Tại Sao chúng Ta cần quay trở Lại Sao Hỏa-Joel Levine

Why we need to go back to Mars - Joel Levine

Why we need to go back to Mars - Joel Levine




[Music] [Music] want<00:00:16.290> to<00:00:16.380> talk<00:00:16.590> about want to talk about want to talk about 4.6<00:00:18.510> billion<00:00:19.020> years<00:00:19.200> of<00:00:19.500> history<00:00:20.100> in<00:00:20.790> 18 4.6 billion years of history in 18 4.6 billion years of history in 18 minutes<00:00:21.570> that's<00:00:22.730> 300<00:00:23.730> million<00:00:24.150> years<00:00:24.540> per minutes that's 300 million years per minutes that's 300 million years per minute<00:00:25.619> let's<00:00:26.099> start<00:00:26.550> with<00:00:27.150> the<00:00:27.360> first minute let's start with the first minute let's start with the first photograph<00:00:28.320> NASA<00:00:28.680> obtained<00:00:29.340> of<00:00:29.640> planet<00:00:30.360> Mars photograph NASA obtained of planet Mars photograph NASA obtained of planet Mars this<00:00:31.259> is<00:00:31.470> flyby<00:00:32.180> Mariner<00:00:33.180> 4<00:00:33.480> it<00:00:34.050> was<00:00:34.230> taken<00:00:34.739> in this is flyby Mariner 4 it was taken in this is flyby Mariner 4 it was taken in 1965<00:00:36.180> when<00:00:36.930> this<00:00:37.170> picture<00:00:37.800> appeared<00:00:38.340> that 1965 when this picture appeared that 1965 when this picture appeared that well-known<00:00:39.860> scientific<00:00:40.860> journal<00:00:41.340> the<00:00:41.760> New well-known scientific journal the New well-known scientific journal the New York<00:00:42.180> Times<00:00:42.510> wrote<00:00:43.079> in<00:00:43.379> its<00:00:43.680> editorial<00:00:44.239> Mars York Times wrote in its editorial Mars York Times wrote in its editorial Mars is<00:00:45.570> uninteresting<00:00:46.410> it's<00:00:46.949> a<00:00:47.190> dead<00:00:47.399> world<00:00:47.699> NASA is uninteresting it's a dead world NASA is uninteresting it's a dead world NASA should<00:00:49.019> not<00:00:49.260> spend<00:00:49.739> any<00:00:50.399> time<00:00:50.940> or<00:00:51.179> effort should not spend any time or effort should not spend any time or effort studying<00:00:52.019> Mars<00:00:52.260> anymore studying Mars anymore studying Mars anymore fortunately<00:00:54.120> our<00:00:54.149> leaders<00:00:54.960> in<00:00:55.140> Washington<00:00:55.170> at fortunately our leaders in Washington at fortunately our leaders in Washington at NASA<00:00:56.160> headquarters<00:00:56.730> knew<00:00:57.179> better<00:00:57.420> and<00:00:57.719> we NASA headquarters knew better and we NASA headquarters knew better and we began<00:00:58.829> a<00:00:58.890> very<00:00:59.480> extensive<00:01:00.480> study<00:01:00.809> of<00:01:01.559> the<00:01:02.010> red began a very extensive study of the red began a very extensive study of the red planet<00:01:02.690> one<00:01:03.690> of<00:01:03.839> the<00:01:04.019> key<00:01:04.320> questions<00:01:05.129> in<00:01:05.640> all planet one of the key questions in all planet one of the key questions in all of<00:01:06.000> science<00:01:06.180> is<00:01:06.990> there<00:01:07.710> life<00:01:07.980> outside<00:01:08.310> of of science is there life outside of of science is there life outside of Earth<00:01:09.450> I<00:01:09.500> believe<00:01:10.500> that<00:01:11.159> Mars<00:01:11.550> is<00:01:11.850> the<00:01:11.880> most Earth I believe that Mars is the most Earth I believe that Mars is the most likely<00:01:12.380> target<00:01:13.380> for<00:01:13.409> life<00:01:13.830> outside<00:01:14.100> the<00:01:14.580> earth likely target for life outside the earth likely target for life outside the earth I'm<00:01:15.270> going<00:01:15.630> to<00:01:15.750> show<00:01:15.990> you<00:01:16.050> in<00:01:16.290> a<00:01:16.380> few<00:01:16.620> minutes I'm going to show you in a few minutes I'm going to show you in a few minutes some<00:01:17.580> amazing<00:01:18.480> measurements<00:01:19.170> that<00:01:19.500> suggest some amazing measurements that suggest some amazing measurements that suggest there<00:01:20.220> may<00:01:20.370> be<00:01:20.400> life<00:01:20.790> on<00:01:21.030> Mars<00:01:21.300> but<00:01:22.170> let<00:01:22.440> me there may be life on Mars but let me there may be life on Mars but let me start<00:01:22.950> with<00:01:23.190> the<00:01:23.400> Viking<00:01:23.910> photograph<00:01:24.840> this<00:01:25.110> is start with the Viking photograph this is start with the Viking photograph this is a<00:01:25.350> composite<00:01:25.860> taken<00:01:26.520> by<00:01:26.700> Viking<00:01:27.240> in<00:01:27.800> 1976 a composite taken by Viking in 1976 a composite taken by Viking in 1976 Viking<00:01:29.760> was<00:01:30.030> developed<00:01:30.780> and<00:01:31.280> managed<00:01:32.280> at<00:01:32.430> NASA Viking was developed and managed at NASA Viking was developed and managed at NASA Langley<00:01:32.910> Research<00:01:33.210> Center<00:01:33.990> we<00:01:34.470> sent<00:01:34.800> two Langley Research Center we sent two Langley Research Center we sent two orbiters<00:01:35.550> and<00:01:35.760> two<00:01:35.910> Landers<00:01:36.480> in<00:01:36.750> the<00:01:36.870> summer orbiters and two Landers in the summer orbiters and two Landers in the summer of<00:01:37.520> 1976<00:01:38.520> we<00:01:39.060> had<00:01:39.270> four<00:01:39.630> spacecraft<00:01:40.620> around<00:01:41.160> - of 1976 we had four spacecraft around - of 1976 we had four spacecraft around - around<00:01:41.550> Mars<00:01:42.120> -<00:01:42.750> on<00:01:42.930> the<00:01:43.080> surface<00:01:43.320> an<00:01:44.100> amazing around Mars - on the surface an amazing around Mars - on the surface an amazing accomplishment<00:01:45.320> this<00:01:46.320> is<00:01:46.560> the<00:01:46.710> first accomplishment this is the first accomplishment this is the first photograph<00:01:47.670> taken<00:01:48.360> from<00:01:48.450> the<00:01:48.660> surface<00:01:48.930> of<00:01:49.380> any photograph taken from the surface of any photograph taken from the surface of any planet<00:01:50.370> this<00:01:50.550> is<00:01:50.610> a<00:01:50.760> Viking<00:01:51.330> Lander planet this is a Viking Lander planet this is a Viking Lander photograph<00:01:52.350> of<00:01:52.620> the<00:01:53.400> surface<00:01:53.790> of<00:01:53.970> Mars<00:01:54.240> yes photograph of the surface of Mars yes photograph of the surface of Mars yes the<00:01:55.530> red<00:01:55.710> planet<00:01:56.280> is<00:01:56.520> red<00:01:57.290> Mars<00:01:58.290> is<00:01:58.560> half<00:01:58.770> the the red planet is red Mars is half the the red planet is red Mars is half the size<00:01:59.100> of<00:01:59.640> the<00:01:59.790> earth<00:01:59.820> but<00:02:00.510> because<00:02:00.900> two-thirds size of the earth but because two-thirds size of the earth but because two-thirds of<00:02:01.770> the<00:02:01.920> earth<00:02:01.950> is<00:02:02.310> covered<00:02:02.520> by<00:02:02.730> water<00:02:03.150> the of the earth is covered by water the of the earth is covered by water the land<00:02:04.290> area<00:02:04.800> on<00:02:05.220> Mars<00:02:05.760> is<00:02:06.210> comparable<00:02:06.720> to<00:02:06.840> the land area on Mars is comparable to the land area on Mars is comparable to the land<00:02:07.230> area<00:02:07.680> on<00:02:07.920> earth<00:02:08.069> so<00:02:08.340> Mars<00:02:08.550> is<00:02:08.610> a<00:02:08.759> pretty land area on earth so Mars is a pretty land area on earth so Mars is a pretty big<00:02:09.269> place<00:02:09.479> even<00:02:09.899> though<00:02:10.110> it's<00:02:10.289> only<00:02:10.560> it's big place even though it's only it's big place even though it's only it's half<00:02:11.370> the<00:02:11.400> size half the size half the size we<00:02:13.440> have<00:02:13.470> obtained<00:02:14.480> topographic we have obtained topographic we have obtained topographic measurements<00:02:16.230> of<00:02:16.440> the<00:02:16.590> surface<00:02:17.069> of<00:02:17.280> Mars<00:02:17.519> we measurements of the surface of Mars we measurements of the surface of Mars we understand<00:02:18.510> the<00:02:19.110> elevation<00:02:19.800> differences<00:02:20.460> we understand the elevation differences we understand the elevation differences we know<00:02:21.270> a<00:02:21.300> lot<00:02:21.600> about<00:02:21.630> Mars<00:02:22.230> Mars<00:02:23.010> has<00:02:23.930> the know a lot about Mars Mars has the know a lot about Mars Mars has the largest<00:02:24.560> volcano<00:02:25.040> in<00:02:25.370> the<00:02:25.400> solar<00:02:25.549> system largest volcano in the solar system largest volcano in the solar system Olympus<00:02:27.140> Mons<00:02:27.650> Mars<00:02:28.640> has<00:02:29.060> the<00:02:29.750> Grand<00:02:30.079> Canyon Olympus Mons Mars has the Grand Canyon Olympus Mons Mars has the Grand Canyon of<00:02:30.799> the<00:02:30.950> solar<00:02:31.220> system<00:02:31.819> Valles<00:02:32.269> Marineris of the solar system Valles Marineris of the solar system Valles Marineris very<00:02:33.739> very<00:02:34.010> interesting<00:02:34.670> planet<00:02:35.150> Mars<00:02:36.140> has very very interesting planet Mars has very very interesting planet Mars has the<00:02:37.280> largest<00:02:38.140> impact<00:02:39.140> crater<00:02:39.470> in<00:02:39.590> the<00:02:39.769> solar the largest impact crater in the solar the largest impact crater in the solar system<00:02:40.400> Hellas<00:02:41.269> Basin<00:02:41.569> this<00:02:42.560> is<00:02:42.739> 2,000<00:02:43.459> miles system Hellas Basin this is 2,000 miles system Hellas Basin this is 2,000 miles across<00:02:43.959> if<00:02:44.959> you<00:02:45.260> happen<00:02:45.590> to<00:02:45.620> be<00:02:45.829> on<00:02:45.980> Mars<00:02:46.310> when across if you happen to be on Mars when across if you happen to be on Mars when this<00:02:46.970> impactor<00:02:47.750> hit<00:02:48.049> it<00:02:48.500> was<00:02:48.709> a<00:02:48.739> really<00:02:49.159> bad this impactor hit it was a really bad this impactor hit it was a really bad day<00:02:49.790> on<00:02:49.819> Mars day on Mars day on Mars this<00:02:52.700> is<00:02:52.970> Olympus<00:02:53.540> Mons<00:02:53.810> this<00:02:54.470> is<00:02:54.680> bigger<00:02:54.950> than this is Olympus Mons this is bigger than this is Olympus Mons this is bigger than the<00:02:55.310> state<00:02:55.640> of<00:02:55.970> Arizona<00:02:56.799> volcanoes<00:02:57.799> are the state of Arizona volcanoes are the state of Arizona volcanoes are important<00:02:58.489> because<00:02:58.639> volcanoes<00:02:59.540> produce important because volcanoes produce important because volcanoes produce atmospheres<00:03:00.799> and<00:03:01.040> they<00:03:01.099> produce<00:03:01.340> oceans atmospheres and they produce oceans atmospheres and they produce oceans we're<00:03:03.200> looking<00:03:03.530> at<00:03:03.739> Valles<00:03:04.370> Marineris<00:03:04.540> the we're looking at Valles Marineris the we're looking at Valles Marineris the largest<00:03:06.049> canyon<00:03:06.379> in<00:03:06.680> the<00:03:06.709> solar<00:03:06.799> system largest canyon in the solar system largest canyon in the solar system superimposed<00:03:08.389> on<00:03:08.659> a<00:03:08.689> map<00:03:09.349> of<00:03:09.560> the<00:03:09.620> United superimposed on a map of the United superimposed on a map of the United States<00:03:10.239> 3,000<00:03:11.239> miles<00:03:11.420> across<00:03:11.810> one<00:03:12.799> of<00:03:12.889> the States 3,000 miles across one of the States 3,000 miles across one of the most<00:03:13.159> intriguing<00:03:13.609> features<00:03:14.510> about<00:03:14.810> Mars<00:03:15.139> the most intriguing features about Mars the most intriguing features about Mars the National<00:03:15.829> Academy<00:03:16.250> of<00:03:16.280> Science<00:03:16.790> says<00:03:17.090> one<00:03:17.329> of National Academy of Science says one of National Academy of Science says one of the<00:03:17.599> 10<00:03:17.870> major<00:03:18.109> mysteries<00:03:18.950> of<00:03:19.340> the<00:03:19.519> space<00:03:20.480> age the 10 major mysteries of the space age the 10 major mysteries of the space age is<00:03:21.170> why<00:03:21.799> certain<00:03:22.220> areas<00:03:22.819> of<00:03:23.060> Mars<00:03:23.359> are<00:03:23.750> so is why certain areas of Mars are so is why certain areas of Mars are so highly<00:03:24.319> magnetized<00:03:25.220> we<00:03:25.730> call<00:03:25.939> this<00:03:26.090> crustal highly magnetized we call this crustal highly magnetized we call this crustal magnetism<00:03:27.139> there<00:03:27.859> are<00:03:28.069> regions<00:03:28.489> on<00:03:28.699> Mars magnetism there are regions on Mars magnetism there are regions on Mars where<00:03:29.359> for<00:03:29.599> some<00:03:29.840> reason<00:03:29.949> we<00:03:30.949> don't where for some reason we don't where for some reason we don't understand<00:03:31.699> why<00:03:32.030> at<00:03:32.359> this<00:03:32.510> point<00:03:32.840> the<00:03:33.530> surface understand why at this point the surface understand why at this point the surface is<00:03:34.370> very<00:03:34.669> very<00:03:34.940> highly<00:03:35.269> magnetized<00:03:36.079> is<00:03:36.980> there is very very highly magnetized is there is very very highly magnetized is there water<00:03:37.549> on<00:03:37.819> Mars<00:03:38.090> the<00:03:38.690> answer<00:03:39.109> is<00:03:39.319> no<00:03:39.680> there<00:03:40.190> is water on Mars the answer is no there is water on Mars the answer is no there is no<00:03:40.370> liquid<00:03:41.030> water<00:03:41.060> on<00:03:41.389> the<00:03:41.510> surface<00:03:41.629> of<00:03:42.169> Mars no liquid water on the surface of Mars no liquid water on the surface of Mars today<00:03:42.819> but<00:03:43.819> there<00:03:44.329> is<00:03:44.480> intriguing<00:03:45.079> evidence today but there is intriguing evidence today but there is intriguing evidence that<00:03:46.129> suggests<00:03:46.730> that<00:03:46.760> the<00:03:46.970> early<00:03:47.359> history<00:03:47.569> of that suggests that the early history of that suggests that the early history of Mars<00:03:48.260> there<00:03:48.620> may<00:03:48.799> have<00:03:48.919> been<00:03:48.980> rivers<00:03:49.849> and<00:03:50.239> fast Mars there may have been rivers and fast Mars there may have been rivers and fast flowing<00:03:51.590> water flowing water flowing water today<00:03:53.479> Mars<00:03:53.989> is<00:03:54.260> very<00:03:54.290> very<00:03:54.829> dry<00:03:55.190> we<00:03:55.489> believe today Mars is very very dry we believe today Mars is very very dry we believe there's<00:03:56.090> some<00:03:56.359> water<00:03:56.629> in<00:03:56.989> the<00:03:57.979> polar<00:03:58.220> caps there's some water in the polar caps there's some water in the polar caps there<00:03:58.879> are<00:03:58.970> polar<00:03:59.180> caps<00:03:59.479> of<00:03:59.690> North<00:03:59.900> Pole<00:04:00.109> and there are polar caps of North Pole and there are polar caps of North Pole and South<00:04:00.440> Pole<00:04:00.819> here<00:04:01.819> are<00:04:01.940> some<00:04:02.150> recent<00:04:02.389> images South Pole here are some recent images South Pole here are some recent images this<00:04:03.290> is<00:04:03.349> from<00:04:03.790> Spirit<00:04:04.790> and<00:04:04.940> Opportunity this is from Spirit and Opportunity this is from Spirit and Opportunity these<00:04:06.319> images<00:04:06.919> that<00:04:07.220> show<00:04:07.459> at<00:04:07.609> one<00:04:07.790> time<00:04:08.090> there these images that show at one time there these images that show at one time there was<00:04:08.900> very<00:04:08.930> fast<00:04:09.739> flowing<00:04:10.159> water<00:04:10.340> on<00:04:10.760> the was very fast flowing water on the was very fast flowing water on the surface<00:04:11.269> of<00:04:11.419> Mars<00:04:11.690> why<00:04:12.409> is<00:04:12.470> what<00:04:12.919> are surface of Mars why is what are surface of Mars why is what are important<00:04:13.579> water<00:04:14.299> is<00:04:14.510> important<00:04:15.139> because<00:04:15.379> if important water is important because if important water is important because if you<00:04:16.430> want<00:04:16.729> life<00:04:17.000> you<00:04:17.299> have<00:04:17.449> to<00:04:17.479> have<00:04:17.750> water you want life you have to have water you want life you have to have water water<00:04:18.739> is<00:04:18.919> the<00:04:19.070> key<00:04:19.699> ingredient<00:04:20.329> in<00:04:20.510> the water is the key ingredient in the water is the key ingredient in the evolution<00:04:21.859> the<00:04:22.070> arch<00:04:22.220> and<00:04:22.460> evolution<00:04:22.940> of<00:04:23.000> life evolution the arch and evolution of life evolution the arch and evolution of life on<00:04:23.510> a<00:04:23.539> planet<00:04:24.159> here's<00:04:25.159> some<00:04:25.430> picture<00:04:25.849> of on a planet here's some picture of on a planet here's some picture of Antarctica<00:04:26.930> and<00:04:27.169> a<00:04:27.229> picture<00:04:27.710> of<00:04:27.979> Olympus<00:04:28.550> Mons Antarctica and a picture of Olympus Mons Antarctica and a picture of Olympus Mons very<00:04:29.599> similar<00:04:30.080> features<00:04:30.289> glaciers<00:04:31.190> so<00:04:31.880> this very similar features glaciers so this very similar features glaciers so this is<00:04:32.360> frozen<00:04:32.750> water<00:04:33.289> this<00:04:33.560> is<00:04:33.740> ice<00:04:34.010> water<00:04:34.430> on is frozen water this is ice water on is frozen water this is ice water on Mars<00:04:35.370> this<00:04:36.370> is<00:04:36.580> my<00:04:36.700> favorite<00:04:37.180> picture<00:04:37.450> this Mars this is my favorite picture this Mars this is my favorite picture this has<00:04:38.050> we've<00:04:38.590> just<00:04:38.800> taken<00:04:38.980> a<00:04:39.220> few<00:04:39.400> weeks<00:04:39.460> ago<00:04:39.760> it has we've just taken a few weeks ago it has we've just taken a few weeks ago it has<00:04:40.180> not<00:04:40.420> been<00:04:40.570> seen<00:04:40.780> publicly<00:04:41.290> this<00:04:41.920> is has not been seen publicly this is has not been seen publicly this is European<00:04:42.760> Space<00:04:43.090> Agency<00:04:43.870> Mars<00:04:44.680> Express<00:04:45.100> image European Space Agency Mars Express image European Space Agency Mars Express image of<00:04:45.850> a<00:04:46.030> crater<00:04:46.390> on<00:04:46.570> Mars<00:04:46.690> and<00:04:47.350> in<00:04:47.710> the<00:04:47.800> middle<00:04:48.070> of of a crater on Mars and in the middle of of a crater on Mars and in the middle of the<00:04:48.280> crater<00:04:48.640> we<00:04:49.210> have<00:04:49.420> liquid<00:04:49.960> water<00:04:50.260> we<00:04:50.500> have the crater we have liquid water we have the crater we have liquid water we have ice<00:04:50.980> very<00:04:51.730> intriguing<00:04:52.180> photograph<00:04:52.650> we<00:04:53.650> now ice very intriguing photograph we now ice very intriguing photograph we now believe<00:04:54.520> that<00:04:54.940> in<00:04:55.270> the<00:04:55.390> early<00:04:55.690> history<00:04:55.900> of believe that in the early history of believe that in the early history of Mars<00:04:56.950> which<00:04:57.340> is<00:04:57.600> 4.6<00:04:58.600> billion<00:04:59.020> years<00:04:59.200> ago Mars which is 4.6 billion years ago Mars which is 4.6 billion years ago 4.6<00:05:01.390> billion<00:05:01.630> years<00:05:01.780> ago<00:05:02.220> Mars<00:05:03.220> was<00:05:03.430> very 4.6 billion years ago Mars was very 4.6 billion years ago Mars was very earth-like<00:05:04.240> Mars<00:05:04.870> had<00:05:05.740> rivers<00:05:06.190> Mars<00:05:06.580> had earth-like Mars had rivers Mars had earth-like Mars had rivers Mars had lakes<00:05:07.150> but<00:05:07.540> more<00:05:07.720> important<00:05:08.290> Mars<00:05:08.890> had lakes but more important Mars had lakes but more important Mars had planetary<00:05:10.150> scale<00:05:10.510> oceans<00:05:11.140> we<00:05:11.950> believe<00:05:12.340> that planetary scale oceans we believe that planetary scale oceans we believe that the<00:05:12.790> oceans<00:05:13.210> were<00:05:13.510> in<00:05:13.840> the<00:05:14.020> northern the oceans were in the northern the oceans were in the northern hemisphere<00:05:14.620> and<00:05:15.310> this<00:05:15.970> area<00:05:16.360> in<00:05:16.690> blue<00:05:17.050> which hemisphere and this area in blue which hemisphere and this area in blue which shows<00:05:18.100> a<00:05:18.210> depression<00:05:19.210> of<00:05:19.390> about<00:05:19.720> four<00:05:20.080> miles shows a depression of about four miles shows a depression of about four miles was<00:05:21.190> the<00:05:21.490> ancient<00:05:21.990> ocean<00:05:22.990> area<00:05:23.440> on<00:05:23.710> the was the ancient ocean area on the was the ancient ocean area on the surface<00:05:24.280> of<00:05:24.460> Mars<00:05:24.700> where<00:05:25.690> did<00:05:25.960> the<00:05:26.110> oceans surface of Mars where did the oceans surface of Mars where did the oceans worth<00:05:26.920> of<00:05:27.160> water<00:05:27.310> on<00:05:27.610> Mars<00:05:27.820> go<00:05:28.240> well<00:05:29.050> we<00:05:29.260> have worth of water on Mars go well we have worth of water on Mars go well we have an<00:05:29.650> idea<00:05:30.100> this<00:05:30.940> is<00:05:31.270> a<00:05:31.570> measurement<00:05:32.200> we an idea this is a measurement we an idea this is a measurement we obtained<00:05:32.980> a<00:05:33.190> few<00:05:33.400> years<00:05:33.640> ago<00:05:33.970> from<00:05:34.270> an<00:05:34.480> Mars obtained a few years ago from an Mars obtained a few years ago from an Mars orbiting<00:05:35.200> satellite<00:05:35.920> called<00:05:36.190> Odyssey orbiting satellite called Odyssey orbiting satellite called Odyssey subsurface<00:05:38.200> water<00:05:38.740> on<00:05:39.100> Mars<00:05:39.510> frozen<00:05:40.510> in<00:05:40.690> the subsurface water on Mars frozen in the subsurface water on Mars frozen in the form<00:05:41.140> of<00:05:41.320> ice<00:05:41.590> and<00:05:41.620> this<00:05:42.550> shows<00:05:42.880> the<00:05:43.090> percent form of ice and this shows the percent form of ice and this shows the percent if<00:05:44.200> it's<00:05:44.500> a<00:05:44.620> blueish<00:05:45.010> color<00:05:45.340> it<00:05:45.580> means<00:05:45.790> 16 if it's a blueish color it means 16 if it's a blueish color it means 16 percent<00:05:47.050> by<00:05:47.320> weight<00:05:47.850> 16<00:05:48.850> percent<00:05:49.330> by<00:05:49.510> weight percent by weight 16 percent by weight percent by weight 16 percent by weight of<00:05:49.780> the<00:05:49.990> Interior<00:05:50.400> contains<00:05:51.400> frozen<00:05:52.120> water<00:05:52.390> or of the Interior contains frozen water or of the Interior contains frozen water or ice<00:05:52.930> so<00:05:53.830> there<00:05:54.040> is<00:05:54.130> a<00:05:54.160> lot<00:05:54.460> of<00:05:54.490> water<00:05:54.820> below<00:05:55.060> the ice so there is a lot of water below the ice so there is a lot of water below the surface<00:05:55.650> the<00:05:56.650> most<00:05:56.950> intriguing<00:05:57.940> and<00:05:58.270> puzzling surface the most intriguing and puzzling surface the most intriguing and puzzling measurement<00:06:00.130> in<00:06:00.370> my<00:06:00.700> opinion<00:06:01.360> we<00:06:01.780> have measurement in my opinion we have measurement in my opinion we have obtained<00:06:02.320> of<00:06:02.620> Mars<00:06:03.280> was<00:06:04.090> released<00:06:04.840> earlier obtained of Mars was released earlier obtained of Mars was released earlier this<00:06:05.680> year<00:06:05.740> in<00:06:06.340> the this year in the this year in the magazine<00:06:08.080> science<00:06:08.950> and<00:06:09.550> what<00:06:09.760> we're<00:06:09.970> looking magazine science and what we're looking magazine science and what we're looking at<00:06:10.480> is<00:06:11.050> the<00:06:11.830> presence<00:06:12.400> of<00:06:12.610> the<00:06:12.790> gas<00:06:12.970> methane at is the presence of the gas methane at is the presence of the gas methane ch4<00:06:14.310> in<00:06:15.310> the<00:06:16.240> atmosphere<00:06:16.780> of<00:06:16.810> Mars<00:06:16.930> and<00:06:17.620> you ch4 in the atmosphere of Mars and you ch4 in the atmosphere of Mars and you can<00:06:18.430> see<00:06:18.670> there<00:06:18.940> are<00:06:19.060> three<00:06:19.360> distinct<00:06:19.960> regions can see there are three distinct regions can see there are three distinct regions of<00:06:20.530> methane<00:06:20.820> why<00:06:21.820> is<00:06:21.880> methane<00:06:22.300> important of methane why is methane important of methane why is methane important because<00:06:23.620> on<00:06:24.160> earth<00:06:24.190> almost<00:06:25.030> all<00:06:25.890> 99.9%<00:06:26.890> of<00:06:27.700> the because on earth almost all 99.9% of the because on earth almost all 99.9% of the methane<00:06:28.210> is<00:06:28.660> produced<00:06:29.290> by<00:06:29.590> living<00:06:29.980> systems methane is produced by living systems methane is produced by living systems not<00:06:31.900> little<00:06:32.260> green<00:06:32.530> men<00:06:32.830> but<00:06:33.790> microscopic not little green men but microscopic not little green men but microscopic lights<00:06:35.020> below<00:06:35.890> the<00:06:36.070> surface<00:06:36.340> or<00:06:36.730> at<00:06:36.880> the lights below the surface or at the lights below the surface or at the surface<00:06:37.480> we<00:06:38.020> now<00:06:38.320> have<00:06:38.680> evidence<00:06:39.000> that surface we now have evidence that surface we now have evidence that methane<00:06:40.600> is<00:06:41.200> in<00:06:41.560> the<00:06:41.650> atmosphere<00:06:41.800> of<00:06:42.310> Mars<00:06:42.340> a methane is in the atmosphere of Mars a methane is in the atmosphere of Mars a gas<00:06:43.570> that<00:06:43.900> on<00:06:44.050> earth<00:06:44.230> is<00:06:44.650> biogenic<00:06:45.550> in<00:06:45.670> our gas that on earth is biogenic in our gas that on earth is biogenic in our produced<00:06:46.759> by<00:06:46.879> living<00:06:47.330> systems<00:06:47.840> these<00:06:48.770> are<00:06:48.830> the produced by living systems these are the produced by living systems these are the three<00:06:49.430> plumes<00:06:49.819> a<00:06:50.330> b<00:06:51.080> 1<00:06:51.379> b<00:06:51.680> 2<00:06:52.219> and<00:06:52.819> this<00:06:53.509> is<00:06:53.719> the three plumes a b 1 b 2 and this is the three plumes a b 1 b 2 and this is the terrain<00:06:54.169> it<00:06:54.650> appears<00:06:55.189> over<00:06:55.639> and<00:06:55.969> we<00:06:56.659> know<00:06:56.900> from terrain it appears over and we know from terrain it appears over and we know from geological<00:06:58.159> studies<00:06:58.610> that<00:06:58.909> these<00:06:59.180> regions geological studies that these regions geological studies that these regions are<00:07:00.110> the<00:07:00.199> oldest<00:07:01.069> regions<00:07:01.639> on<00:07:01.939> Mars<00:07:01.969> in<00:07:02.629> fact are the oldest regions on Mars in fact are the oldest regions on Mars in fact the<00:07:03.860> Earth<00:07:04.069> and<00:07:04.400> Mars<00:07:04.759> of<00:07:05.150> both<00:07:05.300> 4.6<00:07:06.259> billion the Earth and Mars of both 4.6 billion the Earth and Mars of both 4.6 billion years<00:07:06.979> old<00:07:07.279> the<00:07:08.080> oldest<00:07:09.080> rock<00:07:09.349> on<00:07:09.590> earth<00:07:09.770> is years old the oldest rock on earth is years old the oldest rock on earth is only<00:07:10.599> 3.6<00:07:11.599> billion<00:07:11.960> the<00:07:12.680> reason<00:07:13.099> there<00:07:13.279> is<00:07:13.400> a only 3.6 billion the reason there is a only 3.6 billion the reason there is a billion-year<00:07:14.029> history billion-year history billion-year history logical<00:07:16.370> understanding<00:07:16.669> is<00:07:17.539> because<00:07:18.050> of logical understanding is because of logical understanding is because of plate<00:07:18.500> tectonics<00:07:19.279> the<00:07:19.400> the<00:07:20.029> crust<00:07:20.360> of<00:07:20.599> the plate tectonics the the crust of the plate tectonics the the crust of the earth<00:07:20.779> has<00:07:21.379> been<00:07:21.680> recycled<00:07:22.430> we<00:07:22.520> have<00:07:22.669> no earth has been recycled we have no earth has been recycled we have no geological<00:07:23.300> record<00:07:24.110> prior<00:07:24.379> for<00:07:25.039> the<00:07:25.129> first geological record prior for the first geological record prior for the first billion<00:07:25.759> years<00:07:26.060> that<00:07:26.750> record<00:07:27.259> exists<00:07:27.770> on<00:07:27.979> Mars billion years that record exists on Mars billion years that record exists on Mars and<00:07:28.639> this<00:07:29.180> terrain<00:07:29.599> that<00:07:29.870> we're<00:07:30.020> looking<00:07:30.169> at and this terrain that we're looking at and this terrain that we're looking at dates<00:07:31.250> back<00:07:31.610> to<00:07:31.930> 4.6<00:07:32.930> billion<00:07:33.379> years<00:07:33.849> when dates back to 4.6 billion years when dates back to 4.6 billion years when Earth<00:07:35.300> and<00:07:35.569> Mars<00:07:36.169> were<00:07:36.529> formed<00:07:37.009> it<00:07:37.610> was<00:07:37.699> a Earth and Mars were formed it was a Earth and Mars were formed it was a Tuesday

this<00:07:41.479> is<00:07:41.689> this<00:07:42.379> is<00:07:42.589> a<00:07:42.620> map<00:07:42.949> that<00:07:42.979> shows<00:07:43.339> where
this is this is a map that shows where this is this is a map that shows where we<00:07:44.360> put<00:07:44.810> our<00:07:45.129> spacecraft<00:07:46.129> on<00:07:46.339> the<00:07:46.370> surface<00:07:46.490> of we put our spacecraft on the surface of we put our spacecraft on the surface of Mars<00:07:47.360> here<00:07:48.050> is<00:07:48.169> Viking<00:07:48.439> one<00:07:48.919> Viking<00:07:49.909> two<00:07:50.240> this Mars here is Viking one Viking two this Mars here is Viking one Viking two this is<00:07:51.189> opportunity<00:07:52.189> this<00:07:52.520> is<00:07:52.580> spirit<00:07:53.180> this<00:07:53.330> is is opportunity this is spirit this is is opportunity this is spirit this is Mars<00:07:53.779> Pathfinder<00:07:54.080> this<00:07:55.009> is<00:07:55.250> Phoenix<00:07:55.520> we<00:07:55.939> just Mars Pathfinder this is Phoenix we just Mars Pathfinder this is Phoenix we just put<00:07:56.389> two<00:07:56.539> years<00:07:56.779> ago<00:07:57.339> notice<00:07:58.339> all<00:07:58.580> of<00:07:58.639> our put two years ago notice all of our put two years ago notice all of our Rovers<00:07:59.479> on<00:08:00.229> all<00:08:00.409> of<00:08:00.500> our<00:08:00.589> Landers<00:08:01.189> have<00:08:01.550> gone Rovers on all of our Landers have gone Rovers on all of our Landers have gone to<00:08:02.599> the<00:08:02.689> northern<00:08:03.080> hemisphere<00:08:03.310> that's to the northern hemisphere that's to the northern hemisphere that's because<00:08:04.879> the<00:08:05.149> northern<00:08:05.539> hemisphere<00:08:05.719> is<00:08:06.319> the because the northern hemisphere is the because the northern hemisphere is the region<00:08:06.949> of<00:08:07.069> the<00:08:07.610> ancient region of the ancient region of the ancient ocean<00:08:09.649> basin<00:08:10.159> there<00:08:10.610> aren't<00:08:10.939> many<00:08:11.060> craters ocean basin there aren't many craters ocean basin there aren't many craters and<00:08:12.050> that's<00:08:12.770> because<00:08:13.219> the<00:08:13.460> water<00:08:13.669> protected and that's because the water protected and that's because the water protected the<00:08:14.719> the<00:08:15.050> basin<00:08:15.560> from<00:08:15.800> being<00:08:16.129> impacted<00:08:16.789> by the the basin from being impacted by the the basin from being impacted by asteroids<00:08:17.930> of<00:08:18.169> meteorites<00:08:18.770> and<00:08:19.149> but<00:08:20.149> not<00:08:20.330> look asteroids of meteorites and but not look asteroids of meteorites and but not look in<00:08:20.719> the<00:08:20.810> southern<00:08:21.169> hemisphere<00:08:21.830> in<00:08:22.039> the in the southern hemisphere in the in the southern hemisphere in the southern<00:08:22.909> hemisphere<00:08:23.029> their<00:08:23.990> impact<00:08:24.529> craters southern hemisphere their impact craters southern hemisphere their impact craters their<00:08:25.189> uh<00:08:25.219> volcanic<00:08:25.819> craters<00:08:26.240> here<00:08:26.689> is<00:08:26.779> Hellas their uh volcanic craters here is Hellas their uh volcanic craters here is Hellas Basin<00:08:27.469> a<00:08:28.039> very<00:08:28.789> very<00:08:29.120> different<00:08:29.719> place Basin a very very different place Basin a very very different place geologically<00:08:30.879> look<00:08:31.879> where<00:08:32.120> the<00:08:32.300> methane<00:08:32.719> is geologically look where the methane is geologically look where the methane is the<00:08:33.169> methane<00:08:33.560> is<00:08:33.829> in<00:08:34.099> a<00:08:34.190> very<00:08:34.459> rough<00:08:34.969> terrain the methane is in a very rough terrain the methane is in a very rough terrain area area area what<00:08:38.659> is<00:08:38.839> the<00:08:39.019> best<00:08:39.260> way<00:08:39.649> to<00:08:39.680> unravel<00:08:40.640> the what is the best way to unravel the what is the best way to unravel the mysteries<00:08:41.630> of<00:08:41.659> Mars<00:08:42.110> that<00:08:42.409> exists<00:08:43.180> we<00:08:44.180> asked mysteries of Mars that exists we asked mysteries of Mars that exists we asked this<00:08:44.600> question<00:08:45.519> ten<00:08:46.519> years<00:08:46.820> ago<00:08:47.029> we<00:08:47.810> invited this question ten years ago we invited this question ten years ago we invited ten<00:08:49.100> of<00:08:49.250> the<00:08:49.399> top<00:08:49.610> Mars<00:08:50.000> scientists<00:08:50.720> to<00:08:51.140> the ten of the top Mars scientists to the ten of the top Mars scientists to the Langley<00:08:51.589> Research<00:08:52.010> Center<00:08:52.490> for<00:08:53.209> two<00:08:53.420> days<00:08:53.690> we Langley Research Center for two days we Langley Research Center for two days we addressed<00:08:55.069> on<00:08:55.459> the<00:08:55.819> board<00:08:56.420> the<00:08:56.750> major addressed on the board the major addressed on the board the major questions<00:08:57.950> that<00:08:58.100> have<00:08:58.370> not<00:08:58.550> been<00:08:58.610> answered questions that have not been answered questions that have not been answered and<00:08:59.510> we<00:09:00.500> spend<00:09:00.860> two<00:09:01.100> days<00:09:01.339> deciding<00:09:02.269> how<00:09:02.750> to and we spend two days deciding how to and we spend two days deciding how to best<00:09:03.350> answer<00:09:03.980> this<00:09:04.160> question<00:09:04.820> and<00:09:05.350> the<00:09:06.350> result best answer this question and the result best answer this question and the result of<00:09:07.550> our<00:09:07.670> meeting<00:09:08.149> was<00:09:09.140> a<00:09:09.500> robotic of our meeting was a robotic of our meeting was a robotic rocket-powered<00:09:11.779> airplane<00:09:12.560> we<00:09:13.220> call<00:09:13.519> Ares rocket-powered airplane we call Ares rocket-powered airplane we call Ares it's<00:09:15.140> Ariel<00:09:15.980> regional<00:09:16.459> scale<00:09:16.790> environmental it's Ariel regional scale environmental it's Ariel regional scale environmental surveyor<00:09:18.440> there's<00:09:19.190> a<00:09:19.310> model<00:09:19.700> of<00:09:19.970> Ares<00:09:20.329> here surveyor there's a model of Ares here surveyor there's a model of Ares here this<00:09:21.140> is<00:09:21.320> a<00:09:21.350> 20%<00:09:22.250> scale<00:09:22.700> model<00:09:23.209> this<00:09:23.870> airplane this is a 20% scale model this airplane this is a 20% scale model this airplane was<00:09:25.339> designed<00:09:25.370> at<00:09:26.240> the<00:09:26.360> Langley<00:09:26.720> Research was designed at the Langley Research was designed at the Langley Research Center<00:09:27.649> if<00:09:27.860> any<00:09:28.279> place<00:09:28.730> in<00:09:29.000> the<00:09:29.089> world<00:09:29.120> can Center if any place in the world can Center if any place in the world can build<00:09:29.839> an<00:09:29.990> airplane<00:09:30.320> to<00:09:30.740> fly<00:09:30.769> on<00:09:31.220> Mars<00:09:31.820> it's build an airplane to fly on Mars it's build an airplane to fly on Mars it's the<00:09:32.300> Langley<00:09:32.630> Research<00:09:32.660> Center<00:09:33.500> for<00:09:34.310> almost<00:09:34.820> a the Langley Research Center for almost a the Langley Research Center for almost a hundred<00:09:35.060> years<00:09:35.269> a<00:09:35.570> leading<00:09:36.019> center<00:09:36.380> of hundred years a leading center of hundred years a leading center of Aeronautics<00:09:37.100> in<00:09:37.370> the<00:09:37.459> world<00:09:37.899> we<00:09:38.899> fly<00:09:39.410> about<00:09:39.589> a Aeronautics in the world we fly about a Aeronautics in the world we fly about a mile<00:09:40.070> above<00:09:40.399> the<00:09:40.459> surface<00:09:40.820> we<00:09:41.360> cover<00:09:41.660> hundreds mile above the surface we cover hundreds mile above the surface we cover hundreds of<00:09:42.320> miles<00:09:42.579> and<00:09:43.579> we<00:09:43.820> fly<00:09:44.060> about<00:09:44.300> 450<00:09:45.170> miles<00:09:45.380> an of miles and we fly about 450 miles an of miles and we fly about 450 miles an hour<00:09:45.860> we<00:09:46.790> can<00:09:47.060> do<00:09:47.269> things<00:09:47.630> that<00:09:48.170> Rovers<00:09:49.010> can't hour we can do things that Rovers can't hour we can do things that Rovers can't do<00:09:49.700> and<00:09:49.970> Landers<00:09:50.690> can't<00:09:51.050> do<00:09:51.260> we<00:09:51.800> can<00:09:52.040> fly<00:09:52.339> above do and Landers can't do we can fly above do and Landers can't do we can fly above mountains<00:09:53.240> volcanoes<00:09:53.510> impact<00:09:54.470> craters<00:09:54.860> we mountains volcanoes impact craters we mountains volcanoes impact craters we fly<00:09:55.250> over<00:09:55.279> valleys<00:09:56.089> we<00:09:56.810> can<00:09:57.079> fly<00:09:57.350> over<00:09:57.529> surface fly over valleys we can fly over surface fly over valleys we can fly over surface magnetism<00:09:58.850> the<00:09:59.300> polar<00:09:59.570> cap<00:09:59.899> subsurface<00:10:00.560> water magnetism the polar cap subsurface water magnetism the polar cap subsurface water and<00:10:01.550> we<00:10:01.730> can<00:10:01.910> search<00:10:02.149> for<00:10:02.480> life<00:10:02.690> on<00:10:02.959> Mars<00:10:03.230> but and we can search for life on Mars but and we can search for life on Mars but of<00:10:04.160> equal<00:10:04.730> importance<00:10:05.390> as<00:10:05.660> we<00:10:06.620> fly<00:10:06.920> through of equal importance as we fly through of equal importance as we fly through the<00:10:07.399> atmosphere<00:10:07.430> of<00:10:08.120> Mars<00:10:08.230> we<00:10:09.230> transmit<00:10:10.190> that the atmosphere of Mars we transmit that the atmosphere of Mars we transmit that journey<00:10:10.820> the<00:10:11.000> first<00:10:11.449> flight<00:10:11.870> of<00:10:12.079> an<00:10:12.170> airplane journey the first flight of an airplane journey the first flight of an airplane outside<00:10:13.100> of<00:10:13.699> the<00:10:13.820> earth<00:10:14.000> we<00:10:14.540> transmit<00:10:15.199> those outside of the earth we transmit those outside of the earth we transmit those images<00:10:15.860> back<00:10:15.920> to<00:10:16.160> earth<00:10:16.430> and<00:10:17.350> our<00:10:18.350> goal<00:10:18.769> is<00:10:19.130> to images back to earth and our goal is to images back to earth and our goal is to inspire<00:10:19.699> the<00:10:20.360> American<00:10:20.930> public<00:10:21.410> who's<00:10:21.980> paying inspire the American public who's paying inspire the American public who's paying for<00:10:22.459> this<00:10:22.820> mission<00:10:23.089> through<00:10:23.480> tax<00:10:23.779> dollars<00:10:24.290> but for this mission through tax dollars but for this mission through tax dollars but more<00:10:25.399> important<00:10:26.029> we<00:10:26.720> will<00:10:27.130> inspire<00:10:28.130> the<00:10:28.430> next more important we will inspire the next more important we will inspire the next generation<00:10:28.730> of<00:10:29.390> scientists<00:10:30.399> technologists generation of scientists technologists generation of scientists technologists engineer<00:10:32.240> and<00:10:32.390> mathematician<00:10:32.510> and<00:10:33.410> that's<00:10:34.070> a engineer and mathematician and that's a engineer and mathematician and that's a critical<00:10:34.880> area<00:10:35.480> of<00:10:35.690> national<00:10:36.410> security<00:10:37.040> and critical area of national security and critical area of national security and economic<00:10:38.140> vitality<00:10:39.140> to<00:10:39.920> make<00:10:40.130> sure<00:10:40.540> we economic vitality to make sure we economic vitality to make sure we produce<00:10:41.959> the<00:10:42.170> next<00:10:42.350> generation<00:10:43.100> of produce the next generation of produce the next generation of scientists<00:10:44.540> engineers<00:10:44.720> mathematicians<00:10:45.260> and scientists engineers mathematicians and scientists engineers mathematicians and technologists<00:10:47.110> this<00:10:48.110> is<00:10:48.320> what<00:10:48.500> Ares<00:10:48.829> looks technologists this is what Ares looks technologists this is what Ares looks like<00:10:49.399> as<00:10:49.699> it<00:10:49.910> flies<00:10:50.149> over<00:10:50.720> Mars<00:10:50.990> we like as it flies over Mars we like as it flies over Mars we pre-program<00:10:52.550> it<00:10:52.790> we<00:10:53.300> will<00:10:53.510> fly<00:10:53.899> where<00:10:54.410> the pre-program it we will fly where the pre-program it we will fly where the methane<00:10:55.010> is<00:10:55.310> we<00:10:55.880> will<00:10:56.029> have<00:10:56.209> instruments methane is we will have instruments methane is we will have instruments aboard<00:10:57.019> the<00:10:57.440> plane<00:10:57.620> that<00:10:58.399> will<00:10:58.760> sample<00:10:59.180> every aboard the plane that will sample every aboard the plane that will sample every three<00:10:59.959> minutes<00:11:00.110> the<00:11:00.649> atmosphere<00:11:01.250> of<00:11:01.399> Mars<00:11:01.430> we three minutes the atmosphere of Mars we three minutes the atmosphere of Mars we will<00:11:02.660> look<00:11:02.839> for<00:11:03.110> methane<00:11:03.500> as<00:11:03.740> well<00:11:04.130> as<00:11:04.370> other will look for methane as well as other will look for methane as well as other gases<00:11:05.390> produced<00:11:05.930> by<00:11:06.170> living<00:11:06.350> systems<00:11:07.490> we<00:11:07.639> will gases produced by living systems we will gases produced by living systems we will pinpoint<00:11:08.540> where<00:11:09.319> these<00:11:09.559> gases<00:11:10.129> emanate<00:11:10.610> from pinpoint where these gases emanate from pinpoint where these gases emanate from because<00:11:11.389> we<00:11:11.600> can<00:11:11.749> measure<00:11:11.959> the<00:11:12.259> gradient because we can measure the gradient because we can measure the gradient where<00:11:13.189> it<00:11:13.339> comes<00:11:13.639> from<00:11:13.759> and<00:11:14.209> there<00:11:15.050> we<00:11:15.769> can where it comes from and there we can where it comes from and there we can direct<00:11:16.699> the<00:11:17.059> next<00:11:17.209> mission<00:11:17.899> to<00:11:18.259> land<00:11:18.559> right<00:11:19.249> in direct the next mission to land right in direct the next mission to land right in that<00:11:19.639> area<00:11:19.699> how<00:11:20.509> do<00:11:20.569> we<00:11:20.869> transport<00:11:21.319> an that area how do we transport an that area how do we transport an airplane<00:11:22.100> to<00:11:22.309> Mars<00:11:22.579> in<00:11:23.230> two<00:11:24.230> words<00:11:24.470> very airplane to Mars in two words very airplane to Mars in two words very carefully carefully carefully the<00:11:27.290> problem<00:11:27.889> is<00:11:28.129> we<00:11:28.610> don't<00:11:28.759> fly<00:11:29.119> it<00:11:29.179> to<00:11:29.480> Mars the problem is we don't fly it to Mars the problem is we don't fly it to Mars we<00:11:31.249> put<00:11:31.519> it<00:11:31.639> in<00:11:31.759> a<00:11:31.879> spacecraft<00:11:32.179> and<00:11:32.990> we<00:11:33.649> send<00:11:33.980> it we put it in a spacecraft and we send it we put it in a spacecraft and we send it to<00:11:34.160> Mars<00:11:34.490> the<00:11:35.209> problem<00:11:35.779> is<00:11:36.019> the<00:11:36.709> spacecraft to Mars the problem is the spacecraft to Mars the problem is the spacecraft largest<00:11:38.389> diameter<00:11:38.809> is<00:11:39.319> 9<00:11:40.009> feet<00:11:40.660> Ares<00:11:41.660> is<00:11:41.959> 21 largest diameter is 9 feet Ares is 21 largest diameter is 9 feet Ares is 21 feet<00:11:42.949> wings<00:11:43.309> with<00:11:43.999> 21<00:11:44.509> foot<00:11:44.720> wingspan<00:11:45.230> 17<00:11:45.829> feet feet wings with 21 foot wingspan 17 feet feet wings with 21 foot wingspan 17 feet long<00:11:46.100> how<00:11:46.999> do<00:11:47.059> we<00:11:47.240> get<00:11:47.389> it<00:11:47.509> to<00:11:47.540> Mars<00:11:47.869> we<00:11:48.740> fold<00:11:49.129> it long how do we get it to Mars we fold it long how do we get it to Mars we fold it and<00:11:49.699> we<00:11:50.179> transport<00:11:50.559> it<00:11:51.559> in<00:11:51.920> a<00:11:52.100> spacecraft<00:11:52.910> and and we transport it in a spacecraft and and we transport it in a spacecraft and we<00:11:54.230> have<00:11:54.769> it<00:11:54.980> in<00:11:55.069> something<00:11:55.490> called<00:11:55.639> an we have it in something called an we have it in something called an aeroshell<00:11:56.259> this<00:11:57.259> is<00:11:57.499> how<00:11:57.679> we<00:11:57.740> do<00:11:58.100> it<00:11:58.129> and<00:11:58.550> we aeroshell this is how we do it and we aeroshell this is how we do it and we have<00:11:58.999> a<00:11:59.209> little<00:11:59.509> video<00:11:59.779> that<00:12:00.459> subscribes<00:12:01.720> rain have a little video that subscribes rain have a little video that subscribes rain board<00:12:02.990> 5<00:12:03.679> 4<00:12:04.399> 3<00:12:05.269> 2

this<00:12:20.340> is


this<00:12:29.230> is<00:12:29.440> the<00:12:29.529> spacecraft<00:12:30.279> taking<00:12:30.819> nine
this is the spacecraft taking nine this is the spacecraft taking nine months<00:12:31.449> to<00:12:31.600> get<00:12:31.720> to<00:12:31.779> Mars months to get to Mars months to get to Mars it<00:12:33.519> enters<00:12:33.880> the<00:12:34.509> atmosphere<00:12:34.660> of<00:12:35.230> Mars<00:12:35.259> a<00:12:35.920> lot it enters the atmosphere of Mars a lot it enters the atmosphere of Mars a lot of<00:12:36.730> feeding

frictional<00:12:41.740> eating<00:12:42.160> it's<00:12:42.310> the<00:12:42.460> babies
frictional eating it's the babies frictional eating it's the babies applause<00:12:43.450> our<00:12:43.870> parish<00:12:44.529> it<00:12:44.740> opens<00:12:45.100> up<00:12:45.310> to<00:12:45.550> slow applause our parish it opens up to slow applause our parish it opens up to slow it<00:12:46.120> down it down it down the<00:12:47.920> thermal<00:12:48.760> tiles<00:12:49.060> fall<00:12:49.600> off<00:12:49.960> the<00:12:50.200> airplane the thermal tiles fall off the airplane the thermal tiles fall off the airplane is<00:12:50.890> exposed<00:12:51.460> for<00:12:51.730> the<00:12:51.820> atmosphere<00:12:51.970> for<00:12:52.480> the is exposed for the atmosphere for the is exposed for the atmosphere for the first<00:12:52.810> time<00:12:53.140> it<00:12:53.830> unfolds

we<00:13:05.560> believe<00:13:05.950> that<00:13:06.280> in<00:13:06.730> a<00:13:06.850> one-hour<00:13:07.090> flight<00:13:07.500> we
we believe that in a one-hour flight we we believe that in a one-hour flight we can<00:13:08.710> rewrite<00:13:09.160> the<00:13:10.030> textbook<00:13:10.600> on<00:13:10.930> Mars<00:13:11.200> by can rewrite the textbook on Mars by can rewrite the textbook on Mars by making<00:13:12.160> high-resolution<00:13:12.970> measurements<00:13:13.090> of making high-resolution measurements of making high-resolution measurements of the<00:13:13.750> atmosphere<00:13:14.100> looking<00:13:15.100> for<00:13:15.280> guests<00:13:15.610> as<00:13:15.700> a the atmosphere looking for guests as a the atmosphere looking for guests as a biogenic<00:13:16.390> origin<00:13:16.930> looking<00:13:17.620> for<00:13:18.090> gases<00:13:19.090> of biogenic origin looking for gases of biogenic origin looking for gases of volcanic<00:13:19.570> origin<00:13:19.920> studying<00:13:20.920> the<00:13:21.010> surface volcanic origin studying the surface volcanic origin studying the surface studying<00:13:22.360> the<00:13:22.690> magnetism<00:13:23.410> on<00:13:23.860> the<00:13:24.040> surface studying the magnetism on the surface studying the magnetism on the surface which<00:13:24.640> we<00:13:24.790> don't<00:13:25.000> understand<00:13:25.540> as<00:13:26.080> well<00:13:26.380> as which we don't understand as well as which we don't understand as well as about<00:13:26.710> a<00:13:26.770> dozen<00:13:27.190> other<00:13:27.540> areas<00:13:28.620> practice<00:13:29.620> makes about a dozen other areas practice makes about a dozen other areas practice makes perfect<00:13:30.700> how<00:13:31.060> do<00:13:31.120> we<00:13:31.360> know<00:13:31.510> we<00:13:31.660> can<00:13:31.810> do<00:13:31.960> it perfect how do we know we can do it perfect how do we know we can do it because<00:13:32.920> we<00:13:33.580> have<00:13:33.850> tested<00:13:34.810> Ares<00:13:35.410> model because we have tested Ares model because we have tested Ares model several<00:13:36.850> models<00:13:37.240> and<00:13:37.780> a<00:13:37.930> half<00:13:38.140> a<00:13:38.260> dozen<00:13:38.410> wind several models and a half a dozen wind several models and a half a dozen wind tunnels<00:13:39.130> at<00:13:39.280> the<00:13:39.400> NASA<00:13:39.580> Langley<00:13:39.820> Research tunnels at the NASA Langley Research tunnels at the NASA Langley Research Center<00:13:40.810> for<00:13:41.350> eight<00:13:41.500> years<00:13:41.760> under<00:13:42.760> Mars Center for eight years under Mars Center for eight years under Mars conditions<00:13:44.110> and<00:13:44.500> of<00:13:45.430> equal<00:13:45.700> importance<00:13:46.300> is<00:13:46.600> we conditions and of equal importance is we conditions and of equal importance is we test<00:13:47.770> Ares<00:13:48.520> in<00:13:48.790> the<00:13:48.970> Earth's<00:13:49.150> atmosphere<00:13:50.140> at<00:13:50.920> a test Ares in the Earth's atmosphere at a test Ares in the Earth's atmosphere at a hundred<00:13:51.550> thousand<00:13:52.090> feet<00:13:52.330> which<00:13:53.080> is hundred thousand feet which is hundred thousand feet which is comparable<00:13:54.040> to<00:13:54.450> the<00:13:55.450> density<00:13:55.930> and<00:13:56.110> pressure comparable to the density and pressure comparable to the density and pressure of<00:13:56.830> the<00:13:56.890> atmosphere<00:13:57.070> on<00:13:57.790> Mars<00:13:57.970> where<00:13:58.330> we'll of the atmosphere on Mars where we'll of the atmosphere on Mars where we'll fly<00:13:58.810> now<00:13:59.500> a<00:13:59.530> hundred<00:13:59.980> thousand<00:14:00.460> feet<00:14:00.670> if<00:14:00.850> you fly now a hundred thousand feet if you fly now a hundred thousand feet if you fly<00:14:01.300> cross-country<00:14:01.630> to<00:14:02.230> Los<00:14:02.410> Angeles<00:14:02.440> you<00:14:03.070> fly fly cross-country to Los Angeles you fly fly cross-country to Los Angeles you fly 37,000<00:14:04.480> feet<00:14:04.540> we<00:14:05.380> do<00:14:05.650> our<00:14:05.830> tests<00:14:06.250> at<00:14:06.430> a<00:14:06.460> hundred 37,000 feet we do our tests at a hundred 37,000 feet we do our tests at a hundred thousand<00:14:07.330> feet<00:14:07.540> and<00:14:08.080> I<00:14:08.200> want<00:14:08.320> to<00:14:08.470> show<00:14:08.650> you<00:14:08.710> one thousand feet and I want to show you one thousand feet and I want to show you one of<00:14:09.580> our<00:14:09.700> tests<00:14:10.150> this<00:14:10.300> is<00:14:10.360> a<00:14:10.540> half<00:14:10.870> scale<00:14:11.350> model of our tests this is a half scale model of our tests this is a half scale model this<00:14:12.040> is<00:14:12.310> a<00:14:12.340> high-altitude<00:14:13.320> helium<00:14:14.320> balloon this is a high-altitude helium balloon this is a high-altitude helium balloon this<00:14:15.340> is<00:14:15.520> over<00:14:15.820> Tillamook<00:14:16.390> Oregon this is over Tillamook Oregon this is over Tillamook Oregon we<00:14:18.250> put<00:14:18.670> the<00:14:18.850> folded<00:14:19.690> airplane<00:14:20.320> on<00:14:20.680> the we put the folded airplane on the we put the folded airplane on the balloon<00:14:21.220> it<00:14:21.400> took<00:14:21.490> about<00:14:21.610> three<00:14:21.910> hours<00:14:21.940> to<00:14:22.270> to balloon it took about three hours to to balloon it took about three hours to to get<00:14:22.990> up<00:14:23.140> there<00:14:23.440> and<00:14:23.650> then<00:14:24.250> we<00:14:24.430> release<00:14:24.730> it<00:14:24.940> on get up there and then we release it on get up there and then we release it on command<00:14:25.360> at<00:14:25.810> one<00:14:26.170> hundred<00:14:26.230> and<00:14:26.440> three command at one hundred and three command at one hundred and three thousand<00:14:27.220> feet<00:14:27.430> and<00:14:27.670> we<00:14:28.510> deploy<00:14:28.930> the<00:14:29.140> airplane thousand feet and we deploy the airplane thousand feet and we deploy the airplane and<00:14:29.980> everything<00:14:30.790> works<00:14:30.970> perfectly<00:14:31.600> and<00:14:31.990> we've and everything works perfectly and we've and everything works perfectly and we've done<00:14:33.280> high<00:14:33.760> altitude<00:14:34.390> and<00:14:34.570> low<00:14:34.810> altitude done high altitude and low altitude done high altitude and low altitude tests<00:14:35.710> just<00:14:36.400> to<00:14:36.580> perfect<00:14:37.150> this<00:14:37.450> technique tests just to perfect this technique tests just to perfect this technique we're<00:14:40.600> ready<00:14:40.780> to<00:14:41.050> go<00:14:41.230> I<00:14:41.560> have<00:14:42.310> a<00:14:42.640> scale<00:14:43.270> model we're ready to go I have a scale model we're ready to go I have a scale model here<00:14:44.260> but<00:14:44.410> we<00:14:45.100> have<00:14:45.370> a<00:14:45.730> full<00:14:46.240> scale<00:14:46.540> model<00:14:46.600> in here but we have a full scale model in here but we have a full scale model in storage<00:14:47.800> at<00:14:47.920> the<00:14:48.040> NASA<00:14:48.220> Langley<00:14:48.520> Research storage at the NASA Langley Research storage at the NASA Langley Research Center<00:14:49.570> we're<00:14:50.200> ready<00:14:50.410> to<00:14:50.620> go<00:14:50.800> all<00:14:51.280> we<00:14:51.490> need<00:14:51.670> is Center we're ready to go all we need is Center we're ready to go all we need is a<00:14:51.850> check<00:14:52.210> from<00:14:52.420> NASA<00:14:52.690> headquarters a check from NASA headquarters a check from NASA headquarters to to to to<00:14:56.170> cover<00:14:56.410> the<00:14:56.770> costs<00:14:57.430> I<00:14:57.550> am<00:14:57.760> prepared<00:14:58.720> to to cover the costs I am prepared to to cover the costs I am prepared to donate<00:14:59.080> my<00:14:59.470> honorarium<00:15:00.040> for<00:15:00.130> today's<00:15:00.610> talk donate my honorarium for today's talk donate my honorarium for today's talk for<00:15:01.330> this<00:15:01.450> mission for this mission for this mission there's<00:15:03.560> actually<00:15:03.890> no<00:15:04.040> one<00:15:04.220> or<00:15:04.340> Orion<00:15:04.670> for there's actually no one or Orion for there's actually no one or Orion for anyone<00:15:05.240> for<00:15:05.450> this<00:15:05.600> thing<00:15:05.840> this<00:15:06.590> is<00:15:06.650> the<00:15:06.890> Aries anyone for this thing this is the Aries anyone for this thing this is the Aries team<00:15:07.930> we<00:15:08.930> have<00:15:09.140> about<00:15:09.440> 150<00:15:10.450> scientists team we have about 150 scientists team we have about 150 scientists engineers<00:15:11.650> we're<00:15:12.650> working<00:15:13.100> with<00:15:13.340> Jet engineers we're working with Jet engineers we're working with Jet Propulsion<00:15:13.670> Laboratory<00:15:14.330> Goddard<00:15:15.230> Space Propulsion Laboratory Goddard Space Propulsion Laboratory Goddard Space Flight<00:15:15.500> Center<00:15:15.800> Ames<00:15:16.430> Research<00:15:16.940> Center<00:15:17.360> and Flight Center Ames Research Center and Flight Center Ames Research Center and half<00:15:17.660> a<00:15:17.810> dozen<00:15:17.990> major<00:15:18.640> universities<00:15:19.640> and half a dozen major universities and half a dozen major universities and corporations<00:15:20.360> and<00:15:20.930> developing<00:15:21.440> this<00:15:21.590> it's<00:15:22.070> a corporations and developing this it's a corporations and developing this it's a large<00:15:22.490> effort<00:15:22.760> it's<00:15:23.240> all<00:15:23.450> all<00:15:24.100> Duvall<00:15:25.100> a<00:15:25.430> lead large effort it's all all Duvall a lead large effort it's all all Duvall a lead at<00:15:26.300> NASA<00:15:26.810> Langley<00:15:27.020> Research<00:15:27.350> Center<00:15:28.160> and<00:15:28.870> let at NASA Langley Research Center and let at NASA Langley Research Center and let me<00:15:29.990> conclude<00:15:30.230> by<00:15:30.530> saying<00:15:31.180> not<00:15:32.180> too<00:15:32.420> far<00:15:32.720> from me conclude by saying not too far from me conclude by saying not too far from here<00:15:33.470> right<00:15:33.860> down<00:15:34.130> the<00:15:34.370> road<00:15:34.550> in<00:15:34.580> Kitty<00:15:35.000> Hawk here right down the road in Kitty Hawk here right down the road in Kitty Hawk North<00:15:35.330> Carolina<00:15:35.600> a<00:15:36.440> little<00:15:37.010> more<00:15:37.160> than<00:15:37.370> a North Carolina a little more than a North Carolina a little more than a hundred<00:15:37.610> years<00:15:37.970> ago<00:15:38.290> history<00:15:39.290> was<00:15:39.560> made<00:15:39.830> when hundred years ago history was made when hundred years ago history was made when we<00:15:40.490> had<00:15:40.670> the<00:15:40.790> first<00:15:41.060> powered<00:15:41.510> flight<00:15:41.540> of<00:15:41.990> an we had the first powered flight of an we had the first powered flight of an airplane<00:15:42.200> on<00:15:42.680> earth<00:15:42.890> we<00:15:43.670> are<00:15:43.700> on<00:15:43.940> the<00:15:44.060> verge airplane on earth we are on the verge airplane on earth we are on the verge right<00:15:44.720> now<00:15:45.320> to<00:15:45.860> make<00:15:46.220> the<00:15:46.400> first<00:15:46.580> flight<00:15:46.850> of<00:15:47.090> an right now to make the first flight of an right now to make the first flight of an airplane<00:15:47.590> outside<00:15:48.590> the<00:15:49.070> Earth's<00:15:49.250> atmosphere airplane outside the Earth's atmosphere airplane outside the Earth's atmosphere we<00:15:50.660> are<00:15:50.720> prepared<00:15:51.410> to<00:15:51.590> fly<00:15:51.740> the<00:15:51.890> Sun<00:15:52.280> Mars we are prepared to fly the Sun Mars we are prepared to fly the Sun Mars rewrite<00:15:53.540> the<00:15:53.780> textbook<00:15:54.200> about<00:15:54.470> Mars<00:15:54.980> if rewrite the textbook about Mars if rewrite the textbook about Mars if you're<00:15:56.150> interested<00:15:56.750> in<00:15:57.110> more<00:15:57.380> information<00:15:58.010> we you're interested in more information we you're interested in more information we have<00:15:58.400> a<00:15:58.430> website<00:15:58.790> that<00:15:59.750> describes<00:16:00.290> this have a website that describes this have a website that describes this exciting<00:16:01.520> and<00:16:01.700> intriguing<00:16:02.000> mission<00:16:02.660> and<00:16:02.840> why exciting and intriguing mission and why exciting and intriguing mission and why we<00:16:03.560> want<00:16:03.770> to<00:16:03.830> do<00:16:03.980> it<00:16:04.160> thank<00:16:04.760> you<00:16:04.820> very<00:16:04.940> much we want to do it thank you very much we want to do it thank you very much [Applause]

Mars NASA Joel Levine, science, space, TED, TEDx, TEDxNASA, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEduccation

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