Trường hợp kinh tế cho trường mầm non – Timothy Bartik

The economic case for preschool - Timothy Bartik

The economic case for preschool - Timothy Bartik



in<00:00:17.520> this<00:00:17.720> talk<00:00:17.960> today<00:00:18.359> I<00:00:18.480> want<00:00:18.640> to<00:00:18.960> present<00:00:19.560> a
in this talk today I want to present a in this talk today I want to present a different different different idea<00:00:21.840> for<00:00:22.279> why<00:00:22.880> investing<00:00:23.359> in<00:00:23.480> Early<00:00:23.720> Child idea for why investing in Early Child idea for why investing in Early Child education<00:00:25.640> makes<00:00:26.000> sense<00:00:26.320> as<00:00:26.439> a<00:00:26.679> public education makes sense as a public education makes sense as a public investment<00:00:28.519> it's<00:00:28.640> a<00:00:28.800> different<00:00:29.080> idea<00:00:29.480> because investment it's a different idea because investment it's a different idea because usually<00:00:30.240> when<00:00:30.400> people<00:00:30.599> talk<00:00:30.759> about<00:00:30.920> Early usually when people talk about Early usually when people talk about Early Childhood<00:00:31.599> programs<00:00:31.960> they<00:00:32.160> talk<00:00:32.399> about<00:00:32.719> all Childhood programs they talk about all Childhood programs they talk about all the<00:00:33.040> wonderful<00:00:33.559> benefits<00:00:34.120> for<00:00:34.399> participants the wonderful benefits for participants the wonderful benefits for participants in<00:00:35.280> terms<00:00:35.559> of<00:00:35.840> in<00:00:36.200> you<00:00:36.280> know<00:00:36.399> former in terms of in you know former in terms of in you know former participants<00:00:37.200> in<00:00:37.719> preschool<00:00:38.719> they<00:00:38.840> have participants in preschool they have participants in preschool they have better<00:00:39.200> K12<00:00:39.719> test<00:00:39.960> scores<00:00:40.640> better<00:00:41.039> better better K12 test scores better better better K12 test scores better better adult<00:00:41.680> earnings<00:00:42.680> now<00:00:42.840> that's<00:00:43.000> all<00:00:43.200> very adult earnings now that's all very adult earnings now that's all very important<00:00:44.879> but<00:00:45.039> what<00:00:45.160> I<00:00:45.280> want<00:00:45.399> to<00:00:45.600> talk<00:00:45.840> about important but what I want to talk about important but what I want to talk about is<00:00:46.879> what<00:00:47.199> preschool<00:00:47.960> does<00:00:48.920> for<00:00:49.160> State is what preschool does for State is what preschool does for State economies<00:00:50.559> and<00:00:50.680> for<00:00:51.000> promoting<00:00:52.000> State economies and for promoting State economies and for promoting State Economic Economic Economic Development<00:00:54.879> and<00:00:55.480> that's<00:00:55.760> absolutely Development and that's absolutely Development and that's absolutely crucial<00:00:57.800> because<00:00:58.800> if<00:00:58.960> we're<00:00:59.120> going<00:00:59.199> to<00:00:59.399> get crucial because if we're going to get crucial because if we're going to get inre<00:01:00.320> investment<00:01:00.840> in<00:01:01.000> early<00:01:01.359> childhood inre investment in early childhood inre investment in early childhood programs<00:01:03.359> we<00:01:03.640> need<00:01:04.159> to<00:01:04.960> interest<00:01:05.479> state programs we need to interest state programs we need to interest state governments<00:01:06.200> in<00:01:06.400> this<00:01:06.600> the<00:01:06.720> federal governments in this the federal governments in this the federal government<00:01:07.479> has<00:01:07.600> a<00:01:07.720> lot<00:01:07.880> on<00:01:08.040> its<00:01:08.479> plate<00:01:09.479> and government has a lot on its plate and government has a lot on its plate and state<00:01:10.000> governments<00:01:10.320> are<00:01:10.439> going<00:01:10.520> to<00:01:10.600> have<00:01:10.680> to state governments are going to have to state governments are going to have to step<00:01:11.119> up<00:01:11.360> so<00:01:11.560> we<00:01:11.759> have<00:01:11.880> to<00:01:12.159> appeal<00:01:12.520> to<00:01:12.759> them<00:01:13.360> to step up so we have to appeal to them to step up so we have to appeal to them to legislators<00:01:14.439> in<00:01:14.600> the<00:01:14.759> state<00:01:15.080> government<00:01:16.040> and legislators in the state government and legislators in the state government and turn<00:01:16.400> to<00:01:16.560> some<00:01:16.799> they<00:01:17.320> understand<00:01:17.680> that<00:01:17.880> they turn to some they understand that they turn to some they understand that they have<00:01:18.240> to<00:01:18.400> promote<00:01:18.799> the<00:01:18.960> economic<00:01:19.479> development have to promote the economic development have to promote the economic development of<00:01:20.600> their<00:01:20.759> state<00:01:21.159> economy<00:01:21.880> Now<00:01:22.040> by<00:01:22.200> promoting of their state economy Now by promoting of their state economy Now by promoting Economic<00:01:23.040> Development<00:01:23.960> I<00:01:24.040> don't<00:01:24.159> mean Economic Development I don't mean Economic Development I don't mean anything<00:01:24.799> magical<00:01:25.439> all<00:01:25.640> I<00:01:25.799> mean<00:01:26.200> is<00:01:26.479> is<00:01:26.720> that anything magical all I mean is is that anything magical all I mean is is that early<00:01:27.320> childhood early childhood early childhood education<00:01:29.479> can<00:01:30.000> bring<00:01:30.280> more<00:01:30.479> and<00:01:30.680> better<00:01:31.040> jobs education can bring more and better jobs education can bring more and better jobs to<00:01:31.479> a<00:01:31.920> state<00:01:32.920> and<00:01:33.119> can<00:01:33.399> thereby<00:01:33.840> promote to a state and can thereby promote to a state and can thereby promote higher<00:01:34.600> per<00:01:34.840> capita<00:01:35.159> earnings<00:01:35.880> for<00:01:36.320> the higher per capita earnings for the higher per capita earnings for the state's<00:01:37.320> residents<00:01:38.320> now<00:01:38.799> I<00:01:38.880> think<00:01:39.040> it's<00:01:39.240> fair state's residents now I think it's fair state's residents now I think it's fair to<00:01:39.640> say<00:01:40.079> that<00:01:40.320> when<00:01:40.560> people<00:01:40.920> think<00:01:41.240> about to say that when people think about to say that when people think about state<00:01:42.520> and<00:01:42.640> local<00:01:42.920> Economic<00:01:43.360> Development state and local Economic Development state and local Economic Development they<00:01:44.520> don't<00:01:44.759> generally<00:01:45.240> think<00:01:45.520> first<00:01:46.280> about they don't generally think first about they don't generally think first about what<00:01:47.399> they're<00:01:47.600> doing<00:01:47.920> about<00:01:48.200> child<00:01:48.520> care<00:01:48.640> and what they're doing about child care and what they're doing about child care and early<00:01:49.000> childhood<00:01:49.719> programs<00:01:50.719> um<00:01:51.119> I<00:01:51.200> know<00:01:51.520> this early childhood programs um I know this early childhood programs um I know this i'<00:01:52.079> I've<00:01:52.200> spent<00:01:52.479> most<00:01:52.600> of<00:01:52.719> my<00:01:52.840> career i' I've spent most of my career i' I've spent most of my career researching<00:01:53.680> these<00:01:53.920> programs<00:01:54.360> I've<00:01:54.560> talked researching these programs I've talked researching these programs I've talked to<00:01:55.000> a<00:01:55.079> lot<00:01:55.240> of<00:01:55.439> directors<00:01:56.039> State<00:01:56.280> Economic to a lot of directors State Economic to a lot of directors State Economic Development<00:01:57.079> agencies<00:01:57.560> about<00:01:57.799> these<00:01:57.960> issues Development agencies about these issues Development agencies about these issues a<00:01:58.360> lot<00:01:58.479> of<00:01:58.600> legislators<00:01:59.159> about<00:01:59.360> these<00:01:59.520> issues a lot of legislators about these issues a lot of legislators about these issues when<00:02:01.079> legislators<00:02:01.799> and<00:02:01.960> others<00:02:02.360> think<00:02:02.600> about when legislators and others think about when legislators and others think about Economic<00:02:03.320> Development<00:02:03.840> what<00:02:04.000> they<00:02:04.200> first<00:02:04.360> of Economic Development what they first of Economic Development what they first of all<00:02:04.719> think<00:02:04.920> about<00:02:05.159> are<00:02:05.439> business<00:02:05.840> tax all think about are business tax all think about are business tax incentives<00:02:07.240> property<00:02:07.600> tax<00:02:07.960> abatements<00:02:08.640> job incentives property tax abatements job incentives property tax abatements job creation<00:02:09.280> tax<00:02:09.599> credits<00:02:09.959> you<00:02:10.080> know<00:02:10.200> there creation tax credits you know there creation tax credits you know there there<00:02:10.440> are<00:02:10.560> a<00:02:10.599> million<00:02:10.879> of<00:02:11.000> these<00:02:11.120> programs there are a million of these programs there are a million of these programs all<00:02:11.640> over<00:02:11.840> the<00:02:12.000> place<00:02:12.640> so<00:02:12.920> for<00:02:13.080> example<00:02:13.560> States all over the place so for example States all over the place so for example States compete<00:02:14.400> very<00:02:14.640> vigorously<00:02:15.200> to<00:02:15.680> attract<00:02:16.680> uh compete very vigorously to attract uh compete very vigorously to attract uh new<00:02:17.000> auto<00:02:17.360> plants<00:02:17.720> or<00:02:17.920> expanded<00:02:18.319> Auto<00:02:18.599> plants new auto plants or expanded Auto plants new auto plants or expanded Auto plants hand<00:02:19.080> out<00:02:19.239> all<00:02:19.400> kinds<00:02:19.599> of<00:02:19.760> business<00:02:20.080> tax hand out all kinds of business tax hand out all kinds of business tax breaks<00:02:21.080> now<00:02:21.640> those<00:02:21.879> programs<00:02:22.280> can<00:02:22.440> make<00:02:22.680> sense breaks now those programs can make sense breaks now those programs can make sense if<00:02:23.680> they<00:02:23.920> in<00:02:24.120> fact<00:02:24.360> induce<00:02:24.760> new<00:02:24.959> location if they in fact induce new location if they in fact induce new location decisions<00:02:26.239> and<00:02:26.360> the<00:02:26.480> way<00:02:26.640> they<00:02:26.760> can<00:02:26.879> make decisions and the way they can make decisions and the way they can make sense<00:02:27.400> is<00:02:27.560> by<00:02:27.760> creating<00:02:28.200> more<00:02:28.440> and<00:02:28.640> better sense is by creating more and better sense is by creating more and better jobs<00:02:30.239> they<00:02:30.440> raise<00:02:30.800> employment<00:02:31.360> rates<00:02:31.720> raised jobs they raise employment rates raised jobs they raise employment rates raised per<00:02:32.200> capita<00:02:32.440> earnings<00:02:32.720> of<00:02:32.840> State<00:02:33.080> residents per capita earnings of State residents per capita earnings of State residents so<00:02:33.680> there<00:02:33.840> is<00:02:33.959> a<00:02:34.200> benefit<00:02:34.640> to<00:02:34.840> State<00:02:35.120> residents so there is a benefit to State residents so there is a benefit to State residents that<00:02:35.720> corresponds<00:02:36.280> to<00:02:36.400> the<00:02:36.560> cost<00:02:36.800> that that corresponds to the cost that that corresponds to the cost that they're<00:02:37.120> paying<00:02:37.480> by<00:02:38.000> paying<00:02:38.239> for<00:02:38.440> these they're paying by paying for these they're paying by paying for these business<00:02:38.959> tax<00:02:39.519> breaks<00:02:40.519> my<00:02:40.720> argument<00:02:41.120> is business tax breaks my argument is business tax breaks my argument is essentially<00:02:41.879> that<00:02:42.080> early<00:02:42.560> childhood essentially that early childhood essentially that early childhood programs<00:02:43.879> can programs can programs can do<00:02:45.599> exactly<00:02:46.120> the<00:02:46.280> same<00:02:46.680> thing<00:02:47.680> create<00:02:48.000> more do exactly the same thing create more do exactly the same thing create more and<00:02:48.319> better<00:02:48.800> jobs<00:02:49.800> but<00:02:49.959> in<00:02:50.080> a<00:02:50.319> different<00:02:50.760> way and better jobs but in a different way and better jobs but in a different way it's<00:02:51.879> a<00:02:52.040> somewhat<00:02:52.319> more<00:02:52.480> indirect<00:02:53.080> way<00:02:54.080> these it's a somewhat more indirect way these it's a somewhat more indirect way these programs<00:02:54.879> can<00:02:55.159> promote<00:02:55.720> more<00:02:55.959> and<00:02:56.120> better programs can promote more and better programs can promote more and better jobs<00:02:57.120> by<00:02:57.720> you<00:02:57.920> build<00:02:58.200> a<00:02:58.440> you<00:02:58.760> you<00:02:58.920> invest<00:02:59.200> in jobs by you build a you you invest in jobs by you build a you you invest in high<00:02:59.519> quality<00:03:00.280> preschool<00:03:01.280> it<00:03:01.480> develops<00:03:01.959> the high quality preschool it develops the high quality preschool it develops the skills<00:03:02.800> of<00:03:02.920> your<00:03:03.159> local<00:03:03.480> Workforce<00:03:04.280> if<00:03:04.440> enough skills of your local Workforce if enough skills of your local Workforce if enough of<00:03:04.760> them<00:03:04.920> stick<00:03:05.519> around<00:03:06.519> and<00:03:07.040> in<00:03:07.239> turn<00:03:08.120> that of them stick around and in turn that of them stick around and in turn that higher<00:03:08.680> quality<00:03:09.000> local<00:03:09.319> Workforce<00:03:10.280> will<00:03:10.480> be<00:03:10.760> a higher quality local Workforce will be a higher quality local Workforce will be a key<00:03:11.760> driver<00:03:12.760> of<00:03:13.200> creating<00:03:13.799> jobs<00:03:14.280> and<00:03:14.440> creating key driver of creating jobs and creating key driver of creating jobs and creating higher<00:03:15.080> earnings<00:03:15.480> per<00:03:15.680> Capa<00:03:16.000> in<00:03:16.080> the<00:03:16.159> local higher earnings per Capa in the local higher earnings per Capa in the local community<00:03:17.680> now<00:03:17.840> let<00:03:17.959> me<00:03:18.040> turn<00:03:18.239> to<00:03:18.360> some community now let me turn to some community now let me turn to some numbers<00:03:18.840> on numbers on numbers on this<00:03:20.959> okay<00:03:21.959> if<00:03:22.159> you<00:03:22.400> look<00:03:22.560> at<00:03:22.720> the<00:03:22.879> research this okay if you look at the research this okay if you look at the research evidence<00:03:25.239> that's evidence that's evidence that's extensive<00:03:27.040> on<00:03:27.400> how<00:03:27.680> much<00:03:28.120> Early<00:03:28.560> Childhood extensive on how much Early Childhood extensive on how much Early Childhood programs<00:03:29.480> AFF<00:03:29.799> effect<00:03:30.560> the<00:03:30.760> educational programs AFF effect the educational programs AFF effect the educational attainment<00:03:32.400> wages<00:03:32.840> and<00:03:33.519> skills<00:03:34.519> of<00:03:34.760> former attainment wages and skills of former attainment wages and skills of former participants<00:03:35.840> in<00:03:36.120> preschool<00:03:36.879> as<00:03:37.080> adults<00:03:37.879> you participants in preschool as adults you participants in preschool as adults you take<00:03:38.280> those<00:03:38.439> KN<00:03:39.360> effects<00:03:40.360> you<00:03:40.599> take<00:03:41.040> how<00:03:41.239> many take those KN effects you take how many take those KN effects you take how many of<00:03:41.640> those<00:03:41.840> folks<00:03:42.159> would<00:03:42.319> be<00:03:42.560> expected<00:03:43.000> to of those folks would be expected to of those folks would be expected to stick<00:03:43.560> around<00:03:44.000> the<00:03:44.120> state<00:03:44.319> or<00:03:44.519> local<00:03:44.879> economy stick around the state or local economy stick around the state or local economy and<00:03:45.400> not<00:03:45.560> move<00:03:46.280> out<00:03:47.280> and<00:03:47.480> you<00:03:47.680> take<00:03:48.040> research and not move out and you take research and not move out and you take research on<00:03:48.879> how<00:03:49.159> much<00:03:49.720> skills<00:03:50.720> Drive<00:03:51.200> job<00:03:51.720> creation on how much skills Drive job creation on how much skills Drive job creation you<00:03:52.840> will<00:03:53.079> conclude<00:03:53.480> from<00:03:53.680> these<00:03:53.920> three you will conclude from these three you will conclude from these three separate<00:03:54.560> lines<00:03:54.760> of<00:03:55.159> research<00:03:56.159> that<00:03:56.319> for separate lines of research that for separate lines of research that for every<00:03:56.920> dollar<00:03:57.360> invest<00:03:57.680> in<00:03:57.799> early<00:03:58.120> childhood every dollar invest in early childhood every dollar invest in early childhood programs programs programs the<00:04:00.439> per<00:04:00.720> capita<00:04:01.120> earnings<00:04:01.879> of<00:04:02.079> State the per capita earnings of State the per capita earnings of State residents<00:04:03.319> go<00:04:03.599> up<00:04:03.799> by residents go up by residents go up by $2.78<00:04:05.879> so<00:04:06.079> that's<00:04:06.200> a<00:04:06.280> 3<00:04:06.519> to1<00:04:07.200> return<00:04:08.200> now<00:04:08.959> you $2.78 so that's a 3 to1 return now you $2.78 so that's a 3 to1 return now you can<00:04:09.280> get<00:04:09.519> much<00:04:09.760> higher<00:04:10.280> returns<00:04:10.799> of<00:04:11.000> up<00:04:11.120> to<00:04:11.319> 16 can get much higher returns of up to 16 can get much higher returns of up to 16 to1<00:04:12.400> if<00:04:12.560> you<00:04:12.799> include<00:04:13.560> anti-me<00:04:14.400> benefits<00:04:15.079> if to1 if you include anti-me benefits if to1 if you include anti-me benefits if you<00:04:15.919> include<00:04:16.919> uh<00:04:17.199> benefits<00:04:17.759> to<00:04:18.239> former you include uh benefits to former you include uh benefits to former preschool<00:04:19.239> participants<00:04:19.799> who<00:04:19.919> moveed<00:04:20.199> to preschool participants who moveed to preschool participants who moveed to some<00:04:20.560> other<00:04:20.919> state<00:04:21.919> but<00:04:22.400> there's<00:04:22.560> a<00:04:22.720> good some other state but there's a good some other state but there's a good reason<00:04:23.120> for<00:04:23.320> focusing<00:04:23.639> on<00:04:23.880> these<00:04:24.000> $3<00:04:24.880> because reason for focusing on these $3 because reason for focusing on these $3 because this<00:04:25.400> is<00:04:25.639> Salient<00:04:26.280> and<00:04:26.520> important<00:04:27.000> to<00:04:27.240> state this is Salient and important to state this is Salient and important to state legislators<00:04:28.160> and<00:04:28.360> state<00:04:28.680> policy<00:04:29.000> makers<00:04:29.360> and legislators and state policy makers and legislators and state policy makers and it's<00:04:29.560> a<00:04:29.800> states<00:04:30.080> are<00:04:30.199> going<00:04:30.280> to<00:04:30.440> have<00:04:30.560> to<00:04:30.840> act it's a states are going to have to act it's a states are going to have to act so<00:04:32.000> there<00:04:32.240> is<00:04:32.560> this<00:04:32.880> key<00:04:33.360> benefit<00:04:33.880> that<00:04:34.000> is so there is this key benefit that is so there is this key benefit that is relevant<00:04:34.680> to<00:04:34.880> State<00:04:35.240> policy<00:04:35.560> makers<00:04:35.880> in<00:04:36.000> terms relevant to State policy makers in terms relevant to State policy makers in terms of<00:04:36.400> economic<00:04:37.240> development<00:04:38.240> now<00:04:39.039> one of economic development now one of economic development now one objection<00:04:40.000> you<00:04:40.320> often<00:04:40.840> hear<00:04:41.960> or<00:04:42.960> maybe<00:04:43.160> you objection you often hear or maybe you objection you often hear or maybe you don't<00:04:43.479> hear<00:04:43.639> it<00:04:43.800> because<00:04:44.120> people<00:04:44.280> are<00:04:44.440> too don't hear it because people are too don't hear it because people are too polite<00:04:45.000> to<00:04:45.199> say<00:04:45.400> it<00:04:46.240> is<00:04:47.240> why<00:04:47.440> should<00:04:47.960> I<00:04:48.759> pay polite to say it is why should I pay polite to say it is why should I pay more more more taxes<00:04:51.280> to<00:04:51.600> invest<00:04:52.039> in<00:04:52.400> other<00:04:52.720> people's taxes to invest in other people's taxes to invest in other people's children<00:04:55.120> what's<00:04:55.320> in<00:04:55.479> it<00:04:55.639> for children what's in it for children what's in it for me<00:04:58.039> and<00:04:58.320> the<00:04:58.520> trouble<00:04:58.840> with<00:04:59.000> that<00:04:59.199> objection me and the trouble with that objection me and the trouble with that objection it<00:05:00.080> reflects<00:05:00.639> a<00:05:00.919> total it reflects a total it reflects a total misunderstanding<00:05:04.120> of<00:05:04.720> how<00:05:05.039> much<00:05:05.520> local misunderstanding of how much local misunderstanding of how much local economies<00:05:06.759> involve<00:05:07.320> everyone<00:05:07.800> being economies involve everyone being economies involve everyone being interdependent<00:05:10.639> specifically<00:05:11.400> the interdependent specifically the interdependent specifically the interdependency<00:05:12.520> here<00:05:12.880> is<00:05:13.400> is<00:05:13.759> that<00:05:14.320> there interdependency here is is that there interdependency here is is that there are<00:05:14.759> huge<00:05:15.680> spillovers<00:05:16.639> of<00:05:16.919> skills<00:05:17.919> that<00:05:18.120> when are huge spillovers of skills that when are huge spillovers of skills that when others<00:05:18.840> people's<00:05:19.759> children<00:05:20.759> get<00:05:21.080> more others people's children get more others people's children get more skills<00:05:23.319> that<00:05:23.639> actually<00:05:24.280> increases<00:05:24.960> the skills that actually increases the skills that actually increases the prosperity<00:05:25.680> of<00:05:25.919> everyone<00:05:26.919> including<00:05:27.479> people prosperity of everyone including people prosperity of everyone including people whose<00:05:28.000> skills<00:05:28.400> don't<00:05:28.759> change whose skills don't change whose skills don't change so<00:05:30.440> for<00:05:30.639> example<00:05:31.240> numerous<00:05:31.680> research<00:05:32.080> Studies so for example numerous research Studies so for example numerous research Studies have<00:05:32.479> shown<00:05:32.720> if<00:05:32.840> you<00:05:33.000> look<00:05:33.120> at<00:05:33.400> what<00:05:33.680> really have shown if you look at what really have shown if you look at what really drives<00:05:35.639> the<00:05:35.800> growth<00:05:36.120> rate<00:05:36.280> of<00:05:36.440> metropolitan drives the growth rate of metropolitan drives the growth rate of metropolitan areas<00:05:37.759> it's<00:05:38.000> not<00:05:38.319> so<00:05:38.600> much<00:05:39.400> low<00:05:39.840> taxes<00:05:40.479> low areas it's not so much low taxes low areas it's not so much low taxes low cost<00:05:41.479> low cost low cost low wages<00:05:43.560> it's<00:05:44.120> the<00:05:44.280> skills<00:05:44.639> of<00:05:44.800> the<00:05:44.919> area wages it's the skills of the area wages it's the skills of the area particularly<00:05:45.880> the<00:05:46.080> proxy<00:05:46.440> for<00:05:46.600> skills<00:05:46.960> that particularly the proxy for skills that particularly the proxy for skills that people<00:05:47.360> use<00:05:47.639> is<00:05:47.919> percentage<00:05:48.360> of<00:05:48.680> college people use is percentage of college people use is percentage of college graduates<00:05:49.600> in<00:05:49.720> the<00:05:49.919> area<00:05:50.759> so<00:05:50.960> when<00:05:51.080> you<00:05:51.280> look graduates in the area so when you look graduates in the area so when you look for<00:05:51.720> example<00:05:52.400> at<00:05:52.600> metropolitan<00:05:53.280> areas<00:05:53.680> such for example at metropolitan areas such for example at metropolitan areas such as<00:05:54.000> the<00:05:54.120> Boston<00:05:54.639> area<00:05:55.479> Minneapolis<00:05:56.120> St<00:05:56.440> Paul as the Boston area Minneapolis St Paul as the Boston area Minneapolis St Paul Silicon<00:05:57.880> Valley<00:05:58.880> these<00:05:59.160> areas<00:05:59.680> are<00:05:59.880> not<00:06:00.440> doing Silicon Valley these areas are not doing Silicon Valley these areas are not doing well<00:06:01.400> economically<00:06:02.400> because<00:06:02.720> they're<00:06:02.960> low well economically because they're low well economically because they're low cost<00:06:04.759> I<00:06:04.919> know<00:06:05.000> if<00:06:05.080> you<00:06:05.160> ever<00:06:05.280> tried<00:06:05.479> to<00:06:05.560> buy<00:06:05.680> a cost I know if you ever tried to buy a cost I know if you ever tried to buy a house<00:06:05.919> in<00:06:06.039> Silicon<00:06:06.479> Valley<00:06:06.840> it's<00:06:06.960> not<00:06:07.120> exactly house in Silicon Valley it's not exactly house in Silicon Valley it's not exactly a<00:06:07.479> low<00:06:07.759> cost a low cost a low cost proposition<00:06:09.759> they<00:06:10.199> are<00:06:10.479> growing<00:06:11.840> because proposition they are growing because proposition they are growing because they<00:06:13.199> have<00:06:13.560> high<00:06:13.880> levels<00:06:14.199> of<00:06:14.520> skills<00:06:15.520> so<00:06:15.720> when they have high levels of skills so when they have high levels of skills so when we<00:06:16.120> invest<00:06:17.000> in<00:06:17.400> other<00:06:17.680> people's<00:06:18.120> children<00:06:18.520> and we invest in other people's children and we invest in other people's children and build<00:06:19.039> up<00:06:19.319> those<00:06:19.560> skills<00:06:20.400> we<00:06:20.599> increase<00:06:21.039> the build up those skills we increase the build up those skills we increase the overall<00:06:22.280> job<00:06:22.560> growth<00:06:22.840> of<00:06:22.960> a<00:06:23.039> metro<00:06:23.639> area<00:06:24.639> as overall job growth of a metro area as overall job growth of a metro area as another another another example<00:06:26.960> if<00:06:27.240> we<00:06:27.599> look<00:06:28.360> at<00:06:28.599> what<00:06:28.800> determines example if we look at what determines example if we look at what determines individuals<00:06:30.840> wages<00:06:31.840> and<00:06:31.960> we<00:06:32.120> do<00:06:32.360> statistical individuals wages and we do statistical individuals wages and we do statistical exploration<00:06:33.360> of<00:06:33.520> that<00:06:33.759> what<00:06:34.080> determines exploration of that what determines exploration of that what determines wages<00:06:35.759> we<00:06:36.039> know<00:06:36.840> that<00:06:37.000> an<00:06:37.199> individual's<00:06:37.800> wages wages we know that an individual's wages wages we know that an individual's wages will<00:06:38.440> depend<00:06:39.240> in<00:06:39.520> part<00:06:40.400> on<00:06:40.599> that<00:06:40.800> individual's will depend in part on that individual's will depend in part on that individual's education<00:06:42.560> for<00:06:42.759> example<00:06:43.199> whether<00:06:43.360> or<00:06:43.520> not education for example whether or not education for example whether or not they<00:06:43.800> have<00:06:43.919> a<00:06:44.080> college<00:06:44.880> degree<00:06:45.880> one<00:06:46.039> of<00:06:46.280> the they have a college degree one of the they have a college degree one of the very<00:06:46.960> interesting<00:06:47.479> facts<00:06:47.840> is<00:06:48.000> that<00:06:48.120> in very interesting facts is that in very interesting facts is that in addition<00:06:48.840> we<00:06:49.080> find<00:06:49.479> that<00:06:49.720> even<00:06:50.039> once<00:06:50.319> we<00:06:50.520> hold addition we find that even once we hold addition we find that even once we hold constant<00:06:52.280> statistically<00:06:53.280> the<00:06:53.560> effect<00:06:53.840> of constant statistically the effect of constant statistically the effect of your<00:06:54.199> own your own your own education<00:06:56.160> the<00:06:56.400> education<00:06:56.960> of<00:06:57.199> everyone<00:06:57.599> else education the education of everyone else education the education of everyone else in<00:06:58.080> your<00:06:58.280> metropolitan<00:06:58.919> area<00:06:59.240> also<00:06:59.840> affects in your metropolitan area also affects in your metropolitan area also affects your<00:07:00.360> wages<00:07:01.280> so<00:07:01.639> specifically<00:07:02.319> if<00:07:02.440> you<00:07:02.680> stick your wages so specifically if you stick your wages so specifically if you stick in<00:07:03.759> you<00:07:03.919> hold<00:07:04.240> constant<00:07:04.599> year<00:07:04.879> education<00:07:05.400> you in you hold constant year education you in you hold constant year education you stick<00:07:05.840> in<00:07:06.160> percentage<00:07:06.639> of<00:07:06.919> college<00:07:07.280> graduates stick in percentage of college graduates stick in percentage of college graduates in<00:07:08.039> your<00:07:08.240> metro<00:07:08.720> area<00:07:09.680> you<00:07:09.800> will<00:07:10.080> find<00:07:10.479> that in your metro area you will find that in your metro area you will find that has<00:07:10.800> a<00:07:10.960> significant<00:07:11.639> positive<00:07:12.039> effect<00:07:12.280> on has a significant positive effect on has a significant positive effect on your<00:07:13.039> wages<00:07:14.039> without<00:07:14.360> changing<00:07:14.840> your your wages without changing your your wages without changing your education<00:07:15.680> at<00:07:15.840> all<00:07:16.840> in<00:07:17.039> fact<00:07:17.280> this<00:07:17.520> effect<00:07:17.800> is education at all in fact this effect is education at all in fact this effect is so<00:07:19.120> strong<00:07:20.120> that<00:07:20.479> when<00:07:20.720> someone<00:07:21.199> gets<00:07:21.520> a so strong that when someone gets a so strong that when someone gets a college<00:07:22.879> degree<00:07:23.879> the<00:07:24.080> spillover<00:07:24.759> effects<00:07:25.120> of college degree the spillover effects of college degree the spillover effects of this<00:07:25.479> on<00:07:25.639> the<00:07:25.800> wages<00:07:26.199> of<00:07:26.479> others<00:07:26.720> in<00:07:26.879> the this on the wages of others in the this on the wages of others in the metropolitan<00:07:27.720> area<00:07:28.039> are<00:07:28.400> actually<00:07:28.800> greater metropolitan area are actually greater metropolitan area are actually greater than<00:07:29.199> the<00:07:29.560> Direct<00:07:30.000> effects<00:07:31.000> so<00:07:31.520> if<00:07:31.800> someone than the Direct effects so if someone than the Direct effects so if someone gets<00:07:32.319> a<00:07:32.479> college<00:07:32.840> degree<00:07:33.800> their<00:07:34.039> lifetime gets a college degree their lifetime gets a college degree their lifetime earnings<00:07:34.759> go<00:07:34.919> up<00:07:35.039> by<00:07:35.160> a<00:07:35.280> huge<00:07:35.560> amount<00:07:35.879> over earnings go up by a huge amount over earnings go up by a huge amount over $700,000<00:07:37.840> there's<00:07:38.080> an<00:07:38.319> effect<00:07:38.599> on<00:07:38.879> everyone $700,000 there's an effect on everyone $700,000 there's an effect on everyone else<00:07:39.360> in<00:07:39.440> the<00:07:39.560> metro<00:07:39.919> area<00:07:40.479> by<00:07:40.680> of<00:07:40.840> driving<00:07:41.280> up else in the metro area by of driving up else in the metro area by of driving up the<00:07:41.599> percentage<00:07:42.120> college<00:07:42.440> graduates<00:07:42.879> in<00:07:42.960> the the percentage college graduates in the the percentage college graduates in the metro<00:07:43.560> area<00:07:44.560> and<00:07:44.720> if<00:07:44.840> you<00:07:45.039> add<00:07:45.240> that<00:07:45.400> up<00:07:45.599> it's<00:07:45.759> a metro area and if you add that up it's a metro area and if you add that up it's a small<00:07:46.280> effect<00:07:46.520> for<00:07:46.720> each<00:07:47.000> person<00:07:47.680> but<00:07:47.800> if<00:07:47.919> you small effect for each person but if you small effect for each person but if you add<00:07:48.360> that<00:07:48.560> up<00:07:48.800> across<00:07:49.240> all<00:07:49.440> the<00:07:49.639> people<00:07:49.919> in<00:07:50.080> the add that up across all the people in the add that up across all the people in the metro<00:07:50.639> area<00:07:51.240> you<00:07:51.520> actually<00:07:52.000> get<00:07:52.800> that<00:07:52.960> the metro area you actually get that the metro area you actually get that the increas<00:07:53.479> in<00:07:53.720> wages<00:07:54.039> for<00:07:54.240> everyone<00:07:54.520> else<00:07:54.720> in increas in wages for everyone else in increas in wages for everyone else in the<00:07:54.919> metropolitan<00:07:55.520> area<00:07:55.840> adds<00:07:56.120> up<00:07:56.280> to<00:07:56.440> almost the metropolitan area adds up to almost the metropolitan area adds up to almost a<00:07:56.840> million<00:07:57.199> dollars<00:07:57.639> that's<00:07:57.879> actually a million dollars that's actually a million dollars that's actually greater<00:07:58.560> than<00:07:58.680> the<00:07:58.840> direct<00:07:59.159> benefit<00:07:59.800> to<00:07:59.960> the greater than the direct benefit to the greater than the direct benefit to the person<00:08:00.919> choosing<00:08:01.319> to<00:08:01.520> get<00:08:02.199> education<00:08:03.199> now person choosing to get education now person choosing to get education now what's<00:08:03.680> going<00:08:03.840> on<00:08:04.039> here<00:08:04.240> what<00:08:04.360> can<00:08:04.599> explain what's going on here what can explain what's going on here what can explain these<00:08:05.360> huge<00:08:05.639> spillover<00:08:06.240> effects<00:08:06.560> of these huge spillover effects of these huge spillover effects of Education<00:08:08.400> let's<00:08:08.599> think<00:08:08.759> about<00:08:08.879> it<00:08:09.080> this<00:08:09.240> way Education let's think about it this way Education let's think about it this way I<00:08:09.800> can<00:08:10.000> be<00:08:10.280> the<00:08:10.440> most<00:08:10.720> skilled<00:08:11.240> person<00:08:11.520> in<00:08:11.639> the I can be the most skilled person in the I can be the most skilled person in the world<00:08:13.400> but<00:08:13.560> if<00:08:13.759> everyone<00:08:14.080> else<00:08:14.280> at<00:08:14.479> my<00:08:14.680> firm world but if everyone else at my firm world but if everyone else at my firm lacks lacks lacks skills<00:08:17.120> my<00:08:17.400> employer<00:08:18.120> is<00:08:18.240> going<00:08:18.360> to<00:08:18.520> find<00:08:18.720> it skills my employer is going to find it skills my employer is going to find it more<00:08:19.479> difficult<00:08:19.720> to<00:08:19.919> introduce<00:08:20.400> new more difficult to introduce new more difficult to introduce new technology<00:08:21.400> new<00:08:21.639> production technology new production technology new production techniques<00:08:24.120> so<00:08:24.400> as<00:08:24.479> a<00:08:24.680> result<00:08:25.560> my<00:08:25.720> employer techniques so as a result my employer techniques so as a result my employer going<00:08:26.319> to<00:08:26.400> be<00:08:26.560> less<00:08:26.800> productive<00:08:27.360> they<00:08:27.440> will going to be less productive they will going to be less productive they will not<00:08:27.800> be<00:08:27.960> able<00:08:28.159> to<00:08:28.360> afford<00:08:28.639> to<00:08:28.800> pay<00:08:28.960> me<00:08:29.120> as<00:08:29.240> good not be able to afford to pay me as good not be able to afford to pay me as good wages<00:08:31.240> even<00:08:31.479> if<00:08:31.680> everyone<00:08:31.919> at<00:08:32.080> my<00:08:32.360> firm<00:08:33.360> has wages even if everyone at my firm has wages even if everyone at my firm has good<00:08:34.320> skills<00:08:35.320> if<00:08:35.680> the<00:08:35.919> workers<00:08:36.360> at<00:08:36.560> the good skills if the workers at the good skills if the workers at the suppliers<00:08:37.479> to<00:08:37.680> my<00:08:37.880> firm<00:08:38.159> do<00:08:38.320> not<00:08:38.519> have<00:08:38.719> good suppliers to my firm do not have good suppliers to my firm do not have good skills<00:08:40.200> my<00:08:40.360> firm<00:08:40.680> is<00:08:40.800> going<00:08:40.919> to<00:08:41.039> be<00:08:41.200> less skills my firm is going to be less skills my firm is going to be less competitive<00:08:42.479> competing<00:08:42.839> in<00:08:43.080> National competitive competing in National competitive competing in National International<00:08:44.120> markets<00:08:45.120> and<00:08:45.600> again<00:08:46.600> the<00:08:46.800> firm International markets and again the firm International markets and again the firm is<00:08:47.279> less<00:08:47.480> competitive<00:08:47.959> will<00:08:48.120> not<00:08:48.279> be<00:08:48.440> able<00:08:48.640> to is less competitive will not be able to is less competitive will not be able to pay<00:08:48.959> as<00:08:49.160> good<00:08:49.519> wages<00:08:50.519> and<00:08:50.680> then<00:08:50.959> particularly pay as good wages and then particularly pay as good wages and then particularly in<00:08:51.800> high-tech<00:08:52.600> businesses<00:08:53.600> in<00:08:53.839> high-tech in high-tech businesses in high-tech in high-tech businesses in high-tech businesses<00:08:55.080> they're<00:08:55.360> constantly<00:08:55.760> stealing businesses they're constantly stealing businesses they're constantly stealing ideas<00:08:56.680> and<00:08:56.839> workers<00:08:57.240> from<00:08:57.440> other<00:08:57.640> businesses ideas and workers from other businesses ideas and workers from other businesses so<00:08:58.399> clearly<00:08:59.120> the<00:08:59.440> productivity<00:09:00.040> of<00:09:00.160> firms<00:09:00.480> in so clearly the productivity of firms in so clearly the productivity of firms in Silicon<00:09:01.040> Valley<00:09:01.440> has<00:09:01.519> a<00:09:01.640> lot<00:09:01.800> to<00:09:01.959> do<00:09:02.120> with<00:09:02.279> the Silicon Valley has a lot to do with the Silicon Valley has a lot to do with the skills<00:09:02.839> not<00:09:03.000> only<00:09:03.200> at<00:09:03.360> the<00:09:03.480> workers<00:09:03.800> at<00:09:04.000> their skills not only at the workers at their skills not only at the workers at their firm<00:09:05.399> but<00:09:05.560> the<00:09:05.760> workers<00:09:06.480> at<00:09:06.800> all<00:09:07.240> the<00:09:07.560> other firm but the workers at all the other firm but the workers at all the other firms<00:09:08.120> in<00:09:08.240> the<00:09:08.360> metro<00:09:08.800> area<00:09:09.480> so<00:09:09.680> as<00:09:09.800> a<00:09:09.959> result firms in the metro area so as a result firms in the metro area so as a result you<00:09:10.760> know<00:09:11.160> if<00:09:11.360> we<00:09:11.480> can<00:09:11.680> invest<00:09:12.000> in<00:09:12.120> other you know if we can invest in other you know if we can invest in other people's<00:09:12.680> children<00:09:13.160> through<00:09:13.440> preschool<00:09:14.079> and people's children through preschool and people's children through preschool and other<00:09:14.399> Early<00:09:14.680> Childhood<00:09:15.079> programs<00:09:15.399> that<00:09:15.480> are other Early Childhood programs that are other Early Childhood programs that are high<00:09:15.920> quality<00:09:16.920> we<00:09:17.120> not<00:09:17.320> only<00:09:17.680> help<00:09:18.079> those high quality we not only help those high quality we not only help those children<00:09:19.560> we<00:09:19.760> help<00:09:20.200> everyone<00:09:20.600> in<00:09:20.680> the children we help everyone in the children we help everyone in the metropolitan<00:09:22.000> area<00:09:23.000> gain<00:09:23.640> in<00:09:23.880> wages<00:09:24.720> and metropolitan area gain in wages and metropolitan area gain in wages and we'll<00:09:25.040> have<00:09:25.200> the<00:09:25.360> metropolitan<00:09:26.040> area<00:09:26.640> gain<00:09:26.920> in we'll have the metropolitan area gain in we'll have the metropolitan area gain in job<00:09:27.760> growth<00:09:28.760> another<00:09:29.079> OB<00:09:29.399> ction<00:09:29.760> you job growth another OB ction you job growth another OB ction you sometimes<00:09:30.640> hear<00:09:31.000> to<00:09:31.760> invest<00:09:32.079> in<00:09:32.160> early sometimes hear to invest in early sometimes hear to invest in early childhood<00:09:32.920> programs<00:09:33.560> is<00:09:34.000> concern<00:09:34.560> about childhood programs is concern about childhood programs is concern about people<00:09:35.279> moving<00:09:36.200> out<00:09:37.200> so<00:09:38.040> uh<00:09:38.240> you<00:09:38.320> know<00:09:38.480> you people moving out so uh you know you people moving out so uh you know you know<00:09:38.760> maybe<00:09:39.040> Ohio<00:09:39.480> is<00:09:39.680> thinking<00:09:40.000> about know maybe Ohio is thinking about know maybe Ohio is thinking about investing<00:09:41.000> in<00:09:41.160> more<00:09:41.480> preschool<00:09:42.480> education investing in more preschool education investing in more preschool education for<00:09:44.519> uh<00:09:45.240> children<00:09:45.600> in<00:09:45.760> Columbus<00:09:46.399> Ohio<00:09:47.399> but for uh children in Columbus Ohio but for uh children in Columbus Ohio but they're<00:09:47.720> worried<00:09:48.040> that<00:09:48.160> these<00:09:48.320> little they're worried that these little they're worried that these little Buckeyes<00:09:49.079> will<00:09:49.279> for<00:09:49.480> some<00:09:49.720> strange<00:09:50.160> reason Buckeyes will for some strange reason Buckeyes will for some strange reason decide<00:09:50.959> to<00:09:51.079> move<00:09:51.360> Dan<00:09:51.560> Arbor<00:09:51.920> Michigan<00:09:52.279> and decide to move Dan Arbor Michigan and decide to move Dan Arbor Michigan and become<00:09:53.040> Wolverines<00:09:54.040> and<00:09:54.200> maybe<00:09:54.560> Michigan become Wolverines and maybe Michigan become Wolverines and maybe Michigan will<00:09:55.880> be<00:09:56.200> thinking<00:09:56.519> about<00:09:56.760> investing<00:09:57.160> in will be thinking about investing in will be thinking about investing in preschool<00:09:58.040> in<00:09:58.160> an<00:09:58.399> Arbor<00:09:58.720> Michigan<00:09:59.040> and<00:09:59.160> be preschool in an Arbor Michigan and be preschool in an Arbor Michigan and be worried<00:09:59.720> these<00:09:59.839> little<00:10:00.040> Wolverines<00:10:00.720> will<00:10:00.920> end worried these little Wolverines will end worried these little Wolverines will end up<00:10:01.240> moving<00:10:01.600> Ohio<00:10:02.040> and<00:10:02.160> becoming<00:10:02.480> Buckeyes<00:10:03.040> and up moving Ohio and becoming Buckeyes and up moving Ohio and becoming Buckeyes and so<00:10:03.560> they'll<00:10:03.800> both

underinvested<00:10:14.200> the<00:10:14.360> data<00:10:14.800> is<00:10:15.320> that<00:10:16.320> over<00:10:16.640> 60%
underinvested the data is that over 60% underinvested the data is that over 60% of<00:10:18.279> Americans<00:10:19.279> spend<00:10:19.720> most<00:10:19.920> of<00:10:20.079> their<00:10:20.279> working of Americans spend most of their working of Americans spend most of their working careers<00:10:21.800> in<00:10:21.920> the<00:10:22.079> state<00:10:22.360> they<00:10:22.480> were<00:10:22.640> born<00:10:22.920> in careers in the state they were born in careers in the state they were born in over over over 60%<00:10:25.680> that<00:10:25.959> percentage<00:10:26.640> does<00:10:26.839> not<00:10:27.120> vary<00:10:27.480> much 60% that percentage does not vary much 60% that percentage does not vary much from<00:10:27.959> state<00:10:28.200> to<00:10:28.399> state<00:10:29.480> it<00:10:29.640> doesn't<00:10:30.000> vary<00:10:30.320> much from state to state it doesn't vary much from state to state it doesn't vary much with<00:10:30.640> the<00:10:30.800> state<00:10:31.040> of<00:10:31.240> the<00:10:31.640> state's<00:10:32.000> economy with the state of the state's economy with the state of the state's economy whether<00:10:32.600> it's<00:10:32.800> depressed<00:10:33.200> or<00:10:33.360> booming<00:10:34.240> it whether it's depressed or booming it whether it's depressed or booming it doesn't<00:10:34.760> vary<00:10:35.040> much<00:10:35.320> over<00:10:35.839> time doesn't vary much over time doesn't vary much over time so<00:10:38.399> the<00:10:38.600> the<00:10:38.760> reality<00:10:39.440> is<00:10:40.440> if<00:10:40.600> you<00:10:40.839> invest<00:10:41.240> in so the the reality is if you invest in so the the reality is if you invest in kids<00:10:43.079> they<00:10:43.240> will<00:10:43.959> stay<00:10:44.959> or<00:10:45.560> at<00:10:45.720> least<00:10:46.120> enough kids they will stay or at least enough kids they will stay or at least enough of<00:10:46.560> them<00:10:46.760> will<00:10:47.240> stay<00:10:48.240> that<00:10:48.600> it<00:10:48.680> will<00:10:48.959> pay<00:10:49.200> off of them will stay that it will pay off of them will stay that it will pay off for<00:10:49.560> your<00:10:49.720> state for your state for your state economy<00:10:51.800> okay<00:10:51.959> so<00:10:52.120> to<00:10:52.279> sum<00:10:52.959> up<00:10:53.959> there's<00:10:54.200> a<00:10:54.360> lot economy okay so to sum up there's a lot economy okay so to sum up there's a lot of<00:10:54.600> research<00:10:55.120> evidence<00:10:55.480> that<00:10:55.600> early of research evidence that early of research evidence that early childhood<00:10:56.440> programs<00:10:56.920> if<00:10:57.040> run<00:10:57.240> in<00:10:57.360> a<00:10:57.519> high childhood programs if run in a high childhood programs if run in a high quality<00:10:58.200> way<00:10:58.880> pay<00:10:59.079> off<00:10:59.440> and<00:10:59.560> higher<00:10:59.880> adult quality way pay off and higher adult quality way pay off and higher adult skills<00:11:01.240> there's<00:11:01.440> a<00:11:01.560> lot<00:11:01.680> of<00:11:01.839> research skills there's a lot of research skills there's a lot of research evidence<00:11:03.079> that<00:11:03.760> those<00:11:04.040> folks<00:11:04.320> will<00:11:04.519> stick evidence that those folks will stick evidence that those folks will stick around<00:11:05.120> the<00:11:05.240> state<00:11:05.600> economy<00:11:06.600> and<00:11:06.760> there's<00:11:06.959> a around the state economy and there's a around the state economy and there's a lot<00:11:07.200> of<00:11:07.480> evidence<00:11:08.480> that<00:11:08.720> having<00:11:09.120> more<00:11:09.399> workers lot of evidence that having more workers lot of evidence that having more workers with<00:11:10.000> higher<00:11:10.240> skills<00:11:10.680> in<00:11:10.800> your<00:11:10.959> local<00:11:11.320> economy with higher skills in your local economy with higher skills in your local economy pays<00:11:12.399> off<00:11:12.600> in<00:11:12.839> higher<00:11:13.079> wages<00:11:13.440> and<00:11:13.639> job<00:11:13.880> growth pays off in higher wages and job growth pays off in higher wages and job growth for<00:11:14.279> your<00:11:14.399> local<00:11:14.760> economy<00:11:15.720> and<00:11:15.920> if<00:11:16.000> you for your local economy and if you for your local economy and if you calculate<00:11:16.600> the<00:11:16.720> numbers<00:11:17.519> for<00:11:17.720> each<00:11:18.320> dollar<00:11:19.320> we calculate the numbers for each dollar we calculate the numbers for each dollar we get<00:11:20.399> about<00:11:20.600> $3<00:11:21.440> back<00:11:21.760> in<00:11:22.000> benefits<00:11:22.480> for<00:11:22.600> the get about $3 back in benefits for the get about $3 back in benefits for the state<00:11:23.000> economy<00:11:24.160> so<00:11:25.160> in<00:11:25.360> my<00:11:25.560> opinion<00:11:25.959> the state economy so in my opinion the state economy so in my opinion the research<00:11:26.560> evidence<00:11:26.880> is<00:11:27.079> compelling<00:11:27.720> and<00:11:27.920> the research evidence is compelling and the research evidence is compelling and the logic<00:11:28.519> of<00:11:28.720> this<00:11:28.880> is<00:11:29.040> comp logic of this is comp logic of this is comp compelling<00:11:30.800> so<00:11:31.639> what<00:11:31.760> are<00:11:31.920> the<00:11:32.040> barriers<00:11:32.440> to compelling so what are the barriers to compelling so what are the barriers to getting<00:11:32.800> it<00:11:33.360> done<00:11:34.360> well<00:11:34.839> one<00:11:35.120> obvious<00:11:35.600> barrier getting it done well one obvious barrier getting it done well one obvious barrier is<00:11:36.480> cost<00:11:37.480> so<00:11:37.920> if<00:11:38.440> you<00:11:39.440> look<00:11:39.639> at<00:11:39.839> what<00:11:39.959> it<00:11:40.079> would is cost so if you look at what it would is cost so if you look at what it would cost<00:11:41.639> if<00:11:41.880> every<00:11:42.200> state<00:11:42.519> government cost if every state government cost if every state government invested<00:11:44.800> in<00:11:44.959> Universal<00:11:45.639> preschool<00:11:46.160> at<00:11:46.320> age invested in Universal preschool at age invested in Universal preschool at age four<00:11:46.880> full<00:11:47.160> day<00:11:47.399> preschool<00:11:47.880> at<00:11:48.000> age<00:11:48.200> four<00:11:49.120> the four full day preschool at age four the four full day preschool at age four the total<00:11:49.800> annual<00:11:50.279> National<00:11:50.839> cost<00:11:51.240> would<00:11:51.399> be total annual National cost would be total annual National cost would be roughly<00:11:52.000> $30 roughly $30 roughly $30 billion<00:11:54.360> so<00:11:54.560> $30<00:11:54.920> billion<00:11:55.399> is<00:11:55.519> a<00:11:55.639> lot<00:11:55.720> of billion so $30 billion is a lot of billion so $30 billion is a lot of money<00:11:57.360> um<00:11:57.639> on<00:11:57.800> the<00:11:57.920> other<00:11:58.160> hand<00:11:58.480> if<00:11:58.560> you money um on the other hand if you money um on the other hand if you reflect reflect reflect on<00:12:01.200> that<00:12:01.360> the<00:12:01.519> US's<00:12:02.120> population<00:12:02.880> is<00:12:03.040> over<00:12:03.279> 300 on that the US's population is over 300 on that the US's population is over 300 million<00:12:04.920> we're<00:12:05.240> talking<00:12:05.680> about<00:12:06.200> an<00:12:06.360> amount<00:12:06.560> of million we're talking about an amount of million we're talking about an amount of money<00:12:06.920> that<00:12:07.079> amounts<00:12:07.440> to<00:12:07.560> a<00:12:07.600> $100<00:12:08.480> per<00:12:08.880> capita money that amounts to a $100 per capita money that amounts to a $100 per capita okay<00:12:10.040> $100<00:12:10.760> per<00:12:11.120> capita<00:12:11.560> per<00:12:12.079> person<00:12:13.079> is okay $100 per capita per person is okay $100 per capita per person is something<00:12:13.720> that<00:12:14.040> any<00:12:14.320> state<00:12:14.720> government<00:12:15.199> can something that any state government can something that any state government can afford<00:12:15.639> to<00:12:15.880> do<00:12:16.880> it's<00:12:17.079> just<00:12:17.240> a<00:12:17.440> simple<00:12:17.800> matter afford to do it's just a simple matter afford to do it's just a simple matter of<00:12:18.480> political<00:12:19.480> will<00:12:20.120> to<00:12:20.360> do<00:12:20.880> it<00:12:21.880> and<00:12:22.079> of<00:12:22.240> course of political will to do it and of course of political will to do it and of course as<00:12:22.600> I<00:12:22.760> mentioned<00:12:23.560> this<00:12:23.920> cost<00:12:24.279> has as I mentioned this cost has as I mentioned this cost has corresponding<00:12:25.160> benefits<00:12:25.560> I<00:12:25.639> mentioned corresponding benefits I mentioned corresponding benefits I mentioned there's<00:12:26.079> a<00:12:26.199> multiplier<00:12:26.800> of<00:12:26.959> about<00:12:27.240> 3<00:12:27.639> 2.78<00:12:28.560> for there's a multiplier of about 3 2.78 for there's a multiplier of about 3 2.78 for the<00:12:28.800> state<00:12:28.959> of<00:12:29.199> economy<00:12:29.880> in<00:12:30.040> terms<00:12:30.279> of<00:12:30.440> over<00:12:30.639> 80 the state of economy in terms of over 80 the state of economy in terms of over 80 billion<00:12:31.519> extra<00:12:32.120> earnings<00:12:33.120> and<00:12:33.399> if<00:12:33.480> we<00:12:33.600> want<00:12:33.720> to billion extra earnings and if we want to billion extra earnings and if we want to translate<00:12:34.480> that<00:12:34.639> from<00:12:34.839> just<00:12:35.079> billions<00:12:35.440> of translate that from just billions of translate that from just billions of dollars<00:12:35.880> is<00:12:36.079> something<00:12:36.320> that<00:12:36.519> might<00:12:36.920> mean dollars is something that might mean dollars is something that might mean something<00:12:37.760> what<00:12:37.880> we're<00:12:38.079> talking<00:12:38.480> about<00:12:38.839> is something what we're talking about is something what we're talking about is that<00:12:39.160> for<00:12:39.320> the<00:12:39.480> average<00:12:39.800> lowincome<00:12:40.680> kid<00:12:41.680> that that for the average lowincome kid that that for the average lowincome kid that would<00:12:42.040> increase<00:12:42.560> earnings<00:12:43.160> by<00:12:43.360> about<00:12:43.680> 10% would increase earnings by about 10% would increase earnings by about 10% over<00:12:44.760> their<00:12:44.920> whole<00:12:45.600> career<00:12:46.600> just<00:12:46.760> doing<00:12:47.040> the over their whole career just doing the over their whole career just doing the preschool<00:12:47.720> not<00:12:47.920> improving<00:12:48.440> K12<00:12:49.040> or<00:12:49.199> anything preschool not improving K12 or anything preschool not improving K12 or anything else<00:12:49.760> after<00:12:50.040> that<00:12:50.240> not<00:12:50.440> doing<00:12:50.680> anything<00:12:50.959> with else after that not doing anything with else after that not doing anything with college<00:12:51.480> tuition<00:12:51.920> or<00:12:52.160> access<00:12:52.839> just<00:12:53.199> directly college tuition or access just directly college tuition or access just directly improving<00:12:54.680> preschool<00:12:55.680> and<00:12:56.120> we<00:12:56.240> would<00:12:56.480> get<00:12:56.760> 5% improving preschool and we would get 5% improving preschool and we would get 5% higher<00:12:57.600> earnings<00:12:57.920> for<00:12:58.079> middle<00:12:58.399> class<00:12:58.680> kids<00:12:58.880> so higher earnings for middle class kids so higher earnings for middle class kids so this<00:12:59.360> is<00:12:59.560> a<00:13:00.399> investment<00:13:01.399> that<00:13:01.639> pays<00:13:01.920> off<00:13:02.160> in this is a investment that pays off in this is a investment that pays off in very<00:13:02.720> concrete<00:13:03.279> terms<00:13:04.199> for<00:13:04.440> a<00:13:04.639> broad<00:13:05.040> range<00:13:05.399> of very concrete terms for a broad range of very concrete terms for a broad range of income<00:13:06.079> groups<00:13:06.440> in<00:13:06.600> the<00:13:06.720> state's<00:13:07.680> population income groups in the state's population income groups in the state's population and<00:13:08.880> produces<00:13:09.480> large<00:13:09.800> and<00:13:10.639> tangible and produces large and tangible and produces large and tangible benefits<00:13:13.240> now<00:13:14.240> that's<00:13:14.440> one<00:13:14.720> barrier<00:13:15.680> I benefits now that's one barrier I benefits now that's one barrier I actually<00:13:16.320> think<00:13:16.639> the<00:13:16.800> more<00:13:17.160> profound actually think the more profound actually think the more profound barrier<00:13:19.560> is<00:13:20.040> the<00:13:20.199> long-term<00:13:20.839> nature<00:13:21.320> of<00:13:21.480> the barrier is the long-term nature of the barrier is the long-term nature of the benefits<00:13:22.120> from<00:13:22.279> Early<00:13:22.560> Childhood<00:13:23.000> Program<00:13:23.360> so benefits from Early Childhood Program so benefits from Early Childhood Program so the<00:13:23.600> argument<00:13:24.000> I'm<00:13:24.240> making<00:13:24.639> is<00:13:24.920> is<00:13:25.160> that<00:13:25.600> we're the argument I'm making is is that we're the argument I'm making is is that we're increasing<00:13:26.279> the<00:13:26.440> quality<00:13:26.760> of<00:13:26.920> our<00:13:27.160> local increasing the quality of our local increasing the quality of our local Workforce<00:13:28.079> and<00:13:28.240> thereby<00:13:28.560> increasing Workforce and thereby increasing Workforce and thereby increasing Economic<00:13:29.800> Development<00:13:30.800> obviously<00:13:31.279> if<00:13:31.360> we Economic Development obviously if we Economic Development obviously if we have<00:13:31.600> a<00:13:31.760> preschool<00:13:32.480> with<00:13:33.120> four-year-olds have a preschool with four-year-olds have a preschool with four-year-olds we're<00:13:34.320> not<00:13:34.519> sending<00:13:34.959> these<00:13:35.160> kids<00:13:35.360> out<00:13:35.519> of<00:13:35.760> age we're not sending these kids out of age we're not sending these kids out of age five<00:13:36.399> to<00:13:36.600> work<00:13:36.800> in<00:13:37.000> the<00:13:37.160> sweat<00:13:37.480> shops<00:13:37.959> right five to work in the sweat shops right five to work in the sweat shops right you<00:13:38.199> know<00:13:38.440> so<00:13:38.760> at<00:13:38.880> least<00:13:39.040> I<00:13:39.199> hope<00:13:39.440> not<00:13:40.199> so<00:13:40.440> you you know so at least I hope not so you you know so at least I hope not so you know<00:13:40.720> we're<00:13:40.959> talking<00:13:41.360> about<00:13:41.959> a<00:13:42.360> investment know we're talking about a investment know we're talking about a investment that<00:13:43.519> in<00:13:43.680> terms<00:13:44.079> of<00:13:44.440> impacts<00:13:44.920> in<00:13:45.040> the<00:13:45.160> state that in terms of impacts in the state that in terms of impacts in the state economy<00:13:45.920> is<00:13:46.079> not<00:13:46.279> going<00:13:46.399> to<00:13:46.600> really<00:13:46.880> pay<00:13:47.160> off economy is not going to really pay off economy is not going to really pay off for<00:13:48.440> 15<00:13:48.760> or<00:13:48.920> 20<00:13:49.240> years<00:13:49.959> and<00:13:50.120> of<00:13:50.240> course<00:13:50.639> America for 15 or 20 years and of course America for 15 or 20 years and of course America is<00:13:51.199> notorious<00:13:51.839> for<00:13:52.079> being<00:13:52.920> a<00:13:53.519> shortterm is notorious for being a shortterm is notorious for being a shortterm oriented<00:13:54.920> Society<00:13:55.880> now<00:13:56.079> one<00:13:56.320> response<00:13:56.720> you oriented Society now one response you oriented Society now one response you can<00:13:56.959> make<00:13:57.079> to<00:13:57.240> this<00:13:57.399> like<00:13:57.560> some<00:13:57.880> have<00:13:58.040> done can make to this like some have done can make to this like some have done this<00:13:58.320> in<00:13:58.480> talks<00:13:58.759> is<00:13:59.120> people<00:13:59.279> can<00:13:59.480> talk<00:13:59.720> about this in talks is people can talk about this in talks is people can talk about there<00:14:00.480> are<00:14:00.720> benefits<00:14:01.120> for<00:14:01.320> these<00:14:01.560> programs<00:14:01.959> in there are benefits for these programs in there are benefits for these programs in reducing<00:14:03.399> special<00:14:03.759> ed<00:14:03.959> and<00:14:04.120> remedial reducing special ed and remedial reducing special ed and remedial Education<00:14:05.160> costs<00:14:05.600> there<00:14:05.680> were<00:14:05.959> benefits Education costs there were benefits Education costs there were benefits parents<00:14:06.959> Care<00:14:07.240> About<00:14:07.440> Preschool<00:14:07.920> maybe<00:14:08.120> we'll parents Care About Preschool maybe we'll parents Care About Preschool maybe we'll get<00:14:08.480> some<00:14:08.639> migration<00:14:09.399> effects<00:14:10.399> uh<00:14:10.519> from get some migration effects uh from get some migration effects uh from parents<00:14:11.079> seeking<00:14:11.440> good<00:14:11.639> preschool<00:14:12.399> and<00:14:12.560> I parents seeking good preschool and I parents seeking good preschool and I think<00:14:12.880> those<00:14:13.000> are<00:14:13.240> true<00:14:14.079> but<00:14:14.240> in<00:14:14.399> some<00:14:14.600> sense think those are true but in some sense think those are true but in some sense they're<00:14:15.079> missing<00:14:15.360> the<00:14:15.600> point<00:14:16.519> ultimately they're missing the point ultimately they're missing the point ultimately this<00:14:17.800> is<00:14:18.120> something<00:14:18.759> we're<00:14:19.160> investing<00:14:20.120> now this is something we're investing now this is something we're investing now for<00:14:21.360> the<00:14:21.880> future<00:14:22.880> and<00:14:23.120> so<00:14:23.399> what<00:14:23.560> I<00:14:23.680> want<00:14:23.800> to for the future and so what I want to for the future and so what I want to leave<00:14:24.680> you<00:14:25.079> with<00:14:26.079> is<00:14:26.839> what<00:14:27.000> I<00:14:27.120> think<00:14:27.279> is<00:14:27.440> the leave you with is what I think is the leave you with is what I think is the ultimate<00:14:28.040> question<00:14:29.120> I<00:14:29.199> mean<00:14:29.440> I'm<00:14:29.560> an ultimate question I mean I'm an ultimate question I mean I'm an economist<00:14:30.680> but<00:14:31.079> this<00:14:31.240> is<00:14:31.440> ultimately<00:14:32.000> not<00:14:32.360> a economist but this is ultimately not a economist but this is ultimately not a economic economic economic question<00:14:35.079> it's<00:14:35.199> a<00:14:35.360> moral question it's a moral question it's a moral question<00:14:37.759> are<00:14:38.040> we question are we question are we willing<00:14:40.360> as<00:14:40.680> Americans<00:14:41.680> are<00:14:41.880> we<00:14:42.079> as<00:14:42.199> a<00:14:42.440> society willing as Americans are we as a society willing as Americans are we as a society still still still capable<00:14:45.399> of<00:14:45.639> making<00:14:46.040> the<00:14:46.240> political<00:14:47.079> choice capable of making the political choice capable of making the political choice to<00:14:48.440> sacrifice<00:14:49.199> Now<00:14:50.199> by<00:14:50.399> paying<00:14:50.720> more to sacrifice Now by paying more to sacrifice Now by paying more taxes<00:14:52.720> in<00:14:52.880> order<00:14:53.360> to<00:14:54.600> improve<00:14:55.600> the<00:14:55.800> long-term taxes in order to improve the long-term taxes in order to improve the long-term future<00:14:58.000> of<00:14:58.240> not<00:14:58.360> only<00:14:58.600> our<00:14:58.839> kid<00:14:59.240> kids<00:15:00.240> but<00:15:00.399> our future of not only our kid kids but our future of not only our kid kids but our community<00:15:01.079> are<00:15:01.240> we<00:15:01.560> still<00:15:02.560> capable<00:15:03.360> of<00:15:03.639> that community are we still capable of that community are we still capable of that as<00:15:04.519> a<00:15:04.759> country<00:15:05.759> and<00:15:05.920> that's<00:15:06.160> something<00:15:06.519> that as a country and that's something that as a country and that's something that each<00:15:06.839> and<00:15:07.160> every<00:15:07.519> citizen<00:15:07.959> and<00:15:08.240> voter<00:15:09.240> needs each and every citizen and voter needs each and every citizen and voter needs to<00:15:09.720> ask<00:15:10.120> themselves<00:15:10.519> is<00:15:10.720> that<00:15:10.959> something<00:15:11.560> that to ask themselves is that something that to ask themselves is that something that you<00:15:11.880> are<00:15:12.079> still<00:15:12.399> invested<00:15:12.920> in<00:15:13.920> that<00:15:14.040> you<00:15:14.279> still you are still invested in that you still you are still invested in that you still believe<00:15:15.079> in<00:15:15.199> the<00:15:15.320> notion<00:15:15.560> of<00:15:15.759> investment<00:15:16.160> that believe in the notion of investment that believe in the notion of investment that is<00:15:16.399> the<00:15:16.519> notion<00:15:16.759> of<00:15:16.920> investment<00:15:17.560> you is the notion of investment you is the notion of investment you sacrifice<00:15:18.399> now<00:15:18.680> for<00:15:18.839> a<00:15:19.120> return<00:15:19.440> later<00:15:20.440> so<00:15:20.839> so<00:15:21.079> I sacrifice now for a return later so so I sacrifice now for a return later so so I think<00:15:21.480> the<00:15:21.680> research think the research think the research evidence<00:15:24.000> on<00:15:24.560> the<00:15:24.759> benefits<00:15:25.160> of<00:15:25.320> Early evidence on the benefits of Early evidence on the benefits of Early Childhood<00:15:26.000> programs<00:15:26.320> for<00:15:26.560> the<00:15:26.720> local<00:15:27.040> economy Childhood programs for the local economy Childhood programs for the local economy is<00:15:28.319> extremely is extremely is extremely strong<00:15:30.519> however<00:15:31.160> the<00:15:31.680> moral<00:15:32.680> and<00:15:32.880> political strong however the moral and political strong however the moral and political Choice<00:15:34.680> is<00:15:34.880> still<00:15:35.160> up<00:15:35.319> to<00:15:35.720> us<00:15:36.720> as<00:15:37.440> Citizens<00:15:38.440> and Choice is still up to us as Citizens and Choice is still up to us as Citizens and as<00:15:38.880> voters<00:15:39.720> thank<00:15:39.880> you<00:15:40.040> very<00:15:40.240> much

Timothy Bartik, preschool, economics, economics, of, preschool, altruism, universal, schooling, TED, TEDx, TEDxMiamiUniversity, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation

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