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Exciting news from TED-Ed...

Exciting news from TED-Ed...


dear<00:00:00.299> ted-ed<00:00:00.780> subscribers<00:00:01.909> splendid<00:00:02.909> luck
dear ted-ed subscribers splendid luck dear ted-ed subscribers splendid luck befell<00:00:03.540> me<00:00:03.750> last<00:00:03.959> month<00:00:04.290> when<00:00:04.680> I<00:00:04.710> had<00:00:04.920> a<00:00:04.950> chance befell me last month when I had a chance befell me last month when I had a chance to<00:00:05.549> introduce<00:00:05.759> myself<00:00:06.029> to<00:00:06.629> you<00:00:06.839> in<00:00:06.990> this<00:00:07.200> video to introduce myself to you in this video to introduce myself to you in this video well<00:00:08.400> sweet<00:00:09.030> fortune<00:00:09.540> favors<00:00:10.110> me<00:00:10.320> again<00:00:10.650> today well sweet fortune favors me again today well sweet fortune favors me again today as<00:00:11.280> I've<00:00:11.670> been<00:00:11.940> reassembled<00:00:12.420> and<00:00:12.780> given<00:00:13.110> a as I've been reassembled and given a as I've been reassembled and given a voice<00:00:13.349> for<00:00:13.950> a<00:00:14.009> second<00:00:14.400> video<00:00:14.700> to<00:00:15.120> share<00:00:15.330> some voice for a second video to share some voice for a second video to share some exciting<00:00:15.929> news<00:00:16.289> with<00:00:16.560> you<00:00:17.000> my<00:00:18.000> name<00:00:18.300> is<00:00:18.449> Ted<00:00:18.720> ed exciting news with you my name is Ted ed exciting news with you my name is Ted ed and<00:00:19.170> I<00:00:19.770> am<00:00:19.890> a<00:00:19.920> symbol<00:00:20.430> for<00:00:20.580> both<00:00:20.730> the<00:00:20.970> Ted and I am a symbol for both the Ted and I am a symbol for both the Ted website<00:00:21.539> and<00:00:22.080> the<00:00:22.230> billions<00:00:22.619> of<00:00:22.769> videos website and the billions of videos website and the billions of videos available<00:00:23.760> to<00:00:23.850> you<00:00:24.000> for<00:00:24.269> free<00:00:24.330> on<00:00:24.660> the<00:00:24.779> website available to you for free on the website available to you for free on the website known<00:00:25.470> as<00:00:25.619> YouTube<00:00:26.060> today<00:00:27.090> I<00:00:27.300> summon<00:00:28.140> all<00:00:28.289> the known as YouTube today I summon all the known as YouTube today I summon all the ones<00:00:28.710> zeros<00:00:29.420> pixels<00:00:30.420> and<00:00:30.720> passion<00:00:31.199> that<00:00:31.230> a ones zeros pixels and passion that a ones zeros pixels and passion that a robotic<00:00:31.980> and<00:00:32.160> slightly<00:00:32.430> British<00:00:32.969> voice<00:00:33.180> can robotic and slightly British voice can robotic and slightly British voice can muster<00:00:33.899> to<00:00:34.320> announce<00:00:34.590> that<00:00:34.710> Ed<00:00:34.980> not<00:00:35.190> Ted<00:00:35.460> comm muster to announce that Ed not Ted comm muster to announce that Ed not Ted comm has<00:00:36.210> been<00:00:36.420> nominated<00:00:36.600> for<00:00:37.230> two<00:00:37.380> webby<00:00:37.620> awards has been nominated for two webby awards has been nominated for two webby awards the<00:00:38.850> first<00:00:39.030> nomination<00:00:39.600> in<00:00:39.899> what<00:00:40.140> some<00:00:40.410> call the first nomination in what some call the first nomination in what some call the<00:00:40.950> Oscars<00:00:41.309> of<00:00:41.430> the<00:00:41.520> internet<00:00:41.940> comes<00:00:42.270> in<00:00:42.480> the the Oscars of the internet comes in the the Oscars of the internet comes in the category<00:00:43.110> of<00:00:43.140> best<00:00:43.469> education<00:00:44.219> website<00:00:44.430> the category of best education website the category of best education website the second<00:00:45.719> is<00:00:45.840> in<00:00:45.989> the<00:00:46.110> category<00:00:46.469> of<00:00:46.680> best second is in the category of best second is in the category of best practices<00:00:47.579> and<00:00:47.879> guess<00:00:48.570> what<00:00:48.809> the<00:00:49.379> winner<00:00:49.620> will practices and guess what the winner will practices and guess what the winner will be<00:00:49.920> decided<00:00:50.579> by<00:00:50.610> an<00:00:50.940> online<00:00:51.329> vote<00:00:51.629> that<00:00:52.440> ends be decided by an online vote that ends be decided by an online vote that ends at<00:00:52.829> midnight<00:00:53.149> tonight<00:00:56.600> now<00:00:57.600> you<00:00:57.660> might<00:00:58.020> be at midnight tonight now you might be at midnight tonight now you might be wondering<00:00:58.440> what<00:00:58.859> a<00:00:58.890> silly<00:00:59.190> bust<00:00:59.489> of<00:00:59.670> a<00:00:59.760> silly wondering what a silly bust of a silly wondering what a silly bust of a silly man<00:01:00.239> with<00:01:00.510> the<00:01:00.600> silly<00:01:00.840> voices<00:01:01.109> doing<00:01:01.649> trying man with the silly voices doing trying man with the silly voices doing trying to<00:01:02.039> convince<00:01:02.430> you<00:01:02.670> to<00:01:02.820> help<00:01:02.850> me<00:01:03.239> claim to convince you to help me claim to convince you to help me claim internet<00:01:04.019> glory<00:01:04.290> twice<00:01:05.990> but<00:01:06.990> here's<00:01:07.320> the internet glory twice but here's the internet glory twice but here's the thing<00:01:07.560> it<00:01:08.310> isn't<00:01:08.610> about<00:01:08.850> the<00:01:09.000> glory<00:01:09.470> it<00:01:10.470> is thing it isn't about the glory it is thing it isn't about the glory it is about<00:01:10.979> celebrating<00:01:11.580> and<00:01:11.880> supporting<00:01:12.030> what<00:01:12.540> I about celebrating and supporting what I about celebrating and supporting what I symbolize<00:01:13.939> Ted<00:01:14.939> ed<00:01:15.090> strives<00:01:15.540> to<00:01:15.840> provide<00:01:16.020> free symbolize Ted ed strives to provide free symbolize Ted ed strives to provide free personalized<00:01:17.580> high-quality<00:01:18.540> education<00:01:19.200> for personalized high-quality education for personalized high-quality education for all<00:01:19.470> and<00:01:19.830> this<00:01:20.460> contest<00:01:21.000> is<00:01:21.270> not<00:01:21.479> just<00:01:21.840> about all and this contest is not just about all and this contest is not just about their<00:01:22.409> day<00:01:22.560> so<00:01:23.340> many<00:01:23.549> of<00:01:23.759> our<00:01:23.880> fellow<00:01:24.180> nominees their day so many of our fellow nominees their day so many of our fellow nominees and<00:01:24.990> so<00:01:25.530> many<00:01:25.770> that<00:01:26.070> are<00:01:26.220> not<00:01:26.400> nominated<00:01:27.090> are and so many that are not nominated are and so many that are not nominated are right<00:01:27.600> there<00:01:27.869> fighting<00:01:28.650> the<00:01:28.860> good<00:01:29.130> fight<00:01:29.369> with right there fighting the good fight with right there fighting the good fight with us<00:01:29.790> every<00:01:30.150> day

so<00:01:33.650> don't<00:01:34.220> vote<00:01:34.550> for<00:01:34.610> me<00:01:34.820> simply<00:01:35.300> because<00:01:35.390> I'm
so don't vote for me simply because I'm so don't vote for me simply because I'm likely<00:01:35.990> to<00:01:36.140> morph<00:01:36.500> into<00:01:36.710> this<00:01:37.010> if<00:01:37.160> we<00:01:37.280> win<00:01:37.900> vote likely to morph into this if we win vote likely to morph into this if we win vote because<00:01:39.380> an<00:01:39.470> educators<00:01:40.040> lesson<00:01:40.400> on<00:01:40.550> the because an educators lesson on the because an educators lesson on the platform<00:01:41.210> inspired<00:01:41.750> you<00:01:42.070> or<00:01:43.070> because<00:01:43.220> an platform inspired you or because an platform inspired you or because an animators<00:01:44.090> art<00:01:44.270> helped<00:01:44.600> you<00:01:44.810> visualize<00:01:45.350> the animators art helped you visualize the animators art helped you visualize the previously<00:01:46.190> invisible<00:01:46.810> vote<00:01:47.810> because<00:01:48.260> you previously invisible vote because you previously invisible vote because you like<00:01:48.650> the<00:01:48.830> notion<00:01:49.160> of<00:01:49.310> creating<00:01:49.700> customized like the notion of creating customized like the notion of creating customized measurable<00:01:51.470> lessons<00:01:51.860> and<00:01:52.070> discussions measurable lessons and discussions measurable lessons and discussions around<00:01:52.910> any<00:01:53.300> of<00:01:53.450> your<00:01:53.660> favorite<00:01:54.080> YouTube around any of your favorite YouTube around any of your favorite YouTube channels<00:01:56.530> ok<00:01:57.530> fine<00:01:58.220> you<00:01:58.520> can<00:01:59.210> just<00:01:59.240> vote channels ok fine you can just vote channels ok fine you can just vote because<00:02:00.140> you<00:02:00.290> want<00:02:00.500> to<00:02:00.620> see<00:02:00.800> me<00:02:00.950> turn<00:02:01.190> into because you want to see me turn into because you want to see me turn into this<00:02:01.640> but<00:02:02.479> don't<00:02:02.780> forget<00:02:03.140> to<00:02:03.440> do<00:02:03.530> it<00:02:03.680> before this but don't forget to do it before this but don't forget to do it before midnight<00:02:04.330> thank<00:02:05.330> you<00:02:05.509> for<00:02:05.720> your<00:02:05.840> time

TED-Ed TED Ed, TEDEducation, Webby, Webby, Awards, Education, Website, Best, Practices, vote, awards, award, winners

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