Ethic, Hedge, and Octavia
stand on the edge of a bottomless ravine.
It’s the only thing between
them and the tower
that houses the second
of three powerful artifacts.
They’ve got a brief window of time
to get across before the guards return.
With Hedge’s fuel gauge on empty
he won’t be able to fly Ethic across,
so the only option is to make a bridge.
Fortunately, the floating stacks of stones
nearby are bridge components—
invented by Octavia herself—
called hover-blocks.
Activate a pile with a burst of energy,
and they’ll self-assemble
to span the ravine as Ethic walks across.
But there is, of course, a catch.
The hover-blocks are only stable
when they’re perfectly palindromic.
Meaning they have to form
a sequence
that’s the same when viewed
forwards and backwards.
The stacks start in random orders,
but will always put themselves
into a palindromic configuration
if they can.
If they get to a point
where a palindrome isn’t possible,
the bridge will collapse,
and whoever’s on it
will fall into the ravine.
Let’s look at an example.
This stack would make itself stable.
First the A blocks
hold themselves in place.
Then the B’s.
And finally the C
would nestle right between the B’s.
However, suppose there was one more A.
First two A blocks form up, then two B’s,
but now the remaining C and A
have nowhere to go,
so the whole thing falls apart.
The Node of Power enables Hedge
to energize a single stack of blocks.
What instructions can Ethic give Hedge
to allow him to efficiently find
and power a stable palindromic stack?
Pause now to figure it out for yourself.
Examples of palindromes include ANNA,
Counting the number of times
a given letter appears in a palindrome
will reveal a helpful pattern.
Pause now to figure it out for yourself.
Let’s first look at a naïve solution
to this problem.
A naïve solution is a simple,
brute-force approach that isn’t optimized—
but will get the job done.
Naïve solutions are helpful ways
to analyze problems,
and work as stepping stones
to better solutions.
In this case, a naïve solution
is to approach a pile of blocks,
try all the arrangements,
and see if one is a palindrome
by reading it forward and then backwards.
The problem with this approach
is that it would take
a tremendous amount of time.
If Hedge tried one combination
every second,
a stack of just 10 different blocks
would take him 42 days to exhaust.
That’s because the total time
is a function of the factorial
of the number of blocks there are.
10 blocks
have over 3 million combinations.
What this naïve solution shows
is that we need a much faster way
to tell whether a pile of blocks
can form a palindrome.
To start, it may be intuitively clear
that a pile of all different blocks
will never form one.
The first and last blocks
can’t be the same if there are no repeats.
So when can a given sequence
become a palindrome?
One way to figure that out
is to analyze a few existing palindromes.
there are 2 A’s and 2 N’s.
has 2 R’s, 2 A’s, 2 C’s, and 1 E.
has 4 M’s, 4 A’s, 2 D’s, and 1 I.
The pattern here
is that most of the letters occur
an even number of times,
and there’s at most 1
that occurs just once.
Is that it?
What if RACECAR had 3 E’s instead of 1?
We could tack the new E’s onto the ends
and still get a palindrome,
so 3 is ok.
But make that 3 E’s and 3 C’s,
and there’s nowhere for the last C to go.
So the most generalized insight is that
at most one letter can appear
an odd number of times,
but the rest have to be even.
Hedge can count the letters in each stack
and organize them into a dictionary,
which is a tidy way
of storing information.
A loop could then go through and count
how many times odd numbers appear.
If there are less than 2 odd characters,
the stack can be made into a palindrome.
This approach is much, much faster
than the naïve solution.
Instead of factorial time,
it takes linear time.
That’s where the time increases
in proportion to
the number of blocks there are.
Now write a loop for Hedge
to approach the piles individually,
and stop when he finds a good one,
and you’ll be ready to go.
Here’s what happens:
Hedge is fast, but there are so many piles
it takes a long time.
Too long.
Ethic and Hedge are safe. But Octavia is not so lucky.
Ethic and Hedge are safe. But Octavia is not so lucky.