Tại sao thánh chiến toàn cầu đang thua-Bobby Ghosh

Why global jihad is losing - Bobby Ghosh

Why global jihad is losing - Bobby Ghosh



I'm<00:00:16.400> going<00:00:16.520> to<00:00:16.720> talk<00:00:16.960> about<00:00:17.199> the<00:00:17.439> power<00:00:17.720> of<00:00:17.840> a
I'm going to talk about the power of a I'm going to talk about the power of a word

Jihad<00:00:23.039> to<00:00:23.680> the<00:00:23.880> vast<00:00:24.240> majority<00:00:24.720> of<00:00:24.960> practicing
Jihad to the vast majority of practicing Jihad to the vast majority of practicing Muslims<00:00:27.160> Jihad<00:00:27.960> is<00:00:28.080> an<00:00:28.320> internal<00:00:28.760> struggle Muslims Jihad is an internal struggle Muslims Jihad is an internal struggle for<00:00:29.599> the<00:00:29.720> faith for the faith for the faith it<00:00:30.759> is<00:00:30.880> a<00:00:31.039> struggle<00:00:31.519> within<00:00:32.040> a<00:00:32.200> struggle it is a struggle within a struggle it is a struggle within a struggle against<00:00:33.680> Vice<00:00:34.760> sin<00:00:35.760> Temptation<00:00:36.320> lust<00:00:37.000> greed against Vice sin Temptation lust greed against Vice sin Temptation lust greed it<00:00:38.120> is<00:00:38.200> a<00:00:38.480> struggle<00:00:38.960> to<00:00:39.200> try<00:00:39.719> and<00:00:39.960> live<00:00:40.120> a<00:00:40.440> life it is a struggle to try and live a life it is a struggle to try and live a life that<00:00:41.760> is<00:00:43.000> set<00:00:44.000> by<00:00:44.120> the<00:00:44.239> moral<00:00:44.640> Cordes<00:00:45.280> written that is set by the moral Cordes written that is set by the moral Cordes written in<00:00:45.680> the in the in the Quran<00:00:48.800> in<00:00:48.960> that<00:00:49.160> original<00:00:49.719> idea<00:00:50.239> the<00:00:50.559> the<00:00:50.800> the Quran in that original idea the the the Quran in that original idea the the the concept<00:00:51.760> of<00:00:51.960> jihad<00:00:52.440> is<00:00:53.039> as<00:00:53.280> important<00:00:54.000> to concept of jihad is as important to concept of jihad is as important to Muslims<00:00:55.239> as<00:00:55.480> the<00:00:55.680> idea<00:00:56.399> of<00:00:57.039> Grace<00:00:57.840> is<00:00:58.000> to Muslims as the idea of Grace is to Muslims as the idea of Grace is to Christians<00:00:59.960> it's<00:01:00.079> a<00:01:00.199> very<00:01:00.399> powerful<00:01:00.840> word Christians it's a very powerful word Christians it's a very powerful word Jihad<00:01:01.640> if<00:01:01.719> you<00:01:01.840> look<00:01:01.960> at<00:01:02.079> it<00:01:02.239> in<00:01:02.440> that<00:01:02.640> respect Jihad if you look at it in that respect Jihad if you look at it in that respect and<00:01:03.480> it<00:01:03.719> there's<00:01:03.879> a<00:01:04.080> there's<00:01:04.239> a<00:01:04.479> certain and it there's a there's a certain and it there's a there's a certain almost<00:01:05.920> mystical<00:01:06.439> resonance<00:01:06.960> to<00:01:07.200> it<00:01:08.200> and almost mystical resonance to it and almost mystical resonance to it and that's<00:01:08.560> the<00:01:08.680> reason<00:01:09.040> why<00:01:09.159> for<00:01:09.479> hundreds<00:01:09.840> of that's the reason why for hundreds of that's the reason why for hundreds of years<00:01:10.720> Muslims<00:01:11.159> everywhere<00:01:11.759> have<00:01:11.960> named years Muslims everywhere have named years Muslims everywhere have named their<00:01:12.400> children<00:01:12.759> Jihad<00:01:13.360> their<00:01:13.600> daughters<00:01:14.400> as their children Jihad their daughters as their children Jihad their daughters as much<00:01:14.720> as<00:01:14.880> their<00:01:15.000> sons<00:01:15.280> in<00:01:15.400> the<00:01:15.520> same<00:01:15.720> way<00:01:15.960> that much as their sons in the same way that much as their sons in the same way that say<00:01:16.560> Christians<00:01:17.040> name<00:01:17.280> their<00:01:17.520> daughters say Christians name their daughters say Christians name their daughters Grace<00:01:19.840> and<00:01:20.040> Hindus<00:01:20.960> my<00:01:21.200> people<00:01:22.119> name<00:01:22.360> our Grace and Hindus my people name our Grace and Hindus my people name our daughters<00:01:23.439> bti<00:01:24.439> which<00:01:24.600> means<00:01:25.280> in<00:01:25.479> Sanskrit daughters bti which means in Sanskrit daughters bti which means in Sanskrit spiritual spiritual spiritual worship<00:01:29.119> but<00:01:29.280> they've<00:01:29.520> always<00:01:30.000> been<00:01:30.320> in<00:01:30.520> Islam worship but they've always been in Islam worship but they've always been in Islam a<00:01:31.640> small<00:01:31.960> group<00:01:32.200> a<00:01:32.520> minority<00:01:33.520> who<00:01:33.680> believe a small group a minority who believe a small group a minority who believe that<00:01:34.159> Jihad<00:01:34.520> is<00:01:34.680> not<00:01:34.840> only<00:01:35.079> an<00:01:35.280> internal that Jihad is not only an internal that Jihad is not only an internal struggle<00:01:36.240> but<00:01:36.399> also<00:01:36.600> an<00:01:36.759> external<00:01:37.159> struggle struggle but also an external struggle struggle but also an external struggle against<00:01:38.680> forces<00:01:39.399> that<00:01:39.600> would<00:01:39.960> threaten<00:01:40.759> the against forces that would threaten the against forces that would threaten the faith<00:01:41.360> or<00:01:41.520> the faith or the faith or the faithful<00:01:44.079> and<00:01:44.439> some<00:01:44.600> of<00:01:44.799> these<00:01:45.079> people faithful and some of these people faithful and some of these people believe<00:01:46.200> that<00:01:46.360> in<00:01:46.560> that<00:01:46.719> struggle<00:01:47.119> it<00:01:47.240> is believe that in that struggle it is believe that in that struggle it is sometimes<00:01:47.920> okay<00:01:48.159> to<00:01:48.320> take<00:01:48.520> up sometimes okay to take up sometimes okay to take up arms<00:01:50.479> and<00:01:50.600> so<00:01:51.240> the<00:01:51.439> thousands<00:01:51.880> of<00:01:52.079> young arms and so the thousands of young arms and so the thousands of young Muslim<00:01:52.920> men<00:01:53.280> who<00:01:53.600> flocked<00:01:54.119> to<00:01:54.360> Afghanistan<00:01:55.040> in Muslim men who flocked to Afghanistan in Muslim men who flocked to Afghanistan in the<00:01:55.280> 1980s<00:01:56.240> to<00:01:56.439> fight<00:01:56.719> against<00:01:57.039> the<00:01:57.200> Soviet the 1980s to fight against the Soviet the 1980s to fight against the Soviet occupation<00:01:58.119> of<00:01:58.240> a<00:01:58.399> Muslim<00:01:58.799> country occupation of a Muslim country occupation of a Muslim country in<00:02:00.520> their<00:02:00.719> minds<00:02:01.000> they<00:02:01.079> were<00:02:01.280> fighting<00:02:01.520> a in their minds they were fighting a in their minds they were fighting a Jihad<00:02:02.880> they<00:02:02.960> were<00:02:03.159> doing<00:02:03.920> Jihad<00:02:04.920> and<00:02:05.039> they Jihad they were doing Jihad and they Jihad they were doing Jihad and they named<00:02:05.680> themselves<00:02:06.360> the<00:02:06.680> mujahidin<00:02:07.680> which<00:02:07.799> is named themselves the mujahidin which is named themselves the mujahidin which is a<00:02:08.160> word<00:02:08.399> that<00:02:08.520> comes<00:02:08.720> from<00:02:08.879> the<00:02:09.000> same<00:02:09.200> roote<00:02:09.920> as a word that comes from the same roote as a word that comes from the same roote as Jihad<00:02:12.599> and<00:02:12.959> we<00:02:13.120> forget<00:02:13.480> this<00:02:13.720> now<00:02:14.000> but<00:02:14.239> back Jihad and we forget this now but back Jihad and we forget this now but back then<00:02:15.360> the<00:02:15.560> mujahidin<00:02:16.560> were<00:02:16.800> celebrated<00:02:17.360> in then the mujahidin were celebrated in then the mujahidin were celebrated in this<00:02:17.720> country<00:02:18.319> in<00:02:18.519> America<00:02:19.360> we<00:02:19.519> thought<00:02:19.720> of this country in America we thought of this country in America we thought of them<00:02:20.120> as<00:02:20.480> as<00:02:20.680> holy<00:02:20.959> Warriors<00:02:21.400> who<00:02:21.519> were<00:02:21.680> taking them as as holy Warriors who were taking them as as holy Warriors who were taking the<00:02:22.160> good<00:02:22.400> fight<00:02:22.920> to<00:02:23.160> the<00:02:23.680> ungodly<00:02:24.920> Communists the good fight to the ungodly Communists the good fight to the ungodly Communists America<00:02:26.280> gave<00:02:26.480> them<00:02:26.640> weapons<00:02:27.040> gave<00:02:27.200> them America gave them weapons gave them America gave them weapons gave them money<00:02:27.680> gave<00:02:27.840> them<00:02:28.000> support<00:02:28.360> encouragement money gave them support encouragement money gave them support encouragement but<00:02:30.879> within<00:02:31.239> that<00:02:31.440> group<00:02:32.000> a<00:02:32.239> tiny<00:02:32.560> smaller but within that group a tiny smaller but within that group a tiny smaller group<00:02:33.160> a<00:02:33.360> minority<00:02:34.120> within<00:02:34.360> a<00:02:34.560> minority group a minority within a minority group a minority within a minority within<00:02:35.560> a<00:02:36.000> minority<00:02:37.000> were<00:02:37.319> coming<00:02:37.599> up<00:02:37.760> with<00:02:37.959> a within a minority were coming up with a within a minority were coming up with a new<00:02:38.879> and<00:02:39.280> dangerous<00:02:40.280> conception<00:02:41.040> of new and dangerous conception of new and dangerous conception of jihad<00:02:43.080> and<00:02:43.200> in<00:02:43.440> time<00:02:43.720> this<00:02:43.879> group<00:02:44.120> would<00:02:44.319> come jihad and in time this group would come jihad and in time this group would come to<00:02:44.599> be<00:02:44.760> led<00:02:45.360> by<00:02:45.519> AMA<00:02:46.000> bin to be led by AMA bin to be led by AMA bin ladin<00:02:48.360> and<00:02:48.519> he<00:02:48.720> refined<00:02:49.159> the<00:02:49.319> idea<00:02:49.840> his<00:02:50.080> idea ladin and he refined the idea his idea ladin and he refined the idea his idea of<00:02:50.720> jihad<00:02:51.239> was<00:02:51.599> a<00:02:51.840> global<00:02:52.319> war<00:02:52.599> of<00:02:53.280> Terror of jihad was a global war of Terror of jihad was a global war of Terror primarily<00:02:54.840> targeted<00:02:55.519> at<00:02:55.720> the<00:02:55.879> far<00:02:56.200> Enemy<00:02:56.599> at primarily targeted at the far Enemy at primarily targeted at the far Enemy at the<00:02:57.239> Crusaders<00:02:57.959> from<00:02:58.159> the<00:02:58.319> West<00:02:58.760> against the Crusaders from the West against the Crusaders from the West against America America America and<00:03:01.800> the<00:03:01.959> things<00:03:02.159> he<00:03:02.319> did<00:03:02.480> in<00:03:02.599> the<00:03:02.720> pursuit<00:03:03.159> of and the things he did in the pursuit of and the things he did in the pursuit of this<00:03:03.400> Jihad<00:03:03.799> was<00:03:04.000> so<00:03:04.840> horrendous<00:03:05.400> so this Jihad was so horrendous so this Jihad was so horrendous so monstrous<00:03:06.799> and<00:03:07.000> had<00:03:07.280> such<00:03:07.599> great<00:03:07.959> impact<00:03:08.760> that monstrous and had such great impact that monstrous and had such great impact that his<00:03:09.480> definition<00:03:10.480> was<00:03:10.680> the<00:03:10.760> one<00:03:10.959> that his definition was the one that his definition was the one that stuck<00:03:13.159> not<00:03:13.360> just<00:03:13.519> here<00:03:13.680> in<00:03:13.799> the<00:03:13.920> west<00:03:14.280> we stuck not just here in the west we stuck not just here in the west we didn't<00:03:14.640> know<00:03:14.840> any<00:03:15.080> better<00:03:15.640> we<00:03:15.959> didn't<00:03:16.680> pause didn't know any better we didn't pause didn't know any better we didn't pause to<00:03:17.319> ask<00:03:17.959> we<00:03:18.120> just<00:03:18.319> assume<00:03:18.680> that<00:03:18.840> if<00:03:19.040> this to ask we just assume that if this to ask we just assume that if this insane<00:03:19.760> man<00:03:20.040> and<00:03:20.280> his<00:03:20.879> Psychopathic insane man and his Psychopathic insane man and his Psychopathic followers<00:03:22.519> were<00:03:23.480> calling<00:03:23.959> what<00:03:24.159> they<00:03:24.360> did followers were calling what they did followers were calling what they did Jihad<00:03:25.239> then<00:03:25.720> that's<00:03:25.879> what<00:03:26.040> Jihad<00:03:26.400> must<00:03:26.560> mean Jihad then that's what Jihad must mean Jihad then that's what Jihad must mean but<00:03:27.640> it<00:03:27.760> wasn't<00:03:28.040> just<00:03:28.239> us<00:03:28.560> even<00:03:28.760> in<00:03:28.879> the<00:03:29.080> Muslim but it wasn't just us even in the Muslim but it wasn't just us even in the Muslim world world world his<00:03:31.599> definition<00:03:32.040> of<00:03:32.200> jihad<00:03:32.720> began<00:03:33.280> to<00:03:33.480> gain his definition of jihad began to gain his definition of jihad began to gain acceptance<00:03:35.439> a<00:03:35.599> year<00:03:35.799> ago<00:03:36.040> I<00:03:36.120> was<00:03:36.280> in<00:03:36.439> Tunis<00:03:37.439> and acceptance a year ago I was in Tunis and acceptance a year ago I was in Tunis and I<00:03:37.799> met<00:03:38.200> the<00:03:38.560> the<00:03:38.680> Imam<00:03:39.000> of<00:03:39.120> a<00:03:39.400> very<00:03:39.599> small I met the the Imam of a very small I met the the Imam of a very small mosque<00:03:40.200> an<00:03:40.360> old<00:03:40.599> man<00:03:41.000> 15<00:03:41.400> years<00:03:41.680> ago<00:03:42.280> he<00:03:42.439> named mosque an old man 15 years ago he named mosque an old man 15 years ago he named his<00:03:43.120> granddaughter<00:03:43.879> Jihad<00:03:44.879> after<00:03:45.120> the<00:03:45.239> old his granddaughter Jihad after the old his granddaughter Jihad after the old meaning<00:03:45.879> he<00:03:46.040> hoped<00:03:46.720> that<00:03:47.040> a<00:03:47.200> name<00:03:47.480> like<00:03:47.680> that meaning he hoped that a name like that meaning he hoped that a name like that would<00:03:48.040> Inspire<00:03:48.599> her<00:03:48.799> to<00:03:49.040> live<00:03:49.799> a<00:03:50.040> spiritual would Inspire her to live a spiritual would Inspire her to live a spiritual life<00:03:52.239> but<00:03:52.360> he<00:03:52.480> told<00:03:52.720> me<00:03:53.079> that<00:03:53.319> after life but he told me that after life but he told me that after 911<00:03:55.360> he<00:03:55.519> began<00:03:55.760> to<00:03:55.920> have<00:03:56.079> second<00:03:56.439> thoughts<00:03:57.439> he 911 he began to have second thoughts he 911 he began to have second thoughts he worried<00:03:58.040> that<00:03:58.159> if<00:03:58.319> he<00:03:58.599> called<00:03:58.920> her<00:03:59.079> by<00:03:59.239> that worried that if he called her by that worried that if he called her by that name<00:03:59.560> it's<00:03:59.799> especially<00:04:00.159> Outdoors<00:04:00.799> outside<00:04:01.159> in name it's especially Outdoors outside in name it's especially Outdoors outside in public<00:04:02.159> he<00:04:02.319> might<00:04:02.519> be<00:04:02.680> seen<00:04:03.159> as<00:04:03.480> endorsing<00:04:04.120> Bin public he might be seen as endorsing Bin public he might be seen as endorsing Bin Laden's<00:04:05.000> idea<00:04:05.280> of Laden's idea of Laden's idea of jihad<00:04:07.879> on<00:04:08.040> Fridays<00:04:08.439> in<00:04:08.599> his<00:04:08.760> mosque<00:04:09.120> he<00:04:09.280> gave jihad on Fridays in his mosque he gave jihad on Fridays in his mosque he gave sermons<00:04:10.439> trying<00:04:10.720> to<00:04:10.920> reclaim<00:04:11.560> the<00:04:11.680> meaning<00:04:11.959> of sermons trying to reclaim the meaning of sermons trying to reclaim the meaning of the the the word<00:04:14.920> but<00:04:15.159> his word but his word but his congregates<00:04:17.120> the<00:04:17.239> people<00:04:17.479> who<00:04:17.639> came<00:04:17.799> to<00:04:18.040> his congregates the people who came to his congregates the people who came to his mosque<00:04:18.759> they<00:04:18.880> had<00:04:19.040> seen<00:04:19.320> the<00:04:19.479> videos<00:04:19.880> they<00:04:20.000> had mosque they had seen the videos they had mosque they had seen the videos they had seen<00:04:20.880> pictures<00:04:21.199> of<00:04:21.359> the<00:04:21.479> planes<00:04:21.919> going<00:04:22.120> into seen pictures of the planes going into seen pictures of the planes going into the<00:04:22.479> towers<00:04:22.880> the<00:04:23.000> towers<00:04:23.360> coming

down<00:04:27.040> they<00:04:27.160> had<00:04:27.360> heard<00:04:27.639> Bin<00:04:27.840> Laden<00:04:28.199> say<00:04:28.400> that
down they had heard Bin Laden say that down they had heard Bin Laden say that that<00:04:28.720> was<00:04:28.919> Jihad<00:04:29.440> claim<00:04:29.919> victory<00:04:30.280> for<00:04:30.479> it<00:04:31.360> and that was Jihad claim victory for it and that was Jihad claim victory for it and so<00:04:31.639> the<00:04:31.759> old<00:04:31.960> IM<00:04:32.320> worried<00:04:32.720> that<00:04:33.440> his<00:04:33.600> words so the old IM worried that his words so the old IM worried that his words were<00:04:34.000> falling<00:04:34.280> on<00:04:34.479> deaf<00:04:34.639> ears<00:04:34.919> no<00:04:35.000> one<00:04:35.160> was were falling on deaf ears no one was were falling on deaf ears no one was paying paying paying attention<00:04:37.600> he<00:04:37.759> was<00:04:37.960> wrong<00:04:38.919> some<00:04:39.160> people<00:04:39.360> were attention he was wrong some people were attention he was wrong some people were paying<00:04:39.759> attention<00:04:40.120> but<00:04:40.240> for<00:04:40.360> the<00:04:40.520> wrong paying attention but for the wrong paying attention but for the wrong reasons<00:04:42.360> the<00:04:42.479> United<00:04:42.840> States<00:04:43.120> at<00:04:43.280> this<00:04:43.440> point reasons the United States at this point reasons the United States at this point was<00:04:43.840> putting<00:04:44.280> pressure<00:04:44.680> on<00:04:44.880> all<00:04:45.039> its<00:04:45.280> Arab was putting pressure on all its Arab was putting pressure on all its Arab allies<00:04:46.039> including<00:04:46.479> Tunisia<00:04:47.240> to<00:04:47.440> Stamp<00:04:47.800> Out allies including Tunisia to Stamp Out allies including Tunisia to Stamp Out extremism<00:04:48.880> in<00:04:49.039> their extremism in their extremism in their societies<00:04:51.520> and<00:04:51.680> this<00:04:51.840> Imam<00:04:52.280> found<00:04:52.560> himself societies and this Imam found himself societies and this Imam found himself suddenly<00:04:53.280> in<00:04:53.360> the<00:04:53.479> cross<00:04:54.199> hairs<00:04:55.199> of<00:04:55.360> the suddenly in the cross hairs of the suddenly in the cross hairs of the Tunisian<00:04:55.919> intelligence<00:04:56.880> service<00:04:57.880> they<00:04:58.000> had Tunisian intelligence service they had Tunisian intelligence service they had never<00:04:58.320> paid<00:04:58.479> him<00:04:58.639> any<00:04:58.800> attention<00:04:59.199> before<00:04:59.720> old never paid him any attention before old never paid him any attention before old man<00:05:00.199> small man small man small mosque<00:05:02.600> but<00:05:02.759> now<00:05:02.960> they<00:05:03.120> began<00:05:03.360> to<00:05:03.520> pay<00:05:03.759> visits mosque but now they began to pay visits mosque but now they began to pay visits and<00:05:05.039> sometimes<00:05:05.240> they<00:05:05.360> would<00:05:05.479> drag<00:05:05.720> him<00:05:05.880> in<00:05:06.000> for and sometimes they would drag him in for and sometimes they would drag him in for question<00:05:06.960> and<00:05:07.120> always<00:05:07.400> the<00:05:07.520> same<00:05:07.800> question question and always the same question question and always the same question why<00:05:08.199> did<00:05:08.360> you<00:05:08.479> name<00:05:08.680> your<00:05:08.880> daughter<00:05:09.280> your why did you name your daughter your why did you name your daughter your granddaughter granddaughter granddaughter Jihad<00:05:12.000> why<00:05:12.120> did<00:05:12.240> you<00:05:12.400> keep<00:05:12.680> using<00:05:12.960> the<00:05:13.080> word Jihad why did you keep using the word Jihad why did you keep using the word Jihad<00:05:13.639> in<00:05:13.720> your<00:05:13.880> Friday Jihad in your Friday Jihad in your Friday sermons<00:05:16.600> do<00:05:16.720> you<00:05:16.919> hate sermons do you hate sermons do you hate Americans<00:05:18.720> what<00:05:18.840> is<00:05:19.000> your<00:05:19.160> connection<00:05:19.520> to<00:05:19.680> AMA Americans what is your connection to AMA Americans what is your connection to AMA bin bin bin ladin<00:05:22.880> so<00:05:23.039> to<00:05:23.199> the<00:05:23.319> Tunisian<00:05:23.840> intelligence ladin so to the Tunisian intelligence ladin so to the Tunisian intelligence agencies<00:05:24.880> and<00:05:25.160> and<00:05:25.520> organizations<00:05:26.160> like<00:05:26.280> it agencies and and organizations like it agencies and and organizations like it all<00:05:26.600> over<00:05:26.800> the<00:05:26.919> Arab<00:05:27.160> world<00:05:28.319> Jihad<00:05:29.319> equal all over the Arab world Jihad equal all over the Arab world Jihad equal extremism<00:05:32.120> Bin<00:05:32.319> Laden's<00:05:33.160> definition<00:05:34.160> had extremism Bin Laden's definition had extremism Bin Laden's definition had become<00:05:35.080> institutionalized<00:05:36.080> that<00:05:36.240> was<00:05:36.400> the become institutionalized that was the become institutionalized that was the power<00:05:37.560> of<00:05:37.840> that<00:05:38.000> word<00:05:38.199> that<00:05:38.319> he<00:05:38.440> was<00:05:38.600> able<00:05:38.800> to power of that word that he was able to power of that word that he was able to do<00:05:39.919> and<00:05:40.120> it<00:05:40.280> filled<00:05:41.120> the<00:05:41.520> this<00:05:41.919> this<00:05:42.080> old<00:05:42.440> IM<00:05:42.800> it do and it filled the this this old IM it do and it filled the this this old IM it filled<00:05:43.319> him<00:05:43.560> with<00:05:43.800> great filled him with great filled him with great sadness<00:05:45.800> he<00:05:45.919> told<00:05:46.120> me<00:05:46.560> that<00:05:46.800> of<00:05:47.039> Bin<00:05:47.319> Laden's sadness he told me that of Bin Laden's sadness he told me that of Bin Laden's many<00:05:48.039> crimes<00:05:48.440> this<00:05:48.600> was<00:05:49.120> in<00:05:49.319> his<00:05:49.520> mind<00:05:50.080> one many crimes this was in his mind one many crimes this was in his mind one that<00:05:50.440> didn't<00:05:50.720> get<00:05:50.960> enough<00:05:51.199> attention<00:05:51.560> that<00:05:51.720> he that didn't get enough attention that he that didn't get enough attention that he took<00:05:52.160> this<00:05:52.400> word<00:05:52.720> this<00:05:53.160> beautiful took this word this beautiful took this word this beautiful idea<00:05:55.280> he<00:05:55.479> didn't<00:05:55.840> so<00:05:56.039> much<00:05:56.960> appropriate<00:05:57.600> it<00:05:58.440> as idea he didn't so much appropriate it as idea he didn't so much appropriate it as kidnapped<00:05:59.240> it<00:05:59.880> and<00:06:00.039> debased<00:06:00.520> it<00:06:00.639> and kidnapped it and debased it and kidnapped it and debased it and corrupted corrupted corrupted it<00:06:03.319> and<00:06:03.479> turned<00:06:03.759> it<00:06:03.880> into<00:06:04.120> something<00:06:04.360> it<00:06:04.520> was it and turned it into something it was it and turned it into something it was never<00:06:05.000> meant<00:06:05.199> to<00:06:05.360> be<00:06:06.000> and<00:06:06.160> then<00:06:06.680> persuaded<00:06:07.240> all never meant to be and then persuaded all never meant to be and then persuaded all of<00:06:07.520> us<00:06:07.720> that<00:06:07.840> it<00:06:08.039> always

was<00:06:12.160> Global
was Global was Global Jihad<00:06:14.759> but<00:06:14.919> the<00:06:15.080> good<00:06:15.240> news<00:06:15.840> is<00:06:16.840> the<00:06:17.039> good<00:06:17.240> news Jihad but the good news is the good news Jihad but the good news is the good news is<00:06:18.000> that<00:06:18.160> the<00:06:18.280> global<00:06:18.560> Jihad<00:06:18.919> is<00:06:19.080> almost is that the global Jihad is almost is that the global Jihad is almost over<00:06:21.120> as<00:06:21.560> Bin<00:06:21.759> Laden<00:06:22.120> defined<00:06:22.720> it<00:06:23.720> it<00:06:23.880> was over as Bin Laden defined it it was over as Bin Laden defined it it was dying<00:06:24.720> well<00:06:24.919> before<00:06:25.240> he<00:06:25.440> did<00:06:26.319> and<00:06:26.479> now<00:06:26.639> it's<00:06:26.800> on dying well before he did and now it's on dying well before he did and now it's on its<00:06:27.160> last<00:06:27.720> legs<00:06:28.720> opinion<00:06:29.039> PS<00:06:29.360> from<00:06:29.639> all<00:06:29.800> over its last legs opinion PS from all over its last legs opinion PS from all over the<00:06:30.080> Muslim<00:06:30.400> world<00:06:30.599> show<00:06:30.919> that<00:06:31.080> there<00:06:31.199> is<00:06:31.759> very the Muslim world show that there is very the Muslim world show that there is very little<00:06:32.919> interest<00:06:33.919> among<00:06:34.560> Muslims<00:06:35.560> in<00:06:35.720> a little interest among Muslims in a little interest among Muslims in a global<00:06:36.720> holy<00:06:37.039> war<00:06:37.360> against<00:06:37.639> the<00:06:37.800> West<00:06:38.080> against global holy war against the West against global holy war against the West against the<00:06:39.199> the<00:06:39.360> far the the far the the far enemy<00:06:41.240> the<00:06:41.360> supply<00:06:41.800> of<00:06:42.160> of<00:06:42.319> young<00:06:42.520> men<00:06:42.759> willing enemy the supply of of young men willing enemy the supply of of young men willing to<00:06:43.240> fight<00:06:43.440> and<00:06:43.639> die<00:06:43.840> for<00:06:44.039> this<00:06:44.199> cause<00:06:44.479> is to fight and die for this cause is to fight and die for this cause is dwindling<00:06:45.400> the<00:06:45.560> supply<00:06:45.880> of<00:06:46.000> money<00:06:46.440> just<00:06:46.599> as dwindling the supply of money just as dwindling the supply of money just as important<00:06:47.280> more<00:06:47.520> important<00:06:47.880> perhaps<00:06:48.160> the important more important perhaps the important more important perhaps the supply<00:06:48.560> of<00:06:48.680> money<00:06:49.280> to<00:06:49.479> this<00:06:49.720> activity<00:06:50.080> is<00:06:50.240> also supply of money to this activity is also supply of money to this activity is also dwindling<00:06:50.919> the<00:06:51.599> the<00:06:51.880> wealthy<00:06:52.280> Fanatics<00:06:52.720> who dwindling the the wealthy Fanatics who dwindling the the wealthy Fanatics who were were were previously<00:06:54.560> sponsoring<00:06:55.440> this<00:06:55.639> kind<00:06:55.800> of previously sponsoring this kind of previously sponsoring this kind of activity<00:06:56.360> are<00:06:56.599> now<00:06:57.160> less<00:06:57.440> generous

what<00:07:00.680> does<00:07:00.840> that<00:07:00.960> mean<00:07:01.160> for<00:07:01.319> us<00:07:01.479> in<00:07:01.599> the<00:07:01.720> west
what does that mean for us in the west what does that mean for us in the west does<00:07:02.039> it<00:07:02.160> mean<00:07:02.400> we<00:07:02.520> can<00:07:03.120> break<00:07:03.360> out<00:07:03.520> the does it mean we can break out the does it mean we can break out the champagne<00:07:06.000> wash<00:07:06.199> our<00:07:06.360> hands<00:07:06.599> off<00:07:06.759> it champagne wash our hands off it champagne wash our hands off it disengage<00:07:08.440> sleep<00:07:08.759> easy<00:07:09.039> at disengage sleep easy at disengage sleep easy at night<00:07:11.479> no<00:07:12.479> disengagement<00:07:13.240> is<00:07:13.479> not<00:07:13.800> an night no disengagement is not an night no disengagement is not an option<00:07:15.840> because<00:07:16.720> if<00:07:16.840> you<00:07:17.039> let option because if you let option because if you let local<00:07:20.160> Jihad<00:07:21.160> survive<00:07:22.160> it<00:07:22.319> becomes local Jihad survive it becomes local Jihad survive it becomes International International International Jihad<00:07:24.879> and<00:07:25.000> so<00:07:25.160> there's<00:07:25.440> now<00:07:25.879> a<00:07:26.080> lot<00:07:26.240> of Jihad and so there's now a lot of Jihad and so there's now a lot of different<00:07:27.759> violent<00:07:28.199> jihads<00:07:28.599> all<00:07:28.720> over<00:07:28.960> the different violent jihads all over the different violent jihads all over the world world world in<00:07:30.360> Somalia<00:07:30.879> in<00:07:31.000> Mali<00:07:31.440> in<00:07:31.879> Nigeria<00:07:32.720> in<00:07:33.720> um<00:07:34.039> in in Somalia in Mali in Nigeria in um in in Somalia in Mali in Nigeria in um in Iraq<00:07:34.599> in<00:07:34.759> Afghanistan<00:07:35.440> Pakistan<00:07:36.039> there Iraq in Afghanistan Pakistan there Iraq in Afghanistan Pakistan there groups<00:07:36.879> that<00:07:37.080> claim<00:07:37.879> to<00:07:38.440> be<00:07:39.440> the<00:07:39.720> the groups that claim to be the the groups that claim to be the the inheritors<00:07:40.560> of<00:07:40.720> the<00:07:40.879> legacy<00:07:41.280> of<00:07:41.440> Osama<00:07:41.800> bin inheritors of the legacy of Osama bin inheritors of the legacy of Osama bin ladin<00:07:43.160> they<00:07:43.280> use<00:07:43.599> his<00:07:43.919> rhetoric ladin they use his rhetoric ladin they use his rhetoric they<00:07:46.759> they<00:07:46.919> even<00:07:47.120> use<00:07:47.400> the<00:07:47.520> brand<00:07:47.800> name<00:07:48.039> he they they even use the brand name he they they even use the brand name he created<00:07:48.599> for<00:07:48.840> his<00:07:49.159> Jihad<00:07:50.159> so<00:07:50.360> there<00:07:50.479> is<00:07:50.680> now<00:07:50.919> an created for his Jihad so there is now an created for his Jihad so there is now an al-Qaeda<00:07:52.000> in<00:07:52.199> the<00:07:52.919> Islamic<00:07:53.479> mreb<00:07:53.879> there's<00:07:54.000> an al-Qaeda in the Islamic mreb there's an al-Qaeda in the Islamic mreb there's an al-Qaeda<00:07:54.599> in<00:07:54.720> the<00:07:54.800> Arabian<00:07:55.240> peninsula<00:07:55.759> there al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula there al-Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula there is<00:07:55.919> an<00:07:56.080> al-Qaeda<00:07:56.639> in is an al-Qaeda in is an al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia<00:07:58.520> there<00:07:58.599> are<00:07:58.759> other<00:07:58.879> groups<00:07:59.120> in Mesopotamia there are other groups in Mesopotamia there are other groups in IA<00:07:59.800> Boh<00:08:00.120> Haram<00:08:00.520> in<00:08:01.000> in<00:08:01.240> Somalia<00:08:02.240> al-shabab IA Boh Haram in in Somalia al-shabab IA Boh Haram in in Somalia al-shabab and<00:08:03.000> they<00:08:03.960> all<00:08:04.479> pay<00:08:04.680> homage<00:08:05.560> to<00:08:05.759> Usama<00:08:06.120> Bin and they all pay homage to Usama Bin and they all pay homage to Usama Bin Laden<00:08:06.560> but<00:08:06.680> if<00:08:06.759> you<00:08:06.919> look Laden but if you look Laden but if you look closely<00:08:09.520> they're<00:08:09.800> not<00:08:10.039> fighting<00:08:10.319> a<00:08:10.479> global closely they're not fighting a global closely they're not fighting a global Jihad<00:08:11.159> they're<00:08:11.360> fighting<00:08:11.759> battles<00:08:12.159> over<00:08:12.759> much Jihad they're fighting battles over much Jihad they're fighting battles over much narrower narrower narrower issues<00:08:15.759> usually<00:08:16.080> it<00:08:16.280> has<00:08:16.440> to<00:08:16.560> do<00:08:16.680> with issues usually it has to do with issues usually it has to do with ethnicity<00:08:17.400> or<00:08:17.639> race<00:08:18.199> or<00:08:18.800> sectarianism<00:08:19.800> or ethnicity or race or sectarianism or ethnicity or race or sectarianism or it's<00:08:20.120> a<00:08:20.360> power<00:08:20.599> struggle<00:08:21.039> more<00:08:21.199> often<00:08:21.440> than it's a power struggle more often than it's a power struggle more often than not<00:08:21.800> it's<00:08:21.919> a<00:08:22.159> power<00:08:22.400> struggle<00:08:23.000> in<00:08:23.199> one<00:08:23.520> country not it's a power struggle in one country not it's a power struggle in one country or<00:08:24.240> even<00:08:24.440> a<00:08:24.639> small<00:08:24.879> region<00:08:25.199> within<00:08:25.479> one or even a small region within one or even a small region within one country<00:08:26.520> occasionally<00:08:26.960> they<00:08:27.080> will<00:08:27.199> go<00:08:27.360> across country occasionally they will go across country occasionally they will go across a<00:08:28.039> border<00:08:29.039> from<00:08:29.720> to<00:08:29.800> Syria<00:08:30.479> from<00:08:31.479> Nigeria<00:08:31.919> to a border from to Syria from Nigeria to a border from to Syria from Nigeria to sorry<00:08:32.599> from<00:08:33.279> Mali<00:08:33.560> to sorry from Mali to sorry from Mali to Algeria<00:08:35.440> from<00:08:35.640> Somalia<00:08:36.000> to<00:08:36.159> Kenya<00:08:36.440> but<00:08:36.560> they Algeria from Somalia to Kenya but they Algeria from Somalia to Kenya but they are<00:08:36.839> not<00:08:37.120> fighting<00:08:37.680> a<00:08:37.839> global<00:08:38.159> Jihad<00:08:38.599> against are not fighting a global Jihad against are not fighting a global Jihad against some<00:08:39.000> Far

enemy<00:08:42.800> but<00:08:42.959> that<00:08:43.120> doesn't
enemy but that doesn't enemy but that doesn't mean<00:08:46.000> that<00:08:46.120> we<00:08:46.279> can<00:08:46.640> relax<00:08:47.640> I<00:08:47.720> was<00:08:47.880> in<00:08:48.000> Yemen mean that we can relax I was in Yemen mean that we can relax I was in Yemen recently<00:08:49.440> where<00:08:49.880> it's<00:08:50.040> the<00:08:50.200> home<00:08:50.399> of<00:08:50.519> the<00:08:50.800> last recently where it's the home of the last recently where it's the home of the last Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda Al-Qaeda franchise<00:08:53.399> that<00:08:53.600> still franchise that still franchise that still aspires<00:08:55.519> to<00:08:55.800> attack<00:08:56.120> America<00:08:56.760> attack<00:08:57.000> the aspires to attack America attack the aspires to attack America attack the West<00:08:57.360> it's<00:08:57.519> old<00:08:57.760> school<00:08:58.120> Al-Qaeda<00:08:59.600> you<00:08:59.720> may West it's old school Al-Qaeda you may West it's old school Al-Qaeda you may remember<00:09:00.320> that<00:09:00.560> these<00:09:00.760> guys<00:09:01.040> they're<00:09:01.240> the remember that these guys they're the remember that these guys they're the ones<00:09:01.519> who<00:09:01.640> tried<00:09:01.839> to<00:09:01.920> send<00:09:02.200> the<00:09:02.320> underwear ones who tried to send the underwear ones who tried to send the underwear bomber<00:09:03.240> here<00:09:03.839> and<00:09:03.959> they<00:09:04.040> were<00:09:04.240> using<00:09:04.519> the bomber here and they were using the bomber here and they were using the internet<00:09:05.000> to<00:09:05.160> try<00:09:05.360> and<00:09:05.560> instigate<00:09:06.519> violence internet to try and instigate violence internet to try and instigate violence among<00:09:07.560> American<00:09:08.480> Muslims<00:09:09.480> but<00:09:09.600> they've<00:09:09.800> been among American Muslims but they've been among American Muslims but they've been distracted<00:09:10.399> recently<00:09:10.880> last<00:09:11.079> year<00:09:11.480> they<00:09:11.600> took distracted recently last year they took distracted recently last year they took control<00:09:12.320> over<00:09:12.480> a<00:09:12.680> portion<00:09:12.959> of<00:09:13.079> Southern<00:09:13.440> Yemen control over a portion of Southern Yemen control over a portion of Southern Yemen and<00:09:13.839> ran<00:09:14.079> it<00:09:14.320> Taliban and ran it Taliban and ran it Taliban style<00:09:16.640> and<00:09:16.800> then<00:09:16.959> the<00:09:17.200> Yemen<00:09:17.600> military<00:09:18.040> got style and then the Yemen military got style and then the Yemen military got its<00:09:18.399> act<00:09:18.720> together<00:09:18.959> and<00:09:19.279> Ordinary<00:09:19.800> People its act together and Ordinary People its act together and Ordinary People rose<00:09:20.440> up<00:09:20.760> against<00:09:21.760> uh<00:09:21.959> these<00:09:22.120> guys<00:09:22.320> and<00:09:22.440> drove rose up against uh these guys and drove rose up against uh these guys and drove them<00:09:22.839> out<00:09:23.800> and<00:09:23.959> since<00:09:24.200> then<00:09:24.640> most<00:09:24.839> of<00:09:25.000> their them out and since then most of their them out and since then most of their activities<00:09:25.680> most<00:09:25.839> of<00:09:25.959> their<00:09:26.120> attacks<00:09:26.399> have activities most of their attacks have activities most of their attacks have been<00:09:26.720> directed<00:09:27.079> at<00:09:27.279> yemenis been directed at yemenis been directed at yemenis so<00:09:30.600> I<00:09:30.720> think<00:09:30.880> we've<00:09:31.079> come<00:09:31.240> to<00:09:31.399> a<00:09:31.519> point<00:09:31.880> now so I think we've come to a point now so I think we've come to a point now where<00:09:32.680> we<00:09:32.800> can<00:09:33.079> say<00:09:33.680> that<00:09:33.920> just<00:09:34.120> like<00:09:34.320> all where we can say that just like all where we can say that just like all politics<00:09:35.279> all<00:09:35.560> Jihad<00:09:35.959> is<00:09:36.200> local<00:09:37.200> but<00:09:37.399> that's politics all Jihad is local but that's politics all Jihad is local but that's still<00:09:37.880> not<00:09:38.200> reason<00:09:39.160> for<00:09:39.360> us<00:09:39.519> to still not reason for us to still not reason for us to disengage<00:09:41.760> because<00:09:42.000> we've<00:09:42.200> seen<00:09:42.560> that<00:09:42.720> movie disengage because we've seen that movie disengage because we've seen that movie before<00:09:44.399> in<00:09:44.760> Afghanistan<00:09:45.760> when<00:09:46.000> those before in Afghanistan when those before in Afghanistan when those mujahidin<00:09:47.079> defeated<00:09:47.519> the<00:09:47.680> Soviet<00:09:48.519> Union<00:09:49.519> we mujahidin defeated the Soviet Union we mujahidin defeated the Soviet Union we disengaged<00:09:52.600> and<00:09:52.760> even<00:09:53.079> before<00:09:53.800> the<00:09:53.959> Fizz<00:09:54.480> had disengaged and even before the Fizz had disengaged and even before the Fizz had gone<00:09:54.839> out<00:09:55.000> of<00:09:55.160> our<00:09:55.320> celebratory

champagne<00:09:59.079> the<00:09:59.399> Taliban<00:09:59.760> had<00:09:59.880> taken<00:10:00.079> over<00:10:00.320> in
champagne the Taliban had taken over in champagne the Taliban had taken over in Kabul<00:10:01.839> and<00:10:01.959> we<00:10:02.079> said<00:10:02.760> local<00:10:03.040> Jihad<00:10:03.440> not<00:10:03.600> our Kabul and we said local Jihad not our Kabul and we said local Jihad not our problem<00:10:05.800> and<00:10:05.959> then<00:10:06.079> the<00:10:06.240> Taliban<00:10:06.680> gave<00:10:06.880> the problem and then the Taliban gave the problem and then the Taliban gave the keys<00:10:07.360> of<00:10:07.519> Kandahar<00:10:08.440> to<00:10:08.600> Usama<00:10:09.000> Bin<00:10:09.160> Laden<00:10:09.519> he keys of Kandahar to Usama Bin Laden he keys of Kandahar to Usama Bin Laden he made<00:10:10.000> it<00:10:10.480> our<00:10:10.800> problem<00:10:11.399> local<00:10:11.720> Jihad<00:10:12.240> if<00:10:12.360> you made it our problem local Jihad if you made it our problem local Jihad if you ignore<00:10:12.959> it<00:10:13.720> becomes<00:10:14.279> Global<00:10:14.600> Jihad ignore it becomes Global Jihad ignore it becomes Global Jihad again<00:10:17.839> the<00:10:18.000> good<00:10:18.200> news<00:10:18.640> is<00:10:18.760> that<00:10:18.920> it<00:10:19.079> doesn't again the good news is that it doesn't again the good news is that it doesn't have<00:10:19.560> to<00:10:19.920> be<00:10:20.920> we<00:10:21.079> know<00:10:21.360> how<00:10:21.480> to<00:10:21.680> fight<00:10:21.880> it<00:10:22.079> now have to be we know how to fight it now have to be we know how to fight it now we<00:10:23.200> have<00:10:23.399> the<00:10:23.519> tools<00:10:23.839> we<00:10:23.959> have<00:10:24.120> the<00:10:24.240> KN<00:10:24.920> how<00:10:25.920> and we have the tools we have the KN how and we have the tools we have the KN how and we<00:10:26.160> can<00:10:26.360> take<00:10:26.519> the<00:10:26.680> lessons<00:10:27.079> we<00:10:27.279> learned<00:10:28.040> from we can take the lessons we learned from we can take the lessons we learned from the<00:10:28.440> fight<00:10:28.720> against<00:10:29.000> global<00:10:29.480> Jihad<00:10:29.839> the the fight against global Jihad the the fight against global Jihad the victory<00:10:30.480> against<00:10:30.760> Global<00:10:31.040> Jihad<00:10:31.480> and<00:10:31.680> apply victory against Global Jihad and apply victory against Global Jihad and apply those<00:10:32.920> to<00:10:33.120> local<00:10:33.839> Jihad<00:10:34.839> what<00:10:34.959> are<00:10:35.240> those those to local Jihad what are those those to local Jihad what are those lessons<00:10:37.279> we<00:10:37.440> know<00:10:37.680> who<00:10:37.839> killed<00:10:38.160> Bin<00:10:38.560> Laden lessons we know who killed Bin Laden lessons we know who killed Bin Laden SEAL<00:10:39.920> Team SEAL Team SEAL Team Six<00:10:41.920> do<00:10:42.040> we<00:10:42.200> know<00:10:42.760> do<00:10:42.920> we<00:10:43.360> understand<00:10:44.160> who Six do we know do we understand who Six do we know do we understand who killed<00:10:44.680> Bin<00:10:44.880> Laden<00:10:45.360> ISM<00:10:46.360> who<00:10:46.519> ended<00:10:46.920> the killed Bin Laden ISM who ended the killed Bin Laden ISM who ended the global global global Jihad<00:10:49.440> there<00:10:49.639> lie<00:10:49.880> the<00:10:50.000> answers<00:10:50.360> to<00:10:50.560> this<00:10:50.839> to Jihad there lie the answers to this to Jihad there lie the answers to this to the<00:10:51.079> solution<00:10:51.440> to<00:10:51.880> local<00:10:52.160> Jihad<00:10:52.639> who<00:10:52.839> killed the solution to local Jihad who killed the solution to local Jihad who killed Bin<00:10:53.399> Laden<00:10:53.680> ISM<00:10:53.959> let's<00:10:54.160> start<00:10:54.320> with<00:10:54.480> Bin<00:10:54.680> Laden Bin Laden ISM let's start with Bin Laden Bin Laden ISM let's start with Bin Laden himself<00:10:57.040> he<00:10:57.240> probably<00:10:57.560> thought<00:10:57.760> 9/11<00:10:58.320> was<00:10:58.480> his himself he probably thought 9/11 was his himself he probably thought 9/11 was his greatest<00:10:58.880> achievement<00:10:59.560> in<00:10:59.839> reality<00:11:00.839> it<00:11:00.959> was greatest achievement in reality it was greatest achievement in reality it was the<00:11:01.240> beginning<00:11:01.519> of<00:11:01.680> the<00:11:01.760> end<00:11:02.040> for<00:11:02.560> him<00:11:03.560> he the beginning of the end for him he the beginning of the end for him he killed<00:11:04.079> 3,000<00:11:04.839> innocent<00:11:05.279> people<00:11:05.560> and<00:11:05.760> that killed 3,000 innocent people and that killed 3,000 innocent people and that filled<00:11:06.560> the<00:11:06.760> Muslim<00:11:07.120> world<00:11:07.720> with<00:11:08.000> horror<00:11:08.560> and filled the Muslim world with horror and filled the Muslim world with horror and revulsion<00:11:10.560> and<00:11:10.720> what<00:11:10.880> that<00:11:11.079> meant<00:11:11.519> was<00:11:11.680> that revulsion and what that meant was that revulsion and what that meant was that his<00:11:12.399> his<00:11:12.639> idea<00:11:13.079> of<00:11:13.240> jihad<00:11:13.839> could<00:11:14.120> never<00:11:14.440> become his his idea of jihad could never become his his idea of jihad could never become mainstream<00:11:16.000> he<00:11:16.200> condemned<00:11:16.760> himself<00:11:17.440> to mainstream he condemned himself to mainstream he condemned himself to operating<00:11:18.160> on<00:11:18.320> the<00:11:18.760> lunatic<00:11:19.240> fringes<00:11:19.720> of<00:11:19.880> his operating on the lunatic fringes of his operating on the lunatic fringes of his own

Community<00:11:23.839> 911<00:11:24.440> didn't<00:11:24.720> Empower<00:11:25.240> him<00:11:25.519> it
Community 911 didn't Empower him it Community 911 didn't Empower him it doomed doomed doomed him<00:11:28.240> who<00:11:28.440> killed<00:11:28.920> B<00:11:29.560> ISM<00:11:30.040> Abu<00:11:30.279> musab<00:11:30.720> zwi him who killed B ISM Abu musab zwi him who killed B ISM Abu musab zwi killed killed killed him<00:11:33.399> he<00:11:33.560> was<00:11:33.760> the<00:11:34.480> especially<00:11:35.040> sadistic<00:11:35.560> head him he was the especially sadistic head him he was the especially sadistic head of<00:11:35.920> al-Qaeda<00:11:36.399> in<00:11:36.519> Iraq<00:11:36.839> who<00:11:36.959> sent<00:11:37.760> hundreds<00:11:38.200> of of al-Qaeda in Iraq who sent hundreds of of al-Qaeda in Iraq who sent hundreds of suicide<00:11:38.839> bombers<00:11:39.519> to<00:11:39.720> attack<00:11:40.160> not<00:11:40.440> Americans suicide bombers to attack not Americans suicide bombers to attack not Americans but<00:11:41.480> Iraqis<00:11:42.399> Muslims<00:11:43.399> Sunni<00:11:43.880> as<00:11:43.959> well<00:11:44.120> as but Iraqis Muslims Sunni as well as but Iraqis Muslims Sunni as well as Shiites<00:11:46.480> any<00:11:46.800> claim<00:11:47.440> that<00:11:47.600> Al-Qaeda<00:11:48.240> had<00:11:48.440> to Shiites any claim that Al-Qaeda had to Shiites any claim that Al-Qaeda had to being<00:11:49.120> Protectors<00:11:49.600> of<00:11:49.839> Islam<00:11:50.320> against<00:11:51.000> the being Protectors of Islam against the being Protectors of Islam against the Western Western Western Crusaders<00:11:53.519> was<00:11:53.720> drowned<00:11:54.120> in<00:11:54.279> the<00:11:54.639> blood<00:11:55.639> of Crusaders was drowned in the blood of Crusaders was drowned in the blood of Iraqi Iraqi Iraqi Muslims<00:11:58.680> who<00:11:58.839> killed Muslims who killed Muslims who killed AMA<00:12:00.200> Bin<00:12:00.360> Laden<00:12:01.160> the<00:12:01.279> Seal<00:12:01.600> Team<00:12:01.800> Six<00:12:02.160> who AMA Bin Laden the Seal Team Six who AMA Bin Laden the Seal Team Six who killed<00:12:02.600> Bin<00:12:02.800> Laden<00:12:03.079> ISM<00:12:03.519> Al<00:12:03.720> jazer<00:12:04.200> did<00:12:04.959> Al killed Bin Laden ISM Al jazer did Al killed Bin Laden ISM Al jazer did Al jaaz<00:12:05.519> and<00:12:05.680> half<00:12:05.800> a<00:12:05.959> dozen<00:12:06.320> other<00:12:06.880> satellite jaaz and half a dozen other satellite jaaz and half a dozen other satellite news<00:12:07.839> stations<00:12:08.240> in news stations in news stations in Arabic<00:12:09.959> because<00:12:10.240> they<00:12:10.399> circumvented<00:12:11.200> the<00:12:11.480> old Arabic because they circumvented the old Arabic because they circumvented the old state-owned<00:12:13.120> television<00:12:13.680> stations<00:12:14.040> in<00:12:14.160> a<00:12:14.279> lot state-owned television stations in a lot state-owned television stations in a lot of<00:12:14.560> these of these of these countries<00:12:16.440> which<00:12:16.560> were<00:12:16.760> designed<00:12:17.320> to<00:12:17.560> keep countries which were designed to keep countries which were designed to keep information<00:12:18.399> from<00:12:18.959> people<00:12:19.959> Al<00:12:20.160> jazer<00:12:20.519> brought information from people Al jazer brought information from people Al jazer brought information<00:12:21.279> to<00:12:21.519> them<00:12:22.360> showed<00:12:22.800> them<00:12:23.199> what<00:12:23.399> was information to them showed them what was information to them showed them what was being<00:12:23.839> said<00:12:24.199> and<00:12:24.360> done<00:12:24.600> in<00:12:24.720> the<00:12:24.880> name<00:12:25.120> of<00:12:25.360> their being said and done in the name of their being said and done in the name of their religion<00:12:26.399> exposed<00:12:26.959> the<00:12:27.199> hypocrisy<00:12:28.199> of<00:12:28.760> Osama religion exposed the hypocrisy of Osama religion exposed the hypocrisy of Osama Bin<00:12:29.560> Laden<00:12:29.959> and<00:12:30.560> alqaeda<00:12:31.560> and<00:12:31.720> allowed<00:12:32.160> them Bin Laden and alqaeda and allowed them Bin Laden and alqaeda and allowed them gave<00:12:32.839> them<00:12:33.000> the<00:12:33.160> information<00:12:33.560> that<00:12:33.680> allowed gave them the information that allowed gave them the information that allowed them<00:12:34.079> to<00:12:34.199> come<00:12:34.399> to<00:12:34.560> their<00:12:34.720> own

conclusions<00:12:38.240> who<00:12:38.399> killed<00:12:38.959> bin<00:12:39.240> ladin<00:12:39.519> ISM<00:12:40.240> the
conclusions who killed bin ladin ISM the conclusions who killed bin ladin ISM the Arabs<00:12:40.680> springed<00:12:41.079> it<00:12:41.320> because<00:12:41.519> it<00:12:41.680> showed<00:12:42.160> a Arabs springed it because it showed a Arabs springed it because it showed a way<00:12:42.959> for<00:12:43.240> young<00:12:44.160> Muslims<00:12:45.160> to<00:12:45.320> bring<00:12:45.560> about way for young Muslims to bring about way for young Muslims to bring about change<00:12:48.639> in<00:12:48.760> a<00:12:48.959> manner<00:12:49.320> that<00:12:49.480> Osama<00:12:49.880> Bin<00:12:50.040> Laden change in a manner that Osama Bin Laden change in a manner that Osama Bin Laden with<00:12:50.480> his<00:12:50.680> limited<00:12:51.079> imagination<00:12:51.600> could<00:12:51.760> never with his limited imagination could never with his limited imagination could never have have have conceived<00:12:53.959> who<00:12:54.199> defeated<00:12:54.920> the<00:12:55.079> global<00:12:55.399> Jihad conceived who defeated the global Jihad conceived who defeated the global Jihad the<00:12:56.480> American<00:12:56.839> Military<00:12:57.240> did<00:12:57.399> the<00:12:57.480> American the American Military did the American the American Military did the American soldiers<00:12:58.399> did<00:12:59.199> with<00:12:59.360> their<00:12:59.519> allies<00:12:59.920> fighting soldiers did with their allies fighting soldiers did with their allies fighting in<00:13:00.440> Far<00:13:00.760> Away in Far Away in Far Away battle battle battle fields<00:13:04.880> and<00:13:05.040> perhaps<00:13:05.320> a<00:13:05.480> time<00:13:05.639> will<00:13:05.839> come<00:13:06.320> when fields and perhaps a time will come when fields and perhaps a time will come when they<00:13:06.760> get<00:13:07.320> the<00:13:07.480> rightful<00:13:08.120> credit<00:13:08.440> for<00:13:09.040> it<00:13:10.040> so they get the rightful credit for it so they get the rightful credit for it so all<00:13:10.519> these<00:13:10.880> factors<00:13:11.600> and<00:13:11.760> and<00:13:11.920> many<00:13:12.160> more all these factors and and many more all these factors and and many more besides<00:13:13.199> we<00:13:13.399> we<00:13:13.519> don't<00:13:13.720> even<00:13:13.959> fully besides we we don't even fully besides we we don't even fully understand<00:13:14.720> some<00:13:14.839> of<00:13:15.000> them<00:13:15.600> yet<00:13:16.440> these<00:13:16.760> came understand some of them yet these came understand some of them yet these came together<00:13:19.040> to<00:13:19.240> defeat<00:13:19.519> a<00:13:19.680> monstrosity<00:13:20.360> as<00:13:20.600> big together to defeat a monstrosity as big together to defeat a monstrosity as big as<00:13:22.079> bin<00:13:22.399> ladin<00:13:22.720> ISM<00:13:23.199> the<00:13:23.440> global<00:13:23.839> Jihad<00:13:24.720> you as bin ladin ISM the global Jihad you as bin ladin ISM the global Jihad you needed<00:13:25.279> this<00:13:25.480> group<00:13:25.800> effort<00:13:26.800> now<00:13:27.000> not<00:13:27.240> all<00:13:27.360> of needed this group effort now not all of needed this group effort now not all of these<00:13:27.680> things<00:13:27.880> will<00:13:28.079> work<00:13:28.279> in<00:13:28.440> local<00:13:28.720> Jihad these things will work in local Jihad these things will work in local Jihad the<00:13:29.320> American<00:13:29.639> Military<00:13:30.000> is<00:13:30.160> not<00:13:30.320> going<00:13:30.480> to the American Military is not going to the American Military is not going to March<00:13:30.920> into<00:13:31.199> Nigeria<00:13:31.959> to<00:13:32.160> take<00:13:32.320> on<00:13:32.560> boo<00:13:33.360> Haram March into Nigeria to take on boo Haram March into Nigeria to take on boo Haram and<00:13:34.480> it's<00:13:34.639> unlikely<00:13:35.160> that<00:13:35.279> SEAL<00:13:35.560> Team<00:13:35.760> Six and it's unlikely that SEAL Team Six and it's unlikely that SEAL Team Six will<00:13:36.199> repel<00:13:36.560> into<00:13:36.839> the<00:13:37.199> homes<00:13:37.600> of<00:13:37.959> al-shabab's will repel into the homes of al-shabab's will repel into the homes of al-shabab's leaders<00:13:38.959> and<00:13:39.120> take<00:13:39.360> them<00:13:39.880> out<00:13:40.880> but<00:13:41.079> many<00:13:41.279> of leaders and take them out but many of leaders and take them out but many of these<00:13:41.760> other<00:13:42.360> factors<00:13:43.360> that<00:13:43.480> were<00:13:43.680> in<00:13:43.920> play these other factors that were in play these other factors that were in play are<00:13:44.760> now<00:13:45.079> even<00:13:45.480> stronger<00:13:45.760> than<00:13:45.959> before<00:13:46.360> half are now even stronger than before half are now even stronger than before half the<00:13:46.760> work<00:13:47.480> is<00:13:47.639> already the work is already the work is already done<00:13:50.079> we<00:13:50.240> don't<00:13:50.440> have<00:13:50.560> to<00:13:50.759> reinvent<00:13:51.279> the done we don't have to reinvent the done we don't have to reinvent the wheel<00:13:53.399> the<00:13:53.600> notion<00:13:54.000> of<00:13:54.240> violent<00:13:54.680> Jihad<00:13:55.120> in wheel the notion of violent Jihad in wheel the notion of violent Jihad in which<00:13:55.880> more<00:13:56.160> Muslims<00:13:56.519> are<00:13:56.720> killed<00:13:57.000> than<00:13:57.160> any which more Muslims are killed than any which more Muslims are killed than any other<00:13:57.600> kind<00:13:57.759> of<00:13:57.959> people<00:13:58.480> is<00:13:58.639> already other kind of people is already other kind of people is already thoroughly<00:13:59.680> discredited<00:14:00.399> we<00:14:00.560> don't<00:14:00.759> have<00:14:00.880> to thoroughly discredited we don't have to thoroughly discredited we don't have to go<00:14:01.279> back<00:14:01.440> to go back to go back to that<00:14:04.240> satellite<00:14:04.680> television<00:14:05.160> and<00:14:05.600> and<00:14:05.959> the that satellite television and and the that satellite television and and the internet<00:14:07.480> are<00:14:07.800> informing<00:14:08.320> and<00:14:08.560> empowering internet are informing and empowering internet are informing and empowering young<00:14:09.360> Muslims<00:14:09.759> in<00:14:10.120> exciting<00:14:10.600> new young Muslims in exciting new young Muslims in exciting new ways<00:14:12.839> and<00:14:12.959> the<00:14:13.079> Arab<00:14:13.440> Spring<00:14:13.880> has<00:14:14.079> produced ways and the Arab Spring has produced ways and the Arab Spring has produced governments<00:14:15.079> many<00:14:15.320> of<00:14:15.440> them<00:14:15.720> islamist governments many of them islamist governments many of them islamist governments<00:14:18.120> who<00:14:18.279> know<00:14:18.759> that<00:14:18.920> for<00:14:19.120> their<00:14:19.360> own governments who know that for their own governments who know that for their own self-preservation<00:14:21.120> they<00:14:21.279> need<00:14:21.480> to<00:14:21.680> take self-preservation they need to take self-preservation they need to take on<00:14:23.399> the<00:14:23.560> extremists<00:14:24.079> in<00:14:24.240> their on the extremists in their on the extremists in their midst<00:14:27.360> we<00:14:27.480> don't<00:14:27.680> need<00:14:27.839> to<00:14:28.040> persuade<00:14:28.480> them<00:14:29.120> but midst we don't need to persuade them but midst we don't need to persuade them but we<00:14:29.320> do<00:14:29.440> need<00:14:29.560> to<00:14:29.720> help<00:14:29.920> them<00:14:30.120> because<00:14:30.800> they we do need to help them because they we do need to help them because they haven't<00:14:31.279> really<00:14:31.519> come<00:14:32.040> to<00:14:32.240> this<00:14:32.480> place haven't really come to this place haven't really come to this place before<00:14:35.079> the<00:14:35.199> good<00:14:35.360> news<00:14:35.680> again<00:14:35.920> is<00:14:36.440> that<00:14:37.440> a<00:14:37.560> lot before the good news again is that a lot before the good news again is that a lot of<00:14:37.800> the<00:14:37.920> things<00:14:38.120> they<00:14:38.279> need<00:14:39.040> we<00:14:39.240> already<00:14:39.519> have of the things they need we already have of the things they need we already have and<00:14:39.800> we<00:14:40.000> very<00:14:40.199> good<00:14:40.360> at and we very good at and we very good at giving<00:14:42.480> economic<00:14:42.959> assistance<00:14:43.440> not<00:14:43.600> just giving economic assistance not just giving economic assistance not just money<00:14:44.440> but<00:14:44.680> expertise<00:14:45.519> technology money but expertise technology money but expertise technology knowhow<00:14:48.880> private<00:14:49.639> investment<00:14:50.639> Fair<00:14:50.959> terms<00:14:51.240> of knowhow private investment Fair terms of knowhow private investment Fair terms of trade<00:14:52.440> medicine<00:14:53.920> education<00:14:54.920> technical trade medicine education technical trade medicine education technical support<00:14:55.720> for<00:14:56.320> training<00:14:56.720> for<00:14:56.959> their<00:14:57.199> police support for training for their police support for training for their police forces<00:14:57.839> to<00:14:58.040> get<00:14:58.160> become<00:14:58.720> more<00:14:59.120> effective<00:14:59.560> for forces to get become more effective for forces to get become more effective for their<00:14:59.959> anti-terror<00:15:00.639> forces<00:15:01.000> to<00:15:01.160> become<00:15:01.680> more their anti-terror forces to become more their anti-terror forces to become more efficient<00:15:04.399> we've<00:15:04.600> got<00:15:04.759> plenty<00:15:05.000> of<00:15:05.120> these efficient we've got plenty of these efficient we've got plenty of these things<00:15:06.399> some<00:15:06.519> of<00:15:06.680> the<00:15:06.800> other<00:15:07.040> things<00:15:07.199> that things some of the other things that things some of the other things that they<00:15:07.519> need<00:15:08.320> we're<00:15:08.600> not<00:15:08.759> very<00:15:08.959> good<00:15:09.079> at<00:15:09.240> giving they need we're not very good at giving they need we're not very good at giving maybe<00:15:10.480> nobody<00:15:10.920> is<00:15:12.040> time<00:15:13.040> patience maybe nobody is time patience maybe nobody is time patience subtlety<00:15:16.160> understanding<00:15:17.160> these<00:15:17.320> are<00:15:17.480> harder subtlety understanding these are harder subtlety understanding these are harder to<00:15:18.040> give<00:15:18.839> I<00:15:18.959> live<00:15:19.120> in<00:15:19.240> New<00:15:19.440> York<00:15:19.759> now<00:15:20.560> just<00:15:20.800> This to give I live in New York now just This to give I live in New York now just This Week<00:15:21.199> posters<00:15:21.600> have<00:15:21.800> gone<00:15:22.000> up<00:15:22.199> in<00:15:22.399> subway Week posters have gone up in subway Week posters have gone up in subway stations<00:15:23.160> in<00:15:23.320> New<00:15:23.480> York<00:15:24.040> that<00:15:24.639> describe<00:15:25.120> Jihad stations in New York that describe Jihad stations in New York that describe Jihad as<00:15:25.800> Savage

but<00:15:31.000> in<00:15:31.160> all<00:15:31.360> the<00:15:31.480> many<00:15:31.759> years<00:15:32.000> that<00:15:32.120> I<00:15:32.199> have
but in all the many years that I have but in all the many years that I have covered<00:15:32.639> the<00:15:32.720> Middle<00:15:33.000> East<00:15:33.800> I<00:15:33.920> have<00:15:34.120> never covered the Middle East I have never covered the Middle East I have never been<00:15:34.759> as<00:15:34.920> optimistic<00:15:35.480> as<00:15:35.600> I<00:15:35.680> am been as optimistic as I am been as optimistic as I am today<00:15:37.800> that<00:15:38.000> the<00:15:38.199> gap<00:15:38.480> between<00:15:38.839> the<00:15:39.000> Muslim today that the gap between the Muslim today that the gap between the Muslim world<00:15:39.759> and<00:15:40.079> the<00:15:40.240> West<00:15:41.000> is<00:15:41.199> narrowing<00:15:42.360> fast<00:15:43.360> and world and the West is narrowing fast and world and the West is narrowing fast and one<00:15:43.600> of<00:15:43.720> the<00:15:43.839> many<00:15:44.120> reasons<00:15:44.519> for<00:15:44.720> my<00:15:44.959> optimism one of the many reasons for my optimism one of the many reasons for my optimism is<00:15:45.600> that<00:15:45.920> because<00:15:46.399> I<00:15:46.560> know<00:15:47.040> there<00:15:47.199> are is that because I know there are is that because I know there are millions<00:15:48.399> hundreds<00:15:48.800> of<00:15:48.959> millions<00:15:49.279> of<00:15:49.480> people millions hundreds of millions of people millions hundreds of millions of people Muslims<00:15:50.720> like<00:15:51.560> that<00:15:51.720> old<00:15:52.000> Imam<00:15:52.519> in Muslims like that old Imam in Muslims like that old Imam in Tunis<00:15:55.120> who<00:15:55.279> are Tunis who are Tunis who are reclaiming<00:15:57.079> this<00:15:57.759> word<00:15:58.759> as<00:15:59.079> restoring<00:15:59.839> it<00:16:00.839> to reclaiming this word as restoring it to reclaiming this word as restoring it to its<00:16:01.240> original<00:16:01.720> beautiful its original beautiful its original beautiful purpose<00:16:04.199> Bin<00:16:04.480> Laden<00:16:04.759> is<00:16:04.920> dead<00:16:05.240> Bin<00:16:05.480> Laden<00:16:05.759> ISM purpose Bin Laden is dead Bin Laden ISM purpose Bin Laden is dead Bin Laden ISM has<00:16:06.120> been<00:16:06.319> defeated<00:16:07.000> his<00:16:07.240> definition<00:16:07.680> of has been defeated his definition of has been defeated his definition of jihad<00:16:08.279> can<00:16:08.480> now<00:16:08.639> be jihad can now be jihad can now be expunged<00:16:11.480> to<00:16:11.800> that<00:16:12.000> Jihad<00:16:12.399> we<00:16:12.480> can<00:16:12.680> say expunged to that Jihad we can say expunged to that Jihad we can say goodbye<00:16:14.000> good goodbye good goodbye good riddens<00:16:15.680> to<00:16:15.880> the<00:16:16.040> real<00:16:16.639> Jihad<00:16:17.639> we<00:16:17.800> can<00:16:18.000> say riddens to the real Jihad we can say riddens to the real Jihad we can say welcome welcome welcome back<00:16:20.959> good<00:16:21.560> luck<00:16:22.560> thank<00:16:22.720> you

Bobby Ghosh, jihad, islam, TED, TEDx, TEDxGeorgetown, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Georgetown

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