Tham quan hệ mặt trời từ nhà-Jon Nguyen

Tour the solar system from home - Jon Nguyen

Tour the solar system from home - Jon Nguyen


[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] as<00:00:15.120> a<00:00:16.080> kid<00:00:16.560> I<00:00:16.860> was<00:00:17.550> fascinated<00:00:18.090> with<00:00:18.570> all as a kid I was fascinated with all as a kid I was fascinated with all things<00:00:19.140> air<00:00:19.560> and<00:00:19.800> space<00:00:20.189> I<00:00:20.520> would<00:00:20.790> watch<00:00:21.000> Nova things air and space I would watch Nova things air and space I would watch Nova on<00:00:22.200> PBS<00:00:22.650> our<00:00:23.400> school<00:00:23.759> would<00:00:23.939> show<00:00:24.090> Bill<00:00:24.360> Nye on PBS our school would show Bill Nye on PBS our school would show Bill Nye the<00:00:24.509> Science<00:00:24.660> Guy<00:00:25.220> when<00:00:26.220> I<00:00:26.250> was<00:00:26.900> when<00:00:27.900> I<00:00:27.930> was<00:00:28.019> in the Science Guy when I was when I was in the Science Guy when I was when I was in elementary<00:00:28.260> school<00:00:28.830> my<00:00:28.949> next-door<00:00:29.369> neighbor elementary school my next-door neighbor elementary school my next-door neighbor he<00:00:30.029> gave<00:00:30.210> me<00:00:30.330> a<00:00:30.359> book<00:00:30.660> for<00:00:30.869> my<00:00:30.990> birthday<00:00:31.260> it<00:00:31.980> was he gave me a book for my birthday it was he gave me a book for my birthday it was an<00:00:32.220> astronomy<00:00:32.760> book<00:00:32.910> and<00:00:33.180> I<00:00:33.269> pored<00:00:34.110> over<00:00:34.230> that an astronomy book and I pored over that an astronomy book and I pored over that thing<00:00:34.680> for<00:00:34.860> hours<00:00:35.010> on<00:00:35.400> end<00:00:35.610> and<00:00:35.870> it<00:00:36.870> was<00:00:36.989> a thing for hours on end and it was a thing for hours on end and it was a combination<00:00:37.739> of<00:00:37.860> all<00:00:38.010> these<00:00:38.129> things<00:00:38.519> that combination of all these things that combination of all these things that inspired<00:00:39.960> me<00:00:40.170> to<00:00:40.470> pursue<00:00:40.800> space<00:00:41.519> exploration inspired me to pursue space exploration inspired me to pursue space exploration as<00:00:42.690> my<00:00:42.839> own<00:00:42.960> personal<00:00:43.170> dream<00:00:43.850> and<00:00:44.850> part<00:00:45.540> of as my own personal dream and part of as my own personal dream and part of that<00:00:45.720> dream<00:00:45.960> was<00:00:46.470> I<00:00:46.830> always<00:00:47.280> wanted<00:00:47.580> to<00:00:47.670> just that dream was I always wanted to just that dream was I always wanted to just fly<00:00:48.120> around<00:00:48.299> the<00:00:48.600> solar<00:00:48.809> system<00:00:49.229> and<00:00:49.409> visit fly around the solar system and visit fly around the solar system and visit different<00:00:49.769> planets<00:00:50.460> and<00:00:50.580> visit<00:00:51.030> moons<00:00:51.239> and different planets and visit moons and different planets and visit moons and spacecraft<00:00:52.129> well<00:00:53.129> a<00:00:53.460> number<00:00:54.150> of<00:00:54.330> years<00:00:54.629> later spacecraft well a number of years later spacecraft well a number of years later I<00:00:55.769> graduated<00:00:56.760> from<00:00:56.850> UCLA<00:00:57.299> and<00:00:57.659> I<00:00:57.750> found<00:00:58.019> myself I graduated from UCLA and I found myself I graduated from UCLA and I found myself at<00:00:58.710> NASA<00:00:58.920> working<00:00:59.699> for<00:01:00.059> the<00:01:00.150> Jet<00:01:00.330> Propulsion at NASA working for the Jet Propulsion at NASA working for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory<00:01:00.960> and<00:01:01.580> there<00:01:02.580> our<00:01:02.909> team<00:01:03.299> was Laboratory and there our team was Laboratory and there our team was challenged<00:01:04.320> to<00:01:04.589> create<00:01:05.189> a<00:01:05.519> 3d<00:01:06.119> visualization challenged to create a 3d visualization challenged to create a 3d visualization of<00:01:07.200> the<00:01:07.380> solar<00:01:07.619> system<00:01:08.130> and<00:01:08.659> today<00:01:09.659> I<00:01:10.049> want<00:01:10.470> to of the solar system and today I want to of the solar system and today I want to show<00:01:10.710> you<00:01:10.770> what<00:01:11.040> we've<00:01:11.189> done<00:01:11.220> so<00:01:11.610> far show you what we've done so far show you what we've done so far now<00:01:13.049> the<00:01:13.110> care<00:01:13.680> is<00:01:14.119> everything<00:01:15.119> I'm<00:01:15.210> about<00:01:15.270> to now the care is everything I'm about to now the care is everything I'm about to do<00:01:15.719> here<00:01:16.049> you<00:01:16.979> can<00:01:17.159> do<00:01:17.369> at<00:01:17.640> home<00:01:18.000> because<00:01:18.780> we do here you can do at home because we do here you can do at home because we built<00:01:19.439> this<00:01:19.530> for<00:01:20.130> the<00:01:20.280> public<00:01:20.609> for<00:01:20.640> you<00:01:20.909> guys built this for the public for you guys built this for the public for you guys to<00:01:21.240> use<00:01:22.189> so<00:01:23.189> what<00:01:23.310> you're<00:01:23.490> looking<00:01:23.759> at<00:01:23.850> right to use so what you're looking at right to use so what you're looking at right now<00:01:24.090> is<00:01:24.210> the<00:01:24.420> earth<00:01:24.509> you<00:01:24.869> can<00:01:25.020> see<00:01:25.140> United now is the earth you can see United now is the earth you can see United States<00:01:25.740> and<00:01:25.979> California<00:01:26.189> and<00:01:26.729> San<00:01:26.880> Diego<00:01:27.240> and States and California and San Diego and States and California and San Diego and you<00:01:28.530> can<00:01:28.649> use<00:01:28.799> the<00:01:28.950> mouse<00:01:29.130> or<00:01:29.700> the<00:01:29.729> keyboard<00:01:29.880> to you can use the mouse or the keyboard to you can use the mouse or the keyboard to spend<00:01:30.689> things<00:01:30.899> around<00:01:31.140> now<00:01:31.700> this<00:01:32.700> isn't<00:01:33.030> new spend things around now this isn't new spend things around now this isn't new anyone<00:01:33.869> who's<00:01:34.020> used<00:01:34.320> Google<00:01:34.679> Earth<00:01:34.799> has<00:01:34.859> seen anyone who's used Google Earth has seen anyone who's used Google Earth has seen this<00:01:35.429> before<00:01:35.689> but<00:01:36.689> one<00:01:36.990> thing<00:01:37.200> we<00:01:37.350> like<00:01:37.499> to<00:01:37.560> say this before but one thing we like to say this before but one thing we like to say in<00:01:38.159> our<00:01:38.579> group<00:01:38.789> is<00:01:38.999> we<00:01:39.749> do<00:01:39.929> the<00:01:40.049> opposite<00:01:40.499> of in our group is we do the opposite of in our group is we do the opposite of Google<00:01:40.920> Earth<00:01:41.039> Google<00:01:41.310> Earth<00:01:42.090> goes<00:01:42.479> from<00:01:42.749> this Google Earth Google Earth goes from this Google Earth Google Earth goes from this view<00:01:43.530> down<00:01:44.159> to<00:01:44.340> your<00:01:44.460> backyard<00:01:44.960> we<00:01:45.960> go<00:01:46.109> from view down to your backyard we go from view down to your backyard we go from this<00:01:46.560> view<00:01:46.890> out<00:01:47.069> to<00:01:47.490> the<00:01:47.700> Stars<00:01:48.350> so<00:01:49.350> the<00:01:50.039> earth this view out to the Stars so the earth this view out to the Stars so the earth is<00:01:50.340> cool<00:01:50.520> but<00:01:50.789> what<00:01:51.210> we<00:01:51.329> really<00:01:51.630> want<00:01:51.659> to<00:01:51.869> show is cool but what we really want to show is cool but what we really want to show the<00:01:52.020> spacecraft<00:01:52.770> so<00:01:53.299> I'm<00:01:54.299> gonna<00:01:54.479> bring<00:01:54.749> the the spacecraft so I'm gonna bring the the spacecraft so I'm gonna bring the interface<00:01:55.560> back<00:01:55.770> up<00:01:56.039> and<00:01:56.280> now<00:01:57.179> you're<00:01:57.479> looking interface back up and now you're looking interface back up and now you're looking at<00:01:57.869> a<00:01:57.929> number<00:01:58.170> of<00:01:58.530> satellites<00:01:59.490> orbiting<00:01:59.939> the at a number of satellites orbiting the at a number of satellites orbiting the Earth<00:02:00.179> these<00:02:00.840> are<00:02:00.990> a<00:02:01.079> number<00:02:01.200> of<00:02:01.380> our<00:02:01.590> science Earth these are a number of our science Earth these are a number of our science base<00:02:02.219> earth<00:02:02.549> orbiters<00:02:03.030> we<00:02:03.509> haven't<00:02:03.840> included base earth orbiters we haven't included base earth orbiters we haven't included military<00:02:04.499> satellites<00:02:05.249> and<00:02:05.429> weather military satellites and weather military satellites and weather satellites<00:02:05.789> and<00:02:06.179> communication<00:02:06.689> satellites satellites and communication satellites satellites and communication satellites or<00:02:07.200> reconnaissance<00:02:07.649> satellites<00:02:08.009> if<00:02:08.459> we<00:02:08.670> did or reconnaissance satellites if we did or reconnaissance satellites if we did it<00:02:09.030> would<00:02:09.119> be<00:02:09.240> a<00:02:09.390> complete<00:02:09.840> mess<00:02:09.869> because it would be a complete mess because it would be a complete mess because there's<00:02:10.950> a<00:02:10.979> lot<00:02:11.130> of<00:02:11.160> stuff<00:02:11.459> out<00:02:11.610> there<00:02:11.640> and<00:02:12.620> the there's a lot of stuff out there and the there's a lot of stuff out there and the cool<00:02:13.800> thing<00:02:14.040> is<00:02:14.069> we<00:02:14.610> actually<00:02:14.790> created<00:02:15.360> 3d cool thing is we actually created 3d cool thing is we actually created 3d models<00:02:16.470> for<00:02:16.770> a<00:02:16.800> number<00:02:17.069> of<00:02:17.100> the<00:02:17.280> spacecraft<00:02:17.910> so models for a number of the spacecraft so models for a number of the spacecraft so if<00:02:18.810> you<00:02:19.080> want<00:02:19.350> to<00:02:19.470> visit<00:02:19.650> any<00:02:20.010> of<00:02:20.160> these<00:02:20.280> all if you want to visit any of these all if you want to visit any of these all you<00:02:21.150> need<00:02:21.300> to<00:02:21.360> do<00:02:21.450> is<00:02:21.510> double<00:02:21.900> click<00:02:21.930> on<00:02:22.230> them you need to do is double click on them you need to do is double click on them so<00:02:22.890> I'm<00:02:23.010> gonna<00:02:23.130> find so I'm gonna find so I'm gonna find the<00:02:24.070> International<00:02:24.610> Space<00:02:24.880> Station the International Space Station the International Space Station double-click<00:02:27.070> and<00:02:27.430> it'll<00:02:27.910> take<00:02:28.090> us<00:02:28.270> all<00:02:28.450> the double-click and it'll take us all the double-click and it'll take us all the way<00:02:28.780> down<00:02:29.020> to<00:02:29.590> the<00:02:29.710> ISS<00:02:30.100> and<00:02:30.460> now<00:02:31.180> you're way down to the ISS and now you're way down to the ISS and now you're riding<00:02:32.200> along<00:02:32.470> with<00:02:32.500> the<00:02:32.680> ISS<00:02:33.190> where<00:02:34.000> it<00:02:34.150> is riding along with the ISS where it is riding along with the ISS where it is right<00:02:34.870> now<00:02:34.930> and<00:02:36.450> the<00:02:37.450> other<00:02:37.480> cool<00:02:37.840> thing<00:02:38.050> is right now and the other cool thing is right now and the other cool thing is not<00:02:38.530> only<00:02:38.650> can<00:02:38.890> we<00:02:38.920> move<00:02:39.160> the<00:02:39.370> camera<00:02:39.400> around not only can we move the camera around not only can we move the camera around we<00:02:40.480> can<00:02:40.630> also<00:02:40.780> control<00:02:41.260> time<00:02:41.560> so<00:02:41.890> I<00:02:41.920> can<00:02:42.100> slide we can also control time so I can slide we can also control time so I can slide this<00:02:42.670> jog<00:02:43.000> dial<00:02:43.210> here<00:02:43.540> to<00:02:44.260> shuttle<00:02:44.590> time this jog dial here to shuttle time this jog dial here to shuttle time forward<00:02:45.280> and<00:02:45.460> now<00:02:46.030> we<00:02:46.090> could<00:02:46.390> see<00:02:46.630> what<00:02:46.870> a forward and now we could see what a forward and now we could see what a sunset<00:02:47.260> on<00:02:47.710> the<00:02:47.800> ISS<00:02:48.280> would<00:02:48.490> look<00:02:48.640> like<00:02:49.440> and sunset on the ISS would look like and sunset on the ISS would look like and they<00:02:51.250> get<00:02:51.460> one<00:02:51.580> every<00:02:51.730> 90<00:02:52.150> minutes<00:02:55.830> alright<00:02:56.830> so they get one every 90 minutes alright so they get one every 90 minutes alright so what<00:02:57.580> about<00:02:57.700> the<00:02:57.940> rest<00:02:58.120> of<00:02:58.300> it<00:02:58.450> well<00:02:59.020> I<00:02:59.050> can what about the rest of it well I can what about the rest of it well I can click<00:02:59.530> on<00:02:59.650> this<00:02:59.770> home<00:03:00.040> button<00:03:00.280> over<00:03:00.520> here<00:03:00.550> and click on this home button over here and click on this home button over here and that'll<00:03:01.600> take<00:03:01.750> us<00:03:01.960> up<00:03:02.170> to<00:03:02.200> the<00:03:02.590> inner<00:03:02.800> solar that'll take us up to the inner solar that'll take us up to the inner solar system<00:03:03.330> and<00:03:04.330> now<00:03:04.540> we're<00:03:05.050> looking<00:03:05.140> at<00:03:05.320> the<00:03:05.470> rest system and now we're looking at the rest system and now we're looking at the rest of<00:03:05.860> the<00:03:05.950> solar<00:03:06.160> system<00:03:06.610> you<00:03:06.760> can<00:03:07.000> see<00:03:07.120> there's of the solar system you can see there's of the solar system you can see there's Saturn<00:03:07.600> this<00:03:08.050> Jupiter<00:03:08.530> and<00:03:09.430> while<00:03:10.000> we're<00:03:10.180> here Saturn this Jupiter and while we're here Saturn this Jupiter and while we're here I<00:03:10.480> want<00:03:10.690> to<00:03:10.750> point<00:03:10.960> out<00:03:11.140> something<00:03:11.640> it's I want to point out something it's I want to point out something it's actually<00:03:13.300> pretty<00:03:13.600> busy<00:03:13.990> here<00:03:14.830> we<00:03:14.980> have<00:03:15.130> the actually pretty busy here we have the actually pretty busy here we have the Mars<00:03:15.610> Science<00:03:16.030> Laboratory<00:03:16.240> on<00:03:16.780> its<00:03:16.960> way<00:03:17.110> to Mars Science Laboratory on its way to Mars Science Laboratory on its way to Mars<00:03:17.320> just<00:03:17.740> launched<00:03:17.980> last<00:03:18.250> weekend<00:03:18.610> here<00:03:19.540> we Mars just launched last weekend here we Mars just launched last weekend here we have<00:03:19.750> Juno<00:03:20.200> on<00:03:20.410> its<00:03:20.620> cruise<00:03:20.950> to<00:03:21.220> Jupiter<00:03:21.610> there have Juno on its cruise to Jupiter there have Juno on its cruise to Jupiter there we<00:03:23.350> have<00:03:23.470> Don<00:03:23.710> orbiting<00:03:24.220> Vesta<00:03:24.430> and<00:03:25.120> we<00:03:25.720> have we have Don orbiting Vesta and we have we have Don orbiting Vesta and we have over<00:03:26.230> here<00:03:26.350> New<00:03:26.590> Horizons<00:03:26.830> on<00:03:27.340> a<00:03:27.370> straight over here New Horizons on a straight over here New Horizons on a straight shot<00:03:27.970> to<00:03:28.150> Pluto<00:03:28.480> and<00:03:29.130> I<00:03:30.130> mentioned<00:03:30.550> this shot to Pluto and I mentioned this shot to Pluto and I mentioned this because<00:03:31.120> this<00:03:31.960> is<00:03:32.200> a<00:03:32.230> strange<00:03:32.680> public because this is a strange public because this is a strange public perception<00:03:33.730> that<00:03:34.060> NASA<00:03:34.960> is<00:03:35.110> dead<00:03:35.320> that<00:03:36.100> the perception that NASA is dead that the perception that NASA is dead that the Space<00:03:36.520> Shuttle<00:03:36.550> stopped<00:03:36.970> flying<00:03:37.180> and<00:03:37.420> all<00:03:37.510> of Space Shuttle stopped flying and all of Space Shuttle stopped flying and all of a<00:03:37.630> sudden<00:03:37.930> there's<00:03:38.260> no<00:03:38.350> more<00:03:38.530> spacecraft<00:03:39.040> out a sudden there's no more spacecraft out a sudden there's no more spacecraft out there<00:03:39.460> well<00:03:40.120> a<00:03:40.330> lot<00:03:40.960> of<00:03:40.990> what<00:03:41.200> NASA<00:03:41.380> does<00:03:41.560> is there well a lot of what NASA does is there well a lot of what NASA does is robotic<00:03:43.090> exploration<00:03:43.480> and<00:03:44.170> we<00:03:44.710> have<00:03:44.920> a<00:03:45.130> lot<00:03:45.400> of robotic exploration and we have a lot of robotic exploration and we have a lot of spacecraft<00:03:45.820> out<00:03:46.240> there<00:03:46.480> granted<00:03:47.320> we're<00:03:47.560> not spacecraft out there granted we're not spacecraft out there granted we're not sending<00:03:47.920> humans<00:03:48.370> up<00:03:48.520> at<00:03:48.670> the<00:03:48.820> moment<00:03:49.150> well<00:03:49.390> at sending humans up at the moment well at sending humans up at the moment well at least<00:03:49.630> with<00:03:49.840> our<00:03:49.960> own<00:03:50.080> with<00:03:50.560> our<00:03:50.590> own<00:03:50.830> launch least with our own with our own launch least with our own with our own launch vehicles<00:03:51.610> but<00:03:52.360> NASA<00:03:52.660> is<00:03:52.840> far<00:03:53.320> from<00:03:53.500> dead<00:03:53.770> and vehicles but NASA is far from dead and vehicles but NASA is far from dead and one<00:03:55.780> of<00:03:55.870> the<00:03:55.930> reasons<00:03:56.230> why<00:03:56.350> we<00:03:56.500> write<00:03:56.860> a one of the reasons why we write a one of the reasons why we write a program<00:03:57.100> like<00:03:57.580> this<00:03:57.790> is<00:03:57.970> so<00:03:58.060> that<00:03:58.180> people program like this is so that people program like this is so that people realize<00:03:58.840> that<00:03:58.870> there's<00:03:59.440> so<00:03:59.590> many<00:03:59.680> other realize that there's so many other realize that there's so many other things<00:03:59.980> that<00:04:00.250> we're<00:04:00.490> doing<00:04:01.290> anyway<00:04:02.290> while things that we're doing anyway while things that we're doing anyway while we're<00:04:02.740> here<00:04:03.040> again<00:04:03.310> if<00:04:03.700> you<00:04:03.850> want<00:04:04.090> to<00:04:04.240> visit we're here again if you want to visit we're here again if you want to visit anything<00:04:04.930> all<00:04:05.350> you<00:04:05.860> need<00:04:05.980> to<00:04:06.100> do<00:04:06.220> is<00:04:06.340> double anything all you need to do is double anything all you need to do is double click<00:04:06.670> so<00:04:07.510> I'm<00:04:07.840> just<00:04:07.990> going<00:04:08.140> to<00:04:08.170> double<00:04:08.380> click click so I'm just going to double click click so I'm just going to double click on<00:04:08.740> Vesta<00:04:09.040> and<00:04:10.110> here<00:04:11.110> we<00:04:11.260> have<00:04:11.470> Don<00:04:11.770> orbiting on Vesta and here we have Don orbiting on Vesta and here we have Don orbiting Vesta<00:04:12.670> and<00:04:13.270> this<00:04:14.170> is<00:04:14.320> happening<00:04:14.710> right<00:04:14.860> now Vesta and this is happening right now Vesta and this is happening right now I'm<00:04:16.840> going<00:04:17.140> to<00:04:17.200> double<00:04:17.440> click<00:04:17.530> on<00:04:17.680> Uranus<00:04:18.040> and I'm going to double click on Uranus and I'm going to double click on Uranus and we<00:04:19.390> can<00:04:19.570> see<00:04:19.950> Uranus<00:04:20.950> rotating<00:04:21.489> on<00:04:21.670> its<00:04:21.700> side we can see Uranus rotating on its side we can see Uranus rotating on its side along<00:04:22.390> with<00:04:22.450> its<00:04:22.750> moons<00:04:23.020> you<00:04:23.740> can<00:04:23.890> see<00:04:24.070> how along with its moons you can see how along with its moons you can see how it's<00:04:24.430> tilted<00:04:25.180> at<00:04:25.330> 89<00:04:26.080> degrees<00:04:26.430> and<00:04:28.230> just<00:04:29.230> being it's tilted at 89 degrees and just being it's tilted at 89 degrees and just being able<00:04:29.800> to<00:04:29.980> visit<00:04:30.190> different<00:04:30.460> places<00:04:30.880> and<00:04:31.360> go able to visit different places and go able to visit different places and go through<00:04:32.169> different<00:04:32.380> times<00:04:32.680> we<00:04:32.919> have<00:04:33.160> data through different times we have data through different times we have data from<00:04:33.820> 1950<00:04:34.570> to<00:04:34.600> 2050<00:04:35.470> grant<00:04:36.070> thing<00:04:36.160> we<00:04:36.250> don't from 1950 to 2050 grant thing we don't from 1950 to 2050 grant thing we don't have<00:04:36.550> everything have everything have everything in<00:04:37.300> between<00:04:37.600> some<00:04:38.139> of<00:04:38.229> the<00:04:38.289> data<00:04:38.500> is<00:04:38.590> hard<00:04:38.800> to in between some of the data is hard to in between some of the data is hard to get<00:04:39.840> just<00:04:40.840> being<00:04:41.470> able<00:04:41.560> to<00:04:41.650> visit<00:04:41.830> places<00:04:42.160> in get just being able to visit places in get just being able to visit places in different<00:04:43.150> times<00:04:43.389> you<00:04:44.080> can<00:04:44.199> explore different times you can explore different times you can explore everything<00:04:45.550> you<00:04:45.759> can<00:04:45.910> explore<00:04:46.180> this<00:04:46.389> for everything you can explore this for everything you can explore this for hours<00:04:47.050> literally<00:04:47.680> hours<00:04:47.800> on<00:04:48.280> end<00:04:48.720> but<00:04:49.720> I<00:04:50.020> want hours literally hours on end but I want hours literally hours on end but I want to<00:04:50.530> show<00:04:50.650> you<00:04:50.710> one<00:04:51.160> thing<00:04:51.400> in<00:04:51.520> particular<00:04:51.699> so to show you one thing in particular so to show you one thing in particular so I'm<00:04:52.419> going<00:04:52.539> to<00:04:52.600> open<00:04:52.720> up<00:04:52.870> the<00:04:53.110> destination<00:04:53.680> tab I'm going to open up the destination tab I'm going to open up the destination tab spacecraft<00:04:55.270> outer<00:04:55.539> planet<00:04:56.080> missions<00:04:56.110> Voyager spacecraft outer planet missions Voyager spacecraft outer planet missions Voyager 1<00:04:57.220> and<00:04:57.430> I'm<00:04:58.210> gonna<00:04:58.330> bring<00:04:58.630> up<00:04:58.780> the<00:04:59.169> Titan 1 and I'm gonna bring up the Titan 1 and I'm gonna bring up the Titan Flyway<00:05:00.509> so<00:05:01.509> now<00:05:01.690> we've<00:05:02.259> gone<00:05:02.470> back<00:05:02.740> in<00:05:02.919> time Flyway so now we've gone back in time Flyway so now we've gone back in time we're<00:05:04.900> now<00:05:04.990> riding<00:05:05.440> along<00:05:05.740> with<00:05:05.949> Voyager<00:05:06.520> 1 we're now riding along with Voyager 1 we're now riding along with Voyager 1 the<00:05:06.880> date<00:05:07.090> here<00:05:07.840> is<00:05:08.080> November<00:05:08.620> 11th<00:05:09.039> 1980 the date here is November 11th 1980 the date here is November 11th 1980 there's<00:05:11.080> a<00:05:11.169> funny<00:05:11.500> thing<00:05:11.590> going<00:05:11.889> on<00:05:11.949> here<00:05:12.030> it there's a funny thing going on here it there's a funny thing going on here it doesn't<00:05:13.210> look<00:05:13.330> like<00:05:13.509> anything's<00:05:14.050> going<00:05:14.259> on<00:05:14.500> it doesn't look like anything's going on it doesn't look like anything's going on it looks<00:05:14.979> like<00:05:15.070> I've<00:05:15.220> paused<00:05:15.490> the<00:05:15.759> program<00:05:15.840> it's looks like I've paused the program it's looks like I've paused the program it's actually<00:05:17.229> running<00:05:17.500> at<00:05:17.800> real<00:05:18.039> rate<00:05:18.250> right<00:05:18.460> now actually running at real rate right now actually running at real rate right now 1<00:05:18.910> second<00:05:19.330> per<00:05:19.360> second<00:05:19.840> and<00:05:20.440> in<00:05:20.620> fact<00:05:20.800> Voyager 1 second per second and in fact Voyager 1 second per second and in fact Voyager one<00:05:21.490> here<00:05:21.759> is<00:05:22.320> flying<00:05:23.320> by<00:05:23.590> Titan<00:05:24.130> at<00:05:24.340> I<00:05:24.729> think one here is flying by Titan at I think one here is flying by Titan at I think it's<00:05:25.949> 38,000<00:05:26.949> miles<00:05:27.130> per<00:05:27.430> hour<00:05:27.570> it<00:05:28.570> only<00:05:28.720> looks it's 38,000 miles per hour it only looks it's 38,000 miles per hour it only looks like<00:05:29.139> nothing's<00:05:29.530> moving<00:05:29.770> because<00:05:30.120> well like nothing's moving because well like nothing's moving because well Saturn<00:05:31.570> here<00:05:31.750> is<00:05:32.070> 700,000<00:05:33.070> miles<00:05:33.190> away<00:05:33.490> and Saturn here is 700,000 miles away and Saturn here is 700,000 miles away and Titan<00:05:34.449> here<00:05:34.630> is<00:05:34.720> four<00:05:34.990> to<00:05:35.139> five<00:05:35.320> thousand Titan here is four to five thousand Titan here is four to five thousand miles<00:05:35.949> away<00:05:36.280> it's<00:05:36.910> just<00:05:37.120> the<00:05:37.240> vastness<00:05:37.690> of miles away it's just the vastness of miles away it's just the vastness of space<00:05:38.160> makes<00:05:39.160> it<00:05:39.310> look<00:05:39.460> like<00:05:39.610> nothing's space makes it look like nothing's space makes it look like nothing's happening<00:05:40.560> but<00:05:41.560> to<00:05:41.710> make<00:05:41.830> it<00:05:41.949> more happening but to make it more happening but to make it more interesting<00:05:42.310> I'm<00:05:42.789> gonna<00:05:43.090> speed<00:05:43.389> up<00:05:43.419> time<00:05:43.889> and interesting I'm gonna speed up time and interesting I'm gonna speed up time and we<00:05:45.070> can<00:05:45.220> watch<00:05:45.460> as<00:05:45.699> Voyager<00:05:46.180> one<00:05:46.330> flies<00:05:46.720> by we can watch as Voyager one flies by we can watch as Voyager one flies by Titan<00:05:47.789> which<00:05:48.789> is<00:05:48.820> a<00:05:48.940> hazy<00:05:49.240> moon<00:05:49.599> of<00:05:49.840> Saturn<00:05:50.349> it Titan which is a hazy moon of Saturn it Titan which is a hazy moon of Saturn it actually<00:05:50.979> has<00:05:51.099> a<00:05:51.130> very<00:05:51.220> thick<00:05:51.550> atmosphere<00:05:52.090> and actually has a very thick atmosphere and actually has a very thick atmosphere and I'm<00:05:53.199> gonna<00:05:53.320> recenter<00:05:53.889> the<00:05:53.919> camera<00:05:54.520> on<00:05:54.729> Saturn I'm gonna recenter the camera on Saturn I'm gonna recenter the camera on Saturn here<00:05:55.919> I'm<00:05:56.919> gonna<00:05:57.039> pull<00:05:57.400> out<00:05:57.580> and<00:05:58.510> I<00:05:58.599> want<00:05:58.810> to here I'm gonna pull out and I want to here I'm gonna pull out and I want to show<00:05:59.199> you show you show you Voyager<00:06:00.699> 1<00:06:00.729> as<00:06:01.030> it<00:06:01.150> flies<00:06:01.330> by<00:06:01.570> Saturn<00:06:02.340> but Voyager 1 as it flies by Saturn but Voyager 1 as it flies by Saturn but there's<00:06:03.550> a<00:06:03.610> point<00:06:04.000> to<00:06:04.150> be<00:06:04.180> made<00:06:04.300> here<00:06:04.560> with<00:06:05.560> the there's a point to be made here with the there's a point to be made here with the 3d<00:06:06.130> visualization<00:06:06.370> like<00:06:07.210> this<00:06:07.500> we<00:06:08.500> can<00:06:08.650> not 3d visualization like this we can not 3d visualization like this we can not only<00:06:08.800> just<00:06:09.460> say<00:06:09.699> Voyager<00:06:10.570> 1<00:06:10.750> flew<00:06:10.780> by<00:06:11.259> Saturn only just say Voyager 1 flew by Saturn only just say Voyager 1 flew by Saturn there's<00:06:12.039> a<00:06:12.159> whole<00:06:12.340> story<00:06:12.729> to<00:06:12.880> tell<00:06:13.030> here<00:06:13.180> it there's a whole story to tell here it there's a whole story to tell here it even<00:06:13.659> better<00:06:14.050> because<00:06:14.259> it's<00:06:14.590> an<00:06:14.710> interactive even better because it's an interactive even better because it's an interactive application<00:06:15.599> you<00:06:16.599> can<00:06:16.780> tell<00:06:16.930> the<00:06:17.050> story<00:06:17.320> for application you can tell the story for application you can tell the story for yourself<00:06:17.590> if<00:06:18.280> you<00:06:18.460> want<00:06:18.610> to<00:06:18.699> pause<00:06:18.909> it<00:06:19.150> you<00:06:19.659> can yourself if you want to pause it you can yourself if you want to pause it you can pause<00:06:19.960> it<00:06:19.990> if<00:06:20.560> you<00:06:20.650> want<00:06:20.800> to<00:06:20.830> keep<00:06:20.979> going<00:06:21.190> if pause it if you want to keep going if pause it if you want to keep going if you<00:06:21.550> want<00:06:21.610> to<00:06:21.729> change<00:06:21.909> the<00:06:22.180> camera<00:06:22.419> angle<00:06:22.539> you you want to change the camera angle you you want to change the camera angle you can<00:06:22.960> do<00:06:23.050> that<00:06:23.229> and<00:06:23.940> because<00:06:24.940> of<00:06:24.970> that<00:06:25.150> I<00:06:25.509> can can do that and because of that I can can do that and because of that I can show<00:06:26.169> you<00:06:26.229> that<00:06:27.159> Voyager<00:06:27.699> 1<00:06:27.849> doesn't<00:06:28.300> just<00:06:28.539> fly show you that Voyager 1 doesn't just fly show you that Voyager 1 doesn't just fly by<00:06:29.110> Saturn<00:06:29.620> it<00:06:30.490> actually<00:06:30.849> flies<00:06:31.139> underneath by Saturn it actually flies underneath by Saturn it actually flies underneath Saturn<00:06:33.389> now<00:06:34.389> what<00:06:34.630> happens<00:06:34.990> is<00:06:35.139> as<00:06:35.320> it<00:06:35.560> flies Saturn now what happens is as it flies Saturn now what happens is as it flies underneath<00:06:36.250> Saturn<00:06:36.820> said<00:06:37.270> it<00:06:37.449> grabs<00:06:37.930> it underneath Saturn said it grabs it underneath Saturn said it grabs it gravitationally<00:06:39.130> and<00:06:39.250> flings<00:06:39.699> it<00:06:39.880> up<00:06:40.090> and<00:06:40.599> out gravitationally and flings it up and out gravitationally and flings it up and out of<00:06:41.349> the<00:06:41.440> solar<00:06:41.680> system<00:06:42.099> so<00:06:42.909> if<00:06:43.000> I<00:06:43.090> just<00:06:43.300> keep of the solar system so if I just keep of the solar system so if I just keep letting<00:06:43.720> this<00:06:43.930> go<00:06:44.199> you<00:06:44.610> can<00:06:45.610> see<00:06:45.849> Voyager<00:06:46.360> 1 letting this go you can see Voyager 1 letting this go you can see Voyager 1 fly<00:06:48.130> up<00:06:48.310> like<00:06:48.340> that fly up like that fly up like that and<00:06:49.970> in<00:06:50.060> fact<00:06:50.240> I'm<00:06:50.449> going<00:06:50.479> to<00:06:50.660> go<00:06:50.810> back<00:06:51.020> to<00:06:51.350> the and in fact I'm going to go back to the and in fact I'm going to go back to the solar<00:06:51.650> system<00:06:52.039> I'm<00:06:52.160> going<00:06:52.310> to<00:06:52.370> go<00:06:52.460> back<00:06:52.580> to solar system I'm going to go back to solar system I'm going to go back to today<00:06:53.000> now<00:06:53.620> and<00:06:54.620> I<00:06:55.130> want<00:06:55.310> to<00:06:55.400> show<00:06:55.550> you<00:06:55.610> where today now and I want to show you where today now and I want to show you where Voyager<00:06:56.539> one<00:06:56.720> is<00:06:57.789> right<00:06:58.789> there<00:06:59.949> above<00:07:00.949> way Voyager one is right there above way Voyager one is right there above way above<00:07:02.090> the<00:07:02.509> solar<00:07:02.720> system<00:07:03.110> way<00:07:03.349> beyond<00:07:03.770> our above the solar system way beyond our above the solar system way beyond our solar<00:07:04.580> system<00:07:04.970> and<00:07:05.630> here's<00:07:06.020> a<00:07:06.110> thing<00:07:06.349> now<00:07:06.889> you solar system and here's a thing now you solar system and here's a thing now you know<00:07:07.280> how<00:07:07.460> it<00:07:07.639> got<00:07:07.759> there<00:07:07.970> now<00:07:08.389> you<00:07:08.449> know<00:07:08.630> why know how it got there now you know why know how it got there now you know why and<00:07:09.229> to<00:07:09.740> me<00:07:09.860> that's<00:07:10.220> the<00:07:10.490> point<00:07:10.669> of<00:07:10.819> this and to me that's the point of this and to me that's the point of this program<00:07:11.180> you<00:07:11.660> can<00:07:12.789> manipulate<00:07:13.789> it<00:07:14.180> yourself program you can manipulate it yourself program you can manipulate it yourself you<00:07:15.169> can<00:07:15.289> fly<00:07:15.590> around<00:07:15.740> yourself<00:07:16.250> and<00:07:16.400> you<00:07:16.910> can you can fly around yourself and you can you can fly around yourself and you can learn<00:07:17.270> for<00:07:17.539> yourself<00:07:18.280> let<00:07:19.280> you<00:07:19.340> know<00:07:19.430> the learn for yourself let you know the learn for yourself let you know the theme<00:07:19.759> today<00:07:19.970> is<00:07:20.090> the<00:07:20.479> world<00:07:20.690> in<00:07:20.840> your<00:07:20.960> grasp theme today is the world in your grasp theme today is the world in your grasp well<00:07:22.039> we're<00:07:22.310> trying<00:07:22.490> to<00:07:22.669> give<00:07:22.759> you<00:07:22.880> the<00:07:22.940> solar well we're trying to give you the solar well we're trying to give you the solar system<00:07:23.750> in<00:07:23.870> your<00:07:23.990> grasp<00:07:24.259> and<00:07:24.590> we<00:07:25.039> hope<00:07:25.220> once system in your grasp and we hope once system in your grasp and we hope once it's<00:07:25.669> there<00:07:25.759> you'll<00:07:26.570> be<00:07:26.690> able<00:07:26.780> to<00:07:27.020> learn<00:07:27.169> for it's there you'll be able to learn for it's there you'll be able to learn for yourself<00:07:27.979> what<00:07:28.729> we've<00:07:28.910> done<00:07:29.090> out<00:07:29.300> there<00:07:29.479> and yourself what we've done out there and yourself what we've done out there and what<00:07:29.750> we're<00:07:29.900> about<00:07:30.110> to<00:07:30.289> do<00:07:30.410> and<00:07:30.680> my<00:07:31.130> personal what we're about to do and my personal what we're about to do and my personal dream<00:07:31.849> is<00:07:32.030> for<00:07:32.810> kids<00:07:33.110> to<00:07:33.500> take<00:07:34.070> this<00:07:34.460> and dream is for kids to take this and dream is for kids to take this and explore<00:07:35.599> and<00:07:35.900> see<00:07:36.110> the<00:07:36.259> wonders<00:07:36.620> out<00:07:36.800> there explore and see the wonders out there explore and see the wonders out there and<00:07:37.280> be<00:07:37.820> inspired<00:07:38.330> as<00:07:38.570> I<00:07:38.780> was<00:07:39.020> as<00:07:39.199> a<00:07:39.229> kid<00:07:39.349> to and be inspired as I was as a kid to and be inspired as I was as a kid to pursue<00:07:40.520> STEM<00:07:40.820> education<00:07:40.849> and<00:07:41.690> to<00:07:41.870> pursue<00:07:42.229> a pursue STEM education and to pursue a pursue STEM education and to pursue a dream<00:07:42.740> in<00:07:43.070> space<00:07:43.430> exploration<00:07:43.840> thank<00:07:44.840> you dream in space exploration thank you dream in space exploration thank you [Applause]

Jon Nguyen, TED, TEDx, TEDxSanDiego, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED-Ed, solar, system, space, NASA, NASAJPL, eyes, on, the, solar

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