Tại sao Bạn sẽ không có một sự nghiệp tuyệt vời – Larry Smith

Why you will fail to have a great career - Larry Smith

Why you will fail to have a great career - Larry Smith


I<00:00:17.189> want<00:00:18.189> to<00:00:18.279> discuss<00:00:18.640> with<00:00:18.880> you<00:00:19.060> this
I want to discuss with you this I want to discuss with you this afternoon<00:00:20.759> why<00:00:21.759> you're<00:00:21.910> going<00:00:22.000> to<00:00:22.090> fail<00:00:22.330> to afternoon why you're going to fail to afternoon why you're going to fail to have<00:00:22.630> a<00:00:22.720> great<00:00:22.960> career<00:00:24.540> I'm<00:00:25.540> I'm<00:00:26.470> an<00:00:26.650> economist have a great career I'm I'm an economist have a great career I'm I'm an economist I<00:00:27.550> do<00:00:28.210> dismal<00:00:28.899> end<00:00:29.550> of<00:00:30.550> the<00:00:30.640> day<00:00:30.849> it's<00:00:31.270> ready I do dismal end of the day it's ready I do dismal end of the day it's ready for<00:00:32.349> dismal<00:00:32.739> remarks<00:00:33.220> I<00:00:33.899> only<00:00:34.899> want<00:00:35.140> to<00:00:35.260> talk for dismal remarks I only want to talk for dismal remarks I only want to talk to<00:00:35.590> those<00:00:35.770> of<00:00:35.829> you<00:00:36.130> who<00:00:36.370> are<00:00:36.460> who<00:00:36.880> want<00:00:37.030> a<00:00:37.180> great to those of you who are who want a great to those of you who are who want a great career<00:00:37.809> I<00:00:38.079> know<00:00:38.710> some<00:00:39.040> of<00:00:39.070> you<00:00:39.280> have<00:00:39.460> already career I know some of you have already career I know some of you have already decided<00:00:40.390> you<00:00:40.510> want<00:00:40.660> a<00:00:40.719> good<00:00:40.960> career<00:00:41.579> you're decided you want a good career you're decided you want a good career you're gonna<00:00:42.700> fail<00:00:43.030> too<00:00:44.190> because<00:00:45.190> goodness<00:00:46.000> you're gonna fail too because goodness you're gonna fail too because goodness you're cheery<00:00:46.539> about<00:00:46.719> failing<00:00:47.140> a<00:00:47.699> Canadian<00:00:48.699> group cheery about failing a Canadian group cheery about failing a Canadian group undoubtedly<00:00:52.710> those<00:00:53.710> trying<00:00:54.010> to<00:00:54.070> have<00:00:54.160> good undoubtedly those trying to have good undoubtedly those trying to have good careers<00:00:54.730> are<00:00:54.879> going<00:00:54.910> to<00:00:55.059> fail<00:00:55.440> because<00:00:56.440> really careers are going to fail because really careers are going to fail because really good<00:00:57.760> jobs<00:00:58.059> are<00:00:58.239> now<00:00:58.390> disappearing<00:00:58.989> there<00:00:59.859> are good jobs are now disappearing there are good jobs are now disappearing there are great<00:01:00.640> jobs<00:01:00.969> and<00:01:01.329> great<00:01:01.749> careers<00:01:02.319> and<00:01:02.589> then great jobs and great careers and then great jobs and great careers and then there<00:01:03.640> are<00:01:03.879> the<00:01:04.180> high<00:01:04.780> workload<00:01:05.110> high<00:01:05.890> stress there are the high workload high stress there are the high workload high stress blood<00:01:07.090> sucking<00:01:07.530> soul-destroying<00:01:08.530> kinds<00:01:09.310> of blood sucking soul-destroying kinds of blood sucking soul-destroying kinds of jobs<00:01:09.729> and<00:01:10.090> practically<00:01:11.050> nothing<00:01:11.440> in<00:01:11.560> between jobs and practically nothing in between jobs and practically nothing in between so<00:01:12.159> the<00:01:12.310> people<00:01:12.460> looking<00:01:12.850> for<00:01:13.000> good<00:01:13.120> jobs<00:01:13.330> are so the people looking for good jobs are so the people looking for good jobs are going<00:01:13.659> to<00:01:13.720> fail<00:01:13.930> i<00:01:14.170> want<00:01:14.470> to<00:01:14.530> talk<00:01:14.650> about<00:01:14.800> those going to fail i want to talk about those going to fail i want to talk about those looking<00:01:15.340> for<00:01:15.370> great<00:01:15.700> jobs<00:01:15.990> great<00:01:16.990> careers<00:01:17.290> and looking for great jobs great careers and looking for great jobs great careers and why<00:01:17.830> you're<00:01:18.070> going<00:01:18.250> to<00:01:18.580> why<00:01:19.240> you're<00:01:19.390> going<00:01:19.510> to why you're going to why you're going to why you're going to why you're going to fail<00:01:20.580> first<00:01:21.580> reason<00:01:22.000> is<00:01:22.150> that<00:01:22.410> no<00:01:23.410> matter<00:01:24.100> how fail first reason is that no matter how fail first reason is that no matter how many<00:01:25.030> times<00:01:25.450> people<00:01:25.960> tell<00:01:26.470> you<00:01:26.710> you<00:01:27.490> if<00:01:27.730> you many times people tell you you if you many times people tell you you if you want<00:01:28.000> a<00:01:28.060> great<00:01:28.300> career<00:01:28.840> you<00:01:29.410> have<00:01:29.530> to<00:01:29.650> pursue want a great career you have to pursue want a great career you have to pursue your<00:01:30.160> passion<00:01:30.730> you<00:01:30.820> have<00:01:30.940> to<00:01:31.060> pursue<00:01:31.420> your your passion you have to pursue your your passion you have to pursue your dreams<00:01:31.990> you<00:01:32.620> have<00:01:32.830> to<00:01:32.860> pursue<00:01:33.070> that<00:01:33.940> you're dreams you have to pursue that you're dreams you have to pursue that you're the<00:01:34.270> greatest<00:01:34.800> fascination<00:01:35.800> in<00:01:36.010> your<00:01:36.190> life the greatest fascination in your life the greatest fascination in your life you<00:01:37.030> hear<00:01:37.330> it<00:01:37.420> again<00:01:37.690> and<00:01:37.750> again<00:01:37.960> and<00:01:38.320> then<00:01:38.650> you you hear it again and again and then you you hear it again and again and then you decide<00:01:39.220> not<00:01:39.460> to<00:01:39.520> do<00:01:39.850> it<00:01:40.000> it<00:01:40.150> doesn't<00:01:40.420> matter decide not to do it it doesn't matter decide not to do it it doesn't matter how<00:01:41.170> many<00:01:41.380> times<00:01:41.740> you<00:01:42.400> download<00:01:43.180> steven<00:01:43.780> j's how many times you download steven j's how many times you download steven j's Stanford<00:01:45.100> commencement<00:01:45.460> address<00:01:46.920> you<00:01:47.920> still Stanford commencement address you still Stanford commencement address you still look<00:01:48.610> at<00:01:48.790> it<00:01:49.000> and<00:01:49.180> decide<00:01:49.360> not<00:01:50.230> to<00:01:50.290> do<00:01:50.620> it<00:01:50.770> I'm look at it and decide not to do it I'm look at it and decide not to do it I'm not<00:01:50.920> quite<00:01:51.220> sure<00:01:51.250> why<00:01:51.700> you<00:01:51.730> decide<00:01:52.150> not<00:01:52.360> to<00:01:52.420> do not quite sure why you decide not to do not quite sure why you decide not to do it<00:01:52.870> you're<00:01:53.350> too<00:01:53.530> lazy<00:01:53.770> to<00:01:54.070> do<00:01:54.220> it<00:01:54.250> it's<00:01:54.580> too it you're too lazy to do it it's too it you're too lazy to do it it's too hard<00:01:55.090> you're<00:01:55.570> afraid<00:01:55.810> if<00:01:56.020> you<00:01:56.110> look<00:01:56.320> for<00:01:56.530> your hard you're afraid if you look for your hard you're afraid if you look for your passion<00:01:57.040> and<00:01:57.100> don't<00:01:57.310> find<00:01:57.580> it<00:01:57.760> you'll<00:01:57.910> feel passion and don't find it you'll feel passion and don't find it you'll feel like<00:01:58.240> you're<00:01:58.420> an<00:01:58.510> idiot like you're an idiot like you're an idiot so<00:01:59.380> then<00:01:59.680> you<00:01:59.860> make<00:02:00.070> excuses<00:02:00.850> about<00:02:01.030> why so then you make excuses about why so then you make excuses about why you're<00:02:01.660> not<00:02:01.900> going<00:02:02.260> to<00:02:02.440> look<00:02:02.620> for<00:02:02.680> your you're not going to look for your you're not going to look for your passion<00:02:03.550> and<00:02:03.700> they<00:02:04.090> are<00:02:04.210> excuses<00:02:04.660> latest<00:02:05.110> gen passion and they are excuses latest gen passion and they are excuses latest gen we're<00:02:05.410> going<00:02:05.530> to<00:02:05.590> look<00:02:05.740> for<00:02:05.920> whole<00:02:06.070> long<00:02:06.310> list we're going to look for whole long list we're going to look for whole long list your<00:02:07.120> creativity<00:02:07.840> and<00:02:08.110> thinking<00:02:08.500> of<00:02:08.679> excuses your creativity and thinking of excuses your creativity and thinking of excuses not<00:02:10.360> to<00:02:10.420> do<00:02:10.750> what<00:02:11.019> you<00:02:11.170> really<00:02:11.440> need<00:02:12.190> to<00:02:12.220> do<00:02:12.489> if not to do what you really need to do if not to do what you really need to do if you<00:02:12.760> want<00:02:12.970> have<00:02:13.209> a<00:02:13.239> great<00:02:13.540> career<00:02:13.750> so<00:02:14.140> for you want have a great career so for you want have a great career so for exactly<00:02:15.250> so<00:02:15.849> for<00:02:16.120> example<00:02:16.840> what<00:02:17.319> if<00:02:17.440> your exactly so for example what if your exactly so for example what if your great<00:02:17.950> excuses<00:02:18.790> is<00:02:20.549> well<00:02:21.549> great<00:02:21.939> careers<00:02:22.480> are great excuses is well great careers are great excuses is well great careers are really<00:02:23.439> and<00:02:23.590> truly really and truly really and truly for<00:02:24.360> most<00:02:24.630> people<00:02:25.110> just<00:02:25.140> a<00:02:25.650> matter<00:02:26.010> of<00:02:26.130> luck<00:02:26.640> so for most people just a matter of luck so for most people just a matter of luck so I'm<00:02:27.900> gonna<00:02:28.080> stand<00:02:28.380> around<00:02:28.590> I'm<00:02:29.100> gonna<00:02:29.250> try<00:02:29.580> to I'm gonna stand around I'm gonna try to I'm gonna stand around I'm gonna try to be<00:02:29.790> lucky<00:02:30.180> and<00:02:30.420> if<00:02:30.840> I'm<00:02:31.020> lucky<00:02:31.230> I'll<00:02:31.470> be<00:02:31.740> having be lucky and if I'm lucky I'll be having be lucky and if I'm lucky I'll be having great<00:02:32.160> career<00:02:32.670> if<00:02:32.790> not<00:02:32.850> I'll<00:02:33.300> have<00:02:33.420> a<00:02:33.480> good great career if not I'll have a good great career if not I'll have a good career<00:02:34.080> but<00:02:34.350> a<00:02:34.380> good<00:02:34.620> career<00:02:34.890> is<00:02:35.130> an career but a good career is an career but a good career is an impossibility<00:02:35.850> so<00:02:36.480> that's<00:02:36.720> not<00:02:36.900> going<00:02:37.140> to impossibility so that's not going to impossibility so that's not going to work<00:02:37.290> then<00:02:38.100> your<00:02:38.460> other<00:02:38.640> excuses<00:02:39.450> yes<00:02:39.840> there work then your other excuses yes there work then your other excuses yes there are<00:02:40.650> special<00:02:41.640> people<00:02:42.000> who<00:02:42.120> pursue<00:02:42.540> their are special people who pursue their are special people who pursue their passions<00:02:43.770> but<00:02:44.340> they<00:02:44.520> are<00:02:44.670> geniuses<00:02:45.510> they<00:02:45.750> are passions but they are geniuses they are passions but they are geniuses they are Steven<00:02:46.440> J<00:02:46.710> I'm<00:02:47.190> not<00:02:47.640> a<00:02:47.670> genius<00:02:48.090> when<00:02:48.930> I<00:02:48.960> was Steven J I'm not a genius when I was Steven J I'm not a genius when I was five<00:02:49.440> I<00:02:49.470> thought<00:02:49.980> I<00:02:50.010> was<00:02:50.310> a<00:02:50.340> genius<00:02:50.730> but<00:02:51.180> my five I thought I was a genius but my five I thought I was a genius but my professors<00:02:52.380> have<00:02:52.560> beaten<00:02:52.860> that<00:02:53.070> idea<00:02:53.550> out<00:02:53.790> of professors have beaten that idea out of professors have beaten that idea out of my<00:02:53.970> head<00:02:54.360> long<00:02:54.630> since<00:02:55.250> hmm<00:02:56.340> and<00:02:56.880> now<00:02:57.180> I<00:02:57.210> know<00:02:57.480> I my head long since hmm and now I know I my head long since hmm and now I know I am<00:02:59.030> completely<00:03:00.030> competent<00:03:00.870> now<00:03:01.380> you<00:03:01.440> see<00:03:01.770> if am completely competent now you see if am completely competent now you see if this<00:03:02.400> was<00:03:02.750> 1950<00:03:03.750> being<00:03:04.200> completely<00:03:05.420> competent this was 1950 being completely competent this was 1950 being completely competent that<00:03:06.750> would<00:03:07.500> have<00:03:07.620> given<00:03:07.740> you<00:03:07.980> a<00:03:08.010> great<00:03:08.250> career that would have given you a great career that would have given you a great career but<00:03:08.850> guess<00:03:09.270> what<00:03:09.630> this<00:03:09.840> is<00:03:09.900> almost<00:03:10.670> 2012<00:03:11.670> and but guess what this is almost 2012 and but guess what this is almost 2012 and saying<00:03:12.900> to<00:03:13.200> the<00:03:13.320> world<00:03:13.470> I<00:03:13.920> am<00:03:14.160> totally saying to the world I am totally saying to the world I am totally completely<00:03:15.650> confident<00:03:16.650> is<00:03:17.120> damning<00:03:18.120> yourself completely confident is damning yourself completely confident is damning yourself with<00:03:19.500> the<00:03:19.680> faintest<00:03:20.310> of<00:03:20.520> praise<00:03:21.090> and<00:03:21.840> then<00:03:22.170> of with the faintest of praise and then of with the faintest of praise and then of course<00:03:22.530> another<00:03:22.710> excuse<00:03:23.490> well<00:03:23.940> I<00:03:24.210> would<00:03:24.510> do<00:03:24.660> I course another excuse well I would do I course another excuse well I would do I would<00:03:24.900> do<00:03:25.260> this<00:03:25.440> I<00:03:25.650> would<00:03:25.980> do<00:03:26.130> this<00:03:26.280> but<00:03:26.520> but would do this I would do this but but would do this I would do this but but well<00:03:27.510> after<00:03:27.810> all<00:03:28.010> I'm<00:03:29.010> not<00:03:29.690> weird well after all I'm not weird well after all I'm not weird everybody<00:03:31.710> knows<00:03:32.010> that<00:03:32.400> people<00:03:32.550> who<00:03:32.820> pursue everybody knows that people who pursue everybody knows that people who pursue their<00:03:33.390> passions<00:03:33.900> are<00:03:34.050> somewhat<00:03:34.620> obsessive<00:03:35.130> a their passions are somewhat obsessive a their passions are somewhat obsessive a little<00:03:35.970> strange<00:03:36.410> hmm<00:03:37.410> hmm<00:03:37.950> okay<00:03:38.460> you<00:03:38.520> know<00:03:38.880> a little strange hmm hmm okay you know a little strange hmm hmm okay you know a fine<00:03:39.570> line<00:03:39.870> between<00:03:40.230> madness<00:03:41.040> and<00:03:41.220> genius<00:03:41.460> I'm fine line between madness and genius I'm fine line between madness and genius I'm not<00:03:42.330> weird<00:03:42.680> I've<00:03:43.680> reread<00:03:44.580> Steven<00:03:45.030> J's not weird I've reread Steven J's not weird I've reread Steven J's biography<00:03:46.290> oh<00:03:46.440> my<00:03:46.650> goodness<00:03:47.190> I'm<00:03:47.430> not<00:03:48.090> that biography oh my goodness I'm not that biography oh my goodness I'm not that person<00:03:48.330> I<00:03:48.930> am<00:03:49.320> nice<00:03:49.710> I<00:03:50.040> am<00:03:50.490> normal<00:03:51.270> I'm<00:03:51.510> a<00:03:51.690> nice person I am nice I am normal I'm a nice person I am nice I am normal I'm a nice normal<00:03:52.320> person<00:03:52.920> and<00:03:53.040> nice<00:03:53.250> normal<00:03:53.910> people normal person and nice normal people normal person and nice normal people don't<00:03:56.550> have<00:03:56.730> passion<00:03:57.090> ah<00:03:58.970> but<00:03:59.970> I<00:04:00.060> still<00:04:00.300> want<00:04:00.480> a don't have passion ah but I still want a don't have passion ah but I still want a great<00:04:00.720> career<00:04:01.080> I'm<00:04:01.410> not<00:04:01.920> prepared<00:04:02.310> to<00:04:02.370> pursue great career I'm not prepared to pursue great career I'm not prepared to pursue my<00:04:02.880> passion<00:04:03.360> so<00:04:03.690> I<00:04:03.720> know<00:04:03.840> what<00:04:04.050> I'm<00:04:04.140> going<00:04:04.290> to my passion so I know what I'm going to my passion so I know what I'm going to do<00:04:04.590> because<00:04:04.890> I<00:04:05.100> have<00:04:05.430> I<00:04:05.670> have<00:04:06.000> a<00:04:06.030> solution<00:04:06.480> I do because I have I have a solution I do because I have I have a solution I have<00:04:07.320> a<00:04:07.350> strategy<00:04:07.980> it's<00:04:08.370> the<00:04:08.670> one<00:04:08.820> mommy<00:04:09.060> and have a strategy it's the one mommy and have a strategy it's the one mommy and daddy<00:04:09.540> told<00:04:09.900> me<00:04:10.020> about<00:04:10.230> mommy<00:04:11.100> and<00:04:11.340> daddy<00:04:11.520> told daddy told me about mommy and daddy told daddy told me about mommy and daddy told me<00:04:12.150> that<00:04:12.720> if<00:04:12.870> I<00:04:13.110> worked<00:04:13.380> hard<00:04:13.740> I'd<00:04:14.040> have<00:04:14.250> a<00:04:14.280> good me that if I worked hard I'd have a good me that if I worked hard I'd have a good career career career so<00:04:16.500> if<00:04:16.950> you<00:04:17.310> work<00:04:17.460> hard<00:04:17.489> have<00:04:17.880> a<00:04:17.910> good<00:04:18.150> career so if you work hard have a good career so if you work hard have a good career if<00:04:18.750> you<00:04:19.350> work<00:04:19.500> really<00:04:19.530> really<00:04:19.890> really<00:04:20.160> hard if you work really really really hard if you work really really really hard you'll<00:04:21.270> have<00:04:21.420> a<00:04:21.450> great<00:04:21.780> career<00:04:22.080> doesn't<00:04:22.500> act you'll have a great career doesn't act you'll have a great career doesn't act like<00:04:22.830> mathematically<00:04:23.700> makes<00:04:23.910> sense<00:04:24.320> not<00:04:25.520> but like mathematically makes sense not but like mathematically makes sense not but you've<00:04:26.700> managed<00:04:27.120> to<00:04:27.210> talk<00:04:27.480> yourself<00:04:27.630> into you've managed to talk yourself into you've managed to talk yourself into that<00:04:28.530> you<00:04:29.010> know<00:04:29.040> what<00:04:29.400> here's<00:04:29.940> a<00:04:30.030> little that you know what here's a little that you know what here's a little secret<00:04:30.690> you<00:04:31.110> want<00:04:31.230> to<00:04:31.380> work<00:04:31.620> you<00:04:31.980> want<00:04:32.190> to<00:04:32.220> work secret you want to work you want to work secret you want to work you want to work really<00:04:32.669> really<00:04:32.850> really<00:04:33.120> hard<00:04:33.419> you<00:04:33.990> know<00:04:34.200> what really really really hard you know what really really really hard you know what you'll<00:04:34.800> succeed<00:04:35.070> the<00:04:35.490> world<00:04:35.700> will<00:04:35.970> give<00:04:36.120> you you'll succeed the world will give you you'll succeed the world will give you the<00:04:36.419> opportunity<00:04:36.720> to the opportunity to the opportunity to really<00:04:38.199> really<00:04:38.409> really<00:04:39.189> really<00:04:39.610> hard<00:04:40.259> but<00:04:41.259> are really really really really hard but are really really really really hard but are you<00:04:42.459> so<00:04:42.669> sure<00:04:42.969> that<00:04:43.499> that's<00:04:44.499> going<00:04:45.309> to<00:04:45.399> give you so sure that that's going to give you so sure that that's going to give you<00:04:45.759> a<00:04:45.789> great<00:04:46.119> career<00:04:46.569> when<00:04:47.199> all<00:04:47.379> the<00:04:47.649> evidence you a great career when all the evidence you a great career when all the evidence is<00:04:48.339> to<00:04:48.969> the<00:04:48.999> contrary<00:04:49.139> so<00:04:50.139> let's<00:04:50.439> assume<00:04:51.309> let's is to the contrary so let's assume let's is to the contrary so let's assume let's deal<00:04:52.239> with<00:04:52.449> those<00:04:52.659> of<00:04:52.869> you<00:04:52.959> who<00:04:53.169> are<00:04:53.379> trying<00:04:53.799> to deal with those of you who are trying to deal with those of you who are trying to find<00:04:54.729> your<00:04:54.909> passion<00:04:55.389> you<00:04:55.509> actually find your passion you actually find your passion you actually understand<00:04:56.349> that<00:04:56.499> you<00:04:56.589> really<00:04:56.739> had<00:04:57.069> better<00:04:57.339> do understand that you really had better do understand that you really had better do it<00:04:57.699> never<00:04:58.179> mind<00:04:58.419> the<00:04:58.629> excuses<00:04:58.719> you're<00:04:59.529> trying it never mind the excuses you're trying it never mind the excuses you're trying to<00:05:00.039> find<00:05:00.249> your<00:05:00.369> passion<00:05:00.879> and<00:05:02.699> you're<00:05:03.699> so<00:05:03.879> happy to find your passion and you're so happy to find your passion and you're so happy you<00:05:05.379> found<00:05:05.829> something<00:05:06.099> you're<00:05:06.369> interested<00:05:06.729> in you found something you're interested in you found something you're interested in I<00:05:07.299> have<00:05:08.259> an<00:05:08.379> interest<00:05:08.709> I<00:05:08.919> have<00:05:09.099> an<00:05:09.219> interest I have an interest I have an interest I have an interest I have an interest you<00:05:09.939> tell<00:05:10.179> me<00:05:10.389> you<00:05:10.719> say<00:05:10.869> I<00:05:10.899> have<00:05:11.110> an<00:05:11.199> interest<00:05:11.469> I you tell me you say I have an interest I you tell me you say I have an interest I say<00:05:11.769> that's<00:05:11.919> wonderful say that's wonderful say that's wonderful and<00:05:13.169> what<00:05:14.169> what<00:05:14.949> are<00:05:15.009> you<00:05:15.069> trying<00:05:15.309> to<00:05:15.369> tell<00:05:15.579> me and what what are you trying to tell me and what what are you trying to tell me that<00:05:15.759> you<00:05:15.999> well<00:05:16.179> I<00:05:16.209> have<00:05:16.269> an<00:05:16.419> interest<00:05:16.809> I<00:05:17.079> say that you well I have an interest I say that you well I have an interest I say do<00:05:18.009> you<00:05:18.129> have<00:05:18.219> a<00:05:18.309> passion<00:05:18.550> I<00:05:18.939> have<00:05:19.300> an<00:05:19.389> interest do you have a passion I have an interest do you have a passion I have an interest you<00:05:19.959> say<00:05:20.610> your<00:05:21.610> interest<00:05:21.969> is<00:05:22.089> compared<00:05:22.449> to you say your interest is compared to you say your interest is compared to what<00:05:22.599> well<00:05:23.289> I'm<00:05:23.919> interested<00:05:24.159> in<00:05:24.489> this<00:05:24.699> and what well I'm interested in this and what well I'm interested in this and what<00:05:26.619> about<00:05:26.769> the<00:05:26.889> rest<00:05:27.039> of<00:05:27.189> humanity's what about the rest of humanity's what about the rest of humanity's activities<00:05:29.019> I'm<00:05:29.229> not<00:05:29.739> interested<00:05:30.189> in<00:05:30.309> them activities I'm not interested in them activities I'm not interested in them you've<00:05:31.389> looked<00:05:31.569> at<00:05:31.779> them<00:05:31.899> all<00:05:31.989> have<00:05:32.289> you<00:05:32.759> no you've looked at them all have you no you've looked at them all have you no not<00:05:34.089> exactly not exactly not exactly passion<00:05:36.549> is<00:05:37.089> your<00:05:37.299> greatest<00:05:37.569> love<00:05:38.249> passion<00:05:39.249> is passion is your greatest love passion is passion is your greatest love passion is the<00:05:40.029> thing<00:05:40.299> that<00:05:41.139> will<00:05:42.059> help<00:05:43.059> you<00:05:43.179> create<00:05:43.479> the the thing that will help you create the the thing that will help you create the highest<00:05:44.619> expression<00:05:45.009> of<00:05:45.339> your<00:05:45.489> talent highest expression of your talent highest expression of your talent passion<00:05:46.269> interest<00:05:47.169> it's<00:05:47.409> not<00:05:47.679> the<00:05:47.889> same<00:05:48.099> thing passion interest it's not the same thing passion interest it's not the same thing are<00:05:48.729> you<00:05:48.819> really<00:05:49.089> going<00:05:49.300> to<00:05:49.419> go<00:05:49.539> to<00:05:49.599> your are you really going to go to your are you really going to go to your sweetie<00:05:50.139> and<00:05:50.259> say<00:05:50.679> marry<00:05:51.519> me<00:05:51.899> you<00:05:52.899> are sweetie and say marry me you are sweetie and say marry me you are interesting

won't<00:05:57.410> happen<00:05:58.390> won't<00:05:59.390> happen<00:05:59.690> and<00:05:59.960> you<00:06:00.080> will
won't happen won't happen and you will won't happen won't happen and you will die<00:06:00.440> alone<00:06:01.840> what<00:06:02.840> you<00:06:03.050> want<00:06:03.350> what<00:06:04.100> you<00:06:04.130> want die alone what you want what you want die alone what you want what you want what<00:06:04.730> you<00:06:04.970> want<00:06:05.560> is<00:06:06.560> passion what you want is passion what you want is passion it<00:06:07.970> is<00:06:08.270> beyond<00:06:08.630> interest<00:06:09.140> you<00:06:09.920> need<00:06:10.130> twenty it is beyond interest you need twenty it is beyond interest you need twenty interests<00:06:11.330> and<00:06:11.540> then<00:06:12.140> one<00:06:12.560> of<00:06:12.740> them<00:06:12.950> one<00:06:13.700> of interests and then one of them one of interests and then one of them one of them<00:06:14.060> might<00:06:14.240> be<00:06:14.270> grab<00:06:14.960> you<00:06:15.170> one<00:06:15.350> of<00:06:15.500> them<00:06:15.650> might them might be grab you one of them might them might be grab you one of them might engage<00:06:16.190> you<00:06:16.400> more<00:06:16.670> than<00:06:16.910> anything<00:06:17.150> else<00:06:17.450> and engage you more than anything else and engage you more than anything else and then<00:06:18.170> you<00:06:18.200> may<00:06:18.560> have<00:06:18.740> found<00:06:18.980> your<00:06:19.550> greatest then you may have found your greatest then you may have found your greatest love<00:06:20.330> in<00:06:20.770> comparison<00:06:21.770> to<00:06:22.160> all<00:06:22.280> the<00:06:22.310> other love in comparison to all the other love in comparison to all the other things<00:06:22.850> that<00:06:22.940> interest<00:06:23.390> you<00:06:23.650> and<00:06:24.650> that's<00:06:24.860> what things that interest you and that's what things that interest you and that's what passion<00:06:25.310> is<00:06:25.610> have<00:06:26.420> a<00:06:26.510> friend<00:06:27.010> proposed<00:06:28.010> to<00:06:28.250> his passion is have a friend proposed to his passion is have a friend proposed to his sweetie sweetie sweetie he<00:06:29.600> was<00:06:30.080> an<00:06:30.260> economic<00:06:30.770> a<00:06:30.890> rational<00:06:31.580> person<00:06:32.030> he he was an economic a rational person he he was an economic a rational person he said<00:06:33.080> to<00:06:33.200> his<00:06:33.320> sweetie<00:06:33.590> let<00:06:34.160> us<00:06:34.340> marry<00:06:35.950> let<00:06:36.950> us said to his sweetie let us marry let us said to his sweetie let us marry let us merge<00:06:37.520> our<00:06:38.060> interests<00:06:40.060> yes<00:06:41.060> he<00:06:41.210> did<00:06:41.420> I<00:06:42.190> love merge our interests yes he did I love merge our interests yes he did I love you<00:06:43.370> truly<00:06:43.910> he<00:06:44.060> said<00:06:44.330> I<00:06:44.570> love<00:06:44.840> you<00:06:45.020> deeply<00:06:45.470> I you truly he said I love you deeply I you truly he said I love you deeply I love<00:06:46.850> you<00:06:47.090> more<00:06:47.480> than<00:06:47.510> any<00:06:48.020> other<00:06:48.290> woman<00:06:48.650> I've love you more than any other woman I've love you more than any other woman I've ever<00:06:49.040> encountered<00:06:49.730> I<00:06:50.390> love<00:06:51.080> you<00:06:51.260> more<00:06:51.530> than ever encountered I love you more than ever encountered I love you more than Mary<00:06:52.070> Jane<00:06:53.050> Susie<00:06:54.080> Penelope<00:06:55.040> Ingrid Mary Jane Susie Penelope Ingrid Mary Jane Susie Penelope Ingrid Gertrude<00:06:56.570> Gretel<00:06:57.110> I<00:06:57.320> was<00:06:57.800> on<00:06:57.950> a<00:06:57.980> German Gertrude Gretel I was on a German Gertrude Gretel I was on a German exchange<00:06:58.520> program<00:06:59.210> then<00:06:59.480> I<00:06:59.690> love<00:07:00.140> you<00:07:00.290> more exchange program then I love you more exchange program then I love you more than<00:07:00.620> penneth<00:07:01.780> all<00:07:02.780> right<00:07:03.730> she<00:07:04.730> left<00:07:05.090> the<00:07:05.360> room than penneth all right she left the room than penneth all right she left the room halfway<00:07:06.170> through<00:07:06.500> his<00:07:07.060> enumeration<00:07:08.060> of<00:07:08.210> his halfway through his enumeration of his halfway through his enumeration of his love<00:07:09.440> for<00:07:09.860> her<00:07:10.570> after<00:07:11.570> he<00:07:11.660> got<00:07:11.810> over<00:07:11.960> his love for her after he got over his love for her after he got over his surprise<00:07:12.620> at<00:07:12.890> being<00:07:12.920> hit<00:07:13.340> up<00:07:13.630> turned<00:07:14.630> down<00:07:15.020> he surprise at being hit up turned down he surprise at being hit up turned down he concluded<00:07:16.280> he'd<00:07:16.760> had<00:07:17.000> a<00:07:17.030> narrow<00:07:17.540> escape<00:07:18.340> from concluded he'd had a narrow escape from concluded he'd had a narrow escape from marrying<00:07:20.030> an<00:07:20.470> irrational<00:07:21.470> person<00:07:22.180> although marrying an irrational person although marrying an irrational person although he<00:07:23.300> did<00:07:23.450> make<00:07:23.630> a<00:07:23.660> note<00:07:23.930> to<00:07:24.080> himself<00:07:24.230> that<00:07:24.710> the he did make a note to himself that the he did make a note to himself that the next<00:07:25.130> time<00:07:25.280> he<00:07:25.340> proposed<00:07:25.910> it<00:07:26.180> was<00:07:26.330> perhaps<00:07:26.570> not next time he proposed it was perhaps not next time he proposed it was perhaps not necessary<00:07:28.070> to<00:07:28.280> enumerate<00:07:28.970> all<00:07:29.930> the<00:07:29.990> women<00:07:30.920> he necessary to enumerate all the women he necessary to enumerate all the women he had<00:07:31.310> auditioned<00:07:31.910> for<00:07:32.150> the<00:07:32.690> part<00:07:34.420> but<00:07:35.420> the had auditioned for the part but the had auditioned for the part but the point<00:07:35.900> stands<00:07:36.290> you<00:07:37.040> must<00:07:37.340> look<00:07:37.610> for point stands you must look for point stands you must look for alternatives<00:07:38.600> so<00:07:39.020> that<00:07:39.170> you<00:07:39.320> find<00:07:39.590> your alternatives so that you find your alternatives so that you find your destiny<00:07:40.280> or<00:07:40.460> are<00:07:40.730> you<00:07:40.850> afraid<00:07:41.240> of<00:07:41.360> the<00:07:41.690> world destiny or are you afraid of the world destiny or are you afraid of the world that<00:07:42.080> were<00:07:42.410> destiny<00:07:43.040> the<00:07:43.280> real<00:07:43.430> destiny<00:07:43.970> the that were destiny the real destiny the that were destiny the real destiny the word<00:07:44.510> destiny<00:07:44.780> scare<00:07:45.740> you<00:07:45.890> and<00:07:46.010> that's<00:07:46.220> what word destiny scare you and that's what word destiny scare you and that's what we're<00:07:46.580> talking<00:07:46.970> about<00:07:47.030> and<00:07:47.330> if<00:07:47.660> you<00:07:47.930> don't we're talking about and if you don't we're talking about and if you don't find<00:07:48.440> the<00:07:48.680> highest<00:07:49.070> expression<00:07:49.400> of<00:07:49.760> your find the highest expression of your find the highest expression of your talent<00:07:49.910> if<00:07:50.480> you<00:07:50.780> settle<00:07:51.080> for<00:07:51.170> interesting talent if you settle for interesting talent if you settle for interesting what<00:07:52.310> the<00:07:52.400> hell<00:07:52.520> ever<00:07:52.640> that<00:07:52.910> means<00:07:53.180> do<00:07:53.780> you what the hell ever that means do you what the hell ever that means do you know<00:07:53.990> what<00:07:54.080> will<00:07:54.230> happen<00:07:54.470> at<00:07:54.920> the<00:07:55.220> end<00:07:55.250> of<00:07:55.550> your know what will happen at the end of your know what will happen at the end of your long<00:07:55.970> life<00:07:56.300> your<00:07:57.020> friends<00:07:57.290> and<00:07:57.710> family<00:07:58.190> would long life your friends and family would long life your friends and family would gather<00:07:58.700> in<00:07:58.970> the<00:07:59.150> cemetery<00:07:59.810> and<00:08:00.080> there<00:08:00.590> beside gather in the cemetery and there beside gather in the cemetery and there beside your<00:08:01.490> gravesite<00:08:02.240> will<00:08:02.480> be<00:08:02.600> a<00:08:02.630> tombstone<00:08:03.320> and your gravesite will be a tombstone and your gravesite will be a tombstone and inscribed<00:08:04.310> on<00:08:04.490> that<00:08:04.640> tombstone<00:08:05.240> it<00:08:05.360> will<00:08:05.570> say inscribed on that tombstone it will say inscribed on that tombstone it will say here<00:08:06.410> lies<00:08:06.620> a<00:08:06.680> distinguished<00:08:07.640> engineer<00:08:08.290> who here lies a distinguished engineer who here lies a distinguished engineer who invented invented invented velcro<00:08:13.020> but<00:08:14.020> what<00:08:14.460> that<00:08:15.460> tombstone<00:08:15.880> should velcro but what that tombstone should velcro but what that tombstone should have<00:08:16.930> said<00:08:17.260> in<00:08:17.920> an<00:08:18.400> alternative<00:08:19.330> lifetime have said in an alternative lifetime have said in an alternative lifetime what<00:08:20.830> it<00:08:21.010> should<00:08:21.310> have<00:08:21.520> said<00:08:21.820> if<00:08:22.150> it<00:08:22.540> was<00:08:22.690> your what it should have said if it was your what it should have said if it was your highest<00:08:23.260> expression<00:08:23.890> of<00:08:24.250> talent<00:08:24.760> was<00:08:25.300> here highest expression of talent was here highest expression of talent was here lies<00:08:25.960> the<00:08:26.650> last<00:08:26.980> Nobel<00:08:27.610> laureate<00:08:28.150> in<00:08:28.360> physics lies the last Nobel laureate in physics lies the last Nobel laureate in physics who<00:08:29.770> formulated<00:08:30.460> the<00:08:30.730> grand<00:08:31.000> unified<00:08:31.570> field who formulated the grand unified field who formulated the grand unified field theory<00:08:32.500> and<00:08:32.970> demonstrated<00:08:33.970> the<00:08:34.060> practicality theory and demonstrated the practicality theory and demonstrated the practicality of<00:08:35.080> warp<00:08:35.620> drive<00:08:38.880> velcro<00:08:39.880> indeed<00:08:43.410> one<00:08:44.410> was<00:08:44.650> a of warp drive velcro indeed one was a of warp drive velcro indeed one was a great<00:08:44.920> career<00:08:46.380> one<00:08:47.380> was<00:08:48.250> a<00:08:48.280> missed great career one was a missed great career one was a missed opportunity<00:08:50.160> but<00:08:51.160> then<00:08:51.400> there<00:08:52.030> are<00:08:52.060> some<00:08:52.390> of opportunity but then there are some of opportunity but then there are some of you<00:08:52.720> in<00:08:53.230> spite<00:08:53.770> of<00:08:53.890> all<00:08:54.040> these<00:08:54.220> excuses<00:08:54.760> you you in spite of all these excuses you you in spite of all these excuses you will<00:08:55.780> find<00:08:56.230> you<00:08:56.950> will<00:08:57.100> find<00:08:57.520> your<00:08:57.910> passion<00:08:58.680> and will find you will find your passion and will find you will find your passion and you'll<00:09:00.760> still<00:09:01.090> fail<00:09:02.700> you<00:09:03.700> can<00:09:03.880> fail<00:09:04.500> because you'll still fail you can fail because you'll still fail you can fail because because<00:09:07.780> you're<00:09:07.960> not<00:09:08.080> going<00:09:08.350> to<00:09:08.500> do<00:09:08.650> it because you're not going to do it because you're not going to do it because<00:09:10.180> you'll<00:09:10.600> have<00:09:10.810> invented<00:09:11.380> a<00:09:11.560> new because you'll have invented a new because you'll have invented a new excuse<00:09:13.000> any<00:09:13.800> excuse<00:09:14.800> to<00:09:15.520> fail<00:09:15.760> to<00:09:16.450> take<00:09:16.660> action excuse any excuse to fail to take action excuse any excuse to fail to take action and<00:09:17.410> this<00:09:18.190> excuse<00:09:18.850> I've<00:09:19.420> heard<00:09:20.050> so<00:09:20.650> many<00:09:20.770> times and this excuse I've heard so many times and this excuse I've heard so many times yes<00:09:22.180> I<00:09:22.590> would<00:09:23.590> pursue<00:09:24.100> a<00:09:24.720> great<00:09:25.720> career<00:09:26.470> but<00:09:28.410> a yes I would pursue a great career but a yes I would pursue a great career but a value<00:09:33.660> human<00:09:34.660> relationships<00:09:35.910> more<00:09:36.910> than value human relationships more than value human relationships more than accomplishment<00:09:38.020> I<00:09:38.340> want<00:09:39.340> to<00:09:39.430> be<00:09:39.520> a<00:09:39.550> great accomplishment I want to be a great accomplishment I want to be a great friend<00:09:40.180> I<00:09:40.690> want<00:09:41.500> to<00:09:41.620> be<00:09:41.680> a<00:09:41.710> great<00:09:42.070> spouse<00:09:42.580> I friend I want to be a great spouse I friend I want to be a great spouse I want<00:09:43.780> to<00:09:43.870> be<00:09:43.960> a<00:09:43.990> great<00:09:44.380> parent<00:09:44.920> and<00:09:45.130> I<00:09:45.670> will<00:09:45.910> not want to be a great parent and I will not want to be a great parent and I will not sacrifice<00:09:46.510> them<00:09:47.260> on<00:09:47.410> the<00:09:47.740> altar<00:09:48.190> of<00:09:48.340> great sacrifice them on the altar of great sacrifice them on the altar of great accomplishment<00:09:52.380> what<00:09:53.380> do<00:09:53.500> you<00:09:53.560> want<00:09:53.740> to<00:09:53.890> just accomplishment what do you want to just accomplishment what do you want to just say<00:09:54.280> no<00:09:54.820> do<00:09:55.330> you<00:09:55.480> want<00:09:55.630> me<00:09:55.720> to<00:09:55.810> say<00:09:55.990> now<00:09:56.200> tell say no do you want me to say now tell say no do you want me to say now tell you<00:09:56.860> really<00:09:57.640> I<00:09:57.760> swear<00:09:58.270> I<00:09:58.300> don't<00:09:58.540> kick<00:09:58.930> children you really I swear I don't kick children you really I swear I don't kick children huh<00:10:01.820> look<00:10:02.820> at<00:10:02.940> the<00:10:03.060> world<00:10:03.240> view<00:10:03.600> you've<00:10:03.870> given huh look at the world view you've given huh look at the world view you've given yourself<00:10:04.610> you're<00:10:05.610> a<00:10:05.640> hero<00:10:06.120> no<00:10:06.420> matter<00:10:06.630> what yourself you're a hero no matter what yourself you're a hero no matter what and<00:10:08.120> I<00:10:09.120> by<00:10:09.510> suggesting<00:10:10.230> ever<00:10:10.890> so<00:10:11.070> delicately and I by suggesting ever so delicately and I by suggesting ever so delicately that<00:10:11.910> you<00:10:12.000> might<00:10:12.150> want<00:10:12.390> a<00:10:12.540> great<00:10:12.810> career that you might want a great career that you might want a great career let's<00:10:14.370> take<00:10:14.610> chilled<00:10:14.880> I<00:10:14.970> don't<00:10:15.180> hate<00:10:15.360> children let's take chilled I don't hate children let's take chilled I don't hate children I<00:10:15.839> don't<00:10:15.930> kick<00:10:16.350> them<00:10:16.529> yes<00:10:16.860> there<00:10:17.070> was<00:10:17.190> a<00:10:17.220> little I don't kick them yes there was a little I don't kick them yes there was a little kid<00:10:17.670> wandering<00:10:17.970> through<00:10:18.330> this<00:10:18.420> building<00:10:18.740> uh kid wandering through this building uh kid wandering through this building uh when<00:10:20.279> I<00:10:20.310> came<00:10:20.640> here<00:10:20.850> and<00:10:21.029> no<00:10:21.270> I<00:10:21.300> didn't<00:10:21.750> kick when I came here and no I didn't kick when I came here and no I didn't kick him<00:10:22.640> of<00:10:23.640> course<00:10:23.940> I<00:10:24.330> had<00:10:24.900> to<00:10:25.020> tell<00:10:25.260> him<00:10:25.380> the him of course I had to tell him the him of course I had to tell him the building<00:10:25.860> was<00:10:25.980> for<00:10:26.160> adults<00:10:26.400> only<00:10:26.730> and<00:10:27.000> to<00:10:27.120> get building was for adults only and to get building was for adults only and to get out<00:10:27.560> he<00:10:28.560> mumbled<00:10:29.040> something<00:10:29.250> about<00:10:29.430> his out he mumbled something about his out he mumbled something about his mother<00:10:30.120> and<00:10:30.300> I<00:10:30.630> told<00:10:30.870> him<00:10:31.050> she'd<00:10:31.440> probably mother and I told him she'd probably mother and I told him she'd probably find<00:10:32.160> him<00:10:32.339> outside<00:10:32.520> anyway find him outside anyway find him outside anyway last<00:10:34.080> time<00:10:34.200> I<00:10:34.350> saw<00:10:34.560> Mia's<00:10:34.800> on<00:10:34.920> the<00:10:35.040> stairs last time I saw Mia's on the stairs last time I saw Mia's on the stairs crying<00:10:37.070> what<00:10:38.070> a<00:10:38.100> wimp<00:10:38.990> well<00:10:39.990> but<00:10:40.170> that<00:10:40.350> what<00:10:40.560> do crying what a wimp well but that what do crying what a wimp well but that what do you<00:10:40.680> mean<00:10:40.830> that's<00:10:41.070> what<00:10:41.220> you<00:10:41.339> expect<00:10:41.460> me<00:10:41.910> to you mean that's what you expect me to you mean that's what you expect me to say<00:10:42.240> do<00:10:42.510> you<00:10:42.570> really<00:10:42.750> think<00:10:43.110> you<00:10:43.440> really<00:10:43.620> think say do you really think you really think say do you really think you really think it's<00:10:43.980> appropriate<00:10:44.520> that<00:10:44.790> you<00:10:44.940> should it's appropriate that you should it's appropriate that you should actually<00:10:45.360> take<00:10:47.240> children<00:10:48.240> and<00:10:48.660> use<00:10:49.380> them<00:10:49.589> as<00:10:49.800> a actually take children and use them as a actually take children and use them as a shield<00:10:50.360> you<00:10:51.360> know<00:10:51.480> what<00:10:51.600> will<00:10:51.750> happen<00:10:52.200> someday shield you know what will happen someday shield you know what will happen someday you<00:10:53.640> you<00:10:54.170> ideal<00:10:55.170> parent<00:10:55.890> you<00:10:56.540> the<00:10:57.540> kid<00:10:57.839> will you you ideal parent you the kid will you you ideal parent you the kid will come<00:10:58.080> to<00:10:58.500> you<00:10:58.589> someday<00:10:59.070> and<00:10:59.250> say<00:10:59.580> I<00:10:59.910> know<00:11:00.690> I come to you someday and say I know I come to you someday and say I know I want<00:11:01.830> to<00:11:01.950> be<00:11:02.339> I<00:11:02.550> know<00:11:03.210> what<00:11:03.660> I'm<00:11:03.750> gonna<00:11:03.870> do<00:11:04.200> with want to be I know what I'm gonna do with want to be I know what I'm gonna do with my<00:11:04.529> life<00:11:04.740> you<00:11:05.100> were<00:11:05.250> so<00:11:05.459> happy<00:11:05.700> it's<00:11:06.270> a my life you were so happy it's a my life you were so happy it's a conversation<00:11:06.720> a<00:11:07.110> parent<00:11:07.440> wants<00:11:07.740> to<00:11:07.860> hear conversation a parent wants to hear conversation a parent wants to hear that's<00:11:08.610> your<00:11:08.820> kids<00:11:09.150> good<00:11:09.360> at<00:11:09.570> math<00:11:09.810> and<00:11:10.110> you that's your kids good at math and you that's your kids good at math and you know<00:11:10.770> you're<00:11:11.040> going<00:11:11.220> to<00:11:11.370> like<00:11:11.550> what<00:11:11.790> comes know you're going to like what comes know you're going to like what comes next<00:11:12.380> says<00:11:13.380> your<00:11:13.560> kid<00:11:13.830> I<00:11:14.130> have<00:11:14.820> decided<00:11:15.240> I<00:11:15.600> want next says your kid I have decided I want next says your kid I have decided I want to<00:11:16.260> be<00:11:16.440> a<00:11:16.620> magician<00:11:16.980> I<00:11:17.550> want<00:11:18.360> to<00:11:18.480> perform<00:11:18.660> magic to be a magician I want to perform magic to be a magician I want to perform magic tricks<00:11:19.529> on<00:11:19.950> the<00:11:20.100> stage<00:11:22.610> and<00:11:23.610> what<00:11:24.480> do<00:11:24.600> you<00:11:24.779> say tricks on the stage and what do you say tricks on the stage and what do you say you<00:11:26.730> say<00:11:27.000> you<00:11:27.029> say<00:11:27.900> um<00:11:29.600> that's<00:11:30.600> risky<00:11:30.870> kid you say you say um that's risky kid you say you say um that's risky kid might<00:11:33.089> fail<00:11:33.390> kid<00:11:33.779> don't<00:11:34.110> make<00:11:34.260> a<00:11:34.290> lot<00:11:34.529> of<00:11:34.560> money might fail kid don't make a lot of money might fail kid don't make a lot of money at<00:11:35.010> that<00:11:35.040> kid<00:11:35.490> you<00:11:35.700> know<00:11:35.820> I<00:11:35.850> don't<00:11:36.209> know<00:11:36.330> kid at that kid you know I don't know kid at that kid you know I don't know kid you<00:11:36.690> should<00:11:36.900> think<00:11:37.050> about<00:11:37.230> that<00:11:37.500> again<00:11:37.770> kid you should think about that again kid you should think about that again kid you're<00:11:38.700> so<00:11:38.940> good<00:11:39.120> at<00:11:39.209> math<00:11:39.360> why<00:11:39.570> don't<00:11:39.750> you<00:11:39.839> end you're so good at math why don't you end you're so good at math why don't you end a<00:11:40.290> kid<00:11:40.500> interrupts<00:11:40.980> you<00:11:41.130> and<00:11:41.279> says<00:11:41.459> but<00:11:41.640> it<00:11:41.820> is a kid interrupts you and says but it is a kid interrupts you and says but it is my<00:11:42.120> dream<00:11:42.510> it<00:11:43.440> is<00:11:43.589> my<00:11:43.740> dream<00:11:44.070> to<00:11:44.279> do<00:11:44.490> this<00:11:44.730> and my dream it is my dream to do this and my dream it is my dream to do this and what<00:11:45.959> are<00:11:46.050> you<00:11:46.230> going<00:11:46.500> to<00:11:46.709> say<00:11:46.920> you<00:11:47.880> know<00:11:47.940> what what are you going to say you know what what are you going to say you know what you're<00:11:48.180> gonna<00:11:48.270> say<00:11:48.600> look<00:11:49.290> kid<00:11:49.589> I<00:11:49.800> have<00:11:50.070> a<00:11:50.160> dream you're gonna say look kid I have a dream you're gonna say look kid I have a dream ones<00:11:50.700> too<00:11:51.000> but<00:11:53.209> but<00:11:54.260> it's<00:11:55.260> how<00:11:55.350> you<00:11:55.500> gonna ones too but but it's how you gonna ones too but but it's how you gonna finish<00:11:55.860> the<00:11:56.130> sentence<00:11:56.550> with<00:11:56.880> your<00:11:57.029> but<00:11:57.270> but<00:11:57.680> I finish the sentence with your but but I finish the sentence with your but but I dream<00:12:00.420> too<00:12:00.600> once<00:12:00.810> kid<00:12:01.080> but<00:12:01.830> I<00:12:01.860> was<00:12:02.010> afraid<00:12:02.130> to dream too once kid but I was afraid to dream too once kid but I was afraid to pursue<00:12:02.670> it<00:12:03.080> or<00:12:04.080> are<00:12:04.440> you<00:12:04.470> gonna<00:12:04.620> tell<00:12:04.890> them<00:12:04.980> of pursue it or are you gonna tell them of pursue it or are you gonna tell them of this<00:12:05.250> I<00:12:05.990> had<00:12:06.990> a<00:12:07.080> dream<00:12:07.260> once<00:12:07.470> kid this I had a dream once kid this I had a dream once kid but<00:12:10.679> then<00:12:10.889> you<00:12:11.040> were<00:12:11.160> born<00:12:17.899> do<00:12:18.899> you<00:12:18.929> really<00:12:19.439> do but then you were born do you really do but then you were born do you really do you<00:12:19.679> really<00:12:19.799> want<00:12:20.610> to<00:12:20.759> use<00:12:21.119> your<00:12:21.689> family<00:12:22.259> do you really want to use your family do you really want to use your family do you<00:12:22.410> really<00:12:22.649> ever<00:12:22.799> want<00:12:23.069> to<00:12:23.189> look<00:12:23.459> at<00:12:23.730> your you really ever want to look at your you really ever want to look at your spouse<00:12:24.839> and<00:12:25.079> your<00:12:25.290> kid<00:12:25.670> I'd<00:12:26.670> see<00:12:27.089> your<00:12:27.209> jailers spouse and your kid I'd see your jailers spouse and your kid I'd see your jailers there<00:12:30.119> was<00:12:30.239> something<00:12:30.600> you<00:12:30.629> could<00:12:30.720> have<00:12:30.959> said there was something you could have said there was something you could have said to<00:12:31.199> your<00:12:31.350> kid<00:12:32.779> when<00:12:33.779> he<00:12:34.049> or<00:12:34.110> she<00:12:34.170> said<00:12:34.619> I<00:12:34.860> have<00:12:35.309> a to your kid when he or she said I have a to your kid when he or she said I have a dream<00:12:35.699> you<00:12:36.799> could<00:12:37.799> have<00:12:37.920> said<00:12:38.540> look<00:12:39.540> the<00:12:39.749> kid dream you could have said look the kid dream you could have said look the kid in<00:12:40.110> the<00:12:40.230> face<00:12:40.439> and<00:12:40.769> said<00:12:42.589> go<00:12:43.589> for<00:12:43.829> it<00:12:43.889> kid in the face and said go for it kid in the face and said go for it kid just<00:12:46.889> like<00:12:47.129> I<00:12:47.339> did<00:12:49.100> but<00:12:50.100> you<00:12:50.309> won't<00:12:50.610> be<00:12:50.819> able<00:12:50.850> to just like I did but you won't be able to just like I did but you won't be able to say<00:12:51.420> that<00:12:51.799> cuz<00:12:52.799> you<00:12:53.009> didn't<00:12:53.689> so<00:12:54.689> you<00:12:54.899> can't

and<00:12:59.809> so<00:13:00.809> the<00:13:00.959> sins<00:13:01.230> of<00:13:01.379> the<00:13:01.499> parents<00:13:02.689> are
and so the sins of the parents are and so the sins of the parents are visited<00:13:03.959> on<00:13:04.379> the<00:13:04.529> poor<00:13:04.769> children visited on the poor children visited on the poor children why<00:13:08.540> will<00:13:09.540> you<00:13:09.660> seek<00:13:09.929> refuge<00:13:10.589> in<00:13:10.980> human why will you seek refuge in human why will you seek refuge in human relationships<00:13:12.569> as<00:13:12.779> your<00:13:13.470> excuse<00:13:14.720> not<00:13:15.720> to<00:13:15.779> find relationships as your excuse not to find relationships as your excuse not to find and<00:13:16.829> pursue<00:13:17.759> your<00:13:18.179> passion<00:13:19.069> you<00:13:20.069> know<00:13:20.309> why<00:13:20.929> in and pursue your passion you know why in and pursue your passion you know why in your<00:13:22.290> heart<00:13:22.649> of<00:13:22.769> hearts<00:13:22.829> you<00:13:23.459> know<00:13:23.489> why<00:13:23.939> and<00:13:24.389> I your heart of hearts you know why and I your heart of hearts you know why and I being<00:13:24.899> deadly<00:13:25.259> serious being deadly serious being deadly serious you<00:13:26.639> know<00:13:26.910> why<00:13:27.209> you<00:13:27.269> would<00:13:27.600> get<00:13:27.779> all<00:13:28.019> warm<00:13:28.470> and you know why you would get all warm and you know why you would get all warm and fuzzy<00:13:28.769> and<00:13:29.369> wrap<00:13:29.730> yourself<00:13:29.970> up<00:13:30.360> in<00:13:30.540> human fuzzy and wrap yourself up in human fuzzy and wrap yourself up in human relationships<00:13:32.029> it<00:13:33.029> is<00:13:33.179> because<00:13:33.509> you<00:13:33.660> are<00:13:35.449> you relationships it is because you are you relationships it is because you are you know<00:13:36.600> what<00:13:36.629> you<00:13:36.749> are<00:13:37.249> you<00:13:38.249> were<00:13:38.369> afraid<00:13:38.869> to know what you are you were afraid to know what you are you were afraid to pursue<00:13:40.049> your<00:13:40.379> passion<00:13:40.919> you're<00:13:41.669> afraid<00:13:42.029> to pursue your passion you're afraid to pursue your passion you're afraid to look<00:13:42.809> ridiculous<00:13:43.470> you're<00:13:43.709> afraid<00:13:44.009> to<00:13:44.639> try look ridiculous you're afraid to try look ridiculous you're afraid to try you're<00:13:45.360> afraid<00:13:45.689> you<00:13:46.110> may<00:13:46.230> fail<00:13:49.579> great<00:13:50.579> friend you're afraid you may fail great friend you're afraid you may fail great friend great<00:13:52.049> spouse<00:13:52.879> great<00:13:53.879> parent<00:13:55.009> great<00:13:56.009> career great spouse great parent great career great spouse great parent great career it's<00:13:57.540> not<00:13:57.689> not<00:13:57.869> a<00:13:57.899> package<00:13:58.249> it's<00:13:59.249> not<00:13:59.459> not<00:13:59.669> who it's not not a package it's not not who it's not not a package it's not not who you<00:14:00.029> are<00:14:00.769> help<00:14:01.769> you<00:14:01.949> be<00:14:02.069> one<00:14:02.279> without<00:14:02.549> the you are help you be one without the you are help you be one without the other<00:14:03.919> but<00:14:04.919> you<00:14:04.980> are<00:14:05.160> afraid<00:14:05.429> and<00:14:06.860> that's<00:14:08.239> why other but you are afraid and that's why other but you are afraid and that's why you<00:14:09.299> are<00:14:09.480> not<00:14:09.720> going<00:14:10.230> to<00:14:10.350> have<00:14:10.559> a<00:14:10.889> great<00:14:11.309> career

unless<00:14:16.730> unless<00:14:17.900> that<00:14:18.900> most<00:14:19.200> evocative<00:14:19.860> of<00:14:20.280> all
unless unless that most evocative of all unless unless that most evocative of all English<00:14:21.420> words<00:14:22.070> unless<00:14:23.930> what<00:14:24.930> the<00:14:25.080> unless English words unless what the unless English words unless what the unless word<00:14:26.010> is<00:14:26.490> also<00:14:27.030> attached<00:14:27.480> to<00:14:28.400> that<00:14:29.400> other<00:14:30.170> most word is also attached to that other most word is also attached to that other most terrifying<00:14:31.920> phrase<00:14:33.020> if<00:14:34.020> only<00:14:34.920> I<00:14:34.950> had<00:14:35.870> if<00:14:36.870> only terrifying phrase if only I had if only terrifying phrase if only I had if only I<00:14:38.040> had<00:14:38.760> if<00:14:39.360> you<00:14:39.960> ever<00:14:40.320> have<00:14:40.890> that<00:14:41.130> thought I had if you ever have that thought I had if you ever have that thought ricocheting<00:14:42.630> in<00:14:43.020> your<00:14:43.530> brain<00:14:43.970> it<00:14:44.970> will<00:14:45.300> hurt<00:14:45.630> a ricocheting in your brain it will hurt a ricocheting in your brain it will hurt a lot<00:14:47.570> so<00:14:48.570> those<00:14:48.900> are<00:14:49.590> the<00:14:49.830> many<00:14:50.010> reasons<00:14:50.220> why lot so those are the many reasons why lot so those are the many reasons why you're<00:14:51.390> going<00:14:51.540> to<00:14:51.630> fail<00:14:52.220> to<00:14:53.220> have<00:14:53.310> a<00:14:53.370> great you're going to fail to have a great you're going to fail to have a great career<00:14:55.010> unless<00:15:00.650> unless

thank<00:15:05.479> you

Larry Smith, career, career, advice, passion, dream, job, job, life, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED, TEDx, TEDxUW

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