lead was a key lieutenant of Osama bin<00:13:55.720> Laden<00:13:56.230> he<00:13:56.709> wrote<00:13:56.920> many<00:13:57.279> many<00:13:57.399> times bin Laden he wrote many many times bin Laden he wrote many many times statements<00:13:58.540> of<00:13:58.600> this<00:13:58.660> effect<00:13:58.990> we<00:13:59.140> have<00:13:59.230> the statements of this effect we have the statements of this effect we have the right<00:13:59.529> to<00:13:59.680> kill<00:13:59.860> four<00:14:00.190> million<00:14:00.399> Americans<00:14:00.610> two right to kill four million Americans two right to kill four million Americans two million<00:14:01.720> of<00:14:01.779> whom<00:14:01.899> should<00:14:02.110> be<00:14:02.230> children<00:14:02.800> and million of whom should be children and million of whom should be children and we<00:14:03.910> don't<00:14:04.000> have<00:14:04.120> to<00:14:04.270> go<00:14:04.420> overseas<00:14:04.870> to<00:14:05.140> find we don't have to go overseas to find we don't have to go overseas to find people<00:14:05.890> willing<00:14:06.070> to<00:14:06.250> do<00:14:06.370> harm<00:14:06.640> for<00:14:06.850> whatever people willing to do harm for whatever people willing to do harm for whatever their<00:14:07.300> reasons<00:14:07.630> McVeigh<00:14:08.020> and<00:14:08.050> Nichols<00:14:08.589> and their reasons McVeigh and Nichols and their reasons McVeigh and Nichols and the<00:14:09.279> Oklahoma<00:14:09.850> City<00:14:10.089> attack<00:14:10.510> in<00:14:10.990> the<00:14:11.140> 1990s the Oklahoma City attack in the 1990s the Oklahoma City attack in the 1990s was<00:14:12.279> a<00:14:12.310> good<00:14:12.490> example<00:14:12.820> of<00:14:12.940> homegrown was a good example of homegrown was a good example of homegrown terrorists<00:14:13.870> what<00:14:14.410> if<00:14:14.500> they<00:14:14.620> had<00:14:14.829> gotten<00:14:15.100> their terrorists what if they had gotten their terrorists what if they had gotten their hands<00:14:15.430> on<00:14:15.640> a<00:14:15.850> nuclear<00:14:16.000> weapon<00:14:16.480> the<00:14:16.990> fourth hands on a nuclear weapon the fourth hands on a nuclear weapon the fourth element<00:14:17.500> is<00:14:17.800> that<00:14:18.310> the<00:14:18.550> high-value<00:14:18.690> US element is that the high-value US element is that the high-value US targets<00:14:20.230> are<00:14:20.399> accessible<00:14:21.399> soft<00:14:21.940> and targets are accessible soft and targets are accessible soft and plentiful<00:14:22.600> this<00:14:23.200> would<00:14:23.320> be<00:14:23.410> a<00:14:23.440> talk<00:14:23.680> for plentiful this would be a talk for plentiful this would be a talk for another<00:14:24.070> day<00:14:24.190> but<00:14:24.339> the<00:14:24.640> level<00:14:24.730> of another day but the level of another day but the level of preparedness<00:14:25.510> that<00:14:25.690> the<00:14:25.899> United<00:14:26.170> States<00:14:26.200> has preparedness that the United States has preparedness that the United States has achieved<00:14:26.589> since<00:14:27.520> 9/11<00:14:28.209> of<00:14:28.300> oh<00:14:28.390> one<00:14:28.690> is achieved since 9/11 of oh one is achieved since 9/11 of oh one is unbelievably<00:14:30.190> inadequate<00:14:30.940> what<00:14:31.540> you<00:14:31.660> saw unbelievably inadequate what you saw unbelievably inadequate what you saw after<00:14:32.170> Katrina<00:14:32.709> is<00:14:32.950> a<00:14:33.459> very<00:14:33.940> good<00:14:34.260> indicator after Katrina is a very good indicator after Katrina is a very good indicator of<00:14:35.529> how<00:14:35.800> little<00:14:36.520> prepared<00:14:37.060> the<00:14:37.149> United<00:14:37.420> States of how little prepared the United States of how little prepared the United States is<00:14:37.720> for<00:14:37.990> any<00:14:38.200> kind<00:14:38.560> of<00:14:38.649> major<00:14:39.310> attack<00:14:39.760> 7 is for any kind of major attack 7 is for any kind of major attack 7 million<00:14:41.020> ship<00:14:41.770> cargo<00:14:42.190> containers<00:14:42.640> come<00:14:42.880> in<00:14:42.970> to million ship cargo containers come in to million ship cargo containers come in to the<00:14:43.120> United<00:14:43.149> States<00:14:43.420> every<00:14:43.930> year<00:14:44.170> five<00:14:44.860> to the United States every year five to the United States every year five to seven<00:14:45.550> percent<00:14:45.700> only<00:14:46.209> are<00:14:46.690> inspected<00:14:47.500> five<00:14:48.430> to seven percent only are inspected five to seven percent only are inspected five to seven<00:14:49.000> percent<00:14:49.500> this<00:14:50.500> is<00:14:50.730> Alexander<00:14:51.730> Lebed seven percent this is Alexander Lebed seven percent this is Alexander Lebed who<00:14:53.140> was<00:14:53.320> a<00:14:53.350> general<00:14:53.680> that<00:14:54.310> worked<00:14:54.520> with who was a general that worked with who was a general that worked with Yeltsin<00:14:54.970> who<00:14:55.750> talked<00:14:56.140> about<00:14:56.320> and<00:14:56.770> presented Yeltsin who talked about and presented Yeltsin who talked about and presented to<00:14:57.490> Congress<00:14:57.730> this<00:14:58.720> idea<00:14:59.320> that<00:14:59.650> the<00:14:59.800> Russian to Congress this idea that the Russian to Congress this idea that the Russian had<00:15:00.440> developed<00:15:01.040> these<00:15:01.430> suitcase<00:15:02.120> bombs<00:15:02.450> they had developed these suitcase bombs they had developed these suitcase bombs they are<00:15:02.750> very<00:15:03.050> low<00:15:03.260> yield<00:15:03.730> 0.12<00:15:04.730> 1<00:15:04.970> kiloton are very low yield 0.12 1 kiloton are very low yield 0.12 1 kiloton hiroshima<00:15:06.770> was<00:15:06.890> around<00:15:07.160> 13<00:15:07.580> kilotons<00:15:08.120> but hiroshima was around 13 kilotons but hiroshima was around 13 kilotons but enough<00:15:08.960> to<00:15:09.080> do<00:15:09.200> an<00:15:09.320> unbelievable<00:15:10.070> amount<00:15:10.160> of enough to do an unbelievable amount of enough to do an unbelievable amount of damage<00:15:10.850> and<00:15:11.060> Leavitt<00:15:11.840> came<00:15:12.110> to<00:15:12.410> the<00:15:12.500> United damage and Leavitt came to the United damage and Leavitt came to the United States<00:15:12.800> and<00:15:13.330> told<00:15:14.330> us<00:15:14.540> that<00:15:14.810> many<00:15:15.710> many<00:15:16.070> more States and told us that many many more States and told us that many many more than<00:15:16.970> 80<00:15:17.240> of<00:15:17.510> the<00:15:17.660> suitcase<00:15:18.020> bombs<00:15:18.320> were than 80 of the suitcase bombs were than 80 of the suitcase bombs were actually<00:15:18.860> not<00:15:18.980> accountable<00:15:19.430> and<00:15:19.670> they<00:15:20.030> look actually not accountable and they look actually not accountable and they look like<00:15:20.360> this<00:15:20.510> they're<00:15:20.690> basically<00:15:20.960> very<00:15:21.260> simple like this they're basically very simple like this they're basically very simple arrangements<00:15:22.220> you<00:15:22.640> put<00:15:22.910> the<00:15:23.150> elements<00:15:23.660> into<00:15:23.930> a arrangements you put the elements into a arrangements you put the elements into a suitcase suitcase suitcase it<00:15:24.710> becomes<00:15:25.430> very<00:15:25.520> portable<00:15:26.470> the<00:15:27.470> suitcase it becomes very portable the suitcase it becomes very portable the suitcase could<00:15:28.100> be<00:15:28.190> conveniently<00:15:28.760> dropped<00:15:29.420> in<00:15:29.600> your could be conveniently dropped in your could be conveniently dropped in your trunk<00:15:30.110> of<00:15:30.170> your<00:15:30.290> car<00:15:30.320> you<00:15:31.010> take<00:15:31.250> it<00:15:31.370> wherever trunk of your car you take it wherever trunk of your car you take it wherever you<00:15:31.610> want<00:15:31.700> to<00:15:31.880> take<00:15:32.030> it<00:15:32.210> and<00:15:32.330> you<00:15:32.480> can<00:15:32.630> detonate you want to take it and you can detonate you want to take it and you can detonate it<00:15:33.260> you<00:15:33.950> don't<00:15:34.730> want<00:15:34.880> to<00:15:34.970> build<00:15:35.270> a<00:15:35.420> suitcase it you don't want to build a suitcase it you don't want to build a suitcase bomb<00:15:35.990> and<00:15:36.320> you<00:15:36.680> happen<00:15:36.890> to<00:15:36.950> get<00:15:37.070> one<00:15:37.130> of<00:15:37.280> those bomb and you happen to get one of those bomb and you happen to get one of those insecure<00:15:38.560> nuclear<00:15:39.560> warheads<00:15:39.860> that<00:15:39.950> exists insecure nuclear warheads that exists insecure nuclear warheads that exists this<00:15:40.610> is<00:15:40.730> the<00:15:40.910> size<00:15:41.210> of<00:15:41.570> the<00:15:42.170> little<00:15:42.860> boy<00:15:42.950> bomb this is the size of the little boy bomb this is the size of the little boy bomb that<00:15:43.400> was<00:15:43.490> dropped<00:15:43.610> on<00:15:43.850> Hiroshima that was dropped on Hiroshima that was dropped on Hiroshima it<00:15:44.780> was<00:15:45.050> 9.8<00:15:45.680> feet<00:15:45.890> long<00:15:46.370> weight<00:15:46.610> 80<00:15:46.790> 800 it was 9.8 feet long weight 80 800 it was 9.8 feet long weight 80 800 pounds<00:15:47.630> you<00:15:47.930> go<00:15:48.050> down<00:15:48.260> to<00:15:48.470> your<00:15:49.250> local<00:15:49.310> rent pounds you go down to your local rent pounds you go down to your local rent the<00:15:50.360> truck<00:15:50.630> and<00:15:51.370> for<00:15:52.370> 50<00:15:52.760> bucks<00:15:52.940> or<00:15:53.120> so<00:15:53.270> you the truck and for 50 bucks or so you the truck and for 50 bucks or so you rent<00:15:53.600> the<00:15:53.690> truck<00:15:53.870> that's<00:15:54.170> got<00:15:54.320> the<00:15:54.440> right rent the truck that's got the right rent the truck that's got the right capacity<00:15:54.740> and<00:15:55.450> you<00:15:56.450> take<00:15:56.720> your<00:15:56.750> bomb<00:15:57.050> you<00:15:57.500> put capacity and you take your bomb you put capacity and you take your bomb you put it<00:15:57.800> in<00:15:57.890> the<00:15:57.950> truck<00:15:58.250> and<00:15:58.430> you're<00:15:58.910> ready<00:15:59.090> to<00:15:59.480> go it in the truck and you're ready to go it in the truck and you're ready to go it<00:16:00.020> could<00:16:00.170> happen<00:16:00.380> but<00:16:00.710> what<00:16:01.220> it<00:16:01.310> would<00:16:01.460> mean it could happen but what it would mean it could happen but what it would mean and<00:16:01.910> who<00:16:02.750> would<00:16:02.900> survive<00:16:03.230> you<00:16:03.980> can't<00:16:04.310> get<00:16:04.460> an and who would survive you can't get an and who would survive you can't get an exact<00:16:04.940> number<00:16:05.240> for<00:16:05.270> that<00:16:05.540> kind<00:16:05.720> of exact number for that kind of exact number for that kind of probability<00:16:06.410> but<00:16:06.670> what<00:16:07.670> I'm<00:16:07.790> trying<00:16:08.060> to<00:16:08.120> say probability but what I'm trying to say probability but what I'm trying to say is<00:16:08.510> that<00:16:08.660> we<00:16:08.780> have<00:16:08.810> all<00:16:09.140> the<00:16:09.260> elements<00:16:09.380> of<00:16:09.800> that is that we have all the elements of that is that we have all the elements of that happening<00:16:10.490> anybody<00:16:11.030> who<00:16:11.150> dismisses<00:16:11.630> the happening anybody who dismisses the happening anybody who dismisses the thought<00:16:12.200> of<00:16:12.440> a<00:16:13.160> nuclear<00:16:13.760> weapon<00:16:14.090> being<00:16:14.240> used thought of a nuclear weapon being used thought of a nuclear weapon being used by<00:16:14.570> a<00:16:14.600> terrorist<00:16:14.930> is<00:16:15.320> kidding<00:16:15.890> themselves<00:16:15.950> I by a terrorist is kidding themselves I by a terrorist is kidding themselves I think<00:16:16.580> there's<00:16:17.240> a<00:16:17.330> lot<00:16:17.510> of<00:16:17.630> people<00:16:17.930> in<00:16:18.110> the think there's a lot of people in the think there's a lot of people in the intelligence<00:16:18.440> community<00:16:18.740> a<00:16:19.160> lot<00:16:19.370> of<00:16:19.430> people intelligence community a lot of people intelligence community a lot of people will<00:16:19.790> deal<00:16:19.940> with<00:16:19.970> this<00:16:20.180> work<00:16:20.930> in<00:16:21.080> general will deal with this work in general will deal with this work in general think<00:16:22.040> it's<00:16:22.190> almost<00:16:23.120> inevitable<00:16:23.680> unless<00:16:24.680> we think it's almost inevitable unless we think it's almost inevitable unless we do<00:16:25.010> certain<00:16:25.370> things<00:16:25.400> to<00:16:25.640> really<00:16:25.970> to<00:16:26.330> really do certain things to really to really do certain things to really to really try<00:16:27.170> to<00:16:27.200> defuse<00:16:27.650> the<00:16:27.770> risk<00:16:27.980> like<00:16:28.160> better try to defuse the risk like better try to defuse the risk like better interdiction<00:16:29.420> better<00:16:29.690> prevention<00:16:30.170> better interdiction better prevention better interdiction better prevention better fixing<00:16:31.430> in<00:16:31.520> a<00:16:31.610> better<00:16:31.790> screening<00:16:32.660> of<00:16:32.900> cargo fixing in a better screening of cargo fixing in a better screening of cargo containers<00:16:33.950> that<00:16:34.040> are<00:16:34.100> coming<00:16:34.370> into<00:16:34.490> the containers that are coming into the containers that are coming into the country<00:16:34.640> and<00:16:34.970> so<00:16:35.060> forth<00:16:35.330> there's<00:16:36.020> a<00:16:36.110> lot<00:16:36.380> that country and so forth there's a lot that country and so forth there's a lot that can<00:16:36.710> be<00:16:36.860> done<00:16:37.040> to<00:16:37.430> make<00:16:37.550> us<00:16:37.610> a<00:16:37.820> lot<00:16:37.970> safer<00:16:38.300> at can be done to make us a lot safer at can be done to make us a lot safer at this<00:16:39.020> particular<00:16:39.230> moment<00:16:39.880> we<00:16:40.880> actually<00:16:41.270> could this particular moment we actually could this particular moment we actually could end<00:16:41.720> up<00:16:41.900> seeing<00:16:42.740> a<00:16:43.010> nuclear<00:16:43.370> detonation<00:16:43.880> in end up seeing a nuclear detonation in end up seeing a nuclear detonation in one<00:16:44.330> of<00:16:44.450> our<00:16:44.510> cities<00:16:44.720> I<00:16:44.990> don't<00:16:45.650> think<00:16:45.860> we<00:16:45.980> would one of our cities I don't think we would one of our cities I don't think we would see<00:16:46.430> an<00:16:46.700> all-out<00:16:47.330> nuclear<00:16:47.510> war<00:16:47.930> anytime<00:16:48.650> soon see an all-out nuclear war anytime soon see an all-out nuclear war anytime soon although<00:16:49.520> even<00:16:49.730> that<00:16:49.880> is<00:16:50.180> not<00:16:50.360> completely<00:16:50.630> off although even that is not completely off although even that is not completely off the<00:16:51.050> table<00:16:51.440> there's<00:16:51.800> still<00:16:52.010> enough<00:16:52.250> nuclear the table there's still enough nuclear the table there's still enough nuclear weapons<00:16:53.060> in<00:16:53.270> the<00:16:53.420> Arsenal's<00:16:53.900> of<00:16:54.020> the weapons in the Arsenal's of the weapons in the Arsenal's of the superpowers<00:16:54.740> to<00:16:55.430> destroy<00:16:55.910> the<00:16:56.030> earth<00:16:56.120> many superpowers to destroy the earth many superpowers to destroy the earth many many<00:16:56.780> times<00:16:57.050> over<00:16:57.260> there<00:16:58.190> are<00:16:58.310> flashpoints<00:16:59.090> in many times over there are flashpoints in many times over there are flashpoints in India<00:16:59.720> and<00:16:59.900> Pakistan<00:17:00.440> in<00:17:01.310> the<00:17:01.370> Middle<00:17:01.700> East<00:17:01.880> in India and Pakistan in the Middle East in India and Pakistan in the Middle East in North<00:17:02.900> Korea<00:17:03.320> other<00:17:03.650> places<00:17:03.950> where<00:17:04.339> the<00:17:05.060> use North Korea other places where the use North Korea other places where the use of<00:17:05.630> nuclear<00:17:05.870> weapons<00:17:06.230> while<00:17:06.980> initially of nuclear weapons while initially of nuclear weapons while initially locally<00:17:08.150> could<00:17:09.280> very<00:17:10.280> rapidly<00:17:10.579> go<00:17:11.240> into<00:17:11.750> a locally could very rapidly go into a locally could very rapidly go into a situation<00:17:12.350> we<00:17:12.410> would<00:17:12.530> be<00:17:12.650> facing<00:17:12.860> all-out situation we would be facing all-out situation we would be facing all-out down<00:17:13.520> nuclear down nuclear down nuclear or<00:17:13.980> war<00:17:14.370> it's<00:17:15.150> very<00:17:15.530> unsettling<00:17:17.120> here<00:17:18.120> we<00:17:18.240> go or war it's very unsettling here we go or war it's very unsettling here we go okay<00:17:19.440> I'm<00:17:20.100> back<00:17:20.460> in<00:17:20.610> my<00:17:20.730> truck<00:17:21.030> and<00:17:21.270> we<00:17:21.360> drove okay I'm back in my truck and we drove okay I'm back in my truck and we drove over<00:17:21.810> the<00:17:21.990> Brooklyn<00:17:22.500> Bridge<00:17:22.830> we're<00:17:23.430> coming over the Brooklyn Bridge we're coming over the Brooklyn Bridge we're coming down<00:17:23.960> and<00:17:25.220> we<00:17:26.220> bring<00:17:26.460> that<00:17:27.270> truck<00:17:27.870> that<00:17:28.020> you down and we bring that truck that you down and we bring that truck that you just<00:17:28.350> saw<00:17:28.590> somewhere<00:17:29.310> in<00:17:29.430> here<00:17:29.550> in<00:17:29.670> the just saw somewhere in here in the just saw somewhere in here in the financial<00:17:30.180> district

this<00:17:43.240> is<00:17:43.390> a<00:17:43.420> ten<00:17:43.830> kiloton<00:17:44.830> bomb<00:17:45.870> slightly
this is a ten kiloton bomb slightly this is a ten kiloton bomb slightly smaller<00:17:47.290> than<00:17:47.410> was<00:17:47.890> used<00:17:48.400> in<00:17:48.670> Hiroshima<00:17:49.450> and<00:17:49.840> I smaller than was used in Hiroshima and I smaller than was used in Hiroshima and I want<00:17:50.650> to<00:17:50.710> just<00:17:50.830> conclude<00:17:51.040> this<00:17:51.340> by<00:17:51.520> just want to just conclude this by just want to just conclude this by just giving<00:17:52.000> you<00:17:52.150> some<00:17:52.330> information<00:17:52.450> I<00:17:52.840> think<00:17:52.900> news giving you some information I think news giving you some information I think news you<00:17:53.650> can<00:17:53.770> use<00:17:53.830> kind<00:17:54.220> of<00:17:54.280> concept<00:17:54.700> here<00:17:54.990> so you can use kind of concept here so you can use kind of concept here so first<00:17:56.200> of<00:17:56.350> all<00:17:56.530> this<00:17:57.370> would<00:17:57.550> be<00:17:57.670> horrific first of all this would be horrific first of all this would be horrific beyond<00:17:58.750> anything<00:17:59.020> we<00:17:59.320> can<00:17:59.590> possibly<00:17:59.800> imagine beyond anything we can possibly imagine beyond anything we can possibly imagine this<00:18:00.700> is<00:18:00.880> the<00:18:00.910> ultimate<00:18:01.450> and<00:18:01.830> if<00:18:02.830> you're<00:18:03.400> in this is the ultimate and if you're in this is the ultimate and if you're in the<00:18:04.120> half<00:18:04.330> mile<00:18:04.600> radius<00:18:04.870> of<00:18:05.260> where<00:18:05.350> this<00:18:05.650> bomb the half mile radius of where this bomb the half mile radius of where this bomb went<00:18:06.220> off<00:18:06.280> you<00:18:06.880> have<00:18:07.000> a<00:18:07.030> 90%<00:18:07.360> chance<00:18:07.690> of<00:18:07.960> not went off you have a 90% chance of not went off you have a 90% chance of not making<00:18:08.320> it<00:18:08.590> if<00:18:08.710> you're<00:18:09.040> right<00:18:09.370> where<00:18:09.550> the<00:18:09.610> bomb making it if you're right where the bomb making it if you're right where the bomb went<00:18:10.570> off<00:18:10.660> you<00:18:11.200> will<00:18:11.350> be<00:18:11.500> vaporized<00:18:11.680> and went off you will be vaporized and went off you will be vaporized and that's<00:18:12.400> I'm<00:18:12.850> just<00:18:12.910> telling<00:18:13.390> you<00:18:13.450> this<00:18:13.570> is<00:18:13.630> this that's I'm just telling you this is this that's I'm just telling you this is this is<00:18:14.110> not<00:18:14.290> good<00:18:14.560> you<00:18:15.960> assume<00:18:16.960> that<00:18:17.430> two<00:18:18.430> mile is not good you assume that two mile is not good you assume that two mile radius<00:18:18.810> you<00:18:19.810> have<00:18:19.930> a<00:18:19.990> 50%<00:18:20.530> chance<00:18:20.830> of<00:18:21.570> being radius you have a 50% chance of being radius you have a 50% chance of being killed<00:18:22.960> and<00:18:23.230> up<00:18:24.160> to<00:18:24.460> about<00:18:24.610> eight<00:18:24.820> miles<00:18:25.030> away killed and up to about eight miles away killed and up to about eight miles away that<00:18:25.600> putting<00:18:25.900> that<00:18:25.990> killed<00:18:26.230> instantly that putting that killed instantly that putting that killed instantly somewhere<00:18:27.910> between<00:18:28.060> a<00:18:28.210> 10<00:18:28.510> and<00:18:28.540> 20<00:18:28.930> percent somewhere between a 10 and 20 percent somewhere between a 10 and 20 percent chance<00:18:29.800> of<00:18:30.280> getting<00:18:30.340> killed<00:18:30.760> the<00:18:31.390> thing<00:18:31.630> about chance of getting killed the thing about chance of getting killed the thing about this<00:18:32.110> is<00:18:32.170> that<00:18:32.880> the<00:18:33.880> experience<00:18:34.600> of<00:18:34.780> the this is that the experience of the this is that the experience of the nuclear<00:18:35.380> detonation<00:18:36.010> is<00:18:37.020> first<00:18:38.020> of<00:18:38.140> all<00:18:38.200> tens nuclear detonation is first of all tens nuclear detonation is first of all tens of<00:18:38.860> millions<00:18:39.190> of<00:18:39.310> degrees<00:18:39.400> Fahrenheit<00:18:40.060> at<00:18:40.240> the of millions of degrees Fahrenheit at the of millions of degrees Fahrenheit at the core<00:18:40.600> here<00:18:40.840> where<00:18:41.020> it<00:18:41.080> goes<00:18:41.200> off<00:18:41.470> and<00:18:41.910> an core here where it goes off and an core here where it goes off and an extraordinary<00:18:43.480> amount<00:18:43.930> of<00:18:44.080> energy<00:18:44.530> in<00:18:44.740> form extraordinary amount of energy in form extraordinary amount of energy in form of<00:18:45.100> heat<00:18:45.210> acute<00:18:46.210> radiation<00:18:46.330> and<00:18:46.930> blast of heat acute radiation and blast of heat acute radiation and blast effects<00:18:48.220> an<00:18:48.790> enormous<00:18:49.510> hurricane<00:18:49.990> like<00:18:50.170> wind effects an enormous hurricane like wind effects an enormous hurricane like wind and<00:18:51.400> destruction<00:18:52.000> of<00:18:52.240> buildings<00:18:52.660> almost and destruction of buildings almost and destruction of buildings almost totally<00:18:53.500> within<00:18:53.710> this<00:18:53.980> yellow<00:18:54.850> circle<00:18:55.060> here totally within this yellow circle here totally within this yellow circle here and<00:18:55.600> what<00:18:56.230> I'm<00:18:56.320> going<00:18:56.470> to<00:18:56.530> focus<00:18:56.740> on<00:18:57.040> it<00:18:57.220> as<00:18:57.460> I and what I'm going to focus on it as I and what I'm going to focus on it as I come<00:18:58.090> to<00:18:58.240> conclusion<00:18:59.050> here<00:18:59.170> is<00:18:59.200> that<00:18:59.320> what come to conclusion here is that what come to conclusion here is that what happens<00:19:00.580> to<00:19:00.880> you<00:19:01.060> if<00:19:01.360> you're<00:19:01.870> in<00:19:02.140> here<00:19:02.560> well<00:19:03.250> if happens to you if you're in here well if happens to you if you're in here well if we're<00:19:03.520> talking<00:19:03.760> about<00:19:04.000> the<00:19:04.240> old<00:19:04.300> days<00:19:04.630> of<00:19:04.990> an we're talking about the old days of an we're talking about the old days of an all-out<00:19:05.530> nuclear<00:19:05.710> attack<00:19:06.340> you<00:19:07.060> up<00:19:07.390> here<00:19:07.840> are all-out nuclear attack you up here are all-out nuclear attack you up here are as<00:19:08.230> dead<00:19:08.470> as<00:19:08.590> the<00:19:08.620> people<00:19:09.010> here<00:19:09.310> so<00:19:09.730> it<00:19:09.790> was<00:19:09.880> a as dead as the people here so it was a as dead as the people here so it was a moot<00:19:10.180> point<00:19:10.290> my<00:19:11.290> point<00:19:11.650> now<00:19:11.710> though<00:19:12.100> is<00:19:12.280> that moot point my point now though is that moot point my point now though is that there's<00:19:12.880> a<00:19:12.970> lot<00:19:13.210> that<00:19:13.240> we<00:19:13.480> could<00:19:13.630> do<00:19:13.750> for<00:19:14.020> you there's a lot that we could do for you there's a lot that we could do for you who<00:19:14.560> are<00:19:14.620> in<00:19:14.770> here<00:19:15.040> if<00:19:15.160> you've<00:19:15.460> survived<00:19:16.000> the who are in here if you've survived the who are in here if you've survived the initial<00:19:16.390> blast<00:19:16.750> you<00:19:17.530> have<00:19:17.770> when<00:19:18.070> the<00:19:18.160> blast initial blast you have when the blast initial blast you have when the blast goes<00:19:18.640> off<00:19:18.760> and<00:19:18.910> by<00:19:19.000> the<00:19:19.060> way<00:19:19.180> if<00:19:19.510> it<00:19:19.930> ever<00:19:20.080> comes goes off and by the way if it ever comes goes off and by the way if it ever comes up<00:19:20.560> don't<00:19:21.160> look<00:19:21.400> at<00:19:21.610> it<00:19:21.640> if<00:19:22.570> you<00:19:23.530> look<00:19:23.770> at<00:19:23.950> it up don't look at it if you look at it up don't look at it if you look at it you're<00:19:24.820> going<00:19:25.000> to<00:19:25.060> be<00:19:25.210> blind<00:19:25.570> either you're going to be blind either you're going to be blind either temporarily<00:19:26.740> or<00:19:26.800> permanently<00:19:27.010> so<00:19:27.640> if<00:19:27.760> there's temporarily or permanently so if there's temporarily or permanently so if there's any<00:19:28.060> way<00:19:28.240> to<00:19:28.300> avoid<00:19:28.630> avert<00:19:29.620> your<00:19:29.650> eyes<00:19:29.800> that any way to avoid avert your eyes that any way to avoid avert your eyes that would<00:19:30.220> be<00:19:30.310> a<00:19:30.340> good<00:19:30.520> thing<00:19:30.700> if<00:19:31.360> you<00:19:32.320> find would be a good thing if you find would be a good thing if you find yourself<00:19:32.830> alive<00:19:33.870> but<00:19:34.870> you're<00:19:35.020> in<00:19:35.170> the yourself alive but you're in the yourself alive but you're in the vicinity<00:19:35.860> of<00:19:35.890> a<00:19:36.100> nuclear<00:19:36.400> weapon<00:19:36.820> you<00:19:37.660> have vicinity of a nuclear weapon you have vicinity of a nuclear weapon you have that's<00:19:38.410> gone<00:19:38.590> off<00:19:38.620> you<00:19:39.070> have<00:19:39.220> 10<00:19:39.580> to<00:19:39.760> 20 that's gone off you have 10 to 20 that's gone off you have 10 to 20 minutes<00:19:40.570> depending<00:19:40.720> on<00:19:41.080> the<00:19:41.170> size<00:19:41.380> and minutes depending on the size and minutes depending on the size and exactly<00:19:42.010> where<00:19:42.160> it<00:19:42.220> went<00:19:42.340> off<00:19:42.490> to<00:19:43.120> get<00:19:43.270> out<00:19:43.510> of exactly where it went off to get out of exactly where it went off to get out of the<00:19:43.840> way<00:19:43.990> before<00:19:44.920> a<00:19:45.670> lethal<00:19:46.570> amount<00:19:46.660> of the way before a lethal amount of the way before a lethal amount of radiation<00:19:47.320> comes<00:19:47.530> straight<00:19:47.920> down<00:19:47.980> from<00:19:48.400> the radiation comes straight down from the radiation comes straight down from the from<00:19:48.910> the<00:19:49.030> mushroom<00:19:49.360> cloud<00:19:49.540> that<00:19:49.690> goes<00:19:49.810> up<00:19:49.990> in from the mushroom cloud that goes up in from the mushroom cloud that goes up in that<00:19:50.890> 10<00:19:51.070> to<00:19:51.190> 15<00:19:51.490> minutes<00:19:51.820> all<00:19:52.120> you<00:19:52.390> have<00:19:52.510> to<00:19:52.600> do that 10 to 15 minutes all you have to do that 10 to 15 minutes all you have to do and<00:19:53.020> I<00:19:53.320> mean<00:19:53.740> that<00:19:53.860> seriously<00:19:54.070> is<00:19:54.430> go<00:19:54.970> about<00:19:55.240> a and I mean that seriously is go about a and I mean that seriously is go about a my my my away<00:19:57.490> from<00:19:57.550> the<00:19:57.940> blast<00:19:58.210> and<00:19:58.600> what<00:19:59.050> happens<00:19:59.380> is away from the blast and what happens is away from the blast and what happens is this<00:19:59.710> is<00:19:59.770> I'm<00:19:59.980> going<00:20:00.070> to<00:20:00.130> show<00:20:00.220> you<00:20:00.310> now<00:20:00.460> some this is I'm going to show you now some this is I'm going to show you now some fallout<00:20:00.910> plumes<00:20:01.330> within<00:20:01.990> 20<00:20:02.260> minutes<00:20:02.380> come fallout plumes within 20 minutes come fallout plumes within 20 minutes come straight<00:20:03.130> down<00:20:03.160> within<00:20:03.790> 24<00:20:04.300> hours<00:20:04.330> lethal straight down within 24 hours lethal straight down within 24 hours lethal radiation<00:20:05.530> is<00:20:05.890> going<00:20:06.130> out<00:20:06.280> with<00:20:07.120> prevailing radiation is going out with prevailing radiation is going out with prevailing winds<00:20:07.840> and<00:20:08.020> it's<00:20:08.230> mostly<00:20:08.590> in<00:20:08.740> this<00:20:08.830> particular winds and it's mostly in this particular winds and it's mostly in this particular direction<00:20:09.460> it's<00:20:09.820> going<00:20:10.200> northeast<00:20:11.200> and<00:20:11.530> if direction it's going northeast and if direction it's going northeast and if you're<00:20:12.400> in<00:20:12.670> this<00:20:13.120> vicinity you're in this vicinity you're in this vicinity you've<00:20:14.020> got<00:20:14.350> to<00:20:14.470> get<00:20:14.590> away<00:20:14.710> so<00:20:14.890> you're<00:20:15.280> feeling you've got to get away so you're feeling you've got to get away so you're feeling the<00:20:15.880> wind<00:20:16.180> and<00:20:16.570> there's<00:20:17.410> tremendous<00:20:17.590> wind<00:20:18.280> now the wind and there's tremendous wind now the wind and there's tremendous wind now that<00:20:18.610> you're<00:20:18.700> going<00:20:18.790> to<00:20:18.880> be<00:20:18.970> feeling<00:20:19.180> and<00:20:19.450> you that you're going to be feeling and you that you're going to be feeling and you want<00:20:20.080> to<00:20:20.170> go<00:20:20.520> perpendicular<00:20:21.520> to<00:20:21.730> the<00:20:22.000> wind<00:20:22.180> or want to go perpendicular to the wind or want to go perpendicular to the wind or down<00:20:23.200> wind<00:20:23.890> if<00:20:24.160> you<00:20:24.460> are<00:20:24.640> in<00:20:24.760> fact<00:20:25.000> able<00:20:25.660> to<00:20:25.780> see down wind if you are in fact able to see down wind if you are in fact able to see where<00:20:26.230> the<00:20:26.290> blast<00:20:26.530> was<00:20:26.770> in<00:20:26.950> front<00:20:27.190> of<00:20:27.280> you where the blast was in front of you where the blast was in front of you you've<00:20:27.790> got<00:20:28.120> to<00:20:28.270> get<00:20:28.390> out<00:20:28.540> of<00:20:28.690> there<00:20:28.810> if<00:20:28.930> you you've got to get out of there if you you've got to get out of there if you don't<00:20:29.380> get<00:20:29.500> out<00:20:29.680> of<00:20:29.800> there<00:20:29.950> you're<00:20:30.400> going<00:20:30.550> to don't get out of there you're going to don't get out of there you're going to be<00:20:30.670> exposed<00:20:31.120> to<00:20:31.270> lethal<00:20:31.420> radiation<00:20:31.780> in<00:20:32.170> very be exposed to lethal radiation in very be exposed to lethal radiation in very short<00:20:32.800> order<00:20:32.920> if<00:20:33.190> you<00:20:33.610> can't<00:20:33.940> get<00:20:34.150> out<00:20:34.300> of short order if you can't get out of short order if you can't get out of there<00:20:34.600> we<00:20:34.960> want<00:20:35.230> you<00:20:35.320> to<00:20:35.440> go<00:20:35.590> into<00:20:35.890> a<00:20:35.920> shelter there we want you to go into a shelter there we want you to go into a shelter and<00:20:36.610> stay<00:20:36.880> there<00:20:37.210> now<00:20:37.840> in<00:20:37.900> a<00:20:37.990> shelter<00:20:38.440> in<00:20:38.620> an and stay there now in a shelter in an and stay there now in a shelter in an urban<00:20:38.920> area<00:20:39.220> means<00:20:39.790> you<00:20:40.540> you<00:20:41.380> have<00:20:41.620> to<00:20:41.770> be urban area means you you have to be urban area means you you have to be either<00:20:42.250> in<00:20:42.490> a<00:20:42.610> basement<00:20:43.210> as<00:20:43.600> deep<00:20:43.900> as<00:20:44.050> possible either in a basement as deep as possible either in a basement as deep as possible or<00:20:44.890> you<00:20:45.100> have<00:20:45.250> to<00:20:45.400> be<00:20:45.520> on<00:20:45.730> a<00:20:45.760> floor<00:20:46.240> on<00:20:46.480> a<00:20:46.510> high or you have to be on a floor on a high or you have to be on a floor on a high floor<00:20:47.200> if<00:20:47.470> it's<00:20:47.650> a<00:20:47.710> ground<00:20:47.950> burst<00:20:48.190> explosion floor if it's a ground burst explosion floor if it's a ground burst explosion which<00:20:49.060> it<00:20:49.180> would<00:20:49.330> be<00:20:49.480> higher<00:20:50.320> than<00:20:50.620> the<00:20:50.800> ninth which it would be higher than the ninth which it would be higher than the ninth floor<00:20:51.250> so<00:20:51.430> you<00:20:51.490> have<00:20:51.580> to<00:20:51.640> be<00:20:51.730> 10th<00:20:51.970> floor<00:20:52.210> or floor so you have to be 10th floor or floor so you have to be 10th floor or higher<00:20:52.690> or<00:20:52.990> in<00:20:53.410> the<00:20:53.500> basement<00:20:54.210> but<00:20:55.210> basically higher or in the basement but basically higher or in the basement but basically you<00:20:56.200> got<00:20:56.350> to<00:20:56.470> get<00:20:56.560> out<00:20:56.680> of<00:20:56.800> town<00:20:57.010> as<00:20:57.310> quickly<00:20:57.550> as you got to get out of town as quickly as you got to get out of town as quickly as possible<00:20:57.790> and<00:20:58.390> if<00:20:58.990> you<00:20:59.140> do<00:20:59.410> that<00:20:59.650> you<00:21:00.310> actually possible and if you do that you actually possible and if you do that you actually can<00:21:01.000> survive<00:21:01.480> a<00:21:01.900> nuclear<00:21:02.260> blast<00:21:03.570> over<00:21:04.570> the can survive a nuclear blast over the can survive a nuclear blast over the next<00:21:04.870> few<00:21:05.140> days<00:21:05.320> to<00:21:05.680> a<00:21:05.950> week<00:21:06.040> there<00:21:06.880> will<00:21:06.970> be<00:21:07.030> a next few days to a week there will be a next few days to a week there will be a radiation<00:21:07.780> cloud<00:21:07.960> again<00:21:08.320> going<00:21:08.710> with<00:21:08.860> the radiation cloud again going with the radiation cloud again going with the wind<00:21:09.340> and<00:21:09.490> settling<00:21:10.210> down<00:21:10.390> for<00:21:10.450> another<00:21:10.840> 15<00:21:11.230> or wind and settling down for another 15 or wind and settling down for another 15 or 20<00:21:11.650> miles<00:21:11.800> out<00:21:12.100> in<00:21:12.340> this<00:21:12.760> case<00:21:12.970> over<00:21:13.330> Long 20 miles out in this case over Long 20 miles out in this case over Long Island<00:21:13.960> and<00:21:14.110> if<00:21:14.770> you're<00:21:15.070> in<00:21:15.220> the<00:21:15.400> direct Island and if you're in the direct Island and if you're in the direct fallout<00:21:16.210> zone<00:21:16.480> here<00:21:16.810> you<00:21:17.140> really<00:21:17.500> have<00:21:17.650> to fallout zone here you really have to fallout zone here you really have to either<00:21:17.830> be<00:21:18.010> sheltered<00:21:18.400> or<00:21:18.550> you<00:21:18.640> have<00:21:18.760> to<00:21:18.850> get either be sheltered or you have to get either be sheltered or you have to get out<00:21:19.120> of<00:21:19.240> there<00:21:19.360> and<00:21:19.480> that's<00:21:19.780> that's<00:21:20.500> clear<00:21:20.830> but out of there and that's that's clear but out of there and that's that's clear but if<00:21:21.070> you<00:21:21.160> are<00:21:21.340> sheltered<00:21:21.880> you<00:21:22.360> can<00:21:22.540> actually if you are sheltered you can actually if you are sheltered you can actually survive<00:21:23.440> the<00:21:24.250> difference<00:21:24.700> between<00:21:25.020> knowing survive the difference between knowing survive the difference between knowing information<00:21:26.140> of<00:21:26.710> what<00:21:26.860> you're<00:21:26.980> going<00:21:27.130> to<00:21:27.190> do information of what you're going to do information of what you're going to do personally<00:21:27.880> and<00:21:28.090> not<00:21:28.570> knowing<00:21:28.780> information personally and not knowing information personally and not knowing information can<00:21:29.440> save<00:21:29.680> your<00:21:29.890> life<00:21:30.040> and<00:21:30.340> it<00:21:30.790> can<00:21:30.910> mean<00:21:31.060> the can save your life and it can mean the can save your life and it can mean the difference<00:21:31.210> between<00:21:31.800> 150<00:21:32.800> to<00:21:32.830> 200<00:21:33.340> thousand difference between 150 to 200 thousand difference between 150 to 200 thousand fatalities<00:21:34.810> from<00:21:35.050> something<00:21:35.440> like<00:21:35.590> this<00:21:35.770> and fatalities from something like this and fatalities from something like this and half-a-million<00:21:38.200> to<00:21:38.350> 700<00:21:38.890> thousand half-a-million to 700 thousand half-a-million to 700 thousand fatalities<00:21:39.780> so<00:21:40.780> response<00:21:41.590> planning<00:21:41.950> in<00:21:42.160> the fatalities so response planning in the fatalities so response planning in the 21st<00:21:42.670> century<00:21:43.030> is<00:21:43.120> both<00:21:43.360> possible<00:21:43.900> and<00:21:43.960> is 21st century is both possible and is 21st century is both possible and is essential<00:21:45.040> but<00:21:45.610> in<00:21:45.760> 2008<00:21:46.540> there<00:21:46.960> isn't<00:21:47.230> one essential but in 2008 there isn't one essential but in 2008 there isn't one single<00:21:47.860> American<00:21:48.580> city<00:21:48.850> that<00:21:49.540> has<00:21:49.750> done single American city that has done single American city that has done effective<00:21:51.190> plans<00:21:51.610> to<00:21:52.180> deal<00:21:52.420> with<00:21:52.600> a<00:21:52.630> nuclear effective plans to deal with a nuclear effective plans to deal with a nuclear detonation<00:21:53.200> disaster<00:21:54.010> part<00:21:54.670> of<00:21:54.760> the<00:21:54.820> problem detonation disaster part of the problem detonation disaster part of the problem is<00:21:55.240> that<00:21:55.390> the<00:21:55.510> emergency<00:21:55.960> planners is that the emergency planners is that the emergency planners themselves<00:21:57.130> personally<00:21:57.670> are<00:21:58.170> overwhelmed themselves personally are overwhelmed themselves personally are overwhelmed psychologically<00:22:00.010> by<00:22:00.160> the<00:22:00.220> thought<00:22:00.580> of psychologically by the thought of psychologically by the thought of nuclear<00:22:01.390> catastrophe<00:22:01.540> they<00:22:02.440> are<00:22:02.590> paralyzed nuclear catastrophe they are paralyzed nuclear catastrophe they are paralyzed you<00:22:03.910> say<00:22:04.150> nuclear<00:22:04.660> to<00:22:04.960> them<00:22:05.110> and<00:22:05.350> they're you say nuclear to them and they're you say nuclear to them and they're thicken<00:22:06.040> oh<00:22:06.160> my<00:22:06.550> god<00:22:06.730> we're<00:22:06.910> all<00:22:07.060> gone<00:22:07.240> what's thicken oh my god we're all gone what's thicken oh my god we're all gone what's the<00:22:07.660> point<00:22:07.870> it's<00:22:08.380> futile the point it's futile the point it's futile and<00:22:09.580> we're<00:22:09.760> trying<00:22:09.970> to<00:22:10.090> tell<00:22:10.270> them<00:22:10.360> it's<00:22:10.510> not and we're trying to tell them it's not and we're trying to tell them it's not futile<00:22:11.110> we<00:22:11.620> can<00:22:11.799> change<00:22:12.159> the<00:22:12.460> survival<00:22:13.000> rates futile we can change the survival rates futile we can change the survival rates by<00:22:13.570> doing<00:22:13.929> some<00:22:14.529> common<00:22:15.159> sensical<00:22:15.429> things<00:22:15.760> so by doing some common sensical things so by doing some common sensical things so the<00:22:16.630> goal<00:22:16.809> here<00:22:17.110> is<00:22:17.140> to<00:22:17.320> minimize<00:22:17.559> fatalities the goal here is to minimize fatalities the goal here is to minimize fatalities and<00:22:18.700> I<00:22:19.330> just<00:22:19.630> want<00:22:19.750> to<00:22:19.809> leave<00:22:19.960> you<00:22:20.080> with<00:22:20.230> the and I just want to leave you with the and I just want to leave you with the personal<00:22:20.799> points<00:22:21.100> I<00:22:21.159> think<00:22:21.669> you<00:22:21.730> might<00:22:22.090> be personal points I think you might be personal points I think you might be interested<00:22:22.659> in<00:22:22.720> the<00:22:23.380> key<00:22:23.620> to<00:22:23.679> surviving<00:22:24.309> a interested in the key to surviving a interested in the key to surviving a nuclear<00:22:24.399> blast<00:22:24.970> is<00:22:25.210> getting<00:22:26.049> out<00:22:26.230> and<00:22:26.970> not nuclear blast is getting out and not nuclear blast is getting out and not going<00:22:28.240> into<00:22:28.450> harm's<00:22:29.320> way going into harm's way going into harm's way that's<00:22:30.730> basically<00:22:31.299> all<00:22:31.480> we're<00:22:31.630> going<00:22:31.720> to<00:22:31.779> be that's basically all we're going to be that's basically all we're going to be talking<00:22:32.169> about<00:22:32.260> here<00:22:32.500> and<00:22:32.649> the<00:22:33.549> farther<00:22:33.970> you talking about here and the farther you talking about here and the farther you are<00:22:34.179> away<00:22:34.360> in<00:22:34.720> distance<00:22:35.200> the<00:22:36.010> longer<00:22:36.460> it<00:22:36.669> is<00:22:36.700> in are away in distance the longer it is in are away in distance the longer it is in time<00:22:37.480> from<00:22:37.870> the<00:22:37.960> initial<00:22:38.080> blast<00:22:38.409> and<00:22:38.950> the<00:22:39.429> more time from the initial blast and the more time from the initial blast and the more separation<00:22:40.360> between<00:22:40.659> you<00:22:41.169> and<00:22:41.470> the<00:22:41.890> outside separation between you and the outside separation between you and the outside atmosphere<00:22:42.549> the<00:22:43.120> better<00:22:43.330> so<00:22:44.080> separation atmosphere the better so separation atmosphere the better so separation hopefully<00:22:45.399> the<00:22:45.490> dirt<00:22:45.730> or<00:22:45.909> concrete<00:22:46.120> or<00:22:46.570> being hopefully the dirt or concrete or being hopefully the dirt or concrete or being in<00:22:47.320> a<00:22:47.409> basement<00:22:47.940> distance<00:22:48.940> in<00:22:49.059> time<00:22:49.299> is<00:22:49.570> what in a basement distance in time is what in a basement distance in time is what will<00:22:49.929> save<00:22:50.110> you<00:22:50.260> so<00:22:50.470> here's<00:22:50.950> what<00:22:51.100> you<00:22:51.220> do will save you so here's what you do will save you so here's what you do first<00:22:52.059> of<00:22:52.240> all<00:22:52.299> and<00:22:52.419> they<00:22:52.480> said<00:22:52.659> don't<00:22:52.929> stare first of all and they said don't stare first of all and they said don't stare at<00:22:53.320> the<00:22:53.440> light<00:22:53.590> flash<00:22:53.830> if<00:22:53.980> you<00:22:54.039> get<00:22:54.159> behind<00:22:54.279> it at the light flash if you get behind it at the light flash if you get behind it on<00:22:54.549> how<00:22:54.640> you<00:22:54.700> could<00:22:55.000> possibly<00:22:55.179> resist<00:22:55.630> doing on how you could possibly resist doing on how you could possibly resist doing that<00:22:56.049> but<00:22:56.169> let's<00:22:56.679> assume<00:22:56.830> theoretically<00:22:57.610> you that but let's assume theoretically you that but let's assume theoretically you want<00:22:57.880> to<00:22:57.940> do<00:22:58.029> that<00:22:58.179> you<00:22:58.510> want<00:22:58.690> to<00:22:58.750> keep<00:22:58.870> your want to do that you want to keep your want to do that you want to keep your mouth<00:22:59.200> open<00:22:59.590> so<00:22:59.620> your<00:22:59.799> eardrums<00:23:00.190> don't<00:23:00.549> burst mouth open so your eardrums don't burst mouth open so your eardrums don't burst from<00:23:01.059> the<00:23:01.120> from<00:23:01.720> the<00:23:01.809> pressures<00:23:02.470> if<00:23:02.620> you're from the from the pressures if you're from the from the pressures if you're very<00:23:03.610> close<00:23:03.909> to<00:23:04.059> what<00:23:04.210> happened<00:23:04.539> you<00:23:04.809> actually very close to what happened you actually very close to what happened you actually do<00:23:05.289> have<00:23:05.409> to<00:23:05.470> Duck<00:23:05.679> and<00:23:05.710> Cover<00:23:05.890> like<00:23:06.130> Bert<00:23:06.279> told do have to Duck and Cover like Bert told do have to Duck and Cover like Bert told you<00:23:06.850> Bert<00:23:07.090> the<00:23:07.210> turtle<00:23:07.240> and<00:23:07.630> you<00:23:07.710> want<00:23:08.710> to<00:23:08.799> get you Bert the turtle and you want to get you Bert the turtle and you want to get under<00:23:09.279> something<00:23:10.000> so<00:23:10.210> that<00:23:10.240> you're<00:23:10.480> not under something so that you're not under something so that you're not injured<00:23:11.320> or<00:23:11.470> killed<00:23:11.500> by<00:23:11.890> objects<00:23:12.520> if<00:23:12.640> that's injured or killed by objects if that's injured or killed by objects if that's at<00:23:12.970> all<00:23:13.029> possible<00:23:13.090> you<00:23:13.929> want<00:23:14.140> to<00:23:14.230> get<00:23:14.320> away at all possible you want to get away at all possible you want to get away from<00:23:14.559> the<00:23:14.740> initial<00:23:14.919> fallout<00:23:15.279> mushroom<00:23:15.610> cloud from the initial fallout mushroom cloud from the initial fallout mushroom cloud I<00:23:15.850> said<00:23:16.210> in<00:23:16.270> just<00:23:16.390> a<00:23:16.510> few<00:23:16.690> minutes<00:23:16.990> and<00:23:17.080> shelter I said in just a few minutes and shelter I said in just a few minutes and shelter in<00:23:17.890> place<00:23:18.220> you<00:23:18.820> want<00:23:18.970> to<00:23:19.090> move<00:23:19.179> down<00:23:19.480> wind<00:23:19.779> or in place you want to move down wind or in place you want to move down wind or crosswind<00:23:21.190> for<00:23:21.460> 1.2<00:23:22.000> miles<00:23:22.240> you<00:23:22.690> know<00:23:22.720> if<00:23:22.929> you crosswind for 1.2 miles you know if you crosswind for 1.2 miles you know if you if<00:23:23.230> you're<00:23:23.440> out<00:23:23.500> there<00:23:23.620> you<00:23:23.830> see<00:23:24.100> buildings if you're out there you see buildings if you're out there you see buildings horribly<00:23:25.299> destroyed<00:23:25.870> and<00:23:26.049> down<00:23:26.350> in<00:23:26.649> that horribly destroyed and down in that horribly destroyed and down in that direction<00:23:26.980> let's<00:23:27.820> destroy<00:23:28.240> here<00:23:28.630> then<00:23:29.020> you direction let's destroy here then you direction let's destroy here then you know<00:23:29.289> that<00:23:29.470> it<00:23:29.649> was<00:23:29.740> over<00:23:29.980> there<00:23:30.100> the<00:23:30.279> blast know that it was over there the blast know that it was over there the blast and<00:23:30.760> you're<00:23:30.850> going<00:23:31.029> this<00:23:31.210> way<00:23:31.390> as<00:23:31.600> long<00:23:32.169> as and you're going this way as long as and you're going this way as long as you're<00:23:32.409> going<00:23:33.100> across<00:23:33.250> crosswise<00:23:34.090> to<00:23:34.360> the you're going across crosswise to the you're going across crosswise to the wind<00:23:34.950> once<00:23:35.950> you're<00:23:36.130> out<00:23:36.340> and<00:23:36.580> evacuating<00:23:37.299> you wind once you're out and evacuating you wind once you're out and evacuating you want<00:23:37.539> to<00:23:37.630> keep<00:23:37.750> as<00:23:37.899> much<00:23:38.140> of<00:23:38.320> your<00:23:38.470> skin<00:23:38.830> your want to keep as much of your skin your want to keep as much of your skin your mouth<00:23:39.279> and<00:23:39.490> nose<00:23:39.669> covered<00:23:40.240> as<00:23:40.510> long<00:23:40.720> as<00:23:40.840> that mouth and nose covered as long as that mouth and nose covered as long as that covering<00:23:41.500> doesn't<00:23:42.159> impede<00:23:42.520> you<00:23:42.760> moving<00:23:43.360> and covering doesn't impede you moving and covering doesn't impede you moving and getting<00:23:43.690> out<00:23:43.899> of<00:23:44.020> there<00:23:44.169> and<00:23:44.289> finally<00:23:44.919> you getting out of there and finally you getting out of there and finally you want<00:23:45.399> to<00:23:45.490> get<00:23:45.640> decontaminated<00:23:46.390> as<00:23:46.450> soon<00:23:46.570> as want to get decontaminated as soon as want to get decontaminated as soon as possible<00:23:47.169> and<00:23:47.350> if<00:23:47.529> you're<00:23:47.649> wearing<00:23:47.860> clothing possible and if you're wearing clothing possible and if you're wearing clothing you<00:23:48.340> take<00:23:48.760> it<00:23:48.850> off<00:23:48.940> your<00:23:49.090> clothing<00:23:49.330> you're you take it off your clothing you're you take it off your clothing you're going<00:23:49.960> to<00:23:50.020> get<00:23:50.140> showered<00:23:50.529> down<00:23:50.679> someplace<00:23:51.190> and going to get showered down someplace and going to get showered down someplace and remove<00:23:52.059> the<00:23:52.240> radiation<00:23:52.720> that<00:23:52.779> would<00:23:52.899> be<00:23:53.049> the remove the radiation that would be the remove the radiation that would be the radioactive<00:23:54.460> material<00:23:54.789> that<00:23:54.880> might<00:23:55.029> be<00:23:55.149> on radioactive material that might be on radioactive material that might be on you<00:23:56.020> and<00:23:56.200> then<00:23:56.590> you<00:23:56.620> want<00:23:56.860> to<00:23:56.950> stay<00:23:57.159> in<00:23:57.340> shelter you and then you want to stay in shelter you and then you want to stay in shelter for<00:23:57.880> 48<00:23:58.240> to<00:23:58.360> 72<00:23:58.779> hours<00:23:58.919> minimum for 48 to 72 hours minimum for 48 to 72 hours minimum but<00:24:00.460> you're<00:24:00.549> going<00:24:00.640> to<00:24:00.760> wait<00:24:00.909> hopefully but you're going to wait hopefully but you're going to wait hopefully you'll<00:24:01.480> have<00:24:01.570> your<00:24:01.720> little<00:24:01.840> wind-up you'll have your little wind-up you'll have your little wind-up battery-less<00:24:03.340> radio<00:24:03.850> and<00:24:04.120> you'll<00:24:04.600> be<00:24:04.720> waiting battery-less radio and you'll be waiting battery-less radio and you'll be waiting for<00:24:05.230> people<00:24:05.740> to<00:24:05.919> tell<00:24:06.039> you<00:24:06.159> when<00:24:06.279> it's<00:24:06.309> safe<00:24:06.490> to for people to tell you when it's safe to for people to tell you when it's safe to go<00:24:06.700> outside<00:24:06.909> that's<00:24:07.809> what<00:24:07.990> you<00:24:08.080> need<00:24:08.230> to<00:24:08.320> do<00:24:08.440> in go outside that's what you need to do in go outside that's what you need to do in conclusion<00:24:09.659> nuclear<00:24:10.659> war<00:24:10.870> is<00:24:10.990> less<00:24:11.200> likely conclusion nuclear war is less likely conclusion nuclear war is less likely than<00:24:11.740> before<00:24:12.130> but<00:24:12.279> by<00:24:12.429> no<00:24:12.490> means<00:24:12.640> out<00:24:12.909> of<00:24:12.940> the than before but by no means out of the than before but by no means out of the question<00:24:13.450> and<00:24:13.630> it's<00:24:14.049> not<00:24:14.230> survivable<00:24:14.799> nuclear question and it's not survivable nuclear question and it's not survivable nuclear terrorism<00:24:16.090> is<00:24:16.450> possible<00:24:17.020> maybe<00:24:17.200> probable<00:24:17.860> but terrorism is possible maybe probable but terrorism is possible maybe probable but is<00:24:18.490> survivable<00:24:19.419> and<00:24:19.799> this<00:24:20.799> is<00:24:20.980> Jack<00:24:21.220> Geiger is survivable and this is Jack Geiger is survivable and this is Jack Geiger was<00:24:21.789> one<00:24:21.970> of<00:24:22.059> the<00:24:22.120> heroes was one of the heroes was one of the heroes US<00:24:22.779> public<00:24:23.169> health<00:24:24.179> community<00:24:25.179> and<00:24:25.389> Jack<00:24:26.230> said US public health community and Jack said US public health community and Jack said the<00:24:27.070> only<00:24:27.279> way<00:24:27.399> to<00:24:27.549> deal<00:24:27.820> with<00:24:28.179> nuclear the only way to deal with nuclear the only way to deal with nuclear anything<00:24:29.259> whether<00:24:29.409> it's<00:24:29.620> war<00:24:29.889> or<00:24:30.130> terrorism anything whether it's war or terrorism anything whether it's war or terrorism is<00:24:30.850> abolition<00:24:31.809> of<00:24:31.929> nuclear<00:24:31.990> weapons<00:24:32.380> you<00:24:33.159> want is abolition of nuclear weapons you want is abolition of nuclear weapons you want something<00:24:33.610> to<00:24:33.700> work<00:24:33.880> on<00:24:34.029> once<00:24:34.299> you<00:24:34.389> fix<00:24:34.630> global something to work on once you fix global something to work on once you fix global warming<00:24:35.440> I<00:24:35.590> urge<00:24:36.460> you<00:24:36.789> to<00:24:36.909> think<00:24:36.940> about<00:24:37.269> the warming I urge you to think about the warming I urge you to think about the fact<00:24:38.139> that<00:24:38.380> we<00:24:38.649> have<00:24:38.860> to<00:24:39.009> do<00:24:39.130> something<00:24:39.549> about fact that we have to do something about fact that we have to do something about this<00:24:40.409> unacceptable this unacceptable this unacceptable inhumane<00:24:42.360> reality<00:24:43.360> of<00:24:43.509> nuclear<00:24:43.899> weapons<00:24:44.440> in inhumane reality of nuclear weapons in inhumane reality of nuclear weapons in our<00:24:45.399> world<00:24:45.669> now<00:24:46.059> this<00:24:46.360> is<00:24:46.539> my<00:24:46.659> favorite<00:24:46.899> civil our world now this is my favorite civil our world now this is my favorite civil defense<00:24:47.830> slide<00:24:48.100> and<00:24:48.309> I<00:24:49.470> don't<00:24:50.470> want<00:24:50.649> to<00:24:50.710> be defense slide and I don't want to be defense slide and I don't want to be indelicate<00:24:51.130> but<00:24:52.559> this<00:24:53.700> is<00:24:54.700> no<00:24:54.909> longer<00:24:55.029> in indelicate but this is no longer in indelicate but this is no longer in office<00:24:55.480> we<00:24:55.629> don't<00:24:55.779> really<00:24:55.929> care<00:24:56.110> of<00:24:56.169> it<00:24:56.289> this office we don't really care of it this office we don't really care of it this was<00:24:57.340> sent<00:24:58.120> to<00:24:58.179> me<00:24:58.330> by<00:24:58.360> somebody<00:24:58.750> who<00:24:59.110> is<00:24:59.590> at<00:24:59.830> a was sent to me by somebody who is at a was sent to me by somebody who is at a fixie<00:25:00.220> annatto<00:25:00.490> of<00:25:00.789> the<00:25:01.480> civil<00:25:01.779> defense fixie annatto of the civil defense fixie annatto of the civil defense procedures<00:25:02.169> but<00:25:02.679> the<00:25:03.070> fact<00:25:03.309> that<00:25:03.370> matter<00:25:03.669> is procedures but the fact that matter is procedures but the fact that matter is that<00:25:04.330> America<00:25:04.750> has<00:25:04.840> gone<00:25:04.990> through<00:25:05.169> a<00:25:05.230> very that America has gone through a very that America has gone through a very hard<00:25:05.620> time<00:25:05.860> we've<00:25:06.250> not<00:25:06.460> been<00:25:06.610> focused<00:25:06.850> we've hard time we've not been focused we've hard time we've not been focused we've not<00:25:07.600> done<00:25:07.629> we<00:25:07.899> had<00:25:08.080> to<00:25:08.200> do<00:25:08.379> and<00:25:09.159> now<00:25:09.190> we're not done we had to do and now we're not done we had to do and now we're facing<00:25:09.909> the<00:25:10.360> potential<00:25:10.659> of<00:25:11.340> bad<00:25:12.340> hell<00:25:12.820> on facing the potential of bad hell on facing the potential of bad hell on earth<00:25:13.620> thank<00:25:14.620> you

Cold War, nuclear, nuclear, war, bomb, how, to, survive, attack, disaster, preparedness, end, of, world, Irwin, Redlener, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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