Tại sao cuộc cách mạng Của Libya không hiệu quả và những gì có thể-Zahra ‘ Langhi

Why Libya's revolution didn't work -- and what might - Zahra' Langhi

Why Libya's revolution didn't work -- and what might - Zahra' Langhi


I<00:00:16.760> have<00:00:17.760> never<00:00:18.029> ever<00:00:18.449> forgotten<00:00:19.439> the<00:00:20.010> words<00:00:20.250> of
I have never ever forgotten the words of I have never ever forgotten the words of my<00:00:21.449> grandmother<00:00:22.020> who<00:00:22.740> died<00:00:22.980> and<00:00:23.250> her<00:00:23.430> exile my grandmother who died and her exile my grandmother who died and her exile son<00:00:26.119> resists<00:00:27.119> Gaddafi<00:00:28.099> fight<00:00:29.099> him<00:00:29.400> but<00:00:30.300> don't son resists Gaddafi fight him but don't son resists Gaddafi fight him but don't you<00:00:30.720> ever<00:00:30.980> turn<00:00:32.090> into<00:00:33.090> I<00:00:33.300> get<00:00:33.719> there<00:00:33.989> feel<00:00:34.260> like you ever turn into I get there feel like you ever turn into I get there feel like revolutionary<00:00:38.540> almost<00:00:39.540> two<00:00:39.690> years<00:00:39.989> have revolutionary almost two years have revolutionary almost two years have passed<00:00:40.610> since<00:00:41.610> the<00:00:41.820> Libyan<00:00:42.180> Revolution<00:00:42.870> broke passed since the Libyan Revolution broke passed since the Libyan Revolution broke out out out inspired<00:00:45.030> by<00:00:45.829> the<00:00:46.829> waves<00:00:47.070> of<00:00:47.489> mass inspired by the waves of mass inspired by the waves of mass mobilization<00:00:48.870> in<00:00:49.050> both<00:00:49.559> the<00:00:50.250> Tunisian<00:00:50.910> and mobilization in both the Tunisian and mobilization in both the Tunisian and the<00:00:51.719> Egyptian<00:00:52.170> revolution<00:00:52.320> I<00:00:53.329> joined<00:00:54.329> forces the Egyptian revolution I joined forces the Egyptian revolution I joined forces with<00:00:55.110> many<00:00:55.350> other<00:00:55.590> Libyans<00:00:56.100> inside<00:00:56.820> and with many other Libyans inside and with many other Libyans inside and outside<00:00:57.300> Libya<00:00:57.960> to<00:00:58.829> call<00:00:59.070> for<00:00:59.430> a<00:00:59.460> Day<00:00:59.670> of<00:00:59.699> Rage outside Libya to call for a Day of Rage outside Libya to call for a Day of Rage and<00:01:00.890> to<00:01:01.890> initiate<00:01:02.430> a<00:01:02.609> revolution<00:01:03.420> against<00:01:04.019> the and to initiate a revolution against the and to initiate a revolution against the tyrannical<00:01:04.920> regime<00:01:05.430> of<00:01:05.670> Gaddafi<00:01:05.729> and<00:01:07.010> there tyrannical regime of Gaddafi and there tyrannical regime of Gaddafi and there it<00:01:08.220> was<00:01:08.460> a<00:01:08.820> great<00:01:09.659> revolution<00:01:10.909> young<00:01:11.909> Libyan it was a great revolution young Libyan it was a great revolution young Libyan women<00:01:12.659> and<00:01:13.080> men<00:01:13.380> were<00:01:13.890> at<00:01:14.040> the<00:01:14.250> forefront women and men were at the forefront women and men were at the forefront calling<00:01:16.049> for<00:01:16.290> the<00:01:16.439> fall<00:01:16.710> of<00:01:16.740> the<00:01:17.159> regime calling for the fall of the regime calling for the fall of the regime raising<00:01:18.689> slogans<00:01:18.840> of<00:01:19.580> freedom<00:01:20.580> dignity raising slogans of freedom dignity raising slogans of freedom dignity social<00:01:22.259> justice<00:01:22.830> they<00:01:23.670> have<00:01:23.880> shown<00:01:24.210> an social justice they have shown an social justice they have shown an exemplary<00:01:25.560> bravery<00:01:26.280> in<00:01:26.659> confronting<00:01:27.659> the exemplary bravery in confronting the exemplary bravery in confronting the brutal<00:01:28.710> dictatorship<00:01:29.460> of<00:01:29.610> Gaddafi<00:01:30.150> they<00:01:30.750> have brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi they have brutal dictatorship of Gaddafi they have shown<00:01:31.320> a<00:01:31.619> great<00:01:32.280> sense<00:01:32.640> of<00:01:32.880> solidarity<00:01:33.350> from shown a great sense of solidarity from shown a great sense of solidarity from the<00:01:34.530> Far<00:01:34.770> East<00:01:35.100> to<00:01:35.310> the<00:01:35.340> Far<00:01:35.460> West<00:01:35.939> to<00:01:36.329> the the Far East to the Far West to the the Far East to the Far West to the South<00:01:37.430> eventually<00:01:38.430> after<00:01:38.670> a<00:01:39.299> period<00:01:39.930> of<00:01:40.020> six South eventually after a period of six South eventually after a period of six months<00:01:40.500> of<00:01:41.220> brutal<00:01:42.000> war<00:01:42.930> and<00:01:43.409> a<00:01:44.189> toll<00:01:44.490> rate<00:01:44.850> of months of brutal war and a toll rate of months of brutal war and a toll rate of almost<00:01:46.790> 50,000<00:01:47.790> dead<00:01:48.180> we<00:01:49.079> managed<00:01:49.530> to almost 50,000 dead we managed to almost 50,000 dead we managed to liberate<00:01:50.130> our<00:01:50.670> country<00:01:51.509> and<00:01:51.689> to<00:01:51.720> the<00:01:52.320> topple liberate our country and to the topple liberate our country and to the topple the<00:01:53.280> tyrant

however<00:02:01.340> Gaddafi<00:02:02.340> left<00:02:02.790> behind<00:02:03.299> a<00:02:03.659> heavy
however Gaddafi left behind a heavy however Gaddafi left behind a heavy burden<00:02:04.380> a<00:02:05.119> legacy<00:02:06.119> of<00:02:06.409> tyranny<00:02:07.520> corruption burden a legacy of tyranny corruption burden a legacy of tyranny corruption and<00:02:08.789> feeds<00:02:09.660> of<00:02:10.110> diversions<00:02:11.540> for<00:02:12.540> four<00:02:12.840> decades and feeds of diversions for four decades and feeds of diversions for four decades Gaddafi's<00:02:15.090> tyrannical<00:02:15.660> regime<00:02:16.700> destroyed Gaddafi's tyrannical regime destroyed Gaddafi's tyrannical regime destroyed the<00:02:19.440> infrastructure<00:02:20.130> as<00:02:20.459> well<00:02:21.150> as<00:02:21.300> the the infrastructure as well as the the infrastructure as well as the culture<00:02:22.020> and<00:02:22.200> the<00:02:22.470> more<00:02:22.680> of<00:02:22.800> fabric<00:02:23.340> of<00:02:23.489> Libyan culture and the more of fabric of Libyan culture and the more of fabric of Libyan society<00:02:24.770> aware<00:02:25.770> of<00:02:26.040> the<00:02:26.459> devastation<00:02:27.330> and<00:02:27.510> the society aware of the devastation and the society aware of the devastation and the challenges<00:02:28.350> I<00:02:28.590> was<00:02:29.400> keen<00:02:29.760> among<00:02:30.450> many<00:02:31.230> other challenges I was keen among many other challenges I was keen among many other woman<00:02:31.890> to<00:02:32.430> rebuild<00:02:32.880> the<00:02:33.510> Libyan<00:02:33.959> civil woman to rebuild the Libyan civil woman to rebuild the Libyan civil society<00:02:35.269> calling<00:02:36.269> for<00:02:36.480> an<00:02:36.570> inclusive<00:02:36.930> and society calling for an inclusive and society calling for an inclusive and just<00:02:38.070> transition<00:02:39.060> to<00:02:39.360> democracy<00:02:39.510> and just transition to democracy and just transition to democracy and national<00:02:40.709> reconciliation<00:02:41.750> almost<00:02:42.750> two national reconciliation almost two national reconciliation almost two hundred<00:02:43.080> organizations<00:02:43.560> were<00:02:44.370> established hundred organizations were established hundred organizations were established in<00:02:45.150> Benghazi<00:02:45.720> during<00:02:46.590> and<00:02:46.860> immediately<00:02:46.950> after in Benghazi during and immediately after in Benghazi during and immediately after the<00:02:47.790> fall<00:02:47.940> of<00:02:48.000> Gaddafi<00:02:48.200> almost<00:02:49.200> 300<00:02:49.709> in the fall of Gaddafi almost 300 in the fall of Gaddafi almost 300 in Tripoli<00:02:51.500> after<00:02:52.500> a<00:02:52.530> period<00:02:52.890> of<00:02:53.130> 33<00:02:54.060> years<00:02:54.090> in Tripoli after a period of 33 years in Tripoli after a period of 33 years in exile<00:02:55.050> I<00:02:55.650> went<00:02:56.010> back<00:02:56.280> to<00:02:56.910> Libya<00:02:57.120> and<00:02:57.450> with exile I went back to Libya and with exile I went back to Libya and with unique<00:02:58.760> enthusiasm<00:02:59.760> I<00:02:59.880> started<00:03:00.569> organizing unique enthusiasm I started organizing unique enthusiasm I started organizing workshops<00:03:01.860> on<00:03:02.400> capacity<00:03:03.269> building<00:03:03.660> on<00:03:03.870> human workshops on capacity building on human workshops on capacity building on human development<00:03:04.739> of<00:03:05.340> leadership<00:03:05.640> skills<00:03:06.630> with development of leadership skills with development of leadership skills with amazing<00:03:08.010> group<00:03:08.730> of<00:03:08.940> women<00:03:09.000> I<00:03:09.570> co-founded<00:03:10.290> the amazing group of women I co-founded the amazing group of women I co-founded the Libyan<00:03:11.610> women's<00:03:11.940> platform<00:03:12.450> for<00:03:12.690> peace<00:03:12.900> a Libyan women's platform for peace a Libyan women's platform for peace a movement<00:03:14.489> of<00:03:14.760> women<00:03:15.480> leaders<00:03:16.470> from<00:03:16.739> different movement of women leaders from different movement of women leaders from different walks<00:03:17.340> of<00:03:17.579> life<00:03:17.790> to<00:03:18.690> lobby<00:03:18.930> for<00:03:19.049> the walks of life to lobby for the walks of life to lobby for the socio-political<00:03:21.110> empowerment<00:03:22.110> of<00:03:22.230> women<00:03:22.320> and socio-political empowerment of women and socio-political empowerment of women and to<00:03:23.549> lobby<00:03:23.760> for<00:03:24.090> our<00:03:24.209> right<00:03:24.600> for<00:03:25.200> equal to lobby for our right for equal to lobby for our right for equal participation<00:03:26.459> in<00:03:26.850> building<00:03:27.600> democracy<00:03:28.140> and participation in building democracy and participation in building democracy and peace<00:03:29.010> I<00:03:30.019> made<00:03:31.019> a<00:03:31.049> very<00:03:31.470> difficult peace I made a very difficult peace I made a very difficult environment<00:03:33.320> in<00:03:34.320> the<00:03:34.530> pre<00:03:34.769> elections<00:03:35.340> an environment in the pre elections an environment in the pre elections an environment<00:03:36.930> which<00:03:37.140> was<00:03:37.489> increasingly environment which was increasingly environment which was increasingly polarized<00:03:39.329> an<00:03:40.640> environment<00:03:41.640> which<00:03:42.000> was polarized an environment which was polarized an environment which was shaped<00:03:43.290> by<00:03:43.769> the<00:03:44.430> selfish<00:03:45.120> politics<00:03:45.690> of shaped by the selfish politics of shaped by the selfish politics of dominance<00:03:46.590> and<00:03:47.209> exclusion<00:03:48.209> I<00:03:49.100> led<00:03:50.100> an dominance and exclusion I led an dominance and exclusion I led an initiative<00:03:50.519> by<00:03:51.120> the<00:03:51.180> Libyan<00:03:51.480> women's initiative by the Libyan women's initiative by the Libyan women's platform<00:03:52.350> for<00:03:52.560> peace<00:03:52.769> to<00:03:53.670> lobby<00:03:53.940> for<00:03:54.239> a<00:03:54.299> more platform for peace to lobby for a more platform for peace to lobby for a more inclusive<00:03:55.820> electoral<00:03:56.820> law<00:03:57.000> a<00:03:57.359> law<00:03:58.019> that<00:03:58.079> would inclusive electoral law a law that would inclusive electoral law a law that would give<00:03:59.190> every<00:03:59.670> citizen<00:03:59.910> no<00:04:00.329> matter<00:04:00.540> what<00:04:00.840> your give every citizen no matter what your give every citizen no matter what your background<00:04:01.680> the<00:04:02.549> right<00:04:02.790> to<00:04:03.630> vote<00:04:03.870> and<00:04:04.170> run<00:04:04.230> and background the right to vote and run and background the right to vote and run and most<00:04:05.400> importantly<00:04:06.090> to<00:04:06.720> stipulate<00:04:07.230> on most importantly to stipulate on most importantly to stipulate on political<00:04:08.430> parties<00:04:09.049> the<00:04:10.049> alternation<00:04:10.739> of political parties the alternation of political parties the alternation of male<00:04:11.970> and<00:04:12.330> female<00:04:12.830> candidates<00:04:13.830> vertically male and female candidates vertically male and female candidates vertically and<00:04:14.850> horizontally<00:04:15.060> in<00:04:15.900> their<00:04:16.410> lists<00:04:17.060> creating and horizontally in their lists creating and horizontally in their lists creating the<00:04:18.450> zipper<00:04:18.900> list<00:04:20.630> eventually<00:04:21.630> our the zipper list eventually our the zipper list eventually our initiative<00:04:23.850> was<00:04:24.420> adopted<00:04:24.990> and<00:04:25.430> successful initiative was adopted and successful initiative was adopted and successful woman<00:04:27.600> one<00:04:28.910> 17.5%<00:04:29.910> of<00:04:30.720> the<00:04:31.170> national<00:04:31.710> congress woman one 17.5% of the national congress woman one 17.5% of the national congress in<00:04:32.460> the<00:04:32.850> first<00:04:33.180> elections<00:04:33.960> ever<00:04:34.230> in<00:04:34.560> 52<00:04:35.250> years

however<00:04:45.039> bit<00:04:46.039> by<00:04:46.430> bit<00:04:46.509> the<00:04:47.509> euphoria<00:04:48.110> of<00:04:48.289> the
however bit by bit the euphoria of the however bit by bit the euphoria of the elections<00:04:49.460> and<00:04:50.199> of<00:04:51.199> the<00:04:51.889> revolution<00:04:52.610> as<00:04:52.729> a elections and of the revolution as a elections and of the revolution as a whole<00:04:53.029> was<00:04:53.779> fading<00:04:54.139> out<00:04:54.550> for<00:04:55.550> every<00:04:55.999> day<00:04:56.210> we whole was fading out for every day we whole was fading out for every day we were<00:04:56.749> waking<00:04:57.199> up<00:04:57.379> on<00:04:57.559> the<00:04:57.589> news<00:04:57.889> of<00:04:58.129> violence were waking up on the news of violence were waking up on the news of violence one<00:04:59.869> day<00:05:00.050> we<00:05:00.229> wake<00:05:00.409> up<00:05:00.439> on<00:05:00.800> the<00:05:00.919> news<00:05:01.159> of<00:05:01.430> the one day we wake up on the news of the one day we wake up on the news of the desecration<00:05:03.110> of<00:05:03.319> ancient<00:05:03.889> mosques<00:05:04.339> and<00:05:04.460> Sufi desecration of ancient mosques and Sufi desecration of ancient mosques and Sufi tombs<00:05:04.969> on<00:05:05.479> another<00:05:05.869> day<00:05:06.139> we<00:05:06.289> wake<00:05:06.499> up<00:05:06.529> on<00:05:06.830> the tombs on another day we wake up on the tombs on another day we wake up on the news<00:05:07.159> of<00:05:07.369> the<00:05:07.699> murder<00:05:07.729> of<00:05:08.300> the<00:05:08.719> American news of the murder of the American news of the murder of the American ambassador<00:05:09.860> and<00:05:10.069> the<00:05:10.219> attack<00:05:10.490> on<00:05:10.699> the ambassador and the attack on the ambassador and the attack on the consulate<00:05:11.029> on<00:05:11.389> another<00:05:12.199> day<00:05:12.469> we<00:05:12.649> wake<00:05:12.860> up<00:05:12.889> on consulate on another day we wake up on consulate on another day we wake up on the<00:05:13.369> news<00:05:13.639> of<00:05:13.909> the<00:05:14.839> assassination<00:05:15.469> of<00:05:15.800> army the news of the assassination of army the news of the assassination of army officers<00:05:16.849> and<00:05:17.229> every<00:05:18.229> day<00:05:18.529> every<00:05:19.370> day<00:05:19.399> we<00:05:20.059> wake officers and every day every day we wake officers and every day every day we wake up<00:05:20.539> with<00:05:20.749> the<00:05:20.899> rule<00:05:21.139> of<00:05:21.469> the<00:05:22.039> militias<00:05:22.550> and up with the rule of the militias and up with the rule of the militias and their<00:05:23.330> continuous<00:05:24.110> violations<00:05:24.680> of<00:05:25.430> human their continuous violations of human their continuous violations of human rights<00:05:25.909> of<00:05:26.389> prisoners<00:05:27.050> and<00:05:27.589> their<00:05:28.159> disrespect rights of prisoners and their disrespect rights of prisoners and their disrespect of<00:05:29.270> the<00:05:29.719> rule<00:05:29.930> of<00:05:30.139> law<00:05:30.729> our<00:05:31.729> society<00:05:32.599> shaped<00:05:33.110> by of the rule of law our society shaped by of the rule of law our society shaped by a<00:05:33.319> revolutionary<00:05:34.219> mindset<00:05:34.849> became<00:05:35.749> more a revolutionary mindset became more a revolutionary mindset became more polarized<00:05:36.770> and<00:05:37.099> has<00:05:37.550> driven<00:05:37.849> away<00:05:38.089> from<00:05:38.569> the polarized and has driven away from the polarized and has driven away from the ideals<00:05:39.800> and<00:05:40.039> the<00:05:40.129> principles<00:05:40.839> freedom ideals and the principles freedom ideals and the principles freedom dignity<00:05:42.469> social<00:05:43.309> justice<00:05:43.759> that<00:05:44.089> we<00:05:44.240> first dignity social justice that we first dignity social justice that we first held<00:05:44.809> in<00:05:45.550> Tolerance<00:05:46.839> exclusion<00:05:47.839> and<00:05:48.069> revenge held in Tolerance exclusion and revenge held in Tolerance exclusion and revenge became<00:05:50.149> the<00:05:50.659> icons<00:05:51.229> of<00:05:51.469> the<00:05:51.889> post<00:05:52.129> mass<00:05:52.459> of<00:05:52.759> the became the icons of the post mass of the became the icons of the post mass of the revolution<00:05:53.809> I<00:05:54.339> am<00:05:55.339> here<00:05:55.610> today<00:05:56.080> not<00:05:57.080> at<00:05:57.620> all<00:05:57.889> to revolution I am here today not at all to revolution I am here today not at all to inspire<00:05:59.059> you<00:05:59.269> with<00:05:59.509> our<00:05:59.659> success<00:06:00.439> story<00:06:00.949> of inspire you with our success story of inspire you with our success story of the<00:06:01.279> zipper<00:06:02.120> list<00:06:02.330> in<00:06:02.509> the<00:06:02.599> elections<00:06:03.080> I'm the zipper list in the elections I'm the zipper list in the elections I'm rather<00:06:04.039> here<00:06:04.370> today<00:06:04.669> to<00:06:04.729> confess<00:06:05.360> that<00:06:06.050> we<00:06:06.319> as rather here today to confess that we as rather here today to confess that we as a<00:06:07.039> nation<00:06:07.569> took<00:06:08.569> the<00:06:08.809> wrong<00:06:09.050> choice<00:06:09.499> made<00:06:10.399> the a nation took the wrong choice made the a nation took the wrong choice made the wrong<00:06:10.909> decision<00:06:12.219> we<00:06:13.219> did<00:06:13.430> not<00:06:13.659> prioritize wrong decision we did not prioritize wrong decision we did not prioritize right<00:06:14.990> for<00:06:15.860> elections<00:06:16.569> did<00:06:17.569> not<00:06:17.839> bring<00:06:18.169> peace right for elections did not bring peace right for elections did not bring peace and<00:06:19.430> stability<00:06:20.180> and<00:06:20.839> security<00:06:21.409> in<00:06:21.769> Libya<00:06:22.509> did and stability and security in Libya did and stability and security in Libya did the<00:06:24.199> zipper<00:06:24.559> list<00:06:24.769> and<00:06:25.009> the<00:06:25.339> alternation the zipper list and the alternation the zipper list and the alternation between<00:06:26.059> female<00:06:26.959> and<00:06:26.990> male<00:06:27.349> candidates<00:06:28.039> bring between female and male candidates bring between female and male candidates bring peace<00:06:29.389> and<00:06:29.659> national<00:06:29.779> reconciliation<00:06:30.490> no<00:06:31.490> it peace and national reconciliation no it peace and national reconciliation no it didn't didn't didn't what<00:06:34.639> is<00:06:34.759> it<00:06:34.939> then<00:06:35.120> why<00:06:35.899> does<00:06:36.229> our<00:06:36.349> society what is it then why does our society what is it then why does our society continue<00:06:38.330> to<00:06:38.539> be<00:06:38.689> polarized<00:06:39.439> and<00:06:40.539> dominated continue to be polarized and dominated continue to be polarized and dominated with<00:06:41.689> selfish<00:06:42.229> politics<00:06:42.860> of<00:06:43.120> dominance<00:06:44.120> and with selfish politics of dominance and with selfish politics of dominance and exclusion<00:06:45.830> by<00:06:46.189> both<00:06:46.519> men<00:06:47.300> and<00:06:47.449> women<00:06:48.819> maybe exclusion by both men and women maybe exclusion by both men and women maybe what's<00:06:50.120> missing<00:06:50.629> were<00:06:51.139> not<00:06:51.379> the<00:06:51.589> woman<00:06:51.999> only what's missing were not the woman only what's missing were not the woman only but<00:06:53.870> this but this but this feminine<00:06:55.169> values<00:06:55.499> of<00:06:56.069> compassion<00:06:56.929> mercy<00:06:57.929> and feminine values of compassion mercy and feminine values of compassion mercy and inclusion<00:06:59.809> our<00:07:00.809> society<00:07:01.649> needs<00:07:01.969> national inclusion our society needs national inclusion our society needs national dialogue<00:07:03.629> a<00:07:03.779> consensus<00:07:04.469> building<00:07:04.979> more<00:07:05.459> than dialogue a consensus building more than dialogue a consensus building more than it<00:07:05.789> needed<00:07:06.119> the<00:07:06.389> elections<00:07:06.959> which<00:07:07.199> only it needed the elections which only it needed the elections which only reinforce<00:07:08.569> polarization<00:07:09.569> and<00:07:09.719> divided<00:07:10.229> nough reinforce polarization and divided nough reinforce polarization and divided nough society<00:07:11.729> needs<00:07:12.029> the<00:07:12.360> qualitative society needs the qualitative society needs the qualitative representation<00:07:14.909> of<00:07:15.149> the<00:07:15.779> feminine<00:07:16.529> more<00:07:17.309> than representation of the feminine more than representation of the feminine more than it<00:07:17.639> needs<00:07:17.789> the<00:07:18.389> numerical<00:07:19.939> quantitative it needs the numerical quantitative it needs the numerical quantitative representation<00:07:21.509> of<00:07:22.110> the<00:07:22.259> feminine<00:07:22.769> we<00:07:23.309> need representation of the feminine we need representation of the feminine we need to<00:07:23.729> stop<00:07:24.089> acting<00:07:24.899> as<00:07:25.669> agents<00:07:26.669> of<00:07:26.879> rage<00:07:27.719> and to stop acting as agents of rage and to stop acting as agents of rage and calling<00:07:28.709> for<00:07:28.739> days<00:07:29.099> of<00:07:29.339> Rage<00:07:29.610> we<00:07:30.269> need<00:07:30.509> to calling for days of Rage we need to calling for days of Rage we need to start<00:07:31.019> acting<00:07:31.769> as<00:07:32.629> agents<00:07:33.629> of<00:07:33.749> compassion<00:07:34.529> and start acting as agents of compassion and start acting as agents of compassion and mercy<00:07:34.919> we<00:07:35.699> need<00:07:35.849> to<00:07:35.939> develop<00:07:36.300> a<00:07:36.779> disc mercy we need to develop a disc mercy we need to develop a disc effeminate<00:07:38.219> discourse<00:07:38.699> that<00:07:39.509> not<00:07:40.259> only effeminate discourse that not only effeminate discourse that not only honors<00:07:41.159> but<00:07:41.459> also<00:07:41.899> implements<00:07:43.909> mercy<00:07:44.909> instead honors but also implements mercy instead honors but also implements mercy instead of<00:07:45.989> revenge<00:07:47.569> collaboration<00:07:48.569> instead<00:07:49.110> of of revenge collaboration instead of of revenge collaboration instead of competition<00:07:51.319> inclusion<00:07:52.319> instead<00:07:52.679> of competition inclusion instead of competition inclusion instead of exclusion<00:07:54.299> these<00:07:55.019> are<00:07:55.259> the<00:07:55.409> ideals<00:07:55.860> that<00:07:56.039> a exclusion these are the ideals that a exclusion these are the ideals that a war-torn<00:07:56.539> Libya<00:07:57.539> needs<00:07:58.079> desperately<00:07:58.469> in war-torn Libya needs desperately in war-torn Libya needs desperately in order<00:08:00.179> to<00:08:00.329> achieve<00:08:00.449> peace<00:08:00.719> for<00:08:01.409> peace<00:08:01.519> has<00:08:02.519> an order to achieve peace for peace has an order to achieve peace for peace has an alchemy<00:08:03.269> and<00:08:03.449> this<00:08:03.839> alchemy<00:08:04.409> is<00:08:04.679> about<00:08:05.479> the alchemy and this alchemy is about the alchemy and this alchemy is about the intertwining<00:08:07.139> the<00:08:09.289> alternation<00:08:10.289> between<00:08:10.529> the intertwining the alternation between the intertwining the alternation between the feminine<00:08:11.550> and<00:08:12.079> masculine<00:08:13.079> perspective feminine and masculine perspective feminine and masculine perspective that's<00:08:14.219> the<00:08:14.550> real<00:08:14.819> zipper<00:08:15.599> and<00:08:15.809> we<00:08:16.469> need<00:08:16.649> to that's the real zipper and we need to that's the real zipper and we need to establish<00:08:17.039> that<00:08:17.579> existential<00:08:18.360> II<00:08:18.989> before<00:08:19.679> we establish that existential II before we establish that existential II before we do<00:08:20.009> so<00:08:20.279> socio-politically<00:08:21.499> according<00:08:22.499> to<00:08:23.129> a do so socio-politically according to a do so socio-politically according to a Quranic<00:08:23.849> verse<00:08:24.319> Salam<00:08:25.319> peace<00:08:25.649> is<00:08:26.579> the<00:08:27.179> word<00:08:27.449> of Quranic verse Salam peace is the word of Quranic verse Salam peace is the word of the<00:08:28.379> old<00:08:28.559> merciful<00:08:29.249> God<00:08:29.509> Rahim<00:08:30.509> in<00:08:31.499> turn<00:08:31.889> the the old merciful God Rahim in turn the the old merciful God Rahim in turn the word<00:08:33.059> Rahim<00:08:33.599> which<00:08:34.469> is<00:08:34.649> known<00:08:34.919> in<00:08:35.279> all<00:08:35.459> the word Rahim which is known in all the word Rahim which is known in all the brahmic<00:08:36.120> traditions<00:08:36.719> has<00:08:37.439> the<00:08:37.709> same<00:08:37.979> root<00:08:38.309> in brahmic traditions has the same root in brahmic traditions has the same root in Arabic<00:08:39.059> as<00:08:39.180> the<00:08:39.479> word<00:08:39.659> rahem<00:08:40.259> group Arabic as the word rahem group Arabic as the word rahem group symbolizing<00:08:42.949> the<00:08:43.949> maternal<00:08:44.490> feminine symbolizing the maternal feminine symbolizing the maternal feminine encompassing<00:08:46.170> all<00:08:46.350> humanity<00:08:47.220> from<00:08:47.430> which<00:08:47.639> the encompassing all humanity from which the encompassing all humanity from which the male<00:08:48.149> and<00:08:48.449> the<00:08:48.839> female<00:08:48.870> from<00:08:49.740> which<00:08:49.949> all male and the female from which all male and the female from which all tribes<00:08:50.639> all<00:08:51.050> peoples<00:08:52.050> have<00:08:52.589> emanated<00:08:53.069> from tribes all peoples have emanated from tribes all peoples have emanated from and<00:08:54.559> so<00:08:55.559> just<00:08:56.040> as<00:08:56.279> the<00:08:57.149> womb<00:08:57.360> entirely and so just as the womb entirely and so just as the womb entirely envelopes<00:08:59.550> the<00:08:59.970> Ambria<00:09:00.829> which<00:09:01.829> grows<00:09:02.309> within envelopes the Ambria which grows within envelopes the Ambria which grows within it<00:09:03.500> the<00:09:04.500> divine<00:09:05.089> matrix<00:09:06.089> of it the divine matrix of it the divine matrix of compassion<00:09:08.220> nourishes<00:09:09.220> the<00:09:09.820> entire compassion nourishes the entire compassion nourishes the entire existence<00:09:10.920> thus<00:09:11.920> we<00:09:12.640> are<00:09:12.670> told<00:09:13.150> that<00:09:13.510> my<00:09:14.170> mercy existence thus we are told that my mercy existence thus we are told that my mercy encompasses<00:09:15.490> all<00:09:16.120> things<00:09:16.390> thus<00:09:17.350> we<00:09:17.680> are<00:09:17.800> told encompasses all things thus we are told encompasses all things thus we are told that<00:09:18.520> my<00:09:19.090> mercy<00:09:19.420> takes<00:09:20.230> precedence<00:09:20.890> over<00:09:21.180> my that my mercy takes precedence over my that my mercy takes precedence over my anger<00:09:22.690> may<00:09:23.440> we<00:09:23.650> all<00:09:23.920> be<00:09:24.310> granted<00:09:25.180> a<00:09:25.360> grace<00:09:25.810> of anger may we all be granted a grace of anger may we all be granted a grace of mercy

thank<00:09:38.899> you

Zahra’ Langhi, TED, TEDx, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Libya, Gaddafi, days, of, rage, Libya, government

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