Tương lai biến hình của điện thoại di động – Fabian Hemmert

The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone - Fabian Hemmert

The shape-shifting future of the mobile phone - Fabian Hemmert


I<00:00:15.650> am<00:00:16.650> a<00:00:16.890> PhD<00:00:17.430> student<00:00:17.789> and<00:00:18.480> that<00:00:19.470> means<00:00:19.710> I<00:00:20.039> have
I am a PhD student and that means I have I am a PhD student and that means I have a<00:00:20.250> question<00:00:20.820> how<00:00:21.359> can<00:00:21.420> we<00:00:21.689> make<00:00:22.160> digital a question how can we make digital a question how can we make digital content<00:00:23.640> grasp<00:00:24.210> the<00:00:24.449> ball<00:00:24.660> because<00:00:25.199> you<00:00:25.320> see content grasp the ball because you see content grasp the ball because you see on<00:00:26.460> the<00:00:26.670> one<00:00:26.820> hand<00:00:27.029> there<00:00:27.240> is<00:00:27.269> the<00:00:27.510> digital on the one hand there is the digital on the one hand there is the digital world<00:00:28.109> and<00:00:28.349> no<00:00:28.470> question<00:00:28.859> many<00:00:29.099> things<00:00:29.429> are world and no question many things are world and no question many things are happening<00:00:30.029> there<00:00:30.150> right<00:00:30.420> now<00:00:30.630> and<00:00:31.550> for<00:00:32.550> us happening there right now and for us happening there right now and for us humans<00:00:33.059> it's<00:00:33.239> not<00:00:33.360> quite<00:00:33.600> a<00:00:33.630> material<00:00:34.350> that's humans it's not quite a material that's humans it's not quite a material that's already<00:00:34.559> there<00:00:35.010> it's<00:00:35.520> virtual<00:00:36.140> on<00:00:37.140> the<00:00:37.260> other already there it's virtual on the other already there it's virtual on the other hand<00:00:37.680> we<00:00:38.010> humans<00:00:38.430> we<00:00:38.730> live<00:00:38.910> in<00:00:39.030> a<00:00:39.120> physical hand we humans we live in a physical hand we humans we live in a physical world<00:00:39.840> it's<00:00:40.200> rich<00:00:40.500> it<00:00:40.800> tastes<00:00:41.340> good<00:00:41.489> it<00:00:41.730> feels world it's rich it tastes good it feels world it's rich it tastes good it feels good<00:00:42.210> it<00:00:42.510> smells<00:00:42.780> good<00:00:43.050> so<00:00:43.860> the<00:00:43.980> question<00:00:44.309> is good it smells good so the question is good it smells good so the question is how<00:00:44.640> do<00:00:44.700> we<00:00:44.850> get<00:00:45.000> the<00:00:45.120> stuff<00:00:45.300> over<00:00:45.719> from<00:00:46.050> the how do we get the stuff over from the how do we get the stuff over from the digital<00:00:46.590> into<00:00:46.920> the<00:00:47.010> physical<00:00:47.399> that's<00:00:48.000> my digital into the physical that's my digital into the physical that's my question question question if<00:00:49.710> you<00:00:49.860> look<00:00:49.980> at<00:00:50.070> the<00:00:50.160> iPhone<00:00:50.579> with<00:00:50.820> its<00:00:50.940> touch if you look at the iPhone with its touch if you look at the iPhone with its touch and<00:00:51.480> there<00:00:51.719> we<00:00:51.899> with<00:00:52.140> its<00:00:52.260> body<00:00:52.469> the<00:00:52.559> activity and there we with its body the activity and there we with its body the activity you<00:00:53.879> can<00:00:54.030> see<00:00:54.270> the<00:00:54.480> tendency<00:00:54.960> it's<00:00:55.110> getting you can see the tendency it's getting you can see the tendency it's getting physical<00:00:55.820> the<00:00:56.820> question<00:00:57.180> is<00:00:57.329> what's<00:00:57.899> next<00:00:58.370> now physical the question is what's next now physical the question is what's next now I<00:00:59.609> have<00:00:59.940> three<00:01:00.180> options<00:01:00.210> that<00:01:00.780> I<00:01:00.870> would<00:01:01.020> like I have three options that I would like I have three options that I would like to<00:01:01.469> show<00:01:01.620> you<00:01:01.680> the<00:01:02.430> first<00:01:02.670> one<00:01:02.940> is<00:01:03.180> mass<00:01:03.930> as to show you the first one is mass as to show you the first one is mass as humans<00:01:05.430> we<00:01:05.549> are<00:01:05.580> sensitive<00:01:06.180> to<00:01:06.390> where<00:01:06.600> an humans we are sensitive to where an humans we are sensitive to where an object<00:01:06.900> in<00:01:07.350> our<00:01:07.439> hand<00:01:07.770> is<00:01:07.920> heavy<00:01:08.100> so<00:01:08.760> could<00:01:09.030> we object in our hand is heavy so could we object in our hand is heavy so could we use<00:01:09.210> that<00:01:09.240> in<00:01:09.540> mobile<00:01:09.659> phones<00:01:10.430> let<00:01:11.430> me<00:01:11.580> show use that in mobile phones let me show use that in mobile phones let me show you<00:01:11.820> the<00:01:12.240> weight<00:01:12.420> shifting<00:01:12.840> mobile<00:01:13.170> it<00:01:13.530> is<00:01:14.070> a you the weight shifting mobile it is a you the weight shifting mobile it is a mobile<00:01:14.430> phone<00:01:14.729> shaped<00:01:15.060> box<00:01:15.330> that<00:01:15.659> has<00:01:15.780> an<00:01:15.900> iron mobile phone shaped box that has an iron mobile phone shaped box that has an iron weight<00:01:16.380> inside<00:01:16.920> which<00:01:17.250> we<00:01:17.369> can<00:01:17.520> move<00:01:17.700> around weight inside which we can move around weight inside which we can move around and<00:01:18.720> you<00:01:18.840> can<00:01:18.960> feel<00:01:19.229> where<00:01:19.439> it's<00:01:19.590> heavy<00:01:19.770> we and you can feel where it's heavy we and you can feel where it's heavy we shift<00:01:20.880> the<00:01:21.259> gravitational<00:01:22.259> center<00:01:22.650> of<00:01:22.770> it<00:01:23.119> for shift the gravitational center of it for shift the gravitational center of it for example<00:01:24.600> we<00:01:25.020> can<00:01:25.170> augment<00:01:25.530> digital<00:01:26.159> content example we can augment digital content example we can augment digital content with<00:01:26.909> physical<00:01:27.330> mass<00:01:27.479> so<00:01:28.320> you<00:01:28.350> move<00:01:28.650> around with physical mass so you move around with physical mass so you move around the<00:01:29.009> content<00:01:29.369> on<00:01:29.520> the<00:01:29.579> display<00:01:29.939> but<00:01:30.090> you<00:01:30.180> can the content on the display but you can the content on the display but you can also<00:01:30.479> feel<00:01:30.930> where<00:01:31.259> it<00:01:31.290> is<00:01:31.500> just<00:01:32.159> from<00:01:32.400> the also feel where it is just from the also feel where it is just from the weight<00:01:32.640> of<00:01:32.790> the<00:01:32.880> device<00:01:34.130> another<00:01:35.130> thing<00:01:35.310> it's weight of the device another thing it's weight of the device another thing it's good<00:01:35.670> for<00:01:35.700> is<00:01:36.150> navigation<00:01:37.079> it<00:01:38.070> can<00:01:38.310> guide<00:01:38.670> you good for is navigation it can guide you good for is navigation it can guide you around<00:01:39.090> in<00:01:39.509> a<00:01:39.570> city<00:01:39.810> it<00:01:39.990> can<00:01:40.110> tell<00:01:40.320> you<00:01:40.530> by<00:01:40.680> its around in a city it can tell you by its around in a city it can tell you by its weight<00:01:41.040> okay<00:01:41.640> move<00:01:41.880> right<00:01:42.119> walk<00:01:42.720> ahead<00:01:43.020> make<00:01:43.560> a weight okay move right walk ahead make a weight okay move right walk ahead make a left<00:01:43.890> here<00:01:44.100> and<00:01:44.340> the<00:01:44.909> good<00:01:45.060> thing<00:01:45.210> about<00:01:45.270> that left here and the good thing about that left here and the good thing about that is<00:01:45.720> you<00:01:46.140> don't<00:01:46.439> have<00:01:46.500> to<00:01:46.680> look<00:01:46.770> at<00:01:46.860> the<00:01:46.979> device is you don't have to look at the device is you don't have to look at the device all<00:01:47.460> the<00:01:47.490> time<00:01:47.700> you<00:01:47.850> have<00:01:47.939> your<00:01:47.970> eyes<00:01:48.210> free<00:01:48.600> to all the time you have your eyes free to all the time you have your eyes free to see<00:01:48.930> the<00:01:49.079> city<00:01:49.290> now<00:01:49.950> mass<00:01:50.820> is<00:01:51.119> the<00:01:51.360> first<00:01:51.570> thing see the city now mass is the first thing see the city now mass is the first thing the<00:01:52.320> second<00:01:52.680> thing<00:01:52.710> that's<00:01:53.670> shape<00:01:54.119> we're<00:01:54.899> also the second thing that's shape we're also the second thing that's shape we're also sensitive<00:01:55.680> to<00:01:55.829> the<00:01:56.040> shape<00:01:56.280> of<00:01:56.399> objects<00:01:56.880> we sensitive to the shape of objects we sensitive to the shape of objects we have<00:01:57.030> enhance<00:01:57.450> so<00:01:58.320> if<00:01:58.439> I<00:01:58.530> download<00:01:58.920> an<00:01:59.070> e-book have enhance so if I download an e-book have enhance so if I download an e-book and<00:01:59.520> it<00:01:59.610> has<00:01:59.700> 20<00:02:00.060> pages<00:02:00.270> well<00:02:00.780> that<00:02:00.899> could<00:02:00.990> be and it has 20 pages well that could be and it has 20 pages well that could be thin<00:02:01.320> right<00:02:01.530> but<00:02:02.159> it<00:02:02.250> has<00:02:02.369> 500<00:02:02.909> pages<00:02:03.090> I<00:02:03.329> want thin right but it has 500 pages I want thin right but it has 500 pages I want to<00:02:03.630> feel<00:02:03.899> that<00:02:03.930> Harry<00:02:04.350> Potter<00:02:04.649> it's<00:02:05.250> thick to feel that Harry Potter it's thick to feel that Harry Potter it's thick so<00:02:07.329> let<00:02:07.479> me<00:02:07.509> show<00:02:07.750> you<00:02:07.780> the<00:02:08.739> shape<00:02:08.950> changing so let me show you the shape changing so let me show you the shape changing mobile<00:02:09.759> again<00:02:10.599> it's<00:02:10.780> a<00:02:10.869> mobile<00:02:11.110> phone<00:02:11.230> shaped mobile again it's a mobile phone shaped mobile again it's a mobile phone shaped box<00:02:11.739> and<00:02:12.010> this<00:02:12.610> one<00:02:12.790> can<00:02:12.970> change<00:02:13.120> its<00:02:13.330> shape<00:02:16.020> we box and this one can change its shape we box and this one can change its shape we can<00:02:17.050> play<00:02:17.319> with<00:02:17.440> the<00:02:17.560> shape<00:02:17.770> itself<00:02:18.130> for can play with the shape itself for can play with the shape itself for example<00:02:18.940> it<00:02:19.060> can<00:02:19.239> be<00:02:19.300> thin<00:02:19.630> in<00:02:19.750> your<00:02:19.870> pocket example it can be thin in your pocket example it can be thin in your pocket which<00:02:20.800> we<00:02:20.980> of<00:02:21.099> course<00:02:21.280> want<00:02:21.520> it<00:02:21.640> to<00:02:21.730> be<00:02:21.849> but which we of course want it to be but which we of course want it to be but then<00:02:22.510> if<00:02:22.660> you<00:02:22.750> hold<00:02:22.930> in<00:02:23.019> your<00:02:23.050> hand<00:02:23.319> it<00:02:23.500> can then if you hold in your hand it can then if you hold in your hand it can lean<00:02:23.890> towards<00:02:24.430> you<00:02:24.610> be<00:02:24.849> thick lean towards you be thick lean towards you be thick it's<00:02:25.720> like<00:02:25.900> tapered<00:02:26.560> to<00:02:26.739> the<00:02:26.830> downside<00:02:27.250> to it's like tapered to the downside to it's like tapered to the downside to change<00:02:28.120> the<00:02:28.330> grasp<00:02:28.540> we<00:02:28.930> can<00:02:29.080> adjust<00:02:29.200> to<00:02:29.560> that change the grasp we can adjust to that change the grasp we can adjust to that it's<00:02:31.599> also<00:02:31.660> useful<00:02:32.200> if<00:02:32.260> you<00:02:32.319> want<00:02:32.470> to<00:02:32.530> put<00:02:32.650> it it's also useful if you want to put it it's also useful if you want to put it down<00:02:32.890> on<00:02:33.040> your<00:02:33.130> nightstand<00:02:33.610> to<00:02:33.790> watch<00:02:33.940> a<00:02:34.060> movie down on your nightstand to watch a movie down on your nightstand to watch a movie or<00:02:34.660> use<00:02:35.319> this<00:02:35.530> alarm<00:02:35.830> clock<00:02:36.130> it<00:02:36.700> stands<00:02:37.120> it's or use this alarm clock it stands it's or use this alarm clock it stands it's fairly<00:02:38.050> simple fairly simple fairly simple another<00:02:39.610> thing<00:02:39.819> is<00:02:40.350> sometimes<00:02:41.350> we<00:02:41.500> watch another thing is sometimes we watch another thing is sometimes we watch things<00:02:41.890> on<00:02:42.100> the<00:02:42.160> mobile<00:02:42.310> phone<00:02:42.670> they<00:02:43.239> are things on the mobile phone they are things on the mobile phone they are bigger<00:02:43.600> than<00:02:43.900> the<00:02:43.989> phone<00:02:44.200> itself<00:02:44.560> so<00:02:44.860> in<00:02:45.430> that bigger than the phone itself so in that bigger than the phone itself so in that case<00:02:45.910> like<00:02:46.450> here<00:02:46.660> this<00:02:46.810> map<00:02:46.959> it's<00:02:47.140> bigger<00:02:47.319> than case like here this map it's bigger than case like here this map it's bigger than the<00:02:47.560> phone<00:02:47.709> screen<00:02:48.069> the<00:02:49.000> shape<00:02:49.239> of<00:02:49.269> the<00:02:49.480> phone the phone screen the shape of the phone the phone screen the shape of the phone could<00:02:49.930> tell<00:02:50.140> you<00:02:50.319> ok<00:02:50.560> off<00:02:50.739> the<00:02:51.040> screen<00:02:51.310> right could tell you ok off the screen right could tell you ok off the screen right here<00:02:51.940> there<00:02:52.480> was<00:02:52.600> more<00:02:52.780> content<00:02:53.200> you<00:02:53.230> can't here there was more content you can't here there was more content you can't see<00:02:53.709> it<00:02:53.860> but<00:02:54.040> it's<00:02:54.160> there<00:02:54.250> and<00:02:54.640> you<00:02:54.700> can<00:02:55.150> feel see it but it's there and you can feel see it but it's there and you can feel that<00:02:55.390> because<00:02:55.720> it's<00:02:55.870> thicker<00:02:56.110> at<00:02:56.470> that<00:02:56.709> edge that because it's thicker at that edge that because it's thicker at that edge shape<00:02:58.420> is<00:02:58.600> the<00:02:58.989> second<00:02:59.319> thing<00:02:59.500> the<00:03:00.430> third shape is the second thing the third shape is the second thing the third thing<00:03:00.940> operates<00:03:01.450> on<00:03:01.959> a<00:03:02.290> different<00:03:02.680> level thing operates on a different level thing operates on a different level as<00:03:03.430> humans<00:03:04.299> we<00:03:04.510> are<00:03:04.540> we<00:03:04.900> are<00:03:04.930> social<00:03:05.530> we<00:03:05.890> are as humans we are we are social we are as humans we are we are social we are empathic<00:03:06.370> and<00:03:07.060> that's<00:03:07.330> great<00:03:07.680> wouldn't<00:03:08.680> that empathic and that's great wouldn't that empathic and that's great wouldn't that be<00:03:08.920> a<00:03:08.950> way<00:03:09.130> to<00:03:09.160> make<00:03:09.340> mobile<00:03:09.760> phones<00:03:10.000> more be a way to make mobile phones more be a way to make mobile phones more intuitive<00:03:10.720> think<00:03:11.650> of<00:03:11.739> a<00:03:11.829> hamster<00:03:12.220> in<00:03:12.250> the intuitive think of a hamster in the intuitive think of a hamster in the pocket<00:03:12.790> I<00:03:13.000> can<00:03:13.750> feel<00:03:13.989> it's<00:03:14.200> doing<00:03:14.440> all<00:03:14.560> right<00:03:14.590> I pocket I can feel it's doing all right I pocket I can feel it's doing all right I don't<00:03:15.010> have<00:03:15.130> to<00:03:15.280> check<00:03:15.549> it<00:03:15.730> let<00:03:16.630> me<00:03:16.660> let<00:03:16.930> me don't have to check it let me let me don't have to check it let me let me show<00:03:17.049> you<00:03:17.230> the<00:03:17.769> living<00:03:17.980> more<00:03:18.250> bat<00:03:18.400> phone<00:03:18.579> ok<00:03:19.540> so show you the living more bat phone ok so show you the living more bat phone ok so once<00:03:20.350> again<00:03:20.470> mobile<00:03:20.859> phone<00:03:21.010> shaped<00:03:21.310> box<00:03:21.660> but once again mobile phone shaped box but once again mobile phone shaped box but this<00:03:22.900> one<00:03:23.170> it<00:03:23.739> has<00:03:23.890> a<00:03:23.920> breath<00:03:24.220> and<00:03:24.579> a<00:03:24.730> heartbeat this one it has a breath and a heartbeat this one it has a breath and a heartbeat it<00:03:26.109> feels<00:03:26.410> very<00:03:26.560> organic it feels very organic it feels very organic and<00:03:30.370> you<00:03:30.490> can<00:03:30.610> tell<00:03:30.760> it's<00:03:31.150> relaxed<00:03:31.630> right<00:03:31.750> now and you can tell it's relaxed right now and you can tell it's relaxed right now oh<00:03:32.110> now<00:03:32.530> mr.<00:03:32.830> Cole<00:03:33.070> a<00:03:33.280> new<00:03:33.460> course<00:03:33.750> new oh now mr. Cole a new course new oh now mr. Cole a new course new girlfriend<00:03:35.200> maybe<00:03:35.350> very<00:03:35.770> exciting<00:03:37.590> how<00:03:38.590> do<00:03:38.650> we girlfriend maybe very exciting how do we girlfriend maybe very exciting how do we calm<00:03:39.040> it<00:03:39.220> down<00:03:39.250> hmm calm it down hmm calm it down hmm you<00:03:40.690> give<00:03:40.840> it<00:03:40.930> a<00:03:40.990> patch<00:03:41.200> behind<00:03:41.890> the<00:03:42.190> ears<00:03:42.490> and you give it a patch behind the ears and you give it a patch behind the ears and and<00:03:43.330> everything<00:03:43.780> is<00:03:43.870> all<00:03:44.020> right<00:03:44.200> again<00:03:44.530> so<00:03:45.190> so and everything is all right again so so and everything is all right again so so that's<00:03:45.910> very<00:03:46.030> intuitive<00:03:46.570> and<00:03:46.960> that's<00:03:47.080> what<00:03:47.200> we that's very intuitive and that's what we that's very intuitive and that's what we want<00:03:47.470> so<00:03:48.190> what<00:03:48.310> we<00:03:48.400> have<00:03:48.520> seen<00:03:48.760> at<00:03:48.970> three<00:03:49.240> ways want so what we have seen at three ways want so what we have seen at three ways to<00:03:49.480> make<00:03:49.840> the<00:03:50.260> digital<00:03:50.410> grass<00:03:51.250> cover<00:03:51.610> for<00:03:51.790> us to make the digital grass cover for us to make the digital grass cover for us and<00:03:52.120> I<00:03:52.180> think<00:03:52.390> making<00:03:52.570> it<00:03:52.750> physical<00:03:53.230> is<00:03:53.530> a<00:03:53.800> good and I think making it physical is a good and I think making it physical is a good way<00:03:54.190> to<00:03:54.250> do<00:03:54.490> that<00:03:54.520> what's<00:03:55.420> behind<00:03:55.630> that<00:03:56.050> is<00:03:56.350> a way to do that what's behind that is a way to do that what's behind that is a postulation<00:03:57.160> namely<00:03:57.880> that<00:03:58.000> not<00:03:58.840> humans postulation namely that not humans postulation namely that not humans should<00:04:00.010> get<00:04:00.190> much<00:04:00.400> more<00:04:00.580> technical<00:04:01.120> in<00:04:01.210> the should get much more technical in the should get much more technical in the future<00:04:01.630> rather<00:04:02.260> than<00:04:02.470> that<00:04:02.710> technology<00:04:03.580> a<00:04:03.880> bit future rather than that technology a bit future rather than that technology a bit more<00:04:04.830> human more human more human [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music]

Fabian Hemmert, TED, TEDx, TEDxBerlin, Berlin, TED-Ed, TED, Ed, TEDEducation, mobile, phone, cell, communication

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