Trẻ em của chúng ta sẽ là một loài khác nhau? – Juan Enriquez

Will our kids be a different species? - Juan Enriquez

Will our kids be a different species? - Juan Enriquez



all<00:00:16.460> right<00:00:16.760> so<00:00:17.030> like<00:00:17.210> all<00:00:17.360> good<00:00:17.540> stories<00:00:17.600> this
all right so like all good stories this all right so like all good stories this starts<00:00:18.470> a<00:00:18.560> long<00:00:18.740> long<00:00:18.980> time<00:00:19.250> ago<00:00:19.550> when<00:00:20.060> there starts a long long time ago when there starts a long long time ago when there was<00:00:20.330> basically<00:00:20.689> nothing<00:00:21.610> so<00:00:22.610> here<00:00:22.939> is<00:00:23.060> a was basically nothing so here is a was basically nothing so here is a complete<00:00:23.599> picture<00:00:23.779> of<00:00:23.990> the<00:00:24.050> universe<00:00:24.230> about complete picture of the universe about complete picture of the universe about 40<00:00:25.220> not<00:00:25.400> billion<00:00:25.790> years<00:00:26.000> ago<00:00:26.890> all<00:00:27.890> energy<00:00:28.520> is 40 not billion years ago all energy is 40 not billion years ago all energy is concentrated<00:00:29.029> into<00:00:29.540> a<00:00:29.689> single<00:00:30.169> point<00:00:30.349> of concentrated into a single point of concentrated into a single point of energy<00:00:30.650> for<00:00:31.279> some<00:00:31.460> reason<00:00:31.730> it<00:00:31.849> explodes<00:00:31.939> and energy for some reason it explodes and energy for some reason it explodes and you<00:00:32.900> begin<00:00:33.140> to<00:00:33.230> get<00:00:33.320> these<00:00:33.530> things<00:00:34.210> so<00:00:35.210> you're you begin to get these things so you're you begin to get these things so you're now<00:00:35.450> about<00:00:35.570> 14<00:00:36.050> billion<00:00:36.260> years<00:00:36.560> under<00:00:36.770> this now about 14 billion years under this now about 14 billion years under this and<00:00:37.520> these<00:00:37.700> things<00:00:37.880> expand<00:00:38.390> and<00:00:38.600> expand<00:00:38.930> and and these things expand and expand and and these things expand and expand and expand<00:00:39.530> into<00:00:39.800> these<00:00:39.950> giant<00:00:40.190> galaxies<00:00:40.820> and<00:00:41.030> you expand into these giant galaxies and you expand into these giant galaxies and you get<00:00:41.239> trillions<00:00:41.690> of<00:00:41.840> them<00:00:41.989> and<00:00:42.820> within<00:00:43.820> these get trillions of them and within these get trillions of them and within these galaxies<00:00:44.600> you<00:00:44.630> get<00:00:44.840> these<00:00:44.960> enormous<00:00:45.500> dust galaxies you get these enormous dust galaxies you get these enormous dust clouds<00:00:46.160> and<00:00:46.820> I<00:00:46.910> want<00:00:47.090> you<00:00:47.210> to<00:00:47.300> pay<00:00:47.480> particular clouds and I want you to pay particular clouds and I want you to pay particular attention<00:00:47.990> to<00:00:48.410> the<00:00:48.620> three<00:00:48.920> little<00:00:49.070> prongs<00:00:49.520> in attention to the three little prongs in attention to the three little prongs in the<00:00:50.060> center<00:00:50.330> of<00:00:50.450> this<00:00:50.570> picture<00:00:50.950> if<00:00:51.950> you<00:00:52.010> take<00:00:52.220> a the center of this picture if you take a the center of this picture if you take a close-up<00:00:52.610> of<00:00:52.850> those<00:00:53.060> they<00:00:53.330> look<00:00:53.510> like<00:00:53.660> this close-up of those they look like this close-up of those they look like this and<00:00:55.400> what<00:00:55.550> you're<00:00:55.700> looking<00:00:55.880> at<00:00:56.210> is<00:00:56.450> columns<00:00:56.990> of and what you're looking at is columns of and what you're looking at is columns of dust<00:00:57.610> where<00:00:58.610> there's<00:00:58.820> so<00:00:59.030> much<00:00:59.180> dust<00:00:59.740> by<00:01:00.740> the dust where there's so much dust by the dust where there's so much dust by the way<00:01:00.980> the<00:01:01.160> scale<00:01:01.430> of<00:01:01.580> this<00:01:01.730> is<00:01:01.910> a<00:01:01.940> trillion way the scale of this is a trillion way the scale of this is a trillion vertical<00:01:03.110> miles<00:01:03.380> and<00:01:04.299> what's<00:01:05.299> happening<00:01:05.750> is vertical miles and what's happening is vertical miles and what's happening is there's<00:01:06.049> so<00:01:06.290> much<00:01:06.409> dust<00:01:06.680> it<00:01:06.950> comes<00:01:07.250> together there's so much dust it comes together there's so much dust it comes together and<00:01:07.970> it<00:01:08.090> fuses<00:01:08.630> and<00:01:09.560> ignites<00:01:09.890> a<00:01:10.040> thermonuclear and it fuses and ignites a thermonuclear and it fuses and ignites a thermonuclear reaction<00:01:11.180> and<00:01:11.869> so<00:01:12.530> what<00:01:12.680> you're<00:01:12.770> watching<00:01:12.979> is reaction and so what you're watching is reaction and so what you're watching is the<00:01:13.430> birth<00:01:13.640> of<00:01:13.850> stars<00:01:14.150> these<00:01:15.109> are<00:01:15.229> stars<00:01:15.560> being the birth of stars these are stars being the birth of stars these are stars being born<00:01:15.950> out<00:01:16.369> of<00:01:16.490> here<00:01:16.700> when<00:01:17.539> enough<00:01:17.780> stars<00:01:18.109> come born out of here when enough stars come born out of here when enough stars come out<00:01:19.100> they<00:01:19.729> create<00:01:19.999> a<00:01:20.030> galaxy<00:01:21.159> this<00:01:22.159> one out they create a galaxy this one out they create a galaxy this one happens<00:01:22.700> to<00:01:22.789> be<00:01:22.909> a<00:01:23.030> particularly<00:01:23.390> important happens to be a particularly important happens to be a particularly important galaxy<00:01:24.499> because<00:01:24.859> you<00:01:25.069> are<00:01:25.249> here<00:01:25.549> and<00:01:26.979> as<00:01:27.979> you galaxy because you are here and as you galaxy because you are here and as you take<00:01:28.280> a<00:01:28.310> close-up<00:01:28.639> of<00:01:28.880> this<00:01:29.060> galaxy<00:01:29.270> you<00:01:29.749> find take a close-up of this galaxy you find take a close-up of this galaxy you find a<00:01:30.319> relatively<00:01:31.069> normal<00:01:31.369> not<00:01:31.909> particularly a relatively normal not particularly a relatively normal not particularly interesting<00:01:32.960> start<00:01:33.939> by<00:01:34.939> the<00:01:34.999> way<00:01:35.240> you're<00:01:35.450> now interesting start by the way you're now interesting start by the way you're now about<00:01:35.780> two-thirds<00:01:36.560> of<00:01:36.679> the<00:01:36.770> way<00:01:36.889> into<00:01:37.130> this about two-thirds of the way into this about two-thirds of the way into this story<00:01:37.929> so<00:01:38.929> this<00:01:39.109> star<00:01:39.409> doesn't<00:01:39.649> even<00:01:39.829> appear story so this star doesn't even appear story so this star doesn't even appear until<00:01:41.090> about<00:01:41.299> two<00:01:41.509> thirds<00:01:41.719> away<00:01:41.959> in<00:01:42.109> this until about two thirds away in this until about two thirds away in this story<00:01:42.560> and<00:01:42.859> then<00:01:43.369> what<00:01:43.549> happens<00:01:43.939> is<00:01:44.149> there's story and then what happens is there's story and then what happens is there's enough<00:01:44.630> dust<00:01:44.959> left<00:01:45.229> over<00:01:45.439> that<00:01:45.799> it<00:01:46.189> doesn't enough dust left over that it doesn't enough dust left over that it doesn't ignite<00:01:46.639> into<00:01:47.030> a<00:01:47.060> star<00:01:47.359> it<00:01:47.630> becomes<00:01:48.049> a<00:01:48.289> planet ignite into a star it becomes a planet ignite into a star it becomes a planet and<00:01:49.850> this<00:01:50.749> is<00:01:50.959> about<00:01:51.409> a<00:01:51.709> little<00:01:52.369> over<00:01:52.520> four and this is about a little over four and this is about a little over four billion<00:01:52.999> years<00:01:53.240> ago<00:01:53.359> and<00:01:54.279> soon<00:01:55.279> thereafter billion years ago and soon thereafter billion years ago and soon thereafter there's<00:01:55.999> enough<00:01:56.350> material<00:01:57.350> left<00:01:57.380> over<00:01:57.889> that there's enough material left over that there's enough material left over that you<00:01:58.459> get<00:01:58.880> a<00:01:59.090> primordial<00:01:59.509> soup<00:02:00.219> and<00:02:01.219> that you get a primordial soup and that you get a primordial soup and that creates<00:02:02.840> life<00:02:03.159> and<00:02:04.329> life<00:02:05.329> starts<00:02:05.659> to<00:02:05.840> expand creates life and life starts to expand creates life and life starts to expand and<00:02:06.829> expand<00:02:07.159> and<00:02:07.369> expand<00:02:07.789> until<00:02:08.149> it<00:02:08.360> goes and expand and expand until it goes and expand and expand until it goes couplet<00:02:12.550> now<00:02:13.550> the<00:02:13.610> really<00:02:13.970> strange<00:02:14.240> thing<00:02:14.390> is couplet now the really strange thing is couplet now the really strange thing is life<00:02:14.900> goes<00:02:15.140> kaput<00:02:15.560> not<00:02:15.830> once<00:02:16.099> not<00:02:16.790> twice<00:02:17.060> but life goes kaput not once not twice but life goes kaput not once not twice but five<00:02:18.440> times<00:02:18.910> so<00:02:19.910> almost<00:02:20.330> all<00:02:20.600> life<00:02:20.870> on<00:02:21.200> Earth five times so almost all life on Earth five times so almost all life on Earth is<00:02:22.010> wiped<00:02:22.280> out<00:02:22.460> about<00:02:22.940> five<00:02:23.270> times<00:02:23.540> and<00:02:24.020> as is wiped out about five times and as is wiped out about five times and as you're<00:02:25.040> thinking<00:02:25.070> about<00:02:25.430> that<00:02:25.760> what<00:02:25.940> happens you're thinking about that what happens you're thinking about that what happens is<00:02:26.540> you<00:02:26.630> get<00:02:26.750> more<00:02:26.810> and<00:02:27.170> more<00:02:27.230> complexity<00:02:28.100> more is you get more and more complexity more is you get more and more complexity more and<00:02:28.880> more<00:02:29.090> stuff<00:02:29.480> to<00:02:30.170> build<00:02:30.440> new<00:02:30.950> things<00:02:30.980> with and more stuff to build new things with and more stuff to build new things with and<00:02:33.530> we<00:02:34.430> don't<00:02:34.640> appear<00:02:34.970> until<00:02:35.240> about and we don't appear until about and we don't appear until about ninety-nine<00:02:36.110> point<00:02:36.410> nine<00:02:36.530> six<00:02:37.070> percent<00:02:37.970> of ninety-nine point nine six percent of ninety-nine point nine six percent of the<00:02:38.150> time<00:02:38.510> into<00:02:39.020> this<00:02:39.170> story<00:02:39.670> just<00:02:40.670> to<00:02:40.880> put the time into this story just to put the time into this story just to put ourselves<00:02:41.810> and<00:02:42.320> our<00:02:42.410> ancestors<00:02:42.920> in ourselves and our ancestors in ourselves and our ancestors in perspective<00:02:44.560> so<00:02:45.560> within<00:02:45.860> that<00:02:46.100> context perspective so within that context perspective so within that context there's<00:02:46.820> two<00:02:47.030> theories<00:02:47.240> of<00:02:47.480> the<00:02:47.570> case<00:02:47.810> as<00:02:48.020> to there's two theories of the case as to there's two theories of the case as to why<00:02:48.350> we're<00:02:48.620> all<00:02:48.770> here<00:02:49.120> the<00:02:50.120> first<00:02:50.390> theory<00:02:50.660> of why we're all here the first theory of why we're all here the first theory of the<00:02:50.870> case<00:02:51.020> is<00:02:51.080> that's<00:02:51.560> all<00:02:51.740> she<00:02:51.920> wrote<00:02:53.470> right the case is that's all she wrote right the case is that's all she wrote right under<00:02:55.340> that<00:02:55.490> theory<00:02:55.820> we<00:02:56.330> are<00:02:56.360> the<00:02:56.690> be-all<00:02:56.990> and under that theory we are the be-all and under that theory we are the be-all and end-all<00:02:57.500> of<00:02:57.980> all<00:02:58.340> creation<00:02:58.880> and<00:02:59.030> the<00:02:59.450> reason end-all of all creation and the reason end-all of all creation and the reason for<00:02:59.840> trillions<00:03:00.590> of<00:03:01.390> galaxies<00:03:02.390> sixth<00:03:02.810> ilion's for trillions of galaxies sixth ilion's for trillions of galaxies sixth ilion's of<00:03:03.260> planets<00:03:03.820> is<00:03:04.820> to<00:03:05.030> create<00:03:05.390> something<00:03:06.140> that of planets is to create something that of planets is to create something that looks<00:03:06.440> like<00:03:06.650> that<00:03:07.720> and<00:03:09.010> something<00:03:10.010> that<00:03:10.190> looks looks like that and something that looks looks like that and something that looks like<00:03:10.490> that<00:03:10.610> and<00:03:12.220> that's<00:03:13.220> the<00:03:13.370> purpose<00:03:13.670> of<00:03:13.790> the like that and that's the purpose of the like that and that's the purpose of the universe<00:03:14.120> and<00:03:14.360> then<00:03:14.510> it<00:03:14.630> flatlines<00:03:15.110> it universe and then it flatlines it universe and then it flatlines it doesn't<00:03:15.650> get<00:03:15.740> any<00:03:15.890> better

the<00:03:21.980> only<00:03:22.100> question<00:03:22.550> you<00:03:22.610> might<00:03:22.760> want<00:03:22.940> to<00:03:23.000> ask
the only question you might want to ask the only question you might want to ask yourself<00:03:23.330> is<00:03:24.040> could<00:03:25.040> that<00:03:25.070> be<00:03:25.430> just<00:03:25.460> mildly yourself is could that be just mildly yourself is could that be just mildly arrogant<00:03:28.660> and<00:03:29.660> if<00:03:29.990> it<00:03:30.110> is<00:03:30.260> and<00:03:31.420> particularly arrogant and if it is and particularly arrogant and if it is and particularly given<00:03:32.690> the<00:03:32.810> fact<00:03:32.930> that<00:03:33.170> we<00:03:33.410> came<00:03:33.890> very<00:03:34.250> close given the fact that we came very close given the fact that we came very close to<00:03:34.820> extinction<00:03:35.980> there<00:03:36.980> were<00:03:37.040> only<00:03:37.160> about to extinction there were only about to extinction there were only about 2,000<00:03:38.120> of<00:03:38.209> our<00:03:38.330> species<00:03:38.660> left<00:03:39.140> a<00:03:39.790> few<00:03:40.790> more 2,000 of our species left a few more 2,000 of our species left a few more weeks<00:03:41.120> without<00:03:41.330> rain<00:03:41.690> we<00:03:41.900> would<00:03:42.020> have<00:03:42.140> never weeks without rain we would have never weeks without rain we would have never seen<00:03:42.560> any<00:03:42.800> of<00:03:42.860> these

so<00:03:57.140> maybe<00:03:57.320> you<00:03:57.440> have<00:03:57.560> to<00:03:57.680> think<00:03:57.890> about<00:03:58.100> a
so maybe you have to think about a so maybe you have to think about a second<00:03:58.520> theory<00:03:59.500> if<00:04:00.500> the<00:04:00.590> first<00:04:00.890> one<00:04:01.040> isn't second theory if the first one isn't second theory if the first one isn't good<00:04:01.370> enough<00:04:01.780> second<00:04:02.780> theory<00:04:03.020> is<00:04:03.200> could<00:04:03.470> we good enough second theory is could we good enough second theory is could we upgrade<00:04:06.850> well<00:04:07.850> why<00:04:08.690> wouldn't<00:04:08.900> one<00:04:09.020> ask<00:04:09.230> a upgrade well why wouldn't one ask a upgrade well why wouldn't one ask a question<00:04:09.710> like<00:04:09.890> that<00:04:09.920> because<00:04:10.490> there<00:04:10.670> have question like that because there have question like that because there have been<00:04:10.850> at<00:04:11.090> least<00:04:11.270> 29<00:04:11.660> upgrades<00:04:12.260> so<00:04:12.500> far<00:04:12.770> of been at least 29 upgrades so far of been at least 29 upgrades so far of humanoids<00:04:14.980> so<00:04:15.980> it<00:04:16.130> turns<00:04:16.340> out<00:04:16.489> that<00:04:16.700> we<00:04:16.820> have humanoids so it turns out that we have humanoids so it turns out that we have upgraded<00:04:17.510> we've<00:04:17.690> upgraded<00:04:17.870> time<00:04:18.440> and<00:04:18.650> again upgraded we've upgraded time and again upgraded we've upgraded time and again and<00:04:19.010> again<00:04:19.190> and<00:04:20.030> it<00:04:20.150> turns<00:04:20.359> out<00:04:20.510> that<00:04:20.570> we<00:04:20.840> keep and again and it turns out that we keep and again and it turns out that we keep discovering<00:04:21.440> upgrades<00:04:22.250> we<00:04:22.820> found<00:04:23.060> this<00:04:23.210> one discovering upgrades we found this one discovering upgrades we found this one last<00:04:23.570> year<00:04:24.280> we<00:04:25.280> found<00:04:25.430> another<00:04:25.730> one<00:04:25.880> last last year we found another one last last year we found another one last month<00:04:26.390> and<00:04:27.160> as<00:04:28.160> you're<00:04:28.310> thinking<00:04:28.460> about<00:04:28.760> this month and as you're thinking about this month and as you're thinking about this you<00:04:29.750> might<00:04:29.900> also<00:04:30.110> ask<00:04:30.260> the<00:04:30.560> question<00:04:30.880> so<00:04:31.880> why<00:04:32.090> a you might also ask the question so why a you might also ask the question so why a single<00:04:33.050> human<00:04:33.290> species<00:04:34.480> wouldn't<00:04:35.480> it<00:04:35.540> be single human species wouldn't it be single human species wouldn't it be really<00:04:35.840> odd<00:04:36.140> if<00:04:36.440> you<00:04:36.560> went<00:04:36.800> to<00:04:36.919> Africa<00:04:37.580> and really odd if you went to Africa and really odd if you went to Africa and Asia<00:04:38.540> and<00:04:39.160> Antarctica<00:04:40.160> and<00:04:40.280> found<00:04:40.490> exactly Asia and Antarctica and found exactly Asia and Antarctica and found exactly the<00:04:41.090> same<00:04:41.240> bird<00:04:43.000> particularly<00:04:44.000> given<00:04:44.240> that<00:04:44.600> we the same bird particularly given that we the same bird particularly given that we coexisted<00:04:45.770> at<00:04:45.980> the<00:04:46.100> same<00:04:46.340> time<00:04:46.640> with<00:04:46.910> at<00:04:47.030> least coexisted at the same time with at least coexisted at the same time with at least eight<00:04:47.600> other<00:04:47.870> versions<00:04:48.800> of<00:04:49.010> humanoid<00:04:49.460> at<00:04:49.640> the eight other versions of humanoid at the eight other versions of humanoid at the same<00:04:49.970> time<00:04:50.210> on<00:04:50.390> this<00:04:50.540> planet<00:04:51.370> so<00:04:52.370> the<00:04:52.490> normal same time on this planet so the normal same time on this planet so the normal state<00:04:53.240> of<00:04:53.270> affairs<00:04:53.810> is<00:04:54.080> not<00:04:54.290> to<00:04:54.500> have<00:04:54.710> just<00:04:55.160> a state of affairs is not to have just a state of affairs is not to have just a homo<00:04:55.580> sapiens<00:04:56.150> the<00:04:56.330> normal<00:04:56.630> state<00:04:56.870> of<00:04:56.900> affairs homo sapiens the normal state of affairs homo sapiens the normal state of affairs is<00:04:57.530> to<00:04:57.680> have<00:04:57.860> various<00:04:58.280> versions<00:04:58.669> of<00:04:59.120> humans is to have various versions of humans is to have various versions of humans walking<00:04:59.900> around<00:05:00.490> and<00:05:01.660> if<00:05:02.660> that<00:05:02.870> is<00:05:03.020> the<00:05:03.110> normal walking around and if that is the normal walking around and if that is the normal state<00:05:03.590> of<00:05:03.620> affairs<00:05:04.300> then<00:05:05.300> you<00:05:05.390> might<00:05:05.540> ask state of affairs then you might ask state of affairs then you might ask yourself<00:05:05.840> all<00:05:06.350> right<00:05:06.380> so<00:05:06.680> if<00:05:06.740> we<00:05:06.830> wanted<00:05:07.070> to yourself all right so if we wanted to yourself all right so if we wanted to create<00:05:07.310> something<00:05:07.700> else<00:05:07.790> how<00:05:08.210> big<00:05:08.540> does<00:05:08.750> the create something else how big does the create something else how big does the mutation<00:05:09.560> have<00:05:09.800> to<00:05:10.010> be<00:05:10.870> well mutation have to be well mutation have to be well Svante<00:05:12.770> Paabo<00:05:13.040> has<00:05:13.370> the<00:05:13.520> answer<00:05:13.880> the Svante Paabo has the answer the Svante Paabo has the answer the difference<00:05:15.080> between<00:05:15.260> humans<00:05:15.770> and difference between humans and difference between humans and Neanderthals<00:05:16.010> is<00:05:16.669> point<00:05:17.120> zero<00:05:17.419> zero<00:05:17.510> four Neanderthals is point zero zero four Neanderthals is point zero zero four percent<00:05:18.410> of<00:05:18.530> gene<00:05:18.740> code<00:05:19.570> that's<00:05:20.570> how<00:05:20.750> big<00:05:21.020> the percent of gene code that's how big the percent of gene code that's how big the differences<00:05:21.650> one<00:05:21.830> species<00:05:22.130> to<00:05:22.310> another differences one species to another differences one species to another this<00:05:24.650> explains<00:05:25.100> most<00:05:25.370> contemporary this explains most contemporary this explains most contemporary political<00:05:26.300> debates

but<00:05:31.719> as<00:05:31.809> you're<00:05:31.960> thinking<00:05:32.319> about<00:05:32.439> this<00:05:32.800> one<00:05:33.729> of
but as you're thinking about this one of but as you're thinking about this one of the<00:05:33.879> interesting<00:05:34.360> things<00:05:34.599> is<00:05:34.809> how<00:05:35.050> small the interesting things is how small the interesting things is how small these<00:05:35.740> mutations<00:05:36.279> are<00:05:36.430> and<00:05:36.610> where<00:05:36.759> they<00:05:36.879> take these mutations are and where they take these mutations are and where they take place<00:05:37.589> difference<00:05:38.589> human<00:05:38.949> Neanderthal<00:05:39.550> is place difference human Neanderthal is place difference human Neanderthal is sperm<00:05:40.539> and<00:05:40.689> testes<00:05:41.020> smell<00:05:41.619> and<00:05:41.889> skin<00:05:42.279> and sperm and testes smell and skin and sperm and testes smell and skin and those<00:05:42.699> are<00:05:42.849> the<00:05:42.969> specific<00:05:43.240> genes<00:05:43.839> that<00:05:44.800> differ those are the specific genes that differ those are the specific genes that differ from<00:05:45.249> one<00:05:45.610> to<00:05:45.729> the<00:05:45.819> other<00:05:45.849> so<00:05:46.349> very<00:05:47.349> small from one to the other so very small from one to the other so very small changes<00:05:48.189> can<00:05:48.249> have<00:05:48.580> a<00:05:48.610> big<00:05:48.849> impact<00:05:48.969> and<00:05:49.539> as changes can have a big impact and as changes can have a big impact and as you're<00:05:50.559> thinking<00:05:50.619> about<00:05:51.009> this<00:05:51.399> we're you're thinking about this we're you're thinking about this we're continuing<00:05:52.779> to<00:05:52.960> mutate<00:05:53.409> so<00:05:53.740> about<00:05:54.550> 10,000 continuing to mutate so about 10,000 continuing to mutate so about 10,000 years<00:05:55.419> ago<00:05:55.479> by<00:05:55.960> the<00:05:56.020> Black<00:05:56.379> Sea years ago by the Black Sea years ago by the Black Sea we<00:05:57.189> had<00:05:57.369> one<00:05:57.639> mutation<00:05:58.029> in<00:05:58.389> one<00:05:58.419> gene<00:05:58.800> which we had one mutation in one gene which we had one mutation in one gene which led<00:06:00.039> to<00:06:00.069> blue<00:06:00.399> eyes<00:06:01.559> and<00:06:02.559> this<00:06:02.740> is<00:06:02.800> continuing led to blue eyes and this is continuing led to blue eyes and this is continuing and<00:06:03.580> continuing<00:06:03.610> and<00:06:04.210> continuing<00:06:04.360> and<00:06:05.169> as<00:06:06.009> it and continuing and continuing and as it and continuing and continuing and as it continues<00:06:06.669> one<00:06:06.909> of<00:06:06.939> the<00:06:07.120> things<00:06:07.360> that's<00:06:07.479> going continues one of the things that's going continues one of the things that's going to<00:06:07.719> happen<00:06:07.779> this<00:06:08.229> year<00:06:08.289> is<00:06:08.649> we're<00:06:08.830> going<00:06:08.949> to to happen this year is we're going to to happen this year is we're going to discover<00:06:09.399> the<00:06:09.729> first<00:06:10.330> 10,000<00:06:10.960> human<00:06:11.229> genomes discover the first 10,000 human genomes discover the first 10,000 human genomes because<00:06:12.009> it's<00:06:12.159> gotten<00:06:12.370> cheap<00:06:12.759> enough<00:06:13.059> to<00:06:13.210> do because it's gotten cheap enough to do because it's gotten cheap enough to do the<00:06:13.479> gene<00:06:13.629> sequencing<00:06:14.520> and<00:06:15.520> when<00:06:15.699> we<00:06:15.849> find the gene sequencing and when we find the gene sequencing and when we find these<00:06:16.559> we<00:06:17.559> may<00:06:17.740> find<00:06:18.009> differences<00:06:18.339> and<00:06:19.149> by<00:06:20.139> the these we may find differences and by the these we may find differences and by the way<00:06:20.409> this<00:06:20.559> is<00:06:20.740> not<00:06:20.860> a<00:06:21.099> debate<00:06:21.459> that<00:06:21.490> we're way this is not a debate that we're way this is not a debate that we're ready<00:06:21.939> for<00:06:22.029> because<00:06:22.749> we<00:06:22.990> have<00:06:23.139> really<00:06:23.439> misused ready for because we have really misused ready for because we have really misused the<00:06:24.339> science<00:06:24.729> in<00:06:24.879> this<00:06:25.059> in<00:06:25.419> the<00:06:26.259> 1920s<00:06:27.009> we the science in this in the 1920s we the science in this in the 1920s we thought<00:06:27.370> there<00:06:27.550> were<00:06:27.610> major<00:06:27.849> differences thought there were major differences thought there were major differences between<00:06:28.719> people<00:06:29.309> that<00:06:30.309> was<00:06:30.459> partly<00:06:30.819> based<00:06:31.119> on between people that was partly based on between people that was partly based on Francis<00:06:31.899> Galton's<00:06:32.289> work Francis Galton's work Francis Galton's work he<00:06:33.729> was<00:06:33.879> Darwin's<00:06:34.270> cousin<00:06:34.830> what<00:06:35.830> the<00:06:35.979> US<00:06:36.249> the he was Darwin's cousin what the US the he was Darwin's cousin what the US the Carnegie<00:06:37.360> Institute<00:06:37.809> Stanford<00:06:38.439> alone<00:06:38.740> or Carnegie Institute Stanford alone or Carnegie Institute Stanford alone or American<00:06:39.249> neurological<00:06:39.879> Association<00:06:40.479> took American neurological Association took American neurological Association took this<00:06:40.839> really<00:06:41.229> far<00:06:41.499> that<00:06:42.490> got<00:06:42.729> exported<00:06:43.449> and this really far that got exported and this really far that got exported and was<00:06:44.469> really<00:06:44.770> misused<00:06:45.309> in<00:06:45.689> fact<00:06:46.689> it<00:06:46.809> lets<00:06:46.959> some was really misused in fact it lets some was really misused in fact it lets some absolute<00:06:47.620> horrendous<00:06:48.279> treatment<00:06:48.490> of<00:06:48.759> human absolute horrendous treatment of human absolute horrendous treatment of human beings<00:06:49.300> so<00:06:49.649> since<00:06:50.649> the<00:06:50.830> 1940s<00:06:51.580> we've<00:06:51.729> been beings so since the 1940s we've been beings so since the 1940s we've been saying<00:06:52.059> there<00:06:52.240> are<00:06:52.419> no<00:06:52.659> differences<00:06:53.139> we<00:06:53.319> are saying there are no differences we are saying there are no differences we are all<00:06:53.469> identical<00:06:54.300> we're<00:06:55.300> gonna<00:06:55.419> know<00:06:55.629> what<00:06:55.749> your all identical we're gonna know what your all identical we're gonna know what your end<00:06:56.110> of<00:06:56.229> that<00:06:56.379> is<00:06:56.559> true<00:06:56.830> and<00:06:57.399> as<00:06:58.269> we<00:06:58.419> think end of that is true and as we think end of that is true and as we think about<00:06:58.959> that<00:06:59.199> we're<00:06:59.409> actually<00:06:59.559> beginning<00:06:59.889> to about that we're actually beginning to about that we're actually beginning to find<00:07:00.610> things<00:07:00.849> like<00:07:01.649> do<00:07:02.649> you<00:07:02.800> have<00:07:02.830> an<00:07:03.099> ace<00:07:03.339> gene find things like do you have an ace gene find things like do you have an ace gene why<00:07:05.259> would<00:07:05.439> that<00:07:05.529> matter<00:07:05.769> because<00:07:06.580> nobody's why would that matter because nobody's why would that matter because nobody's ever<00:07:07.149> climbed<00:07:07.569> an<00:07:07.749> 8,000<00:07:08.319> meter<00:07:08.469> peak<00:07:08.789> without ever climbed an 8,000 meter peak without ever climbed an 8,000 meter peak without oxygen<00:07:10.289> that<00:07:11.289> doesn't<00:07:11.620> have<00:07:11.800> an<00:07:11.949> ace<00:07:12.069> gene<00:07:12.339> and oxygen that doesn't have an ace gene and oxygen that doesn't have an ace gene and if<00:07:13.870> you<00:07:13.959> want<00:07:14.110> to<00:07:14.169> get<00:07:14.289> more<00:07:14.469> specific<00:07:15.039> about<00:07:15.249> a if you want to get more specific about a if you want to get more specific about a 577<00:07:16.689> our<00:07:16.899> genotype<00:07:18.029> well<00:07:19.029> it<00:07:19.209> turns<00:07:19.479> out<00:07:19.659> that 577 our genotype well it turns out that 577 our genotype well it turns out that every<00:07:20.169> male<00:07:20.409> Olympic<00:07:21.129> power<00:07:21.459> athlete<00:07:21.969> ever every male Olympic power athlete ever every male Olympic power athlete ever tested<00:07:22.719> carries<00:07:23.199> at<00:07:23.439> least<00:07:23.709> one<00:07:24.009> of<00:07:24.159> these tested carries at least one of these tested carries at least one of these variants<00:07:25.709> if<00:07:26.709> that<00:07:27.039> is<00:07:27.219> true<00:07:27.550> it<00:07:27.729> leads<00:07:27.939> to variants if that is true it leads to variants if that is true it leads to some<00:07:28.300> very<00:07:28.599> complicated<00:07:29.080> questions<00:07:29.769> for<00:07:30.009> the some very complicated questions for the some very complicated questions for the London<00:07:30.399> Olympics<00:07:31.139> three<00:07:32.139> options<00:07:32.939> do<00:07:33.939> you London Olympics three options do you London Olympics three options do you want<00:07:34.300> the<00:07:34.419> Olympics<00:07:34.779> to<00:07:34.930> be<00:07:35.080> a<00:07:35.110> showcase<00:07:35.830> for want the Olympics to be a showcase for want the Olympics to be a showcase for really<00:07:36.580> hard<00:07:36.819> working<00:07:37.089> mutants

option<00:07:41.930> number<00:07:42.050> two<00:07:43.150> why<00:07:44.150> don't<00:07:44.330> we<00:07:44.419> play<00:07:44.660> it
option number two why don't we play it option number two why don't we play it like<00:07:44.990> golf<00:07:45.290> or<00:07:45.590> sailing<00:07:46.540> because<00:07:47.540> you<00:07:47.780> have like golf or sailing because you have like golf or sailing because you have one<00:07:48.320> and<00:07:48.530> you<00:07:48.770> don't<00:07:48.950> have<00:07:49.160> one<00:07:49.400> I'll<00:07:49.550> give<00:07:49.700> you one and you don't have one I'll give you one and you don't have one I'll give you a<00:07:49.850> tenth<00:07:50.150> of<00:07:50.240> a<00:07:50.330> second<00:07:50.660> Head<00:07:50.810> Start<00:07:52.570> version a tenth of a second Head Start version a tenth of a second Head Start version number<00:07:53.810> three<00:07:54.050> because<00:07:54.470> this<00:07:54.680> is<00:07:54.830> a<00:07:54.860> naturally number three because this is a naturally number three because this is a naturally occurring<00:07:55.430> gene<00:07:56.030> and<00:07:56.270> you've<00:07:56.600> got<00:07:56.810> it<00:07:56.990> and<00:07:57.139> you occurring gene and you've got it and you occurring gene and you've got it and you didn't<00:07:57.710> pick<00:07:57.800> the<00:07:57.860> right<00:07:57.980> parents<00:07:58.600> you<00:07:59.600> get didn't pick the right parents you get didn't pick the right parents you get the<00:07:59.900> right<00:08:00.080> to<00:08:00.230> upgrade<00:08:02.320> three<00:08:03.320> different the right to upgrade three different the right to upgrade three different options<00:08:03.740> if<00:08:04.430> these<00:08:04.730> differences<00:08:04.970> are<00:08:05.510> the options if these differences are the options if these differences are the difference<00:08:06.500> between<00:08:06.650> Olympic<00:08:07.190> medal<00:08:07.550> and<00:08:07.760> a difference between Olympic medal and a difference between Olympic medal and a non<00:08:08.330> Olympic<00:08:08.780> medal<00:08:09.080> and<00:08:09.790> it<00:08:10.790> turns<00:08:11.000> out<00:08:11.180> that non Olympic medal and it turns out that non Olympic medal and it turns out that as<00:08:11.389> we<00:08:11.540> discover<00:08:11.960> these<00:08:12.169> things<00:08:12.500> we<00:08:12.950> human as we discover these things we human as we discover these things we human beings<00:08:13.610> really<00:08:14.510> like<00:08:14.960> to<00:08:15.169> change<00:08:15.440> how<00:08:15.889> we<00:08:15.950> look beings really like to change how we look beings really like to change how we look how<00:08:16.639> we<00:08:17.090> act<00:08:17.510> what<00:08:17.810> our<00:08:17.990> bodies<00:08:18.380> do<00:08:18.650> and<00:08:19.370> we<00:08:19.610> had how we act what our bodies do and we had how we act what our bodies do and we had about<00:08:19.910> ten<00:08:20.270> point<00:08:20.540> two<00:08:20.720> million<00:08:21.169> plastic about ten point two million plastic about ten point two million plastic surgery<00:08:22.460> the<00:08:22.490> United<00:08:22.880> States<00:08:23.090> except<00:08:23.720> that surgery the United States except that surgery the United States except that with<00:08:24.229> the<00:08:24.320> technologies<00:08:24.950> that<00:08:25.220> are<00:08:25.370> coming with the technologies that are coming with the technologies that are coming online<00:08:25.970> today<00:08:27.040> today's<00:08:28.040> Corrections online today today's Corrections online today today's Corrections deletions<00:08:29.540> augmentations<00:08:30.410> and<00:08:30.650> enhancements deletions augmentations and enhancements deletions augmentations and enhancements are<00:08:31.940> gonna<00:08:32.180> seem<00:08:32.390> like<00:08:32.599> child's<00:08:32.960> play<00:08:33.760> you are gonna seem like child's play you are gonna seem like child's play you already<00:08:35.060> saw<00:08:35.300> the<00:08:35.330> work<00:08:35.990> by<00:08:36.200> Tony<00:08:36.440> Atala<00:08:36.650> on already saw the work by Tony Atala on already saw the work by Tony Atala on Ted<00:08:38.020> but<00:08:39.020> this<00:08:39.710> ability<00:08:40.039> to<00:08:40.460> start<00:08:40.789> filling Ted but this ability to start filling Ted but this ability to start filling things<00:08:41.719> like<00:08:42.140> inkjet<00:08:42.770> cartridges<00:08:43.339> with<00:08:43.610> cells things like inkjet cartridges with cells things like inkjet cartridges with cells or<00:08:44.720> allowing<00:08:45.230> us<00:08:45.380> to<00:08:45.530> print<00:08:46.270> skin<00:08:47.740> organs<00:08:48.740> and or allowing us to print skin organs and or allowing us to print skin organs and a<00:08:49.430> whole<00:08:49.580> series<00:08:49.790> of<00:08:49.940> other<00:08:50.180> body<00:08:50.450> parts<00:08:50.810> and a whole series of other body parts and a whole series of other body parts and as<00:08:52.220> these<00:08:52.520> technologies<00:08:53.150> go<00:08:53.360> forward<00:08:53.950> you as these technologies go forward you as these technologies go forward you know<00:08:55.070> you<00:08:55.130> keep<00:08:55.430> seeing<00:08:55.700> this<00:08:55.790> you<00:08:55.940> keep know you keep seeing this you keep know you keep seeing this you keep seeing<00:08:56.390> this<00:08:56.450> you<00:08:56.600> keep<00:08:56.750> seeing<00:08:57.020> things<00:08:57.730> mm seeing this you keep seeing things mm seeing this you keep seeing things mm human<00:08:59.420> genome<00:08:59.720> sequence<00:09:00.200> and<00:09:01.390> it<00:09:02.390> seems<00:09:02.690> like human genome sequence and it seems like human genome sequence and it seems like nothing's<00:09:03.290> happening<00:09:03.800> until<00:09:04.370> it<00:09:04.670> does<00:09:05.110> and<00:09:06.910> we nothing's happening until it does and we nothing's happening until it does and we may<00:09:08.120> just<00:09:08.150> be<00:09:08.570> in<00:09:08.600> some<00:09:08.900> of<00:09:08.930> these<00:09:09.110> weeks<00:09:10.270> and may just be in some of these weeks and may just be in some of these weeks and as<00:09:11.390> you're<00:09:11.510> thinking<00:09:11.690> about<00:09:12.040> you<00:09:13.040> know<00:09:13.130> these as you're thinking about you know these as you're thinking about you know these two<00:09:13.580> guys<00:09:13.760> sequencing<00:09:14.390> a<00:09:14.480> human<00:09:14.510> genome<00:09:14.780> in two guys sequencing a human genome in two guys sequencing a human genome in 2000<00:09:15.800> and<00:09:15.980> the<00:09:16.040> public<00:09:16.370> project<00:09:16.850> sequencing 2000 and the public project sequencing 2000 and the public project sequencing the<00:09:17.720> human<00:09:17.839> genome<00:09:17.990> in<00:09:18.440> 2000<00:09:20.320> you<00:09:21.320> don't<00:09:21.500> hear the human genome in 2000 you don't hear the human genome in 2000 you don't hear a<00:09:21.740> lot<00:09:22.630> till<00:09:23.630> you<00:09:23.720> hear<00:09:23.930> about<00:09:23.990> an<00:09:24.230> experiment a lot till you hear about an experiment a lot till you hear about an experiment last<00:09:25.010> year<00:09:25.280> in<00:09:25.400> China<00:09:26.770> where<00:09:27.770> they<00:09:28.130> take<00:09:28.400> skin last year in China where they take skin last year in China where they take skin cells<00:09:29.120> from<00:09:29.360> this<00:09:29.510> mouse<00:09:29.980> put<00:09:30.980> four<00:09:31.250> chemicals cells from this mouse put four chemicals cells from this mouse put four chemicals on<00:09:31.910> it<00:09:32.260> turn<00:09:33.260> those<00:09:33.440> skin<00:09:33.740> cells<00:09:34.010> into<00:09:34.520> stem on it turn those skin cells into stem on it turn those skin cells into stem cells<00:09:35.120> what<00:09:35.900> the<00:09:36.050> stem<00:09:36.290> cells<00:09:36.589> grow<00:09:36.890> and cells what the stem cells grow and cells what the stem cells grow and create<00:09:37.760> a<00:09:38.089> full<00:09:38.480> copy<00:09:38.750> of<00:09:39.050> that<00:09:39.200> mouse<00:09:41.110> that's create a full copy of that mouse that's create a full copy of that mouse that's a<00:09:42.230> big<00:09:42.410> deal a big deal a big deal because<00:09:44.220> in<00:09:44.370> essence<00:09:44.730> what<00:09:45.060> it<00:09:45.150> means<00:09:45.360> is<00:09:45.630> you because in essence what it means is you because in essence what it means is you can<00:09:45.960> take<00:09:46.170> a<00:09:46.410> cell<00:09:46.830> which<00:09:47.130> is<00:09:47.250> a<00:09:47.280> pluripotent can take a cell which is a pluripotent can take a cell which is a pluripotent stem<00:09:48.390> cell<00:09:48.720> which<00:09:49.470> is<00:09:49.500> like<00:09:49.800> a<00:09:49.830> skier<00:09:50.430> at<00:09:50.550> the stem cell which is like a skier at the stem cell which is like a skier at the top<00:09:50.850> of<00:09:51.030> a<00:09:51.120> mountain<00:09:51.980> and<00:09:52.980> those<00:09:53.160> two<00:09:53.370> skiers top of a mountain and those two skiers top of a mountain and those two skiers become<00:09:54.120> two<00:09:54.360> pluripotent<00:09:54.930> stem<00:09:55.110> cells<00:09:55.440> for become two pluripotent stem cells for become two pluripotent stem cells for 8:16<00:09:57.090> and<00:09:57.360> then<00:09:57.930> it<00:09:58.020> gets<00:09:58.110> so<00:09:58.260> crowded<00:09:58.650> after 8:16 and then it gets so crowded after 8:16 and then it gets so crowded after 16<00:10:00.030> divisions<00:10:00.330> that<00:10:01.290> those<00:10:01.530> cells<00:10:01.770> have<00:10:02.160> to 16 divisions that those cells have to 16 divisions that those cells have to differentiate<00:10:02.760> so<00:10:03.180> they<00:10:03.270> go<00:10:03.390> down<00:10:03.540> one<00:10:03.780> side differentiate so they go down one side differentiate so they go down one side of<00:10:04.170> the<00:10:04.230> mountain<00:10:04.530> they<00:10:04.650> go<00:10:04.800> down<00:10:04.980> another<00:10:05.250> and of the mountain they go down another and of the mountain they go down another and as<00:10:06.540> they<00:10:06.660> pick<00:10:06.960> that<00:10:07.610> these<00:10:08.610> become<00:10:08.850> bone<00:10:09.240> and as they pick that these become bone and as they pick that these become bone and then<00:10:09.870> they<00:10:10.050> pick<00:10:10.230> another<00:10:10.350> road<00:10:10.800> and<00:10:11.130> these then they pick another road and these then they pick another road and these become<00:10:11.700> platelets<00:10:12.180> and<00:10:12.510> these<00:10:13.290> became become platelets and these became become platelets and these became macrophages<00:10:14.220> and<00:10:14.880> these<00:10:14.970> become<00:10:15.270> t-cells<00:10:15.810> but macrophages and these become t-cells but macrophages and these become t-cells but it's<00:10:16.170> really<00:10:16.530> hard<00:10:16.920> once<00:10:17.250> you<00:10:17.400> ski<00:10:17.760> down<00:10:17.790> to it's really hard once you ski down to it's really hard once you ski down to get<00:10:18.330> back<00:10:18.510> up get back up get back up unless<00:10:20.940> of<00:10:21.120> course<00:10:21.150> if<00:10:21.660> you<00:10:22.500> have<00:10:22.710> a<00:10:23.040> ski<00:10:23.550> lift unless of course if you have a ski lift unless of course if you have a ski lift and<00:10:25.680> what<00:10:25.770> those<00:10:25.950> four<00:10:26.220> chemicals<00:10:26.760> do<00:10:27.030> is<00:10:27.330> they and what those four chemicals do is they and what those four chemicals do is they take<00:10:27.990> any<00:10:28.440> cell<00:10:28.920> and<00:10:29.190> take<00:10:29.730> it<00:10:29.910> way<00:10:30.390> back<00:10:30.600> up take any cell and take it way back up take any cell and take it way back up the<00:10:30.870> mountain<00:10:31.140> so<00:10:31.530> it<00:10:31.680> can<00:10:31.830> become<00:10:31.980> any<00:10:32.280> body the mountain so it can become any body the mountain so it can become any body part<00:10:33.620> and<00:10:34.620> as<00:10:34.770> you<00:10:34.830> think<00:10:35.100> of<00:10:35.190> that<00:10:35.340> what<00:10:35.520> it part and as you think of that what it part and as you think of that what it means<00:10:35.850> is<00:10:36.120> potentially<00:10:37.110> you<00:10:37.290> can<00:10:37.410> rebuild<00:10:37.860> a means is potentially you can rebuild a means is potentially you can rebuild a full<00:10:38.640> copy<00:10:38.940> of<00:10:39.330> any<00:10:39.920> organism<00:10:40.920> out<00:10:41.520> of<00:10:41.700> any<00:10:41.910> one full copy of any organism out of any one full copy of any organism out of any one of<00:10:42.180> its<00:10:42.390> cells<00:10:43.700> that<00:10:44.700> turns<00:10:44.970> out<00:10:45.150> to<00:10:45.180> be<00:10:45.330> a<00:10:45.450> big of its cells that turns out to be a big of its cells that turns out to be a big deal<00:10:45.870> because<00:10:46.170> now<00:10:46.590> you<00:10:46.650> can<00:10:46.980> take<00:10:47.010> not<00:10:47.550> just deal because now you can take not just deal because now you can take not just no<00:10:48.180> cells<00:10:48.570> but<00:10:48.990> you<00:10:49.140> can<00:10:49.290> take<00:10:49.500> human<00:10:50.490> skin no cells but you can take human skin no cells but you can take human skin cells<00:10:51.000> and<00:10:51.330> turn<00:10:52.290> them<00:10:52.500> into<00:10:52.590> human<00:10:53.190> stem cells and turn them into human stem cells and turn them into human stem cells<00:10:55.220> and<00:10:56.220> then<00:10:56.550> what<00:10:56.730> they<00:10:56.850> did<00:10:57.030> in<00:10:57.240> October cells and then what they did in October cells and then what they did in October is<00:10:57.960> they<00:10:58.680> took<00:10:58.890> skin<00:10:59.640> cells<00:10:59.940> turn<00:11:00.330> them<00:11:00.480> into is they took skin cells turn them into is they took skin cells turn them into stem<00:11:00.990> cells<00:11:01.290> and<00:11:01.620> begin<00:11:02.520> to<00:11:02.610> turn<00:11:02.760> that<00:11:02.970> into stem cells and begin to turn that into stem cells and begin to turn that into liver<00:11:03.990> cells<00:11:04.760> so<00:11:05.760> in<00:11:06.000> theory<00:11:06.270> you<00:11:06.390> could<00:11:06.690> grow liver cells so in theory you could grow liver cells so in theory you could grow any<00:11:07.170> organ<00:11:07.710> from<00:11:07.950> any<00:11:08.130> one<00:11:08.310> of<00:11:08.370> your<00:11:08.580> cells any organ from any one of your cells any organ from any one of your cells here's<00:11:11.730> a<00:11:11.790> second<00:11:12.150> experiment<00:11:12.630> if<00:11:13.050> you<00:11:14.040> could here's a second experiment if you could here's a second experiment if you could photocopy<00:11:14.850> your<00:11:15.180> body<00:11:16.370> maybe<00:11:17.370> you<00:11:17.610> also<00:11:17.790> want photocopy your body maybe you also want photocopy your body maybe you also want to<00:11:18.210> take<00:11:18.390> your<00:11:18.540> mind<00:11:18.690> and<00:11:19.080> one<00:11:19.230> of<00:11:19.320> the<00:11:19.440> things to take your mind and one of the things to take your mind and one of the things you<00:11:19.800> saw<00:11:20.010> at<00:11:20.280> Ted<00:11:20.580> about<00:11:20.760> a<00:11:20.880> year<00:11:21.150> and<00:11:21.210> a<00:11:21.270> half you saw at Ted about a year and a half you saw at Ted about a year and a half ago<00:11:21.600> was<00:11:22.590> this<00:11:22.770> guy<00:11:23.390> and<00:11:24.390> he<00:11:24.510> gave<00:11:24.690> a<00:11:24.720> wonderful ago was this guy and he gave a wonderful ago was this guy and he gave a wonderful technical<00:11:25.830> talk<00:11:26.040> using<00:11:26.310> professor<00:11:26.940> at<00:11:27.030> MIT technical talk using professor at MIT technical talk using professor at MIT but<00:11:28.440> in<00:11:28.590> essence<00:11:28.920> what<00:11:29.100> he<00:11:29.130> said<00:11:29.460> is<00:11:29.640> you<00:11:29.670> can but in essence what he said is you can but in essence what he said is you can take<00:11:30.180> retroviruses<00:11:31.080> which<00:11:31.290> get<00:11:31.530> inside<00:11:32.040> brain take retroviruses which get inside brain take retroviruses which get inside brain cells<00:11:32.760> of<00:11:33.030> mice<00:11:33.620> you<00:11:34.620> can<00:11:34.650> tag<00:11:35.070> them<00:11:35.310> with cells of mice you can tag them with cells of mice you can tag them with proteins<00:11:36.600> that<00:11:36.810> light<00:11:37.110> up<00:11:37.260> when<00:11:37.800> you<00:11:37.890> light proteins that light up when you light proteins that light up when you light them<00:11:38.930> and<00:11:39.930> you<00:11:40.440> can<00:11:40.590> map<00:11:40.830> the<00:11:40.860> exact<00:11:41.670> pathways them and you can map the exact pathways them and you can map the exact pathways when<00:11:42.960> a<00:11:42.990> mouse<00:11:43.230> sees<00:11:43.830> feels<00:11:44.610> touches when a mouse sees feels touches when a mouse sees feels touches remembers<00:11:46.500> loves<00:11:47.070> and<00:11:47.540> then<00:11:48.540> you<00:11:48.630> can<00:11:48.780> take<00:11:48.930> a remembers loves and then you can take a remembers loves and then you can take a fiber-optic<00:11:49.530> cable<00:11:50.280> and<00:11:50.490> light<00:11:51.420> up<00:11:51.570> some<00:11:52.080> of fiber-optic cable and light up some of fiber-optic cable and light up some of the<00:11:52.260> same<00:11:52.500> things the same things the same things and<00:11:53.940> by<00:11:54.780> the<00:11:54.840> way<00:11:55.050> as<00:11:55.260> you<00:11:55.440> do<00:11:55.590> this<00:11:55.800> you<00:11:56.310> can and by the way as you do this you can and by the way as you do this you can image<00:11:56.730> it<00:11:56.970> in<00:11:57.150> two<00:11:57.360> colors<00:11:57.390> which<00:11:58.050> means<00:11:58.290> you image it in two colors which means you image it in two colors which means you can<00:11:58.680> download<00:11:59.010> this<00:11:59.400> information<00:11:59.790> as<00:12:00.570> binary can download this information as binary can download this information as binary code<00:12:01.550> directly<00:12:02.550> into<00:12:02.790> a<00:12:02.820> computer<00:12:04.700> so<00:12:05.700> what's code directly into a computer so what's code directly into a computer so what's the<00:12:06.030> bottom<00:12:06.150> line<00:12:06.360> on<00:12:06.660> that<00:12:07.190> well<00:12:08.190> it's<00:12:08.340> not the bottom line on that well it's not the bottom line on that well it's not completely<00:12:08.990> inconceivable<00:12:09.990> but<00:12:10.470> someday completely inconceivable but someday completely inconceivable but someday you'll<00:12:11.160> be<00:12:11.190> able<00:12:11.400> to<00:12:11.700> download<00:12:11.850> your<00:12:12.300> own you'll be able to download your own you'll be able to download your own memories<00:12:13.730> maybe<00:12:14.730> into<00:12:15.150> a<00:12:15.180> new<00:12:15.330> body<00:12:15.710> and<00:12:17.060> maybe memories maybe into a new body and maybe memories maybe into a new body and maybe you<00:12:18.180> can<00:12:18.360> upload<00:12:18.570> other<00:12:18.930> people's<00:12:19.320> memories you can upload other people's memories you can upload other people's memories as<00:12:19.950> well<00:12:20.220> and<00:12:21.770> this<00:12:22.770> might<00:12:23.010> have<00:12:23.220> just<00:12:23.490> one<00:12:23.760> or as well and this might have just one or as well and this might have just one or two<00:12:24.090> small<00:12:24.680> ethical<00:12:25.680> political<00:12:26.010> moral two small ethical political moral two small ethical political moral implications<00:12:29.090> just<00:12:30.090> a<00:12:30.180> thought implications just a thought implications just a thought here's<00:12:33.000> the<00:12:33.180> kind<00:12:33.480> of<00:12:33.660> questions<00:12:34.140> that<00:12:34.230> are here's the kind of questions that are here's the kind of questions that are becoming<00:12:34.500> interesting<00:12:35.340> questions<00:12:35.760> for becoming interesting questions for becoming interesting questions for philosophers<00:12:36.900> for<00:12:37.290> governing<00:12:37.860> people<00:12:38.040> for philosophers for governing people for philosophers for governing people for economists<00:12:39.960> for<00:12:40.320> scientists<00:12:41.210> because<00:12:42.210> these economists for scientists because these economists for scientists because these technologies<00:12:42.990> are<00:12:43.170> moving<00:12:43.320> really<00:12:43.710> quickly technologies are moving really quickly technologies are moving really quickly and<00:12:45.540> as<00:12:45.660> you<00:12:45.750> think<00:12:46.020> about<00:12:46.230> it<00:12:46.440> let<00:12:46.590> me<00:12:46.710> close and as you think about it let me close and as you think about it let me close with<00:12:47.250> an<00:12:47.400> example<00:12:47.760> of<00:12:48.030> the<00:12:48.180> brain<00:12:48.740> the<00:12:49.740> first with an example of the brain the first with an example of the brain the first place<00:12:50.460> where<00:12:50.700> you<00:12:50.820> would<00:12:50.970> expect<00:12:51.390> to<00:12:51.480> see place where you would expect to see place where you would expect to see enormous<00:12:52.290> evolutionary<00:12:53.250> pressure<00:12:53.580> today enormous evolutionary pressure today enormous evolutionary pressure today both<00:12:54.990> because<00:12:55.560> of<00:12:55.590> the<00:12:55.770> inputs<00:12:56.370> which<00:12:56.640> are both because of the inputs which are both because of the inputs which are becoming<00:12:56.910> massive<00:12:57.690> and<00:12:57.930> because<00:12:58.290> of<00:12:58.320> the becoming massive and because of the becoming massive and because of the plasticity<00:12:59.070> of<00:12:59.370> the<00:12:59.460> organ<00:12:59.910> is<00:13:00.420> the<00:13:00.990> brain<00:13:02.330> do plasticity of the organ is the brain do plasticity of the organ is the brain do we<00:13:03.480> have<00:13:03.690> any<00:13:03.840> evidence<00:13:04.230> that<00:13:04.290> that<00:13:04.530> is we have any evidence that that is we have any evidence that that is happening<00:13:05.690> well<00:13:06.690> let's<00:13:06.840> take<00:13:07.020> a<00:13:07.050> look<00:13:07.290> at happening well let's take a look at happening well let's take a look at something<00:13:07.710> like<00:13:07.740> autism<00:13:08.130> incidents<00:13:09.030> per something like autism incidents per something like autism incidents per thousand<00:13:10.010> here's<00:13:11.010> what<00:13:11.190> it<00:13:11.280> looks<00:13:11.430> like<00:13:11.580> in thousand here's what it looks like in thousand here's what it looks like in 2000<00:13:12.420> here's<00:13:13.080> what<00:13:13.230> it<00:13:13.320> looks<00:13:13.500> like<00:13:13.680> in<00:13:13.860> 2002 2000 here's what it looks like in 2002 2000 here's what it looks like in 2002 2006<00:13:17.690> 2008<00:13:20.120> here's<00:13:21.120> the<00:13:21.300> increase<00:13:21.810> in<00:13:22.080> less 2006 2008 here's the increase in less 2006 2008 here's the increase in less than<00:13:22.530> a<00:13:22.650> decade<00:13:22.830> and<00:13:24.290> we<00:13:25.290> still<00:13:25.590> don't<00:13:25.740> know than a decade and we still don't know than a decade and we still don't know why<00:13:26.190> this<00:13:26.250> is<00:13:26.610> happening<00:13:27.590> what<00:13:28.590> we<00:13:28.740> do<00:13:28.920> know<00:13:29.100> is why this is happening what we do know is why this is happening what we do know is potentially<00:13:30.590> the<00:13:31.590> brain<00:13:31.830> is<00:13:32.010> reacting<00:13:32.490> a potentially the brain is reacting a potentially the brain is reacting a hyper<00:13:32.820> reactive<00:13:33.450> hyperplastic<00:13:34.050> way<00:13:34.500> and hyper reactive hyperplastic way and hyper reactive hyperplastic way and creating<00:13:35.940> individuals<00:13:36.450> that<00:13:36.570> are<00:13:36.690> like<00:13:36.870> this creating individuals that are like this creating individuals that are like this and<00:13:37.700> this<00:13:38.700> is<00:13:38.850> only<00:13:39.030> one<00:13:39.540> of<00:13:39.690> the<00:13:39.720> conditions and this is only one of the conditions and this is only one of the conditions in<00:13:40.440> souther<00:13:40.830> you've<00:13:41.010> also<00:13:41.160> got<00:13:41.580> people<00:13:42.570> who in souther you've also got people who in souther you've also got people who are<00:13:42.720> extraordinarily<00:13:43.170> smart<00:13:43.920> people<00:13:44.280> who<00:13:44.400> can are extraordinarily smart people who can are extraordinarily smart people who can remember<00:13:44.790> everything<00:13:45.270> they've<00:13:45.570> seen<00:13:45.840> in remember everything they've seen in remember everything they've seen in their<00:13:46.140> lives<00:13:46.350> people<00:13:46.710> who<00:13:46.830> gussed<00:13:47.070> anesthesia their lives people who gussed anesthesia their lives people who gussed anesthesia people<00:13:48.150> guts<00:13:48.360> gets<00:13:48.600> rafinha<00:13:48.930> got<00:13:49.680> all<00:13:49.920> kinds people guts gets rafinha got all kinds people guts gets rafinha got all kinds of<00:13:50.400> stuff<00:13:50.670> going<00:13:50.700> on<00:13:51.060> out<00:13:51.240> there<00:13:51.270> and<00:13:51.630> we<00:13:51.720> still of stuff going on out there and we still of stuff going on out there and we still don't<00:13:52.260> understand<00:13:52.770> how<00:13:53.040> and<00:13:53.310> why<00:13:53.520> this<00:13:53.580> is don't understand how and why this is don't understand how and why this is happening<00:13:55.340> but<00:13:56.340> one<00:13:56.520> question<00:13:56.910> you<00:13:56.970> might happening but one question you might happening but one question you might want<00:13:57.360> to<00:13:57.420> ask<00:13:57.540> is<00:13:57.840> are<00:13:58.080> we<00:13:58.320> seeing<00:13:58.590> a<00:13:58.740> rapid want to ask is are we seeing a rapid want to ask is are we seeing a rapid evolution<00:13:59.700> of<00:13:59.820> the<00:13:59.940> brain evolution of the brain evolution of the brain and<00:14:00.620> of<00:14:00.709> how<00:14:00.889> we<00:14:00.949> process<00:14:01.430> data<00:14:01.850> because<00:14:02.779> when and of how we process data because when and of how we process data because when you<00:14:03.019> think<00:14:03.320> of<00:14:03.470> how<00:14:03.649> much<00:14:03.829> data<00:14:04.100> is<00:14:04.220> coming you think of how much data is coming you think of how much data is coming into<00:14:04.699> our<00:14:04.880> brains<00:14:05.180> we're<00:14:06.139> trying<00:14:06.440> to<00:14:06.529> take<00:14:06.769> in into our brains we're trying to take in into our brains we're trying to take in as<00:14:07.040> much<00:14:07.250> data<00:14:07.579> in<00:14:07.970> a<00:14:08.449> day<00:14:08.660> as<00:14:08.870> people<00:14:09.050> used<00:14:09.410> to as much data in a day as people used to as much data in a day as people used to take<00:14:09.649> in<00:14:09.829> in<00:14:09.949> a<00:14:10.009> lifetime<00:14:11.980> and<00:14:12.980> as<00:14:13.100> you're take in in a lifetime and as you're take in in a lifetime and as you're thinking<00:14:13.399> about<00:14:13.610> this<00:14:13.940> there's<00:14:14.180> four thinking about this there's four thinking about this there's four theories<00:14:14.779> as<00:14:15.050> to<00:14:15.079> why<00:14:15.320> this<00:14:15.380> might<00:14:15.829> be<00:14:15.980> going theories as to why this might be going theories as to why this might be going on<00:14:16.339> plus<00:14:16.699> a<00:14:16.730> whole<00:14:17.000> series<00:14:17.240> of<00:14:17.360> others<00:14:17.720> I<00:14:17.870> don't on plus a whole series of others I don't on plus a whole series of others I don't have<00:14:18.529> a<00:14:18.560> good<00:14:18.800> answer<00:14:19.269> there<00:14:20.269> really<00:14:20.540> needs<00:14:20.810> to have a good answer there really needs to have a good answer there really needs to be<00:14:21.019> more<00:14:21.110> research<00:14:21.560> on<00:14:21.800> this<00:14:22.389> one<00:14:23.389> option<00:14:23.779> is<00:14:23.870> a be more research on this one option is a be more research on this one option is a fast-food<00:14:24.500> fetish<00:14:25.240> there<00:14:26.240> is<00:14:26.329> beginning<00:14:26.509> to fast-food fetish there is beginning to fast-food fetish there is beginning to be<00:14:26.899> some<00:14:27.230> evidence<00:14:27.380> that<00:14:28.069> obesity<00:14:28.519> and<00:14:28.970> diet be some evidence that obesity and diet be some evidence that obesity and diet have<00:14:30.470> something<00:14:30.980> to<00:14:31.130> do<00:14:31.279> with<00:14:31.880> gene have something to do with gene have something to do with gene modifications<00:14:33.019> which<00:14:33.230> may<00:14:33.620> or<00:14:33.920> may<00:14:34.220> not<00:14:34.430> have modifications which may or may not have modifications which may or may not have an<00:14:34.850> impact<00:14:35.269> on<00:14:35.740> how<00:14:36.740> the<00:14:36.800> brain<00:14:37.160> of<00:14:37.370> an<00:14:37.550> infant an impact on how the brain of an infant an impact on how the brain of an infant works<00:14:38.089> a<00:14:39.069> second<00:14:40.069> option<00:14:40.399> is<00:14:40.519> the<00:14:40.670> sexy<00:14:41.089> geek works a second option is the sexy geek works a second option is the sexy geek option<00:14:42.940> these<00:14:43.940> conditions<00:14:44.509> are<00:14:44.810> highly<00:14:45.709> rare

but<00:14:56.209> what's<00:14:56.449> beginning<00:14:56.660> to<00:14:56.899> happen<00:14:56.990> is
but what's beginning to happen is but what's beginning to happen is because<00:14:57.920> these<00:14:58.430> geeks<00:14:58.850> are<00:14:59.089> all<00:14:59.209> getting because these geeks are all getting because these geeks are all getting together<00:14:59.660> because<00:15:00.290> they<00:15:00.709> are<00:15:00.800> highly together because they are highly together because they are highly qualified<00:15:01.430> for<00:15:01.940> computer<00:15:02.360> programming<00:15:02.930> and qualified for computer programming and qualified for computer programming and it<00:15:03.259> is<00:15:03.380> highly<00:15:03.709> remunerated<00:15:04.339> as<00:15:04.699> well<00:15:05.540> as it is highly remunerated as well as it is highly remunerated as well as other<00:15:05.930> very<00:15:06.410> detail-oriented<00:15:07.399> tasks<00:15:08.120> that other very detail-oriented tasks that other very detail-oriented tasks that they<00:15:08.839> are<00:15:08.959> concentrating<00:15:09.860> geographically they are concentrating geographically they are concentrating geographically and<00:15:10.819> finding<00:15:11.480> like-minded<00:15:11.899> mates<00:15:12.940> so<00:15:13.940> this<00:15:14.149> is and finding like-minded mates so this is and finding like-minded mates so this is the<00:15:14.420> sort<00:15:14.930> of<00:15:15.050> mating<00:15:15.610> hypothesis<00:15:16.610> of<00:15:16.959> these the sort of mating hypothesis of these the sort of mating hypothesis of these genes<00:15:18.259> reinforcing<00:15:19.009> one<00:15:19.160> another<00:15:19.399> in<00:15:19.670> these genes reinforcing one another in these genes reinforcing one another in these structures<00:15:21.310> the<00:15:22.310> third<00:15:22.579> is<00:15:22.790> is<00:15:22.940> too<00:15:23.360> much structures the third is is too much structures the third is is too much information<00:15:24.519> we're<00:15:25.519> trying<00:15:25.670> to<00:15:25.850> process<00:15:26.120> so information we're trying to process so information we're trying to process so much<00:15:26.600> stuff<00:15:26.870> that<00:15:27.110> some<00:15:27.290> people<00:15:27.649> get much stuff that some people get much stuff that some people get synesthetic<00:15:28.459> and<00:15:28.759> just<00:15:28.910> have<00:15:29.060> huge<00:15:29.449> pipes<00:15:29.810> and synesthetic and just have huge pipes and synesthetic and just have huge pipes and remember<00:15:30.380> everything<00:15:30.800> other<00:15:31.699> people<00:15:32.209> get remember everything other people get remember everything other people get hypersensitive<00:15:33.230> the<00:15:33.350> amount<00:15:33.589> of<00:15:33.680> information hypersensitive the amount of information hypersensitive the amount of information other<00:15:34.430> people<00:15:34.790> react<00:15:35.180> with<00:15:35.589> various other people react with various other people react with various psychological<00:15:37.399> conditions<00:15:38.209> or<00:15:38.389> reactions<00:15:38.899> to psychological conditions or reactions to psychological conditions or reactions to this<00:15:39.139> information<00:15:39.639> or<00:15:40.639> maybe<00:15:41.120> it's<00:15:41.329> chemicals this information or maybe it's chemicals this information or maybe it's chemicals but<00:15:42.829> when<00:15:43.040> you<00:15:43.190> see<00:15:43.459> an<00:15:43.579> increase<00:15:44.149> of<00:15:44.360> that but when you see an increase of that but when you see an increase of that order<00:15:45.110> of<00:15:45.230> magnitude<00:15:45.769> in<00:15:45.889> a<00:15:45.949> condition<00:15:46.399> either order of magnitude in a condition either order of magnitude in a condition either you're<00:15:47.000> not<00:15:47.029> measuring<00:15:47.569> it<00:15:47.690> right<00:15:47.899> or<00:15:48.139> there's you're not measuring it right or there's you're not measuring it right or there's something<00:15:48.800> going<00:15:49.040> on<00:15:49.220> very<00:15:50.029> quickly<00:15:50.449> and<00:15:51.019> it something going on very quickly and it something going on very quickly and it may<00:15:51.920> be<00:15:51.980> evolution<00:15:52.819> in<00:15:53.000> real<00:15:53.180> time<00:15:54.370> here's<00:15:55.370> the may be evolution in real time here's the may be evolution in real time here's the bottom<00:15:55.819> line<00:15:56.800> what<00:15:57.800> I<00:15:57.829> think<00:15:58.310> we<00:15:58.490> are<00:15:58.610> doing<00:15:58.940> is bottom line what I think we are doing is bottom line what I think we are doing is we're<00:15:59.420> transitioning<00:16:00.110> as<00:16:00.260> a<00:16:00.290> species<00:16:00.860> and<00:16:01.069> I we're transitioning as a species and I we're transitioning as a species and I didn't<00:16:01.550> think<00:16:02.029> this<00:16:02.300> when<00:16:02.600> Steve<00:16:03.079> Collins<00:16:03.350> and didn't think this when Steve Collins and didn't think this when Steve Collins and I<00:16:03.680> started<00:16:04.160> writing<00:16:04.399> together<00:16:04.760> I<00:16:05.769> think<00:16:06.769> we're I started writing together I think we're I started writing together I think we're transitioning<00:16:07.760> into<00:16:07.910> a<00:16:08.029> home<00:16:08.240> level<00:16:08.420> lootus transitioning into a home level lootus transitioning into a home level lootus that<00:16:09.170> for<00:16:09.380> better<00:16:09.620> or<00:16:09.829> worse<00:16:09.860> is<00:16:10.760> not<00:16:11.089> just<00:16:11.389> a that for better or worse is not just a that for better or worse is not just a hominid<00:16:12.319> this<00:16:12.500> conscious<00:16:13.069> of<00:16:13.279> his<00:16:13.519> or<00:16:13.699> her hominid this conscious of his or her hominid this conscious of his or her environment environment environment it's<00:16:15.050> a<00:16:15.260> hominid<00:16:15.680> that's<00:16:15.860> beginning<00:16:16.190> to it's a hominid that's beginning to it's a hominid that's beginning to directly<00:16:16.790> and<00:16:17.060> deliberately<00:16:17.630> control<00:16:18.560> the directly and deliberately control the directly and deliberately control the evolution<00:16:18.920> of<00:16:19.399> its<00:16:19.579> own<00:16:19.819> species<00:16:20.149> of<00:16:20.800> bacteria evolution of its own species of bacteria evolution of its own species of bacteria of<00:16:22.569> plants<00:16:23.569> of<00:16:23.720> animals<00:16:24.649> and<00:16:24.949> I<00:16:25.069> think<00:16:25.399> that's of plants of animals and I think that's of plants of animals and I think that's such<00:16:25.850> an<00:16:26.060> order<00:16:26.449> of<00:16:26.569> magnitude<00:16:26.750> change<00:16:27.670> that such an order of magnitude change that such an order of magnitude change that your<00:16:28.880> grandkids<00:16:29.449> or<00:16:29.690> your<00:16:29.750> great<00:16:30.110> grandkids your grandkids or your great grandkids your grandkids or your great grandkids may<00:16:31.250> be<00:16:31.310> a<00:16:31.430> species<00:16:31.940> very<00:16:32.240> different<00:16:32.750> from<00:16:32.899> you may be a species very different from you may be a species very different from you thank<00:16:34.430> you<00:16:34.519> very<00:16:34.579> much

Juan Enriquez, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, TED, TEDx, TEDxSummit, Doha, Juan, Enriquez, evolution, human, evolution, species, evolutioN

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