Theo dõi các bệnh cổ xưa bằng cách sử dụng … mảng Bám-Christina Warinner

Tracking ancient diseases using ... plaque - Christina Warinner

Tracking ancient diseases using ... plaque - Christina Warinner


have<00:00:16.650> you<00:00:16.770> ever<00:00:16.980> wondered<00:00:17.580> what<00:00:18.060> is<00:00:18.270> inside
have you ever wondered what is inside have you ever wondered what is inside your<00:00:19.050> dental<00:00:19.500> plaque your dental plaque your dental plaque probably<00:00:21.840> not<00:00:21.990> but<00:00:22.529> people<00:00:22.830> like<00:00:23.010> me<00:00:23.279> do<00:00:23.519> I'm probably not but people like me do I'm probably not but people like me do I'm an<00:00:24.029> archaeological<00:00:24.660> geneticist<00:00:25.230> at<00:00:25.439> the an archaeological geneticist at the an archaeological geneticist at the Center<00:00:25.980> for<00:00:26.010> evolutionary<00:00:26.699> medicine<00:00:26.970> at<00:00:27.300> the Center for evolutionary medicine at the Center for evolutionary medicine at the University<00:00:27.900> of<00:00:27.930> Zurich<00:00:28.140> and<00:00:28.830> I<00:00:28.890> study<00:00:29.189> the University of Zurich and I study the University of Zurich and I study the origins<00:00:29.880> and<00:00:30.119> evolution<00:00:30.750> of<00:00:30.900> human<00:00:31.260> health origins and evolution of human health origins and evolution of human health and<00:00:31.679> disease<00:00:31.710> by<00:00:32.520> conducting<00:00:33.000> genetic and disease by conducting genetic and disease by conducting genetic research<00:00:33.809> on<00:00:34.079> the<00:00:34.320> skeletal<00:00:34.800> and<00:00:34.980> mummified research on the skeletal and mummified research on the skeletal and mummified remains<00:00:35.430> of<00:00:36.059> ancient<00:00:36.480> humans<00:00:36.870> and<00:00:37.050> through remains of ancient humans and through remains of ancient humans and through this<00:00:37.980> work<00:00:38.190> I<00:00:38.399> hope<00:00:38.640> to<00:00:38.850> better<00:00:39.090> understand this work I hope to better understand this work I hope to better understand the<00:00:39.899> evolutionary<00:00:40.530> vulnerabilities<00:00:41.370> of<00:00:41.399> our the evolutionary vulnerabilities of our the evolutionary vulnerabilities of our bodies<00:00:42.000> so<00:00:42.660> that<00:00:42.690> we<00:00:43.020> can<00:00:43.260> improve<00:00:44.090> and<00:00:45.090> better bodies so that we can improve and better bodies so that we can improve and better manage<00:00:45.899> our<00:00:46.050> health<00:00:46.079> in<00:00:46.410> the<00:00:46.500> future<00:00:46.829> there manage our health in the future there manage our health in the future there are<00:00:47.550> different<00:00:47.969> ways<00:00:48.180> to<00:00:48.480> approach are different ways to approach are different ways to approach evolutionary<00:00:49.500> medicine<00:00:49.680> and<00:00:50.100> one<00:00:50.520> way<00:00:50.730> is<00:00:50.760> to evolutionary medicine and one way is to evolutionary medicine and one way is to extract<00:00:51.629> human<00:00:52.110> DNA<00:00:52.469> from<00:00:52.920> ancient<00:00:53.129> bones<00:00:53.520> and extract human DNA from ancient bones and extract human DNA from ancient bones and from<00:00:54.510> these<00:00:54.719> extracts<00:00:55.320> we<00:00:55.860> can<00:00:56.010> reconstruct from these extracts we can reconstruct from these extracts we can reconstruct the<00:00:56.699> human<00:00:56.969> genome<00:00:57.270> at<00:00:57.449> different<00:00:57.809> points<00:00:58.079> in the human genome at different points in the human genome at different points in time<00:00:58.230> and<00:00:58.770> look<00:00:59.609> for<00:00:59.820> changes<00:00:59.850> that<00:01:00.510> might<00:01:00.629> be time and look for changes that might be time and look for changes that might be related<00:01:00.960> to<00:01:01.230> adaptations<00:01:02.010> risk<00:01:02.520> factors<00:01:03.090> and related to adaptations risk factors and related to adaptations risk factors and inherited<00:01:03.870> diseases<00:01:04.640> but<00:01:05.640> this<00:01:05.820> is<00:01:05.970> only<00:01:06.119> one inherited diseases but this is only one inherited diseases but this is only one half<00:01:06.810> of<00:01:07.020> the<00:01:07.110> story<00:01:07.400> the<00:01:08.400> most<00:01:08.640> important half of the story the most important half of the story the most important health<00:01:09.450> challenges<00:01:10.170> today<00:01:10.560> are<00:01:10.920> not<00:01:11.250> caused health challenges today are not caused health challenges today are not caused by<00:01:11.760> simple<00:01:12.330> mutations<00:01:12.900> in<00:01:13.110> our<00:01:13.200> genome<00:01:13.680> but by simple mutations in our genome but by simple mutations in our genome but rather<00:01:14.250> result<00:01:14.880> from<00:01:15.090> a<00:01:15.330> complex<00:01:15.840> and<00:01:16.110> dynamic rather result from a complex and dynamic rather result from a complex and dynamic interplay<00:01:16.920> between<00:01:17.009> genetic<00:01:17.850> variation<00:01:18.509> diet interplay between genetic variation diet interplay between genetic variation diet microbes<00:01:20.100> and<00:01:20.310> parasites<00:01:20.759> and<00:01:21.060> our<00:01:21.150> immune microbes and parasites and our immune microbes and parasites and our immune response<00:01:21.960> all<00:01:22.950> of<00:01:23.250> these<00:01:23.369> diseases<00:01:23.820> have<00:01:24.299> a response all of these diseases have a response all of these diseases have a strong<00:01:25.259> evolutionary<00:01:25.710> component<00:01:26.700> that strong evolutionary component that strong evolutionary component that directly<00:01:27.509> relates<00:01:27.810> to<00:01:27.930> the<00:01:28.020> fact<00:01:28.320> that<00:01:28.470> we directly relates to the fact that we directly relates to the fact that we live<00:01:29.189> today<00:01:29.400> in<00:01:29.640> a<00:01:29.729> very<00:01:30.000> different live today in a very different live today in a very different environment<00:01:30.450> than<00:01:31.170> the<00:01:31.259> ones<00:01:31.470> in<00:01:31.710> which<00:01:31.860> our environment than the ones in which our environment than the ones in which our bodies<00:01:32.400> evolved<00:01:33.119> and<00:01:33.600> in<00:01:34.350> order<00:01:34.560> to bodies evolved and in order to bodies evolved and in order to understand<00:01:35.100> these<00:01:35.250> diseases<00:01:35.909> we<00:01:36.090> need<00:01:36.180> to understand these diseases we need to understand these diseases we need to move<00:01:36.450> past<00:01:36.689> studies<00:01:36.990> of<00:01:37.350> the<00:01:37.470> human<00:01:37.770> genome move past studies of the human genome move past studies of the human genome alone<00:01:38.490> and<00:01:38.820> towards<00:01:39.450> a<00:01:39.540> more<00:01:39.720> holistic alone and towards a more holistic alone and towards a more holistic approach<00:01:40.439> to<00:01:41.340> human<00:01:41.490> health<00:01:41.790> in<00:01:42.090> the<00:01:42.180> past<00:01:42.740> but approach to human health in the past but approach to human health in the past but there<00:01:43.950> are<00:01:44.070> a<00:01:44.100> lot<00:01:44.250> of<00:01:44.280> challenges<00:01:44.670> for<00:01:45.119> this there are a lot of challenges for this there are a lot of challenges for this and<00:01:45.540> first<00:01:45.869> of<00:01:46.020> all<00:01:46.140> what<00:01:46.920> do<00:01:47.009> we<00:01:47.070> even<00:01:47.369> study and first of all what do we even study and first of all what do we even study skeletons<00:01:49.020> are<00:01:49.229> ubiquitous<00:01:49.590> they're<00:01:49.979> found skeletons are ubiquitous they're found skeletons are ubiquitous they're found all<00:01:50.430> over<00:01:50.490> the<00:01:50.759> place<00:01:51.030> but<00:01:51.420> of<00:01:51.540> course<00:01:51.750> all<00:01:52.020> of all over the place but of course all of all over the place but of course all of the<00:01:52.229> soft<00:01:52.470> tissue<00:01:52.740> has<00:01:53.159> decomposed<00:01:53.640> and<00:01:54.180> the the soft tissue has decomposed and the the soft tissue has decomposed and the skeleton<00:01:54.990> itself<00:01:55.350> has<00:01:55.680> limited<00:01:56.159> health skeleton itself has limited health skeleton itself has limited health information<00:01:57.170> mummies<00:01:58.170> are<00:01:58.500> a<00:01:58.799> great<00:01:59.130> source information mummies are a great source information mummies are a great source of<00:01:59.520> information<00:01:59.670> except<00:02:00.329> that<00:02:00.420> they're of information except that they're of information except that they're really<00:02:00.990> geographically<00:02:01.829> limited<00:02:02.280> and really geographically limited and really geographically limited and limited<00:02:03.000> in<00:02:03.119> time<00:02:03.360> as<00:02:03.630> well limited in time as well limited in time as well coprolites<00:02:05.340> are<00:02:05.640> fossilized<00:02:06.450> human<00:02:06.869> feces coprolites are fossilized human feces coprolites are fossilized human feces and<00:02:07.530> they<00:02:07.799> are<00:02:07.890> actually<00:02:08.250> extremely and they are actually extremely and they are actually extremely interesting<00:02:09.479> you<00:02:09.899> can<00:02:10.050> learn<00:02:10.140> a<00:02:10.200> lot<00:02:10.440> about interesting you can learn a lot about interesting you can learn a lot about ancient<00:02:11.160> diet<00:02:11.370> and ancient diet and ancient diet and no<00:02:12.140> disease<00:02:12.470> but<00:02:12.799> they<00:02:12.920> are<00:02:13.069> very<00:02:13.400> rare<00:02:13.959> so<00:02:14.959> to no disease but they are very rare so to no disease but they are very rare so to to<00:02:17.540> to<00:02:18.230> address<00:02:18.470> this<00:02:18.769> problem<00:02:19.010> I<00:02:19.489> put to to address this problem I put to to address this problem I put together<00:02:19.730> a<00:02:20.030> team<00:02:20.360> of<00:02:20.420> international together a team of international together a team of international researchers<00:02:21.709> in<00:02:22.069> Switzerland<00:02:22.610> Denmark<00:02:22.790> and researchers in Switzerland Denmark and researchers in Switzerland Denmark and the<00:02:23.239> UK<00:02:23.629> to<00:02:23.870> study<00:02:24.470> a<00:02:24.799> very<00:02:25.790> poorly<00:02:26.299> studied the UK to study a very poorly studied the UK to study a very poorly studied little-known<00:02:28.450> material<00:02:29.450> that's<00:02:29.810> found<00:02:30.140> on little-known material that's found on little-known material that's found on people<00:02:31.069> everywhere<00:02:31.549> it's<00:02:32.269> a<00:02:32.480> type<00:02:32.689> of people everywhere it's a type of people everywhere it's a type of fossilized<00:02:33.650> dental<00:02:34.099> plaque<00:02:34.400> that<00:02:35.209> is<00:02:35.599> called fossilized dental plaque that is called fossilized dental plaque that is called officially<00:02:36.409> dental<00:02:36.739> calculus<00:02:37.090> many<00:02:38.090> of<00:02:38.209> you officially dental calculus many of you officially dental calculus many of you though<00:02:38.450> may<00:02:38.750> know<00:02:38.900> it<00:02:38.989> by<00:02:39.079> the<00:02:39.140> term<00:02:39.379> tartar though may know it by the term tartar though may know it by the term tartar it's<00:02:40.040> what<00:02:40.159> the<00:02:40.250> dentist<00:02:40.459> cleans<00:02:40.879> off<00:02:41.030> of<00:02:41.180> your it's what the dentist cleans off of your it's what the dentist cleans off of your teeth<00:02:41.540> every<00:02:41.840> time<00:02:42.019> that<00:02:42.170> you<00:02:42.260> go<00:02:42.439> in<00:02:42.620> for<00:02:42.980> a teeth every time that you go in for a teeth every time that you go in for a visit<00:02:43.400> and<00:02:43.900> in<00:02:44.900> a<00:02:44.989> typical<00:02:45.109> dentistry<00:02:45.769> visit visit and in a typical dentistry visit visit and in a typical dentistry visit you<00:02:46.129> may<00:02:46.250> have<00:02:46.430> about<00:02:46.609> fifteen<00:02:47.060> to<00:02:47.239> thirty you may have about fifteen to thirty you may have about fifteen to thirty milligrams<00:02:47.930> removed<00:02:48.709> but<00:02:48.980> in<00:02:49.129> ancient<00:02:49.310> times milligrams removed but in ancient times milligrams removed but in ancient times before<00:02:51.109> tooth<00:02:51.440> brushing<00:02:51.920> up<00:02:52.159> to<00:02:52.459> 600 before tooth brushing up to 600 before tooth brushing up to 600 milligrams<00:02:53.569> might<00:02:54.079> have<00:02:54.230> built<00:02:54.440> up<00:02:54.650> on<00:02:54.799> the milligrams might have built up on the milligrams might have built up on the teeth<00:02:55.099> over<00:02:55.340> a<00:02:55.819> lifetime<00:02:56.389> and<00:02:56.709> what's<00:02:57.709> really teeth over a lifetime and what's really teeth over a lifetime and what's really important<00:02:58.400> about<00:02:58.459> dental<00:02:58.939> calculus<00:02:59.090> is<00:02:59.629> that important about dental calculus is that important about dental calculus is that it<00:03:00.319> fossilizes<00:03:01.010> just<00:03:01.370> like<00:03:01.489> the<00:03:01.609> rest<00:03:01.790> of<00:03:01.879> the it fossilizes just like the rest of the it fossilizes just like the rest of the skeleton<00:03:02.209> it's<00:03:03.200> abundant<00:03:04.099> in<00:03:04.310> quantity skeleton it's abundant in quantity skeleton it's abundant in quantity before<00:03:05.090> the<00:03:05.389> present<00:03:05.689> day<00:03:05.810> and<00:03:06.019> it's before the present day and it's before the present day and it's ubiquitous<00:03:06.889> worldwide<00:03:07.849> we<00:03:08.150> find<00:03:08.359> it<00:03:08.480> in<00:03:08.599> every ubiquitous worldwide we find it in every ubiquitous worldwide we find it in every population<00:03:09.530> around<00:03:09.650> the<00:03:09.889> world<00:03:10.129> at<00:03:10.400> all<00:03:10.579> time population around the world at all time population around the world at all time periods<00:03:11.359> going<00:03:11.540> back<00:03:11.780> tens<00:03:12.049> of<00:03:12.230> thousands<00:03:12.620> of periods going back tens of thousands of periods going back tens of thousands of years<00:03:12.920> and<00:03:13.159> we<00:03:13.609> even<00:03:13.760> find<00:03:14.120> it<00:03:14.299> in years and we even find it in years and we even find it in Neanderthals<00:03:14.989> and<00:03:15.260> animals<00:03:15.680> and<00:03:15.919> so<00:03:16.519> previous Neanderthals and animals and so previous Neanderthals and animals and so previous studies<00:03:17.359> had<00:03:17.629> only<00:03:17.810> focused<00:03:18.410> on<00:03:18.500> my<00:03:18.859> Kostka studies had only focused on my Kostka studies had only focused on my Kostka piece<00:03:19.430> they<00:03:19.609> looked<00:03:19.910> at<00:03:20.060> dental<00:03:20.389> calculus piece they looked at dental calculus piece they looked at dental calculus under<00:03:21.079> a<00:03:21.109> microscope<00:03:21.349> and<00:03:21.859> what<00:03:22.370> they<00:03:22.489> had under a microscope and what they had under a microscope and what they had found<00:03:22.819> was<00:03:23.239> things<00:03:23.540> like<00:03:23.599> pollen<00:03:23.930> and<00:03:24.430> plant found was things like pollen and plant found was things like pollen and plant starches<00:03:26.120> and<00:03:26.389> they'd<00:03:26.959> found<00:03:27.109> muscle<00:03:27.650> cells starches and they'd found muscle cells starches and they'd found muscle cells from<00:03:28.340> animal<00:03:28.699> meats<00:03:28.940> and<00:03:29.239> bacteria<00:03:30.199> and<00:03:30.530> so from animal meats and bacteria and so from animal meats and bacteria and so what<00:03:31.579> my<00:03:31.879> team<00:03:32.449> of<00:03:32.569> researchers<00:03:32.959> what<00:03:33.139> we what my team of researchers what we what my team of researchers what we wanted<00:03:33.530> to<00:03:33.620> do<00:03:33.769> is<00:03:34.069> say<00:03:34.250> can<00:03:34.519> we<00:03:34.549> apply<00:03:35.150> genetic wanted to do is say can we apply genetic wanted to do is say can we apply genetic and<00:03:36.199> proteomic<00:03:36.680> technology<00:03:37.280> to<00:03:37.790> go<00:03:37.940> after<00:03:38.150> DNA and proteomic technology to go after DNA and proteomic technology to go after DNA and<00:03:39.139> proteins<00:03:39.590> and<00:03:39.829> from<00:03:40.099> this<00:03:40.340> can<00:03:40.549> we<00:03:40.699> get and proteins and from this can we get and proteins and from this can we get better<00:03:41.060> taxonomic<00:03:41.870> resolution<00:03:42.470> to<00:03:42.680> really better taxonomic resolution to really better taxonomic resolution to really understand<00:03:43.579> what's<00:03:43.849> going<00:03:43.940> on<00:03:44.299> and<00:03:44.659> what<00:03:45.470> we understand what's going on and what we understand what's going on and what we found<00:03:45.859> is<00:03:46.159> that<00:03:46.190> we<00:03:46.459> can<00:03:46.609> find<00:03:46.790> many<00:03:47.030> commensal found is that we can find many commensal found is that we can find many commensal and<00:03:47.959> pathogenic<00:03:48.379> bacteria<00:03:48.979> that<00:03:49.159> inhabited and pathogenic bacteria that inhabited and pathogenic bacteria that inhabited the<00:03:49.909> nasal<00:03:50.120> passages<00:03:50.720> and<00:03:50.989> mouth<00:03:51.669> we<00:03:52.669> also the nasal passages and mouth we also the nasal passages and mouth we also have<00:03:53.209> found<00:03:53.479> immune<00:03:54.379> proteins<00:03:54.859> related<00:03:55.400> to have found immune proteins related to have found immune proteins related to infection<00:03:56.090> and<00:03:56.329> inflammation<00:03:56.659> and<00:03:57.549> proteins infection and inflammation and proteins infection and inflammation and proteins and<00:03:58.819> DNA<00:03:59.090> related<00:03:59.870> to<00:04:00.079> diet<00:04:00.790> but<00:04:01.790> what<00:04:02.000> was and DNA related to diet but what was and DNA related to diet but what was surprising<00:04:02.389> to<00:04:02.870> us<00:04:03.019> and<00:04:03.379> also<00:04:03.560> quite<00:04:03.739> exciting surprising to us and also quite exciting surprising to us and also quite exciting is<00:04:04.400> we<00:04:04.519> also<00:04:04.699> found<00:04:05.090> bacteria<00:04:05.569> that<00:04:06.019> normally is we also found bacteria that normally is we also found bacteria that normally inhabit<00:04:06.739> upper<00:04:07.040> respiratory<00:04:07.190> system<00:04:08.000> so<00:04:08.180> it inhabit upper respiratory system so it inhabit upper respiratory system so it gives<00:04:08.449> us<00:04:08.569> virtual<00:04:09.019> access<00:04:09.440> to<00:04:09.650> the<00:04:09.739> lungs gives us virtual access to the lungs gives us virtual access to the lungs which<00:04:10.609> is<00:04:10.639> where<00:04:10.909> many<00:04:11.150> important<00:04:11.599> diseases which is where many important diseases which is where many important diseases reside<00:04:13.310> and<00:04:14.209> we<00:04:14.359> also<00:04:14.540> found<00:04:14.989> bacteria<00:04:15.409> that reside and we also found bacteria that reside and we also found bacteria that normally<00:04:16.459> inhabit<00:04:16.849> the<00:04:17.090> the<00:04:17.630> gut<00:04:17.840> and<00:04:18.079> so<00:04:18.349> we normally inhabit the the gut and so we normally inhabit the the gut and so we can<00:04:18.709> also<00:04:18.859> now<00:04:19.130> virtually<00:04:19.639> gain<00:04:19.849> access<00:04:20.120> to can also now virtually gain access to can also now virtually gain access to this<00:04:20.750> even<00:04:21.049> more<00:04:21.229> distant<00:04:21.829> organ<00:04:22.580> system<00:04:22.940> that this even more distant organ system that this even more distant organ system that from<00:04:23.870> the<00:04:23.960> skeleton<00:04:24.349> alone from the skeleton alone from the skeleton alone long<00:04:25.130> decomposed<00:04:25.580> and<00:04:26.210> so<00:04:27.140> by<00:04:27.290> applying long decomposed and so by applying long decomposed and so by applying ancient<00:04:28.220> DNA<00:04:28.490> sequencing<00:04:29.090> and<00:04:29.300> protein<00:04:29.840> mass ancient DNA sequencing and protein mass ancient DNA sequencing and protein mass spectrometry<00:04:30.770> technologies<00:04:31.580> to<00:04:31.910> ancient spectrometry technologies to ancient spectrometry technologies to ancient dental<00:04:32.600> calculus<00:04:32.780> we<00:04:33.590> can<00:04:33.740> generate<00:04:34.040> immense dental calculus we can generate immense dental calculus we can generate immense quantities<00:04:35.000> of<00:04:35.180> data<00:04:35.330> but<00:04:35.900> then<00:04:36.080> we<00:04:36.230> can<00:04:36.410> use quantities of data but then we can use quantities of data but then we can use to<00:04:37.010> begin<00:04:37.280> to<00:04:37.490> reconstruct<00:04:38.150> a<00:04:38.270> detailed to begin to reconstruct a detailed to begin to reconstruct a detailed picture<00:04:38.870> of<00:04:39.080> the<00:04:39.290> dynamic<00:04:39.890> interplay<00:04:40.250> between picture of the dynamic interplay between picture of the dynamic interplay between diet<00:04:41.060> infection<00:04:41.900> and<00:04:42.080> immunity<00:04:42.340> thousands<00:04:43.340> of diet infection and immunity thousands of diet infection and immunity thousands of years<00:04:43.610> ago<00:04:43.990> so<00:04:44.990> it<00:04:45.110> started<00:04:45.410> out<00:04:45.530> as<00:04:45.680> an<00:04:45.800> idea years ago so it started out as an idea years ago so it started out as an idea is<00:04:46.510> now<00:04:47.510> being<00:04:47.840> implemented<00:04:48.440> to<00:04:49.130> turn<00:04:49.370> out is now being implemented to turn out is now being implemented to turn out millions<00:04:50.060> of<00:04:50.270> sequences<00:04:50.510> that<00:04:51.410> we<00:04:51.560> can<00:04:51.740> use<00:04:51.890> to millions of sequences that we can use to millions of sequences that we can use to investigate<00:04:52.520> the<00:04:52.670> long<00:04:52.940> term<00:04:53.330> evolutionary investigate the long term evolutionary investigate the long term evolutionary history<00:04:54.530> of<00:04:54.560> human<00:04:54.980> health<00:04:55.130> and<00:04:55.340> disease history of human health and disease history of human health and disease right<00:04:55.940> down<00:04:56.180> to<00:04:56.450> the<00:04:56.540> genetic<00:04:56.870> code<00:04:57.050> of right down to the genetic code of right down to the genetic code of individual<00:04:57.740> pathogens<00:04:58.310> and<00:04:58.550> from<00:04:59.180> this individual pathogens and from this individual pathogens and from this information<00:04:59.690> we<00:05:00.320> can<00:05:00.530> learn<00:05:00.830> about<00:05:01.010> how information we can learn about how information we can learn about how pathogens<00:05:01.850> evolve<00:05:02.060> and<00:05:02.720> also<00:05:03.500> why<00:05:03.680> they pathogens evolve and also why they pathogens evolve and also why they continue<00:05:04.220> to<00:05:04.250> make<00:05:04.460> us<00:05:04.640> sick<00:05:04.940> and<00:05:05.470> I<00:05:06.470> hope<00:05:06.800> that continue to make us sick and I hope that continue to make us sick and I hope that I<00:05:07.010> have<00:05:07.160> convinced<00:05:07.730> you<00:05:07.790> of<00:05:08.060> the<00:05:08.240> value<00:05:08.360> of I have convinced you of the value of I have convinced you of the value of dental<00:05:09.110> calculus<00:05:09.290> and<00:05:09.770> as<00:05:10.520> a<00:05:10.580> final<00:05:10.940> parting dental calculus and as a final parting dental calculus and as a final parting thought<00:05:11.720> on<00:05:12.050> behalf<00:05:12.650> of<00:05:12.950> future thought on behalf of future thought on behalf of future archaeologists<00:05:14.390> I<00:05:14.510> would<00:05:15.020> like<00:05:15.200> to<00:05:15.350> ask<00:05:15.560> you archaeologists I would like to ask you archaeologists I would like to ask you to<00:05:16.460> please<00:05:16.730> think<00:05:17.150> twice<00:05:17.570> before<00:05:18.020> you<00:05:18.380> go<00:05:18.500> home to please think twice before you go home to please think twice before you go home and<00:05:18.890> brush<00:05:19.040> your<00:05:19.100> teeth

TED-Ed TED TED Ed, TEDEducation, DNA, plaque, dentistry, dental, TED, Fellow, disease, ancient, disease, Christina, Warinner

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