Sự ngạc nhiên dưới nước – David Gallo

Underwater astonishments - David Gallo

Underwater astonishments - David Gallo


[Music] [Music] [Applause]

we're<00:00:15.920> going<00:00:16.000> to<00:00:16.119> go<00:00:16.199> on<00:00:16.279> a<00:00:16.440> dive<00:00:16.680> to<00:00:16.840> the<00:00:17.000> deep
we're going to go on a dive to the deep we're going to go on a dive to the deep sea<00:00:18.640> and<00:00:19.520> anyone<00:00:19.840> that's<00:00:20.199> had<00:00:20.400> that<00:00:20.560> lovely sea and anyone that's had that lovely sea and anyone that's had that lovely opportunity<00:00:22.119> knows<00:00:22.400> that<00:00:22.560> for<00:00:22.720> the<00:00:22.920> about<00:00:23.080> two opportunity knows that for the about two opportunity knows that for the about two and<00:00:23.359> a<00:00:23.480> half<00:00:23.640> hours<00:00:23.920> on<00:00:24.080> the<00:00:24.199> way<00:00:24.320> down<00:00:24.519> it's<00:00:24.640> a and a half hours on the way down it's a and a half hours on the way down it's a perfectly<00:00:25.320> positively<00:00:25.960> pitch<00:00:26.320> black<00:00:26.679> world perfectly positively pitch black world perfectly positively pitch black world and<00:00:27.920> we<00:00:28.039> used<00:00:28.160> to<00:00:28.279> see<00:00:28.480> the<00:00:28.599> most<00:00:28.840> mysterious and we used to see the most mysterious and we used to see the most mysterious animals<00:00:29.679> out<00:00:29.840> there<00:00:30.039> window<00:00:30.279> that<00:00:30.400> you animals out there window that you animals out there window that you couldn't<00:00:30.840> describe<00:00:31.480> these<00:00:31.720> blinking<00:00:32.160> lights couldn't describe these blinking lights couldn't describe these blinking lights a<00:00:32.520> world<00:00:32.719> of<00:00:32.960> bioluminescence<00:00:33.800> like a world of bioluminescence like a world of bioluminescence like fireflies<00:00:35.840> Dr<00:00:36.120> Edith<00:00:36.440> Witter<00:00:36.800> she's<00:00:37.000> now<00:00:37.160> at fireflies Dr Edith Witter she's now at fireflies Dr Edith Witter she's now at the<00:00:37.399> ocean<00:00:37.719> research<00:00:38.079> and<00:00:38.280> Conservation the ocean research and Conservation the ocean research and Conservation Association<00:00:39.920> was<00:00:40.120> able<00:00:40.360> to<00:00:40.680> come<00:00:40.840> up<00:00:40.960> with<00:00:41.079> a Association was able to come up with a Association was able to come up with a camera<00:00:41.520> that<00:00:41.640> could<00:00:41.879> capture<00:00:42.200> some<00:00:42.320> of<00:00:42.480> these camera that could capture some of these camera that could capture some of these incredible<00:00:43.239> animals<00:00:43.680> and<00:00:43.800> that's<00:00:43.920> what incredible animals and that's what incredible animals and that's what you're<00:00:44.160> seeing<00:00:44.440> here<00:00:44.600> on<00:00:44.760> the<00:00:45.000> screen<00:00:46.000> that's you're seeing here on the screen that's you're seeing here on the screen that's all<00:00:46.360> bioluminescence<00:00:47.280> like<00:00:47.399> I<00:00:47.520> said<00:00:47.719> just all bioluminescence like I said just all bioluminescence like I said just like<00:00:48.280> fireflies<00:00:49.280> there's<00:00:49.480> a<00:00:49.559> flying<00:00:49.960> turkey like fireflies there's a flying turkey like fireflies there's a flying turkey under<00:00:51.640> turkey<00:00:52.640> I<00:00:52.719> don't<00:00:53.000> I<00:00:53.160> yeah<00:00:53.399> I<00:00:53.800> I'm<00:00:54.120> I'm<00:00:54.199> a under turkey I don't I yeah I I'm I'm a under turkey I don't I yeah I I'm I'm a geologist<00:00:54.879> by<00:00:55.160> training<00:00:56.160> uh<00:00:56.320> but<00:00:56.440> I<00:00:56.559> love<00:00:57.000> that geologist by training uh but I love that geologist by training uh but I love that uh<00:00:58.399> and<00:00:58.480> you<00:00:58.600> see<00:00:58.840> some<00:00:58.960> of<00:00:59.079> the<00:00:59.199> some<00:00:59.359> of<00:00:59.480> the uh and you see some of the some of the uh and you see some of the some of the luminescence<00:01:00.559> they<00:01:00.680> used<00:01:00.879> to<00:01:01.079> avoid<00:01:01.399> being luminescence they used to avoid being luminescence they used to avoid being eaten<00:01:01.960> some<00:01:02.160> they<00:01:02.280> used<00:01:02.480> to<00:01:02.640> attract<00:01:03.120> prey<00:01:04.080> but eaten some they used to attract prey but eaten some they used to attract prey but all<00:01:04.439> of<00:01:04.559> it<00:01:04.720> from<00:01:04.879> an<00:01:05.000> artistic<00:01:05.439> point<00:01:05.600> of<00:01:05.720> view all of it from an artistic point of view all of it from an artistic point of view is<00:01:06.080> just<00:01:06.360> positively<00:01:07.040> amazing<00:01:08.040> and<00:01:08.159> a<00:01:08.280> lot<00:01:08.400> of is just positively amazing and a lot of is just positively amazing and a lot of what<00:01:08.680> goes<00:01:08.840> on<00:01:09.000> inside<00:01:09.320> there's<00:01:09.439> a<00:01:09.560> fish<00:01:09.799> with what goes on inside there's a fish with what goes on inside there's a fish with glowing<00:01:10.280> eyes<00:01:10.600> pulsating glowing eyes pulsating glowing eyes pulsating eyes<00:01:12.880> some<00:01:13.240> some<00:01:13.360> of<00:01:13.479> the<00:01:13.560> colors<00:01:13.840> are eyes some some of the colors are eyes some some of the colors are designed<00:01:14.320> to designed to designed to hypnotize<00:01:16.360> these<00:01:16.560> lovely hypnotize these lovely hypnotize these lovely patterns<00:01:19.280> and<00:01:19.400> then<00:01:19.560> this<00:01:19.759> last<00:01:19.920> one<00:01:20.079> one<00:01:20.159> of patterns and then this last one one of patterns and then this last one one of my<00:01:20.400> favorites<00:01:20.759> this<00:01:20.920> pin<00:01:21.119> wheel<00:01:21.360> design<00:01:21.799> just my favorites this pin wheel design just my favorites this pin wheel design just absolutely<00:01:22.600> amazing<00:01:23.000> every<00:01:23.200> single<00:01:23.640> dive absolutely amazing every single dive absolutely amazing every single dive that's<00:01:24.840> the<00:01:24.960> unknown<00:01:25.400> world<00:01:25.720> and<00:01:25.880> today<00:01:26.240> we've that's the unknown world and today we've that's the unknown world and today we've only<00:01:26.640> explored<00:01:27.079> about<00:01:27.320> 3%<00:01:28.200> 3%<00:01:28.680> of<00:01:28.799> what's<00:01:28.960> out only explored about 3% 3% of what's out only explored about 3% 3% of what's out there<00:01:29.240> in<00:01:29.320> the<00:01:29.439> ocean<00:01:30.200> already<00:01:30.600> we<00:01:30.759> found<00:01:30.960> the there in the ocean already we found the there in the ocean already we found the world's<00:01:31.439> highest<00:01:31.720> mountains<00:01:32.320> world's world's highest mountains world's world's highest mountains world's deepest<00:01:33.040> valleys<00:01:33.759> underwater<00:01:34.280> Lakes deepest valleys underwater Lakes deepest valleys underwater Lakes underwater<00:01:35.079> waterfalls<00:01:35.600> a<00:01:35.680> lot<00:01:35.840> of<00:01:35.920> that<00:01:36.040> we underwater waterfalls a lot of that we underwater waterfalls a lot of that we shared<00:01:36.439> with<00:01:36.560> you<00:01:36.680> from<00:01:36.920> the<00:01:37.040> stage<00:01:37.280> and<00:01:37.399> in<00:01:37.520> a shared with you from the stage and in a shared with you from the stage and in a place<00:01:37.880> where<00:01:38.040> we<00:01:38.159> thought<00:01:38.720> no<00:01:39.040> life<00:01:39.240> at<00:01:39.360> all<00:01:40.200> we place where we thought no life at all we place where we thought no life at all we find<00:01:40.799> more<00:01:41.159> life<00:01:41.479> we<00:01:41.640> think<00:01:41.880> and<00:01:42.079> diversity find more life we think and diversity find more life we think and diversity and<00:01:42.680> density<00:01:43.079> than<00:01:43.240> the<00:01:43.360> tropical<00:01:43.759> rainforest and density than the tropical rainforest and density than the tropical rainforest which<00:01:44.600> tells<00:01:44.799> us<00:01:44.960> that<00:01:45.119> we<00:01:45.240> don't<00:01:45.439> know<00:01:45.640> much which tells us that we don't know much which tells us that we don't know much about<00:01:46.159> this<00:01:46.360> planet<00:01:46.719> at<00:01:46.880> all<00:01:47.360> there's<00:01:47.560> still about this planet at all there's still about this planet at all there's still 97%<00:01:48.920> and<00:01:49.040> either<00:01:49.280> that<00:01:49.439> 97%<00:01:50.119> is<00:01:50.280> empty<00:01:50.560> or<00:01:50.719> just 97% and either that 97% is empty or just 97% and either that 97% is empty or just full<00:01:51.040> of<00:01:51.200> surprises<00:01:52.040> but<00:01:52.159> I<00:01:52.240> want<00:01:52.320> to<00:01:52.439> jump<00:01:52.680> up full of surprises but I want to jump up full of surprises but I want to jump up to<00:01:52.920> shallow<00:01:53.360> water<00:01:53.600> now<00:01:53.920> and<00:01:54.040> look<00:01:54.159> at<00:01:54.280> some to shallow water now and look at some to shallow water now and look at some creatures<00:01:54.799> that<00:01:54.880> are<00:01:55.159> positively<00:01:55.680> amazing creatures that are positively amazing creatures that are positively amazing the<00:01:57.079> seapods<00:01:58.079> head<00:01:58.840> foots the seapods head foots the seapods head foots as<00:02:00.799> a<00:02:00.920> kid<00:02:01.079> I<00:02:01.159> knew<00:02:01.320> them<00:02:01.439> as<00:02:01.600> calamari<00:02:02.240> mostly as a kid I knew them as calamari mostly as a kid I knew them as calamari mostly but<00:02:03.640> this<00:02:03.759> is<00:02:03.880> an<00:02:04.079> octopus<00:02:04.479> this<00:02:04.560> is<00:02:04.640> a<00:02:04.759> work<00:02:04.880> of but this is an octopus this is a work of but this is an octopus this is a work of Dr<00:02:05.280> Roger<00:02:05.560> hanin<00:02:05.920> at<00:02:06.000> the<00:02:06.079> Marine<00:02:06.320> biological Dr Roger hanin at the Marine biological Dr Roger hanin at the Marine biological lab<00:02:07.600> and<00:02:07.840> just<00:02:08.239> fascinating<00:02:08.840> how<00:02:09.119> how<00:02:09.280> seop lab and just fascinating how how seop lab and just fascinating how how seop pods<00:02:10.039> can<00:02:10.200> with<00:02:10.360> their<00:02:10.560> eyes<00:02:10.879> incredible<00:02:11.440> eyes pods can with their eyes incredible eyes pods can with their eyes incredible eyes sense<00:02:12.400> their<00:02:12.560> surrounding<00:02:13.000> look<00:02:13.200> at<00:02:13.319> light sense their surrounding look at light sense their surrounding look at light look<00:02:13.720> at<00:02:13.879> patterns<00:02:14.200> here's<00:02:14.400> an<00:02:14.560> octopus look at patterns here's an octopus look at patterns here's an octopus moving<00:02:15.280> across<00:02:15.560> the<00:02:15.680> reef<00:02:16.440> finds<00:02:16.680> a<00:02:16.879> spot<00:02:17.080> to moving across the reef finds a spot to moving across the reef finds a spot to settle<00:02:17.599> down<00:02:17.920> curls<00:02:18.319> up<00:02:18.879> and<00:02:19.000> then<00:02:19.200> disappears settle down curls up and then disappears settle down curls up and then disappears into<00:02:19.959> the<00:02:20.640> background<00:02:21.640> tough<00:02:21.879> thing<00:02:22.040> to into the background tough thing to into the background tough thing to do<00:02:24.280> in<00:02:24.400> the<00:02:24.519> next<00:02:24.760> bit<00:02:24.920> we're<00:02:25.040> going<00:02:25.120> to<00:02:25.200> see<00:02:25.319> a do in the next bit we're going to see a do in the next bit we're going to see a couple<00:02:25.599> of<00:02:25.720> squid<00:02:26.040> These<00:02:26.160> Are<00:02:26.280> squid<00:02:26.640> now couple of squid These Are squid now couple of squid These Are squid now males<00:02:27.319> when<00:02:27.480> they<00:02:27.640> fight<00:02:27.879> if<00:02:28.000> they're<00:02:28.160> really males when they fight if they're really males when they fight if they're really aggressive<00:02:28.760> they<00:02:28.879> turn<00:02:29.200> white<00:02:29.400> and<00:02:29.480> these<00:02:29.800> two aggressive they turn white and these two aggressive they turn white and these two males<00:02:30.120> are<00:02:30.280> fighting<00:02:30.840> they<00:02:30.959> do<00:02:31.080> it<00:02:31.200> by males are fighting they do it by males are fighting they do it by bouncing<00:02:31.720> their<00:02:31.879> butts<00:02:32.280> together<00:02:32.560> which<00:02:32.680> is bouncing their butts together which is bouncing their butts together which is an<00:02:33.000> interesting<00:02:34.000> concept<00:02:34.840> now<00:02:35.000> here's<00:02:35.160> a<00:02:35.280> male an interesting concept now here's a male an interesting concept now here's a male on<00:02:35.599> the<00:02:35.760> left<00:02:36.040> and<00:02:36.160> a<00:02:36.239> female<00:02:36.599> on<00:02:36.720> the<00:02:36.879> right on the left and a female on the right on the left and a female on the right and<00:02:37.280> now<00:02:37.640> the<00:02:37.800> male<00:02:38.080> has<00:02:38.239> managed<00:02:38.519> to<00:02:38.640> split and now the male has managed to split and now the male has managed to split his<00:02:39.159> color<00:02:39.680> coloration<00:02:40.519> so<00:02:40.800> the<00:02:40.959> female<00:02:41.400> only his color coloration so the female only his color coloration so the female only always<00:02:41.959> sees<00:02:42.239> the<00:02:42.400> Kinder<00:02:42.800> gentler<00:02:43.200> squid<00:02:43.519> in always sees the Kinder gentler squid in always sees the Kinder gentler squid in him<00:02:44.360> and<00:02:44.480> the<00:02:44.640> M's<00:02:44.920> on him and the M's on him and the M's on the<00:02:48.040> we're<00:02:48.200> going<00:02:48.280> to<00:02:48.360> see<00:02:48.519> it<00:02:48.640> again<00:02:48.840> let's the we're going to see it again let's the we're going to see it again let's take<00:02:49.159> a<00:02:49.280> look<00:02:49.400> at<00:02:49.519> it<00:02:49.720> again<00:02:50.280> watch<00:02:50.480> the take a look at it again watch the take a look at it again watch the coloration<00:02:51.480> white<00:02:51.680> on<00:02:51.840> the coloration white on the coloration white on the right<00:02:53.879> Brown<00:02:54.159> on<00:02:54.319> the<00:02:54.480> left<00:02:55.159> he<00:02:55.440> takes<00:02:55.640> a<00:02:55.800> step right Brown on the left he takes a step right Brown on the left he takes a step back<00:02:56.920> so<00:02:57.080> he's<00:02:57.239> keeping<00:02:57.560> off<00:02:57.760> the<00:02:57.879> other<00:02:58.080> males back so he's keeping off the other males back so he's keeping off the other males by<00:02:58.720> splitting<00:02:59.120> his<00:02:59.280> body<00:02:59.519> and<00:02:59.800> he<00:02:59.920> comes<00:03:00.080> up<00:03:00.239> on by splitting his body and he comes up on by splitting his body and he comes up on the<00:03:00.480> other<00:03:00.680> side<00:03:01.560> Bingo<00:03:02.560> now<00:03:02.720> I'm<00:03:02.879> told<00:03:03.120> that's the other side Bingo now I'm told that's the other side Bingo now I'm told that's not<00:03:03.440> just<00:03:03.560> a<00:03:03.680> squid<00:03:04.000> phenomena<00:03:04.440> with<00:03:04.560> males not just a squid phenomena with males not just a squid phenomena with males but<00:03:05.040> I<00:03:05.480> I<00:03:05.599> know but I I know but I I know that's<00:03:07.959> cuttlefish<00:03:08.560> I<00:03:08.680> love<00:03:09.239> cuttlefish<00:03:10.239> this that's cuttlefish I love cuttlefish this that's cuttlefish I love cuttlefish this is<00:03:10.440> a<00:03:10.640> giant<00:03:10.920> Australian<00:03:11.440> cuttlefish<00:03:12.000> and is a giant Australian cuttlefish and is a giant Australian cuttlefish and there<00:03:12.319> he<00:03:12.480> is<00:03:12.879> his<00:03:13.040> droopy<00:03:13.440> little<00:03:13.640> eyes<00:03:13.879> up there he is his droopy little eyes up there he is his droopy little eyes up here<00:03:16.239> but<00:03:16.400> they<00:03:16.519> could<00:03:16.680> do<00:03:16.879> pretty<00:03:17.080> amazing here but they could do pretty amazing here but they could do pretty amazing things<00:03:17.640> too<00:03:18.120> here<00:03:18.239> we're<00:03:18.360> going<00:03:18.480> to<00:03:18.560> see<00:03:18.760> one things too here we're going to see one things too here we're going to see one backing<00:03:19.400> into<00:03:20.360> uh<00:03:20.640> crevice<00:03:21.319> and<00:03:21.519> and<00:03:21.760> watch backing into uh crevice and and watch backing into uh crevice and and watch his<00:03:22.200> watch<00:03:22.360> his<00:03:22.480> tentacles<00:03:22.920> he<00:03:23.080> just<00:03:23.200> pulls his watch his tentacles he just pulls his watch his tentacles he just pulls them<00:03:23.640> in<00:03:24.200> makes<00:03:24.360> them<00:03:24.519> look<00:03:24.720> just<00:03:24.840> like<00:03:25.319> algae them in makes them look just like algae them in makes them look just like algae disappears<00:03:26.879> right<00:03:27.040> into<00:03:27.319> the disappears right into the disappears right into the background<00:03:29.799> positively<00:03:30.239> amazing<00:03:30.519> here's<00:03:30.760> two background positively amazing here's two background positively amazing here's two males<00:03:31.239> fighting<00:03:31.760> once<00:03:31.959> again<00:03:32.439> they're males fighting once again they're males fighting once again they're they're<00:03:32.799> smart<00:03:33.159> enough<00:03:33.799> these<00:03:34.080> seapods<00:03:34.799> they they're smart enough these seapods they they're smart enough these seapods they know<00:03:35.120> not<00:03:35.239> to<00:03:35.400> hurt<00:03:35.640> each<00:03:35.760> other<00:03:36.280> but<00:03:36.519> look<00:03:36.640> at know not to hurt each other but look at know not to hurt each other but look at the<00:03:36.879> patterns<00:03:37.239> that<00:03:37.360> they<00:03:37.480> can<00:03:37.599> do<00:03:37.799> with<00:03:37.920> their the patterns that they can do with their the patterns that they can do with their skin<00:03:39.360> okay<00:03:39.760> just<00:03:39.920> an<00:03:40.120> amazing skin okay just an amazing skin okay just an amazing thing<00:03:42.760> here's<00:03:42.959> an<00:03:43.159> octopus<00:03:43.799> sometimes<00:03:44.040> they thing here's an octopus sometimes they thing here's an octopus sometimes they don't<00:03:44.280> want<00:03:44.360> to<00:03:44.480> be<00:03:44.599> seen<00:03:44.879> when<00:03:45.000> they<00:03:45.120> move don't want to be seen when they move don't want to be seen when they move because<00:03:45.720> Predators<00:03:46.080> can<00:03:46.200> see<00:03:46.400> them<00:03:46.560> and<00:03:46.720> here because Predators can see them and here because Predators can see them and here this<00:03:47.080> is<00:03:47.319> this<00:03:47.560> guy<00:03:48.080> actually<00:03:48.319> can<00:03:48.439> make this is this guy actually can make this is this guy actually can make himself<00:03:49.000> look<00:03:49.159> like<00:03:49.319> a<00:03:49.480> rock<00:03:50.280> and<00:03:50.480> looking<00:03:50.720> at himself look like a rock and looking at himself look like a rock and looking at this<00:03:51.159> environment<00:03:51.680> can<00:03:51.879> actually<00:03:52.079> slide this environment can actually slide this environment can actually slide across<00:03:52.840> the<00:03:53.000> bottom<00:03:53.720> using<00:03:54.000> the<00:03:54.120> waves<00:03:54.360> in<00:03:54.519> the across the bottom using the waves in the across the bottom using the waves in the shadows<00:03:55.000> so<00:03:55.120> he<00:03:55.239> can't<00:03:55.439> be<00:03:55.560> seen<00:03:55.799> he<00:03:55.959> does<00:03:56.079> he shadows so he can't be seen he does he shadows so he can't be seen he does he Blends<00:03:56.599> right<00:03:56.760> into<00:03:57.040> the<00:03:57.319> his<00:03:57.480> motion<00:03:57.879> Blends Blends right into the his motion Blends Blends right into the his motion Blends right<00:03:58.400> into<00:03:58.640> the<00:03:58.799> background right into the background right into the background the<00:04:01.400> moving<00:04:01.760> rock the moving rock the moving rock trick<00:04:04.200> so<00:04:04.360> we're<00:04:04.480> learning<00:04:04.840> Lots<00:04:05.159> new<00:04:05.360> from trick so we're learning Lots new from trick so we're learning Lots new from the<00:04:05.640> shallow<00:04:06.000> water<00:04:06.280> still<00:04:06.480> exploring<00:04:06.920> that the shallow water still exploring that the shallow water still exploring that deep<00:04:07.439> learning<00:04:07.799> Lots<00:04:08.120> from<00:04:08.280> the<00:04:08.360> shallow deep learning Lots from the shallow deep learning Lots from the shallow water<00:04:09.480> there's<00:04:09.599> a<00:04:09.720> good<00:04:09.840> reason<00:04:10.200> why<00:04:10.360> I<00:04:10.439> mean water there's a good reason why I mean water there's a good reason why I mean the<00:04:10.640> shallow<00:04:11.000> water<00:04:11.159> is<00:04:11.280> full<00:04:11.439> of<00:04:11.560> predators the shallow water is full of predators the shallow water is full of predators here's<00:04:12.159> a<00:04:12.280> barracuda<00:04:13.159> and<00:04:13.280> if<00:04:13.360> you're<00:04:13.519> an here's a barracuda and if you're an here's a barracuda and if you're an octopus<00:04:14.120> or<00:04:14.239> a<00:04:14.360> seapod<00:04:14.920> you<00:04:15.040> need<00:04:15.159> to<00:04:15.400> really octopus or a seapod you need to really octopus or a seapod you need to really understand<00:04:16.720> how<00:04:16.840> to<00:04:16.959> use<00:04:17.160> your<00:04:17.320> surroundings understand how to use your surroundings understand how to use your surroundings to<00:04:18.079> hide<00:04:18.639> in<00:04:18.759> the<00:04:18.880> next<00:04:19.079> scene<00:04:19.280> you're<00:04:19.400> going to hide in the next scene you're going to hide in the next scene you're going to<00:04:19.560> see<00:04:19.759> nice<00:04:19.959> Coral<00:04:20.440> bottom<00:04:21.440> and<00:04:21.519> you'd<00:04:21.680> see to see nice Coral bottom and you'd see to see nice Coral bottom and you'd see that<00:04:21.959> an<00:04:22.120> octopus<00:04:22.520> would<00:04:22.639> stand<00:04:22.919> out<00:04:23.120> very that an octopus would stand out very that an octopus would stand out very easily<00:04:23.759> there<00:04:23.880> if<00:04:23.960> you<00:04:24.080> couldn't<00:04:24.400> use<00:04:24.560> your easily there if you couldn't use your easily there if you couldn't use your camouflage<00:04:25.320> use<00:04:25.479> your<00:04:25.639> skin<00:04:25.919> to<00:04:26.080> change<00:04:27.000> color camouflage use your skin to change color camouflage use your skin to change color and<00:04:27.600> texture<00:04:28.600> here's<00:04:28.840> some<00:04:28.960> LGA<00:04:29.280> in<00:04:29.320> the and texture here's some LGA in the and texture here's some LGA in the ground<00:04:31.440> and<00:04:31.600> an ground and an ground and an octopus<00:04:34.039> isn't<00:04:34.240> that octopus isn't that octopus isn't that amazing<00:04:37.240> now<00:04:37.400> Roger<00:04:37.759> spooked<00:04:38.199> him<00:04:38.320> so<00:04:38.520> it's<00:04:38.680> he amazing now Roger spooked him so it's he amazing now Roger spooked him so it's he took<00:04:39.120> off<00:04:39.720> cloud<00:04:39.960> of<00:04:40.120> ink<00:04:41.080> lands<00:04:41.520> and<00:04:41.639> when<00:04:41.720> he took off cloud of ink lands and when he took off cloud of ink lands and when he lands<00:04:42.160> the<00:04:42.280> octopus<00:04:42.639> says<00:04:43.000> I've<00:04:43.120> been<00:04:43.240> seen lands the octopus says I've been seen lands the octopus says I've been seen best<00:04:43.759> thing<00:04:43.880> to<00:04:44.039> do<00:04:44.160> is<00:04:44.320> get<00:04:44.479> as<00:04:44.600> big<00:04:44.800> as<00:04:44.880> I<00:04:45.000> can best thing to do is get as big as I can best thing to do is get as big as I can get<00:04:46.479> that<00:04:46.639> big<00:04:46.840> brown<00:04:47.160> makes<00:04:47.360> his<00:04:47.520> eye<00:04:47.720> spot get that big brown makes his eye spot get that big brown makes his eye spot very<00:04:48.360> big<00:04:49.360> so<00:04:49.520> he's<00:04:49.680> bluffing<00:04:50.080> let's<00:04:50.240> do<00:04:50.360> it very big so he's bluffing let's do it very big so he's bluffing let's do it backwards<00:04:50.840> I<00:04:50.919> thought<00:04:51.039> he<00:04:51.120> was<00:04:51.280> joking<00:04:51.600> when backwards I thought he was joking when backwards I thought he was joking when he<00:04:51.800> first<00:04:51.960> showed<00:04:52.199> it<00:04:52.320> to<00:04:52.479> me<00:04:52.600> I<00:04:52.639> thought<00:04:52.759> it he first showed it to me I thought it he first showed it to me I thought it was<00:04:52.919> all<00:04:53.080> Graphics<00:04:53.840> so<00:04:54.039> here<00:04:54.280> here<00:04:54.360> it<00:04:54.440> is<00:04:54.560> in was all Graphics so here here it is in was all Graphics so here here it is in Reverse<00:04:55.440> watch<00:04:55.720> the<00:04:55.880> skin<00:04:56.199> color<00:04:57.039> watch<00:04:57.280> the Reverse watch the skin color watch the Reverse watch the skin color watch the skin<00:04:57.759> texture<00:04:58.240> just<00:04:58.360> an<00:04:58.600> amazing<00:04:59.039> animal skin texture just an amazing animal skin texture just an amazing animal change<00:04:59.919> color<00:05:00.240> and<00:05:00.440> texture<00:05:00.800> to<00:05:00.960> match<00:05:01.160> the change color and texture to match the change color and texture to match the surroundings<00:05:02.479> watch<00:05:02.600> them<00:05:02.759> blend<00:05:03.039> right<00:05:03.199> into surroundings watch them blend right into surroundings watch them blend right into this this this LG<00:05:05.280> 1<00:05:05.560> 2

[Applause] [Applause] 3<00:05:12.080> and<00:05:12.199> now<00:05:12.400> he's<00:05:12.600> gone<00:05:12.800> and<00:05:12.960> so<00:05:13.160> am<00:05:13.320> I<00:05:13.800> thank 3 and now he's gone and so am I thank 3 and now he's gone and so am I thank you<00:05:14.120> very you very you very much<00:05:17.039> thank much thank much thank you<00:05:19.080> thank


underwater ocean David Gallo, fish, amazing, video, cool, ocean, water, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, TED, Ed

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