Thiết kế xe máy siêu nạp-Yves Behar

Supercharged motorcycle design - Yves Behar

Supercharged motorcycle design - Yves Behar



[Music] [Music] [Applause]

the<00:00:17.600> beginning<00:00:17.960> of<00:00:18.279> any<00:00:19.039> collaboration<00:00:20.039> uh
the beginning of any collaboration uh the beginning of any collaboration uh starts<00:00:20.480> with<00:00:20.640> a<00:00:20.800> conversation<00:00:21.800> and<00:00:22.119> I<00:00:22.199> would starts with a conversation and I would starts with a conversation and I would like<00:00:22.480> to<00:00:22.720> to<00:00:22.840> share<00:00:23.119> with<00:00:23.240> you<00:00:23.480> the<00:00:24.000> some<00:00:24.119> of like to to share with you the some of like to to share with you the some of the<00:00:24.439> bits<00:00:24.640> of<00:00:24.760> the<00:00:24.880> conversation<00:00:25.439> that<00:00:25.599> we the bits of the conversation that we the bits of the conversation that we started<00:00:26.240> with<00:00:27.240> I<00:00:27.359> grew<00:00:27.560> up<00:00:27.679> in<00:00:27.760> a<00:00:27.840> log<00:00:28.199> cabin<00:00:28.880> in started with I grew up in a log cabin in started with I grew up in a log cabin in Washington<00:00:29.599> state<00:00:29.800> with<00:00:30.080> too<00:00:30.240> much<00:00:30.400> time<00:00:30.519> in Washington state with too much time in Washington state with too much time in my<00:00:30.840> hands<00:00:31.240> and<00:00:31.359> in<00:00:31.560> Scenic<00:00:32.200> Switzerland<00:00:32.719> for my hands and in Scenic Switzerland for my hands and in Scenic Switzerland for me<00:00:34.559> I<00:00:34.680> always<00:00:34.840> had<00:00:34.960> a<00:00:35.160> passion<00:00:35.600> for me I always had a passion for me I always had a passion for alternative<00:00:36.680> Vehicles<00:00:37.399> this<00:00:37.520> is<00:00:37.680> a<00:00:38.040> land alternative Vehicles this is a land alternative Vehicles this is a land yacht<00:00:38.840> racing<00:00:39.239> across<00:00:39.520> the<00:00:39.640> desert<00:00:39.960> in<00:00:40.200> Nevada yacht racing across the desert in Nevada yacht racing across the desert in Nevada combination<00:00:41.640> of<00:00:41.800> wind<00:00:42.039> surfing<00:00:42.399> and<00:00:42.559> skiing combination of wind surfing and skiing combination of wind surfing and skiing um<00:00:43.520> into<00:00:43.920> this<00:00:44.200> this<00:00:44.360> invention<00:00:44.920> there<00:00:45.800> and<00:00:45.920> I um into this this invention there and I um into this this invention there and I also<00:00:46.199> had<00:00:46.399> an<00:00:46.600> interest<00:00:46.920> in<00:00:47.399> dangerous also had an interest in dangerous also had an interest in dangerous inventions<00:00:48.840> this<00:00:48.960> is<00:00:49.079> a<00:00:49.280> 100,000<00:00:49.840> volt<00:00:50.440> Tesla inventions this is a 100,000 volt Tesla inventions this is a 100,000 volt Tesla coil<00:00:51.120> that<00:00:51.239> I<00:00:51.320> built<00:00:51.600> in<00:00:51.800> my<00:00:52.600> my<00:00:52.800> bedroom<00:00:53.480> much coil that I built in my my bedroom much coil that I built in my my bedroom much to<00:00:53.800> the<00:00:53.960> dismay<00:00:54.399> of<00:00:54.719> my to the dismay of my to the dismay of my mother<00:00:57.000> to<00:00:57.160> the<00:00:57.320> dismay<00:00:57.719> of<00:00:57.920> my<00:00:58.120> mother<00:00:59.000> this mother to the dismay of my mother this mother to the dismay of my mother this is<00:00:59.320> dangerous<00:01:00.000> teenage<00:01:00.480> fashion<00:01:01.000> right

there<00:01:04.960> and<00:01:05.080> I<00:01:05.199> brought<00:01:05.439> this<00:01:05.560> all<00:01:05.840> together
there and I brought this all together there and I brought this all together this<00:01:06.400> passion<00:01:06.680> with<00:01:06.840> alternative<00:01:07.280> energy<00:01:07.799> and this passion with alternative energy and this passion with alternative energy and raced<00:01:08.400> a<00:01:08.520> solar<00:01:08.880> car<00:01:09.240> across<00:01:09.720> Australia<00:01:10.400> also raced a solar car across Australia also raced a solar car across Australia also the<00:01:10.799> US<00:01:11.159> and the US and the US and Japan<00:01:12.880> so<00:01:13.119> wind<00:01:13.479> power<00:01:13.840> solar<00:01:14.320> power<00:01:15.040> we<00:01:15.159> had<00:01:15.280> a Japan so wind power solar power we had a Japan so wind power solar power we had a lot<00:01:15.520> to<00:01:15.680> talk<00:01:16.000> about<00:01:16.360> we<00:01:16.479> had<00:01:16.600> a<00:01:16.720> lot<00:01:17.000> that<00:01:17.520> um lot to talk about we had a lot that um lot to talk about we had a lot that um uh<00:01:18.159> got<00:01:18.360> us<00:01:18.840> excited<00:01:19.680> so<00:01:19.880> we<00:01:20.040> decided<00:01:20.360> to<00:01:20.520> do<00:01:20.759> a uh got us excited so we decided to do a uh got us excited so we decided to do a a<00:01:21.360> special<00:01:21.840> project<00:01:22.280> together<00:01:22.520> to<00:01:22.720> combine a special project together to combine a special project together to combine engineering<00:01:24.240> and<00:01:24.680> design<00:01:25.680> and<00:01:26.119> um<00:01:26.360> really engineering and design and um really engineering and design and um really make<00:01:26.640> a<00:01:26.759> fully<00:01:27.000> integrated<00:01:27.600> product make a fully integrated product make a fully integrated product something<00:01:28.520> beautiful<00:01:29.280> and<00:01:29.439> we<00:01:29.560> made<00:01:29.680> a<00:01:29.759> b something beautiful and we made a b something beautiful and we made a b baby<00:01:32.759> can<00:01:32.880> you<00:01:33.040> bring<00:01:33.240> out<00:01:33.439> our

baby<00:01:42.759> this<00:01:42.920> baby<00:01:43.200> is<00:01:43.360> fully
baby this baby is fully baby this baby is fully electric<00:01:45.479> goes<00:01:45.880> 150<00:01:46.280> M<00:01:46.680> hour<00:01:47.360> it's<00:01:47.759> uh<00:01:48.200> twice electric goes 150 M hour it's uh twice electric goes 150 M hour it's uh twice the<00:01:48.640> range<00:01:48.880> of<00:01:49.040> any<00:01:49.240> electric<00:01:49.640> motorcycle the range of any electric motorcycle the range of any electric motorcycle really<00:01:51.320> the<00:01:51.520> exciting<00:01:51.960> thing<00:01:52.119> about<00:01:52.320> a really the exciting thing about a really the exciting thing about a motorcycle<00:01:53.000> is<00:01:53.240> just<00:01:53.439> the<00:01:53.680> the<00:01:53.880> beautiful motorcycle is just the the beautiful motorcycle is just the the beautiful integration<00:01:55.200> of<00:01:55.360> engineering<00:01:55.880> and<00:01:56.479> design<00:01:57.479> um integration of engineering and design um integration of engineering and design um it's<00:01:58.159> got<00:01:58.280> an<00:01:58.399> amazing<00:01:58.719> user<00:01:59.119> experience it's got an amazing user experience it's got an amazing user experience it<00:02:00.479> was<00:02:00.560> a<00:02:00.640> wonderful<00:02:00.920> working<00:02:01.200> with<00:02:01.320> Eve it was a wonderful working with Eve it was a wonderful working with Eve Bahar<00:02:01.920> came<00:02:02.039> up<00:02:02.200> with<00:02:02.360> our<00:02:02.840> name<00:02:03.039> and<00:02:03.200> logo Bahar came up with our name and logo Bahar came up with our name and logo we're<00:02:03.680> Mission<00:02:04.119> Motors<00:02:05.119> and<00:02:05.280> we've<00:02:05.479> only<00:02:05.719> got we're Mission Motors and we've only got we're Mission Motors and we've only got uh<00:02:06.479> three<00:02:06.719> minutes<00:02:07.200> but<00:02:07.640> we<00:02:07.759> could<00:02:07.920> talk<00:02:08.080> about uh three minutes but we could talk about uh three minutes but we could talk about it<00:02:08.319> for<00:02:08.440> hours<00:02:09.039> thank<00:02:09.599> you<00:02:10.599> thank<00:02:10.759> you<00:02:10.959> Ted<00:02:11.480> and it for hours thank you thank you Ted and it for hours thank you thank you Ted and thank<00:02:11.800> you<00:02:11.959> Chris<00:02:12.400> for<00:02:12.560> having<00:02:12.800> us

TED TED Talk, Yves, Behar, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, Forrest, North, Mission, One, motorcycle

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