Tầm quan trọng của focus-Richard St. John

The importance of focus - Richard St. John

The importance of focus - Richard St. John



eight<00:00:18.960> to<00:00:19.119> be<00:00:19.320> great<00:00:19.960> the<00:00:20.119> eight<00:00:20.400> traits
eight to be great the eight traits eight to be great the eight traits successful<00:00:21.359> people<00:00:21.640> have<00:00:21.800> in<00:00:22.000> common<00:00:22.680> number successful people have in common number successful people have in common number three<00:00:24.000> focus<00:00:24.880> when<00:00:25.039> I<00:00:25.160> asked<00:00:25.400> James<00:00:25.720> Cameron three focus when I asked James Cameron three focus when I asked James Cameron how<00:00:26.519> he<00:00:26.640> managed<00:00:26.960> to<00:00:27.119> produce<00:00:27.439> the<00:00:27.599> two how he managed to produce the two how he managed to produce the two highest<00:00:28.240> grossing<00:00:28.679> films<00:00:29.000> of<00:00:29.160> all<00:00:29.439> time highest grossing films of all time highest grossing films of all time Titanic<00:00:30.439> and<00:00:30.679> Avatar<00:00:31.439> he<00:00:31.560> said<00:00:31.800> Focus<00:00:32.200> had<00:00:32.320> a Titanic and Avatar he said Focus had a Titanic and Avatar he said Focus had a lot<00:00:32.599> to<00:00:32.759> do<00:00:32.920> with<00:00:33.040> it<00:00:33.520> he<00:00:33.640> said<00:00:33.879> you've<00:00:34.120> got<00:00:34.239> to lot to do with it he said you've got to lot to do with it he said you've got to be<00:00:34.640> super<00:00:35.040> focused<00:00:35.520> like<00:00:35.640> a<00:00:35.760> laser<00:00:36.480> to<00:00:36.680> get be super focused like a laser to get be super focused like a laser to get anything<00:00:37.320> worthwhile<00:00:37.800> done<00:00:38.680> he<00:00:38.800> said<00:00:39.040> when<00:00:39.160> I anything worthwhile done he said when I anything worthwhile done he said when I did<00:00:39.559> Avatar<00:00:40.120> I<00:00:40.200> was<00:00:40.399> focused<00:00:40.800> for<00:00:41.079> four did Avatar I was focused for four did Avatar I was focused for four years<00:00:43.239> now<00:00:43.399> I'm<00:00:43.520> not<00:00:43.640> saying<00:00:43.879> you<00:00:44.000> never<00:00:44.239> think years now I'm not saying you never think years now I'm not saying you never think wide<00:00:44.840> at<00:00:45.000> the<00:00:45.120> beginning<00:00:45.399> of<00:00:45.600> anything wide at the beginning of anything wide at the beginning of anything whether<00:00:46.280> it's<00:00:46.399> your<00:00:46.640> career<00:00:47.000> or<00:00:47.120> a<00:00:47.360> problem whether it's your career or a problem whether it's your career or a problem you're<00:00:47.760> trying<00:00:48.000> to<00:00:48.160> solve<00:00:48.800> you<00:00:48.960> got<00:00:49.079> to<00:00:49.239> think you're trying to solve you got to think you're trying to solve you got to think wide<00:00:49.800> you<00:00:49.920> got<00:00:50.000> to<00:00:50.120> take<00:00:50.320> lots<00:00:50.559> of<00:00:50.760> stuff<00:00:51.039> in wide you got to take lots of stuff in wide you got to take lots of stuff in and<00:00:51.840> I<00:00:51.960> say<00:00:52.160> when<00:00:52.280> you're<00:00:52.520> young<00:00:53.039> don't<00:00:53.320> Focus and I say when you're young don't Focus and I say when you're young don't Focus too<00:00:53.960> soon<00:00:54.760> just<00:00:54.879> know<00:00:55.120> in<00:00:55.239> the<00:00:55.399> back<00:00:55.520> of<00:00:55.640> your too soon just know in the back of your too soon just know in the back of your mind<00:00:56.079> that<00:00:56.320> success<00:00:56.800> requires<00:00:57.239> a mind that success requires a mind that success requires a single-minded<00:00:58.280> focus<00:00:59.239> as<00:00:59.399> Larry<00:00:59.719> p single-minded focus as Larry p single-minded focus as Larry p co-founder<00:01:00.680> Google<00:01:01.000> said<00:01:01.160> to<00:01:01.280> me<00:01:02.199> you<00:01:02.320> should co-founder Google said to me you should co-founder Google said to me you should focus<00:01:02.960> on<00:01:03.239> one<00:01:03.519> important<00:01:03.960> goal<00:01:04.559> and<00:01:04.680> you<00:01:04.799> need focus on one important goal and you need focus on one important goal and you need to<00:01:05.119> be<00:01:05.280> pretty<00:01:05.560> single-minded<00:01:06.360> about<00:01:06.560> it<00:01:07.560> it to be pretty single-minded about it it to be pretty single-minded about it it was<00:01:07.799> a<00:01:08.000> single-minded<00:01:08.759> focus<00:01:09.159> that<00:01:09.320> enabled was a single-minded focus that enabled was a single-minded focus that enabled astrophysicists<00:01:11.240> to<00:01:11.400> build<00:01:11.640> a<00:01:11.799> space astrophysicists to build a space astrophysicists to build a space telescope<00:01:12.799> the<00:01:12.920> size<00:01:13.119> of<00:01:13.280> a<00:01:13.640> of<00:01:13.720> a<00:01:13.840> suitcase telescope the size of a of a suitcase telescope the size of a of a suitcase that<00:01:14.640> only<00:01:14.880> cost<00:01:15.119> 10<00:01:15.320> million<00:01:15.680> bucks<00:01:16.439> compared that only cost 10 million bucks compared that only cost 10 million bucks compared to<00:01:16.880> the<00:01:17.000> two<00:01:17.240> billion<00:01:17.600> it<00:01:17.799> cost<00:01:18.040> to<00:01:18.119> build<00:01:18.320> the to the two billion it cost to build the to the two billion it cost to build the Hubble<00:01:19.439> and<00:01:19.560> when<00:01:19.680> I<00:01:19.799> asked<00:01:20.040> Mission Hubble and when I asked Mission Hubble and when I asked Mission scientist<00:01:20.840> Jamie<00:01:21.200> Matthews<00:01:21.680> about<00:01:21.880> it<00:01:22.360> he scientist Jamie Matthews about it he scientist Jamie Matthews about it he said<00:01:22.840> focus<00:01:23.479> is<00:01:23.600> the<00:01:23.759> key<00:01:24.040> word<00:01:24.240> for<00:01:24.400> our said focus is the key word for our said focus is the key word for our success<00:01:25.600> we<00:01:25.720> pulled<00:01:26.040> this<00:01:26.159> off<00:01:26.320> on<00:01:26.479> a<00:01:26.680> tight success we pulled this off on a tight success we pulled this off on a tight budget<00:01:27.240> and<00:01:27.439> short<00:01:27.759> timeline<00:01:28.640> because<00:01:28.880> we budget and short timeline because we budget and short timeline because we just<00:01:29.240> did<00:01:29.520> one<00:01:29.759> thing<00:01:29.960> thing<00:01:30.320> exceptionally just did one thing thing exceptionally just did one thing thing exceptionally well<00:01:31.880> we<00:01:32.040> didn't<00:01:32.280> try<00:01:32.439> and<00:01:32.600> make<00:01:32.759> the<00:01:32.920> Swiss well we didn't try and make the Swiss well we didn't try and make the Swiss army<00:01:33.640> knife<00:01:34.000> of<00:01:34.200> telescopes<00:01:35.000> that<00:01:35.119> did<00:01:35.320> a<00:01:35.439> lot army knife of telescopes that did a lot army knife of telescopes that did a lot of<00:01:35.799> things<00:01:36.640> successful<00:01:37.200> companies<00:01:37.680> focus of things successful companies focus of things successful companies focus when<00:01:38.880> Tom<00:01:39.159> Monahan<00:01:39.880> the<00:01:40.000> founder<00:01:40.280> of<00:01:40.439> Domino's when Tom Monahan the founder of Domino's when Tom Monahan the founder of Domino's Pizza<00:01:41.320> was<00:01:41.479> asked<00:01:41.799> the<00:01:42.119> The<00:01:42.280> Secret<00:01:42.640> of<00:01:42.799> his Pizza was asked the The Secret of his Pizza was asked the The Secret of his success<00:01:43.840> he<00:01:43.960> set<00:01:44.159> a<00:01:44.399> fanatical<00:01:45.040> focus<00:01:45.520> on success he set a fanatical focus on success he set a fanatical focus on doing<00:01:46.079> one<00:01:46.320> thing<00:01:46.600> well<00:01:47.360> Bill<00:01:47.600> Gates<00:01:47.880> would doing one thing well Bill Gates would doing one thing well Bill Gates would agree<00:01:49.000> he<00:01:49.079> says<00:01:49.320> if<00:01:49.439> you<00:01:49.520> want<00:01:49.600> to<00:01:49.719> be<00:01:49.840> a<00:01:49.960> great agree he says if you want to be a great agree he says if you want to be a great software<00:01:50.640> company<00:01:51.040> you<00:01:51.159> have<00:01:51.280> to<00:01:51.399> be<00:01:51.600> only<00:01:51.960> a software company you have to be only a software company you have to be only a software<00:01:52.600> company<00:01:53.280> you<00:01:53.439> can't<00:01:53.719> dabble<00:01:54.119> in software company you can't dabble in software company you can't dabble in other<00:01:54.600> things<00:01:55.560> but<00:01:55.759> many<00:01:56.039> companies<00:01:56.640> and other things but many companies and other things but many companies and people<00:01:57.280> do<00:01:57.560> dabble<00:01:58.200> and<00:01:58.360> I<00:01:58.479> was<00:01:58.680> one<00:01:58.799> of<00:01:58.960> them people do dabble and I was one of them people do dabble and I was one of them after<00:01:59.920> 10<00:02:00.079> years<00:02:00.200> in<00:02:00.320> the<00:02:00.439> workforce<00:02:00.960> I<00:02:01.039> was after 10 years in the workforce I was after 10 years in the workforce I was dabbling<00:02:01.560> in<00:02:01.680> many<00:02:01.920> different<00:02:02.200> areas<00:02:02.960> and<00:02:03.079> on dabbling in many different areas and on dabbling in many different areas and on the<00:02:03.360> personal<00:02:03.719> front<00:02:04.079> I<00:02:04.200> was<00:02:04.360> all<00:02:04.520> over<00:02:04.759> the the personal front I was all over the the personal front I was all over the map<00:02:05.920> so<00:02:06.320> I<00:02:06.399> was<00:02:06.719> okay<00:02:07.159> at<00:02:07.320> a<00:02:07.439> lot<00:02:07.560> of<00:02:07.719> things<00:02:08.399> but map so I was okay at a lot of things but map so I was okay at a lot of things but I<00:02:08.679> wasn't<00:02:09.000> great<00:02:09.280> at<00:02:09.440> any<00:02:09.640> one<00:02:09.959> thing<00:02:10.679> and<00:02:10.800> when I wasn't great at any one thing and when I wasn't great at any one thing and when I<00:02:11.000> looked<00:02:11.200> at<00:02:11.400> successful<00:02:11.920> people<00:02:12.280> it<00:02:12.400> was I looked at successful people it was I looked at successful people it was just<00:02:12.760> the<00:02:12.959> opposite<00:02:13.640> they're<00:02:13.879> not<00:02:14.080> great<00:02:14.319> at just the opposite they're not great at just the opposite they're not great at everything<00:02:15.120> they're<00:02:15.319> only<00:02:15.599> great<00:02:15.920> at<00:02:16.080> one everything they're only great at one everything they're only great at one thing<00:02:16.920> Quincy<00:02:17.319> Jones<00:02:17.680> told<00:02:17.879> me<00:02:18.040> he<00:02:18.160> can't<00:02:18.360> even thing Quincy Jones told me he can't even thing Quincy Jones told me he can't even drive<00:02:18.800> a<00:02:18.959> car<00:02:19.640> because<00:02:19.760> he's<00:02:19.959> focused<00:02:20.319> his drive a car because he's focused his drive a car because he's focused his whole<00:02:20.680> life<00:02:20.879> on<00:02:21.040> making<00:02:21.360> great<00:02:21.599> music<00:02:22.400> and whole life on making great music and whole life on making great music and that's<00:02:22.720> what<00:02:22.879> made<00:02:23.080> him<00:02:23.360> great<00:02:24.319> so<00:02:24.440> I<00:02:24.560> figured that's what made him great so I figured that's what made him great so I figured I<00:02:24.959> had<00:02:25.080> to<00:02:25.239> focus<00:02:25.519> and<00:02:25.680> become<00:02:25.920> an<00:02:26.120> expert<00:02:26.480> at I had to focus and become an expert at I had to focus and become an expert at something<00:02:27.480> so<00:02:27.640> I<00:02:27.760> cut<00:02:27.959> out<00:02:28.160> all<00:02:28.280> the<00:02:28.480> dabbling something so I cut out all the dabbling something so I cut out all the dabbling of<00:02:29.040> focused<00:02:29.519> only<00:02:30.080> on<00:02:30.319> photography<00:02:31.319> I<00:02:31.480> became of focused only on photography I became of focused only on photography I became a<00:02:31.879> successful<00:02:32.400> advertising<00:02:33.040> photographer a successful advertising photographer a successful advertising photographer and<00:02:33.879> I<00:02:34.040> even<00:02:34.239> won<00:02:34.560> Top<00:02:34.800> Awards<00:02:35.160> in<00:02:35.360> both and I even won Top Awards in both and I even won Top Awards in both photography<00:02:36.400> and<00:02:36.680> video<00:02:37.519> so<00:02:37.720> I<00:02:38.120> discovered photography and video so I discovered photography and video so I discovered Focus<00:02:39.640> really<00:02:40.000> does<00:02:40.400> pay<00:02:40.720> off<00:02:41.720> in<00:02:41.920> addition<00:02:42.200> to Focus really does pay off in addition to Focus really does pay off in addition to long-term<00:02:43.000> Focus<00:02:43.720> there's<00:02:44.000> also<00:02:44.319> short-term long-term Focus there's also short-term long-term Focus there's also short-term concentration<00:02:46.280> just<00:02:46.440> being<00:02:46.680> able<00:02:46.879> to<00:02:47.040> put<00:02:47.159> our concentration just being able to put our concentration just being able to put our heads<00:02:47.640> down<00:02:47.800> and<00:02:47.959> get<00:02:48.120> something<00:02:48.440> done<00:02:48.720> right heads down and get something done right heads down and get something done right now<00:02:49.760> Jennifer<00:02:50.159> Mather<00:02:50.599> a<00:02:50.720> famous<00:02:51.080> animal now Jennifer Mather a famous animal now Jennifer Mather a famous animal behavior<00:02:52.080> says<00:02:52.519> I<00:02:52.640> have<00:02:52.760> a<00:02:53.000> ferocious<00:02:53.599> ability behavior says I have a ferocious ability behavior says I have a ferocious ability to<00:02:54.280> concentrate<00:02:55.280> I<00:02:55.360> can<00:02:55.519> say<00:02:55.720> I'm<00:02:55.879> going<00:02:55.959> to<00:02:56.159> do to concentrate I can say I'm going to do to concentrate I can say I'm going to do this<00:02:56.480> and<00:02:56.640> close<00:02:56.959> the<00:02:57.120> rest<00:02:57.280> of<00:02:57.440> the<00:02:57.560> world<00:02:58.040> off this and close the rest of the world off this and close the rest of the world off concentration<00:02:59.840> helped<00:03:00.120> yon<00:03:00.440> Kim<00:03:00.760> succeed<00:03:01.599> he concentration helped yon Kim succeed he concentration helped yon Kim succeed he was<00:03:01.920> working<00:03:02.239> at<00:03:02.440> minimum<00:03:02.879> wage<00:03:03.400> in<00:03:03.519> a was working at minimum wage in a was working at minimum wage in a 7-Eleven<00:03:04.360> store<00:03:05.080> then<00:03:05.200> he<00:03:05.360> developed<00:03:05.760> Yuri 7-Eleven store then he developed Yuri 7-Eleven store then he developed Yuri systems<00:03:06.879> sold<00:03:07.159> it<00:03:07.319> to<00:03:07.480> Lucent<00:03:08.360> personally systems sold it to Lucent personally systems sold it to Lucent personally made<00:03:09.200> 500<00:03:09.720> million<00:03:10.239> cash<00:03:10.879> and<00:03:11.040> became made 500 million cash and became made 500 million cash and became president<00:03:11.720> of<00:03:11.840> Lucen<00:03:12.599> Technologies<00:03:13.599> and<00:03:13.720> he president of Lucen Technologies and he president of Lucen Technologies and he said<00:03:14.120> concentration<00:03:14.799> had<00:03:14.920> a<00:03:15.040> lot<00:03:15.239> to<00:03:15.360> do<00:03:15.519> with said concentration had a lot to do with said concentration had a lot to do with it<00:03:16.159> he<00:03:16.280> said<00:03:16.519> I<00:03:16.640> can<00:03:16.799> work<00:03:17.200> day<00:03:17.360> and<00:03:17.640> night<00:03:18.000> and it he said I can work day and night and it he said I can work day and night and maintain<00:03:18.680> the<00:03:19.040> concentration<00:03:20.040> without maintain the concentration without maintain the concentration without getting<00:03:20.760> burned<00:03:21.159> out<00:03:22.040> so<00:03:22.360> concentration<00:03:23.040> is<00:03:23.159> a getting burned out so concentration is a getting burned out so concentration is a valuable<00:03:23.840> skill<00:03:24.080> to<00:03:24.280> develop<00:03:25.040> and<00:03:25.159> it's<00:03:25.319> not valuable skill to develop and it's not valuable skill to develop and it's not easy<00:03:25.799> to<00:03:26.000> develop<00:03:26.319> when<00:03:26.440> there's<00:03:26.640> so<00:03:26.760> many easy to develop when there's so many easy to develop when there's so many distractions<00:03:27.680> out<00:03:27.959> there<00:03:28.640> and<00:03:28.799> scientists distractions out there and scientists distractions out there and scientists are<00:03:29.319> developing<00:03:29.840> new<00:03:29.959> ones<00:03:30.239> all<00:03:30.400> the<00:03:30.599> time are developing new ones all the time are developing new ones all the time although<00:03:31.360> it's<00:03:31.519> not<00:03:31.720> easy<00:03:32.080> cuz<00:03:32.239> they<00:03:32.360> keep although it's not easy cuz they keep although it's not easy cuz they keep getting<00:03:33.000> distracted<00:03:34.000> now<00:03:34.200> with<00:03:34.400> emails getting distracted now with emails getting distracted now with emails mobile<00:03:35.439> phones<00:03:35.799> and<00:03:35.959> all<00:03:36.120> the<00:03:36.280> stuff<00:03:36.439> on<00:03:36.599> the mobile phones and all the stuff on the mobile phones and all the stuff on the web<00:03:36.920> it's<00:03:37.040> a<00:03:37.200> wonder<00:03:37.519> we<00:03:37.640> can<00:03:38.040> we<00:03:38.200> can web it's a wonder we can we can web it's a wonder we can we can concentrate<00:03:38.920> for<00:03:39.239> 5<00:03:39.560> seconds<00:03:40.040> before concentrate for 5 seconds before concentrate for 5 seconds before something<00:03:40.640> warbles<00:03:41.280> beeps<00:03:41.879> vibrates<00:03:42.319> or something warbles beeps vibrates or something warbles beeps vibrates or plays<00:03:43.159> somebody's<00:03:43.599> favorite<00:03:44.120> tune<00:03:45.120> but<00:03:45.239> the plays somebody's favorite tune but the plays somebody's favorite tune but the trick<00:03:45.560> is<00:03:45.760> to<00:03:45.959> eliminate<00:03:46.480> the<00:03:46.680> distractions trick is to eliminate the distractions trick is to eliminate the distractions when<00:03:47.640> we<00:03:47.799> need<00:03:47.959> to<00:03:48.200> concentrate<00:03:48.959> best-selling when we need to concentrate best-selling when we need to concentrate best-selling author<00:03:49.840> Stephen<00:03:50.239> King<00:03:50.560> says<00:03:50.920> if<00:03:51.000> you<00:03:51.120> want<00:03:51.239> to author Stephen King says if you want to author Stephen King says if you want to be<00:03:51.519> a<00:03:51.680> writer<00:03:52.400> there<00:03:52.519> should<00:03:52.720> be<00:03:52.879> no<00:03:53.079> phone<00:03:53.360> in be a writer there should be no phone in be a writer there should be no phone in your<00:03:53.640> writing<00:03:54.000> room<00:03:54.360> no<00:03:54.599> TV<00:03:55.120> no<00:03:55.400> video<00:03:55.760> games your writing room no TV no video games your writing room no TV no video games draw<00:03:56.720> the<00:03:56.879> curtains<00:03:57.480> eliminate<00:03:58.120> every draw the curtains eliminate every draw the curtains eliminate every possible<00:03:58.959> distraction<00:03:59.959> and<00:04:00.159> by<00:04:00.319> doing<00:04:00.720> that possible distraction and by doing that possible distraction and by doing that he<00:04:01.400> became<00:04:01.680> one<00:04:01.799> of<00:04:01.920> the<00:04:02.040> world's<00:04:02.400> most he became one of the world's most he became one of the world's most popular<00:04:03.360> writers<00:04:04.360> and<00:04:04.560> remember<00:04:05.280> Warren popular writers and remember Warren popular writers and remember Warren Buffett<00:04:06.280> became<00:04:06.560> one<00:04:06.680> of<00:04:06.799> the<00:04:06.879> world's Buffett became one of the world's Buffett became one of the world's richest<00:04:07.560> men<00:04:08.319> by<00:04:08.519> living<00:04:08.720> in<00:04:08.840> a<00:04:09.079> constant richest men by living in a constant richest men by living in a constant state<00:04:09.799> of<00:04:09.959> no<00:04:10.280> distractions<00:04:11.280> it's<00:04:11.480> called state of no distractions it's called state of no distractions it's called Nebraska<00:04:14.519> he<00:04:14.640> says<00:04:15.000> when<00:04:15.120> I<00:04:15.239> worked<00:04:15.560> back<00:04:15.760> in Nebraska he says when I worked back in Nebraska he says when I worked back in New<00:04:16.120> York<00:04:16.560> there<00:04:16.680> were<00:04:16.880> more<00:04:17.239> stimuli<00:04:17.799> hitting New York there were more stimuli hitting New York there were more stimuli hitting me<00:04:18.280> all<00:04:18.400> the<00:04:18.600> time<00:04:19.040> it's<00:04:19.280> much<00:04:19.519> easier<00:04:19.880> to me all the time it's much easier to me all the time it's much easier to think<00:04:20.359> here<00:04:21.120> and<00:04:21.239> I<00:04:21.320> wonder<00:04:21.600> if<00:04:21.759> that<00:04:21.919> isn't think here and I wonder if that isn't think here and I wonder if that isn't one<00:04:22.320> of<00:04:22.400> the<00:04:22.560> big<00:04:22.800> reasons<00:04:23.240> why<00:04:23.400> so<00:04:23.680> many one of the big reasons why so many one of the big reasons why so many successful<00:04:24.600> people<00:04:24.880> I<00:04:25.000> interview<00:04:25.840> actually successful people I interview actually successful people I interview actually grew<00:04:26.400> up<00:04:26.520> in<00:04:26.720> small<00:04:27.040> towns<00:04:27.800> not<00:04:28.120> big<00:04:28.360> cities grew up in small towns not big cities grew up in small towns not big cities fewer<00:04:29.440> dist<00:04:29.680> ractions<00:04:30.400> more<00:04:30.800> ability<00:04:31.160> to fewer dist ractions more ability to fewer dist ractions more ability to focus<00:04:31.680> and<00:04:32.080> concentrate<00:04:33.080> but<00:04:33.280> now<00:04:33.600> all<00:04:33.800> that's focus and concentrate but now all that's focus and concentrate but now all that's going<00:04:34.120> to<00:04:34.320> change<00:04:35.120> cuz<00:04:35.320> with<00:04:35.479> the<00:04:35.600> internet<00:04:36.240> we going to change cuz with the internet we going to change cuz with the internet we can<00:04:36.520> be<00:04:36.639> in<00:04:36.720> the<00:04:36.840> middle<00:04:37.080> of<00:04:37.240> nowhere<00:04:37.919> and can be in the middle of nowhere and can be in the middle of nowhere and still<00:04:38.360> be<00:04:38.600> distracted<00:04:39.520> and<00:04:39.720> concentration still be distracted and concentration still be distracted and concentration doesn't<00:04:40.680> always<00:04:40.960> mean<00:04:41.240> being<00:04:41.479> in<00:04:41.600> a<00:04:41.800> quiet doesn't always mean being in a quiet doesn't always mean being in a quiet room<00:04:42.360> or<00:04:42.560> alone<00:04:43.440> many<00:04:43.720> people<00:04:44.080> actually<00:04:44.400> use room or alone many people actually use room or alone many people actually use noise<00:04:45.240> to<00:04:45.440> eliminate<00:04:46.000> distractions<00:04:47.000> Stephen noise to eliminate distractions Stephen noise to eliminate distractions Stephen King<00:04:47.720> does<00:04:48.639> remember<00:04:49.039> he's<00:04:49.280> the<00:04:49.479> guy<00:04:49.639> who<00:04:49.800> said King does remember he's the guy who said King does remember he's the guy who said eliminate<00:04:50.960> every<00:04:51.280> possible<00:04:51.720> distraction<00:04:52.720> but eliminate every possible distraction but eliminate every possible distraction but he<00:04:53.039> also<00:04:53.280> says<00:04:53.919> I<00:04:54.039> work<00:04:54.280> to<00:04:54.440> loud<00:04:54.800> music<00:04:55.560> for<00:04:55.759> me he also says I work to loud music for me he also says I work to loud music for me the<00:04:56.320> music<00:04:57.039> is<00:04:57.240> just<00:04:57.479> another<00:04:57.919> way<00:04:58.160> of the music is just another way of the music is just another way of shutting<00:04:58.720> the<00:04:58.919> door<00:04:59.759> John<00:05:00.039> silly<00:05:00.440> Brown<00:05:00.919> also shutting the door John silly Brown also shutting the door John silly Brown also uses<00:05:01.560> noise<00:05:01.880> to<00:05:02.080> eliminate<00:05:02.759> distractions uses noise to eliminate distractions uses noise to eliminate distractions he's<00:05:04.039> Chief<00:05:04.360> scientist<00:05:05.039> at<00:05:05.240> Xerox<00:05:06.199> and<00:05:06.320> he he's Chief scientist at Xerox and he he's Chief scientist at Xerox and he said<00:05:06.600> to<00:05:06.680> me<00:05:07.039> I<00:05:07.160> did<00:05:07.360> my<00:05:07.680> doctoral<00:05:08.080> thesis<00:05:08.400> in<00:05:08.520> a said to me I did my doctoral thesis in a said to me I did my doctoral thesis in a bar<00:05:09.080> because<00:05:09.320> I<00:05:09.440> love<00:05:09.720> the<00:05:09.880> noise<00:05:10.720> I<00:05:10.800> could bar because I love the noise I could bar because I love the noise I could concentrate<00:05:12.000> even<00:05:12.280> with<00:05:12.440> the<00:05:12.560> noise<00:05:12.919> All concentrate even with the noise All concentrate even with the noise All Around<00:05:13.479> Me<00:05:14.240> geez<00:05:14.600> I<00:05:14.680> thought<00:05:14.880> all<00:05:15.039> those Around Me geez I thought all those Around Me geez I thought all those people<00:05:15.440> in<00:05:15.680> bars<00:05:15.960> were<00:05:16.199> partying<00:05:17.039> now<00:05:17.160> it people in bars were partying now it people in bars were partying now it turns<00:05:17.520> out<00:05:17.720> they<00:05:17.840> could<00:05:18.000> be turns out they could be turns out they could be phds<00:05:20.280> and<00:05:20.400> learning<00:05:20.800> how<00:05:20.919> to<00:05:21.160> concentrate<00:05:21.800> is phds and learning how to concentrate is phds and learning how to concentrate is all<00:05:22.160> about<00:05:22.520> practice<00:05:23.000> practice<00:05:23.440> practice all about practice practice practice all about practice practice practice Lindsey<00:05:24.720> Sharp<00:05:25.120> heads<00:05:25.319> up<00:05:25.520> four<00:05:25.759> museums<00:05:26.240> in Lindsey Sharp heads up four museums in Lindsey Sharp heads up four museums in London<00:05:27.280> and<00:05:27.400> he<00:05:27.520> said<00:05:27.680> to<00:05:27.800> me<00:05:28.080> it's<00:05:28.319> very<00:05:28.600> hard London and he said to me it's very hard London and he said to me it's very hard to<00:05:29.039> concentrate<00:05:29.960> so<00:05:30.160> you<00:05:30.360> have<00:05:30.479> to<00:05:30.720> practice<00:05:31.080> a to concentrate so you have to practice a to concentrate so you have to practice a lot<00:05:32.000> he<00:05:32.120> said<00:05:32.360> I<00:05:32.479> learned<00:05:32.759> how<00:05:32.840> to<00:05:33.039> study<00:05:33.639> in lot he said I learned how to study in lot he said I learned how to study in the<00:05:33.840> middle<00:05:34.120> of<00:05:34.199> an<00:05:34.440> airport<00:05:35.440> so<00:05:35.680> now<00:05:35.840> if<00:05:35.960> I'm the middle of an airport so now if I'm the middle of an airport so now if I'm concentrating<00:05:36.840> and<00:05:36.960> there's<00:05:37.120> a<00:05:37.280> siren concentrating and there's a siren concentrating and there's a siren outside<00:05:38.639> I<00:05:38.800> don't<00:05:39.039> even<00:05:39.360> hear<00:05:39.560> it<00:05:40.440> the<00:05:40.600> bottom outside I don't even hear it the bottom outside I don't even hear it the bottom line<00:05:41.759> Focus<00:05:42.160> helps<00:05:42.400> us<00:05:42.680> succeed<00:05:43.639> whether<00:05:43.880> it's line Focus helps us succeed whether it's line Focus helps us succeed whether it's long-term<00:05:44.680> Focus<00:05:45.280> or<00:05:45.440> shortterm long-term Focus or shortterm long-term Focus or shortterm [Applause]


Richard St. John, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, TED, Ed, focus, success, successful, how, to, be, successful

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