Thế giới kỳ lạ, tuyệt vời của phát quang sinh học-Edith Widder

The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence - Edith Widder

The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence - Edith Widder


so<00:00:16.309> I<00:00:16.520> want<00:00:16.790> to<00:00:16.880> take<00:00:17.060> you<00:00:17.210> on<00:00:17.360> a<00:00:17.420> trip<00:00:17.689> to<00:00:18.380> an
so I want to take you on a trip to an so I want to take you on a trip to an alien<00:00:18.890> world<00:00:18.920> and<00:00:19.550> it's<00:00:20.540> not<00:00:21.200> a<00:00:21.230> trip<00:00:21.680> that alien world and it's not a trip that alien world and it's not a trip that requires<00:00:23.080> light-years<00:00:24.080> of<00:00:24.200> travel<00:00:24.880> but<00:00:25.880> it's requires light-years of travel but it's requires light-years of travel but it's to<00:00:26.540> a<00:00:26.570> place<00:00:26.930> where<00:00:27.320> it's<00:00:28.250> defined<00:00:28.520> by<00:00:29.090> light to a place where it's defined by light to a place where it's defined by light so<00:00:30.860> it's<00:00:31.399> a<00:00:31.550> little<00:00:31.700> appreciated<00:00:32.480> fact<00:00:32.980> that so it's a little appreciated fact that so it's a little appreciated fact that most<00:00:35.420> of<00:00:35.750> the<00:00:35.989> animals<00:00:36.470> in<00:00:36.739> our<00:00:37.399> ocean<00:00:37.880> make most of the animals in our ocean make most of the animals in our ocean make life<00:00:39.520> I've<00:00:40.520> spent<00:00:40.760> most<00:00:41.149> of<00:00:41.300> my<00:00:41.360> career life I've spent most of my career life I've spent most of my career studying<00:00:42.110> this<00:00:42.649> phenomenon<00:00:42.860> called studying this phenomenon called studying this phenomenon called bioluminescence<00:00:44.240> I<00:00:44.980> study<00:00:45.980> it<00:00:46.160> because<00:00:46.400> I bioluminescence I study it because I bioluminescence I study it because I think<00:00:46.880> understanding<00:00:47.780> it<00:00:47.870> is<00:00:47.990> critical<00:00:48.500> to think understanding it is critical to think understanding it is critical to understanding<00:00:49.220> life<00:00:49.400> in<00:00:49.610> the<00:00:49.700> ocean<00:00:50.030> where understanding life in the ocean where understanding life in the ocean where most<00:00:50.630> bioluminescence<00:00:51.470> occurs<00:00:51.800> I<00:00:52.220> also<00:00:53.000> use most bioluminescence occurs I also use most bioluminescence occurs I also use it<00:00:53.630> as<00:00:53.720> a<00:00:53.750> tool<00:00:54.080> for<00:00:54.500> visualizing<00:00:55.400> and it as a tool for visualizing and it as a tool for visualizing and tracking<00:00:55.940> pollution<00:00:56.560> but<00:00:57.560> mostly<00:00:57.950> I'm tracking pollution but mostly I'm tracking pollution but mostly I'm entranced<00:00:59.030> by<00:00:59.329> it<00:00:59.829> since<00:01:00.829> my<00:01:01.070> first<00:01:01.400> dive<00:01:01.820> in<00:01:02.300> a entranced by it since my first dive in a entranced by it since my first dive in a deep<00:01:02.600> diving<00:01:02.870> submersible<00:01:03.739> when<00:01:04.009> I<00:01:04.040> went<00:01:04.250> down deep diving submersible when I went down deep diving submersible when I went down and<00:01:04.790> turned<00:01:05.059> out<00:01:05.239> the<00:01:05.360> lights<00:01:05.570> and<00:01:05.900> saw<00:01:06.170> the and turned out the lights and saw the and turned out the lights and saw the fireworks<00:01:06.590> displays<00:01:07.400> I've<00:01:07.970> been<00:01:08.390> a fireworks displays I've been a fireworks displays I've been a bioluminescence<00:01:09.350> junky<00:01:10.240> but<00:01:11.240> I<00:01:11.420> would<00:01:11.630> come bioluminescence junky but I would come bioluminescence junky but I would come back<00:01:11.990> from<00:01:12.229> those<00:01:12.409> dives<00:01:12.770> and<00:01:13.310> try<00:01:13.820> to<00:01:13.880> share back from those dives and try to share back from those dives and try to share the<00:01:14.900> experience<00:01:15.530> with<00:01:15.620> words<00:01:16.040> and<00:01:16.990> they<00:01:17.990> were the experience with words and they were the experience with words and they were totally<00:01:18.350> inadequate<00:01:18.740> to<00:01:19.130> the<00:01:19.159> task<00:01:19.280> I<00:01:19.970> needed totally inadequate to the task I needed totally inadequate to the task I needed some<00:01:21.020> way<00:01:21.050> to<00:01:21.650> share<00:01:22.370> the<00:01:22.550> experience some way to share the experience some way to share the experience directly<00:01:23.840> and<00:01:23.960> the<00:01:24.020> first<00:01:24.260> time<00:01:24.440> I<00:01:24.470> figured directly and the first time I figured directly and the first time I figured out<00:01:25.310> that<00:01:25.490> way<00:01:25.700> was<00:01:25.940> in<00:01:26.090> this<00:01:26.210> little<00:01:26.510> single out that way was in this little single out that way was in this little single person<00:01:27.200> submersible<00:01:27.860> called<00:01:28.070> deep<00:01:28.370> Rover person submersible called deep Rover person submersible called deep Rover this<00:01:29.659> next<00:01:30.020> video<00:01:30.320> clip<00:01:30.740> you're<00:01:31.340> going<00:01:31.370> to<00:01:31.520> see this next video clip you're going to see this next video clip you're going to see how<00:01:31.880> we<00:01:31.940> stimulated<00:01:32.630> the<00:01:32.810> bioluminescence how we stimulated the bioluminescence how we stimulated the bioluminescence and<00:01:34.010> the<00:01:34.729> first<00:01:34.940> thing<00:01:35.090> you're<00:01:35.240> going<00:01:35.330> to<00:01:35.390> see and the first thing you're going to see and the first thing you're going to see is<00:01:35.930> a<00:01:35.960> transect<00:01:36.680> screen<00:01:37.040> that<00:01:37.520> is<00:01:37.729> about<00:01:38.060> a is a transect screen that is about a is a transect screen that is about a meter<00:01:38.450> across<00:01:39.490> in<00:01:40.490> front<00:01:40.880> of<00:01:41.000> the<00:01:41.119> Sun<00:01:41.360> a<00:01:41.750> mesh meter across in front of the Sun a mesh meter across in front of the Sun a mesh screen<00:01:42.710> will<00:01:43.010> come<00:01:43.130> into<00:01:43.310> contact<00:01:43.610> with<00:01:43.909> the screen will come into contact with the screen will come into contact with the soft<00:01:44.330> bodied<00:01:44.690> creatures<00:01:45.140> of<00:01:45.290> the<00:01:45.380> deep<00:01:45.530> sea soft bodied creatures of the deep sea soft bodied creatures of the deep sea with<00:01:47.369> the<00:01:47.460> subs<00:01:47.700> light<00:01:48.000> switched<00:01:48.420> off<00:01:48.659> it<00:01:49.259> is with the subs light switched off it is with the subs light switched off it is possible<00:01:49.859> to<00:01:49.890> see<00:01:50.189> their<00:01:50.399> bioluminescence possible to see their bioluminescence possible to see their bioluminescence the<00:01:52.259> light<00:01:52.439> produced<00:01:52.979> when<00:01:53.219> they<00:01:53.340> collide the light produced when they collide the light produced when they collide with<00:01:53.729> the<00:01:54.090> mesh

this<00:02:01.310> is<00:02:01.640> the<00:02:01.880> first<00:02:02.150> time<00:02:02.450> that<00:02:02.720> has<00:02:02.840> ever
this is the first time that has ever this is the first time that has ever been<00:02:03.200> recorded

so<00:02:16.870> I<00:02:16.900> recorded<00:02:17.500> that<00:02:17.650> with<00:02:17.890> an<00:02:18.010> intensified
so I recorded that with an intensified so I recorded that with an intensified video<00:02:19.060> camera<00:02:19.600> that<00:02:19.840> has<00:02:20.170> about<00:02:20.560> the video camera that has about the video camera that has about the sensitivity<00:02:21.580> of<00:02:21.610> the<00:02:21.760> fully<00:02:21.970> dark-adapted sensitivity of the fully dark-adapted sensitivity of the fully dark-adapted human<00:02:22.990> eye<00:02:23.110> which<00:02:23.710> means<00:02:23.950> that<00:02:24.100> really<00:02:24.250> is human eye which means that really is human eye which means that really is what<00:02:24.730> you<00:02:24.850> would<00:02:25.000> see<00:02:25.240> if<00:02:25.510> you<00:02:25.600> took<00:02:25.750> a<00:02:25.780> dive<00:02:25.990> in what you would see if you took a dive in what you would see if you took a dive in a<00:02:26.200> submersible<00:02:26.580> but<00:02:27.580> just<00:02:27.820> to<00:02:27.940> try<00:02:28.090> to<00:02:28.180> prove a submersible but just to try to prove a submersible but just to try to prove that<00:02:28.480> fact<00:02:28.930> to<00:02:29.140> you<00:02:29.260> I<00:02:29.290> brought<00:02:29.590> along<00:02:29.770> some that fact to you I brought along some that fact to you I brought along some bioluminescent<00:02:30.850> plankton<00:02:31.000> in<00:02:31.480> what<00:02:32.260> is bioluminescent plankton in what is bioluminescent plankton in what is undoubtedly<00:02:32.860> a<00:02:33.190> foolhardy<00:02:33.430> attempt<00:02:34.090> at<00:02:34.180> a undoubtedly a foolhardy attempt at a undoubtedly a foolhardy attempt at a live<00:02:34.510> demonstration<00:02:36.660> so<00:02:37.660> if<00:02:38.620> we<00:02:39.100> get<00:02:39.220> up<00:02:39.310> the live demonstration so if we get up the live demonstration so if we get up the lights<00:02:39.610> down<00:02:39.820> and<00:02:40.150> have<00:02:40.300> it<00:02:40.420> as<00:02:40.510> dark<00:02:40.810> in<00:02:40.990> here lights down and have it as dark in here lights down and have it as dark in here as<00:02:41.260> possible<00:02:41.500> I<00:02:42.040> have<00:02:42.640> a<00:02:42.670> flask<00:02:43.120> that<00:02:44.100> has as possible I have a flask that has as possible I have a flask that has bioluminescent<00:02:46.180> plankton<00:02:46.330> in<00:02:46.720> it<00:02:46.840> and<00:02:47.459> you'll bioluminescent plankton in it and you'll bioluminescent plankton in it and you'll note<00:02:48.670> there's<00:02:48.880> no<00:02:49.000> light<00:02:49.209> coming<00:02:49.570> from<00:02:49.720> them note there's no light coming from them note there's no light coming from them right<00:02:50.080> now<00:02:50.290> either<00:02:51.100> because<00:02:51.520> they're<00:02:51.760> dead<00:02:53.670> or right now either because they're dead or right now either because they're dead or because<00:02:56.080> I<00:02:56.110> need<00:02:56.350> to<00:02:56.500> stir<00:02:56.920> them<00:02:57.070> up<00:02:57.220> in<00:02:57.340> some because I need to stir them up in some because I need to stir them up in some way<00:02:57.670> for<00:02:57.850> you<00:02:57.940> to<00:02:58.000> be<00:02:58.060> able<00:02:58.209> to<00:02:58.300> see<00:02:58.480> what way for you to be able to see what way for you to be able to see what bioluminescence<00:02:59.380> really<00:02:59.650> looks<00:02:59.860> like<00:02:59.950> Oh

I<00:03:15.860> spend<00:03:16.860> most<00:03:16.980> of<00:03:17.130> my<00:03:17.220> time<00:03:17.310> working<00:03:17.730> in<00:03:18.000> the
I spend most of my time working in the I spend most of my time working in the dark<00:03:18.360> I'm<00:03:18.540> used<00:03:18.750> to<00:03:18.870> that<00:03:19.050> okay<00:03:21.230> so<00:03:22.230> that<00:03:22.980> light dark I'm used to that okay so that light dark I'm used to that okay so that light was<00:03:24.120> made<00:03:24.360> by<00:03:24.690> a<00:03:24.720> bioluminescent was made by a bioluminescent was made by a bioluminescent dinoflagellate<00:03:26.460> a<00:03:26.670> single-celled<00:03:27.600> alga<00:03:27.900> so dinoflagellate a single-celled alga so dinoflagellate a single-celled alga so why<00:03:29.430> would<00:03:29.670> a<00:03:29.700> single-celled<00:03:30.300> alga<00:03:30.510> need<00:03:30.900> to why would a single-celled alga need to why would a single-celled alga need to be<00:03:31.110> able<00:03:31.230> to<00:03:31.350> produce<00:03:31.560> light be able to produce light be able to produce light well<00:03:32.910> uses<00:03:33.240> it<00:03:33.360> to<00:03:33.480> defend<00:03:33.930> itself<00:03:34.260> from<00:03:34.380> its well uses it to defend itself from its well uses it to defend itself from its predators<00:03:35.100> the<00:03:35.730> flash<00:03:36.030> is<00:03:36.300> like<00:03:36.480> a<00:03:36.510> scream<00:03:36.930> for predators the flash is like a scream for predators the flash is like a scream for help<00:03:37.470> it's<00:03:38.340> what's<00:03:38.580> known<00:03:38.700> as<00:03:38.910> a help it's what's known as a help it's what's known as a bioluminescent<00:03:39.300> burglar<00:03:40.170> alarm<00:03:40.440> and<00:03:40.620> just bioluminescent burglar alarm and just bioluminescent burglar alarm and just like<00:03:40.890> the<00:03:41.010> alarm<00:03:41.250> on<00:03:41.520> your<00:03:41.580> car<00:03:41.940> or<00:03:42.240> your<00:03:42.360> house like the alarm on your car or your house like the alarm on your car or your house it's<00:03:43.650> meant<00:03:43.950> to<00:03:44.100> cast<00:03:44.370> unwanted<00:03:45.090> attention it's meant to cast unwanted attention it's meant to cast unwanted attention onto<00:03:45.900> the<00:03:46.200> intruder onto the intruder onto the intruder thereby<00:03:47.340> either<00:03:47.880> leading<00:03:48.270> to<00:03:48.510> his<00:03:48.690> capture<00:03:48.960> or thereby either leading to his capture or thereby either leading to his capture or scaring<00:03:50.610> him<00:03:50.730> away<00:03:50.960> it's<00:03:51.960> a<00:03:52.050> lot<00:03:52.200> of<00:03:52.350> animals scaring him away it's a lot of animals scaring him away it's a lot of animals that<00:03:52.950> use<00:03:53.130> this<00:03:53.370> trick<00:03:53.640> for<00:03:53.940> example<00:03:54.360> this that use this trick for example this that use this trick for example this black<00:03:54.780> dragon<00:03:55.350> fish<00:03:55.590> it's<00:03:56.190> got<00:03:56.310> a<00:03:56.340> light<00:03:56.550> organ black dragon fish it's got a light organ black dragon fish it's got a light organ under<00:03:57.030> its<00:03:57.150> eye<00:03:57.360> it's<00:03:57.780> got<00:03:57.990> a<00:03:58.020> chin<00:03:58.350> barbel under its eye it's got a chin barbel under its eye it's got a chin barbel it's<00:03:59.280> got<00:03:59.400> a<00:03:59.430> lot<00:03:59.610> of<00:03:59.640> other<00:03:59.790> light<00:04:00.060> organs<00:04:00.360> you it's got a lot of other light organs you it's got a lot of other light organs you can't<00:04:00.630> see<00:04:00.900> but<00:04:01.200> you'll<00:04:01.350> see<00:04:01.500> them<00:04:01.590> here<00:04:01.770> in<00:04:01.860> a can't see but you'll see them here in a can't see but you'll see them here in a minute<00:04:02.220> so<00:04:03.530> we'd<00:04:04.530> have<00:04:04.680> to<00:04:04.800> chase<00:04:05.070> this<00:04:05.340> and minute so we'd have to chase this and minute so we'd have to chase this and the<00:04:05.580> submersible<00:04:06.240> for<00:04:06.420> quite<00:04:06.600> some<00:04:06.870> time the submersible for quite some time the submersible for quite some time because<00:04:07.290> the<00:04:07.590> top<00:04:07.830> speed<00:04:08.130> of<00:04:08.160> this<00:04:08.370> fish<00:04:08.640> is because the top speed of this fish is because the top speed of this fish is one<00:04:09.030> not<00:04:09.270> which<00:04:09.690> was<00:04:09.870> a<00:04:09.900> top<00:04:10.170> speed<00:04:10.410> of<00:04:10.470> the one not which was a top speed of the one not which was a top speed of the submersible<00:04:11.060> but<00:04:12.060> it<00:04:12.930> was<00:04:13.110> worth<00:04:13.320> it<00:04:13.500> because submersible but it was worth it because submersible but it was worth it because we<00:04:14.040> caught<00:04:14.250> in<00:04:14.430> a<00:04:14.520> symmetric<00:04:14.940> capture<00:04:15.360> device we caught in a symmetric capture device we caught in a symmetric capture device brought<00:04:16.109> it<00:04:16.260> up<00:04:16.350> into<00:04:16.500> the<00:04:16.650> lab<00:04:16.830> on<00:04:17.040> the<00:04:17.130> ship brought it up into the lab on the ship brought it up into the lab on the ship and<00:04:17.700> then<00:04:18.620> everything<00:04:19.620> on<00:04:19.709> this<00:04:19.890> fish<00:04:20.190> lights and then everything on this fish lights and then everything on this fish lights up<00:04:20.850> it's<00:04:21.860> unbelievable<00:04:22.860> the<00:04:23.400> light<00:04:23.640> organs up it's unbelievable the light organs up it's unbelievable the light organs under<00:04:24.060> the<00:04:24.210> eyes<00:04:24.330> are<00:04:24.630> flashing<00:04:25.169> that<00:04:25.320> chin under the eyes are flashing that chin under the eyes are flashing that chin barbel<00:04:25.980> is<00:04:26.100> flashing<00:04:26.430> it's<00:04:26.850> got<00:04:27.000> light<00:04:27.210> organs barbel is flashing it's got light organs barbel is flashing it's got light organs on<00:04:27.660> its<00:04:27.780> belly<00:04:28.110> that<00:04:28.440> are<00:04:28.560> flashing<00:04:29.160> fin on its belly that are flashing fin on its belly that are flashing fin lights<00:04:29.900> it's<00:04:30.900> a<00:04:31.050> scream<00:04:31.410> for<00:04:31.680> help<00:04:31.860> it's<00:04:32.250> meant lights it's a scream for help it's meant lights it's a scream for help it's meant to<00:04:32.550> attract<00:04:32.970> attention<00:04:33.150> it's<00:04:34.140> phenomenal<00:04:34.800> and to attract attention it's phenomenal and to attract attention it's phenomenal and you<00:04:35.240> normally<00:04:36.240> don't<00:04:36.360> get<00:04:36.419> to<00:04:36.540> see<00:04:36.690> this you normally don't get to see this you normally don't get to see this because<00:04:37.260> we've<00:04:37.440> exhausted<00:04:37.770> the<00:04:38.100> luminescence because we've exhausted the luminescence because we've exhausted the luminescence when<00:04:38.880> we<00:04:38.970> bring<00:04:39.180> them<00:04:39.300> up<00:04:39.419> in<00:04:39.600> nets<00:04:41.390> there's when we bring them up in nets there's when we bring them up in nets there's other<00:04:42.600> ways<00:04:42.840> you<00:04:42.870> can<00:04:43.140> defend<00:04:43.470> yourself<00:04:43.860> with other ways you can defend yourself with other ways you can defend yourself with light<00:04:44.300> for<00:04:45.300> example<00:04:45.390> this<00:04:46.020> shrimp<00:04:46.610> releases light for example this shrimp releases light for example this shrimp releases its<00:04:47.820> bioluminescent<00:04:48.600> chemicals<00:04:49.080> into<00:04:49.230> the its bioluminescent chemicals into the its bioluminescent chemicals into the water<00:04:49.560> just<00:04:49.800> the<00:04:49.950> way<00:04:50.040> a<00:04:50.070> squid<00:04:50.640> or<00:04:50.910> an<00:04:50.970> octopus water just the way a squid or an octopus water just the way a squid or an octopus would<00:04:51.720> release<00:04:51.990> an<00:04:52.110> ink<00:04:52.260> cloud<00:04:52.410> this<00:04:53.190> blinds would release an ink cloud this blinds would release an ink cloud this blinds or<00:04:53.880> distracts<00:04:54.360> the<00:04:54.510> predator<00:04:55.070> this<00:04:56.070> little or distracts the predator this little or distracts the predator this little squid<00:04:57.000> is<00:04:57.330> called<00:04:57.570> the<00:04:57.690> fire<00:04:57.930> shooter<00:04:58.410> because squid is called the fire shooter because squid is called the fire shooter because of<00:04:58.890> its<00:04:59.010> ability<00:04:59.460> to<00:04:59.490> do<00:04:59.730> this of its ability to do this of its ability to do this now<00:05:01.050> it<00:05:01.290> may<00:05:01.410> look<00:05:01.710> like<00:05:01.740> a<00:05:01.950> tasty<00:05:02.220> morsel<00:05:02.640> or<00:05:03.120> a now it may look like a tasty morsel or a now it may look like a tasty morsel or a pig's<00:05:04.410> head<00:05:04.530> with<00:05:04.800> wings

but<00:05:08.889> if<00:05:09.069> it's<00:05:09.219> attacked<00:05:09.899> it<00:05:11.849> puts<00:05:12.849> out<00:05:13.029> a
but if it's attacked it puts out a but if it's attacked it puts out a barrage<00:05:13.659> of<00:05:14.110> light<00:05:14.379> in<00:05:14.709> fact<00:05:14.919> a<00:05:15.129> barrage<00:05:15.429> of barrage of light in fact a barrage of barrage of light in fact a barrage of photon<00:05:16.119> torpedoes<00:05:16.149> I<00:05:17.939> just<00:05:18.939> barely<00:05:19.209> got<00:05:19.479> the photon torpedoes I just barely got the photon torpedoes I just barely got the lights<00:05:19.779> out<00:05:19.989> in<00:05:20.110> time<00:05:20.349> for<00:05:20.739> you<00:05:20.829> be<00:05:20.919> able<00:05:21.039> to lights out in time for you be able to lights out in time for you be able to see<00:05:21.429> those<00:05:21.699> gobs<00:05:22.089> of<00:05:22.479> light<00:05:22.779> hitting<00:05:23.439> the see those gobs of light hitting the see those gobs of light hitting the transept<00:05:24.189> screen<00:05:24.519> and<00:05:24.849> then<00:05:24.939> just<00:05:25.209> glowing transept screen and then just glowing transept screen and then just glowing it's<00:05:27.599> phenomenal<00:05:30.089> so<00:05:31.089> there's<00:05:31.569> a<00:05:31.659> lot<00:05:31.839> of it's phenomenal so there's a lot of it's phenomenal so there's a lot of animals<00:05:32.349> in<00:05:32.439> the<00:05:32.529> open<00:05:32.799> ocean<00:05:32.949> most<00:05:33.639> of<00:05:33.819> them animals in the open ocean most of them animals in the open ocean most of them that<00:05:34.059> make<00:05:34.269> light<00:05:34.509> and<00:05:34.749> we<00:05:34.839> have<00:05:34.929> a<00:05:34.989> pretty that make light and we have a pretty that make light and we have a pretty good<00:05:35.319> idea<00:05:35.649> for<00:05:35.860> most<00:05:36.069> of<00:05:36.219> them<00:05:36.339> why<00:05:36.519> they<00:05:36.879> use good idea for most of them why they use good idea for most of them why they use it<00:05:37.179> for<00:05:37.209> finding<00:05:37.569> food<00:05:37.899> for<00:05:37.959> attracting<00:05:38.769> mates it for finding food for attracting mates it for finding food for attracting mates for<00:05:39.519> defending<00:05:39.969> against<00:05:40.329> predators<00:05:40.779> but<00:05:41.559> when for defending against predators but when for defending against predators but when you<00:05:41.860> get<00:05:41.949> down<00:05:42.129> at<00:05:42.309> the<00:05:42.339> bottom<00:05:42.729> of<00:05:42.849> the<00:05:42.909> ocean you get down at the bottom of the ocean you get down at the bottom of the ocean that's<00:05:43.719> where<00:05:43.989> things<00:05:44.229> get<00:05:44.499> really<00:05:44.559> strange that's where things get really strange that's where things get really strange and<00:05:45.849> some<00:05:46.719> of<00:05:46.839> these<00:05:46.989> animals<00:05:47.559> are<00:05:47.999> probably and some of these animals are probably and some of these animals are probably inspiration<00:05:49.779> for<00:05:49.959> the<00:05:50.049> things<00:05:50.259> you<00:05:50.439> saw<00:05:50.649> in inspiration for the things you saw in inspiration for the things you saw in Avatar Avatar Avatar but<00:05:52.059> you<00:05:52.149> don't<00:05:52.239> have<00:05:52.449> to<00:05:52.599> travel<00:05:52.839> to<00:05:52.989> pandora but you don't have to travel to pandora but you don't have to travel to pandora to<00:05:53.679> see<00:05:53.889> them<00:05:54.099> there<00:05:55.029> are<00:05:55.119> things<00:05:55.360> like<00:05:55.449> this to see them there are things like this to see them there are things like this this<00:05:56.589> is<00:05:56.739> a<00:05:56.769> golden<00:05:57.339> coral<00:05:57.789> a<00:05:57.939> bush<00:05:58.239> it<00:05:58.569> grows this is a golden coral a bush it grows this is a golden coral a bush it grows very<00:05:58.959> slowly<00:05:59.349> in<00:06:00.039> fact<00:06:00.309> it's<00:06:00.489> thought<00:06:00.699> that very slowly in fact it's thought that very slowly in fact it's thought that some<00:06:01.209> of<00:06:01.239> these<00:06:01.419> are<00:06:01.749> as<00:06:01.869> much<00:06:02.079> as<00:06:02.489> 3,000<00:06:03.489> years some of these are as much as 3,000 years some of these are as much as 3,000 years old<00:06:03.939> which<00:06:04.719> is<00:06:04.869> one<00:06:05.110> reason<00:06:05.409> that<00:06:05.439> bottom old which is one reason that bottom old which is one reason that bottom trawling<00:06:06.159> should<00:06:06.819> not<00:06:06.999> be<00:06:07.149> allowed<00:06:07.449> the<00:06:07.860> other trawling should not be allowed the other trawling should not be allowed the other reason<00:06:09.339> is<00:06:09.519> this<00:06:09.729> amazing<00:06:10.029> bush<00:06:10.569> glows<00:06:12.119> so<00:06:13.119> if reason is this amazing bush glows so if reason is this amazing bush glows so if you<00:06:13.659> brush<00:06:13.959> up<00:06:14.169> against<00:06:14.619> it<00:06:14.769> anyplace<00:06:15.369> you you brush up against it anyplace you you brush up against it anyplace you brushed<00:06:16.209> against<00:06:16.689> it<00:06:16.839> you<00:06:17.289> get<00:06:17.439> this brushed against it you get this brushed against it you get this twinkling<00:06:18.399> Bluegreen<00:06:18.999> light<00:06:19.059> it's<00:06:19.839> just twinkling Bluegreen light it's just twinkling Bluegreen light it's just breathtaking breathtaking breathtaking and<00:06:22.229> you<00:06:23.229> see<00:06:23.469> things<00:06:23.739> like<00:06:23.860> this<00:06:24.279> this<00:06:24.550> looks and you see things like this this looks and you see things like this this looks like<00:06:24.849> something<00:06:25.119> out<00:06:25.329> of<00:06:25.360> a<00:06:25.479> dr.<00:06:25.659> Seuss<00:06:26.110> book like something out of a dr. Seuss book like something out of a dr. Seuss book just<00:06:27.099> all<00:06:27.339> manner<00:06:27.669> of<00:06:27.879> creatures<00:06:27.999> all<00:06:28.629> over just all manner of creatures all over just all manner of creatures all over this<00:06:29.079> thing<00:06:29.139> and<00:06:30.629> these<00:06:31.629> are<00:06:32.079> flight<00:06:32.559> wrapping this thing and these are flight wrapping this thing and these are flight wrapping enemies<00:06:33.399> now<00:06:34.329> if<00:06:34.389> you<00:06:34.509> poke<00:06:34.749> it<00:06:34.779> it<00:06:35.169> pulls<00:06:35.829> in enemies now if you poke it it pulls in enemies now if you poke it it pulls in its<00:06:36.159> tentacles<00:06:36.699> but<00:06:37.419> if<00:06:37.509> you<00:06:37.599> keep<00:06:37.839> poking<00:06:38.139> it its tentacles but if you keep poking it its tentacles but if you keep poking it it<00:06:38.649> starts<00:06:39.369> to<00:06:39.459> produce<00:06:39.610> light<00:06:40.149> and<00:06:40.649> it it starts to produce light and it it starts to produce light and it actually<00:06:42.399> ends<00:06:42.699> up<00:06:42.789> looking<00:06:43.059> like<00:06:43.239> a<00:06:43.389> galaxy actually ends up looking like a galaxy actually ends up looking like a galaxy it<00:06:45.329> produces<00:06:46.329> these<00:06:46.509> strings<00:06:47.169> of<00:06:47.529> light it produces these strings of light it produces these strings of light presumably<00:06:48.519> as<00:06:48.699> some<00:06:48.939> form<00:06:49.239> of<00:06:49.329> defense presumably as some form of defense presumably as some form of defense there<00:06:51.459> are<00:06:51.610> starfish<00:06:52.209> that<00:06:52.419> can<00:06:52.539> make<00:06:52.749> light there are starfish that can make light there are starfish that can make light and<00:06:53.379> there<00:06:54.219> are<00:06:54.339> brittle<00:06:54.729> stars<00:06:55.029> that<00:06:55.360> produce and there are brittle stars that produce and there are brittle stars that produce bands<00:06:56.049> of<00:06:56.409> light<00:06:56.439> that<00:06:57.009> dance<00:06:57.309> along<00:06:57.699> their bands of light that dance along their bands of light that dance along their arms<00:06:59.129> this<00:07:00.129> looks<00:07:00.849> like<00:07:01.029> a<00:07:01.059> plant<00:07:01.449> but<00:07:01.779> it's arms this looks like a plant but it's arms this looks like a plant but it's actually<00:07:02.349> an<00:07:02.439> animal<00:07:02.769> and<00:07:03.099> it<00:07:03.369> angers<00:07:03.729> itself actually an animal and it angers itself actually an animal and it angers itself in<00:07:04.269> the<00:07:04.360> sand<00:07:04.689> by<00:07:04.989> blowing<00:07:05.319> up<00:07:05.589> a<00:07:05.679> balloon<00:07:05.860> on in the sand by blowing up a balloon on in the sand by blowing up a balloon on the<00:07:06.399> end<00:07:06.489> of<00:07:06.759> its<00:07:06.879> stock<00:07:07.559> so<00:07:08.559> it<00:07:08.889> can<00:07:09.099> actually the end of its stock so it can actually the end of its stock so it can actually hold<00:07:09.610> itself<00:07:10.029> in<00:07:10.179> very<00:07:10.419> strong<00:07:10.749> currents<00:07:11.259> as hold itself in very strong currents as hold itself in very strong currents as you<00:07:11.589> see<00:07:11.799> here<00:07:12.189> but<00:07:12.549> if<00:07:12.639> we<00:07:12.669> collect<00:07:12.969> it<00:07:13.299> very you see here but if we collect it very you see here but if we collect it very gently<00:07:13.989> and gently and gently and bring<00:07:14.630> it<00:07:14.750> up<00:07:14.840> into<00:07:15.020> the<00:07:15.200> lab<00:07:15.460> just<00:07:16.460> squeeze<00:07:16.910> it bring it up into the lab just squeeze it bring it up into the lab just squeeze it at<00:07:17.180> the<00:07:17.270> base<00:07:17.420> of<00:07:17.450> the<00:07:17.690> stock<00:07:18.020> it<00:07:18.410> produces at the base of the stock it produces at the base of the stock it produces this<00:07:19.400> light<00:07:19.790> that<00:07:19.820> propagates<00:07:20.780> from<00:07:20.930> the<00:07:21.200> stem this light that propagates from the stem this light that propagates from the stem to<00:07:21.560> the<00:07:21.980> plume<00:07:22.310> change<00:07:23.210> in<00:07:23.480> color<00:07:23.810> as<00:07:24.170> it<00:07:24.590> goes to the plume change in color as it goes to the plume change in color as it goes from<00:07:25.820> green<00:07:26.240> to<00:07:26.630> blue<00:07:29.080> colorization<00:07:30.080> and from green to blue colorization and from green to blue colorization and sound<00:07:30.770> effects<00:07:31.220> added<00:07:31.580> for<00:07:31.790> your<00:07:31.880> viewing sound effects added for your viewing sound effects added for your viewing pleasure<00:07:34.540> but<00:07:35.540> we<00:07:35.810> have<00:07:35.930> no<00:07:36.080> idea<00:07:36.410> why<00:07:36.590> it<00:07:36.650> does pleasure but we have no idea why it does pleasure but we have no idea why it does that that that here's<00:07:38.150> another<00:07:38.300> one<00:07:38.630> this<00:07:38.990> is<00:07:39.140> also<00:07:39.320> a<00:07:39.470> see here's another one this is also a see here's another one this is also a see pen<00:07:40.010> it's<00:07:40.220> got<00:07:40.370> a<00:07:40.400> brittle<00:07:40.790> star<00:07:40.820> hitching<00:07:41.570> a pen it's got a brittle star hitching a pen it's got a brittle star hitching a ride<00:07:41.660> it's<00:07:42.290> a<00:07:42.410> green<00:07:42.680> saber<00:07:43.130> of<00:07:43.520> light<00:07:43.820> and ride it's a green saber of light and ride it's a green saber of light and like<00:07:45.230> the<00:07:45.440> one<00:07:45.560> you<00:07:45.710> just<00:07:45.860> saw<00:07:46.100> it<00:07:46.460> can<00:07:46.670> produce like the one you just saw it can produce like the one you just saw it can produce these<00:07:47.240> as<00:07:47.480> bands<00:07:47.780> of<00:07:48.080> light<00:07:48.110> so<00:07:48.590> if<00:07:48.680> I<00:07:48.770> squeeze these as bands of light so if I squeeze these as bands of light so if I squeeze the<00:07:49.370> bass<00:07:49.990> the<00:07:50.990> band's<00:07:51.260> go<00:07:51.620> from<00:07:51.860> base<00:07:52.070> to<00:07:52.100> tip the bass the band's go from base to tip the bass the band's go from base to tip if<00:07:55.040> I<00:07:55.190> squeeze<00:07:55.490> the<00:07:55.700> tip<00:07:55.940> they<00:07:56.420> go<00:07:56.570> from<00:07:56.720> tip<00:07:56.990> to if I squeeze the tip they go from tip to if I squeeze the tip they go from tip to base<00:07:59.890> so<00:08:00.890> what<00:08:01.100> do<00:08:01.190> you<00:08:01.250> think<00:08:01.430> happens<00:08:01.910> if<00:08:02.150> you base so what do you think happens if you base so what do you think happens if you squeeze<00:08:02.540> it<00:08:02.690> in<00:08:02.750> the<00:08:02.810> middle<00:08:06.550> I'd<00:08:07.550> be<00:08:07.760> very squeeze it in the middle I'd be very squeeze it in the middle I'd be very interested<00:08:08.090> in<00:08:08.540> your<00:08:08.600> theories<00:08:09.110> about<00:08:09.380> what interested in your theories about what interested in your theories about what that's<00:08:09.830> about<00:08:11.260> so<00:08:12.260> there's<00:08:12.650> a<00:08:12.710> language<00:08:13.130> of that's about so there's a language of that's about so there's a language of light<00:08:13.520> in<00:08:13.880> the<00:08:14.150> deep<00:08:14.330> ocean<00:08:14.780> and<00:08:14.990> we're<00:08:15.380> just light in the deep ocean and we're just light in the deep ocean and we're just beginning<00:08:15.710> to<00:08:16.010> understand<00:08:16.670> it<00:08:16.880> and<00:08:17.090> one<00:08:17.630> way beginning to understand it and one way beginning to understand it and one way we're<00:08:17.960> going<00:08:18.170> about<00:08:18.290> that<00:08:18.680> is<00:08:18.950> we're we're going about that is we're we're going about that is we're imitating<00:08:19.940> a<00:08:20.000> lot<00:08:20.150> of<00:08:20.270> these<00:08:20.390> displays<00:08:20.890> this imitating a lot of these displays this imitating a lot of these displays this is<00:08:22.100> an<00:08:22.250> optical<00:08:22.610> lure<00:08:22.910> that<00:08:23.030> I've<00:08:23.300> used<00:08:23.540> we is an optical lure that I've used we is an optical lure that I've used we call<00:08:23.900> it<00:08:23.990> the<00:08:24.080> electronic<00:08:24.650> jellyfish<00:08:25.160> it's call it the electronic jellyfish it's call it the electronic jellyfish it's just<00:08:25.610> sixteen<00:08:26.000> blue<00:08:26.180> LEDs<00:08:26.630> that<00:08:26.660> we<00:08:26.960> can just sixteen blue LEDs that we can just sixteen blue LEDs that we can program<00:08:27.320> to<00:08:27.680> do<00:08:27.860> different<00:08:28.280> types<00:08:28.430> of program to do different types of program to do different types of displays<00:08:29.000> and<00:08:29.360> we<00:08:30.080> view<00:08:30.290> it<00:08:30.410> with<00:08:30.560> a<00:08:30.590> camera displays and we view it with a camera displays and we view it with a camera system<00:08:31.340> I<00:08:31.430> developed<00:08:31.580> called<00:08:31.910> I<00:08:32.270> in<00:08:32.419> the<00:08:32.540> sea system I developed called I in the sea system I developed called I in the sea that<00:08:32.780> uses<00:08:33.260> far<00:08:33.500> red<00:08:33.740> light<00:08:33.979> that's<00:08:34.250> invisible that uses far red light that's invisible that uses far red light that's invisible to<00:08:35.060> most<00:08:35.180> animals<00:08:35.720> so<00:08:35.930> it's<00:08:36.080> unobtrusive<00:08:36.830> so<00:08:37.310> I to most animals so it's unobtrusive so I to most animals so it's unobtrusive so I just<00:08:37.520> want<00:08:37.729> to<00:08:37.820> show<00:08:38.030> you<00:08:38.090> some<00:08:38.990> of<00:08:39.020> the just want to show you some of the just want to show you some of the responses<00:08:39.890> that<00:08:39.919> we've<00:08:40.400> elicited<00:08:40.940> from responses that we've elicited from responses that we've elicited from animals<00:08:41.479> in<00:08:41.630> the<00:08:41.690> deep<00:08:41.870> sea<00:08:42.340> so<00:08:43.340> the<00:08:44.090> camera<00:08:44.450> is animals in the deep sea so the camera is animals in the deep sea so the camera is black<00:08:44.750> and<00:08:44.960> white<00:08:45.080> it's<00:08:45.440> not<00:08:45.500> high<00:08:45.770> resolution black and white it's not high resolution black and white it's not high resolution and<00:08:46.850> what<00:08:47.090> you're<00:08:47.300> seeing<00:08:47.540> here<00:08:47.630> is<00:08:48.080> a<00:08:48.260> bait and what you're seeing here is a bait and what you're seeing here is a bait box<00:08:49.010> with<00:08:49.400> a<00:08:49.580> bunch<00:08:49.850> of<00:08:50.030> like<00:08:50.780> the<00:08:50.900> cockroaches box with a bunch of like the cockroaches box with a bunch of like the cockroaches of<00:08:51.680> the<00:08:51.770> ocean<00:08:52.130> they're<00:08:52.310> isopods<00:08:52.790> all<00:08:53.090> over<00:08:53.390> it of the ocean they're isopods all over it of the ocean they're isopods all over it and<00:08:53.830> right<00:08:54.830> in<00:08:54.950> the<00:08:55.010> front<00:08:55.340> is<00:08:55.610> the<00:08:55.670> electronic and right in the front is the electronic and right in the front is the electronic jellyfish<00:08:57.020> and<00:08:57.320> when<00:08:58.220> it<00:08:58.340> starts<00:08:58.610> flashing jellyfish and when it starts flashing jellyfish and when it starts flashing it's<00:08:59.240> just<00:08:59.360> going<00:08:59.450> to<00:08:59.540> be<00:08:59.600> one<00:08:59.810> of<00:08:59.930> the<00:09:00.020> LEDs it's just going to be one of the LEDs it's just going to be one of the LEDs that's<00:09:00.830> flashing<00:09:01.160> very<00:09:01.580> fast<00:09:01.940> but<00:09:02.690> as<00:09:02.870> soon<00:09:03.050> as that's flashing very fast but as soon as that's flashing very fast but as soon as it<00:09:03.260> starts<00:09:03.620> to<00:09:03.800> flash<00:09:04.100> and<00:09:04.430> it's<00:09:04.580> going<00:09:04.700> to it starts to flash and it's going to it starts to flash and it's going to look<00:09:04.850> big<00:09:05.210> because<00:09:05.600> it<00:09:05.720> blooms<00:09:06.020> on<00:09:06.290> the<00:09:06.380> camera look big because it blooms on the camera look big because it blooms on the camera I<00:09:06.920> want<00:09:07.400> you<00:09:07.490> to<00:09:07.580> look<00:09:07.700> right<00:09:07.940> here<00:09:08.360> and<00:09:09.020> it's I want you to look right here and it's I want you to look right here and it's something<00:09:09.500> small<00:09:09.710> there<00:09:10.460> that<00:09:10.880> responds something small there that responds something small there that responds we're<00:09:12.170> talking<00:09:12.680> to<00:09:12.770> something<00:09:13.010> it<00:09:13.670> looks<00:09:13.820> like we're talking to something it looks like we're talking to something it looks like a<00:09:13.970> little<00:09:14.150> string<00:09:14.720> of<00:09:15.610> pearls<00:09:16.840> basically<00:09:17.840> in a little string of pearls basically in a little string of pearls basically in fact<00:09:18.200> three<00:09:18.500> strings<00:09:18.860> of<00:09:19.070> pearls<00:09:20.560> this<00:09:21.560> was fact three strings of pearls this was fact three strings of pearls this was very<00:09:22.040> consistent<00:09:22.520> this<00:09:22.820> is<00:09:22.970> in<00:09:23.120> the<00:09:23.210> Bahamas very consistent this is in the Bahamas very consistent this is in the Bahamas at<00:09:23.840> about<00:09:24.020> 2,000<00:09:24.680> feet<00:09:24.860> we<00:09:25.520> basically<00:09:25.880> have<00:09:26.180> a at about 2,000 feet we basically have a at about 2,000 feet we basically have a chat<00:09:26.510> room<00:09:26.720> going chat room going chat room going on<00:09:27.260> here<00:09:27.710> because<00:09:28.460> once<00:09:28.670> it<00:09:28.820> gets<00:09:28.970> started on here because once it gets started on here because once it gets started everybody's<00:09:30.080> talking<00:09:30.620> and<00:09:31.310> I<00:09:31.370> think<00:09:31.640> this<00:09:31.820> is everybody's talking and I think this is everybody's talking and I think this is actually<00:09:32.150> a<00:09:32.450> shrimp<00:09:32.840> that's<00:09:32.990> releasing<00:09:33.500> its actually a shrimp that's releasing its actually a shrimp that's releasing its bioluminescent<00:09:34.370> chemicals<00:09:34.880> into<00:09:35.090> the<00:09:35.120> water bioluminescent chemicals into the water bioluminescent chemicals into the water but<00:09:35.930> the<00:09:36.050> cool<00:09:36.260> thing<00:09:36.530> is<00:09:36.560> we're<00:09:36.830> talking<00:09:37.010> to but the cool thing is we're talking to but the cool thing is we're talking to it<00:09:37.580> we<00:09:38.120> don't<00:09:38.210> know<00:09:38.330> what<00:09:38.450> we're<00:09:38.600> saying it we don't know what we're saying it we don't know what we're saying personally<00:09:41.360> I<00:09:41.390> think<00:09:41.510> it's<00:09:41.750> something<00:09:41.960> sexy personally I think it's something sexy personally I think it's something sexy and<00:09:44.380> then<00:09:45.380> finally<00:09:45.950> I<00:09:46.130> want<00:09:46.460> to<00:09:46.520> show<00:09:46.700> you<00:09:46.760> some and then finally I want to show you some and then finally I want to show you some responses<00:09:48.230> that<00:09:48.320> we<00:09:48.440> recorded<00:09:48.950> with<00:09:49.100> the responses that we recorded with the responses that we recorded with the world's<00:09:50.000> first<00:09:50.270> deep-sea<00:09:50.780> webcam<00:09:51.260> which<00:09:51.470> we world's first deep-sea webcam which we world's first deep-sea webcam which we had<00:09:51.770> installed<00:09:52.070> in<00:09:52.280> Monterey<00:09:52.580> Canyon<00:09:52.910> last had installed in Monterey Canyon last had installed in Monterey Canyon last year<00:09:53.600> we've<00:09:53.720> only<00:09:53.870> just<00:09:53.990> begun<00:09:54.470> to<00:09:54.950> analyze year we've only just begun to analyze year we've only just begun to analyze all<00:09:55.730> of<00:09:55.880> this<00:09:56.000> data<00:09:56.270> this<00:09:57.200> is<00:09:57.380> going<00:09:57.560> to<00:09:57.620> be<00:09:57.710> a all of this data this is going to be a all of this data this is going to be a glowing<00:09:58.250> source<00:09:58.550> first<00:09:59.000> which<00:09:59.480> is<00:09:59.630> like glowing source first which is like glowing source first which is like bioluminescent<00:10:00.590> bacteria<00:10:00.620> and<00:10:01.400> it<00:10:02.300> is<00:10:02.690> an bioluminescent bacteria and it is an bioluminescent bacteria and it is an optical<00:10:03.260> cue<00:10:03.860> that<00:10:04.130> there's<00:10:04.370> carrion<00:10:05.090> on<00:10:05.180> the optical cue that there's carrion on the optical cue that there's carrion on the bottom<00:10:05.630> of<00:10:05.750> the<00:10:05.840> ocean<00:10:06.200> so<00:10:06.410> this<00:10:07.340> scavenger bottom of the ocean so this scavenger bottom of the ocean so this scavenger comes<00:10:08.510> in<00:10:08.780> which<00:10:09.740> is<00:10:09.770> a<00:10:09.890> giant<00:10:10.430> sixgill<00:10:10.880> shark comes in which is a giant sixgill shark comes in which is a giant sixgill shark and<00:10:11.660> I<00:10:11.750> can't<00:10:11.990> claim<00:10:12.380> for<00:10:12.830> sure<00:10:13.040> that<00:10:13.370> the and I can't claim for sure that the and I can't claim for sure that the optical<00:10:14.300> source<00:10:14.960> brought<00:10:15.260> it<00:10:15.380> in<00:10:15.530> because optical source brought it in because optical source brought it in because there's<00:10:16.130> bait<00:10:16.340> right<00:10:16.550> there<00:10:16.610> but<00:10:17.210> if<00:10:17.330> it<00:10:17.420> had there's bait right there but if it had there's bait right there but if it had been<00:10:17.600> following<00:10:17.870> the<00:10:18.020> odor<00:10:18.170> plume<00:10:18.440> it<00:10:18.650> would been following the odor plume it would been following the odor plume it would have<00:10:18.890> come<00:10:19.040> in<00:10:19.160> from<00:10:19.250> the<00:10:19.340> other<00:10:19.520> direction have come in from the other direction have come in from the other direction and<00:10:20.270> it<00:10:20.690> does<00:10:21.020> actually<00:10:21.320> try<00:10:21.710> to<00:10:21.770> seem<00:10:22.340> to<00:10:22.520> be and it does actually try to seem to be and it does actually try to seem to be trying<00:10:23.000> to<00:10:23.060> eat<00:10:23.300> the<00:10:24.460> electronic<00:10:25.460> jellyfish trying to eat the electronic jellyfish trying to eat the electronic jellyfish that's<00:10:26.090> a<00:10:26.180> 12-foot<00:10:26.870> long<00:10:27.140> giant<00:10:28.100> sixgill that's a 12-foot long giant sixgill that's a 12-foot long giant sixgill shark<00:10:28.880> okay<00:10:29.660> so<00:10:29.720> this<00:10:29.930> next<00:10:29.990> one<00:10:30.320> is<00:10:30.470> from<00:10:30.830> the shark okay so this next one is from the shark okay so this next one is from the webcam<00:10:32.060> and<00:10:32.590> it's<00:10:33.590> going<00:10:34.100> to<00:10:34.190> be<00:10:34.280> this webcam and it's going to be this webcam and it's going to be this pinwheel<00:10:34.880> display<00:10:35.600> and<00:10:36.460> this<00:10:37.460> is<00:10:37.610> a<00:10:37.640> burglar pinwheel display and this is a burglar pinwheel display and this is a burglar alarm alarm alarm and<00:10:38.570> that<00:10:39.560> was<00:10:40.010> a<00:10:40.280> Humboldt<00:10:40.910> squid<00:10:41.090> a<00:10:41.270> juvenile and that was a Humboldt squid a juvenile and that was a Humboldt squid a juvenile Humboldt<00:10:42.170> squid<00:10:42.350> about<00:10:42.770> three<00:10:43.040> feet<00:10:43.250> long Humboldt squid about three feet long Humboldt squid about three feet long this<00:10:43.760> is<00:10:43.880> at<00:10:44.000> 3,000<00:10:44.690> feet<00:10:44.720> in<00:10:45.170> Monterey<00:10:45.860> Canyon this is at 3,000 feet in Monterey Canyon this is at 3,000 feet in Monterey Canyon but<00:10:46.700> if<00:10:46.820> it's<00:10:46.940> a<00:10:46.970> burglar<00:10:47.150> alarm<00:10:47.330> you<00:10:47.690> wouldn't but if it's a burglar alarm you wouldn't but if it's a burglar alarm you wouldn't expect<00:10:48.260> it<00:10:48.440> to<00:10:48.620> attack<00:10:49.040> the<00:10:49.190> jellyfish expect it to attack the jellyfish expect it to attack the jellyfish directly<00:10:50.120> it's<00:10:50.240> supposed<00:10:50.540> to<00:10:50.600> be<00:10:50.750> attacking directly it's supposed to be attacking directly it's supposed to be attacking what's<00:10:51.350> attacking<00:10:51.620> the<00:10:51.860> jellyfish<00:10:52.370> but<00:10:52.970> we what's attacking the jellyfish but we what's attacking the jellyfish but we did<00:10:53.270> see<00:10:53.510> a<00:10:53.540> bunch<00:10:53.870> of<00:10:53.990> responses<00:10:54.230> like<00:10:54.770> this did see a bunch of responses like this did see a bunch of responses like this this<00:10:55.790> guy's<00:10:56.030> a<00:10:56.060> little<00:10:56.300> more<00:10:56.570> contemplative this guy's a little more contemplative this guy's a little more contemplative hey<00:10:58.430> wait<00:10:58.820> a<00:10:58.850> minute<00:10:59.620> there's<00:11:00.620> supposed<00:11:00.950> to<00:11:01.040> be hey wait a minute there's supposed to be hey wait a minute there's supposed to be something<00:11:01.400> else<00:11:01.670> there<00:11:02.620> he's<00:11:03.620> thinking<00:11:04.100> about something else there he's thinking about something else there he's thinking about it<00:11:05.200> but<00:11:06.200> he's<00:11:06.290> persistent<00:11:07.010> he<00:11:07.610> keeps<00:11:07.850> coming it but he's persistent he keeps coming it but he's persistent he keeps coming back<00:11:08.210> and<00:11:09.280> then<00:11:10.280> he<00:11:10.370> goes<00:11:10.520> away<00:11:10.670> for<00:11:10.820> a<00:11:11.120> few back and then he goes away for a few back and then he goes away for a few seconds<00:11:11.960> to<00:11:12.140> think<00:11:12.170> about<00:11:12.410> it<00:11:12.590> some<00:11:13.010> more seconds to think about it some more seconds to think about it some more and<00:11:13.670> thinks<00:11:14.410> maybe<00:11:15.410> if<00:11:15.650> I<00:11:15.770> come<00:11:16.010> in<00:11:16.160> from<00:11:17.060> a and thinks maybe if I come in from a and thinks maybe if I come in from a different<00:11:17.420> angle

nope<00:11:24.339> so<00:11:25.339> we<00:11:25.879> are<00:11:26.029> starting<00:11:26.479> to<00:11:26.569> get<00:11:26.660> a<00:11:26.720> handle
nope so we are starting to get a handle nope so we are starting to get a handle on<00:11:27.169> this<00:11:27.379> but<00:11:27.799> only<00:11:28.069> just<00:11:28.399> the<00:11:28.549> beginnings<00:11:29.029> we on this but only just the beginnings we on this but only just the beginnings we need<00:11:29.839> more<00:11:30.049> eyes<00:11:30.289> on<00:11:30.769> the<00:11:30.859> process<00:11:31.339> so<00:11:31.669> if<00:11:31.910> any need more eyes on the process so if any need more eyes on the process so if any of<00:11:32.149> you<00:11:32.239> ever<00:11:32.479> get<00:11:32.629> a<00:11:32.689> chance<00:11:32.779> to<00:11:33.229> take<00:11:33.410> a<00:11:33.439> dive of you ever get a chance to take a dive of you ever get a chance to take a dive in<00:11:33.919> a<00:11:33.979> submersible<00:11:34.339> by<00:11:34.939> all<00:11:35.119> means<00:11:35.419> climb<00:11:35.839> in in a submersible by all means climb in in a submersible by all means climb in and<00:11:36.349> take<00:11:36.619> the<00:11:36.799> plunge<00:11:37.009> this<00:11:37.819> is<00:11:37.999> something and take the plunge this is something and take the plunge this is something that<00:11:38.389> should<00:11:38.599> be<00:11:38.659> on<00:11:38.899> everybody's<00:11:39.349> bucket that should be on everybody's bucket that should be on everybody's bucket list<00:11:40.509> because<00:11:41.509> we<00:11:42.349> live<00:11:42.559> on<00:11:42.589> an<00:11:42.859> ocean<00:11:43.220> planet list because we live on an ocean planet list because we live on an ocean planet more<00:11:44.599> than<00:11:44.779> 90%<00:11:45.349> 99%<00:11:46.419> of<00:11:47.419> the<00:11:47.629> living<00:11:47.929> space<00:11:48.229> on more than 90% 99% of the living space on more than 90% 99% of the living space on our<00:11:48.889> planet<00:11:49.249> is<00:11:49.639> ocean<00:11:51.909> it's<00:11:52.909> a<00:11:53.059> magical<00:11:53.720> place our planet is ocean it's a magical place our planet is ocean it's a magical place filled<00:11:55.970> with<00:11:56.229> breathtaking filled with breathtaking filled with breathtaking light<00:11:58.129> shows

and<00:12:03.960> bizarre<00:12:04.800> and<00:12:05.520> wondrous<00:12:06.210> creatures<00:12:07.370> alien
and bizarre and wondrous creatures alien and bizarre and wondrous creatures alien life-forms<00:12:09.060> that<00:12:09.480> you<00:12:09.600> don't<00:12:09.780> have<00:12:09.960> to<00:12:10.110> travel life-forms that you don't have to travel life-forms that you don't have to travel to<00:12:10.590> another<00:12:10.950> planet<00:12:11.430> to<00:12:11.610> see<00:12:12.320> but<00:12:13.320> if<00:12:13.410> you<00:12:13.440> do to another planet to see but if you do to another planet to see but if you do take<00:12:13.920> the<00:12:13.980> plunge<00:12:15.050> please<00:12:16.050> remember<00:12:16.470> to<00:12:16.620> turn take the plunge please remember to turn take the plunge please remember to turn out<00:12:17.040> the<00:12:17.190> lights<00:12:17.720> but<00:12:18.720> I<00:12:18.750> warn<00:12:19.080> you<00:12:21.170> it's out the lights but I warn you it's out the lights but I warn you it's addictive

thank<00:12:31.579> you

Edith Widder, TED, TED, Talk, TED-Ed, TEDEducation, Ed, bioluminescence, ocean, dark, ocean, deep

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