Tầm nhìn về tội ác trong tương lai-Marc Goodman

A vision of crimes in the future - Marc Goodman

A vision of crimes in the future - Marc Goodman




I<00:00:17.119> study<00:00:18.119> the<00:00:18.320> future<00:00:19.119> of<00:00:19.400> crime<00:00:20.080> and
I study the future of crime and I study the future of crime and terrorism<00:00:22.760> and<00:00:22.960> frankly<00:00:23.680> I'm<00:00:24.400> afraid<00:00:25.400> I'm terrorism and frankly I'm afraid I'm terrorism and frankly I'm afraid I'm afraid<00:00:25.960> by<00:00:26.160> what<00:00:26.320> I<00:00:26.840> see<00:00:27.840> I<00:00:28.000> sincerely<00:00:28.480> want<00:00:28.679> to afraid by what I see I sincerely want to afraid by what I see I sincerely want to believe<00:00:29.560> that<00:00:30.320> technology<00:00:31.320> can<00:00:31.599> bring<00:00:31.920> us<00:00:32.160> the believe that technology can bring us the believe that technology can bring us the Techno<00:00:32.759> Utopia<00:00:33.399> that<00:00:33.520> we've<00:00:33.719> been Techno Utopia that we've been Techno Utopia that we've been promised<00:00:35.680> but<00:00:35.840> you<00:00:36.320> see<00:00:37.320> I've<00:00:37.520> spent<00:00:37.960> a<00:00:38.120> career promised but you see I've spent a career promised but you see I've spent a career in<00:00:38.760> law in law in law enforcement<00:00:40.719> and<00:00:40.879> that's<00:00:41.120> informed<00:00:41.640> my enforcement and that's informed my enforcement and that's informed my perspective<00:00:42.399> on<00:00:42.640> things<00:00:43.000> I've<00:00:43.120> been<00:00:43.239> a<00:00:43.360> street perspective on things I've been a street perspective on things I've been a street police<00:00:44.120> officer<00:00:45.000> an<00:00:45.200> undercover police officer an undercover police officer an undercover investigator<00:00:46.920> a<00:00:47.120> counterterrorism investigator a counterterrorism investigator a counterterrorism strategist<00:00:49.039> and<00:00:49.160> I've<00:00:49.280> worked<00:00:49.520> in<00:00:49.760> more<00:00:49.920> than strategist and I've worked in more than strategist and I've worked in more than 70<00:00:50.480> countries<00:00:50.840> around<00:00:51.079> the<00:00:51.199> world<00:00:52.160> I've<00:00:52.359> had 70 countries around the world I've had 70 countries around the world I've had to<00:00:52.600> see<00:00:52.840> more<00:00:53.000> than<00:00:53.199> my<00:00:53.320> fair<00:00:53.600> share<00:00:53.840> of to see more than my fair share of to see more than my fair share of violence<00:00:55.120> and<00:00:55.280> the<00:00:55.440> darker<00:00:55.760> underbelly<00:00:56.480> of violence and the darker underbelly of violence and the darker underbelly of society<00:00:58.039> and<00:00:58.199> that's<00:00:58.440> informed<00:00:58.879> my<00:00:59.199> opinions society and that's informed my opinions society and that's informed my opinions my<00:01:01.680> work<00:01:02.160> with<00:01:02.359> criminals<00:01:02.719> and<00:01:02.879> terrorists my work with criminals and terrorists my work with criminals and terrorists has<00:01:03.640> actually<00:01:03.920> been<00:01:04.320> highly<00:01:04.680> educational has actually been highly educational has actually been highly educational they<00:01:05.560> have<00:01:05.720> taught<00:01:06.000> me<00:01:06.240> a<00:01:06.360> lot<00:01:07.200> and<00:01:07.360> I'd<00:01:07.520> like they have taught me a lot and I'd like they have taught me a lot and I'd like to<00:01:07.720> be<00:01:07.840> able<00:01:08.040> to<00:01:08.159> share<00:01:08.560> some<00:01:08.720> of<00:01:08.880> these to be able to share some of these to be able to share some of these observations<00:01:09.880> with observations with observations with you<00:01:12.080> today<00:01:12.360> I'm<00:01:12.520> going<00:01:12.720> to<00:01:12.920> show<00:01:13.159> you<00:01:13.640> the<00:01:13.799> flip you today I'm going to show you the flip you today I'm going to show you the flip side<00:01:14.640> of<00:01:14.880> all<00:01:15.119> those<00:01:15.479> technologies<00:01:16.280> that<00:01:16.439> we side of all those technologies that we side of all those technologies that we Marvel<00:01:17.080> at<00:01:17.920> the<00:01:18.040> ones<00:01:18.400> that<00:01:18.560> we<00:01:18.880> love<00:01:19.880> in<00:01:20.000> the Marvel at the ones that we love in the Marvel at the ones that we love in the hands<00:01:20.799> of<00:01:20.960> the<00:01:21.119> Ted<00:01:21.600> Community<00:01:22.600> these<00:01:22.759> are hands of the Ted Community these are hands of the Ted Community these are awesome<00:01:23.680> tools<00:01:24.320> which<00:01:24.439> will<00:01:24.600> bring<00:01:24.840> about awesome tools which will bring about awesome tools which will bring about great<00:01:25.439> change<00:01:25.799> for<00:01:26.000> our great change for our great change for our world<00:01:27.920> but<00:01:28.079> in<00:01:28.200> the<00:01:28.479> hands<00:01:29.360> of<00:01:29.560> suici<00:01:29.920> Sude world but in the hands of suici Sude world but in the hands of suici Sude bombers<00:01:31.320> the<00:01:31.479> future<00:01:31.960> can<00:01:32.159> look<00:01:32.439> quite bombers the future can look quite bombers the future can look quite different<00:01:34.399> I<00:01:34.520> started different I started different I started observing<00:01:36.600> technology<00:01:37.360> and<00:01:37.520> how<00:01:37.680> criminals observing technology and how criminals observing technology and how criminals were<00:01:38.280> using<00:01:38.520> it<00:01:38.759> as<00:01:38.840> a<00:01:39.000> young<00:01:39.240> patrol<00:01:39.720> officer were using it as a young patrol officer were using it as a young patrol officer in<00:01:40.960> those<00:01:41.240> days<00:01:41.880> this<00:01:42.159> was<00:01:42.320> the<00:01:42.479> height<00:01:42.720> of in those days this was the height of in those days this was the height of Technology<00:01:44.719> laugh<00:01:45.240> though<00:01:45.399> you<00:01:45.560> will<00:01:46.240> all<00:01:46.399> the Technology laugh though you will all the Technology laugh though you will all the drug<00:01:46.799> dealers<00:01:47.240> and<00:01:47.439> gang<00:01:47.680> members<00:01:48.079> with<00:01:48.240> whom drug dealers and gang members with whom drug dealers and gang members with whom I<00:01:48.560> dealt<00:01:49.360> had<00:01:49.560> one<00:01:49.719> of<00:01:49.960> these<00:01:50.439> long<00:01:50.719> before<00:01:51.079> any I dealt had one of these long before any I dealt had one of these long before any police<00:01:51.759> officer<00:01:52.280> I<00:01:52.399> knew<00:01:53.159> did<00:01:54.159> 20<00:01:54.520> years<00:01:54.799> later police officer I knew did 20 years later police officer I knew did 20 years later criminals<00:01:56.520> are<00:01:56.759> still<00:01:57.000> using<00:01:57.399> mobile<00:01:58.039> phones criminals are still using mobile phones criminals are still using mobile phones but<00:01:59.200> they're<00:01:59.479> also<00:02:00.039> building<00:02:00.840> their<00:02:01.039> own but they're also building their own but they're also building their own mobile<00:02:02.079> phone<00:02:02.840> networks<00:02:03.840> like<00:02:04.079> this<00:02:04.280> one mobile phone networks like this one mobile phone networks like this one which<00:02:05.000> has<00:02:05.119> been<00:02:05.360> deployed<00:02:05.799> in<00:02:06.000> all<00:02:06.240> 31<00:02:06.920> states which has been deployed in all 31 states which has been deployed in all 31 states of<00:02:07.680> Mexico<00:02:08.560> by<00:02:08.679> The<00:02:09.080> Naros<00:02:10.080> they<00:02:10.239> have<00:02:10.360> a of Mexico by The Naros they have a of Mexico by The Naros they have a national<00:02:11.200> encrypted<00:02:11.760> radio<00:02:12.160> Communication national encrypted radio Communication national encrypted radio Communication System<00:02:15.160> think<00:02:15.400> about<00:02:15.720> that<00:02:16.680> think<00:02:17.080> about<00:02:17.440> the System think about that think about the System think about that think about the Innovation<00:02:18.599> that<00:02:18.760> went<00:02:18.959> into<00:02:19.319> that<00:02:20.080> think Innovation that went into that think Innovation that went into that think about<00:02:20.599> the<00:02:20.879> infrastructure<00:02:21.840> to<00:02:22.040> build<00:02:22.360> it<00:02:23.200> and about the infrastructure to build it and about the infrastructure to build it and then<00:02:23.560> think<00:02:23.800> about<00:02:24.280> this<00:02:25.160> why<00:02:25.360> can't<00:02:25.599> I<00:02:25.760> get<00:02:25.920> a then think about this why can't I get a then think about this why can't I get a cell<00:02:26.319> phone<00:02:26.560> signal<00:02:26.879> in<00:02:27.080> San cell phone signal in San cell phone signal in San Francisco<00:02:28.920> how<00:02:29.120> is<00:02:29.280> this<00:02:29.519> possible Francisco how is this possible Francisco how is this possible it<00:02:30.599> makes<00:02:30.920> no it makes no it makes no sense<00:02:33.519> we<00:02:33.760> consistently<00:02:34.519> underestimate<00:02:35.400> what sense we consistently underestimate what sense we consistently underestimate what criminals<00:02:35.920> and<00:02:36.120> terrorists<00:02:36.599> can criminals and terrorists can criminals and terrorists can do<00:02:38.319> technology<00:02:38.920> has<00:02:39.120> made<00:02:39.599> our<00:02:39.879> world do technology has made our world do technology has made our world increasingly<00:02:41.080> open<00:02:41.440> and<00:02:41.519> for<00:02:41.680> the<00:02:41.800> most<00:02:42.080> part increasingly open and for the most part increasingly open and for the most part that's<00:02:42.640> great<00:02:43.280> but<00:02:43.480> all<00:02:43.640> of<00:02:43.800> this<00:02:44.040> openness that's great but all of this openness that's great but all of this openness may<00:02:44.879> have<00:02:45.200> unintended<00:02:46.239> consequences may have unintended consequences may have unintended consequences consider<00:02:47.680> the<00:02:48.120> 2008<00:02:48.599> terrorist<00:02:49.120> attack<00:02:49.480> on consider the 2008 terrorist attack on consider the 2008 terrorist attack on Mumbai<00:02:51.040> the<00:02:51.159> men<00:02:51.360> that<00:02:51.560> carried<00:02:51.879> that<00:02:52.080> attack Mumbai the men that carried that attack Mumbai the men that carried that attack out<00:02:52.840> were<00:02:53.120> armed<00:02:54.120> with out were armed with out were armed with AK-47s<00:02:55.959> explosives<00:02:56.959> and<00:02:57.120> Hand<00:02:57.680> Grenades<00:02:58.680> they AK-47s explosives and Hand Grenades they AK-47s explosives and Hand Grenades they threw<00:02:59.120> these<00:02:59.280> hand<00:02:59.480> grenades<00:03:00.159> and<00:03:00.319> innocent threw these hand grenades and innocent threw these hand grenades and innocent people<00:03:01.440> as<00:03:01.599> they<00:03:01.760> sat<00:03:02.000> eating<00:03:02.280> in<00:03:02.560> cafes<00:03:03.480> and people as they sat eating in cafes and people as they sat eating in cafes and waited<00:03:04.319> to<00:03:04.560> catch<00:03:04.799> trains<00:03:05.159> on<00:03:05.319> their<00:03:05.480> way<00:03:05.640> home waited to catch trains on their way home waited to catch trains on their way home from from from work<00:03:07.640> but<00:03:07.879> Heavy<00:03:08.120> Artillery<00:03:08.920> is<00:03:09.159> nothing<00:03:09.480> new work but Heavy Artillery is nothing new work but Heavy Artillery is nothing new in<00:03:09.959> Terrorist<00:03:10.480> operations<00:03:11.200> guns<00:03:11.440> and<00:03:11.640> bombs in Terrorist operations guns and bombs in Terrorist operations guns and bombs are<00:03:12.120> nothing<00:03:12.480> new<00:03:13.480> what<00:03:13.640> was<00:03:13.879> different<00:03:14.360> this are nothing new what was different this are nothing new what was different this time<00:03:14.920> is<00:03:15.080> the<00:03:15.200> way<00:03:15.360> that<00:03:15.519> the<00:03:15.840> terrorists<00:03:16.840> use time is the way that the terrorists use time is the way that the terrorists use modern<00:03:18.239> information<00:03:18.760> Communications modern information Communications modern information Communications Technologies<00:03:20.640> to<00:03:20.959> locate<00:03:21.519> additional Technologies to locate additional Technologies to locate additional victims<00:03:23.280> and<00:03:23.440> slaughter<00:03:24.360> them<00:03:25.360> they<00:03:25.480> were victims and slaughter them they were victims and slaughter them they were armed<00:03:26.640> with<00:03:26.920> mobile<00:03:27.319> phones<00:03:28.319> they<00:03:28.480> had armed with mobile phones they had armed with mobile phones they had blackberries<00:03:29.840> they<00:03:29.959> had<00:03:30.200> access<00:03:30.480> to blackberries they had access to blackberries they had access to satellite<00:03:31.200> imagery<00:03:32.080> they<00:03:32.239> had<00:03:32.439> satellite satellite imagery they had satellite satellite imagery they had satellite phones<00:03:33.400> and<00:03:33.560> they<00:03:33.720> even<00:03:34.000> had<00:03:34.159> night<00:03:34.400> vision phones and they even had night vision phones and they even had night vision goggles<00:03:36.239> but<00:03:36.480> perhaps<00:03:37.439> their<00:03:37.799> greatest goggles but perhaps their greatest goggles but perhaps their greatest Innovation<00:03:38.760> was<00:03:39.159> this<00:03:40.159> we've<00:03:40.360> all<00:03:40.480> seen Innovation was this we've all seen Innovation was this we've all seen pictures<00:03:41.200> like<00:03:41.400> this<00:03:41.599> on<00:03:41.840> television<00:03:42.319> and<00:03:42.439> in pictures like this on television and in pictures like this on television and in the<00:03:42.720> news<00:03:43.640> this<00:03:43.760> is<00:03:43.879> an<00:03:44.120> operation<00:03:44.680> Center<00:03:45.080> and the news this is an operation Center and the news this is an operation Center and the<00:03:45.319> terrorist<00:03:45.799> built<00:03:46.120> their<00:03:46.360> very<00:03:46.599> own<00:03:46.920> op the terrorist built their very own op the terrorist built their very own op Center<00:03:48.080> across<00:03:48.560> the<00:03:48.680> border<00:03:49.040> in<00:03:49.480> Pakistan Center across the border in Pakistan Center across the border in Pakistan where<00:03:50.720> they<00:03:50.879> monitored<00:03:51.480> the<00:03:51.799> BBC<00:03:52.799> Al<00:03:53.040> jazer where they monitored the BBC Al jazer where they monitored the BBC Al jazer CNN<00:03:55.040> and<00:03:55.239> Indian<00:03:55.640> local<00:03:56.280> stations<00:03:57.280> they<00:03:57.480> also CNN and Indian local stations they also CNN and Indian local stations they also monitored<00:03:58.360> the<00:03:58.560> internet<00:03:59.519> and<00:03:59.920> social<00:04:00.280> media monitored the internet and social media monitored the internet and social media to<00:04:01.599> monitor<00:04:02.120> the<00:04:02.439> progress<00:04:02.959> of<00:04:03.079> their<00:04:03.360> attacks to monitor the progress of their attacks to monitor the progress of their attacks and<00:04:04.000> how<00:04:04.120> many<00:04:04.360> people<00:04:04.680> they<00:04:04.799> had and how many people they had and how many people they had killed<00:04:06.599> they<00:04:06.760> did<00:04:07.079> all<00:04:07.239> of<00:04:07.480> this<00:04:07.959> in<00:04:08.159> real<00:04:08.959> time killed they did all of this in real time killed they did all of this in real time the<00:04:10.120> innovation<00:04:10.799> of<00:04:10.920> the<00:04:11.079> terrorist the innovation of the terrorist the innovation of the terrorist Operation<00:04:12.239> Center<00:04:13.040> gave<00:04:13.319> terrorists Operation Center gave terrorists Operation Center gave terrorists unparalleled<00:04:15.480> situational<00:04:16.239> awareness<00:04:16.880> and unparalleled situational awareness and unparalleled situational awareness and tactical<00:04:17.639> advantage<00:04:18.199> over<00:04:18.400> the<00:04:18.560> police<00:04:19.400> and tactical advantage over the police and tactical advantage over the police and over<00:04:19.759> the over the over the government<00:04:21.600> what<00:04:21.720> did<00:04:21.919> they<00:04:22.040> do<00:04:22.240> with<00:04:22.440> this government what did they do with this government what did they do with this they<00:04:23.120> used<00:04:23.320> it<00:04:23.440> to<00:04:23.600> great<00:04:23.919> effect<00:04:24.919> at<00:04:25.040> one they used it to great effect at one they used it to great effect at one point<00:04:25.440> during<00:04:25.680> The<00:04:25.840> 60-hour<00:04:26.479> Siege<00:04:26.960> the point during The 60-hour Siege the point during The 60-hour Siege the terrorists<00:04:27.560> were<00:04:27.680> going<00:04:27.880> room<00:04:28.120> to<00:04:28.280> room terrorists were going room to room terrorists were going room to room trying<00:04:28.720> to<00:04:28.840> find<00:04:29.080> additional<00:04:29.440> victim<00:04:30.120> victims trying to find additional victim victims trying to find additional victim victims They<00:04:31.280> Came<00:04:31.560> Upon<00:04:31.880> a<00:04:32.039> suite<00:04:32.479> on<00:04:32.600> the<00:04:32.759> top<00:04:32.919> floor They Came Upon a suite on the top floor They Came Upon a suite on the top floor of<00:04:33.280> the<00:04:33.440> hotel<00:04:34.120> and<00:04:34.240> they<00:04:34.360> kicked<00:04:34.639> down<00:04:34.840> the of the hotel and they kicked down the of the hotel and they kicked down the door<00:04:35.240> and<00:04:35.400> they<00:04:35.560> found<00:04:35.960> a<00:04:36.199> man<00:04:36.800> hiding<00:04:37.160> by<00:04:37.360> his door and they found a man hiding by his door and they found a man hiding by his bed<00:04:38.120> and<00:04:38.280> they<00:04:38.400> said<00:04:38.600> to<00:04:38.800> him<00:04:39.199> who<00:04:39.479> are<00:04:39.759> you<00:04:40.080> and bed and they said to him who are you and bed and they said to him who are you and what<00:04:40.360> are<00:04:40.479> you<00:04:40.680> doing<00:04:41.120> here<00:04:42.120> and<00:04:42.240> the<00:04:42.360> man what are you doing here and the man what are you doing here and the man replied<00:04:43.759> I'm<00:04:44.000> just<00:04:44.160> an<00:04:44.360> innocent<00:04:44.800> school replied I'm just an innocent school replied I'm just an innocent school teacher<00:04:46.600> of<00:04:46.720> course<00:04:46.960> the<00:04:47.080> terrorists<00:04:47.600> knew teacher of course the terrorists knew teacher of course the terrorists knew that<00:04:48.720> no<00:04:49.000> Indian<00:04:49.400> School<00:04:49.759> teacher<00:04:50.400> stays<00:04:50.759> at<00:04:50.880> a that no Indian School teacher stays at a that no Indian School teacher stays at a suite<00:04:51.280> in<00:04:51.400> the<00:04:51.800> Taj<00:04:52.800> they<00:04:53.000> picked<00:04:53.199> up<00:04:53.360> his suite in the Taj they picked up his suite in the Taj they picked up his identification<00:04:54.800> and<00:04:54.919> they<00:04:55.080> phoned<00:04:55.600> his<00:04:55.840> name identification and they phoned his name identification and they phoned his name in<00:04:56.560> to<00:04:56.759> the<00:04:56.919> terrorist<00:04:57.360> war<00:04:57.639> room<00:04:58.639> where<00:04:58.800> the in to the terrorist war room where the in to the terrorist war room where the terrorist<00:04:59.360> War<00:04:59.759> room<00:05:00.000> Googled<00:05:00.440> him<00:05:00.919> and<00:05:01.080> found terrorist War room Googled him and found terrorist War room Googled him and found a<00:05:01.600> picture<00:05:02.280> and<00:05:02.440> called<00:05:02.680> their<00:05:02.840> operatives<00:05:03.280> on a picture and called their operatives on a picture and called their operatives on the<00:05:03.560> ground<00:05:03.919> and<00:05:04.360> said<00:05:05.360> your<00:05:05.680> hostage<00:05:06.400> is<00:05:06.560> he the ground and said your hostage is he the ground and said your hostage is he heavy heavy heavy set<00:05:09.039> is<00:05:09.160> he<00:05:09.320> bald<00:05:09.680> in set is he bald in set is he bald in front<00:05:11.800> does<00:05:12.039> he<00:05:12.240> wear front does he wear front does he wear glasses<00:05:14.360> yes<00:05:15.360> yes<00:05:16.039> yes<00:05:16.479> came<00:05:16.720> the<00:05:16.960> answers<00:05:17.960> the glasses yes yes yes came the answers the glasses yes yes yes came the answers the op<00:05:18.400> Center<00:05:18.759> had<00:05:18.919> found<00:05:19.199> him<00:05:19.360> and<00:05:19.520> they<00:05:19.639> had<00:05:19.759> a op Center had found him and they had a op Center had found him and they had a match<00:05:20.479> he<00:05:20.600> was<00:05:20.800> not<00:05:20.960> a<00:05:21.080> school<00:05:21.360> teacher<00:05:22.000> he<00:05:22.120> was match he was not a school teacher he was match he was not a school teacher he was the<00:05:22.479> second<00:05:22.800> wealthiest<00:05:23.360> business<00:05:23.840> man<00:05:24.080> in the second wealthiest business man in the second wealthiest business man in India<00:05:25.479> and<00:05:25.680> after<00:05:26.120> discovering<00:05:26.440> this India and after discovering this India and after discovering this information<00:05:27.080> the<00:05:27.240> terrorist<00:05:27.680> War<00:05:28.000> Room<00:05:28.919> gave information the terrorist War Room gave information the terrorist War Room gave the<00:05:29.759> order<00:05:30.319> to<00:05:30.600> the<00:05:30.759> terrorists<00:05:31.160> on<00:05:31.240> the the order to the terrorists on the the order to the terrorists on the ground<00:05:31.560> in

Mumbai<00:05:36.160> we<00:05:36.479> all<00:05:36.840> worry<00:05:37.520> about<00:05:37.840> our<00:05:38.199> privacy
Mumbai we all worry about our privacy Mumbai we all worry about our privacy settings<00:05:39.600> on settings on settings on Facebook<00:05:41.680> but<00:05:41.880> the<00:05:42.120> fact<00:05:42.440> of<00:05:42.600> the<00:05:42.800> matter<00:05:43.240> is Facebook but the fact of the matter is Facebook but the fact of the matter is our<00:05:44.639> openness<00:05:45.600> can<00:05:45.759> be<00:05:45.919> used<00:05:46.240> against<00:05:46.600> us our openness can be used against us our openness can be used against us terrorists<00:05:48.120> are<00:05:48.319> doing<00:05:48.720> this<00:05:49.440> a<00:05:49.680> search terrorists are doing this a search terrorists are doing this a search engine<00:05:51.280> can<00:05:51.600> determine<00:05:52.600> who<00:05:52.759> shall<00:05:53.120> live<00:05:53.960> and engine can determine who shall live and engine can determine who shall live and who<00:05:54.319> shall who shall who shall die<00:05:56.759> this<00:05:56.880> is<00:05:57.039> the<00:05:57.160> world<00:05:57.400> that<00:05:57.520> we<00:05:57.680> live die this is the world that we live die this is the world that we live in<00:05:59.639> during<00:05:59.880> the<00:06:00.039> Mumbai<00:06:00.520> Siege<00:06:00.960> terrorists in during the Mumbai Siege terrorists in during the Mumbai Siege terrorists were<00:06:01.680> so<00:06:01.960> dependent<00:06:02.639> on<00:06:03.120> technology<00:06:04.120> that were so dependent on technology that were so dependent on technology that several<00:06:04.639> witnesses<00:06:05.199> reported<00:06:05.720> that<00:06:05.919> as<00:06:06.160> the several witnesses reported that as the several witnesses reported that as the terrorists<00:06:06.720> were<00:06:06.840> shooting<00:06:07.440> hostages<00:06:08.039> with terrorists were shooting hostages with terrorists were shooting hostages with one<00:06:08.520> hand<00:06:09.280> they<00:06:09.400> were<00:06:09.599> checking<00:06:09.919> their<00:06:10.120> mobile one hand they were checking their mobile one hand they were checking their mobile phone<00:06:10.759> messages<00:06:11.319> in<00:06:11.479> the<00:06:11.680> very<00:06:12.199> other phone messages in the very other phone messages in the very other hand<00:06:14.120> in<00:06:14.240> the<00:06:14.400> end<00:06:14.960> 300<00:06:15.479> people<00:06:15.759> were<00:06:15.960> Gravely hand in the end 300 people were Gravely hand in the end 300 people were Gravely wounded<00:06:17.160> and<00:06:17.319> over wounded and over wounded and over 172<00:06:19.280> men<00:06:19.800> women<00:06:20.160> and<00:06:20.360> children<00:06:21.240> lost<00:06:21.560> their 172 men women and children lost their 172 men women and children lost their lives<00:06:22.199> that lives that lives that day<00:06:24.800> think<00:06:25.000> about<00:06:25.319> what<00:06:25.520> happened<00:06:26.440> during day think about what happened during day think about what happened during this<00:06:27.080> 60-hour<00:06:28.080> Siege<00:06:28.919> on<00:06:29.160> Mumbai this 60-hour Siege on Mumbai this 60-hour Siege on Mumbai 10<00:06:31.280> men<00:06:32.080> armed<00:06:32.599> not<00:06:32.840> just<00:06:33.039> with<00:06:33.280> weapons<00:06:34.120> but 10 men armed not just with weapons but 10 men armed not just with weapons but with<00:06:34.759> technology<00:06:35.759> were<00:06:36.039> able<00:06:36.280> to<00:06:36.479> bring<00:06:36.840> a with technology were able to bring a with technology were able to bring a city<00:06:37.400> of<00:06:37.680> 20<00:06:38.039> million<00:06:38.520> people<00:06:39.400> to<00:06:39.560> a city of 20 million people to a city of 20 million people to a standstill<00:06:41.520> 10<00:06:41.880> people<00:06:42.199> brought<00:06:42.560> 20<00:06:42.919> million standstill 10 people brought 20 million standstill 10 people brought 20 million people<00:06:43.919> to<00:06:44.080> a<00:06:44.240> standstill<00:06:44.800> and<00:06:44.960> this<00:06:45.120> traveled people to a standstill and this traveled people to a standstill and this traveled around<00:06:45.919> the around the around the world<00:06:48.240> this<00:06:48.919> is<00:06:49.160> what<00:06:49.400> radicals<00:06:49.960> can<00:06:50.199> do<00:06:51.000> with world this is what radicals can do with world this is what radicals can do with openness<00:06:54.240> this<00:06:54.360> was<00:06:54.520> done<00:06:54.680> nearly<00:06:55.039> 4<00:06:55.360> years openness this was done nearly 4 years openness this was done nearly 4 years ago<00:06:56.919> what<00:06:57.120> could<00:06:57.319> terrorists<00:06:57.759> do<00:06:57.879> today<00:06:58.120> with ago what could terrorists do today with ago what could terrorists do today with the<00:06:58.400> Technologies<00:06:59.120> available<00:06:59.639> that<00:06:59.800> we<00:07:00.039> have the Technologies available that we have the Technologies available that we have what<00:07:01.199> will<00:07:01.440> they<00:07:01.599> do what will they do what will they do tomorrow<00:07:04.199> the<00:07:04.400> ability<00:07:04.960> of<00:07:05.240> one<00:07:05.800> to<00:07:06.120> affect tomorrow the ability of one to affect tomorrow the ability of one to affect many<00:07:07.080> is<00:07:07.240> scaling<00:07:08.520> exponentially<00:07:09.520> and<00:07:09.639> it's many is scaling exponentially and it's many is scaling exponentially and it's scaling<00:07:10.240> for<00:07:10.560> good<00:07:11.280> and<00:07:11.440> it's<00:07:11.599> scaling<00:07:12.000> for scaling for good and it's scaling for scaling for good and it's scaling for evil<00:07:14.080> it's<00:07:14.240> not<00:07:14.479> just<00:07:14.639> about<00:07:14.960> terrorism evil it's not just about terrorism evil it's not just about terrorism though<00:07:15.720> there's<00:07:15.919> also<00:07:16.120> been<00:07:16.280> a<00:07:16.440> big<00:07:16.720> paradigm though there's also been a big paradigm though there's also been a big paradigm shift<00:07:17.440> in<00:07:17.720> crime<00:07:18.720> you<00:07:19.039> see<00:07:20.039> you<00:07:20.199> can<00:07:20.400> now shift in crime you see you can now shift in crime you see you can now commit<00:07:21.039> more<00:07:21.400> crime<00:07:21.919> as<00:07:22.120> well<00:07:22.800> in<00:07:22.960> the<00:07:23.080> old commit more crime as well in the old commit more crime as well in the old days<00:07:23.680> it<00:07:23.759> was<00:07:23.879> a<00:07:24.039> knife<00:07:24.280> and<00:07:24.400> a<00:07:24.599> gun<00:07:25.160> then days it was a knife and a gun then days it was a knife and a gun then criminals<00:07:25.840> moved<00:07:26.160> to<00:07:26.440> robbing<00:07:26.840> trains<00:07:27.240> you criminals moved to robbing trains you criminals moved to robbing trains you could<00:07:27.520> Rob<00:07:28.199> 200<00:07:28.479> people<00:07:28.680> on<00:07:28.800> a<00:07:28.919> train<00:07:29.160> a<00:07:29.280> great could Rob 200 people on a train a great could Rob 200 people on a train a great Innovation<00:07:30.840> moving<00:07:31.199> forward<00:07:31.800> the<00:07:31.960> internet Innovation moving forward the internet Innovation moving forward the internet allowed<00:07:32.759> things<00:07:33.000> to<00:07:33.199> scale<00:07:33.720> even<00:07:34.039> more<00:07:34.960> in allowed things to scale even more in allowed things to scale even more in fact<00:07:35.360> many<00:07:35.560> of<00:07:35.639> you<00:07:35.759> will<00:07:35.919> remember<00:07:36.199> the fact many of you will remember the fact many of you will remember the recent<00:07:36.639> Sony<00:07:37.000> Playstation<00:07:37.759> hack<00:07:38.479> in<00:07:38.639> that recent Sony Playstation hack in that recent Sony Playstation hack in that incident<00:07:39.560> over<00:07:40.560> 100<00:07:41.199> million<00:07:41.800> people<00:07:42.319> were incident over 100 million people were incident over 100 million people were robbed<00:07:44.280> think<00:07:44.520> about<00:07:44.919> that<00:07:45.800> when<00:07:46.199> in<00:07:46.360> the robbed think about that when in the robbed think about that when in the history<00:07:47.000> of<00:07:47.199> humanity<00:07:47.800> has<00:07:47.919> it<00:07:48.080> ever<00:07:48.280> been history of humanity has it ever been history of humanity has it ever been possible<00:07:48.960> for<00:07:49.199> one<00:07:49.520> person<00:07:50.319> to<00:07:51.039> Rob<00:07:52.039> 100 possible for one person to Rob 100 possible for one person to Rob 100 million<00:07:55.080> of<00:07:55.199> course<00:07:55.400> it's<00:07:55.599> not<00:07:55.800> just<00:07:55.960> about million of course it's not just about million of course it's not just about stealing<00:07:56.720> things<00:07:57.479> there<00:07:57.599> are<00:07:57.840> other<00:07:58.199> avenues stealing things there are other avenues stealing things there are other avenues of<00:07:58.800> technology<00:07:59.280> that<00:07:59.560> criminals<00:07:59.919> can<00:08:00.199> exploit of technology that criminals can exploit of technology that criminals can exploit many<00:08:01.400> of<00:08:01.520> you<00:08:01.680> will<00:08:01.840> remember<00:08:02.400> this<00:08:02.800> super many of you will remember this super many of you will remember this super cute<00:08:03.479> video<00:08:04.000> from<00:08:04.199> the<00:08:04.400> last cute video from the last cute video from the last TT<00:08:06.440> but<00:08:06.759> not<00:08:07.199> all<00:08:07.759> quad<00:08:08.360> copter<00:08:08.840> swarms<00:08:09.440> are<00:08:09.599> so TT but not all quad copter swarms are so TT but not all quad copter swarms are so nice<00:08:10.759> and<00:08:11.080> cute<00:08:12.080> they<00:08:12.199> don't<00:08:12.560> all<00:08:12.800> have nice and cute they don't all have nice and cute they don't all have drumsticks<00:08:13.639> some<00:08:13.840> can<00:08:13.960> be<00:08:14.120> armed<00:08:14.479> with<00:08:14.680> HD drumsticks some can be armed with HD drumsticks some can be armed with HD cameras<00:08:15.680> and<00:08:15.800> do<00:08:16.000> counter<00:08:16.360> surveillance<00:08:16.919> on cameras and do counter surveillance on cameras and do counter surveillance on protesters<00:08:18.759> or<00:08:19.199> as<00:08:19.319> in<00:08:19.479> this<00:08:19.639> little<00:08:19.800> bit<00:08:19.919> of protesters or as in this little bit of protesters or as in this little bit of movie<00:08:20.400> Magic<00:08:21.159> quadcopters<00:08:22.159> can<00:08:22.360> be<00:08:22.800> loaded movie Magic quadcopters can be loaded movie Magic quadcopters can be loaded with<00:08:24.000> firearms<00:08:25.000> and<00:08:25.199> automatic with firearms and automatic with firearms and automatic weapons<00:08:27.840> little<00:08:28.120> robots<00:08:28.479> are<00:08:28.759> cute<00:08:29.520> when<00:08:29.639> they weapons little robots are cute when they weapons little robots are cute when they play<00:08:30.039> music<00:08:30.360> to<00:08:30.560> you<00:08:31.159> when<00:08:31.360> they<00:08:31.599> swarm<00:08:32.440> and play music to you when they swarm and play music to you when they swarm and chase<00:08:32.839> you<00:08:33.000> down<00:08:33.200> the<00:08:33.320> block<00:08:33.560> to<00:08:33.680> shoot<00:08:34.000> you<00:08:34.560> a chase you down the block to shoot you a chase you down the block to shoot you a little<00:08:34.919> bit<00:08:35.120> less little bit less little bit less so<00:08:37.159> of<00:08:37.279> course<00:08:37.839> criminals<00:08:38.240> and<00:08:38.360> terrorists so of course criminals and terrorists so of course criminals and terrorists weren't<00:08:39.000> the<00:08:39.080> first<00:08:39.320> to<00:08:39.440> give<00:08:39.640> guns<00:08:39.919> to<00:08:40.120> robots weren't the first to give guns to robots weren't the first to give guns to robots we<00:08:40.800> know<00:08:40.919> where<00:08:41.120> that<00:08:41.279> started<00:08:42.000> but<00:08:42.120> they're we know where that started but they're we know where that started but they're adapting<00:08:42.880> quickly<00:08:43.440> recently<00:08:43.880> the<00:08:44.039> FBI

Mac Goodman, technology, open, world, future, TED, TED, Ed, TED-Ed, TEDEducation

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