Sự mất mát trí tuệ Của Chúng ta – Barry Schwartz

Our loss of wisdom - Barry Schwartz

Our loss of wisdom - Barry Schwartz




in<00:00:16.130> his<00:00:16.760> inaugural<00:00:17.210> address<00:00:17.330> Barack<00:00:17.960> Obama
in his inaugural address Barack Obama in his inaugural address Barack Obama appealed<00:00:19.040> to<00:00:19.400> each<00:00:20.090> of<00:00:20.300> us<00:00:20.450> to<00:00:21.110> give<00:00:21.140> our<00:00:21.439> best appealed to each of us to give our best appealed to each of us to give our best as<00:00:22.040> we<00:00:22.850> try<00:00:23.330> to<00:00:23.390> extricate<00:00:23.810> ourselves<00:00:24.110> from as we try to extricate ourselves from as we try to extricate ourselves from this<00:00:24.770> current<00:00:25.100> financial<00:00:25.670> crisis<00:00:26.510> but<00:00:27.500> what this current financial crisis but what this current financial crisis but what did<00:00:27.950> he<00:00:28.100> appeal<00:00:28.490> to<00:00:28.820> he<00:00:29.660> did<00:00:29.900> not<00:00:30.310> happily did he appeal to he did not happily did he appeal to he did not happily follow<00:00:32.090> in<00:00:32.300> the<00:00:32.390> footsteps<00:00:32.629> of<00:00:33.110> his follow in the footsteps of his follow in the footsteps of his predecessor<00:00:34.100> and<00:00:34.280> tell<00:00:34.820> us<00:00:35.000> to<00:00:35.480> just<00:00:35.750> go predecessor and tell us to just go predecessor and tell us to just go shopping<00:00:37.600> nor<00:00:38.600> did<00:00:38.989> he<00:00:39.110> tell<00:00:39.379> us<00:00:39.590> trust<00:00:40.220> us shopping nor did he tell us trust us shopping nor did he tell us trust us trust<00:00:41.330> your<00:00:41.690> country<00:00:42.199> invest<00:00:42.979> invest<00:00:43.940> invest trust your country invest invest invest trust your country invest invest invest instead<00:00:46.400> what<00:00:47.210> he<00:00:47.330> told<00:00:47.540> us<00:00:47.839> was<00:00:48.500> to<00:00:49.129> put<00:00:49.339> aside instead what he told us was to put aside instead what he told us was to put aside childish<00:00:49.729> things<00:00:50.510> and<00:00:51.370> he<00:00:52.370> appealed<00:00:52.820> to childish things and he appealed to childish things and he appealed to virtue<00:00:53.690> virtue<00:00:54.879> is<00:00:55.879> an<00:00:56.440> old-fashioned<00:00:57.440> word virtue virtue is an old-fashioned word virtue virtue is an old-fashioned word it<00:00:58.400> seems<00:00:59.239> a<00:00:59.360> little<00:00:59.479> out<00:00:59.720> of<00:00:59.750> place<00:01:00.019> in<00:01:00.559> a it seems a little out of place in a it seems a little out of place in a cutting-edge<00:01:01.729> environment<00:01:02.600> like<00:01:03.170> this<00:01:03.409> one cutting-edge environment like this one cutting-edge environment like this one and<00:01:03.949> besides<00:01:04.940> some<00:01:05.420> of<00:01:05.570> you<00:01:05.690> might<00:01:05.870> be and besides some of you might be and besides some of you might be wondering<00:01:06.229> what<00:01:07.010> the<00:01:07.220> hell<00:01:07.490> does<00:01:07.820> it<00:01:07.850> mean<00:01:08.470> let wondering what the hell does it mean let wondering what the hell does it mean let me<00:01:09.590> begin<00:01:09.740> with<00:01:09.890> an<00:01:10.130> example<00:01:12.340> these<00:01:13.340> are<00:01:13.670> this me begin with an example these are this me begin with an example these are this is<00:01:14.210> the<00:01:14.510> job<00:01:14.780> description<00:01:15.560> of<00:01:15.740> a<00:01:15.890> hospital is the job description of a hospital is the job description of a hospital janitor<00:01:16.970> that<00:01:17.180> is<00:01:17.360> scrolling<00:01:17.840> up<00:01:17.990> on<00:01:18.200> the janitor that is scrolling up on the janitor that is scrolling up on the screen<00:01:18.800> and<00:01:19.540> all<00:01:20.540> of<00:01:20.930> the<00:01:21.140> items<00:01:21.980> on<00:01:22.220> it<00:01:22.250> are screen and all of the items on it are screen and all of the items on it are unremarkable<00:01:23.090> they're<00:01:23.810> the<00:01:23.960> things<00:01:24.230> you unremarkable they're the things you unremarkable they're the things you would<00:01:24.560> expect<00:01:24.760> mop<00:01:25.760> the<00:01:26.000> floors<00:01:26.330> sweep<00:01:26.900> them would expect mop the floors sweep them would expect mop the floors sweep them empty<00:01:27.920> the<00:01:28.070> trash<00:01:28.750> restock<00:01:29.750> the<00:01:29.960> cabinets<00:01:30.560> it empty the trash restock the cabinets it empty the trash restock the cabinets it may<00:01:31.100> be<00:01:31.160> a<00:01:31.250> little<00:01:31.400> surprising<00:01:32.150> how<00:01:32.570> many may be a little surprising how many may be a little surprising how many things<00:01:33.170> there<00:01:33.560> are<00:01:33.590> but<00:01:34.280> it's<00:01:34.430> not<00:01:34.550> surprising things there are but it's not surprising things there are but it's not surprising what<00:01:35.780> they<00:01:35.990> are<00:01:36.230> but<00:01:37.070> the<00:01:37.220> one<00:01:37.430> thing<00:01:37.670> I<00:01:37.790> want what they are but the one thing I want what they are but the one thing I want you<00:01:38.120> to<00:01:38.240> notice<00:01:38.450> about<00:01:38.870> them<00:01:39.140> is<00:01:39.350> this<00:01:40.270> even you to notice about them is this even you to notice about them is this even though<00:01:41.390> this<00:01:41.540> is<00:01:41.690> a<00:01:41.720> very<00:01:41.840> long<00:01:42.320> list<00:01:42.620> there though this is a very long list there though this is a very long list there isn't<00:01:43.370> a<00:01:43.460> single<00:01:43.760> thing<00:01:44.390> on<00:01:44.630> it<00:01:45.020> that<00:01:45.470> involves isn't a single thing on it that involves isn't a single thing on it that involves other<00:01:46.370> human<00:01:47.120> beings<00:01:47.600> not<00:01:48.260> one<00:01:49.480> the<00:01:50.480> janitors other human beings not one the janitors other human beings not one the janitors job<00:01:51.380> could<00:01:51.770> just<00:01:52.040> as<00:01:52.190> well<00:01:52.220> be<00:01:52.370> done<00:01:52.790> in<00:01:53.390> a job could just as well be done in a job could just as well be done in a mortuary<00:01:53.780> as<00:01:54.409> in<00:01:54.830> a<00:01:54.890> hospital<00:01:55.430> and<00:01:55.550> yet<00:01:56.510> when mortuary as in a hospital and yet when mortuary as in a hospital and yet when some<00:01:57.470> psychologists<00:01:58.370> interviewed<00:01:59.180> hospital some psychologists interviewed hospital some psychologists interviewed hospital janitors<00:02:00.470> to<00:02:00.740> get<00:02:00.920> a<00:02:01.130> sense<00:02:01.400> of<00:02:01.610> what<00:02:01.820> they janitors to get a sense of what they janitors to get a sense of what they thought<00:02:02.210> their<00:02:02.480> jobs<00:02:02.750> were<00:02:02.960> like<00:02:03.230> they thought their jobs were like they thought their jobs were like they encountered<00:02:04.250> Mike<00:02:04.490> who<00:02:05.300> told<00:02:05.540> them<00:02:05.720> about<00:02:05.810> how encountered Mike who told them about how encountered Mike who told them about how he<00:02:06.170> stopped<00:02:06.620> mopping<00:02:07.130> the<00:02:07.250> floor<00:02:07.550> because<00:02:08.239> mr. he stopped mopping the floor because mr. he stopped mopping the floor because mr. Jones<00:02:08.869> was<00:02:09.259> out<00:02:09.470> of<00:02:09.649> his<00:02:09.800> bed<00:02:10.069> getting<00:02:11.030> a Jones was out of his bed getting a Jones was out of his bed getting a little<00:02:11.390> exercise<00:02:11.900> trying<00:02:12.769> to<00:02:12.950> build<00:02:13.250> up<00:02:13.459> his little exercise trying to build up his little exercise trying to build up his strength<00:02:13.760> walking<00:02:14.690> slowly<00:02:15.019> up<00:02:15.440> and<00:02:15.800> down<00:02:16.040> the strength walking slowly up and down the strength walking slowly up and down the hall<00:02:16.430> and<00:02:17.200> Charlene<00:02:18.200> told<00:02:18.980> them<00:02:19.249> about<00:02:19.879> how hall and Charlene told them about how hall and Charlene told them about how she<00:02:20.090> ignored<00:02:20.689> her<00:02:20.959> supervisors<00:02:21.799> admonition she ignored her supervisors admonition she ignored her supervisors admonition didn't<00:02:23.420> vacuum<00:02:23.690> the<00:02:24.080> visitors<00:02:24.470> lounge didn't vacuum the visitors lounge didn't vacuum the visitors lounge because<00:02:25.340> there<00:02:25.520> were<00:02:25.610> some<00:02:25.790> family<00:02:26.270> members because there were some family members because there were some family members who<00:02:27.230> were<00:02:27.350> there<00:02:27.560> all<00:02:27.860> day<00:02:28.190> every<00:02:28.730> day<00:02:28.760> who<00:02:29.150> at who were there all day every day who at who were there all day every day who at this<00:02:29.450> moment<00:02:29.510> happened<00:02:30.230> to<00:02:30.319> be<00:02:30.440> taking<00:02:30.800> a<00:02:30.890> nap this moment happened to be taking a nap this moment happened to be taking a nap and<00:02:31.430> then<00:02:32.209> there<00:02:32.390> was<00:02:32.569> Luke<00:02:32.810> who<00:02:33.530> washed<00:02:33.830> the and then there was Luke who washed the and then there was Luke who washed the floor<00:02:34.400> in<00:02:34.760> a<00:02:34.850> comatose<00:02:35.270> young<00:02:35.840> man's<00:02:36.170> room floor in a comatose young man's room floor in a comatose young man's room twice<00:02:37.930> because<00:02:38.930> the<00:02:39.080> man's<00:02:39.350> father<00:02:39.830> who<00:02:40.190> had twice because the man's father who had twice because the man's father who had been<00:02:40.459> keeping<00:02:40.640> a<00:02:40.910> vigil<00:02:41.300> for<00:02:41.330> six<00:02:41.720> months been keeping a vigil for six months been keeping a vigil for six months didn't<00:02:42.770> see<00:02:42.980> Luke<00:02:43.250> do<00:02:43.459> it<00:02:43.610> the<00:02:43.760> first<00:02:43.940> time<00:02:44.300> and didn't see Luke do it the first time and didn't see Luke do it the first time and his<00:02:45.050> father<00:02:45.350> was<00:02:45.890> angry<00:02:46.220> and<00:02:47.470> behavior<00:02:48.470> like his father was angry and behavior like his father was angry and behavior like this<00:02:48.709> from<00:02:49.489> janitors<00:02:50.060> from<00:02:50.660> technicians<00:02:51.319> from this from janitors from technicians from this from janitors from technicians from nurses<00:02:52.310> and<00:02:52.610> if<00:02:52.910> we're<00:02:53.090> lucky<00:02:53.209> every<00:02:53.630> now<00:02:53.780> and nurses and if we're lucky every now and nurses and if we're lucky every now and then<00:02:54.110> from<00:02:54.650> doctors<00:02:55.160> doesn't<00:02:55.970> just<00:02:56.209> make then from doctors doesn't just make then from doctors doesn't just make people<00:02:56.900> feel<00:02:57.440> a<00:02:57.709> little<00:02:57.739> better<00:02:58.160> it<00:02:58.519> actually people feel a little better it actually people feel a little better it actually improves<00:02:59.930> the<00:03:00.080> quality<00:03:00.560> of<00:03:00.680> patient<00:03:00.890> care<00:03:01.160> and improves the quality of patient care and improves the quality of patient care and enables<00:03:02.300> hospitals<00:03:02.900> to<00:03:03.380> run<00:03:03.590> well<00:03:04.090> now<00:03:05.090> not enables hospitals to run well now not enables hospitals to run well now not all<00:03:05.630> janitors<00:03:06.500> are<00:03:06.739> like<00:03:06.950> this<00:03:07.220> of<00:03:07.870> course<00:03:08.870> but all janitors are like this of course but all janitors are like this of course but the<00:03:09.800> ones<00:03:10.010> who<00:03:10.220> are<00:03:10.430> think<00:03:11.269> that<00:03:11.480> these<00:03:11.690> sorts the ones who are think that these sorts the ones who are think that these sorts of<00:03:12.350> human<00:03:12.680> interactions<00:03:13.400> involving<00:03:13.880> kindness of human interactions involving kindness of human interactions involving kindness care<00:03:15.200> and<00:03:15.470> empathy<00:03:16.010> are<00:03:16.190> an<00:03:16.580> essential<00:03:17.120> part care and empathy are an essential part care and empathy are an essential part of<00:03:17.660> the<00:03:17.840> job<00:03:17.870> and<00:03:18.410> yet<00:03:19.010> their<00:03:19.489> job<00:03:19.880> description of the job and yet their job description of the job and yet their job description contains<00:03:21.200> not<00:03:22.040> one<00:03:22.700> word<00:03:23.180> about<00:03:23.840> other<00:03:24.050> human contains not one word about other human contains not one word about other human beings<00:03:25.030> these<00:03:26.030> janitors<00:03:26.750> have<00:03:27.140> the<00:03:27.530> moral beings these janitors have the moral beings these janitors have the moral will<00:03:28.610> to<00:03:29.450> do<00:03:29.600> right<00:03:29.840> by<00:03:30.079> other<00:03:30.320> people<00:03:30.799> and will to do right by other people and will to do right by other people and beyond<00:03:32.120> this<00:03:32.360> they<00:03:32.959> have<00:03:33.230> the<00:03:33.500> moral<00:03:33.799> skill<00:03:34.370> to beyond this they have the moral skill to beyond this they have the moral skill to figure<00:03:35.390> out<00:03:35.600> what<00:03:36.170> doing<00:03:36.500> right<00:03:36.769> means figure out what doing right means figure out what doing right means practical<00:03:39.110> wisdom<00:03:39.400> Aristotle<00:03:40.400> told<00:03:40.640> us<00:03:40.910> is practical wisdom Aristotle told us is practical wisdom Aristotle told us is the<00:03:41.750> combination<00:03:42.530> of<00:03:42.650> moral<00:03:43.610> will<00:03:43.940> and<00:03:44.269> moral the combination of moral will and moral the combination of moral will and moral skill<00:03:45.440> a<00:03:45.739> wise<00:03:46.730> person<00:03:47.540> knows<00:03:48.370> when<00:03:49.370> and<00:03:49.760> how skill a wise person knows when and how skill a wise person knows when and how to<00:03:50.090> make<00:03:50.750> the<00:03:51.260> exception<00:03:51.950> to<00:03:52.130> every<00:03:52.519> rule<00:03:52.549> as to make the exception to every rule as to make the exception to every rule as the<00:03:53.630> janitors<00:03:54.290> knew<00:03:54.620> when<00:03:55.160> to<00:03:55.430> ignore<00:03:55.760> their the janitors knew when to ignore their the janitors knew when to ignore their job<00:03:56.209> duties<00:03:56.630> in<00:03:56.870> the<00:03:57.200> service<00:03:57.560> of<00:03:57.680> other job duties in the service of other job duties in the service of other objectives<00:03:58.519> a<00:03:58.790> wise<00:03:59.299> person<00:04:00.019> knows<00:04:00.200> how<00:04:00.650> to objectives a wise person knows how to objectives a wise person knows how to improvise<00:04:01.489> as<00:04:02.120> Luke<00:04:02.750> did<00:04:03.019> when<00:04:03.260> he<00:04:03.290> rewashed improvise as Luke did when he rewashed improvise as Luke did when he rewashed the<00:04:04.130> floor<00:04:04.690> real-world<00:04:05.690> problems<00:04:06.380> are<00:04:06.620> often the floor real-world problems are often the floor real-world problems are often ambiguous<00:04:07.489> and<00:04:08.180> ill-defined<00:04:08.329> and<00:04:09.079> the ambiguous and ill-defined and the ambiguous and ill-defined and the context<00:04:10.280> is<00:04:10.459> always<00:04:11.120> changing<00:04:11.810> a<00:04:11.930> wise<00:04:12.470> person context is always changing a wise person context is always changing a wise person is<00:04:13.340> like<00:04:13.640> a<00:04:13.670> jazz<00:04:14.060> musician<00:04:14.650> using<00:04:15.650> the<00:04:15.769> notes is like a jazz musician using the notes is like a jazz musician using the notes on<00:04:16.220> the<00:04:16.250> page<00:04:16.400> but<00:04:17.329> dancing<00:04:17.810> around<00:04:18.289> them on the page but dancing around them on the page but dancing around them inventing<00:04:19.609> combinations<00:04:20.390> that<00:04:20.600> are inventing combinations that are inventing combinations that are appropriate<00:04:21.590> for<00:04:21.620> the<00:04:21.890> situation<00:04:22.520> and<00:04:22.669> the appropriate for the situation and the appropriate for the situation and the people<00:04:23.240> at<00:04:23.600> hand people at hand people at hand a<00:04:24.590> wise<00:04:25.490> person<00:04:25.940> knows<00:04:26.780> how<00:04:26.990> to<00:04:27.050> use<00:04:27.169> these a wise person knows how to use these a wise person knows how to use these moral<00:04:28.250> skills<00:04:28.610> in<00:04:28.880> the<00:04:29.270> service<00:04:29.479> of<00:04:29.870> the<00:04:30.050> right moral skills in the service of the right moral skills in the service of the right aims<00:04:30.590> to<00:04:31.280> serve<00:04:31.490> other<00:04:31.880> people<00:04:32.300> not<00:04:32.750> to aims to serve other people not to aims to serve other people not to manipulate<00:04:33.200> other<00:04:33.860> people<00:04:34.250> and<00:04:35.080> finally manipulate other people and finally manipulate other people and finally perhaps<00:04:36.409> most perhaps most perhaps most important<00:04:37.390> a<00:04:37.600> wise<00:04:38.080> person<00:04:38.830> is<00:04:38.980> made<00:04:39.490> not<00:04:40.300> born important a wise person is made not born important a wise person is made not born wisdom<00:04:41.950> depends<00:04:42.550> on<00:04:42.790> experience<00:04:43.300> and<00:04:44.050> not wisdom depends on experience and not wisdom depends on experience and not just<00:04:45.160> any<00:04:45.490> experience<00:04:46.420> you<00:04:47.170> need<00:04:47.380> the<00:04:47.500> time<00:04:47.800> to just any experience you need the time to just any experience you need the time to get<00:04:48.340> to<00:04:48.520> know<00:04:48.700> the<00:04:49.180> people<00:04:49.330> that<00:04:49.750> you're get to know the people that you're get to know the people that you're serving<00:04:50.170> you<00:04:51.070> need<00:04:51.280> permission<00:04:51.910> to<00:04:52.090> be serving you need permission to be serving you need permission to be allowed<00:04:52.750> to<00:04:52.930> improvise<00:04:53.410> to<00:04:54.010> try<00:04:54.340> new<00:04:54.580> things allowed to improvise to try new things allowed to improvise to try new things occasionally<00:04:55.660> to<00:04:56.230> fail<00:04:56.500> and<00:04:56.860> to<00:04:57.250> learn<00:04:57.430> from occasionally to fail and to learn from occasionally to fail and to learn from your<00:04:57.970> failures<00:04:58.510> and<00:04:58.840> you<00:04:59.440> need<00:04:59.680> to<00:04:59.920> be your failures and you need to be your failures and you need to be mentored<00:05:00.580> by<00:05:00.670> wise<00:05:01.030> teachers<00:05:01.720> when<00:05:02.650> you<00:05:02.800> ask mentored by wise teachers when you ask mentored by wise teachers when you ask the<00:05:03.400> janitors<00:05:03.940> who<00:05:04.180> behave<00:05:04.510> like<00:05:04.750> the<00:05:04.900> ones<00:05:05.080> I the janitors who behave like the ones I the janitors who behave like the ones I described<00:05:05.800> how<00:05:06.400> hard<00:05:06.820> it<00:05:07.000> is<00:05:07.120> to<00:05:07.180> learn<00:05:07.600> to<00:05:07.900> do described how hard it is to learn to do described how hard it is to learn to do their<00:05:08.350> jobs<00:05:08.710> they<00:05:09.430> tell<00:05:09.730> you<00:05:09.940> that<00:05:10.150> it<00:05:10.300> takes their jobs they tell you that it takes their jobs they tell you that it takes lots<00:05:10.990> of<00:05:11.320> experience<00:05:12.070> and<00:05:12.370> they<00:05:12.940> don't<00:05:13.210> mean lots of experience and they don't mean lots of experience and they don't mean it<00:05:13.420> takes<00:05:13.810> lots<00:05:14.050> of<00:05:14.200> experience<00:05:14.800> to<00:05:14.980> learn<00:05:15.070> how it takes lots of experience to learn how it takes lots of experience to learn how to<00:05:15.280> mop<00:05:15.550> floors<00:05:15.850> and<00:05:16.120> empty<00:05:16.360> trash<00:05:16.660> cans<00:05:17.050> it to mop floors and empty trash cans it to mop floors and empty trash cans it takes<00:05:18.160> lots<00:05:18.460> of<00:05:18.640> experience<00:05:19.270> to<00:05:19.510> learn<00:05:19.660> how<00:05:19.900> to takes lots of experience to learn how to takes lots of experience to learn how to care<00:05:20.380> for<00:05:21.100> people<00:05:21.990> at<00:05:22.990> Ted<00:05:23.790> brilliance<00:05:24.790> is care for people at Ted brilliance is care for people at Ted brilliance is rampant<00:05:26.220> it's<00:05:27.220> scary<00:05:27.840> the<00:05:28.840> good<00:05:29.080> news<00:05:29.350> is<00:05:29.800> that rampant it's scary the good news is that rampant it's scary the good news is that you<00:05:30.550> don't<00:05:30.910> need<00:05:31.420> to<00:05:31.720> be<00:05:31.870> brilliant<00:05:32.140> to<00:05:33.070> be you don't need to be brilliant to be you don't need to be brilliant to be wise<00:05:34.230> the<00:05:35.230> bad<00:05:35.470> news<00:05:35.830> is<00:05:36.250> that<00:05:36.670> without<00:05:37.330> wisdom wise the bad news is that without wisdom wise the bad news is that without wisdom brilliance<00:05:39.730> isn't<00:05:40.510> enough<00:05:41.050> it's<00:05:41.830> as<00:05:42.040> likely brilliance isn't enough it's as likely brilliance isn't enough it's as likely to<00:05:42.520> get<00:05:42.700> you<00:05:42.910> into<00:05:43.270> trouble<00:05:43.450> and<00:05:43.750> other<00:05:43.870> people to get you into trouble and other people to get you into trouble and other people into<00:05:44.620> trouble<00:05:44.980> as<00:05:45.160> anything<00:05:45.970> else<00:05:49.980> now<00:05:50.980> I<00:05:51.310> hope into trouble as anything else now I hope into trouble as anything else now I hope that<00:05:52.120> we<00:05:52.510> all<00:05:52.720> know<00:05:52.990> this<00:05:53.290> there's<00:05:53.980> a<00:05:54.040> sense<00:05:54.370> in that we all know this there's a sense in that we all know this there's a sense in which<00:05:54.730> it's<00:05:54.970> obvious<00:05:55.630> and<00:05:56.020> yet<00:05:56.920> let<00:05:57.760> me<00:05:57.790> tell which it's obvious and yet let me tell which it's obvious and yet let me tell you<00:05:58.390> a<00:05:58.420> little<00:05:58.660> story<00:05:58.930> it's<00:05:59.800> a<00:05:59.950> story<00:05:59.980> about you a little story it's a story about you a little story it's a story about lemonade<00:06:01.120> a<00:06:01.540> dad<00:06:02.530> and<00:06:02.890> his<00:06:03.160> 11<00:06:03.550> year<00:06:03.580> old<00:06:03.880> son lemonade a dad and his 11 year old son lemonade a dad and his 11 year old son were<00:06:04.480> watching<00:06:04.870> a<00:06:04.960> Detroit<00:06:05.440> Tigers<00:06:05.830> game<00:06:06.040> at were watching a Detroit Tigers game at were watching a Detroit Tigers game at the<00:06:06.760> ballpark the ballpark the ballpark his<00:06:08.140> son<00:06:08.410> asked<00:06:08.800> him<00:06:08.920> for<00:06:09.190> some<00:06:09.250> lemonade<00:06:09.850> and his son asked him for some lemonade and his son asked him for some lemonade and dad<00:06:10.330> went<00:06:10.630> to<00:06:10.750> the<00:06:10.840> concession<00:06:11.380> stand<00:06:11.680> to<00:06:11.860> buy dad went to the concession stand to buy dad went to the concession stand to buy it<00:06:12.150> all<00:06:13.150> they<00:06:13.390> had<00:06:13.600> was<00:06:13.810> Mike's<00:06:14.140> Hard<00:06:14.560> Lemonade it all they had was Mike's Hard Lemonade it all they had was Mike's Hard Lemonade which<00:06:15.460> was<00:06:15.640> 5%<00:06:16.510> alcohol<00:06:17.160> dad<00:06:18.160> being<00:06:18.820> an which was 5% alcohol dad being an which was 5% alcohol dad being an academic<00:06:19.090> had<00:06:19.690> no<00:06:19.870> idea<00:06:20.260> that<00:06:20.860> Mike's<00:06:21.370> Hard academic had no idea that Mike's Hard academic had no idea that Mike's Hard Lemonade<00:06:22.110> was<00:06:23.110> it<00:06:23.350> contained<00:06:23.800> out<00:06:23.920> at<00:06:24.040> all<00:06:24.160> so Lemonade was it contained out at all so Lemonade was it contained out at all so we<00:06:24.700> brought<00:06:24.940> it<00:06:25.060> back<00:06:25.090> and<00:06:25.540> the<00:06:26.260> kid<00:06:26.440> was we brought it back and the kid was we brought it back and the kid was drinking<00:06:27.040> it<00:06:27.160> and<00:06:27.340> a<00:06:27.430> security<00:06:27.850> guard<00:06:27.970> spotted drinking it and a security guard spotted drinking it and a security guard spotted it<00:06:28.870> and<00:06:28.960> called<00:06:29.380> the<00:06:29.590> police<00:06:29.890> who<00:06:30.400> called<00:06:30.670> an it and called the police who called an it and called the police who called an ambulance ambulance ambulance they<00:06:31.780> rushed<00:06:32.080> to<00:06:32.290> the<00:06:32.470> ballpark<00:06:33.090> whisked<00:06:34.090> the they rushed to the ballpark whisked the they rushed to the ballpark whisked the kid<00:06:34.420> to<00:06:34.570> the<00:06:34.690> hospital<00:06:35.230> the<00:06:35.620> emergency<00:06:35.740> room kid to the hospital the emergency room kid to the hospital the emergency room to<00:06:36.880> ascertain<00:06:37.450> that<00:06:37.780> the<00:06:37.900> kid<00:06:38.110> had<00:06:38.380> no<00:06:38.620> alcohol to ascertain that the kid had no alcohol to ascertain that the kid had no alcohol in<00:06:39.490> his<00:06:39.520> blood<00:06:39.970> and<00:06:40.750> they<00:06:41.410> were<00:06:41.470> ready<00:06:41.740> to<00:06:41.830> let in his blood and they were ready to let in his blood and they were ready to let the<00:06:42.340> kid<00:06:42.610> go<00:06:43.000> but<00:06:43.660> not<00:06:43.900> so<00:06:44.350> fast<00:06:44.740> the<00:06:45.610> Wayne the kid go but not so fast the Wayne the kid go but not so fast the Wayne County<00:06:46.180> Child<00:06:46.740> Welfare<00:06:47.740> protective<00:06:48.700> agency County Child Welfare protective agency County Child Welfare protective agency said said said oh<00:06:50.380> and<00:06:50.860> the<00:06:51.340> child<00:06:51.670> was<00:06:51.970> sent<00:06:52.210> to<00:06:52.450> a<00:06:52.480> foster oh and the child was sent to a foster oh and the child was sent to a foster home<00:06:53.170> for<00:06:53.650> three<00:06:54.250> days<00:06:55.440> at<00:06:56.440> that<00:06:56.770> point<00:06:57.160> can home for three days at that point can home for three days at that point can the<00:06:58.180> child<00:06:58.540> go<00:06:58.810> home<00:06:59.080> well<00:06:59.410> a<00:06:59.440> judge<00:06:59.860> said<00:07:00.250> yes the child go home well a judge said yes the child go home well a judge said yes but<00:07:01.720> only<00:07:02.440> if<00:07:03.190> the<00:07:03.520> dad<00:07:03.760> leaves<00:07:04.270> the<00:07:04.570> house<00:07:04.810> and but only if the dad leaves the house and but only if the dad leaves the house and checks<00:07:05.560> into<00:07:05.920> a<00:07:06.220> motel

after<00:07:09.580> two<00:07:09.820> weeks<00:07:10.060> I'm<00:07:10.390> happy<00:07:10.690> to<00:07:10.780> report<00:07:11.140> the
after two weeks I'm happy to report the after two weeks I'm happy to report the family<00:07:11.860> was<00:07:12.040> reunited<00:07:12.660> but<00:07:13.660> the<00:07:13.870> welfare family was reunited but the welfare family was reunited but the welfare workers<00:07:14.920> and<00:07:15.250> the<00:07:15.510> ambulance<00:07:16.510> people<00:07:16.960> and<00:07:17.290> the workers and the ambulance people and the workers and the ambulance people and the judge<00:07:17.980> all<00:07:18.430> said<00:07:19.150> the<00:07:19.360> same<00:07:19.390> thing<00:07:20.050> we<00:07:20.530> hate<00:07:20.860> to judge all said the same thing we hate to judge all said the same thing we hate to do<00:07:21.430> it<00:07:21.460> but<00:07:22.330> we<00:07:22.510> have<00:07:22.540> to<00:07:23.020> follow<00:07:23.230> procedure do it but we have to follow procedure do it but we have to follow procedure how<00:07:26.290> do<00:07:26.350> things<00:07:26.920> like<00:07:27.340> this<00:07:27.670> happen<00:07:28.920> Scott how do things like this happen Scott how do things like this happen Scott Simon<00:07:30.280> who<00:07:30.670> told<00:07:30.970> this<00:07:31.150> story<00:07:31.300> on<00:07:31.780> NPR<00:07:31.960> said Simon who told this story on NPR said Simon who told this story on NPR said rules<00:07:33.430> and<00:07:33.700> procedures<00:07:34.150> may<00:07:34.360> be<00:07:34.390> dumb<00:07:34.720> but rules and procedures may be dumb but rules and procedures may be dumb but they<00:07:35.440> spare<00:07:35.920> you<00:07:36.100> from<00:07:36.430> thinking<00:07:36.760> and<00:07:37.120> to<00:07:37.960> be they spare you from thinking and to be they spare you from thinking and to be fair<00:07:38.530> and<00:07:38.860> to<00:07:38.920> be<00:07:39.220> fair<00:07:39.490> rules<00:07:40.120> are<00:07:40.420> often fair and to be fair rules are often fair and to be fair rules are often imposed<00:07:41.140> because<00:07:41.500> previous<00:07:41.950> officials<00:07:42.430> have imposed because previous officials have imposed because previous officials have been<00:07:42.700> lacks<00:07:42.970> and<00:07:43.270> they<00:07:43.690> let<00:07:43.870> a<00:07:43.900> child<00:07:44.200> go<00:07:44.380> back been lacks and they let a child go back been lacks and they let a child go back to<00:07:45.190> an<00:07:45.310> abusive<00:07:45.550> household<00:07:46.300> fair<00:07:47.020> enough<00:07:47.490> when to an abusive household fair enough when to an abusive household fair enough when things<00:07:48.970> go<00:07:49.450> wrong<00:07:49.750> as<00:07:50.140> of<00:07:50.440> course<00:07:50.740> they<00:07:51.010> do things go wrong as of course they do things go wrong as of course they do we<00:07:52.000> reach<00:07:52.360> for<00:07:53.080> two<00:07:53.380> tools<00:07:53.980> to<00:07:54.670> try<00:07:54.910> to<00:07:54.970> fix we reach for two tools to try to fix we reach for two tools to try to fix them<00:07:55.540> one<00:07:56.470> tool<00:07:56.740> we<00:07:57.220> reach<00:07:57.430> for<00:07:57.760> is<00:07:58.060> rules them one tool we reach for is rules them one tool we reach for is rules better<00:07:59.320> ones<00:07:59.710> more<00:08:00.460> of<00:08:00.670> them<00:08:00.880> the<00:08:01.750> second<00:08:02.260> tool better ones more of them the second tool better ones more of them the second tool we<00:08:02.890> reach<00:08:03.100> for<00:08:03.430> is<00:08:03.750> incentives<00:08:04.750> better<00:08:05.590> ones we reach for is incentives better ones we reach for is incentives better ones more<00:08:06.910> of<00:08:07.120> them<00:08:07.360> what<00:08:08.110> else<00:08:08.380> after<00:08:09.130> all<00:08:09.160> is more of them what else after all is more of them what else after all is there<00:08:10.950> we<00:08:11.950> can<00:08:12.130> certainly<00:08:12.430> see<00:08:12.880> this<00:08:13.060> in there we can certainly see this in there we can certainly see this in response<00:08:13.720> to<00:08:13.960> the<00:08:14.080> current<00:08:14.260> financial<00:08:14.620> crisis response to the current financial crisis response to the current financial crisis regulate<00:08:16.420> regulate<00:08:16.930> regulate<00:08:17.290> fix<00:08:17.950> the regulate regulate regulate fix the regulate regulate regulate fix the incentives<00:08:18.640> fix<00:08:18.880> the<00:08:19.030> incentives<00:08:19.570> fix<00:08:19.780> the incentives fix the incentives fix the incentives fix the incentives fix the incentives<00:08:20.500> the<00:08:20.800> truth<00:08:21.130> is<00:08:21.460> that<00:08:21.850> neither incentives the truth is that neither incentives the truth is that neither rules<00:08:22.690> nor<00:08:23.290> incentives<00:08:24.070> are<00:08:24.310> enough<00:08:24.700> to<00:08:24.730> do rules nor incentives are enough to do rules nor incentives are enough to do the<00:08:25.240> job<00:08:25.270> how<00:08:26.080> could<00:08:26.290> you<00:08:26.380> even<00:08:26.530> write<00:08:26.920> a<00:08:26.950> rule the job how could you even write a rule the job how could you even write a rule that<00:08:28.210> got<00:08:28.720> the<00:08:28.900> janitors<00:08:29.410> to<00:08:29.710> do<00:08:29.860> what<00:08:30.040> they that got the janitors to do what they that got the janitors to do what they did<00:08:30.280> and<00:08:30.700> would<00:08:31.690> you<00:08:31.840> pay<00:08:32.140> them<00:08:32.410> a<00:08:32.440> bonus<00:08:32.950> for did and would you pay them a bonus for did and would you pay them a bonus for being<00:08:33.400> empathic<00:08:33.930> it's<00:08:34.930> preposterous being empathic it's preposterous being empathic it's preposterous on<00:08:36.250> its<00:08:36.640> face<00:08:36.849> and<00:08:38.039> what<00:08:39.039> happens<00:08:39.520> is<00:08:39.849> that<00:08:40.270> as on its face and what happens is that as on its face and what happens is that as we<00:08:40.810> turn<00:08:41.110> increasingly<00:08:41.770> to<00:08:41.979> rules<00:08:42.300> rules<00:08:43.300> and we turn increasingly to rules rules and we turn increasingly to rules rules and incentives<00:08:44.050> may<00:08:44.500> make<00:08:44.740> things<00:08:45.040> better<00:08:45.310> in<00:08:45.610> the incentives may make things better in the incentives may make things better in the short<00:08:46.060> run<00:08:46.300> but<00:08:46.840> they<00:08:46.960> create<00:08:47.410> a<00:08:47.650> downward short run but they create a downward short run but they create a downward spiral<00:08:48.610> that<00:08:49.060> makes<00:08:49.480> them<00:08:49.780> worse<00:08:50.020> in<00:08:50.410> the<00:08:50.680> long spiral that makes them worse in the long spiral that makes them worse in the long run<00:08:51.270> moral<00:08:52.270> skill<00:08:52.690> is<00:08:53.200> chipped<00:08:53.680> away<00:08:54.040> by<00:08:54.760> an run moral skill is chipped away by an run moral skill is chipped away by an over<00:08:55.240> reliance<00:08:55.360> on<00:08:55.960> rules<00:08:56.320> that<00:08:57.040> deprives<00:08:57.580> us over reliance on rules that deprives us over reliance on rules that deprives us of<00:08:58.000> the<00:08:58.150> opportunity<00:08:58.780> to<00:08:59.320> improvise<00:08:59.710> and of the opportunity to improvise and of the opportunity to improvise and learn<00:09:00.220> from<00:09:00.640> our<00:09:00.820> improvisation<00:09:01.630> and<00:09:01.870> moral learn from our improvisation and moral learn from our improvisation and moral will<00:09:02.620> is<00:09:03.040> on will is on will is on mind<00:09:03.580> by<00:09:04.060> an<00:09:04.210> incessant<00:09:04.630> appeal<00:09:05.110> to mind by an incessant appeal to mind by an incessant appeal to incentives<00:09:06.100> that<00:09:06.550> destroy<00:09:07.150> our<00:09:07.540> desire<00:09:08.080> to<00:09:08.710> do incentives that destroy our desire to do incentives that destroy our desire to do the<00:09:09.040> right<00:09:09.070> thing<00:09:09.580> and<00:09:09.930> without<00:09:10.930> intending<00:09:11.440> it the right thing and without intending it the right thing and without intending it by<00:09:12.370> appealing<00:09:12.790> to<00:09:12.940> rules<00:09:13.300> and<00:09:13.690> incentives<00:09:14.230> we by appealing to rules and incentives we by appealing to rules and incentives we are<00:09:15.250> engaging<00:09:15.640> in<00:09:16.030> a<00:09:16.150> war<00:09:16.180> on<00:09:16.660> wisdom<00:09:17.530> let<00:09:17.920> me are engaging in a war on wisdom let me are engaging in a war on wisdom let me just<00:09:18.190> give<00:09:18.310> you<00:09:18.430> a<00:09:18.460> few<00:09:18.700> example<00:09:19.240> first<00:09:19.570> of just give you a few example first of just give you a few example first of rules<00:09:20.560> and<00:09:20.980> the<00:09:21.370> war<00:09:21.580> on<00:09:21.820> moral<00:09:22.330> skill<00:09:23.020> the rules and the war on moral skill the rules and the war on moral skill the lemonade<00:09:23.980> story<00:09:24.490> is<00:09:24.790> one<00:09:25.500> second<00:09:26.560> no<00:09:27.250> doubt lemonade story is one second no doubt lemonade story is one second no doubt more<00:09:27.640> familiar<00:09:28.150> to<00:09:28.180> you<00:09:28.540> is<00:09:28.750> the<00:09:29.230> nature<00:09:29.620> of more familiar to you is the nature of more familiar to you is the nature of modern<00:09:30.280> American<00:09:30.910> education<00:09:31.710> scripted modern American education scripted modern American education scripted lockstep<00:09:33.900> curriculum<00:09:34.900> here's<00:09:35.590> an<00:09:35.740> example lockstep curriculum here's an example lockstep curriculum here's an example from<00:09:36.550> Chicago<00:09:37.210> kindergarten<00:09:37.960> reading<00:09:38.830> and from Chicago kindergarten reading and from Chicago kindergarten reading and enjoying<00:09:39.340> literature<00:09:39.850> and<00:09:39.970> words<00:09:40.210> that<00:09:40.630> begin enjoying literature and words that begin enjoying literature and words that begin with<00:09:40.990> B<00:09:41.230> the<00:09:41.770> baths<00:09:41.980> assemble<00:09:42.580> students<00:09:42.940> on<00:09:43.060> a with B the baths assemble students on a with B the baths assemble students on a rug<00:09:43.360> give<00:09:43.960> students<00:09:44.320> a<00:09:44.410> warning<00:09:44.710> about<00:09:44.830> the rug give students a warning about the rug give students a warning about the dangers<00:09:45.460> of<00:09:45.490> hot<00:09:45.850> water<00:09:46.060> say<00:09:47.640> 75<00:09:48.640> items<00:09:49.390> in dangers of hot water say 75 items in dangers of hot water say 75 items in this<00:09:49.960> script<00:09:50.380> to<00:09:50.620> teach<00:09:50.830> a<00:09:50.950> 25<00:09:51.460> page<00:09:51.820> picture this script to teach a 25 page picture this script to teach a 25 page picture book<00:09:52.570> all<00:09:53.230> over<00:09:54.100> Chicago<00:09:54.280> and<00:09:54.970> every book all over Chicago and every book all over Chicago and every kindergarten<00:09:55.750> class<00:09:56.170> in<00:09:56.470> the<00:09:56.590> city<00:09:56.860> every kindergarten class in the city every kindergarten class in the city every teacher<00:09:58.000> is<00:09:58.390> saying<00:09:58.900> the<00:09:59.110> same<00:09:59.140> words<00:09:59.650> in<00:10:00.040> the teacher is saying the same words in the teacher is saying the same words in the same<00:10:00.610> way<00:10:00.880> on<00:10:01.150> the<00:10:01.600> same<00:10:01.840> day<00:10:02.640> we<00:10:03.640> know<00:10:03.910> why same way on the same day we know why same way on the same day we know why these<00:10:04.480> scripts<00:10:04.900> are<00:10:05.230> there<00:10:05.770> we<00:10:06.310> don't<00:10:06.670> trust these scripts are there we don't trust these scripts are there we don't trust the<00:10:07.450> judgment<00:10:07.690> of<00:10:08.170> teachers<00:10:08.620> enough<00:10:09.040> to<00:10:09.340> let the judgment of teachers enough to let the judgment of teachers enough to let them<00:10:09.790> loose<00:10:10.030> on<00:10:10.300> their<00:10:10.570> own<00:10:10.980> scripts<00:10:11.980> like them loose on their own scripts like them loose on their own scripts like these<00:10:12.610> are<00:10:12.940> insurance<00:10:13.540> policies<00:10:14.140> against these are insurance policies against these are insurance policies against disaster<00:10:15.880> and<00:10:16.890> they<00:10:17.890> prevent<00:10:18.330> disaster<00:10:19.330> but disaster and they prevent disaster but disaster and they prevent disaster but what<00:10:20.260> they<00:10:20.410> assure<00:10:20.800> in<00:10:21.100> its<00:10:21.280> place<00:10:21.580> is what they assure in its place is what they assure in its place is mediocrity

don't<00:10:30.429> get<00:10:30.610> me<00:10:30.759> wrong<00:10:30.939> we<00:10:31.209> need<00:10:31.420> rules<00:10:31.689> jazz
don't get me wrong we need rules jazz don't get me wrong we need rules jazz musicians<00:10:32.920> need<00:10:33.220> some<00:10:33.579> notes<00:10:33.850> most<00:10:34.149> of<00:10:34.329> them musicians need some notes most of them musicians need some notes most of them need<00:10:34.629> some<00:10:34.899> notes<00:10:35.110> on<00:10:35.319> the<00:10:35.439> page<00:10:35.679> we<00:10:36.249> need<00:10:36.489> more need some notes on the page we need more need some notes on the page we need more rules<00:10:37.059> for<00:10:37.360> the<00:10:37.449> bankers<00:10:37.869> god<00:10:38.199> knows<00:10:38.529> but<00:10:39.100> too rules for the bankers god knows but too rules for the bankers god knows but too many<00:10:39.639> rules<00:10:40.179> prevent<00:10:40.809> accomplished<00:10:41.379> jazz many rules prevent accomplished jazz many rules prevent accomplished jazz musicians<00:10:42.189> from<00:10:42.429> improvising<00:10:43.179> and<00:10:43.329> as<00:10:43.749> a musicians from improvising and as a musicians from improvising and as a result<00:10:44.230> they<00:10:44.589> lose<00:10:44.889> their<00:10:45.309> gifts<00:10:45.850> or<00:10:46.059> worse result they lose their gifts or worse result they lose their gifts or worse they<00:10:47.199> stop<00:10:47.529> playing<00:10:47.829> all<00:10:48.279> together<00:10:48.959> now they stop playing all together now they stop playing all together now how<00:10:50.980> about<00:10:51.189> incentives<00:10:51.879> they<00:10:52.059> seem<00:10:52.329> clever<00:10:52.629> if how about incentives they seem clever if how about incentives they seem clever if you<00:10:53.739> have<00:10:53.920> one<00:10:54.189> reason<00:10:54.639> for<00:10:54.850> doing<00:10:54.970> something you have one reason for doing something you have one reason for doing something and<00:10:55.720> I<00:10:56.259> give<00:10:56.470> you<00:10:56.619> a<00:10:56.649> second<00:10:57.160> reason<00:10:57.449> for<00:10:58.449> doing and I give you a second reason for doing and I give you a second reason for doing the<00:10:58.809> same<00:10:59.049> thing<00:10:59.470> it<00:10:59.769> seems<00:11:00.339> only<00:11:00.519> logical the same thing it seems only logical the same thing it seems only logical that<00:11:01.629> two<00:11:01.839> reasons<00:11:02.290> are<00:11:02.589> better<00:11:03.009> than<00:11:03.249> one<00:11:03.549> and that two reasons are better than one and that two reasons are better than one and you're<00:11:04.209> more<00:11:04.480> likely<00:11:04.749> to<00:11:04.959> do<00:11:05.319> it<00:11:05.499> right<00:11:06.660> well you're more likely to do it right well you're more likely to do it right well not<00:11:08.259> always<00:11:08.639> sometimes<00:11:09.639> two<00:11:10.540> reasons<00:11:11.049> to<00:11:11.259> do not always sometimes two reasons to do not always sometimes two reasons to do the<00:11:11.529> same<00:11:11.769> thing<00:11:12.069> seem<00:11:12.549> to<00:11:12.670> compete<00:11:13.029> with<00:11:13.179> one the same thing seem to compete with one the same thing seem to compete with one another<00:11:13.449> instead<00:11:14.439> of<00:11:14.939> complementing<00:11:15.939> and another instead of complementing and another instead of complementing and they<00:11:16.420> make<00:11:16.600> people<00:11:16.629> less<00:11:17.110> likely<00:11:17.170> to<00:11:17.799> do<00:11:17.920> it they make people less likely to do it they make people less likely to do it I'll<00:11:18.189> just<00:11:18.399> give<00:11:18.549> you<00:11:18.579> one<00:11:18.670> example<00:11:18.850> because I'll just give you one example because I'll just give you one example because time<00:11:19.749> is<00:11:19.929> racing<00:11:20.110> in<00:11:20.610> Switzerland<00:11:21.610> back<00:11:21.850> in time is racing in Switzerland back in time is racing in Switzerland back in about<00:11:22.839> 15<00:11:23.259> years<00:11:23.290> ago<00:11:23.619> they<00:11:23.860> were<00:11:23.949> trying<00:11:24.279> to about 15 years ago they were trying to about 15 years ago they were trying to decide<00:11:24.759> where<00:11:24.999> to<00:11:25.029> cite<00:11:25.329> nuclear<00:11:25.779> waste<00:11:26.079> dumps decide where to cite nuclear waste dumps decide where to cite nuclear waste dumps there<00:11:27.100> was<00:11:27.189> going<00:11:27.309> to<00:11:27.399> be<00:11:27.489> a<00:11:27.519> national there was going to be a national there was going to be a national referendum<00:11:28.239> and<00:11:28.869> some<00:11:29.319> psychologists<00:11:29.920> went referendum and some psychologists went referendum and some psychologists went around<00:11:30.279> and<00:11:30.519> polled<00:11:30.790> citizens<00:11:31.449> who<00:11:31.600> were<00:11:31.720> very around and polled citizens who were very around and polled citizens who were very well<00:11:32.170> informed<00:11:32.319> and<00:11:32.860> they<00:11:33.339> said<00:11:33.579> would<00:11:33.730> you<00:11:33.790> be well informed and they said would you be well informed and they said would you be willing<00:11:34.179> to<00:11:34.420> have<00:11:34.509> a<00:11:34.569> nuclear<00:11:34.990> waste<00:11:35.230> dump<00:11:35.470> in willing to have a nuclear waste dump in willing to have a nuclear waste dump in your<00:11:35.799> community<00:11:36.899> astonishingly<00:11:37.899> 50%<00:11:38.860> of<00:11:39.100> the your community astonishingly 50% of the your community astonishingly 50% of the citizens<00:11:39.730> said<00:11:39.970> yes<00:11:40.589> they<00:11:41.589> knew<00:11:41.829> it<00:11:42.009> or citizens said yes they knew it or citizens said yes they knew it or thought<00:11:42.519> it<00:11:42.670> was<00:11:42.790> dangerous<00:11:43.240> they<00:11:43.749> thought<00:11:44.019> it thought it was dangerous they thought it thought it was dangerous they thought it would<00:11:44.230> reduce<00:11:44.559> their<00:11:44.769> property<00:11:45.279> values<00:11:45.759> but would reduce their property values but would reduce their property values but it<00:11:47.049> had<00:11:47.379> to<00:11:47.559> go<00:11:47.709> somewhere<00:11:47.740> and<00:11:48.579> they<00:11:49.179> had it had to go somewhere and they had it had to go somewhere and they had responsibilities<00:11:50.350> as<00:11:50.619> citizens<00:11:51.899> the responsibilities as citizens the responsibilities as citizens the psychologists<00:11:53.589> asked<00:11:53.980> other<00:11:54.189> people<00:11:54.309> a psychologists asked other people a psychologists asked other people a slightly<00:11:55.299> different<00:11:55.600> question<00:11:55.929> they<00:11:56.410> said<00:11:56.679> if slightly different question they said if slightly different question they said if we<00:11:56.889> paid<00:11:57.369> you<00:11:57.399> six<00:11:57.939> weeks<00:11:58.240> salary<00:11:58.829> every<00:11:59.829> year we paid you six weeks salary every year we paid you six weeks salary every year would<00:12:00.759> you<00:12:00.910> be<00:12:01.029> willing<00:12:01.209> to<00:12:01.509> have<00:12:01.689> a<00:12:01.749> nuclear would you be willing to have a nuclear would you be willing to have a nuclear waste<00:12:02.499> dump<00:12:02.799> in<00:12:02.949> your<00:12:03.040> community<00:12:03.939> two<00:12:04.360> reasons waste dump in your community two reasons waste dump in your community two reasons it's<00:12:05.350> my<00:12:05.559> responsibility<00:12:06.339> and<00:12:06.699> I'm<00:12:07.269> getting it's my responsibility and I'm getting it's my responsibility and I'm getting paid<00:12:07.839> instead<00:12:08.769> of<00:12:08.860> 50%<00:12:09.189> saying<00:12:09.850> yes paid instead of 50% saying yes paid instead of 50% saying yes 25%<00:12:11.769> said<00:12:12.730> yes<00:12:13.529> what<00:12:14.529> happens<00:12:15.009> is<00:12:15.249> that<00:12:15.639> the 25% said yes what happens is that the 25% said yes what happens is that the second<00:12:16.269> this<00:12:17.040> introduction<00:12:18.040> of<00:12:18.249> the second this introduction of the second this introduction of the incentive<00:12:19.119> gets<00:12:19.629> us<00:12:19.839> so<00:12:19.959> that<00:12:20.110> instead<00:12:20.439> of incentive gets us so that instead of incentive gets us so that instead of asking<00:12:21.009> what<00:12:21.579> are<00:12:21.610> my<00:12:21.910> responsibilities<00:12:22.809> all asking what are my responsibilities all asking what are my responsibilities all we<00:12:23.319> ask<00:12:23.529> is<00:12:23.949> what<00:12:24.490> serves<00:12:24.879> my<00:12:25.179> interests<00:12:26.129> when we ask is what serves my interests when we ask is what serves my interests when incentives<00:12:27.759> don't<00:12:28.059> work<00:12:28.299> when<00:12:29.049> CEOs<00:12:29.619> ignore incentives don't work when CEOs ignore incentives don't work when CEOs ignore the<00:12:30.249> long-term<00:12:30.669> health<00:12:30.879> of<00:12:31.089> their<00:12:31.269> companies the long-term health of their companies the long-term health of their companies in<00:12:31.899> pursuit<00:12:32.230> of<00:12:32.350> short-term<00:12:32.379> gains<00:12:33.189> that<00:12:33.759> will in pursuit of short-term gains that will in pursuit of short-term gains that will lead<00:12:34.149> to<00:12:34.449> massive<00:12:34.869> bonuses<00:12:35.619> the<00:12:36.069> response<00:12:36.579> is lead to massive bonuses the response is lead to massive bonuses the response is always<00:12:37.480> the<00:12:38.049> same<00:12:38.439> get<00:12:39.449> smarter<00:12:40.529> incentives always the same get smarter incentives always the same get smarter incentives the<00:12:43.650> truth<00:12:43.980> is<00:12:44.370> that<00:12:44.610> there<00:12:45.180> are<00:12:45.390> no the truth is that there are no the truth is that there are no incentives<00:12:46.260> you<00:12:46.770> can<00:12:46.950> devise<00:12:47.279> that<00:12:47.310> are<00:12:47.790> ever incentives you can devise that are ever incentives you can devise that are ever going<00:12:48.390> to<00:12:48.420> be<00:12:48.690> smart<00:12:49.140> enough<00:12:49.380> any<00:12:50.029> incentive going to be smart enough any incentive going to be smart enough any incentive system<00:12:51.450> can<00:12:51.690> be<00:12:51.870> subverted<00:12:52.320> by<00:12:52.620> bad<00:12:52.860> will<00:12:53.870> we system can be subverted by bad will we system can be subverted by bad will we need<00:12:55.080> incentives<00:12:55.770> people<00:12:56.370> have<00:12:56.760> to<00:12:56.940> make<00:12:57.120> a need incentives people have to make a need incentives people have to make a living<00:12:57.570> but<00:12:58.320> excessive<00:12:58.950> reliance<00:12:59.279> on living but excessive reliance on living but excessive reliance on incentives<00:13:00.800> demoralizes<00:13:01.800> professional incentives demoralizes professional incentives demoralizes professional activity<00:13:03.270> in<00:13:03.480> two<00:13:04.290> senses<00:13:04.770> of<00:13:05.130> that<00:13:05.310> word<00:13:05.550> it activity in two senses of that word it activity in two senses of that word it causes<00:13:06.690> people<00:13:06.870> who<00:13:07.260> engage<00:13:07.620> in<00:13:07.650> that causes people who engage in that causes people who engage in that activity<00:13:08.040> to<00:13:08.550> lose<00:13:08.760> morale<00:13:09.240> and<00:13:09.570> it<00:13:10.410> causes activity to lose morale and it causes activity to lose morale and it causes the<00:13:11.400> activity<00:13:11.940> itself<00:13:12.150> to<00:13:12.690> lose<00:13:12.920> morality the activity itself to lose morality the activity itself to lose morality Barack<00:13:15.900> Obama<00:13:16.320> said<00:13:16.740> before<00:13:17.279> he<00:13:17.400> was Barack Obama said before he was Barack Obama said before he was inaugurated<00:13:17.880> we<00:13:18.720> must<00:13:18.960> ask<00:13:19.230> not<00:13:19.740> just<00:13:19.770> as<00:13:20.279> it inaugurated we must ask not just as it inaugurated we must ask not just as it profitable<00:13:21.029> but<00:13:21.480> is<00:13:21.660> it<00:13:21.839> right<00:13:22.200> and<00:13:22.560> when profitable but is it right and when profitable but is it right and when professions<00:13:24.240> are<00:13:25.279> demoralized<00:13:26.660> everyone<00:13:27.660> in professions are demoralized everyone in professions are demoralized everyone in them<00:13:28.170> becomes<00:13:28.680> dependent<00:13:29.100> on<00:13:29.540> addicted<00:13:30.540> to them becomes dependent on addicted to them becomes dependent on addicted to incentives<00:13:31.710> and<00:13:31.890> they<00:13:32.310> stop<00:13:32.610> asking<00:13:33.240> is<00:13:33.390> it incentives and they stop asking is it incentives and they stop asking is it right<00:13:34.170> we<00:13:35.040> see<00:13:35.250> this<00:13:35.370> in<00:13:35.580> medicine<00:13:37.400> and<00:13:38.750> we right we see this in medicine and we right we see this in medicine and we certainly<00:13:40.140> see<00:13:40.440> it<00:13:40.560> in<00:13:40.680> the<00:13:40.770> world<00:13:40.920> of certainly see it in the world of certainly see it in the world of business

it<00:13:53.769> is<00:13:54.010> obvious<00:13:54.580> that<00:13:54.610> this<00:13:54.940> is<00:13:55.120> not<00:13:55.300> the<00:13:55.510> way
it is obvious that this is not the way it is obvious that this is not the way people<00:13:55.660> want<00:13:56.380> to<00:13:56.980> do<00:13:57.130> their<00:13:57.430> work<00:13:57.610> so<00:13:58.269> what<00:13:58.480> can people want to do their work so what can people want to do their work so what can we<00:13:58.839> do<00:13:59.350> a<00:13:59.589> few<00:14:00.339> sources<00:14:00.730> of<00:14:01.060> hope<00:14:01.240> we<00:14:01.839> ought<00:14:02.230> to we do a few sources of hope we ought to we do a few sources of hope we ought to try<00:14:02.920> to<00:14:03.209> Reem<00:14:04.209> oral<00:14:04.810> eyes<00:14:04.990> work<00:14:05.649> one<00:14:06.370> way<00:14:06.730> not try to Reem oral eyes work one way not try to Reem oral eyes work one way not to<00:14:07.510> do<00:14:07.690> it<00:14:08.370> teach<00:14:09.370> more<00:14:09.910> ethics<00:14:10.660> courses<00:14:14.100> there to do it teach more ethics courses there to do it teach more ethics courses there is<00:14:15.279> no<00:14:15.519> better<00:14:15.790> way<00:14:16.060> to<00:14:16.120> show<00:14:16.420> people<00:14:16.450> that is no better way to show people that is no better way to show people that you're<00:14:17.079> not<00:14:17.260> serious<00:14:17.860> than<00:14:18.279> to<00:14:18.430> tie<00:14:18.640> up you're not serious than to tie up you're not serious than to tie up everything<00:14:19.420> you<00:14:19.540> have<00:14:19.690> to<00:14:19.839> say<00:14:19.870> about<00:14:20.110> ethics everything you have to say about ethics everything you have to say about ethics into<00:14:20.829> a<00:14:20.860> little<00:14:21.160> package<00:14:21.910> with<00:14:21.940> a<00:14:22.120> bow<00:14:22.360> and into a little package with a bow and into a little package with a bow and consign<00:14:23.290> it<00:14:23.320> to<00:14:23.470> the<00:14:23.620> margins<00:14:24.100> as<00:14:24.250> an<00:14:24.370> ethics consign it to the margins as an ethics consign it to the margins as an ethics course<00:14:24.940> what<00:14:25.810> to<00:14:25.990> do<00:14:26.110> instead<00:14:26.310> one<00:14:27.570> celebrate course what to do instead one celebrate course what to do instead one celebrate moral<00:14:29.350> exemplars<00:14:31.410> acknowledge<00:14:32.410> when<00:14:32.890> you<00:14:33.040> go moral exemplars acknowledge when you go moral exemplars acknowledge when you go to<00:14:33.220> law<00:14:33.459> school<00:14:33.490> that<00:14:34.420> a<00:14:34.480> little<00:14:34.810> voice<00:14:35.230> is to law school that a little voice is to law school that a little voice is whispering<00:14:35.980> in<00:14:36.130> your<00:14:36.160> ear<00:14:36.730> about<00:14:37.230> Atticus whispering in your ear about Atticus whispering in your ear about Atticus Finch<00:14:38.560> no<00:14:39.300> ten-year-old<00:14:40.300> goes<00:14:40.510> to<00:14:40.750> law<00:14:40.899> school Finch no ten-year-old goes to law school Finch no ten-year-old goes to law school to<00:14:41.470> do<00:14:41.589> mergers<00:14:42.010> and<00:14:42.190> acquisitions<00:14:42.930> people to do mergers and acquisitions people to do mergers and acquisitions people are<00:14:44.140> inspired<00:14:44.500> by<00:14:44.980> moral<00:14:45.550> heroes<00:14:45.970> but<00:14:46.630> we are inspired by moral heroes but we are inspired by moral heroes but we learn<00:14:47.200> that<00:14:47.740> with<00:14:48.040> sophistication<00:14:48.790> comes<00:14:49.440> the learn that with sophistication comes the learn that with sophistication comes the understanding<00:14:51.070> that<00:14:51.160> you<00:14:51.279> can't<00:14:51.610> acknowledge understanding that you can't acknowledge understanding that you can't acknowledge that<00:14:52.360> you<00:14:52.510> have<00:14:52.540> moral<00:14:53.290> heroes<00:14:53.740> well that you have moral heroes well that you have moral heroes well acknowledge<00:14:54.910> them<00:14:55.240> be<00:14:55.930> proud<00:14:56.260> that<00:14:56.290> you<00:14:56.649> have acknowledge them be proud that you have acknowledge them be proud that you have them<00:14:57.190> celebrate<00:14:58.120> them<00:14:58.360> and<00:14:58.540> demand<00:14:59.200> that<00:14:59.410> the them celebrate them and demand that the them celebrate them and demand that the people<00:14:59.529> who<00:14:59.920> teach<00:15:00.100> you<00:15:00.310> acknowledge<00:15:00.880> and people who teach you acknowledge and people who teach you acknowledge and celebrate<00:15:01.270> them<00:15:01.839> too<00:15:02.290> that's<00:15:02.770> one<00:15:03.040> thing<00:15:03.339> we celebrate them too that's one thing we celebrate them too that's one thing we can<00:15:03.670> do<00:15:03.820> I<00:15:06.420> don't<00:15:07.420> know<00:15:07.660> how<00:15:07.750> many<00:15:07.959> of<00:15:08.230> you can do I don't know how many of you can do I don't know how many of you remember<00:15:08.470> this<00:15:08.890> another<00:15:09.520> moral<00:15:09.880> hero<00:15:10.209> 15 remember this another moral hero 15 remember this another moral hero 15 years<00:15:11.200> ago<00:15:11.320> Aaron<00:15:11.709> Feuerstein<00:15:12.279> who<00:15:12.430> was<00:15:12.579> the years ago Aaron Feuerstein who was the years ago Aaron Feuerstein who was the head<00:15:13.120> of<00:15:13.149> Malden<00:15:14.050> Mills<00:15:14.200> in<00:15:14.500> Massachusetts head of Malden Mills in Massachusetts head of Malden Mills in Massachusetts they<00:15:15.459> made<00:15:15.640> Polartec<00:15:16.329> the<00:15:16.720> factory<00:15:17.200> burned they made Polartec the factory burned they made Polartec the factory burned down<00:15:17.970> 3,000<00:15:18.970> employees<00:15:19.089> he<00:15:19.690> kept<00:15:19.959> every<00:15:20.380> one down 3,000 employees he kept every one down 3,000 employees he kept every one of<00:15:20.620> them<00:15:20.860> on<00:15:21.070> the<00:15:21.130> payroll<00:15:22.440> why<00:15:23.440> because<00:15:24.279> it of them on the payroll why because it of them on the payroll why because it would<00:15:24.579> have<00:15:24.700> been<00:15:24.820> a<00:15:24.850> disaster<00:15:25.060> for<00:15:25.720> them<00:15:25.870> and would have been a disaster for them and would have been a disaster for them and for<00:15:26.440> the<00:15:26.560> community<00:15:27.040> if<00:15:27.220> he<00:15:27.579> had<00:15:27.730> let<00:15:27.940> them<00:15:28.149> go for the community if he had let them go for the community if he had let them go maybe<00:15:29.589> on<00:15:29.829> paper<00:15:30.100> our<00:15:30.339> company's<00:15:30.790> worthless maybe on paper our company's worthless maybe on paper our company's worthless to<00:15:31.480> Wall<00:15:31.660> Street<00:15:31.690> but<00:15:32.140> I<00:15:32.170> can<00:15:32.529> tell<00:15:32.800> you<00:15:32.980> it's to Wall Street but I can tell you it's to Wall Street but I can tell you it's worth<00:15:33.459> more<00:15:33.790> we<00:15:34.390> are<00:15:34.510> doing<00:15:34.870> fine<00:15:35.230> just<00:15:35.880> that worth more we are doing fine just that worth more we are doing fine just that this<00:15:37.060> Ted<00:15:37.390> we<00:15:37.630> heard<00:15:38.250> talks<00:15:39.250> from<00:15:39.550> several this Ted we heard talks from several this Ted we heard talks from several moral<00:15:40.660> heroes<00:15:40.990> to<00:15:41.199> particularly<00:15:41.860> inspiring moral heroes to particularly inspiring moral heroes to particularly inspiring to<00:15:42.730> me<00:15:42.910> one<00:15:43.329> was<00:15:43.540> Ray<00:15:43.810> Anderson<00:15:44.290> who<00:15:45.010> turned to me one was Ray Anderson who turned to me one was Ray Anderson who turned you<00:15:46.390> know<00:15:48.690> turned<00:15:49.690> you<00:15:50.079> know<00:15:50.199> a<00:15:50.230> part<00:15:50.620> of<00:15:50.709> the you know turned you know a part of the you know turned you know a part of the evil<00:15:51.010> empire<00:15:51.420> into<00:15:52.420> a<00:15:52.720> zero<00:15:53.320> footprint<00:15:54.250> or evil empire into a zero footprint or evil empire into a zero footprint or almost<00:15:54.910> a<00:15:55.089> zero<00:15:55.120> footprint<00:15:55.959> business<00:15:56.500> why almost a zero footprint business why almost a zero footprint business why because<00:15:58.209> it<00:15:58.480> was<00:15:58.600> the<00:15:58.750> right<00:15:59.020> thing because it was the right thing because it was the right thing to<00:15:59.529> do<00:15:59.709> and<00:16:00.009> a<00:16:00.339> bonus<00:16:00.789> he's<00:16:00.970> discovering<00:16:01.689> is to do and a bonus he's discovering is to do and a bonus he's discovering is he's<00:16:01.989> actually<00:16:02.229> gonna<00:16:02.589> make<00:16:02.889> even<00:16:03.489> more<00:16:03.699> money he's actually gonna make even more money he's actually gonna make even more money his<00:16:05.049> employees<00:16:05.709> are<00:16:05.919> inspired<00:16:06.519> by<00:16:06.729> the<00:16:06.939> effort his employees are inspired by the effort his employees are inspired by the effort why<00:16:07.869> because<00:16:08.679> they're<00:16:08.859> happy<00:16:09.129> to<00:16:09.429> be<00:16:09.609> doing why because they're happy to be doing why because they're happy to be doing something<00:16:10.479> that's<00:16:10.689> the<00:16:10.869> right<00:16:11.049> thing<00:16:11.349> to<00:16:11.889> do something that's the right thing to do something that's the right thing to do yesterday<00:16:12.759> we<00:16:13.209> heard<00:16:13.389> willie<00:16:13.660> smith's yesterday we heard willie smith's yesterday we heard willie smith's talk<00:16:14.470> about<00:16:15.089> reforesting<00:16:16.089> in<00:16:16.839> indonesia<00:16:17.439> and talk about reforesting in indonesia and talk about reforesting in indonesia and in<00:16:19.470> many<00:16:20.470> ways<00:16:20.679> this<00:16:20.919> is<00:16:21.099> the<00:16:21.129> perfect<00:16:21.639> example in many ways this is the perfect example in many ways this is the perfect example because<00:16:22.809> it<00:16:23.319> took<00:16:24.069> the<00:16:24.339> will<00:16:24.609> to<00:16:25.359> do<00:16:25.509> the<00:16:25.629> right because it took the will to do the right because it took the will to do the right thing<00:16:26.199> and<00:16:26.439> god<00:16:27.220> knows<00:16:27.459> it<00:16:27.699> took<00:16:27.909> a<00:16:27.939> huge thing and god knows it took a huge thing and god knows it took a huge amount<00:16:28.659> of<00:16:29.049> technical<00:16:29.589> skill<00:16:29.889> I<00:16:30.299> bottle<00:16:31.299> that amount of technical skill I bottle that amount of technical skill I bottle that how<00:16:31.809> much<00:16:31.989> he<00:16:32.169> needed<00:16:32.439> to<00:16:32.529> know<00:16:32.709> in<00:16:33.099> order<00:16:33.339> and how much he needed to know in order and how much he needed to know in order and his<00:16:33.939> associates<00:16:34.509> in<00:16:34.569> order<00:16:34.779> to<00:16:34.869> plot<00:16:35.109> this<00:16:35.319> out his associates in order to plot this out his associates in order to plot this out but<00:16:36.309> most<00:16:36.609> important<00:16:37.479> to<00:16:37.569> make<00:16:37.869> it<00:16:38.049> work<00:16:38.259> and but most important to make it work and but most important to make it work and he<00:16:38.799> emphasized<00:16:39.279> this<00:16:39.609> is<00:16:39.789> that<00:16:40.269> it<00:16:40.419> took he emphasized this is that it took he emphasized this is that it took knowing<00:16:41.709> the<00:16:41.979> people<00:16:42.159> in<00:16:42.639> the<00:16:42.970> communities knowing the people in the communities knowing the people in the communities unless<00:16:44.289> the<00:16:44.889> people<00:16:45.279> you're<00:16:45.729> working<00:16:45.909> with unless the people you're working with unless the people you're working with our<00:16:46.629> support<00:16:47.439> are<00:16:47.559> behind<00:16:47.949> you<00:16:48.189> this<00:16:48.579> will our support are behind you this will our support are behind you this will fail<00:16:49.149> and<00:16:49.509> there<00:16:49.989> isn't<00:16:50.319> a<00:16:50.409> formula<00:16:51.009> to<00:16:51.189> tell fail and there isn't a formula to tell fail and there isn't a formula to tell you<00:16:51.729> how<00:16:51.970> to<00:16:52.029> get<00:16:52.479> the<00:16:52.720> people<00:16:52.869> behind<00:16:53.379> you you how to get the people behind you you how to get the people behind you because<00:16:54.099> different<00:16:54.609> people<00:16:54.909> in<00:16:55.119> different because different people in different because different people in different communities<00:16:56.109> organize<00:16:56.739> their<00:16:57.039> lives<00:16:57.220> in communities organize their lives in communities organize their lives in different<00:16:58.119> ways<00:16:58.299> so<00:16:58.839> there's<00:16:59.079> a<00:16:59.169> lot<00:16:59.470> here<00:16:59.979> at different ways so there's a lot here at different ways so there's a lot here at Ed<00:17:00.429> and<00:17:00.699> at<00:17:01.059> other<00:17:01.209> places<00:17:01.419> to<00:17:02.109> celebrate<00:17:02.379> and Ed and at other places to celebrate and Ed and at other places to celebrate and you<00:17:02.829> don't<00:17:03.039> have<00:17:03.220> to<00:17:03.399> be<00:17:03.549> a<00:17:03.699> mega<00:17:03.939> hero<00:17:04.269> there you don't have to be a mega hero there you don't have to be a mega hero there are<00:17:04.929> ordinary<00:17:05.379> heroes<00:17:05.919> ordinary<00:17:06.639> heroes<00:17:07.000> like are ordinary heroes ordinary heroes like are ordinary heroes ordinary heroes like the<00:17:07.360> janitors<00:17:07.929> who<00:17:08.350> are<00:17:08.439> worth<00:17:08.649> celebrating the janitors who are worth celebrating the janitors who are worth celebrating too<00:17:09.610> as<00:17:09.819> practitioners<00:17:10.809> each<00:17:11.319> and<00:17:11.500> every<00:17:11.709> one too as practitioners each and every one too as practitioners each and every one of<00:17:11.919> us<00:17:12.100> should<00:17:12.279> strive<00:17:12.639> to<00:17:12.669> be<00:17:12.909> ordinary<00:17:13.750> if of us should strive to be ordinary if of us should strive to be ordinary if not<00:17:14.919> extraordinary<00:17:15.339> heroes<00:17:16.089> as<00:17:16.269> heads<00:17:16.929> of not extraordinary heroes as heads of not extraordinary heroes as heads of organizations<00:17:17.370> we<00:17:18.370> should<00:17:18.549> strive<00:17:18.850> to<00:17:18.879> create organizations we should strive to create organizations we should strive to create environments<00:17:19.809> that<00:17:20.139> encourage<00:17:20.350> and<00:17:21.009> nurture environments that encourage and nurture environments that encourage and nurture both<00:17:22.209> moral<00:17:22.899> skill<00:17:23.230> and<00:17:23.549> moral<00:17:24.549> will<00:17:24.759> even<00:17:25.720> the both moral skill and moral will even the both moral skill and moral will even the wisest<00:17:26.409> and<00:17:26.709> most<00:17:26.740> well-meaning<00:17:27.699> people<00:17:28.149> will wisest and most well-meaning people will wisest and most well-meaning people will give<00:17:28.870> up<00:17:28.899> if<00:17:29.470> they<00:17:30.039> have<00:17:30.070> to<00:17:30.460> swim<00:17:30.789> against<00:17:31.299> the give up if they have to swim against the give up if they have to swim against the current<00:17:31.450> in<00:17:31.990> the<00:17:32.440> organizations<00:17:33.250> in<00:17:33.490> which current in the organizations in which current in the organizations in which they<00:17:33.700> work<00:17:33.970> if<00:17:34.450> you<00:17:34.899> run<00:17:35.139> an<00:17:35.289> organization<00:17:35.559> you they work if you run an organization you they work if you run an organization you should<00:17:36.580> be<00:17:36.730> sure<00:17:37.059> that<00:17:37.690> none<00:17:38.110> of<00:17:38.440> the<00:17:38.620> jobs should be sure that none of the jobs should be sure that none of the jobs none<00:17:39.669> of<00:17:40.029> the<00:17:40.149> jobs<00:17:40.450> have<00:17:40.899> job<00:17:41.259> descriptions none of the jobs have job descriptions none of the jobs have job descriptions like<00:17:42.009> the<00:17:42.490> job<00:17:42.730> description<00:17:43.330> of<00:17:43.539> the<00:17:43.779> janitors like the job description of the janitors like the job description of the janitors because<00:17:44.559> the<00:17:45.220> truth<00:17:45.460> is<00:17:45.759> that<00:17:46.000> any<00:17:46.509> work<00:17:46.899> you because the truth is that any work you because the truth is that any work you do<00:17:47.289> that<00:17:47.500> involves<00:17:48.009> interaction<00:17:48.730> with<00:17:48.909> other do that involves interaction with other do that involves interaction with other people<00:17:49.179> is<00:17:49.720> moral<00:17:50.529> work<00:17:51.009> and<00:17:51.389> any<00:17:52.389> moral<00:17:52.960> work people is moral work and any moral work people is moral work and any moral work depends<00:17:54.070> upon<00:17:54.450> practical<00:17:55.450> wisdom<00:17:55.960> and depends upon practical wisdom and depends upon practical wisdom and perhaps<00:17:57.429> most<00:17:57.909> important<00:17:58.570> as<00:17:58.659> teachers<00:17:59.350> we perhaps most important as teachers we perhaps most important as teachers we should<00:17:59.620> strive<00:18:00.190> to<00:18:00.220> be<00:18:00.700> the<00:18:01.240> ordinary<00:18:02.230> heroes should strive to be the ordinary heroes should strive to be the ordinary heroes the<00:18:03.279> moral<00:18:03.669> exemplars<00:18:04.360> to<00:18:04.990> the<00:18:05.110> people<00:18:05.409> we the moral exemplars to the people we the moral exemplars to the people we mentor<00:18:06.399> and<00:18:06.669> there<00:18:07.570> are<00:18:07.659> a<00:18:07.690> few<00:18:07.840> things<00:18:08.110> that mentor and there are a few things that mentor and there are a few things that we<00:18:08.409> have<00:18:08.440> to<00:18:08.740> remember<00:18:09.159> as<00:18:09.279> teachers<00:18:09.700> one<00:18:10.029> is we have to remember as teachers one is we have to remember as teachers one is that<00:18:10.600> we<00:18:10.899> are<00:18:10.950> always that we are always that we are always teaching<00:18:12.970> someone<00:18:13.720> is<00:18:13.990> always<00:18:14.380> watching<00:18:14.910> the teaching someone is always watching the teaching someone is always watching the camera<00:18:16.420> is<00:18:16.600> always<00:18:16.930> on<00:18:17.530> Bill<00:18:18.400> Gates<00:18:18.820> talked camera is always on Bill Gates talked camera is always on Bill Gates talked about<00:18:20.200> the<00:18:20.800> importance<00:18:21.250> of<00:18:21.370> education<00:18:21.790> and<00:18:22.150> in about the importance of education and in about the importance of education and in particular<00:18:22.720> the<00:18:23.260> model<00:18:23.650> that<00:18:24.190> Kipp<00:18:24.550> was particular the model that Kipp was particular the model that Kipp was providing<00:18:26.040> knowledge<00:18:27.040> is<00:18:27.220> power<00:18:27.520> and<00:18:27.700> he providing knowledge is power and he providing knowledge is power and he talked<00:18:28.270> about<00:18:28.390> a<00:18:28.720> lot<00:18:28.930> of<00:18:29.110> the<00:18:29.200> wonderful talked about a lot of the wonderful talked about a lot of the wonderful things<00:18:29.950> that<00:18:30.070> Kipp<00:18:30.400> is<00:18:30.580> doing<00:18:31.210> to<00:18:31.600> take things that Kipp is doing to take things that Kipp is doing to take inner-city<00:18:32.470> kids inner-city kids inner-city kids and<00:18:32.950> turn<00:18:33.370> them<00:18:33.580> in<00:18:33.670> the<00:18:33.760> direction<00:18:34.060> of and turn them in the direction of and turn them in the direction of college<00:18:34.780> I<00:18:35.050> want<00:18:36.040> to<00:18:36.100> focus<00:18:36.730> on<00:18:37.000> one college I want to focus on one college I want to focus on one particular<00:18:37.390> thing<00:18:37.840> Kipp<00:18:38.470> is<00:18:38.560> doing<00:18:38.890> that<00:18:38.980> bill particular thing Kipp is doing that bill particular thing Kipp is doing that bill didn't<00:18:39.730> mention<00:18:40.090> and<00:18:40.210> that<00:18:40.750> is<00:18:40.990> they<00:18:41.590> have didn't mention and that is they have didn't mention and that is they have come<00:18:42.160> to<00:18:42.370> the<00:18:42.490> realization<00:18:42.820> that<00:18:43.360> the<00:18:43.660> single come to the realization that the single come to the realization that the single most<00:18:44.080> important<00:18:44.890> thing<00:18:45.100> kids<00:18:45.490> need<00:18:45.730> to<00:18:45.910> learn most important thing kids need to learn most important thing kids need to learn is<00:18:46.390> character<00:18:47.100> they<00:18:48.100> need<00:18:48.370> to<00:18:48.610> learn<00:18:48.850> to is character they need to learn to is character they need to learn to respect<00:18:49.690> themselves<00:18:50.520> they<00:18:51.520> need<00:18:51.700> to<00:18:51.880> learn<00:18:52.030> to respect themselves they need to learn to respect themselves they need to learn to respect<00:18:52.690> their<00:18:52.990> schoolmates<00:18:53.680> they<00:18:54.100> need<00:18:54.310> to respect their schoolmates they need to respect their schoolmates they need to learn<00:18:54.580> to<00:18:54.790> respect<00:18:54.940> their<00:18:55.450> teachers<00:18:55.630> and<00:18:56.170> most learn to respect their teachers and most learn to respect their teachers and most important<00:18:57.160> they<00:18:57.280> need<00:18:57.460> to<00:18:57.700> learn<00:18:57.880> to<00:18:58.120> respect important they need to learn to respect important they need to learn to respect learning<00:18:59.730> that's<00:19:00.730> the<00:19:01.180> principal<00:19:01.840> objective learning that's the principal objective learning that's the principal objective if<00:19:02.560> you<00:19:02.680> do<00:19:02.950> that<00:19:03.220> the<00:19:03.460> rest<00:19:03.640> is<00:19:03.910> just<00:19:04.270> pretty if you do that the rest is just pretty if you do that the rest is just pretty much<00:19:04.870> a<00:19:05.200> Coast<00:19:05.710> downhill<00:19:05.980> and<00:19:06.670> the<00:19:07.150> teachers much a Coast downhill and the teachers much a Coast downhill and the teachers the<00:19:08.290> way<00:19:08.500> you<00:19:08.560> teach<00:19:09.100> these<00:19:09.370> things<00:19:09.400> to<00:19:10.030> kids the way you teach these things to kids the way you teach these things to kids is<00:19:10.480> by<00:19:10.930> having<00:19:11.200> the<00:19:11.800> teachers<00:19:12.190> and<00:19:12.460> all<00:19:12.850> the is by having the teachers and all the is by having the teachers and all the other<00:19:13.120> staff<00:19:13.450> embody<00:19:14.200> it<00:19:14.440> every<00:19:15.160> minute<00:19:15.490> of other staff embody it every minute of other staff embody it every minute of every<00:19:16.300> day<00:19:16.470> Obama<00:19:17.470> appealed<00:19:18.070> to<00:19:18.340> virtue<00:19:18.580> and<00:19:18.940> I every day Obama appealed to virtue and I every day Obama appealed to virtue and I think<00:19:19.750> he<00:19:20.170> was<00:19:20.320> right<00:19:20.560> and<00:19:20.830> the<00:19:21.580> virtue<00:19:21.820> that think he was right and the virtue that think he was right and the virtue that we<00:19:22.270> need<00:19:22.480> above<00:19:22.750> all<00:19:22.960> others<00:19:23.350> I<00:19:23.590> think<00:19:23.710> is we need above all others I think is we need above all others I think is practical<00:19:24.670> wisdom<00:19:24.850> because<00:19:25.570> it's<00:19:25.840> what practical wisdom because it's what practical wisdom because it's what allows<00:19:26.380> other<00:19:26.830> virtues<00:19:27.670> honesty<00:19:28.540> kindness allows other virtues honesty kindness allows other virtues honesty kindness courage<00:19:29.890> and<00:19:30.340> so<00:19:30.580> on<00:19:30.760> to<00:19:31.270> be<00:19:31.390> displayed<00:19:31.840> at<00:19:32.110> the courage and so on to be displayed at the courage and so on to be displayed at the right<00:19:32.680> time<00:19:32.950> and<00:19:33.280> in<00:19:33.640> the<00:19:33.760> right<00:19:33.880> way<00:19:34.350> he<00:19:35.350> also right time and in the right way he also right time and in the right way he also appealed<00:19:36.160> to<00:19:36.400> hope<00:19:36.900> right<00:19:37.900> again<00:19:38.470> I<00:19:38.860> think appealed to hope right again I think appealed to hope right again I think there<00:19:40.120> is<00:19:40.150> reason<00:19:40.810> for<00:19:40.840> hope<00:19:41.110> I<00:19:41.590> think<00:19:42.340> people there is reason for hope I think people there is reason for hope I think people want<00:19:43.060> to<00:19:43.450> be<00:19:43.600> allowed<00:19:43.930> to<00:19:43.960> be<00:19:44.380> virtuous<00:19:45.040> in want to be allowed to be virtuous in want to be allowed to be virtuous in many<00:19:46.390> ways<00:19:46.690> it's<00:19:47.470> what<00:19:47.710> Ted<00:19:48.010> is<00:19:48.160> all<00:19:48.400> about many ways it's what Ted is all about many ways it's what Ted is all about wanting<00:19:49.570> to<00:19:50.080> do<00:19:50.410> the<00:19:50.890> right<00:19:51.100> thing<00:19:51.490> in<00:19:51.790> the wanting to do the right thing in the wanting to do the right thing in the white<00:19:52.570> right<00:19:52.870> way<00:19:53.200> for<00:19:53.950> the<00:19:54.190> right<00:19:54.400> reasons white right way for the right reasons white right way for the right reasons this<00:19:56.080> kind<00:19:56.560> of<00:19:56.770> wisdom<00:19:57.010> is<00:19:57.460> within<00:19:57.730> the<00:19:58.060> grasp this kind of wisdom is within the grasp this kind of wisdom is within the grasp of<00:19:58.540> each<00:19:58.960> and<00:19:59.230> every<00:19:59.530> one<00:19:59.710> of<00:19:59.740> us<00:19:59.980> if<00:20:00.220> only<00:20:00.760> we of each and every one of us if only we of each and every one of us if only we start<00:20:01.450> paying<00:20:01.780> attention<00:20:02.040> paying<00:20:03.040> attention start paying attention paying attention start paying attention paying attention to<00:20:03.820> what<00:20:04.030> we<00:20:04.270> do<00:20:04.480> to<00:20:05.170> how<00:20:05.410> we<00:20:05.470> do<00:20:05.860> it<00:20:06.040> and to what we do to how we do it and to what we do to how we do it and perhaps<00:20:06.640> most<00:20:07.060> importantly<00:20:07.810> to<00:20:08.350> the perhaps most importantly to the perhaps most importantly to the structure<00:20:09.040> of<00:20:09.070> the<00:20:09.250> organizations<00:20:10.240> within structure of the organizations within structure of the organizations within which<00:20:10.930> we<00:20:11.200> work<00:20:11.230> so<00:20:12.160> as<00:20:12.310> to<00:20:12.550> make<00:20:12.730> sure<00:20:12.970> that<00:20:13.240> it which we work so as to make sure that it which we work so as to make sure that it enables<00:20:13.870> us<00:20:14.050> and<00:20:14.380> other<00:20:14.650> people<00:20:15.100> to<00:20:15.550> develop enables us and other people to develop enables us and other people to develop wisdom<00:20:16.060> rather<00:20:16.870> than<00:20:17.200> rather<00:20:17.470> than<00:20:17.710> having<00:20:17.920> it wisdom rather than rather than having it wisdom rather than rather than having it suppressed<00:20:18.640> thank<00:20:19.360> you<00:20:19.450> very<00:20:19.600> much

thank<00:20:24.909> you

if<00:20:29.010> you<00:20:29.190> have<00:20:29.280> to<00:20:29.370> go<00:20:29.520> east<00:20:29.700> on<00:20:29.820> that<00:20:30.000> side

thank<00:20:35.320> you<00:20:35.440> very<00:20:35.470> much

what<00:20:53.030> does<00:20:53.180> a<00:20:53.210> machine<00:20:53.420> know<00:20:54.140> about<00:20:54.440> itself
what does a machine know about itself what does a machine know about itself can<00:20:56.300> it<00:20:56.330> know<00:20:56.600> when<00:20:56.750> it<00:20:56.870> needs<00:20:57.080> to<00:20:57.200> be<00:20:57.290> repaired can it know when it needs to be repaired can it know when it needs to be repaired and<00:20:58.520> when<00:20:58.700> it<00:20:58.790> doesn't<00:20:59.440> in<00:21:00.440> industries<00:21:00.980> like and when it doesn't in industries like and when it doesn't in industries like manufacturing<00:21:01.370> and<00:21:02.090> energy<00:21:02.210> they're<00:21:03.020> using manufacturing and energy they're using manufacturing and energy they're using predictive<00:21:03.560> analytics<00:21:04.280> to<00:21:04.580> detect<00:21:04.880> signs<00:21:05.120> of predictive analytics to detect signs of predictive analytics to detect signs of trouble<00:21:05.770> helping<00:21:06.770> some<00:21:06.980> companies<00:21:07.160> save trouble helping some companies save trouble helping some companies save millions<00:21:08.090> on<00:21:08.390> maintenance<00:21:08.690> because<00:21:09.680> machines millions on maintenance because machines millions on maintenance because machines seek<00:21:10.310> help<00:21:10.580> before<00:21:10.880> they're<00:21:11.270> broken<00:21:11.480> and seek help before they're broken and seek help before they're broken and don't<00:21:12.590> when<00:21:13.040> they're<00:21:13.160> not<00:21:13.310> that's<00:21:14.120> what<00:21:14.300> I'm don't when they're not that's what I'm don't when they're not that's what I'm working<00:21:14.750> on<00:21:14.840> I'm<00:21:15.410> an<00:21:15.560> IBMer<00:21:15.830> let's<00:21:16.460> build<00:21:16.730> a working on I'm an IBMer let's build a working on I'm an IBMer let's build a smarter<00:21:17.150> planet

Barry Schwartz, pratical, wisdom, bureaucracy, philosophy, Atticus, Finch, wisdom wise wise person, how, to, be, wise

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