Trang bị thêm suburbia-Ellen Dunham-Jones

Retrofitting suburbia - Ellen Dunham-Jones

Retrofitting suburbia - Ellen Dunham-Jones



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we've<00:00:17.439> had<00:00:17.760> the<00:00:17.920> last<00:00:18.160> 50<00:00:18.520> years<00:00:19.039> we've<00:00:19.279> been
we've had the last 50 years we've been we've had the last 50 years we've been building<00:00:19.960> the<00:00:20.119> suburbs<00:00:20.760> with<00:00:20.920> a<00:00:21.080> lot<00:00:21.279> of building the suburbs with a lot of building the suburbs with a lot of unintended<00:00:22.760> consequences<00:00:23.760> and<00:00:24.039> I'm<00:00:24.160> going<00:00:24.240> to unintended consequences and I'm going to unintended consequences and I'm going to talk<00:00:24.560> about<00:00:24.720> some<00:00:24.840> of<00:00:25.000> those<00:00:25.439> consequences talk about some of those consequences talk about some of those consequences and<00:00:26.640> just<00:00:26.960> present<00:00:27.359> a<00:00:27.480> whole<00:00:27.679> bunch<00:00:27.960> of<00:00:28.160> really and just present a whole bunch of really and just present a whole bunch of really interesting<00:00:29.560> projects<00:00:30.080> that<00:00:30.240> I<00:00:30.359> think<00:00:31.000> give interesting projects that I think give interesting projects that I think give us<00:00:31.439> tremendous<00:00:32.000> reasons<00:00:32.320> to<00:00:32.439> be<00:00:32.599> really us tremendous reasons to be really us tremendous reasons to be really optimistic<00:00:33.640> that<00:00:33.960> the<00:00:34.360> big<00:00:34.640> design<00:00:34.920> and optimistic that the big design and optimistic that the big design and development<00:00:35.600> project<00:00:36.200> of<00:00:36.360> the<00:00:36.520> next<00:00:36.800> 50<00:00:37.160> years development project of the next 50 years development project of the next 50 years is<00:00:37.640> going<00:00:37.800> to<00:00:37.960> be<00:00:38.200> retrofitting<00:00:39.200> Suburbia<00:00:40.079> so is going to be retrofitting Suburbia so is going to be retrofitting Suburbia so whether<00:00:40.640> it's<00:00:41.200> redeveloping<00:00:42.200> dying<00:00:42.640> malls<00:00:43.399> or whether it's redeveloping dying malls or whether it's redeveloping dying malls or reinhabiting<00:00:44.879> dead<00:00:45.399> big<00:00:45.640> box<00:00:46.000> stores<00:00:46.840> or reinhabiting dead big box stores or reinhabiting dead big box stores or reconstructing<00:00:48.559> Wetlands<00:00:49.280> out<00:00:49.399> of<00:00:49.600> parking reconstructing Wetlands out of parking reconstructing Wetlands out of parking lots<00:00:50.800> I<00:00:50.879> think<00:00:51.399> the<00:00:51.559> fact<00:00:51.760> is<00:00:52.039> the<00:00:52.600> growing lots I think the fact is the growing lots I think the fact is the growing number<00:00:54.160> of<00:00:54.760> empty<00:00:55.320> and number of empty and number of empty and underperforming<00:00:57.199> re<00:00:57.559> especially<00:00:58.039> retail underperforming re especially retail underperforming re especially retail sites<00:00:59.160> uh<00:00:59.280> throughout<00:00:59.640> sub sites uh throughout sub sites uh throughout sub gives<00:01:00.800> us<00:01:01.239> actually<00:01:01.519> a<00:01:01.680> tremendous gives us actually a tremendous gives us actually a tremendous opportunity<00:01:03.359> to<00:01:03.760> take<00:01:04.040> our<00:01:04.559> least opportunity to take our least opportunity to take our least sustainable<00:01:05.880> Landscapes<00:01:06.600> right<00:01:06.840> now<00:01:07.560> and sustainable Landscapes right now and sustainable Landscapes right now and convert<00:01:08.240> them<00:01:08.560> into<00:01:09.200> more<00:01:09.720> sustainable convert them into more sustainable convert them into more sustainable places<00:01:11.560> and<00:01:11.680> in<00:01:11.799> the<00:01:12.080> process<00:01:13.040> what<00:01:13.159> that places and in the process what that places and in the process what that allows<00:01:13.600> us<00:01:13.720> to<00:01:13.880> do<00:01:14.159> is<00:01:14.240> to<00:01:14.799> redirect<00:01:15.479> a<00:01:15.600> lot allows us to do is to redirect a lot allows us to do is to redirect a lot more<00:01:15.960> of<00:01:16.080> our<00:01:16.280> growth<00:01:17.080> back<00:01:17.320> into<00:01:17.720> existing more of our growth back into existing more of our growth back into existing communities<00:01:19.000> that<00:01:19.119> could<00:01:19.320> use<00:01:19.520> a<00:01:19.720> boost<00:01:20.200> and communities that could use a boost and communities that could use a boost and have<00:01:20.640> the<00:01:20.799> infrastructure<00:01:21.360> in<00:01:21.560> place<00:01:22.439> instead have the infrastructure in place instead have the infrastructure in place instead of<00:01:23.439> continuing<00:01:24.320> to<00:01:24.520> tear<00:01:24.799> down<00:01:25.040> trees<00:01:25.600> and<00:01:25.880> and of continuing to tear down trees and and of continuing to tear down trees and and tear<00:01:26.240> up<00:01:26.400> the<00:01:26.479> green<00:01:26.759> space<00:01:27.040> out<00:01:27.159> at<00:01:27.320> the<00:01:27.720> edges tear up the green space out at the edges tear up the green space out at the edges so<00:01:29.479> why<00:01:29.600> is<00:01:29.720> this<00:01:30.079> important<00:01:30.920> uh<00:01:31.159> I<00:01:31.240> think so why is this important uh I think so why is this important uh I think there<00:01:31.920> are<00:01:32.920> any<00:01:33.119> number<00:01:33.360> of<00:01:33.560> reasons<00:01:34.200> and<00:01:34.360> I'm there are any number of reasons and I'm there are any number of reasons and I'm just<00:01:34.600> going<00:01:34.680> to<00:01:35.200> not<00:01:35.399> get<00:01:35.520> into<00:01:35.759> detail<00:01:36.159> but just going to not get into detail but just going to not get into detail but mention<00:01:36.640> a<00:01:36.799> few<00:01:37.600> just<00:01:37.920> from<00:01:38.079> the<00:01:38.280> perspective mention a few just from the perspective mention a few just from the perspective of<00:01:39.200> climate<00:01:39.600> change<00:01:40.439> the<00:01:40.680> average<00:01:41.040> Urban of climate change the average Urban of climate change the average Urban dweller<00:01:42.000> in<00:01:42.119> the<00:01:42.280> US<00:01:43.079> has<00:01:43.280> about<00:01:43.680> onethird<00:01:44.680> the dweller in the US has about onethird the dweller in the US has about onethird the carbon<00:01:45.200> footprint<00:01:46.000> of<00:01:46.119> the<00:01:46.320> average<00:01:46.799> Suburban carbon footprint of the average Suburban carbon footprint of the average Suburban dweller<00:01:48.360> mostly<00:01:48.719> because<00:01:48.960> suburbanites dweller mostly because suburbanites dweller mostly because suburbanites drive<00:01:50.240> a<00:01:50.399> lot<00:01:50.640> more<00:01:51.520> and<00:01:51.960> living<00:01:52.280> in<00:01:52.439> a<00:01:52.799> det<00:01:53.119> in drive a lot more and living in a det in drive a lot more and living in a det in detached<00:01:53.920> buildings<00:01:54.399> you<00:01:54.520> have<00:01:54.799> that<00:01:54.920> much detached buildings you have that much detached buildings you have that much more<00:01:55.479> exterior<00:01:56.200> surface<00:01:56.640> to<00:01:56.799> leak<00:01:57.159> energy<00:01:57.640> out more exterior surface to leak energy out more exterior surface to leak energy out of<00:01:58.799> so<00:02:00.039> you<00:02:00.159> know<00:02:00.520> strictly<00:02:01.439> from<00:02:01.840> a<00:02:02.039> climate of so you know strictly from a climate of so you know strictly from a climate change change change perspective<00:02:04.399> on<00:02:04.560> a<00:02:05.000> the<00:02:05.159> cities<00:02:05.520> are<00:02:05.799> already perspective on a the cities are already perspective on a the cities are already relatively<00:02:07.399> green<00:02:08.399> the<00:02:08.759> big<00:02:09.640> opportunity<00:02:10.399> to relatively green the big opportunity to relatively green the big opportunity to reduce<00:02:11.480> greenhouse<00:02:12.000> gas<00:02:12.239> emissions<00:02:13.000> is reduce greenhouse gas emissions is reduce greenhouse gas emissions is actually<00:02:13.879> in<00:02:14.200> urbanizing<00:02:14.959> the<00:02:15.200> suburbs<00:02:16.200> all actually in urbanizing the suburbs all actually in urbanizing the suburbs all that<00:02:16.680> driving<00:02:17.440> that<00:02:17.560> we've<00:02:17.800> been<00:02:18.000> doing<00:02:18.360> out that driving that we've been doing out that driving that we've been doing out in<00:02:18.800> the<00:02:18.959> suburbs<00:02:19.519> we<00:02:19.640> have<00:02:19.879> doubled<00:02:20.599> the in the suburbs we have doubled the in the suburbs we have doubled the amount<00:02:21.200> of<00:02:21.440> miles<00:02:22.000> we<00:02:22.200> drive<00:02:23.120> it's<00:02:23.440> increased amount of miles we drive it's increased amount of miles we drive it's increased our<00:02:24.440> dependence<00:02:24.879> on<00:02:25.080> foreign<00:02:25.519> oil<00:02:26.280> despite our dependence on foreign oil despite our dependence on foreign oil despite the<00:02:27.000> gains<00:02:27.280> in<00:02:27.440> fuel<00:02:27.800> efficiency<00:02:28.560> we're<00:02:28.720> just the gains in fuel efficiency we're just the gains in fuel efficiency we're just driving<00:02:29.280> so<00:02:29.440> much<00:02:29.560> more<00:02:30.160> we<00:02:30.280> we<00:02:30.400> haven't<00:02:30.640> been driving so much more we we haven't been driving so much more we we haven't been able<00:02:30.920> to<00:02:31.000> keep<00:02:31.160> up<00:02:31.879> technologically<00:02:32.879> public able to keep up technologically public able to keep up technologically public health<00:02:33.920> is<00:02:34.120> another<00:02:34.519> reason<00:02:35.080> to<00:02:35.319> consider health is another reason to consider health is another reason to consider retrofitting<00:02:36.760> researchers<00:02:37.360> at<00:02:37.480> the<00:02:37.599> CDC<00:02:38.280> and retrofitting researchers at the CDC and retrofitting researchers at the CDC and other<00:02:38.720> places<00:02:39.560> have<00:02:39.800> increasingly<00:02:40.440> been other places have increasingly been other places have increasingly been linking<00:02:41.440> Suburban<00:02:41.920> development<00:02:42.440> patterns linking Suburban development patterns linking Suburban development patterns with<00:02:43.280> sedentary<00:02:44.400> Lifestyles<00:02:45.400> and<00:02:45.879> those<00:02:46.480> have with sedentary Lifestyles and those have with sedentary Lifestyles and those have been<00:02:47.519> linked<00:02:48.000> then<00:02:48.360> with<00:02:48.560> the<00:02:48.800> rather been linked then with the rather been linked then with the rather alarming<00:02:49.879> growing<00:02:50.280> rates<00:02:50.560> of<00:02:50.840> obesity<00:02:51.599> shown alarming growing rates of obesity shown alarming growing rates of obesity shown in<00:02:52.319> these<00:02:52.680> Maps<00:02:53.200> here<00:02:54.200> and<00:02:54.480> that<00:02:54.680> obesity<00:02:55.200> has in these Maps here and that obesity has in these Maps here and that obesity has also<00:02:55.560> been<00:02:55.920> triggering<00:02:56.920> great<00:02:57.319> increases<00:02:58.000> in also been triggering great increases in also been triggering great increases in heart<00:02:58.519> disease<00:02:59.000> and<00:02:59.239> diabetes<00:03:00.280> to<00:03:00.440> the<00:03:00.599> point heart disease and diabetes to the point heart disease and diabetes to the point where<00:03:01.159> today<00:03:01.599> a<00:03:01.760> child<00:03:02.000> born<00:03:02.319> today<00:03:02.640> has<00:03:02.760> a<00:03:02.879> one where today a child born today has a one where today a child born today has a one in3<00:03:03.760> chance<00:03:04.200> of<00:03:04.360> developing<00:03:05.120> diabetes<00:03:06.120> and in3 chance of developing diabetes and in3 chance of developing diabetes and that<00:03:06.879> rate<00:03:07.239> has<00:03:07.360> been<00:03:07.640> escalating<00:03:08.280> at<00:03:08.440> the that rate has been escalating at the that rate has been escalating at the same<00:03:08.840> rate<00:03:09.360> at<00:03:09.680> as<00:03:10.159> children<00:03:10.720> not<00:03:11.120> walking<00:03:11.519> to same rate at as children not walking to same rate at as children not walking to school<00:03:12.480> anymore<00:03:13.280> again<00:03:13.599> because<00:03:13.879> of<00:03:14.000> our school anymore again because of our school anymore again because of our development<00:03:14.799> patterns<00:03:15.799> and<00:03:15.920> then<00:03:16.080> there's development patterns and then there's development patterns and then there's finally<00:03:16.799> there's<00:03:17.000> the<00:03:17.159> affordability finally there's the affordability finally there's the affordability question<00:03:18.920> I<00:03:19.040> mean<00:03:19.760> how<00:03:20.920> affordable<00:03:21.920> is<00:03:22.120> it<00:03:23.120> to question I mean how affordable is it to question I mean how affordable is it to continue<00:03:24.080> to<00:03:24.480> live<00:03:24.879> in<00:03:25.159> Suburbia<00:03:25.879> with<00:03:26.120> Rising continue to live in Suburbia with Rising continue to live in Suburbia with Rising gas<00:03:26.920> prices<00:03:27.840> I<00:03:28.120> Suburban<00:03:28.720> expansion<00:03:29.319> to<00:03:29.519> cheap gas prices I Suburban expansion to cheap gas prices I Suburban expansion to cheap cheap<00:03:30.040> land<00:03:30.879> for<00:03:31.080> the<00:03:31.280> last<00:03:31.560> 5050<00:03:31.959> years<00:03:32.400> you cheap land for the last 5050 years you cheap land for the last 5050 years you know<00:03:32.720> the<00:03:32.879> cheap<00:03:33.159> land<00:03:33.480> out<00:03:33.640> on<00:03:33.799> the<00:03:33.959> edge<00:03:34.640> has know the cheap land out on the edge has know the cheap land out on the edge has helped<00:03:35.200> generations<00:03:35.920> of<00:03:36.159> families<00:03:36.720> enjoy<00:03:37.080> the helped generations of families enjoy the helped generations of families enjoy the American<00:03:37.760> dream<00:03:38.560> but<00:03:38.920> increasingly<00:03:39.920> the American dream but increasingly the American dream but increasingly the savings<00:03:41.159> promised<00:03:41.920> by<00:03:42.280> Drive<00:03:42.640> till<00:03:42.879> you savings promised by Drive till you savings promised by Drive till you qualify<00:03:43.680> affordability<00:03:44.680> which<00:03:44.799> is<00:03:45.040> basically qualify affordability which is basically qualify affordability which is basically our<00:03:45.640> model<00:03:46.640> those<00:03:46.879> savings<00:03:47.560> are<00:03:47.799> wiped<00:03:48.159> out our model those savings are wiped out our model those savings are wiped out when<00:03:48.799> you<00:03:49.000> consider<00:03:49.360> the<00:03:49.519> transportation when you consider the transportation when you consider the transportation costs<00:03:51.120> for<00:03:51.319> instance<00:03:51.879> here<00:03:52.000> in costs for instance here in costs for instance here in Atlanta<00:03:53.879> about<00:03:54.200> half<00:03:54.360> of<00:03:54.560> households<00:03:55.280> make Atlanta about half of households make Atlanta about half of households make between<00:03:55.920> 20,000<00:03:56.480> and<00:03:56.680> 50,000<00:03:57.280> a<00:03:57.439> year<00:03:58.120> and between 20,000 and 50,000 a year and between 20,000 and 50,000 a year and they<00:03:58.360> are<00:03:58.560> spending<00:03:59.200> 20<00:03:59.920> 9%<00:04:00.920> of<00:04:01.079> their<00:04:01.280> income they are spending 20 9% of their income they are spending 20 9% of their income on<00:04:02.560> housing<00:04:03.560> and on housing and on housing and 32%<00:04:05.560> on 32% on 32% on Transportation<00:04:07.519> I<00:04:07.599> mean<00:04:07.799> and<00:04:08.040> that's<00:04:08.680> 2005 Transportation I mean and that's 2005 Transportation I mean and that's 2005 figures<00:04:09.640> that's<00:04:09.879> before<00:04:10.200> we<00:04:10.319> got<00:04:10.480> up<00:04:10.599> to<00:04:10.720> the figures that's before we got up to the figures that's before we got up to the four<00:04:11.040> bucks<00:04:11.239> a<00:04:11.519> gallon<00:04:12.519> um<00:04:12.840> you<00:04:12.959> know<00:04:13.439> none<00:04:13.640> of four bucks a gallon um you know none of four bucks a gallon um you know none of us<00:04:14.360> really<00:04:14.760> tend<00:04:15.120> to<00:04:15.319> do<00:04:15.799> the<00:04:15.959> math<00:04:16.479> on<00:04:16.600> our us really tend to do the math on our us really tend to do the math on our transportation<00:04:17.560> costs<00:04:18.120> and<00:04:18.359> they're<00:04:18.600> not transportation costs and they're not transportation costs and they're not going<00:04:19.239> down<00:04:19.720> anytime<00:04:20.359> soon<00:04:21.359> whether<00:04:21.600> you<00:04:21.840> love going down anytime soon whether you love going down anytime soon whether you love suburbia's<00:04:22.880> leafy<00:04:23.440> privacy<00:04:24.280> or<00:04:24.440> you<00:04:24.680> hate<00:04:24.919> its suburbia's leafy privacy or you hate its suburbia's leafy privacy or you hate its soulless<00:04:25.639> commercial<00:04:26.080> strips<00:04:26.919> there<00:04:27.040> are soulless commercial strips there are soulless commercial strips there are reasons<00:04:27.639> why<00:04:27.759> it's<00:04:27.960> important<00:04:28.400> to<00:04:28.600> retrofit reasons why it's important to retrofit reasons why it's important to retrofit but<00:04:29.759> but<00:04:30.039> is<00:04:30.160> it<00:04:31.120> practical<00:04:32.120> I<00:04:32.280> think<00:04:32.520> it<00:04:32.680> is<00:04:33.479> uh but but is it practical I think it is uh but but is it practical I think it is uh June<00:04:34.000> Williamson<00:04:34.520> and<00:04:34.680> I<00:04:34.800> have<00:04:34.919> been June Williamson and I have been June Williamson and I have been researching<00:04:35.639> this<00:04:35.840> topic<00:04:36.080> for<00:04:36.280> over<00:04:36.440> a<00:04:36.639> decade researching this topic for over a decade researching this topic for over a decade and<00:04:37.600> we<00:04:37.840> found<00:04:38.759> over<00:04:39.199> 80<00:04:40.199> varied<00:04:41.000> projects<00:04:41.919> um and we found over 80 varied projects um and we found over 80 varied projects um but<00:04:42.280> that<00:04:42.400> they're<00:04:42.600> really<00:04:42.800> all<00:04:43.199> Market but that they're really all Market but that they're really all Market driven<00:04:44.759> and<00:04:44.919> what's<00:04:45.199> driving<00:04:45.880> the<00:04:46.080> market<00:04:46.600> in driven and what's driving the market in driven and what's driving the market in particular<00:04:47.759> number<00:04:48.039> one<00:04:48.400> is<00:04:48.520> a<00:04:48.800> major particular number one is a major particular number one is a major demographic<00:04:50.120> shifts<00:04:51.120> we<00:04:51.360> all<00:04:51.680> tend<00:04:52.000> to<00:04:52.240> think demographic shifts we all tend to think demographic shifts we all tend to think of<00:04:52.560> Suburbia<00:04:53.160> as<00:04:53.280> this<00:04:53.479> very<00:04:53.880> family<00:04:54.479> focused of Suburbia as this very family focused of Suburbia as this very family focused place<00:04:56.320> but<00:04:56.759> that's<00:04:57.280> really<00:04:57.680> not<00:04:58.080> the<00:04:58.240> case place but that's really not the case place but that's really not the case anymore<00:04:59.240> since<00:05:00.080> 2000<00:05:01.080> already<00:05:01.840> 2/3<00:05:02.800> of anymore since 2000 already 2/3 of anymore since 2000 already 2/3 of households<00:05:03.560> in<00:05:03.680> Suburbia<00:05:04.280> did<00:05:04.479> not<00:05:04.919> have<00:05:05.320> kids households in Suburbia did not have kids households in Suburbia did not have kids in<00:05:06.039> them<00:05:07.039> we're<00:05:07.240> just<00:05:07.440> we<00:05:07.600> haven't<00:05:07.880> caught<00:05:08.160> up in them we're just we haven't caught up in them we're just we haven't caught up with<00:05:09.280> the<00:05:09.479> actual<00:05:09.919> the<00:05:10.080> realities<00:05:10.479> of<00:05:10.639> this with the actual the realities of this with the actual the realities of this the<00:05:11.080> reasons<00:05:11.440> for<00:05:11.639> this<00:05:11.800> have<00:05:11.919> a<00:05:12.039> lot<00:05:12.160> to<00:05:12.360> do the reasons for this have a lot to do the reasons for this have a lot to do with<00:05:13.240> the<00:05:13.560> dominance<00:05:14.240> of<00:05:14.520> the<00:05:14.720> two<00:05:15.120> big with the dominance of the two big with the dominance of the two big demographic<00:05:16.120> groups<00:05:16.560> right<00:05:16.720> now<00:05:17.160> are<00:05:17.360> the demographic groups right now are the demographic groups right now are the Baby<00:05:18.000> Boomers<00:05:19.160> retiring<00:05:20.160> and<00:05:20.319> then<00:05:21.120> then Baby Boomers retiring and then then Baby Boomers retiring and then then there's<00:05:21.400> a<00:05:21.639> gap<00:05:22.400> the<00:05:22.560> Generation<00:05:23.000> X<00:05:23.280> which<00:05:23.360> is there's a gap the Generation X which is there's a gap the Generation X which is a<00:05:23.680> small<00:05:24.160> generation<00:05:24.759> they<00:05:25.039> they're<00:05:25.240> still a small generation they they're still a small generation they they're still having<00:05:25.800> kids<00:05:26.440> but<00:05:26.600> Generation<00:05:27.160> Y<00:05:27.800> hasn't<00:05:28.120> even having kids but Generation Y hasn't even having kids but Generation Y hasn't even really<00:05:28.639> started<00:05:29.199> hitting<00:05:29.720> child<00:05:29.919> rearing<00:05:30.400> age really started hitting child rearing age really started hitting child rearing age they're<00:05:31.080> the<00:05:31.639> another<00:05:31.880> the<00:05:31.960> other<00:05:32.240> big they're the another the other big they're the another the other big generation<00:05:34.280> but<00:05:34.479> be<00:05:34.680> so<00:05:35.280> as<00:05:35.360> a<00:05:35.560> result<00:05:35.880> of<00:05:36.120> that generation but be so as a result of that generation but be so as a result of that demographers<00:05:37.199> predict<00:05:38.039> that<00:05:38.280> through<00:05:39.160> 2025 demographers predict that through 2025 demographers predict that through 2025 75<00:05:40.759> to<00:05:40.880> 85%<00:05:41.800> of<00:05:42.000> new<00:05:42.440> households<00:05:43.080> will<00:05:43.319> not 75 to 85% of new households will not 75 to 85% of new households will not have<00:05:44.440> kids<00:05:44.680> in<00:05:44.960> them<00:05:45.960> and<00:05:46.080> then<00:05:46.240> the<00:05:46.759> market have kids in them and then the market have kids in them and then the market research<00:05:48.479> consumer<00:05:48.919> research<00:05:49.440> of<00:05:49.639> asking<00:05:50.120> the research consumer research of asking the research consumer research of asking the the<00:05:50.360> Boomers<00:05:50.800> and<00:05:50.960> Gen<00:05:51.280> Y<00:05:51.639> what<00:05:51.759> it<00:05:51.919> is<00:05:52.680> they the Boomers and Gen Y what it is they the Boomers and Gen Y what it is they would<00:05:53.120> like<00:05:53.440> what<00:05:53.600> would<00:05:53.800> they<00:05:53.960> like<00:05:54.160> to<00:05:54.319> live would like what would they like to live would like what would they like to live in<00:05:55.199> imp<00:05:55.759> tells<00:05:56.039> us<00:05:56.360> that<00:05:56.479> there<00:05:56.600> is<00:05:56.759> going<00:05:56.919> to in imp tells us that there is going to in imp tells us that there is going to be<00:05:57.199> a<00:05:57.440> huge<00:05:57.919> demand<00:05:58.680> and<00:05:58.880> already<00:05:59.360> we're be a huge demand and already we're be a huge demand and already we're already<00:05:59.880> seeing<00:06:00.199> it<00:06:00.520> but<00:06:00.800> uh<00:06:01.199> for<00:06:01.800> more<00:06:02.479> urban already seeing it but uh for more urban already seeing it but uh for more urban lifestyles<00:06:04.720> within lifestyles within lifestyles within Suburbia<00:06:07.039> that<00:06:07.240> basically<00:06:07.880> the<00:06:08.000> Boomers<00:06:08.400> want Suburbia that basically the Boomers want Suburbia that basically the Boomers want to<00:06:08.680> be<00:06:08.759> able<00:06:08.919> to<00:06:09.080> age<00:06:09.319> in<00:06:09.599> place<00:06:10.520> and<00:06:10.919> Gen<00:06:11.319> Y to be able to age in place and Gen Y to be able to age in place and Gen Y would<00:06:12.120> like<00:06:12.319> to<00:06:12.520> live<00:06:13.000> an<00:06:13.199> urban<00:06:13.759> lifestyle would like to live an urban lifestyle would like to live an urban lifestyle but<00:06:14.440> most<00:06:14.599> of<00:06:14.720> their<00:06:14.960> jobs<00:06:15.360> will<00:06:15.680> continue<00:06:15.960> to but most of their jobs will continue to but most of their jobs will continue to be<00:06:16.199> out<00:06:16.319> in<00:06:16.680> Suburbia<00:06:17.680> the<00:06:17.919> other<00:06:18.560> big<00:06:18.880> Dynamic be out in Suburbia the other big Dynamic be out in Suburbia the other big Dynamic of<00:06:19.560> change<00:06:20.280> is<00:06:20.440> the<00:06:20.560> sheer<00:06:20.919> performance<00:06:21.560> of of change is the sheer performance of of change is the sheer performance of underperforming<00:06:23.240> as<00:06:23.599> fault<00:06:24.520> now<00:06:24.800> I<00:06:25.080> keep underperforming as fault now I keep underperforming as fault now I keep thinking<00:06:25.479> this<00:06:25.599> would<00:06:25.720> be<00:06:25.800> a<00:06:25.960> great<00:06:26.160> name<00:06:26.360> for thinking this would be a great name for thinking this would be a great name for an<00:06:26.639> indie<00:06:27.000> rock<00:06:27.440> band<00:06:28.440> um<00:06:28.960> but<00:06:29.599> developers an indie rock band um but developers an indie rock band um but developers generally<00:06:30.680> use<00:06:30.919> it<00:06:31.240> to<00:06:31.440> refer<00:06:31.759> to<00:06:32.280> just generally use it to refer to just generally use it to refer to just underused<00:06:33.840> parking<00:06:34.240> lots<00:06:35.039> and<00:06:35.240> suburbia<00:06:36.160> is underused parking lots and suburbia is underused parking lots and suburbia is full<00:06:36.759> of<00:06:37.160> them<00:06:38.160> when<00:06:38.319> the<00:06:38.479> post-war<00:06:38.960> suburbs full of them when the post-war suburbs full of them when the post-war suburbs were<00:06:39.639> first<00:06:39.919> built<00:06:40.680> out<00:06:40.880> on<00:06:41.039> the<00:06:41.240> cheap<00:06:41.599> land were first built out on the cheap land were first built out on the cheap land away<00:06:42.599> from<00:06:43.199> downtown<00:06:44.199> it<00:06:44.400> made<00:06:44.720> sense<00:06:45.240> to<00:06:45.440> just away from downtown it made sense to just away from downtown it made sense to just build<00:06:46.120> surface<00:06:46.759> parking<00:06:47.199> lots<00:06:48.199> but<00:06:48.400> those build surface parking lots but those build surface parking lots but those sites<00:06:49.080> have<00:06:49.280> now<00:06:49.479> been<00:06:49.639> leapfrogged<00:06:50.599> and<00:06:50.759> leap sites have now been leapfrogged and leap sites have now been leapfrogged and leap frogged<00:06:51.440> again<00:06:52.120> as<00:06:52.240> we've<00:06:52.440> just<00:06:52.639> continued<00:06:53.280> to frogged again as we've just continued to frogged again as we've just continued to sprawl<00:06:54.680> and<00:06:54.960> they<00:06:55.319> now<00:06:55.960> have<00:06:56.199> a<00:06:56.440> relatively sprawl and they now have a relatively sprawl and they now have a relatively central<00:06:58.160> location<00:06:59.160> it<00:06:59.639> no<00:06:59.960> longer<00:07:00.960> just<00:07:01.240> make central location it no longer just make central location it no longer just make sense<00:07:02.039> that<00:07:02.240> land<00:07:02.479> is<00:07:02.680> more<00:07:02.919> valuable<00:07:03.479> than sense that land is more valuable than sense that land is more valuable than just<00:07:03.879> surface<00:07:04.319> parking<00:07:04.680> lots<00:07:05.639> it<00:07:05.879> now<00:07:06.199> makes just surface parking lots it now makes just surface parking lots it now makes sense<00:07:06.720> to<00:07:06.919> go<00:07:07.160> back<00:07:07.319> in<00:07:07.840> build<00:07:08.120> a<00:07:08.319> deck<00:07:08.759> and sense to go back in build a deck and sense to go back in build a deck and build<00:07:09.479> up<00:07:10.240> on<00:07:10.639> on<00:07:10.919> those build up on on those build up on on those sites<00:07:13.240> so<00:07:13.759> what<00:07:13.879> do<00:07:13.960> you<00:07:14.160> do<00:07:14.800> with<00:07:14.919> a<00:07:15.360> dead<00:07:15.639> Mall sites so what do you do with a dead Mall sites so what do you do with a dead Mall dead<00:07:16.599> Office<00:07:16.960> Park<00:07:17.960> um<00:07:18.240> it<00:07:18.360> turns<00:07:18.680> out<00:07:19.319> all dead Office Park um it turns out all dead Office Park um it turns out all sorts<00:07:19.960> of<00:07:20.280> things<00:07:21.280> in<00:07:21.400> a<00:07:21.560> slow<00:07:21.960> economy<00:07:22.440> like sorts of things in a slow economy like sorts of things in a slow economy like ours ours ours reinhabitation<00:07:25.039> is<00:07:25.479> one<00:07:25.599> of<00:07:25.720> the<00:07:25.840> more reinhabitation is one of the more reinhabitation is one of the more popular<00:07:26.840> strategies<00:07:27.840> so<00:07:28.319> this<00:07:28.599> happens<00:07:28.879> to<00:07:29.000> be popular strategies so this happens to be popular strategies so this happens to be a<00:07:29.560> dead<00:07:29.800> Mall<00:07:30.080> in<00:07:30.280> St<00:07:30.560> Louis<00:07:31.440> that's<00:07:31.639> been a dead Mall in St Louis that's been a dead Mall in St Louis that's been reinhabited<00:07:32.720> as<00:07:33.240> art<00:07:33.759> space<00:07:34.560> it's<00:07:34.759> now<00:07:35.000> home reinhabited as art space it's now home reinhabited as art space it's now home to<00:07:35.479> artist<00:07:35.960> Studios<00:07:36.680> theater<00:07:37.000> groups<00:07:37.479> dance to artist Studios theater groups dance to artist Studios theater groups dance troops<00:07:38.520> it's<00:07:38.639> not<00:07:38.840> pulling<00:07:39.120> in<00:07:39.319> as<00:07:39.479> much<00:07:39.720> tax troops it's not pulling in as much tax troops it's not pulling in as much tax revenue<00:07:40.599> as<00:07:40.759> it<00:07:41.160> once<00:07:41.479> was<00:07:42.039> but<00:07:42.199> it's<00:07:42.560> serving revenue as it once was but it's serving revenue as it once was but it's serving its<00:07:43.400> Community<00:07:44.400> it's<00:07:44.599> keeping<00:07:44.879> the<00:07:45.039> lights<00:07:45.280> on its Community it's keeping the lights on its Community it's keeping the lights on um<00:07:46.280> you<00:07:46.400> know<00:07:46.560> it's<00:07:46.800> it's<00:07:47.000> becoming<00:07:47.479> it's<00:07:47.639> it's um you know it's it's becoming it's it's um you know it's it's becoming it's it's I<00:07:47.879> think<00:07:48.000> a<00:07:48.159> really<00:07:48.440> great<00:07:48.879> institution<00:07:49.879> other I think a really great institution other I think a really great institution other malls<00:07:50.639> have<00:07:50.800> been<00:07:51.159> reinhabited<00:07:52.000> as<00:07:52.240> nursing malls have been reinhabited as nursing malls have been reinhabited as nursing homes<00:07:53.479> as<00:07:53.960> universities<00:07:54.960> and<00:07:55.080> as<00:07:55.319> all<00:07:55.520> variety homes as universities and as all variety homes as universities and as all variety of<00:07:56.120> office<00:07:56.800> space<00:07:57.800> we<00:07:57.960> also<00:07:58.159> found<00:07:58.400> a<00:07:58.599> lot<00:07:58.720> of of office space we also found a lot of of office space we also found a lot of examples examples examples of<00:08:00.360> dead<00:08:00.680> big<00:08:00.960> box<00:08:01.280> stores<00:08:02.000> that<00:08:02.159> have<00:08:02.360> been of dead big box stores that have been of dead big box stores that have been converted<00:08:03.280> into<00:08:03.599> all<00:08:03.759> sorts<00:08:04.000> of<00:08:04.159> community converted into all sorts of community converted into all sorts of community serving<00:08:05.080> uses<00:08:05.520> as<00:08:05.680> well<00:08:06.440> lots<00:08:06.680> of<00:08:06.879> schools serving uses as well lots of schools serving uses as well lots of schools lots<00:08:08.000> of<00:08:08.240> churches<00:08:09.240> and<00:08:09.440> lots<00:08:09.639> of<00:08:09.879> libraries lots of churches and lots of libraries lots of churches and lots of libraries like<00:08:11.000> this<00:08:11.120> one<00:08:11.840> uh<00:08:12.000> this<00:08:12.120> was<00:08:12.280> a<00:08:12.599> little<00:08:12.919> a like this one uh this was a little a like this one uh this was a little a grocery<00:08:13.440> store<00:08:13.800> Food<00:08:14.080> Lion<00:08:14.400> grocery<00:08:14.800> store grocery store Food Lion grocery store grocery store Food Lion grocery store that<00:08:15.280> is<00:08:15.479> now<00:08:16.080> a<00:08:16.280> public<00:08:16.879> library<00:08:17.879> um<00:08:18.400> in that is now a public library um in that is now a public library um in addition<00:08:18.879> to<00:08:19.039> I<00:08:19.120> think<00:08:19.280> doing<00:08:19.440> a<00:08:19.599> beautiful addition to I think doing a beautiful addition to I think doing a beautiful adaptive<00:08:20.440> reuse<00:08:21.120> they<00:08:21.720> tore<00:08:22.039> up<00:08:22.319> some<00:08:22.479> of<00:08:22.599> the adaptive reuse they tore up some of the adaptive reuse they tore up some of the parking<00:08:23.080> spaces<00:08:23.720> put<00:08:23.840> in<00:08:24.039> BIO<00:08:24.400> swes<00:08:24.879> to parking spaces put in BIO swes to parking spaces put in BIO swes to collect<00:08:25.400> and<00:08:25.599> clean<00:08:25.879> the<00:08:26.000> runoff<00:08:26.800> put<00:08:26.960> in<00:08:27.080> a collect and clean the runoff put in a collect and clean the runoff put in a lot<00:08:27.360> more<00:08:27.960> uh<00:08:28.159> Park<00:08:28.720> uh<00:08:28.960> sidewalk<00:08:29.680> to<00:08:29.800> connect lot more uh Park uh sidewalk to connect lot more uh Park uh sidewalk to connect to<00:08:30.199> the<00:08:30.360> neighborhoods<00:08:31.360> you<00:08:31.440> know<00:08:31.599> and to the neighborhoods you know and to the neighborhoods you know and they've<00:08:32.000> made<00:08:32.360> this<00:08:32.800> what<00:08:33.120> was<00:08:34.120> just<00:08:34.479> a<00:08:34.760> store they've made this what was just a store they've made this what was just a store along<00:08:35.519> a<00:08:35.640> commercial<00:08:36.120> strip<00:08:36.880> into<00:08:37.479> a along a commercial strip into a along a commercial strip into a community<00:08:38.240> Gathering<00:08:38.880> space<00:08:39.880> this<00:08:40.000> one<00:08:40.399> is<00:08:40.599> a community Gathering space this one is a community Gathering space this one is a little<00:08:41.039> L-shaped<00:08:41.760> strip<00:08:42.159> shopping<00:08:42.560> center<00:08:42.919> in little L-shaped strip shopping center in little L-shaped strip shopping center in Phoenix<00:08:43.680> Arizona<00:08:44.680> really<00:08:44.959> all<00:08:45.279> they<00:08:45.519> did<00:08:45.760> was Phoenix Arizona really all they did was Phoenix Arizona really all they did was they<00:08:46.080> gave<00:08:46.240> it<00:08:46.360> a<00:08:46.480> Fresh<00:08:46.760> coat<00:08:47.000> of<00:08:47.160> bright they gave it a Fresh coat of bright they gave it a Fresh coat of bright paint<00:08:48.200> a<00:08:48.360> Gourmet<00:08:48.800> Grocery<00:08:49.680> and<00:08:49.760> they<00:08:49.880> put<00:08:50.000> a paint a Gourmet Grocery and they put a paint a Gourmet Grocery and they put a restaurant<00:08:50.640> in<00:08:50.760> the<00:08:50.880> Old<00:08:51.160> Post<00:08:51.480> Office<00:08:52.440> never restaurant in the Old Post Office never restaurant in the Old Post Office never underestimate<00:08:53.839> the<00:08:54.040> power<00:08:54.399> of<00:08:54.640> food<00:08:55.440> to<00:08:55.680> turn underestimate the power of food to turn underestimate the power of food to turn a<00:08:56.360> place<00:08:56.760> around<00:08:57.360> and<00:08:57.519> make<00:08:57.680> it<00:08:57.880> a<00:08:58.079> destination a place around and make it a destination a place around and make it a destination it's<00:08:59.120> been<00:08:59.240> so<00:08:59.440> so<00:08:59.600> successful<00:09:00.079> they've<00:09:00.279> now it's been so so successful they've now it's been so so successful they've now taken<00:09:00.680> over<00:09:00.920> the<00:09:01.040> strip<00:09:01.360> across<00:09:01.720> the<00:09:01.880> street taken over the strip across the street taken over the strip across the street and<00:09:03.279> uh<00:09:03.560> the<00:09:03.760> ne<00:09:04.079> the<00:09:04.240> real<00:09:04.519> estate<00:09:04.920> ads<00:09:05.160> in<00:09:05.320> the and uh the ne the real estate ads in the and uh the ne the real estate ads in the neighborhood<00:09:06.040> all<00:09:06.399> very<00:09:06.720> proudly<00:09:07.120> Proclaim neighborhood all very proudly Proclaim neighborhood all very proudly Proclaim walking<00:09:08.160> distance<00:09:08.560> to<00:09:08.760> La walking distance to La walking distance to La Grand<00:09:10.640> because<00:09:11.440> it<00:09:11.720> provided<00:09:12.480> its Grand because it provided its Grand because it provided its neighborhood<00:09:13.680> with<00:09:13.880> what<00:09:14.079> sociologists<00:09:14.839> like neighborhood with what sociologists like neighborhood with what sociologists like to<00:09:15.160> call<00:09:15.600> a<00:09:15.880> third<00:09:16.560> place<00:09:17.440> if<00:09:17.600> home<00:09:17.839> is<00:09:17.959> the to call a third place if home is the to call a third place if home is the first<00:09:18.480> place<00:09:19.000> and<00:09:19.160> work<00:09:19.399> is<00:09:19.560> the<00:09:19.720> second<00:09:20.160> place first place and work is the second place first place and work is the second place the<00:09:21.279> third<00:09:21.680> place<00:09:22.040> is<00:09:22.200> where<00:09:22.320> you<00:09:22.560> go<00:09:22.880> to<00:09:23.160> hang the third place is where you go to hang the third place is where you go to hang out<00:09:24.040> and<00:09:24.240> build<00:09:24.640> community<00:09:25.600> and<00:09:25.839> especially out and build community and especially out and build community and especially as<00:09:26.560> Suburbia<00:09:27.120> is<00:09:27.279> becoming<00:09:27.920> less<00:09:28.399> centered<00:09:28.760> on as Suburbia is becoming less centered on as Suburbia is becoming less centered on the<00:09:29.079> Family<00:09:29.360> family<00:09:30.360> family<00:09:30.800> households the Family family family households the Family family family households there's<00:09:31.920> a<00:09:32.079> real<00:09:32.399> Hunger<00:09:33.000> for<00:09:33.399> More<00:09:33.920> third there's a real Hunger for More third there's a real Hunger for More third places<00:09:36.560> so<00:09:37.160> the<00:09:37.360> most<00:09:37.560> dramatic<00:09:38.079> retrofits places so the most dramatic retrofits places so the most dramatic retrofits are<00:09:39.120> really<00:09:39.440> those<00:09:39.839> in<00:09:40.000> the<00:09:40.160> next<00:09:40.480> category are really those in the next category are really those in the next category the<00:09:41.120> next<00:09:41.360> strategy<00:09:42.279> Redevelopment<00:09:43.279> now the next strategy Redevelopment now the next strategy Redevelopment now during<00:09:43.720> the<00:09:43.880> boom<00:09:44.560> there<00:09:44.680> were<00:09:44.920> several during the boom there were several during the boom there were several really<00:09:45.760> dramatic<00:09:46.320> Redevelopment<00:09:47.000> projects really dramatic Redevelopment projects really dramatic Redevelopment projects where<00:09:47.560> the<00:09:47.680> original<00:09:48.160> but<00:09:48.360> building<00:09:49.040> was where the original but building was where the original but building was scraped<00:09:49.760> to<00:09:49.959> the<00:09:50.120> ground<00:09:50.680> and<00:09:50.880> then<00:09:51.320> the<00:09:51.480> whole scraped to the ground and then the whole scraped to the ground and then the whole site<00:09:51.959> was<00:09:52.160> rebuilt<00:09:52.640> it<00:09:52.880> significantly site was rebuilt it significantly site was rebuilt it significantly greater<00:09:53.880> density<00:09:54.279> as<00:09:54.399> sort<00:09:54.519> of<00:09:54.800> compact greater density as sort of compact greater density as sort of compact walkable<00:09:55.959> Urban<00:09:56.560> neighborhoods<00:09:57.560> but<00:09:57.720> some<00:09:57.880> of walkable Urban neighborhoods but some of walkable Urban neighborhoods but some of them<00:09:58.240> have<00:09:58.360> been<00:09:58.519> much<00:09:58.680> more<00:09:58.880> increment<00:09:59.600> Al them have been much more increment Al them have been much more increment Al this<00:10:00.120> is<00:10:00.399> Mash<00:10:00.760> P<00:10:01.040> Commons<00:10:01.519> the<00:10:01.680> oldest this is Mash P Commons the oldest this is Mash P Commons the oldest retrofit<00:10:02.760> that<00:10:02.880> we<00:10:03.079> found<00:10:03.800> and<00:10:03.920> it's<00:10:04.120> just retrofit that we found and it's just retrofit that we found and it's just incrementally<00:10:05.240> over<00:10:05.440> the<00:10:05.560> last<00:10:05.839> 20<00:10:06.200> years incrementally over the last 20 years incrementally over the last 20 years built<00:10:07.440> urbanism<00:10:08.240> on<00:10:08.480> top<00:10:08.680> of<00:10:08.800> its<00:10:09.000> parking built urbanism on top of its parking built urbanism on top of its parking lots<00:10:10.200> so<00:10:10.360> the<00:10:10.519> black<00:10:10.680> and<00:10:10.880> white<00:10:11.160> photo<00:10:11.760> shows lots so the black and white photo shows lots so the black and white photo shows the<00:10:12.320> simple<00:10:12.760> 60s<00:10:13.279> strip<00:10:13.640> shopping<00:10:14.040> center<00:10:14.600> and the simple 60s strip shopping center and the simple 60s strip shopping center and then<00:10:14.800> the<00:10:14.959> maps<00:10:15.360> above<00:10:15.760> that<00:10:16.279> show<00:10:16.839> its then the maps above that show its then the maps above that show its gradual<00:10:18.000> transformation<00:10:19.079> into<00:10:20.079> a<00:10:20.839> compact gradual transformation into a compact gradual transformation into a compact mixed<00:10:21.839> use<00:10:22.120> New<00:10:22.279> England<00:10:22.720> Village<00:10:23.600> and<00:10:23.720> it's mixed use New England Village and it's mixed use New England Village and it's has<00:10:24.720> plans<00:10:25.120> now<00:10:25.360> that<00:10:25.480> have<00:10:25.600> been<00:10:25.800> approved has plans now that have been approved has plans now that have been approved for<00:10:27.720> uh<00:10:27.880> to<00:10:28.200> for<00:10:28.360> it<00:10:28.480> to<00:10:29.000> EXP<00:10:29.440> connect<00:10:29.920> to<00:10:30.120> new for uh to for it to EXP connect to new for uh to for it to EXP connect to new neighbor<00:10:30.839> residential<00:10:31.360> neighborhoods neighbor residential neighborhoods neighbor residential neighborhoods across<00:10:32.360> the<00:10:32.560> arterials<00:10:33.560> and<00:10:33.760> over<00:10:34.200> um<00:10:34.920> the across the arterials and over um the across the arterials and over um the other<00:10:35.320> side<00:10:35.600> so<00:10:36.120> that<00:10:36.279> you<00:10:36.360> know<00:10:36.720> sometimes other side so that you know sometimes other side so that you know sometimes it's<00:10:37.079> incremental<00:10:38.079> sometimes<00:10:38.279> it's<00:10:38.440> all<00:10:38.600> at it's incremental sometimes it's all at it's incremental sometimes it's all at once<00:10:40.160> this<00:10:40.279> is<00:10:40.519> another<00:10:41.120> infill<00:10:41.880> project<00:10:42.240> on once this is another infill project on once this is another infill project on the<00:10:42.560> parking<00:10:42.880> lots<00:10:43.360> this<00:10:43.480> one<00:10:43.680> of<00:10:43.800> an<00:10:44.040> office the parking lots this one of an office the parking lots this one of an office park<00:10:44.839> outside<00:10:45.200> of<00:10:45.399> Washington<00:10:46.000> DC<00:10:47.000> when<00:10:47.200> Metro park outside of Washington DC when Metro park outside of Washington DC when Metro Rail<00:10:48.120> expanded<00:10:48.680> Transit<00:10:49.200> into<00:10:49.440> the<00:10:49.560> suburbs Rail expanded Transit into the suburbs Rail expanded Transit into the suburbs and<00:10:50.240> opened<00:10:50.839> a<00:10:51.000> station<00:10:51.519> nearby<00:10:51.880> to<00:10:52.079> this<00:10:52.279> site and opened a station nearby to this site and opened a station nearby to this site the<00:10:53.079> owners<00:10:53.800> decided<00:10:54.279> to<00:10:55.279> you<00:10:55.399> know<00:10:55.720> build<00:10:56.519> a the owners decided to you know build a the owners decided to you know build a new<00:10:56.959> parking<00:10:57.360> deck<00:10:58.079> and<00:10:58.279> then<00:10:58.680> insert<00:10:59.320> on<00:10:59.560> top new parking deck and then insert on top new parking deck and then insert on top of<00:10:59.880> their<00:11:00.079> surface<00:11:00.480> lots<00:11:01.120> a<00:11:01.279> new<00:11:01.480> Main<00:11:01.800> Street of their surface lots a new Main Street of their surface lots a new Main Street several<00:11:02.880> apartments<00:11:03.519> and<00:11:03.680> condo<00:11:04.079> buildings several apartments and condo buildings several apartments and condo buildings while<00:11:05.160> keeping<00:11:05.800> the<00:11:05.959> existing<00:11:06.639> Office while keeping the existing Office while keeping the existing Office Buildings<00:11:08.240> here<00:11:08.800> is<00:11:09.079> the<00:11:09.399> site<00:11:09.680> in<00:11:09.839> 1940<00:11:10.760> it Buildings here is the site in 1940 it Buildings here is the site in 1940 it was<00:11:11.079> just<00:11:11.279> a<00:11:11.519> a<00:11:11.639> little<00:11:11.920> farm<00:11:12.360> in<00:11:12.480> the<00:11:12.600> village was just a a little farm in the village was just a a little farm in the village of<00:11:13.440> Hyattsville<00:11:14.440> by<00:11:14.600> 1980<00:11:15.360> it<00:11:15.480> had<00:11:15.600> been of Hyattsville by 1980 it had been of Hyattsville by 1980 it had been subdivided<00:11:16.279> into<00:11:16.519> a<00:11:16.639> big<00:11:16.880> mall<00:11:17.399> on<00:11:17.600> one<00:11:17.920> side subdivided into a big mall on one side subdivided into a big mall on one side and<00:11:18.320> the<00:11:18.519> office<00:11:18.800> park<00:11:19.079> on<00:11:19.200> the<00:11:19.360> other<00:11:19.959> and and the office park on the other and and the office park on the other and then<00:11:20.200> some<00:11:20.399> buffer<00:11:20.800> sites<00:11:21.120> for<00:11:21.279> a<00:11:21.480> library<00:11:21.959> and then some buffer sites for a library and then some buffer sites for a library and a<00:11:22.240> church<00:11:22.880> uh<00:11:23.000> to<00:11:23.120> the<00:11:23.279> far<00:11:23.639> right<00:11:24.639> today<00:11:25.399> the a church uh to the far right today the a church uh to the far right today the transit<00:11:26.519> the<00:11:26.680> Main<00:11:26.959> Street<00:11:27.480> and<00:11:27.600> the<00:11:27.720> new transit the Main Street and the new transit the Main Street and the new housing<00:11:28.600> have<00:11:28.720> all<00:11:28.880> been<00:11:29.040> built<00:11:29.320> bu housing have all been built bu housing have all been built bu eventually<00:11:31.079> I<00:11:31.279> expect<00:11:31.800> that<00:11:31.959> the<00:11:32.160> streets eventually I expect that the streets eventually I expect that the streets will<00:11:32.800> probably<00:11:33.200> extend<00:11:33.639> through<00:11:33.880> a will probably extend through a will probably extend through a Redevelopment<00:11:34.680> of<00:11:34.839> the<00:11:34.959> mall<00:11:35.639> plans<00:11:35.920> have Redevelopment of the mall plans have Redevelopment of the mall plans have already<00:11:36.440> been<00:11:36.639> announced<00:11:37.480> for<00:11:37.839> a<00:11:37.959> lot<00:11:38.079> of already been announced for a lot of already been announced for a lot of those<00:11:38.399> Garden<00:11:38.760> Apartments<00:11:39.600> uh<00:11:39.760> above<00:11:40.160> the those Garden Apartments uh above the those Garden Apartments uh above the mall<00:11:41.000> to<00:11:41.200> to<00:11:41.360> be<00:11:41.560> redeveloped<00:11:42.240> I<00:11:42.320> mean<00:11:42.600> Transit mall to to be redeveloped I mean Transit mall to to be redeveloped I mean Transit is<00:11:43.160> a<00:11:43.360> Big<00:11:43.560> Driver<00:11:44.120> of is a Big Driver of is a Big Driver of retrofits<00:11:46.200> so<00:11:46.399> here's<00:11:46.600> what<00:11:46.720> it<00:11:46.839> looks<00:11:47.160> like retrofits so here's what it looks like retrofits so here's what it looks like you<00:11:47.440> can<00:11:47.560> sort<00:11:47.680> of<00:11:47.800> see<00:11:48.040> the<00:11:48.200> funky<00:11:48.639> new<00:11:48.920> condo you can sort of see the funky new condo you can sort of see the funky new condo buildings<00:11:49.800> in<00:11:49.959> between<00:11:50.279> the<00:11:50.440> Office buildings in between the Office buildings in between the Office Buildings<00:11:51.279> the<00:11:51.399> public<00:11:51.720> space<00:11:52.079> and<00:11:52.200> the<00:11:52.320> new Buildings the public space and the new Buildings the public space and the new Main Main Main Street<00:11:54.519> this<00:11:54.639> one<00:11:54.800> is<00:11:54.920> one<00:11:55.040> of<00:11:55.200> my<00:11:55.360> favorites Street this one is one of my favorites Street this one is one of my favorites belmare<00:11:56.839> I<00:11:56.920> think<00:11:57.160> they<00:11:57.440> really<00:11:57.680> built<00:11:58.160> an belmare I think they really built an belmare I think they really built an attractive<00:11:58.959> place<00:11:59.480> here<00:12:00.040> and<00:12:00.200> have<00:12:00.440> just attractive place here and have just attractive place here and have just employed<00:12:01.079> all<00:12:01.360> green<00:12:01.800> construction<00:12:02.560> there's employed all green construction there's employed all green construction there's massive<00:12:03.399> PV<00:12:03.760> arrays<00:12:04.240> on<00:12:04.399> the<00:12:04.680> roofs<00:12:05.560> as<00:12:05.720> well massive PV arrays on the roofs as well massive PV arrays on the roofs as well as<00:12:06.160> wind<00:12:06.519> turbines<00:12:07.519> this<00:12:07.639> was<00:12:07.839> a<00:12:08.120> very<00:12:08.480> large as wind turbines this was a very large as wind turbines this was a very large Mall<00:12:09.240> an<00:12:09.600> 100<00:12:09.920> Acre<00:12:10.240> super<00:12:10.600> Block<00:12:11.399> it's<00:12:11.680> now<00:12:12.279> 22 Mall an 100 Acre super Block it's now 22 Mall an 100 Acre super Block it's now 22 walkable<00:12:14.040> Urban<00:12:14.560> blocks<00:12:15.560> uh<00:12:15.720> with<00:12:15.959> public walkable Urban blocks uh with public walkable Urban blocks uh with public streets<00:12:17.079> two<00:12:17.360> public<00:12:17.760> parks<00:12:18.360> eight<00:12:18.680> bus<00:12:18.959> lines streets two public parks eight bus lines streets two public parks eight bus lines and<00:12:19.600> a<00:12:19.800> range<00:12:20.120> of<00:12:20.320> housing<00:12:20.800> types<00:12:21.800> and<00:12:21.959> so<00:12:22.160> it's and a range of housing types and so it's and a range of housing types and so it's really<00:12:22.880> given<00:12:23.600> Lakewood<00:12:24.120> Colorado<00:12:24.920> the really given Lakewood Colorado the really given Lakewood Colorado the downtown<00:12:26.440> that<00:12:26.720> this<00:12:27.120> particular<00:12:27.560> sub<00:12:27.880> this downtown that this particular sub this downtown that this particular sub this suburb<00:12:28.399> never<00:12:28.760> had suburb never had suburb never had here<00:12:30.000> was<00:12:30.199> the<00:12:30.320> mall<00:12:30.720> in<00:12:30.880> its<00:12:31.079> Heyday<00:12:31.839> they<00:12:32.000> had here was the mall in its Heyday they had here was the mall in its Heyday they had their<00:12:32.360> prom<00:12:32.680> in<00:12:32.839> the<00:12:32.959> mall<00:12:33.360> they<00:12:33.519> loved<00:12:33.800> their their prom in the mall they loved their their prom in the mall they loved their mall<00:12:34.959> so<00:12:35.199> here's<00:12:35.440> the<00:12:35.639> site<00:12:35.959> in<00:12:36.480> 1975<00:12:37.480> with<00:12:37.639> the mall so here's the site in 1975 with the mall so here's the site in 1975 with the mall<00:12:39.320> by<00:12:39.760> 1995<00:12:40.760> the<00:12:40.880> mall<00:12:41.240> has<00:12:41.519> died<00:12:42.079> the mall by 1995 the mall has died the mall by 1995 the mall has died the department<00:12:42.680> store<00:12:43.040> has<00:12:43.199> been<00:12:43.440> kept<00:12:43.680> and<00:12:43.800> we department store has been kept and we department store has been kept and we found<00:12:44.120> this<00:12:44.240> was<00:12:44.399> true<00:12:44.560> in<00:12:44.800> many<00:12:45.000> cases<00:12:45.440> the found this was true in many cases the found this was true in many cases the department<00:12:45.920> stores<00:12:46.279> are<00:12:46.440> multi-story department stores are multi-story department stores are multi-story they're<00:12:47.240> better<00:12:47.480> buil<00:12:47.800> they're<00:12:48.000> easy<00:12:48.279> to<00:12:48.440> be they're better buil they're easy to be they're better buil they're easy to be re<00:12:49.120> readapted<00:12:49.760> but<00:12:49.880> the<00:12:50.000> one-story<00:12:50.760> stuff re readapted but the one-story stuff re readapted but the one-story stuff it's<00:12:52.440> really<00:12:53.480> history<00:12:54.480> so<00:12:54.800> here<00:12:54.920> it<00:12:55.120> is<00:12:55.399> at it's really history so here it is at it's really history so here it is at projected<00:12:56.440> buildout<00:12:57.440> this<00:12:57.720> project<00:12:58.000> I<00:12:58.079> think projected buildout this project I think projected buildout this project I think has<00:12:58.480> great<00:12:58.720> Conn<00:12:59.360> ity<00:12:59.519> to<00:12:59.639> the<00:12:59.800> existing has great Conn ity to the existing has great Conn ity to the existing neighborhoods<00:13:01.199> it's<00:13:01.440> providing<00:13:01.959> 1500 neighborhoods it's providing 1500 neighborhoods it's providing 1500 households<00:13:03.120> with<00:13:03.240> the<00:13:03.480> option<00:13:03.959> of<00:13:04.199> a<00:13:04.399> more households with the option of a more households with the option of a more urban<00:13:05.199> lifestyle<00:13:06.000> it's<00:13:06.199> about<00:13:06.399> 2/3<00:13:07.000> built<00:13:07.279> out urban lifestyle it's about 2/3 built out urban lifestyle it's about 2/3 built out right<00:13:07.839> now<00:13:08.639> here's<00:13:08.880> what<00:13:09.079> the<00:13:09.199> new<00:13:09.360> Main right now here's what the new Main right now here's what the new Main Street<00:13:09.959> looks<00:13:10.279> like<00:13:10.519> it's<00:13:10.839> very<00:13:11.440> successful Street looks like it's very successful Street looks like it's very successful and<00:13:12.959> it's<00:13:13.240> helped<00:13:13.519> to<00:13:13.760> prompt<00:13:14.680> eight<00:13:15.320> of<00:13:15.480> the and it's helped to prompt eight of the and it's helped to prompt eight of the 13<00:13:16.360> Regional<00:13:16.800> malls<00:13:17.440> in<00:13:17.600> Denver<00:13:18.279> have<00:13:18.519> now<00:13:18.880> or 13 Regional malls in Denver have now or 13 Regional malls in Denver have now or have<00:13:19.240> announced<00:13:19.760> plans<00:13:20.160> to<00:13:20.920> be<00:13:21.279> retrofitted have announced plans to be retrofitted have announced plans to be retrofitted but<00:13:22.399> it's<00:13:22.639> important<00:13:23.000> to<00:13:23.199> note<00:13:23.560> that<00:13:23.760> all<00:13:23.880> of but it's important to note that all of but it's important to note that all of this<00:13:24.320> retrofitting<00:13:25.320> is<00:13:25.600> not<00:13:25.959> occurring<00:13:26.839> just this retrofitting is not occurring just this retrofitting is not occurring just you<00:13:27.199> know<00:13:27.360> bulldozers<00:13:27.959> are<00:13:28.120> coming<00:13:28.360> and<00:13:28.560> just you know bulldozers are coming and just you know bulldozers are coming and just plowing<00:13:29.760> down<00:13:30.040> the<00:13:30.199> whole<00:13:30.399> city<00:13:30.920> no<00:13:31.199> it's plowing down the whole city no it's plowing down the whole city no it's pockets<00:13:32.279> of<00:13:32.519> walkability<00:13:33.519> on<00:13:33.800> the<00:13:34.000> sites<00:13:34.360> of pockets of walkability on the sites of pockets of walkability on the sites of underperforming<00:13:35.800> properties<00:13:36.800> um<00:13:37.600> and<00:13:37.720> so underperforming properties um and so underperforming properties um and so it's<00:13:38.160> giving<00:13:38.519> people<00:13:38.880> more<00:13:39.279> choices<00:13:40.279> um<00:13:40.399> but it's giving people more choices um but it's giving people more choices um but it's<00:13:40.639> not<00:13:40.880> taking<00:13:41.240> away it's not taking away it's not taking away choices<00:13:43.440> but<00:13:43.720> it's<00:13:43.920> also<00:13:44.720> not<00:13:44.920> really<00:13:45.240> enough choices but it's also not really enough choices but it's also not really enough to<00:13:45.839> just<00:13:46.199> create<00:13:46.800> pockets<00:13:47.120> of<00:13:47.480> walkability to just create pockets of walkability to just create pockets of walkability you<00:13:48.639> want<00:13:48.839> to<00:13:49.079> also<00:13:49.399> try<00:13:49.560> to<00:13:49.760> get<00:13:49.920> more you want to also try to get more you want to also try to get more systemic<00:13:50.839> transformation<00:13:51.800> we<00:13:52.000> need<00:13:52.279> to<00:13:52.480> also systemic transformation we need to also systemic transformation we need to also retrofit<00:13:53.360> the<00:13:53.560> corridors<00:13:54.480> themselves<00:13:55.360> so retrofit the corridors themselves so retrofit the corridors themselves so this<00:13:55.920> is<00:13:56.199> one<00:13:56.399> that<00:13:56.600> has<00:13:56.720> been<00:13:56.920> retrofitted<00:13:57.600> in this is one that has been retrofitted in this is one that has been retrofitted in California<00:13:59.160> they<00:13:59.320> took<00:13:59.560> the<00:13:59.720> commercial California they took the commercial California they took the commercial strip<00:14:00.880> shown<00:14:01.160> on<00:14:01.279> the<00:14:01.399> black<00:14:01.600> and<00:14:01.800> white strip shown on the black and white strip shown on the black and white images<00:14:02.440> below<00:14:03.000> and<00:14:03.120> they<00:14:03.240> built<00:14:03.600> a<00:14:03.759> Boulevard images below and they built a Boulevard images below and they built a Boulevard that<00:14:04.839> has<00:14:05.040> become<00:14:05.519> the<00:14:05.720> main<00:14:06.079> street<00:14:06.519> for that has become the main street for that has become the main street for their<00:14:07.079> town<00:14:07.680> and<00:14:07.800> it's<00:14:08.240> transformed<00:14:09.000> from their town and it's transformed from their town and it's transformed from being<00:14:09.519> an<00:14:09.759> ugly<00:14:11.040> unsafe<00:14:12.040> undesirable<00:14:12.959> address being an ugly unsafe undesirable address being an ugly unsafe undesirable address to<00:14:13.880> becoming<00:14:14.839> a<00:14:15.440> beautiful<00:14:16.440> attractive to becoming a beautiful attractive to becoming a beautiful attractive dignified<00:14:18.240> sort<00:14:18.399> of<00:14:18.600> good<00:14:18.880> address<00:14:19.440> I<00:14:19.480> mean dignified sort of good address I mean dignified sort of good address I mean now<00:14:19.920> we're<00:14:20.079> hoping<00:14:20.360> we'll<00:14:20.560> get<00:14:20.720> start<00:14:20.920> to<00:14:21.040> see now we're hoping we'll get start to see now we're hoping we'll get start to see they've<00:14:21.720> already<00:14:21.920> built<00:14:22.199> City<00:14:22.440> Hall<00:14:22.759> tracted they've already built City Hall tracted they've already built City Hall tracted two<00:14:23.399> hotels<00:14:24.320> I<00:14:24.360> mean<00:14:24.560> I<00:14:24.680> could<00:14:24.839> imagine two hotels I mean I could imagine two hotels I mean I could imagine beautiful<00:14:25.920> housing<00:14:26.480> going<00:14:26.759> up<00:14:26.959> along<00:14:27.360> there beautiful housing going up along there beautiful housing going up along there without<00:14:28.240> tearing<00:14:28.600> down<00:14:29.519> tree<00:14:30.519> so<00:14:31.040> there's<00:14:31.199> a without tearing down tree so there's a without tearing down tree so there's a lot<00:14:31.480> of<00:14:31.639> great<00:14:31.880> things<00:14:32.199> but<00:14:33.079> you<00:14:33.199> know<00:14:33.360> I'd lot of great things but you know I'd lot of great things but you know I'd love<00:14:33.680> to<00:14:33.800> see<00:14:34.000> more<00:14:34.320> corridors<00:14:34.839> getting love to see more corridors getting love to see more corridors getting retrofitted<00:14:36.040> but<00:14:36.440> densification<00:14:37.440> is<00:14:37.680> not retrofitted but densification is not retrofitted but densification is not going<00:14:38.199> to<00:14:38.399> work<00:14:39.000> everywhere<00:14:40.000> sometimes going to work everywhere sometimes going to work everywhere sometimes regreening<00:14:41.680> is<00:14:41.920> really<00:14:42.399> you<00:14:42.519> know<00:14:42.839> the<00:14:43.000> better regreening is really you know the better regreening is really you know the better the<00:14:43.519> better<00:14:43.839> answer<00:14:44.759> there's<00:14:44.920> a<00:14:45.079> lot<00:14:45.240> to<00:14:45.360> learn the better answer there's a lot to learn the better answer there's a lot to learn from<00:14:45.920> successful<00:14:46.440> land<00:14:46.720> banking<00:14:47.480> programs<00:14:48.480> um from successful land banking programs um from successful land banking programs um in<00:14:48.800> cities<00:14:49.079> like<00:14:49.199> Flint<00:14:49.480> Michigan<00:14:50.199> there's in cities like Flint Michigan there's in cities like Flint Michigan there's also<00:14:50.639> a<00:14:50.800> burgeoning<00:14:51.440> Suburban<00:14:51.959> farming also a burgeoning Suburban farming also a burgeoning Suburban farming movement<00:14:52.959> sort<00:14:53.199> of<00:14:53.399> Victory<00:14:53.800> Gardens<00:14:54.199> meets movement sort of Victory Gardens meets movement sort of Victory Gardens meets the<00:14:54.800> internet<00:14:55.800> but<00:14:55.920> perhaps<00:14:56.240> one<00:14:56.360> of<00:14:56.480> the<00:14:56.600> most the internet but perhaps one of the most the internet but perhaps one of the most important<00:14:57.240> regreening<00:14:58.199> aspects<00:14:58.839> is<00:14:59.000> is<00:14:59.160> the important regreening aspects is is the important regreening aspects is is the opportunity<00:14:59.839> to<00:15:00.120> restore<00:15:00.720> the<00:15:00.920> local<00:15:01.320> ecology opportunity to restore the local ecology opportunity to restore the local ecology as<00:15:02.399> in<00:15:02.600> this<00:15:02.920> example<00:15:03.399> outside<00:15:03.759> of as in this example outside of as in this example outside of Minneapolis<00:15:04.920> when<00:15:05.079> the<00:15:05.199> shopping<00:15:05.519> center Minneapolis when the shopping center Minneapolis when the shopping center died<00:15:06.920> the<00:15:07.079> city<00:15:07.399> restored<00:15:08.199> the<00:15:08.360> site's died the city restored the site's died the city restored the site's original<00:15:09.519> Wetlands<00:15:10.480> creating<00:15:10.959> lakefront original Wetlands creating lakefront original Wetlands creating lakefront property<00:15:12.839> which<00:15:13.160> then<00:15:13.680> attracted<00:15:14.600> private property which then attracted private property which then attracted private investment<00:15:15.600> the<00:15:15.800> first<00:15:16.120> private<00:15:16.440> investment investment the first private investment investment the first private investment to<00:15:17.160> this<00:15:17.440> very<00:15:17.639> low-income<00:15:18.199> neighborhood<00:15:18.600> in to this very low-income neighborhood in to this very low-income neighborhood in over<00:15:18.959> 40<00:15:19.360> years<00:15:20.240> so<00:15:20.480> they<00:15:20.720> managed<00:15:21.079> to<00:15:21.360> both over 40 years so they managed to both over 40 years so they managed to both restore<00:15:22.040> the<00:15:22.160> local<00:15:22.600> ecology<00:15:23.360> and<00:15:23.600> the<00:15:23.720> local restore the local ecology and the local restore the local ecology and the local economy<00:15:24.839> uh<00:15:25.000> at<00:15:25.120> the<00:15:25.240> same<00:15:25.600> time<00:15:26.560> this<00:15:26.680> is economy uh at the same time this is economy uh at the same time this is another<00:15:27.160> regreening<00:15:27.839> example<00:15:28.600> it<00:15:28.720> also<00:15:29.079> makes another regreening example it also makes another regreening example it also makes sense<00:15:29.440> in<00:15:29.600> very<00:15:29.920> strong<00:15:30.160> markets<00:15:30.839> this<00:15:30.959> one<00:15:31.199> in sense in very strong markets this one in sense in very strong markets this one in Seattle<00:15:32.360> is<00:15:32.560> on<00:15:32.720> the<00:15:32.880> site<00:15:33.120> of<00:15:33.240> a<00:15:33.360> mall<00:15:33.800> parking Seattle is on the site of a mall parking Seattle is on the site of a mall parking lot<00:15:34.399> adjacent<00:15:34.800> to<00:15:34.880> a<00:15:35.000> new<00:15:35.199> Transit<00:15:35.639> stop<00:15:36.240> and lot adjacent to a new Transit stop and lot adjacent to a new Transit stop and the<00:15:36.560> wavy<00:15:37.199> line<00:15:38.000> is<00:15:38.120> a<00:15:38.519> path<00:15:38.959> alongside<00:15:39.600> a the wavy line is a path alongside a the wavy line is a path alongside a creek<00:15:40.240> that<00:15:40.399> has<00:15:40.560> now<00:15:40.759> been<00:15:41.040> daylit<00:15:42.040> the<00:15:42.160> creek creek that has now been daylit the creek creek that has now been daylit the creek had<00:15:42.800> been<00:15:43.040> culverted<00:15:43.639> under<00:15:43.880> the<00:15:44.000> parking<00:15:44.319> lot had been culverted under the parking lot had been culverted under the parking lot but<00:15:45.000> daylighting<00:15:45.560> our<00:15:45.759> Creeks<00:15:46.560> really<00:15:47.120> uh but daylighting our Creeks really uh but daylighting our Creeks really uh improves<00:15:47.720> their<00:15:47.880> water<00:15:48.160> quality<00:15:48.639> and improves their water quality and improves their water quality and contributions<00:15:49.519> to contributions to contributions to Habitat<00:15:51.319> so<00:15:51.920> so<00:15:52.120> I've<00:15:52.240> shown<00:15:52.519> you<00:15:52.680> some<00:15:52.920> of<00:15:53.120> the Habitat so so I've shown you some of the Habitat so so I've shown you some of the first<00:15:53.720> generation<00:15:54.240> of<00:15:54.440> retrofits<00:15:55.360> what's first generation of retrofits what's first generation of retrofits what's next<00:15:56.800> I<00:15:56.880> think<00:15:57.040> we<00:15:57.160> have<00:15:57.399> three<00:15:57.720> challenges next I think we have three challenges next I think we have three challenges for<00:15:58.399> the<00:15:58.560> future<00:15:59.319> the<00:15:59.519> first<00:16:00.120> is<00:16:00.240> to<00:16:00.720> plan for the future the first is to plan for the future the first is to plan retrofitting<00:16:02.480> much<00:16:02.720> more<00:16:03.199> systemically<00:16:04.199> at retrofitting much more systemically at retrofitting much more systemically at the<00:16:04.480> Metropolitan<00:16:05.240> scale<00:16:06.000> we<00:16:06.160> need<00:16:06.319> to<00:16:06.440> be the Metropolitan scale we need to be the Metropolitan scale we need to be able<00:16:06.759> to<00:16:07.240> Target<00:16:08.040> which<00:16:08.319> areas<00:16:08.759> really<00:16:09.040> should able to Target which areas really should able to Target which areas really should be<00:16:09.639> regrained<00:16:10.639> where<00:16:10.880> should<00:16:11.160> we<00:16:11.319> be be regrained where should we be be regrained where should we be redeveloping<00:16:12.399> and<00:16:12.560> where<00:16:12.720> should<00:16:12.920> we<00:16:13.040> be redeveloping and where should we be redeveloping and where should we be encouraging encouraging encouraging reinhabitation<00:16:15.680> these<00:16:15.920> slides<00:16:16.600> just<00:16:16.759> show reinhabitation these slides just show reinhabitation these slides just show two<00:16:17.440> images<00:16:17.920> from<00:16:18.079> a<00:16:18.240> larger<00:16:18.839> project<00:16:19.279> that two images from a larger project that two images from a larger project that looked<00:16:19.639> at<00:16:19.800> trying<00:16:20.040> to<00:16:20.160> do<00:16:20.399> that<00:16:20.560> for<00:16:20.800> Atlanta looked at trying to do that for Atlanta looked at trying to do that for Atlanta I<00:16:21.839> was<00:16:22.120> led<00:16:22.360> a<00:16:22.480> team<00:16:23.079> that<00:16:23.360> was<00:16:23.600> asked<00:16:23.839> to I was led a team that was asked to I was led a team that was asked to imagine<00:16:24.519> Atlanta<00:16:25.160> 100<00:16:25.440> years<00:16:25.680> from<00:16:25.880> now<00:16:26.639> and imagine Atlanta 100 years from now and imagine Atlanta 100 years from now and we<00:16:27.120> chose<00:16:27.440> to<00:16:27.600> try<00:16:27.759> to<00:16:27.959> reverse<00:16:28.440> sprawl we chose to try to reverse sprawl we chose to try to reverse sprawl through<00:16:29.600> three<00:16:29.920> simple<00:16:30.279> moves<00:16:31.199> expensive<00:16:31.720> but through three simple moves expensive but through three simple moves expensive but simple<00:16:32.720> one<00:16:33.079> in<00:16:33.399> 100<00:16:33.759> years<00:16:34.440> Transit<00:16:35.000> on<00:16:35.360> all simple one in 100 years Transit on all simple one in 100 years Transit on all major<00:16:36.279> Rail<00:16:36.600> and<00:16:36.880> Road<00:16:37.199> corridors<00:16:38.199> two<00:16:39.000> in<00:16:39.160> a major Rail and Road corridors two in a major Rail and Road corridors two in a 100<00:16:39.639> years<00:16:40.240> thousand<00:16:40.800> foot<00:16:41.079> buffers<00:16:41.759> on<00:16:42.199> all 100 years thousand foot buffers on all 100 years thousand foot buffers on all stream<00:16:43.240> corridors<00:16:43.920> it's<00:16:44.079> a<00:16:44.160> little<00:16:44.399> extreme stream corridors it's a little extreme stream corridors it's a little extreme but<00:16:45.040> we've<00:16:45.199> got<00:16:45.279> a<00:16:45.399> little<00:16:45.680> water<00:16:46.040> problem<00:16:47.040> in but we've got a little water problem in but we've got a little water problem in a<00:16:47.399> 100<00:16:47.720> years<00:16:48.720> subdivisions<00:16:49.720> that<00:16:49.880> simply<00:16:50.240> end a 100 years subdivisions that simply end a 100 years subdivisions that simply end up<00:16:50.600> too<00:16:50.839> close<00:16:51.040> to<00:16:51.279> water<00:16:51.839> or<00:16:52.040> too<00:16:52.279> far<00:16:52.519> from up too close to water or too far from up too close to water or too far from transit<00:16:53.759> won't<00:16:54.040> be<00:16:54.279> viable<00:16:54.880> and<00:16:54.959> so<00:16:55.120> we transit won't be viable and so we transit won't be viable and so we created<00:16:55.920> the<00:16:56.079> ecoacre<00:16:56.920> transfer<00:16:57.440> to<00:16:57.800> transfer created the ecoacre transfer to transfer created the ecoacre transfer to transfer development development development and<00:17:00.160> to<00:17:00.480> the<00:17:00.639> transit<00:17:01.120> corridors<00:17:01.959> and<00:17:02.120> allow and to the transit corridors and allow and to the transit corridors and allow the<00:17:02.639> regreening<00:17:03.600> of<00:17:03.839> those<00:17:04.520> former the regreening of those former the regreening of those former subdivisions<00:17:05.640> for<00:17:05.839> food<00:17:06.160> and<00:17:06.360> energy subdivisions for food and energy subdivisions for food and energy production<00:17:08.640> so<00:17:09.439> the<00:17:09.839> uh<00:17:10.600> the<00:17:10.880> Second production so the uh the Second production so the uh the Second Challenge<00:17:12.600> is<00:17:12.760> to<00:17:13.360> improve<00:17:14.280> the Challenge is to improve the Challenge is to improve the architectural<00:17:15.240> design<00:17:15.959> quality<00:17:16.799> of<00:17:17.039> the architectural design quality of the architectural design quality of the retrofits<00:17:18.240> and<00:17:18.360> I<00:17:18.520> close<00:17:19.039> with<00:17:19.240> this<00:17:19.480> image<00:17:19.880> of retrofits and I close with this image of retrofits and I close with this image of democracy<00:17:21.039> in<00:17:21.360> action<00:17:22.199> this<00:17:22.319> is<00:17:22.439> a<00:17:22.880> protest democracy in action this is a protest democracy in action this is a protest that's<00:17:23.959> happening<00:17:24.760> on<00:17:24.919> a<00:17:25.120> retrofit<00:17:25.720> in<00:17:25.839> Silver that's happening on a retrofit in Silver that's happening on a retrofit in Silver Springs<00:17:26.559> Maryland<00:17:27.520> on<00:17:27.959> an<00:17:28.360> astro<00:17:29.039> Turf<00:17:29.600> Town Springs Maryland on an astro Turf Town Springs Maryland on an astro Turf Town green<00:17:31.600> now<00:17:31.799> retrofits<00:17:32.440> are<00:17:32.679> often<00:17:33.000> accused<00:17:33.760> of green now retrofits are often accused of green now retrofits are often accused of being<00:17:34.240> examples<00:17:34.720> of<00:17:35.000> faux<00:17:35.520> downtowns<00:17:36.400> and being examples of faux downtowns and being examples of faux downtowns and instant instant instant urbanism<00:17:39.200> and<00:17:39.360> not<00:17:39.559> without<00:17:39.840> reason<00:17:40.360> you urbanism and not without reason you urbanism and not without reason you don't<00:17:40.720> get<00:17:40.880> much<00:17:41.039> more<00:17:41.240> phony<00:17:41.760> than<00:17:41.880> an don't get much more phony than an don't get much more phony than an AstroTurf<00:17:43.320> Town<00:17:44.160> green<00:17:45.160> I<00:17:45.280> have<00:17:45.400> to<00:17:45.559> say<00:17:45.760> these AstroTurf Town green I have to say these AstroTurf Town green I have to say these are<00:17:46.200> very<00:17:46.720> hybrid<00:17:47.320> places<00:17:48.080> they<00:17:48.200> are<00:17:48.520> new<00:17:49.039> but are very hybrid places they are new but are very hybrid places they are new but trying<00:17:49.559> to<00:17:49.760> look<00:17:50.039> old<00:17:50.799> they<00:17:50.960> have<00:17:51.200> Urban trying to look old they have Urban trying to look old they have Urban Street<00:17:51.960> Scapes<00:17:52.559> but<00:17:52.880> Suburban<00:17:53.440> parking Street Scapes but Suburban parking Street Scapes but Suburban parking ratios<00:17:54.960> their<00:17:55.240> populations<00:17:56.159> are<00:17:56.600> more ratios their populations are more ratios their populations are more diverse<00:17:57.360> than<00:17:57.559> typical<00:17:58.440> Suburban<00:17:58.840> IIA<00:17:59.280> but diverse than typical Suburban IIA but diverse than typical Suburban IIA but they're<00:17:59.600> less<00:17:59.840> diverse<00:18:00.280> than<00:18:00.520> cities<00:18:01.520> and they're less diverse than cities and they're less diverse than cities and they're<00:18:03.039> they<00:18:03.840> are<00:18:04.280> public<00:18:04.919> places<00:18:05.559> but<00:18:05.679> that they're they are public places but that they're they are public places but that are<00:18:06.120> managed<00:18:06.720> by<00:18:06.960> private are managed by private are managed by private companies<00:18:09.039> and<00:18:09.520> just<00:18:09.760> the<00:18:09.919> surface<00:18:10.440> appearan companies and just the surface appearan companies and just the surface appearan is<00:18:11.679> are<00:18:12.440> often<00:18:12.799> like<00:18:13.000> the<00:18:13.159> AstroTurf<00:18:13.960> here<00:18:14.280> are is are often like the AstroTurf here are is are often like the AstroTurf here are um<00:18:15.400> you<00:18:15.480> know<00:18:15.679> they<00:18:15.799> make<00:18:15.960> me<00:18:16.320> wse<00:18:17.320> so<00:18:18.240> you<00:18:18.360> know um you know they make me wse so you know um you know they make me wse so you know I<00:18:18.600> mean<00:18:18.760> I'm<00:18:18.960> glad<00:18:19.240> that<00:18:19.400> the<00:18:19.559> urbanism<00:18:20.320> is I mean I'm glad that the urbanism is I mean I'm glad that the urbanism is doing<00:18:20.880> its<00:18:21.200> job<00:18:21.559> the<00:18:21.760> fact<00:18:22.000> that<00:18:22.120> a<00:18:22.360> protest<00:18:22.960> is doing its job the fact that a protest is doing its job the fact that a protest is happening<00:18:24.240> really<00:18:24.640> it<00:18:24.799> does<00:18:25.039> mean<00:18:25.320> that<00:18:25.440> the happening really it does mean that the happening really it does mean that the layout<00:18:26.000> of<00:18:26.159> the<00:18:26.280> blocks<00:18:26.640> the<00:18:26.760> streets<00:18:27.080> and layout of the blocks the streets and layout of the blocks the streets and blocks<00:18:27.559> the<00:18:27.720> putting<00:18:28.039> in<00:18:28.400> of<00:18:28.799> public<00:18:29.039> space blocks the putting in of public space blocks the putting in of public space compromised<00:18:30.080> as<00:18:30.200> it<00:18:30.360> may<00:18:30.600> be<00:18:31.440> and<00:18:31.600> you<00:18:31.720> know<00:18:31.960> is compromised as it may be and you know is compromised as it may be and you know is still<00:18:32.480> a<00:18:32.640> really<00:18:32.919> great<00:18:33.120> thing<00:18:33.320> but<00:18:33.400> we<00:18:33.559> just still a really great thing but we just still a really great thing but we just we've<00:18:33.880> got<00:18:33.960> to<00:18:34.120> get<00:18:34.200> the<00:18:34.360> architecture<00:18:34.919> better we've got to get the architecture better we've got to get the architecture better the<00:18:35.919> final<00:18:36.320> challenge<00:18:36.840> is<00:18:36.960> for<00:18:37.159> all<00:18:37.280> of<00:18:37.640> you<00:18:38.640> I the final challenge is for all of you I the final challenge is for all of you I want<00:18:39.039> you<00:18:39.240> to<00:18:39.520> join<00:18:39.880> the<00:18:40.120> protest<00:18:40.760> and<00:18:40.919> start want you to join the protest and start want you to join the protest and start demanding<00:18:42.120> more<00:18:42.559> sustainable<00:18:43.440> PL<00:18:43.720> Suburban demanding more sustainable PL Suburban demanding more sustainable PL Suburban places<00:18:44.760> more<00:18:44.919> sustainable<00:18:45.400> places<00:18:45.840> period<00:18:46.840> uh places more sustainable places period uh places more sustainable places period uh but<00:18:47.360> you<00:18:47.440> know but you know but you know culturally<00:18:49.760> we<00:18:49.960> tend<00:18:50.240> to<00:18:50.559> think<00:18:50.799> that culturally we tend to think that culturally we tend to think that downtowns<00:18:51.720> should<00:18:51.960> be<00:18:52.200> dynamic<00:18:52.760> and<00:18:52.880> we downtowns should be dynamic and we downtowns should be dynamic and we expect<00:18:53.520> that<00:18:53.760> but<00:18:53.840> we<00:18:53.960> seem<00:18:54.159> to<00:18:54.360> have<00:18:54.480> an expect that but we seem to have an expect that but we seem to have an expectation<00:18:55.360> that<00:18:55.480> the<00:18:55.640> suburbs<00:18:56.080> should expectation that the suburbs should expectation that the suburbs should forever<00:18:56.960> remain<00:18:57.280> Frozen<00:18:57.760> and<00:18:57.919> whatever forever remain Frozen and whatever forever remain Frozen and whatever adoles<00:18:59.000> form<00:18:59.400> they<00:18:59.520> were<00:18:59.760> first<00:19:00.120> given<00:19:00.440> birth adoles form they were first given birth adoles form they were first given birth to<00:19:01.679> it's<00:19:02.039> time<00:19:02.360> to<00:19:02.679> let<00:19:02.919> them<00:19:03.200> grow<00:19:03.520> up<00:19:04.440> so<00:19:04.679> I to it's time to let them grow up so I to it's time to let them grow up so I want<00:19:05.200> you<00:19:05.799> to<00:19:06.120> all<00:19:06.760> support<00:19:07.520> the<00:19:07.679> zoning want you to all support the zoning want you to all support the zoning changes<00:19:08.880> the<00:19:09.039> road<00:19:09.400> diets<00:19:10.039> the changes the road diets the changes the road diets the infrastructure<00:19:10.919> improvements<00:19:11.720> and<00:19:11.840> the infrastructure improvements and the infrastructure improvements and the retrofits<00:19:12.760> that<00:19:12.840> are<00:19:13.039> coming<00:19:13.320> soon<00:19:13.600> to<00:19:13.760> a retrofits that are coming soon to a retrofits that are coming soon to a neighborhood<00:19:14.400> near<00:19:14.600> you<00:19:15.200> thank<00:19:15.400> you

TEDEducation TED-Ed TED Ed, Ellen, Dunham-Jones, TED, suburb, suburbs, suburbia, retrofitting, suburbia, sustainable, design, sustainability

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