Trở thành một người phụ nữ và một nhà ngoại giao-Madeleine Albright

On being a woman and a diplomat - Madeleine Albright

On being a woman and a diplomat - Madeleine Albright




what<00:00:16.600> what<00:00:16.720> is<00:00:16.840> the<00:00:17.000> story<00:00:17.240> of<00:00:17.400> this<00:00:17.840> this<00:00:18.000> is
what what is the story of this this is what what is the story of this this is uh<00:00:18.320> breaking<00:00:18.680> the<00:00:18.880> glass<00:00:19.240> ceiling uh breaking the glass ceiling uh breaking the glass ceiling [Music] [Music] [Music] oh<00:00:23.160> that<00:00:23.279> was<00:00:23.480> well<00:00:23.840> chosen<00:00:24.439> I<00:00:24.640> would<00:00:24.840> say<00:00:25.199> for oh that was well chosen I would say for oh that was well chosen I would say for this<00:00:26.000> what<00:00:26.119> I<00:00:26.279> spend<00:00:26.560> when<00:00:26.679> I<00:00:26.800> get<00:00:26.920> up<00:00:27.080> in<00:00:27.160> the this what I spend when I get up in the this what I spend when I get up in the morning<00:00:27.519> is<00:00:27.679> trying<00:00:27.880> to<00:00:28.039> figure<00:00:28.279> out<00:00:28.480> what's morning is trying to figure out what's morning is trying to figure out what's going<00:00:28.800> to<00:00:29.039> happen<00:00:29.480> you<00:00:29.599> know<00:00:30.039> none<00:00:30.160> of<00:00:30.279> this going to happen you know none of this going to happen you know none of this pined<00:00:30.840> stuff<00:00:31.439> would<00:00:31.599> have<00:00:31.800> happened<00:00:32.119> if<00:00:32.239> it pined stuff would have happened if it pined stuff would have happened if it hadn't<00:00:32.599> been<00:00:32.759> for<00:00:32.920> Saddam<00:00:33.680> Hussein<00:00:34.680> I'll<00:00:34.840> tell hadn't been for Saddam Hussein I'll tell hadn't been for Saddam Hussein I'll tell you<00:00:35.120> what<00:00:35.320> happened<00:00:35.680> I<00:00:35.760> went<00:00:35.960> to<00:00:36.120> the<00:00:36.239> United you what happened I went to the United you what happened I went to the United Nations<00:00:37.360> as<00:00:37.960> Ambassador<00:00:38.559> and<00:00:38.680> it<00:00:38.760> was<00:00:38.960> after Nations as Ambassador and it was after Nations as Ambassador and it was after the<00:00:39.360> Gulf<00:00:39.680> War<00:00:40.480> and<00:00:40.600> I<00:00:40.719> was<00:00:40.879> an<00:00:41.039> instructed the Gulf War and I was an instructed the Gulf War and I was an instructed Ambassador<00:00:42.680> and<00:00:43.559> uh<00:00:43.719> the<00:00:43.879> ceasefire<00:00:44.440> had<00:00:44.559> been Ambassador and uh the ceasefire had been Ambassador and uh the ceasefire had been translated<00:00:45.320> into<00:00:45.520> a<00:00:45.600> series<00:00:45.960> of<00:00:46.120> sanctions translated into a series of sanctions translated into a series of sanctions resolutions<00:00:47.800> and<00:00:48.000> my<00:00:48.239> instructions<00:00:48.760> were<00:00:48.960> to resolutions and my instructions were to resolutions and my instructions were to say<00:00:49.480> perfectly<00:00:49.960> terrible<00:00:50.399> things<00:00:50.680> about say perfectly terrible things about say perfectly terrible things about Saddam<00:00:51.280> Hussein<00:00:51.840> constantly<00:00:52.840> which<00:00:53.000> he Saddam Hussein constantly which he Saddam Hussein constantly which he deserved<00:00:53.640> he<00:00:53.760> had<00:00:53.960> invaded<00:00:54.440> another<00:00:54.840> country deserved he had invaded another country deserved he had invaded another country and<00:00:55.840> so<00:00:56.079> all<00:00:56.199> of<00:00:56.320> a<00:00:56.440> sudden<00:00:56.680> a<00:00:56.879> poem<00:00:57.239> appeared and so all of a sudden a poem appeared and so all of a sudden a poem appeared in<00:00:57.680> the<00:00:57.800> papers<00:00:58.120> in<00:00:58.359> Baghdad<00:00:59.039> comparing<00:00:59.440> me<00:00:59.559> to in the papers in Baghdad comparing me to in the papers in Baghdad comparing me to many<00:00:59.920> many<00:01:00.199> things<00:01:00.920> but<00:01:01.120> among<00:01:01.359> them<00:01:01.519> an many many things but among them an many many things but among them an unparalleled<00:01:02.640> Serpent<00:01:03.640> and<00:01:03.800> so<00:01:04.040> I<00:01:04.199> happened unparalleled Serpent and so I happened unparalleled Serpent and so I happened to<00:01:04.600> have<00:01:04.720> a<00:01:04.879> snake<00:01:05.239> pin<00:01:05.680> so<00:01:06.320> I<00:01:06.479> wore<00:01:06.760> it<00:01:06.960> when<00:01:07.119> we to have a snake pin so I wore it when we to have a snake pin so I wore it when we talked<00:01:07.560> about<00:01:08.159> Iraq<00:01:09.159> uh<00:01:09.680> and<00:01:09.960> when<00:01:10.119> I<00:01:10.240> went<00:01:10.439> out talked about Iraq uh and when I went out talked about Iraq uh and when I went out to<00:01:10.840> Meet<00:01:11.080> the<00:01:11.280> Press<00:01:11.640> they<00:01:11.759> zeroed<00:01:12.280> and<00:01:12.360> said to Meet the Press they zeroed and said to Meet the Press they zeroed and said why<00:01:12.640> are<00:01:12.720> you<00:01:12.799> wearing<00:01:13.040> that<00:01:13.159> snake<00:01:13.479> pin<00:01:14.000> I why are you wearing that snake pin I why are you wearing that snake pin I said<00:01:14.400> cuz<00:01:14.560> Saddam<00:01:14.920> Hussein<00:01:15.280> compared<00:01:15.640> me<00:01:15.759> to said cuz Saddam Hussein compared me to said cuz Saddam Hussein compared me to an<00:01:16.000> unparalleled<00:01:16.680> Serpent<00:01:17.360> and<00:01:17.439> then<00:01:17.560> I an unparalleled Serpent and then I an unparalleled Serpent and then I thought<00:01:17.880> well<00:01:18.040> this<00:01:18.159> is<00:01:18.320> fun<00:01:18.640> so<00:01:18.840> I<00:01:18.960> went<00:01:19.159> out thought well this is fun so I went out thought well this is fun so I went out and<00:01:20.720> I<00:01:20.880> bought<00:01:21.240> a<00:01:21.360> lot<00:01:21.520> of<00:01:21.680> pins<00:01:22.159> that<00:01:22.320> would<00:01:22.520> in and I bought a lot of pins that would in and I bought a lot of pins that would in fact<00:01:23.119> reflect<00:01:23.720> what<00:01:23.920> I<00:01:24.079> thought<00:01:24.200> we<00:01:24.320> were fact reflect what I thought we were fact reflect what I thought we were going<00:01:24.560> to<00:01:24.720> do<00:01:25.040> on<00:01:25.240> any<00:01:25.479> given<00:01:25.799> day<00:01:26.119> so<00:01:26.320> that's going to do on any given day so that's going to do on any given day so that's how<00:01:26.640> it<00:01:26.759> all<00:01:26.920> started<00:01:27.439> oh<00:01:28.119> so<00:01:28.320> how<00:01:28.520> large<00:01:28.799> is how it all started oh so how large is how it all started oh so how large is the<00:01:29.200> collection<00:01:29.680> then the collection then the collection then pretty pretty pretty big<00:01:32.880> it's<00:01:33.320> now<00:01:33.560> traveling<00:01:34.159> at<00:01:34.280> the<00:01:34.399> moment big it's now traveling at the moment big it's now traveling at the moment it's<00:01:34.799> in<00:01:35.000> Indianapolis<00:01:35.759> but<00:01:35.880> it<00:01:35.960> was<00:01:36.119> at<00:01:36.240> the it's in Indianapolis but it was at the it's in Indianapolis but it was at the Smithsonian<00:01:37.439> and<00:01:37.560> it<00:01:37.680> goes<00:01:38.040> with<00:01:38.159> a<00:01:38.320> book<00:01:38.640> that Smithsonian and it goes with a book that Smithsonian and it goes with a book that says<00:01:39.040> read<00:01:39.280> my

pins<00:01:42.720> so<00:01:43.000> is<00:01:43.439> is<00:01:43.680> this<00:01:44.000> a<00:01:44.399> a<00:01:44.600> good<00:01:44.880> idea<00:01:45.280> I
pins so is is this a a good idea I pins so is is this a a good idea I remember<00:01:45.960> when<00:01:46.119> you<00:01:46.280> were<00:01:47.119> um<00:01:47.560> the<00:01:47.719> first remember when you were um the first remember when you were um the first woman<00:01:48.680> as<00:01:48.920> as<00:01:49.119> Secretary<00:01:49.640> of<00:01:49.799> State<00:01:50.040> and<00:01:50.200> there woman as as Secretary of State and there woman as as Secretary of State and there was<00:01:50.560> a<00:01:50.759> lot<00:01:50.960> of<00:01:51.200> conversation<00:01:51.880> always<00:01:52.320> about was a lot of conversation always about was a lot of conversation always about what<00:01:53.240> you<00:01:53.360> were<00:01:53.560> wearing<00:01:54.320> how<00:01:54.560> you<00:01:54.840> looked<00:01:55.640> uh what you were wearing how you looked uh what you were wearing how you looked uh you<00:01:55.920> know<00:01:56.240> the<00:01:56.360> thing<00:01:56.560> that<00:01:56.719> happens<00:01:57.039> to<00:01:57.280> a<00:01:57.360> lot you know the thing that happens to a lot you know the thing that happens to a lot of<00:01:57.640> women<00:01:58.000> especially<00:01:58.399> if<00:01:58.520> they're<00:01:58.719> the<00:01:58.840> first of women especially if they're the first of women especially if they're the first in<00:02:00.159> a<00:02:00.399> position<00:02:01.039> so<00:02:01.960> how<00:02:02.079> do<00:02:02.200> you<00:02:02.320> feel<00:02:02.640> about in a position so how do you feel about in a position so how do you feel about that<00:02:03.280> the<00:02:03.439> whole<00:02:03.920> well<00:02:04.079> it's<00:02:04.240> pretty that the whole well it's pretty that the whole well it's pretty irritating<00:02:05.159> actually<00:02:05.520> because<00:02:05.799> nobody<00:02:06.200> ever irritating actually because nobody ever irritating actually because nobody ever describes<00:02:07.360> what<00:02:07.479> a<00:02:07.640> man<00:02:07.920> is<00:02:08.119> wearing<00:02:08.959> but describes what a man is wearing but describes what a man is wearing but people<00:02:09.479> did<00:02:09.759> pay<00:02:10.000> attention<00:02:10.399> to<00:02:10.720> what<00:02:10.879> clothes people did pay attention to what clothes people did pay attention to what clothes I<00:02:11.440> had<00:02:11.680> what<00:02:11.840> was<00:02:12.080> interesting<00:02:12.720> was<00:02:13.000> that I had what was interesting was that I had what was interesting was that before<00:02:13.760> I<00:02:13.840> went<00:02:14.040> up<00:02:14.160> to<00:02:14.319> New<00:02:14.519> York<00:02:14.800> as<00:02:15.000> un before I went up to New York as un before I went up to New York as un Ambassador<00:02:15.920> I<00:02:16.040> talked<00:02:16.280> to<00:02:16.400> Jean<00:02:16.680> kpatrick Ambassador I talked to Jean kpatrick Ambassador I talked to Jean kpatrick who'd<00:02:17.519> been<00:02:17.720> Ambassador<00:02:18.280> before<00:02:18.519> me<00:02:18.760> and<00:02:18.879> she who'd been Ambassador before me and she who'd been Ambassador before me and she said<00:02:19.560> you<00:02:19.720> got<00:02:19.800> to<00:02:19.959> get<00:02:20.120> rid<00:02:20.239> of<00:02:20.400> your said you got to get rid of your said you got to get rid of your professor<00:02:21.120> clothes<00:02:21.599> go<00:02:21.760> out<00:02:21.920> and<00:02:22.160> look<00:02:22.519> like<00:02:22.680> a professor clothes go out and look like a professor clothes go out and look like a diplomat<00:02:23.400> so<00:02:23.599> that<00:02:23.800> did<00:02:24.040> give<00:02:24.160> me<00:02:24.319> a<00:02:24.440> lot<00:02:24.560> of diplomat so that did give me a lot of diplomat so that did give me a lot of opportunities<00:02:25.280> to<00:02:25.400> go<00:02:25.920> shopping<00:02:26.920> um<00:02:27.680> but opportunities to go shopping um but opportunities to go shopping um but still<00:02:28.280> there<00:02:28.400> were<00:02:28.680> all<00:02:29.040> kinds<00:02:29.239> of<00:02:29.400> questions still there were all kinds of questions still there were all kinds of questions about<00:02:30.200> did<00:02:30.360> you<00:02:30.480> wear<00:02:30.680> a<00:02:30.920> hat<00:02:31.400> how<00:02:31.560> short<00:02:31.879> was about did you wear a hat how short was about did you wear a hat how short was your<00:02:32.239> skirt<00:02:32.840> and<00:02:33.400> one<00:02:33.560> of<00:02:33.720> the<00:02:33.840> things<00:02:34.120> if<00:02:34.239> you your skirt and one of the things if you your skirt and one of the things if you remember<00:02:34.720> cona<00:02:35.440> rice<00:02:35.959> was<00:02:36.160> at<00:02:36.360> some<00:02:36.560> event<00:02:36.879> and remember cona rice was at some event and remember cona rice was at some event and she<00:02:37.160> wore<00:02:37.440> boots<00:02:38.000> and<00:02:38.120> she<00:02:38.319> got<00:02:38.560> criticized she wore boots and she got criticized she wore boots and she got criticized over<00:02:39.440> that<00:02:39.760> and<00:02:40.000> no<00:02:40.239> guy<00:02:40.480> ever<00:02:40.720> gets over that and no guy ever gets over that and no guy ever gets criticized<00:02:41.599> but<00:02:41.720> that's<00:02:41.920> the<00:02:42.040> least<00:02:42.319> of<00:02:42.480> it<00:02:43.159> it criticized but that's the least of it it criticized but that's the least of it it is<00:02:43.920> for<00:02:44.159> all<00:02:44.360> of<00:02:44.519> us<00:02:44.760> men<00:02:44.959> and<00:02:45.200> women<00:02:45.519> finding is for all of us men and women finding is for all of us men and women finding our<00:02:46.239> ways<00:02:46.560> of<00:02:47.200> defining<00:02:47.720> our<00:02:47.920> roles<00:02:48.480> and<00:02:49.159> uh our ways of defining our roles and uh our ways of defining our roles and uh and<00:02:49.840> doing<00:02:50.159> them<00:02:50.319> in<00:02:50.519> ways<00:02:50.840> that<00:02:51.159> make<00:02:51.360> a and doing them in ways that make a and doing them in ways that make a difference<00:02:51.800> in<00:02:51.959> the<00:02:52.040> world<00:02:52.280> and<00:02:52.440> shape<00:02:52.760> the difference in the world and shape the difference in the world and shape the future<00:02:54.080> how<00:02:54.680> how<00:02:54.840> are<00:02:55.040> you<00:02:55.280> how<00:02:55.400> did<00:02:55.599> you future how how are you how did you future how how are you how did you handle<00:02:56.159> that<00:02:56.480> balance<00:02:57.360> between<00:02:57.680> being<00:02:58.000> the handle that balance between being the handle that balance between being the tough<00:02:59.319> diplomat<00:02:59.920> atic<00:03:00.280> and<00:03:00.920> strong<00:03:01.239> voice<00:03:01.720> of tough diplomat atic and strong voice of tough diplomat atic and strong voice of this<00:03:02.280> country<00:03:02.879> to<00:03:03.080> the<00:03:03.239> rest<00:03:03.400> of<00:03:03.560> the<00:03:03.680> world this country to the rest of the world this country to the rest of the world and<00:03:04.799> also<00:03:05.120> how<00:03:05.280> you<00:03:05.440> felt<00:03:05.720> about<00:03:05.959> yourself<00:03:06.400> as and also how you felt about yourself as and also how you felt about yourself as a<00:03:06.720> mother<00:03:07.120> a<00:03:07.440> grandmother<00:03:08.440> nurturing<00:03:09.120> and<00:03:09.640> so a mother a grandmother nurturing and so a mother a grandmother nurturing and so how<00:03:10.440> how<00:03:10.599> did<00:03:10.799> you<00:03:11.040> handle<00:03:11.599> well<00:03:11.720> the how how did you handle well the how how did you handle well the interesting<00:03:12.239> part<00:03:12.440> was<00:03:12.680> I<00:03:12.799> was<00:03:13.040> asked<00:03:13.599> what<00:03:13.720> it interesting part was I was asked what it interesting part was I was asked what it was<00:03:14.000> like<00:03:14.239> to<00:03:14.360> be<00:03:14.519> the<00:03:14.640> first<00:03:14.879> woman<00:03:15.239> Secretary was like to be the first woman Secretary was like to be the first woman Secretary State<00:03:16.159> a<00:03:16.239> few<00:03:16.440> minutes<00:03:16.799> after<00:03:17.040> I've<00:03:17.200> been State a few minutes after I've been State a few minutes after I've been named<00:03:17.640> and<00:03:17.760> I<00:03:17.840> said<00:03:18.000> well<00:03:18.120> I've<00:03:18.239> been<00:03:18.360> a<00:03:18.480> woman named and I said well I've been a woman named and I said well I've been a woman for<00:03:18.959> 60<00:03:19.319> years<00:03:19.560> but<00:03:19.680> I've<00:03:19.799> only<00:03:20.000> been for 60 years but I've only been for 60 years but I've only been Secretary<00:03:20.640> of<00:03:20.760> State<00:03:21.000> for<00:03:21.159> a<00:03:21.280> few<00:03:21.519> minutes<00:03:22.440> so Secretary of State for a few minutes so Secretary of State for a few minutes so it<00:03:23.360> evolved<00:03:24.360> but<00:03:24.920> um<00:03:25.760> uh<00:03:26.680> basically<00:03:27.280> I<00:03:27.440> love it evolved but um uh basically I love it evolved but um uh basically I love being<00:03:28.080> a<00:03:28.280> woman<00:03:28.680> and<00:03:28.840> so<00:03:29.400> what<00:03:29.879> happened<00:03:30.360> and<00:03:30.640> I being a woman and so what happened and I being a woman and so what happened and I think<00:03:30.920> there'll<00:03:31.239> probably<00:03:31.439> be<00:03:31.599> some<00:03:31.760> people think there'll probably be some people think there'll probably be some people in<00:03:32.120> the<00:03:32.239> audience<00:03:32.640> that<00:03:32.760> will<00:03:33.000> identify<00:03:33.519> with in the audience that will identify with in the audience that will identify with this<00:03:34.480> I<00:03:34.599> went<00:03:34.799> to<00:03:34.959> my<00:03:35.159> first<00:03:35.439> meeting<00:03:35.840> at<00:03:36.040> the this I went to my first meeting at the this I went to my first meeting at the um<00:03:37.040> first<00:03:37.439> at<00:03:37.599> the<00:03:37.760> UN<00:03:38.120> and<00:03:38.280> that's<00:03:38.480> when<00:03:38.680> this um first at the UN and that's when this um first at the UN and that's when this all<00:03:39.120> started<00:03:39.840> because<00:03:40.159> that<00:03:40.360> is<00:03:40.480> a<00:03:40.640> very<00:03:40.879> male all started because that is a very male all started because that is a very male uh<00:03:41.920> organization<00:03:42.760> and<00:03:42.879> I'm<00:03:43.040> sitting<00:03:43.400> there uh organization and I'm sitting there uh organization and I'm sitting there they're<00:03:44.080> 15<00:03:44.480> members<00:03:44.760> of<00:03:44.920> the<00:03:45.080> security they're 15 members of the security they're 15 members of the security Council<00:03:46.000> so<00:03:46.239> 14<00:03:46.920> men<00:03:47.920> uh<00:03:48.080> sat<00:03:48.439> there<00:03:49.000> staring Council so 14 men uh sat there staring Council so 14 men uh sat there staring at<00:03:49.599> me<00:03:49.799> and<00:03:49.959> I<00:03:50.120> thought<00:03:50.480> well<00:03:50.959> you<00:03:51.080> know<00:03:51.280> how<00:03:51.439> we at me and I thought well you know how we at me and I thought well you know how we all<00:03:51.760> are<00:03:52.000> you<00:03:52.120> want<00:03:52.200> to<00:03:52.360> get<00:03:52.480> the<00:03:52.599> feeling<00:03:52.920> of all are you want to get the feeling of all are you want to get the feeling of the<00:03:53.200> room<00:03:53.720> and<00:03:53.840> do<00:03:54.040> people<00:03:54.400> like<00:03:54.680> me<00:03:55.079> and<00:03:55.360> and the room and do people like me and and the room and do people like me and and will<00:03:56.000> I<00:03:56.200> really<00:03:56.560> say<00:03:56.879> something<00:03:57.480> intelligent will I really say something intelligent will I really say something intelligent and<00:03:58.840> all<00:03:58.959> of<00:03:59.079> a<00:03:59.200> sudden<00:03:59.400> I<00:03:59.519> thought<00:03:59.720> thought and all of a sudden I thought thought and all of a sudden I thought thought well<00:04:00.120> wait<00:04:00.280> a<00:04:00.400> minute<00:04:00.959> I<00:04:01.159> am<00:04:01.360> sitting<00:04:01.760> behind<00:04:02.040> a well wait a minute I am sitting behind a well wait a minute I am sitting behind a sign<00:04:02.519> that<00:04:02.640> says<00:04:02.920> the<00:04:03.079> United<00:04:03.519> States<00:04:04.280> and<00:04:04.400> if sign that says the United States and if sign that says the United States and if I<00:04:04.680> don't<00:04:05.000> speak<00:04:05.360> today<00:04:06.040> then<00:04:06.200> the<00:04:06.360> voice<00:04:06.560> of I don't speak today then the voice of I don't speak today then the voice of the<00:04:06.799> United<00:04:07.120> States<00:04:07.400> will<00:04:07.640> not<00:04:07.799> be<00:04:07.959> heard<00:04:08.439> and the United States will not be heard and the United States will not be heard and it<00:04:08.680> was<00:04:08.840> the<00:04:09.000> first<00:04:09.319> time<00:04:09.519> that<00:04:09.680> I<00:04:09.840> kind<00:04:09.959> of<00:04:10.159> had it was the first time that I kind of had it was the first time that I kind of had that<00:04:10.560> feeling<00:04:11.319> that<00:04:11.480> I<00:04:11.599> had<00:04:11.720> to<00:04:11.840> step<00:04:12.120> out<00:04:12.280> of that feeling that I had to step out of that feeling that I had to step out of myself<00:04:13.159> in<00:04:13.319> my<00:04:13.560> normal<00:04:14.079> kind<00:04:14.239> of<00:04:14.840> reluctant myself in my normal kind of reluctant myself in my normal kind of reluctant female<00:04:15.920> mode<00:04:16.479> and<00:04:16.840> decide<00:04:17.280> that<00:04:17.400> I<00:04:17.560> had<00:04:17.720> to female mode and decide that I had to female mode and decide that I had to speak<00:04:18.239> on<00:04:18.440> behalf<00:04:18.720> of<00:04:18.880> our<00:04:19.079> country<00:04:19.680> and<00:04:19.880> so<00:04:20.799> uh speak on behalf of our country and so uh speak on behalf of our country and so uh that<00:04:21.160> happened<00:04:21.519> more<00:04:21.799> and<00:04:22.360> various<00:04:22.919> times<00:04:23.360> but that happened more and various times but that happened more and various times but I<00:04:24.000> really<00:04:24.360> think<00:04:24.639> that<00:04:24.800> there<00:04:24.919> was<00:04:25.080> a<00:04:25.240> great I really think that there was a great I really think that there was a great advantage<00:04:26.280> in<00:04:26.440> many<00:04:26.720> ways<00:04:26.960> to<00:04:27.120> being<00:04:27.320> a<00:04:27.520> woman advantage in many ways to being a woman advantage in many ways to being a woman um<00:04:28.639> I<00:04:28.759> think<00:04:29.039> we<00:04:29.320> are<00:04:29.840> better<00:04:30.400> A<00:04:30.560> lot<00:04:30.800> at um I think we are better A lot at um I think we are better A lot at personal<00:04:31.880> relationships<00:04:32.880> uh<00:04:33.039> and<00:04:33.199> then<00:04:33.440> have personal relationships uh and then have personal relationships uh and then have the<00:04:33.840> capability<00:04:34.600> obviously<00:04:35.080> of<00:04:35.199> telling<00:04:35.520> it the capability obviously of telling it the capability obviously of telling it like<00:04:35.880> it<00:04:36.039> is<00:04:36.280> when<00:04:36.440> it's<00:04:36.720> necessary<00:04:37.600> but<00:04:37.720> I like it is when it's necessary but I like it is when it's necessary but I tell<00:04:38.080> you<00:04:38.199> I<00:04:38.320> have<00:04:38.520> my<00:04:38.639> youngest tell you I have my youngest tell you I have my youngest granddaughter<00:04:39.639> when<00:04:39.800> she<00:04:39.960> turned<00:04:40.280> seven<00:04:40.800> last granddaughter when she turned seven last granddaughter when she turned seven last year<00:04:41.720> said<00:04:42.000> to<00:04:42.160> her<00:04:42.440> mother<00:04:42.800> my<00:04:43.000> daughter<00:04:43.360> so year said to her mother my daughter so year said to her mother my daughter so what's<00:04:43.759> the<00:04:43.919> big<00:04:44.080> deal<00:04:44.440> about<00:04:44.759> Grandma<00:04:45.240> Maddie what's the big deal about Grandma Maddie what's the big deal about Grandma Maddie being<00:04:45.880> Secretary<00:04:46.360> of<00:04:46.520> State<00:04:47.000> only<00:04:47.320> girls<00:04:47.639> are being Secretary of State only girls are being Secretary of State only girls are Secretary<00:04:48.360> of<00:04:48.479> State<00:04:49.120> at Secretary of State at Secretary of State at [Applause]

her<00:04:59.600> cuz<00:04:59.800> in<00:04:59.919> her<00:05:00.199> lifetime<00:05:01.199> that<00:05:01.320> would<00:05:01.440> be
her cuz in her lifetime that would be her cuz in her lifetime that would be so<00:05:03.720> what<00:05:03.880> a<00:05:04.039> change<00:05:04.479> that<00:05:04.919> is<00:05:05.919> um<00:05:06.280> as<00:05:06.440> you so what a change that is um as you so what a change that is um as you travel<00:05:07.160> now<00:05:07.560> all<00:05:07.720> over<00:05:07.960> the<00:05:08.080> world<00:05:08.440> which<00:05:08.560> you travel now all over the world which you travel now all over the world which you do do do frequently<00:05:11.199> how<00:05:11.759> how<00:05:11.840> do<00:05:12.039> you<00:05:12.320> assess<00:05:12.919> This frequently how how do you assess This frequently how how do you assess This Global<00:05:13.840> narrative<00:05:14.360> around<00:05:14.680> the<00:05:14.800> story<00:05:15.120> of Global narrative around the story of Global narrative around the story of women<00:05:15.560> and<00:05:15.720> girls<00:05:16.199> where<00:05:16.400> are<00:05:16.639> we<00:05:17.639> I<00:05:17.759> think women and girls where are we I think women and girls where are we I think we're<00:05:18.240> slowly<00:05:18.759> changing<00:05:19.479> but<00:05:19.720> obviously we're slowly changing but obviously we're slowly changing but obviously there<00:05:20.319> are<00:05:20.479> whole<00:05:20.880> pockets<00:05:21.360> in<00:05:21.639> countries there are whole pockets in countries there are whole pockets in countries where<00:05:22.440> nothing<00:05:22.759> is<00:05:23.000> different<00:05:23.440> and<00:05:23.720> therefore where nothing is different and therefore where nothing is different and therefore means<00:05:25.000> that<00:05:25.160> we<00:05:25.360> have<00:05:25.479> to<00:05:25.759> remember<00:05:26.600> that means that we have to remember that means that we have to remember that while<00:05:27.479> many<00:05:27.759> of<00:05:27.919> us<00:05:28.240> have<00:05:28.440> had<00:05:28.680> huge<00:05:29.000> opportun while many of us have had huge opportun while many of us have had huge opportun and<00:05:29.960> Pat<00:05:30.160> you<00:05:30.280> have<00:05:30.440> been<00:05:30.520> a<00:05:30.639> real<00:05:30.840> leader<00:05:31.240> in and Pat you have been a real leader in and Pat you have been a real leader in in<00:05:31.600> your<00:05:31.800> field<00:05:32.680> is<00:05:32.960> that<00:05:33.680> um<00:05:33.840> there<00:05:33.960> are<00:05:34.080> a<00:05:34.160> lot in your field is that um there are a lot in your field is that um there are a lot of<00:05:34.520> women<00:05:34.880> that<00:05:35.000> are<00:05:35.199> not<00:05:35.479> capable<00:05:36.080> of of women that are not capable of of women that are not capable of worrying<00:05:37.039> and<00:05:37.199> taking<00:05:37.560> care<00:05:37.720> of<00:05:38.039> themselves worrying and taking care of themselves worrying and taking care of themselves and<00:05:39.039> understanding<00:05:39.560> that<00:05:39.840> women<00:05:40.160> had<00:05:40.360> to<00:05:40.680> help and understanding that women had to help and understanding that women had to help other<00:05:41.240> women<00:05:41.680> and<00:05:41.840> so<00:05:42.560> what<00:05:42.720> I<00:05:42.919> have<00:05:43.080> felt<00:05:43.880> and other women and so what I have felt and other women and so what I have felt and and<00:05:44.319> I<00:05:44.479> have<00:05:44.639> looked<00:05:44.880> at<00:05:45.080> this<00:05:45.319> from<00:05:45.800> a and I have looked at this from a and I have looked at this from a national<00:05:46.960> security<00:05:47.400> issue<00:05:47.680> when<00:05:47.800> I<00:05:47.919> was national security issue when I was national security issue when I was Secretary<00:05:48.520> of<00:05:48.639> State<00:05:49.039> I<00:05:49.199> decided<00:05:49.759> that Secretary of State I decided that Secretary of State I decided that women's<00:05:50.360> issues<00:05:51.080> had<00:05:51.240> to<00:05:51.319> be<00:05:51.560> Central<00:05:52.000> to women's issues had to be Central to women's issues had to be Central to American<00:05:52.639> foreign<00:05:53.080> policy<00:05:54.039> not<00:05:54.440> just<00:05:54.680> because American foreign policy not just because American foreign policy not just because I'm<00:05:55.080> a<00:05:55.280> feminist<00:05:55.840> but<00:05:56.039> because<00:05:56.360> I<00:05:56.560> believe I'm a feminist but because I believe I'm a feminist but because I believe that<00:05:58.000> societies<00:05:58.639> are<00:05:58.840> better<00:05:59.160> off<00:05:59.560> when<00:05:59.759> women that societies are better off when women that societies are better off when women are<00:06:00.280> politically<00:06:00.759> and<00:06:01.000> economically are politically and economically are politically and economically empowered<00:06:02.880> uh<00:06:03.120> that<00:06:03.680> u<00:06:03.919> values<00:06:04.319> are<00:06:04.560> passed empowered uh that u values are passed empowered uh that u values are passed down<00:06:05.199> the<00:06:05.319> health<00:06:06.199> uh<00:06:06.440> situation<00:06:07.000> is<00:06:07.160> better down the health uh situation is better down the health uh situation is better education<00:06:08.280> is<00:06:08.520> better<00:06:09.440> um<00:06:09.680> there<00:06:09.840> is<00:06:10.120> greater education is better um there is greater education is better um there is greater economic<00:06:11.199> Prosperity<00:06:11.960> so<00:06:12.680> I<00:06:12.840> think<00:06:13.240> that<00:06:13.400> it economic Prosperity so I think that it economic Prosperity so I think that it is<00:06:13.840> behooves<00:06:14.400> us<00:06:15.280> uh<00:06:15.479> those<00:06:15.639> of<00:06:15.759> us<00:06:15.919> that<00:06:16.120> live is behooves us uh those of us that live is behooves us uh those of us that live in<00:06:16.880> um<00:06:17.280> various<00:06:17.680> countries<00:06:18.120> where<00:06:18.319> we<00:06:18.479> do<00:06:18.840> have in um various countries where we do have in um various countries where we do have economic<00:06:19.680> and<00:06:19.960> political<00:06:20.800> voice<00:06:21.360> that<00:06:21.520> we economic and political voice that we economic and political voice that we need<00:06:21.840> to<00:06:22.039> help<00:06:22.280> other<00:06:22.520> women<00:06:22.880> and<00:06:23.039> I<00:06:23.199> really need to help other women and I really need to help other women and I really dedicated<00:06:24.280> myself<00:06:24.680> to<00:06:24.880> that<00:06:25.400> both<00:06:25.599> at<00:06:25.759> the<00:06:25.880> UN dedicated myself to that both at the UN dedicated myself to that both at the UN and<00:06:26.440> then<00:06:26.599> as<00:06:26.800> Secretary<00:06:27.240> of<00:06:27.360> State<00:06:28.080> and<00:06:28.199> did and then as Secretary of State and did and then as Secretary of State and did you<00:06:28.479> get<00:06:28.720> push<00:06:29.080> back you get push back you get push back from<00:06:30.400> for<00:06:30.639> making<00:06:31.039> that<00:06:31.240> a<00:06:31.599> central<00:06:32.080> tenant<00:06:32.599> of from for making that a central tenant of from for making that a central tenant of a<00:06:32.960> foreign<00:06:33.560> from<00:06:33.680> some<00:06:33.880> people<00:06:34.280> I<00:06:34.400> think<00:06:34.639> that a foreign from some people I think that a foreign from some people I think that they<00:06:35.039> thought<00:06:35.400> that<00:06:35.599> it<00:06:35.720> was<00:06:36.000> kind<00:06:36.160> of<00:06:36.280> a<00:06:36.479> soft they thought that it was kind of a soft they thought that it was kind of a soft issue<00:06:37.599> the<00:06:37.720> bottom<00:06:38.080> line<00:06:38.360> that<00:06:38.520> I<00:06:38.720> decided<00:06:39.280> was issue the bottom line that I decided was issue the bottom line that I decided was actually<00:06:39.840> women's<00:06:40.280> issues<00:06:40.639> are<00:06:40.880> the<00:06:41.039> hardest actually women's issues are the hardest actually women's issues are the hardest issues<00:06:42.599> uh<00:06:42.759> because<00:06:43.080> they<00:06:43.240> are<00:06:43.440> the<00:06:43.599> ones<00:06:43.880> that issues uh because they are the ones that issues uh because they are the ones that have<00:06:44.240> to<00:06:44.360> do<00:06:44.599> with<00:06:44.759> life<00:06:44.960> and<00:06:45.199> death<00:06:45.599> in<00:06:45.759> so have to do with life and death in so have to do with life and death in so many<00:06:46.599> U<00:06:46.919> aspects<00:06:47.479> and<00:06:47.720> because<00:06:48.440> as<00:06:48.560> I<00:06:48.720> said<00:06:49.080> it many U aspects and because as I said it many U aspects and because as I said it is<00:06:49.440> really<00:06:49.840> Central<00:06:50.319> to<00:06:50.520> the<00:06:50.680> way<00:06:51.039> that<00:06:51.199> we is really Central to the way that we is really Central to the way that we think<00:06:51.639> about<00:06:51.960> things<00:06:52.319> now<00:06:52.960> for<00:06:53.199> instance<00:06:54.080> uh think about things now for instance uh think about things now for instance uh some<00:06:54.400> of<00:06:54.560> the<00:06:54.680> wars<00:06:55.520> that<00:06:55.879> took<00:06:56.199> place<00:06:56.720> uh<00:06:56.879> when some of the wars that took place uh when some of the wars that took place uh when I<00:06:57.199> was<00:06:57.720> um<00:06:57.879> in<00:06:58.120> office<00:06:58.759> a<00:06:58.879> lot<00:06:59.039> of<00:06:59.160> those<00:06:59.639> the I was um in office a lot of those the I was um in office a lot of those the women<00:07:00.080> were<00:07:00.280> the<00:07:00.440> main<00:07:00.759> victims<00:07:01.199> of<00:07:01.400> them<00:07:02.199> uh women were the main victims of them uh women were the main victims of them uh for<00:07:02.520> instance<00:07:02.879> when<00:07:03.080> I<00:07:03.240> started<00:07:04.000> we<00:07:04.240> there for instance when I started we there for instance when I started we there were<00:07:04.560> wars<00:07:04.840> in<00:07:05.000> the<00:07:05.319> Balkans<00:07:06.319> um<00:07:06.599> the<00:07:06.720> women<00:07:06.960> in were wars in the Balkans um the women in were wars in the Balkans um the women in Bosnia<00:07:07.840> were<00:07:08.120> being<00:07:08.720> raped<00:07:09.720> uh<00:07:09.919> we<00:07:10.199> then Bosnia were being raped uh we then Bosnia were being raped uh we then managed<00:07:10.960> to<00:07:11.080> set<00:07:11.280> up<00:07:11.400> a<00:07:11.520> war<00:07:11.840> crimes<00:07:12.199> tribunal managed to set up a war crimes tribunal managed to set up a war crimes tribunal to<00:07:12.919> deal<00:07:13.599> specifically<00:07:14.599> uh<00:07:14.720> with<00:07:14.919> those<00:07:15.160> kinds to deal specifically uh with those kinds to deal specifically uh with those kinds of<00:07:15.560> issues<00:07:15.960> and<00:07:16.160> by<00:07:16.319> the<00:07:16.440> way<00:07:16.919> one<00:07:17.039> of<00:07:17.160> the of issues and by the way one of the of issues and by the way one of the things<00:07:17.520> that<00:07:17.639> I<00:07:17.800> did<00:07:18.360> at<00:07:18.599> that<00:07:18.840> stage<00:07:19.280> was<00:07:19.680> I things that I did at that stage was I things that I did at that stage was I had<00:07:20.080> just<00:07:20.280> arrived<00:07:20.639> at<00:07:20.800> the<00:07:20.919> UN<00:07:21.319> and<00:07:21.639> when<00:07:21.800> I had just arrived at the UN and when I had just arrived at the UN and when I was<00:07:22.160> there<00:07:22.639> there<00:07:22.800> were<00:07:23.440> 183<00:07:24.120> countries<00:07:24.520> in was there there were 183 countries in was there there were 183 countries in the<00:07:24.800> UN<00:07:25.199> now<00:07:25.319> they're<00:07:25.599> 192<00:07:26.599> but<00:07:27.039> it<00:07:27.160> was<00:07:27.280> one<00:07:27.400> of the UN now they're 192 but it was one of the UN now they're 192 but it was one of the<00:07:27.680> first<00:07:27.960> times<00:07:28.199> that<00:07:28.319> I<00:07:28.400> didn't<00:07:28.639> have<00:07:28.759> to the first times that I didn't have to the first times that I didn't have to cook<00:07:29.080> lunch<00:07:29.639> myself<00:07:30.120> so<00:07:30.400> I<00:07:30.800> said<00:07:31.039> to<00:07:31.199> my cook lunch myself so I said to my cook lunch myself so I said to my assistant<00:07:32.080> invite<00:07:32.639> The<00:07:32.800> Other<00:07:33.080> Women assistant invite The Other Women assistant invite The Other Women permanent<00:07:34.199> representatives<00:07:35.199> and<00:07:35.360> I<00:07:35.479> thought permanent representatives and I thought permanent representatives and I thought when<00:07:35.840> I'd<00:07:36.039> get<00:07:36.160> to<00:07:36.360> my<00:07:36.560> apartment<00:07:37.039> that<00:07:37.199> there' when I'd get to my apartment that there' when I'd get to my apartment that there' be<00:07:37.599> a<00:07:37.720> lot<00:07:37.840> of<00:07:38.080> women<00:07:38.400> there<00:07:38.599> I<00:07:38.720> get<00:07:38.960> there<00:07:39.120> and be a lot of women there I get there and be a lot of women there I get there and there's<00:07:39.560> six<00:07:39.840> other<00:07:40.120> women<00:07:40.479> out<00:07:40.599> of<00:07:41.080> 183<00:07:42.080> so there's six other women out of 183 so there's six other women out of 183 so the<00:07:42.479> countries<00:07:43.000> that<00:07:43.199> had<00:07:43.479> women the countries that had women the countries that had women representatives<00:07:44.479> were<00:07:44.919> Canada<00:07:45.440> Kazakhstan representatives were Canada Kazakhstan representatives were Canada Kazakhstan Philippines<00:07:46.919> Trinidad<00:07:47.560> Tobago<00:07:48.520> Jamaica Philippines Trinidad Tobago Jamaica Philippines Trinidad Tobago Jamaica lonstein<00:07:50.440> and<00:07:50.599> me<00:07:51.599> so<00:07:51.800> being<00:07:52.039> an<00:07:52.199> American<00:07:52.800> I lonstein and me so being an American I lonstein and me so being an American I decided<00:07:53.440> to<00:07:53.599> set<00:07:53.800> up<00:07:53.960> a<00:07:54.280> caucus<00:07:55.280> and<00:07:55.759> so<00:07:56.720> uh<00:07:57.720> we decided to set up a caucus and so uh we decided to set up a caucus and so uh we we<00:07:58.080> set<00:07:58.280> it<00:07:58.479> up<00:07:58.800> and<00:07:58.919> I<00:07:59.120> we<00:07:59.319> we<00:07:59.400> called we set it up and I we we called we set it up and I we we called ourselves<00:08:00.039> the<00:08:00.560> G7<00:08:01.560> and<00:08:02.560> um<00:08:03.560> girl<00:08:04.199> girls<00:08:04.520> s<00:08:05.319> and ourselves the G7 and um girl girls s and ourselves the G7 and um girl girls s and we<00:08:06.120> lobbied<00:08:06.759> on<00:08:07.000> behalf<00:08:07.440> of<00:08:07.639> women's<00:08:08.000> issues we lobbied on behalf of women's issues we lobbied on behalf of women's issues so<00:08:08.520> we<00:08:08.720> managed<00:08:09.080> to<00:08:09.280> get<00:08:09.560> two<00:08:09.960> women<00:08:10.360> judges<00:08:11.280> on so we managed to get two women judges on so we managed to get two women judges on this<00:08:11.639> war<00:08:11.960> crimes<00:08:12.400> tribunal<00:08:13.400> and<00:08:13.560> then<00:08:13.840> what this war crimes tribunal and then what this war crimes tribunal and then what happened<00:08:14.599> was<00:08:14.759> that<00:08:14.919> they<00:08:15.039> were<00:08:15.319> able<00:08:15.520> to happened was that they were able to happened was that they were able to declare<00:08:16.280> that<00:08:16.479> rape<00:08:17.360> was<00:08:17.759> a<00:08:17.960> weapon<00:08:18.240> of<00:08:18.440> war declare that rape was a weapon of war declare that rape was a weapon of war that<00:08:18.960> it<00:08:19.080> was<00:08:19.400> against

humanitarian<00:08:26.360> so<00:08:26.879> when<00:08:27.000> you<00:08:27.120> look<00:08:27.280> around<00:08:27.520> the
humanitarian so when you look around the humanitarian so when you look around the world<00:08:27.879> and<00:08:28.039> you<00:08:28.159> see<00:08:28.560> that<00:08:28.800> in<00:08:29.000> many<00:08:29.319> any<00:08:29.479> cases world and you see that in many any cases world and you see that in many any cases certainly<00:08:30.080> in<00:08:30.199> the<00:08:30.360> Western<00:08:30.720> World<00:08:31.080> women<00:08:31.400> are certainly in the Western World women are certainly in the Western World women are evolving<00:08:32.240> into<00:08:32.919> more<00:08:33.200> leadership<00:08:33.880> positions evolving into more leadership positions evolving into more leadership positions and<00:08:35.159> and<00:08:35.719> in<00:08:35.919> even<00:08:36.360> in<00:08:36.599> other<00:08:36.880> places<00:08:37.320> some and and in even in other places some and and in even in other places some barriers<00:08:38.039> are<00:08:38.279> being<00:08:38.560> brought<00:08:38.919> down<00:08:39.560> but barriers are being brought down but barriers are being brought down but there's<00:08:39.919> still<00:08:40.440> so<00:08:41.440> much<00:08:41.839> violence<00:08:42.440> still<00:08:42.839> so there's still so much violence still so there's still so much violence still so many<00:08:44.360> problems<00:08:45.360> and<00:08:45.519> yet<00:08:45.720> we<00:08:45.880> hear<00:08:46.200> there<00:08:46.440> more many problems and yet we hear there more many problems and yet we hear there more women<00:08:47.240> at<00:08:47.399> the<00:08:47.600> negotiating<00:08:48.399> tables<00:08:48.959> now<00:08:49.160> you women at the negotiating tables now you women at the negotiating tables now you were<00:08:49.600> at<00:08:49.880> those<00:08:50.160> negotiating<00:08:50.720> tables<00:08:51.120> when were at those negotiating tables when were at those negotiating tables when there<00:08:51.440> weren't<00:08:52.399> when<00:08:52.600> there<00:08:52.720> was<00:08:52.920> maybe<00:08:53.320> you there weren't when there was maybe you there weren't when there was maybe you one<00:08:54.120> voice<00:08:54.519> maybe<00:08:54.839> one<00:08:55.000> or<00:08:55.160> two<00:08:55.399> others<00:08:56.200> do<00:08:56.360> you one voice maybe one or two others do you one voice maybe one or two others do you believe<00:08:57.160> and<00:08:57.360> can<00:08:57.519> you<00:08:57.680> tell<00:08:57.880> us<00:08:58.120> why<00:08:58.320> there<00:08:58.480> is believe and can you tell us why there is believe and can you tell us why there is going<00:08:59.279> to<00:08:59.399> be<00:08:59.519> a<00:08:59.720> significant<00:09:00.600> shift<00:09:01.600> in going to be a significant shift in going to be a significant shift in things<00:09:02.760> like<00:09:03.079> violence<00:09:03.600> and<00:09:04.040> peace<00:09:04.480> and things like violence and peace and things like violence and peace and conflict<00:09:05.279> and<00:09:05.519> resolution<00:09:06.320> on<00:09:06.519> a<00:09:07.000> sustainable conflict and resolution on a sustainable conflict and resolution on a sustainable basis<00:09:08.720> well<00:09:08.959> I<00:09:09.200> I<00:09:09.320> do<00:09:09.560> think<00:09:09.839> when<00:09:10.040> there<00:09:10.160> are basis well I I do think when there are basis well I I do think when there are more<00:09:10.720> women<00:09:11.440> that<00:09:11.959> the<00:09:12.880> uh<00:09:13.399> the<00:09:13.560> tone<00:09:13.880> of<00:09:14.040> the more women that the uh the tone of the more women that the uh the tone of the conversation<00:09:14.920> changes<00:09:15.720> and<00:09:15.959> also<00:09:16.839> the<00:09:17.040> goals conversation changes and also the goals conversation changes and also the goals of<00:09:17.560> the<00:09:17.760> conversation<00:09:18.480> change<00:09:19.240> but<00:09:19.360> it of the conversation change but it of the conversation change but it doesn't<00:09:19.880> mean<00:09:20.240> that<00:09:20.440> the<00:09:20.560> whole<00:09:20.800> world<00:09:21.160> would doesn't mean that the whole world would doesn't mean that the whole world would be<00:09:21.720> a<00:09:21.880> lot<00:09:22.120> better<00:09:22.440> if<00:09:22.560> it<00:09:22.680> were<00:09:22.880> totally<00:09:23.360> run be a lot better if it were totally run be a lot better if it were totally run by<00:09:24.000> women<00:09:24.360> we<00:09:24.800> you<00:09:24.959> know<00:09:25.240> if<00:09:25.320> you<00:09:25.480> think<00:09:25.800> that by women we you know if you think that by women we you know if you think that you've<00:09:26.160> forgotten<00:09:26.640> high<00:09:26.839> school<00:09:27.240> so<00:09:28.000> the<00:09:28.440> the you've forgotten high school so the the you've forgotten high school so the the um um um uh<00:09:29.959> but<00:09:30.880> uh<00:09:31.200> the<00:09:31.360> bottom<00:09:31.720> line<00:09:32.120> is<00:09:32.519> that<00:09:32.880> I uh but uh the bottom line is that I uh but uh the bottom line is that I think<00:09:33.440> that<00:09:34.160> there<00:09:34.360> is<00:09:34.560> a<00:09:34.800> way<00:09:35.240> when<00:09:35.440> there<00:09:35.560> are think that there is a way when there are think that there is a way when there are more<00:09:36.240> women<00:09:37.040> uh<00:09:37.240> at<00:09:37.360> the<00:09:37.560> table<00:09:38.240> that<00:09:38.399> there's more women uh at the table that there's more women uh at the table that there's an<00:09:39.200> attempt<00:09:39.640> to<00:09:40.000> develop<00:09:40.440> some<00:09:41.079> understanding an attempt to develop some understanding an attempt to develop some understanding so<00:09:41.839> for<00:09:42.000> instance<00:09:42.360> what<00:09:42.519> I<00:09:42.680> did<00:09:43.000> when<00:09:43.200> I<00:09:43.320> went so for instance what I did when I went so for instance what I did when I went to<00:09:44.160> Burundi<00:09:45.160> uh<00:09:45.320> we<00:09:45.480> got<00:09:45.680> tosis<00:09:46.279> and<00:09:46.480> hu<00:09:46.959> women to Burundi uh we got tosis and hu women to Burundi uh we got tosis and hu women together<00:09:47.800> to<00:09:48.040> talk<00:09:48.320> about<00:09:48.640> some<00:09:48.800> of<00:09:48.920> the together to talk about some of the together to talk about some of the problems<00:09:49.680> that<00:09:49.839> had<00:09:50.160> taken<00:09:50.600> place<00:09:50.800> in<00:09:51.160> Rwanda problems that had taken place in Rwanda problems that had taken place in Rwanda um<00:09:52.399> and<00:09:52.560> so<00:09:52.880> I<00:09:53.000> think<00:09:53.720> the<00:09:54.079> capability<00:09:55.000> of um and so I think the capability of um and so I think the capability of women<00:09:55.680> to<00:09:55.920> put<00:09:56.320> themselves<00:09:56.760> I<00:09:56.839> think<00:09:56.959> we're women to put themselves I think we're women to put themselves I think we're better<00:09:57.680> about<00:09:57.959> putting<00:09:58.240> ourselves<00:09:58.600> into<00:09:58.800> the better about putting ourselves into the better about putting ourselves into the other<00:09:59.320> guy<00:09:59.519> shoes<00:10:00.079> and<00:10:00.600> having<00:10:00.959> more<00:10:01.279> empathy other guy shoes and having more empathy other guy shoes and having more empathy I<00:10:02.200> think<00:10:02.360> it<00:10:02.600> helps<00:10:03.160> in<00:10:03.399> terms<00:10:03.760> of<00:10:04.320> the<00:10:04.560> support I think it helps in terms of the support I think it helps in terms of the support if<00:10:05.200> there<00:10:05.320> are<00:10:05.480> other<00:10:05.720> women<00:10:06.000> in<00:10:06.120> the<00:10:06.279> room if there are other women in the room if there are other women in the room when<00:10:07.120> I<00:10:07.240> was<00:10:07.440> Secretary<00:10:07.839> of<00:10:07.959> State<00:10:08.160> there<00:10:08.240> were when I was Secretary of State there were when I was Secretary of State there were only<00:10:08.640> 13<00:10:09.079> other<00:10:09.320> women<00:10:09.640> foreign<00:10:10.399> ministers<00:10:11.399> um only 13 other women foreign ministers um only 13 other women foreign ministers um and<00:10:12.399> so<00:10:12.600> it<00:10:12.680> was<00:10:12.880> nice<00:10:13.279> when<00:10:13.640> one<00:10:13.800> of<00:10:13.920> them and so it was nice when one of them and so it was nice when one of them would<00:10:14.240> show<00:10:14.480> up<00:10:14.680> for<00:10:14.880> instance<00:10:15.720> uh<00:10:15.800> she<00:10:16.000> is<00:10:16.160> now would show up for instance uh she is now would show up for instance uh she is now the<00:10:16.600> president<00:10:16.959> of<00:10:17.120> Finland<00:10:17.600> but<00:10:17.760> Taria<00:10:18.120> henan the president of Finland but Taria henan the president of Finland but Taria henan was<00:10:19.160> the<00:10:19.279> foreign<00:10:19.600> minister<00:10:20.200> of<00:10:20.360> Finland<00:10:20.959> and was the foreign minister of Finland and was the foreign minister of Finland and at<00:10:21.440> a<00:10:21.560> certain<00:10:21.880> stage<00:10:22.240> head<00:10:22.360> of<00:10:22.480> the<00:10:22.600> European at a certain stage head of the European at a certain stage head of the European Union<00:10:23.959> and<00:10:24.120> it<00:10:24.240> was<00:10:24.480> really<00:10:25.120> terrific<00:10:25.720> because Union and it was really terrific because Union and it was really terrific because one<00:10:26.120> of<00:10:26.240> the<00:10:26.360> things<00:10:26.640> I<00:10:26.720> think<00:10:26.880> you'll one of the things I think you'll one of the things I think you'll understand<00:10:27.600> we<00:10:27.720> went<00:10:27.920> to<00:10:28.399> a<00:10:28.720> a<00:10:29.120> meting<00:10:29.560> and<00:10:29.920> the understand we went to a a meting and the understand we went to a a meting and the men<00:10:30.279> in<00:10:30.480> my<00:10:30.680> delegation<00:10:31.360> when<00:10:31.560> I<00:10:31.760> would<00:10:32.040> say men in my delegation when I would say men in my delegation when I would say well<00:10:32.720> I<00:10:32.839> feel<00:10:33.160> we<00:10:33.279> should<00:10:33.519> do<00:10:33.800> something<00:10:34.200> about well I feel we should do something about well I feel we should do something about this<00:10:34.680> and<00:10:34.800> they'd<00:10:34.959> say<00:10:35.120> what<00:10:35.160> do<00:10:35.240> you<00:10:35.320> mean this and they'd say what do you mean this and they'd say what do you mean feel<00:10:36.639> and<00:10:37.079> so<00:10:38.079> then<00:10:38.680> uh<00:10:38.839> Taria<00:10:39.279> was<00:10:39.440> sitting feel and so then uh Taria was sitting feel and so then uh Taria was sitting across<00:10:40.120> the<00:10:40.279> table<00:10:40.560> from<00:10:40.760> me<00:10:40.959> and<00:10:41.120> all<00:10:41.240> of<00:10:41.360> a across the table from me and all of a across the table from me and all of a sudden<00:10:41.760> and<00:10:41.959> we<00:10:42.040> were<00:10:42.200> talking<00:10:42.440> about<00:10:42.600> arms sudden and we were talking about arms sudden and we were talking about arms control<00:10:43.639> and<00:10:43.760> she<00:10:43.839> said<00:10:44.079> well<00:10:44.279> I<00:10:44.360> feel<00:10:44.639> we control and she said well I feel we control and she said well I feel we should<00:10:45.079> do<00:10:45.320> this<00:10:45.600> and<00:10:45.959> you<00:10:46.079> know<00:10:46.399> my<00:10:46.760> male should do this and you know my male should do this and you know my male colleagues<00:10:47.720> kind<00:10:47.839> of<00:10:48.040> got<00:10:48.279> it<00:10:48.480> all<00:10:48.639> of<00:10:48.760> a colleagues kind of got it all of a colleagues kind of got it all of a sudden<00:10:49.519> but<00:10:49.680> I<00:10:49.760> think<00:10:49.959> it<00:10:50.160> really<00:10:50.480> does<00:10:50.839> help sudden but I think it really does help sudden but I think it really does help to<00:10:51.399> have<00:10:51.760> a<00:10:52.000> critical<00:10:52.480> mass<00:10:53.279> of<00:10:53.480> women<00:10:53.959> in<00:10:54.120> a to have a critical mass of women in a to have a critical mass of women in a series<00:10:54.920> of<00:10:55.480> um<00:10:55.639> foreign<00:10:56.120> policy<00:10:56.600> positions series of um foreign policy positions series of um foreign policy positions the<00:10:57.560> other<00:10:57.800> thing<00:10:58.000> that<00:10:58.160> I<00:10:58.279> think<00:10:58.519> is<00:10:58.680> really the other thing that I think is really the other thing that I think is really important<00:11:00.040> a<00:11:00.240> lot<00:11:00.519> of<00:11:00.800> national<00:11:01.279> security important a lot of national security important a lot of national security policy<00:11:02.320> isn't<00:11:02.720> just<00:11:02.959> about<00:11:03.279> foreign<00:11:03.800> policy policy isn't just about foreign policy policy isn't just about foreign policy but<00:11:04.360> it's<00:11:04.560> about<00:11:04.959> budgets<00:11:05.480> and<00:11:06.040> Military but it's about budgets and Military but it's about budgets and Military budgets<00:11:07.200> and<00:11:07.480> how<00:11:07.680> the<00:11:07.839> debts<00:11:08.160> of<00:11:08.399> countries budgets and how the debts of countries budgets and how the debts of countries work<00:11:09.120> out<00:11:09.480> so<00:11:10.200> if<00:11:10.360> you<00:11:10.639> have<00:11:10.959> women<00:11:11.560> in<00:11:11.760> a work out so if you have women in a work out so if you have women in a variety<00:11:12.800> of<00:11:13.399> uh<00:11:13.519> foreign<00:11:14.000> policy<00:11:14.440> posts<00:11:15.120> they variety of uh foreign policy posts they variety of uh foreign policy posts they can<00:11:15.440> support<00:11:15.880> each<00:11:16.040> other<00:11:16.360> when<00:11:16.560> there<00:11:16.680> are can support each other when there are can support each other when there are budget<00:11:17.320> decisions<00:11:17.800> being<00:11:18.040> made<00:11:18.279> in<00:11:18.440> their<00:11:18.600> own budget decisions being made in their own budget decisions being made in their own countries<00:11:20.160> so<00:11:20.360> how<00:11:20.480> do<00:11:20.600> we<00:11:20.839> get<00:11:21.480> um<00:11:21.959> you<00:11:22.120> know countries so how do we get um you know countries so how do we get um you know this<00:11:22.560> balance<00:11:23.040> we're<00:11:23.240> looking<00:11:23.480> for<00:11:23.839> than<00:11:24.000> in this balance we're looking for than in this balance we're looking for than in the<00:11:24.279> world<00:11:24.959> more<00:11:25.240> women's<00:11:25.680> voices<00:11:26.079> at<00:11:26.279> the the world more women's voices at the the world more women's voices at the table<00:11:26.800> more<00:11:27.480> men<00:11:27.800> who<00:11:28.040> believe<00:11:28.600> that<00:11:29.320> the table more men who believe that the table more men who believe that the balance<00:11:29.959> is<00:11:30.240> best<00:11:30.880> what<00:11:31.279> well<00:11:31.440> I<00:11:31.600> think<00:11:31.800> one<00:11:31.959> of balance is best what well I think one of balance is best what well I think one of the<00:11:32.240> things<00:11:32.680> I'm<00:11:32.880> chairman<00:11:33.200> of<00:11:33.320> the<00:11:33.399> board<00:11:33.560> of the things I'm chairman of the board of the things I'm chairman of the board of an<00:11:33.800> organization<00:11:34.360> called<00:11:34.560> the<00:11:34.680> national an organization called the national an organization called the national Democratic<00:11:35.680> Institute<00:11:36.399> that<00:11:36.560> works<00:11:37.399> to Democratic Institute that works to Democratic Institute that works to support<00:11:38.399> women<00:11:38.839> candidates<00:11:39.600> I<00:11:39.720> think<00:11:40.079> that<00:11:40.399> we support women candidates I think that we support women candidates I think that we need<00:11:40.959> to<00:11:41.800> help<00:11:42.160> in<00:11:42.360> other<00:11:42.680> countries<00:11:43.279> to<00:11:43.720> train need to help in other countries to train need to help in other countries to train women<00:11:45.160> to<00:11:45.360> be<00:11:45.639> in<00:11:45.920> political<00:11:46.399> office<00:11:47.200> to<00:11:47.920> um women to be in political office to um women to be in political office to um figure<00:11:48.440> out<00:11:48.839> how<00:11:49.160> they<00:11:49.360> can<00:11:49.560> in<00:11:49.800> fact<00:11:50.240> develop figure out how they can in fact develop figure out how they can in fact develop political<00:11:51.200> voices<00:11:52.079> I<00:11:52.200> think<00:11:52.399> we<00:11:52.600> also<00:11:53.440> need<00:11:53.839> to political voices I think we also need to political voices I think we also need to be<00:11:54.519> supportive<00:11:55.160> when<00:11:55.440> businesses<00:11:55.880> are<00:11:56.120> being be supportive when businesses are being be supportive when businesses are being created<00:11:57.440> and<00:11:57.600> just<00:11:57.800> make<00:11:58.079> sure<00:11:58.639> that<00:11:59.079> women created and just make sure that women created and just make sure that women help<00:11:59.959> each<00:12:00.120> other<00:12:00.480> now<00:12:00.760> I<00:12:00.959> have<00:12:01.279> a<00:12:01.639> saying<00:12:02.200> that help each other now I have a saying that help each other now I have a saying that I<00:12:02.480> feel<00:12:02.800> very<00:12:03.200> strongly<00:12:03.519> about<00:12:03.920> because<00:12:04.680> I<00:12:04.800> am I feel very strongly about because I am I feel very strongly about because I am of<00:12:05.279> a<00:12:05.399> certain<00:12:05.800> age<00:12:06.240> where<00:12:06.560> when<00:12:06.760> I<00:12:07.000> started<00:12:07.360> in of a certain age where when I started in of a certain age where when I started in my<00:12:07.760> career<00:12:08.200> believe<00:12:08.440> it<00:12:08.600> or<00:12:08.760> not<00:12:09.240> there<00:12:09.360> were my career believe it or not there were my career believe it or not there were other<00:12:09.839> women<00:12:10.160> who<00:12:10.360> criticized<00:12:11.000> me<00:12:11.240> why<00:12:11.360> aren't other women who criticized me why aren't other women who criticized me why aren't you<00:12:11.720> in<00:12:11.880> the<00:12:12.000> carpool<00:12:12.519> line<00:12:13.000> or<00:12:13.760> uh<00:12:13.880> aren't you in the carpool line or uh aren't you in the carpool line or uh aren't your<00:12:14.440> children<00:12:15.000> suffering<00:12:15.680> because<00:12:15.920> you're your children suffering because you're your children suffering because you're not<00:12:16.399> there<00:12:16.639> all<00:12:16.839> the<00:12:17.040> time<00:12:17.720> and<00:12:17.920> I<00:12:18.000> think<00:12:18.240> we not there all the time and I think we not there all the time and I think we have<00:12:18.519> a<00:12:18.720> tendency<00:12:19.240> to<00:12:19.440> make<00:12:19.600> each<00:12:19.760> other<00:12:19.959> feel have a tendency to make each other feel have a tendency to make each other feel guilty<00:12:21.120> in<00:12:21.399> fact<00:12:21.839> I<00:12:21.920> think<00:12:22.199> guilt<00:12:22.560> is<00:12:22.720> every guilty in fact I think guilt is every guilty in fact I think guilt is every woman's<00:12:23.399> middle<00:12:23.760> name<00:12:24.680> and<00:12:25.120> so<00:12:25.560> I<00:12:25.680> think<00:12:25.959> what woman's middle name and so I think what woman's middle name and so I think what needs<00:12:26.440> to<00:12:26.760> happen<00:12:27.120> is<00:12:27.279> we<00:12:27.440> need<00:12:27.600> to<00:12:27.800> help<00:12:28.079> each needs to happen is we need to help each needs to happen is we need to help each other<00:12:28.959> and<00:12:29.199> my<00:12:29.480> motto<00:12:29.959> is<00:12:30.160> that<00:12:30.360> there's<00:12:30.560> a other and my motto is that there's a other and my motto is that there's a special<00:12:31.279> place<00:12:31.480> in<00:12:31.720> hell<00:12:32.079> for<00:12:32.320> women<00:12:32.600> who special place in hell for women who special place in hell for women who don't<00:12:33.000> help<00:12:33.279> each

other<00:12:43.040> but<00:12:43.240> secretary<00:12:43.720> Albright<00:12:44.240> I<00:12:44.320> guess
other but secretary Albright I guess other but secretary Albright I guess you'll<00:12:44.680> be<00:12:44.880> going<00:12:45.000> to you'll be going to you'll be going to heaven<00:12:47.720> thank<00:12:47.880> you<00:12:48.000> for<00:12:48.199> joining<00:12:48.639> us<00:12:49.240> today heaven thank you for joining us today heaven thank you for joining us today thanks thanks thanks [Applause]


diplomat woman Madeleine Albright, women’s, issue, feminism, United, States, TED, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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