Sự sụp đổ của các chàng trai-Philip Zimbardo

The demise of guys - Philip Zimbardo

The demise of guys - Philip Zimbardo


but<00:00:15.620> today<00:00:15.860> I<00:00:15.889> want<00:00:16.309> us<00:00:16.430> to<00:00:16.460> reflect<00:00:16.910> on<00:00:17.240> the
but today I want us to reflect on the but today I want us to reflect on the demise<00:00:18.529> of<00:00:18.830> guys<00:00:19.070> guys<00:00:20.060> are<00:00:20.300> flaming<00:00:20.570> out demise of guys guys are flaming out demise of guys guys are flaming out academically<00:00:21.470> they're<00:00:22.009> wiping<00:00:22.340> out<00:00:22.490> socially academically they're wiping out socially academically they're wiping out socially with<00:00:23.150> girls<00:00:23.599> and<00:00:23.840> sexually<00:00:24.439> with<00:00:24.590> women<00:00:24.890> other with girls and sexually with women other with girls and sexually with women other than<00:00:25.640> that<00:00:25.880> is<00:00:26.119> not<00:00:26.300> much<00:00:26.450> of<00:00:26.570> a<00:00:26.630> problem<00:00:27.669> so than that is not much of a problem so than that is not much of a problem so what's<00:00:29.060> the<00:00:29.239> data<00:00:29.419> so<00:00:29.779> the<00:00:29.869> data<00:00:29.899> on<00:00:30.290> dropping what's the data so the data on dropping what's the data so the data on dropping out<00:00:30.829> is<00:00:31.040> amazing<00:00:31.790> boys<00:00:32.780> are<00:00:32.989> more<00:00:33.079> than<00:00:33.260> 30 out is amazing boys are more than 30 out is amazing boys are more than 30 percent<00:00:33.620> more<00:00:33.980> likely<00:00:34.010> than<00:00:34.370> girls<00:00:34.399> to<00:00:34.760> drop percent more likely than girls to drop percent more likely than girls to drop out<00:00:35.149> of<00:00:35.180> school<00:00:35.380> in<00:00:36.380> Canada<00:00:36.770> five<00:00:37.309> boys<00:00:37.880> drop out of school in Canada five boys drop out of school in Canada five boys drop out<00:00:38.300> for<00:00:38.480> every<00:00:38.600> three<00:00:38.780> girls<00:00:39.140> girls out for every three girls girls out for every three girls girls outperform<00:00:40.550> boys<00:00:40.730> now<00:00:41.000> at<00:00:41.149> every<00:00:41.450> level<00:00:41.600> from outperform boys now at every level from outperform boys now at every level from elementary<00:00:42.350> school<00:00:42.440> to<00:00:42.710> graduate<00:00:42.890> school elementary school to graduate school elementary school to graduate school there's<00:00:44.030> a<00:00:44.150> ten<00:00:44.510> percent<00:00:44.840> differential there's a ten percent differential there's a ten percent differential between<00:00:45.830> getting<00:00:46.790> bas<00:00:47.450> and<00:00:47.600> all<00:00:47.900> graduate between getting bas and all graduate between getting bas and all graduate programs<00:00:48.800> with<00:00:49.280> guys<00:00:49.520> BR<00:00:50.330> falling<00:00:50.660> behind programs with guys BR falling behind programs with guys BR falling behind girls<00:00:51.280> two-thirds<00:00:52.280> of<00:00:52.520> all<00:00:52.640> students<00:00:53.240> in girls two-thirds of all students in girls two-thirds of all students in special<00:00:53.600> ed<00:00:54.050> remedial<00:00:54.560> programs<00:00:55.010> are<00:00:55.220> guys special ed remedial programs are guys special ed remedial programs are guys and<00:00:55.760> as<00:00:56.240> you<00:00:56.420> all<00:00:56.540> know<00:00:56.900> the<00:00:57.740> boys<00:00:58.010> are<00:00:58.220> 5<00:00:58.460> times and as you all know the boys are 5 times and as you all know the boys are 5 times more<00:00:58.880> likely<00:00:59.090> than<00:00:59.270> girls<00:00:59.720> to<00:01:00.200> be<00:01:00.320> labeled<00:01:00.680> as more likely than girls to be labeled as more likely than girls to be labeled as having<00:01:00.770> attention<00:01:01.460> deficit<00:01:01.880> disorder<00:01:02.030> and having attention deficit disorder and having attention deficit disorder and therefore<00:01:02.690> we<00:01:02.780> drug<00:01:03.050> them<00:01:03.079> with<00:01:03.440> ritalin therefore we drug them with ritalin therefore we drug them with ritalin what's<00:01:04.759> the<00:01:04.850> evidence<00:01:05.180> a<00:01:05.269> billion<00:01:05.509> white<00:01:05.659> of what's the evidence a billion white of what's the evidence a billion white of wiping<00:01:06.140> out<00:01:06.320> first<00:01:07.070> it's<00:01:07.430> a<00:01:07.759> new<00:01:08.210> fear<00:01:08.509> of wiping out first it's a new fear of wiping out first it's a new fear of intimacy<00:01:08.899> intimacy<00:01:09.409> means<00:01:09.979> physical intimacy intimacy means physical intimacy intimacy means physical emotional<00:01:11.930> connection<00:01:12.380> with<00:01:12.409> somebody<00:01:12.860> else emotional connection with somebody else emotional connection with somebody else and<00:01:14.030> especially<00:01:14.600> with<00:01:15.200> somebody<00:01:15.500> of<00:01:15.710> the and especially with somebody of the and especially with somebody of the opposite<00:01:16.220> sex<00:01:16.430> who<00:01:16.970> gives<00:01:17.210> off<00:01:17.450> ambiguous opposite sex who gives off ambiguous opposite sex who gives off ambiguous contradictory<00:01:19.370> phosphorescent<00:01:20.300> signals

and<00:01:24.000> every<00:01:25.000> year<00:01:25.270> there's<00:01:25.450> research<00:01:25.810> done<00:01:26.200> on
and every year there's research done on and every year there's research done on self-reported<00:01:27.729> shyness<00:01:28.180> among<00:01:28.450> college self-reported shyness among college self-reported shyness among college students<00:01:29.229> and<00:01:29.409> we're<00:01:29.890> seeing<00:01:30.190> a<00:01:30.400> steady students and we're seeing a steady students and we're seeing a steady increase<00:01:31.270> among<00:01:31.780> males<00:01:32.050> and<00:01:32.470> this<00:01:32.710> is<00:01:32.920> two increase among males and this is two increase among males and this is two kinds<00:01:33.729> it's<00:01:34.210> a<00:01:34.360> social<00:01:34.840> awkwardness<00:01:35.020> the<00:01:35.470> old kinds it's a social awkwardness the old kinds it's a social awkwardness the old shyness<00:01:36.100> was<00:01:36.250> a<00:01:36.400> fear<00:01:36.670> rejection<00:01:36.850> it's<00:01:37.840> a shyness was a fear rejection it's a shyness was a fear rejection it's a social<00:01:38.320> awkwardness<00:01:38.470> like<00:01:39.040> you're<00:01:39.190> a social awkwardness like you're a social awkwardness like you're a stranger<00:01:39.670> in<00:01:39.729> a<00:01:39.790> foreign<00:01:39.970> land<00:01:40.180> they<00:01:40.360> don't stranger in a foreign land they don't stranger in a foreign land they don't know<00:01:40.600> to<00:01:40.659> say<00:01:40.990> they<00:01:41.170> don't<00:01:41.290> want<00:01:41.380> know<00:01:41.649> to<00:01:41.710> do know to say they don't want know to do know to say they don't want know to do especially<00:01:42.610> one<00:01:43.149> on<00:01:43.270> one<00:01:43.479> opposite<00:01:44.050> sex<00:01:45.210> they especially one on one opposite sex they especially one on one opposite sex they don't<00:01:46.420> know<00:01:46.600> the<00:01:46.750> language<00:01:46.960> of<00:01:47.380> face<00:01:47.710> contact don't know the language of face contact don't know the language of face contact the<00:01:48.610> nonverbal<00:01:49.240> and<00:01:49.360> verbal<00:01:49.450> set<00:01:49.930> of<00:01:50.050> rules the nonverbal and verbal set of rules the nonverbal and verbal set of rules that<00:01:50.619> enable<00:01:51.340> you<00:01:51.580> to<00:01:51.610> comfortably<00:01:52.180> talk<00:01:52.750> to that enable you to comfortably talk to that enable you to comfortably talk to somebody<00:01:53.170> else somebody else somebody else listen<00:01:54.100> to<00:01:54.159> somebody<00:01:54.460> else<00:01:54.810> there's listen to somebody else there's listen to somebody else there's something<00:01:56.050> I've<00:01:56.170> developed<00:01:56.649> here<00:01:57.039> called something I've developed here called something I've developed here called social<00:01:57.610> intensity<00:01:58.030> syndrome<00:01:58.450> which<00:01:58.600> tries<00:01:58.840> to social intensity syndrome which tries to social intensity syndrome which tries to account<00:01:59.259> for<00:01:59.380> why<00:01:59.590> guys<00:01:59.890> really<00:02:00.310> prefer<00:02:00.670> male account for why guys really prefer male account for why guys really prefer male bonding<00:02:01.720> over<00:02:01.869> female<00:02:02.350> mating<00:02:02.619> it<00:02:03.399> turns<00:02:03.640> out bonding over female mating it turns out bonding over female mating it turns out from<00:02:04.149> earliest<00:02:04.570> childhood<00:02:05.380> boys<00:02:06.369> and<00:02:06.850> then from earliest childhood boys and then from earliest childhood boys and then men<00:02:07.300> prefer<00:02:08.229> the<00:02:08.440> company<00:02:08.860> of<00:02:09.039> guys<00:02:10.170> physical men prefer the company of guys physical men prefer the company of guys physical company<00:02:11.560> and<00:02:11.739> it's<00:02:11.980> actually<00:02:12.340> a<00:02:12.400> cortical company and it's actually a cortical company and it's actually a cortical arousal<00:02:12.940> we're<00:02:13.570> looking<00:02:13.900> at<00:02:14.050> because<00:02:14.800> guys arousal we're looking at because guys arousal we're looking at because guys have<00:02:15.310> been<00:02:15.489> with<00:02:15.700> guys<00:02:15.880> in<00:02:16.330> in<00:02:16.989> teams<00:02:17.769> in<00:02:18.100> clubs have been with guys in in teams in clubs have been with guys in in teams in clubs in<00:02:18.640> gangs<00:02:18.970> and<00:02:19.300> fraternities<00:02:19.890> especially<00:02:20.890> in in gangs and fraternities especially in in gangs and fraternities especially in the<00:02:21.040> military<00:02:21.519> and<00:02:22.300> then<00:02:22.510> in<00:02:22.630> pubs<00:02:22.900> and<00:02:23.170> this the military and then in pubs and this the military and then in pubs and this peaks<00:02:23.920> at<00:02:24.190> Super<00:02:24.489> Bowl<00:02:24.640> Sunday<00:02:24.910> when<00:02:25.569> guys peaks at Super Bowl Sunday when guys peaks at Super Bowl Sunday when guys would<00:02:26.050> rather<00:02:26.200> be<00:02:26.500> in<00:02:26.709> a<00:02:26.829> bar<00:02:27.070> with<00:02:27.310> strangers would rather be in a bar with strangers would rather be in a bar with strangers watching<00:02:28.420> a<00:02:28.720> totally<00:02:29.140> overdressed<00:02:29.709> Aaron watching a totally overdressed Aaron watching a totally overdressed Aaron Rodgers<00:02:30.880> of<00:02:30.910> the<00:02:31.060> Green<00:02:31.239> Bay<00:02:31.269> Packers<00:02:31.450> rather Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers rather Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers rather than<00:02:32.530> Jennifer<00:02:32.920> Lopez<00:02:33.280> totally<00:02:33.670> naked<00:02:33.850> in<00:02:34.090> the than Jennifer Lopez totally naked in the than Jennifer Lopez totally naked in the bedroom<00:02:34.540> the<00:02:34.989> problem<00:02:35.410> is<00:02:35.530> they<00:02:35.709> now<00:02:35.890> prefer<00:02:36.370> a bedroom the problem is they now prefer a bedroom the problem is they now prefer a synchronistic<00:02:37.510> internet<00:02:37.989> world<00:02:38.260> to<00:02:38.500> the synchronistic internet world to the synchronistic internet world to the spontaneous<00:02:39.430> interaction<00:02:40.269> and<00:02:40.420> social spontaneous interaction and social spontaneous interaction and social relationships<00:02:41.430> what<00:02:42.430> are<00:02:42.519> the<00:02:42.579> causes<00:02:42.760> well relationships what are the causes well relationships what are the causes well it's<00:02:44.110> an<00:02:44.260> unintended<00:02:44.680> consequence<00:02:45.250> I<00:02:45.430> think it's an unintended consequence I think it's an unintended consequence I think it's<00:02:45.790> excessive<00:02:46.180> internet<00:02:46.690> use<00:02:46.870> in<00:02:47.049> general it's excessive internet use in general it's excessive internet use in general excessive<00:02:48.400> video<00:02:48.670> gaming<00:02:48.970> excessive<00:02:49.900> new excessive video gaming excessive new excessive video gaming excessive new access<00:02:51.640> to<00:02:51.790> pornography<00:02:52.120> the<00:02:53.079> problem<00:02:53.530> is access to pornography the problem is access to pornography the problem is these<00:02:53.950> are<00:02:54.010> arousal<00:02:54.880> addictions<00:02:55.360> drug these are arousal addictions drug these are arousal addictions drug addiction<00:02:56.350> simply<00:02:56.680> want<00:02:56.860> more<00:02:57.130> arousal addiction simply want more arousal addiction simply want more arousal addiction<00:02:58.060> you<00:02:58.660> want<00:02:58.870> different<00:02:59.079> drugs<00:02:59.980> you addiction you want different drugs you addiction you want different drugs you want<00:03:00.250> more<00:03:00.400> of<00:03:00.430> the<00:03:00.549> same<00:03:00.760> difference<00:03:01.480> so<00:03:01.630> you want more of the same difference so you want more of the same difference so you need<00:03:01.959> the<00:03:02.049> novelty<00:03:02.500> of<00:03:02.530> the<00:03:02.769> arousal<00:03:03.250> you<00:03:03.340> need need the novelty of the arousal you need need the novelty of the arousal you need to<00:03:03.970> be<00:03:04.090> sustained<00:03:04.510> and<00:03:04.780> the<00:03:05.079> problem<00:03:05.440> is<00:03:05.560> the to be sustained and the problem is the to be sustained and the problem is the industry<00:03:06.250> is<00:03:06.459> supplying<00:03:06.549> it<00:03:07.150> Jane<00:03:07.660> McGonigal industry is supplying it Jane McGonigal industry is supplying it Jane McGonigal told<00:03:08.380> us<00:03:08.560> last<00:03:08.769> year<00:03:08.980> that<00:03:09.850> by<00:03:09.970> the<00:03:10.030> time<00:03:10.299> of told us last year that by the time of told us last year that by the time of boys<00:03:10.600> 21<00:03:11.200> that<00:03:11.590> he's<00:03:11.680> played<00:03:11.950> ten<00:03:12.220> thousands boys 21 that he's played ten thousands boys 21 that he's played ten thousands of<00:03:12.609> video<00:03:13.180> games<00:03:13.450> most<00:03:14.380> of<00:03:14.590> that<00:03:14.680> in<00:03:14.799> isolation of video games most of that in isolation of video games most of that in isolation as<00:03:15.549> you<00:03:15.730> remember<00:03:16.060> Cindy<00:03:16.690> Gallup<00:03:16.989> said<00:03:17.170> boys as you remember Cindy Gallup said boys as you remember Cindy Gallup said boys don't<00:03:17.590> know<00:03:17.680> the<00:03:17.799> difference<00:03:18.100> between<00:03:18.280> making don't know the difference between making don't know the difference between making love<00:03:19.239> men<00:03:19.720> between<00:03:20.260> making<00:03:20.440> love<00:03:20.739> and<00:03:20.890> doing love men between making love and doing love men between making love and doing porn<00:03:21.549> the<00:03:22.540> average<00:03:22.780> boy<00:03:22.989> now<00:03:23.170> watches<00:03:23.530> 50<00:03:23.980> porn porn the average boy now watches 50 porn porn the average boy now watches 50 porn video<00:03:24.700> clips<00:03:25.000> a<00:03:25.120> week<00:03:25.269> and<00:03:25.510> then<00:03:26.109> some<00:03:26.320> guy video clips a week and then some guy video clips a week and then some guy watching<00:03:26.890> 100<00:03:27.280> obviously<00:03:27.790> and<00:03:28.420> the<00:03:28.600> porn watching 100 obviously and the porn watching 100 obviously and the porn industry industry industry and<00:03:30.700> the<00:03:31.209> porn<00:03:31.480> industry<00:03:31.599> is<00:03:32.079> the<00:03:32.260> fastest and the porn industry is the fastest and the porn industry is the fastest growing<00:03:32.860> industry<00:03:33.220> America<00:03:33.579> 15<00:03:34.030> billion growing industry America 15 billion growing industry America 15 billion annually<00:03:34.900> for<00:03:35.379> every<00:03:35.590> 400<00:03:35.890> movies<00:03:36.610> made<00:03:36.819> in annually for every 400 movies made in annually for every 400 movies made in Hollywood<00:03:37.390> there<00:03:37.590> 11,000<00:03:38.590> now<00:03:38.709> made<00:03:38.980> a<00:03:39.250> point Hollywood there 11,000 now made a point Hollywood there 11,000 now made a point important<00:03:40.390> videos<00:03:40.930> so<00:03:41.590> the<00:03:41.709> effects<00:03:41.950> very important videos so the effects very important videos so the effects very quickly<00:03:42.430> is<00:03:42.700> it's<00:03:43.180> a<00:03:43.299> new<00:03:43.450> kind<00:03:43.780> of<00:03:43.870> arousal quickly is it's a new kind of arousal quickly is it's a new kind of arousal boys<00:03:44.739> brains<00:03:45.129> are<00:03:45.310> being<00:03:45.489> digitally<00:03:46.060> rewired boys brains are being digitally rewired boys brains are being digitally rewired in<00:03:46.780> a<00:03:47.019> totally<00:03:47.379> new<00:03:47.530> way<00:03:47.680> for<00:03:48.099> change<00:03:48.370> novelty in a totally new way for change novelty in a totally new way for change novelty excitement<00:03:49.420> and<00:03:49.540> constant<00:03:50.019> arousal<00:03:50.470> that excitement and constant arousal that excitement and constant arousal that means<00:03:51.280> they're<00:03:51.489> totally<00:03:51.879> out<00:03:51.939> of<00:03:52.030> sync<00:03:52.390> in means they're totally out of sync in means they're totally out of sync in traditional<00:03:52.900> classes<00:03:53.200> which<00:03:54.099> are<00:03:54.220> analog traditional classes which are analog traditional classes which are analog static<00:03:55.180> and<00:03:55.329> interactive<00:03:55.540> passive<00:03:56.140> they're static and interactive passive they're static and interactive passive they're also<00:03:56.560> totally<00:03:56.799> out<00:03:57.129> of<00:03:57.159> sync<00:03:57.489> in<00:03:57.730> romantic also totally out of sync in romantic also totally out of sync in romantic relationships<00:03:58.750> which<00:03:59.680> build<00:03:59.920> gradually<00:04:00.489> and relationships which build gradually and relationships which build gradually and subtly<00:04:01.299> so<00:04:01.900> what's<00:04:02.079> the<00:04:02.200> solution<00:04:02.379> it's<00:04:03.159> not subtly so what's the solution it's not subtly so what's the solution it's not my<00:04:03.459> job<00:04:03.760> I'm<00:04:03.940> here<00:04:04.180> to<00:04:04.269> along<00:04:04.569> it's<00:04:04.900> your<00:04:05.109> job my job I'm here to along it's your job my job I'm here to along it's your job to<00:04:05.500> come<00:04:07.709> but<00:04:08.709> Canisius<00:04:09.989> but<00:04:10.989> who<00:04:11.109> should<00:04:11.349> care to come but Canisius but who should care to come but Canisius but who should care the<00:04:11.980> only<00:04:12.069> people<00:04:12.430> should<00:04:12.609> care<00:04:12.790> about<00:04:12.819> this the only people should care about this the only people should care about this is<00:04:13.359> parents<00:04:14.319> are<00:04:14.439> boys<00:04:14.620> and<00:04:14.650> girls<00:04:15.539> educators is parents are boys and girls educators is parents are boys and girls educators gamers<00:04:16.989> filmmakers<00:04:17.560> and<00:04:17.739> women<00:04:18.010> who<00:04:18.430> would gamers filmmakers and women who would gamers filmmakers and women who would like<00:04:18.669> a<00:04:18.699> real<00:04:19.000> man<00:04:19.269> who<00:04:19.720> they<00:04:19.810> can<00:04:19.959> talk<00:04:20.169> to<00:04:20.410> who like a real man who they can talk to who like a real man who they can talk to who can<00:04:21.130> dance<00:04:21.400> who<00:04:21.970> can<00:04:22.120> make<00:04:22.270> love<00:04:22.539> slowly<00:04:22.870> and can dance who can make love slowly and can dance who can make love slowly and contribute<00:04:23.979> to<00:04:24.010> the<00:04:24.220> evolutionary<00:04:24.880> pressures contribute to the evolutionary pressures contribute to the evolutionary pressures to<00:04:25.479> keep<00:04:25.630> our<00:04:25.780> species<00:04:26.260> above<00:04:26.740> banana<00:04:27.400> slugs to keep our species above banana slugs to keep our species above banana slugs no<00:04:28.690> offense<00:04:29.020> to<00:04:29.199> banana<00:04:29.470> slug<00:04:29.740> owners<00:04:30.070> thank no offense to banana slug owners thank no offense to banana slug owners thank you

TEDEducation TED-Ed TED Ed, Philip, Zimbardo, psychology, boys, guys, males, Why, are, struggling

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