Tôn giáo và trẻ sơ sinh – Hans Rosling

Religions and babies - Hans Rosling

Religions and babies - Hans Rosling


I'm<00:00:16.510> going<00:00:16.840> to<00:00:17.020> talk<00:00:17.260> about<00:00:17.619> religion<00:00:18.930> but
I'm going to talk about religion but I'm going to talk about religion but it's<00:00:20.169> a<00:00:20.410> broad<00:00:21.220> and<00:00:21.759> very<00:00:22.090> delicate<00:00:23.310> subject it's a broad and very delicate subject it's a broad and very delicate subject so<00:00:24.610> I<00:00:24.640> have<00:00:24.880> to<00:00:25.090> limit<00:00:25.480> myself<00:00:25.890> and<00:00:26.890> therefore so I have to limit myself and therefore so I have to limit myself and therefore I<00:00:27.490> will<00:00:27.730> limit<00:00:28.269> myself<00:00:28.480> to<00:00:28.810> only<00:00:29.199> talk<00:00:29.410> about I will limit myself to only talk about I will limit myself to only talk about the<00:00:29.740> links<00:00:30.310> between<00:00:30.880> religion<00:00:31.660> and<00:00:31.689> sexuality the links between religion and sexuality the links between religion and sexuality no<00:00:34.960> this<00:00:35.769> is<00:00:35.949> a<00:00:35.980> very<00:00:36.250> serious<00:00:36.760> talk<00:00:37.440> so<00:00:38.440> we'll no this is a very serious talk so we'll no this is a very serious talk so we'll talk<00:00:38.830> of<00:00:39.040> what<00:00:39.160> I<00:00:39.190> remember<00:00:39.879> as<00:00:40.000> the<00:00:40.180> most talk of what I remember as the most talk of what I remember as the most wonderful<00:00:41.199> it's<00:00:41.920> when<00:00:42.160> the<00:00:42.280> young<00:00:42.489> couple wonderful it's when the young couple wonderful it's when the young couple whisper<00:00:43.659> tonight<00:00:44.170> we<00:00:45.070> are<00:00:45.129> going<00:00:45.309> to<00:00:45.460> make<00:00:45.640> a whisper tonight we are going to make a whisper tonight we are going to make a baby baby baby my<00:00:47.680> talk<00:00:48.010> will<00:00:48.280> be<00:00:48.309> about<00:00:48.820> the<00:00:49.809> impact<00:00:50.500> of my talk will be about the impact of my talk will be about the impact of religions<00:00:51.879> on<00:00:52.150> the<00:00:52.600> number<00:00:53.110> of<00:00:53.320> babies<00:00:53.909> per religions on the number of babies per religions on the number of babies per woman<00:00:55.860> this<00:00:56.860> is<00:00:57.040> indeed<00:00:57.400> important<00:00:57.970> because woman this is indeed important because woman this is indeed important because everyone<00:00:58.690> understands<00:00:59.530> that<00:00:59.650> there<00:01:00.070> is<00:01:00.190> some everyone understands that there is some everyone understands that there is some sort<00:01:01.030> of<00:01:01.330> limit<00:01:01.960> on<00:01:02.199> how<00:01:02.650> many<00:01:02.860> people<00:01:03.309> we<00:01:03.460> can sort of limit on how many people we can sort of limit on how many people we can be<00:01:03.790> on<00:01:03.909> this<00:01:04.059> planet<00:01:04.360> and<00:01:05.080> and<00:01:05.860> there<00:01:06.100> are<00:01:06.130> some be on this planet and and there are some be on this planet and and there are some people<00:01:06.820> who<00:01:07.119> say<00:01:07.330> that<00:01:07.780> the<00:01:07.990> world<00:01:08.229> population people who say that the world population people who say that the world population is<00:01:09.040> growing<00:01:09.340> like<00:01:10.030> this<00:01:10.299> three<00:01:10.720> billion<00:01:11.049> in is growing like this three billion in is growing like this three billion in 1967<00:01:13.030> billion<00:01:13.510> just<00:01:13.960> last<00:01:14.350> year<00:01:14.799> and<00:01:15.009> it<00:01:15.250> will 1967 billion just last year and it will 1967 billion just last year and it will continue<00:01:15.820> to<00:01:16.000> grow<00:01:16.270> because<00:01:16.539> they<00:01:16.960> are continue to grow because they are continue to grow because they are religions<00:01:17.710> that<00:01:18.070> stops<00:01:18.460> women<00:01:18.820> from<00:01:19.240> having religions that stops women from having religions that stops women from having few<00:01:19.899> babies<00:01:20.350> and<00:01:20.590> it<00:01:20.829> may<00:01:20.979> continue<00:01:21.369> like<00:01:21.729> this few babies and it may continue like this few babies and it may continue like this to<00:01:23.439> what<00:01:23.619> extent<00:01:24.250> are<00:01:24.549> these<00:01:24.759> people<00:01:25.359> right to what extent are these people right to what extent are these people right when<00:01:27.789> I<00:01:27.820> was<00:01:28.060> born<00:01:28.390> that<00:01:28.929> was<00:01:29.109> less<00:01:29.380> than<00:01:29.409> 1 when I was born that was less than 1 when I was born that was less than 1 billion<00:01:30.009> children<00:01:30.429> in<00:01:30.759> the<00:01:30.850> world<00:01:31.060> and<00:01:31.329> today billion children in the world and today billion children in the world and today 2000<00:01:33.789> there's<00:01:33.999> almost<00:01:34.210> 2<00:01:34.659> billion<00:01:34.929> what<00:01:35.859> has 2000 there's almost 2 billion what has 2000 there's almost 2 billion what has happened<00:01:36.399> since<00:01:36.640> and<00:01:37.119> what<00:01:37.329> do<00:01:37.539> the<00:01:37.689> experts happened since and what do the experts happened since and what do the experts predict<00:01:39.219> will<00:01:39.609> happen<00:01:40.090> with<00:01:40.240> a<00:01:40.270> number<00:01:40.659> of predict will happen with a number of predict will happen with a number of children<00:01:41.229> during<00:01:41.439> this<00:01:41.710> century<00:01:42.219> this<00:01:42.670> is<00:01:42.880> a children during this century this is a children during this century this is a quiz<00:01:43.439> what<00:01:44.439> do<00:01:44.560> you<00:01:44.710> think<00:01:44.979> do<00:01:45.670> you<00:01:45.729> think<00:01:45.819> it quiz what do you think do you think it quiz what do you think do you think it will<00:01:46.299> decrease<00:01:46.899> to<00:01:47.619> 1<00:01:47.890> billion<00:01:48.270> will<00:01:49.270> it will decrease to 1 billion will it will decrease to 1 billion will it remain<00:01:49.840> the<00:01:50.079> same<00:01:50.350> and<00:01:50.649> be<00:01:50.799> 2<00:01:51.069> billion<00:01:51.340> by<00:01:51.609> the remain the same and be 2 billion by the remain the same and be 2 billion by the end<00:01:51.819> of<00:01:52.030> the<00:01:52.149> century end of the century end of the century with<00:01:53.020> the<00:01:53.140> number<00:01:53.469> of<00:01:53.499> children<00:01:53.590> increase with the number of children increase with the number of children increase here<00:01:54.670> eat<00:01:54.819> children<00:01:55.090> up<00:01:55.359> to<00:01:55.389> 15<00:01:55.960> years<00:01:55.990> or<00:01:56.380> will here eat children up to 15 years or will here eat children up to 15 years or will it<00:01:57.009> continue<00:01:57.039> in<00:01:57.670> the<00:01:57.789> same<00:01:58.060> fast<00:01:58.450> rate<00:01:58.810> and<00:01:59.020> be it continue in the same fast rate and be it continue in the same fast rate and be 4<00:01:59.770> billion<00:02:00.009> children<00:02:00.609> up<00:02:00.729> there<00:02:00.969> I<00:02:01.299> will<00:02:01.840> tell 4 billion children up there I will tell 4 billion children up there I will tell you<00:02:02.380> by<00:02:02.770> the<00:02:02.799> end<00:02:03.100> of<00:02:03.340> my<00:02:03.520> speech<00:02:03.749> but<00:02:04.829> now<00:02:05.829> what you by the end of my speech but now what you by the end of my speech but now what does<00:02:07.209> religion<00:02:07.509> have<00:02:07.990> to<00:02:08.140> do<00:02:08.289> with<00:02:08.470> it<00:02:09.539> when does religion have to do with it when does religion have to do with it when you<00:02:10.660> want<00:02:10.869> to<00:02:11.020> classify<00:02:11.230> religion<00:02:12.100> it's<00:02:12.340> more you want to classify religion it's more you want to classify religion it's more difficult<00:02:12.910> than<00:02:13.240> you<00:02:13.390> think<00:02:13.510> you<00:02:14.260> go<00:02:14.440> to difficult than you think you go to difficult than you think you go to Wikipedia<00:02:14.770> and<00:02:15.490> the<00:02:15.580> first<00:02:15.850> map<00:02:16.060> you<00:02:16.270> find<00:02:16.540> is Wikipedia and the first map you find is Wikipedia and the first map you find is this<00:02:16.959> it<00:02:17.620> divides<00:02:18.040> the<00:02:18.280> world<00:02:18.430> into<00:02:18.730> abra this it divides the world into abra this it divides the world into abra Hammack<00:02:19.840> religions<00:02:20.500> and<00:02:20.740> Eastern<00:02:21.700> religion Hammack religions and Eastern religion Hammack religions and Eastern religion not<00:02:23.030> detailed<00:02:23.600> enough<00:02:23.720> so<00:02:24.680> we<00:02:25.370> went<00:02:25.640> on<00:02:25.850> and<00:02:26.120> we not detailed enough so we went on and we not detailed enough so we went on and we looked<00:02:26.450> in<00:02:26.660> Wikipedia<00:02:27.290> we<00:02:27.440> found<00:02:27.710> this<00:02:27.920> map looked in Wikipedia we found this map looked in Wikipedia we found this map but<00:02:28.850> that<00:02:29.050> subdivide<00:02:30.400> Christianity<00:02:31.400> Islam but that subdivide Christianity Islam but that subdivide Christianity Islam and<00:02:32.450> Buddhism<00:02:32.630> into<00:02:33.380> many<00:02:33.650> subgroups<00:02:34.400> which and Buddhism into many subgroups which and Buddhism into many subgroups which was<00:02:34.880> too<00:02:35.210> detailed<00:02:35.960> there<00:02:36.590> for<00:02:36.920> a<00:02:36.950> cap<00:02:37.280> minder was too detailed there for a cap minder was too detailed there for a cap minder we<00:02:38.180> made<00:02:38.420> our<00:02:38.660> own<00:02:38.960> map<00:02:39.290> and<00:02:39.650> it<00:02:40.250> looks<00:02:40.460> like we made our own map and it looks like we made our own map and it looks like this<00:02:40.970> it<00:02:41.750> is<00:02:42.320> each<00:02:42.970> country's<00:02:43.970> a<00:02:44.000> bubble<00:02:44.450> the this it is each country's a bubble the this it is each country's a bubble the size<00:02:45.800> is<00:02:46.160> the<00:02:46.310> population<00:02:46.730> big<00:02:47.210> China<00:02:47.510> big size is the population big China big size is the population big China big India<00:02:48.230> and<00:02:48.500> the<00:02:48.950> color<00:02:49.340> now<00:02:49.730> is<00:02:49.760> the<00:02:50.270> majority India and the color now is the majority India and the color now is the majority religion<00:02:52.150> it's<00:02:53.150> a<00:02:53.330> religion<00:02:53.900> where<00:02:53.990> more<00:02:54.350> than religion it's a religion where more than religion it's a religion where more than 50%<00:02:55.370> of<00:02:55.520> the<00:02:55.640> people<00:02:55.880> say<00:02:56.270> that<00:02:56.480> they<00:02:56.660> belong 50% of the people say that they belong 50% of the people say that they belong its<00:02:57.290> Eastern<00:02:57.800> religion<00:02:58.340> in<00:02:58.550> India<00:02:58.790> and<00:02:59.060> China its Eastern religion in India and China its Eastern religion in India and China in<00:02:59.690> neighboring<00:03:00.230> Asian<00:03:00.350> countries<00:03:01.540> Islam<00:03:02.540> is in neighboring Asian countries Islam is in neighboring Asian countries Islam is the<00:03:02.840> majority<00:03:03.500> religion<00:03:04.040> all<00:03:04.220> the<00:03:04.820> way<00:03:04.940> from the majority religion all the way from the majority religion all the way from the<00:03:05.390> Atlantic<00:03:05.480> Ocean<00:03:06.110> across<00:03:06.620> the<00:03:07.160> Middle the Atlantic Ocean across the Middle the Atlantic Ocean across the Middle East<00:03:07.550> southern<00:03:08.330> Europe<00:03:08.870> and<00:03:09.020> through<00:03:09.620> Asia East southern Europe and through Asia East southern Europe and through Asia all<00:03:10.370> the<00:03:10.730> way<00:03:10.850> to<00:03:10.910> Indonesia<00:03:11.860> that's<00:03:12.860> what<00:03:13.040> we all the way to Indonesia that's what we all the way to Indonesia that's what we find find find Islam<00:03:14.000> majority<00:03:14.630> and<00:03:15.070> Christian<00:03:16.070> majority Islam majority and Christian majority Islam majority and Christian majority religions<00:03:17.390> we<00:03:18.200> see<00:03:18.440> in<00:03:18.560> these<00:03:18.710> countries<00:03:19.070> they religions we see in these countries they religions we see in these countries they are<00:03:19.490> blue<00:03:19.850> and<00:03:20.120> that<00:03:21.110> is<00:03:21.470> most<00:03:22.070> countries<00:03:22.490> in are blue and that is most countries in are blue and that is most countries in America<00:03:23.180> and<00:03:23.300> Europe<00:03:23.680> many<00:03:24.680> countries<00:03:25.130> in America and Europe many countries in America and Europe many countries in Africa<00:03:25.370> and<00:03:25.940> a<00:03:26.150> few<00:03:26.420> in<00:03:26.570> Asia<00:03:26.780> the<00:03:27.770> white<00:03:28.040> here Africa and a few in Asia the white here Africa and a few in Asia the white here are<00:03:28.640> countries<00:03:29.060> which<00:03:29.240> cannot<00:03:29.510> be<00:03:29.570> classified are countries which cannot be classified are countries which cannot be classified because<00:03:30.530> one<00:03:30.920> religion<00:03:31.490> does<00:03:31.640> not<00:03:31.820> reach<00:03:32.060> 50% because one religion does not reach 50% because one religion does not reach 50% or<00:03:33.200> there<00:03:33.350> is<00:03:33.440> doubt<00:03:33.740> about<00:03:34.010> the<00:03:34.340> data<00:03:34.610> or or there is doubt about the data or or there is doubt about the data or there<00:03:35.420> are<00:03:35.480> some<00:03:35.660> other<00:03:35.870> reasons<00:03:36.140> we<00:03:36.680> were there are some other reasons we were there are some other reasons we were careful<00:03:37.190> with<00:03:37.610> that<00:03:37.760> so<00:03:38.420> bear<00:03:38.780> with<00:03:38.810> our careful with that so bear with our careful with that so bear with our simplicity<00:03:39.710> now<00:03:40.040> when<00:03:40.370> I<00:03:40.400> take<00:03:40.700> you<00:03:40.880> over<00:03:41.030> to simplicity now when I take you over to simplicity now when I take you over to this<00:03:41.450> short<00:03:41.840> this<00:03:42.560> is<00:03:42.740> in<00:03:42.890> 1960<00:03:43.850> and<00:03:44.030> now<00:03:44.540> I this short this is in 1960 and now I this short this is in 1960 and now I show<00:03:44.990> the<00:03:45.440> number<00:03:45.950> of<00:03:46.100> babies<00:03:46.310> per<00:03:46.730> woman<00:03:46.760> here show the number of babies per woman here show the number of babies per woman here two<00:03:47.870> four<00:03:48.830> or<00:03:49.100> six<00:03:50.080> many<00:03:51.080> babies<00:03:51.590> few<00:03:52.070> babies two four or six many babies few babies two four or six many babies few babies and<00:03:52.730> here<00:03:53.240> the<00:03:53.420> income<00:03:54.020> per<00:03:54.230> person<00:03:54.709> in and here the income per person in and here the income per person in comparable<00:03:55.370> dollars<00:03:55.910> the<00:03:56.450> reason<00:03:56.480> for<00:03:56.990> that comparable dollars the reason for that comparable dollars the reason for that is<00:03:57.350> that<00:03:57.380> many<00:03:57.680> people<00:03:57.830> say<00:03:58.310> you<00:03:58.370> have<00:03:58.459> to<00:03:58.610> get is that many people say you have to get is that many people say you have to get rich<00:03:59.150> first<00:03:59.480> before<00:04:00.200> you<00:04:00.320> get<00:04:00.470> few<00:04:00.709> babies<00:04:01.160> so rich first before you get few babies so rich first before you get few babies so low<00:04:02.690> income<00:04:03.110> here<00:04:03.470> high<00:04:04.010> income<00:04:04.280> there<00:04:04.700> and low income here high income there and low income here high income there and indeed<00:04:05.209> in<00:04:05.420> 1960<00:04:06.320> you<00:04:06.350> had<00:04:06.650> to<00:04:06.800> be<00:04:06.920> a<00:04:06.950> rich indeed in 1960 you had to be a rich indeed in 1960 you had to be a rich Christian<00:04:07.820> to<00:04:07.970> a<00:04:08.000> few<00:04:08.300> babies<00:04:08.750> the<00:04:09.410> exception Christian to a few babies the exception Christian to a few babies the exception was<00:04:10.130> Japan<00:04:11.350> Japan<00:04:12.350> here<00:04:12.770> was<00:04:12.980> regarded<00:04:13.640> as<00:04:13.730> an was Japan Japan here was regarded as an was Japan Japan here was regarded as an exception<00:04:14.540> otherwise<00:04:14.990> it<00:04:15.200> was<00:04:15.350> only exception otherwise it was only exception otherwise it was only Christian<00:04:16.100> country<00:04:16.489> but<00:04:16.970> there<00:04:17.150> were<00:04:17.239> also Christian country but there were also Christian country but there were also many<00:04:18.049> Christian<00:04:18.620> countries<00:04:18.980> that<00:04:19.130> had<00:04:19.310> six<00:04:19.549> to many Christian countries that had six to many Christian countries that had six to seven<00:04:20.180> babies<00:04:20.870> per<00:04:21.049> woman<00:04:21.080> but<00:04:21.739> they<00:04:22.010> were<00:04:22.070> in seven babies per woman but they were in seven babies per woman but they were in Latin<00:04:23.210> America<00:04:23.750> or<00:04:24.080> they<00:04:24.530> were<00:04:24.590> in<00:04:25.220> Africa<00:04:25.910> and Latin America or they were in Africa and Latin America or they were in Africa and countries<00:04:28.010> with<00:04:29.080> Islamist<00:04:30.080> majority countries with Islamist majority countries with Islamist majority religion<00:04:31.160> Oh religion Oh religion Oh of<00:04:32.050> them<00:04:32.259> almost<00:04:32.830> had<00:04:33.340> six<00:04:33.699> to<00:04:33.940> seven<00:04:34.270> children of them almost had six to seven children of them almost had six to seven children per<00:04:34.840> woman<00:04:35.460> irregardless<00:04:36.460> of<00:04:37.000> the<00:04:37.060> income per woman irregardless of the income per woman irregardless of the income level<00:04:37.900> and<00:04:38.050> all<00:04:38.800> the<00:04:39.250> Eastern<00:04:39.610> religions level and all the Eastern religions level and all the Eastern religions except<00:04:40.570> Japan<00:04:40.900> had<00:04:41.320> the<00:04:41.440> same<00:04:41.620> level<00:04:41.800> now except Japan had the same level now except Japan had the same level now let's<00:04:42.520> see<00:04:42.880> what<00:04:43.120> has<00:04:43.270> happened<00:04:43.300> in<00:04:43.750> the<00:04:43.870> world let's see what has happened in the world let's see what has happened in the world I<00:04:44.259> start<00:04:44.949> the<00:04:45.100> world<00:04:45.130> and<00:04:45.550> here<00:04:45.699> we<00:04:45.820> go<00:04:46.259> 1962 I start the world and here we go 1962 I start the world and here we go 1962 can<00:04:47.860> you<00:04:47.979> see<00:04:48.220> they're<00:04:48.430> getting<00:04:48.580> a<00:04:48.820> little can you see they're getting a little can you see they're getting a little richer<00:04:49.509> but<00:04:49.720> the<00:04:49.930> number<00:04:50.470> of<00:04:50.590> babies<00:04:51.009> per richer but the number of babies per richer but the number of babies per woman<00:04:51.190> is<00:04:51.610> falling<00:04:52.060> look<00:04:52.419> at<00:04:52.600> China<00:04:52.900> they're woman is falling look at China they're woman is falling look at China they're falling<00:04:53.590> fairly<00:04:53.919> fast<00:04:54.130> and<00:04:54.370> all<00:04:54.880> the falling fairly fast and all the falling fairly fast and all the muslim-majority<00:04:56.070> countries<00:04:57.070> across<00:04:57.370> the muslim-majority countries across the muslim-majority countries across the income<00:04:58.150> are<00:04:58.270> coming<00:04:58.720> down<00:04:58.960> has<00:04:59.229> do<00:04:59.530> the income are coming down has do the income are coming down has do the Christian<00:05:01.410> majority<00:05:02.410> countries<00:05:02.800> in<00:05:02.919> the Christian majority countries in the Christian majority countries in the middle<00:05:03.370> income<00:05:03.550> range<00:05:03.970> and<00:05:04.660> when<00:05:04.900> we<00:05:05.050> enter<00:05:05.560> is middle income range and when we enter is middle income range and when we enter is to<00:05:05.860> this<00:05:06.010> century<00:05:06.610> you<00:05:06.639> find<00:05:07.060> more<00:05:07.750> than<00:05:07.930> half to this century you find more than half to this century you find more than half the<00:05:08.560> mankind<00:05:09.070> down<00:05:09.370> here<00:05:09.729> and<00:05:09.940> by<00:05:10.620> 2010<00:05:11.620> we<00:05:12.100> are the mankind down here and by 2010 we are the mankind down here and by 2010 we are actually<00:05:12.460> eighty<00:05:13.060> percent<00:05:13.930> of<00:05:14.199> humans<00:05:14.800> who actually eighty percent of humans who actually eighty percent of humans who live<00:05:15.250> in<00:05:15.430> countries<00:05:15.699> with<00:05:16.360> about<00:05:16.630> two live in countries with about two live in countries with about two children<00:05:17.260> per<00:05:17.410> woman<00:05:21.810> it's<00:05:22.810> a<00:05:22.930> quite<00:05:23.370> amazing children per woman it's a quite amazing children per woman it's a quite amazing development<00:05:25.000> which<00:05:25.180> are<00:05:25.360> happened<00:05:26.910> and<00:05:27.910> these development which are happened and these development which are happened and these are<00:05:28.960> countries<00:05:29.229> from<00:05:29.770> United<00:05:30.370> States<00:05:30.400> here are countries from United States here are countries from United States here with<00:05:31.320> $40,000<00:05:32.320> per<00:05:32.620> capita<00:05:33.190> France<00:05:34.080> Russia with $40,000 per capita France Russia with $40,000 per capita France Russia Iran<00:05:36.570> Mexico<00:05:37.570> Turkey Iran Mexico Turkey Iran Mexico Turkey Algeria<00:05:39.820> Indonesia<00:05:41.010> India<00:05:42.010> and<00:05:42.400> all<00:05:42.849> the<00:05:42.970> way Algeria Indonesia India and all the way Algeria Indonesia India and all the way to<00:05:43.150> Bangladesh<00:05:43.990> and<00:05:44.229> Vietnam<00:05:44.860> which<00:05:45.099> has<00:05:45.310> less to Bangladesh and Vietnam which has less to Bangladesh and Vietnam which has less than<00:05:45.580> five<00:05:46.240> percent<00:05:46.270> of<00:05:47.169> the<00:05:47.289> income<00:05:47.620> per than five percent of the income per than five percent of the income per person<00:05:48.220> the<00:05:48.310> United<00:05:48.729> States<00:05:49.000> and<00:05:49.210> the<00:05:49.300> same person the United States and the same person the United States and the same amount<00:05:49.720> of<00:05:50.050> babies<00:05:50.440> per<00:05:50.949> woman<00:05:50.979> I<00:05:51.750> can<00:05:52.750> tell amount of babies per woman I can tell amount of babies per woman I can tell you<00:05:53.169> that<00:05:53.349> the<00:05:53.560> date<00:05:53.830> on<00:05:54.130> number<00:05:54.490> of<00:05:54.610> children you that the date on number of children you that the date on number of children per<00:05:55.150> woman<00:05:55.300> is<00:05:55.630> surprisingly<00:05:56.409> good<00:05:56.800> in<00:05:57.010> all per woman is surprisingly good in all per woman is surprisingly good in all countries<00:05:57.669> we<00:05:57.849> get<00:05:58.060> that<00:05:58.300> from<00:05:58.510> the<00:05:58.630> census countries we get that from the census countries we get that from the census data<00:05:59.260> it's<00:05:59.710> not<00:05:59.949> one<00:06:00.159> of<00:06:00.190> these<00:06:00.430> statistics data it's not one of these statistics data it's not one of these statistics which<00:06:01.270> is<00:06:01.419> very<00:06:01.599> doubtful<00:06:02.190> so<00:06:03.190> what<00:06:03.370> we<00:06:03.520> can which is very doubtful so what we can which is very doubtful so what we can conclude<00:06:03.760> is<00:06:04.180> you<00:06:04.630> don't<00:06:04.870> have<00:06:04.930> to<00:06:05.139> get<00:06:05.289> rich conclude is you don't have to get rich conclude is you don't have to get rich to<00:06:05.889> have<00:06:05.979> few<00:06:06.250> children<00:06:06.550> it<00:06:06.940> has<00:06:07.150> happened to have few children it has happened to have few children it has happened across<00:06:07.810> the<00:06:08.020> world<00:06:08.970> and<00:06:09.970> when<00:06:10.659> we<00:06:10.810> look<00:06:11.020> at<00:06:11.199> at across the world and when we look at at across the world and when we look at at religions<00:06:12.070> we<00:06:12.190> can<00:06:12.430> see<00:06:12.699> that<00:06:12.940> the<00:06:13.120> Eastern religions we can see that the Eastern religions we can see that the Eastern religions<00:06:13.810> indeed<00:06:14.530> that's<00:06:14.740> not<00:06:14.979> one<00:06:15.220> single religions indeed that's not one single religions indeed that's not one single country<00:06:15.970> with<00:06:16.330> majority<00:06:16.659> of<00:06:16.930> that<00:06:17.080> religion country with majority of that religion country with majority of that religion that<00:06:17.680> has<00:06:17.860> more<00:06:18.010> than<00:06:18.220> three<00:06:18.430> children that has more than three children that has more than three children whereas<00:06:19.539> with<00:06:20.220> Islamist<00:06:21.220> majority<00:06:21.820> religion whereas with Islamist majority religion whereas with Islamist majority religion and<00:06:22.479> Christianity<00:06:22.720> you<00:06:23.680> see<00:06:23.919> countries<00:06:24.190> all and Christianity you see countries all and Christianity you see countries all the<00:06:24.849> way<00:06:25.000> but<00:06:25.240> there's<00:06:25.449> no<00:06:25.539> major<00:06:25.990> difference the way but there's no major difference the way but there's no major difference there's<00:06:27.699> no<00:06:27.909> major<00:06:28.150> difference<00:06:28.750> between there's no major difference between there's no major difference between these<00:06:29.199> religions<00:06:29.830> there<00:06:30.760> is<00:06:30.970> the<00:06:31.240> difference these religions there is the difference these religions there is the difference with<00:06:32.110> income<00:06:32.770> the<00:06:33.220> countries<00:06:33.789> which<00:06:33.970> has<00:06:34.180> many with income the countries which has many with income the countries which has many babies<00:06:35.320> per<00:06:35.830> woman<00:06:35.860> here<00:06:36.729> they<00:06:37.210> have<00:06:37.479> quite babies per woman here they have quite babies per woman here they have quite low<00:06:38.139> income<00:06:38.650> most<00:06:39.340> of<00:06:39.639> them<00:06:39.849> are<00:06:40.060> in low income most of them are in low income most of them are in sub-saharan<00:06:40.830> Africa<00:06:42.090> but<00:06:43.090> there<00:06:43.690> are<00:06:43.779> also sub-saharan Africa but there are also sub-saharan Africa but there are also countries<00:06:44.349> here<00:06:44.800> like<00:06:45.099> go countries here like go countries here like go Tamala<00:06:46.360> like<00:06:47.080> Papua<00:06:47.470> New<00:06:47.680> Guinea<00:06:48.270> like<00:06:49.270> German Tamala like Papua New Guinea like German Tamala like Papua New Guinea like German and<00:06:50.370> Afghanistan<00:06:51.370> many<00:06:52.360> things<00:06:52.780> that and Afghanistan many things that and Afghanistan many things that Afghanistan<00:06:53.710> here<00:06:54.430> and<00:06:54.670> Congo<00:06:55.630> which<00:06:56.230> have Afghanistan here and Congo which have Afghanistan here and Congo which have suffered<00:06:57.220> severe<00:06:58.060> conflicts<00:06:58.810> that<00:06:59.410> they suffered severe conflicts that they suffered severe conflicts that they don't<00:07:00.400> have<00:07:00.610> fast<00:07:00.910> population<00:07:01.600> growth<00:07:01.810> it's don't have fast population growth it's don't have fast population growth it's the<00:07:02.320> other<00:07:02.470> way<00:07:02.800> around<00:07:02.980> in<00:07:03.640> the<00:07:03.880> world<00:07:04.150> today the other way around in the world today the other way around in the world today it's<00:07:04.840> the<00:07:04.960> countries<00:07:05.440> that<00:07:05.470> have<00:07:05.770> the<00:07:05.800> highest it's the countries that have the highest it's the countries that have the highest mortality<00:07:06.700> rates<00:07:07.390> that<00:07:07.840> have<00:07:08.050> the<00:07:08.170> fastest mortality rates that have the fastest mortality rates that have the fastest population<00:07:09.250> growth<00:07:09.460> because<00:07:10.120> the<00:07:10.270> death<00:07:10.510> of<00:07:10.720> a population growth because the death of a population growth because the death of a child<00:07:10.870> is<00:07:11.350> compensated<00:07:12.220> by<00:07:12.370> one<00:07:12.580> more<00:07:12.820> child child is compensated by one more child child is compensated by one more child these<00:07:14.080> countries<00:07:14.620> have<00:07:14.800> six<00:07:15.100> children<00:07:15.400> per these countries have six children per these countries have six children per woman woman woman they<00:07:17.140> haven't<00:07:17.320> sad<00:07:17.770> death<00:07:18.250> rate<00:07:18.580> of<00:07:18.790> one<00:07:18.970> to they haven't sad death rate of one to they haven't sad death rate of one to two<00:07:19.360> children<00:07:19.600> per<00:07:19.960> woman<00:07:20.110> but<00:07:20.710> thirty<00:07:20.980> years two children per woman but thirty years two children per woman but thirty years from<00:07:21.520> now<00:07:21.700> Afghanistan<00:07:22.480> will<00:07:22.660> go<00:07:22.810> from<00:07:23.050> 30 from now Afghanistan will go from 30 from now Afghanistan will go from 30 million<00:07:23.740> to<00:07:23.890> 60<00:07:24.310> million<00:07:24.490> Congo<00:07:25.390> will<00:07:25.540> go<00:07:25.660> from million to 60 million Congo will go from million to 60 million Congo will go from 60<00:07:26.260> 220<00:07:27.900> that's<00:07:28.900> where<00:07:29.260> we<00:07:29.350> have<00:07:29.470> the<00:07:29.500> first 60 220 that's where we have the first 60 220 that's where we have the first population<00:07:30.460> growth<00:07:30.700> and<00:07:31.000> many<00:07:31.780> think<00:07:32.140> that population growth and many think that population growth and many think that all<00:07:32.560> these<00:07:32.710> countries<00:07:33.040> they<00:07:33.370> are<00:07:33.400> stagnant all these countries they are stagnant all these countries they are stagnant but<00:07:34.270> they<00:07:34.420> are<00:07:34.510> not<00:07:34.720> let<00:07:35.230> me<00:07:35.410> compare<00:07:35.860> Senegal but they are not let me compare Senegal but they are not let me compare Senegal muslim-dominated<00:07:37.720> country<00:07:38.650> with<00:07:38.950> a muslim-dominated country with a muslim-dominated country with a Christian<00:07:39.550> dominated<00:07:40.120> country<00:07:40.480> Ghana<00:07:40.750> I<00:07:41.140> take Christian dominated country Ghana I take Christian dominated country Ghana I take them<00:07:41.860> backwards<00:07:42.340> here<00:07:42.700> to<00:07:43.420> their them backwards here to their them backwards here to their independence<00:07:44.470> when<00:07:44.980> they<00:07:45.160> were<00:07:45.220> up<00:07:45.520> here<00:07:45.880> in independence when they were up here in independence when they were up here in the<00:07:46.780> beginning<00:07:47.470> of<00:07:47.530> the<00:07:47.680> 1960's<00:07:48.670> just<00:07:49.150> look the beginning of the 1960's just look the beginning of the 1960's just look what<00:07:49.630> they<00:07:49.750> have<00:07:49.780> done<00:07:49.900> it's<00:07:50.830> an<00:07:51.040> amazing what they have done it's an amazing what they have done it's an amazing improvement<00:07:52.120> from<00:07:52.510> seven<00:07:52.990> children<00:07:53.230> per improvement from seven children per improvement from seven children per woman<00:07:53.740> they've<00:07:54.490> gone<00:07:54.670> all<00:07:54.970> the<00:07:55.180> way<00:07:55.300> down<00:07:55.510> to woman they've gone all the way down to woman they've gone all the way down to between<00:07:55.990> four<00:07:56.320> and<00:07:56.350> five<00:07:56.880> it's<00:07:57.880> a<00:07:58.030> tremendous between four and five it's a tremendous between four and five it's a tremendous improvement<00:07:58.960> so<00:07:59.230> what<00:07:59.440> does<00:07:59.590> it<00:07:59.770> take<00:08:00.070> when<00:08:00.850> we improvement so what does it take when we improvement so what does it take when we know<00:08:01.270> quite<00:08:01.720> well<00:08:02.140> what<00:08:02.440> is<00:08:02.590> needed<00:08:02.860> in<00:08:03.160> these know quite well what is needed in these know quite well what is needed in these countries<00:08:03.610> you<00:08:04.570> need<00:08:04.840> to<00:08:05.020> have<00:08:05.110> children<00:08:05.440> to countries you need to have children to countries you need to have children to survive<00:08:06.160> you<00:08:06.850> need<00:08:07.030> to<00:08:07.270> get<00:08:07.450> out<00:08:07.690> of<00:08:07.960> the survive you need to get out of the survive you need to get out of the deepest<00:08:08.680> poverty<00:08:09.220> so<00:08:09.400> children<00:08:09.880> are<00:08:10.000> not<00:08:10.150> of deepest poverty so children are not of deepest poverty so children are not of importance<00:08:10.990> for<00:08:11.230> work<00:08:11.500> in<00:08:11.800> the<00:08:11.920> family<00:08:12.130> you importance for work in the family you importance for work in the family you need<00:08:13.030> to<00:08:13.180> have<00:08:13.270> access<00:08:13.480> to<00:08:13.780> some<00:08:14.170> family need to have access to some family need to have access to some family planning<00:08:14.920> and<00:08:15.250> you<00:08:15.670> need<00:08:15.970> the<00:08:16.510> fourth<00:08:16.840> factor planning and you need the fourth factor planning and you need the fourth factor which<00:08:17.680> perhaps<00:08:18.070> is<00:08:18.250> the<00:08:18.400> most<00:08:18.430> important which perhaps is the most important which perhaps is the most important factor<00:08:19.630> but<00:08:20.320> let<00:08:20.530> me<00:08:20.710> illustrate<00:08:20.890> that<00:08:21.520> fourth factor but let me illustrate that fourth factor but let me illustrate that fourth factor<00:08:22.480> by<00:08:23.080> looking<00:08:23.530> at<00:08:23.650> Qatar<00:08:24.300> here<00:08:25.300> we<00:08:25.420> have factor by looking at Qatar here we have factor by looking at Qatar here we have Qatar<00:08:25.960> today<00:08:26.290> and<00:08:26.530> there<00:08:27.340> we<00:08:27.490> have<00:08:27.610> Bangladesh Qatar today and there we have Bangladesh Qatar today and there we have Bangladesh today<00:08:28.480> if<00:08:29.110> I<00:08:29.290> take<00:08:29.560> these<00:08:29.740> countries<00:08:30.250> back<00:08:30.490> to today if I take these countries back to today if I take these countries back to the<00:08:30.880> years<00:08:31.210> of<00:08:31.390> their<00:08:31.540> independence<00:08:32.320> which<00:08:32.500> is the years of their independence which is the years of their independence which is almost<00:08:32.890> the<00:08:33.190> same<00:08:33.430> years<00:08:33.790> seventy<00:08:34.419> one almost the same years seventy one almost the same years seventy one seventy<00:08:34.599> two<00:08:35.110> it's<00:08:36.010> a<00:08:36.160> quite<00:08:36.570> amazing seventy two it's a quite amazing seventy two it's a quite amazing development<00:08:38.229> which<00:08:38.380> are<00:08:38.560> happened<00:08:38.979> look<00:08:39.550> at development which are happened look at development which are happened look at Bangladesh<00:08:40.330> in<00:08:40.510> Qatar<00:08:40.900> with<00:08:41.140> so<00:08:41.320> different Bangladesh in Qatar with so different Bangladesh in Qatar with so different incomes<00:08:42.220> is<00:08:42.610> almost<00:08:43.150> the<00:08:43.330> same<00:08:43.510> drop<00:08:43.900> in incomes is almost the same drop in incomes is almost the same drop in number<00:08:45.070> of<00:08:45.190> babies<00:08:45.550> per<00:08:45.730> woman<00:08:45.810> and<00:08:46.810> what<00:08:46.960> is number of babies per woman and what is number of babies per woman and what is the<00:08:47.230> reason<00:08:47.650> in<00:08:47.770> Qatar<00:08:48.130> well<00:08:48.880> I<00:08:48.910> do<00:08:49.090> as<00:08:49.390> I the reason in Qatar well I do as I the reason in Qatar well I do as I always<00:08:49.690> do<00:08:50.020> I<00:08:50.050> went<00:08:50.350> to<00:08:50.500> the<00:08:50.590> statistical always do I went to the statistical always do I went to the statistical Authority<00:08:51.880> of<00:08:52.120> Qatar<00:08:52.690> to<00:08:53.260> their<00:08:53.440> web<00:08:53.620> page<00:08:53.890> is Authority of Qatar to their web page is Authority of Qatar to their web page is a<00:08:54.220> very<00:08:54.490> good<00:08:54.700> webpage<00:08:55.180> I<00:08:55.360> recommend<00:08:55.810> it<00:08:55.990> and<00:08:56.170> I a very good webpage I recommend it and I a very good webpage I recommend it and I looked<00:08:57.070> up looked up looked up oh<00:08:57.700> yeah<00:08:58.700> you<00:08:59.000> can<00:08:59.180> have<00:08:59.270> lots<00:08:59.510> of<00:08:59.690> fun<00:08:59.960> here oh yeah you can have lots of fun here oh yeah you can have lots of fun here and<00:09:01.720> this<00:09:02.720> provided<00:09:03.260> free<00:09:03.680> of<00:09:03.830> charge<00:09:04.250> I<00:09:04.430> found and this provided free of charge I found and this provided free of charge I found Couture<00:09:05.330> social<00:09:05.870> trends<00:09:06.290> very<00:09:06.830> interesting Couture social trends very interesting Couture social trends very interesting lots<00:09:08.060> to<00:09:08.360> read<00:09:08.570> I<00:09:08.839> found<00:09:09.380> fertility<00:09:10.070> at<00:09:10.160> birth lots to read I found fertility at birth lots to read I found fertility at birth and<00:09:10.760> I<00:09:11.089> looked<00:09:11.330> at<00:09:11.600> total<00:09:12.230> fertility<00:09:12.410> rate<00:09:12.800> per and I looked at total fertility rate per and I looked at total fertility rate per woman<00:09:13.250> these<00:09:13.610> are<00:09:13.670> the<00:09:13.970> scholars<00:09:14.330> and<00:09:14.779> expert woman these are the scholars and expert woman these are the scholars and expert in<00:09:15.440> the<00:09:15.560> government<00:09:16.040> agency<00:09:16.580> in<00:09:16.640> Qatar<00:09:17.029> and in the government agency in Qatar and in the government agency in Qatar and they<00:09:17.390> say<00:09:17.600> the<00:09:18.050> most<00:09:18.230> important<00:09:18.800> factors<00:09:19.250> are they say the most important factors are they say the most important factors are increased<00:09:20.360> age<00:09:20.630> at<00:09:20.870> first<00:09:20.900> marriage increased age at first marriage increased age at first marriage increased<00:09:22.460> educational<00:09:23.210> level<00:09:23.570> of<00:09:23.720> a<00:09:23.779> Qatari increased educational level of a Qatari increased educational level of a Qatari women<00:09:24.620> and<00:09:24.800> more<00:09:25.520> women<00:09:25.880> integrated<00:09:26.870> in<00:09:27.020> the women and more women integrated in the women and more women integrated in the labor<00:09:27.320> force<00:09:27.500> I<00:09:27.950> couldn't<00:09:28.550> agree<00:09:28.760> more labor force I couldn't agree more labor force I couldn't agree more science<00:09:30.290> couldn't<00:09:30.560> agree<00:09:30.920> more science couldn't agree more science couldn't agree more this<00:09:31.970> is<00:09:32.120> a<00:09:32.150> country<00:09:32.480> that<00:09:32.690> indeed<00:09:33.350> had<00:09:33.620> gone this is a country that indeed had gone this is a country that indeed had gone through<00:09:34.130> a<00:09:34.339> very<00:09:35.000> very<00:09:35.390> interesting through a very very interesting through a very very interesting modernization<00:09:37.240> so<00:09:38.240> what<00:09:38.450> it<00:09:38.600> is<00:09:38.810> is<00:09:39.140> these modernization so what it is is these modernization so what it is is these four<00:09:40.040> children<00:09:40.670> should<00:09:40.850> survive<00:09:41.270> children four children should survive children four children should survive children shouldn't<00:09:42.440> be<00:09:42.560> needed<00:09:42.950> for<00:09:43.130> work<00:09:43.310> women shouldn't be needed for work women shouldn't be needed for work women should<00:09:44.360> get<00:09:44.480> education<00:09:45.020> and<00:09:45.320> join<00:09:45.560> the<00:09:45.740> labor should get education and join the labor should get education and join the labor force<00:09:46.370> and<00:09:46.520> flam<00:09:46.760> and<00:09:46.910> the<00:09:47.000> planning<00:09:47.390> should force and flam and the planning should force and flam and the planning should be<00:09:47.660> accessible<00:09:48.430> now<00:09:49.430> look<00:09:50.150> again<00:09:50.300> at<00:09:50.630> this<00:09:51.070> the be accessible now look again at this the be accessible now look again at this the average<00:09:52.339> number<00:09:52.970> of<00:09:53.180> children<00:09:53.300> in<00:09:53.900> the<00:09:54.020> world average number of children in the world average number of children in the world is<00:09:54.589> like<00:09:54.860> in<00:09:55.070> Colombia's<00:09:55.700> 2.4<00:09:56.690> today<00:09:57.460> there is like in Colombia's 2.4 today there is like in Colombia's 2.4 today there are<00:09:58.700> countries<00:09:59.060> up<00:09:59.510> here<00:09:59.810> which<00:09:59.990> are<00:10:00.170> very are countries up here which are very are countries up here which are very poor<00:10:00.710> and<00:10:00.860> that's<00:10:01.070> where<00:10:01.490> family<00:10:01.910> planning poor and that's where family planning poor and that's where family planning that<00:10:02.510> the<00:10:02.690> child<00:10:02.959> survival<00:10:03.380> is<00:10:03.860> needed<00:10:04.520> I that the child survival is needed I that the child survival is needed I strongly<00:10:05.420> recommend<00:10:05.800> Melinda<00:10:06.800> Gates<00:10:07.010> lost strongly recommend Melinda Gates lost strongly recommend Melinda Gates lost TED<00:10:08.120> talk<00:10:08.390> and<00:10:09.400> here<00:10:10.400> down<00:10:10.730> there<00:10:11.270> are<00:10:11.360> many TED talk and here down there are many TED talk and here down there are many companies<00:10:11.959> which<00:10:12.200> are<00:10:12.350> less<00:10:12.620> than<00:10:12.830> two companies which are less than two companies which are less than two children<00:10:13.070> per<00:10:13.610> woman<00:10:13.760> so<00:10:14.420> when<00:10:14.660> I<00:10:14.690> go<00:10:15.020> back<00:10:15.050> now children per woman so when I go back now children per woman so when I go back now to<00:10:15.560> give<00:10:15.980> you<00:10:16.130> the<00:10:16.279> answer<00:10:16.730> of<00:10:16.760> the<00:10:16.970> quiz<00:10:17.240> it's to give you the answer of the quiz it's to give you the answer of the quiz it's two<00:10:18.850> we<00:10:19.850> have<00:10:20.150> reached<00:10:20.420> peak<00:10:20.810> child<00:10:21.230> the two we have reached peak child the two we have reached peak child the number<00:10:22.279> of<00:10:22.370> children<00:10:22.730> is<00:10:22.850> not<00:10:23.000> growing<00:10:23.300> any number of children is not growing any number of children is not growing any longer<00:10:23.959> in<00:10:24.080> the<00:10:24.170> world<00:10:24.290> we<00:10:24.890> are<00:10:24.980> still longer in the world we are still longer in the world we are still debating<00:10:25.790> peak<00:10:26.029> oil<00:10:26.240> but<00:10:26.750> we<00:10:26.870> are<00:10:26.959> definitely debating peak oil but we are definitely debating peak oil but we are definitely reached<00:10:27.770> peak<00:10:28.070> child<00:10:28.400> and<00:10:29.120> the<00:10:29.870> world reached peak child and the world reached peak child and the world population<00:10:30.430> will<00:10:31.430> stop<00:10:31.790> growing<00:10:32.089> United population will stop growing United population will stop growing United Nations<00:10:33.230> Population<00:10:33.380> division<00:10:33.770> that<00:10:34.220> said Nations Population division that said Nations Population division that said they<00:10:34.550> will<00:10:34.700> stop<00:10:34.940> growing<00:10:35.240> at<00:10:35.510> ten<00:10:35.779> billion they will stop growing at ten billion they will stop growing at ten billion but<00:10:37.010> why<00:10:37.190> do<00:10:37.250> they<00:10:37.610> grow<00:10:37.910> if<00:10:38.330> the<00:10:38.660> number<00:10:39.050> of but why do they grow if the number of but why do they grow if the number of children<00:10:39.440> doesn't<00:10:39.860> grow<00:10:40.330> well<00:10:41.330> I<00:10:41.630> will<00:10:42.110> show children doesn't grow well I will show children doesn't grow well I will show you<00:10:42.380> here<00:10:42.830> I<00:10:43.010> will<00:10:43.580> use<00:10:43.790> these<00:10:44.000> card<00:10:44.390> boxes<00:10:44.930> in you here I will use these card boxes in you here I will use these card boxes in which<00:10:45.589> your<00:10:45.920> notebooks<00:10:46.610> came<00:10:46.940> they<00:10:47.270> are<00:10:47.360> quite which your notebooks came they are quite which your notebooks came they are quite useful<00:10:47.990> for<00:10:48.500> educational<00:10:49.190> purposes<00:10:50.050> each useful for educational purposes each useful for educational purposes each card<00:10:51.529> box<00:10:51.800> is<00:10:52.040> one<00:10:52.430> billion<00:10:53.000> people<00:10:53.660> and<00:10:53.779> there card box is one billion people and there card box is one billion people and there are<00:10:54.470> two<00:10:54.770> billion<00:10:55.160> children<00:10:55.220> in<00:10:55.850> the<00:10:55.940> world are two billion children in the world are two billion children in the world there<00:10:57.020> are<00:10:57.320> two<00:10:58.130> billion<00:10:59.020> young<00:11:00.020> people there are two billion young people there are two billion young people between<00:11:00.770> 15<00:11:01.250> and<00:11:01.959> 30<00:11:02.959> these<00:11:03.470> are<00:11:03.620> round<00:11:03.890> in between 15 and 30 these are round in between 15 and 30 these are round in number<00:11:04.520> then<00:11:05.330> there<00:11:05.600> is<00:11:05.720> 1<00:11:06.020> billion<00:11:06.350> between number then there is 1 billion between number then there is 1 billion between 30<00:11:08.360> and<00:11:08.720> 45<00:11:09.940> almost<00:11:10.940> 1 30 and 45 almost 1 30 and 45 almost 1 in<00:11:11.680> 45<00:11:12.579> and<00:11:12.939> 60<00:11:13.420> and<00:11:13.569> then<00:11:14.079> it's<00:11:14.290> my<00:11:14.529> box<00:11:14.860> this in 45 and 60 and then it's my box this in 45 and 60 and then it's my box this is<00:11:15.519> me<00:11:15.730> 60<00:11:16.300> plus<00:11:16.589> we<00:11:17.589> are<00:11:17.620> here<00:11:17.949> on<00:11:18.100> top<00:11:18.839> so<00:11:19.839> what is me 60 plus we are here on top so what is me 60 plus we are here on top so what will<00:11:20.199> happen<00:11:20.230> now<00:11:20.709> is<00:11:21.430> what<00:11:22.149> we<00:11:22.329> call<00:11:22.629> the<00:11:23.050> big will happen now is what we call the big will happen now is what we call the big fail<00:11:23.620> and<00:11:23.860> you<00:11:24.699> can<00:11:24.910> see<00:11:25.180> that<00:11:25.449> it's<00:11:25.629> like<00:11:25.899> 3 fail and you can see that it's like 3 fail and you can see that it's like 3 billion<00:11:26.680> missing<00:11:27.279> here<00:11:27.550> they<00:11:27.939> are<00:11:28.089> not billion missing here they are not billion missing here they are not missing<00:11:28.720> because<00:11:28.870> they've<00:11:29.170> died<00:11:29.439> they<00:11:29.709> were missing because they've died they were missing because they've died they were never<00:11:30.100> born never born never born because<00:11:32.829> before<00:11:33.160> 1980<00:11:33.970> members<00:11:34.449> must<00:11:34.689> fewer because before 1980 members must fewer because before 1980 members must fewer people<00:11:35.620> born<00:11:36.040> than<00:11:36.309> they<00:11:36.430> were<00:11:36.579> during<00:11:36.790> the people born than they were during the people born than they were during the last<00:11:37.300> 30<00:11:37.600> years<00:11:38.550> so<00:11:39.550> what<00:11:39.730> will<00:11:39.910> happen<00:11:39.939> now<00:11:40.509> is last 30 years so what will happen now is last 30 years so what will happen now is quite<00:11:41.019> straightforward<00:11:41.439> the<00:11:42.069> old<00:11:42.279> sadly<00:11:43.240> we quite straightforward the old sadly we quite straightforward the old sadly we will<00:11:43.899> die<00:11:44.249> the<00:11:45.249> rest<00:11:45.519> of<00:11:45.759> you<00:11:45.939> you<00:11:46.300> will<00:11:46.480> grow will die the rest of you you will grow will die the rest of you you will grow older<00:11:47.319> and<00:11:47.589> you<00:11:47.740> will<00:11:47.889> get<00:11:48.040> 2<00:11:48.279> billion older and you will get 2 billion older and you will get 2 billion children<00:11:48.990> then<00:11:49.990> the<00:11:50.170> old<00:11:50.439> will<00:11:50.949> die<00:11:51.480> the<00:11:52.480> rest children then the old will die the rest children then the old will die the rest will<00:11:53.019> grow<00:11:53.290> older<00:11:53.860> and<00:11:54.069> get<00:11:54.639> 2<00:11:54.879> billion will grow older and get 2 billion will grow older and get 2 billion children<00:11:55.329> and<00:11:56.220> then<00:11:57.220> again<00:11:57.610> the<00:11:58.029> old<00:11:58.209> will<00:11:58.509> die children and then again the old will die children and then again the old will die and<00:11:59.410> you<00:11:59.439> will<00:11:59.740> get<00:11:59.889> 2<00:12:00.459> billion<00:12:00.819> children<00:12:02.939> this and you will get 2 billion children this and you will get 2 billion children this is<00:12:04.649> the<00:12:05.649> great<00:12:05.889> fill<00:12:06.220> up<00:12:07.079> it's<00:12:08.079> inevitable<00:12:10.139> can is the great fill up it's inevitable can is the great fill up it's inevitable can you<00:12:11.259> see<00:12:11.499> that<00:12:11.680> this<00:12:11.889> increase<00:12:12.459> took<00:12:12.759> place you see that this increase took place you see that this increase took place without<00:12:13.629> life<00:12:14.110> getting<00:12:14.649> longer<00:12:14.889> and<00:12:15.160> without without life getting longer and without without life getting longer and without having<00:12:16.000> children<00:12:18.029> religion<00:12:19.029> has<00:12:19.779> very<00:12:20.319> little having children religion has very little having children religion has very little to<00:12:20.949> do<00:12:21.100> with<00:12:21.129> the<00:12:21.399> number<00:12:21.730> of<00:12:21.850> babies<00:12:22.000> per to do with the number of babies per to do with the number of babies per woman<00:12:22.389> all<00:12:23.259> the<00:12:23.740> religions<00:12:24.279> in<00:12:24.459> the<00:12:24.610> world<00:12:24.819> are woman all the religions in the world are woman all the religions in the world are fully<00:12:25.389> capable<00:12:25.720> to<00:12:26.529> maintain<00:12:27.069> their<00:12:27.339> values fully capable to maintain their values fully capable to maintain their values and<00:12:28.059> adapt<00:12:28.959> to<00:12:29.439> this<00:12:29.589> new<00:12:29.649> world<00:12:30.120> and<00:12:31.649> we<00:12:32.649> will and adapt to this new world and we will and adapt to this new world and we will be<00:12:34.050> just<00:12:35.050> 10<00:12:35.350> billion<00:12:35.800> in<00:12:35.949> this<00:12:36.129> world<00:12:36.399> if<00:12:36.850> the be just 10 billion in this world if the be just 10 billion in this world if the poorest<00:12:38.019> people<00:12:38.500> get<00:12:38.889> out<00:12:39.160> of<00:12:39.399> poverty<00:12:39.819> their poorest people get out of poverty their poorest people get out of poverty their children<00:12:40.870> survive<00:12:41.259> they<00:12:41.529> get<00:12:41.680> access<00:12:42.069> to children survive they get access to children survive they get access to family<00:12:42.670> planning<00:12:42.930> that<00:12:43.930> is<00:12:43.990> needed<00:12:44.649> but<00:12:45.579> it's family planning that is needed but it's family planning that is needed but it's unbeatable<00:12:46.809> that<00:12:47.379> we<00:12:47.529> will<00:12:47.709> be<00:12:47.949> 2<00:12:48.819> to<00:12:49.120> 3 unbeatable that we will be 2 to 3 unbeatable that we will be 2 to 3 billion<00:12:49.629> more<00:12:50.399> so<00:12:51.399> when<00:12:51.639> you<00:12:51.670> discuss<00:12:52.600> and billion more so when you discuss and billion more so when you discuss and when<00:12:53.529> you<00:12:53.680> plan<00:12:54.040> for<00:12:54.339> the<00:12:54.519> resources<00:12:55.389> then<00:12:55.569> the when you plan for the resources then the when you plan for the resources then the energy<00:12:56.230> needed<00:12:56.470> for<00:12:56.860> the<00:12:56.949> future<00:12:57.160> for<00:12:57.819> human energy needed for the future for human energy needed for the future for human beings<00:12:58.569> on<00:12:58.750> this<00:12:58.899> planet<00:12:58.980> you<00:12:59.980> have<00:13:00.189> to<00:13:00.309> plan beings on this planet you have to plan beings on this planet you have to plan for<00:13:00.819> 10<00:13:01.240> billions<00:13:01.720> thank<00:13:02.350> you<00:13:02.470> very<00:13:02.649> much

Hans Rosling, TED, TEDx, TEDxSummit, Doha, Qatar, religions, birth, baby, birth, rate, population, growth, fertility, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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